Inflation Burns On!

Today’s CPI update is out –

“Inflation rose 7.8 per cent over the last year, the highest peak since 1990, driven by pricier domestic holidays, international travel and higher electricity prices. Inflation in the December quarter rose by 1.9 per cent taking annual growth to 7.8 per cent according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.”

Rate rises in Feb and probably March pretty much a certainty now. What will our economic captain Phil Lowe do next? I can already hear him on today’s speech “7.8% rise in CPI is still lower than the bank’s 8% forecast.” along with telling people not to ask for a payrise because it will drive up inflation and we must protect property prices at all costs!

People love spending money in EZFKA because we are different here and there’s no possibility of ever having hard times!

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It will contain it.

It will prevent it from leaking out of profits into wages.

If the powers that be get their way, this will mean a downward shift in the quality of life of everyone, as prices go up and stay up, but wages are prevented from following.

RBA and government have agreed that doing it this way is preferable to doing it with higher interest rates (because asset prices).


And then for no reason at all the German people elected Hit…

Gruppenführer Mark


The current political landscape is such, that there are no Hits in the running. The choice, as it was pointed out in the old South Park episode, is between giant douche and turd sandwich.

Unless we have real candidates, there is no light at the end of the tunnel.


It can all be rationalised until the pitchforks come out.


LoL by the time Australian youth are ready to do anything they’ll have received their inheritance and they won’t care…many 1 or 2 child families means that there won’t be too many missing out.


if ‘prices go up and stay up’ how is that not inflation?
Or you mean that the inflation target will be revised to higher number?


if ‘prices go up and stay up’ how is that not inflation?

Or you mean that the inflation target will be revised to higher number?

I mean that they will go up 8% or 12% or whatever, but not 8% every year.

So the CPI will hit rise quickly for some time and hit a high new level, but then will slow down and climb slowly.

Government will announce that inflation had “normalised”.


HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS? NAH MATE, need millions from HK. Let’s make Australia the world’s Biggest HK refugee camp.


Chinks too the moon, hello kitty

Trevor Smith

Fucking homo


Ensure we don’t get pay rises like the RBEZFKA has explicitly wants.

We don’t want the working class making ends meet if it means a reduction in the elites’ capital assets.


It’s a good idea replying to your own post… you get to be number one!

Aussie Soy Boy

Rates were 17.5% January 1990.

Aussie Soy Boy

It’s 3.10%. Little hard to get 8% inflation under control at 3.1%.


Interest rate rises don’t reduce inflation

especially when the problem is supply, not demand


Interest rate rises don’t reduce inflation

especially when the problem is supply, not demand

yes they do. But only after a certain point.


rates follow inflation (up and down)
not the other way around


rates follow inflation (up and down)

not the other way around

come on, doc, add a bit of sophistication to your thinking.

even if rates do follow inflation up and down, this certainly doesn’t mean they’re irrelevant. At most you’re describing an iterative process where, over time, two thing affect each other (and are also affected by other things)


Why do you just assume that rates affect inflation ?

do you have empirical evidence ?

or is this one of your cooker theories


It’s EZFKA, everyone’s a cooker here according to some people who think everyone is everyone else.


Angelino? more like AngelinBRO!


consider this, by way of analogy.


It’s not sophistication that’s needed, just knowledge about economic theory in general.

One really has to look back at the history of economic theory to understand how we got here. While Keynesian came out of the Great Depression and focused on the role of government expenditure, monetarism became fashionable in the 70s due to rampaging inflation.

Monetary policy essentially means interests rates are used to control the supply of money. Low interest rates stimulate spending as the opportunity cost of holding money is reduced, so punters take their money out of bank accounts which are paying little, and spend on goods and services. Businesses respond, increasing production, economic activity and employment. We already know that the amount of money one can borrow for a mortgage has dropped from 7x to 4x due to rate rises. Hence lowering rates has a deflationary effect. With high interest rates saving becomes more attractive over riskier investments, so money comes out of the economy and sits dormant. Less money floating around means the price of goods should drop. 

