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Marxobusiness have perfected the no more tears formula – in 18 months.

comment image?fit=1500%2C500&ssl=1

No more tears nor tares nor vip tiers for ever after.

Last edited 2 years ago by Counterfiat

I don’t get this one. Could you please explain it to me?

(I realise that jokes aren’t funny after they need to be explained but I’m intrigued)

Agent 47

Used toilet paper to hang himself in his cell according to our overlords.


Wouldn’t fresh toilet paper, not used… must be really strong no-tare formula.

A fly in your ointment

try one of those on a large 40cm roll in public places… it tears along at a bad look at it, but never across. Could strangle one with 2-ply… ultimate Putin’s weapon of choice


I think you missed the average subscriber looking and thinking like…




The irony is that, having banned this bloke, who would have been in and out of here in a strictly controlled environment, we are now about to allow around 2,500 occupants of a floating incubator stroll aimlessly around Sydney, having undergone rigorous testing with a RAT.

They call them RATS, ’cause that’s about what they are worth.


How many cases currently active in NSW? Never mind the people who aren’t even testing anymore…

That horse has long bolted and refusing that bloke had nothing to do with actual health outcomes.


Irony…..in its broadest sense, is a characterization of a situation which discloses that what on the surface appears to be the case contrasts consequentially with what is actually the case.


Yes it was head on pike stuff and nothing more. So bad.


Djokovic has an absurdly long neck and tiny head.


When I showed my missus that photo, I don’t think she noticed that.


Lolz. A fat bird at work was all chicken little with the MSM propanda went got booster 2 on Monday. Left work early in the afternoon, not seen since. I remember listening to her on the Friday and thinking fuckers like that are the reason we are in this mess.

Farkin tards.

A fly in your ointment

she’d probably be at benefit from buster jab, for about 4 weeks.

Remember that early reports claimed Chubby+ was the endangered species by C19, until PC police banned use if the word in the context.


And now moleanna is crying the sky’s falling. Is it sound advice telling everyone to get boostered knowing that apparently everyone is catching it and you not meant to get jab if you’ve got covid. Will they be rat testing to confirm infection status prior to innoculation.


She’s probably dead.


missing captions about

“lock us down”

“glad the adults are in charge federally as well as in Victoria”

“how about that sportsball team and their most recent results”

“its scomos fault”

“climate change means that nothing matters anyway since the world is going to end”

Agent 47



That is hilarious.

Aussie Soy Boy

Seems on the money


Such a great portrait you’ve used! Well done!



A mate got Covid a few months back. He told me that he was feeling tired and breathless post shedding the virus. He forced himself to do long morning walks and these things disappeared. A sample of one, so not sure how it would extrapolate on the rest of the population.

Reus's Large MEMBER

I did the same with the same result, so sample size is now two


I did nothing with same result…

Time heals all?


actually makes me sad, bc MB really had something special for a while. i dont think theyre THAT wrong a lot of the time its just that they went crazy banning people and giving in to the whiners who couldnt stand controversial views. i like leith and even DLS have some good things to say too.

seen it all too often with online communities they dont respect their memberbase.


Yup, they have shown important leadership in some areas, which can only be done by calling from the edges. But I also agree with Timbo’s meme. Fuckin hilarious!!

DLS drinking the cool-aid on Biden and the Democrats and their collusion with the media in pretending that there was no such relationship, was the thing that did it in for me. I mean he even called me a ‘Fascist’ for suggesting the BLM protests were effectively the Democrat’s brownshirts.

I mean it was so obvious at the time if you just peaked outside the msm it would have revealed; the connection of the DNC to the BLM movement, Hunter Biden and all the many crimes he implicated his father in, Trump’s warning on Biden’s meddling in the Ukraine militarily, even the senility of Biden that the msm can no longer hide.

It wasn’t as though DLS wasn’t aware of the possibility that Biden is a senile puppet that the DNC purposefully put in place, he even wrote an article on it.

The fact that the majority of these issues have subsequently been proven true hasn’t provoked the slightest mia culpa from him. Nothing, nada, not a thing – instead he prattled on for 9 months about the coming “Biden Boom” and all he got instead was blindsided by a War that Trump was warning about before the election.

The problem is for DLS to accept any of the above, the Ukrainian corruption, threat of war, Senility, Hunter’s laptop, meant admitting that the msm is corrupt and blatantly partisan.

