“RBA to be stripped of its ability to set rates
my initial thought is that this is meaningless PR exercise to appease the units who have been arse fucked by their mortgage rates the last 12 months
effectively nothing will change but it makes it seem like charmers is doing something”
I have a couple of thoughts:
1.. yes there is definitely a PR element in this
2.. but on the other hand I woudlnt jump to the “nothing will change” conclusion. On the contrary, I think that small organisational changes that appear to do nothing have the potential to be most impactful. It’s a way to slightly tilt the playing field, put a thumb on one side of the scales, create a structural bias in some direction.
over time, such a small tilt or bias can have a massive effect. And because the effect is slow, though cumulative, this creates awesome plausible deniability, the so called EZFKA responsibility obfuscation & fuzziness layer (EZFKAROFL)
(Eg see how slightly tweaking tertiary education funding years ago has created the present swarms of foreign students, etc)
so it really depends on exactly what they do.
3.. all this said, they could hardly have had a more accommodative and dovish pack of cunts at the RBA over recent decades, so it would take some heroic parameter setting by Lib/Lab to get to an even more debt-friendly setting
Full report here https://rbareview.gov.au/final-report
I like in the media there are outlets saying the RBA was criticized last decade for keeping rates too high too long
“The review was launched in part due to criticism that the RBA kept interest rates too high in the years leading up to the COVID-19, while the central bank has also come under fire due to its pandemic-era forward guidance.”
Which fucking property spiv suggested that
Well then since we all know big changes in the future are generated by seemingly small changes in the present, what’s your take on the likely direction and intent behind these changes?
As you note it’s short term political opportunism and ensures that the ALP can distance themselves from the unfolding shitshow, in order to improve re election chances.
But longer term?
Sends a message that rate hikes = sackings, for those who want to keep their million dollar salary and perks.
Independent and fearless advice disappeared ages ago from most organisations. I guess it was bound to happen to RBEZFKA at some stage.
My quick read on this is positive for asset prices; making ‘the economic prosperity and welfare of the people of Australia’ the overarching policy of the RBA means, given the choice between high inflation and high unemployment, they will run inflation hotter for longer.
Clarifying the RBA’s financial stability reads like the RBA only wants to consider inflation, unemployment and market liquidity when setting policy, with all other responsibilities being left to APRA. Legislative changes requested to outline exactly who is responsible for what, which should be good if it means less obfuscation and finger pointing, but also means relying on APRA to cool a red hot market, because the RBA won’t touch it unless it’s causing excessive inflation.
Lastly, it’s going to cost a bomb and be a nice earner for universities, think tanks and various other, otherwise socially useless, academics. Research on the effects of various pandemic polices and other unconventional tools (are they conventional now?) should be interesting, though.
i dont get why the govt would want the responsibility of rate hikes on them rather than the independent RBA though. ift hey take away the rbas ability to do this and make it look like theyre giving it to themselves, then they hike rates and the punters start crying about it, theyll get blamed, not phil. why do this at all? whats the political benefit?
either they havent thought about this or they intend to never hike ever again and that’s what this is about.
nah mate, that’s just the click bait headlines you’re reacting to. The reality is not quite like that
ok i never realised the treasurer had that ability to begin with. so this makes the rba even more independent it sounds like lol
meaning they probably expect more rate hikes to come
The treasurer has always had that ability, but it is far more effective to criticise from the sideline. You score more political points from saying Lowe’s contract renewal is uncertain than vetoing a rate rise.
“control the currency control the nation” said some dead cunt..
lovely that the ezfka controller will be some unelected quango
I haven’t read the report – can anyone say if it addressed the following ?
The RBEZFKA follows the Fed Reserve.
which one of youse did this
his name is David Sharaz – abc putting men on the same level as dogs
basically just Britts property
I make fat jokes about her is all
Here’s a novel idea: instead of letting central bankers/politicians set interest rates, let the free market work it out all on its own.
Ludicrous right? I must be completely potty.
The boom/bust cycle is a direct consequence of hubristic cunts thinking they know better than millions of people making financial decisions for their own benefit.
Alternative opinion: with every bust, wealth is consolidated into fewer hands.
Is that a coincidence or was this deliberately something central bank policy could accommodate for?
BOJ now owns the Japanese bond market and 80% of ETFs. Yellen mentioned buying stocks in the next US market downturn. What’s next, mortgages? Is this the end game, is the CB just going to own everything? Maybe that is why we have to be tracked and traced with CBDC/Digital ID/Social Credit Score because we’re all collateral for this debt and the CB will demand its pound of flesh in some form with garrotting strings attached.
Is that another reason why immigration is so high? Is it a coincidence that immigration is going into overdrive after the debt expansion went into overdrive during Covid? More human collateral needed to carry the debt burden?
So many of our society’s issues can be traced back to how our financial system is set up that, depending on your ideological framework, it’s horrifically flawed or works exactly according to plan.
Finance deregulation can be traced back to so many issues we have today. Peak Australia was 80s/90s before the full brunt of these decisions could be felt.
What if it is all part of the same issue?
Who other than the banks were behind the push for deregulation.
The RBEZFKA are the elite producing policies that benefit the elite. This really doesn’t change much. It will keep a few finance reporters busy talking about it for the next couple of days, but business as usual after that of ensuring the wealth goes to and stays with the elite.
They should have an abo in possum skin undies overseeing the panel with the power to veto any recommendation.
yes/ Law of averages says old uncle Lester will make a random good call.
Raise the rates Phildo you chickenshit!
You’re joking now…
Of course but there will be people wanting a boong in possum skin undies going yay or nay
Interactive world CBDC tracker.
How far are countries with implementation:
Nigerians not happy with their eNaira CBDC:
18 of the G20 countries are now in the advanced stage of CBDC development. Of those, 7 countries are already in pilot. Nearly every G20 country has made significant progress and invested new resources in these projects over the past six months.
China Social Credit System explained:
3. The consequences of a poor social credit score could be serious. It might effect travel prospects, employment, access to finance, and the ability to enter into contracts. On the other hand, a positive credit score could make a range of business transactions for individuals and corporations much easier.
I don’t think it goes far enough. We should have debtors prisons no matter how small the debt.
We should have debtors prisons no matter how small the debt.
I agree – we should put fat people into these camps as well. They’ll lose some weight in there I tell you what.
