WA tourism operator thanks Mark McGowan for keeping WA safe with border closures prior to committing suicide

A Broome man who’s tourism business has gone bankrupt, leaving him and his young family homeless, thanked WA Premier Mark McGowan for keeping the WA border closed prior to committing suicide.

Mark Peterson left a touching suicide note for the state premier before hanging himself in his garage, citing the need to keep people safe from death from a disease they have a 99.9% chance of surviving, no matter what the cost.

“Thanks so much state daddy mark for keeping the common cold out of WA,” Peterson said in his suicide note.

“It’s only cost me and thousands of other families everything to keep a few boomers and the mining industry afloat. I’m sure my sacrifice won’t be in vain for all those brave Rio execs and public servants.”

Peterson’s family have been banned from identifying the body due to the risk of spreading COVID.

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Where’s that faggit Stewie? Haven’t seen that cunt round here lately, did his wife confiscate his devices for being a shit cunt?

DLS Sockpuppet Account

The fact he’s only implementing token restrictions like shutting nightclubs for someone who exposes thousands of people compared to early in the year when he had a 5 or7 day total lockdown for someone who visited a few servos shows this is purely political.

Lockdowns at Xmas are politically unpopular. End of story


Well in fairness the vaccination rate is substantially higher now than it was 3-4 months ago

Agent 47

Counts for naught in WA now the third jab has been mandated.

Back to zero and away we go again until we roll out the 4th one like israel did yesterday.


One could be forgiven for asking what sort of “vaccine” is released with enormous fanfare only to discover it doesn’t work and requires a third shot, only to discover that doesn’t work either and requires a 4th shot, all in less than 12 months, to still not actually prevent the spread of the disease its supposed to prevent?

Pfizer and Co have just run a giant and immensely profitable scam on the entire world.


I’m glad your nieces ruined Christmas. Stfu ya old cunt

Chinese Astroturfer

The vaccinated can be infected with the virus (almost no difference in an indoor setting) and are infectious. The vaccines are practically useless when you consider thousands of people are contacts. The vaccine with the most optimistic estimates might cut your chance of being infected by 40-60%. That still leaves thousands of potentially infected people. In nightclubs of all places I’ve been advocating that nightclubs be shut down and banned since the start of the pandemic. They’re run by organised crime or bikies anyway, so no big loss.


their effects wane pretty rapidly, they do reduce infectability for a while but it declines to zero over a period of time. hence the endless push for boosters.

looks like omni corn is specifically targeting the fully vaxxed, at least in denmark. the bad cat explains:



one of my thoughts on omicron is that… drumroll…. Omicron basically does not exist!

But the label has been made up because it is politically necessary for it to exist.

by way of explanation, consider the following statements:

  • Unfortunately [omicron] evades our vaccines.
  • unfortunatley [omicron] is so contagious that mask mandates, distancing and lockdowns which we have been practising for years have proved ineffective.
  • While lots of people are getting infected with [omicron], fortunately [omicron] tends to lead to only mild illness and very few deaths.
  • We said that double vaccination was sufficient to protect against delta. But we couldn’t have foreseen that [omicron] requires a third and/or fourth vaccination, as boosters. 3 months apart.

all these statements seem plausible.

But if you replace [omicron] with [delta] (ie if omicron doesn’t actually exist and we just have delta continuing) the statements become pretty laughable and politically unpalatable, considering where we have been.

So that’s the Peachy Proposition – omicron is largely a political invention. A claim that something has now changed in the underlying situation (which may, therefore, change the “science”)…., while nothing has actually changed.

This invention may be used by the powers that be:

  • to excuse past errors and missteps
  • to excuse future issues (eg if “let it rip” happens but proves unpopular)
  • to climb down from positions that are untenable or undesirable
  • ….or, perhaps, to double down on all the recent stupidity and impose more mandates and controls and whatever….

what do you blokes think?

Last edited 3 years ago by Peachy
Reus's Large MEMBER

That would be counter intuitive though because once this “rips” through the population and everyone is now “immune” then all requirements for lockdowns, segregation and any other “health” measures become void and they are still left with the side effects of the vaccine.

I think that the only way that they can get away with this is that, Omicron is actually a bad cold (Rhinovirus) going around and, because the vaccinated are now so immune deficient that they are likely to die from this more so than the unvaccinated, that they are going to put the blame on Omicron Whuflu. This could also at a stretch mean that they can blame future ADE on “long Omicron”. However I think that South Africa having given Pfizer the finger are not likely to be part of a “scheme” like that.

Aussie Soy Boy

The pandemic is all but over. Old people and fatties still have something to worry about, but this Omicron seems no worse than a bad flu strain.

This time 20 years ago the hysteria was terrorism. People lived in fear of it, going into buildings, going to stadiums, getting on planes. Afghanistan war, Iraq war, terrorism that was incessant for 3 years then had the London bombings to extend it some more.

Come the northern summer we’ll have deaths in the UK possibly down to single digits.

I don’t think this COVID hysteria will last as long as the terrorism hysteria.


Interesting parallel you draw with terrorism…. It could certainly play out that way!


That would be counter intuitive though because once this “rips” through the population and everyone is now “immune” then all requirements for lockdowns, segregation and any other “health” measures become void and they are still left with the side effects of the vaccine.

but in my thought experiment, that is OK. The narrative would be that ‘Vaccine was definitely necessary and protected us from delta! prevented 400 million deaths!’

and ‘(celebrate): it is lucky that omicron came and made us all permanently immune. (Lament): If only the alpha or delta strains had been so mild we could have achieved population immunity this way rather than the hard path we’ve had to read. (Aside to Pfizer): lol!’

this sort of thing makes sense if they want to climb down from all the control and segregation stuff, of course. Who knows if that’s what they now want.

Agent 47

I agree, thrown in the shortened timeframes and 4th jabs and it should be clear now.

There’s still a few letters in the Greek alphabet until Omega man shows up.


Omicron was tailored for the political purpose. If it wasn’t that, it would have been “Super Flu” or some other bullshit.
All you have to look at is the South African health authorities reaction to the western governments response to this. They basically think our governments are insane.


what do you blokes think?