If they were partisan on those lies and fake news, like they had with all the ‘Russian connections’ to Trump, then it meant that his entire framework for opposing Trump, was based on lies and misinformation he accepted as true – simply because it lay outside his own personal Overton Window of what was acceptable to consider.

No matter how much DLS views himself as an outsider, the fact is he sits firmly within the manufactured narrative, and he fights tooth and nail to stay there.

Last edited 2 years ago by Stewie

No matter how much DLS views himself as an outsider, the fact is he sits firmly within the manufactured narrative, and he fights tooth and nail to stay there.


The reason he is always wrong is because he refuses to believe that anything he believes to be true could possibly be wrong, despite any and all evidence to the contrary.
And most of that is mainstream orthodox theory he has been fed and accepted as gospel without any critical thought at all.


The reason he is always wrong is because he refuses to believe that anything he believes to be true could possibly be wrong, despite any and all evidence to the contrary.’

Does he actually believe it though? I mean, he was trying to setup an equities focused managed fund.

Anyone who has worked in the markets understands the amount of dodgy in aussie equities.

A fly in your ointment

it is the narcissistic self image of grandeur that hampers ability to fathom that criticism van be a very constructive and helping tool.

Llewd’o and Bleat’o are nice entertainment duo that carry some value in pointing towards outcomes which are unlikely to materialise or simply inaccurate. As Edward de Bono said, identifying what does/will not work can crystallise your mind and push it into the right direction.


The reason he is always wrong is because he refuses to believe that anything he believes to be true could possibly be wrong

this is not exactly a novel way of acting… a certain Cromwell had this type of character pegged well over 300 years ago, when he wrote

“I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be mistaken”

in retrospect predicting a housing crash is just nigh on impossible. their arguments all seemed to make sense it just never happened


Don’t forget that after predicting 3864 of the last 0 house price crashes, they then refused to believe that this current one would happen and continue to refuse to believe it would keep going (ie they don’t believe interest rates wil reach 3%)

they really are the perfect contrarian indicator , and that makes me nervous about the current situation


It’s funny you mention that weren’t they calling for a housing boom only a year ago


their arguments all seemed to make sense it just never happened

Their arguments where always only a small part of the overall situation.
You can make a case for almost anything if you frame it right.


Predicting a housing crash is just nigh on impossible. I would say correct.
Their arguments all seemed to make sense. Yes, also correct.

However, they block counter arguments that more often than not are more correct. It should be obvious after 20 years of watching the housing market that the government and/or central bank will do something. The fact that they do not consider this is the reason they are always wrong on housing.


I agree with all this ramjet. The truth is that anyone with a counter argument or valid point was ridiculed and censored to suit MB narrative. The place turned into one big echo chamber. The irony of it all was that MB’s biggest troll resua was most right with his satire posts.


The censoring is what killed the place. Anyone capable of critical though got banned or left.


Now their proclaiming a 0,83% fall in Sydney is a crash. And these guys are meant to be economists.


Yup, DLS culled all the heterodox thinkers and commentators, then he lost all their links and trivia that they posted in the comments section, which resulted in his views and awareness contracting further into the msm Overton Window of acceptable thoughts and theories.


 which resulted in his views and awareness contracting further

pretty sure it happened because he wanted to actively avoid those views and ideas since the cognitive dissonance was too much for him…


He only started getting ban happy when Covid and it’s effects did not result in a house price crash and deflationary depression

in fact, the complete opposite happened

the whole thing was so ironic because despite being called MACRObusiness nobody there has any idea of how money works, or even tries to include it in their thinking

I think it shattered his confidence in his own abilities , and it was obviously disastrous for the fund

after that he became extremely aggro and thin skinned – too much ego damage it broke his brain

especially for people like you, me, peachy who were all proven correct on things he had taken strong positions on

beforehand he would just call people Astroturfers and move on (remember 3d1k? He was allowed to stay on for ages despite being always contrary and always correct)

for the first few months he would similarly call me a “virus psycho” but I was allowed to exist because he was gleefully anticipating the asset price collapse they’d been predicting for 10 years

when that possibility evaporated, he was no longer so tolerant

Last edited 2 years ago by Coming

Yeah COVID broke him, Biden finished him.

It was funny that reaction to COVID. To his credit DLS cottoned on fairly quickly that there was an issue with a virus in China, and even went so far as to put his money where his mouth was in terms of his fund’s positioning. It was actually his hysterics that initially caused me to focus on it myself.