While it sounds plausible, the main flaw with all economic theory is that it’s still only a model. For years the RBA failed to meet 2-3% inflation targets, and couldn’t get there with ZIRP policy. Just like how excessive Keynesianism resulted in excessive government spending to generate growth but created an inflation problem, something needs to change but they continue to just follow those principles mindlessly. We all know that rate decreases just fed into property growth, yet the boffins at the RBA failed to consider this despite their 7 figure salaries, and homes were conveniently left off the basket of goods used to calculate CPI. We know the weightings have been changed once again further muddying the statistics, but the economic theorists of old probably never had to worry about the impact of vested interests on their modelling.


i think its all bullshit

deflations not a bad thing, people spending less and consuming less are not bad things

whoever came up with the idea of gdp or at least the idea of worshipping gdp like a dumb monkey going oooo gdp going up that good needs to be taken out and killed

Last edited 2 years ago by stagmal

I agree . Dick smith raised a similar point. And what was he labelled


The problem with GDP is that it is meaningless to the individual, yet politicians fall over themselves to claim it as evidence of their skills as economic managers. 

And anyone can do it – just crank the immigration lever, and the number goes up. But growing the economy means shit as a quality of life indicator if it’s not distrusted in an equitable way.


gdp per capita is murky too

you increase gdp per capita by being a big fat ass and eating all the time and spending 10 hours a day in gridlocked traffic

is that quality of life?


If I mow your lawn for $50
and you mow my lawn for $50

we have generated $100 of gdp
then paid $25 tax each

If we each mow our own lawn we generate $0 of gdp
and save $25 each

both lawns get mowed in either case


Best economic assessment of 2023 so far.


Correct. You’re the only one making sense on this thread


The problem for deflation was supply, not demand.


Looking at the ABS figures Domestic holiday travel and accommodation (+13.3%), people are spending like crazy no matter the RBA does.


Looking at the ABS figures Domestic holiday travel and accommodation (+13.3%),people are spending like crazy no matter the RBA does.

yes they are. And will… but only up to a certain point.


Why do you think domestic and international travel prices are up ?

have people received financial windfalls that have allowed them to travel more ?
is there more travel occurring ? (Compared to pre covid)

Answer is no to both I feel but would be interested to see stats


That one’s easy; pent up demand because no one could live their life and travel for 18+ months thanks to draconian covid policies, add to that businesses raising prices saying it’s inflation but it’s really just a massive cash grab

Last edited 2 years ago by The90kwbeast

Have you got stats saying that travel numbers are actually up since 2019?

I believe it’s solely a cash grab due to monopolies

which are exacerbated by high interest rates as competitors can’t emerge as they can’t get funding

There were 5.17 million passengers carried on Australian domestic commercial aviation (including charter operations) in October 2022, compared to 1.33 million in October 2021 and 5.9 million in pre-COVID October 2019.

Last edited 2 years ago by Coming

One guess is china’s borders being shut is the reason for lower absolute numbers.

But the pent up demand is also people simply paying whatever they need to to have an overseas holiday or interstate holiday and prices have gone up.

This was my family 4 months ago.

So yes agreed it’s mostly cash grab by businesses trying to earn bumper profits since the the last 2 years they were going broke.


inflation adjusted consumption is down from 2019


But we’re talking about prices in the CPI basket which by definition are not inflation adjusted (real) but absolute (nominal)

Price and quantity are two different things


We are talking about supply and demand

you believe that people are consuming more real goods and services , and have more money to spend

the evidence shows that they are consuming less in real terms, and probably have about the same amount to spend

it’s just that everything costs more


Your original question was “Why do you think domestic and international travel prices are up ?”

I gave you that answer : pent up demand driving higher prices/businesses cash gouging post covid because of it and people are seemingly prepared to pay these prices.

Inflation just measures the increase in prices. How many people are using them (quantity) in outright terms is a GDP calc issue instead.