That omicron exists but is nowhere near as different as is being claimed, much the same as delta wasn’t all that different either, for the reasons you have presented.
The explosion of cases in NSW wasn’t all omicron when they were still giving those numbers.

Last edited 3 years ago by bjw678

That omicron exists but is nowhere near as different as is being claimed, much the same as delta wasn’t all that different either

yeh, I could accept that.

the main point is that they’re sticking labels on things to create certain impressions. Impressions that couldn’t be made of the label didn’t change.


El Gato Malo is very good. Definitely worth a regular visit.


Vax rate has don wonders for stopping the spread in NSW…
5000+ a day, in the middle of summer.

DLS Sockpuppet Account

It’s incredible. I think anyone with a sniffle is getting tested though. It will be 10x more on the middle of winter. The vaccines are a total failure by any metric.


This certainly deserves a guffaw! Abauhahahaha

meanwhile, WA is shut down with 1 case. Because they have different incentives….

Dezi George

My heart goes out to his family. I am so sorry to read this. The premier and all premiers, you are no longer peopke, as you lack empathy.


Who’s side are you on here? The borders are the only thing between us and >200000 migrants per annum. WA unemployment is at 3.8% and falling. Tourism operators will quickly find other jobs. Good riddance to bannana republic jobs.

Agent 47

Who’s side are you on, comrade? International and domestic borders are two different things. Kerry Stokes and the AFL can do what they want, punters cant. As much as i hate our state of affairs economically, he’s chosen one banana republic industry over another.

He also said border closures so you don’t have to wear masks at xmas and now you do. And now it’s three jabs to feed your kids. I thought Victorian Stockholm syndrome was bad, WA is even worse.


Agree with the intl vs state borders, but it’s the state borders that trump the intl border when the fed gov for ponzi states wants max migration ASAP. The 3 jabs mandate is pants. The mask mandate for 1 case was OTT (only found out after I posted). Mining is a banana republic industry, but it’s a hell of a lot better for working people pay wise and tends to move you higher up the skills sale than tourism.


That is a cold assessment. Really sad that you are probably right. Fuck this is shit.

In the future, they will refer to this as wartime for sure. It’s horrible what is happening.


Everything about this seems staged or set up. The timing is too convenient. I assume this will now be used as an excuse to further push the vaccine mandates.
The other thing is, what was going to happen in February when the border opened? Was it going to be lockdown as soon as 1 case was brought in? How is this a realistic approach of opening up?

Reus's Large MEMBER

Yeah it seems BS, I am guessing that this is the way to blame the unvaxed in order to push the mandate for 3 poison jabs.


Yes, this is very plausible.


This is where I find the cognitive dissonance of Libertarians… and I am not intending to have a cheap shot at A47 or anyone else here who has opposed immigration. But if you are truly in favour of small/no government and civil rights to do just about whatever you want, then you are also for the right of other Australians to maximise their profits by bringing in cheap labour, the abolishment of minimum wages, etc.

Last edited 3 years ago by Freddy

tourism in bobfknowhere [ murchison] totally overwhelmed through spring past and forget about next easter …youre stayin’ ‘ome


at least he is a allowing Santa Claus exemption to cross the border…


comment image

Reus's Large MEMBER

The difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth is about 12 months …

Reus's Large MEMBER

Winnie the Poo and the CCP would be over the moon at that development …..

Agent 47

Ironic as Sweden was one of the few countries that didn’t go jackboot and now they’ve obviously saved the best for last.

Shae The Burmese

I just assume that was the agreement – sure, you can stay out of lockdown, but only if you agree to chip your citizens in 2022.

Aussie Soy Boy

Looks like the pandemic is over with this omicron. It will be out of the news cycle in another 6 months, except for Australia I think the bedwetting will continue for a while yet.


I have been looking at the TGA public adverse events database since the covid vaccines has been rolled out. The total adverse events at the time were ~520000 (Feb 2021). The total now is around ~680000. ~90000 are attributed to the covid vaccines. The TGA are adding ~1500 per week to the covid vaccines. So my guess is that they are delaying attribution to the vaccines either deliberately or they don’t have the manpower. This means that there are ~70000 adverse events nor attributed yet and the back log is growing. At this rate it would take them a year to get through the back log if they were to do nothing else.


Merry Christmas everyone! Woot 🥰


Merry Christmas T and everyone else.


Merry Christmas T. Merry Christmas everyone!


Merry Christmas and let’s go Brandon!



I cannot believe the stunning resemblance of the face expression to a very famous Greta



We’re all getting omicron is now official policy, but we still need restrictions and qr tracking?

Also there must be some serious panic setting in with some of the mb crowd.


It’s cover for the people that the vaccine is killing. Hence they are all asymptomatic.


Yes, yes. Every day it is looking more and more like “omicron” is a political invention that will provide cover for the next lot of questionable activity by the authorities.

Last edited 3 years ago by Peachy

or justification for the failures of their previous ones…


or justification for the failures of their previous ones…

yes, yes. That’s part of the Peachy Proposition too: https://www.ezfka.com/2021/12/23/wa-tourism-operator-thanks-mark-mcgowan-for-keeping-wa-safe-with-border-closures-prior-to-committing-suicide/#comment-16825


Yes the policy is increasingly making no sense whatsoever.

Why reintroduce QR check ins for NSW when testing is overwhelmed anyway? What is the point of testing if not to self isolate, which should not be required as we are so thoroughly vaccinated already?

The entire situation is descending into a farce.

Reus's Large MEMBER

They need to be seen to be doing something and the people feel secure with face diapers on so that is what they get, I am sure that for most people it is like a talisman more than a health thing now, they feel insecure without it, especially the younger generation and the oldies, gen x / y don’t seem to GAF



When Sweeper stops believing is when I’ll start.



