Indians demand bailout over Porter Davis collapse

Another day in the smash and grab economic zone, another group with their hands out:

“Father of two Anil Vemula dreams of living in a house his family loves, but that has never seemed further away after the collapse of home builder Porter Davis.

Mr Vemula says he made sacrifices for three years to save up a deposit of $33,000 for a home in Tarneit in Melbourne’s west but has no idea if he’ll ever see that money again.

“We don’t know what to do now,” Mr Vemula said as he choked back tears outside Victoria’s Parliament on Sunday.

“We need help. We need our deposits back.”

Mr Vemula and dozens of other customers staged a protest on Sunday describing how their lives have been upended since the company went into liquidation last month, affecting about 1700 builds in Victoria and Queensland.

Protest organiser Mike Tarno estimates 800 families have lost on average between $30,000 to $50,000 and said many were left without insurance.

He is calling on the state government to set up a fund to support those families in the upcoming May budget and he wants better building regulations.

Many say they need financial and legal assistance to help them navigate their next steps, get their deposits back and gain access to plans.

“A lot of us are afraid to build now. It’s just not safe to build in Victoria,” Mr Tarno said.

Father Magan Sarna uses a wheelchair after being diagnosed with an auto-immune condition in 2020 and planned to build a two-bedroom Porter Davis home as motivation to keep up with his recovery.

The shift worker says it’s now painful for him to work so he is concerned about how his family will be able to save another deposit.

“Interest rates have gone so high, everything’s so expensive and it’s almost impossible to start saving again,” he said.”

Oh no, I took an economic risk in another country that didn’t work out. Please Australian middle-class, compensate me!

I mean fuck, we couldn’t find a white family that was also affected by this and the daily occurrences of builders going under now, and from the photos it looks like the protest was mainly imports, it’s Taj-neit after all.

Building apocalypse was baked in when they allowed companies to trade while insolvent during COVID, so this was always on the cards.

Considering Dan has had to pause infrastructure projects like the airport rail and looks like he got rebuffed when going cap in hand again to the Chinese recently, it’s unlikely they’ll get anything. Then again, never rule it out on some diversity grounds. My take is that they’ll let some of the smaller and mid-tier builders continue to go under, but if someone like Meriton is in trouble then it’s money printer go brr and CFMEU stand overs may continue unabated.

Also, cue shared home equity.

Anyways, in my opinion socialise the losses has become endemic in the economic zone now, so much so that everything is pretty much dysfunctional.

It would actually work out cheaper for Australia to build high rises in India to house these people instead of bringing them here (if you can get past one of the most protectionist and backwards countries to do business with in the world) but that would mean no profits mate TM and no cheap labour in the economic zone and GDP line would go down, not up.

Anyways, sob stories are accelerating noticeably. They’re also now migrants on temporary visas demanding NDIS access on the ABC while the ALP is spruiking strengthening Medicare. Taking in the world’s disabled people is the right thing to do, of course.

It’s going to be morbidly hilarious when Labor are the ones that destroy our ‘world class Medicare system” that’s already breaking, when it’s crush loaded with the third world and it becomes USA 2.0 (that appears to be the plan). The NDIS is already larger than our military budget and given the amount of kvetching over Pauline Hanson’s cartoon last week, a far larger problem.

Surf the Kali Yuga!

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seems like they have learned how the system works from the natives pretty quickly. moral hazard is the name of the game these days and nobody will ever be made to pay for the consequences of their stupid decisions

A fly in your ointment

When the nation all the ezfka units make the same stupid decision, is it a stupid decision or just a savvy investor decision?
It is a religion of this pond to invest in RE…


The article needlessly points at Gunga Dins because they have balls in comparison to convicts thus protest when they are being royally federally fückëd (convicts usually comply and offer to bend over and assist in applying vaseline – because 《it’s the rooit thing to do, mooyte!》 ).


The new MB layout is shit my god


Starting to look like the format.


They managed to somehow make the comments even worse.

completely buried what remained of the value drivers. Seems like the final zag before the end…

Last edited 1 year ago by Peachy
Aussie Soy Boy

I took a look on my phone and like the new format, but then clicked on an article and they wanted $19 per month lol. So it’s all pointless having a new format if you charge $19 per month to read it.

A fly in your ointment

What’s “MB”???

Ironic Boomer

Mortgage business.


I will take an alternative view as someone who has been keeping an eye on the market. First some anecdotes:
1) Older style apartments and houses that don’t need renovations are selling like hot cakes. These things are selling at and sometimes well over the prices they were at when interest rates were zero percent.
2) Everything else including high rise apartments, or the old knock down houses which uses to sell like hot cakes, are not selling at all.

No doubt prices exacerbated by immigration. But the point I want to make is we have a two-tier property market based on the confidence in the building sector. Locals haven’t wanted a bar of owning a highrise apartments since Opal Towers, and now don’t want a bar of relying on builder. Builders don’t want a bar of gambling on the price of land and the price of labour and materials.