Last edited 2 years ago by The90kwbeast

You’re implying that demand/consumption is excessive but it’s less than 2019 in real terms


Coming; exon 101 if there is more demand than supply what happens to the price?



the point is that the issue is supply not demand

they didn’t print any money
the problem isn’t an excess of money or wages

therefore the best solution is to increase supply , not crush demand


The supply of hotels has gone no where and prices are still up

Airlines I agree are still struggling to get volume of flights up

It’s mostly a cash grab piss take, but only because people are willing to pay

Not a smart business move to raise prices 15%+ Ina year if you thought no one would pay them

Thus it is obviously both a demand and supply problem


increasing interest rates worsens this problem because it discourages investment in new capacity and competition

and only crimps spending of the ~30% of the population with substantial debt
the rest of the population has more money in their pockets to spend

you can see the same phenomenon play out with regards to interest rates and rents/house building

Last edited 2 years ago by Coming

Why wouldn’t they spend like crazy when all those deposits are now getting interest paid on them with printed money

Aussie Soy Boy

Can’t flex on social media


ASX don’t care about rising rates.


This is an interesting one that makes less and less sense. Commodities price boom must be propping it up


Just white socialists cosplaying as indigenous Australians.


think of all the grogs and smoks they can buy with that money


The ownership and distribution of the money would be controlled by abos, so that would never happen.


welp better increase interest rates by 0.01% then that will fix it


vladimir putin has done more than any politician to help destroy australia’s inflated property market


How so Sherlock?


by sucking off my cock


well that cracked me up


I expect Lowe will find a way to justify a maximum 25 bps rise.

Then he’ll beg people not to ask for a pay rise.

Property prices must be saved at all cost, as is the EZFKA way.


Then he’ll beg people not to ask for a pay rise.

he should just make a direct threat: “if you get a 5% pay rise, it will be harder, not easier to pay your mortgage!”


He’s impotent

it’s all completely out of his control
rates, inflation, wages , loan creation


Yeah, nah


So he spent 15 years trying to create inflation but failed
then all of a sudden it inflated
now he’s failed to get it to stop



There are intermediate points between

  • “he’s in control of everything”
  • “he’s in control of nothing”

It’s the latter

he promised to keep rates at 0 , then “changed his mind”

no actually it’s a confidence game
he has to pretend he’s in control


You are correct. There’s not a single central bank that understands what they are doing, the economy and inflation. There is actually no empirical evidence that supports using rates to manage inflation. At best, they can create an asset markets bust, then pray that flows through to marginal (read, poor people) demand enough to impact inflation. Remember, it was 5 minutes ago that the problem was lack of demand. The other path they can hope for is much lower investment, which won’t help supply shortages. These people are classic examples of Talebs IYI.


Central banks track record is pretty woeful globally; every recession is predicated by rapid rate rises.

It’s been widely known for ages that the imbeciles exaggerate boom and busts which is the fucking opposite of what their job is meant to be.

It’s all theatrics and the news to be seen to be doing something, but then doing too little too late or not enough soon enough.


Not sure it is widely known. Look at the idiots on this site calling for much higher rates. “OMG CPI at 8%, wtf man, -5% real rates, RBA needs to hike man, at least to 9%”.

There are plenty of other solutions out there to manage both unproductive capital flows, trade imbalances and private debt/money creation that dont involve blowing asset bubbles and subsequently popping them because inflation, theres simply no logic nor empirical work to back up what central banks are doing here. In fact, theres a stronger argument that they are going to make the coming recession much, much worse and inflation on the other side of it also worse because investment in supply side wont respond.

I think they have fooled themselves into believing that inflation is here to stay because they were embarrassed and we have somehow made a paradigm shift into some new higher inflation regime. At a micro level this is complete bullshit, theres no evidence of wages pressures, in fact there was an article in the business toilet paper (AFR) about some hospo group sacking 700 staff, only to rehire them on different contracts with no penalty rates. That doesnt happen in a tight labour market.
Second, the global balance of payments is back to pre WuFlu trends, China, Germany and the Maps running big surpluses, the US and anglo friends running deficits.

I recommend you panic. Alternatively, get your affairs in order.

Aussie Soy Boy

Rates are -5%. Shops are packed. People have too much money. The economy is overheated. Record low unemployment. Rates should be like 8% minimum.