Nailed it bro. I think fat people should be rendered down for their blubber, which is useful for leather care and lots of other good things.
Nice chat with ex-Dallas Fed Danielle DiMartino Booth regarding the state of the US credit market:
Outsource the RBA decision making to an AI Finbot. There’s heaps of historical data and ‘theory’ to drawn on.
When that goes tits up they can blame the robot.
From the creators of Robodebt comes Roborates!
Is this one of the ways to herd people into the 15 minute city open air prison?
Stop investing in rural infrastructure, roads etc.
Also bank branches are closing down by the hundreds in small Aussie towns.
Is that detrimental to businesses/shops in those towns? What about employment?
“Last year in China, coal consumption rose 4.3 percent. Despite a rise in clean energy’s contribution to the total, coal still generated over 56 percent of China’s electricity. China has clearly chosen growth over climate.”
While the West is committing economic suicide China keeps growing.
Love the Chinese. Put their people first
We go from Covid emergency to climate emergency, how convenient.
If you remember every emergency comes with extra governmental powers to sign whatever edicts they deem necessary.
Two New RBA members announced.
One is ex-Afterpay (early life check confirmed)
Lmao Dan Andrews has announced he’s bailing out all the Indians who lost their money in the Porter Davis homes collapse
shoring up those future ALP votes and helping the unions
nekkminit mark Maguire :
Quantitative pooing.
It gets better than that. Timbo called it, here comes the floodgates! https://www.theage.com.au/politics/victoria/same-loss-no-bailout-hallbury-homes-clients-demand-porter-davis-style-rescue-20230421-p5d26v.html
Maybe some nig walmart will occur.
I’d shop at nig walmart.
Boongtown, Illinois
What is the race of the lower class Brits? Are they Saxons or some shit?
Boong fuckers too.
You will be forced to fuck a boong and you will be happy.
It seems like whenever humans conquer another race, they always want to keep some of the conquered around to work the shit jobs. Bit neetish.
Lydia should be in a housing commission home pissed and on drugs with her music up to 4am. She is a piece of garbage. I am a seasoned drinker and have not one day in my life acted like that piece of shit and I have no public reputation to uphold. Imagine getting some abo like Lydia as the unelected, unopposed voice. Disaster.
What percentage of colonial legacy Australians fucked boongs because they weren’t allowed to have a wank?
honestly it beats me
some guys just cant live without mushy mickey hole, theyll fuck anything including abos
Coming would fuck anything, including anything that something that resembles Britt.
True. They become real cucks as well, kissing her ass and basically becoming women themselves.
Most white South Africans have some kaffir in them, I think it would be the same for legacy ocker whites.
nah, not in my experience.
Cape Coloureds and most of the mixed multiculturals are the 4th major caste aside from blankies, kaffirs and coolies.
Some dutchmen are likely purebloods in the same fashion as ge-eews.
Well, if you were chained to the floor of a prison ship below deck for six months, you’d be pretty toey.
They couldnt even reach their old fellas to mix a hand shandy.
Surprisingly the US has abolished free speech before EZFKA. Freedomstan no longer permits freedom of speech if you use that speech to support Russia.
We should definitely tie the EZFKA’s fate to this sinking ship and get into a hot war with China ASAP.
No true, since Australia has never had free speech
We have been a prison colony since the beginning
Implied freedom of speech, yes. Explicit and constitutional guaranteed no.
18C put a bullet into that and guess who was behind that? Mark Leibler. Every single time.
…and in other news:
I just took it to keep my job!
trust the science!
video in the link above
some random memes 1
some random memes 2
some random memes 3
some random memes 4
some random memes 5
nothing to see for those that come from
This PondKarenistan due to compliance factoriel being on the n-th exponentialsome random memes 6
no surprise here,
mostall of these “joirnalists” are just the “typewriter managers” and will write fantasy as per scenario-du-jour tasks.They are not the stupid ones, it is those that seek information at such places.
If one wants freedom, why go to twatter or Fakebook or instaglam or the ilk… idiocy to seek freedom of speach and thought there.
some random memes 7
do the same thing again and again and expect different results. Kraut tanks begin the “decapitation” process.
History repeats.
Peskov and Medvedev had some nice trolls these days on Krsuts being unable to shut the fluck up and draw comparison to Stalingrad, expansion of war to Ruskistan proper etc.
remeber the time when the most effective protection against the “you know what” and bucketload of other stuff without any side wffects, the Iver-Mektin, was labelled a horse dewarmer?
well, the jab that is so safe that it us worth taking it to save your “well paid 6 digit job” from arbitrary mandate is being banned in some US states for use on animals as “unsafe”.
cue to the point, in this pond Emma renay is preferred over proper vaccine simply because proper vaccine means a live virus will brought into thr country and an arbitrary status of being virus-free will be somehow lost.
going vegetarian and probably will resort to eating tins of Spam as a healthier option to fresh meat
o tempora, o mores
noice find.
I wonder for how long will the awareness of “emma renay et cie” injuries be muddied and hushed … I guess forever.
Random observation – more than half of Africa has no bottled water….
Why do they need bottled water?
yes…if they cant pump their own…
MB users go to babbling incoherence as their worldviews are annihilated
as I’ve mentioned before, this price action actually feels bull-trap-ish to me.
without more monetary or fiscal loosening intervention, price rises can’t really be funded.
if Macrobusiness is predicting a boom, that tends to lend support to my feeling.
but it may just be that they are trying to pump out maximum-clickbait, because they’ve REALLY fucked themselves over further with their redesign. Lost almost all lUser engagement.
lmao its fucking horrible looks like a spam site
I’m completely disoriented every time I go there. Its so distressing I just leave without reading anything
it 100% looks like one of those pages you get redirected to when you misspell a URL and you get routed to some weird internet portal site to nowhere
it would be lolzy if it turned out they had outsourced IT to indian freelancers
id have to respect that
The comments are impossible to read.
Imagine what it does to Simp and Leitho’s heads churning out those articles every day, putting together the charts, poring over information. Their lives must be hell.
I think only subscribers are able to comment anymore. Thus endeth the “SUBSCRIBE!” meme.