That is, we must not be naive. Christians of course should know this. Because we live in a fallen world, we are all sinners with an orientation away from God and toward sin and selfishness. That means we all have an orientation away from truth and toward lies. We are all capable of being hoodwinked.

people who talk like that are probably a good start for who not to believe…


You’re not wrong. For full context of the paradoxical lols:

“For example, in one class I was teaching, a person started going on about how abortion could be an important tool, especially in overseas countries. When I pressed her a bit, it seems her information was coming from sources such as the United Nations. I told her that various groups are often pushing agendas, and we need care in what we hear or read from them.

That is, we must not be naive. Christians of course should know this. Because we live in a fallen world, we are all sinners with an orientation away from God and toward sin and selfishness. That means we all have an orientation away from truth and toward lies. We are all capable of being hoodwinked.”

I mean jesus christ the bloke is clearly a died in the wool Christian yet bangs on about groups pushing agendas…

We can so easily be lied to, deceived, led down a garden path, and sold a bill of goods”

Fucken lol


‘THIS IS WORRYING’: Fears infectious cluster are dodging Covid tests

There are also about 1089 casual contacts, with about 30 per cent yet to come forward for a test.

Imagine how bad a pandemic must be that 30% of those in grave life threatening danger fail to show up for a test in paralysing fear that their joy of life may be sucked out of them if they test positive and must self flagellate mutilate isolate.


WA Police are now involved in tracking down those yet to be tested, believed to be mainly backpackers.

Mr McGowan said some had their phones turned off and could not be reached.

He said it was worrying that those considered a close or casual contact were still yet to come forward.

haha, that dude is shitting bricks! He must have had Rio on the phone telling him that unless he finds all 1000 contacts, they’ll tear him a new one…


A true Vacci-Nazi, Karen, Sit Down Karen!
How hypocritical and stupid one has to be to be maskless and yet to force others to put the mask on.

I betcha Karen will be let go of the hook for doing the right thing


Life imitates art.

comment image


That’s a rather unfortunate description of an injectable. It does appear that those emergency powers are being primed for use and were always intended to be used.

Public Health Act 2016 Instrument of Authorisation to Supply or Administer a Poison [SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE – COVID VACCINATORS – CHILD AND ADOLESCENT HEALTH SERVICE] (No. 3) 2021 (www.wa.gov.au)



And they wonder where has all the trust gone.

Reus's Large MEMBER

TBH I don’t think that the plan was ever to save lives or to stop the spread of whuflu, I think that the plan has always been to introduce a new way of delivering vaccines and to jump start the great reset. There is a video going around of #jailFauci where him and some other hitlers are talking about getting the mRNA vaccines to be used by having a “disruptive” event.

I am betting that they “lab accident” was all part of the plan, get the fear out there and get people depending on the government for their freedoms / income so they can be controlled.


I think that the plan has always been to introduce a new way of delivering vaccines and to jump start the great reset

all the evidence points in that direction in one way or another.


The head of the regulatory agency in Italy has announced that starting January, electricity bills will increase 50% and gas bills 40%. It is the highest price hike in Italian history.

If the line ‘it’s the economy stupid’ won the 92 US election, how many governments are going to be able to survive these type of increases


Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov volunteered to assist the West digest what is being said: Moscow is not bluffing when it says that NATO expansion must be stopped. On Monday morning, Mezhdunarodnaya Zhizn (International Affairs) magazine published his interview, and, according to TASS, was emphatic:

“When we say loud and clear that we demand an official withdrawal of the decision made at the 2008 Bucharest summit relating to Ukraine and Georgia’s [intentions] to join NATO, when we say that further expansion of NATO needs to be prevented, when we say that NATO facilities and all kinds of activities that are provocative for Russia need to be rolled back to the positions that existed in 1997 when the NATO-Russia Founding Act was signed, we are not bluffing. These are our real proposals. The West’s awareness of this needs to be facilitated and we are going to make every effort to achieve it.”

Please tell me that we’re not going to start a war over the Ukraine to cover up the mess that is Covid…..on second thoughts I’m pretty sure there is a movie based on a very similar storyline 🤔

Reus's Large MEMBER

They are going to start a war as a distraction from the vaccines killing people in record numbers, one of those look over there and watch out for the reds under the beds. I am guessing that Winnie the Poo will likely do the same and invade Taiwan


Fuck you’re a deluded spastic, I’ll use one of your own tactics against you:
I don’t know a single person that has died from the vaccines, not even a friend of a friend of a friend. Therefore it’s not real.

Have fun with that

Reus's Large MEMBER

Just because you have a small dick does not mean that everyone else’s comments are wrong ….


Hows queensland looking as the last bastion of covid free/ lockdown free living?


I’ve been working away so don’t really know what it’s like in Brisbane, but I still don’t know anyone who has had covid so maybe it isn’t real lol.

Won’t be long til we all catch it though with 400k border jumping southern cunts flooding in. Why don’t you all stay in your own state and leave us backwards folk alone!?


W@F gonna get it soon


Obese are 9x more likely to have a severe infection too

Aussie Soy Boy

I know someone in their 30’s who in all probability died from the vaccine. Also now someone a similar age who was diagnosed with heart inflammation.

We don’t know the long term effects from these vaccines, nor the cumulative toll of these of the injections every 3 months. The mrna injections weren’t designed or tested for repeated used every quarter so it’s a big gamble.


I liked that one. Good use of the similie

Reus's Large MEMBER

It just amazes me that so many sheeple out there can not see this BS for what it is, vids like that need to go viral to wake up the populace.


I feel like the last person in the world who has never had a Covid test. And these stupid RATs are the new toilet paper.

Reus's Large MEMBER

I have not had one either and don’t plan to, should I feel sick I will do what I would do with the flu, stay at home rest up till I feed better and carry on with life.


what’s the issue with the PCR?
The testing is not meant to be anything more than just a part of the fear porn thus irrelevant and I kinda wish I had false positive as it means having a 6 months exemption extension.


I felt slightly sick once in the past two years. I was about to go on vacation and there was no way I was going to test and isolate waiting for results.


Obviously your fear levels are not where they are supposed to be and it highlights the importance of ramping up the fear porn.
We should have mandatory watching of David Koch’s 7 morning show to eradicate every last one of you

Aussie Soy Boy

The fat sissies on MB are seem to think that fat people don’t choose to be fat, as if grocery shopping and eating is some kind of involuntary movement.