To “raise rates” the rba pays interest on reserves

in other words, it creates “reserves” from thin air and gives them to the banks for nothing

during QE, they gave reserves to banks as well, but in exchange for bonds

the first one is deflationary, but the second is inflationary ? wtf ?


If CPI is 8% …

just to consume the SAME amount of goods and services , GDP would also have to grow by 8%

but it isn’t, not even close

let alone showing that people are consuming MORE than before

it’s a supply shock

who would have guessed that shutting down the world over a cold for 2 years, and then starting a war to end globalisation would cause all these problems


Need data for this but I believe many mortgages are still on fixed rate and rolling off to variable later this year. This is me.

Cash rate hike impacts are delayed hitting spending due to this.

Aussie Soy Boy

Plus only a third of people are mortgaged, so maybe only 10-15% of the population (those already on variable and rolling off their fixed term) impacted. Plus a lot of people might only have a tiny amount left to pay on their mortgage anyway. Might have bought 25 years ago.

They had to go harder and faster with these rate rises to have an impact. We’re all having 8% of our wealth stolen every year if you believe the official figure but more like 20% being stolen.


There are more people with bank deposits than there are with substantial debts
For every dollar of debt, there is dollar of deposits but a lot of the debt is government/public

So what do you think happens when they raise rates and start paying more interest on those deposits

There will be a percentage that gets slammed and either defaults (unlikely) or severely curtails their spending
but there will be a larger percentage of people who now have more disposable income

Aussie Soy Boy

It’s not just people with mortgages but business investment


ok and if people don’t invest in new businesses and new supply/production, what happens to prices?

up or down

Aussie Soy Boy

People get laid off.


Recessions are less frequent that they used to be. Perhaps there is something to be said for manipulating money to avoid discontinuities if more good business are able to reach maturity.


People here love to convince themselves of causation anytime they see correlation


It’s not simple association. Volumes have been written about it.




looks fake or misrepresented

antivax redemption cope


Good pisstake!



i shouda knon


It’ll be reality in a year or so, as the excess deaths keep mounting.


Only a COOKER would not take the jab am I right?


I have no fucking idea what a cooker is. I didn’t get jabbed. I don’t think anybody should get jabbed. They’re useless and harmful.

Trevor Smith

The only cooked cunt here is you phaggot.


Well, on the plus side, Bloke had the chit required to go into Bunnings and his favourite vegan takeaway.


On the minus side, God isnt going to let him into Heaven with a QR Code from Services Australia


The RBEZFKA will just look through inflation. Wage pressures are not high because we are telling everyone not to ask for pay rises. We expect prices to moderate or some other excuse. They are nearly done with rate rises. Share market and bond market already pricing this in.


Yep. I’ve always thought if the cash rate hits 4% or thereabouts the housing market will start imploding. Rents can rise probably some more but I’d question how much more now. Another 7-10% max?

There’s already terrible liquidity but I must admit prices are still awfully sticky around where I am.

Last edited 2 years ago by The90kwbeast

I just like seeing a little fear in the housing permabulls. A few more hikes and the market is cactus. They need the RBEZFKA to abandon its mandate. But can the RBEZFKA really depart from its history of mediocre conformity in following other central banks, and go all-in on the housing market?

This is the highest stakes game for the lobby groups that run Australia. They all want their cake and to eat it too. Few of them have ever had to compromise before. They want:

  1. Open borders and low wages;
  2. A booming housing market;
  3. Low inflation.

But open borders means that rents must rise.

Rents rising means inflation rises.

Inflation rising means credit is tightened.

Tight credit hurts the housing market.

Soaking renters isn’t so good for the strength of the housing market down the line. Every penny needs to go towards a deposit if the housing market is to be held up. Most landlords are old cunts who will just stash away whatever extra they get or go on a cruise or something, rather than buy more properties.


Rents can rise to save the housing market a little more simultaneously whilst wages go backwards quite easily, dampening inflation everywhere else.


Rents rising won’t save the housing market. Only buyers with the means to pay above existing prices can do that. Landlords without mortgages will mostly be too old to buy more properties, landlords with mortgages will need the increased rents just to keep up with their repayments.