I would like to know more about the cohorts who are still able to buy property at approximately 2021 prices. Obviously foreign money and money launderers, and the wealthy, but who else? I assume volumes must at least be down since then because I can’t see how the average punter can pull it off without cheap credit.
lol no more disheveled marsupial comments.
because we all know the magna carta trumped the neoliberal policies of the treaty of westphalia to subvert the military industrial complex… chortle
Still don’t understand who the “Chicago boys” are
dishevelled marsupial succumbed to pressure meme and subscribed
its the only conversational interaction the sad cvnt has
it may appear that way.
when humans perceive their peak intellect, many tend to limit interaction to exclude those of a higher level and to a certain group where one feels superior to the group
The new design looks like absolute dogshit.
Seems like anyone can read the comments now, which were full of complaints about the redesign…
I would like to talk more about this bull trap. I feel the same. I just can’t see how people will be able to afford an extra 1k per week on a million dollar mortgage. From my understanding, this is how the game is played, credit impulse increases, they give money to everyone, raise rates and screw everyone that is levered up. There must be blood on the streets in NZ atm. The property areas I am looking at are selling very, very quickly though, it’s nuts.
ah, but they alway COULD afford an extra $1k per week – that’s why there were mortgage buffers and serviceability assessments, making sure that loans could still be paid if rates rose 2-3%.
its just that in the past they didn’t have to direct that $1k per week into the mortgage. but now they do.
this has obvious flow on impacts to spending in other parts of the economy. That, plus the inflation in staples is going to squeeze discretionary hard.
immigration needs to be run red-hot to offset this.
It’s super weird out there. Selloooors still think they’re entitled to peak pricing and just cancel auctions when it’s clear they aren’t getting those prices. There is no panic. The anxiety still seems to be with buyers.
correct – the shortage of dwellings has become so acute that homelessness is actually rising. (I’m sure shortage deniers still don’t understand)
In these circumstances it is little wonder that buyer anxiety is higher than seller anxiety. Interest rates are still very low, remember.
but the rate of fuel supply has been turned down significantly, so there seems little room for price growth.
I checked out a nearby apartment which I expect to go for around $1m. The kind of apartment I mentioned last week that would appeal to younger locals (as in Australian-born), renovated low-rise with parking in inner west Sydney. Agent was telling me there were 50 couples walk through last week, and another 30-40 this week. Multiple offers well above original “guide” price all rejected. So much demand that they have brought the auction date forward.
Unfortunately, the feedback loop is banks reassess the value of these kinds of properties up and keep extending and pretending and hence further reducing supply.
I paid $1.1M for a 5 bedroom house in immaculate condition on a 1000m block with old fruit trees, landscaping, mature shade trees, a Japanese garden with Koi in the pond etc etc. I thought it was overpriced, but now, well, I’m sitting here sipping single malt whiskey by the crackling fire, and Sydney RE agents can lick my hairy arse.
When you fuck around with the stylesheet and learn why graphic designers are a thing.
I concur. The bulltrap vibe is strong.
My partner just sold her IP. She made a shitload of profit, paid of other debts and we’ll pay off our mortgage in a few weeks after our holiday in the UK and Thailand, and still have a $150K or so in reserve.
Relaxed, debt free and with cash reserves is a good way to be. But I wouldn’t be buying right now.
tranny meme
mark “speakman”
early life check
Andrews about to bypass councils on planning laws. Quelle surprise.
Noooooooo don’t demolish the suburbs where everyone is happy that nobody born after 1985 can afford to buy in.
They did similar in NSW a few years ago. There’s been no massive trashing of boomer suburbs. A few granny flats out the back with renters that’s it. Street parking is a bit more of a bitch but nothing too bad.
Tarric usually pretty good… but geez I find this tweet very naive. It is like there was no correlation between post-GFC rise in immigration -> wage suppression -> disinflation -> falling rates
I think that is what Tarric is saying.
Ever rising population = need low rates for jorbs. Less priority given to raising rates for price stability.
He is naive in that he thinks rising rates will deliver him the house he desires, when that is never gunna happen even if Albo needs to send a signed letter to every foreign oligarch begging them to buy an Aussie house.
Tarric is saying that is what will happen after the RBA changes. The reality is that is what has been happening for the last decade or so.
Doesn’t read like that to me.
“keeps importing more people…”
And “…so rates stay low and they keep undermining our society…”
He’s saying continuing to do this is stupid. He agrees with you.
Not in the context of the message Tarric was responding too.
Check out this nonsense from McManus
You’ll buy a house at 25 times your household income with a 50+ year mortgage and be happy, plebs. Oh and your kids can do it at multiples of that with a 100 year mortgage they can die with and pass on to their children.
Need zero interest rates for construction projects that wouldn’t be necessary except for the pop-ponzi. The unions are some of the worst vested interests we have in the EZFKA.
At least BHP doesn’t really give a shit what the Aussie population is.
Need zero rates to fix the construction projects.
McManus is another one of those terrible human beings.
They tend to do well in the EZFKA
boogie woogie oooo oooooooooo
Apparently Ted Kaczynski is a troon
The GOAT wrote about it
That’s a great article.
I’ll put the direct link here:
Read it dudes. Read it twice if you’ve got young girls in your family.
Reality in the UK today. Complain, and you’ll be arrested for hurting someone’s feelz on rhe interwebs.
Bloated Beast Named Sexiest Womyn 2023.
(it’s a humiliation ritual at this point)
Meanwhile, some people are starving
This is definitely a psyop
I remember in the 80s big arses were considered disgusting
it didn’t change naturally , it was 100% a deliberate media campaign to make people believe fat arses were attractive
she’s married to a black man
you know the number one thing about all these plus size models is that theyre always chosen so they have no fat on their face, always have conventionally attractive and lean faces but heavier bodies
it makes you wonder why isnt it face positivity as opposed to body positivity
i’d wreck that chick for the record anyone who says they wouldnt is a liar
shes still more attractive than 99% of women out therre
I don’t think you’d even touch the sides mate
but yeah of course I would
though if you look at her candid shots its nowhere near as good as this
she has some really gruesome photos without the body shaping lycra underwear
i like most men wouldnt have a chance to begin with
shes getting dicked down by 5 chads at once, all of which will have conventionally attractive bodies and faces lol
body positivity for me but not for thee
“conventionally” attractive
what a cope boyo
i mean thats waht they say cunt lol
ofc its a retarded expression
they meaning normies trying to find a way to escape the black pill
Too fat for me
Sponsored by Dolmio pasta bake sauces.
