McGowan sets iPhone reminder for next lockdown to make sure he doesn’t miss next state of emergency end date

WA Premier Mark McGowan has vowed to set an IPhone reminder to remind to him to start the next lockdown in WA, after coming spectacularly close to missing the end date of the last state of emergency powers in WA.

McGowan, who blamed his “old Android for not receiving updates” has set the reminder to send Perth into lockdown and more businesses into liquidation when the state of emergency powers are next set to expire.

“That was a close one. I was already running low on bullshit excuses,” McGowan said in an interview.

“I mean, I thought people had worked out these lockdowns are purely political and about making the middle class submit to the Great Reset’s socioeconomic objectives but obviously we underestimated the public’s submissiveness. We are the world’s longest penal colony, so perhaps I should remind myself of that also.”

McGowan intends to raise the idea at the next National Cabinet meeting, with all states implementing a system that co-ordinates with figures in the corporate mainstream media.

Queensland is set to be particularly keen on the idea, with the next lockdown to come in days.

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WA is lucky absolutely nobody wants to go there or else they’d of attracted far more ire for their endless lockdowns

Agent 47

Imo it’s not that bad. A lot less crowded and ‘diverse’ than the Sydney and Melbourne shitholes although they are working on that.

McGowan is a dick however and the cult around him is cringe.


im sure it’s fine, but perth seems pretty sterile to me. truth be told most austalian towns and cities are extremely bland, at least its hard to reconcile the price tags to live in them vs what they actually offer.

Agent 47

Fair point.

I’ll take old Australian bland over diverse cosmopolitan shithole any day of the week though.


these days i feel we manage to achieve both, and charge a million dollars for the privilege

i wish i was old enough to have experiened the pre-keating aus, id leap at the opportunity to return to aus in the 90s or early 2000s any day

Last edited 3 years ago by stagmal
Agent 47

I agree with this.

The 90s was peak Australia IMO. Keatings bullshit took a few years to kick in but by the time the rodent was in, lithe decline has begun. Post Sydney Olympics was was when everything started free falling.

Agent 47

Spot the fuck on.

Total charade. Nothing to do with safety and all about punishing the middle class. Don’t tell Skippy, Swampy and the other clowns at MB though, they’re still under the bed.


Lol – If Aust is the nanny state Qld, Vic and WA are the nanniest of them all.

Speaking of iPhones dates and reminders, I don’t believe Apple could have fucked up a more intuitive and easy to use ‘scroll’ means to set dates and time to the shots how the latest update delivered. Fuckin stupid.


Only because of Labor governments in each of those states.


haha nice.
but don’t worry, if those powers did expire, he’d just call a state referendum to and ask them to become permanent – and the voting public would approve, 90% for, 10% against.


Something about Australians just roll and accept being told what to do. Our politicians know this and play it to their advantage.

Plug Meister

McGowan has perfected the use of Covid as a political weapon, not that the other Premiers aren’t using it to advantage as well. The sheeple love doing their duty and lining up for a Covid test when we get a one case hotspot and a 3 case cluster.