Meanwhile the pool of buyers will shrink from renters not being able to save deposits and increased rents leading to higher interest rates.

Aussie housing is not and has never been a yield play.


We’ll have to find out; it will now be a race for rising rents to catch up to cover increasing mortgage repayments for IPs.


Looking forward to see how the economic units respond to the man-made disaster heading our way.

In a normal country, people would probably turn on the individual migrants (which I don’t approve of), but in Australia, it is verboten to suggest that immigration can have any drawbacks whatsoever, so I expect the population may actually turn on landlords and large corporates.

Of course Labor will never touch those groups so it remains to be seen what the real-world consequences might be for that anger.


Immigration remains the sacred cow of EZFKA.

Look at this out TikTok on rental affordability. Covers a few things, but not the elephant in the room of immigration at all.


“Single person households” lol. It’s almost an EZFKA genre in its own right to find euphemistic ways to refer to migration and its effects without referring to migration.

At least it does address one serious problem which is that we’re just not building enough properties.

But we don’t have the labour force to do it even if we wanted to. Local councils also don’t really want us to, because residents don’t want to be at the receiving end of a migration spigot that has minimal popular support outside of a few lobby groups. They’re certainly not going to go to the rich areas where those lobbyists live.

Boner Fighds

because residents don’t want to be at the receiving end of a migration spigot that has minimal popular support outside of a few lobby groups. They’re certainly not going to go to the rich areas where those lobbyists live.

Compared even with any dangerous US city, where exactly are our ‘rich areas’ at? Our rich areas are full of washout youth, fat ‘elite women’, or really ugly ones, and dumbh people living in ramshackle housing. Isn’t this the issue, because we have become fat and lazy doing nothing getting wealthy on crappy housing?


Huh? Are you the Hong Kong hater guy spouting more incoherent shit?


Gut feeling is that rental rises won’t be enough to make up for increased interest repayments.

On a million dollar mortgage, repayments have gone up over 2k a month so far. Even a $200/week rent rise doesn’t make up half of that, and most lending legislation only allows rent increase once every 6 months so there’s plenty of room for more rate rises to kick in. And that’s assuming the tenants can afford to pay, doesn’t move out or decides to challenge it at civil tribunals.

Then there’s this example… hurting over losing $1300/year.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gouda

Negative gearing also but is a boon in this scenario.

I agree there will be an increasing number of properties cashflow negative but as long as people keep their salaries to pay the difference it’ll be fine mostly

If the RBA goes to 4-5+% cash rate though I’d be more worried – this year could finally be the year the permabears are waiting for. Let’s see…


Sooo… lodge a 221D income tax variation ????

perhaps the variation can be lodged online these days

Last edited 2 years ago by emusplatt

Can you believe they gave Australian of the year to this bitch just for being fat

That’s her only achievement

I reckon even the mainstream media is in shock at this retarded decision


the last guy got it for being in a wheelchair

tame got it bc she fucked her math teacher

the award means jack all at this point


Being a fat influencer is a new all time low


We used to award them to Australian Cricket captains just because. It is not like we have fallen very far.


i think its more of an achievement making it to that level of a professional sport than it is being fat


It is just indicative of where ‘current things’ reside.

Aussie Soy Boy

Is this the award that Tame got for monetising molestation?

Aussie Soy Boy

Do we ever have scientists, inventors, engineers, on this list?


we don’t have any of those to put on the list


the more i read about this the more shocking and appalling it becomes

like who the fuck is this bitch?

How many ‘live laugh love’ fat bogan mums were there on instagram to fucking choose from?

its absolutely batshit insane

even the lefties are gobsmacked

it seems to me that albo and his advisers are absolutely fucking tin-eared and out of touch
the bloke just jets around the world giving away our money, and then comes back to do this?!


in all fairness scomo made grace tame australian of the year and that was the biggest political mistake since hitler invaded the soviet union

this fat chick isnt likely to become embedded in the political landscape for decades to come like tame will be so its not as bad

Last edited 2 years ago by stagmal

that was the biggest political mistake since hitler invaded the soviet union


i don’t think anyone will even remember this fat bitch’s name tomorrow


Oh yes we do. This bloke, the world’s greatest Radar Engineer, would be a good start.

