Long Weekend Links April 2-5, 2021

Welcome to the Long Weekend! We hope you have a good long weekend planned out, and Happy Easter everyone!

One of the things I want to do is make a thread in the forums where you fine folks can contribute links. I’ll curate and use them in addition to whatever links think make sense. Are you keen on this model? Let me know in the comments below.

Anywho …

After a stellar run last week – filled with much acrimony and name calling – in true EZFKA fashion, the proprietors of this fine establishment have decided to not make any changes, metaphorically kicking the can down the road. This feels appropriate.

We are aiming for more of the same this week. But clearly we need to all get in the mood for it. Hence, this week has this brilliant contribution from The Hu!

The plan is for everyone on this blog to join the Golden Horde! Or at least get cool haircuts… and then we go loot and pillage something!

Staying with the theme of Mongolia (sure… Inner Mongolia, which may not be in Mongolia) we also have this brilliant contribution featuring the song You Me by Chacha mixed by Hamacide.

I’m calling this genre Shanghai Soul – come at me bro!

Now for the exciting links. Be good to each other this weekend, and may your conversations start out civil and then degenerate into despicable name calling! Extra points for using puns in said despicable name calling!

Politics And Governance

Why do you think that is?


Gah. Nothing good seems to come out of here. This week was also terrible. But this clip from Juice Media captures the spirit of AusPol.

What do you know? EZFKA’s values are mainstream values! And you have to admit, she has good trigger discipline!


Big fan of Veritaserum. This is about the cartel in light-bulbs in the 1920’s! Learn more about the birth of planned obsolescence!

Culture Wars!

Released 4 days ago with half a million views. Draw your own conclusions. It probably does not hurt he is a good looking black man. No homo. Music game is dope too.

Written In The Stars!

She’s kind of cute. Sue me. Also our usual source has not put up anything particularly noteworthy. Its all about Sputnik V at the moment.

World War 3

The world seems to be becoming a more dangerous place. Do you know why? I don’t but feel free to speculate below. This is the latest from the front lines.

Begun, the drone wars have – https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/39992/watch-a-saudi-f-15-fighter-swoop-in-low-to-blast-a-houthi-rebel-drone-out-of-the-sky – very cool video (below) + thinking through the asymmetrical nature of fighting drones.


Because the previous heading was super depressing. For your viewing enjoyment 🙂

Tiny week-old tiger cub grows up.

Owlkitty: The Matrix. Platypussy Galore.

Mother fox returns for her babies. Workers had to disturb their den, which was underneath a deck they were repairing.

Very cute otter cub swims for the first time.

Hand-raising a weird-looking bird that was rejected by its mother.

Not a baby bat, but almost one! Super-cute little critter.

Be good this long weekend everyone! Don’t drink and drive. Drink and slag off randoms on EZFKA instead!

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First. I’d like to take the opportunity to call out Mig to a boxing match. Let’s rent a ring and ref, 3 rounds?


He has said numerous times that he’ll fight anyone that wants to….

Last edited 3 years ago by Coming2

Is this true? I don’t think it’ll be a fair fight but the offers there.


He even offered to come to Qld so we could fight lol. He has that strange desire to be beaten up, posted regularly about it on MB throughout the Melb lockdown.

Should be a mud wrestling competition


Jelly is much classier!


Check for life on his twitter? I looked briefly once before and he sure loves to spam there.

Chinese Astroturfer

He only fights women having a picnic in a park


Looks like calling him out scared him and his incomprehensible spamming off this weekend. I chalk that up as a win!


i just drove 4 hours in one day back and forward just to buy a chair bc my last one broke and theres nowhere in this one horse town that sells the type of chair i like


First world problems?


chair problems 🙁


Regarding WW3, there is some merit to the Fourth Turning hypothesis. Essentially, if you consider life as series of behavioural reactions:

1) Baby Boomers grew up poor post war. Frugal accumulation of wealth. Vote for policies that increase their wealth at the expense of future generations. The start of a transition from Collectivism to Individualism.

2) Gen X/Y. A bit of a nothing generation. Pick up the batton on accumulating wealth and screwing over future generations.

3) Millenials. The slave generation. Many will never own a home, never be able to afford children, never be able to retire. Back to pre WW2 conditions with hatred and calls for Socialism.

4) The disaffected eventually reaches a critical mass. War eventually happens. Post WW2 there were many people dead, everyone poor, lots of orphans, lots of sick and injured. Towns put their resources together to look after each other as best they can. A rapid transition from Individualism to Collectivism.

The cycle generally repeats every four generations.


Millennials are Gen Y, I’m not sure why this is commonly mistaken. After millennials is Zoomers/Gen Z


It gets mistaken because it makes more sense for those born in the new millennium.


With 50m people, there won’t be much left for future generation Australians to fight for.

3rd world are too busy trying to feed their kids to revolt.

I don’t think for a second Australians are purposely voting for this, they just don’t know any better, because elites have gotten into every crevice of society to scam a dumb electorate.

Last edited 3 years ago by Totes

Globalist philosophy that has conquered the West cannot tolerate the existence of competing ideologies of philosophies. Essentially the competitive exclusion principle, also referred to as Gause’s law, guarantees that the West will come into conflict with China.

As with nature when two or more species inhabit the same environmental niche, using and competing for the same resources, then one of them will be driven to extinction. It is the same for societies and cultures.

In many ways WW2 was a war by Globalist bankers against sovereign ethnic nations and their ability to use their own society and economy to project their own social values forward into the future. If you examine the West today their societies have been corrupted, much like a Field Ant nest is gradually taken over by the Wood Ants. When the Field Ant elites are replaced, all the resources of the Field Ant nest are then used to help the Wood Ants take over and replace it, using the Field Ant’s own resources to destroy themselves.

Govt lead social policies that are innately hostile to our existing societies ability to use our own resources to project our own social and cultural values forward into the future, such as Multiculturalism and the pursuit of replacement levels of immigration from cultures and population groups entirely alien, if not hostile, to our own suggest that this is the reality of the West.

While notionally these policies are promoted as ‘good’ in order to create a sense of ‘global brotherhood’ and shared sense of purpose, and supposedly dissolving individual nations ‘artificial’ identities into a plural cultural democracy, the reality however is that it will instead result in an atomised global population, with no sense of a united identity sufficiently capable of resisting top down rule. If you have ever wondered what one of the purposes of identity politics is, it that by creating a myraid and multitude of identities for people to adopt, it helps prevent enough social cohesion to ever form to oppose the rule by elites.

One of the biggest advantages of monotheism was the ability of a society to create a society with shared common values and identity, that is better placed to solve the economic problem i.e. ‘what needs and wants need to be satisfied and in what order, using the limited resources we have available. This provided monothistic religious societies a unique advantage over multi-deity societies, and is why imho, they came to dominate and conquer these other multi-deity religions and societies.

In a way what Multiculturalism in a secular society is, is a reverse back to pre-monothism religion days. Such societies as a whole will be severely weakened, while the only groups that will actually flourish in such a society will be individual religious groups, some of which are obviously already far better experienced and equipped with the established cultural values to deal with such a future.

Ironically, the biggest losers under Multiculturalism, in the long term, are those pushing for it most heartily ie our secular society – they will be out breed, out politiced and compete with better resourced religious groups.

