What’s the conspiracy?

John Adams managed to waffle on for 54 minutes in a recent Martin North video. I’m none the wiser wtf he was talking about, but he’s passing the hat around to fundraise $50k and has already raised nearly half! So what’s the conspiracy?

“In early 2021, two individual Australians approached John Adams with a massive conspiracy theory involving a tale of systemic financial crime that touches the highest levels of Australian business, politics, sport and entertainment and has allegedly been occurring within Australia for at least a decade, if not longer.”

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Yeah no idea what he is talking about either. It was pretty wierd. Still, they probably can’t say anything, and Martin North is a stickler for process, so likely he is onto something big.

Maybe why ASIC is getting its budget bumped, something with political ramifications.


There was an earlier video about this mystical “package” that came cross like John was in the midst of having a psychotic episode. North described him as having become a recluse, disappearing on his “quest,” leaving work and ending up in financial distress.

Now he’s come out and said he was commenting on Covid conspiracies, as some kind of cover for his “behind the scenes” work, building a team and cumulating in a 9 month investigation for a complaint which he has then handed to ASIC.

Supposedly he received written confirmation in writing that an official ASIC investigation has commenced which is no mean feat, but that also means he can’t comment much either.


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A fly in your ointment

Ouch, the consternation must be overwhelming


To bring about a reformed ‘multilateral UN and global financial system) they (‘Globalist’) need to pull the US down a few pegs. Seen from this lens, all these war shenanigans, West vs East conflicts make sense.


Post going around from France, where there are more protests happening – this time to protest Macron funding the uki neo-nazis.

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lol… the tide is clearly turning on the covid stupidity. sucks to be you if you succumbed and took the magic jab…

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A fly in your ointment

LOL, I love this one the most.
It is assumed as a common phrase now in my dick tionary

Pls keep them coming

Last edited 1 year ago by A fly in your ointment

Two papers published by an ex Covid fanatic cardiologist in the UK, who woke up to the grift when his fit 73 year old father suddenly dropped dead of a blocked up heart after being vaxxed.

The short story is that the harms caused by the vaccines appear to outweigh the benefits. Well, who wouldve thought? A summary, with links to the papers, is at the link.



According to one senior doctor in regular contact with England’s Chief Medical Officer, Chris Whitty, most of his colleagues in leadership positions influencing health policy may not have been critically appraising the evidence and were instead relying on media stories on COVID-19 and the vaccines

hehehe, relying on media stories….

looks like they weren’t imbibing at the fount of wisdom known as EZFKA.com!

choose the wrong media at your peril….


Any gummint that derived its policy from the content of this forum would cause enormous benefit for the country, and they’d be in power for ever.

Seriously, this is (largely) where the sensible people are.


Brother in law is one of advisors to the chief health officer in UK. He is the genomics dude He’s socially awkward and I have no faith in his advice.


Actually deputy chief scientist in that field.


Thanks for that.

I’ve just added those two papers to my growing list of “oh, shit!” papers.

Since it’s pissing rain here, I’m going to settle down with a nice red, and enjoy reading them.

Having said that, I hasten to add that I derive no pleasure from the fact that so many individuals, several close friends, have now unwittingly exposed themselves to this sort of danger.

c’est la vie, I guess.


My Missus was forced to get three jabs to stay employed. Cunts.

She caught Covid in July, and (at my urging) told her bosses that if they mandated a 4th jab she’d refuse, and they’d have to sack her. She’s a very quiet person and all round cooperative good citizen, so the suits were well surprised by this sudden display or rebelliousness.

Many of her triple jabbed colleagues, all whom had also had the bug, were motivated by her example, and passed the same advice up their food chains.

It’s good to see the proles sticking it to the man every now and then.

Sadly, she still had the jabs, as did my three children. So now I face the prospect of outliving my woman and perhaps my children, having no grandchildren due to Vax induced infertility etc etc.

If those things come to pass, the bodies of those responsible will never be found.

Aussie Soy Boy

Nah you’ll sit and take it like you did when she got the experimental medicine the first three times.


My better half/ CEO has had as many jabs as been on offer as a medico. Mandatory. I said I would support her if she decided to sacrifice her job.

I told her if she thinks the sprogs are getting the jab. Think again. Two healthy cunts we have. I said I feel extremely strongly about this and will not concede….

Love my boys…

Roger Dodger

Same situation for me LSWCHP. I’m worried and furious having pondered the same awful outcomes for my better-half and our offspring – and the possible lack-of or damaged future progeny.

I’m the only one in my entire extended family who called bullshit on this and refused all of the MagicJuices™… and I put my job on the line and didn’t submit.

Only two (of many a dozen) friends remain unvaxxed; two of whom now regret and outright resent it. A small percentage of the rest suspect I’m maybe onto something (yet are happy to have caved).

Most though, are the TV- and sport- imbibing antithesis of critical-thinking – it’s farking mind-numbing. All are simply variations on your classic (if loveable) EZFKA unit.

Wife took two jabs though says that she won’t have more to stay employed when I pressed her on it (I was happy for her to quit before having any); sadly, she will still cave to visit her late 90s gran.

My kids all caved for work. All said, I’m farkin’ furious.

Last edited 1 year ago by Roger Dodger


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So apparently this bloke is super based, and keeps dropping red pills in class. His kids love him, but the school board hates him, so he is hitting back by mocking the trans thing with the ginormous fake tits.

If true, respect on the dedication lol…

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A fly in your ointment

I read about this one few days ago, then it looked not as a sarcasm or satire. If indeed what you say, I agree that overexaggeration is the way to bend their own wielding Schwanz into their own rectum for the effect.


On the other hand:

School sides with viral transgender teacher

A Canadian school board has defended a trans teacher after students and parents complained about her oversized prosthetic bust


A different take on the same tits 🙂

Last edited 1 year ago by plaguerat
Angus Jung

I hope he’s taking the piss, the whole thing is discombobulating me


Better be careful there……you might end up with a visit from the woke police.

You see…he is not a he….he is a she….and you better remember that 🙂

Kayla Lemieux, who identified as Steven Hanna earlier this year, is a manufacturing technology teacher at Oakville-Trafalgar High School in Ontario, Canada. After her transition she started to draw complaints from students and parents over her appearance as she wore fake synthetic breasts that almost completely cover her entire torso and abdomen.

See rt link above.

Last edited 1 year ago by plaguerat
Angus Jung

He’ll always be “Stevo” to me.


Few know.

Capture - Copy.JPG


Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

The destruction of Hirschfield’s work, as trans musician and activist C.N. Lester writes, “set the emerging LGBT rights movement back by decades”.


The 1920s and early ’30’s looked like the beginning of the end for centuries of gay intolerance. Then came fascism and the Nazis.


Weird how it is was the evil Nazis’ that were the problem, and not political and social over-reach by a bunch of perverts, intent on preaching their LBGT as an ‘Aspirational Lifestyle’ towards children.

It was this social ground swell generated by the LGBT movement and the progressive wokesters of the day, that finally provoked a visceral reaction of disgust by ordinary decent, family orientated people, let alone socially conservative people.

These were people who would have rather been left alone to enjoy life than forced to pay attention and finally ignore the msm and manufactured public opinion, to vote for a populist party.

To me a socially tolerant society is one where what people do behind closed doors or private bars, is left up to the imagination or those attending.

Nothing wrong with being a ‘life long bachelor with a special male friend’, just don’t wear a dress in public and engage and condone lewd public behavior – and stay away from kids. Left alone plenty enough will turn out gay without any interference from predatory adults motivated by their own base desires.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

Apparently there is military vehicles moving all over the place in Europe…


After mobilisation announcement, Ruskies fleeing to the west en masse


Of not sad it would be funny

Last edited 1 year ago by A fly in your ointment

I had heard that the Russian Lada was built like a tank…..but never realised it was quite so literal.

A fly in your ointment

shhhhh…. Lada’s have a secret ‘transformers’ button and if one can find it it becomes a tank.
Hence all the Ruskies always are stuck under the bonnet trying to find it.


I recall Adams got extremely excited about the RBAs gold reserves not being properly accounted for, when in reality their total gold reserves are worth about two tenths of bugger all. He also got extremely excited about exposing Perth Mint as being in “default” when in reality they are WA govt guaranteed and there were just some delays in customers receiving withdrawals due to staff shortages.

The fact that he has put in his own money to investigate this one tells me it must at least be more serious than his previous efforts.


expand your thinking…

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A fly in your ointment

‘Zdis Leo de Capricioso?


He’d get a few years mileage out of Greta. Look up the chart of Leo’s age of women he dates.


nephillim 😀


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Aussie Soy Boy

Russia is open to Australians. One way ticket go straight to the draft office. They’ll turn you down on fitness grounds because of your fat guts and thinking you’re some kind of NATO plant, but you can look yourself in the mirror and tel yourself I at least tried.


Obviously spoken by a bloke who has never been to war.


the guy in that image is signing up to fight


Actually, he’s applied to sign up:

According to the United Russia statement, applications were also received from Dmitry Khubezov, chairman of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection; Dmitry Sablin, deputy chairman of the Defense Committee; Vitaly Milonov, deputy chairman of the Committee on Family, Women and Children; and Sergei Sokol, deputy chairman of the Committee on Economic Policy and Secretary of the Khakass Regional Branch of United Russia. 

The​ applications will be considered by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the party said. 

Note that the applications will be considered by the Ministry of Defense.
A stunt, perhaps? They are, after all, politicians.
Either way, if he thinks that going into a shooting war is going to make anyone a “real man”, he needs to talk to somebody who has been in a real shooting war.
I’m not taking issue with anybody going to war if they feel a national need to do so.
But don’t think for one minute that going to war and experiencing the realities of it are things that make real men….in reality, war turns real men into shattered shadows of their former self.

Last edited 1 year ago by plaguerat

At least he didn’t make up another story about rape or something. Maxwell B’s comment yesterday was pretty spot on.

One thing that is actually funny, is the fact that the media darlings Atlassian have finally been found out…of course we all knew ages ago but the media takes a while to actually go past their own Twitter feed to find a story. God forbid they get fed a line months ago and actually check, rather than take that person on their word.


Agent 47

Well with Mike Cannon Brookes trying to get us to eat bugs and buying up farmland in the NSW tablelands, cunt is basically budget Bill Gates.

Aussie Soy Boy

Diggers have been notorious rapists and degenerates in foreign lands.


Again with this. Again a shred of evidence?


These days unless one gets written pre-consent to any kind of touching, that is rape.

so I am sure that there has been heaps of rape


And if your elite. Its in the backdoor. With your little piece.


northie is so boring holy shit

Agent 47

I only watch when Tarric Brooker is on because he’s pretty good.

Adams is a sensationalist grift. Edwin Almeida is unlistenable and says the same thing every week. Tony Locantro hasnt had a winning investment in months and brags about being quadruple jabbed.

Mickenbecker isn’t bad and seems to know quite a bit about the bond market so I find him useful. Other than that, Norths channel is repetitive but at least he’s not spruiking.

Florian Heise is the absolute worst and I don’t know why that cunt even bothers making videos. He just reads news articles and then asks for money.


Ol Florian the enigma, is an architect.

Proper god syndrome.

Ffs my mum watches his vids….

Max Payne

The view counts would agree with your synopsis. Tarric Brooker does actually put some effort into his presentations unlike some of the other guests. The look on Martin’s face sometimes when Edwin goes on one of his incoherent rants is hilarious, you just know he’s thinking to himself can’t you make your f**ken point already.

Agree about Heise Says, he’s basically a low rent Tim Pool.


It is really that simple

Gruppenführer Mark


Amid heightened tensions with China, the administration of US President Joe Biden is looking to expedite the production of nuclear-powered submarines for Australia by building “the first few” vessels on US soil, the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday.

Meanwhile, the proposal is said to have its own issues. The US would reportedly need to spend billions of dollars to expand submarine production capabilities on American soil, although Australia is supposedly expected to contribute to these efforts.

So, we get to help our friends to expand their manufacturing base, while not getting the local jobs, all paid for by the taxpayer.


Agent 47

Better off leasing a few Virginia class subs for a few years while we develop the capacity here.

But we don’t do that in Australia, unless they plan to build high rise apartments on top of the subs.

Gruppenführer Mark

No, that’s not happening either


Last edited 1 year ago by Gruppenführer Mark
Agent 47

IMO it’s nothing. Adams is Jewish and a massive attention seeker. Most of his posts are prefsced with “BREAKING” and then turns into the most mundane shit.

I’ll give him credit for the cash ban (which was actually mainly killed off by big money in the NSW and Vic LNP) brother than that the cunt has crowd wolf one too many times.

Sticking his hand out for go fund me cash just screams grift. Anyways, if I’m wrong then fine but I have zero expectations this is going to be anything more than standard financial corruption that goes unpunished.


Not “John Adams” too ?!

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming
Agent 47

He is. He’s admitted it a few times on his telegram channel as well.

Other than that, you couldn’t tell from the physiogonmy in the article pic above? Lol

Donkey Hire Albania Pty Ltd

Looks like he’s auditioning for the role of Fagin in Oliver Twist.


Cash ban was Robbie Barwick and his CEC party. Adams and North were used by Barwick to help spread the word.

When Morrison released the exposure draft of his bail-in law in 2017, he did so on a Friday afternoon when there would be no media attention. Only a sharp-eyed CEC staffer spotted it and recognised it as bail-in, enabling the CEC to mobilise a massive nationwide campaign against it which continues to this day. 

Morrison is banning cash so Australians can’t escape bail-in, negative interest rates | Citizens Electoral Council (citizensparty.org.au)

A fly in your ointment

I’ll take a bite at guess.

1. he’s uncovered that Llewdo and Bleato take a shower together, obviously because “take this Pootin!” and nuttin else.

