Study finds life imprisonment for state premiers would end Australian lockdowns overnight

A new study in EZFKA has found that life imprisonment for all of Australia’s state premiers, would end lockdowns instantly and return Australia to proper normalcy.

The study, commissioned by the Institute of To The Barricades Mon Frere, found that putting all six state premiers and two territory chief minister in prison for no less than life, would solve lockdowns permanently.

“The data shows conclusively that the state premiers of both teams are following Operation Lockstep to the treasonous letter, so there’s no real political solution anymore other than trial and imprisonment of these fuckwits,” Dr Pierre Le Pieu said.

“The data also showed Mr Andrews and Mr McGowan are by far the most deserving of said punishment, but ironically have the most pacified populaces respectively, in spite of all the social media bots they both employ.”

“Further to that, given the submissiveness of Australians enjoying home arrest watching Netflix and ordering Uber Eats, said trials are wishful thinking and the usual doomer phrase of ‘it’ll never happen’ may apply.”

National Cabinet welcomed the findings and it is believed that tanks will be on the street by the end of the week.

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So Gladys in the news today still unable to admit at 80% double vax for NSW the lockdowns won’t end. Just an easing of restrictions and life will be more free. Except that any reopening of any kind will see cases in the thousands per day, given with the current lockdown it’s around 500 a day, so it’s lockdown forever, because even with 80% vaccinated they still don’t want cases to get too high.

Absolutely fucking ridiculous.

Scomo needs to actually take the lead here and start rebasing risk. Why is it fine for other developed nations to open up at 50% double vax and we’re in lockdown at 80%?

These are basic questions I can’t see any reporters asking at the mindless daily press conferences.

Last edited 3 years ago by The90kwbeast

Scomo needs to actually take the lead here and start rebasing risk. Why is it fine for other developed nations to open up at 50% double vax and we’re in lockdown at 80%?

it’s interesting.

Sometimes I think that there must be confidential/secret briefings that the government drones are receiving about the effects of the COVID (which have not been made public) that have scared the shit out of them. They don’t want to publicise the truth (whatever that might be), but the truth is scary and so we get lockdowns.

other times, I think it’s just maintenance of house prices.


I reckon you’re overthinking it. I think the premiers are just so risk averse politically having built the last 18 months on eliminating the virus that they won’t let that go, even though inevitably it will have to be let it rip.

For all my head butting with bjw my viewpoint based on the latest political evidence this last week is slowly starting to merge. There is zero long term planning going on here, just covid case whack a mole.


I reckon you’re overthinking it. 

perhaps, but I do have a strong feel that there will be some big reveal later along the lines of “we didn’t want to panic everyone, but the COVID thing had this particular (previously undisclosed) risk”

For all my head butting with bjw my viewpoint based on the latest political evidence this last week is slowly starting to merge.

yeh, mate, I had noticed 😉


“we didn’t want to panic everyone, but the COVID thing had this particular (previously undisclosed) risk”

I think that is more likely to be a reveal about the vax than the covid.


think that is more likely to be a reveal about the vax than the covid.

anything to do with the vax I’d be more readily willing to classify as “unknowns unknowns” – they may well bring on bad consequences, but that’s more likely to be by accident/poor design rather than deliberate engineering.

remember the jabs were developed by lots of different entities, so it’s hard to believe they were all engineered with some kind of common feature (or malicious payload).

the virus, I think has known unknowns. There can easily be risks/malicious potentialities that are well known to a select few and carefully kept from the public.

i guess we’ll see how that stuff plays out in the control countries (which do not lockdown and do not vax because they are poorer, have bad logistics, bad infrastructure, etc)


I think if anyone knew it would be the US. And overall they where pretty chill about the whole thing overall.
Time will tell though.

Chinese Astroturfer

China have been spooked by the virus from the very start and continue to eliminate the virus at all costs.


They know what it is best because they were probably the ones working on it….


You think gladys and dan wouldn’t just lock or weld people into their apartments if they could get away with it.


If there was some super nefarious thing on delta now we would have heard of it either from Australia or elsewhere globally I would have thought. Happy to be wrong though. I suppose it’s telling that even China is still applying lockdowns so there may be a morsel of evidence along those lines in that.


I don’t think it’s likely to be a “delta” related thing. In fact, I’m pretty sure that the alphabet-varieties are most likely a distraction (or deliberate false flag op).

for mine it’s much more likely something to do with the “base” virus. I’ve said before that some kind of delayed action would be a good way to weaponise a virus: mild symptoms initially for most, but hammer comes down hard some months or years later…


Why would they try to create panic by claiming that some 15yo died of Covid (and just happened to have pneumococcal meningitis ) , but then refuse to disclose some greater and actually real threat ?

no, this whole thing is just a farce

You’re giving them too much credit

they’re incompetent idiots , not masterminds

Last edited 3 years ago by Coming

Why would they try to create panic by claiming that some 15yo died of Covid (and just happened to have pneumococcal meningitis ) , but then refuse to disclose some greater and actually real threat ?

my thesis is that, perhaps, they are trying to avoid panic.

imagine something really scary – for example anyone who’s been infected turns into a zombie 18 months ™ after infection date. This risk must be hidden.