Agent 47

It’s now just a humiliation ritual. The list of candidates had two white people and no men, Craig Foster has a vagina so I don’t count him


Craig Foster was my soccer hero when I was growing up. Now he needs to go on a helicopter flight with Pinochet.


Wrong guy for a hero, there’s a dark secret about him and his arrest in Tahiti after a match in 2000. Arnie got him out and helped cover it up, only for Foster to slag him off every chance he could get ever after.

Agent 47

And he never played for Australia again.

The loudest types generally always have the darkest secrets.

Have heard rumors over the years that it was something to do with a gay club. No idea if true but wouldn’t surprise me.


I won’t hear a bad word about Pinochet!


His Heli-Joyflights were delightful.


Disgusting And Awful Gap-tooth Woman Behind Rent for Aborigines Push.
Yucky and Physically Repulsive Clementine Ford Says They ‘Need More Money’.

gap tooth ranga.jpg

shes pure evil


She’s lucky to be alive with some of the things she’s said.


the welfare budget is the rent….and its fkn huge

Aussie Soy Boy

An abo tax will be the last straw for me.


She’s realised her constant harping on about poor me I’m woman and all men are rapists doesn’t cut it anymore. The ABC trough of taxpayer cash is simply being gobbled up by other pigs.

Ever the grifting opportunist she suddenly becomes an expert on Indigenous affairs. Of course if it was a white male that’s not on, but she’s ok.


Before this Indig thing, she was whining that online bullying about her looks forced her to not look like a skip bin.
She’s a mess.


I wish the press would do the slightest bit of digging on that Lydia Thorpe, apart from vaguely mentioning she’s rooted bikies while laughing in her BF’s face about it. Thorpe’s Mum is Indigenous, but a classic grifter also. Connected to that upright and honest chap Geoff Clarke, who helped bring down ATSIC with his continued fraud.


has her son been through gender reassignment therapy yet ? he must be 5yr old by now.


Lidia Thorpe left school at 14 (claimed she was racially abused by teachers…?) then was single pregnant mother at 17. Declared bankrupt in 2013 blaming her ex husband for being abusive and causing her financial problems.

After being busted for having an affair with a Rebels Bikie boss she said ‘We remain friends and have collaborated on our shared interests advocating for the rights of First Nations peoples,’

Massive shameless grifter.

Aussie Soy Boy

They are the dumbest people I’ve ever come across in the world. Any race, religion, culture.


there are some estimates average abo IQ is 65


Probably a stat tainted by fetal alcohol syndrome.


guaranteed …seen it


Charitable estimates.


She’s a BJ slot machine – just insert your nickel between her teeth and she’ll oblige till your money runs out. Be warned though, her jaws snap shut.


just that day

Screenshot 2023-01-26 13.54.14.png

prob bullshit

i heard ugedar is finally being sieged though so thats good

Agent 47


Aussie Soy Boy

What caste are they?


what did i say before haha

australia day is fucked, give it like 10 years or so if that and the date will be changed

and it will make no difference to anything whatsoever

Aussie Soy Boy

It will be quicker than that. It’s at the stage where you are looked at as a white supremacist if you celebrate the day.

If they change the day, aboriginals will still be aboriginals. They’ll still have to actually work for a living and stay off the piss if they want to actually make something of their lives. Maybe only 5% of them are capable of actually working for a living, even less who can hold a job on merit without being a diversity hire.