2. big Farmasuiticals have colluded to jab everyone with Emma Renay jabbadabba in a clinical trial hence the tyrannical treatments to compel everyone

3. Dutton colluded with Elle Bee Gees Tea community to hide the fact he likes a gentle rub on his bald patch

4. Djoker Nole was deliberately lured in to make an example of where/how unjabbadabba’s end up if they persist unparticipation in the experiment

5. ….


Heard this guy on a gold bug podcast, Liberty and Finance, and turned it off after 15 minutes when it became obvious he wasn’t going to give any details about his big “conspiracy”

A fly in your ointment

party pooper.

just go with it and give your beat shot at what he may be on.
Listening to John Adams is probably painfully less only to listening to North – both could be saying the most exciting thing in the world and they would make it sound boring. Heck, if North was to announce that Scarelt Jonannson finally succumbed to my macho toxicity and was to spend a month in my bedroom, it would still sound suicidally boring.


John Adams has always reminded me of Rob Sitch.


If we’re talking conspiracy theories, why don’t we know more about the Optus Data Hacker?

Terrorism is so last year, no one cares or funds it anymore. Data hacks and internet financial crime is surely way more common, important to the average EFKA coupon holder etc.

So why can’t the media even ask about it? Easier to harp for the Optus CEO’s scalp, although that’s only half hearted as it’s a female CEO.

Moronic media can’t even ask why Aus Gov hasn’t got the Hacker by the balls already. Must be a victimless crime like the fraud from all those Aboriginal Bodies.

Gruppenführer Mark

Don’t fear, the FBI is here!

Meanwhile, the FBI is joining the Australian Federal Police in probing the alarming incident.

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus revealed the international cooperation as the group behind the breach scrapped its ransom demand and claimed to have deleted the 11 million customers’ records it scraped from the telco’s website.


Floptus can’t even give us a straight answer about what was stolen and how much was stolen. I only got a generic email from Floptus this morning encouraging me to have heightened awareness.

Gruppenführer Mark

Putin grants citizenship to Snowden


Right move, I think, although what he did has been described as treason and espionage. I always thought treason and espionage were done covertly, not out in the open, that’s normally called “whistle-blowing”, but I am no expert, just fond of spy novels and such.

But does put things in perspective wrt Assange, a journalist, who was abandoned by its home country, held in somewhat comfortable captivity for years, had assassination plots against him, finally got thrown in jail and is facing extradition for journalistic crimes.


From my understanding, other than revealing the evidence of large scale, anti-constitutional domestic spying my US Federal Agencies, to two reporters, Snowdon didn’t actually leak or reveal any sensitive information.

The breach was the revelation of the spying, not the actual information that it was gathering, although he showed it to the reporters (but did not let them keep it) as evidence that it was occurring.

Snowdon released virtually zero information and compromised virtually zero lives, while only revealing large scale and illegal spying by the US Govt.

In contrast Assange released information willy-nilly, not going to any efforts in redacting information least it reveal the identity of US and other foreign assets, and provoke retaliation, putting their lives at risk. In contrast to Snowden, Assange is responsible for many deaths.

In terms of my sympathies, they definitely lie with Snowdon over Assange. If Trump had some cojones then he should have pardoned Snowdon – someone who did much more to fight the deep state enemies of Trump, than the President ever actually did himself. Maybe he thought it carried too much blow back risk should he ever consider re-running for President, regardless I thought he should have pardoned Snowdon and thought less of Trump for it.

The fact with leaders is that you get the ones you get, or who make the effort to make themselves available – Trump had many terrible qualities, he was vane, egotistical, operated in the financial grey zone, and was a prick. I never liked the guy much, never watched the Apprentice or any of his shtick.

The only thing that made him a good president was that he was a long way better than all the alternatives. Why? He put Americans, HIS citizens, first.


There has been a massive amount of propaganda pushed out about Assange by the western media. This has led to a lot of confusion about what he actually did or did not do. There is unanimous support from the MSM and all western Governments to destroy Assange and Wikileaks as they exposed both as corrupt.

Gruppenführer Mark

It is pretty difficult to come up with something that tastes as good as a steak or bacon but made out of grass (or whatever they use).

The only thing that we as a race have started to nail down in the fake department is breast augmentation, and not even that area is 100% consistent in the outcomes. And diamonds, we did learn to grow some in the lab.



If fake meat was half as good as breast augmentation, it would be quite alright.

the problem with fake meat, is that it tastes like shit and it is expensive. So why the hell would I?!

it is fucken nuts to have tried to market it as a “premium” product, when it is clearly far inferior.
should have gone the other way – started at the bottom of the market (cheap, and though not really tasty – tolerable for the price), then tried to move upmarket as and when they learned how to make it taste good on its own, or developed more apt cooking techniques or recipes.

Last edited 1 year ago by Peachy
A fly in your ointment

(or whatever they use).

soylent green?


how about trannies?

fake women
some of them are pretty good, or so I hear

Gruppenführer Mark


Donkey Hire Albania Pty Ltd

how about trannies?

I was raped by one it hurt very much plz avoid


Are you sure it wasn’t an Australian soldier? According to Soyboy they’re each raping at 1,000 per hour on each deployment?



“It was a little girl and basically he told me to simulate raping the doll with this dildo … he grabbed my hands and started doing the motion himself with my hands with a dildo and the doll,” De Pyle said.

Yes I’m sure these seem like healthy people that would be very unlikely to rape anybody on deployment

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

I guess I feel bad for some young people, I mean who would know sometimes?

Agent 47

And the nord stream pipelines were both cut off the Danish coast.

Escalation a plenty. Stagmal might want to weigh in here.

Gruppenführer Mark

I am no staggsy, but I’ll have a go.

NS1 and NS2 had a combined capacity of about 110B cu m, with total volume of EU imports of Russian gas of about 180B cu m. Previously, both pipelines were fully charged, so all the EU had to do is crack open the valve. Now both pipelines require some sort of repair, which can take time and be expensive.

Failure of both pipelines at the same spot is highly suspicious. Sabotage is plausible. I’d think that EU, and Germany in particular, wouldn’t be behind this accident, as the only sources left for them are: transit of gas through Ukraine (not a very reliable option, if you ask me), or LNG from the USA and Qatar. This will necessarily drive the price of LNG up, bankrupting the EU economy further to the benefit of USA. Somehow I don’t see Qatar being responsible for the accident, they probably lack the ability to carry it out. So this leaves one probable suspect.

Just my opinion, I have no way to prove or disprove any conclusions made above.


I’d add to that Gruppenführer.

Denmark and Poland are NATO members, and Sweden is about to join the club.

Denmark, Poland, and Sweden all have navies.

The section of the lines leaking is very close to all three countries.

The Nordstream pipelines are in 80-110 metres of water…..if the area of damage is in the shallower water, then it is within easy reach of a quick mixed-gas dive…..if deeper, then the more complex saturation diving may be required.