Beauty regime = ice-cream, cheesecake and potato chips
firstly how the fuck do all these dinky clothes sellers (“rag traders”) become multimillionaires ?
they’re constantly mentioned in these luxury real estate sections
there’s not much margin in it surely if you aren’t a major luxury European/multinational brand
theyre money launderers , right ?
$8m house
$100k land tax (1.25%)
$156k annual rent (1.95%)
minus other outgoings rates , agent fees, water, insurance , maintenance etc
it must return essentially zero despite being nicely built and developed
very wacky market we have here in Australia
Yeah I think you’re onto something jews corp is always featuring some duck faced plastic faced retard getting rich off makeup or clothes or some shit.
Is this getting close to peak delusion?
Always look on the bright side. Four invaders were killed too. She gave her life in a noble cause.
Victoria cross-like ratio
Immigrants are a good way for stupid people to give their otherwise painfully low skilled lives meaning.
Why isn’t their more cuckold porn featuring Asians and Indian males
it seems to feature exclusively BBC but I feel like there is a market for soyboys and girls who want to see white chicks get plugged by Chinese international students and Sri Lankan refugees
it seems to feature exclusively BBC
go look who runs the porn industry youll soon realise why
Maybe a sitcom where a boomer enjoys seeing his kids being replaced.
We were talking about how Celt women are genetic shit the other day, because they are effectively siding with the enemy for safety reasons. I wonder where Anglo old men get their behaviours from.
I’ll answer my own question. Used to being slave traders/exploiters.
Fuggin recruitment. Fuck real work for a joke.
Would be pretty sad porn.
Legacy Aussie ladies would –
Complain about oriental students – “Is it in yet microdick?”
Roll their eyes when Sri lankan reffos say, ” I am Chef!” as they cum prematurely on the carpet of Crown Resorts upgraded suite.
Everybody needs a porpoise
Another builder bites the dust. Now that precedent has been set with Porter Davis, we can look forward to more taxpayer funded bailouts.
lolz bogut/rukshan unfollowed the ezfka twitter, got too hot for them i bet
Heh, deserves a callout on @auseconomicunit
There’s chat he’s going into politics, so could be a social media cleanse
bogut is going into politics ?
could be good as he already has fuck you money
brings that right wing wog energy that is very legit
Someone would have screenshotted it and will keep it tucked away.
Bogut is still following looks like. Rukshan fucked off because he probably realizes he’s a fucking pajeet grifter than no one really gives a shit about. When he took the vaccine to go to New Zealand and cover some protest after years of anti vaccine and lockdown grifting that was it.
I wanna see this in Bellevue Hill
Clarke gets an upgrade.
Net worth $22m.
His or her net worth ?
at least pup hasnt fallen for the fat arse psyop
His, at least thats what google says.
fucking lol albo is absolutely out of control
when will this end
free money for everybody
disaster pm thats going to be re elected over and over bc dutton is not electable
Howard was elected over and over – probably nothing makes Paul Keating seethe more than knowing he was beaten by a desiccated coconut.
particularly as it was 4D chess master keating who set howard up so cosily.
fk keating
It’s unreal that Labor gets to still be considered the good guys.
Thread on reddit with those fags lamenting no dole rise. Haha retards. Your average shithead eshay knows both parties are pretty much the same by the age of 12.
Lmao I never even connected those two
imported 600k Indian scabs and opened the door for millions of kiwis to dole bludge
While at almost exactly the same time he refused to increase jobseeker payments
lmao poor people are so fucking stupid they voted for him
Australians legit the dumbest people in the western world
So you really think the LNP would have done anything significant different
at the very minimum lnp wouldn’t have invited kiwis to come here and dole bludge
Also doubt they would have gotten away with importing 600k curry scabs since their base wouldn’t like it, and the lefties would also cry out about undermining wages and housing (they’re not allowed to criticise saint albo he grew up in housing commission)
The Libs care so little about what their base likes and dislikes that their base has pretty much abandoned them and the Libs are doing nothing to get them back.
If they actually objected to any ALP immigration policy, then now’s the time to say something. But they’re not going to say anything. There’s just a shadow puppet show that maybe things would have been different, nothing solid at all. I agree that they wouldn’t have let Kiwis get welfare. But minor differences like that can’t get them back into power.
The Liberal Party’s future is to be like the Voice, a pointless sinecure in Parliament that will occasionally stir up trouble on behalf of some vested interest or another and provide jobs for plenty of useless people.
in a way in the future the liberal party will kind of be the ‘voice’ of legacy australians
advisory non-binding political body that makes recommendations to whatever labor, which will otherwise dominate politics, is proposing
just like phon teal and the greens…. good work for some
If anybody remembers the Covid bullshit, these people reckon that the MRNA vaccines killed close to 1% of elderly people they were given to, causing millions of deaths worldwide.
Dunno how valid the research is, but it wouldn’t surprise me at all.
Trust no cunt.
Does anyone give a fuck about Barry Humphries
was never funny even for one second 30 years ago
let alone in 2023
Serious boomer shit
archieluxury is funnier than les paterson
Lmao Archie is the goat you fuckers
hate filled man
Haha that was piss funny. I like the Sunny Coast although Maroochydore did have a few angry looking meatheads around.
Yeah it makes me remember the good old days when people would come around for a cuppa. Or “borrowing” a cup of sugar. Not too many legacy Australian icons left.
Goes to show you don’t actually have to be that funny to be a comedian. Even Monty Python and Fawlty Towers is pretty overrated imo.
australian comedians are among the worst in the world
only good one was king billy coke botle
I don’t know who billly coke bottle is but Rodney Rude is a king.
Fast Forward was good but that was in the 90s when the left weren’t psychos.
The best comedian ever produced
Go watch Les Patterson in Hong Kong before the handover on Youtube, he’s asking Filipina women if they want to earn some pocket money. Hilarious stuff.
Tedious closet fag
lmao the smh despises you poor people
Imagine being such a loser you need your parents to buy you a house or stump up a deposit. Absolutely pathetic stuff.
How much puss does he get I wonder
does having your own place help ?
guess he can rent out the spare room to backpackers
He probably does ok. It’s 95% about your looks and body and women have awesome money detectors.
Fairfax unleashes the crocodile tears. All that’s left is for Albo to ramp immigration some more to solve the problem. And maybe build a handful of apartments strictly for the poorest cunts around.