Essentially there are only 3 ‘population groups’ remaining on earth that pose any possible threat to Globalists Bankers and their desire to homogenize the Earth’s culture. Africa poses not threat, nor does South America – Africa is a perennial basket case while South America is already very diverse and consequently already extremely stratified. Likewise India and rest of that band of the subcontinent is already in the preferred discombobulated state – India is among the most multicultural society in the world already, so it already represents the ideal Globalist society.

That basically leaves Europeans, Anglo-Saxon nations, and East Asia and of course Globalist bankers.

The Wood Ant queen has already largely conquered the Anglo-Saxon nations, of the UK, US, Aust, Canada, and NZ. The adoption of MultiCult, the replacement levels of immigration and the fact that demographics is destiny almost make this a fait accompli. Having conquered the major cities in the US, the new focus on migration is rural and bringing ‘diversity’ to the countryside. If this should occur, then there is no chance those nations will never maintain a similar demographic profile as they have now in the future. Cities are population sinks and eternally renewed from the countryside, and if a culture or society loses control of the countryside it is game over – permanently.

Western Europe has suffered much the same fate as the Anglo-Saxon nations (more evidence the Globalist bankers won the war) and the wound of MultiCult is well on the way to ensure victory there too. Merkle’s 1 million Syrian migrants is arguably the worst decision ever made in terms of negative impact on European women’s freedom, safety and well being – ironic that was a decision MADE by a woman. This isn’t just me thinking this, a leading feminist  Ayaan Hirsi Ali stated it.

That just leaves Eastern Europe, Hungry, Poland, and of course Russia. These nations are all much more aware of the implications of mass migration and the existential threats it poses, having a long history of being at the leading edge of mass invasions into Europe from Asia and the middle east in the past.

Russia has long been a big thorn in the side of Globalist bankers. The Rus, being white Russians from the North of Russia, have a long history of kicking out invaders. They broke up the Khazar empire, an early proto-type of a multicultural empire, and although initially conquered by the Bolshiviks in 1917, Russia slipped through the bankers hands after coming down on the wrong side of the new world order following WW2. With misrule, demographics and emigration of ‘oppressed’ population groups the local Rus eventually regained control, although over a much diminished society and culture.

However, outside of Russia and Easter Europe, the only remaining nations on earth that remain capable of using their own society and economies to project their own culture and philosophies forward into the future, in conflict with the globalist bankers, are East Asian, namely Japan, Korea and of course China.

While Japan and Korea have been under intense pressure to adopt MultiCult and massively increase immigration levels, they so far have been fairly recalcitrant. Given enough time and the demographic terminator meme that central banking results in, it is possible that they will eventually concede, but in terms of world importance they are unlikely to be able to challenge the existing hegemon.

That just leaves China. IMHO China realises what is taking place, their actions to transform the cultures of Uyghur China and Tibet show that they both understand this reality and are actively seeking to bring it into being. They supposedly want to project Chinese influence into space, and it has even been suggested that COVID was experimentation on viruses that can actively target certain population groups, in order to create ‘living space’ for Chinese people to move into… sound familiar?

So in my opinion and applying the forbidden lens, I believe that conflict with China is now inevitable. The question then arises who will initiate it?

Personally with the election of Biden I think the chances have now significantly escalated the possibility of conflict with China. The core elements of Trumpism, was American nationalism. It was an inward looking Jacksonian America centric view of the world. Trump committed the unpardonable sin of focusing of existing Americans and resisting the transformation, however slight, of America ‘becoming’ the new MultiCult client banker state (in truth I think they, like the rest of the Anglo nations are too far gone).

After looking at the Anchorage ‘trade’ discussions between China and the US, it was apparent that the US was completely caught off guard by Chinese recalcitrance to US lecturing and posturing.

IMHO the neo-elites in the US are filled with hubris. Having dispatched Trump they view themselves as the new undisputed rightful global rulers. They see themselves as both morally superior with their global ideals, and that their success is an inevitable part of their manifest destiny to rule the world. The believe the will bring global peace and a new world order by dissolving ‘artificial’ notions of separate social and cultural identity, and achieve the goal of universal brotherhood. The only real threat to the realisation of this goal remains China. The white negros of Russia have been conquered once before, the West and most of Europe are in the process of ‘becoming’, Japan and Korea are too far along the demographic decline to pose any real threat, only China remains, yet the demographic sword hangs above its head too.

As is the way with the Banking cult, their claims to righteousness demands that history doesn’t see them as the initiators of any conflict – this will be to guarantee their that they can be seen to be on the side of justice. My guess is that they will subtly encourage the Chinese to become embolden enough to attack and seize Taiwan at some point in the near future, before the demographic window closes on China’s ability to resist the global hegemon. If China falls for their trap, like Germany fell for the trap of reacting to the outrages and atrocities being committed in Poland, then they will force China’s hand through sanctions and embargos. Just as the US forced Japan’s hand at the start of the Pacific war in WW2 by blockading Japan’s fuel supplies, I imagine something similar will occur if China eventually seizes Taiwan.

If this occurs, then well, I think it is all over for mankind. A genocidal banking cult filled with hubris at seeing complete global domination within its grasp, is likely to severely underestimate the reaction of the Chinese and their determination and resoluteness to see distinct 4,000 year old Imperial Chinese Sino values perpetuated into the future, and will instead be prepared to burn the earth to the ground, rather than see should an alien philosophy and culture subjugate it.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

You liked it so much you posted it twice?

Thucydides Trap the most common terminology for what you describe. i.e. existing dominant power will not let a rising power become the dominant one.

I keep hearing about Taiwan being the trigger point for WW3 mainly due to their importance in global semiconductors production vs China buffer state. I have doubts it will be the case. Some of those Nordic countries are on the rise in semiconductor production. I would also expect US Govt to classify companies like Intel as a national security asset and help them advance.

If the semiconductor production sorts itself out then Taiwan purely becomes of military logistic value as a China buffer state. Much like USA didn’t let Russia install missiles in Cuba, China isn’t going to let USA install missiles in Taiwan. That seems like a very clear boundary that cannot be crossed. It is also unnecessary considering that USA already has military bases in nearby South Korea, Japan, and Philippines.

The fourth turning is alluding to a different catalyst for war and not necessarily a global war. There is increased concentration of wealth, and technology has also concentrated the means of production. It is untenable.

Last edited 3 years ago by Freddy

Ugh – I don’t know what happened there with the duplicate thing. Double ugh on looking back on the bloated rant, it was sort of stream of consciousness. Your comment on the forth turning and the rest of the WW3 links together with, some MB articles and other stuff I’d been reading from a pre-WW2 US Marxist, sort of crystallised a few ideas out of what was running around in my head.

Basically that was a long way of saying I’ve changed my mind and now agree with DLS that I think the US will remain tough with China, and indeed I think relations will only get much worse and that war is probably inevitable.

To your point re Taiwan, as I’ve said before IMHO the biggest threat Taiwan poses to China isn’t its military, nor is it its semi-conductor business sufficient strategic cause for it to invade.

The biggest threat to China that Taiwan poses is the same as the biggest threat HK posed – it offered an alternative Sino cultural option. In the time under British rule, HK Chinese developed quite a distinct set of cultural values and some embryonic Democratic tendencies. This is the same threat Taiwan poses to China.