It’s similar newspeak along the lines of vaccines being the best protection against COVID as NSW records 11k in the middle of summer, in a population where over 18/20 people are double vaccinated and 19/20 have had at least one. It must be the most vaccinated population on the planet yet are recording the the most infections on Earth on a per capita basis.

Reus's Large MEMBER

Well there is a direct correlation with the number of cases and the level of vaccination, Ireland, Gibraltar and highly vaccinated US states are all recording extremely high case numbers, not sure if it is that the sheeple that are likely to get vaccinated are also likely to be scared of the virus and get tested or the vaccines as some studies suggest actually increase your chances of getting the whuflu

Aussie Soy Boy

That would be like deploying the polio vaccines but the countries with the highest polio vaccine rates suddenly having the highest polio rates in the world.


That happened, didn’t it?

let me just consult the World History – Conveniently Covid-Edited Edition….


The fat sissies on MB are seem to think that fat people don’t choose to be fat, as if grocery shopping and eating is some kind of involuntary movement.

In fairness, that is a definition for obese. Some people are just more effective in converting the food into a white fluffy mass below the skin and around intestinal organs. Now cross-reference this with the mandate on cheap 50-50 fat to sugar ratio food (aka the fast food) and the choices are limited.

Obesity due to a high junk food intake and 0 activity is not in the same category as being fatso. Few months ago I saw an obese chap buying several doughnuts and energy drink for breakfast at a Shell station. He literally resembled Jabba the Hut. No natural body metabolism can process so much energy intake.

We are to see how the double jabbed respond in Jan when they suddenly become unamputated unvaccinated and more susceptible to infection (due to immune system being tricked or compromised).


Few months ago I saw an obese chap buying several doughnuts and energy drink for breakfast at a Shell station. He literally resembled Jabba the Hut. No natural body metabolism can process so much energy intake.

100 years ago virtually everyone had an energy intake at that level, then we stopped walking, climbing stairs or doing anything physical and burn fossil fuels to move everything including ourselves instead.

A fly in your ointment

What’s the point of taking too much food only to overexcercise to burn it?
Playing with people’s dopamine is subliminal, before you know it you coild be stuck on junk food… and then it spirals. The will of most people is weak, education on age old diets can achieve more than anything. Jamie Oliver and the ilk should be cancelled.


What’s the point of taking too much food only to overexcercise to burn it?

Well, many of the health problems, especially cardiovascular most likely relate far more to amount of exercise than to weight per se.
Why is weight the “risk factor” always mentioned? The studies are funded by health insurance companies and amount of exercise is impossible to measure and likely to be falsely reported while weight is easy to measure and not falsifiable by health insurance applicants. Weight just has a strong correlation with lack of exercise.


It is not that simple. The Food industry has turned into a bunch of drug pushers. They have created food addictions on high calorie foods that are easily digested. Most people could easily eat 1500 calories in a single sitting (e.g. Dominoes Pizza + Coke) whereas if you tried eating even half that amount 100 years ago you wouldn’t digest it all and would probably spend half the day on a toilet seat.

If any of you are on hols and looking for something to watch I recommend Dr Jason Fung’s 6-part lecture on Obesity. Link below. The main emphases is understanding Insulin Resistance and the importance of Intermittent Fasting to reset glucose and insulin levels.

The Obesity Code Lecture (Why do we get Fat?) Part 1 – YouTube

Last edited 3 years ago by Freddy

whereas if you tried eating even half that amount 100 years ago you wouldn’t digest it all and would probably spend half the day on a toilet seat.

yeah, nah…

The totals came to 18,250 calories per week for women which comes out to 2,607 calories per day and 25,162 calories per week for men or 3,594 per day.

For a typical weekly shopping list per person as printed in the british book of housewives in the 1860’s.


In an era where people were still being jailed for stealing a loaves of bread, if you believe 3594 calories was the norm I have a bridge to sell you. The only take away from that exaggerated article is 17 grams of sugar per day in TOTAL vs over 60 grams of sugar in a single can of coke today.


IF you believe people were being far more physically active on half the calories we consume today then you are just believing what you want to to justify your lack of adequate exercise.
Seriously, you think in an era when fossil fuel powered machinery didn’t exist and everything was being done with people power that people were not eating more than people do today?

Chinese Astroturfer

Maybe the wealthy had access to meat, fresh fruit and vegetables, but I think a lot of the working class would have primarily filled their bellies with bread. I’ve done no research whatsoever.


It also depends on the location. I suspect you are right for a poor inner city area, but most people outside of those areas would be growing their own food. This is true for my grandparents and their parents who grew their own food and caught their own seafood. They were poor villagers.

On the topic of bread. There is a big difference in the types of bread back then compared to the high GI soft white bread they primarily sell today.

Last edited 3 years ago by Freddy
Shae The Burmese

Absolutely. I lived in India for two years, mostly in rural villages. Staple diet is mostly unrefined carbs and spices. So funny in the West how carb-phobic the masses are. Sorry this comment doesn’t really contribute much in particular to the convo, just my two cents.


bread spuds is my guess..and rolled beef roast = lotto win


Most people could easily eat 1500 calories in a single sitting (e.g. Dominoes Pizza + Coke) whereas if you tried eating even half that amount 100 years ago you wouldn’t digest it all and would probably spend half the day on a toilet seat.

so, I’ve never counted calories😘… can you sketch for me what 1,500 calories worth of traditional food looks like?

Last edited 3 years ago by Peachy

can you sketch for me what 1,500 calories worth of traditional food looks like?

A glass of fruit juice instead of the coke, bread/pancake/cake/pasta instead of the pizza base and veggies and meat on the side instead of the pizza toppings.
Most of the calories in the sugar(fruit or cane) and the wheat flour.
We really haven’t invented any new sources of calories that didn’t previously exist.