Fairfax pretends to be left to get fucktard arts degree subscribers but is actually staunchly Liberal. They’ve only been complaining about housing affordability now that Labor is in otherwise they wouldn’t be so much.
I looked at rental listings there’s still a lot around, but probably not in trendy places like Coogee.
I really wish Fairfax would die.
The purpose of this Fairfax arc is probably to get rid of planning rules or some shit.
Probably been years since they published something that wasn’t directed by some mate or another.
“The series we start today is not just a response to the high-priced houses and super-sized mortgages we have inflicted upon ourselves this century. It reflects the mounting evidence that one of our most basic needs – shelter – has become a dangerous financial instrument.”
Shane Wright was the journo who did the series of stories calling for the RBA review. Apparently Andrew Leigh was the guy pushing for it behind the scenes.
I wouldn’t be surprised if a similar deal is going on here.
Yep. this from the second instalment is a bit of worry
“If we look overseas, in France, around about 97 per cent of rental accommodation is provided by institutional investors such as superannuation companies. In the US that figure is about 87 per cent. In Australia, we’re very close to zero,”
“It’s evident that there is a problem there that we’re not attracting enough investment into building residential homes.”
Lol, of course it goes back to owning nothing and being happy.
How the fuck do these people even find the upfront money in the first place?
‘Sold a dream’: the international students lured to Australia with false promises | Australian education | The Guardian
sucked in
Yeah, exactly. They’re no different to some moron who gets conned into a Bali timeshare.
fmd didnt know bali timeshares existed haha who the fuck would buy into something like that
>where his teacher barely spoke English
Imagine whitey said that.
It’s Monday and sharks still shit in the sea and the media is still Jewish af.
Lol, good luck getting any “crisis accomodation” – there’s people living in cars and tents already.
Anecdata time
over the last few weeks, I’ve been constantly badgered by my workplace to get flu vaccine
but absolutely no prompting to get a covid booster for at least 12 months now (not since the first booster was being promoted )
Theres very little evidence that the flu vaccine works (even amongst elderly) so to still try to pump for that but not the covid jab really tells you they’ve given up on it completely
from what i understand flu vaxxes are confounded by the fact that healthy people tend to get them and old unhealthy people often cant bc it can kill them so it makes them look like they do something
covid vaxxes are prob similar to a degree
Never heard that before
studies show flu vaccines do nothing in elderly people
they may have a beneficial effect in younger people (stronger immune response generated) of like 40%, but the pre intervention morbidity in younger people is so small it’s not worth the trouble (40% of fuck all is still fuck all)
also studies show that repeated flu vaccinations over multiple seasons have diminishing benefits approaching zero
Basically it’s a waste of everybody’s time and money
but why are there no vaccine injury grifters for flu vax ?
wtf is this cvnt smoking?
“All WA exports to China will cease overnight. Most especially iron ore but everything else as well”
ffs lemme fix…”All WA exports to China will cease to be direct exports overnight.”…. and so what?
we’ve been through this crap b4… ‘member feed barley? rock lobsters? etal.
plonk, grain and protein all ended up in china via 3rd parties ….India Arabia Hanoi… and the prices went up ..
Now onto this next spew bucket
“If WA tries to export unilaterally, the unions will likely close the ports to Pig Iron Mark. Even if not, and WA tries to secede from foreign policy, Canberra will blockade the ports using lawfare. If that fails, the US will park an aircraft carrier off the Pilbara and all trade will stop anyway”
1: If WA tries… well WA won’t buster..fkn wake up… How can it? WA owns and has complete agency over the Pilbara enterprises? dunno what bhp rio gina and twiggy think of that.
2: unions will likely close…. bahahaha… funny stuff buster, ain’t no union doin’ jack to fuck up that cosy 6 figure $$$$ lifestyle of its members and starve that cute superannuation rort the union hierarchy enjoys.
3: “Canberra will blockade the ports using lawfare…”
da fuk canberra will, buster. rio bhp gina twiggy won’t even return “lawfare” to canberra …won’t have to …just withdraw donations and more pointedly redirect donations to a nice tame group of pollies.
Remember that pissant homie albanese is where he is because the gastropod avoids problems, never confronts them, and the alp are shitscared of miners anuhow
4: “US will park an aircraft carrier ..”
ffs apparently in a war over taiwan the US has a spare carrier group to park of the pilbara…buy an atlas, buster …taiwan aint off the pilbara coast, it actually ain’t in the southern hemisphere….[and in any case shipping blockades will be enforced aerially]
Least Dr Strangelove-esque MB China article
Is this fat little work from home bitch with a failed and always wrong economics website going to be first in line at the recruitment office with his son?
Fuck Taiwan. We don’t even recognise it as existing.
fat chance…warmongers cower behind always….and the war premise is bullshit anyway.
china will have taiwan and thats that! they’ll buy it
both taiwan and the PRC have dibs on each other, its really funny most people dont realise this
they both claim to be the “real” china, everybody used to recognise taiwan and not PRC but it flipped when mainland became too big to ignore
taiwan is kind of s hit place in reality, the country is allegedly first world gdp wise but it looks utterly third world on the street level, full of decaying ugly buildings, messy cities, therres no sidewalks either so getting around there is a nightmare and you’re constantly scared you will be wiped out by traffic
Been there. It’s great in the major cities – basically first world.
Rural is a different story but it’s much cleaner and less polluted than the mainland. Most of the pollution drifts over anyway.
Read a really scary take on the China/Taiwan situation.
Basically Chinese war gaming of Taiwan is that there are two offensive option.
i) A conventional invasion. This would basically involve Chinese invading and the US would immediately offer their support and involve themselves – existing US doctrine demands they do so.
The Chinese have the view that this will inevitably lead to conflict between the two as China would attempt a sea and air blockade of Taiwan.
Should that occur then basically for the reasons I’ve outlined above, ie China’s ballistic anti-ship missiles the US would lose. The US would then have a very high likelihood of going Nuclear in response, because the alternative is the loss of their Global Super Power status. It would mean the end of their guaranteed American century as per the Brzezinsk doctrine.
ii) Immediate shock and awe – by using Nuclear weapons in the opening conflict against Taiwan, the US would be too terrified to respond and involve itself. The fear and panic it would provoke in the US public would bring down any Govt that would attempt it.