Alternatively any depth could be tackled by a ROV.

Damaging the lines could be achieved by any number of means once the concrete weight-coat is removed…..shape charge, drill, or Broco rod.

There is another alternative….geological movement.

If both line are damaged in much the same area, it could be due to seabed movement……although a quick Google check indicates that the area is reasonably geologically stable. But earthquakes are not unknown in the area.

It could also due to internal corrosion of the pipeline….although the chance of that happening in three places at once are…..well…….

If it was sabotage, a quick dive (human or ROV) is all it will take to determine.

Last edited 1 year ago by plaguerat

Scrap the Broco rod…..I forgot the lines had line pack 🙂

Gruppenführer Mark

According to what I read, NS2 was damaged first. NS1 after. Given that NS2 is the newer line – a year or so old, geological event would have likely damaged the older pipe first?


Not necessarily….depends on the seabed features at the points of damage….newer line might be sitting on a seabed feature subject to greater movement.


Like so:


“According to what I read, NS2 was damaged first”

It’s possible that the damage to both lines occurred at the same time…….it seems that there was a slight time differential between the reporting of the leaks:

Sweden’s Maritime Authority issued a warning about two leaks in the Nord Stream 1 pipeline, shortly after a leak on the nearby Nord Stream 2 pipeline was discovered that had prompted Denmark to restrict shipping in a five nautical mile radius.


Gruppenführer Mark

And now Swedes report explosions


Something to consider. If NS1 & 2 belong to Russia, at least partially, does this mean an open season for accidents at other installations, such as oil and gas pipelines (oil would be bad, as it will unleash an environmental disaster, gas, I assume, will dissipate into atmosphere), underwater cables, etc.?


Beginning to look like this conflict has just taken a whole new turn.


All your pipes are belong to us!


only sources left for them are: transit of gas through Ukraine (not a very reliable option, if you ask me), or LNG from the USA and Qatar. This will necessarily drive the price of LNG up, bankrupting the EU economy further to the benefit of USA. Somehow I don’t see Qatar being responsible for the accident, they probably lack the ability to carry it out. So this leaves one probable suspect.


Gruppenführer Mark

Shipping costs would not be competitive methinks.

A fly in your ointment

not for long, wait for the price of the lng in EU to ratchet up… at least for those that have all their options blown up aand will now pay any price to have some heat.

EU has another option: Turk Stream. its capacity is insufficient to replace NS1 but it may suffice if a new EU directive makes it illegal to heat homes instead up to 19°C to a new level of up to 16°C.

Well, there is a new gas pipeline – Norway to Poland – that just went live on the day of the NS1 & 2 accidents. Coincidence.

Some more quotes (sourced from Zerohedge):

European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen confirmed the Nord Stream pipeline system leaks were caused by “sabotage”

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen described the three separate leaks on NS1 and NS2 as “deliberate acts,” adding: “It’s hard to imagine that it’s accidental.”

A former Polish Defense Minister, Radek Sikorski, has attributed to the United States the sabotage of two pipelines, Nord Stream 1 and 2, which carry natural gas from Russia to Germany. “Thank you, USA,” Sikorski wrote on Twitter.

But wait! The blame is getting pinned on… you guessed it, Russia!

Poland’s PM, Mateusz Morawiecki, laid the blame on Russia for targeting the pipelines – suggesting that the attack was an attempt to escalate the Ukraine conflict.

If the CIA warned about this in advance, it is clearly not them.

And then there was some activity by the US Navy in the area – the Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group, that is mentioned here (specificaly mentions Danish Straights on 21 Sept, so puts the ARG in the vicinity) and here (this one is paywalled but you can see the start of the article talking about military exercises).

I am convinced, evil Pootine did it!

Last edited 1 year ago by Gruppenführer Mark

If the CIA warned about this in advance, it is clearly not them.

could be reverse psychology – they warned about before they did it, so we’d all think it’s not them.


Why are we even arguing about this

US is the only one with motive to do this

US is the one with the means to do it without getting discovered (you don’t think they have satellite surveillance of the area?)

Biden literally threatened to blow it up a few months ago

anyone who honestly thinks Russia did it is deeply deeply deranged


US is the one with the means to do it without getting discovered (you don’t think they have satellite surveillance of the area?)

have they any lasers mounted on sharks?

Aussie Soy Boy

No yank should exist outside of its borders. Even the anti American ones are scum.

They are filth and scum. Aussies even worse as a puppet state to them just no honour. Not even a country US foreign policy and UK head of state. Plus Aussie diggers are notorious rapists, murderers, torturers.


No yank should exist outside of its borders. Even the anti American ones are scum.

They are filth and scum. Aussies even worse as a puppet state to them just no honour

sorry mate, but the reality is that unless you are yourself a formidable power, you have to choose a nation that is a formidable power and align yourself with it. It has always been this. Suzerainty is not new.

and while we be choosing, I sure as hell would choose the Americans over the Chinese or russkies

Aussie Soy Boy

That’s the whole American unipolar view of the world. I suppose when you spend the last 6 decades being one of the yanks most loyal puppets standing side by side with them as they loot, rape and murder there way through Asia and the Middle East you make a lot of long lasting enemies. The head of state is King Charles for fucks sake is there are more sad excuse for a country in the world.


I don’t think it is unipolar.

it is just a view that says as bad as USA is, the other mobs (of comparable power) are worse.

and you probably think so too, despite your protestations…. After all, rather than living in a USA vassal state like EZFKA, you could go live in a state that is a Chinese vassal (North Korea?) or a Russian vassal (Belorussia?). Or even in China or Russia themselves….

Gruppenführer Mark

I think the difference is the posturing of various mobs of comparable power on the world stage.

USA have been positioning itself as world police for the last 60 (?) years. All started in earnest after WWII. Just a couple of examples: Operation Gladio and Eisenhower’s secret plan to invade Italy.

I have to be careful with links, as the post usually gets relegated to “moderation required” pile.

USA has lots of military installations all over the world, and has a well-documented history of meddling in other countries’ affairs – look up Killing Hope by William Blum. Unipolar world led by the USA is a often-stated goal, where they get to define the meaning of the global rules-based order, and they are also the ones who get to set the rules, and enforce those (with help from its allies).

Russia and China, on the other hand, are not in the same game – yet. They state their desire for a multipolar world.

As far as some of the allies go, yes, USA does have some nice ones, Australia being one of them. North Korea – not so nice. But I bet I could enjoy Belarus. They seem to have more social order, and their prez, the last dictator in Europe before Putin got that crown, is very interested in a solid economy, and has an uncanny ability to move between the West and Russia for his, and his country’s, benefit.

Living in USA – no, thank you. The country is falling apart, I read somewhere that 40% of its population expects a civil war in the next decade. Not my idea of a happy place. Plus racial tensions, woke agenda, gun culture.

Living in China is not for me either, although I haven’t been, but the sheer number of people is enough to put me off the idea, i enjoy my most remote capital city in the world, thankyouverymuch.