Last edited 3 years ago by bjw678

Think about an era with no domestic fridge, no Maccas, no Uber Eats. Diet had to be planned and comprised mostly fresh food. The majority of the diet was healthy. Dessert was well dessert. A treat consumed once per day after a meal, rather than a staple food.

You shouldn’t calorie count. But you should understand calories. Start with that Pizza and Coke example. Then work out how much equivalent in other foods. I bet even some carbs still considered unhealthy like rice or potatoes you could not even eat half those calories in a single sitting. Then move onto semi-healthy like corn and you would be running for the toilet the next morning. It would be physically impossible to digest that many calories in unrefined higher fibre foods.


you understand that flour has been around for thousands of years, and is fundamentally what made civilisation possible. The ability to store food for years in a compact form.
Fresh food was simply impossible in the vast areas of the world where winter was a snowy wonderland, all you had was fruit preserved with sugar, and vegetables preserved with salt.

You are being sold a mistruth if you believe it is the change in food intake that is causing the problems. The car and other technologies leading to reduced physical activity are the problem. No one wants to hear it though because doing stuff is hard. Much easier if you just have to eat a bit different, but
WE ARE LAZY FUCKERS. This is the truth that no one wants to speak.


But you should understand calories. Start with that Pizza and Coke example. Then work out how much equivalent in other foods. I bet even some carbs still considered unhealthy like rice or potatoes you could not even eat half those calories in a single sitting.

Maybe you should undertake that particular activity? Post the numbers here with references? You are the one making claims I think are a little fanciful.
I bet the fact that you used the phrase “i bet” means it’s just the vibe of the thing and you have no idea if it is actually true or not at all.

Last edited 3 years ago by bjw678
  • Around 400g uncooked white rice. Equates to four large plates of cooked rice.
  • Around 2kg of white potato
  • Just under 2kg of corn.

Dominoes Pizza is much more denser in calories. Move onto a more sensible diet that includes lower density carb veges and fruit, meat or fish, and you would need to eat many kilos of that food to consume the same amount of calories. You cannot do it. I challenge anyone on here to eat 2kg of corn in a single sitting and report back after you have spent the next morning on the toilet seat and tell me how much of that of those calories you think you have digested.

The assertion was being made by you that exercise is more important than food. I am saying that you have oversimplified it and that with highly refined foods it is possible to become obese even if you are physically active.

Once again. I recommend watching Jason Fung who does a good job of explaining things. I don’t know if he mentions in those lectures, but I have heard him talking about some exercise being worse for you. e.g. endurance will lower your metabolism, other exercises will not burn many calories and make you hungry. It is complicated.

Last edited 3 years ago by Freddy

People never ate 2kg of corn.
The traditional foods of the corn growing areas I know of are CORN FLOUR made into various flatbread and corn chip products just like pizza base, minus the yeast. And guess what, gram for gram the cornflour food has more calories than the wheat flour one.
Rice was also made into flour and eaten as noodles in the rice growing countries. And funnily enough rice flour also has more calories per gram than wheat flour.
People eating potatoes also didn’t eat plain potatoes but potatoes fried in fat or oil, or boiled and mashed with butter.

Your comparisons are questionable at best, and people presenting them like that have an agenda.

Your numbers only make sense if flour was a modern invention. I;ll leave you to decide on that https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flour

And finally anyone who claims that people ate mostly FRESH foods pre industrial revolution is clearly talking BS and has no idea what they are talking about because without technology to rapidly transport or store foods they are only available fresh when in season.
What was mostly eaten was preserved food.
Vegetables pickled in salt or vinegar,
fruits preserved as jams and sauces with added sugar, or dried.

Last edited 3 years ago by bjw678

i’m not sure what you ae actually trying to argue here though. If you are saying flour has only been eaten in the last 50 years and is the cause of the obesity epidemic you are a fool of the highest order.
If you are arguing that not eating flour but the whole grain instead makes it harder to eat calories then that is true but has nothing to do with historical eating patterns.


I think the truth is somewhere between the two extremes you both are banging on about. People are exercising less frequently this burning less calories, whilst simultaneously eating way more calories from processed carbs, sugar in everything etc very easily increasing the average persons caloric intake past that which was easily accessible even 50 years ago.


There are no two extremes. I am not denying the importance of exercise. There is only one extreme in BJW denying the importance of diet… or rather the changes in diet that you are alluding to.

Last edited 3 years ago by Freddy

I am not denying the importance of diet, i am saying that people ate more calories than we do historically. That is a point you claim is impossible so I am pointing out that it is completely possible.
You are saying you couldn’t make a meal with the calories of a dominoes pizza 200 years ago and eat it. What are the ingredients in the pizza they didn’t have access to?
We have been making “processed” food for millennia.

The earliest archaeological evidence for wheat seeds crushed between simple millstones to make flour dates to 6000 BC. The Romans were the first to grind seeds on cone mills

Anyone telling you otherwise is lying and has agenda.


You like to twist facts and go off on a tangent. From 100 years ago, to an article on the 1860s, now banging on about pre-industrial revolution. Where did I say people at 2kg of corn per day, or that they didn’t eat bread at all?

If you want to simplify it to the extreme and make it as though exercise is the only thing that matters, then good good for you.


You like to twist facts and go off on a tangent. From 100 years ago, to an article on the 1860s, now banging on about pre-industrial revolution. Where did I say people at 2kg of corn per day, or that they didn’t eat bread at all?

I believe you are the one running off on tangents when you got called on how completely BS this particular statement is…

Most people could easily eat 1500 calories in a single sitting (e.g. Dominoes Pizza + Coke) whereas if you tried eating even half that amount 100 years ago you wouldn’t digest it all and would probably spend half the day on a toilet seat.

The fact is people ate more calories historically whether you like it or not, or it suits your worldview or not.


100 years ago you could have literally had the coke as well…

Coca-Cola, or Coke, is a carbonated soft drink manufactured by The Coca-Cola Company. Originally marketed as a temperance drink and intended as a patent medicine, it was invented in the late 19th century by John Stith Pemberton


So according to you even poor people found a way to eat more calories than they do today, and still found a way to buy things like Coke. We should trust some blogger referring to a random newspaper clipping from the 1860s as being representative of the general diet of the day. We should ignore recorded statistics demonstrating large rises in caloric intake over the last 60 years or so, and also ignore the food industry shift towards highly refined carbohydrates that are more easily digestible. And that we should ignore all the latest science on Insulin Resistance and just tell everyone do more exercise.

