May Day Weekend Links, May 01-02, 2021

Sell In May And Go Away! Or Maybe Not!

Welcome to another edition of Weekend Links, for the weekend of May 01-02.

Workers of the world, unite and shitpost! Man the meme cannons for we are in a target rich environment.

This weekend has links from a number of sources and we hope you like them. Also, if you know any based left wing sources of info, please point me in that direction. Somewhat embarrassingly, I don’t really follow any of them as they are all super woke. Hopefully someone out there is non-crazy left wing.

Also – if you missed it, look up Stewie’s brilliant deep dive into the extended Crypto derivatives universe – – its really good!

~~~Saturday Morning Joke~~~

A little boy is pulling his Radio Flyer red wagon. Inside his wagon are his teddy bear and water bottle. He’s walking with his little friend, Tommy, and says to him: “Guess what I found under Mommy’s bed this morning? A mask, a whip, handcuffs, and a cape. Gee…I didn’t know my mommy was a SUPER hero!”

~~~Another Saturday Morning Joke~~~

If I’ve understood this correctly, Victoria is charging people extra for driving EV’s. Apparently this is because they get to charge people on new cars as a state levy, as opposed to federal government tax. Or something like that… who the f knows anymore… fml.

Politics And Governance

QAnon made a return a few days ago. Lin Wood is a defamation lawyer (43 years experience) and has successfully sued CNN 4 times. And boy its a doozy!

For my money, things are a moving… here is Tucker Carlson piling on a few days later. Damn!

Anyone who thinks this is all nonsense is very very mistaken at the moment. I sure don’t know what is going on, but lots is happening in the background.

What exactly is going on in the US? Clearly a civil war of sorts, but right now the fog of war is pretty heavy so who knows?

In other news Rudy Guiliani’s office and home were raided, but is not being publicised on state/corporate media at the moment, which is curious in itself – – and then his lawyer released a statement – – calling Hunter Biden a pedo.

Reality TV execs were seen crying, and one commented, “How can we compete with this!!!”

Other things also happening…

P.S – Next week will do deep dive into the John Kerry / Zarif shitshow this week. Pro-tip the Iranians also know how to run information operations lol…

World War 3

Qatar AF doing an elephant walk. Not sure who its aimed at.

Also, lots of really odd news going down. Like really odd.

Culture Wars

Written In The Stars

Line up for you’re horoscopes! And because you lot are lazy 🙂

Aries 9:33​ Taurus 23:44​ Gemini 36:46​ Cancer 49:34​ Leo 1:01:21​ Virgo 1:14:55​ Libra 1:27:37​ Scorpio 1:37:37​ Sagittarius 1:47:30​ Capricorn 1:58:16​ Aquarius 2:09:46​ Pisces 2:22:04


Martin North fighting the good fight… go man go!

AusPol Conspiracy…

Why is he everywhere now? Is he gunning after Albo? I always though Abbott might have his time in the wilderness and return, but maybe that is Rudd’s play? The below are all in the last week…

The powers that be were never on Albo’s side, but Shorten seems to have been ditched too. Your fund remains long popcorn.

And Peta Credlin, a keen political observer, seems to have picked up on this too –


So its in German. But it looks amazing. I’m now getting many DoorDash ads on my YouTube, totally worth it!

Absurd… More than usual, that is…

Obligatory Cat Video

That’s All Folks have a good weekend…

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first! …

at being a tool.

do they still do that at MB (I woulnd’t know the comments are closed).


Am at loss as to why anyone would freeze a potato.

Plug Meister

The whole ‘first’ thing started years ago on


i love the introduction of horoscopes onto the weekend links, honestly no less credible than economist / ‘analyst’ predictions, and a hell of a lot more fun

Last edited 3 years ago by stagmal



There are those who claim to use horoscopes in trading…





MSN boring conversation.jpg

I’ve got nothing this weekend.
The bulls think they are right, the bears think they are right, back and forwards they go… Been going back and forth for a decade but nothing really happens. Federal government fucks us all in the ass. Feels like there’s been some good ass fucking this week and RBA/Banks/Government/Real estate are the only winners!


for me ALK went in trading halt and I have really big exposure there. Will find out on Monday if I get fucked in the arse by the market too. I guess I don’t expect to be too painful since the gov loosened me up fair bit.


I had cents left over in BNB, a mate tipped me off to look what’s in binance atm. Worth a few hundred bucks now, rolled it into another crypto and staked them for shits and giggles.

Pretty good for doing absolutely nothing for years, just wished it was $1000 and not cents…


sold all crypto few days ago once they recovered from the dip. I think there will be good buying opportunity in the next 3 months. Stimulus in US will fade away while next one will have to be smaller than the last one and so on. Also most new jobs are all low paid and most are paying less than the stimulus checks. I doubt market have priced that.
Once that starts to play out markets will start to tank. I hold few shorts in case something else triggers the falls earlier but I don’t expect much action until ~July/Aug.


Yeah I’m just using the hefty windfall but figure the same. Not many places left to earn a dollar though. Probably a good time to be taking profit and loading up in cash. Be fearful when others are greedy and all that… 🙂


Fark – USDC printed $3bn!!

That is some serious dough – 50% larger than the largest previous print by USDT. USDC is now meant to be sitting on $14bn in cash… well, supposedly backed by fully reserved assets redeemable on a 1:1 basis with US Dollars.

Again though – what are those assets?

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Apparently in April alone tether printed 11% of total QE that fed engaged in

a retarded useless scam “printed” 11% of the value of total federal reserve bond purchases of the largest economy on earth

10.5 billion
92 billion

it’s not even remotely believable anymore

Last edited 3 years ago by Coming

I think thus this is interesting.

might signal a beginning of transition from Tether to another stablecoin?

I was thinking about Gresham’s law in this context (“bad money drives out good”), and it seems that it it should be inapplicable, because we are not dealing with money that is deemed by fiat to have value. indeed, perhaps we might expect the opposite to happen here – good money to drive out bad. A Crypto-Gresham’s law.



That’s what’s interesting to you about this ?

not that the entire market is an opaque fraud ?


I’m assuming that USDC is a more transparent thing than Tether – and this is an example of a free market solution to the Tether opaqueness.

but I’ve not bothered to look into USDC, so perhaps I’m wrong about this. Am I wrong?


Yes you’re wrong

they’ve never undergone an audit

and they have stopped issuing even “attestations” of reserves since February (when coincidentally the numbers started going vertical)

I think like tether they have stopped even pretending that the value is backed by actual USD , but instead claim that it’s backed by “other assets” (most likely the coins they buy with their imaginary money )

the entire space is a scam , which isn’t hard to imagine since none of it actually produces anything yet the value soars every day


Well, if USDC is fake, all the more reason to stick with BTC.

It’s good an honest and makes no claims about Asset backing.


Is this a joke ?


Nah, mate.

BTC has always been 100% transparent about there being nothing but the code. Nothing outside the code.