Taiwan was never a threat to China as a Military dictatorship, a Chinese emigre would find Taiwan just as unappealing as the ‘communist’ dictatorship. In fact you’d barely be able to tell them apart. That is the real threat that Taiwan poses, a liberal democratic system that China knows if it accepts, then it risks its ideals spreading, which if it gained a foothold and spread throughout China, then it will just become another culturally colonised client state.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Thanks for this. I have started attending a Catholic church, for although it is somewhat multi cult, i think it has enough history plus a significant institutional architecture, that it could potentially be a nation within a nation. It was also held the line on what it thinks is important. No abortion, contraception, ivf, homo, etc. The ezfka is not something you can be loyal to or expect loyalty ftom. I am looking for alternatives.


“I have started attending a Catholic church, for although it is somewhat multi cult”

Yeah – to a certain extent I’d agree with you there. But more in respect of what they preach. Most of the city masses I attend are very multi-ethnic, but honestly I don’t have a problem with this. Those attending are doing their best to assimilate and integrate into the predominant cultural values in Australia and that is what I think is most important and all I ask in regards to our own immigration policies.

I would agree that the Church is far too tolerant of other Cultures operating within our society, it is a particular issue I have with Jesuit priests that lead the ceremonies at the church that I mainly attend (they are far too socialist for my liking). It didn’t always use to be that way, but the Vatican II coup which coincided with the radical re-writing of immigration laws in the West back in the mid 60s is probably to blame.

Friedrich Nietzche saw Christianity, and the Catholic church in particular, with its preaching of tolerance and focus on the hereafter as being something of a slave religion, and I would be inclined to agree with him in some respects. I went along to a couple other denominations to check them out, but found them all to be either too woke, even more so than the Catholic church, or too evangelical and obsessed with the hereafter as opposed to the present.

The main reason I go is to take my daughter along to ensure she has some moral scaffolding to build her own values around. It isn’t necessary for everyone, but I think religion has been around for long enough that it fills a hole in many people and gives either purpose or helps them deal with the knowledge of their own mortality, as in regards to subjects I’ve discussed before in regards to neuroticism.

It is also, imho, a shield against toxic and invading meme’s from other cultures – ridiculous notions about gender being a spectrum for instance. It provides a counterpoint to the unceasing propaganda by the mainstream media, which is where the church of the MultiCult secularists get their values from – the Gospel of SBS, the Church of the ABC, the fire and brimestone lectures of CNN. This is were most societal values are now taught, and who are the high priests in those churchs? The institutes and think tanks of wealthy businessmen and Govt agencies that fund them.

The MSM is also the source of the merciless, unforgiving hatred that lies at the core of most progressives, who see injustice everywhere and want to punish everyone without mercy in order to make the world better according to their own warped views. This is an example of the sort of secular society we are headed towards which is based around the old Testament’s views of an eye for an eye, than anything found in the new Testament.

For a long while I thought I could do just as good a job from a secular point of view, but then I came to the realisation that the whole idea of secular values was a nonsense, as within a society they were all essentially handed down from the predominant religion anyway. It was much easier to simply purchase a value set ready built off the shelf by attending church.

“i think it has enough history plus a significant institutional architecture, that it could potentially be a nation within a nation.”

Sadly that is the destination for MultiCult, and another reason why I think it is important that people align themselves and their family with a religion, even if they aren’t particularly religious. EZFKA is going to be an economic zone filled with secular individuals with no sense of collective identity. Politically and economically those who will be most able to succeed will be those who with similar values who will band together and collectively push for their needs and wants to be satisfied by the state, or where they’re not, be able to call upon their own community to provide the services that our secular society use to provide, but no longer do so.

Again, the irony is that those people in the future who will be the worst off, are atomised secular members of society who today are some of the biggest proponents of MultiCult and mass migration.


Racist ranting posts. It’s confirmed, you are EZKFA gunnamatta.

I’m trying to read other people’s posts and you’re filling up the screen with your hate. It’s boring




And there it is, inane name calling. Superior intellect at work.


What is the point of arguing with your feelings? I would rather just cut to the chase – you know, the bit where I dance around, throw big words at you and make you look like the dumb, gullible chump you are.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie



Remember last week when you got so triggered you wanted me banned lol. But then TPTB here voted you down.

Who’s the chump? Get wrecked ya muppet


“Remember last week when you got so triggered you wanted me banned lol.”

Yawn – do you think I give a fuck? Honestly, why not? It is not like you are actually participating in the EZFKA dialectic. You don’t add anything to the conversation, you are abusive to me and to others. You basically spend most of the time spamming the comment section with your feelings, as though you were a 15 year old girl with PMT – which I suppose is a common characteristic of MRBW.

But while it would have been an easy win, for a variety of reasons others thought differently. While some agreed with me others believed it was a matter of principal and free speech, and others again simply enjoyed having you around simply for the opportunity of seeing me skewer you – I can’t remember which of those two groups were the larger.


Keep pumping yourself up Stewie, anything that makes you feel better. Your life is obviously worse than I thought and you really need this. Glad I can be of assistance you sad sad cunt.

Last edited 3 years ago by Coming2

Whatever dued – just ignore my posts. But you don’t do you? You read every single fucking one of them!! ROFLMGDAO. Ya weak cunt I’m in your mind! You even recycle my insults!! “Smooth brain”, I don’t know how many times I saw you use it on MB after I dropped it on you. lololol

Anyhow, in accordance with being the bigger man, I’ll make this my last post on this particular thread in reply to you. Go ahead and enjoy the rest of good Friday, I’ve got to do some more chores before friends and family come over.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Find a single post where I used smoothbrain on anyone but you. Ironic usage. Fuck you’re dumb


Cracking post. Worthy of an article in its own right.


Lol what a shit group to be a part of.




What? The ezfka or the catholic church or any church or this discussion?

Last edited 3 years ago by robert2013

A group that opposes “…abortion, contraception, ivf, homo, etc”, that’s some dumb shit.


The outcomes may not be to your liking, but they are the logical consequences of the underlying philosophical and theological positions. I don’t see anyone else going to the trouble of working out what their first principals are and then figuring out how they should live in accordance with them quite as rigourously as the catholics. However, it’s quite legit to point out that they don’t seem to manage living with the principals very well given all the pedos and other examples of corruption. You might therefore conclude that because the principals can’t be followed that they aren’t good principals…but that’s an argument for another day and would require more detailed statistics than I have. I think the fact that the principals have been stuck to the whole time is a sign of underlying strength compare to say the Church of England, or society at large. But I get ahead of myself: you didn’t make an argument at all, so you’re probably not really interested. Why do either of us bother?


“I know atheists who are converting / have converted simply because they see spiritual disorder around them & want to provide a more stable & time -tested existential & moral framework for their children”

Other people are starting to wake up to the problem.


Chinese Astroturfer

Great post. One of your best.


I haven’t plucked up the courage to read the whole thing yet. Shades of Gunnamatta and all… 🥺


Gunna made some good points, but he was a little Leo Tolstoyian at times – might be his Russian roots. I have no excuse other than Friday afternoon beers and a little too much time on my hands.

A fly in your ointment

LOL he’s only rooting “a Russian”, no other “roots” unless it is rooting in-laws.
I’d be excited to point to me the good points Gunna Ritualised Forms made. Pleonasm galore. Most of 1000 word essays could be told inf just a few sentences.But the point is to spend 5000 words for the day.

