“Give back stolen indigenous land” says Pakistani who has helped millions of migrants steal indigenous land

Former Immigration Secretary Abul Rizvi says that white people need to give back stolen indigenous land after a Twitter spat.

Rizvi, best known for being the architect of the 457 skilled migration program in the 90’s which has provided Australia with millions of subcontinental uber drivers and security guards because GDP go up and wages go down, went back and forth with ADH TV commentator Alexandra Marshall on Twitter over the Voice.

“They (white Australians) were also gifted land by the Crown that had been stolen from Indigenous Australians,” Rizvi said in a fiery Twitter exchange.

Rizvi said memories of choosing to voluntarily migrate from Pakistan, parachute into a safe public service job for 20 years and then work to dismantle the Australian working class motivated him to respond.

“It just hit really close to home. I was taking my usual morning shit in the street and nearly fell backwards into it when I read the tweet,” Rizvi said.

“I used my hatred of white people and wanting proximity to them by moving to a white country and re-colonising it. It’s only fair that I fight for the injustice of indigenous dispossession, by showing my unwavering support for an additional 650k migrants coming over to live on indigenous land with them in the next two years.”

Rizvi said he had no intention of selling off any of his investment properties, and is in the process of forming an Anti-White Coalition with fellow Pakistani Mehreen Faruqi, which will be partially funded by his public service defined benefit scheme. The group will look to advocate for the a special grooming gang visa, to allow Pakistani gangs operating in the UK safe haven in Australia.

“However, there will be no Hindus or Indians allowed, the fucking subhuman animals.”

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one more distraction from the real culprit to those that were instrumental but not pivotal. blame the icecream man for the nation being fat slobs.

oh well, suit yourself Timbo.
cognitive challenge is free to all….

Agent 47

Lol Timbo right over the target.

Rizvi is your worst nightmare, the anti white migrant who became one of your EZFKA PRISON WARDENS that you spend 99% of your time copying and pasting Budget Skippy rants about.

He designed and implemented the entire UC457 ‘skilled’ migration program in the late 80s and early 90s when he was Deputy Secretary at Immigration for the express purpose of slave labor importation. Spent his post 2007 career lobbying in the private sector for more immigration and various other migrant causes.

Cognitive challenge free to all, starting with yourself.

A fly in your ointment


Please don’t get me wrong.

I am all for everyone to have a right to facilitate destruction of what they believe is theirs only, whichever way they find fit. If that is by diverting everyone’s focus toward pawns (in this case perhaps a rook) and deflecting from the kings and queens… so be it. (I hope the metaphor with chess pieces is not too cryptic for understanding).

Rizvi is/was by no mean a warden class Australian ever, just a chosen pawn to serve a purpose which was given to it. A task execution piece,


No offence, but I’m with mal. I have no clue what you be trying to convey when you post on here – your writing reads as if I’m wading thru mud.
As long as you’re having fun tho, which is what it’s all about.


Word salad description is apt

A fly in your ointment

Lol, noice,
Is my part now to be offended and begin sulking?

A fly in your ointment

Of course is fun
It is a research of the level of abstract thinking where an average, common convict class members (Mt Druitt types) begins to comprehend something.

A fly in your ointment

Forgot to mention, interestingly, one particular participant here whom admits own massive idiocy moment is probably the only man here with some form of ability for abstract thinking.

Agent 47

Yeh nah, your usual game of deflection when you get wrecked on immigration. That’s ok, keep moving the goal posts I’ll keep kicking 6-pointers through them.

A fly in your ointment

it is defeatingly sad for one to think that by simple dismissal, personal attack and 0 credibility is actually “wrecKing” my proposed premise.. Life is beautiful in lalaland.

Read your first reply above and I dare you to find a part in it where it is not an ad-hominem. The part on Rizvi being a Warden class is utter absence of comprehension of whom runs this country and whom are just for shows and photo ops. It is as naive as thinking that Sleepy Teleprompter Joe is in power.

What are you on about bloke..

There was no as hominem in agent 47s reply.

And what I think you are trying to say is in respect to Abdul, to not blame the messenger but his paymasters.

But this is not correct here because not only was he complicit doing what his paymasters tell him to do, he actively works to undermine.

He isn’t innocent.

Agent 47


He was having a whinge about ‘who is turning the regulations into swiss cheese’ the other day – that was Rizvi for years until he retired in 2007(on an annual six figure government defined benefit pension too).

He was the guy (in the skilled/cheap labour visa program anyway) that was designing, drafting and recommending the regulation changes every year for the Minister of either persuasion to sign off on, turning the whole thing into the Uber driver shit show we have now. Every govt since then has just continued his template.

Luke B

He was also deputy secretary during the Cornelia Rau and Vivian Alvarez issues, when immigration detained two Australian citizens and deported one of them..

Agent 47

Had to look it up he actually said this. Getting smoked in the replies.



That’s a brilliant stream of invective in replies…. totally deserved

Agent 47

EZFKA Twitter continuing to bash him. Good.

Gruppenführer Mark

He is not white, so is not giving it back!


He will cry rayshist very soon.


Someone in replies told him to go back to
Designated Shitting Street o/ o/ o/

desi shitting.jpg

Hah, that one has to be a regular here…


on top of this sandgroper nationals are pro voice…fkn nuts!


The voice will get up. Too much money to be made off it. It will be a consultant gravy train.

