One Whole Year Of EZFKA

It’s been a whole year since our beloved founder Peachy created this place (or so), and all I can say is what a year it has been!

Over that time:

We’ve seen the further degeneration of Australia from a property and money obsessed hell-hole to a property, money AND covid obsessed shithole.

We’ve witnessed the utter evisceration of whatever human rights we had, at the hands of populist politicians playing to the bedwetter scaredy cat mob and (not so) independent judges who hand wave all challenges to said revocations under the tireless excuse of “it’s an emergency”.

We’ve watched property rises continue to rise and life for the young and the healthy to increasingly deteriorate, defying the hypotheses of MacroBusiness and other long-forgotten (or increasingly forgotten) doomers

We’ve witnessed the former website hermetically fold into itself, banning or chasing away whoever was left to read it and leaving behind a mostly boring echo chamber barely different from the offerings of the MSM

We’ve seen jabs be all but forced at the barrel of a gun into the deltoids of most of the population, under the promise that it would stem covid case growth. We now have more cases than we have ever had, in the middle of summer no less

We’ve seen this site grow from a small blog focused upon economic cynicism (which we need to see more of) to a regular online variety show, driven especially by Timbo and Minister Sinister’s often disturbingly prescient satirical articles

So what will 2022 bring? Are we getting over covid? Will house prices remain upward? Will Winning@Failing finally lose weight?

Let Leonid Brezhnev ring in the new year

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looks like that black swan guy Taleb has done a 180 on bitcoin.


Yeah but he gets too the wrong conclusions in part.

Bitcoin was founded by Military Intelligence types to pay off operatives in countries where they want to play.

It’s too useful both for paying off people, and if you are the NSA or GCHQ, keeping an eye on what crims are up too

It’ll always have some value. How else are you going to pay off informants, drug triads, human traffickers, assassin’s etc?


In all likelihood, Taleb just needs to learn to hodl properly.


Have to get this off my chest. Taleb isnt a benchpressing deadlifting Niechetzean superman.
He’s just a fat old wog.
That is all.




Good wrap up stagmal.

Credit must be given where it’s due, namely Timbo and Minister Sinister with their regular and tireless reporting of future-news and all the commenters who have such awesome discussions, bringing wit, insight, personal perspectives, anecdotes and productive debate.

honourable mention to the notable flame-fest that unfolded a few months ago under one or two of the crypto articles. It was a very veritable and impressive shit-slinging session starring Bjw and Stew (oh brother, where art thou?)

Last edited 3 years ago by Peachy

Poor Stewie and his crypto articles have been disappeared to Guantanamo Bay.

BJW and Coming comparing their wealth was a classic.


Was this wealth comparison recent? Have been off grid for a while.


i must have been offline too as its news to me

but Freddy regularly makes up bullshit

There’s also no way bjw is even in the same quartile as me unless his NFT collection has recently mooned


Denying you have ever flopped your dick out comparing your wealth with BJW, and then immediately flopping your dick out to compare your wealth with BJW. Well done.


They’re not mutually exclusive or contradictory positions

Last edited 3 years ago by Coming

Fair enough. Happy New Year


There’s also no way bjw is even in the same quartile as me unless his NFT collection has recently mooned

Really? You strike me as someone who is regularly full of shit.


It was a couple months ago.


It never happened


It’s will all still be there, go find it. But I don’t remember it either…


Fear not – been busy before Christmas and have been on holidays there after.

I hid all my articles, not just the Crypto articles, for a personal reason. Once resolved I may unhide them – most were ruined though during the epic flame war when I deleted all my uploaded images.

Agent 47


EFZKA is spoiler alerts. Ny resolution is to pitch in one or two articles so will get cracking eventually.


Pfffffttttt Timbo and MisterSister are fuckin shithouse, endless spam posted dross.

Perfect example is this joint finally gets a bit of organisation and posts an end of year thread and then doesn’t pin it to top and those spam posting fuckwits post more shit satire above burying the eoy of post. Fuckin useless.


When you’re right you’re right

Aussie Soy Boy

Where did Stewie go?


Probably reached the logical conclusion all trolls do – realised he was a larping shit cunt and necked up.


You’re on fire tonight

should be posting your own articles alongside Timmy

ive upvoted you about 10 times in the last 48 hours


Just had better things to do than burn bugs like yourself under the magnifying glass of my massive intellect.


Rant on dudes!


Nice call out stags lol. Lost 10kg bitch, so I must ask have you:
Learned to communicate with other humans or still full blown autist?
Left Dubbo yet or still whinging about it yet doing nothing to change your situation?

Open offer to all you tough talking faggits – come to qld so I can punch your faces in. Lol happy new year


Still bitching about this place but constantly here?
Still bitching about the world but haven’t jumped of a cliff yet?


