The 2021 census said there were ~1.45 million people aged 15-19. Let’s assume that’s evenly distributed across that age range. Then we can say that ~1.5 million/5 =300k people are aged 18. The government is now importing people at the rate of 400k people per year. That’s more people each year than come of age each year. That is the destruction of a nation without a shot being fired. Sun Tzu would be proud.

Why can’t we get some poo tradies. UAE doesn’t allow itself to revolve around shitty overpaid legacy Australian tradies.
Old style New York apartments to the moon. At least they’d last.
>The UAE is home to 2.8 million Indian expatriates
They have to get something for all those union dues sent to the ALP.
Tony’s tradies! Tradies mate!
Destroys fee paying members while hugely inflating fees to the unions.
Read each super member is $9 to the union each month.
400k X percentage becoming industry super contributors X $9 X 12 is a shit load of money every year.
PLUS NEW UNION member fees.
Union membership fees and expanding the Industry Super paying base has a higher priority to the Labor party than the financial well being of existing Australian workers.
They import doctors with BS qualifications and let them operate on people, but no you can’t possibly import a fucking concreter who might have a BS piece of paper.
It’s not like legacy unit tradies have any pride in their work everything is a rush to finish and get to the pub, get on the ice. I don’t see how imported tradies could do a worse job or be more unethical.
tradies are dodgy as all fuck
They scam working Australians. They are disgusting.
I agree. The imports are going to be better most of the time. Mainly the orientals in finishing trades are best.
Talking with a builder from Sydney recently, told the story of how back in the day his boss used to pull up to the jail on release say to get cheap labour to wire the rebar up.
Whilst not good for the local workforce these imports aren’t the cause of the decline in quality and standards.
It seems we are allowed to import everyone else except tradies. It seems pretty much every industry is multi-culti now.
reports I get from suburban construction sites is that all (80%++) the people doing the building are imports.
the labourers are imports, need to be supervised by a qualified tradie.
Melbourne haven’t had a local Tradie dpi my plastering for 5 years. They are the worst, basically human trafficking with full knowledge of the CFMEU (paid to look the other way). They’re on every major residential project tower.
The Chinese usually come on site after hours, 4pm onwards and on weekends. Now they’re not even hiding them. The head of the Plastering Contracting bunch (usually a very sketchy character, Bikies’ mates) even picks them up in a van to deliver them to site. Head guy shows them how to plaster a couple of times, then let’s them go. Quality control non existent. CFMEU get a weekly pay off to ignore and help hide their existence.
What can go wrong huh?
That’s racist! There are no black in the picture – just some ME looking dude.
Speaking of blacks, came across this article. Similar things can be observed here.
Albert Schweitzer, Nobel Peace prize winner 1952:
The truth can never be spoken in polite company.
The nation is not destroyed. We promised 5% of our GDP to some Anglos for a few subs to be delivered in 20 years. That leaves 95% still to be stolen by other talented grifters.
Good post
but it’s probably even worse than that
what’s the percentage of those 300k 18yo who are children of legacy Australians ?
if anyone can be stuffed it’s here : births by country of birth of parents
what do we even define as legacy australian
are italians/greeks legacy australians yet
You tell me white boy
Sometimes you say reasonable things, but underneath it all you are a shithead. It always comes out. Eventualy we will all learn to stop talking to you.
Unreasonably aggressive but ok
No, you (plural) won’t.
Coming is a perfect candidate for someone to be told what’s on your (plural) mind hence you (plural) love him for facilitating this. Coming is a product of you (plural) not being able to stop where stop is due.
He may be a jabbadabba idiot but sure he knows how to yenk a chain and rattle a cage.
the word you’re looking for is “youse”
I refuse to speak bogan.
A lot of hypocrites on this website
Will gleefully shit on (xyz) group , but enraged by any criticism of a group they belong to
it’s not like I don’t also poke fun of the other groups too
they deserve cheap everything and high salaries because their ancestors were Anzac’s but abos should get nothing
I guess as an incel forum enjoyer I’m used to this kind of humorous teasing and self deprecation
but some people here take themselves very seriously and are definitely *NOT* incels
definitely seeing an element of that
but this is oversimplifying it. To the extent that the (collective) parents & grandparents built it, the (collective) kids should get first dibs on enjoying it.
if there were no prospect of bequeathing anything to your progeny (again, collective), what’s the point of building anything durable (at least more durable than the average lifespan)? So while the claim comes across as entitled, the alternative is actually worse.
it becomes tricky when the parents/grandparents sell out and thereby disinherit the progeny… this is the bit that many can’t quite identify. (Perhaps because it’s too close to home?) so much of the rage seems to be misdirected
the boomer-haters get it, though.
and if you’re boomer parents die with very little to show for it while on the pension, are they equally derisible?
given that they had the easiest opportunity to become wealthy of any generation ever
there are layers and dimensions here. some boomers had a lot to sell, others little or nothing.