Some posts just need tobe long if a point needs a bit of explanation to make a proper context. It is audoencedependent. Saying one same thing to kids and to aduslts cannot be doen using same number of words

Last edited 3 years ago by A fly in your ointment

Maybe I underestimated the level of hubris that defines the US’s neo-elites?



Great post!

I was thinking yesterday, that if we are to believe history and run with the theory that ‘nationalism = bad, because > WW1 and WW2’, then perhaps multiculturalism which is being impressed onto every western country is just another natural progression of that?

If we look at the global order post WW2, much of it has really been focused on ensuring there are frameworks formed by the victorious western countries (and their billionaire financiers) to minimise the possibility of further hostilities and act as a circuit breaker and tribunal of sorts i.e. the UN and all of their sub organisations. This is because we don’t want the control and power of the existing western global billionaires challenged, right?

Or, put differently, that culturally disparate countries that may be opposed to each other have a method to reconcile whatever key differences come to mind instead of dragging regions or indeed the world into another costly, profit taxing and control minimising war – be it cold, economic or hot war.

So, taking it a step further, given that western countries are essentially the leaders of the ‘free’ world and therefore currently wield the most power, it makes sense to further muzzle whatever remaining nationalistic tendencies of the homogenous populations not already ‘on board’ with this new world order.

The easiest way to do this by existing evidence is simply to covertly introduce as many people from as many different cultures into the host population, thereby deploying a divide and conquer approach to any remaining nationalistic tendencies in the host population and convincing the incumbents that people different to them in any and every way, perhaps aren’t so bad. Remember, diversity is ALWAYS a ‘good’ thing, as we are told.

This would therefore mean that the odds of future conflict as initiated by these western countries will be, hopefully, substantially reduced due to a fractured, woke apologist culture created that would be so aghast any future conflict even remotely considered by their government. What this all doesn’t consider however, is an existing great power such as, yes, China making the first move.

Of course all of the above ignores the pure economic reasons for mass migration from the 3rd world, which MB has covered in depth on about x50 blog posts.


Last edited 3 years ago by The90kwbeast

It is important to realise that for a large percentage of Jewish people, there is no actual distinction between Nazi and ‘White People’ or Christians. Where as Christianity teachs “love thy enemy” the Torah is very specific in call for the Jewish people to exterminate their enemies – who they refer to as the ‘Amalek’. To this day there are some Rabbis still preach that Europeans, especially Germans, are essentially the ‘Amalek’ and it is the role of Jews to wipe out and erase the memory of.

They see Nazism as a philosophy that once emerged from our civilization and thus has the potential to emerge again. Thus it matters not that the West effectively liberated them from the German deportation camps, we are of the same ‘race’ as the Germans and thus are just as collectively guilty as they are. The spread of “Holocaust” indoctrination museums to every Western nation serves the purpose of instilling that guilt into everyone from a very early age – remember the West is a Guilt based society, as opposed to a shame based culture. Those who rule over us know and understand its power.

If you really want some conspiracy theory stuff, consider that the purpose of the two world wars might have been to specifically cull out and eliminate from the gene pool those male patriarchal traits that were most likely to rush to the defense of our societies people and culture. While I frankly don’t hold to that theory, certainly the outcome did result in the elimination of several generations of strong, virile and patriotic young men.

But yeah, I would most definitely agree that beyond the economic pump priming that mass migration achieves, a significant motivator for those at the top is to ensure that no Western nation ever again has a sufficient level of homogeneity in culture and values, to resist the top down implementation the Globohomo Corprotocracy, and the debt based financial slavery that it seeks to achieve.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie
A fly in your ointment

West is a Guilt based society

Not at all since the renesaince and Vatican’s discovery that *most* sins can be redeemed with cash and those that cannot be redeemed with cash can be redeemed with “a lot of cash”.
This defines Western European culture.

…But I agree with the rest.

Last edited 3 years ago by A fly in your ointment

But if it weren’t for a guilt based culture how would have they been able to sell those penny indulgences to the gullible masses in order to confess those sins that the congregation would otherwise have kept to themselves?

“Shame cultures and Guilt cultures both teach people how they ought to behave, but they have very different approaches to wrongdoing. In shame cultures what matters is what other people think of you: the embarrassment, the ignominy, the loss of face. Whereas in guilt cultures it’s what the inner voice of conscience tells you. In shame cultures we’re actors playing our part on the public stage. In guilt cultures we’re engaged in inner conversation with the better angels of our nature.


A fly in your ointment

on a second thought you/re right.
If there wasno guilt there would be no quantitave easing of the sins…they’d just keep the money

Last edited 3 years ago by DictatorDavid

Really, is this what you find interesting and worth contemplating?

Post some links?

Picked a few from M. K. Bhadrakumar for you for this weekend:https://www.indianpunchline.com/a-sino-russian-firewall-against-us-interference/


Jake Tran of the first link you posted is funny in his blatant disregard for anything outside the chosen narrative, particularly disregard of facts.I would not listen to a person who’s acumen is “Former CIA” – there is nothing that can be learned from him that was not already on Jesse Ventura show (or was it Ace Ventura?).


“If China could globalise avidly and yet keep its economy closed, it was because it had Hong Kong, which was completely open and provided the third-largest financial market in the world. If large-scale capital flight ensues in Hong Kong, China will have to work its future financial arrangements through countries over which it it doesn’t have political control.”

China being frozen out of the existing global financial order and threatening to create its own system sounds very much like another country’s experience 90 years ago. Good links BTW.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie
A fly in your ointment

My view is that China is not interested in revolution but it is rather assuming the best spot to become the incumbent financial supreme. This means their strategy is slow fatiguing of the decaying king.
China also have problems from their growth being based on somewhat commanded economy – requiring to be liberalised if they are to become the next reserve currency kings (or rather queers).
Whatever US does with weaponising the finance is actually having 2x more negative effects and non US-allies are drifting further away from the King dollar. It is a catch 22 for US. US has little power of persuasion left in its “morality” bag and has only few arm twisting options left. China just have to be patient and wait for US to white ant its power. All other choices are either too soon or too risky. Asians know patience the best.
They will dodge the financial hurdles in any way other than confrontation at this stage.

Last edited 3 years ago by A fly in your ointment

“Asians know patience the best.”

But they also have plenty of experience with paper based currency systems too (having invented the first paper currency). But you are correct, I think China is playing the long game and patiently accumulating the next currency to be used as the next currency system when the neo-elites in the US have finished destroying the current one.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

wtf, why would this not pass the spam fiter???


But honestly – would China’s 2049 be a bad thing? Would they promote MultiCult on us? Would they deny that there are population group differences and gaslight us into thinking our society was inherently racist and wrong, and that all injustice was a result of our moral failings? Would they seek to make our societies more inefficient, by seeking to promote individuals not the basis of merit, but on the basis of diversity? Would they tear down our statues and erase our history? Would they debauch our culture by promoting pornography and hook up culture, that work against human nature in regards to forming enduring bonds of partnership that are needed for raising subsequent generations? Frankly I’d prefer to be a second class citizen than an undisputed and universally hated slave destine to be gradually castrated and then replaced.

Edit: This actually reminds me of a Sci-Fi series I read when I was a kid “The Amtrak Wars”.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

I’ll try answering a couple of your questions:

  • Yes
  • No, but if you’re not han Chinese you’re not human
  • Yes, they would gaslight us into thinking our society is wrong because its not guided by the CCP.
  • Same but different. Individuals would get promoted through deference to elders and the CCP.
  • Eventually. It would take some time.
  • Instead get cultured guided by the CCP; anything that is published needs to go through the cadre.