China would, due to shorter logistics, real threat of nuclear retaliation and overwhelming superiority, quickly secure victory of Taiwan – capturing all its technology. BTW – going Nuclear doesn’t necessarily mean bombing Taipei or any other minor city. It could simply involve the us of Tactical Nuclear weapons against a couple (or all) of Taiwan’s air and military basis.
Basically if war with Taiwan is guaranteed, it is nearly equally guaranteed to go Nuclear.
The US’s hubris is of the belief that the use of Nuclear weapons by China will make it an instant pariah – it will among the West, but for at least in the short term they will have no choice but to continue to deal with them thanks to the neo’s transferring all the West’s manufacturing capacity to them.
The rest of the world? Well, they’re likely to see the conflict as basically one between the US’s aggression and desire to maintain its global super power and hegemon, and China, which doesn’t want to submit to the USofGoy – either economically or culturally. There will be enough other nations around, especially in the middle East, who are enemies of the US, that they will deal with China regardless.
Basically if war with Taiwan is guaranteed, it is nearly equally guaranteed to go Nuclear. The only difference is, that if China doesn’t open with a salvo of tactical Nukes, it makes it more likely that their will be a Global Nuclear exchange.
..and then bye bye Washington DC?…..
can’t see it happening myself
those chickenshit yank warhawks will squib…they’re all about punching down, and not taking on an equal
I’m not so sure…. I believe it is quite feasible that the US and China could get caught up in a war of escalation.
The threat isn’t that the US would immediately bomb Peking, it is that the US would be the first to use tactical nuclear battlefield weapons, most likely after finding itself facing strategic defeat following a decapitation strike destroying its aircraft career fleet. History rhymes in surprising ways.
From there the game of escalation and retaliation, against injured feelings and jingoistic outrage, could easily lead to an escalator no one can get off.
yeah, I can see feasibility, but the other end of the scales shows yanks too yellow* to go Russia.
That’s in my face right now, too yellow to go Russia.
*yellow = equal venal MIC perhaps along with the paid for senators and president…
Taiwan can’t change that status quo, if they stop claiming the rest of China and only claim Taiwan island, then that is a declaration of independence and a red line for the PRC.
That said there’s no reason the status quo can’t persist except that the US needs to increase its arms sales by any means necessary.
Xi is just the latest in the infinite conga line of supposedly evil and deranged foreign leaders that will definitely do the unthinkable if we don’t unconditionally support US foreign policy.
About the only accurate thing in that article is that there will be a war with China, but not because China is necessarily an unhinged despot – but because as I’ve mentioned many times, Taiwan represents an alternative cultural path forward for the Han people.
A cultural path that essentially involves it supplicating itself at the feet of (((international))) finance and divorcing any national allocation of Chinese societies on the basis of perpetuating Chinese people and culture – i.e. using national resources in order to perpetuate national culture and values. This is exactly the same reason why Russia is the enemy.
The only acceptable cultural basis for allocating national resources, in their eyes, is on the basis of the “Free Market” which basically means the wealthiest individuals and population groups.
It just goes to show how behind the times DLS is in thinking in the age of hypersonic (Russia) and ballistic (China) missiles that Aircraft Carriers are a deterrent to either China or Russia…. if the US went to war with China or Russia, their opponents currently have the offensive weapons to sink the entire US Aircraft carrier fleet within half an hour without shedding a single radioactive isotope – of course the US would have no choice but to go Nuclear in response. Aircraft carriers are now only a threat to middling and minor powers.
The reality is that they would never be needed because our cultural elites would order our media and politicians to fall in behind the US, which is another thing DLS can’t comprehend because he actually thinks Australia is a Democracy and that we could act against it. What would happen is that the (((media))) would launch a campaign that would make COVID seem like gentle encouragement, while McGowan and any other other politician from a major party that showed a hint of Sinophilia would do more backflips than a Chinese acrobat.
China is already well-placed to move past most of the West and be at least on par with Taiwan for development. They do not need to remove Taiwan as an example to maintain the existence and future progress of their system.
Russia has frequently tried to integrate/ingratiate itself with the West and mostly been rejected other than some success in Germany. They are one of the US’ designated boogiemen and a competitor in the international resources and arms market. The US always persistently keeps Russia out in the cold.
Russia isn’t doing what it’s doing to defeat neoliberalism or Jewish world domination or whatever. It has been mostly okay with the current world order since the Soviet Union fell. It has simply been pushed into a corner by American power imposed on European leaders. BRICS is resurging because the member states have been pushed together for a lack of alternatives to continue developing as independent states without being forced into supplication by Western countries.
China is probably one of the most pragmatic powers in the world and is unlikely to chuck all their development and status on the roulette wheel to get Taiwan, especially not as some sort of symbolic action to seal their divorce from the “Rules-Based Order”. The way things are going, the US is declining so fast that they could become the most powerful superpower in our lifetimes, without needing to fight a war.
“pushed into a corner by American power”
As I always say – culture matters. If you can get your enemy to think of themselves they way you chose to define them, then you have already won.
America is now a Shabbos Goy nation.
In the last 50 years it has adopted practically all the values that Jews prize in their Goyim; diverse MultiCultural policies, divorcing any Nationalism from decision making. That is no nation can use its resources to project any cultural values into the future, ALL economic decision making is in accordance to Neoliberalism.
In return it offers self over society and demands recognition of complete degenerate freedom, LGBT on steroids as their cultural rivals are encouraged to sterilize themselves.
Basically the US is a culturally the same sort of society that the Wienmar Republic was turned into. Sure there are Legacy American values, but they are culturally under attack, ridiculed and scheduled for replacement.
Remember when everyone used to snicker at China building these ghost cities to ensure that their people would always find somewhere to live, rather than live in tents or cars. How’s that working out for the western world?
I thought this wasn’t APRA’s responsibility either, if the banks are stable then it’s fine.
A neoliberal economy can’t really grow without unrestrained debt growth so it makes sense that the RBA won’t be allowed to consider that as a problem. If the GFC wasn’t enough to prove that debt is a problem, then nothing ever will be.