It is a privitisation catastrophe. A genuine market failure that governments exist in the first place to resolve:

  • Fix the fucken sunset clause nonsense
  • Fix the fucken private certifier nonsense
  • When some cunt decides to use rebar that is half the strength s specified by the engineer as per Opal Towers then start putting cunts in prison and strip their entire family wealth including the money siphoned off into family trusts
  • All building materials tested and certified in Australia. None of this fucking dodgy crap from o/s which has an “Australian Certified” stamp but never actually tested because you know “red tape”.
  • Fix the bs variation clauses which allows builders to deliver something different to what was purchased off the plan.

Once buyers and insurers have confidence in what is being built it becomes possible to safely leave a deposit, and insure the outcome.


It’s so easy to agree with you Freddy, and I love doing so. Also 4 extra points for 2xC-bomb and 2xF-bomb! 😀

it’s absolutely the case that incentives (and disincentives) drive behaviour. Start putting cunts in jail and strip all associated wealth – and behaviour will change.

If I were fixing shit, id also put an end to all the bullshit $1 SPVs in the industry and require multiple (maybe all) projects to all be housed in one company over years and decades. Equity funding of said company to be suitable to the task. Skin in the game.

Last edited 1 year ago by Peachy

put an end to all the bullshit $1 SPVs

That is a tough one. Even a good builder can end up bankrupt without that financial structure. Don’t want to totally discourage them and end up with a Meriton monopoly. Just want to discourage the dodgy builders who intentionally cut corners.


That is a tough one. Even a good builder can end up bankrupt without that financial structure. Don’t want to totally discourage them and end up with a Meriton monopoly. Just want to discourage the dodgy builders who intentionally cut corners.

maybe there’s a middle ground somewhere between multi-decade liability and $1 liability 😌


I see the same as your anecdotes. But even for (2), that stuff is moving near me, but not the best values. There is not much for sale near me and it is all selling. Mass immigration has saved the property market and the MSM is trying to spin otherwise.


I should not have said not selling at all. They are primarily the only ones falling in prices. But if you look at all the properties that have been on the market for many months then close to 100% of them fit that description.

I also noticed the same highrises appearing as “newly listed” on a weekly basis. The agents are gaming that as well to hide the fact these properties have been on market for many months.


All those rules and red tape don’t sound like they are going to make housing cheaper

friendly jordies discusses the housing crisis
immigration doesn’t get mentioned once lmao


We discussed this a couple years ago on this site. Let’s go on the basis that EZFKA units pay what they can afford as determined by the banks. For example, if at the margins where price is determined, the highest bidder can only afford to pay $1m.

That is $1m for the land, building, etc. Now let’s compare two builders, one builds top notch quality house, the second dodgy builder out there to maximise profits using cheap materials, cheap labor, cutting corners, etc. The natural evolution of this is the dodgy builders can afford to pay a higher price for the land and still make a profit. The top quality builders either adapt and do the same or go out of business. We end up where we are now where with systemically poor build quality and higher land values.

If that process is forcibly reversed by regulation, then the building still costs $1m but we end up with cheaper land prices and better building quality. Dare I say the negative gearers will be happy they can claim a higher depreciation cost.

Last edited 1 year ago by Freddy

We end up where we are now where with systemically poor build quality and higher land values.

If that process is forcibly reversed by regulation, then the building still costs $1m but we end up with cheaper land prices and better building quality

exactly right. If properly conceived and executed, the entire adjustment can be pushed onto land prices.

this would be a major free lunch for consumers (qua consumers) who would get much more housing for the same money and also a big win for the trades (and materials suppliers) who would have a part of a bigger build budget.


Lol wot

no it won’t

it will just be smaller places with more Jimmies per room

youre right we’ve had this discussion before


Oh yeah that discussion where you tell the world how awful “legacy” Australians are. The one you repeat over and over and over again.


I thought he was doing better than that and owned his house. 258k views.
Their own party just saved the scum he was complaining about and then some.
What a bunch of insipid gutless turds.


“…Builders don’t want a bar of gambling on the price of land and the price of labour and materials…”

I’m guessing that WA has lost 30% of its recognised builders and finishing trade firms as of today.
And the number of small builders, regional small builders signing fixed term construction contracts would be zero

ps: Apparently china didn’t get onto the global re-bar standard ’til 2014 thereabouts….lucky they never made any re-bar before that eh?

Last edited 1 year ago by emusplatt

There are many YT videos of brittle rebar snapping when tapped against concrete. Since they are never tested here we will only ever learn the hard way.

Before Covid there was the chinese electrical wiring fiasco where the insulation cracked after a few months and buildings were catching on fire.