You’d be a fourth class slave. It’s be more explicit though.


You might like to take a look at how the Malays and the Indonesians see the Chinese and the history behind that.


my porshe just got impounded


It’s amazing that this guy is public enemy number 1 just for taking a video

while the Indian ice addict that mowed down all the cops no one could identify or name


yeah i got into a tonne of trouble on fb for saying that i don’t think he should have been charged for anything besides his speeding offenses. the fact that they had to fish up some ancient medieval charge just to book him shows how bogus all of this really is; since when is being a piece of shit a criminal offense?

60% of the population would be in jail right now if the charge of “outraging public decency” was applied non-selectively

the focus on him is because 1) it deters people from thinking about the migration program and the fact that immigrants are now doing jobs they’re not qualified for and this has big consequences 2) he insulted cops, and the vindictive / corrupt VicPol can’t let him get away with that

Last edited 3 years ago by stagmal

All laws are applied selectively though, that’s how you run an agenda while keeping the populace docile…
Skilled immigrants, FIRB, Building regulations and on and on.


who is it?







I’m surprised you didn’t recognise him given how much media coverage he has received


No…missed it. I don’t consume MSM, and when I do I ignore crime, gossip and sport. Horrible story.


 very cool video (below) + thinking through the asymmetrical nature of fighting drones.

Fighting drones really isn’t asymmetrical.
A Jet fighter is highly effective if somewhat overkill. Any air defence weapon from WW2 onwards would take a drone down easily, and an RF and GPS jammer will make them unusable in any area you have reasonable control over.

The reality is drones are really only a threat to people with very limited tech and weaponry, and therefore ability to bring them down. People with defences capable of bringing down supersonic aircraft and missiles really don’t have a problem against drones.

Last edited 3 years ago by bjw678

They only used a 500k missile because boys like playing with toys. A guy with a machine gun could take it down for a handful of $ not 500k.
Hell, the pilot could have shot the thing with the onboard cannon for a few thousand, or try the old tip it over with your wingtip ala spitfires in WW2 against german cruise missiles.


The tech is coming along, it is less the remote controlled drone than the autonomous drone that will pose the biggest threat on the battle field in the future.




An anonymous article calling on the University of Melbourne to stop accepting Chinese students due to the Chinese government’s alleged atrocities against Uyghur Muslims has sparked outrage in the international student body.




test response


MB’s spambot got me for including “ezfka” in my post. I wasn’t referring to this site but the concept. Honest!


Yeah I was posting ezfka both direct and indirect to try and drive some traffic over here. Looks like they cottoned on and didn’t want MB fundies realising they aren’t doing too well!


I was wondering how long it would take.


Inversion by the mainstream media.


Quiet you! Da new nasties are coming to take over our towns 😢



A good thing this identity politics being pushed on the West, condemning white people as evil, broken, and unentitled to anything their society has generated or achieved, is unlikely to create a sense of aggrievement or injustice in young white men such that they are likely to see the appeal or sense in joining such movements.

Telling young white men they are scum is the best defense against such hateful organisations.

In a way this is a typical story by ABC or SBS, and certainly by ‘independent reporter’ Alex Mann. Basically it is a huge non-story about how far right groups in Australia were completely unsuccessful in recruiting anyone to join their group, apart from a couple nerds and social outcasts.

This feeds into the media’s obsession with unearthing any community values that may be resistant to our Corporatocracies MultiCult mass migration agenda.

How about a bigger story – like our jails and prisons being taken over by Muslim gangs. Those Anglo brothers that Police shot in Victoria a while back? Career criminals and Muslim converts from prison…. why doesn’t Alex Mann write some stories on the threat that they pose to our society – I suspect the answer is found in the way he spells his surname.

If you are old enough you might remember a BBC show called “Porridge” which featured one of the two Ronnies as a lifetime jail bird. It gave a bit of an insight into how British prisons use to operate and the hierarchies found within them.

But thanks to mass Muslim migration that has completely changed – there are no hierarchies in UK prisons any more, they are run by Muslims, were even the whitest geezer boy from London’s east end tend to emerge as radicalized carpet kissers.

Same process is occurring in Australia, but the likes of Alex Mann and his ‘sponsors’ would have us instead focus on an entirely different non-threat…. well at least non-threat to OUR society, maybe a threat to his vision of what our society should be.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Domain did a similar article recently, must be an agenda being pushed or something? I find it frustrating these young men, turn to dress up and international influences as a means of expressing identity.

I mean, Nasty salutes in the Grampians? How’s that even remotely applicable to an Australian context? That’s never going to appeal beyond that micro-audience. While I get it’s a reaction to myriad changes occurring, it only hinders the interests of younger heritage Australians like myself who will be tarred with the same brush, despite having no interest in the goose stepping/storm trooper crap, for showing an interest in preserving Australian history/generating a positive identity for their group going into the future.

Last edited 3 years ago by Eureka

“I mean, Nasty salutes in the Grampians? How’s that even remotely applicable to an Australian context? That’s never going to appeal beyond that micro-audience.”

Absolutely, that is a complete dead end from an activist point of view, but then as you noted that is the whole purpose of making such a big thing of it in the media, it is to tar anyone who expresses the slightest nationalist sympathies with the same brush in order to silence or ostracise them.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

It’s not an original thought but I guess they are allured by the narrative in a world where the mainstream narrative is highly undesirable. I’d be surprised if any of them believed they are on the path to world domination, despite the media propaganda implying it’s coming to your neighbourhood. In fact they are likely the opposite, the mainstream world is closing in on them, consume our globalist culture or go to hell! Anticipating this, they just want to be left the hell alone to exist among themselves. I can’t blame them for that, but some of their behaviour is so ridiculous it suggests they are the latest batch of useful idiots.


Australia to introduce authoritarianism measures for social media that will make the CCP look like a democracy.



i deleted my real fb/ig accounts a ong time ago, i have one dummy account i still use but i wont miss it if i get locked out of it. i support any policy that will reduce the popularity of social media platforms, i hope this causes a mass death of fb/ig etc here.

that being said they will never go through with this.


I look forward to the day people wise up and something like Parler finds a space on the dark web using Tor. Governments can try but where there’s a will there’s a way to get around this stuff. At least for now…


all of it is gay honestly, twitter/fb/instagram etc, its not even the political aspet of the companies, social media is just a shitty concept. it ruined the internet along with smartphones and deleteriously impacts social relationships.


I agree wholeheartedly and personally hate social media with a passion. It’s shit in general and seems to be like crack for many people. My primary concern is the more that it’s allowed to soak into our lives and we are more dependant on it, i.e. need social media to use other services or stay in contact with family/friends, the easier it will be for authoritarianism and the likes of social credit scores etc


yeah its at the point where you cant have a normal social life without an fb account. its almost impossible, no one in my generation picks up the phone anymore, they only text thru fb messenger


I can’t believe how lazy people have become because of messenger, if you aren’t on the group chat apparently it’s too difficult to send a txt or email even though everyone is on a smartphone and it’s super easy lol


How old are you? My sister is 43 and my cousin is 50. Neither pick up the phone. I refuse to send more than a few sentences by text so I gave up on them. We talk in person a couple of times a year.


Yeah – I’ve removed all social media from my personal devices. Only one I kept was messenger for sport reasons. I’m notorious in my family for being hard to contact, mainly because since my phone isn’t always in my hand I don’t read text messages all the time.


late 20s

i didnt know this was an issue for older ppl too, but phone calls are basically dead. i do not call anyone bc they never ever answer, my generation and younger is so unbelievably neurotic its gotten to the point where they dont even answer texts. the internet and social media has completely destroyed ppls social skills.


There are people who phone. I am one of them. I don’t regard people who avoid phone calls as my friends. Friendly acquaintanceship is the limit of those relationships. I avoid making them promises and don’t expect promises they make me to be kept.


All part of the plan. I can’t believe people willfully go along with so much of this


Lol – just watched that Mongolian Death Metal Band video, they ROCK!!!! I was aware of that subculture out there, but that was the first time I’d seen a clip like that. All that traditional Mongolian throat singing would naturally make Mongolia the perfect place to incubate some awesome Death metal singers…. interesting dancing too.

Being a bit of a skater and always interested in urban terrains to visit, I’d seen that Ordos film before. Lots empty spaces with pesky annoying pedestrians few and far between.

My favorite Asian shows and movies at the moment are “Kingdom” on Netflix about medieval Korean battling a Zombie plague – more interesting than the Zombies was the insights into Korean culture, as told by Koreans. Samurai again on Netflix, on the Daimyo Wars that brought 150 years of Japanese civil war to an end. ‘Last train to Busan’ again another zombie film (I’m sensing a pattern here) and ‘Parasite’ again for the insights into Korea, but in a more contemporary sense.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie
Agent 47

Juice Media are cringe and gay.

Based in Collingwood, super left wing, same formula of snarky bullshit and sarcasm. They avoid certain issues like the plague (ie immigration)

Even unfunnier than Betoota.


Yup – falsely identifying corruption as Australian values, as though corruption is unique to Australia. But actually claim any positive values as being Australian, then you’d be shouted down by these same women as racist or bigoted for claiming universal values for our own. Only ever the negative.

Like how the media portray the Teena McQueen comments as though she’d enjoy being actually sexually harrassed, instead of receiving some mild, attention and interest as a woman and sexual being, instead of an undesired, menopausal woman. The way the media carried on was wholly reminiscent of the Trump and bleach comments.


With regards to the Bank funding link:


Nah, they’re not in trouble. Remember we live in EZFKA – if the Term Funding markets haven’t reopened, or if they are still too expensive or in anyway threaten Aust Bank profitability the Term Funding Facility will be extended under some pretext or another.

The first rule of EXFKA is nothing is allowed to fail – especially the banks!

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

nah way better than betoota, thats low, betoota is absolute dog shit, lowest grade of satire ive ever seen

homeless man’s onion 20 years late to the game, absolutely shocking

Agent 47

They’re both left wing activism disguised as poor satire. Much of a muchness.


T – that conspiracy theory scene from “My Dinner with Andre” really spoke to me!


Yeah – I like your emerging structure and themes, not to mention your eclectic selections.



Why do people do this to themselves? It’s only 2 extra days off and they’ll spend most of that in traffic.


idfk, holiday homes and caravans and all that shit seemed like a waste of time and money to me. wow now i can sit in another house watching tv in another town, incredible


There are quite a lot of people who actually DO things when they travel…fishing, hiking, mountain biking, skiing…things you can’t do at home in the city.


need a 2nd home like a hole in the head..bastard things.

Small off road van for bush bashing is the go


School holidays


And… why participate? Why take annual leave and flee your home at the same time as everyone just because kids aren’t at school

Because otherwise you can’t take kids along.
A catch 33.

Highway to Katoomba is longest parking I’ve seen. Packed from Nepean River and past Katoomba.
Lucky Mr, I went fir a drive at 8 and yet was some mild traffic


Agreed. Complete waste of time most long weekends actually trying to go anywhere or do anything in Sydney, because about 1m other people have the same idea, so the roads all get jammed.

I always look forward to a long weekend of chilling at home or in my suburb, and only travel for a weekend away with a day of annual leave or two tacked on either end of the weekend.

I lived in Brisbane too, Bruce highway was always horrific also on the last day of a long weekend.

Last edited 3 years ago by The90kwbeast

private automobile ownership was a mistake

A fly in your ointment

jut one more in a series of mistakes that were made since the dawn of the men


That’s a long bow to draw


Is anyone going to post some economics stuff? What about crypto? We’re not even arguing about AusPol, it doesn’t feel right….


Time to sell


She has tons of money and probably gets decent financial advice since she’d managed to keep it a fair bit for so long. Look for a more contrarian indicator… like macrobusiness perhaps!


somebody invite her to ezfka


Maybe she can strut around holding up the numbers between the rounds of the Mig/Dic boxing match?


that’s hot 😉

Last edited 3 years ago by stagmal

they liked him in the first place?

there’s the kinds of normies who would be associated with whatever the fuck ‘gogglebox’ is and then there’s the suburban square normies who voted for him


Couldn’t work out the appeal of watching other people react to TV, but it’s apparently one of 10s highest ranking TV shows. Probably have to accept that as forum commentators we’re the outliers.


i dont know anyone who watches tv anymore


Economics forums aren’t exactly mainstream.
Kochy is as economics related as the sheeple get.


Have said since day dot this thot would do porn and make millions. First day of being 18, how bout dat…?



I think this says a lot about what our culture “values” these days. Some snotty nosed brat goes on tv and talks back, gets famous and then paedo betas sit on the sidelines until she hits 18 before giving her millions. Belle delphine is the same story.

Western civilization is in decline IMO, could write a whole nother post on that too…


Yup – gone are the days when boys long to be astronauts and girls the matriarch of a large family, now its having a youtube channel or an only fans list.


Still bemused that people are actually paying for porn. Have no doubt that OnlyFans is upping their ad spend, as every few days there’d be a similar story in News Ltd about some no-name/D-grade celeb supposedly making bank after opening an Only Fans account. Kind of like the stories about young property moguls who retired early, yet just happen to also do Buyers Advocate work…


Gouda, I agree and have never understood it. There’s a whole psychology behind it all. Which I find fascinating, largely because I don’t understand how these guys happily spend all their pay cheques on women they will never touch. Check out this video if you get time, it explains it way better than I ever could https://youtu.be/auG2E53dFas


SimGirlfriend is very real, its what you resort to when youre extremely lonely


Probably a lot safer economically and psychologically for young males these days anyway…

Chinese Astroturfer

We need matihas’s insight into this.


That gota good chuckle from me lol


I always thought the last Jedi sucked because it was a crappiest Star Wars movie in the crappiest Star Wars trilogy, but apparently if you dislike it then you are a racist, alt-right misogynist…. maybe the author of this article was onto something…. or maybe the movie was just garbarge, with the biggest Mary-Sue since Captain Kirk beamed down with Lt. Mary Sue to Rigel 37, and casting decisions based solely around hitting enough diversity points to make it to Woke Speed factor 7.


Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie
Agent 47

It sucked arse. I didn’t bother with the other two after the force awakens. Didn’t want to destroy happy childhood memories of the original three movies in the 80s.

Even the early 2000 prequels were great compared to that. I gave Solo a chance but turned it off 30 mins in. Marvel movies are the same.