It’s the freaking Derrida coin 😉

PS – in terms of watch what they do, not what they say – I am more comfortable holding BTC than Tether.

Last edited 3 years ago by Peachy

Wow I didn’t think you were an idiot

the smart people know it’s a scam, but choose to profit from it anyway

nobody is actually holding tether – that’s why you know it’s a scam


not sure how to read your post. If I’m to profit from Bitcoin, how else to do it if not to hold it?

of course I’m not going to hold tether – there is no benefit to doing so & there are some unpriced risks.


Umm to profit from it , you’d need to sell for a higher price than you paid

since it has no utility and provides no dividend yield

pretty basic stuff : is this really peachy ? Or a different FBI agent running this honeypot tonight

of course you won’t hold tether due to unpriced risks but you’ll hold Bitcoin which has a price almost entirely determined by tether flows

interesting investment philosophy

Last edited 3 years ago by Coming

pretty basic stuff : is this really peachy ? Or a different FBI agent running this honeypot tonight

you are paranoid. I like that.

of course you won’t hold tether due to unpriced risks but you’ll hold Bitcoin which has a price almost entirely determined by tether flows

price almost entirely determined by Tether flows. …according to Stewie.
Stewie has his own $20(k) call on that to rival Dave’s iron ore $20😉

Perhaps tether flows are determined by the btc price. Or they are both caused by a third thing. Or perhaps there is mere coincidental correlation?




It can still be interesting technology and innovation mixed in with a massive fraud too.

Agent 47

I’ll take What is India for 200 thanks Alex.


Thanks for wasting my time. If I wanted to watch 2 min of mental illness in action there’s way more entertaining options out there.


Had to see what got you all riled up, it intrigues me how your mind works


Lol fuck you’re a wanker, carry on


That tomato egg recipe looks revolting

im now 100% certain you are a bachelor

A fly in your ointment

Unelegible too…

A fly in your ointment

Just poking, don’t take it seriously 😉


Don’t listen to them T !!

That Tomatoes dish looked like a decent experimentation right out of the 1970s! My trouble with it is that I really like my roast tomatoes roasted. The tomatoes in final product looked a little under done for my liking. Trouble is I reckon if you left the tomatoes in there for longer to cook, the egg would become over done and turn all crumbly. Maybe do a two stage roasting process, and I would probably throw in some freshly cooked bacon bits.

The Qannon thing was never really my cup of tea. I’ve even heard it claimed that in the 4 dimensional chess game it was actually used as a deep state disinformation tool, leading a large number of Trump supporters into a false sense of comfort and hubris that ‘things were being taken care of’.

That said, while I use to completely pooh-poo the sort of claims made in that video there now exists a bit of doubt. The existence of Epstein proves that the abuse of underage girls in order to gain power over important people, like politicians, exists. Most societies and cultures have their own criminal element – the Japan has the Yazuka, Italy the Mafia, so it is not entirely improbably that other cultures have their own secret criminal societies.

What would a secret society for a high IQ elite society look like? How would they operate? What sort of initiation rites are likely to result in absolute unwavering loyalty? Frankly the only thing that really stops me thinking that these sort of things are possible is my faith in human nature, and that our leaders share our same sense of humanity. But that is a big assumption.

Oh, and thanks for the plug on the Yield Farming! 🙂 glad you enjoyed it. Looking into those Binance structures and smart contracts, like PancakeSwap, etc really tied my brain in knots, and was worried I didn’t do a good job of explaining it.


He didn’t seem to be saying anything, just sent it to the ___________ over and over. Looked more like religion than politics.


LNP MP Andrew Laming films 10-year-olds.

Leanne Mills and her daughters, including 10-year-old Samantha, were at a children’s netball grand final day in the Brisbane suburb of Thornlands in August 2018 when Ms Mills said she had an argument with Dr Laming.

Ms Mills’ daughters had finished playing in their finals and went to watch the one remaining game playing, that had gone into overtime.

“While I was standing on the sideline, watching the final, I noticed that Andrew Laming was there and had, I think it was his iPad out … he was recording video footage of the game,” Ms Mills said. Dr Laming’s daughter played netball at the courts but was not playing in the game he was filming.

“I was standing with Samantha and her sisters and said, ‘You know, I noticed you were taking footage of the final before, I hope you’ve got permission to record those players,’ to which he replied to me, ‘I don’t need permission. I’m a federal MP, I can take whatever photos or videos of whoever or whatever I want and use it however I want.’


empathy course will fix it.


“I was standing with Samantha and her sisters and said, ‘You know, I noticed you were taking footage of the final before, I hope you’ve got permission to record those players,’ to which he replied to me, ‘I don’t need permission. I’m a federal MP, I can take whatever photos or videos of whoever or whatever I want and use it however I want.’

everyone involved in this story is a tosser

i can’t stand karens who harass me for photograping or filming shit in public, there’s no expectation of privacy for anybody in public
im amazed people get so bothered by people taking a photo or whatever despite the fact hat whenever anybody goes to a public place theyer literally being watched by millions of surveillance cameas everywhere they go

laming is a tosser for trying to big note himself as though only federal MP’s are allowed to record ppl

i really doubt he was filming for any untoward reason though (i.e pedo) i just think he’s a weirdo


there is a law that prohibits to film children and that includes sports games. I know this for a fact. If you are taking photos of buildings and someone has an issue with that then you are spot on with your comment. But taking photos of children not related to you is different matter.


are you sure? im pretty sure there’s no expectation of privacy for anyone in a public place, including kids, im trying to look into it now


Took me a few minutes but all this reminded me of this article, may help with the local qld rules


Pretty sure you can get in serious trouble photographing kids that aren’t yours in NSW. Adults, yes – kids, nah, unless they are just incidentally in the frame.


You sure for qld? things be different up ere


Was it a semi?


hey niko CNVT I am not contributing to MB while the fuckwit marsupial is allowed to troll

Especially I won’t be appearing in open posts.

More especially will be letting the membership lapse too.



hey haroldus hows it going

MB is dead at this point basically i look at it and it barely gets any comments, theyve made it so user unfriendly as well i couldnt be fucked wading through the articles

i still like LVO’s stuff but DLS’ obsession with china is old


It’s hard for me cause I agree with a bit of stewie, a bit of drsmithy (forgive me) a bit of LWS, a bit of Ph007 etc etc left and right

I’m not being a snowflake, it’s just constant rodent trolling to every comment (as if the demented cunt was scoring some sort of point) made the act of posting not worth it.

actually a pity because I made a few real life friends from MB. and a few virtual friends, like you guys, who I assume are all either bots or figments of my imagination


Like a broken clock the Professor makes a good point every now and then.


Nucleus Wealth could have had MB as a publication like industry super funds do, but now finding many commenters very cringeworthy. Like yourself it good to have left and right for balance, but the fact that different views are frowned upon means that it has lost my appeal for reading the articles.


Many people came forward with interesting nuggets of evidence from their own lives. Stuff I’d never know otherwise. That’s all coming to an end.