Very good interview. I experienced something very similar this Winter. After a cold/flu like illness that lasted about a week I started to develop a rash and shortness of breath. I ended up in hospital but they didn’t know what it was and considered it an allergic reaction to some medication. No covid test was taken because at that time WA was covid free and I hadn’t left the state. I was prescribed anti-histamines and prednisone.


#MeToo second time in about 12m symptoms just now waning.
I could not get the test in time, will be checking antibodies this week


Really missing Stewie on here and on Twitter

he gathered a lot of useful info about race reality and crypto


Twitter ashed my account (again) so I took a break from social media.

klarse holl

My 2022 new year resolutions:

  • Go from very obese to hyper-fcken obese
  • Smoke one and a half packs of winnie blues a day, up from one pack
  • Smoke a joint before work too, not just after
  • Be delighted with society’s look of utter contempt for me, especially when I need to sit on 3 aeroplane seats only paying for one
  • Defuse my leaky butt syndrome with thunderous farts everywhere
  • More frequent rub-n-tugs
  • Stick my middle finger up at society when I’m lying face down in a covid ward (yes I will come out alive and fully recovered)
  • And to really rub it in society’s face, hire a very hot babe to walk hand in hand with my down the road just so everyone can say, “how the hell did that fat c*nt get such a hot chick”
  • Wear a t-shirt printed with, “I’m the ubermensch”

I will fulfill my resolutions. All those with, quit smoking, drinking, loose weight, get healthly, …, etc, will be in my club by, I reckon, April this year.

It’s a race for the bottom folks, I’m here to win.


Has the price of RnT risen due to shortages of international students?

klarse holl

Yes, $180/hr to $200/hr. But that’s OK, I aways gave them $200 anyway. There was a really good one in Cammeray, the girls would wear white lab coats and look all doctor like. Place closed into first lockdowns.


Happy New Year!

Managed to get away to see family for Christmas, which went fairly smoothly especially after previous attempts to travel interstate had been foiled by sudden last minute border closures. Getting a 72 hour pre-departure Covid test wasn’t a problem due to work contacts, but when leaving or arriving I wasn’t even checked or asked for any evidence. 

On leaving the plane there were massive queues at an app check in counter, so large that it was about to block the exit ramps. Security asked a large family in front of me and myself if we’d gone overseas. No? Then you can go through… to the main airport section. No one checking in, with murmurs that the app was broken – but that probably deserves a full article in itself.

Outside the airport were queues of people hundreds long for testing, estimated waiting for tests 2-3 hours with flyers being handed out for alternative testing locations. I assumed it was for new arrivals with there being 24 hourly mandatory tests, but it was obvious they’d underestimated the capacity needed. After confirming I could get it elsewhere, called my ride and got out of there. 

Managed to book a test at a 24 hour drive through station, waiting about 40 minutes, largely due in part to idiots having booked at 1am coming at 1pm. By this point Omicron cases were starting to rise, and a few days later the state also scrapped the mandatory day 1 and 6 testing requirements due to wait times blowing out to 8 hours. Was texted to expect an email about the new changes and requirements, but it never came and the app never updated so still looked like I needed to get tested around Christmas day.

One family member was deemed a close contact to need testing from working in a site with a covid case, despite not actually ever working on the same day as said case. Obviously tested negative and timing worked out, but we were lucky. Eg. On Christmas found out that an in-law’s niece worked with a positive case earlier in the week, but was only informed on Christmas Eve, so plans on their side of the family for Christmas and Boxing Day all had to be cancelled.

Post Christmas managed to catch up with some friends who had been pressured to change their function from indoor to outdoor due to last minute state government changes on numbers allowed at home only hours before. Spent a while musing on how it was ok to have 1000s at the cricket, yet around a dozen at home was supposedly more risky. Only one especially paranoid person was driving the changes, and if not for them it would have gone ahead as original planned. However, we did go to a park – it was a nice balmy evening with great weather and it worked out fine.

What it did feel like was the smaller states were really only experiencing covid for the first time. Can remember taking an evening walk around the old neighbourhood, and to my surprise many people were wearing masks outside which didn’t make much sense as it wasn’t required and the case numbers were relatively tiny. 



ronin now freaking out about the increasing number of Covid cases in hospital

of course he has no idea whether these are hospitalised patients WITH Covid or DUE TO Covid
nor whether they caught the Covid before or after they came to hospital

since every single patient in hospital is obsessively swabbed (and 10% of all tests are positive right now) it’s more likely incidental and largely irrelevant

pure media manipulation and deliberate induction of panic

similarly , the SA premier sombrely announcing a 2 year old has died WITH Covid and then refusing to clarify anything about the circumstances , even whether the patient was in hospital at the time

I feel like the number of idiots falling for this is declining every day – even on MB

Last edited 3 years ago by Coming

There’s two main sorts of Covid hystericals: boomers and public servants

both of them of course motivated purely by self interest to keep the scam going

sweeper fits into both groups as far as I can tell , so it makes sense he will never give up the grift

Last edited 3 years ago by Coming

I’d add overly cautious 30 and 40 something mums to that mix, which may or may not be public servants.


Sorry forgot to account for the 20 something Dubbo mums lol


Correct. It’s the only way to explain his views.


Omicron does appear milder than Delta considering the numbers in ICU relative to total.

Sweeper suggesting ICU massively overrepresented by unvaccinated. Do you know where we can find those stats for NSW?


As a generalisation with no data to back it up from the mouths of politicians at the daily presser/fear porn.
But you know the old joke about politicians, how can you tell when a politician is lying?


What if it is a female politician who has taken so much Botox that her lips don’t move?


ICU massively overrepresented by unvaccinated. Do you know where we can find those stats for NSW?

I have it on good authority that inoculated in hospitals are proportionally represented as the percentage of the population they represent. My source is comparable to Sweeper’s.

On a serious note, my claim on hospitalisations is from a conversation with a front-line worker in Blacktown hospital. Pinch of salt applies here.

Data on waxed/pureblood in hospitals is flawed on so many dimensions that even if it becomes available somewhere through clairvoyance, it would be representing nothing. There is absolutely no distinction on with/of Covid, source of infection (in/out of the hospital) etc. Reporting went from “covid connected hospitalisations of waxed vs. not waxed” to “percentage of all times cumulative hospitalisations since June when waxed were in teen %” – reports showed 0.9% weekly increase of waxed in ICU (of all time people in ICU) and now data is not available even in implied or interpolated.


You can argue the totals are not precise due to of/with Covid. I don’t think you have a valid argument about the vaccine efficacy though. Those in ICU due with-Covid (rather than of-Covid) should be in proportion to the vaccination rates, and possibly even skewed towards the vaccinated stats due to people with comorbidities being more likely to be vaccinated.

I found some recently reported stats and 34 out 52 of/with Covid ICU cases in NSW are unvaccinated. ICU numbers should be much higher within a fortnight so we will soon have a much better idea.
Majority of NSW COVID patients in ICU unvaccinated | Sky News Australia


people with comorbidities being more likely to be vaccinated.

Really? when 95% of the population is supposedly vaxxed.


I think sometimes you like to argue for the sake of arguing. Vaccination was prioritised for the sick and elderly. Have a think about the people on this forum including over 50s who did not feel the need to get vaccinated due to being fit and healthy.


at a 50% vaccination rate then maybe, if we truly have a 95% vax rate the only people not vaxed are the deliberately anti vax, and not even all of them most likely,

Edit, have you found the wealth pissing contest yet or is it another thing you made up and got upset about being called on?

Last edited 3 years ago by bjw678

It was not you. It was ChineseAstroturfer. You and Coming argued about many things but not that. Happy to admit when I am wrong. Apologies.

Last edited 3 years ago by Freddy

I care little either way, but thanks for the apology.


I cannot be not-skeptical when the data of purebloods in ICU is published randomly by wax peddlers and not on a regular basis. If things are so bad for purebloods, it would be published and supported with data every day. The mere abolition of publishing such data at the end of the September 2021. or thereabout when waxed plebs numbers surged is a strong indication that not all is rosy as painted by Vaccinazis.

All o am trying to say is that available data is really sufficient just to make speculations, nothing more. The first question I ask is why is this data obscured.


+1 from me.

why is the data hidden?


Is the UK still publishing their weekly updates with the splits provided?


Turns out they are:

but they’ve fiddled with the tables so it’s harder to just read off the rates of hospitalisation/icu/death per 100,000 population of jabbed and unjabbed.

the data do however seem pretty clear that the vaccines do dick I’m relation you infection and transmission these days. They’re a spent force. Ha ha! (Refer figure 6)

also, just look at those Stockholm syndrome saps line up for their third dose. The boomer make that line go up like London house prices!

Last edited 3 years ago by Peachy

scroll down to page 10.
per 100000 plebs data is devastating for the pureblood (1:7-1:11 risk) but look at the nominal data and it looks one pureblood dies for every 3 jabbernauts dropping the spoon

Screenshot from 2022-01-03 00-04-18.png

Those death stats will nearly be all Delta. I found some stats which are saying in London 40% of Omicron hospitalisations are unvaccinated. Figures are lower outside of London but they are suggesting to ignore it due to data issues.

Omicron daily overview: 29 December 2021 (

Calcs across all age groups are not that accurate due to age skew of vaccinations, but here goes. UK has ~90% vaccination.

Unvaxxed = 40% (hospitalisation) / 10% (unvaxxed)
Vaxxed = 60% (hospitalisation) / 90% (vaxxed)

Unvaxxed vs Vaxxed = 6:1. i.e. six times more likely to end up in hospital if unvaxxed.

Reus's Large MEMBER

Bear in mind that un-vaccinated in the UK means, not positive within 14 days of jab, as well as not had the third jab for over 70’s I believe, it is also those that are so sick that they are unable to have the jab, so I would take the absolute numbers with a pinch of salt.

Also note that the 95% of the patients in ICU in the UK with covid are obese ….


I do not have the link to a reputable data source on ICU admissions denominations.
I found this for period 1m to 19 Dec. in Ireland but even this is sketchy at best. This because of the metrics used which can inflate or underreport data, e.g.

“If an inpatient tests positive for COVID-19 and then subsequently tests negative the Method of Admission code remains as one of the confirmed coronavirus codes above.”.

They also report data in different time periods (1m to 19 Dec and then Aug-Dec), or check this which opens the door to severely skew conclusions from data:

Admissions / Discharges

• A patient may be admitted more than once, for example:

Admitted on two or more separate occasions

Admitted to hospital A within one HSC Trust and later transferred and admitted to hospital B in a different HSC Trust. The admission to hospital B will be recorded as a new admission. Consequently, patients may also be discharged more than once and these discharges will be included in the discharge total.

On top of this and truckloads of similar, the metrics used in other territories may be different by so much to make it not even comparable… hence my saying that it is moot to look at the actual data on waxed vs. pureblood. I ma yet to see data publication that has genuine attempt to get to the truth as much as it is possible. It is quite indicative to read between the lines though, more tangible stuff is found.


Just in…

look at this document (p14) from Krauts reporting on the cases at the Robert Koch Institut

Unless you speak Kraut, the important translation is here

For click-inert, the digested data is this:

186 patients were unvaccinated, 4,020 were fully vaccinated, of these, a booster vaccination was reported for 1,137. 

Under 4.5% of pureblood participation in Omocronisation in a nation of, i believe, 70+% waxing (not sure of waxing % in Krautland)


The translate mentions 124 hospitalisations. So i presume those stats are infections rather than hospitalisations. They know the existing vaccines are near useless at preventing Omicron infection but still work at preventing hospitalisation.

Real World Data: Pfizer Vaccine & Infections and Hospitalizations from Omicron #shorts – YouTube

Last edited 3 years ago by Freddy

Negative efficacy at preventing infections, it seems.

this is spooky


Don’t forget that
a) unvaxxed aren’t allowed to go anywhere so are less likely to get infected, and less likely to be tested (since they won’t be identified as contacts)
b) unvaxxed are very unlikely to get tested anyway since they aren’t really concerned about Covid, and don’t want to have to isolate

Last edited 3 years ago by Coming

I understand what you are alluding to in theory, and while I can imagine that this behavioural stuff could have an effect at the edges, I def can’t imagine that it is such a big effect that it turns the efficacy negative.


Congrats all!

I think the site has promise and is off to a good start however does require more economic related content, especially as you know, the country is an economic zone and all. Currently Peachys creation has veered towards libertarian centre right political parody blog. Nothing wrong with that but again as a blog was founded to basically be the opposite of MB would be great to see more in that space.

One post a week on any economic topic would just about do it, and you could just auto take the opposite side to MB by default and argue from there lol.

And yes whatever happened to Stewie?

James Linden

One post a week on any economic topic would just about do it, and you could just auto take the opposite side to MB by default and argue from there lol.

Here’s a topic that’s likely to shift up a gear or two in the not-too-distant future.

Seems to be an almost natural segue from the soon-to-be-entrenched surveillance systems bought to us courtesy of recent events.

COVID-19 is speeding up Australia’s shift towards a cashless future
Payment firm FIS predicts the nation could go 98 per cent cashless by 2024, while the Commonwealth Bank anticipates it might happen in 2026.

After reading several articles on the major cyber heists of 2021, it seems there might need to be a bit of tweaking necessary on the underlying data infrastructure beforehand.


 there might need to be a bit of tweaking necessary on the underlying data infrastructure beforehand.

The cashless infrastructure has been in place for 40+ years. I have never been paid in cash in any of my employment. What tweaking do you think is needed?


Writing an economic article( or anything factual) is a much harder task than churning out some satire on current topics. If you don’t believe me you can give it a go yourself. Why do you think emmbeee is so much copypasta even though they have a fulltime writer or 2. They even steal article ideas from the commenters which makes the heavy handed ban hammer even more funny,

And yes whatever happened to Stewie?

Speculatively(and maybe wishfully thinking) he’s finally realised the tech he is pushing isn’t all that he thinks it is and has had a breakdown / retreated to a mountain top to re-evaluate his life choices…


That makes sense although is still an excuse for what was again supposed to be an (originally) economic type blog, which is easy to do via basically taking the opposite view of MB (or just calling them out).

I’m just saying the economic part has dropped to zero, I’d settle for 1/4 of all blog posts 🙂


I believe all comers are welcome to provide articles of their choosing. I’ve exhausted all the things I have anything original to say about and am interested in. If something piques my interest I’ll add something else, but no longer driving to work really put a dent in my thinking time. You can thank covid for that…


Yeah BJW is right – it takes a bit of effort to write an article that tries to explain something. Peachy approached me to see if I would like to post some content when it started, which I was happy to do, now that EZFKA seems to have found its feet it as a satire site it doesn’t need my rants – especially given they are almost immediately buried. Not having a go at the satire, as I think its great and it has really driven a large amount of wider exposure and interaction, beyond the borders of just MB. I just never been a big one for satire as I find real life nowadays is just too close to it.


Who knows when we’ll be able to definitively say whether crypto coins actually go anywhere right. People have been saying for years now they will go to zero (DLS…) and here we still are.


whether crypto coins actually go anywhere right.

There are a whole lot of different crypto chains trying and claiming to do a whole lot of different things.
kinda like the 2000 .com yadda yadda.



I’ve always viewed the individual coins as like stocks in the .com boom, all claiming to do something to commercialise parts of the internet, of which probably many will fail.

Then there is the underlying blockchain technology as a platform, which is a bit like the internet, and seems certain to survive.


Speculatively(and maybe wishfully thinking) he’s finally realised the tech he is pushing isn’t all that he thinks it is and has had a breakdown / retreated to a mountain top to re-evaluate his life choices…

LOL – you wish.

Still a believer in the tech (as described in the original white paper).
Still believe that 99% of crypto is fake and there is not true price discovery.
Still believe that Tether is the system back pressure that keeps the ENTIRE crypto complex inflated.

BSV is still kicking goals technically, processing more transactions than all the other PoW chains put together. 😉

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 🙂

Last edited 3 years ago by DictatorDavid
Agent 47

This was excellent.


Very good, well worth the time.


I’ve listened to this as well. Found it cogent and balanced.

James Linden

Can somebody please help.
I need to sort out my registration details with somebody in the hierarchy of this site, but I can’t find any contact information for same.
Could someone please advise who, and how, I should contact to resolve the matter.
thank you.


Just make a new account…

, but I can’t find any contact information for same.

That is considered a feature ,not a bug by the sites creator.

Or alternately you could try a post in the forum.

Reus's Large MEMBER

If you need to change your profile name etc, click on forums and there is a my profile in there that you can edit


Your real name still appears in your profile. I would re-register with a fake name if that is your concern.


To paraphrase one of my mates, there’s lots of other bastards I’d set fire to first before I set myself alight.


American journalist and talk show podcast host Buck Sexton reports:

“Over 200 million Americans are vaccinated, and daily cases right now are 300% higher than 1 year ago, when nobody was vaccinated. Fauci and the lockdowners don’t even attempt to explain this; ask why?”


Well again Omicron is not the original variant right

But yes also the vaccines leak


Well again Omicron is not the original variant right

peachy reckons that omicron pretty much is the original variant or the delta or whatever.

insofar ad matters. same stuff, different label.


Yes the answer will be more booster shots, because what else is there currently?

The real question is, at what point does the average joe question the mandate for the vaccine, which is presently so good it requires boosters every 6 months to actually work?

Maybe Pfizer et al should just roll out a 6 month auto renewal program to the Commonwealth with a 10% upfront discount upon signing at this point.


I don’t know when that point is. Most people are pretty easily led or dumb or willing to sacrifice a bit of freedom for the convenience of their house price continuing to go up regularly (or whatever).

There is a good chance that rationality on this point could be suspended permanently in the EZFKA.


Here’s what the Lilly livered locals of London are doing… grabbing it with both hands!


I was quite pessimistic until recently, my take was 80+% of all waxed would rush for the needle. At this stage I reckon it could be less than 50% of jabbed when the time comes fro the September lot.
Currently most of the eligible for buster shot are risk-deniers and vaccinazi’s whom got their jab prior to The Great Stampede Of No-Jab-No-Job of late spring 2021. When the September class comes to roost…
Anecdata of close to 95% of all the waxed people I know unsolicitedly claimed they will not take the buster-shot.


Recently I’ve been asking colleagues how many boosters they would be willing to take before saying no more. The majority say indefinitely…


sounds like you’re in an industry that is full of very compliant people…


Funnily enough we are meant to be critical thinkers and should strive to question everything. The ones that didn’t get vaccinated are gone and now we are left with a majority that blindly go along with things. I think now the folks that were initially hesitant have seen what happens to the “non-believers”, their spirits have been broken and they’ve given up.


Funnily enough we are meant to be critical thinkers and should strive to question everything. 

yes, many professions harbour this creation myth. Especially since the advent of modern hr bullshit, I gather.

it so happens that generally people thrive in this delusion and, naturally, eventually come to believe it.

but On occasion, they need to be put back in their lane and then they feel the iron hand in the velvet glove providing that steering input. And the illusion can be shattered.

The ones that didn’t get vaccinated are gone and now we are left with a majority that blindly go along with things. I think now the folks that were initially hesitant have seen what happens to the “non-believers”,

you’ve got an EZFKA microcosm there. Same thing happens to the renters that refuse to buy, same thing happens to the people who insist on term deposits instead of equities casino, same thing to the workers in industries where foreign workers are imported every year…



Great comment Peachy


how different are the flu variants every year?
I tend to agree that the differences between the variants seem much more political than scientific, they always seem to pop up at the most opportune times.


Other contributing factors may be the dongivafaq attitude change causing people to begin live with it, relative higher spreading ratio claimed, etc.


While that attitude is definitely rising, I don’t expect it to begin to predominate.

fact is, a strong majority of the EZFKA units are one of

  • old
  • fat
  • hypochondriac

for them, the risk are real and they are willing to have the other units submit to medical experiments, if that means less risk and more convenience for them.

Reus's Large MEMBER

100% agree, that is the true EXFKA way, like buying houses and relying on them doubling every 7 years. No one here wants to have to do something for themselves, especially not the lazy self indulgent BB’s that are the most at risk from whuflu, most of them would sacrifice their own kids and grandkids on the alter of having a easier life … oh wait they already have for the most part …


Short and sweet

Good Little Boy

‘Anders Anderson’ is a multi/alias/sockpuppet of someone else on embee but can’t quite figure out who. The writing style is familiar.


I thought that they used to have an Anders a while ago… maybe it’s the same Anders, but now with surname?


they’re slowly owning up to the whole scam

But data shows as many as 50 per cent of ‘Covid patients’ in the state’s hospitals were actually admitted for other reasons – such as a broken leg, labour pains or even mental health issues – and later tested positive to the virus during routine tests.

Brad Hazzard has admitted that over two days during the week, up to half of those cases were in hospital for something else entirely – raising questions about how hospitalisation figures are reported.
‘A reasonable proportion of cases being classified as Covid hospitalisations are actually people with other reasons for admission,’ NSW health minister Brad Hazzard said.
‘Heart attacks, births, falls, none of that stops just because there is Covid. They come into hospital, they have a swab taken and it confirms Covid. 
‘This shows us its out in the community, but we aren’t necessarily seeing that as the primary reason for all of the admissions.’

Last edited 3 years ago by Coming
Reus's Large MEMBER

Yeah I saw frakenburg on the news this morning saying that too, so it appears that a very low percentage of people are actually in hospital from covid but lots are there with covid.


Well that would confirm the vaccines are working… Or that Omicron is not all that bad. Or both.

Reus's Large MEMBER

Well with a 21% positivity rate it sure is ripping through the nation of 95% vaccinated people that are not meant to catch it so easily, now second highest in the world infection rate, so I would say no to the vaccines preventing infection, however I will admit that there is some semblance of protection for the overfed and nearly dead from the vaccines, however I think that most of those will be taken out in the next wave due to ADE and or poor lifestyle choices and going for the quick fix rather than actually changing to a healthier lifestyle.


the question is: why now?

why , at this point, admit that the whole thing has been a dog and pony show

I’m presuming its because the states have realised they need to backpedal because
a) the population/”student” ponzi needs to be restarted
b) the feds have cut off their “do nothing and stay at home” funding
c) they have realised the absurd hysteria surrounding covid has created a health crisis far more severe than would have been created by covid itself due to staffing issues


Yes to all this.

and also they need to ensure that they don’t get the BLAME for Covid running away from them and their vaccines and masks and lockdowns.

so they start pointing to other issues and circumstances to take the sting out of the growing* numbers.

*I presume that they are growing, but I don’t really follow them.

Reus's Large MEMBER

Yeah I noticed a change the narrative once Omicron started ripping through the vaccinated population, they could not blame the pure bloods so had to let it rip or face the bad press from only the vaccinated getting Omicron and not having anyone to blame, I suspect that the number of cases in ICU that are pure bloods are still being numberwanged to try to root out the last of the control group.


The great blame-shifting campaign gathers steam:

Queensland records one ‘probable’ COVID-19-related death, 4,249 new cases.
A Queensland man in his late 30s has died of a “probable” COVID-related illness, authorities say, with the state recording 4,249 new infections in the latest reporting period.
Chief Health Officer John Gerrard said the man “died suddenly in his home on the Gold Coast last night” and testing was underway to confirm whether his death was COVID-related.
“All I would say very strongly is that it’s very, very unusual for a young man to die suddenly from COVID-19,” Dr Gerrard said.
“So it needs further investigation exactly what has happened here.”
He said it was believed the man who died had been vaccinated.

So….a late-30s vaccinated bloke dies suddenly and unexpectedly at home……must have been covid.


It’s absolutely remarkable how rapidly the official narrative has done a 180

first hazard admitting hospitalisations are a scam, and now this guy downplaying the death that a week ago would have been splashed everywhere to get people to take the jab and mask up

what the hell is going on ?


week ago would have been splashed everywhere to get people to take the jab and mask up 

what the hell is going on ?

we are coming up to the distance that the can was kicked, you see. Now, gates must be opened. It is as has been foretold.

The HomeBuilder dwelling are finishing up and becoming ready for people to move into now in some numbers. so there is a real risk that vacancies are going to spike and tradies are going to be short of work.

….unless the dwelling demand is backfilled with fresh bods quick-smart.

Last edited 3 years ago by Peachy

The speed at which the reversal in propaganda has come will give all but the most spineless of the sheeple whiplash though


Strange times indeed.
It was telling, I thought, that he said:

Chief Health Officer John Gerrard said the man “died suddenly in his home on the Gold Coast last night” and testing was underway to confirm whether his death was COVID-related.

For the life of me, hard as I looked, I could not find where he said:

Chief Health Officer John Gerrard said the man “died suddenly in his home on the Gold Coast last night” and testing was underway to confirm whether his death was vaccine-related.

I guess myocarditis and pericarditis exist only in the feeble minds of the conspiracy theorists.

Because the vaccines are Safe and Effective….right?


Because the vaccines are Safe and Effective….right?

a further dimension to this is, of course, is the interaction between the jabs and Christmas.

because the old narrative was that the injections are effective, it was a political impossibility for Christmas to be cancelled this year through lockdowns and stuff (general pop would go feral and also lots of hospo industry suicides, no doubt).

….now, because it was a political impossibility, Christmas obviously became a superspreader event.

the only way that they can counter this is spin and lies.


“Died suddenly”. Very common nowadays.

Reus's Large MEMBER

I think all of the things that you mention as well as getting ready to blame the long term effects of the vaccines on Omicron, so all those heart / blood clots etc. will be assigned to “long covid” so they don’t have to pay out billions in compensation. I actually have my doubts about Omicron being less deadly and think that they are just doing a numberwang to make it look less like a issue so that they can let it rip


Yes yes. Long ago we discussed the UK experience that MOST Covid cases in hospital were situations where people CAUGHT Covid IN HOSPITAL while they were there for other reasons.

this lines up perfectly with the admission that they’re finally making here


Fucking hell somebody needs to hold a pillow over this blokes face

January 3, 2022 at 10:25 am
NSW has 20794 cases from 96765 test, positive rate is 21.5%. Slowly going up. Number of people in hospital is 1204, and number of people in ICU is 95. The trend, not the number of test, is the enemy right now.

Reus's Large MEMBER

It seems that the bedwetters are going to loose out to the new paid for MSM narrative which seems to be let it rip, and look how positive and happy the LNP is and you should vote for them in the next election ….


Not to sure how Sweeper is going to handle Dan’s next toolbox meeting where he tells them all that 2022 is election year and that they will be following NSW by 4 weeks in whatever decision they make on Covid, so he doesn’t have to answer for anything and just let NSW cope the heat.


No different to last year. Everything followed NSW by four weeks


Haha fckn “Ronin”
i guess his Daimyo let him go for cowardice




Hehe. Japanese students who fail their university entrance exams and re-take their tests are also referred to as Ronin – students without a school, so to speak.


i suspect that this was always the case, even pre-vaccine and omnicron



Very good, if you have the time….surely 2023 will be the year of the lawsuit


But it’s all good for pfizer, they made sure that the governments of the world will be taking the financial hit…


Must be tough in the property agency business.

This guy works 72 hours a week to be $1.89m in debt, and still earns less than his wife.


Mr Haeri said his impressive six-property portfolio wouldn’t have been possible with lender’s mortgage insurance, or LMI. 

He used LMI to secure the Brookvale property and both Brisbane ones.

news can’t afford proofreaders. So I’m not sure if the $2.7m net wealth is really “net wealth”, or gross, including the $1.9m of debt (for a net of $800k)

But anyway, Mr Haeri seems to have done the right thing and ridden the property boom well.

he started with only a high school certificate and a gardening job in 2008 when Steve Keen was calling down doom.

considering that, he has fucken creamed it. Probably has the property wealth to thank for being able to snag that woman, too.

she doesn’t look like the type that would’ve married a dude with just a lawnmowing round…



Most of them have already “retired” by this point, so hard to see him as a winner in that context :p


“Those properties going up in value will far outweigh the LMI costs.”

“Don’t focus too much on trying to save a 20 per cent deposit.”

What could possibly go wrong?


Good recent interview with Ray Dalio. He does a good job of explaining the illusion of wealth in a low interest rate environment.

410 TIP. The Changing World Order w/ Ray Dalio – YouTube

Reus's Large MEMBER

Something for the bedwetters to panic about, vaccine evading variant …


If only the vaccines weren’t so damn shit at preventing infections, they wouldn’t be so scary at creating new variants!


I don’t suppose similar situations to this could have contributed to the “imminent collapse” of health systems in some well-known eastern States recently:

Ambulance ramping doubled in 2021 despite lack of WA COVID-19 cases
Western Australia recorded its worst ambulance ramping figures in history last year, as the state prepares to reopen its borders in a month. 
Paramedics spent more than 52,000 hours waiting to hand over patients outside hospitals, the equivalent of six years, according to figures published by St John WA.

Should be interesting when Omicron finally arrives….as it will.

Oh, hang on…..they’ll probably all be vaccinated over there by then, so it won’t be a problem.

Australia…….it should be renamed Tomorrowland…….’cause that’s when we fix everything.

Reus's Large MEMBER

Talking to a ambo mate of mine that works in Newcastle, he tells me that they are inundated with 20 something’s that think they are going to die because they have the whuflu, only for them to be discharged from hospital 5 mins after he hands them over. This is the problem when you have the MSM spreading the fear like they are, basically people are dying from lack of ambulances because a 20 something has the sniffles and calls 000 for a ambulance.


Yep….and right on cue:

COVID-19 patients putting strain on ambulance service, sparking calls for national education campaign
Paramedics are calling for a national awareness campaign about the symptoms of COVID-19 and how to treat them, saying a surge in triple-0 calls for non-essential reasons is taking a toll on the workforce.

Who could have possibly known that, when you scare the living crap out of an entire population for two years, this sort of “unintended consequence” could have come about?


Panic attacks are certainly a real thing and can feel like insufficient oxygen…


That’s true…….coupled with the fact that we have enough princesses in this country to start our own royal family 🙂

Aussie Soy Boy

If only there were cheap, safe generic medications that help with alleviating symptoms if taken early.


Never mind giving people a you have a disease result by sms…
This would have been malpractice 2 years ago.


Fuck the embee comments section is classic stuff this long weekend

it’s like a legends match or a best of

smithy and gunamatta going at each other with pompous rants

skippy flinging shit everywhere

sweeper and ronin in absolute meltdown over cold-vid

ill try to copy paste some in a thread or something, but reusa just absolutely nails it

January 1, 2022 at 8:08 pm
You carnts dwell on misery I’m sure. So far absolutely none of your misery has lead to anything substantial including a house price crash. I think fear and lack of ability to enjoy risk is an inherent feature in all of youse. “Chicken sh1ts”. boc boc boc


Not entertaining any more, I still skip through titles but it’s like news papers: same sheet every day, they just change the date


Fishing 72 is about the only person semi sane there on covid


I have a go every now and then, but in the face of the insanity demonstrated by Seeeper at al I largely can’t be bothered.


 lack of ability to enjoy risk

I think that is THE defining feature and far more profound than intended, although maybe not, reusa knows whats going on.


It is not the risk enjoyment ability, it is ideology. I mean they have believed since the start of EmBee that prices will crash. Given that all they have left on the site are crashniks, it is largely an echo chamber of doom and gloom.


And try as he might, DLS will NOT be Australia’s Marc Faber or Nuriel Roubini.


He can be the next Steve Keen


I caught a glimpse of ABC The Business. It was about unaffordable High House Prices. To their credit they were alluding to the proposed high immigration as probably making housing and rent more unaffordable.

But they couldn’t help themselves. They had a heart-bleeding story of Poornima, and Indian woman who came over on Student Visa and now perm resident, who is trapped in rent and not being able to afford a house. The cognitive dissonance.


Won’t somebody please think of the immigrants!