Russia I am undecided on. From everything I read, there is a very clear upper class, and a numerous poor class. Middle class is there, but it is more of an upper echelon of the lower class, rather than a class of its own. Corruption as well, but it exists in USA, China, Australia, it is just more overt in Russia and China, I believe.

A fly in your ointment

and while we be choosing, I sure as hell would choose the Americans over the Chinese or russkies

Not really a choice dilemma there as there are other options, like treading the borderline for one.
Aus is naturally aligned with its original master who’s flag we feature on our own. That cannot change significantly. What can change is aspiring to values that come from the old world rather than to the current thing.

Ah, I missed a link


Peachy, of course it is reverse psychology.

Coming, I should have added a sarc tag. If not US, then UK.

A fly in your ointment

nonsense, Ruskies did it so that they can blame yanks. it is a strategic move, what else???


Peachy, of course it is reverse psychology.

oh sorry, I’m usually not so dumb as to miss overt sarcasm and pisstaking taking…🤭

A fly in your ointment

I am convinced, evil Pootine did it!

who else?

in his next assault on EU values, he will blow up his own oil rigs and wells just to name a few


Not enough ships and would require all LNG ships to transport gas to Europe.



here is Biden on live television threatening to blow up nordstream 2

so yeah the USA did it lol

Agent 47

There’s also this

A fly in your ointment

Why bother rambling when someone coherent did it better than thyself.

This is war on EU and Europe



A fly in your ointment

And then this from Speculator.com.au


Not one single fact to support the claim, only ad nauseum repetition of “Him bad, he must’ve done it, who else???”


Much hyperbole there. Bloke carries on likeUS wants Europeans to freeze and starve and die.

not a bit of it. They (or whoever did it) have just slightly adjusted the relative prices of Russian gas vs non-Russian gas.

Europe will still be able to get all the gas it wants. But the “bring it in by sea” option which previously appeared a bit expensive (compared to taking a quick drag on the Russian pipe) now appears quite palatable.

that’s all.

Last edited 1 year ago by Peachy
Gruppenführer Mark

Gonzalo Lira is a suspect. I’ve been pointed in his direction a few months back, appears that there are accusations of him swindling Steve Keen’s website and income from it. Then this dude goes to Kharkov (still under Ukraine), reports massive amounts of anti-Ukraine propaganda, supposedly gets arrested by the secret service, gets released, and is still in Kharkov pushing anti-Ukraine propaganda.

Something doesn’t stack up for me.


Gonzalo Lira is a suspect. I’ve been pointed in his direction a few months back, appears that there are accusations of him swindling Steve Keen’s website and income from it. Then this dude goes to Kharkov

duuuuude you’re convincing me that I’m living in some sort of simulation.

there is such inherent improbability in this one dude being a published fiction writer, then stealing Steve Keen’s website, then suddenly going to Kharkov, then blowing up Nord Stream underwater pipeline that this bloke could probably power the Heart of Gold

Gruppenführer Mark


From our favourite source, no less:



All I am saying is that I am suspicious that a pro-Russian, anti-Ukraine internet personality with a certain degree of reach is allowed to live and work in Kharkov that is under Ukrainian rule, especially after being arrested and released. Oh, and there are also reports that he used to be US-based “dating coach”, but I did not pursue that rabbit hole.



I was not aware of any of this !

steve the grifter got out-grifted
Australians are shit at everything

The guy seems hilariously unhinged, it’s so amusing that he has chosen fintwit nerds as one of his victim groups , along with incels/redpillers and Russia-stans

but I guess that’s the full spectrum of loser males , along with cryptobros



Please give more detail on this Steve keen link

sounds absolutely bizarre

one of the great Aussie internet grifters himself

A fly in your ointment

Since the arrest (ukri-documented at the time), he’s changed his way of reporting significantly. His style is gonzo journalism and quite unusual and it is featured with the semi fake laughter since I followed him at thedawn of the multipolar world.
Lira does not have outside broadcast any more as before the arrest and I am more inclined that he is faking Harkov presence than that he’s gone Manchurian. I still do not discount what you’re implying but I still listen what he says with a healthy dose of cynicism and a bag of salt (a pinch may not be enough)…

A fly in your ointment

I agree to your assessment, where it becomes too squeaky is that for that effect all they had to do was prevent turbines return or blow them up.
What had me scratching my head is why destroy the pipeline vs. just disabling it (which worked a treat so far for US exports of LNG). Now, imagine a scenario where EU citizenry decides to rebel against the ban of energents from ruskies and decides they want to open the tap and get the ruski gas… and that may just happen, if there is no pipe – the request becomes a pipe dream.
It is the prevention of gas flow vs. political decision to not flow it. Whichever way one turns it, no one benefits except the exceptionals

Gruppenführer Mark

FMD. Cuddle therapists charging $100/hr.

Lazy boy, koala in the tree, and mumma bear, baby bear – Kama Sutra of hugs.

I have no words.


In my opinion, stagmal is a victim of russian psyops

Russia is absolutely going to get crushed by the West/USA
The nation is crumbling.
The Ukraine war effort looks like a complete fucking disaster to me, even accounting for Western propaganda

China is also looking very very sketchy

So, my question is: how do you see things changing for EZFKA units when we return to a unipolar world again?

There’s just something about me that wants to root for the underdog, which is why I want RUssia and China to stick around, but I have to say that I think it might be better for the average Australian unit

That’s because there’s only one set of oligarchs stripping the world’s wealth and resources

And without any external threats, US domestic politics will turn inwards towards wealth equality

It will be like finally achieving a one world government

Interested to hear other’s thoughts


So you’ve finally bent to your irresistible urge to conform to the elite’s whims


virtually no evidence i have fallen for russian psyops given that russian psyops never acknowledge the issue of manpower, which i was talking about for months before the mobilisaiton even began

i noted it in my article on the subject and my view only became even more hardened after

not even sure what russian psyops even talk about

most internal criticism of russia’s war has always been talking about manpower, google IGOR STRELKOV, he hates the kremlin and always thought russia could lose in ukraine big if they didn’t increase their manpower

manpower & infantry are so fundamental in war and why ukraine achieved what it did in kharkov (they were fighting nothing, bc russia does not have enough men to man the front), looking back on the whole project to invade ukraine with what 100-200k men (which includes the militias, rosgvrdia, etc) was absolutely a agargantuan blunder

what you would be saying would be most likely correct had russia chosen to not change course

russia’s mobilisation looks like it is proceding in the same russian bureaucratic way (ie its quite good in many places and dogs breakfast in others), but all that matters is that it gets enough manpower to the front, which it will, and that is most definitely going to change outcomes

one very positive sign is the kremlin is encouraging internal criticism of procedure by filming/posting to socail media wherre issues can be more effectively rectified

virtually if russia withdraws from ukraine, putin is done and he knows it. politically he cannot back down now

manpower at the end of the day determines wars bc you cannot hold or take ground without it


all depends now on the mobilisation effort, if russia’s mobilisation fails or is all just some sort of PR mirage, russia will probably lose

if mobilisation even succeeds 45%, russia will likely win

the weapon trickle ukr is recieving from west/u.s wasnt even decisive in kharkov, numbers were


the idea that additional manpower will not matter is truly crazy talk (the latest westoid cope) if you think about it

what if hitler had double the manpower at d-day or stalingrad? that wouldnt have mattered?

