Weekend Links March 27-28, 2021

Welcome to Weekend Links March 27-28, 2021!

A number of new people joined the conversation last week which was really nice to see – welcome! We are really happy to have you here.

For everyone who wonders about the logic of the content provided, here is the logic. I consider conspiracy theories / contrarian thought to be the underdogs of the intellectual world.

And you gotta root for the underdog. Be un-Australian otherwise. Even when its clearly outlandish and stupid. Especially when it is clearly outlandish and stupid.

Also, the big winners from Joe Biden falling on the stairs up to Air Force One were the meme’s, one of which graces this post.

As always, enjoy the discussion and we hope you have a good weekend 🙂 And we are keen on short films this weekend!

Politics and Governance

A really good interview with Kash Patel, which details the lying and shenanigans by the DNC over Russia-gate. View from the trenches. Really great interview by the folks at American Though Leaders


Central bankers get named for exactly what they are, the high priesthood of our current corporate-progressive religion. For my money, there is no true difference between dot plots used by the priests today versus chicken entrails of witch doctors of ages past.

It is long past time central banks were brought under supervision by the elected representatives of the people. Their stupidity has pretty much destroyed two generations of Australians, while subsidizing the most corrosive elements within our society.

Culture Wars

We start with James O’Keefe of Project Veritas fame tearing a reporter a new one. I consider this to be of a similar vein as to Noam Chomsky telling a reporter he is a putz

Aliens! Random!


A magpie eats rotted — fermented — apples. Then it stumbles around, smash-faced drunk.

A big bunch of very small ducklings try to follow their mom up some concrete steps in a park. Stick with it!

Ducklings are too afraid to jump off a quay to follow their mother into the water. They need some encouragement.

Abused pittie is scheduled to be euthanized but gets saved by a shelter and foster dad.

Hand-raising an abandoned baby starling until it’s a full-grown bird.

A giant (really giant) manta ray who has gotten caught in a fishing net and washed up on shore, with barely any life left in it. But one man is determined to free it from the net and get it back into the water.

Baby gosling is rejected by her mother, because it was born premature and is weak. So a man becomes its mommy.

This poor furry bird fell out of a tree.

Rabbit farts and startles himself.

Baby riding on a Roomba.

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so this is clearly the year of the woman

the news media inundanted with wall to wall stories about domestic violence, rape, sexual assault, etc etc etc

im not sure we’ve seen this level of propaganda before but at this point its so blatant and ubiquitous, a deafening chorus of shame and resentment stoking

is there any reasonable way to escape it

Last edited 3 years ago by stagmal
Agent 47

As Timbo pointed out, I agree that it’s a contrived regime change attempt.

Notice very little mention of the revelations of behaviour of gay staffers? Now imagine what the ALP/Greens staffers would be up to.

Scomo bent the knee. And now he will never recover.

Last edited 3 years ago by Agent 47
Miguel de Sousa

Wot? The people who are open about their sexuality are holding covert orgys? Cmon dude.

If you accused them of having a ICE vibrator, that I’d buy.


Esacpe no, fight yes. Every unreferenced statistic should be called out. Every questionable interpretation should be questioned. Be prepared to lose friends and influence people, and then gain new friends! My father and his wife barely talk to me any more – I suspect it’s because I always call her out on feminist postings on FB.

Last edited 3 years ago by robert2013
Miguel de Sousa

I’d say your institution is correct. Reckon Stewie would invite me over for a boomer pinada now?


Boomer pinada? I imagine you are implying that it would be some sort of Boomer orgy, which would necessitate you having sex with…… da-da-da-daaaa a ‘woman’ ….rather than your hand or some other bloke.

I don’t know many of the rules for these sort of things, so I’d probably have to reach out (or around?) to Reusachtige for some pointers, but I’m pretty sure unaccompanied males, especially ones resembling balding goblins, aren’t welcome.

Never-the-less I have found the perfect woke soulmate for you to bring along:


“Rachel is now 46 and still searching for the One – ‘but I would not rule out cheating again’.”