I know some builders who have worked on these highrises and I hear all sorts of crazy shit. Cheap floorboards imported from South America that warped within a few days and the entire building needed to be redone.


not to mention railway iron … john holland have stories about that…karara , mt gibson contracts

totally unweldable .scrapped the lot . some 80 odd kilometres


will take an alternative view as someone who has been keeping an eye on the market. First some anecdotes:

1) Older style apartments and houses that don’t need renovations are selling like hot cakes. These things are selling at and sometimes well over the prices they were at when interest rates were zero percent.

2) Everything else including high rise apartments, or the old knock down houses which uses to sell like hot cakes, are not selling at all.

No doubt prices exacerbated by immigration. But the point I want to make is we have a two-tier property market based on the confidence in the building sector.

I forgot to add some of my feels. Feels a bit like a bull-trap.

prices have stabilised or ticked up, but the fact is that current settings are not enough to zoom prices. (Need lower rates or shared-equity at scale or materially longer amortisation periods smthg else for that). I think the higher rates will strangulate over time


Opening immigrant floodgates feels like a desperate (at any social cost) attempt to keep property prices elevated and crush wages, in the hopes of lowering rates and avoiding forced sales.

Credit where it is due our govt makes Charles Ponzi and Bernie Madoff look like amateurs. The fact that Australia is still a safe haven for criminal money after more than a decade of pleas from AML organisations speaks volumes.


Opening immigrant floodgates feels like a desperate (at any social cost) attempt to keep property prices elevated and crush wages, in the hopes of lowering rates and avoiding forced sales.

we are 105% on the same wavelength.

but even with the floodgates being open, I don’t think it’s enough to zoom prices. Given that immigration pinches wages, it’s a play to support property through improving yields, but yields would have to improve a lot in order for this to actually drive prices.

Yields on resi are hardly going to hit 8% off current price levels, are they?
that’s too dystopian even for me to contemplate seriously.

Last edited 1 year ago by Peachy

A 10% per annum increase in rents is a 2% contribution to inflation. It’s massive. Even if immigration rates stay constant (very high), the pressure on rents will increase. The RBA cannot ignore it. If interest rates don’t keep rising, something else big will have to give. APRA getting rid of most restrictions on lending? RBA independence? Routine overriding of local council planning decisions by state governments? Abolition of local licensing and visa restrictions for foreign certified builders? NZ is starting to look like the end game for the Australian model: a welfare system that cannot act as a safety net in the face of low productivity, low wages and high housing costs. NZers can come here. We have nowhere to run. At least not those without foreign passports, which is admittedly less than 50% of the population.


Another thing Jordies didn’t mention. Even though his favourite journalist Michael West covered it in the last week or two.


Don’t forget the buildings that had cladding issues. There were a number of them, much lower profile than the Opel Towers.


can’t find the link…someone posited that there were 2000 affected deathtraps in Melbourne alone …. [iirc]


Her dating a biker makes more sense now.


Imagine if Dutton said a woman had a gaping vagina

but penis shaming is still acceptable


Or compare with reaction to Latham describing shit on poofters dicks

Aussie Soy Boy

She’s a boong she can say what she likes.


Just as The Voice will say what it likes


Mass immigration will destroy the welfare system and will likely happen in Labor’s second term. The health system is already collapsing, Covid was the mild stress that tipped it over. Pension system will be reformed ie higher age to receive it. Unless you are well off, like will start to look like that in developing countries for ordinary citizens.


Not sure why so much hate on the Indians here.

is it their fault that they didn’t conduct detailed financial due diligence on Porker Davis before engaging them to stack some bricks and nail some planks together?

seems to me that at least they are smart enough to protest, unlike the ezfka legate s who will just roll over and take it.

banana man

I actually really like the Sikh’s. They are generally really friendly and don’t look down on others from my experience. I appreciate the fact that they broke away from normal non violent hindus when they were getting thier asses kicked by the Moors and started to fight back.


Can someone explain the different types of Indians ?

brahmins are the top ones right ?

we mainly get the untouchables I’m guessing

Aussie Soy Boy

We get the one’s whose parents look like fucking gypsy fortune tellers with the ring through the nose and shit.


Taxonomically speaking there’s two main genera:
-Madarchod (मादरचोद) and
-Bhenchod (बहनचोद).

The overall prevalence of consanguineous marriage was 9.9%; the South region (23%) and North-East region (3.1%) showed the highest and lowest prevalences, respectively. Muslims had a higher prevalence (15%) than Hindus (9%).


Bhenchod – lol.

My bro told me to use that one the next time one calls me trying to get me a better rate on my gas.



Was just thinking, with those percentages of consanguinity how many generations does it take before they’re all one big happy fucking family.


The midwit progressives “whites” who call White People Inbred have no idea of the difference between homogenized and consanguinity.