A fly in your ointment

Indeed. Priceless.


That’s the thing! Everytime I told an anecdote I’d get bagged out, by the marsupial, wilbur, that doctor wanker BigDuke.

It just wasn’t worth it anymore


TTW is a smarmy liberal cunt. Probably wears a kipper, given the gradient of his outrage between bagging Christians and criticising juicies. He commented here until he objected to me peeling that fuckwit Mig like grape, then went running back to the safety of group think at MB where his lame innuendos are treated like comedy gold by the rest of his midwit mates.


Wilbur has a good way with words and I don’t remember Duke being a wanker.

I guess I am the most pliable and accepting, out of you lot…. ahahahhahahahahahha!


I’d described you as amicable, certainly not pliable though.


In my opinion BigDuke is possibly more of a wanker than Stewie. That’s a huge statement


I miss flawse. Can someone figure out how to get him here?


Need to get 1st here then fckn


I will try CNVT!


I’m not a bot or a figment. I really do eat them pies and dagwoods lol.

Got some gardening updates for you:

Fuck grass, most of the seed mix I laid turned out great but as summer hit all the legacy buffalo grass tried to come back and dominate. It looked great in the warm weather but died off fast with the miniscule temp drops we’ve had while the seed mix that held it’s ground is perfect and will be year round by the looks of it. Fuck buffalo.

Tomatoes and beans went solid for hot months, have several kg of frozen beans and a few jars of pickled beans. Several pickled jars of toms. Heaps of chutney. Could’ve got way more but plants got cut down in prime by rhino beetle larvae.

Switched up to chillis for end of hot weather to now. Several varieties and some good results but all my bigger chillis/capsicums take ages to ripen and the fkn possums and rats have been smashing them.

Gardening fkn


Amen to that. I also planted grass seed last year which initially thrived, and then barely survived the summer. I even had to deal with a buffalo invasion. Best option is to get out there with a weeding tool and pluck it tuft by tuft. It comes out pretty cleanly. Better than poison, and good for the soul!
Had insect (& rabbit) problems in the veggie patch too.

A fly in your ointment

…marsupial is allowed to troll

Xcuse my ignorance, is the fcvt marsupial drsmithy’s boyfriend with cryptic beautiful mind?


Road kill lusts after the Professors approval, it is pathetic but amusing to behold.
Alas it is unrequited as the Professor only has enough love for one – himself.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie
A fly in your ointment

So that is a “nope”?



A fly in your ointment

Good word, new for me.
I wonder if “vicar” stems from it or vice versa

Last edited 3 years ago by A fly in your ointment

you guys talking about skippy right


I thought they might have been beating up on me….


Ya – I found him mega annoying. He thought he was a genius by slash copying wikipedia and hiding behind a wall of gobbledygook that he’d salt with the occasional big word. Most of the time I’d just ignore him, but when I was bored I’d argue with to pass the time, when I was annoyed I’d just mock him until he’d break character from his convoluted gibberish and just abuse me, which signaled my own small victory. Certain words like “Neoliberalism” or “Central Banking” use to summon him like a bad spirit.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

That’s right, it’d break character and abuse. For some reason I set the cunt off, and it was becoming too frequent.

I had probs with no one else, if I did we’d agree to not interact.


Like Hugh the NZ link factory, I must admit my eyes always glazed over when reading the indecipherable gibberish from that poster – sort of how one would avoid kangaroo droppings on a nature walk.


I’ve rarely seen anyone reply to his posts

Agent 47

He’s all a LARP. Terribly insecure as well.


Lol – he tells everyone every chance he gets that he has an IQ of 124.




Regarding EV tax. Who thinks it is a good idea to get the battlers who can’t afford an EV, and forced to pay fuel levies, to subsidise the running costs of EVs owned by wealthier people? It is like the battlers who cannot afford a house of their own having to subsidise solar panels to provide millionaires with cheaper electricity.

The cheapest EV in this list appears to be the $50k Nissan Leaf which is too small for a family. The Kona is close to $70k
EVs available – Electric Vehicle Council

A fly in your ointment

Yep, I found that honest ad a bit hypocritical and underinformed, however I also do agree that the tax is there to fund sumtin else

Chinese Astroturfer

Extra tax on dual cabs.


Just read that 824,000 children under 5 die in India every year (this number was 3.4 million in 1990)

total coronavirus deaths in India so far 211,000 (mostly decrepit boomers)

One of these is an absolute crisis and catastrophe front page news across the world , while the other is a statistic buried on some obscure website never mentioned

who benefits from this manufactured hysteria ?
why are they doing it


I have observed previously (not in the context of India) that a key difference between coronavirus and other diseases and causes of death is that:

  • other diseases and causes of death are generally things that poor people are susceptible too, but asset owners are largely immune from;
  • but for coronavirus, asset ownership confers comparatively little protection.

So Rupert Murdoch (& his children and grandchildren) have approximately 0 chance of dying from a malaria epidemic. But a non-0
chance of getting wiped out by coronavirus.

I think this explains a significant part of what we’re seeing.

Another part of the shape that the response has take is explained, in my mind, by the likelihood that coronavirus is also comparatively more likely to hit those with insured lives. This goes to insurance company liabilities and, consequently, asset prices.


coronavirus affects old ppl

old people

-own houses
-own stocks
-have super (at least the rich ones do)

therefore they are considered human, everyone else is not


Yet the majority of young people go along with it all. Dutifully complying with lockdowns and not work. Now in what seems bitterly ironic house prices are rocketing, making them totally unaffordable for young people. While boomers cash in and fund their retirement.

…and don’t forget to get your vaccine. It’s your duty to protect old ppl!


theyre fucking morons

A fly in your ointment

Just read that 824,000 children under 5 die in India every year (this number was 3.4 million in 1990) 

total coronavirus deaths in India so far 211,000 (mostly decrepit boomers) 

How are these 2 connected other than coincidentally by final outcome.
I agree that the hypocrisy is monumental, core difference is that children’s deaths are avoidable: one can protect self purely by own actions
It is utterly silly to compare the two. By the same logic you seem to peddle, Variola Vera outbreaks should be left alone as it just a case of bad measles and will wear off… as with every virus this is true, when all the available hosts die.
Now this is not the reason to introduce draconian measures and remove freedoms, however neither is the reason to allow unknown viruses to rip because preliminary data shows it is mostly deadly for elderly.

Last edited 3 years ago by A fly in your ointment

On this:

How are these 2 connected other than coincidentally by final outcome.

I agree that the hypocrisy is monumental, core difference is that children’s deaths are avoidable: one can protect self purely by own actions

i don’t think it’s correct to say that the “children’s deaths are avoidable” and “one can protect self purely by own actions”.

I don’t know the details of why so many kids are dying in India, but I would bet, London to a brick, that at least in 3/4 of the cases, the parents/carers did everything they could to prevent the death.

Now, that language is important. They did everything they could, by their own actions.