I was walking around the rocks today observing the crowds and soyboys words came to mind

Australia is nothing like France or Italy or the Scandi nations where there is a valuable culture to preserve

the overwhelming majority of white Australians are uncouth and stupid bogans
the culture resolves around drinking piss and smoking , generally outdoors where you can make a nuisance and a mess

pokies and buying garbage too

the white population mostly consists of the genetic trash of the UK

a lot of the women have great tits though

not that any of this would be improved by the voice but yeah

Aussie Soy Boy

the overwhelming majority of white Australians are uncouth and stupid bogans
the culture resolves around drinking piss and smoking , generally outdoors where you can make a nuisance and a mess

Haha I knew you would come around to my thinking. Drago will be on board give it another month.


na you were always right

white aus population 90% bogan, 10% phony sophisticated tool

two types of pieces of trash

Last edited 2 years ago by stagmal

australia has two classes of white ppl, trash and insufferable middle class striver phags like the kind youd see at the rocks who think theyre sophisticated but theyre not and know nothing about anything

shit all the way down, whole country could be flushed down the shitter for all i care

Last edited 2 years ago by stagmal

It’s like I’m listening into a mixer at Davos. Next logical conclusion is to do mass migration since Aussies (insert any white person country) are so terrible.


nah phuck that that’s even worse

though i will say we’re all in a sense getting what we deserve by letting that happen

every time we vote lib lab or greens in we’re consenting to the mass migration rape

Last edited 2 years ago by stagmal

The crowd at the rocks yesterday was exclusively legacy Australians wanting to relive the glory days of early colonialism in all the 1800s pubs down there

great grandparents on the first fleet “we waz kangz” types like Stewie

if you want a laugh watch the sbs ondemand documentary “the eviction”
it’s about the absolute squalid dogshit trash that pru Goward evicted from the former public housing in the rocks

huge terraces in the middle of the city with views of the harbour and opera house which had been “passed down” in the family by distant ancestors of former docks workers who had been provided free accommodation there (but didn’t own) as they were right next to their work at the original docks at circular quay and Walsh bay (like 100 years ago though)

their grandkids , who had never worked a day in their fucking lives or they’d lose all their benefits and public housing rights, somehow managed to stay on in these decrepit historic homes that had been acquired by maritime NSW during the plague and were in absolute disrepair

then declared the government “ greedy” when they wanted to move them out to sell them and raise hundreds of millions to build new units in the far flung suburbs for all the Jimmie’s

Even then the NSW govt offered to give them priority access to brand new housing ahead in the queue of some poor refugee family probably

then they got interviews with all the University and council lefties who said they were tearing apart the “community” (mostly drug dealers and alcoholics) and then the usual hand wringing about where will key service workers live (not that any of these white trash ever worked a day in their lives)

anyway it’s an absolute ezfka goldmine

entitled stupid lazy trash

Last edited 2 years ago by Coming
Aussie Soy Boy

LOL ‘we wuz kangz’ types.

I’ve said before we have to be more Asian and let all the mentally ill basically starve. They don’t feed the cunts, families disown them, they end up scrawny fucks sitting in a doorway with barely any energy to beg. It’s effiectively eugenics.

Here we practics Dysgenics. Here we fatten them up like livestock, encourage them to breed by throwing more money at them. Then people wonder why violence and anti-social behaviour is so high.

When you give a spastic enough money to attend to their basic needs the result is they eat 15,000 kilojules of shit food everyday, smoke cigarettes, drink cans of jack and cola, throw in illicit drug use, getting their pill on the PBS for their made up mental illnesses, sitting at home most of the time, it’s little wonder they’re bouncing off walls looking to punch on everywhere they go. It’s fucking scary when you think about it.


Why don’t you fuck off to those countries then

Every country has the type of people you stipulate

Or are you simply unaware that every country has a working class?


are you honestly trying to argue that australia isn’t the dumbest first world country on earth?

maybe only the gulf states might be in the conversation, but not sure if they are comparable


IMO the UK is the dumbest first world country, at least Aussies are smart enough to demand the government looks after them, dumb ass povvo Brits have to “heat or eat” because they can’t afford power bills anymore now that they sanctioned Russia.

And they tolerate the Muslim rape gangs of their daughters and police collusion to cover them up with absolutely zero protest.

No country has ever fallen further than that.


idk man shit like the gas cartel is similar here on a lesser scale

we sanctioned russia too its just we get our stuff from elsewhere so we don’t have the same problem we do. aussies would gladly take it up the ass over something like energy or fuel, we did it for 2 years over covid and have been doing it 20 years over housing/rent


Nah don’t think so, Boomer cunts get rich off housing inflation and have voting power, Aussies don’t give a shit about the gas cartel, all they have is the politicians they bought.