Wouldn’t consider myself a hardcore Star Wars fan by any stretch. The original trilogy came out before I was born, but I did find them enjoyable. Aside from a few annoying characters and some flawed storylines I didn’t mind the prequel trilogy when it came out. Had enjoyed the Knights of the Old Republic games when younger, and found The Force Awakens and Rogue One to be serviceable entertainment.

The Last Jedi however, was hot garbage. Can be best summarised as having lots of flashy action sequences, but no substance, misplaced comedy events and side stories that were completely unnecessary. I can normally suspend disbelief with sci-fi generally, but with Leia flying through space and somehow surviving it just wasn’t possible to not laugh at the ridiculousness of it all.

The film was universally panned by fans, although critics seemed to sing its praises. For some reason Disney went hard on their long-time fans claiming it was their fault they didn’t like it. But there is no need for racism sexism or any other –ism to be attributed to critics – it is simply a bad film. If I leave out of the cinema feeling that there are half a dozen unexplained plot points or other things that didn’t make any sense – that’s the fault of the film makers, not those in the audience It’s no secret that it did a billion dollars less than TFA. Collectibles, merch and toy sales also down. Where is the twitter analysis on that?


it’s worse than all that… no need to analyze or read into anything…. the new trilogy films were just plain boring


the prequels too. tbh return of the jedi wasnt great either, plot that was a rehash of the first movie. that leaves 2 star wars movies that were actually good.


Yup – at least the 2nd trilogy had an over arching story theme, fall of democracy, etc. The worst thing about it was that it suffered from Lucas’s wooden script writing – apparently Carrie Fisher rewrote a lot of the first 3 episodes because she just said “Nah – this sounds like crap/shit”.

The last trilogy was absolutely awful. The biggest Mary Sue ever, diversity for diversities sake alone, long moralising speeches and lectures, and absolutely no overall story arch. There was no journey that any of the characters went on. Plus they were insufferably boring. They suffered the same fate as all of JJ Abram films – a series of highly choreographed explosions and chase sequences, barely linked together.

I stopped watching half way through the second film and didn’t even bother watching the third. I though Rouge One as actually not too bad, mainly because everyone died at the end, which I thought was pretty cool for a Star Wars Disney movie.


ditto – couldn’t finish the second one as it just did not hold my attention. still never bothered with the third. I heard some ridiculous stories about the emperor making star destroyers out of magic or something. jfc.

I suspect the prequels had an overarching story line only because the end point was known (i.e. the empire taking over, Anakin becoming Vader).

Curious to think what Lucas would have done with a sequel trilogy. It seemed fairly apparent that for the original trilogy he was making the story up as he was going along (of course, there was no consideration of follow-ups when the first film was being made – which made it the best of them all imo).



I keep getting recommendations on YouTube to watch this bloke. I see he’s found his pathway to many YouTube views after going MB style all in on the housing crashnik bear path, as opposed to his ‘young bloke trying to make money’ vids.

Seriously look at his channel history and watch the views climb as soon as he does his first couple housing crash vids (if you go back through his upload history). Goes from 1k views to 5-10k+.

Goes to show a good clickbait bear channel/blog/website just grabs all the attention doesn’t it…


not a particularly impressive view count though, there’s no way he’s making much money from this channel.


Haha that cunt reminds me of Richard Jewel. Thick as a brick and just regurgitating basic shit he’s read on news.com.


who is that canadian weirdo who is obsessed with aus real estate, forgot his name it’s michael something


Mike Martins.


Ouch. But yeah all the vids are sensationalist and I certainly don’t find them balanced at all. Unsure how much he makes off the YouTube vids.


Meh, just calling a spade a spade. If you can be bothered go and watch this video. It really is the epitome of what’s wrong with this country and housing. The crazy thing is that now a short time later he’s doing economic videos and sharing advice on finance and housing!



So the blind leading the blind I see in other words. Good times.


its sad to see a broken man who got shattered doing something as prosaic and basic as.. buying shelter. it’d be like having your life ruined after purchasing milk at coles.

the fact that something as mundane as buying a house is something that is seen as this gigantic, complex and seemingly risky decision in australia today shows just how irreversibly fucked this country has become.

Last edited 3 years ago by stagmal

Despite my earlier comment (lol), I have nothing personal against this bloke. Just annoyed at the system that allows this bullshit to go on and says this is totally ok. He doesn’t have the capacity to know any different of course.

I’ve been hanging around on MB for nearly a decade and back then the market was meant to crash. Now the perfect storm arrives with covid, no immigration and high unemployment. But the fiddling around the edges just gets worse. All the MB bears used to constantly hang shit on Nathan Birch but he’s laughing all the way to the bank while they still live at home with their parents…

imo we’re at a point now where Australia really is too big to fail. The country and the highly leveraged will either be bailed out at any cost or we will make Venezuela look rich…


the average mber aint livin at home with their parents imo, they’re all upper middle class IT guys on good money who are just super penny pinchers who want to scoop up a house or two on the cheap. a lot of them are in a position to buy already but dont bc theyre over cautious tightasses. that’s the main demographic of MB

and yep, its a peachy maxim- the world is big, aus is small, we’re a speck and it only takes a tiny bit of money from somewhere else to prop us up. there’s plenty of investors out there more than happy to baghold aus real estate in perpuity

Last edited 3 years ago by stagmal

Yeah it was more a metaphor than honest evaluation of MB readers.

upper middle class IT guys on good money who are just super penny pinchers who want to scoop up a house or two on the cheap. a lot of them are in a position to buy already but dont bc theyre over cautious tightasses. “

Minus the IT thats me, no wonder I wasted so much time there lol


i was getting bored sometime last year or the year before when i realised how repetitive their articles were becoming

Agent 47

Naomi Wolf is spot on. Probably one of the few authentic leftists left that i have time for. Although she has said stuff i disagreed with in the past and has ironically advocated for some of the authoritarian stuff that were seeing now, in my opini n her and Glenn Greenwald have become more and more based this past few months.



We absolutely are not

Covid, Russiagate, trans movement, BLM/“racism” and lack of any reaction to absurd monetary policy (beyond the idiocy of cryptocurrency) has shown the population is getting more stupid and gullible not less



theres no evidence of some giant ‘backlash’ against the bullshit coming, even trump getting elected eventuated in nothing


Yes I forgot Qanon

the internet age has both accentuated and highlighted the general stupidity of the population


Nonsense is getting called out

What if the lies make sense?

A few years ago I spoke to a professor who was leading a project using AI to identify health-related propaganda. i.e. quoting on test results that were not peer reviewed, which then perpetuated other sites quoting those same test result.

I asked whether it was possible for a vested interest (financial or political) to bribe a group of people into a false peer review? and if that were the case then how could you be sure that anything that is peer reviewed is actually legitimate? I wish I could have recorded the reaction. It was an epiphany from a world leading scientist that EZFKA is real and nothing can be trusted.

Last edited 3 years ago by Freddy

‘based’ is a thing meaning what exactly? At first I thought it was a typo for ‘biased’.


Awake = Woke? Geez, funny how close they both are

Lol so funny to see all you wankers posting 7 yr old chan speak/memes


Do you not have access to google and live under a rock? You didn’t know Pusey (don’t read the news apparently, retarded shit) yet the whole story was in staggies post and you could reverse image search the picture, too difficult apparently.

Now you can’t search something as simple as “based”….