That is not everything that is physically possible. Because they face real world constraints, most of them, I imagine, economic. So their actions are curtailed, to the point where the children can’t be saved. Curtailed very severely, by the evidence.

If money was no object, we’d see different outcomes. If Indian children were a protected species – like EZFKA land, so that $70b was thrown at it in a hurry – we’d see different outcomes.

Once you think about this, it’s quite easy to see how the two are connected. If the amazing measures rolled out in the name of coronavirus were rolled out in the name of Indian children, the Indian children woudlnt be dying.

but the same measures aren’t rolled out. And it’s somebody (or somebodies) has mad the decision to do these things for the coronavirus, but not for Indian children.




how many trillions has the coronavirus response cost us, and what else could we have done for society what that amount of money instead ?

who has born the cost of this response ?

who has benefited ?

A fly in your ointment

How many millions would it cost us in money and lost lives if world adopted early Swedish model of do-flack-all and let-it-rip?

Because majority of measures were used as a vehicle to strip the plebs the privacy and rights, that does not mean that not taking measures would yield good cheap fix for pandemic.


How many millions would it cost us in money and lost lives if world adopted early Swedish model of do-flack-all and let-it-rip?

but… who is this “us”?

because the answer really depends on whose costs you’re counting.

The costs are not evenly distributed, see. (Nor are the benefits.)

Last edited 3 years ago by Peachy
A fly in your ointment

The same “us” or whatever entity used by Coming in arsertation 2 posts above.

What would be the world like if pandemics are just allowed to rip?


Umm I don’t know if anyone told you but Sweden is doing fine

A fly in your ointment

Yep, after they embraced what most of the world is doing successfully.

Sweden is the 5th most deadly place in the developed world (I.e. higher medical care standards).

How does Sweden compare to Finland and Norway?


Lol what

how does Sweden compare with Italy ?

how does California compare with Florida ?

But lets just assume that I accept that lockdowns and distancing work, because I can’t be bothered having that argument again

Sweden’s overall mortality for this year was a few percent above average (barely more than background noise)

if they had locked down and avoided those few percentage points , it would not have been a fair trade for having their lives and societies upended

not to mention that their mortality next year is likely to be lower than average as all the deadwood is gone

anybody who still thinks lockdowns were a good idea at this point is either an idiot or doesn’t want to admit they were wrong

the fact there’s only one other moron on here who agrees with you is proof enough . All the other morons are still at MB waiting for the sky to fall so they can buy a house

every single prediction of doom for Sweden, for Texas, for Florida has turned out to be completely wrong

do you think that’s random ?

that eventually there would have been an apocalypse in one of these places that removed or ignored lockdown mandates ?

Last edited 3 years ago by Coming
A fly in your ointment

Sweden’s overall mortality for this year was a few percent above average (barely more than background noise)

15000 14000 people died needlessly in Sweden, almost all died likely because of Sweden’s original approach of doing sweet f-all (directly or indirectly).

Do you have any children?
Do you still have parents?

Last edited 3 years ago by A fly in your ointment

“Doing stuff” largely just reallocates who dies and who lives.

A fly in your ointment

Not sure how to place this statement in the conversation above.

Reallocation seems like a zero sum game and I doubt you want to say that, unless you talk of divine intervention and fate…. not really sure.



A fly in your ointment

i don’t think it’s correct to say that the “children’s deaths are avoidable” and “one can protect self purely by own actions”.

Death in india from poverty cannot be contracted by being exposed to others in society. This
is is why it is wrong to juxtapose the two. Also the solution for both is completely unrelated.
Own action is probably a clumsy way to refer to almost impossibility to do anything on personal level wrt socially transmitted diseases, whereas eating and hygiene can – if food and soap are available
Coved cannot be eradicated by provisions and amenities.


ok, so food and soap and water can’t solve Covid. I think nobody is arguing with that.

The point is:
> disease A deaths can be largely prevented with set of measures – X

> disease B deaths can be largely prevented with set of a different measures – Y

diseases A and B are expected kill similar number of people.

What dictates whether measures X or Y are taken or not? Does it depend on whether the disease is socially transmitted (like poverty)? Or who the victims might be? Or the costs of X and Y?

A fly in your ointment

Do you really want to call famine and lack of hygiene a “desease”???

Can you contract famine by being in the same room with someone malnourished?

Hence the silliness of the original arsertion and comparison.

…that was silliness of the original arsertion by Coming


are you claiming that’s what I wanted to do ?

you’re having an argument about an issue that you’ve invented yourself

A fly in your ointment

What argument?



what an absurd question

I never claimed they’re connected

I’m using them to highlight a disproportionate reaction and response

I think only a cretin or someone suffering severe cognitive dissonance can’t see that

now as far as asking “how can this be avoided”

the answer proffered is likely to be “lock it down”

only that will exacerbate deaths in children, which were largely due to malnutrition from abject poverty

in fact, the global lockdowns have been estimated to have caused many millions of deaths from poverty in the third world

Last edited 3 years ago by Coming

I’m using them to highlight a disproportionate reaction and response

well, that’s certainly a briefer way to put it than my rambling explanation

A fly in your ointment

You juxtaposed these two.
Even if for comparing reactions, famine* and lack of hygiene* cannot be transmitted and spread internationally, hence reactions are non comparable.
It is hypocrisy though that people die of famine even in developed world whilst bourse speculation is rewarded with money exceeding the levels which could cure famine permanently. Now that juxtaposition would be fair. That is the only tangent: hypocrisy from one not being actioned in the name of humanity and/or because it does not affect wealthy.

The game of indirect deaths is speculation, to say mildly.
Can you estimate how many children would die because their parents would have died of Covid and there would be no provider if we took the Swedish model of let-it-rip, or is that inconvenience?

It is outright stupid to claim no-action on highly transmittable disease would yield better overall results

* = presumption made that this is the lead cause of children deaths in India.

Last edited 3 years ago by A fly in your ointment

I doubt very many since the average age of parents in India is likely to be early 20s and the average age of corona deaths is 80

i juxtaposed these two and , so what ?

why is it the sole Covidiot here who is trying to construct some imaginary logical fallacy where none exists

cognitive dissonance

Last edited 3 years ago by Coming
A fly in your ointment

In absence of arguments, ad hominem seems to work.

Do you understand the meaning of “cognitive dissonance”?

No “construction” of fallacy, it is there in your post, just casting the light on it.

What you (or me) doubt is worth less than two bobs. Do you have any facts?


You didn’t cast light on anything

you’re absolutely incoherent

I don’t care about the point you are making because it’s irrelevant to the point I was making


Keep banging that “just flu drum” you fuckin retard

Now that is a very impolite and impotent adjective in argumentation


The arguments were had a year ago, to continue like coming does is retarded

It is still his choice.
Like your choice to insult those that had arguing with you a year ago.

I am happy for you either way, it is that when an insult comes seemingly and apparently out of nowhere without any reference or arguments, the “arse” or “retard” label is never pasted onto those that are subject to this.

Chinese Astroturfer

COVID/SARS 2 is nothing far less deadly than the flu.

We just have to build up antibodies via exposure and get on with our lives as we did with H1N1.

Let it rip. I’m not taking some experimental emergency vaccine for something less than a flu. Not locking down, not having my movements restricted, not installing tracking apps/passports for something far less scary than the flu.

This COVID or SARS 2 targets people in their 80’s and 90’s (who would be dead at any other time in human history), as well as unhealthy young people who don’t care about their health (so why would I?).

The Spanish Flu killed 50 million when there were 1.5 billion people on the planet.

In 1920 there were virtually no people in their 80’s, life expectancy was about 60, people were much stronger and healthier (no obesity epidemic), yet the flu ripped through and killed 50 million people (mainly young adults in their prime).

Last edited 3 years ago by Chinese Astroturfer

LOL, this is funny,


So racist that they refer to these variants of COVID as ‘Indian’ variety, or ‘South African’ variety, they should be referred to correctly as COVIDB.1.617 . Then again they even it up by referring to COVID and the ‘CCP’ virus! lol

Got to love Epoch news!

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Government sneaks out a midnight release that means returning citizens who have been in India will be jailed for 5 years or face massive fines.

Honestly don’t mind this.

But I can’t say the same about Indian mates who always vote Liberal and brag about getting their parents over to take advantage of “free” (i.e. tax payer funded) medicare. You get what you deserve, I suppose.

Agent 47

Based. Can we make this permanent for any0ne from India?


With current settings the welfare system will probably collapse before the decade is out particularly if both sides of politics compete on the parental visa. If you look at current expenditure on welfare things look okay, but if you present value future claims locking in mass immigration I am not sure it all looks that rosy.


Are there any indications they’ll compete? Or is it just the imbeciles Labor?

Labor refused to discuss it going into the election, except of course to spruik it in migrant seats.

Fuck, they’re just the most evil anti Australia party.

What about getting a video together to circulate before the election about their immigration policies, and what to do to rid our country of them?

I’d donate $500. I’m sure many people would if done right.


Hey, weren’t you meant to be the one making a video?! Lol


The left are in a meltdown over this, but the NZ government has banned people from India for a fortnight now. Actually there are plenty more countries as well banning people from India.

Agent 47

Lol Indian quarantine security guards test positive in WA.

I’m sure the McGowan cult will be out in force supporting another lockdown.


Let’s hope McGowan made that iPhone update


More nail biting than any of ‘The Fast and the Furious’ franchise:

Guy riding shotgun reaches for his pistol.
Driver “No! The bigger gun! The bigger gun!!”

A fly in your ointment

It is funny that the splashes on the screen, sumtin one sees quite often in a movie are real death experiences.
Luckily the trucks are military grade and one needs comparable weapons to stop or open them.
It is the very reason why South Africa became a hell on earth.
Pity, the place is otherwise a heaven


Guns or not, I’m not that sure whether life in South Africa is too much different to life in the rest of Sub-Saharan Africa.

A fly in your ointment

My experience of 15 years living in Jo’burg is that I said above.
South Africa was a developed country by some specific metrics.


‘Was’ being the operative word.

When my wife’s parents emigrated from the UK the choice was between Rhodesia or Australia. Rhodesia was the early favourite but Australia won out on the basis of a distant relative.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie
A fly in your ointment

It still is, if metrics are adjusted for participation type…
Unfortunately less and less with every passing day


It is the very reason why South Africa became a hell on earth.

What do you mean? The trucks or the weapons?

A fly in your ointment

Actually: violent crimes, inclusive of violent petty crimes.
I had an employee whom stopped carrying a mobile phone because each time I got one for him, in few days, sometimes weeks, he’d come beaten, bruised and phoneless. Imagine a black guy, fairly dark brown skin with visibly purple face and eyes


Would you try this?

Nah – and WTF is he even bothering to wear a helmet for?

A fly in your ointment

Not now.
When I had everything conceivable future available to me, death was one option. Now my future is cornered by the effect of offsprings whom did not demand to come to this world hence my duty to keep myself alive and minimise risks.

If You observe wheels, these are likely 0.5m and from that the path is wide 1m at least. Same with the slope of the gulley. Wide view camera effect. Still, not for meak and accountants.


In the “Infinite Universe of Rick’s Stewie’s” I’m sure I’ve done that track many times, but as you note; responsibility redefines risk.

As to the slur against accountants and meakness, I’ll have you know I’ve skied a quadruple black run at Goat’s Eye in Alberta – a shut with a blind corner that opened onto a small cliff that entered at the top of the triple black diamond ski run. Sadly that is my best possible ‘lay down Misère play’ retort I could play, as my prowess in sports is pretty thin. 😕

BTW – under the original old English meaning of the word ‘meak’ was not the same as today, i.e. a cowardly, unassertive and weak. Rather it referred to those who have great strength or the ability to inflict harm, but rather they keep their swords sheathed when others would bring them out.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie
A fly in your ointment

Ouch, that accountant reference is not meant to be more than a general reference to those that by profession are not to take risks and drive a camry in “accountant white” because these resell the best. It was a generalisation of a well thought person with a bit less than excessive excitements in life.
Sure, could be a slur but OT me at to be in this instance.

I presume you’re an accountant…


There are two types of accountants. Those you get to do your taxes and those who emerge from University after 3 years of partying who look at their degree with the same sense of detached horror as someone waking up with a facial tattoo.


Which one do you like best.


I’ve only ever been one type.


Anyway I just realised all I do here is whinge about MB and the fuckwit marsupial. It must be tiresome.

My apologies: I’ll start looking for interesting content again, especially music and biologically obscene stuff, as is my wont.


What do you mean by “biologically obscene”?


Whatever it is it sounds intriguing.


Also I am quite fond of eels up the bum.

Stories from China I mean.

But what I love most is the excuses they must give as they hobble into emergency.


Damn you and Google to hell!!

Chinese man has his colon torn apart by a 16-inch live eel after sticking it into his rear to ‘treat his constipation’


See what I mean?

Funny for us. Not so funny for eelbum.


Also – 16 inches!


Perhaps he was after more than a fingerling?

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

So let’s work out the logistics.

I’ve just got home with my 16 inch eel in a bag.

Tried to have a dump. No luck. Constipated.

I need to find a way to put the eel in.



I’ll stop there, but this guy found a way to put an eel up his bum that subsequently tore his colon apart.



With great tenacity I would imagine.


Ugh. Was reminded of that South Park episode with the gerbil…


Is than an Anal Dwelling Butt Eel?

Bruce Almighty – Anal Dwelling Butt Monkey (2003)


nah it’s funny and we all join in so keep going….


If it makes you feel any better, on the afternoon links the other day early comments were wondering where you were.

Tried to make a comment but EZFKA was a banned word which suggests the MB team might be a teeny bit insecure.