She is obviously a strong independent woman and probably having next to no eggs left in the carton I imagine you don’t have to worry about your guilt of breeding or going through the pointless act of having kids and a family. She would be perfectly suited to your nihilistic values.

As a hopeless ‘wine aunt’ she probably represents your best chances of finding a meaningful female relationship other than your online besties. I imagine she is so desperate that she’d put up with most of your mental instability for bragging rights over you salary. Of course she would be emotionally needy, probably cheat on you, and drag you down into a mutually alcoholic self destructive relationship that would probably only end with one of you stabbing the other to death, but at least you’d have someone to smoke durries and get drunk with in the meantime.

Anyhow, lets make this happen. I’m up for spicing up my love life with a bit of old time keys in the fruit bowl Boomer Pinadering, just give this Rachel a call and get it sorted. For more information about her just check out the below article:


And remember as you look at your life and freedom to fuck anyone, do anything, engage in ‘Boomer Pinadas’ satisify all your rights and enjoy all your freedoms, culture doesn’t matter or play any role in long term societal success.

Girl Power!

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie
Miguel de Sousa

Yeah, nah. I’m good. Thanks for trying to pawn off your sister-in-law tho


boomer pinada

I thought a boomer piñata is when you bash boomers with a big stick/bat


“I thought a boomer piñata is when you bash boomers with a big stick/bat”

Well in that case Mig still wouldn’t be well equipped to play.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie
Miguel de Sousa

You’re right, I don’t bat off like you…


What are you, in like year 7? 😂


If you are doing animal videos. Here is a cat destined to be reincarnated as a Liberal politician:


Miguel de Sousa

Old enough to remember when Chyna was the bad guy…

The Traveling Wilbur


Last edited 3 years ago by Peachy

Her friend was alway there to keep her from being too evil.

The Traveling Wilbur

And now we have proof someone can’t possibly like…

Cough… um… Chyna and Xena (Warrior Princess) are two very different beasts.


Can’t tell whiteys apart. They all have same face.

The Traveling Wilbur

Yep, definitely old enough to remember Chyna being a heel too.



You can say that agin!

Miguel de Sousa


Agent 47
Miguel de Sousa


Miguel de Sousa

Their father is a wealthy transport boss in Karachi’

Burn this place to the ground


Reckon they’ll send pops the bill for incarcerating these dickheads for a few years?

or more likely both the dickheads and pops will be Australian permanent residents a few years from now?


I thought that printing fake stamps is about as serious as printing fake $50 bills. Punished as counterfeiting…

Miguel de Sousa

Our local wealthy transport boss has the premier for sleepover.

Just saying.


I wonder what’s super profitable to transport around the Karachi region…

maybe helping the Afghans with their export requirements, or the Iranians with their imports?

The Traveling Wilbur

PSIII consoles?


an oldie but a goodie – sloth n cat


Miguel de Sousa

Proof govt is extraneous – the drug trade. Completely unregulated, can always get it, the quality is good.

Ruh roh.


usually government can only govern with consent of enough of the governed (or their misdirection or their apathy – people don’t know about how they are governed or don’t care)

with drugs, they don’t have consent of the governed – people know what they want and it ain’t what the gov is pushing.

Miguel de Sousa

Im just illustrating the ancaps are probably right and skippy and smithy are definitely wrong.

In the illicite drug trade noone has any recourse to courts, police, asset confiscation, labour rights, oh&s etc and so forth, and yet its a huge industry that manages logistics from manufacturing to retail and its all on par with the legit pharma business in terms of outcomes for the consumer.

The Traveling Wilbur

Westpac moving to smaller digs after empty nest becomes too much to manage:


Miguel de Sousa

Thank God Sweeper isn’t here

Miguel de Sousa

Contraversial take: LGBTQPC

Its not inclusive if cis isn’t in there…


It’s your gaybc

Miguel de Sousa

More opportunities for you!

Agent 47

Who is better at demoralisation? The ABC or SBS?

I would argue the ABC given they aren’t explicitly multicult and Buttrose not passing the Wikipedia:Early Life test.

Agent 47

so whats the go with andrew laming (funniest name ever btw) and why should anyone care


Just saw my last reply is pending approval, but safe to say more revelations are coming about this guy as a serial sex pest.



There is no escaping Spambot


he followed us over to macro

assuming it’s a he


Even members of his own family think he’s a loser!



Retweet if you think the ABC needs to be defunded.



Feck off ya tosser


So who else isn’t paying MB anymore? I always wait for a must have piece before I pay. Haven’t seen one since my sub ran out in Feb. Don’t like DLS’s turn on the vaccine or on the latest wave of feminism sweeping the commentariat.


I’d subscribed for 10 years. Didn’t resubscribe recently because I’m over it. Didn’t like the dismissal of any view other than theirs.

Last straw was when they were saying Labor’s going to win, and I said… “2PP polling is irrelevant, it’s not how elections work”.

I was told to “put up or shut up”. So I added more content to support my case. No reply.

I’m after all opinions, and MB absolutely doesn’t do that. IMO, only diversity in opinions can accurately give you direction on the economy, politics and society.

How many elections did they have to get wrong to revisit their thinking?

They have grown arrogant and have shifted way too left for me.

Last edited 3 years ago by Totes
Agent 47

That and all the COVID scaredy cats being allowed to run amok with dissenting opinions throttled.

They chose to die on that hill.


Whinge whinge whinge. You knobs have a whole new websute with infinite potential and all you want to do is talk about the place you hate. Move the feck on


I don’t hate MB…but not much investible content lately.


Wouldn’t step 1 of a fledging site be to work out what went wrong from whence we came?

How about some content from you, instead of simpleton BS I’m so used to from you?


Here’s some content Totes, if the LNP aren’t in govt then the ALP is. Even if it’s a minority govt it is still either an LNP or ALP govt. Your idea of voting independents will not work on a large enough scale to effect change. Get ya head around that before you start spam posting “Labor’s fault” again


Of course it can. Doesn’t need to be large scale.

When Gillard needed Wilkie, Oakshot and Windsor, they could have said “NO MORE MASS IMMIGRATION”.

Instead the nuckle heads said something like “do it right do it fibre” like he was a grandfather trying to work the remote.

Hanson’s had the chance to do it with LNP too.

If there were a handful of anti immigration Independents in strategic seats, it’s done.

Last edited 3 years ago by Totes



didn’t expect more from you.

You’re a goose mate.


You’re a spam posting fool. You refuse to see reality and just endlessly blame labor. It’s boring.

What will your explanation be when Labor win the next fed election?


Labor aren’t winning any elections while chasing the leftard inner city vote.

That’s obvious to anyone looking.


Hmmmm seem to be doing pretty good in all the regions in state elections. Keen to see the Tassie results and not long until fed election. You’re gnna look a right mug when Labor wins


State elections don’t lose control of borders and support LNP in 400k annual immigration.

You are clueless.


You think a handful of independents can control govt. That is clueless.


“Claremont Institute has a remarkable podcast this week, “The Ruling Class Strikes Back” in which they explain what is happening to America. Its really really good listening. Also, let me know in the comments if you guys like more podcasts!”

Thought police bricking up the window a little further.

Miguel de Sousa

Here you go Red Dill, get all the Claremont garbage you want. Claremont talking about the ruling class as if Claremont isn’t a part 😂🤣



Yes – tell me more on what I should think and who I should read or listen to.

That said not much there that was new or that anyone who has been paying attention wouldn’t be already largely aware of, whether or not they actually agree with it or believe the accusation or claims is another mater.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie


Miguel de Sousa

And that’s the thanks I get 🤷‍♂️


Poor bubba – here you go.

Miguel de Sousa

Wait wait wait! You think WAITING for it to be transcribed is quicker? 😂


Lol i reposted the first comment in this thread on reddit australia to gauge the reaction

needless to say they werent havin a bar of it

god i hate the internet today


Every interaction is a win.

Agent 47

Same reddit that was in uproar over a pedo staffer admin.