This is one of the most stunning examples of the latter:

“Danish Saleheen stunned the audience with his story of building the world’s largest cohort of human knockouts in Pakistan, which is the world’s 5th most populous country with highest level of consanguinity ever known.”

If they were to carry out this study in the West, say a fairly healthy homogenized population of Swedes then they would have to have sampled nearly 11 million individuals, huge, huge numbers for a study.

But if you have a cultural preference with marrying your 1st cousin or an even more familial Bhenchod, the incidence of these knock out genes sky rockets. In Pakistan 40% of all children born are the product of first cousins.

So while a study carried out in the West would need a sample of 11 million individuals, only 14 thousand individuals were enough to identify the function of 5000 knock out genes in Pakistan.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

The study, which scoured the genomes of more than 3200 British-Pakistanis, has found hundreds of genes that we can apparently live without…

I guess you can live without those genes if you don’t mind physical, mental and moral degeneracy.

Ironic Boomer

23% consanguineous. Wow lol. But just think of the diversity … oh wait … I guess diversity is not diverse enough.


I despise their cuisine but like the people.


Their food is over-spiced slop that covers up rotting meat smell. They have an aversion to refrigeration, deodorant and indoor toilets. They wipe with left and eat with right hand.

Aussie Soy Boy

I don’t buy their curries anymore. It’s like $20 for one container and it’s all sauce and half a dozen small pieces of diced meat. The sauce is tasty, but not worth it I’d rather one of those DIY kits and load up with meat.


yeah when i noticed this i stopped buying it. you barely get any meat with any of those meals. word to the wise too all chinese/in dian restaurants use the exact same suppliers, the sauce is bought in bulk pre made containers and they just cook a tiny bit of meat then pour it over.

Aussie Soy Boy

I know pubs do it that’s why every chicken parma tastes the same everywhere you go, same amount of salt and preservatives that makes me think I should have got a McDonald’s, but stupid me thinking the curry munchers would actually cook different batches of master sauces themselves.


I dislike or feel resentful towards Indians as a social group for the following reasons:

They have been the population group most heavily relied upon by our elites to hold down knowledge worker wages in Australia for the past 15 years;Essentially they are social scabs – societal imports used to disempower Australian workers and ensure any wage growth in knowledge industries is crushed;They are highly endogamous, both socially in terms of marriage and in regards to work relationships – look after your fellow Indian;This extends across to their group buying of real estate in order to get ahead;They are heavy users of our existing welfare system, especially in terms of importing their dependent parents;Through diversity quotas they are starting to dominate elements of our social narrative, and being from a background acutely aware of caste and status, use it to their full advantage;Finally, they are cultural narcissists – they have moved to a foreign nation and rather than seeking to assimilate they seek to maintain their cultural distinctiveness.
Nothing highlights that last point better than their absolute refusal to anglises their names or the names of their children – virtually every other ethnic group to Australia (other than the equally odious Lebanese) at least made that slightest of efforts or concessions.

If you want to name your kid Prita Venkatanarasimharajuvaripeta Schedorhinotermes, then at least start out with Peta and save the rest of the alphabet for middle names.

Their food is tasty but overpriced. The best that India has to offer can be imported on a spice rack, we don’t need 300,000 a year to make Australia better.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

We put on an Indian in our factory, no one could say his first name, so the other workers started calling him’Robbie’. Now everyone calls him ‘Robbie’ and he only answers to ‘Robbie’ at work.
The next Indian to start got called ‘Toni’ now he uses it for everything.


The in group preference is strong isn’t it.

As soon as an Indian manager is recruited into a team, almost all subsequent hires will be Indian.

They’re only marginally better than Chinese IMO at integration


Hoody become a member!

We put on an Indian in our factory, no one could say his first name, so the other workers started calling him’Robbie’.

That sort of social pressure would have all your employees put on diversity and inclusivity training in the Financial Services Industry – and the Indians I encounter know it.

Most as individual coworkers are pleasant enough. But as 90k notes above, their in group preferencing is high. Once they are inside an organisation be it Government or Private they immediately begin putting on other Indians. From there they can gain policy power, and from there Indianify the narrative.

As the primary beneficiaries of diversity, especially the Brahman classes who are often already gifted with the privileges of higher IQs than median whites, they use it to their full advantage. After millennia of caste politics they are brilliant race hussellers.

If their immigration was done at a slower and more moderate rate, under the auspices of Assimilation & Integration, then I would think that the majority would be good citizens.

But under MultiCult we’re importing an increasingly powerful, arrogant and ethnically narcassistic population group who are more interested in preserving their own identity than taking on our own.


Correct on all counts.

This is why I keep saying noore than 10% of the immigration intake should come from any one country. I can’t find the statistic but I thought it was something like 50% of the NOM was from India and China alone in 2019FY.

A fly in your ointment

seems to me that at least they are smart enough to protest, unlike the ezfka legate s who will just roll over and take it.

You beat me to it, I replied the same above then saw your response as I scrolled.

Why hate Gunga Dins?
It’s the soup-de-jour of every day for some.


The singapore chinese say if you see an Indian and a snake, you kill the Indian. The EZFKA crew opposed to latter day treachery are now hopelessly outnumbered. It’s over. The best you can do is ride the wave and protect your family. The Indians who are here stick together to promote their shared interests. It will help them a little until they accumulate enough property wealth, at that point they won’t have the same shared interests. They will be indistinguishable from other EZFKA units. That is what the EZFKA is supposed to do.


Riddle me this. If an Indian manager in Australia mainly hires other indians is it considered racist?


Few leftists are principled. They ape those who have principles as part of their recruitment effort while accruing strength for the revolution. When the revolution happens all the people with principles discover what they have always been: useful idiots (Lenin’s words). The entire purpose of “leftists” in Australia is the complete demolition of Anglo Australia so that “they” can take control. Thus if Indians looking after their own were threatening leftism, then they would be racist. While their presence destabilises Anglo Australia, any criticism of them is racism. However, with Anglo Australia already below 50% of the population and falling, it’s almost mission complete for leftists. They aren’t very bright though, so they continue to deploy obsolete rhetoric. It still works a bit because enough other dumb leftists retain some power.


Yeah, I reckon there’ll be a bailout of some sort. Something small but like Timbo said, probably some sort of shared equity scheme just for these people. They are a key voting bloc aren’t they?

Yes, Victoria is going bankrupt, but for special interest groups, there is always plenty in the cupboard. I am surprised that some infrastructure projects are on hold. I would have thought it was full steam ahead to ensure Dictator Dan gets his plumb John Holland appointment just before the state declares bankruptcy.


I find it morbidly interesting that Vic is going bankrupt …TBTF surely…

Or will Vic govt default? An Argentinian reckoning cometh if they do


Good article. Explores the themes of devaluation of currency in general and of wage earnings in particular against housing.

this is unusual, compared to the general level of analysis which is “der price go up!”

stops short of asking the “cui bono” and “where does the money go” questions, though. But then it’s a rather lengthy piece already


He was smart to not ask questions that would ruffle the normies, though, while still writing a fairly provocative article (for the abc).


“FBI documents associate internet slang like ‘based’ and ‘red pill’ with ‘extremism’”

Part of the document refers specifically to “incels,” or those “involuntary celibate,” whom the “threat overview” describes as possibly seeking to “commit violence in support of their beliefs that society unjustly denies them sexual or romantic attention, to which they believe they are entitled.”

Aussie Soy Boy

Only chads here brah



Screen Shot 2023-01-09 at 20.27.43.png

Earnings this week.


Screen Shot 2023-04-17 at 12.09.00.png

I don’t get this one. Anyone explain?


lol. @Peachy they’re all characters in memes expressing some type of uh oh or wtf type energy.

Aussie Soy Boy

They guy took three years to save up a $33k deposit. I’m assuming it’s 5% down because is it possible to buy brand new builds with 10% down for $330k. There are those 2 bedroom places on tiny blocks that may as well be units, but I couldn’t imagine it’s possible to buy land and build with the cost increases since COVID.

For a $660k property with $34k LMI property repayments are $915 per week (6% interest rate)

Even a loan of $297k it’s $411 per week. By the time you whack on all the costs of owning a property, needing a safety buffer, it’s more than he’d pay renting and he could only save $11k per year renting.


When will ICAC announce her as guilty already


No wonder young people are are so politically worthless. Imagine having parents that actually believe in climate change. I should be more grateful for my 2gb boomer parents.


Aussie Millennials are the shittest generation so far.
They’ll end up with no pension, no healthcare and a third world standard of living and they voted for it.
The anal dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed, so bend over younguns – you deserve it.


If only they voted for the Libs, things would have been different


Yeah I can’t go past hating them the most.
Boomers are mostly about self interest.
Gen X will say well everyone is retarded so who cares.

I think zoomers have a bigger picture going on seeing as they were born into it. Maybe they see Australia like how the US was before they pushed west. Regardless they seem pretty happy in my experience.


Do you guys really believe 99% of the Boomers, Millennials etc actually have any influence over what happens in this country past the minutia of superannuation tax rorts or whether The Voice gets up?

Every Labor campaign is 50% based on saving Medicare or whatever. Labor voters didn’t vote to mass immigrate Medicare into non-existence.

The real question is whether Albo has the power to change anything or whether he gets his own marching orders.


>actually have any influence
They could but they never even talk about it, not even the first step, where as the “alt right” has been talking about it for literally years, since trump and before

They will march for trannies though and to vilify the fuck out of anyone “nazi” like terfs.


The only influence the alt-right has had is getting the swastika banned in Victoria.


They fought against and did a lot of damage to jabbies. They got Trump in. Hardly a potent force but could be powerful if somehow a decent politcal party that wasn’t too uninclusive occurred.


lol at the Abo flag photo

Last edited 1 year ago by Freddy

will be interesting to see how Dan survive the next 3 years

can see him pulling a Jabcinda and bailing early to take up a WEF or Chinese role


Major Victorian infrastructure projects, the public service and community health funding will be slashed in a state budget one government source says will be unlike any other the Labor government has delivered

nothing 150,000 immigrants won’t fix.

Aussie Soy Boy

This seems about right.

Yes, let me tell you something

Australians are the most stupidest humans alive 

and they have a lot of money for no reason 

alot of money and no sense at all


Nailed it

the poor white trash of Asia


So poor yet a target for hackers

Logic does evade you doesn’t it


They’re mutually exclusive now ?


There it is! Shithead.


Someone tell this Rooskie about the 17% interest rates the Boomers endured


>no reason
Well thankfully our mining/ag isn’t entirely owned by oligarchs, you can get a piece of it via the stock market or via jobs


yeah so i got mugged by an abo with a pair of garden clippers last night

no joke

he took my car keys before i managed to slip his grip and ran away

he walked up to me from behind and grabbed me and put his foot on my foot

what the fuck is happening in this country


Sorry to hear that. What happens if you fight back do you get a whole gang after you?


not worth trying to find out

Aussie Soy Boy

You are in real deal boongtown bloke.

Did you bother to report it to the cops? Is there any point?


That sucks. Hope you have some spare keys somewhere.

I hate living around wealthy boomers, but the upside is they only mug you via policy and with their narcissistic entitlement.


This is what I don’t get

I have lived in urban areas my whole life but even I have been first hand witness to aboriginal violence and criminality multiple times, and a victim once

Surely most other Australians have too right ?

so how do they get away with having this aura of nobility and victimhood ?

it’s bizarre that people are so vulnerable to gas lighting


They are useful to Jews in the same way blacks are useful to Jews in the US.

They are an increasingly urban population that can be relied to protest like a bunch of Pavlov Dogs when the likes of Mark Leibler rings their bell.

They also still having a sufficiently large and significantly under privileged remote rural base that they can be wheeled out on TV specials. Mainly to pluck at the heart strings of bleeding heart city dwelling liberals whose only experience of an indigenous Australian is having some fat, possum skin wearing boong come and dance around in their undies for them while they were at their private school.


Boomers on one end, getting rich for being rubes, participation trophy generation on the other. Softened up for the kill.

I’ve never seen boong violence I’ve only seen one or two asking for money when I go to the city. Even then it’d be say 1 in 20 times. I’d say most Australians have barely seen them irl.


Was probably just a tradie from Jim’s Gardening who got lost on his way to a pruning job


The teen admitted to taunting the officer, but claims the adult should have known better.

‘I did provoke it a bit, but in the end he’s a police officer and he’s supposed to be the bigger person in situations,’ the teen told 7News.

and the punchline (of course):

‘I feel as though he has targeted me because of my colour, because of the colour of my skin.’



Ironic Boomer

Labrels should just build diversity unit towers in India. Those diversity units can study at EZFKA institutions in online mode. They can deliver food to one another and side hussle by selling recipes online. Then at least part of that can be counted as an export and added to gdp, so gdp number nominally go up.


In every business deal I had with Indians I’ve been scammed,

Scamming is the only way to survive in a corruption culture,

Accepting expressions of interest for my house sale at the moment,

When a Puneet enquires about the house price ,I add 100K just to avoid dealing with them

A fly in your ointment

a sound business decision nevertheless, eh?




This Indian workmate had the worst BO. I requested to be moved to another desk. Manager instead asked the Indian bloke to use anti-perspirant. This could have very easily backfired with me being reprimanded for racism or bullying. It is fucked up. On the other end of the spectrum some Indian blokes drown themselves in aftershave.

Other issue I had which could have also backfired. We are supposed to be a collaborative team discussing work-related issues in the open so anyone in the team can overhear an assist. A few of the Indians started discussing work issues in their native tongue. Pissed me right off and I put a stop to it.

Last edited 1 year ago by Freddy

Yeah speaking a language other than English is a no no for sure in any workplace setting I reckon

Many cultures do this to be fair


dis true???? NSW apparently

“I just ran my house through the land tax calculator. If it was being rented then the INCREASE in land tax ALONE would have added $300 per WEEK to landlord costs, which is additional to increased mortgage payments.
No wonder that landlords are either dramatically increasing rents or nailing out!
Why is no- one discussing the impact of land tax increases? This is an increase which goes straight to the state govt – I’m sure they don’t want to mention it but someone should!”


It would be. I spoke to my auntie yesterday and the land tax she is paying on her beach house in Kiama has doubled.






Occasionally thought about the possibility of auto-fellacio but always ended up short…. probably for the best.

That said, the purpose or point of this meme, apart from raising the possibility of a particularly dexterous wank, eludes me.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

In the 80s people hadn’t yet learned how to suck themselves off.

A fly in your ointment

utter nonsense, your sexual education is obviously deficient. No wonder, everything comes here several decades later (or tol late)

DuckDuckGo (serach) whom Ron Jeremy is, then connect the false claim you made to him.


I had no idea. I’m well aware of Ron. Plus a girl called Tracy.

A fly in your ointment

Some things cannot be unseen… careful there with Ron.


I remember we didnt even have dicks in the 80s




People becoming more self-absorbed?


Big mistake going to Bali – bush asians not ever


The “Plumbers Smile” on guy to her left?


interesting thats what you noticed




Typical ezfka female.



Unironically this is why my money’s on the US when it comes to BRICS vs the West.


Pleze explane


Because America offers you the freedom to be a fat cunt and not give a shit. China has a 996 work you to death “culture”. Iran is a literal mediavel religious dictatorship. South Africa is a corrupt nigger dictatorship. Brazil is overpopulated, dysfunctional and skanky. Russia is run by a sadistic mafia.


Being degenerate is actually good for empires folx


Most people aren’t degenerate. Congrats on your attempt at satire by misspelling, implying I can’t spell.

It also doesn’t matter how hard you can work when you can’t even feed yourselves. Ie China.

You can be the biggest pig fucker in the world but if you got the pigs that trumps the most brilliant of stem scientists who you can starve.

Typical leftist, no capacity for lateral thinking.


Yeah the Chinese will definitely starve despite having a massive border with their mate Russia (C and R in the BRICS respectively) which exports the most wheat of any country.

The dumbness of America stans is only topped by their subspecies of Ukraine stans.


I don’t even know why you bother arguing with your intellectual superiors like myself. I feel embarrassed for you.


This guy is to the collapse of China what MB is to the collapse of Aussie housing.

For someone trying to satirise dumbfuck Aussies you really come off as one yourself with your basic bitch opinions.


Throw this in.

Doomers are still wrong. How long do you have to be wrong before you look for a more balanced argument? It’s a sad fact of life but sometimes the basic bitches are right, like any random legacy Australian fuckwit on housing.

Soy boy.


The more of your posts I see the more I start to think you might actually have a brain injury. You’re lashing out at doomers while linking doomers?

China doom shit has just as long of a history as housing doom shit and has been wrong for decades now. MB is balls deep in both camps.

Unlike every Western country, China actually got something for its debt growth. Their infrastructure is great, they’ve built their productive capacity massively. We took on massive debt and gave it all to the Boomers to use on Rhine cruises.


This isnt directed at anyone. Just dropping it into this slapfight.

lil bitch.jpg

Unlike every Western country, China actually got something for its debt growth. Their infrastructure is great, they’ve built their productive capacity massively. We took on massive debt and gave it all to the Boomers to use on Rhine cruises.


but also China was “lucky” due to its shithouse starting circumstances.

you can be pretty confident that the next generation of Chinese will get busy gearing up in order to hand the money to their equivalent of the boomers.


China at least will be able to pay for its food, the real problem is Africa, the entire continent, imports 90% of food from abroad. Ukraine, alone, produces half of all the grains Africa grown last year, combined.

It receives, per year, over 50 bln dollars in foreign aid. People really have no conception of the problem which is why pursuing moralistic like foreign aid doesn’t work it just makes the dependence and the future problem bigger – at least China’s population is now declining.

What are we going to do when the system collapses and hundreds of millions of Africans start to starve… if the US wins in the Ukraine guess who Blackrock are going to fill it up with?

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie



Today’s typical Ezfka male.


looks like egg man

Ironic Boomer

I like what she did with her fringe.


I think it’s a man made up to look like a woman.

Ironic Boomer

Bigot. I’m reporting you to ardern.


Quiche, not really meat, not really vege, clever call imo


Looking forward to see what the Libs unveil once they get to the next stage after talking about talking about the cost of living.


Sick of these “cost of living” skanks. That guy who had to sell the Lexus is most likely representative of most of them.

Agent 47

Fat bitch Liz strikes again

Ironic Boomer

Great to see they rolled her in as an expert on rapid growth.


The absolute bile legacy Australians have for each other, it’s like something out of a dystopian sci fi horror movie.


Allen sees herself as one of the chief den mothers of the Australian longhouse.

Fat, neurotic over empathetic cuts like her ran early European farming communities. There was zero progress in that civilisation for nearly 10,000 years until the Aryan expansion 4,000 years ago that wiped out the entire Beta male linage out within the space of a few hundred years.
‘women like her were either slaughtered or turned into breeding sows, while they set about building the the sort of patriarchal societies that has lead to all the benefits we enjoy today.