Yes haven’t read the report and probably never will but sounds like it’s all about ignoring the elephant in the room
The black pill reality is that reserve bank interest rates should always be zero because why should commercial banks get a free return for zero risk
and governments shouldn’t issue bonds at all since they don’t need to and why do bond holders deserve a return for taking no risk
government surplus and deficit, and restricting private credit creation are the best tools to manage inflation
Back home looking after Mum and Dad, and watching The Drum.
What a vile misbegotten
piece of shit that show is. I hate it and the people on it with every fibre of my being.
what is it is it like a talk show
Progressive Karens, fags and Brahman Indians talking about how pious they are, while occasionally inviting in some African or Indigenous women so white men can be condemned by proxy.
Last time I watched some soy boy was fingering his arsehole saying how he wanted his investment property over housing affordability.
the notion of female on male rape has to be one of the dumbest things, very clearly a concept that was bourne out of the obsession with consistency and adherence to gender equality ideology
I embrace such deviance purely on the fact that only absurdity can kill the absurdness of neo-everything and woke swathes.
I promote both women’s plight for equality and women’s plight to socially delete genetic distinction from men… it’s the only way to explode heads of those that support the current thing. let them choke in their own cognitive dissonance… by amplifying it.
were they indidge do you reckon
Fuck Me Very Gently. The imbecile ABCs coverage of the Defence Review tonight and its change of focus to long range missule systems featured a graphic of a SAM. I swear to Allah it was a Bristol Bloodhound…. a 1950s vintage piece of tech that now sits outside bases and museums across the UK.
Unlucky Woman Blames NotVaxx for Her Unluckiness.
She clearly needs to snap out of her unluckiness and count her blessings.
Doesn’t she know children are starving in Japan?
Sucked in
Christ what a family of unsightly bogans.
>previously the leading photography curator at the Art Gallery of NSW
yeah probably puts a few pictures of bearded muzzzies with a background of a spray paint tagged wall around the place
dead set fuckin gross why am i looking at her disgusting feet
yeah suck shit
She is a conspiracy theorist and scammer looking for a pay day. The vaccines are safe and effective.
>scammer looking for a pay day
could be that too
these cunts probably think theyre like new yorkers in brownstones so are eyeing some sort of brownstone dynasty
If it was an article about “long covid” you’d all be scoffing
Implying these two hipsters can express themselves without 10 layers of irony
The meta-irony is rough reading.
Would not have picked her to be the biggest propadee parasite.
:relating to, characteristic of, or resembling the literary work of Franz Kafka; marked by a senseless, disorienting, often menacing complexity:
Millenial lefty scum update.
>Funny how the beneficiaries of the population Ponzi will fight to the death to prevent population growth in their own suburbs. “Just send them to the Western suburbs” is what they’ll be saying privately.
This is the top comment. Wow how based they’re now using the words population ponzi. Nazis.
Meanwhile the attack on ANZAC day has begun on the left with gems like this being churned out but the guardian today
““There is a valid proposition that Anzac Day is already something different to what it originally was, in that it embraces all service people, no matter what conflict they’ve been involved with, so to extend that to the frontier wars is definitely something that could happen.”
I absolutely bet when the voice passes stuff like this will be wheeled out in a matter of years, to start white anting ANZAC day.
And any discussion of the frontier wars will entirely be one sided and only discuss the brave rebellious indigenous people against their white oppressors.
it’s been already white-anted with wars that included atrocities and/or taxes in blood for our masters on the other side of the Pacified Pond.
Hence there’s nothing left to destroy.
Pitty, I repeat quite often, the AnZac had probably the best chance to make Australian a nation (beyond passport title) by providing the unifying mith.
“it’s been already white-anted with wars that included atrocities and/or taxes in blood for our masters on the other side of the Pacified Pond.”
You just described every war.
I’ve never heard this phrase before. Are they referring to aboriginals murdering white convicts and settlers?
Goes in both directions
But expect most the preferred side to be told in order to inflict maximum guilt
Only WW1 and WW2 soldiers should be recognised. Anyone that went to Vietnam or Iraq is a murderer and/or rapist.
a bit harsh to paste the said label to *all* of the post ww2 soldiers.
Isn’t any soldier who kills someone a murderer?
You have an odd view of the world
You insult my mates who served honourably in Vietnam at risk to their lives and their sanity. You can fuck right off.
They murdered people in a war they had no business being involved in.
Lowest of the low.
These Vietnam Vets still complain about their PTSD.
Fuck me. What do they think did the civilian population of that country? Seeing family, friends, countrymen and women be murdered, bombed, raped by the imperialist invaders for one decade.
The Vietnam Vets went home after 12 months, spent the rest of their lives drinking piss, doing drugs, bitching and moaning, bludging off the government.
All wars are banker wars; it’s a shame your mates were brainwashed into thinking that they were helping. They did not, and did so at risk to their lives and sanity. I’m sure they are good blokes, but didn’t get the full story before being conscripted. I say this with all respect as I generally appreciate your opinions.
Who was more based : Ccp or hitler
thats your answer for who deserves more respect out of Vietnam and ww2 veterans
Why does every left-wing shithole work so hard to protect criminals? Is it just generally to ruin society and spread demoralisation? It’s blatantly obvious that these people don’t give two shits about the average normie so what is it about criminals that makes their hearts bleed?
Does Dan really believe that 13 year olds are incapable of telling right from wrong? That’s the exact age when they’ll get their free-of-consequences thrills from other kids.
Tucker Carlson and don lemon both fired same day
any qanon theories on this ?
…and the left thought President Trump was bad, wait until they get a load of President Carlson.
Don’t know anything about Don Lemon but Tucker told the truth about the vax. Can’t have that.
I’m sure there’s a big line of faux based bs artists to take his place to make boomers and the like feel white and patriotic and not the massive Jews they are while they eagerly await their investment property price to go up.
‘Anzac Day 2023: Ambulance crew assist choir members off stage as sun belts down’
It was 17ºC Max. in Wellington NZ.
Sudden Climate Change strikes again.
That’s the spirit of ANZAC for you.
The sun was belting down man!
Ant People from Worst Korea Confirmed as Soulless Robotic Automatons.
(late stage capitalism alert)
Good poll https://twitter.com/auseconomicunit/status/1650710493428842499?t=bQuKmdcMX0JedIa-1Wv_nQ&s=19
Just preparing a Chicken for a succulent meal.
Any recipe ideas?
Thinking French – Coq Au Vin
Netflix meets ANZAC
Where do you begin with this?
It’s amazing that I know exactly where this screenshot comes from just by the audience members appearances
For years I have been joking about identifying as an Indigenous Lesbian. I can throw Muslim into the mix. Note to self for next the Census.
beyond stupid…dopey coloniser
She’s just assimilating. These fetid uppity supercilious moles gotta make themselves “interesting” somehow. Whilst still remaining true to their core of being a poxy detestable mole.
The word assimilating has ass at the front. Lol.
Vietnam vets lost their war and were the murderous invading imperialist force.
Not only evil people who should be held to account for their crimes against humanity (every single last one of them that stepped onto a foreign land wielding a weapon), but LOSERS.
LOSERS with a big fat capital L.
Lost the second Gulf War.
Iraq vets a LOSERS.
Afghanistan vets – LOSERS.
You follow the yanks into a war you are guaranteed to be a LOSER.
Yeah lets put a bunch of 70+ year old conscripts in jail.
I don’t know if they are losers. The west surrounds the world with their military. Russia can’t even get a few km into Ukraine. You gotta think from an empire pov. Like how you wish you were Rocco but you only have a skanky little dick, and your self esteem goes down every time you take a piss.
Haven’t checked this out, but if its a large number of seats its a very legit sign that demand has collapsed and recession is on its way
Airfare prices have been insane since the scamdemic
I remember when it was normal to get an intercity flight for $100-200 or sometimes less like $69
I think the high prices were just to gouge normie scum during the holidays.
I don’t know about Qantas but Virgin and Jetstar have always had cheap airfares for flights that aren’t at popular times.
I don’t know I think these flights seem pretty cheap.
I’m only 6 foot and the faggot ass wog attandent was still brushing me every time he went down the aisle, I even got his massive faggot ass in my face for a minute or two when he was bending over to serve the person on the other side.
I could see his buttcrack was significantly wider than usual.
O… ,
u really notice buttcrackz huh
Well that’s why flights are cheap because you’re gonna get a faggots ass in your face.
war be fkt… SPR holdings are non existent
“…, we now import 77% of our refined fuel. Of the 33% locally refined fuel, 3/4 of its feedstock is imported. Minister Bowen’s most recent fuel security brief reveals we only have 22 days of diesel stored in-country. ”
We have them in the US. It’s just a 2 week tanker journey away in a strategic reserve being drained daily.
nope they have been sold… to help biden out
drained already, in other words…..gaaawwwwwnnnn
Good thing EVs will save us all, apparently
We know youre here sam. Reveal yourself
lmao nice
looks like the daily mail is carrying on the pro-hitlerite tradition it established with its founder and original editor
Those Crikey reporters are little snitching rat-faced weasels.
“oh, we tracked down and doxxed someone who said mean things”
that cam wilson guy looks like guy sebastaiaans severely under nourished bastard white son
CPI figures dropped
this good or bad?
Not great. It’s not falling fast enough where it really matters.
I reckon the RBA will go to 0.15% increases now, starting next month
I’m surprised they didn’t last time
Meet Downs Syndrome Barbie.
Fuckin’ ‘ell, there’s even a black Ken with one leg. Suggested names = Blackbeard – Pirate Pete – Peg Leg Ben.
They need to do a ‘Polio Percy’ with those big old leg irons.
maybe a “Vaccine injured Veronica”
with an NDIS card and verified twitter account
“On Friday, the federal court is expected to rule on whether Lehrmann should be allowed an extension to the usual 12-month time limit on defamation claims.
If the extension is granted, Lehrmann will be free to sue the two outlets and journalists Lisa Wilkinson and Samantha Maiden over their initial reporting of Higgins’ allegations in February 2021.
Lehrmann is also suing the ABC for publishing a full National Press Club address by Higgins. The Guardian revealed earlier this month that that address has now been removed.”
Australia’s migration system undermines regional security: review (smh.com.au)
I use to joke that in the EZFKA athlete were only existing consumer units and potential consumers units… this maggot has finally mainstreamed the notion – everyone is a potential Australian now, including this counts 1.5bn relatives.
Maggots like this face no social cost for saying this garbage. He and his family should be bashed.
who is this guy
Indian immigran who came here back in the day, joined the public service and set up the current Visa system that somehow sems designed to import huge numbers of Indian immigrants. Probably the main guy responsible for the immigration fustercluck we now experience every day.
Stewart is right about him.
San Francisco-based First Republic Bank slid as much as 41%..
the Hugh Pavlevitch of efka
Thank you for your tireless service providing links with no context that nobody will ever open
I opened it
Just when we thought the banking collapses were done with for now looks like another is soon to come
never ever is there one cockroach…
” our banking system is robust and secure”
is ezfka.com your only source of information?
if you haven’t already heard about FRC, you need to broaden your internet horizons
Now now, emusplatt is heaps more entertaining and varied than Hugh.
because who the hell wants to know anything about New Zealand and the freaks who live there?!
This won’t end until politicians start getting shot.
emus a good bloke
“My amortization has ballooned to 93 yrs. Lol. I am paying $3 for principal and $1825 for interest. But I don’t mind, I’m writing off those interests when filing taxes.”
perpetual debt!
nice little bucket of mycelium going through nsw again
here’s the latest ezfka shit sandwich served to the young units
there’s a new stream just to bring in filipinas to wipe bums in nursing homes
will be good for house prices but
ha! I told youse that the “fix” to excessive temporary migration would be to make more of them permanent!
fkn told youse!
This is an excellent commentary however I don’t think I’ve seen anything like this in the mainstream media
But is it performative in nature when the ALP seems more interested in even worse open borders madness
Womyn With One Bob and One Vagene Has Two Heads.
Tag Team Nagging
Dalio on war
tldr : mebbe, mebbe not…coz he can’t know
lmao is nucelus wealth on there
Huh no it isn’t
lol check this out stewie
one of the best videos ever
“13% of the code is causing roughly 55% of the fatal errors in 1-2-3. We need to address this issue.”
lol – Jared Taylor back when there was no race war.
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read that the new 23k capacity “stadium” would cost $715 million. Then I read that the AFL would only contribute $15 million despite deriving almost all the benefits from it.
In Hobart by the way
i have never watched a sportsball game in its entirety, i dont know how everyone else isnt bored shitless by it
Sports are great especially the violent ones.
It’s the circus part, of the bread and circus act