Edit: Scratch that, another poster has got around their automatic moderation bot which doesn’t look to be too sophisticated.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gouda

According to ABC News, lack of diversity is a big issue in Frankston:

One would have thought that affordable mental health and lack of social housing would be the big issues, but no, availability of dark mushroom soy sauce is the heavy hitting issue.

Agent 47

“White slums are a sign of white supremacy. We need Australian slums to be more multicultural.”


Might buy a new house in Frankston, what do house say?

is it too far from the airport?


Apparently EZFKA posters are better looking than the goblins over at MB


“A growing chorus of scientists and philosophers argue that free will does not exist. Could they be right?”

While I don’t believe in the clock work universe ever since I found out that there appears to be some genetic hereditability to our political views I have questioned whether our concept of ‘Free Will’ is truly as though a toss of a coin, or whether or big choices in life are already manifestly made for us through our genes.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

The problem with the pursuit of “Diversity” without the recognition that group population diversity exists in ALL aspect of human behaviors and capabilities, is that the pursuit of universal equity of outcome can only be achieved by limiting success to the lowest common denominator such that everyone can get a medal.

Unlike over emotive white women and their beta cuck boyfriends chasing them through our school and education systems in the hope of scoring a root, the biggest threat to woke politics are actually base East Asians, who aren’t prepared to accept the critical race theory bullshit that all the difference in life outcomes and median population group IQ’s is due to structural racism or their inherited privileges.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie
Agent 47

They’re trying to force diversity on Japan and South Korea atm but no momentum.

Interesting when you see who was responsible for writing parts of Japan’s constitution in the 40s.


Philip Soos – increasingly worth a follow. Although an avowed lefty, he has developed a hatred of Labor to rival Totes.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Like myself Philip has slowly started to see the connection between Neoliberalism and woke progressiveness as being two ideologies from the same branch, each enabling and buttressing the other:


The comments are interesting with the woke not seeing the real issue and the non wokes seeing it. Philip is one of only a few that is actively tweeting about wokeness enabling neoliberalism.


It’s enough to have done this.

Next election Labor will have even fewer seats outside cities. They are terminal, but it can’t happen fast enough.

Last edited 3 years ago by Totes

Labor’s primary vote is low to mid 30s. Once it goes below 30%, it will be terminal.


I grew up in a working class family and was sympathetic to Labor. It has changed to outright hatred of Labor (I don’t like the LNP either) with the support of ChAFTA. How would any party supposedly for the working class support CHAFTA? Since then, their unwavering support of higher super contributions and unlimited grannies just makes them unelectable.


Go back 30 years and realise it was Labor who privatised education (HECS), privatised the pension system (superannuation), privatised the banks, FTAs in the 90s used to suppress wages. A bunch of two-faced arseholes that pretend to represent the working class.

Agent 47


Keating was the best LNP PM Labor ever had.

Chinese Astroturfer

Hawke was the biggest enemy of the working class and union movement.


You will live in a pod (no pets allowed), eat bugs and be happy.

“Are our pets gobbling up the planet?”

….from Gunnamatter’s favorite Juicy cultural dissemination portal Pox:

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

I don’t want to deprive anyone having a pet but I am a little peeved at the move towards banning pet-free buildings. I have pets in my apartment building and have watch where I step so that I don’t accidentally bring dog poo on my carpet. They bark all hours. Some of the owners allow their dogs to run around, and I now have a psycho Jack Russell trying to take a piece out of my legs every time I walk past his apartment on the way to my car. It is pissing me off.

Last edited 3 years ago by Freddy

I don’t get it. They are allowed to roam the corridors?


Sidewalk and front yard have been fenced off to let the dogs run around. A few times I have walked the sidewalk whilst the bastard mutt has been in the front yard and it has charged at me as I walked towards it’s owner’s apartment. I fear it is just a matter of time before the dog tries it on without growling first.

Anyways, the point was there used to be clear “no pet” buildings but the strata laws are no longer worth the paper they are written on.
For “oppressive” strata by-laws in NSW, it’s now game, pet, and match – StevensVuaran Lawyers


Inconsiderate FW owners >:o(


I don’t mind most of the dogs roaming around. There are a couple clueless owners who don’t train their dogs. Owner of the Jack Russell picked it up and hugged it after it charged at me. Rewarding instead of disciplining the dog. Clearly should not be owning a dog, especially a hunting dog that just so happens to look cute.

Last edited 3 years ago by Freddy

From my favorite based Juicy, David Cole:

“Democrats want votes” is an asinine explanation for the “burn it down” pathology. But it’s a safe explanation. A less sanitized one is that a small number of people want to murder-suicide the West. Civilization destroyers like Soros…people who, in more cases than not, share DNA with those Warsaw fighters. These people set in motion a mass psychosis and a system of reward/punishment for believers/skeptics that soon enough won over the stupid, angry, and opportunistic.

Agent 47

Happy to be proven wrong but I’m not convinced on some of these small hats that are now calling out their own are genuine. In my view it’s self preservation. Ever since Tucker and the ADL thing the JQ is now mainstream and there is legitimate fear among them.

Tucker even called out the 1965 havits-cellar act last week. So the Overton window has well and truly shifted and I’m now in seeing anecdotally more of them trying to protect themselves, despite obviously knowing about a lot of the shenanigans and turning a blind eye to it for so long. Dave Smith was doing similar this week but he’s a lolbert so whatever.

Last edited 3 years ago by Agent 47


Last edited 2 years ago by Stewie
Agent 47

Thanks I’ll check it out.

Of the others I’m still not convinced. I think Carlson drawing the ADL and Greenblatt out was a masterstroke.

What do you think of the French Generals letter? They’ve doubled down now with a second one. They’re right in my opinion, France has to do something drastic and fast otherwise it’s curtains.


Yeah it’s true – France as EZFKF is certainly at a more advance stage of civic and social dissolution. Personally I struggle to see how else they will be able to take back their societies from the corporatocracy, and get them to think of their people rather than their profits.

Coles’s film, as annoying as is whiny voice is, actually filled in lingering, unresolved questions I had when I visited the site back at the start of the century.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

The problem with “Hate Laws” and “Hate Speech” is firstly who gets to write them and secondly how the get enforced:

This man has a “hate incident” on his record after disagreeing with a campaigner about abortion, even though “police concluded his correspondence was ‘very politely written’, was not malicious and did not breach the law.”

Agent 47

Boris Is trying to pass laws against anti semetism in the UK. A clown show on every level.



Last edited 2 years ago by Stewie

My next car project 🙂

“A driver was arrested at Glenelg overnight after running a red light in front of a patrol car. Just before 1am on Sunday 2 May, police were patrolling Jetty Road, Glenelg when a white car drove past, heading east along Jetty Road. The occupants yelled at the patrol then the vehicle ran a red light, right in front of police.”

“The car was pulled over on Douglas Grove, Glenelg North. Police checks revealed the driver’s licence had been expired for six years and he was currently on bail not to drive. Closer inspection of the Hyundai Excel revealed it was a standard sedan that the owner had cut the roof off to make into a convertible.”

A fly in your ointment

Shell be right mate

Agent 47

Any truth or credibility to the rumor that Dan Andrews was actually in a fight at Lindsay Fox’s house?

I’ve seen a lot of people talking about it but little in the way of credibility. The whole thing did seem strange as he’s essentially disappeared since.


absolutely cant be, take a look at dandrews and tell me if you think hes the sort of bloke whos been in a punch up at any point in his entire life.

Agent 47

Not so much of a fight as to Dan being bashed. I personally don’t believe he fell down the stairs it’s all too strange in terms of circumstance. Happy to be proven wrong.

The leading rumor is he and Lindsay Fox’s son got into heated argument over belt and road as apparently Avalon Airport was going to receive huge dollars or they were prepared to sell it to Chinese. Punch on ensued.

Nil credible sources to back that up other than hearing this from three unconnected people in last week.


lindsay fox looks like my old boss lol, total human slug

Last edited 3 years ago by stagmal

Dan always looks like a butch lesbian in a suit to me.


Also, reusa is a lurker on this site!

Hi reus!


howd you know


A fly in your ointment

If you feel a strange tingle in your digital hinder side, it is Reus’ digital fingers slipping in.😉

Contrary to popular belief, the name is a reference to the size of rack.

Last edited 3 years ago by A fly in your ointment
  • reusachtigeMEMBER
  • MB 231, EZFKÅ 171… Now who’s LOLIng?
  • haroldusMEMBER
  • Sooo, a lurker eh.
  • reusachtigeMEMBER
  • It’s just a b1tch blog and I love the b1tches! Also, Peaches and I have called this together all along. Boom times!
Last edited 3 years ago by harry

Trivial Pursuit question.

The first recorded use of the acronym ‘EZFKA’ was by:

A. Peachy
B. Chinajim
C. Phf007
D. Skippy
E. Stewie

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Is this a trick question?

Stewie, surely.


I coined the phrase, but Chinajim saw the potential.


Thought there’d be too much man meat here for ol’ Reusa.


I’ve got a suspicion that someone on here is actually DLS or one of the other MB writers. Trying to cause discord and upset the troops (not very successfully though)


It’s funny, the Travelling Wilbur frequently accuses me of having fake MB accounts.

Why would I bother? The one I have shits me enough.

All I want(ed) was some joshing and to listen to opinions other than mine, and also just hang out talking semi-humorous crap, marvelling at the infinite sum of human stupidity as expressed in the Daily Mail.


I don’t think it’s you and to be fair I think I’ve had more fake MB accounts than anyone else here on EZFKA.
I’ve had a new identity on there every 2 weeks since paid subscription started haha ..Fuck paying for it.


Did the same for a while then couldn’t be arsed.

The w/end links was the only thing keeping my interest until that was paywalled, but it hasn’t taken long for the same kind of community to build here.


Reminds me of the early days on MB, but a bit more Lord of the Flies. I like it!


Peachy is actually DLS.


LOL, except Peachy made a bunch of QOL changes to the user interface within days while DLS just tells everyone to subscribe.



Miguel de Sousa

Must be me 🙄


How’d the doxxing go? Get any results?


Shit, that dude looks just like me

Nah, D, L, and S actually have some broad intellect to show.

Last edited 3 years ago by A fly in your ointment

“D, L and S” … perhaps reflective of the personality fragmentation brought on by the severe cognitive dissonances that the bloke has harboured for years.

As to broad intellect to show – I think DLS’s “booksmart” intellect has had rings run around it by anyone with a modicum of streetsmarts, including Mig.

I have written about comparative smarts here:

Last edited 3 years ago by Peachy
A fly in your ointment

D, L and S were used only as a referent point. Aim was not to take a measure and attach a nominal value to D, L and S.

Has anyone else watched this video of Raoul pal talking about the big picture as he sees it? Basically crypto will take over the world. I am inclined to agree, but thought it was a bit starry eyed in places. It’s a long way from stewie’s Ponzi in a Ponzi analysis which I also thoroughly enjoyed reading (thanks Stewie) <rant> I hate this meme, which Raoul repeated, that gen z’s online socialising is equivalent to real world friendships. This is my nephew’s generation. I think it’s a load of rubbish. They are having less sex and have to spend all their money on rent while working insecure jobs and most don’t get enough exercise. In addition they are over protected with safe spaces and trigger warnings. I still find it pretty shocking that many families no longer eat together. Socialisation needs to happen in the family first. I hated the TV show friends for the similar reasons. When times are tough ‘friends’ tend to evaporate. </rant> anyway I loaded up on eth this week. Planning to put super in as well. Risky sure, but I still think btc is going to at least 100k this cycle and Raoul is not alone in forecasting closer to 300k.


Looks like this bloke has been reading Peachy posts-


We sit down to dinner at the table together with the TV off nearly every night. IMHO it is one of the most important things you can do together every day as a family… also gives you the opportunity to work on their table manners. No chewing with mouth open or talking with food in your mouth!

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie
Miguel de Sousa

You’re an idiot. We did that and I fucking despise them


Could be things other than timing of meal or tv on/off state, though.


Miguel de Sousa

In which case it’s not really that important is it? I stand by my assessment


Seems like the realm of “necessary but not sufficient”

but not really “necessary”, rather, perhaps “nice to have”…. or at least “traditional”.

What’s that that Russel said about “traditional” behaviours?

The romantic movement, in its essence, aimed at liberating human personality from the fetters of social convention and social morality. In part, these fetters were a mere useless hindrance to desirable forms of activity, for every ancient community has developed rules of behaviour for which there is nothing to be said except that they are traditional. 

on reflection, Mr Mig, perhaps that weird arc of thought and intercourse, prompted by Stewie’s dinner table, characterises you rather well…

You may be a romantic!

what do you say?

Miguel de Sousa

That’s the poetic way to characterise a rather more mundane or utilitarian position – reason has no need for tradition, other than as reflecting useful practices.


So you are a romantic who imagines himself to be a rationalist/utilitarian, then?


PS. …I do like the poetic form, though. I think I have a soft spot for a good turn of phrase…

Last edited 3 years ago by Peachy

That is because you are a broken piece of shit – probably because a piece of fly DNA fused with your zygote after it crawled into your mothers cunt after your dad fucked her up the arse.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie



You thought it would calm down around here… lol, kidding yourself.

Miguel de Sousa

Do you kiss your daughter with that mouth?


Have you asked your sister out on a date yet? It appears to be all the rage with you progressives.

Miguel de Sousa

Hypocrite piece of dog shit! I’ll come to Sidney and kick your motherfucking face in

Last edited 3 years ago by Miguel de Sousa

Hypocrite? Hypocrite???!?


“Hypocrite piece of dog shit! I’ll come to Sidney and kick your motherfucking face in”

This coming from the avowed lefty socialist, who after getting rightfully detained by the police for abusing women in public (again), and thrown naked into a padded cell for six hours (tears, absolute tears of laughter) takes to social media to cry about a tiny bruise and a skinned knuckle, and says how unfair it is because he pays taxes and deserves special treatment.

You are a joke – immolate yourself.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie
Miguel de Sousa

Ill do you first gutless cucked motherfucker

Miguel de Sousa

I just remembered Scott/Ermo knows where you live. Sweet


Two problems with that little thought.

  1. The address was via an old twitter account that has long since been banned; and
  2. Are you saying Ermo, assuming he still had my address, would give it to you?

ROFL – I hold him in high regard as good and decent bloke that no matter what he thinks of me, there is no way that a guy of his character would hand over someone’s personal details to a mentally unstable shit stain like yourself.

Why he continues to think you are worth the effort of trying to support I don’t know, but then as I said, he is a decent community minded bloke who likes to see the best in people, even if that involves telling himself white lies.

Miguel de Sousa

BTW you just made yourself a witness dumbarse 🤣


Only to your eternal stupidity you pathetic sook. Pretending to be a Leftie then publicly crying on twitter over how you deserve to be treated better than other criminals because you pay taxes, as though that gave you the right to racially target white women to abuse in the street.

Chinese Astroturfer

Haha did that really happen?


Yup 100% He loves documenting his antisocial behaviours – they’re all on one or his other twitter accounts.


So we can’t hang shit on your beautiful wife but you get around saying shit like this?!

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie
Miguel de Sousa

He’s a dog worthless cunt

Chinese Astroturfer

R U OK? Call Beyond Blue. Explain to them how pathetic you are they will help you out.

Miguel de Sousa

I don’t speak pling plong




So what’s the deal? We all get to nominate one special person that nobody is allowed to hang shit on?


Fair is fair.


And the insecurity and hypocrisy continues. Stop editing other peoples posts Stewie, ya soft cunt


W@ffle – I thought we had an understanding to stay out of each other’s lanes, and yet here you are, once again performing the role of Mig’s asshole by interjecting and speaking up on his behalf, and abusing my wife in the process. What do you expect?

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Fuck your hypocrisy, it’s a joke. You say heinous shit about people you’ve never met and you edit my post because I said something less heinous about someone I’ve never met. You’re a child claiming to be an adult and Mig and are just self aware fuckups that haven’t claimed to be anything else.

Keep being a cunt and you’ll keep getting called on it. Now run along and keep being a good Christian.


But I’m not a good Christian and have never claimed to be. I’ve only said I recognise the importance of it, and culture in general, and that it is the easiest, most appropriate, off the shelf variety that I can give to her.

If you don’t try to give your kids some form of culture or values, then you are failing to prepare them for life – who knows what shit they will otherwise fill their heads with?

Sure they can grow up and reject it, that is their choice and free will, but at least as they pass through life and deal with ethical questions that arise, they’ll have some existing framework to deal with it. They will be able to compare the solutions as offered through popular media and manias, like much of woke politics and ideology is, with something more enduring and time tested.


Beautiful wife, stewie, you’ve got a beautiful wife. I wish I wasn’t such a faggot and had a wife too

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

My mother still calls me out on table manners. God knows I will miss it when she’s gone!


When I see someone with bad table manners like that I just shudder and give thanks for all those times I was wacked on my knuckles with the back of the knife (which was itself an act of bad table manners, that in the interests of modernity I have abandoned and instead replaced with annoying dinner table lectures).

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

What are you going to do when your daughter rebels against your outdated patriarchal bullshit and converts to Judaism just to shit you?




Last edited 3 years ago by Peachy

She’ll be their problem then – but really it wouldn’t faze me. So long as she were happy and her husband decent, it wouldn’t bother me if he was a Black African Jew.

The individual is not the group, but the existence of individuals doesn’t preclude the existence of the group. The macro and micro are two different things, that is how I can be racist and not racist at the same time.

PS: if she was intent on escaping the patriarchy then she would be moving in the wrong directing if she were to marry any but the most liberal of the ‘Reformed Jew’ of all the various sects of Jewish believers.

‘Unorthodox’ Check it out

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Raoul Paul is little more than a marketer. His accumulated wealth is not that much and largely commission from trading desk, and marketing his own Real Vision product, rather than trading genius. BTC probably the only trade he has made decent money on hence his starry eyes.


I did notice that he’s obviously got some gift of the gab, that bloke.

He claimed all sorts of realisations in March and Sep 2020 – does anyone follow him closely enough to know if he was actually saying these things at the time, or only concocting them with the benefit of hindsight?


I have been following him (or rather his mates Macrovoices and Grant Williams) for many years. As you say he has gift of gab, and evangelistic with everything he says.

For many years the Stock Market and BTC were going to zero and gold was going to the moon. I think it was last year he flipped on BTC which is probably what he is referring to realisation.

I fully expect him to try and cash in his BTC “genius” by selling some related product.


Thanks Freddy. Sounds like he had NFI about things then 😉

maybe he’s educated now, …or just promoting whatever seems saleable at the moment….


Agreed. Real Vision kept getting worse after Grant left. His new podcast is great though and not too expensive. That said, Raoul’s idea about network effects (exponential) being the driver of crypto valuations is not unreasonable. Like facebook, google etc, the bigger it gets, the bigger it gets. Of course there’s plenty of very good reasons to doubt (like stewie showed). Also liked ETH commentary. I bought my ETH before I saw the vid. When I that news about Beeple a month or two ago, I read up on NFTs in general. I thought that was pretty signficant. All that stuff is ETH driven. It was nice to have an industry insider (of sorts) confirm my views. The starriness for me was his talking about his friend’s son’s friendships on fortnite as if humanity itself is about to be digitised.


Results are in for weekend links: MB 277 EZFKA 216. Good effort everyone!

Miguel de Sousa

Harry fucked it up


High house prices ‘a risk for all state governments’: Housing Minister wants premiers’ feet held to the fire (Incognito mode is your friend)

“In a salvo that caused the NSW government to fire back, federal Housing Minister Michael Sukkar said the states need their “feet held to the fire” to address rising house prices and it was not up to the Commonwealth to fix the problem.”

Since when are high house prices a problem for this lot? Must be becoming an issue if the Feds are blaming the sates.


This is genius snookering move.

  • signals to EZFKA voters (ahead of election) that Fed Libs won’t act to crunch prices
  • paints premiers into a corner & forces them to come out in support of house prices. (It is political suicide to do otherwise)
  • if prices do decline in a problematic way in the future, Fed Libs get to blame the states

well done Sukkar.


“address house prices”

by giving first home buyers more money, loosening credit standards, letting ppl raid their super






State governments have just as loony policies on housing as the feds. Regional housing grants (ie making Victoria’s region as crap as Melbourne), zoning and restrictions to benefit mates and stamp duty concessions for certain segments all help with the increase house prices. Everyone plays their part in keeping prices high in EZFKA.

Miguel de Sousa

Why you all gotta trawl me?