In each category some embraced the sell off, some refused.
so can’t tar them all with the same brush (and the more thoughtful boomer-haters don’t). But on the whole, the results of boomer cohort choices are patent
reusa says yes… hail the almighty
Peachy, again there is a difference between the non democratic actions of politicians and the interests of the average person. I would hope you should know this.
Will you criticise the group that took jabbadabba out of plain ole complacency and lack of critical thought wrt to injectable and then justifies own stupidity with bending of the facts?
i’ve delivered more than enough invective against the covidiots, and those who created the mandates
taking the jab to save your job/career is however a highly rational and intelligent decision
the risk is low, and the idiots like you are absolutely hysterical about the risks of the vaccine (like the covidiots are hysterical about the risk of the virus)
I did nor refer to covidiots, I referred to your absent critic of jabbadabba-do’s
it is rational to take a vaccine for something that endangers your life of that will reduce your risks from it to a manageable level or remove them completely.
it is irrational to take any injectable under duress and pressure to save own job.
it is irrational to the n-th exponential to take a non performing, permanent risk inducing, jab because ordered and mandated by authorities based on political and contrary to unbiased medical and unbiased scientific advice.
obviously not intelligent.
youre tiresome
I know…
I know I am tiresome to you because I reflect on poor choices.
I know I am tiresome to you because I reflect on poor choices you defend as if is the good ones because otherwise it would be admitting own stupidity outlook and in public.
We have done it before. W@F is not missed.
Nope, he left on his accord.
my definition of white = all europid caucasoids indigenous to europe
if ‘legacy australian’ means = white australian, then yes
even sicilian and maltese australians are legacy australians then
however if legacy australian means anglo-celtic/northern european only, then no
i didnt invent the phrase legacy australian soz
Do you like southern Europeans as much or more than northerns?
is the degree of kinship and empathy you feel the same ?
i think racial consciousness is a vague concept really
ethnic consciousness is much more concrete, the ethny is a far more coherent and robust unit of identification than some more broadly defined ‘race’
its best to understand your sense of kinship as a sequence of overlapping circles that can expand or contract, or assume precedence one over another depending upon social/environmental circumstances
the greater the degree of genetic distance from the individual self the more attenuated altruism tends to become, but there are overlapping / parallel processes that also compete for your sense of alturism and identity <– this is probably the book to read that could explain it better than i can
the only thing you can really say with of certainty is homogenity promotes greater social cohesion and harmony and heterogenity does not, but being ultra dogmatic about it is also pretty retarded
Do you do feel less connection to wogs than skippys
I’ve literally been in meetings in Spain, and Italy where they have referred to the southerners of own country as ni66ers.
In the western media it’s always implied that the white racist privilege thing is a english speaking phenomenon.
im not judging you I’m just asking a question because I’m curious how conscious you guys are of ethnicity
In a similar vein, do you draw a distinction in your mind between legacy australians of irish descent (particularly catholics) and those of english descent
its interesting because the south of italy and spain was obviously invaded by the moors/arabs and that created the racial admixture there (which was originally “italian”)
There are still some very fair skinned people in those areas of Italy (and blue eyed), but they’re in the minority
I wonder if rural australians will look down on the city mutts in a couple generation time when there are no true “whites” left
Quite reasonable. Northern Italians/Spaniards are white Europeans. Blue eyed Mountain people.l from the Alps.
The southerners are descended from Arabs and African blacks who unfortunately made it across the Med. Niggers.
I too made that mistaken claim, spread in no doubt in part by the Jon Voits immortal lines from True Romance “They came across to Italy and did so much fucking they changed the entire bloodline. So instead of having blonde hair and blue eyes, like the waps in the north, they had dark hair and dark skin.”
It was actually the great Steve Sailer who corrected me and pointed me to the fact that it was mainly admixture of remnant population groups of early European Neolithic farmers. The Moors did less fucking that popularly thought, as they mainly formed the elite (like the Goths before them) before they were eventually ousted.
Again this link covers this period quite well:
interesting..I’m 8-10% iberian peninsula
[w/o any explanation or evidence how]
My heritage is straightup celt according to records. [a celt who tans like shoe polish]
ex ayrshire
are italians/greeks legacy australians yet
Nope, that horse has bolted when they were rejected and labelled ‘wogs’
True that. I am white AF and even have light coloured eyes, aussie accent, but due to brown (not even dark) hair I have been labelled a wog or leb my entire life.
The funniest thing was being in a pub in North Shore where everyone was blonde. A pommy telling his kiwi mate that people like me should be kicked out of the country.
…and then I get to be told of lack of “integration”.
Easy – anyone who was Australian before the implementation of MultiCult as a social policy. From that point onwards Australia has experienced several waves of highly endogamous population groups who view assimilation as a form of cultural genocide, and whose immigration effectively constitutes a form of colonization – every bit as much an invasion as the settlement and founding of Australian, although with none of the upside by way of technical progress, improvements or social uplift.