Once again. Good for you.

Last edited 3 years ago by Freddy

We should ignore recorded statistics demonstrating large rises in caloric intake over the last 50 years,

We should trust some blogger referring to a random newspaper clipping from the 1860s,

Actually referring to nothing other than his own clearly demonstrated incorrect opinion in your case.

Show me a single piece of actual evidence…

Not that whole grains contain less energy density than flour therefore people 100 years ago couldn’t eat as many calories as we do today when people have been eating flour for thousands of years. The “evidence” you are basing your opinion on is clearly not factually accurate.

Sorry the cognitive dissonance hurts so much.


You like to twist facts and go off on a tangent. From 100 years ago, to an article on the 1860s, now banging on about pre-industrial revolution. Where did I say people at 2kg of corn per day, or that they didn’t eat bread at all?

well, I never paid attention to historical nutrition but I do recall a few things:

  • in Marx, it’s very clear that the working class are mostly bread & some vegetables (how much – I don’t know, Marx bangs on about grains of nitrogen and grains of carbon and it meant nothing to). Barely any meat, like a few times per year. Also the flour for the cheap bread that the poor ate was mixed with sand and other crap to add bulk.
  • in Solzhenitsyn, it seems that the prisoners ate mostly bread and gruel, in meagre rations. The soldiers are the same thing, but larger rations.
  • in the Iliad, the high nobles do a lot of feasting on calves and stuff. But from the descriptions of the spoils of war and how they are shared it seems that a cow or two were of a commensurate value with the following spoils of war: a fine suit of armour; a tripod, a captured woman. So clearly this is something only accessible to the nobles and not the commoners.

all this is to say that I am willing to believe that for a long long time now, the average person’s diet was probably mainly grain (bread, gruel) and vegetables.


That depends where you come from. My family’s ancestors were European farmers and fishers who mostly ate more fresh foods. Speaking to some Vietnamese and Chinese friends I believe this is also true for their ancestors. Their intake of bread, pasta, or noodles was to supplement their calorie intake rather than being the primary source of food.

I accept this may not be true for city folk as grains are the primary reason cities existed in the first place.

Ask yourself it it is a coincidence that the coastal villager diets like the Mediterranean or Japanese diets are linked to higher life expectancy.


yes, I think you’re right – it depends on the specifics of geography and history and class.

independent farmers & fishermen & their villages would be doing ok in food quality and variety.

the peasants, serfs, lower class townsfolk and, later, industrial labourers faced quite a different diet.


semi-healthy like corn 

10 seconds of googling says cornflour has more calories than wheat flour…

Reus's Large MEMBER

There has been a heap of research done that showed that in the 70’s food manufacturers worked out how to make food hyper tasty by adding in loads of salt and sugar and that would trick us into eating more than we should, if you look back at photos of the 50’s, 60’s you will see that most people are normal size but fast forward to now and you see most people are fat, note that this is mainly a first world issue as third world can not afford these types of foods.

Along the lines of this





At the end of the day, we as animals would naturally stop eating at mealtime if the food is not super tasty, so you would get sick of corn real quick were you to try to eat 1kg of it, as well as the calorific density is pretty low.

In comparison, you would be able to go to dinner and have 150g of starter, 300g steak with 400g of chips, sauce and veg, a few beers / wines and then pack in 200g of dessert (mostly sugar).

At the end of that day, as I well know due to being above my ideal weight, the only way to loose weight is to consume less calories than what you burn, that being harder to do if you are eating tasty food vs bland corn.


Yes. All true. I am not asking everyone to eat 100% veg. Just pointing out that you could not eat and absorb anywhere near as many calories as you could eating refined carbs. The easiest way to lose weight for most westerners would be to cut out the sugary drink, and replace the white bread with something that digests a little slower like wholemeal or sourdough.

We didn’t discuss taste but that is also an important factor. It is quite easy to demolish a 175g pack of tasty chips. Around 1980 you still could only purchase a 25g pack of chips at the supermarket.

I would also emphasise the importance of Intermittent Fasting. I don’t mean starving yourself and eating nothing for 16 or 20 hours as some proponents suggest. More along the lines of avoiding late dinner or snacking after dinner. If you are tired then go to bed. Understand that Breakfast literally means break the fast.

Last edited 3 years ago by Freddy

What do you think refined carbs are?

 It is quite easy to demolish a 175g pack of tasty chips. Around 1980 you still could only purchase a 25g pack of chips at the supermarket.

This is outright bullshit.


A packet of chips has twice the calorie concentration of hot chips. It is easier to eat more calories in a single sitting than freshly cooked potatoes. FACT.

Local supermarkets only had 25g packets of chips. FACT.

I was born in Sydney and old enough to remember it. If you don’t believe it then once again good for you.


lol, I am also old enough to remember it. Do you remember the beer cans without the ringpull but the small and big circles you had to push in?


Last edited 3 years ago by bjw678

I do remember.

That also means you are old enough to remember there were very few Maccas around, and going to Maccas was an occasional treat rather than the convenience that it has become. On that point, I think you should watch this documentary if you haven’t already seen it:

Super Size Me (2004) – IMDb

Last edited 3 years ago by Freddy

I also remember I walked to school, not got dropped off in the soccermum mobile.
But all this has nothing to do with whether people eat more or less calories than in the past.

I find moving goalposts like this occur when someone has an idea they desperately need to be true but keep getting presented with evidence that suggests it isn’t, kinda like the whole covid thing and the government…

Last edited 3 years ago by bjw678

Here is official US data that shows a 25% increase in calorie intake per capita over the last few decades, including a massive increase in sweeteners:

I find that you are doing exactly what you are describing in dogmatically insisting that diet and calorie intake has not changed when it very obviously has changed.