I personally think in a couple hundred years the dominant religion in Australia will probably be Muslim, as any other population group that allows the values spread by human dumplings like Allen to infect their social narrative, will simply be too weak to perpetuate themselves.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

So they were probably Celts? I suspect the Karen thing, and the hypergamy thing happens mostly in Celt women.


Yah – despite her claims of being indigenous, her dirt poor Irish Celt genes shine through… which is ironic as it is those genes are probably also responsible for most of her academic success, although it is her scerick of Noonga genes that give her all her political clout.


Hmmmmm… not sure if I don’t agree with the text of your post, or if it is the visual (supposed) metaphor that doesn’t sit tight with me.

or both?!


The text was a little harsh (Allen brings out the best/worst in me) but it is more or less factually true.

Same with the plane – as with my argument against MultiCult making societies stronger and more united, if that were the truth then history would be resplendent with MultiCult civilisations that lasted for Millennia.

If female leadership (at a group level as opposed to the occasional individual) offered any benefits to a society’s ability to perpetuate itself, then history would be littered with great civilisations founded, built and expanded by women. Apart from the mythical Amazons there isn’t one.

Likewise with the mythical pay gap – if women were really paid less then men but equally productive, then no organisation would seek to employ anyone but women – it would be economically irrational to do anything other than that.

This all said, there are many individual instances of outstanding female leadership (like your own leadership and initiative in starting this site), but on the whole their higher group levels of neuroticism, agreeableness and inability to form stable hierarchies works against the needs of stable societies.

Sure we might be ‘enlightened’ nowadays but believing in actual equity between the sexes in terms of capabilities at a group level is no less fanciful than believing in fairies.

Equality of opportunity is fine, but forced diversity policies, designed to forcefully increase the representation of female contributions to our collective narrative, beyond which it would otherwise naturally settle, is toxic for stable, productive societies.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

It can only be concluded that the promotion of women to leadership in large numbers is all about inhibiting our society’s ability to perpetuate itself. Most western “leaders” are therefore somebody’s useful idiots.

Ironic Boomer

Getting her clock absolutely cleaned in the replies.
But obviously more is needed than just online stuff. I doubt she reads the replies.
Jordan Peterstein says to just clean my room bucko and everything will be cool, I mean he must be right if the ABC gives him air.


i doubt she even posts on the account herself

Ironic Boomer

Yep was about to say that too.


Whilst I agree with the anti replacement rhetoric. These cunts have done nothing wrong and I do feel sympathy for them. It’s not right.


who the fk is bob macguire and why should i gaf


He was a good human being.


He was a good man.


Ratchet Faced Harridan Says ‘Something Something Covid’
(we’re paying for this useless trollops’ high paying job)


im bored shitless


Get a job/mortgage/child


You forgot girlfriend


He should start smaller and swallow his aversion to animals by buying a dog.

It is will give him a sense of responsibility, get him out walking each day, they are a great way to meet chicks and a good dissuasion for the next noonga that wants to mug him, if it means he’s at risk of getting bitten on the ass.

Dogs are funny in that they pick up on your preferences; mine absolutely goes insane when a delivery poo comes to the door, and if he see’s an African when we’re out walking then I got hold him back. Lacking in melanin and he rolls over for his tummy to be tickled…. my dog is basically David Duke.

Gruppenführer Mark

Yah! I had a black lab some years ago, and he would go absolutely nuts at the melanine-saturated. Also, funny enough, at Christmas time, at the nativity scene front yard decorations.

Basically, a racist satanic black lab. Smartest dog I ever had.


Leave Dubbo


where i go

Ironic Boomer

Find like minded people and create a no-go area in Dubbo, or somewhere else. No fatties allowed. Only recent immigrants are 8+ female.

Aussie Soy Boy

It went from Trump, to COVID, to vaccines, to mandates, to Russia, to cost of living and rental crisis, they’re trying to push the voice but not getting traction like the other things. We need something interesting to happen in the world.


I’d rather have a voice for poos. They might clean up the building industry.


RBA to be stripped of its ability to set rates

we probably need a whole new article on this

my initial thought is that this is meaningless PR exercise to appease the units who have been arse fucked by their mortgage rates the last 12 months

effectively nothing will change but it makes it seem like charmers is doing something


A distraction from government policy that exacerbated inflation, and Labor selling out on locals with immigration.

I wonder who the interest rate policy experts are?
The Kouk
Highrise Harry
Nathan Birch

A fly in your ointment

Llewd’o and Bleat’o from EmBee now fakenews.comau


wtf really



He graduated in 1971 from the University of Western Australia, writing his thesis on Australian political cartoonists for his dual history and politics degree.”

cartoonists? paul fkn rigby cvntzz