Foundational or Colonial Australians, ergo AngloCeltic peoples from the British Isles, are the keystone cultural foundational group which was arguably marginally transformed for the better with the arrival of later population groups, culminating in the scrapping of the bottom of the barrel with people from backward parts of Europe; like Italy and Greece.
The key point though is that these later groups, although relatively more endogamous because of their cousin fucking than other European population groups, still assimilated – but it took time as their cultural arrogance slowed this process considerably. It is probably worthy of noting that the Greek disporia of Melbourne harbours some of the most toxic spokes people for MultiCult in Australia today.
God only knows how long the toxic highly endogamous population groups are going to divide Australia.
Italy has a higher IQ than the UK
and that’s with the southerners pulling the average down
northern Italians are among the very top tier of whites
jews are genetically derived from those people (not the moorish/African admixture that currently occupies much of the south)
explains a lot of the physical features
True – but where one wog led others followed. I could qualify my remark with some more granularity for the pedantic, Northern Italians assimilated relatively quickly, while the highly endogamous cousin fucking southerners are still a relative ball and chain.
There have always been Jews in Italy, practically since the time of Rome. They’re referred to as Roman Jews or Latin right Jews. They are distinct from the Sephardic Jews that were mainly in Spain, and arguably settled in the area in Roman times.
This is an interesting thread that I recommend you listen to if you have time, it deals with the Sephardic Jews since the time of the Goths:
Then there are Ashkenazi Jews – these are the most endogamous and imho toxic group. I’m honestly fairly benign or agnostic on the other groups. When they arrived in Australia and commenced organising, other Sephardic Jews viewed them with alarm, with Sir John Monash even supposedly signing a letter warning of their endogomaous cultural practices. Ashkenazi Jews were also the overwhelming drivers and originators of Zionism as an ideology and the foundation of Israel.
Ashkenazis are the Eastern European Jews, although they are not originally European but a Turkic people. They have since obtained significant European genetic background, but virtually entirely on the maternal line and as a result of sleeping with their slaves. They were also late to monogamy as a cultural value.
This last group are your Trigguboffs, Lowys, Stokes, and dominate the ranks of the ‘elites’ in the West. They’re basically our masters.
The article I posted directly contradicts that
mtDNA shows that ashkenazi Jews are descended from pre Christ and prehistoric era Italians and meds
Technically the article is correct – the can trace their linage to central Europe in particular Italy but, that is their maternal or mDNA linage. Women are part of the land and belong to whoever conquers them, so really it doesn’t say a lot. I have read and know of pockets of North Italy and Switzerland that have dramatically higher median IQ’s, so this fact would accord with the article.
What matters more is the patriarchal linage. That is where you tend to inherit your political views from and from which cultural authority descends. It is also where you get the male variability effects of a flatter to distribution of various phenotype variabilities including IQ. In that respect parts of their linage are a mixture of Levantine Jews and various Mediterranean Jewish groups.
However, Levantine is really East Mediterranean, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, etc and there was still plenty of admixture with Turkic groups also in the region, especially leading up to the formation of the Ottoman Empire.
Frankly they all look like Turks to me and in terms of genetic distance there’s only a farts distance between them.
The result was very clear-cut, the authors say: As reported online today in Nature Communications, more than 80% of Ashkenazi mtDNAs had their origins thousands of years ago in Western Europe, during or before Biblical times—and in some cases even before farming came to that part of the continent some 7500 years ago. The closest matches were with mtDNAs from people who today live in and around Italy. The results imply that the Jews can trace their heritage to women who had lived in Europe at that time. Very few Ashkenazi mtDNAs could be traced to the Middle East.
Really makes no sense that Ashkenazi would have any Middle East/Arab heritage since the people there are borderline retarded
family guy provides further evidence
can you provide sources for this
I couldn’t find the specific article, but there is plenty of evidence through twin studies that politics is indeed heritable:
The male variability hypothesis is fairly standard and visible through most statistical surveys, quickly men tend out number women at both ends of the bell curve.
Finally socially cultural values were, until recently, nearly always determined by the father, i.e. the patriarchy. This can have an epigenetic influence on how genes get expressed.
There is of course always variability, genes are inherited from both sets of parents, but for the reasons above the male side tends to be a bigger influence.
i dont put exact stock into lynn and vanhanen’s numbers, they’re just guidelines that’s all. italys av iq is probably about the same or a little lower than uk, really getting proper cross-national iq comparisons exactly is really really hard.
cope and seethe Celt-cel
That first paragraph was one of the best things I’ve ever read.
Chapeau Stewie. If you’re ever in Canberra I’ll buy you a beer.
Hence the title.
Zoomers are already very kalergi. Very generic, globalist, clinical.
And the biggest legacy unit breeders are garbage people, and the boongs are big breeders as well so it will be more degradation and stratification.
As for Coming, the same for you. Shithead.
Nice work.
There are some vocal deranged people on this blog.
Love your work Robert.
taking a quick break from the race science
RBA meeting today
hold or +0.25 ?
Oil went up… 1/4% up
raising…. without reason
The boss-man’s sack has been withering a bit lately, but I think he’s still got enough in it for another 0.25% in April.
dls is saying no raise
I hope he pauses because I’m worried about the mental health of dls and the kouk.
Computer says hold
i say hold
Jeebus. Dats one ugly mother fucker. That upper lip. 😳
yonking to get a few more teeth removed
Can the resident cookers tell me if the flu jab now contains EMMA RENAY or a COVID shot mixed in?
Probably not, but you don’t need the flu jab anyway unless you are old or otherwise frail
The comparison with scatter gun is firing it at a general direction from 10m and hoping to squash a mozzie.
It’s effectiveness is at best coincidental and at worst it luls your immune response so each and every flu becomes more dangerous for thee.
Above applies to young and old, male or female, bed weeter or a hero….
At 10m, a charge of double-aught buck will hardly have spread at all. Your average mossies wouldn’t stand a chance.
That’s needlessly pedantic.
At 10m if you can see a mozzie you are a scientific miracle.
Besides, it is a figurative speech
I got a flu jab about 20 years ago and it made me feel like shit. Haven’t had one since, and haven’t had influenza either.
In fact, I’ve never had influenza, and I’ve never known anyone who had it, let alone died from. It.
I’ve known more people who’ve died in car crashes than have had influenza.
I think the influenza narrative is a scam aimed at selling lots of pointless vaccines to big pharma.
and those making this destruction occur are….?
It was begun after the Russian revolution with the founding of COMINTERN. The Labor party split in 1955 because of its communist sympathisers, show how bad it had got here. They played a long game. White anting anglos by importing everyone from everywhere was part of the toolkit to dismantle the bonds between people, their families and their ancestors, and other obstacles, to building paradise. Other tools were feminism and environmentalism. These ideologies and their adherents have some utiility in the right dose. The extremes to which they have gone in Australia, and elsewhere, were a consquence of post WW2 and post colonial guilt, with a large generation of stary eyed youths being tutuored in useless humanities degress by communist sympathisers, many recruited in the early days (see potemkin villages), some of whom were or became foreign agents. McCarthyism did not finish them off. Unlike in China too many were given the chance to repent. They should have been exiled or executed. The revolutionary work lapsed a little in the 1990s but was reborn as China gained in wealth and power. With growing diversity, every ethnic group arriving always sticks together and becomes a lobby group for their own interests. Initially, those interests are shared – how to get more money, power and influence for them and their people. They have the same shared interests as other disaffected self-identifying groups: the demolition and demotion of the majority. They work together to acheive it.
Shit, are you Gunnamatta?
1000 words and no clear answer.
It feels like it needs vinegar, oil and lots of herbs
Lemme help you there,
hint: its website ends with
this is interesting
i wonder if reducing immigration will be part of the comeback plan
Lol. Lmao
Exactly. The ones talking about change will be booted out of the party.
Changes to NG and CGT. lol.
Well, in theory it could be. I mean the article already hedges by preemptively remonstrating that the Chinese cock will continue to be sucked, but this doesn’t mean total number can’t go from 400,000 assorted bods to 100,000 mainly mainland bods.
in practice, I think the easier and smarter thing for the Libs to do (rather than reinventing themselves to capitalise on the circumstance of their base being non-existent, and so being unmoored) will be just to wait for the Labs to fuck up and the electorate to turf them out.
If they cut from the mainlander numbers they’ll have to bulk in the Indian/SEA numbers. No cuts!
Yep. Labor are disgusting. Even normies will refuse to vote for them at the next election.
The big question is whether those votes will go back to the LNP, or elsewhere. I expect ALP and LNP primary votes to be in the mid 20% at the next federal election. Everybody is disenchanted.
Moron lowlife scum legacy Australians will always vote for housing. It’s the last refuge that shields them from fierce competition among the shitskins and 2nd world conditions they’ve imported.
Insert rant about prison wardens and prisoners here
Hungry Asian Heifer Tries to Eat White Fellow
lesse beltway / nato sanction this
fucking lmao
but this is the kind of nonsense that could help right wing parties
it will push moderate women away from the lunatic greens fringe
this is exactly what PHON should be capitalising on
People like Latham will put these outraged women off by being a crude dickhead
Most women aren’t athletic and probably like seeing athletic women cucked.
Admit it it would be good for a laugh if it could happen to mans sportsball.
When immigration was 230k our population was growing at 400k. While we had negative fertility of 2.1.
Fertility is now 1.7. We’ll now grow at over 700k a year (minus adjustment for our lower fertility that just makes the ratios worse).
All immigrants and their immediate offspring.
Australia is finished.
The democrats should recruit this bloke and get away from the identity politics.