think about it: one guy equipped with some neat high tech shit sitll cant do the awesome shit 2 people with nothing can do together


Come on mate

Youre fallen into a cognitive trap
what you want to happen vs what will happen
the classic DLS experience

At the beginning , both you and I expected russia to have steamrolled them in a couple weeks

Remember the whole “Putin needed to invade before the ice melted” bullshit

Its been 8 months now , and we are through spring and summer and autumn nearly back to winter again

he’s now calling up conscripts in a fucking draft – LOL

it’s been such a disaster , that all the talk of China invading Taiwan (a genuine consideration prior to this) has completely disappeared

because even China must be in complete shock about how badly this has gone

even if Russia does make territorial gains , Ukraine will be a bleeding thorn in their side for however long they try to hold it

until they finally admit they can’t fight a proxy war against the entire Western Hemisphere

probably ends with Putin killing him self or being killed , and Russia collapsing and associated countries splintering

An historic disaster imo

its wild that you are continuing to delude yourself on this


“At the beginning , both you and I expected russia to have steamrolled them in a couple weeks”

yeah but then we realised russia invaded w 100k or so men not their whole army lol

zero evidence conscripts perform worse than drafted soldiers

do you relaise ukraines entire army is just conscripts theyre press ganging off the street, most have minimal to no experience

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

*contracted i mean

china was never gonna invade taiwan this yr

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal
Aussie Soy Boy

There’s no limit to the weapons and money Ukraine will receive from the west and if it comes to it I think the US will send troops there. Putin is bluffing about nukes, plus the US doesn’t care if he sends one into Europe it’ll be a great excuse to send them Moscow’s way. The US only cares about itself.

Not that high tech weaponry and money is the be all and end all. America humiliating defeat in Vietnam is proof of that, failure in Afghanistan after two decades of raping and killing. Iraq was a failure by any metric just not the total humiliation like Vietnam and Afghanistan.

It’s much easier to repel and make the invading force’s life hell (especially with limitless US weaponry) than have poorly motivated reservists who only want to go home to be able to claim new territory.

A fly in your ointment

If something cannot be weighted it cannot be unsuccessful. They just need expanding the list until 300k people come up. Somehow I am unconvinced of a failure of mobilisation in a country that has a strong remembrance of the great patriotic war. No one likes to join to military during an active conflict but my view is that ruskies actually see the threat as real. If people begin returning in body bags in noticeable quantities, the tide my turn to wonky response. Equally, advance on the front may be a huge motivation to join and finish off the needed.

Gruppenführer Mark


I do appreciate your opinions, but some of the opinions above tend to read as statements. Again, no links to avoid the sin bin.

I can’t agree that Russia will get crushed by the USA/West. Two things: materiel and supply lines. The West does not have sufficient capability to produce enough missiles, bombs, rockets and munitions to sustain the Ukrainian rate of fire, let alone match Russian rate, which is 5-10 times higher. There have been numerous links and discussions on this subject here and elsewhere.

The nation is crumbling

Which nation? Russia? Ukraine? How did you arrive at this opinion?

I agree that China has its own domestic problems, demography will play a funny trick on them in a generation or two, they have a limited window of opportunity to do something about it. That’s why I think they are so hell-bent on trade route across Eurasia.

I do not think we will return to the unipolar world. That ship has sailed. We can go to the multipolar world peacefully, or we can get into a massive fight. WWIII will be horrible, but I am not convinced that it will necessarily go nuclear. EMPs, hypersonic, satellite killers, there are weapons that have been rumoured or hinted at, which suggests to me that these weapons are already in service. Russia’s Poseidon – an Intercontinental Nuclear-Powered Nuclear-Armed Autonomous Torpedo – is an example of such weapon. Another is Sarmat, which is capable of carrying 10-15 multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle (MIRV) warhead. Each one of MIRVs is capable of being aimed to hit a different target. Defense is much different from a run-of-the-mill ICBM with a predictable trajectory.
Let’s suppose that your gut feel is right and the USA/West does crush Russia and is successful in obtaining a true hegemon status. I am afraid that once that happens, the rest of the world will seize to exist in an “ally” sense, and various countries will fight for the privilege of being the most liked slave fo the master. Australia will likely fair better than most due to the distance from the US mainland and being a host of important US military and intelligence installations: Pine Gap, Exmouth, Darwin.

Then comes the fall of Rome, it always does. Question is when. And another question is how will the internal strife play out in the USA. Being a hegemon will necessitate a strong leader, a dictator, and current pool of political talent is pretty shallow in that regard. Maybe American Nero will emerge instead.

America is playing a very complex and dangerous game right now. It has at least three main goals.

  1. Defeat and disintegration of Russia. Benefit: removal of its military threat and a potential counterbalance to the US hegemon – cold war mk 2.
  2. Destruction of EU economy that has developed into a serious competitor to the USA, with a population ~30% larger. Benefit: transfer of EU capital and manufacturing under US control.
  3. Destruction of China’s economy by reducing or removing of the Chinese access to the EU market. Currently, EU is China’s largest importer.

So, the longer the war lasts, the better it is for the USA – it advances its three goals. It is also important that Russia and China react in strict accordance with the US-developed scenario. Any attempt by those two countries, and those countries associated with Russia and China, to change the rules of the game present a danger to the US strategy. Russia and China must understand this long game.

I think that referenda and partial mobilisation by Russia were coordinatd with SCO members, as these were announced a week (?) after the SCO, and represent an attempt to thwart the US strategy by doing something that was completely unexpected. That’s why we are hearing howls about “Russians abandoning the country”, “increased risk of nuclear warfare”, “Russians blew up their own pipeline so Europe will freeze”. And I don’t think we have seen the last of the unconventional response by Russia and China.

We are certainly living in interesting times.


“I can’t agree that Russia will get crushed by the USA/West. Two things: materiel and supply lines. The West does not have sufficient capability to produce enough missiles, bombs, rockets and munitions to sustain the Ukrainian rate of fire, let alone match Russian rate, which is 5-10 times higher. There have been numerous links and discussions on this subject here and elsewhere.”

none of this is as important as men

people are way too hung up on weaponry and technology, kharkov happened bc a huge mob bumrushed an undermanned russian front and forced it back 30km

ukraine has one “out” if russia’s mobilisation is even semi-successful: mobilising even more men to match and keep the manpower ratios on both side at the level they are now (i.e about 3 or more ukranians to 1 russian), and hoping that russia doesnt/isnt able to scale up their manpower again in response

this is an increasingly implausible tall order, suggesting to me russia is likely going to win

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

ukraine has one “out” if russia’s mobilisation is even semi-successful: mobilising even more men to match and keep the manpower ratios on both side at the level they are now (i.e about 3 or more ukranians to 1 russian), and hoping that russia doesnt/isnt able to scale up their manpower again in response

this is an increasingly implausible tall order, suggesting to me russia is likely going to win

I have tended to think that russia can ultimately always prevail militarily over Ukraine.

the only questions are

  • at what cost?
  • is paying the cost “worth it”?

costs are economic and political.