If the info gets out, Then you have

  • a class of the walking dead (previously infected) who will be completely uncontrollable due to having nothing to live for.
  • a class of everyone else, who will not be lured out of their homes for love or money

absolutely everything will break down. Food won’t be cultivated, there’ll be mass starvation, rape, murder, pillage, etc…

Last edited 3 years ago by Peachy

i doubt that bunnings would be open in that case


i doubt that bunnings would be open in that case

That’s pretty fucking scary

Ok, maybe it’s not quite zombie-level scary, but there could be something really menacing that IS somehow “helped” by lockdowns, but which hasn’t been disclosed.

Last edited 3 years ago by Peachy

Incompetence on a grand scale seems far more likely to me.
Exhibit 1. Scomo.

And I have to agree, anything secret and truly bad would have seen much stricter lockdowns to start with,

Reus's Large MEMBER

Yeah nah


dude… it doesn’t work like that. it doesn’t just linger for a few years and then “boom you’re dead.”


Well, you don’t know just how precision-engineered it is!


China can’t cope with old people dying. It’s in their social DNA for millennia: old people’s lives are worth more than young people.

Nigel Hazon

It’s the vax they don’t wAnt to tell you about, it’s the reason we have delta the vax is a 2-4 step bio weapon used to test how much graphene oxide they can pump you full of before you become brain dead and even easier to control! Wake up people!


Graphene oxide? Never heard of it! Tell me more, please.

But, I’m thinking – wouldn’t it be easier to practice with the graphemes on all those people they’ve put in re-education camps in China, rather than EZFKA and other western populations?


Totally agree mate! The alleged Graphene component of the vaccine is a very worrying development. From what I have read, it acts like an oxygen sponge robbing the body of oxygen causing anaphylactic shock, toxic blood clotting, fatal lung paralysis, mitochondrial cancer, and endothelial cancer.

Peachy’s comment above may have a ring of truth to it:

The greater the Graphene oxide deterioration in the blood, the greater the probability of a premature death. How many jabs are people signing up for? Wait till they pin in on a new COVID variant and blame the unvaccinated.


I have been trying to tell ya….



No you were arguing over a modest difference of opinion which is now converging due to fuckhead politicians

Consider our opinions as now in neutral territory, probably fully aligned in 6 weeks.


It was always going to be so… you just hadn’t/haven’t realised yet. 🙂

fuckhead politicians are a given, and having to live with it was almost as certain as the politicians being fuckheads, even 12 months ago.

Chinese Astroturfer

A lot of sunk cost fallacy as well

80% is just some arbitrary number they are using as a carrot. They’ll make it 90% once they get close to 80%.

Also, I don’t think hospitals have the capacity to deal with cases. They’ll have to call off all elective surgery for the next 6 months if we went down the UK route (which is only “succeeding” because they are in the middle of summer).


Doubt they will get close to 80% imo


My thoughts too. Once we get to about 60%, the numbers will slow down.


Yep I was thinking exactly the same. Just depends how much discomfort they can put on unvaccinated to take up the jab then.


This is also why I was saying I can’t believe there has been no additional hospital capacity announced anywhere, yet it is obvious we’ll have to live with this shitshow for the foreseeable future


What if my zombie theory is close to the truth and the people who get to decide whether hospitals get built already know what the death toll will me anyway (and that hospital intervention can do little to change it)?

That, or it’s just really expensive and we “can’t afford” any new hospitals

but can afford to sling the banks $10b through TFF, and sling Gerry $20m++ through jobkeeper


If the former, hows your spam and baked beans stockpile going? If the latter, speaks volumes about EZFKA that getting RBA money for banks is a whole lot easier than meaningful public infrastructure 🙂


yet it is obvious we’ll have to live with this shitshow for the foreseeable future

Not if you believe our governments… at least until a few weeks ago. Gladys is hinting at the reality, but hasn’t come out and outright said it yet.


Gladys is hinting at the reality, but hasn’t come out and outright said it yet.

Ok, how’s this for a theory – all of the lockdowns have been about buying time to build a framework to allocate the costs of the virus (living with the virus) appropriately.

Namely, to sock it to the plebs.

Without intervention, the serious asset holders would’ve been disproportionately affected. Either through personal death (being old and fat, as they are) or through workforce decimation fucking up the low wage levels.


allocate the costs of the virus (living with the virus) appropriately.