We haven’t had a good ukraine sperg-fest for a long time
Mark and stagmal how is it looking now
this is just some regular bullshit put out by ukraines propaganda dept
absolutely none of that is happening or is going to happen
ukraine is mostly bakhmut and avdiikva atm its not very interesting right now
russia advances incrementally, ukraine is apparently losing a lot of men pumping reserves into a few salients to slow this
Agree. Funny talk about dismantling of Russia. Read in the news somewhere that a few EU countries have started discussing a peacekeeping force – namely Poland and Hungary. Balkanisation of the western Ukraine is far more likely, IMO.
absolutely on the cards….. again history rhymes….these tribes fight
On the subject of ‘solutions’, we need to address the Dravidian Menace.
They’re very passive, so shouldn’t be a problem putting them in those newly built detention centres.
Ha ha ha
Another good link for various memes
whens the rate rise annoucement
White legacy units.
In this country:
1/ Biggest COVID spastics at the height of the hysteria – lockdowns, mandates, injections, throwing around the granny killer tag, etc
2/ Abo lovers. Invasion day, pay the rent, the voice, more free shit to lazy drunks
3/ Pro homo and transvestism.
4/ Ice epidemic, injecting rooms, drug use socially acceptable
5/ Proclivity towards violence and crime (abos, Sudanese, Islanders are obviously the most violent)
6/ General anti-social behaviour. If a neighbour has loud music, big stupid smelly dogs barking at all hours, or pissing and shitting off the leash in a park are they likely to be Indian, Chinese or white legacy?
7/ Disgusting habits you won’t see anywhere else in the world like walking through a shop barefoot
8/ Muh mental illness. Highest rates on the planet. These people should not breed.
I agree why do legacy Australians think we want to see their disgusting feet. I can understand in summer but a lot of them draw it out until it gets really cold.
somebody show me the lie
Asians were and are by far the most COVID fearful and even invented lockdowns
yeah the only people who wear masks anymore for the most part are azn
rap music banned at the easter show
is this to discourage wiggers or sudanese or both
Better just to ban Islanders from the show?
def just sudanese
I’d ban it out of pure lack of taste. Calling rap a music is like caling aussie rules ping-pong a football: it hardly uses a foot and it ain’t really a ball and they have gay shorts.
Ban rap everywhere, perhaps it should ne allowed only in public toilets.and countrybside dunnies
I walk barefoot across bitumen on 40 degree days in order to establish dominance over weak low T soy men.
paradoxically it’s the Melbourne legazens that seem to be the most violent and bogan
truly an unholy pit of despair Melbourne is between the danstans, the pajeets and Sudanese, and the legacy white trash
This is clearly a race hate crime but that’s being glossed over.
Father and son legacy units probably drinking for 12 hours and off their heads on ice, see a lone gook on a quiet street corner, legacy father put his legacy son up to it saying show me how hard you can hit that gook. Gook does well to hold his own so legacy father comes in to sort him out with a knife when his legacy son can’t get the job done.
It’s a race hate crime. They would not do this to a scummy fellow 35 year old legacy unit.
Those violent bogan types are pretty bad but at least they kept Oz undesirable for the hordes for a long time, until Cronulla, then they got shat on because News Corp and the MSM took the Lebs’ side, and the idiot boomers complied immediately.
The Poo-lution Solution
Normally we’d keep their womenfolk, but Pajeetas are repulsive with their odor and body hair. They have to go as well.
phil cucks. it’s over i’d say
would it be fair to say that the highest/fastest/greatest interest rate rises in history did absolutely nothing
asset prices barely altered
spending barely altered
inflation barely altered
anybody else starting to think its a charade
Nah, you just can’t control Z decades of making Aussies and especially Boomers filthy fucking rich through house prices. Why would most people give a fuck what interest rates are, plenty of Boomers are making even more now
is that a yes or a no
basically its a yes
Requires a better mind than me. I think it’s more about shoring up the US dollar while China debases theirs? SantiagoCapital on Twitter is probably the best guy at explaining economic reality atm. He’s not some silver bug or anything.
and housing saved…
it’s kabuki
Coming troll bait detector has a hit right here
he hasnt been wrong though
interest rate rises have been a dud
We shall see over the course of this year
Nz just went another 0.5%, now by far the highest rates in the developed world 5.25%
Which is a full 1.65% above australia now (nearly 50% higher in relative terms)
they also just put up minimum wage by 7%, and albo is calling for the same here
inflation is 7.2% over there , and about the same here
both obviously have similar housing bubbles
Given the RBA appears to have lost its appetite for rate rises, we are hopefully about to undertake a reasonably well controlled experiment to see how interest rates effect inflation across the two countries
Have you seen the movie The Life of Brian?
Excellent Monthy Python piece.
It tells us that simply by being at the right place at the right time does ot make one a messiah.
it keeps happening though..
But not for the reasons you stated.
Dya know the joke with a fag mouse banging the elephant and at one stage a coconut falls on the elephant head and breaks his tusk. The elephant screams in pain and the mouse says…. “yea baby, see how good I can fluck you, you start to scream”
Are you Llewdo from EmBee-cile?
If inflation doesn’t fall away he’ll have to hike again. Policy rate isn’t particularly restrictive and financial conditions have loosened post banking tantrum. Relative to the insane stimulus over the past few years, these rate rises are pure cuck energy.
Went out to get lunch. I live near a high density Babylon of sorts. Generally a vibe of shock among legacy Australian leftist whites plus pov immigrants. Trying to hide their seething. Boomers with names like Helen and Bob affecting that they are definitely still very respectful good modest Christians kindly allowing the darkies serve them at the supermarket. They might even bump into someone they know to talk about their son or daughter spawning another legacy Australian retard.
House Albo is the biggest political own goal of all time.
Another shithead. Or perhaps you’re all copy and paste of the same shithead.
I know it’s outrageous and disgraceful, Bob.
bob not yet prepared to accept that is how white people are seen nowadays
i dont understand the message of this story
Just reading the room bruh.
Hayne guilty of rape
but seems like an absolute stitch up imo
who would want to be a chad in 2023
hayne fucked up probably didnt call her when she wanted to
likely wouldnt have blabbed about the rape if he hadnt blew her off
what are the cooker thoughts on this?
they have cancelled AZ vaccine ostensibly because of the risk of TTS
20 per million
and most cases recovered – only 8 deaths ascribed
why would they cancel the AZ for this, but the Emma Renay vaccines have killed thousands/millions and they keep their license?
please share your conspiracy theories here
Accuse others of what you are doing.
Can you explain further
why cancel AZ for a minimal risk
that only begs the question of why not ban Pfizer too which has at least the same minimal risk
It’s not about the risk. It’s about blaming others. Creating another tangent to confuse people.
az were pissing in the pool … vax was made free to some…what a mob of cvnts eh? lets get ’em
Where do you find these lol
My Mum has stage 4 cancer and my Dad fractured his spine trying to lift her when she fell over the other day. Good on him, he gave it his best shot and thats all you can ask of a man. I’m looking after them both in the absence of my brother who is bipolar, off his meds and having an episode. If you hear about a crazy bloke named Bob being arrested in Melbourne, that’s him.
The real story is here in Ballina though. Mum and Dad are big consumers of the MSM, and I now see how it works. They actually and quite uncritically believe all the vile shit that comes from commercial news services.
It’s astonishing.Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are heroes of the American people. Albanese is in the ALP, so he he’s a true supporter of the working classes. Joe Biden is quite normal and the leader of the Free World and doing a good job. We need more migrants. Etc etc etc..
The one redeeming and hilarious feature is that they grew up in rural NSW and theyre incredibly racist towards abos. My ancestors were involved in a massacre of aboriginals back in the 1850s, and M&D reckon they deserved it because they attacked my mob first. An alternative view of history, based on direct experience.
And now, they despise the abos. Theyre layabout, useless, violent bludgers who wont work and who’ll break into your house at the drop of a nulla. Drunk, stupid, violent and aggressive. And having been here for a while…they’re right.
old ppl uncritically believe all news its really sad
lucky they have you coz I’d be challenging those beliefs
I’m from Ballina, so have some funny memories.
Cabbage tree Island has an indigene reservation.
Once heard an indig gent sing a song, “I’m an Abo from Cabbo”.
One of the first things Scotland’s PM does with his Moozie mates.
It’s OK, all is saved, Dlsimp declares,
‘Mass immigration was just killed by a pandemic’.
He needs help.
I fear brain cancer since it makes people mind go out of level and calibration
???? bizarre
lmfao LIFELINE meeting lowe to sook about rates being too high
this is pathetic
Bro prices are going up – just sell the house
Dailymail forced by the press council to issue an apology for lack of “balance” in their reporting of gender re-assignment surgery
Absolutely incredible
Any dissenting voices are being censored
Imagine if the press council took the guardian or smh to task for not presenting “balanced” reporting on aboriginal welfare or immigration or gay rights or vaccine mandates or lockdowns
This country is a prison camp for real
Are all the legacy cucks here really proud of what their grandfathers died for and the country they built?
It’s embarrassing. I wouldn’t mind if they cancelled Anzac Day.
Boomers still seem to like tugging themselves over Vietnam though.
Anzac is still mostly about the ww2
Korea and Viet Nam are not in the same spirit but granted the awareness of the root cause for these wars was less than traces at the time.
All “vets” of wars from 80s onwards should not be partaking as it is in a different spirit and knowledge
grifting cvnt does well in SA
“While this all sounds promising, it’s worth noting that GFG Alliance is currently being investigated by the UK’s Serious Fraud Office. It is suspected of fraud, fraudulent trading and money laundering…”
siri what does pwnd mean?
Unconventional EconomistMEMBER
April 5, 2023 at 6:46 am
What’s interest rates got to do with mass immigration and housing shortages?
You guys are smoking crack.
Lmao it’s over
would love to see the ethnic breakdown
how do lebs and muslims and Asians and curries vote
in any case it’s time to accept that everybody here is a societal outlier and if your goals are to achieve political change you need to self censor
Poorly worded survey IMO
Buried in the stats though is below data which isn’t as headline grabbing
41% of total respondents are partly against or partly in favour
What the fuck does that actually mean for a yes or no question
That tells me that basically 41% of people haven’t made up their mind which is very significant
it has little chance of losing
the opposition to it is muddled as hell, all the pro-voice people have to do is say ‘if you dont vote for this u hate abos’
no one is gonna be able to mount any attack on that
I think this will be close at most 60/40 on either direction probably 55/45
fair enuff… fkn bin ants
big girls club ezfka styln….’nother mob of incompetents
here’s some data for ya
looks like diverse and non-legacy australians love the voice, contrary to the claims made on here that chinkys and poos are natural abo haters
Later day immos only hate abos as much as they learn from convicts culture.
By inertia. The real “hate” or more aptly said the aversion comes from cultural traits of casting out those that do not conform to a broad norm.
But none of that has direct connection to the voice
i genuinely cant understand a lot of your posts
I am happy to oblige a further explanation if you point towards some bits that are incomprehensive, be it a phrase or a word or a context
all im pointing out is that non-legacy aussies are more pro voice than legacy
a claim that runs contrary to the opinion thats been posted on here over and over blaming legacy aussies for the voice
In this case, I claim that immos from about last 20 yrs are generally aversive of abos from the perspective of their own imported culture which tends to outcast those that are unlike them, unbehave like their culture or have a culture that has little similarly with theirs. This is common but unreal meaning that once they learn their cu,ture, the aversion subdues.
OTOH, instant hate of abos is learned from convicts and assumed in the initial period.
In my experience convict descendants generally hate abos, others just don’t liek them. This is apart from the idiot convicts, those that think through ServiceNSW app or 7/10/AyeBeeSee/ShitBullSnot and other TV channels- they are pro current thing because the TV tells them so
most australians have no actual contact with aboriginals at all
abos are barely present in large cities, they mostly live in regional
dubbo is about 15% aboriginal while the greaeter melbourne area is about 0.1%
In my experience initally abos appear aversive to most non-abos and I think it may be because the facial features being slightly unusual. I had the same aversion to Malay and png’s at first. Maybe because the Hollywood typecasting them all as cannibals?
Word legacy Aussies is too broad and too loaded to make any clear statement.
The only legacy Aussies can be Abos or the Warden class Aussies, those that led the occupation of this pond and brought the first wave of cheap labour (and are still bringing in cheaper labour).
i do wonder if maybe its skippy
this time LARPing as a cooker wog, rather than a ex-navy seal socialist
Lol, Nice try…
For someone whom approved the clot shot you seem to be using the word cooker the most liberally and the most inaccurately at the same time.
It must be the coping mechanism… psyoping yourself that it was a brave choice intelligent people would make….
i never liked cooker as a word anyway its etymology comes from a faggot on yt
I really like it
the only counter-example to “the left can’t meme”
its super evocative and rolls off the tongue nicely
you can feel the smug sneering contempt in it
I don’t think its quite as good as the right wing equivalent “npc”, but I might be biased as a former D&D nerd
In any case, its a wonderful slur
We saw you do.
Except we also saw you paste it exclusively on the the very opposite of cookers.
Kinda like lefties calling everyone who disagrees a fascist and then resort to fascists methods to cancel tthem. What’s it called… yeah, bigotry and hypocrisy will do
hes the skippy of this site at any rate
word salad posts detailing the most esoteric arguments imaginable
I admit, my post can be incomprehensible to a common convict class member. No such thing exists in comms with most southern or eastern Europeans or even Seth Efrikans since majority will heave a broad knowledge. Thus it is not a limitation of my party by itself.References are carefully chosen, from a wide variety of angles. Can’t help it if common Convict class read only Stephen King and Watched only Priscilla the drag Queen.
I actually dare you to point towards any alleged word salad. Slow down there, it may point to own absence of education or narrow mindedness.
Comparison to Skippy is supposedly insulting, which it is, but for a totally unrelated reason. The said characater draws references to items known only to handful of people or only to himself, which is not a sign of intellect (to which it ay appear) but rather a view of the world through a tunnel vision.
Also the more educated you are the more likely to vote yes lmfao
lot of arts degrees out there though
someone should make one of those bell curve IQ memes
same as vaccine hesitancy
Legacy Australians are a laughing stock. The shitskins are polite enough to me but they do look down on us a bit. I don’t blame them what sort of pieces of shit would give away their best cities.
cry me a fucking river ….they’re majorly bullshit jobs… harden tfu
lmfao show trial just like the Lehrmann one
imagine entrusting 12 random australians with a decision like this when most of them have double digit IQs and are brain damaged by twitter and social media
absolute disgrace
who would want to be a chad in 2023
the idea that a jury HAS to come to a verdict is insane, it goes against the very concept that a juror has agency to decide
if you dont know you shouldnt have to feel pressued to vote just bc the others want you to eitherway
what soundtrack would you chose if you had to make sweet sweet love to crackhead barney?