Western help to Ukraine and sanctions against Russia increase the cost.

they don’t prevent Russia from winning (if it’s prepared to keep paying)


the costs matter to putin and that is it, bc he is the one who calls the shots

russia loses, he loses office and his whole legacy

russia wins, he stays in office, most likely will have some lukewarmly positive (at minimum) legacy

i dont think the war is that costly in economic terms to russia, manpower wise we can estimate as has been discussed, about 7000 deaths or so in the RF so far, not counting the militias

a better question is what are the costs to the donbass republics if russia loses

the answer: a lot, bc ukraine will go on a genocidal rampagethere if that happens, and that’s a bit of hyperbole that’s likely not far from the truth

Gruppenführer Mark

Men are important in holding an occupied territory. With referenda this will not be such an issue, as majority in the soon to be new parts of Russia support her and want to join her.

This war from the Russian side has been predominantly artillery and air power. Ukraine fought with cannon fodder, which explains a much higher rate of loss for them.

300,000 reservists entering this SMO will likely be used predominantly in the newly acquired territories, this turning the SMO into a CTO – counter-terrorism operation, which should free the fighters to continue fighting.

But then again, I may be wrong.


I agree – although with a slightly different emphasis.

The additional man power is extremely important now that the elites in the Ukraine (Israelis and Americans) have decided that they are going to fight to the very last man and are literally going to sacrifice every able bodied Y chromosome in the country if that is what it takes…. either way they will at least achieve part of their objectives by killing as many white orthodox males as possible, and creating a blood feud between Russia and whatever rump of the Ukraine that remains.

But just as important is the fact that this an industrial war – Russia have been consuming more artillery missiles every six weeks, than the West had stockpiled. The West in its hubris has become lulled into a false sense of security thanks to its previous conflicts with goat herders and cousin fuckers. In those conflicts it didn’t need enormous man power and could instead achieve enormous outweighed success, by investing in high tech military ordinance that it could use against people armed with little more than sling-shots.

In the past 20 years or so the capacity of the West to produce things like artillery shells has atrophied away considerably. From three or four producers in the US, I believe there is or was only one with any substantial capacity, which is still just a fraction of the Russia’s daily production.

Russia has shorter supply lines, more industry geared to producing low tech, but still highly lethal ordinance, and industry that is in a far better position than Western Europe due to their ample energy reserves. Equipping the additional manpower with basic military equipment for boots on the ground, is going to be far more effective than high tech drones whose supply is going to be quickly exhausted and will take months to restock.

I’m confident still confident that Russia will win, all that the US intervention will achieve will be to significantly increase the destruction in the Ukraine, while weakening Western Europe – both are previously stated strategic objectives.

That confidence though is tempered by the irrationality of human behaviour and the possibility that the US may succeed in continuing to escalate the conflict. If it succeeds to the point where NATO is actually drawn outright into the conflict, instead fighting from the shadows like it currently is, then who knows where it will end – unlike others I certainly don’t doubt that Nuclear weapons will be used.

Once they are used tactically on the battle field they will so devastate the enemy, the devastation to whatever opponent will be so complete that you can be all but certain that it will then escalate into either a limited or full exchange, because the enemies forces will have been completely wiped out by the tactical devices and they will have no choice but to either use them in retaliation or surrender.

A fly in your ointment

And without any external threats, US domestic politics will turn inwards towards wealth equality

In reality they had that since inception and yet the wealth equality never came to fruition. Class mobility is what is needed for the perception of wealth equality (real life rags to riches stories) and they had that in the early stages. OTOH, Soviets have achieved the only possible wealth equality where majority of people are equally wealthy – at the very bottom of the wealth scales.
To sum up, when the incumbent hegenon had no external threat – they invented it.

Aussie Soy Boy

Putin is done now that he’s drafting young men they just want to play on their phones not go to war. It’s Putin’s Vietnam except it’s on their doorstep and people at home get real time updates on social media.

Not only is he done strategically since resorting to drafting men shows he’s losing the battle now at the frontlines, but politically there’s no coming back once young men who had actual prospects in life start coming home in body bags over two small regions in the east of Ukraine. None of these men want to go to war unless complete no hopers or psychopaths.

People can throw around numbers like being able to call on 25 million men but that’s over 1/6th of the Russian population for fucks sake. A couple percent of the workforce out of action for a glorified cough was enough to turn the economy upside down.


He’s drafting people with military experience so they’re not 18 year olds. Even by accident you couldn’t say anything true

True Dat

True, just you wait til he starts saying how many rapes the Russians are committing…yawn

Aussie Soy Boy

They’re men that have done their mandatory military training. They’re not people with any real military experience.

There’s a mainstream Russian news site I go to for some specific sports news and what I read in the comments with translate is borderline seditious at this point. I think it’s only westerners who get their information from telegram or substack and complete retards living in the provinces think the special operation is anything but a disaster on the battlefields and for the society itself at this point.


“They’re men that have done their mandatory military training. They’re not people with any real military experience.”

then the same argument applies to most of the ukranians being press-ganged into service, even more so bc they have even less training

your argument ignores the fact that the mobilised forces dont necessarily have tob e used in front line roles, they just have to relieve the duties the current contractors on the ground also have to do, while the contractors are freed up in larger quantities for offensive roles

in ww2 they had thousands of inexp conscripts just sitting around in villages all day doing nothing, their role was to shore up defensive lines/hold occupied territory while the better forces did the fighting

manpower matters, i dont know how many times i need to insist this point over and over

what happened in kharkov would not have happened if russia’s army was not so thinly spread across the front (read: not enough manpower and units to serve in defensive roles)

why did it not happen in kherson as well, where the larger ukranian attack (with better and better equipped units i might add) took place?

bc the russians were actually there, while in kharkov they had to vacate the front due to the lack of ability to be everywhere at once due to manpower constraitns

thats what the mobilisation is about omg

im done making this point, we will see exactly whether it turns out to be correct in the next few months

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

There’s a mainstream Russian news site I go to for some specific sports news and what I read in the comments with translate is borderline seditious at this point.

Share the love / link!


So you read Russian newspapers and simply choose to lie to us about young men playing on phones, ok thanks mate

Reus's Large MEMBER

So the financial systems around the world are no longer self sustaining and will collapse without the CB’s buying bonds / QE etc.

Last edited 1 year ago by Reus's Large MEMBER

It makes sense.



Gruppenführer Mark

Prolly means that the entire construct of global economy is based on a flimsy assumption that is wrong.

If I deciphered the meaning correctly, I would’ve used a different analogy.


Not enough value is being added on a scale that justifies the amount of money being created.


still cryptic af

A fly in your ointment

if all the people do not become fully fledged consumers the growth based on more consumption will implode.

non consumers seem to be the weak link, you know. mob like myself whom replace cars only when old ones are unrepairable, use lineage o/s to make phones run fast for much longer (no bloatware) or don’t tun an aircon when a small fan can do… or run Linux on their 6-8yo computers with no visible performance differences to the new ones.


oh igi

still a shit meme bc the image it uses confuses the point

A fly in your ointment

it also indicates where the threat ti the current thing comes from…

Aussie Soy Boy

Sounds like me



Zelensky’s parents have bought $8 million property in Israel and obtained Israeli citizenship

On May 6, Zelensky’s parents, as Jews, obtained Israeli nationality with special approval from the Israeli Prime Minister. Zelensky has bought a villa worth 8 million US dollars in Rishpen, Israel, which is nearly 60 kilometers away from Jerusalem ( 950㎡, with garden, swimming pool), and 2 Lexus bulletproof cars. This is a small town where Jewish rich people from Eastern Europe gather


The ghost of the pale settlement is one of the driving forces behind this conflict….



this shows exactly what the RBA will do when the property market is about to collapse

the pivot will be so fast Lowey will leave skid marks

QE infinity coming
Deflation will not be allowed

Timing is the only question , and whether the fed blinks first


u think so, thatd be the ultimate cynical act given its their job to control inflation


Most interesting thing to me is that not only did it work, but GBP actually went UP

Not sure how anyone can claim to predict what markets will do, we are so deep in clown world

but surely it can’t end well can it


tru but abandoning even the pretense that they care about inflations the ultimate dog act


Lifting the GBP will only help inflation , so it has worked very well

also cutting rates will reduce government deficits , which also helps inflation

it’s been a master stroke so far


turkey r doing this 2 and they have hyper inflation


I believe turkey cut their rates

And I don’t believe they are doing QE anymore



exhibit B

This can surely be only a couple months away from happening in Australia too


What specifically, back to ZIRP?


QE, TFF etc

something to bring residential mortgage rates back down

Probably at the same time they continue to pay interest on reserves

Pump it from both ends at the same time

expand central bank liabilities towards infinity

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

assuming this video is real here’s an example of what soy boy is claiming the russians are doing, it’s just on the ukranian side instead


Gruppenführer Mark

Australia has seen its fair share of natural disasters: floods, bush fire, cyclones, even an occasional earthquake. These are hard, taxing times. Thankfully, our allies have a new, groundbreaking way to deal with natural disasters.

President Joe Biden has this advice:




Back on Ukraine, people love to quote about it being Purim’s Vietnam (a bloody slog that loses public support etc), but what if the opposite side faces that instead? People in the West wake up and ask why their taxes are lining Zelensky’s pockets, why 70% of arms are funneled back out to Armenian gangs and others. Recession suddenly tops virtue signalling. Mercenaries stop joining, local Ukrainians leave. Half smart leaders join Israel and refuse to spend a cent. What then?


Yep. It’s basically a war of attrition now to see who can grind the other side down the fastest, or who can hold out the longest.

The same opportunities and threats are present on both sides, mostly.


its a war of attrition for the most part bc russia cant advance easily, if it advances it leaves posterior areas open to attack again bc it has to vacate the positions due to not being able to hold them both AND advance, theres not enough manpower to do both

adding more manpower will allow it to become a war of manouver again

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

And ppl’s views on if/when support wanes from the West?

What effects would stopping Zelensky’s constant cash grab Go Fundme scamming thing would have?


The Washington Post is on the front food to ensure the war is funded:

Aussie Soy Boy

No-one in the west cares what i costs. The west were raping and murdering their way through Afghanistan, chasing a man in Pakistan who had something to do with Saudis committing a terrorist attack in New York, for close to 20 years at a cost of $2.3 trillion. This is a mere $20 billion so far.


It was 54 billion back in May from the US alone and that was what we know about: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/05/20/upshot/ukraine-us-aid-size.html

Where do you get your information Soy Boy, fucking Women’s Weekly? Everything you say is fucking wrong

Aussie Soy Boy

I don’t follow it that closely to know the exact number. Doesn’t really matter citizens in the west don’t care.

$2.3 trillion spent in Afghanistan for nothing, $2 trillion spent in Iraq, plus the one million people killed and 8 million orphans.

You wouldn’t care about that of course.


I’m not the one supporting the US in this conflict mate. Don’t pin your side’s crimes on me.

Aussie Soy Boy

The US are the equivalent of German nazis and should be treated as such along with all their satrapies. Any yank outside of its borders should be placed in camps. Europe learning the hard way now the yanks blowing up their energy infrastructure.

But it’s over for Putin. He will lose, and the yanks will start twisting the screws now that they are telling all yank to leave Russia immediately.


Hey Peachy

how about you provide a FUCKING LINK TO POST NEW ARTICLES

tried to find it in the forums, but you’ve shut that down


Interesting to read this guys take
Have to say that the fact that the BoE is still in charge tells me he is right

A fly in your ointment

have you tried going here:


each account home page has option for new posts, if you’re subscribed

A fly in your ointment

how about checking your own account home page ?

profanity for the sake of profanity projects level of faculties. We all get drawn into that quite easily but controlling it what makes a difference.

Last edited 1 year ago by A fly in your ointment

Where could I otherwise find the link to my “ account homepage”

fucking nowhere


You get what you pay for.


Im pretty sure that I am the product here, in more ways than one


Im pretty sure that I am the product here, in more ways than one

you are paranoid.


why cant you just have some sidebar advertisements like MB and dailymail

The demographic here would attract purveyors of philipines brides, gold bars etc etc

Donkey Hire Albania Pty Ltd

We have supplements 4 sale clean boost of energy can post 2 U

Gruppenführer Mark

I am not quite certain on how to interpret this. Do tell.

The outbursts were unnecessary, Peachy is our host, which means we are guests, and you could have at least asked without a directed profanity.


Go fuck yourself mark


The most appealing aspect of this forum I have found is the robust, but respectful, discussion.

Let’s hope it stays that way.

Last edited 1 year ago by plaguerat


A fly in your ointment

how about you click on the link I provided in either of my double-up post?


so for the rest of time I and everybody else has to somehow find your comment in the middle of an obscure archived thread ?

A fly in your ointment

there’s a benefit to that, if you think carefully. not having a prominent button prevents drive by shooters from infesting….


of course, there is no cross check with wax as “it can’t be” that there is any link

Last edited 1 year ago by A fly in your ointment

Have you seen the comments on that article?

almost 100% masked gimp scaredy cats. And Karens.


sydney moring herald is full of fags like that

A fly in your ointment

I can’t see comments as that requires subscription. Es Emme Haich is karenistan daily so I would not be surprise that there is a multiplicity of Karen’s