Australian Reddit is absolute cancer.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie


Agent 47

Both. Lawyer would have reached for it straight away. Easy pickings in today’s captured courts.

Agent 47

Anyone else noticing the disproportionate right wing extremism/anti nationalist baseless propaganda in the corporate press the past week? Second only to the feminist garbage being rammed down our throats at the moment.

Someone’s afraid of some thing.


how long has far right wing nationalism “been on the rise” according to the media lol

you’d think we’d actually be getting somewhere if that was the case


International recruiters targeting Australians


Are you retarded? Remember how much press the flipside of this got when it was ISIS? Feck you carnts live in fantasy land.


isis was actually taking over countries and shit tho these are just nerds larping on the internet


Yeah, until they aren’t ie Tarrant. Wake the fuck up you bin scabbing retard

Last edited 3 years ago by Coming2

Lmao even he was a nerd larping, just with a real gun. wtf did he achieve, nothing

do u actually believe theres hordes of white nationalists just waiting to seize power in australia u delusional fucker

Last edited 3 years ago by stagmal

You don’t believe in a real pandemic and I’m delusional……

Agent 47

Yeh some questionable tapes of some dudes larping on the internet vs semi regular Islamic terror attacks in western countries, Nigeria and the rest.

Even Tarrant was a retaliation to all of that. But yeh, “retarded.”


See, I remember about 15 years of news stories about online Islamist extremsim/recruitment before any real action actually happened. Wake the fuck up you revisionist wankers. You aren’t special, you’re as much of a piece of shit as everyone else in the world.


Good thing this identity politics being pushed on the West, condemning white people as evil, as broken, as unentitled to anything their society has generated, is unlikely instill a sense of aggrievement or injustice into young white men, that will ever be sufficient to foment a united identity to oppose that bullshit.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Which one of you idiots was this? Be honest, own up…..


Last edited 3 years ago by Coming2
Miguel de Sousa

Yes, it’s shocking Morrison wouldn’t front the protesters, ideating instead on shooting their tongues…

Miguel de Sousa

You mean engage in free speech? Surely not…

Miguel de Sousa

Stay classy Tbag

Miguel de Sousa

Inversion is what you’re doing you dumb fuck and doing it exactly the way I always say you alttards always do – pure hypocrisy!

Fuck off and go watch X22 report


I listened to it, but it was mainly rehashing of stuff I’ve already come across – it is the first one I’ve listened to from them and I’ve found the editing a bit annoying. Still I didn’t think it was that far out there that it should warrant taking down.

Been reading ‘A program for the Juicies…” by Rabbi Harry Waton atm. Written just prior to WW2. Some interesting insights into our new cultural overlords viewpoints. It was enough for me to completely change my mind on my previous stance that the neo-elite in the US are going to gradually unwind Trump’s position on China. In fact I’ve done a complete 180 about face, I now think there is an extremely high chance of conflict with China within the next 10 years.

Miguel de Sousa

It was taken down because utubs said some time ago they’re not going to host content that asserts the election was stolen. That’s why.


Juicey’s gunna control the narrative, yet get mad at Claremont lmfao 🤣

Good goy goes moo.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie
Miguel de Sousa

Wot? Are you injecting bleach again?


Whatever you say Shlomo. It cracks me up that you actually believe that msm spin – you’re even more gullible than DLS! 😂 Just keep reading from CNN’s script you weak minded sack of shit.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie
Miguel de Sousa



The tard here is you Shlomo – I never read any Q theories, hadn’t come across Captain Red Pill or whatever he calls himself before, never heard of Claremont.

Most of my opinion is formed by reading what the MSM has to say, then going an actually getting the full, unedited copy and seeing what for myself what was actually said and applying some real critical reasoning to the contrasting msm narrative – something a broken, sack of shit like yourself is incapable of doing.

You glimpsed what the problem was with our societies, you know its their philosophy, but then you realised the inevitable, without any culture, any values and identity other than yourself as an atomised individual residing in someone else’s nation, that you are every bit as much one of them as Triguboff.

“Now you know how Aborigines feel.”