It’s a nice theory.
Your opinion of their abilities is clearly significantly higher than mine though.


Your opinion of their abilities is clearly significantly higher than mine though.

I think this is well beyond the individual abilities of Scott or Ibis or Chan.

but there are people out there who can think like this/through this. And whether they are in think tanks or NGOs or lobby groups, they’d have ways of messaging to gov’t….


The lobby groups and think tanks usually have much narrower goals, for instance welfare straight to the corporations. I can’t see big picture conspiracy even from them.
A whole lot of disparate groups doing individual things can produce the appearance of coordination.
Of course I’m a nobody living in relative poverty, so possibly full of shit.


Ibis and Chan 😂


We didn’t build new hospitals or add capacity for the huge volumes of migrants, what makes you think we will do this for an infectious disease?


Because this disease targets old wealthy baby boomers, part of the LNPs core demographic

Reus's Large MEMBER

100%, this whole virus response has been to protect the BB’s at the expense of the youth, however I don’t think that they are going to be going on their overseas jaunts any time soon and will most likely die before they do.


it would be somewhat amusing if they died because of 2 decades of underinvestment in every state’s hospital system, meaning insufficient hospital beds.


The Morrison govenment is an absolute travesty. His strategy has been clear from the beginning: absolve the federal government from responsibility, and let the states take the lead. Its because of this Australia is in the mess it is in now – state leaders are now running amok, and they have basically equal power to the Feds with this national cabinet.

He’s just been sitting back doing sfa and its so transparent and deliberate, its almost callous, but that I know its more through incompetence than anything.

Lets not even get started on the vaccine procurement (whatever you think of vaccines).


Defederate is probably the best solution. Let Victoria try and make money on its own rather than being subsidised. Let WA get their wish and become part of China. As an added bonus Morrison can join the dole queue as we don’t need Canberra.


I’m all for defederation.


we’re already there anyway, there’s no meaningful federation anymore. aus is not a unitary country in any way.


the irony is the states have been wielding more power and pushing their weight around more than what you get with sovereign countries within the EU.
I guess its pretty easy to knock the Feds around… with Morrison as weak as he is.


Yes. How good is that covid safe app for starters 😉

I’d also like to know more why Brendan Murphy resigned from his role in June last year


dead right


scomo is a dud. he is a fucked unit
If that cuck hadn’t convened this national cabinet bollocks as a blame shifting smokescreen, this covid crap would be dealt with.
And another thing…most probably McGowan would not have had his High Court win vis a vis closed borders / quarantine


in one sense a progression of greater and greater duds are needed. Because things need to get worse (and ultimately really bad) before they can possibly get better.

Many EZFKA issues could have been fixed “the easy way” or “the hard way”. The easy way has never been chosen. The hard way involves hitting rock bottom.

(from rock bottom, there’s obviously no guarantee that there’ll be a bounce. Could just be rattling on the bottom indefinitely)

Last edited 3 years ago by Peachy
Lana Lulu Speers

Scomo take the lead? The same dickhead who’s best friend was arrested in America for not reporting his father’s Satanic ritual abuse of children in his care? He’s the head Freemason of Australia, they’re all doing exactly what he told them to!


I think we’re fucked because we haven’t had the luxury of Covid wiping out those closest to death over the past 18 months.

Regardless of how much we vaccinate variants will still spread, kill off a bunch of people 70+, and we’ll have to keep living this lockdown shit they feed us.


yup, a lot of the so called efficacy of the vaccines overseas is just the fact that covid has ran out of susceptible people to take out.


Covid 19 is a bioweapon means we are at war ,covid is the gun and the so called vaccine is the ammunition to be used against us


Whoa nelly!


I’d say Covid 19 is the trojan horse to usher in UN Agenda 21/2030 / World Economic Forum wet dreams of a ‘new normal’. The Vaxes, part of a depopulation agenda. Bill Gates is not only a big vaccine pusher but also a big Eugenicist, like his dad.


I had to post this somewhere. The chunts over on MB moderated it away. They are sick fucks.

Long time reader, rare poster as most of my posts get moderated away due to not sharing the MB opinions on lockdowns. Today though I must write something, through tears. Last week my 13 year old niece slashed her wrists in her bedroom. She is recovering in hospital. This was a happy kid before being locked into her house. This is a small sample of the costs associated with lockdown that aren’t being properly weighed up against the benefits. On top of this my partner has turned to excessive alcohol consumption nightly and her son (20yo) hasn’t left the house for months, he only comes out of his room to eat and doesn’t speak to anyone, literally not a word. We are very worried about his mental state also. My good friend from childhood rang me a couple of weeks ago to tell me she had split with her partner after over 10 years due to recent fighting, violence and alcohol abuse since he was unable to work due to COVID lockdowns. Previously a very happy family. 