Can’t google, don’t agree with contraception, abortion, IVF or freedom of sexual choice, wtf is wrong with you?


there’s a Johns Hopkins calculator to allow you to estimate your Covid mortality likelihood


I put in 90210 as my zip code because it’s the only one I know plus I’m living in a flashy part of Sydney so I think it’s equivalent

my estimated mortality rate is 1.7 per million (95% CI 1.2 – 2.6)

CDC reports 2509 deaths from 145 million vaccinations

so the vaccine is more than 10x more lethal than catching the virus for me

and no one else seems to be asking questions about this 🤷‍♂️


90210? Zip code? Flashy part of Sydney = Equivalent? Only one you know?

Dumbest thing I’ve read in a while.

Post code. Google. Get fucked. Virus Denier.



Don’t be lazy. Look at the data. Make an argument.


Read that spastics post again and tell me who’s being lazy with the data. FAR OUT


Absolutely zero idea what you are talking about

its sad you dont realise you are dumber than all the people you abuse here

that’s why you’re poor, not EZFKA
in this case, capitalism worked well


You’re equating Sydney with 90210, you’re fuckin delusional

A fly in your ointment

Your body?
Soon the legislation will come with your body actually on long term lease and you would be responsible for lease return costs.


Definitely the vaccine appears to be higher risk than the virus for a younger healthy person like me

I need to get up to mid 50s before the risk equation shifts (assuming I don’t develop comorbidities)

and this comparison of course is predicated on the vaccine being 100% effective at preventing me from catching the virus (which we know it isn’t)

unfortunately there is no granular risk assessment for those who died from the vaccine which clouds the issue a bit , but still

its just staggering that no one is bringing this up or attempting to provide any justification for it

Last edited 3 years ago by Coming

Rhode Island public pension scam



How Troubled Trader Bill Hwang Quietly Amassed $10 Billion (forbes.com)

At age 48, Hwang opened a family office in Manhattan, Archegos Capital Management, with the $500 million

If you were worth $500 million would you lever up 500% into a handful of stocks? worse than that, use the equity in those shares to maintain a 500% leverage?

It confirms my belief that many of the ultra wealthy people in this world actually have no self-esteem. They are like junkies who get off on their net worth, or the sociopathic power that comes with it.

Last edited 3 years ago by Freddy

Making and losing is the life of a trader. Reminiscences of Stock Operator tells a similar story.


they’re also much dumber than you (and they) think.


“Hwang constructed a concentrated portfolio of internet stocks”

The reality is that if you want to outperform the market, this is the only way to do it – concentrated bets. Diversifying is just for beta hugging pussies. As George Soros once said, “If you know you are right, no bet is too big.

Only trouble is, no one is right all the time. So success breeds hubris – the best traders remain humble (and stay away from leverage).

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Agreed – except that over time and over a higher quantity of bets unless you are exemplary, you’ll probably just perform in line with a more diversified portfolio anyway I would think? No evidence and I’m probably conflating passive index investing versus active investing but I feel like the comment holds.


The reality is that if you want to outperform the market, this is the only way to do it

Not the only way. Even a simple short term btfd strategy (stochastic) would outperform the market depending on your tax rate.

But granted the easiest way is to lever up a little and reduce your exposure during crazy periods which is kind of what my published article was alluding to.

Last edited 3 years ago by Freddy


very interesting contrarian deflationist view point

every time I think I understand monetary mechanics someone slaps me back down to square one

imagine getting this for free and MB charging for their childish delusional rants


I have listened to every episode of MacroVoices. Worth your time. I would also recommend The Market Huddle. More of a trader’s slant on macro.


After having watched it , he’s an absolute fantasist like DLS

“it won’t be inflationary unless they continue running deficits!”


You mean this week’s Market Huddle? Like Macrovoices they have a different guest every week. It was actually a bad week to watch due to shortened easter format.


No I mean the interview I linked

A fly in your ointment

Martin North did a few interviews with Metre guy.


Check out Google’s fantastic Easter Google Doodle…. can’t wait to see what they produce for this years Ramadan.


Lol you’re fucked in the head

is that any better (or worse) than being flucked in another body part?

Agent 47


heres some highly autistic / rational analysis of Sweden’s coronavirus “catastrophe”

Notice how that narrative quietly just disappeared from the media a few months back ?

this is the greatest fraud possibly ever

Last edited 3 years ago by Coming

great link

and yep, sweden has been nationally unpersoned by the media


Continuing on from Comings post/link…

Who here is going to get the vaccine? The average Joe Bloggs here is getting the Astra Zenica.
Who’s rushing out to get it?
Who’s going for a wait and get it whenever approach?
Who’s adamant they aren’t getting it?

The ones that think they adamant they aren’t getting it, at what cost are you prepared to pay? No o/s travel? No interstate travel? No visits to Nan in the nursing home? Banned from eating in? Call me a conspiracy theorist but I think the failed uptake will result in government turning up the screws to force people to take the vaccine.


Most avearge punters I speak to are aged between 20-40 and don’t qualify to get it until the last batch so figure by the time it’s their turn they’ll have a fair idea on what it’s done to early adopters here and overseas. I’m feeling pretty much the same

Edit: isn’t the failed upatke so far more due to supply issues?

Last edited 3 years ago by Coming2

You’re kidding right? We are at phase 1b and the rollout plan for a healthy 20-40 year old is mid 2021. Hardly time to have a fair idea…
What’s the chance of a 20-40 year old dying from covid vs the astra zenica?


Lol they’ve already failed to meet their initial timeline so by the time I’m actually able to get it it will be 2 years from now


So there’s already evidence about early adopters getting lethal blood clots and dying. Initially they thought it was 1 in 1 million. Now it’s 1 in 100,000. Canada has paused astra zenica in under 55. TGA says no problem and to carry on. The chance of under 70 dying from covid is less than 1 in 1 million.

What do you think about that?


I’ll assess the evidence when my phase comes up


Shit bloke, imagine that, instead of carrying on like a fuckwit about something that didn’t even matter yet, I reserved judgement pending further information and poooffff the judgement is through and I don’t even have to wrinkle my brow about AZ, no longer preferred for my phase and my phase is still ages away pending even further observations, get nodded lol.


No interest in it for now. I’m 42. I’ll wait a couple of years if I can unless life without it becomes so unbearable I have to roll the dice.


i would rather just develop natural immunity from contracting actual covid


Absolutely no reason for me to get it other than to satisfy the increasingly fascist demands of the state

will tell my parents to get it

they won’t be giving it to my children unless it’s over my cold dead body

A fly in your ointment

there are padded cells and unused waterboards available to convince you otherwise.
There are multiple ways to coerce a normal parent into submisison, body with the heat signature of a mothe-in-law is not effective.

My take is that “Guatemala ways” will take place as the majority of sheeple are vaxed so the best path is to bite the bullet and take the blue pill

Last edited 3 years ago by A fly in your ointment

Hang on, you don’t want your kids getting immunised yet on MB in early covid you were spruiking miasmic clouds of covid causing the spread lol. Fuckin contrarian fuckwit.


“Who here is going to get the vaccine”
yeah eventually..dunno which

” The average Joe Bloggs here is getting the Astra Zenica.”
fk nose what I’m getting

Who’s rushing out to get it?
not me .. anyhow, rush where?

Who’s going for a wait and get it whenever approach?
thats me…not by choice… there is no choice thru govt fk ups


Can we expect an appearance by the great Reusa this weekend?
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