99pc here wank, inclusive of those that claim to be married and yet you ask this kind of question HERE?
my apologies sir
well at least dutton has announced the libs are formally opposing the voice
makes sense to do so since a substantial percentage of the population opposes it or is hesitant – everything to gain politically by doing so
and when it gets voted through, and inevitably turns into a corruption shitshow, he can say “I told you so”
voice is small fry though, the writing is on the wall regardless if it passes or not
if it somehow loses itll be the last gasp of a few old generations that are fading into oblivion
…”With declining fertility of our citizenry, immigration is outpacing natural increase as a source of population growth.”…
They are now gloating about the end of Anglo Australia.
yeah what did i tell ya
though this is nothing new
but now do you get my point, these people want us DEAD
The afr makes it sound like it’s some disease rendering people infertile rather than malignant economic policies that have made young people so insecure and fearful for their futures that they put off having kids.
I kind of prefer that to when the media does features on how terrible everything is while telling us to vote harder or offering some vested interest’s fake solution like cutting red tape or whatever.
It’s better that they look blatantly stupid than pretending to empathise but making things worse.
CCP Ant Person Pays $1.6 Million for 367sqm Shitbox.
Asked for comment, the winning bidder said “Fuck off Gweilo, I am in disguise with White hoody and sunglasses”
More solid Sydney muh smelly working class Kingswood Country salt of the earth don’t wipe their bum properly farkin Labor votin Aussie territory getting bought up by chinky poos.
Need chink/poo real estate agents. Sick of these shitty legacy Australian and wog ones. Actually it should be law that only boongs can be real estate agents seeing as it’s their land.
Wtf are you talking about? A third of the posters here seem to have aphasia.
I reread it it makes sense. But it’s understandable if you are a legacy Australian.
Implying any Chindian writes the wanky way that you do lol
100% a white person thing
My score is 15/20 points
To my shame I have to admit that I once watched an episode of The Cosby Show, which has negatively impacted my final tally.
What’s your score?
I am a wog, and my kind of wog flucked Aryans twic hence I’m not Aryan by a default, tnx God.
The test is better called “the russian” test.
I am rather 90pc ‘whatevs” as per this SISO test
I’m half wog hence my dismal score.
Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night trying to kill myself.
Submissions close at midnight Central Dawn Syndrome Time.
Winner gets a dinner for one at Das Kehlsteinhaus in Berchtesgaden.
(Have to make your own way).
Note to Stewie: I quite like bread dipped in olive oil, so there.
Stewie grew up in a town full of wogs, so I’m part wog from osmotic pressure.
This osmosis thing is disconcerting.
Care to enter your score?
The view from The Kehlsteinhaus is magnificent.
I’m only 12 so I’m kind of in a no-mans land, I can, if I really stretch myself and ham it up, mix it with the blonde legacy bogans. I’ve had a couple of smart wog friends. But most wogs are dumb. I used to know a dumb wog that hated me because I was an atheist and I called him a wog.
I’m not able to upvote, but thank you for your submission.
We also have a consolation prize namely an expertly stuffed Alsatian named Blondi.
Good Luck
I’ll go in the raffle for a meat tray and a night with blonde legacy Australians at the bowlo.
16 but I feel it’s a little flawed. I should be 18-19 plus a separate category for beliefs.
Indeed, it’s pretty basic, more like a quick phenomenological primary filter.
Thank you
I got 17/20, only ‘cos I’m albino.
Please check again Ser
Is that pink? I have pink eyes
That is indeed pink.
Don’t trust your lying albino eyes.
Also it’s supposed to mean subtract 20, I’ll have a word with my editor.
Apologies for confusion, have a nice day.
Oh, so now you’re going to say my previous service in the IDF is a no-no as well?
Fighting in any supremacist army: Add 25 points
We might have a winner here.
Do you want slivovitz, grappa, schnapps, raki, ouzo, jenever, tubâ or 4X with your meal?
12…. gulag for me
¡Ay caramba!
For you I’ll throw in a photograph signed by Leni Riefenstahl.
Blue state policies now eating their children
Who wants to tell Liz that without the investor couple she is slagging off, there wouldn’t be homes for the immigrants she so dearly loves?
Liz wants us all living in a Long House where she can be the den mother to us all.
the fkn stupid dope …. if she doesn’t address the govt. policies that encourage and make this strategy lucrative inc. immigration, then she’s an enabler.
ps her living is as an enabler for scanlon foundation….5th columnist traitor
Wow. How to make yourself even more detestable than the propadee grifters. The left certainly have a unique talent for it.
I want Scomo back now, he can smirk as much as he wants.