Boats are on their way as Labor announces permanent residency for family members of illegal boat arrivals

And there you go, in the midst of a catastrophic housing and rental crisis:

“Labor has cleared the way for refugees on permanent visas who came to Australia by boat to bring family members to Australia.

Under the former Coalition government’s immigration policy, family reunion applications by refugee boat arrivals holding permanent visas were given the “lowest priority” in visa processing under Ministerial Direction 80.

Immigration Minister Andrew Giles has now formally reversed that policy, replacing Ministerial Directions 80 and 83.

The decision does not apply to people on a Temporary Protection Visa.

The government estimates the decision, foreshadowed last November, opens a path for visa processing for tens of thousands of family members waiting for their requests to be considered.”

As I called last month, this will do will encourage more to try it on and tie up the appeals system, and play the long game. This comes right after the disastrous Pearson vs Home Affairs decision which the Minister still hasn’t challenged in the High Court.

Permanent protection visas are some of the most rorted visas and very easy to play the long game on. The XA-866 protection visa (only $40 to apply for) subclass is probably the most abused of them all from the front end and is a permanent visa.

Chain migration is a scam that the average Australian is oblivious to how it all works because in fairness, you don’t have to migrate to your own country.

To give you an example, you can arrive in Australia on a tourist visa (UD-601 or similar), apply for an XA-866 as soon as you get here and then drag it out while waiting on a bridging visa A for two years before it’s refused. Then take it to the AAT, the federal court, etc.

This is the outcome I’m guessing that will happen. All that moaning about the visa backlog the last year will be even worse.

I’m guessing that the ALP will announce they will try and deport some of these people on arrival to Christmas Island. Problem is, some of these will be from countries (eg Afghanistan, Iran) that they will not be removal to because of some tenuous claim of danger.

These won’t all be boat arrivals either, the front door is just as legally valid to launch a claim from.

This is all intentional in my view. People can scream incompetence all they like, that’s a cope in my opinion. They’ve been doing this long enough to know what the outcome is.

My cynical view is they are trying to break the migration system, just like every other institution on the planet at this point. I’m sure the migration industry is looking at this as some kind of bail out, as they’ll be able to charge for appeal after appeal.

Expect the first boats to arrive over the weekend. Social chaos a la France, Germany and the UK here we come.

At least you might get to rent a property next door to an ISIS bride.

Guest article from barrister Mark who has served a sentence of over 20 years in the legal world including migration and criminal law

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now walk me through how the alp have recently extended off shore detention.

how does it square up?

aaahhh got it… they’re on the take from serco too

Last edited 2 years ago by emusplatt
Agent 47

I think we now know why the “quarantine” camps were really built.


Thanks Mark! Your sources months ago were pretty accurate.


The government estimates the decision, foreshadowed last November, opens a path for visa processing for tens of thousands of family members waiting for their requests to be considered.”

It doesn’t say how many “tens of thousands” but there would be at least two. So, I’m guessing that we’re looking at over 100,000 additional permanent residents right there, given that a “family” is at least 4 elderly parents, but possibly a whole bunch of other folk.


So many credit cleanskins to sell to.

A fly in your ointment

It doesn’t say how many “tens of thousands”…

Why does it feel as it will be hundreds of “tens of thousand”


We all know that the new feudal system will have new aristocracy at the top and rentiers at the bottom.
We all need to get grifting and make sure we are on the top!!


all those refugee elderly parents will help us totally get on top of the skills shortage!


They’ll be making us yummy kofta kebabs and delicious shaworma. oh wait, no they wont, they’ll be on welfare and bunging up the healthcare system


Someone needs to increase the demand for nurses which increases the demand for immigrants who will bring over their parents and increase the demand for nurses.


Someone needs to increase the demand for nurses which increases the demand for immigrants who will bring over their parents and increase the demand for nurses.

that certainly sounds like the way to do it!

Agent 47

Good article. Agree it’s 100% malicious. It’s like they’re trying to cause civil unrest on purpose.

UK and Ireland there are now groups attacking migrant centres after they’ve been sexually assaulting the locals. Took a while but at least there’s now some pushback


so what’s the take home message here

shane drumgold is super sketchy?


‘Any prosecutor (let alone the DPP themselves) who thinks it is appropriate to text about his property portfolio whilst evidence is being heard in the Supreme Court in serious circumstances such a the Lehrmann trial has lost touch with reality and shows a complete lack of judgment,’ he told Daily Mail Australia.

‘It demonstrates my … point that Mr Drumgold is not fit to hold office and should resign.’ 

nah, Drumgold is doing the right thing. Getting a property portfolio is the reason why the bloke became a lawyer in the first place. Of course he should fucken focus on it.


sounds like he should be promoted to prime minister instead

he understands where a true ezfka man’s priorties should be

bricks and mortar mayte

bricks and mortar

Last edited 2 years ago by stagmal

2 (TWO) beach houses on the south coast!