The Albo government is a rerun of KRudd. Popular PM, focus on other things and not cost of living, extreme immigration.


lol can’t make this shit up

is it real though? can’t trust breitbart


the next step of technological fascism

Jacinda Ardern, who stepped down as New Zealand’s prime minister in January, will begin an unpaid role this month combating online extremism.

New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins, who took over as leader from Ardern, announced Tuesday he’d appointed Ardern as Special Envoy for the Christchurch Call. Hipkins said Ardern would begin the part-time role this month, right after she leaves Parliament and that she’d declined to accept any pay. He said the role would be reviewed at the end of the year.

Christchurch Call’s goal is to eliminate terrorist and violent extremist content online. More than 50 countries have since signed up to the Christchurch Call, including the United States, Britain, Germany and South Korea. Tech companies to sign up include Facebook parent company Meta, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, YouTube, Zoom and Twitter.

The group says it has had success developing new online safety systems and is studying the implications of fast-rising technologies such as artificial intelligence.

“The Christchurch Call is a foreign policy priority for the government and Jacinda Ardern is uniquely placed to keep pushing forward with the goal of eliminating violent extremist content online,” Hipkins said.


unpaid? my arse, there’ll be perquisites out the wazoo…grifter


She’ll be paid, she’ll get it in the back end – as all politicians do. Game of mates.


So brave.



MBs naivety which persists year after year is so endearing. Maybe the Libs will promise to cut the numbers 😂


I think they want to sell out to Rupert.


They better ink the deal before they get the war with China they want and AUD is only useful by the wheelbarrow


Probably won’t happen. MB seems to only of interest to a few incel nerds. I never signed up. Too livid about their polar opposite wrong ‘ouse price predictions.


But Fairfax seems to be on the war with China bandwagon too. Probably the only people who are not on the war bandwagon are deplorables like me who have a high chance of being drafted.


No way Rupert would buy it. How many additional readers would they pick up? DLS worked for Business Spectator, threw a tantrum and does EmBee. Business Spectator sold for $30m. EmBee would fail to get 1% of that.

A fly in your ointment

Llewdo will trade it for 5yr employment with Rup
EmBee shifted towards tabloid format and became EmBee’cile, target audience the same as fakenews.comau

Last edited 1 year ago by A fly in your ointment

No one is cutting the numbers. DLS is deluded thinking anyone will cut the numbers.


Is DLS having MPLOL levels of delusion again?


so sick of hearing about this voice to parliament shit

it utterly doesnt matter eitherway

wont do shit

huge distraction from the migration pump

Aussie Soy Boy

It certainly won’t help abos. Abuse, violence, drug use, drunkenness will still be rife in their communities because they love all that stuff. It’s in their DNA.


Will be a gravy train for consultants though. And we’ll employ several thousand public servants for this as well.


aaaannnndddd….this time it can’t be wound up as atsic was wound up…..it’s constitutionally protected.


well at least it can help employ at least 1% of the annual migration intake


Yeh need some low stakes drama to distract the plebs.

It’s probably more likely to get up now that Dutton has come out against it.

But if the Libs won’t even come out against this then there would be no apparent reason for them to exist so it had to be done.


yeah i mean good on dutton but its still a joke

it shouldnt pass for sure but even if it does im not really sure how meaningful its going to be, just another avenue for a few grifters

which sucks but its hardly the end of the world


There’s no meaning – it’s just a giant political wedge, and the Libs fell for it.

You’ve probably read the news the former minister for Indigenous Affairs Ken Wyatt quit the party over this.

But even current elected Libs aren’t united on this. Tasmanian MP Bridget Archer is supporting Yes, as is Jeremy Rockliff the Tasmania state premier and highest serving Liberal leader in office.

In Victoria John Pesutto and Peter Walsh (Vic Nats) said they had an “open mind” on the Voice. Not unexpected, but Queensland LNP leader David Crisafull also said similar and WA Liberal leader Libby Mettam said she will be voting Yes.


Hello Fellow Wyte Peaple.
Feeling angry? want to ‘lash out’?
Do not do that. Please Bookmark are website and fill out are web form.
We promise not to put you on a watchlist.

Agent 47

Think I found the old don’t buy now guy from MB twitter account



there’s this doomer bloke on reddit who has gained infamy in the ausfinance subs called withoutmyremorse

he’s like an MB poster from 2014 or so stuck in time, has the same spiels about price-income ratios etc we all heard a million times back then

constantly sayinmg housing is gonna crash 50%


There’s still people like that posting on MB today

they feel hurt and betrayed now that LVO is a housing bull


biggest about face in human history


Probably second biggest about face

the biggest being his 180 degrees on lockdowns when his kids weren’t allowed to use the local swings

I still often find myself thinking about how fucking insane the people on there were calling me a psycho and then straight up banning me for staying scientific facts

DLS the biggest fascist as always but everybody else there ready to pull on the brown shirts too

it was an insight into human stupidity


Was thinking the other day that “Thomas Pueyo” must surely be a CIA psyop

Never heard of him before or since

But every cunt on every forum was posting the hammer and the dance like they were spreading the word of god

Gruppenführer Mark

We ought to get bcnich on here, I want to learn more about sun cycles and 20% rates that will crush it all.


Lets be serious for a second. You just want to learn how to tan your arsehole. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. 😊

Aussie Soy Boy

People still have too much money especially after COVID.

$100k car is completely normal now so $700k houses aren’t going to suddenly become $350k. Small renovation is $100k too.


every restaurant meal no matter how small and shit even fast food is like $20~ minimum

makes you never want to do anything or go anywhere

Aussie Soy Boy

People just pay it. Still plenty of people getting Uber Eats or their groceries delivered with Uber Eats lol.