Things didn’t get bad enough to create a significant backlash, despite MB screaming apocalypse like it does on every issue.


Lol wot no

we just happen to live in the most resource rich country on earth with the mildest climate on earth

while the UK has neither of those things

more blacks and pakis in the uk while we have more East Asians
so that affects it but I’m strictly talking about the white population


Yeah so you’d think the UK government would consider that cold climate thing before it sanctions Russia, but no, so now UK working class gets to freeze.

I don’t believe Aussies would put up with it. Housing prices are a shit comparison because most of the Aussie population thinks they’re rich now. Hardly anyone benefits from the gas rort.


the UK does what its told to

don’t know if you’ve forgotten nordstream already

australia also does what its told to, but lucky we don’t import oil from china just students and trinkets


The US wouldn’t have blown up Nordstream (it wasn’t Israel Stewie) if it could be 100% confident that Germany wouldn’t fold. There were protests in Germany to get Nordstream 2 open and that obviously scared some White House types.

I doubt the UK has even had a one man protest to bring Russian gas back in. They are by far the most cucked first world country. Europe is so fucking lucky this was a warm winter.


Are you honestly trying to do mental backflips that you chose to move here but obviously see no value in the culture and country just an economic opportunity?

As I said fuck off then


Either your posts are getting less and less thoughtful or I am waking up to the areshole you’ve always been. I might have to start scroll past your posts like I do with the tossers going on about hapas from Brisbane.


Just more classic coming really

1. Highly argumentative for no reason
A) is frequently rude when cornered
2. Can’t understand two or multi factor variable issues
3. Spends all day reading the daily mail
4. Wanks over Grace Tame and Brucie’s lawyer
3. Is most likely a 2nd gen immigrant south Asian doctor, if he is even a doctor, who definitely looks up porn at work

Last edited 2 years ago by The90kwbeast

ive struck a nerve with some of the we waz kangz legacy aussies here

actually i wasn’t arguing with anyone
I was agreeing with stagmal and soyboy

Australia has the dumbest/trashiest white population of any country on earth

i’ve lived in europe and north america, as well as 3 australian capital cities, and I’m fairly confident of that statement


Coming is either a pajeet or a chong.
Could be a thai lady boy even. They have cellphones and internet access


Lol indeed


He’s not a doctor.


can’t i be thoughtful and an arsehole

what exactly are you disagreeing with


The latter, I suggest.


Maybe a lot less than 10 years if the voice gets up

I wouldn’t be surprised to see Albo ram this through frankly in his inevitable next term and he can sidestep political ownership because “it’s an ask from the voice”


The concept of essential workers needing subsidies to live inner city came from the UK, where the posh realised their fire fighters and ambi’s couldn’t afford to live near them in Chelsea or Knightsbridge. The Libs tried it here but failed miserably and was phased out. Hardly any real workers qualified and none really want to live amongst the druggies and cucks in the inner cities. Really it just gave another sugar hit to the Lebo property shysters…


The Libs tried it here but failed miserably and was phased out.

hang on, didn’t they just roll out a scheme where the government lays 40% of the house price for “essential workers” and assorted others?

Assorted others
includes folks earning up to $90,000 per year, so people on average wages

should get a shitload of 1bdr apartments sold.


Ah yes. The scheme I was talking about was NRAS, the tax minimisation whereby the Apartment owner received a tax offset over and above negative gearing. They had to rent out their apartment for 20% under market, NRAS licences were ‘allocated’ etc. As usual, Government and it’s useful idiots never realise the “problems with delivery of more housing” are all Supply side and that is mostly Local Councils and their town planning.

Dan Andrews has vomited up another worse scheme, this one claiming to build 2,400 apartments (?!) to be rented out 10% under market on 3 year leases to “key workers”.

I see some Union flog is already bitching about the NSW one, “You’d be better off taking up a paper run…”


I need a name for my people so that I don’t have to identity with the people in that picuture.

satire irony guy

“Legacy Kangs”