Remuneration The base salary for the Director of Public Prosecutions ACT is $458,656 per annum.

thats only about 260 after tax

you’ve got to leverage that up and get some NG going if you want to make it

Last edited 2 years ago by Coming

He was possibly a successful solicitor or barrister beforehand.

also he is old.

so even if he never worked in private practice, as a mid level governmental lawyer 20 years ago, wouldn’t have been hard to pick up a house or three in Batemans bay.

certainly plenty of $2m houses owned by boomers who were labourers or worked in coles checkout.


interesting history

he only graduated law in 2004 ,around the same time as me

married a 16 year old !


He was a postman in the 80s. Probably bought his first couple of IPs back then.

reading the biographical sketch, it seems to me that he is a quality dude. Streetsmart and hardworking.


So when did he turn into a faggot cuck with multiple IPs


I don’t think buying IPs would be worth it back then.

I seem to remember watching a video of Keating whilst he was treasurer arguing against abolishing the capital gains tax discount. He claimed it was unfair and would cause property prices to sky rocket.

Howard changed it in 1998/1999 to allow CGT discount of 50% and then house prices sky rocketed.

ALP’s unwillingless to change it back is a true commitment to EZFKA ideals.


fuck he seems and looks like a shifty cunt doesn’t he

the kind who would have got bullied very hard in school, and now is a fragile narcissist


low trust phenotype


Interestingly the next article on Dailymail was this


will myer and the grace brothers be joining in the investigation too


can mark ever comment on partner visas too? i know they’re one of the most hardcore rorted categories

Agent 47


Protection and Partner the two worst.

Not sure if this guy is a tinfoil hatter or just the regular fedora man… caveat lector


Fuck you better get jabbed and lockdown

The only compensation I receive for my research is via donation. Please consider donating via paid subscription here, or via PayPal at

A fly in your ointment
Last edited 2 years ago by A fly in your ointment

It’s not about if it works, it’s more like that outdated Christian ritual of baptism that proves one is worthy of receiving the Lord’s Progressivism’s grace.


fedora made of tinfoil


was just thinking it’s been a long time since I heard of one of these

but then I realised they’ve just morphed into a new form for the modern internet era

the psychology underlying them remains the same

A fly in your ointment

No doomsday, at least not for unpfizered ones

Agent 47



160,000 is heaven compared to Labor’s approx 500,000 for 2023. But tell us again how labor looks after the interests of the working class.
At least the libs bullied the boat ppl and made them eat rotting crab on Xmas island.


It’s been said before but Lib and Lab really are two sides of the same coin aren’t they.

It’s still a shit sandwich you just get to pick the sauce that goes on it, the turd is always there.


yup …vote ’em last forever n ever amen!


I’d argue that Howard pioneered the idea of “skill shortage” driven immigration and whipping hysteria up about refugees to pretend that immigration was under control.

For a long time, the two issues were conflated even though refugees are a tiny percentage of the intake (14k/year ?).

Now that ezfkanistans have learned how wonderful infinite immigration is, the refugee issue is just a political point scoring exercise between the Greens and ALP/LNP that creates the political heat necessary not to talk about immigration.


‘skills shortage’ is the biggest lie of all time




refugees are a tiny percentage of the intake (14k/year ?).

this post was about the tens of/hundred thousands of old people the refugees will bring in.


Well, you said it yourself. ‘will bring in’, not ‘currently bringing in’.

My post was talking about the Howard era. In that time, and for some time after, the refugee/immigration intake were purposeful blurred so that the Libs could pretend to be about reducing immigration while they were actually raising it. So blame boat people, while bringing in loads of immigrants over to “fix skills shortages” and take up mortgages.

14k refugees of a 200k intake is … 7%. That’s how it’s been for years now but it’s politically acceptable to discuss refugees (from Greens to Pauline Hanson) because there’s political mileage. But no one talks about reducing the overall amount.

The immigration graft has become more overt in recent years but it wasn’t always so.

There was even a time when Bob Brown (2011?) was advocating for a reduction in immigration and to shift the lowered rate to humanitarian / refugee intake. So net lower immigration, but with more refugees.

I’d guess most people would be happy to take on more refugees if we could have an overall reduction in immigration. Would you be opposed to an intake of 70k immigration per year if the refugee intake was doubled to 28k?

I think that if Pauline Hanson was legit about reducing immigration, she’d propose exactly that since it would blindside the progressive types whilst still pushing for lower numbers. But she won’t.


“Most people think our lifestyle is good, but some of the bigger cities are bursting at the seams,” Senator Brown told reporters in Canberra on Monday.

“We’re at record high immigration and it’s got to be reviewed.

“I think immigration levels should settle down much lower than they are at the moment, without cutting humanitarian immigration.”

Last financial year, 184,000 migrants were granted entry to Australia.


‘oo dis cvnt?

Screenshot 2023-02-12 09.57.51.png

I’m not saying vote for the Greens or that the Greens aren’t just a bunch of virtue signalling dipshits detached from reality. I’m saying the debate has changed and the political debate wasn’t always as overtly pro-infinite-immigration as it is now.

If you go far back enough, you can find this bit where the Greens wanted low migration until the red lady from Queensland frightened them off.

My guess is the Greens have been bought off by the property development lobby same as everyone else and realised they could have a jolly good time while doing nothing except slagging people off.

Whether things can change again is up for debate although I’m not hopeful.


your guess is clearly right


bob brown was the real deal


It wouldn’t blindside them, they’d keep calling her racist, it would alienate her supporters though.

Progressives aren’t dumb, they have their eyes on the prize, you won’t get them supporting you even if you 5x the refugee numbers if that reduces migration overall.

We have no representation anyway so it hardly matters, but if we did, we should be uncompromising in cutting immigration way down.


Maybe, but the NPCs would have to blink a few times to accept the claim that it’s racist if Pauline of all people said ‘refugees fine, just get the number down to 70k’. You might get the NPCs onside.

But I definitely get behind the idea that Australians shouldn’t have to justify why they don’t want to take refugees to immigrants.

You’d be surprised how many immigrants want to get the numbers down.

Agent 47

Brace yourself for more of this shit

So he wuz gud buoy Atem here was about to go back to South Sudan on a holiday, the country his family apparently fled from that it was so dangerous never to return, once again exposing the protection visa system for what it is.


It’s possible that this man was just a bystander and Sudan 20 years on might be a different place.

but seems more probably that it’s gangs


Sudan 20 years on might be a different place.

If sudan is different/safe now, it’s probably best they all go back.


Off Topic – Queenslander!
Licences and weapons in QueenslandAs at 09/02/2023, in Queensland there are –
Issued licences: 214, 858
Licensees: 198, 075
Total number of registered weapons: 1, 008, 767


Highest in the country you reckon?


I dont know the figures for the other states/territories sorry, but it seems like a lot.

Agent 47

Third highest IIRC. Victoria and NSW have more due to public land hunting being allowed bit banned in Qld.


If sudan is different/safe now, it’s probably best they all go back



sudan isnt so bad compared to south sudan


I like short cuts to the chase scene. It was inevitable.

Aussie Soy Boy

I thought this was one of those EZFKA twitter posts for a moment


Meanwhile Zelensky’s not even hiding his massive Coke habit


Not sure why they insist on putting him and his stupid green t shirt on camera constantly

he has no charisma whatsoever
creepy little cocaine goblin


hes a male model compared to aus politicians tho


Can’t have theatre without actors..


Something are never change in any worlds


Certainly not in our perpetual economic growth model. Nothing is allowed to fail.


“Use slips of paper”… indeed!


Hasn’t been a great 18mths for them


Heston would love this stat


waiting for Stewie to compare the racial mix in those countries


japan has lowest homicide rate according to this

honduras has really high bc of all the drug cartels there and gang violence

its still not even the highest

A fly in your ointment

…to compare the racial mix in those countries

let’s pretend there are no foreign interests there profiting from lawlessness (amongst other significant factors) as it may become a fly in the convenient ointment.
pluck yeah, silly me, it has to be only the racial mix (and it’s not a mix at all, after all)…


North Korea gained ‘Independence’ around the same time that the Congo gained independence from Belgium. At the time North Korea had effectively been bombed back to the Stone Age, with the equivalent of 1/3 of all the bombs dropped in WW2, dropped within the Korean Peninsula.

Meanwhile the Congo gained independence with the most infrastructure outside of South Africa – they even had a functional nuclear reactor at one of their Universities. Needless to say their GDP per capita was substantially higher than those North Koreans.

Fast forward 70 years and the Congo has gone through several iterations of Nationhood, and at $577 USD per person it has one of the lowest GDP’s per capita in Africa, let alone the world. Its infrastructure adequacy rating has plummeted, and it is a basket case – like pretty much every other Sub-Saharan society. Zimbabwe, breadbasket of Africa to starving, they are like the reverse Midas touch.

North Korea, the ‘Hermit Kingdom’ on the other hand, practically cut off from Global trade and finance, is shooting missiles over Japan and conducting under-ground nuclear tests, having raised its GDP per capita to $2k or $3k per person.


The incidence of gun crime/death committed by white Americans, is on par with citizens in Denmark. Although I believe death by suicide and gun is higher in the US.

The racial mix speak for themselves. Honduras is another stone age culture. There are fewer Mestizos and whites and more Mayan and indigenous than many other Central American Nations. Still they are probably about 300 years ahead of our Indigenous folk in terms of domesticating themselves.

Apparently the Honduras President basically imprisoned 1-2% of the most violent citizens, in a massive abuse of “civil liberties” and crime fell 90%, and his approval rating shot higher. Interestingly Europe use to execute between 1-2% of its population for much of the 400 years up to around the 19th century.

Another way to look at it, is that it took 400 years of culling the most violent offenders in a society, to skew the moral outlook in the “West” so far towards passivity, that they could no longer bear executing well deserving criminals.


Interestingly Europe use to execute between 1-2% of its population for much of the 400 years up to around the 19th century. 

Another way to look at it, is that it took 400 years of culling the most violent offenders in a society, to skew the moral outlook in the “West” so far towards passivity

my hunch, having done nil specific research, is that those numbers (1-2%) are waaaay off the mark. Possibly a whole order of magnitude.

such a rate of executions across the population would make the infamous Reign of Terror in France look like a frolic through blossomed meadows on a fine spring day


“Courts imposed the death penalty more and more often and, by the late Middle Ages, were condemning to death between 0.5 and 1.0% of all men of each generation, with perhaps just as many offenders dying at the scene of the crime or in prison while awaiting trial. Meanwhile, the homicide rate plummeted from the 14th century to the 20th. “

I wasn’t far off the mark.

in article where everything is uneducated guess and non-sequitur speculation, it is impossible to refute it as it is not even wrong.
To make it simple to opine, some kids should simply NOT take their fathers name, particularly if that father is the artificial blonde whom signed this article (was it AI that wrote it?).


When my wife and I got married, I asked if she was going to take my surname. She said she didn’t want to have to change her email address. Fair enough.

So now that we have a child on the way, I questioned my assumption that he would take my surname. Why should he? Just because it’s a convention?

On reflection, I think all children should take their mother’s maiden name. Firstly, it’s a way more reliable indicator of genetic lineage. If a woman gives birth to a child, you can be 100 per cent sure it’s hers. You can’t, however, be sure of who the father is. Yes, yes, I’m sure your partner is faithful. But there are plenty out there who fall in love with a colleague, or visit an ex in a low moment, or spend a little bit too much time with the plumber. Working from home can be tedious

what an absolute beta cuck!!

actually strike “beta”, this is “epsilon” material.

deferred initially to an email address.

then deferred to the possibility that a plumber dicked his wife, so better not give the kid the wrong surname.

hope it is the plumber’s… better for society if epsilons like that don’t breed.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peachy
A fly in your ointment

don’t think he understands why surnames exits in all mankind even where no cultural connections existed. I think E. Westernarck touches this in his book The History of Human Marriage


EZFKA Twitter hitting the mark so well, the rich white women and Leftie wreckers are squealing.

Zoe Daniel no doubt is renovating her Brighton mansion (paid by ABC and taxpayers) to house some of the 500,000 immigrants Albo is pouring into EZFKA.


lmao ezfka boys are fucking amazing


Their Great Replacement being pushed by the Teals, Kon Karapanagiotidis, the Greens, Albo, etc. has already been underway in the UK for some time. We’ve seen the hotels booked out and towns destroyed.

So it seems importing hundreds thousands of single men from various Sub Continent and Middle Eastern shit holes (sorry “refugees” and skilled workers) isn’t that popular with the locals:

No doubt Melbourne will have its own spin with established African gangs able to show the way for these types.


The Scousers are standing up for their country when the government and police won’t:

A fly in your ointment

The Scousers are standing up for their country when the government and police won’t: wants to fluck them.

sorry to be pedantic, it completely changes the context/meaning, that tiny little thing



A fly in your ointment



Should have read:

The Scousers are standing up for their country when the government and police won’t.

The mass immigration and housing of these types in hotels has been a disgrace. Inevitably the immediate social problems have arisen. Instead the media portrayals of anyone opposing this disastrous move is that they are “Far right”. The locals are working class, being subservient and despised by the Left in reality, so easy to manipulate for government.

It’s a quick look forward for EZFKA in a year or so.


Instead of dealing with the problem of fighting age men being dumped in their thousands, authorities are telling parents to watch their kids.

The comments on the story are interesting.

It appears there are many more instances the media etc are not mentioning, schools on ‘code red’ due to migrants hanging around outside schools…


Media nowadays = Jewish Homosexuals and Liberal White Women.

Last edited 2 years ago by Stewie
A fly in your ointment

from the pedantic response, it significantly differs in the root cause.
it is silly to say that .gov and .pol will not protect people from the very thing .gov and .pol does/did to them in the first place.
like saying that the farmer will protect meat destined sheep from abattoirs. instead farmer will lure them with food until they board the truck
the situation Scousers are in is created by .gov.

Last edited 2 years ago by A fly in your ointment

“Racism” !



But don’t worry, when these thousands of single men arrive from they’re “skilled workers” and ‘refugees’ and won’t be an issue.

Certainly nothing like following 11 year old girls, taking photos of them, etc.

Hot Air: No Global Warming for Eight Years

has eco hysteria peaked?
I see more and more articles which are cognitively conflicting for eco nazis


pj media dot com

high credibility informaion right here

Last edited 2 years ago by stagmal
A fly in your ointment

the CNN says completely opposite hence it is proof enough.
Methinks the original source is this article on The Daily Sceptic

my point was that with every passing day/month/year, more and more has to be “explained” and “fact checked” to be disproved. As a general rule, fact checking is a proof of concept that there could be fire behind the smoke (of course, not a guarantee of it).

I could not stand this guy in the past but since the Wall concert in Berlin in 1990, the view has flipped. Confirmation that this was a good decision followed ever since, to present times.

Roger Waters speech in the UN assembly

otoh, my previously favourite PF guy, the fatso Davo Gilmour has become a shill for nefarious powers. What a tool


Blokes like that can be summed up by, ironically, Glenn Greenwald circa 2005:

And therein lies the embodiment and definition of “anti-Americanism”: the paramount desire to find fault and evil with the U.S. and thereby adopting that goal is the first and only real principle, from which everything else follows. That goal is then fulfilled by selectively and endlessly highlighting and exaggerating America’s faults and downplaying, ignoring and even defending far worse flaws in others. In its most virulent (and quite common) form, this extends to making common cause with the most abusive and genuinely evil regimes and movements around the world, whose only virtue — the only one the European Left needs — is that they are opposed by the U.S.


i dont see how the u.s is remotely better on a foreign policy basis than the russian federation or china is

that’s not based on any sort of inherent contrarianism just a sober analysis of history

Last edited 2 years ago by stagmal

I don’t think the US is better with regards to foreign policy. I do think the US is far better when it comes to domestic policy. Try criticising the gov in either China or Russia and see how that works out. Property rights? lol. Freedom of speech? lol. Piss off the leadership in China or Russia and either get thrown in prison on bullshit charges or murdered.

how many countries have both China and Ruskies bombed in the last 100 years, combined, then compare that to US. Even better, combine all the bombing done by all other countries of the whole world, combined, and compare that to US


You mean like how the US is now seizing property from Russians without conviction?

You mean like how individuals are being ‘sanctioned’, again, without conviction for being Putin propagandists?

You mean like how governments in the West regularly ban websites for having “Russian propaganda” or “hate speech” etc? Such as all Russian media in Europe is banned?

You mean like how Australia wouldn’t let citizens return to Australia during the pandemic?

You mean like how Andrew Bolt writes an article pointing out that a bunch of white people are grifting by pretending to be Aborigines and is fined and convicted of violation of section 18c of the constitution?

You mean like how police beat up protestors in Australia for protesting against them?

You mean like how people lost their jobs for not getting the jab?

You mean like losing your job if you point out that the giant man beast with pink hair is not in fact a woman and can’t have babies?

You mean like how the US government is happy to drone a wedding party? I guess you really do have to fight for your right to party…

You mean like how you get a visit from the anti terrorist squad in NSW if you embarrass the deputy leader?

You mean like how “Witness K” was kept in a secret court case and hushed up for reporting on corrupt ministers getting paidoff by mining companies?

You mean like how Julian Assange has been languishing in prison and smeared as a rapist?

This freedom argument is the same like workers paradise of communist – just a lie to keep you believing in the charade for a few more years.

And don’t forget the freedom that is lost when our foreign policy gets a bunch of people killed, or entire regions destroyed; I’m no expert but death seems like a bit of an impediment to one’s freedom. I guess they aren’t citizens of a Western country so they don’t really matter.

You are free to fall into line and that’s about it.

anti Americanism is from the same bucket as anti semitism. Used sparsly and liberally to deflect any real critic and paint the bully as a victim.

the rest in your comment is really s nonsense of American exceptionalism and apologetics. it takes one to be blind and deaf and unable to read Braille to not see the daily terror coming from the empire of lies..


aussie 10yr yield shot up after the rate rise
Is now up to 3.5%, near the highest since 2011

I just feel like there is something in the rate rise / inflation relationship that is not what it seems

the tail is wagging the dog – there is a feedback loop here

I know that nobody else wants to consider it, but I am very concerned about it

Maybe need to get out of cash and bonds and real estate

Last edited 2 years ago by Coming

following this dog sh1t day to day will drive any nigga insane, just assume it is all bullshit. none of it makes sense at all

look at what just happened with my royal dutch shell

reports one of the best earning periods ever, record profits, smashes all expectations


who the fuck could predict something like that owuld happen, no one

markets make no sense anymore and havent probably for the last 20 years

warren buffet would be sitting on r wallstreetbets today scrounging around for a few hundred bucks


inflation is still going up too though – that isn’t a market effect
And its happening despite the fastest and relatively highest interest rate rise in history

There is actually a lot of heterodox research on this topic of interest rate rises being inflationary

Its called gibson’s paradox

Or “Neo-Fisherian”

I would also note that a lot of these articles were written before the central banks started paying IOR, and before QE
Previously interest rates were managed in a different way

Given what we have seen the last three years, everybody needs to consider the two following possibilities as being highly likely

1.) The fed has no idea what they are doing, just like the CDC etc


2.) The fed is impotent, just like the CDC

I have a lot of other articles on this and will prepare a long form article maybe one day

Last edited 2 years ago by Coming

I don’t rule it out in the short term. I think there are parts of the economy that benefit from raising rates and parts of the economy that suffer. It depends which is bigger. In Australia though I think it will ultimately be deflationary*

Will have a read through those links.

*once interest rates become positive in inflation adjusted terms

Last edited 2 years ago by Stewie

10yr going up is a worry
that definitely isn’t the short term

Fisherian theory is essentially that the real rate of return must exceed the risk free rate (govt bonds)

therefore that profits (ie prices) must rise

its the propadee investor theory, essentially

and it seems to be holding true at the moment


Does a single one of those studies use REAL interest rates?
I really can’t be bothered checking because i suspect I know the answer.


Fuck off retard


Hope you choke on the next dick you suck on, and I’m going to assume that means no.

IT’s hardly a surprise that nominal interest rates track inflation. An interest rate of 5% in unlikely if inflation is tracking at 30%

so which increased FIRST? did interest rates go up before or after inflation went up? The thing that happened second is very unlikely to be the cause.

And which country do you keep waffling on about for excess deaths? Is it in this list?

Australia 9%

Canada 3%

Denmark 30%

England 20%

Finland 9%

France 25%

Germany 43%

Hungary 11%

Ireland 20%

Netherlands 37%

Norway 28%

New Zealand 17%

Poland 21%

Portugal 6%

Romania – 4%

Scotland 13%

South Korea 18%

Slovakia 2%

Sweden 9%

Switzerland 12%

Taiwan 25%

United States 12%

Last edited 2 years ago by bjw678

“Pay attention to me !”

“engage with me!”

“let me prove my worth!”

no you’re a sad , dumb loser
that’s why you lost all your money


lol if you say so,.
You seem to be the king of projection though.
It should be abundantly clear to any but the absolutely stupidest that no one here gives a fuck about your pet interest rate theory.
And it is also abundantly clear you are abusing me to make me fuck off because you have no argument to discredit what I say and it make you feel like a sad little stupid fag.

You understand the current interest rates you claim that raising interest rates are inflationary are around -4% in real terms.
Ie, inflation has gone up 7% so real rates have FALLEN by 3% to cause continued inflation.

I know real ratees are a little complicated but if you apply yourself you might understand.

Last edited 2 years ago by bjw678

Jesus you are dog shit stupid it’s no surprise you fall for all the crypto scams


Now now, we’re all ladies and gentlemen here, so please keep it civil you dickhead


If you think abusing me is going to make me go away, it won’t.
You are just providing free entertainment, kinda like the guys pretending to be chicks and talking dirty to guys on the internet thinking they are the ones winning in that situation.

A fly in your ointment

without looking into the subject , not even a shred, the eloquence of this irrefutable argument is stellar.


Firstly, the link goes to nothing

secondly, the numbers are over what period? Including pre-vax period in 2020 and 2021 ? What is the value of that then

thirdly, his own meaningless i referenced numbers show wild variations which are inexplicable by vaccination %

in summary, the usual retarded bjw garbage that got the answer it deserved

why can’t he go shit up some other part of this thread with his fucking inane nonsense ?

with regards to his interest rate comment
a) he hasn’t bothered to look for himself.
b) I don’t like him and don’t want to interact with him

but if you would like to ask the question I would answer

c) what is the point of considering “real” rates specifically when the entire premise is about inflation and comparing it to rates

it is literally about the “real” rate
It will give the identical answer

Anyone who doesn’t immediately recognise this is an imbecile

Last edited 2 years ago by Coming
A fly in your ointment

the reference was towards your post which uses the top shelf argument, (from me sarcastically, obviously).
I will be the first one to ban or reject anyone for views but equally some semblance of decorum and decency should be permapresent. Obscenities are a sign of one’s own pissweak mind…

Last edited 2 years ago by A fly in your ointment

Nah he needs to fuck off

he can start his own sub thread for his cooker nonsense

Why shit up mine?
ive asked him not to interact with me

he’s dumb and spam

Last edited 2 years ago by Coming

If you want me to not interact with, grow a set of balls,write your own article and you can delete my comments all day to your hearts content,

but dont come and shit in my living room and expect me to not return the favour.


Nah he needs to fuck off

he can start his own sub thread for his cooker nonsense

Why shit up mine?

ive asked him not to interact with me

he’s dumb and spam


A fly in your ointment

and yet, you repeat yourself.

I have a chance to say that same argument to you on every gene therapy jabbadabba but I don’t
it’s not difficult to ignore or to be decent.


b) I don’t like him and don’t want to interact with him

yet every time I post an article, there you are spraying
shit on the walls.


It wasn;t my link,
I was saving you the pain of a video link, but FUCK YOU.


Why don’t you save me and everybody else the pain of any of your stupidity

instead of posting a video, you just posted a broken link of nothing “to save me the pain”

good one champ
riveting post as always


IS this you not interacting with me again?


“c) what is the point of considering “real” rates specifically when the entire premise is about inflation and comparing it to rates
it is literally about the “real” rate
It will give the identical answer
Anyone who doesn’t immediately recognise this is an imbecile”

Country A has an inflation breakout, let’s say 100%. Country A’s central bank raises rates to 50% to combat this inflation. Inflation keeps rising. Genius economist: Interest rate data appear to show rate rises have a positive effect on price level!


this Has been explained recently
comment image


So Australia skipped #1 and #2 and went straight to #3


Phil Lowe attended a lunch organised by Barrenjoey. You’ll never guess what happened next.


have a look at the carrion being recycled here


fuck me dead


yeah …filled me with never ending confidence


Its a big club and i’m not in it


hehehe …georgie boy..
I often wonder tho’, could I do it? Could i be involved?….or end up doing a richard boyle?


Has Lucky Phil just said “Fuck it! I’m out…” ?

I know it’s not that unusual to brief Investment Banks, but privately and to allow the market to run with the idea he’s told Barrenjoey the cash rate will go as far as the Fed’s 4.75?

No transcript of his convo so no one can say. Dumb at the least with his current tenure status, but more so considering we’re all expecting more rises.


No we just took decades rather than years to go through all 3.


wow this chart should win a nobel prize

so much more valuable than those theses


You’re right.


“c) what is the point of considering “real” rates specifically when the entire premise is about inflation and comparing it to rates
it is literally about the “real” rate
It will give the identical answer
Anyone who doesn’t immediately recognise this is an imbecile”
Country A has an inflation breakout, let’s say 100%. Country A’s central bank raises rates to 50% to combat this inflation. Inflation keeps rising. Genius economist: Interest rate data appear to show rate rises have a positive effect on price level!

I missed that on the first pass, I think he must have edited it, but you don’t even need to argue that hard. Real and nominal interest rates regularly move in opposite directions, so anyone claiming they both give the same result either doesn’t know what real means or is just talking bs,


wow you are so smart bro why do you not simply write a phd thesis

the point of these papers is literally to pick apart the interaction and identify the direction of causality

Have you read them?


Do they consider that there might be other factors?
Do they use nominal rather than real interest rates?
If so then the whole premise is flawed from the start.

why do you not simply write a phd thesis

Because firstly it’s a massive waste of time that offers little benefit, and secondly if I was going to it wouldn’t be in something as wishy washy as economics.


I just started the first thesis you linked.
I made the second page
The guy writing it doesn’t even believe it, he just needed a topic for his thesis.

This paper theoretically examines this possibility. In the following sections, a model is developed along the lines suggested by many Keynesian, Sraffian, and Kaleckian scholars

The bible has a theoretical model of people where you can die and be resurrected 3 days later.
So I wont be looking at any more of that paper. You can create a model for almost anything. The only thing that makes to model useful is if the model is predictive.

Edit: I can see why the question of real or nominal interest rates is a non event, it’s an entirely hypothetical construct that makes no claim to have any evidence backing it up at all. I gave it far more credit than it was due…


The guy writing it doesn’t even believe it, 

I guess that makes it the perfect economics thesis though. Shows you can make the desired argument despite a complete lack of evidence…

Last edited 2 years ago by bjw678

Meanwhile we have the Minister for Indigenous lying in her maiden speech and others perpetuate the same lie…

“On becoming the first Indigenous member of the NSW Parliament, Linda Burney said in her maiden speech on May 6, 2003: “For the first 10 years of my life, like all Indigenous people at that time, I was not a citizen of this country. We existed under the flora and fauna act of New South Wales.” 
Media outlets, bloggers, entertainers, and others have helped perpetuate the myth.
In 2013, comedian Charlie Pickering wrote in an opinion article published by Mamamia: “I know that until the 1967 referendum altered our constitution to include all Australians as enfranchised citizens, our first peoples were regulated by the flora and fauna act.”
Academics and Aboriginal public figures, such as Sol Bellear, have also made the claim.”


doing a france? nah not enough burning vehicles

Last edited 2 years ago by emusplatt
Agent 47

Diversity hire defined. Give some subsaharan nignog the keys to your Lambo and damages both of them.


In before the cookers explain how the jab cause increased cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, and obesity

jim’s central banking, peachy and bjw will be able to explain it to these dumb PhDs


those dumb phds are dumb. Nobody was ever compelled not to exercise or not to eat normal food.

folks were only compelled to take experimental injections.

you’d think the obvious investigative path would be “what’s changed”……and the compare the following cohorts:

  • jabbed who haven’t had covid
  • jabbed who have had covid
  • unjabbed who havent had covid
  • unjabbed who have had covid
Last edited 2 years ago by Peachy


they didn’t close gyms and stop people from leaving their homes?

Under threat of arrest?


They stopped people from sitting around,you could walk/run or do anything that was actual exercise.
A gym has to be one of the biggest cons in existence. Get in your car to drive to the gym to get on a treadmillor exercise bike…


So it was the vaccine that caused people to become obese ?

increased their cholesterol and BGL?

wow! This vaccine was really nasty stuff !!


I saw no evidence of any increase.
Was no one obese before covid?
YOu complain about actual valid % increases being noise and then claim this nonsense fro mthe daily mail as gospel.
You are confirmation bias personified.


Well, lets see,. The first paragraph:

New heart research confirms fears COVID-19 has taken a devastating toll on the health of Australians after confining them indoors, deprived of opportunities to exercise and exposed to poor diets and sleep routines.

The first lie. No one was deprived of opportunities to exercise. Sleep patterns should be better if you can;t leave your house and diet should by unchanged.

The entire rest of the article is anecdotes.
So which phd’s were involved?
The article was clearly written by a journalist as noone would get a phd in the sciences with that sort of anecdata.

There is literally no valid evidence of anything in or linked by that article. It is a giant propaganda piece.

Although it is in that well regarded medical journal the daily mail.

Last edited 2 years ago by bjw678

What does it matter actually? The issue was forced vaccination which was a big step back in medical ethics. If there was choice, people who want them can have them and those who don’t, won’t get them.

It’s possible that some people would get them later after whatever concerns they may have were allayed.

You disparage the ‘cookers’. Weren’t the real cookers the governments, authorities and their groupies that lost their absolute minds with fear and power and decided that damaging society economically, socially and the non-covid health was worth it?

The question about vaccines is academic to me. But everyone, regardless of vaccination, should have white hot anger for the damage caused, rights violated and manipulation and stupidity that occurred.

So why not focus on those arseholes rather than people who have questions or doubts about the vaccines? The governments, authorities and experts got everything wrong despite their credentials and money. Why are you so quick to dismiss skeptics when despite their lack of expertise, they could keep their wits about them and their critical thinking still worked?


It matters because lockdown was the greatest moral and social and economic and medical disaster in the history of civilisation

And cookers are trying to erase that

vaccine mandates pale in comparison


And cookers are trying to erase that.

Really? You really have a binary brain don’t you.
If this then only this can be.
Vaccine mandates are lockdowns multiplied x 10.
In fact, if you werent vaxxed you got locked down more.

So clearly I am not a “cooker”

I’m guessing you have no guilt over implementing lockdowns….

A fly in your ointment

…lockdown was the greatest moral and social and economic and medical disaster in the history of civilisation

I would just remove the “greatest” and this becomes accurate statement
OTOH, gene therapy in one’s body is permafeature, waiting to go off at any time, without a warning.
25yo goal keeper dropped dead suddenly. Reasons unknown but so far known it is not due to jabbadabba because it can’t be

It feels good to be unpfizered


If anything, mandates are a perfect symbol of that disaster.

For all the reasons that lockdowns were the ‘greatest moral, social and economic disaster’, so are mandates.

Mandates and lockdowns are both outcomes of the same stupid, authoritarian and “virtuous” conceit.

Why you can’t see that?

I don’t see any ‘cookers’ trying to erase the damage of lockdowns. What evidence is there of that? Which ‘cooker’ are you thinking of that is saying that is erasing the damage of lockdowns?

I know one person who lost their job as a result of the mandates and another who was merely excluded from the office for a long time; not sure how losing jobs or being excluded helped defeat covid any more than how lockdowns prevented deaths.

Loss of income is not something abstract. It has real impacts, just like lockdowns. Being treated a second class citizen without even nominal-on-paper rights like being able to work, travel or shop, is not abstract. Once this precedent is accepted, apparently by people like you, it will be rolled out for everyone. What happens when you or someone you care about is excluded? Should I rub my hands in glee at a ‘cooker’ like you being deprived of the most basic elements of decency? Should I demand a public whipping, perhaps?

And again, I view the real cookers as being the government, medical authorities, grifters and gullible public that gleefully destroyed life and principle in pursuit of their holy cause.

I am opposed to the vaccine mandates on principle which is why I don’t bother too much with the efficacy of vaccines or the efficacy of vaccine mandates but I don’t think those questions are ‘cooker’ territory. Those are questions of fact that can be determined through open enquiry. But given the suppression of dissent not just on covid, but on every issue (war in Ukraine, immigration etc.), it wouldn’t surprise me if the vaccines are useless or actively harmful.

By the way, it was lockdowns plural. One lockdown might have been theoretically justifiable while the authorities worked out what to do and prepare for the next steps; many lockdowns demonstrated that governments had no clue.


By the way, it was lockdowns plural. One lockdown might have been theoretically justifiable while the authorities worked out what to do and prepare for the next steps; many lockdowns demonstrated that governments had no clue.


A fly in your ointment

IMO lockdowns stopped making sense when it became optional for yanks to quarantine, inappropriate quarantine practices and when we all saw it was just a bad flu.
In hindsight, it was just the lever to squeeze the plebs into jabbadabba-do

Agent 47

Outright invasion now. They knew exactly what the consequences would be.

Prepare for civil unrest especially as inflation and rentals get worse.


Only Labor and less than 1% of the EZFKA population will understand this.

At least 19,000 of these vermin will now be granted permanent residency and will immediately access the dole, Medicare (ok so they already have this), higher education, and bring in family (assume min. 3 each so that’s 60,000 more leeches).

The article was slightly wrong in that it failed to mention how Immigration grifter Behrouz Boochani had now been appointed Immigration Minister while also permanently having permanent rights to get blown by the likes of EZFKA politicians from Labor Andrew Giles Clare O’Neill and Teals Zoe Daniel.

The following quote will be erased from all memory and tattooed on Boochani’s dick:

”Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil reiterated the Albanese government’s commitment to Operation Sovereign Borders and warned people against attempting to come to Australia by boat – “Let me be crystal clear — if you try to enter Australia without a valid visa, you will be turned back or returned to your port of origin,” she said.


this new campaign agaoinst poker machines is fkn boring


Read a few paragraphs, then stopped.

I don’t need this in my day