What has the last few decades go to do with 100 years ago?
And wasn’t your point the few decades before the last few?

Last edited 3 years ago by bjw678

Actually had a look at that data, the first line:

Average daily per capita calories from the U.S. food availability, adjusted for spoilage and other waste

Sound a lot like CPI, easily manipulated to achieve whatever outcome you are looking for.
How can they possibly have any realistic measure for “spoilage and other waste”


Happy for you to present proof that calorie intake has remained constant over time. You must have the data handy given your dogmatic stance.

Last edited 3 years ago by Freddy

At the end of that day, as I well know due to being above my ideal weight, the only way to loose weight is to consume less calories than what you burn, that being harder to do if you are eating tasty food vs bland corn.

this is, no doubt, largely true, but I do remember reading some interesting musings about how there must be another mechanism in play rather than a pure dynamic of:

  • NET CALORIES —> change in body mass

the reasoning was along the lines that most people have a weight that is quite constant over long periods of time (years). This means that calories in = calories out. And it would be almost impossible for this to be the case so precisely over long periods of time.

eg having one “extra” apple and one “extra” slice of bread per day (compared to the perfect amount)could be about 200 calories.

This is already 7-10% of the regular daily intake. Over a year, that is 70,000 “extra” calories… the extrapolate out to 5, 10, 20 years. Doesn’t gel with the the fact that a person’s weight is varying within a very narrow range…


Indeed. I think what seems to be poorly understood still is the impact of base metabolic rate in people and probably even more broadly genetic disposition towards body fat retention. That and thyroid impacts and all sorts of other hormonal things that impact metabolism.

The fact that we try to reduce something as complex as weight management in people to just calories in calories out is laughable.

We all know someone that eats like a pig, might exercise 1-2 times a week max yet never seem to put on weight whilst there are overweight people out there who exercise 3 times a week and eat semi reasonably yet struggle to lose anything. Worse, if they stop exercising the weight balloons again.

Last edited 3 years ago by The90kwbeast

There are many factors as you allude to. Absorption is one of them. That extra apple could just mean you spend a little longer on the toilet seat rather than absorbing extra calories. If you were to starting replace fruit with fruit juice though…

Reus's Large MEMBER

As Freddy said it has a lot to do with how many you absorb and your body type will determine that mostly, whether you are ecto, endo or mesomorph for men anyway as that was relevant to me.

However the base case of calories in vs out still stands irrespective of type if you are trying to loose weight you must consume less than you burn and not rely on your body to “not absorb” them


Funnily enough cars also became far more widespread in this timeframe, along with TV, computers, and a whole heap of other things that stopped people moving around…

Aussie Soy Boy

Fat people only have themselves to blame for being fat slobs.

It’s a twisted world we live in where even fat people aren’t held responsible for being fat disgusting slobs.

A fly in your ointment

Obese and fat is not the same.
What I am trying to say that this is not as simple as turning a switch or taking a left turn. We are bound by nature to pickup weight, the problem came from allowing fast processed food corps to get away from responsibility that was heavy handed (deservedly) delivered to tobacco industry. The catch is that one cannot just tax macca based on junk meter scale. It requires education of people on nutrition, you know, like those ads wrt tobacco leading to death and cancer… alas… sigh..

Aussie Soy Boy

13 months ago…


Pfizer and BioNTech announced Monday their coronavirus vaccine was more than 90% effective in preventing Covid-19 among those without evidence of prior infection, hailing the development as “a great day for science and humanity.”

“I think we can see light at the end of the tunnel,” Pfizer Chairman and CEO Dr. Albert Bourla told CNBC’s Meg Tirrell on “Squawk Box.” “I believe this is likely the most significant medical advance in the last 100 years, if you count the impact this will have in public health, global economy.”


It means that protection from Covid-19 is achieved 28 days after the initial vaccination, which consists of a two-dose schedule. The final vaccine efficacy percentage may vary, however, as safety and additional data continue to be collected.

A mere 13 months on and instead of a two dose schedule it’s quarterly injections indefinitely, and efficacy is practically zero after 5 months.

Although, if NSW is having so many infections in the middle of summer in the most highly vaccinated population on Earth, then you’d have to say the vaccines don’t stop transmission AT ALL which was the entire purpose of the vaccine.

A more than 90% effective coronavirus vaccine would be roughly on par with one dose of a measles vaccination, which is about 93% effective, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Measles vaccine mandate in Australia in ONLY children resulted in:

  • Increase in measles immunity for 1-18 year-olds from 85% to 90%, and 6-12 year-olds (the target age group) from 84% to 96% (Assessed by seroservey).[1][2]
  • 96% fall in reported measles cases after five years, from 836 in 1997 to 32 in 2001.[3]
  • Endemic Measles declared eradicated from Australia in February 2009.[4]

90% COVID vaccine coverage in much of Australia among ALL people over 12 has resulted in the largest number of infections to date in the middle of summer, NSW likely having the most new infections per capita in the world, COVID all but endemic in Australia.

You can look at the below chart to see what effect the measles vaccine had overnight on new measles cases. From 500k per year to maybe 5-10k per year and that’s with just 60% coverage.

We have places like NSW with 92% COVID vaccine coverage and cases out of control at like no other point in the pandemic, maybe the highest infection rate on Earth. In summer no less.

Seriously, did Australia get spoiled batches of Pfizer? Were they not stored at the correct temperature? I don’t understand how something can be such a failure.


Well there has also been delta and omicron since then, both we are continually told are far more easily transmitted versus the original strain, so that is part of it.


Or that is how they justify continuing to push a vaccine that is a clear failure. I never recall hearing that this years flu strain is 10x more easily transmitted.
Given everything else they have told us has been wrong or outright lies why would you believe this?


I don’t disagree that it’s not a great vaccine but the evidence suggests it’s still better than nothing. And your comments have nothing to do with the post I replied back to, and are strawmans aimed at who knows what.


It has everything to do with WHY you are being told that.

Chinese Astroturfer

There will be new strains forever that’s why a coronavirus vaccine was never going to work.