We are destroying lives, livelihoods and societies with lockdowns. Far more people are seriously affected by these measures than would be from COVID alone. Those affected the worst by lockdowns are also the ones that would likely be least affected by the disease itself. I believe that the negative consequences have been totally hidden in the media and are far more common than we are lead to believe. 

What have we become as a people to allow this to happen to us. I don’t blame COVID, I blame our leaders and the people that have encouraged them. 


Hey Mick. These are very sad stories that you tell.

Whilst on the discourse often takes the form of shitposting and trashtalking, we do talk squarely about the issues that you describe:

Those affected the worst by lockdowns are also the ones that would likely be least affected by the disease itself. I believe that the negative consequences have been totally hidden in the media and are far more common than we are lead to believe. 

the fact that so much of the “response” has been about shifting the cost of the disease from the older/richer/more powerful/cunning to the younger/poorer/less powerful/naive

the fact that media has generally served (and continues to serve) the first group

the deception and the hiding of inconvenient messages

hope your niece recovers and your stepson stops the slide



This is hard Mick – the lockdowns and fear mongering are repeaping a massive cost to society in comparison to the virus itself.

There are many vectors that we are constantly attacked by COVID dread, but the worst of them is the media. I can only stress that I think it is incredibly important to ensure the fear mongering by the msm is kept to an absolute minimum. I have simply stopped watching it and getting out and about in the sun as much as possible. Most people simply can’t appreciate how big a psychological impact this constant fear mongering masquerading as ‘news’ as on people.

I also have a very gregarious extroverted daughter and the lockdown has been very hard on her, and at times it has been a great effort to get her outside but the exposure to the outdoors almost immediately improves her mood.

These lockdowns have gone on for long enough and need to end.


If it wasn’t lockdowns it would have been something else, mental health problems aren’t easily solved or easily ascribed to just a single cause.

Bad shit happens.

Here’s another simple blame game option that works better than your “blame lockdown” – neoliberal capitalism caused all the problems you are describing as well as the inability to stop covid becoming a global pandemic that then caused the lockdowns….

The shit that happened in your life sucks, but it’s not as simple as blaming lockdowns.


Dude the lockdowns are unprecedented in modern history, and they’re dragging on.

My take is, you’re victim blaming here. The lockdowns are obviously starting to have negative effects on mental wellbeing for those unfortunate enough to be enveloped in a lockdown.

Last edited 3 years ago by The90kwbeast

Cool story BJW, oh shiiit wrong person, same bullshit.

1. Who is posting this? Random internet person.
2. Who is the victim/s? Supposed acquaintances of random internet person.
3. Mental illness is real and yet hard to attribute to single causation.
4. Mental illness predates pandemic and all associated blamed triggers by random internet person.
5. All previous pandemics/mass public stress situations have resulted in similar and measurable poor mental health outcomes sans lockdowns, some experts argue worse in “let it rip”/uncontrolled disasters ie recent bushfires (all these points come from recent article reads, can attempt to reference but surely you get the gist).
6. We all acknowledge how stripped healthcare has become and how we aren’t building extra capacity, neo liberal capitalism son, deal with it. Same reason we can’t lockdown properly, to protect the ecomony, same reason we end up locking down properly, to protect the ecomony when the sick cripple the ecomony…….

Fuck me dead we’re well deep in this shit and all you cunts still don’t get it, NSW goes “gold standard” mockdown and you have a mad long lockdown and you all whinge heaps, but the long lock down drags on because you whinged too much to do the proper hard and fast at the start real gold standard like Qld, Vic, NZ, ACT – who all have and will suppress delta until people can get vax (and before you cunts say we’ve had a chance, my vax appt isn’t until october so shut the fuck up with that noise ya dogs) and as soon as some Joe Family suffers the first ever personal tragedy of their middle class lives and blames the wrong thing and gets called on it its victim blaming but when all you cunts hung shit on mental health tards pre-pandemic it was always the victims fault (re all you cunts hanging shit on mig, me, anyone who was loose in the head, etc).

I sympathise but refuse to allow you people to delude yourselves and others. I agree the NSW is dragging on and will cause mad problems, but that’s what happens when the polity elects populist policy politicians who are as weak willed and as short sighted as themselves. Hard and fast wasn’t gold standard, you all agreed with that but now you’re deep in the inevitable alternative and none of you – politician or polity – will wear the responsibility. It’s a sad and fucked lesson to learn.


“We find that counties with a stronger radio signal experienced higher revolutionary intensity as shown by the number of killings”

The media is NOT our friend – it is controlled by a hostile elite.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie