Welcome to the Weekend Links for April 11-12, 2021.
We start with a strong showing over the Easter Long Weekend with 200+ comments. There was also a marked lowering of the vitriol in the comments section.
Nicely done peeps!
So this week we are going to aim for a mellow sort of vibe. Kinda.
For your listening pleasure. From the taverns of Tamriel to Thedas, from Azeroth to Westeros, enjoy!
Politics And Governance
A Polish Pastor throws local Gestapo agents out of his church!
- Poles are based – https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/04/black-lives-matter-rainbow-statue-torn-budapest-24-hours-put-display/ – and really don’t like Communist’s pushing degeneracy in their society.
- ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL VIDEOS – https://www.brighteon.com/eaf8253d-f09e-4503-9b8a-0ba77b579f33 – I HAVE EVER SEEN. A Holocaust survivor calls out the face masks as worse than what the Nazi’s did. In fairness, these are not National Socialists, but rather Global Socialists. Glosocs?
- The Canuks are getting restless – https://dailycaller.com/2021/04/05/british-columbia-canada-corduroy-restaurant-patrons-heckle-inspectors-covid/ – watch the video. Having watched the video, now watch the coverage on CBS – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fl2nA4PumkA – and let me know who is fake news!
Fictional Governance
Have you ever wondered what a far future galaxy spanning human civilization would look like? The Templin Institute attempts to answer this in long form video. Enjoy!
We start with the ABC, which has changed its mind on the Christine Holgate mess. I’m pretty sure Albo brought this up first, and the PM took the baton from him and ran with it.
When this happened, it felt quite bipartisan. So watching the ABC change its mind suggests someone somewhere has made an assessment, the only question is who gets to be the fall guy (fall-person?).
- You may not be a fan of them, but both Martin North and John Adams – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvSGytY4EqQ – are fighting the good fight best they can, in my book.
- This is from 2017 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGt82RFfg3U – but I’m a fan of going back and looking at stuff. ” Understanding is not the same thing as excusing” – Yanis Varoufakis blows the lid on Europe’s hidden agenda. Because he hung out in Melbourne a bunch.
- Karens talk about AusPol – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPTtdPnLgOQ – this week. You are unlikely to miss anything, but in case you were wondering what occupies tiny Karen (male and female) minds, this is the show for you. The answer is not a whole lot I care about, but hey ho and ymmv…
How Car Chase Scenes Have Evolved Over 100 Years
Because why not? And written in the stars was not particularly exciting this week.
World War III
What would it look like? Welcome to the wonderful world of Machinima. The below is a bloke called Flawless War Gamer, and created using the ArmA 3 engine with lots of Steam workshop assets.
Russian invasion of America / World War 3 Ep 2
- But for reals, this week was bad. First off, https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/pending-collapse-rules-based-international-order-existential-threat-us – the rules based international order no longer really exists. And is – https://pjmedia.com/richardfernandez/2021/03/28/bidens-two-front-war-n1435464 – not coming back.
- China has been stealing – https://www.businessinsider.com.au/unitree-new-robot-dog-compared-to-boston-dynamics-spot-robot-2020-5?r=US&IR=T – from Boston Dynamics this week. Meet the New Chinese Robot Killer Dog! Since ancient times!
- Russia’s ambassador is NOT – https://www.rt.com/russia/520370-recalled-ambassador-back-washington/ – going back to Washington.
4/5 Generation Warfare. Ohnoes…
- Context to undersea warfare – https://pjmedia.com/richardfernandez/2021/04/07/undersea-kingdoms-2-n1437979 – and its implications on the undersea cables on which the internet runs.
- Ukies are bringing the crazy – https://pjmedia.com/richardfernandez/2021/04/04/mirror-mirror-on-the-wall-5-n1437169 – by pissing off the Russkies.
- China / Russia is setting up a two-fer – https://libertyunyielding.com/2021/04/04/russia-and-china-prepare-a-two-fer-at-either-end-of-asia/ – for the Biden administration. Will they fall for it?
- Left importing – https://archive.is/BpKT3 – more soldiers…
Culture Wars
So I don’t agree with everything this bloke says. But a lot is spot on. Also, I’m seeing a sudden lull in the culture wars. Not sure its a good thing, because maybe this goes from cold civil war to hot.
- Is the American right – https://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/would-israel-blackmail-a-us-congressman/ – turning on its (((greatest ally)))?
- China controls many – https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/exc-china-state-propaganda-boasts-control-over-think-tanks/ – left wing think tanks.
- Cornell is firmly on the side – https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/04/begins-cornell-university-will-require-covid-19-vaccination-staff-students-returning-fall-semester/ – of vaccine propaganda. Note: If a pandemic needs a communications strategy, its probably not a pandemic.
- Lol – https://reclaimthenet.org/youtube-deletes-dislikes/ – cause why not?
Markets And Finance
We start with a UFO video. Why? Because these days markets be like that too. Sauce.
- Really interesting take – https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/archegos-bikini-atolls-how-many-more-tactical-financial-nuclear-bombs-exist – on the Archegos blow up. Also the estimable Ben Hunt – https://www.epsilontheory.com/a-tiger-cant-change-its-stripes/ – on Bill Hwang.
- IceCaps take on the latest dollar volatility – http://icecapassetmanagement.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/2020.10-IceCap-Global-Outlook.pdf – meh. Valid points. Take homes include how the USD will likely not collapse, or loose reserve currency status.
- More volcanic activity – https://volcano.si.edu/gvp_currenteruptions.cfm – than in the last 50 years. Will it affect your portfolio? Or maybe a solar storm – https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-9428993/Solar-storm-appeared-like-great-fire-1582-hit-Earth-experts-warn.html – will?
As always folks, have a good weekend, and let your comments invite debate and discussion. And some name calling 🙂
i was thinking of writing an article this week but i’m drawing so many blanks, just wanted the site to have some content before the new weekend links got posted
I, for one, am grateful for your efforts with the links, T.
I am somewhat remorseful that we didn’t have other content this week. But also somewhat proud – it’s good to say that we only post when we have something to say… not just to pump out volume, if it means mountains of inane crap that delivers nothing novel for anyone.
Appreciate it mate. All good – don’t worry about it too much – I’m having fun putting these together. Obviously more is better but is cool.
I was planning to put up a forum link at the start of this week and collating links, but forgot. Came out ok anyways 🙂
MB definitely pumps out too much filler but the lack of even a single article here this week was pretty disappointing. Get that lazy dickhead stewie to do a weekly cypto round up post so you at least have some content. He had no problem gas bagging about it almost daily at the old joint, now he has a platform and he has gone quiet, slack bastard.
Been sick as a dog all week and away next week, so you all get a pass from my TLDR brain explosions.
Where did it itch?
Right at the tip.
Hey stewie, I can so relate. I was attempting to reclaim my manhood that was stolen from me when I was circumcised, by attaching weights to my micropenis in an attempt to stretch a new foreskin over my bell end, sadly all I succeeded in doing was developing a staph infection that resulted in what remained of my shaft being removed.
Chadlette Micropenis – so good to hear from you, I was getting worried that you might have had better things to do than come and visit us! Lots of catch up reading for you!
Resorting to altering posts again huh?
You softcock, weak as piss accountant 😂😂😂
Dued – please stop think about my cock.
Also, when are u gonna change that avatar? A pic of a young boy in his underwear does nothing to boost the masculine image you’re trying to portray 😂😂😂 You dirty, dirty old cuck!
While I feel honoured to know that I have my own personalised Troll, this sense of accomplishment is diminished by just how low grade a Troll you are.
Firstly jousting with you is not only plain boring, like you’re a dumb conversationalist with no real imagination, but it actually sort of leaves me feeling sorry for you.
With Mig you got plane insanity, with w@ffle an underlying sense of malice, but with you… dude you’ve got all the presence of a bare ankled wanker in a trenchcoat, furiously masturbating at the sight of the object of his desires – in this case me.
Fuck you’re soft stewie. Stop editing posts. Either let them stand or delete them. It looks ridiculous and degrades this place (probably even more than whatever that dickhead posted).
..and how many of yours have I edited you useless blood clot?
I only have two rules which Chadlette manages to violate one or the other or both with nearly every comment he makes:
i) Don’t trivialise rape or sexual abuse by using it as an insult; and
ii) Don’t insult my wife.
As to what you think about it bringing down the place or looking ridiculous – IDGAF.
Why can you insult anyone you want but no one can insult your wife? Is she a saint or something?
I don’t get it man, this is the internet, we don’t know your wife so why get triggered so much? Seriously, who fuckin cares who your wife is or what some rando on the internet says about her.
Editing posts is fuckin cringe. Makes this place out to be a fuckin joke. Thought you were too busy to write a post yet you’ve spent all this time editing posts, responding to trolling and being a dick. Stop being a lazy fuckwit and put all that energy into writing a weekly crypto roundup post, this place will never take off if you don’t start producing content.
Dickhead? Fuck off u gimp
You and stewie deserve each other lol
I’m glad I trusted my own instincts and scepticism when it came to this vaccine rushed through for emergency use than the so called experts.
A lot of people that were telling us to shut up, you’ll get your jab and you’ll like it have egg on their face today.
I believe it was just last weekend I was pointing out the irrefutable statistical data that the vaccine is more dangerous than the virus
and now it’s been acknowledged by world governments
how long until the rest of this farce falls apart
They’ve gone so far down this one COVID death is too many COVID deaths route now that they can’t open up unless there is a vaccine. The Oxford one is practically useless without maintaining social distancing and other restrictions indefinitely.
Remember when you were posting about miasmic clouds of covid drifting from city to city?
I memba. Fuckin idiot lol
that was dr x so obv u remembered wrong
Yeah, just fact checked. Pretty sure they’re the same person though, said so much of the same ridiculous shit
still beats being a covid pussy ass bitch like u
are you still holed up in your bunker walking around the room every day with your hands in plastic wrap spraying every surface with a bottle of spray n wipe
Meh, the virus is real. Dubbo is such a hole you don’t have to worry about because no one visits. How many bins you scab this week?
Even those who want it can’t get it. Mate of mine (under 50, medico – category 1b) went to Exhibition centre in Victoria for his jab and got turned away.
what about the pfizer one? is it smoke and mirrors too?
the US vaccines were a mixture of moderna and pfizer (J&J now starting)
The CDC numbers indicated vaccine mortality of around 16.7 per million
Which is in excess of the incidence of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis following the AZ vaccine (5 people per million)
Which was enough to get the AZ vaccine stopped for young people
You can work out if the other ones are still a good idea too
yep, no thanks. just give me covid thanks, we should have been holding mass covid spread festivals for young people back in march last year.
You easily could’ve travelled to Melbourne and more than likely got the virus just by bin scabbing like you do but you didn’t…. pussy
bruz i wasnt allowed to cross the border but let me tell ya if u get covid come round to my house and kiss me so i can get that shit i aint afraid only thing im afraid of is havin ur faggot ass in my house i think ull try to go in for a lucky dip while im sleepin
Lol in your dreams. I’m not going to Dubbo, if I get it I’ll express post you some sputum
This Sweeper bloke may well be the most delusional of all the MB posters , even more than bcnich and the don’t buy now guy
April 9, 2021 at 6:23 pm
Journalism and the puntertariat are finally cottoning on to the emptiness / incompetence of the sco mo travelling circus.
Wonder how long it will take them to realise how fortunate we are to have competent and real leaders like Dan Andrews.
Thank God for federation. Without it we would be South Dakota minus the vaccine rollout.
April 9, 2021 at 7:30 pm
every other political leader in the country.
I doubt there has been a better leader than Dan since Ben Chifley.
he can’t be serious can he ?
the bloke who fucked up basically every single virus containment effort possible
while plunging Victoria into the most frightening fascist police state imaginable
then fell down stairs at home and ended up in ICU
the basil fucking fawlty of state premiers
is better than Chifley
Satire account ?
paid astroturfer ?
dan Andrew’s burner ?
the mind absolutely fucking boggles
Only one worse is Swampy. Thinks his shit doesn’t stink. Vapid commentary and cringe vaccine shilling.
him and swampy prob pop round to each others houses every other night for a bit of a rub n tug, wankers they are
You’re just jealous that skippy won’t come to Dubbo to give you a Dutch rudder
I’m not googling that…
Don’t need to google, very tastefully demonstrated in the movie The Watch.
id rather u give me a dirty sanchez 😉
Chinese propaganda.
BNPL reaching a new level of retardedness

Nice. Now I can get that neck tattoo I always wanted without having to save up.
Has anyone here ever used any of this BNPL stuff? Heaps of folks at work use it and mostly for stupid stuff like game consoles, seems ridiculous. One fella uses it for car expenses which seems a bit more sensible (services, tyres, etc).
“One fella uses it for car expenses which seems a bit more sensible (services, tyres, etc).”
Remember when people used to do that crazy thing called a budget? BNPL is just the same in reverse but paying for the privilege. Seems kind of stupid to me but we really are living in a clown world now days…
Layby always existed and was heavily used, then it got the EZKFA value adding treatment and now it adds to the clown world.
It’s very LNP/EZKFA like, you take a guaranteed fix fee system where the marks buy things they can’t afford, but they don’t get it until they pay and if they somehow can’t they get most of their money back minus the 10% deposit, nice and fair, the business still has a unit to sell to the next customer that can afford it and the mug doesn’t lose too much.
But value add that shit, have it now, pay later, get caught up in underestimating repayments (the mugs aren’t mugs by choice, they’re just mugs) and then get slammed with dishonour fees, the businesses get paid, they shift way more units and all of a sudden it’s the mug’s fault that they’re idiots that don’t understand the most basic of budgets – it’s your fault you’re poor and stupid, thanks LNP. Hate regulation all you want but we really need to protect the mugs from themselves, especially when all that fake productivity offshores the profits.
The great unwashed have never been good at budgeting and the lack of wage growth coupled with general stupidity of the unwashed like keeping up with the joneses will just keep adding to the clown world – it is the EZKFA way. At least now the Greensills of the world get to make money off idiots that spend more than they earn…..
End rant
Nice writeup
…that is pretty much is the EZFKA way.
whats bnpl
Buy Now Pay Later. Google exists, why don’t people here use it….
Because Guggle mothballs you in echochambers and isnulate from perils of external world and facts that cannot be verified by experts in the field embedded with the field?
Recently changed to duck duck go. Much better and less corporate stalking
Few years now for me, pretty much since it came out.
No regrets. I still use Goggles now and then but I mothball it in Firefox “containers ” so it knows only those searches I’ve done through it and associated goggle Web sites, like gmail. Combine with ad block, YT ad block, uBlock, ghostery etc and lofengoes to normal as before heavy monetisation
British National Party Lesbians
hello cnvt. fckn
who are these Templin people? Some kind of amateur scifi club?
tenets, not tenents….
Pretty much. Watch the series it’s pretty epic. 20 mins or so per episode. All the way to 27th century.
Amateurs kinda but a really well done project 🙂
I’m intrigued, but a bit concerned that it might be too amateurish… will think about watching another episode.
harry here how ya goin
been lurkin for a bit this is me checking out what’s doing with the comments
that was me testing last week!
not sure how secure all the data is on this site hence my not registering etc
Not secure ?
what are they going to do with it mate
sign in with your spam gmail account you use for porn websites and you’re golden
I need a spam account for porn websites?
Well. I’ve been doing that wrong.
Hello Harry, nice to have you stop by. 😘
coming is right – recommended approach is to use a disposable email address & not include any details in your profile
Haroldus harry? Who’s next?
Yeah me. I just want to hang out with some peeps for some light hearted Wildean banter, not get trolled by a cunt.
Edit to be clear, it’s not reus who is the cunt.
Prepare to get trolled lol. It’s kinda what happens around here.
I hope you’re down with racism, virus denial and anti-semitism because it appears to be all the rage with the locals (complete pack of cunts if you ask me).
Whatever you do don’t read the forum posts, especially any by that Last of Moorookans tosser, just utter drivel. This place really is a dive but I’m such a sad shut in hypocrite I’ve got nothing bettter to do than hang out and hang shit here.
Yeah I think you’re right.
oh man up, princess! (Sorry if I midgendered you)
Your post is an almost perfect display of EZFKA unit conditioning and discourse sterilisation. Sterilisation to the point where even a mention of race, creed …or virus… is considered morally objectionable speech-crime.
If you read what’s actually been written, it has been a generally good faith discussion on all matters. Different cunts have taken different sides, for different reasons, which they have explained.
Lol yet on twitter you were saying to Mig you’re just waiting for them to run out of steam….
there’s no denying that there was a bit of passion splashed early on. And blokes certainly did run out of the invective fervour, as T has marked:
so it’s good.
You don’t have to have spent much time with blokes to know that they can be quite edgy and aggressive initially, but once they’ve splashed their …passion…, they mellow right out.
I don’t recall anything that could be construed as anti-semitism.
I also don’t have a problem with what you perceive as Racism on this site. Stewie has backed up what he has said regarding IQ differences with evidence. From personal experience I believe IQ testing is a load of bs but each to their own.
Bahahahahahaha Stewie literally posted the words “I am an antisemite” and he’s proud of it and then ranted endlessly about fringe theories and bullshit.
It was ridiculous, he then went back a day later and and edited a bunch of his posts so obviously it was bad enough to need editing/removal of his bullshit.
Live in a fanatsy world all yas want but when you’re all constantly boasting about being based and casually dropping the term red pilled amongst all the other recycled chan speak and memes it pretty much shows what you’re on about and it isn’t good.
Onwards Christian soldiers lol (There you go stewie, not bagging out Christianty just praising you for your venerable Christ quest lol).
I toned down comments posted in the heat of the moment and removed some of the needless hyperbole to better reflect the accuracy of my true position.
What remains is an accurate reflection of both my position and the substance of the original conversation, and I stand by all the points and implications made as my truly held views.
Ha! You’re dreaming if u think u resemble popeye! Your just a weak as piss, limp wrist faggot accountant trying to make up for your lack of masculinity with your BS ramblings. Get over yourself u silly old cuck!
I have forearms like giant Christmas Hams, which made it difficult to access pens from within my pocket protector.
why are you so concerned about the anti-semitism tho
are u a member of ~the tribe~ urself
Oh look how high and mighty you are, just two weeks ago leveling homophobic slurs at people. You’re no better than any other cunt here but at least you’ve got enough awareness to identify you’re a hypocrite.
You’re a faggot deal with it
Seems like that’s the best you’ve got. Calling me a faggot is water off a ducks back because I know I’m really not.
You’re a sad cunt incel who has insecurity around your own sexuality and that’s ok, we will accept you here.
Nice assessment keyboard psychiatrist lol.
whos the kunt
what has skip done now
….the silly old cuck
And he’s an accountant 😂
More US stock market inflows in the last 5 months than the previous 12 years
A good read on the under appreciated contribution by the steppe people in shaping the world around us:
Their DNA luckily didn’t make it to your family line…they’d be rolling in their graves if they saw their descendants become a weak as piss, limp wrist/dick, pencil pushing gimp such as yourself 😂
You read it! Cool – it was actually an interesting article and take on the steppe cultural roots and influence for practically all civilisations of note, being European, Subcontinental and East Asian.
The founder of Black Lives Matter just bought a $1.4 million home near Malibu, where just 1.4% of people are black.
Nothing says #BlackLivesMatter like using BLM funds to move as far away from other black people as possible while living like a queen.
Big money to be had in fighting microscopic racism.
Susan Rosenberg being on the board of that organisation spells it all.
The hypocrisy is off the charts!
More fake racism attributed to evil white supremacists turns out to be the work of narcissistic low IQ race hustlers:
All of which would be amusing if the actual Hoax wasn’t treated as though it were real by the media and received 10 times the media coverage as the (inevitable) resultant reveal that it was an actual hoax, as per the Covington High school boys or Smollet cases being but two out of countless other examples:
When the EZFKA fund gets up and running, I hope some portion is dedicated to political donations – because as far as return on investment goes, this appears to outperform everything!
Contract awarded to Canstruct has been amended six times, escalating cost to taxpayers by more than 17,600%
Canstruct, a Brisbane-based company and Liberal party donor, won the contract by limited tender, meaning there was not an open and competitive process to secure the initial contract. The auditor general criticised the process, saying “it is not clear why the department could not have secured a replacement supplier using a more competitive procurement method”.
Game of mates, it’s ridiculous
This is so. It is by far the best returning investment class.
the way that the figleaves of EZFKA have been arranged, though, you can’t be 100% in that investment. so you can’t just plough $10m into political donations and get $230m out in cash directly.
you need to maintain a facade of a business of some sort – so say invest $7m of the 10 to set up a “services” entity (or just buy land) and the remaining $3m into donations, in order to have a $100m “services contract” awarded (or the land compulsorily acquired for $100m or rezoned favourably).
it’s obviously less efficient for everyone (politico-friends only get $3m, investor only gets $100m), but that’s how it works.
Tucker Carson has finally stated the obvious on national television:
Which has drawn predictable outrage from the usual suspects:
Which would be ironic if not for their utter hypocrisy:
I find the idea of institutions/organisations/ideas perpetuating themselves very interesting.
whether it’s states, religions, businesses, languages, cultures, classes whatever.
it’s sort of a meta-level problem that goes beyond the individual. And I suppose it goes to the nature of the institution itself.
for instance if we look at North America as just a whole bunch of people living and doing their thing, then – as long as everyone is left in peace – what should it matter who those people are or what they do, say tomorrow or in 50 years (eg Wiccan lesbians or keto marxists)…. but looking at it this way denies the existence of the USA (/Canada/Mexico) as an entity/institution. So if “the USA”(/Mexico/Canada) is to exist, you have to grapple with what it is (and what it must not be) and how you go about making sure it exists in the future. And for what (or against what undesirable outcome)?
If this is not faked fake news, it is a stunning 180° flip on HK’s politicking
Yeah because heaven forbid someone ask questions into his part in the China shitshow.
TBH, I thought Chinese buyers are/were extinct
Dime a dozen here…
Bidding started at $2.2 mil. A small army of agents and a heap of bidders got it up to $2.741 mil.
3 million bucks for a 70s wogshack
hand me my rope i’m going to the attic
It’s impressive to see this current hysteria paying mental prices
Looks like they paid $2.7m for 700m land to knock it down and build a McMansion like all the others on the street…
Seriously – where do they draw the line on this stuff?
Campaigner who fought to get Coon cheese renamed calls on Carlton to change “racist” theme song
i think a lot of it is trolling ppl at this point
im more amazed tha anything that coon actually agreed to go along with it given there was absolutely nothing racist about that brand given it was based on someone’s actual name
coon is one of the worst cheeses out there too
flavourless rubber shit
It’s a huge overreach IMO. Don’t see how a melody can be considered “racist” when the song lyrics have been changed. Even Alvin and the Chipmunks did a cover. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDIXcAFLxh0
Agree that Coon is an awful cheese. Even after the name change the guy driving this is still suing them for damages and not being consulted over what is clearly a commercial decision.
Boong cheese has a nice ring to it.
Man everything is a payoff for race hustler’s.
Brilliant links – thanks T. Really appreciated this one:
Thanks man!