I went to a pub and it was $13 for a pint I think they could make it $15 everyone would just pay. It will be $20 in 5 years.

I’m happy to drink and eat at home now it’s only if invited out I’ll part with the money.

Try to avoid Uber and taxis too so drink and drive when I go out. So much cheaper and much more convenient. No cancellations and surge fare crap.


ya mate its a fucking scam

pubs are a classic case of something people do not bc theyre good but bc everyone else does it and you cant do anything with anyone if you dont

ive read articles though theyre slowly dying as more and more people realise this which is a good thing

Aussie Soy Boy

I think pubs are dying for sure. Are nightclubs even a thing these days everything used to be about the club lol. I think concerts and shows are bigger than ever even though ticket prices are insane, but it probably makes more sense to spend your money on a once off experience than getting pissed in some scummy pub or club.


nightclubs are still around but its sausage fest all up in there

rocking up thinking youre gonna get laid (and not being chad) as a guy is a huge waste of time



Just paid $10.70 for frappuccino takeaway drive-thru.
$19 for one and half hours parking at mater in Brisbane.
Paid $8.70 for a VB tally at bottlo on return trip home.

A fly in your ointment

constantly sayinmg housing is gonna crash 50%

I call that Steve Keene moment: Looking at the economy from a perspective of a free market and free market has left the town 25-30 urs ago.
At this stage, houses have to crash 60+% to reach historical mean level with some inflation adjustment. Mind you, if money inflation goes supercharged but house prices stagnate or float, it is akin to a correction.


Lmao I love how everyone just blames the eastern suburbs or LNP


These redditors might need to be hospitalised if they saw the comments here


that is how they reacted when i made a thread on there linking to this site

their brains would explode reading some of the posts here


Won’t be long till Jacinta Ardern comes for us gratis.



And I don’t think much will change so long as people are threatened with the ‘racist’ label for even thinking that maybe they don’t owe a middle class family from New Delhi a ‘better life’.

Redditors and the left were the ones that created that exact environment. Biggest faggots of all time. Easy.


Was there ever an ezfka subreddit, or was it banned?




the fact that dutton has to hide behind boongs to criticise the voice is shameful lol

reminds me of that old joke “what do you call the only coloured person at a conservative political convention

the keynote speaker”

whites are absolutely cucked, pathetic, cant stand up for themselves, need to hide behind tokens bc theyre afraid of being called racist, its the most pathetic fucking thing ive ever seen

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

A bit desperate but maybe this will crash propadee because they had to give all the tax money to boongs. I might vote for it for acceleration.


St. John Passion (Herreweghe)



Who mick eating fish today? So brave.


phuck papists


found this feller…. lets have a look eh?… sho nuff spruiker to his toenails



1. Abolish Detached Housing Zoning

2. Upzone Transit Corridors

3. Abolish Car Parking Minimums

4. Relax restrictions on secondary dwellings and minimum floor spaces….

[wrt 4 …reusa dis u??]

Last edited 1 year ago by emusplatt

New York had this problem 100-150 years ago and dealt with it well.

Everyone wants to be New York without being New York. Fuck em.

Won’t happen in any hurry though maybe when legacy Australians become more a minority and the shitskins get tired of blonde Ford Ranger driving meatheads getting paid like they are doctors (and paying much less tax because cashies).


40 year mortgages approved in the US. I’m sure this can-kick will be coming to EZFKA…



I’m surprised this hasn’t been mentioned yet as a ‘solution’ to the housing affordability crisis.

We are all living older & longer may as well enslave the working class further with even greater levels of debt.


life of misery

Agent 47

Give it a few weeks.


allow the ‘rolling’ of mortgages to another and another with a 30yr full term…. make the debt perpetual


Would a person lend out their own money for 40 years to some rando when no one knows what the world will look like then, especially in regards to AI impacting the labour market and thus the ability of the borrower to repay?

This is only possible because the institutions only care about the next quarter, and they’ll be bailed out if anything goes wrong anyway. And most of the loans will be on-sold to some other institution that also doesn’t give a shit, and will also be bailed out if anything goes wrong.

Agent 47

Banger from Timbo/Sinister


There are people whose comments I want to read and others I don’t. I wrote some python code with a little help from chatGPT to compile a frequency table showing comment counts for each commenter on the latest post. This will help me decide if it’s worth visiting. FYI chatGPT’s code was far from perfect, but did save me some time.



Last edited 1 year ago by robert2013

What an absolutely precious little faggot this bloke is

maybe chatgpt could just write code to create an echo chamber with imaginary people who only agree with him


Bob the boomer.
Can he fix it?
No he can’t!


I thought the raison d’être of ezfka was to escape the fascist censorship and echo chamberiness of mb

“MB Fight Club” I saw it described as once (also a reference to the word e z f k a sending posts to spam there – we don’t talk about fight club)

Now here’s bob (appropriate name given his likely man tits) wanting it to be a safe space for white supremacist cookers


Yeah what happened to just calling people a faggot. He called me a shithead in an age of glassing and calling people a faggot. Even the violence was nicer in the boomer age.




this story about the rental house collapsing in Sydney is hilarious

$1150/wk to live in Condell park in a house literally made of cardboard

also looks like that’s a Range Rover crushed in the garage

Just lmao at living in Condell park and driving a Range Rover who are these people



Nothing will wet a female poos moot more than a 2000s range rover evoque and a big house in the south west of sydney.

I dunno how they are getting the money. IT contracting rates are pretty good if you can code.

I had a uber poo offer me 3 “craft” beers for $5 today. I declined because the secret sauce of this “craft” beer was fruit. Some faggot legacy Australian faggot tried to get rich by putting fruit in a beer. It was just such sheer faggotry I couldn’t even part with paying probably 1/4 of the retail price.


I said sorry and even this uber poo said no worries, even the uber poos know what fuckin faggotry soy boy beers are.



So many lols! I haven’t heard that word since I was in year 6!


hahaha. yeah probably similar for me too. If I recall correctly it was combined with “up ya mums”.


ipas/craft beers are disgusting



guess who.jpg

There’s a lot of “pig gutters” ie fake Asian bitches that aim to steal your money because you’re an old incel, on Twitter.

Personally I advocated nuking China in the 90s.

Even though I like Chinese food I still think they should’ve been nuked.

A bit like how the USA dropped the bomb but still buy Toyotas.

It’s important to be balanced and centrist.


Hello DLS


I remember when it was fun to be an asshole.



the fuck

who is this guy

Last edited 1 year ago by emusplatt



a poor bastard who wasted his working life as a senior australian diplomat and got nowhere


What do you mean, he probably got a massive government pension

What else matters in Australia?


which he wasted..retirement was same ol…


House prices definitely rising. It is crazy out there. A takeover by wealthy visa seekers.

Full credit to Albo for opening up the borders to protect his property portfolio. Just needs to secure his next term by continuing to distract young people with this Voice malarkey.


Looks that way for sure in Sydney. I used to think that houses were overpriced but now I just watch the bidding and laugh. It’s actual lol material. People in their early 20’s buying shitty old houses from old working class boomers for 3+ million as if it’s nothing.

If I had to participate in this market I’d probably suicide bomb an auction.



putin kermit.jpg

the hamosexual frog is right


A great blog on ‘Operation Barbarossa’ Stags you might like this:



i read it its quite good. basically the soviets won because they had overwhelming resource and manpower superiority, but at no point were they (or any army in ww2) anywherer near close to how good the wehrmacht was. even in 1945 the werhmacht were mostly achieving favourable kill ratios as high as 3:1 on virtually every front against every opponent.


Eventually quantity becomes its own quality.

Agent 47

Spot on


I bet those private school fags have a higher percentage of kids that turn out gay.


They Make The Best Neighbors Part #88.
Dravidian Deviate Does The Math –
Eight years Divided By Ten Pieces =

Agent 47


Agent 47

Is this coming?


wut, the voice? yeah it is almost certainly not going to lose, i’d bet money on this tbh


I would have some money on it losing. Interest is fading and the masses still yet to figure out they will be forced to the poll booths over this nonsense.

Last edited 1 year ago by Freddy

how do you know interest is fading?

its not the content of the voice itself that matters, the voice is boring and convoluted as all fuck, no one barely knows what it is or what it will do

its the fact that its about abos, the voice is a referendum on how much people approve of abos

it cant lose

almost no one in australia has any contact with abos to begin with outside of people like me who live in regional town, and we’re the only group who is going to vote no


It’s an anti-white thing. Which is why I think it will mostly likely win.

So many white morons think the shitskins love them, they don’t, they mostly see them as another hurdle in the way of getting power and money. Because they aren’t brainwashed fools.


The polls were 60% in favour a few months ago. Now down to a bit over 50%.

Don’t need direct contact with Abos. We get the Welcome to Country regularly shoved down our throat. All the diversity and inclusion nonsense at work, the anti-white hate, all the favourable treatment in various sports as well.

Many people are too afraid to publicly oppose but don’t underestimate the number of people waiting for a payback. A few more months of financial stress and then forced to the polls over this nonsense. Let’s see what happens.


The most basic form of mind control is repartition – COVID proved it was possible to gas light nearly the entire population into voluntarily getting an experimental vaccine.

The media domination of the “Voice” is nearly100% – I don’t think I’ve seen a single thoughtful, factually based argument against the voice in the media. It has been a 100% media narrative that it is imperative that you vote for the voice otherwise you will be a racist.

I hope Australians will vote based on reason, but I fear they will base on their conditioning.


Covid lockdowns and vaccine had a selling point of safety and handouts. The Voice has no selling point for the plebes. They will probably be thinking “I can’t make ends meet and our dumb pollies think the Voice is the most important issue?… fuck ’em”

Edit: Covid lockdowns and vaccines were also mandatory. There was both carrot and stick. Voice has neither.

Last edited 1 year ago by Freddy

oh man

if only people actually thought like this


To most people it is costless virtue signalling.

I fear they’re going to enter the voting both and tick “Yes” and like so many Pavlov dogs, enjoy the momentary drenching of their emotive system with endorphins.

They get to think to themselves “I’m a good person, thank goodness I’m not racist” Society has taught them to reward themselves with that kind of thinking and so I fear they will vote accordingly


Stewie dropping the black pill

after covid I lost all trust in humanity

you saw what happened to DLS and the media but that was no surprise

Most shocking for me to see my colleagues who I thought were educated in the western scientific method and rationalism completely fall apart

Particularly cost-benefit analysis was something that used to be the most important tool of public health was thrown away in favour of FEELINGS

We have exited the age of reason (which followed the decline of religion) and have entered an entirely new paradigm

Trump derangement syndrome was the initial tremor, covid was the earthquake


Walking around Melbourne at lunchtime I’ve also become blackpilled on at least legacy Melbourne Australians – they are all so fucking ugly and decrepit.

I’ve never seen so many fat, ugly looking Goths/Emos and decrepit, burnt out old geezers. No wonder that fuckwit Mig calls this place home – he’d fit right into this shit hole of town.


I saw my woke-bogan-mick relatives today they said they weren’t voting for it.


Subhash Jaireth, also known as “Bluey” to his mates.
The Branch Dravidians have such interesting self-segregating names.

Aussie Soy Boy

He looks like a poofter


Hmm… wonder how they’ll deal with this in Africa.

We all know what the excuse would be in EZFKA.


Last edited 1 year ago by Gouda

Plus Size Bio-Fronthole Meme


They should be grateful they aren’t being taxed to hell like smokers and drinkers are. It’s cheaper than ever to be a fat cunt.


People like fatso there will be very useful in times of food shortage. Lots of protein and fat in one convenient location.


Typical politician. If you tried to make a list of the ones who aren’t diddling kids, accepting bribes, cheating on their wives by rooting other blokes, cross dressing, stealing from the public purse etc l I think you’d come up with a blank page.



pedos have occupied positions of power since tiberius

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

Latin credere, meaning “to trust” ….HA! like fvck I will


Last edited 1 year ago by emusplatt

what a moron

Aussie Soy Boy

Wish they’d do that to druggies here


Useless Superfluous Overpaid Public Servant does Photo Op – Pretends to do Actual Work.
Rushed to Hospital with Dehydration – Lodging Workcover Compo Claim. Hospital Staff Unhappy Being Nagged by Old Awful Biddy.


so anything new going on guys

Aussie Soy Boy

I just shrug and go about my day. COVID, war, inflation, economy, makes no difference.



despite the complaining of everybody it really makes little difference, you pay a bit more and that sucks but you just plug on through bc there’s nothing you can do


There’re some interesting events geopolitically, e.g., China brokering a Saudi-Iran peace deal, Macron shit-talking the European relo with the US. Multipolarity is moving forward.

But I think that will just make things worse as the declining US cannibalises its stupidest allies, Ukraine, Poland…….. and us.

Too many dumb fucks who think the US cares about Australia because we watch their TV shows.


I watched the first 5 minutes of the The Project last night. I like to see what they are making retarded faggots think. Channel 9 is set in stone boomer, channel 7 is probably gen x and millenial “boomers”.

Apparently there is still millions of vacant properties. How about a vacancy tax. Cut to QLD female Greens MP who wears glasses. Yeah we are pushing a fuckin vacancy tax that won’t get through because we are deranged and only 10% of people vote for us. Cut to The Project. Melbourne has a 1% vacancy tax. 1% of the value of the property per year. It’s done fuck all and we won’t mention that maybe because it’s only 1%. Cut to big serious interview with serious nerdy white economist faggot from random jew corp who wears glasses. Yeah nah vacancy taxes are shit fuck off.

Yeah we’ll be back in 5 minutes. Btw Carrie got 1.7m per year for this shit. Fuck me you cunts are as dumb as shit.


My Mum watches the project. Those people are worthless blobs of shit.


You just need a few clueless overconfident bints, some gutless cucks like Hellier, a jew story writer and it all takes care of itself. Propaganda is pretty basic once you know how the world works.


Is this some exclusive club now?

Deleted posts, censorship, are you just wanting non club members to fuck off


If your comments aren’t showing up, maybe try registering an account.

I remember ages ago there was a message saying that comments from guest users are published with a delay as an anti spam measure or something


Ok thanks will try that.


even taking into consideration Russia’s desperation to grow its population, they’d probably pass on that dingus. If he’s lucky they could toss him straight onto the frontlines with the prisoner canon fodder.


I feel sorry for his woman. It’s like he forced her to get duck lips. I shouldn’t though. A lot of women gravitate to pigs.


Somehow I doubt he’d last 5 minutes in Russia.



Dumb skater boy whitey getting nailed by dodgy immigrant. Ha ha. I went to school with these types. Worthless idiots. 30 years old still acting like being a an anti-intellectual legacy Australian still ads up to anything.


Note that all these Libs are resigning based on the fucking Voice referendum instead of fraudulent shit like Robodebt that literally killed people (though they were dole bludgers and legacy Australians so some here would probably approve).

At least it’s nice to see one of these horrible parties collapse.


wuh woh


Lmao wikipedia “early life” check


every single time



it never fails

theyve got their grubbo fingers in every fuckin pie

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

why is the voice so important. its the biggest virtue signal of all time, just an exercise in stating how much you think abos are great. it will do fuck all otherwise

honestly if u wanted to improve outcomes for abos and not just abos, everyone, youd get rid of the jobseeker network and replace it with an unemployment support system that actually works and helps people really find jobs. would be better than the voice at lest

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

I think it’s important as a distraction from how the country is basically being pillaged. There’s months of juice in this lemon. Then there will be another current thing.


true but even without a distraction no one would dare raise a voice agaisnt migration, people are ensared in an obvious mental matrix over this issue where they cant conceptualise any criticism to it or just believe it is an inviolable human right like voting, its even more of a human right to most people now than free speech


Albo needs something to talk about except the cost of living crisis he’s created and this makes him look righteous without committing him to helping more than a small number of race hustler elites. I think this slight of hand is still needed. Sort of like Sky News tricking dimwits into thinking they can fix things by voting for the Libs. It’s a sophisticated illusion and you have to keep working at it or it could collapse.


It is important for the Jews – it helps them re-write Australia’s history, casting legacy Australians into a bad light and disempowering the legitimacy of our narrative over one that they can control – like this stinking Lesser.


I think I just found the fed libs new leader
[if the voice gets up and dutton gets speared]


right the voice winning could finish dutton. at least they might be able to get someone in his place with a mug more electable


Except for the partisans on both sides no one seems to care. It will be decided by the meh vote.





everything blamed on scomo, as usual

but this was always the plan for andrews

bring in jimmies to the state to gerrymander federal elections, then force your ALP mate to bail you out


danny boy will get whatever he wants….

“nice triple A rating ya got there jim shame if anything happened to it”
or “hand it over chalmers or wear a state defaulting on its debt”

Last edited 1 year ago by emusplatt


white trash or aboriginal?

you never know in qld, seems to be the legacy whites there are the absolute bottom tier ones


couldnt think of a more fucking shit place to live than FNQ

bogan/abo central, absolutely no one interesting to talk to

horrible unforgiving weather

extreme isolation to anything or anywhere

gay annoying tourists

absolutely feral place

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

no i wouldn’t mind it

nice coastline and beaches nearby etc
european backpackers etc

certainly better to than inland NSW and victoria, which is absolutely squalid
particularly during el ninos when everything is parched af and you just want to die along with all the other living matter

not sure about the situation with the natives there though


inland nsw is at least closer to stuff and isnt unbearable year around (only in summer)


closer to what stuff


its also unbearable in winter because its fucking cold


lol it aint that cold, dubbo days in winter are like 20 degrees usually

night is kind of cold though but nothing that bad


the ocean and coastline beats everything that dubbo has to offer by a large margin

Aussie Soy Boy

Concerns of vigilantism is code for legacy whites going around with cricket bats looking for the boongs that stole their shit.




Now that’s a cracker.


dead site


robert got chatgpt to create alternate realities for all the cookers


I have one 4 U Rajan. U are smooth fellow.


I wouldn’t get too cocky I saw an 8 with a skinny asian the other day.


looks like the message at the top of the page has shifted again

nah, it’s fucking fucked mate



fix it.jpg


fucks fuck.jpg



Balmain Sydney 1972.

Balmain 1972.jpg

not bad, heard you could buy a terrace in inner city back then for peanuts


It’s unreal we took it all for granted. That was considered scummy lower class shit back then.


what was considered good


That was when inner city was considered shit and more distant suburbs with backyards was considered good.

I don’t know if it actually was shit or it was just snobbery. People being scared of heroin addicts or something.

Overall I don’t think there was much snobbery in Sydney because housing was affordable and pretty much everyone was happy. Maybe a bit of wogs vs aussies tensions but I don’t think that was ever very serious it was mostly about putting shit on each other for a laugh.


We will probably look back on the current day fondly

when you could actually own a car , shit post anonymously on internet forums, clean running water, and it was safe to walk down the street

things can get much, much worse than what they are now


I think this is pretty much it. Lots of doomers shilling armageddon but nothing much happens. It’s basically been like this since the 2000s in Sydney.


2004 or so was peak australia


I would say 20 years before then. I noticed a change in the mid-80s when Australia started becoming more like the US. It was no longer safe to leave anything laying around, cars vandalised, etc. I previously mentioned the bike helmet laws, greenslips, etc being our lawyers copying US lawyers.

It is not a coincidence that we politically shifted to Individualism. No sense of community. Every man for themselves.

the arborist

Yep. A good indication of that is the popularity of the 1987 movie ‘Wall Street’ and its famous quote of ‘greed is good’ being broadly parroted. That approximate time is when it became fashionable / acceptable / desirable for individuals to adopt the morals of a corporation.


1988 and the Bicentennial celebrations – from that point on white anting accelerated.

We’d never be able to as proudly and guiltfreely be allowed to celebrate something like that in the way we did without prostrating ourselves before indiginisim and begging for their forgiveness.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie
Agent 47

Late 80s to early 90s


Nothing to see here, just the Haazert publishing some truths that no other non-Jewish paper could ever publish without being called anti-Semite:

The Jewish people was always ethnocentric. It believes in the supremacy of its ethnic collective over other nations. This is a blatantly hierarchical conception, according to which the Jew is superior to the non-Jew. But throughout history, this was a supremacy that lacked the force of a state and an apparatus for wielding control over non-Jews.

but there is more:

Internally, by contrast, Jewish writings and conduct accorded with the self-perception of being a chosen people. In the 11th and 12th centuries C.E., Maimonides explained that this was based on what Jews saw as the supremacy of the Torah, their religion and way of life, while, on the other hand, Rabbi Yehuda Halevi believed that the collective possessed an existential-biological supremacy vis-à-vis other peoples. And in the late 18th century, Rabbi Shneur Zalman, the founder of the Chabad Hasidic dynasty, wrote in the “Tanya” about the Jewish soul being superior to the inferior soul of the rest of humanity.

…and more:

The emancipation, modernity and Jews’ integration into contemporary life created a new conception of the so-called Chosen People. This conception was translated into a universal-educational mission, rather than referencing the insular superiority of Orthodoxy. Instead of an isolated form of Judaism, passive in the face of the surrounding social environment, Hermann Cohen (1842-1918) and Franz Rosenzweig (1886-1929), and to certain extent also Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch (1808-1888), proposed an open, universal and egalitarian Judaism – messianism without a Jewish king-messiah, and without territory and rule over other peoples. The goal of the Jewish people, according to these scholars, was to extend the ideological boundaries of their religion to include all of humanity.

Nothing to see really, just one of the biggest Jewish newspapers talking about Jewish supremacy dominating the thoughts of their most important religious leaders, philosophers and intellectuals, talking about how they view themselves as superior to all other people and wish to work to have their consciousness extended to all of mankind.

So much for diversity.



There’s something about the middle east that turns people into arseholes.

Agent 47

Kanye West was cancelled for saying exactly this.

Meanwhile in Australia


they should declare abos to be one of the lost tribes of israel, then every jew will be eligble for the voice

fmd may as well bc the most advocacy im seeing for it on tv these days isnt from abos themselves but from gods chosen people

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal
Agent 47

Leibler, Pratt, Leeser, Burns, Dreyfus all main supporters.

It’s just anti white attack using Abos as a cultural battering ram.



nice post you got there.jpg


Agent 47

It’s worse than that. He basically deposed Rudd the first time.


no matter how much you try to appease them it will never be enough

their brazeness, ungratefulness and temerity is boundless

a blight onto all people’s of this world, european, arab or otherwise




Wow the real modern history of Australia.

The left have just made a play about Julia. The woman who stopped the mining tax. Lmao



He talks about not wanting to “assimilate”. All “assimilation” meant was just either mixing it with everyone if you wanted to, or keeping to yourself. As if there was Anglo-Celt death squads cruising around bashing people if they didn’t go to the pub and watch footy. What a faggot.


Kings X Sydney 1970

Kings X.jpg

Looks like a clear cut case of if no multi culti it won’t survive.


More to do with disruptive changes. The cinemas in nearly every suburb gradually disappeared when every household had a colour TV and soon after VCR as well. The street shopping disappeared when Westfields came along.

Last edited 1 year ago by Freddy
Aussie Soy Boy

A city doesn’t need curryhouses and kebab shops to be vibrant after all. White people can do just fine on their own.


I remember going to Grace Bros cafeteria and restaurant when I was a kid. Far more civilised than “food courts”.

I don’t mind a curry or a kebab but it’s all just fluff. Coffees are overrated af and aren’t much better than instant.

Get your Uber Eats because shekelcorp wants you working 12 hour days and there’s no time for cooking.

Absolute wank.


him and piggy look exactly the same

exact same facial phenotype

https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF01065540 <— phil rushton was right


Now I want to see what was said and deleted.

I don’t think Sharaz gets that if you censor one post, a hundred more will spring up in its place.


Now I want to see what was said and deleted.

I don’t think Sharaz gets that if you censor one post, a hundred more will spring up in its place.



comment image

His name is Coolio

he will get special constitutionally mandated powers once the voice passes


we bin spendin most our lives livin in a gangstuhs paradise

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

Boongs keeping Perf affordable. Based. I might vote for the voice then.

Aussie Soy Boy

I bet Hayne gets longer than that for ghosting some chick who probably has had 200 different cocks (don’t even know the background of the case and don’t want to spend the 2 minutes to find out I’m sure it’s all been blown way out of proportion).

Unbelievable that whatever Hayne did is far worse than inflicting brutal violence on defenceless pensioners in their fucking 90’s.

You have to be a true piece of shit to do that. Next level abo depravity. He’s not even a drug user too, so he’s just a complete psychopath.

Any civilised society would put them away for 30 years and give them hard labour, then stone them when they get out.



If you get your jabs you can look as healthy as her. She needs to wear that foundation shit so many “women” wear.


being a post wall roast is brutal


I’d say she’s been ugly her whole life.


Lmao at this cope

far higher social status than you and could easily get dicked down if she wanted to



>higher social status
so does gina reinhardt


I’m going to keep it real with you

Gina rinehart would have no trouble getting a man to fuck her

even if she was on the dole

it’s the black pill that all men need to swallow


ok basically coming is correct

rinehardt wouldnt even need to be a billionaire and that’d still be true

she’d get flooded with msgs from 25 year olds if she went on tinder (no joke)

for those interested the underpinning theory behind this phenomeon is juggernaut law



OMG what sort of infernal rabbit hole is this!


its hilarious

enjoy the rabbit hole


Some of the most autistic, highest IQ minds in human history have contributed to this literature


Yeah I know. I’ve seen guys literally go for 150kg ham beasts. A lot of guys can’t stand not having a mushy moot to lob their dick in. They think they’re gonna turn gay or something if they don’t I dunno.

The main point was that I wish the jab pusher would wear some foundation or something. Because she looks like a fuggin zombie. Meh.

How many hambeast fuckers would fight and die for them though?


Don’t know what you’re all so blackpilled about.

Not being discriminating with sexual partners is a male thing. Evolution doesn’t seem to know about STDs so it theoretically costs men nothing. Women have more to worry about so their instincts are a bit different.

It’s not even a dumpy woman thing, a dumpy man can get on Grindr if they want, won’t have any trouble.

The sex discussions here haven’t really progressed far past high school levels. Idk why you waste your time talking about it.


The sex discussions here haven’t really progressed far past high school levels.

The sex discussions between stagmal and myself are at PhD level

But I’m sure there are many expert lovers such as yourself, amongst the ezfka.com community

what do you consider sophisticated sex discussion?


The sex discussions between stagmal and myself are at PhD level

and yet you lazy bastards refuse to write up even a simple primer or introduction article on the topic for the rest of the ezfka crowd 🙁

Aussie Soy Boy

I’d definitely go gay before Rinehart, Chant, or any of the chubbies you are into. If it was a waxed twink you could at least pretend it’s a girl if the lights are dimmed, you’ve had enough to drink, and going at it from behind.


I’d definitely go gay before Rinehart, Chant, or any of the chubbies you are into. 

then i’ve got some bad news for you: you are already gay



lmao this guy (early life check him pls pretty sure he’s one of those) getting brutally ratio’d




really? spose it’s possible ….all manner of fkt up if true



Some sort of Arab. I wonder if that was a drug turf war.



Police will be stripped of their power to arrest drunk people in Victoria as part of a new law which some cops have called ‘insane’.

The controversial changes to public intoxication laws will come into effect on November 7, when the state gears up for Cup Day. 

Inebriated Victorians will either be taken home or to ‘sobering-up’ centres instead of police cells under the new system led by health professionals. 

The decision to abolish the laws was recommended by a panel set up by the state government after the death of Yorta Yorta woman, Tanya Day, in police custody in 2017.

Ms Day, who was 55, died after sustaining a serious head injury in a police cell.

In January, the Andrews government announced it would not give police any new powers to arrest people for being drunk in public once the existing offence is decriminalised in November. 

It is understood Victoria Police has sought independent legal advice over the pending changes


what’s controversial with this statement? asking as someone has been whinging….

“Ms Wong told Sky News that businesses needed to “diversify” to remain resilient.
…we must diversify our export markets, it’s an important part of national resilience.”

Last edited 1 year ago by emusplatt

We must retain our independence by becoming even more dependent on foreigners.


Ironic Boomer

All they’re doing is catching up on what was missed from covid.



lmao these cunts getting ratio’d every fuckin time


Twitter isn’t real life
it’s only incels who care about politics




A lot of people are still vax nazis because it’s hurting the “right” people, ie young active alpha males. You can still get jabs if you want and I hope it kills them.


Neither did white people.

Bit risky fingering moots these days. You have to go to Guzmans before you finger the moot.


You’d better stay away from the moot, maybe you and Aussie Soyboy can share one of those shaved twinks


You just have to go to Guzmans to show what a worldly and progressive person you are. Then you can finger the moot.

Aussie Soy Boy

The streets are safer tonight with Hayne behind bars LOL.


I feel sorry for him but who knows he might be doing the woke + 50 investment properties thing if he was free. So it might be a case of petard hoisted.



Who would want to be a chad in 2023

i believe sex robots would destroy that global economy tbh

because everything else would become worthless if you had a virtual reality sex slave

why bother to get a fancy house or sports car or go to nightclubs if you have free willing pussy at home

Aussie Soy Boy

Common assault is far worse than rape. I’m not talking violent rape, but all this he said she said he put it in while I was half asleep crap.


all but perpetual debt…



Thousands of newly arrived Indian students are using loopholes in the visa system to abandon their courses at established universities to enrol at cheaper private colleges, stoking fears of widespread rorting of the temporary migration scheme.

Universities are reporting sharp increases in the number of Indian students who either arrive in Australia but never step foot in their institution or abandon their course shortly after. One university says around 500 of its expected 1200 new enrolments from India for semester two last year either didn’t front up or jumped ship in the first six months.

If nearly half the students are depriving criminal universities of their cut of the loot, the EZFKA solution will be to double the intake.




banana man

can someone start a new thread?
Cocky Macroeconomists Thrust Shit New Version of Website Up – Everyone Defects to EZFKA?


i just had a look… looks like a sweet rose wine technicolor yawn


Wew I can read the comments now. Must be getting desperate or taken advice from Rupey(get the maccas working curries in $2m debt and with 5 properties) Murdoch. Based.

Ironic Boomer

Ha mortgage business really do seem clueless on a lot of things.


That’s not an Ezfka person, thats a legacy Ezfka person humiliating themselves before going extinct.

Legacies are the equivalent of Windows 95 with no firewall and tons of viruses.


We need a final solution to the Fat Menace. Too many Landbeasts creating visual pollution.


Ezfkas eyeing investment caves


500 days and she didn’t want to come out.


bruh who are you


What do you mean? I’m just another ex MB loser.



this place is dead lately


Needs more poos


I reckon the net has been dead for a while.
Dead Internet Theory


chill out bro it’s school holidays/Easter/Anzac

The units with jobs and children are pondering the futility of their lives


They need more cheap mick schools.

The legacy Australian is super proud if they send their kids to mick school and the kid gets a job. Any job.


Based poos buying up all the houses in shitty hot as fuck suburbs with no aircon and Guzmans yet. Guzman indicator would probably be quite useful actually.



adolf hitler was the personification of baesd, his body ran on basefuel rather than water and oxygen

him on retard pagan larpers at the time:

“The characteristic thing about these people [modern-day followers of the early Germanic religion] is that they rave about the old Germanic heroism, about dim prehistory, stone axes, spear and shield, but in reality are the greatest cowards that can be imagined. For the same people who brandish scholarly imitations of old German tin swords, and wear a dressed bearskin with bull’s horns over their heads, preach for the present nothing but struggle with spiritual weapons, and run away as fast as they can from every Communist blackjack.”


Another gift from Australia’s favourite senator

Clown Down Under https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/14.0.0/svg/1f921.svg on Twitter: “Senator Lidia Thorpe was out of control https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/14.0.0/svg/1f921.svg https://t.co/nmpfdhIdCx” / Twitter


This site is out of control blocking my posts. Another gift from our favourite senator.



>small penis
you’d need an elephants dong to satisfy that slag