Chinese Astroturfer

Not to mention the Delta has been around since January so nearly one year.

Yet mandating vaccines for something that gives poor protection against a strain that has been around for the majority of the pandemic.


Delta variant has nothing to do with the quotes being referenced above. And weren’t the vaccines mostly considered effective against delta (excluding transmissibility)..


Wasn’t nothing at all considered mostly effective against all variants except transmissibility?


Not falling for your strawman bait.

It’s really your schtick isn’t it?

Aussie Soy Boy

The vaccines have had very limited effect on transmissibility in the real world.

The experts and science was completely wrong. Stage 3 trials completely wrong. Vaccines were supposed to make 90% of people immune from infection.

How they would measure the reduction in hospitalisations and deaths in the real world I have no idea either.

Hospitalisations and deaths in somewhere like the UK were always going to stabilise after the dry tinder had been taken out in the first waves. The virus can only kill so many people before it runs out of steam.


Vaccines were supposed to make 90% of people immune from infection.

we don’t talk about that 🤣

How they would measure the reduction in hospitalisations and deaths in the real world I have no idea either.

they just make shit up. Which is very convenient, because the numbers end up suiting the desired narrative.

This is the convenience that they knew would be very handy when they set out to eliminate the control group…

Last edited 3 years ago by Peachy
Reus's Large MEMBER

Happy new year, and glad to still be a part of the control group …

I think that they may have thrown in the towel with Omicron as it spread so effectively through the vaccinated population, it is a bit hard to blame the pure bloods when you are 95% vaccinated and hard immunity was meant to be achieved at 80% but the virus is still ripping through the populace.


Damn right.


It is not a failure, have you seen the 70% increase in Pfizer’s share price this year?



and also the live fire exercise of imposing authoritarian controls and dress-rehearsal experiment in how far people can be pushed without too much squealing will prove invaluable.

Last edited 3 years ago by Peachy
Aussie Soy Boy

comment image

You can see the effect the measles vaccines had at a mere 60% coverage in children.


Italy calling it out will make no difference. The only thing that will make any difference will be economic. If the woke businesses go broke, then maybe businesses may try to appeal to the majority again.


But if everyone has their ‘life jackets’ on we don’t have to change a thing.


If there was a graph done on ‘The War On Terrorism’ and ‘The War On Proverty’ it would probably look the same.


Is this available on a log scale?

I knew the elites did well out of Covid compared with ordinary people and small business, but didn’t know they did that well


Next, plot the 1% wealth control versus the s&P 500, pretty close correlation I’d say there


How long before we change to this. I give it 2 weeks.

Reus's Large MEMBER

I think that the amount of push back from Big Business that is hurting now that the handouts are done with means that we are going to go back to “normal” faster than expected. I suspect that with the inflation issues in the US and around the world the push on interest rates going up is scaring big business who rely on free money from the FED to make their billions and they are so leveraged that if the rates go up then it is tickets for all of them.

If they let us get back to work then the pressures on the supply chain and inflation will be relieved and they can import the millions of workers to suppress wages and life can go back to “free money and credit for the wealthy” normal while the “units” continue to get screwed.


We’re already at 7 days in most states, close enough.

Instead, national cabinet I reckon today will get across the line a national definition of close contact to be watered down massively, which is another way to mitigate having half the country self isolating in the coming weeks.

Reus's Large MEMBER

Well they would not want to have a situation where the borders might have to be closed to the ‘skilled” migrants


Open borders seems to be the number 1 priority now. Back to the economy of old.


No, of course not.

the plan is being carried into action. The gates will be opened before the home-builder induced supply can depress prices in any serious way.

WA may continue to take a harder line on its borders, because to them mining is worth more than housing.

for everyone else (inc QLD), housing is worth more than mining.

Chinese Astroturfer

The main thing is getting all the international students in, once here they will likely to stay for a few years if they can get enough hours at 7-Eleven and Deliveroo work doesn’t dry up.


The students do eventually leak out, unfortunately. So you really need a regular window each year during which to get the students in.

summer seems like the obvious time because even less people will be dying and victory can be (temporarily) declared.

in the winter, circumstances will -of course- change and we can have lockdown and other assorted histrionics. Until summer time comes and EZFKA needs another injection of right warm bods.



With a 12.6% positive rate in NSW, there are thousands of cases undetected in the community meaning half the state will have to isolate anyway in the coming weeks irrespective of national cabinet.


12.6% far out. I read that a trick they picked up with PCR testing was to test them in batches of 6, and then only test them individually if that batch showed up positive. With so many positive cases the PCR testing throughput has collapsed.


with 10,000 new cases a day the practical value of most of that testing has collapsed as well. It’s not like they can contact trace thousands of people everyday and get all their contacts isolated and tested anyway.


With 10,000 cases per day, we’re getting a live experiment to test the MacroBusiness thesis that

There is no issue with lockdowns, because if people weren’t locked down, they’d be scared and hunker down and withdraw from the world anyway. Also, there was no alternative to cratering rates and massive cash giveaways, because economic activity would crater -lockdowns or not – while people in the majority hid under the bed.

I think I know how this experiment is going to turn out. But it’s good that we’re doing it.


Inflation for beginners


Coal exports seem to be picking up again out of newcastle so maybe china is ramping up again.

I heard a rumour that china had massively reduced industrial activity locally to clear up the pollution prior to the winter olympics and with them only a few weeks away now would seem like the time to start up the supply chains again to have everything back at full capacity post olympics.

Chinese Astroturfer

If China failed against COVID like the western world, I think prices of manufactured goods would have doubled or tripled.


Ben doesn’t like men. Where did they find this goon?


Chinese Astroturfer

The threat from the virus was so great that Ben went out to the packed shopping malls on Boxing Day…


Exactly. He’s just a big woman who loves to gossip.


He will end up being right, but not in the timeframes expected. In Australia, we found the magic pudding for low inflation and high asset prices, the cost is quality of life, but it is not felt by the elite.
Whilst he is right, the QE benefitted the elite and they will do everything in their power to maintain it. This guy probably understands it, but will find out the elite will do anything to entrench their position.