I was initially very concerned with it and tentatively supported the first lockdown until its virulence and pathology could be reliably established. However, even before the end of that first lockdown it became apparent that the virus was either not as dangerous as the Chinese had made our, or had already mutated to a more contagious but less virulent form.

Yet DLS spent the next 18mths cowering behind the couch, and as you say banned anyone who disagreed with his ‘current things’ narrative. Guys like DoctorX, who I disagreed with heaps on other things but found interesting on COVID.

At the end of the day I came to the conclusion that DLS essentially supports ‘the current things’ even when alternative viewpoints better explain the reality we now live in.

Capture - Copy.JPG
Last edited 2 years ago by Stewie

i agree that covid did something to his brain, it really felt like it was the mother of all shocks that was finally going to crash the market. even i felt like the jig was finally up.

only to watch house prices continue to rise during it, with immigration shut down, etc. it was jaw dropping. could not believe it.


While DLS was watching the FX rate for the AUD plummet and thinking it was the end of the financial system as we knew it, I was ordering my mum to walk up to the Bank to convert a couple hundred k of USD that I’d made her hold onto for 2-3 yrs into AUD. I think she missed the absolute bottom of 54c by about 2 cents.


I haven’t been on MB for a very long time. Got bored of the place when the censored “ezfka” But I feel they still don’t have their finger on the pulse given current events and the jig might actually truly be up… Even the old joke a clock is always right and all that, yet MB still got it wrong lol


He only started getting ban happy when Covid and it’s effects did not result in a house price crash and deflationary depression

Plenty of people got banned plenty of times long before covid.
All the interesting commenters were gone long before.
Covid just finished the place off completely.


Yeah Trump was pretty triggering for DLS


also i don’t know if some of the captions in the img are right, i think a lot of the MB crew are afraid to buy types who rent and squirrel away every cent, they were just holding out for a good deal that as of yet has not happened. they’re the typical overly cautious middle class types who can’t brook much risk.

Last edited 2 years ago by stagmal

 they’re the typical overly cautious middle class types who can’t brook much risk.

Their covid rantings would certainly support this.


Yes , there should be a quote about the government deposit guarantee

“Is my $250,000 across multiple accounts getting 0.1% interest safe ”


Nah, most own. Usually either inner city or acreage. But, yes, they are risk averse.

Aussie Soy Boy

I don’t really understand their caution they aren’t buying timeshares in Bali villas it’s Australian property. I think everyone would agree it’s the top of the market now, but for years couldn’t pull the trigger when it was a no brainer to buy instead of rent.


 I think everyone would agree it’s the top of the market now

For how long?
There has been a few tops in the last 20 years, 10-20% correction then off to the races again.
Give it a few years and it will probably be on the up again.

Aussie Soy Boy

It’s the top of the market for now. It’s not going to new highs while rates are rising, energy and food crisis, yanks warring in Europe.


Yep. Interest rates are very strong medicine.


Real estate isn’t a short term investment though. Buying when the market cools not a bad idea.

How log until the gov/RBA panics and goes back to old faithful growth driver of houses is the question.


A strategy that worked perfectly in Perth. I bought a house in Perth in Jan 2021 at rock bottom.


Some dude over there was actually praising the science, because he reckons they got it right with the vaccines back in the terrible days of early 2020. This was in an article where the ex Deputy chief health officer was quoted as saying that we now all accept that the vaccines don’t prevent infection or transmission of Covid.

The gullibility and stupidity of some subscribers there makes me wonder how they made it to adulthood.


Continuing to subscribe there would seem to be a selector for gullibility and/or stupidity.




I intend to re-subscribe when I’m unbanned, but only because they are effectively the only independent media organisation that has consistently argued against mass migration on an informed basis. That alone is worthy of holding my nose and supporting them, but I can see why many people don’t given MB’s hit misses in other regards.


you’ll be banned again within a week is my guess.
But they seem to have reset the banned list not that long ago so you are probably unbanned now unless you got yourself banned again in the last few weeks.

Also, how many people do you think they even reach these days? Even at it’s peak it can’t have been very many.

Last edited 2 years ago by bjw678
A fly in your ointment

how many people do you think they even reach these days?

LOL, that is the best question of all.
Ask Llewds and Bleats and their reach is billions across the globe, in reality any fringe blog has at best under 1000 followers.
There is no “media” in EmBee. it is a good blog, something more than a pinned post on Whirlwind but far from having any influence. The max reach EmBee has had is posts at News.dot.au. Seems as the ultimate goal has been achiever and former everything may become current opinion piece typist over at the new employer


Nah – just checked and I’m still banned.

Interesting they appear to have locked yesterday afternoon’s thread after 107 comments. Apparently that dick CB was on the war path against unpopular opinions. No one sucked more Biden dick than that guy.


You must have really pissed em off.
I just checked and i’m unbanned.

Last edited 2 years ago by bjw678

im unbanned!

I think it auto-resets after 6 months or so (or maybe thats the maximum period they can ban you for)

but I’m sure I’ll be re-banned within 24 hours


I definitely always got unbanned after a few months. Don’t even care any more though.


Paying money to get banned again has to be some kind of masochism…


Yeah I know, but I think it is important to support our independent media or commentators. Crikey is full of virtue signaling liberal knobs, Aust Independent is a bit shallow, and Piles & Irritations is just pretentious pontifications.

The only other one that I’d be happy to spend some $ on is Michael West, as he does a great job at investigating corruption, etc. But while he is great at diagnosing the symptoms he has nothing to offer on the cause other than ‘corruption’.

But again, MB is the only one that consistently beats the anti-population ponzi drum, which is imho the biggest issue impacting Australians and the one root cause that most of our other problems has some source in.


I’ve found in the past that resubscribing resets the ban.

Though recently I was rebanned within 24 hours. I wear that as a badge of honour.


The EZFKA poster
comment image


And yet the predictions are often right 🤔


Keep up, there are some who think Peachy is Chris Joye…

Basil Thistlethwaite

I recently moved into a house near a comms tower and had a radio station playing through the metal filling in one tooth. I lined a beanie with foil- the foil muted it


When you see stuff like this, it kinda puts all of our machinations about interest rates, covid, Ukraine, and the like, into a bit of perspective, doesn’t it.

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope captures images of galaxies thousands of light-years away


What is this supposed to put in perspective

this is the best view we have ever had of “space” ?

it could be a painting on the firmament just as easily

no useful information here


Love the images coming from JWST, but the sloppy, science-illiterate headlines like that really give me the shits.

The closest galaxy to our own (not counting the satellite galaxies like the Magellanic Clouds) is Andromeda – 2.5 million light year away.

Given it’s the ABC, I suppose that science and numbers is too difficult for the woke-tards.


anyone who understood numbers would look at what a journalist gets paid, laugh and go do something else…


Add teachers to that.

then wonder why things are rooted in EZFKA


If only it were that simple…

But yes that is a contributing factor. One of very many.


The craze for bitcoin going interstella, laser eyes.

Last edited 2 years ago by Counterfiat



Basil Thistlethwaite

The meme needs a “John Howard! blah blah blah”


This is good shit lol!


Looking at the posts on MB it appears that EZFKA gets more comments these days. That is a bad sign for them.


This meme is quality.

For future editions would suggest something about believing an event will happen in 18 months, and sunning one’s perineum.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gouda

and some negative sideways movement.
and some lady chinamen.

Basil Thistlethwaite

Need a Virgin MB Subscriber Vs Chad EZFKA poster Meme.
Chad EZFKA poster –
Thinks the vaxxed arent dieing quick enough. Offers help
Constantly reminds people that Hitler loved animals
Argues autistically about The Money Supply
Lives in Dubbo- doesnt give a fuck
Stockpiles ammo


top tier post haha


The ABS has reported in 18% increase in all cause mortality in Q1 2022. That’s a lot of extra dead people, and most of them would be due to the vaccines of course.

I’m now encouraging all vaccine enthusiasts to rush out and get their 4th shot immediately, as the vaccines are safe and effective.

Also stockpiling ammunition.


The ABS has reported in 18% increase in all cause mortality in Q1 2022.

18% increase is alright. Used to that in Australian housing.

I’m now encouraging all vaccine enthusiasts to rush out and get their 4th shot immediately, as the vaccines are safe and effective.

hehhe, eventually something snaps and you go from trying to save people to egging them on, to see what happens hey?!

come to think of it, that’s also like Australian housing.

Also stockpiling ammunition

dont you already have a serious hoard… or is this one of those things where no amount is ever enough?