There is no compasion there for a wrong being committed in the present, its just moral justification for committing another wrong – one that you are a part of. There’s nothing there from the New Testament, that is straight from the Old Testament, the Jewish Bible – an ‘Eye for an Eye’ These are your values goy.

You are working every bit as hard as Frank Lowy or Triguboff to reduce the world to a state of nothing, where everyone is a migrant in their own nation or society, where no one belongs, simply to match your own nihilism and render everyone as lost as yourself.


Immolate yourself.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie
Miguel de Sousa

Bwaaahaaahaahaa!!! All of your “opinions” can be found in any stoopid Paul Josephine Watson clip.

You people just lie without shame.


Yawn – I’ve watched maybe three of his clips in my life. I honestly don’t watch or read much of what would be termed right wing, virtually zero. Never read Daily Stormer, never heard of Red Pill or Claremont.

As I’ve said, and this is the part that really confuses you, my views are been majority formed by paying attention to the MSM narrative, then going and checking it with the actual facts of what was said, and what was done.

I don’t need to lie, because the truth is far scarier. You’re just too bigoted, broken and dumb to ever work out a narrative that hasn’t been spoon fed to you by whoever you latest guru is.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie
Miguel de Sousa




The Traveling Wilbur

Not cool. Sadly, not just you, but I’m not spending the effort to write more than one of these comments.

Given the standard you walk past is the standard you’re prepared to accept and I can’t be bothered wasting my time constructively arguing against some of the hate-filled comments and ‘insights’ presented here as articles recently, especially this week, I’ll just leave.

Inciting suicide in someone *you* claim is depressed and acting eratically is reprehensible conduct. This isn’t the first time either. I’m sure your giant intellect will provide a logically infallible argument as to why your words and those of others are perfectly kosher, but if I wanted to subject myself to that I would have joined the young liberals at uni.

Good luck here Mig, I hope the toing and froing of argument in this place is a boon to you. Just don’t lose sight of the fact that most people aren’t like those here.


Thanks for calmly saying what I get too riled up to say.


Yet you walk past Mig spraying shit all fucking day. Tell him to pull his head in? Nah. Tell him his out of line? Nah. Tell him he’s being unreasonable? Nah.

He’s made it impossible for anyone who doesn’t share his views to post or comment at MB, and he’s been working on the same here. Yet its all cool comrade because he shares you liberal views.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

“I can’t be bothered wasting my time constructively arguing against some of the hate-filled comments and ‘insights’ presented here as articles recently, especially this week, I’ll just leave.”

That’s because there aren’t any – I’ve just gone back and looked over every article for the past two weeks. There’s some mildly intolerant articles, like perhaps Timbo’s delivery driver, but that was it. Nothing else that would offend anyone other than a snow flake or maybe Letho or DLS.

As to the comments – they’re comments and opinion. If you have an issue with them, then speak up and point out why. Easier for you to slur everyone, and me in particular, with a broad paint of the brush.

You say:

“the standard you walk past is the standard you’re prepared to accept”

Yet I’ve never seen you once speak up or defend Christianity against the sort of attacks constantly put out by the likes of Mig. So FU you ya moralising twerp Wilbur. I say what I mean, and I say it as clearly as I can. I don’t hide shit or play the clever in the know word games “prodigy” that you think you’re oh so smart engaging in.

You can piss the fuck off and take that retard with you, and his asshole mate. I’ve blocked him on twitter and he’s one of the reasons I’ve left MB, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to shut up here.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Triggered. Lol

Agent 47

President Harris draws closer everyday.

Flucking Fluck, that James O’Keefe video is solid gold.
I liked the way he tells the journalist he is cognitively chalelnged to idiocy and he just nods without even getting what was said.


Why do you all keep a running commentary on what’s happening at MB? It’s fuckin sad. Get over it and make this place better. So much jilted ex posting going on here


I think that there is quite a bit of bile some folks have stored up from many years of being fed bullshit by MB (and losing lots of money/time due to same), takes a while for that to be flushed


What a bunch of sad sacks.

Utter nonsense.

Critic of everything is the core value of EZFKA.com and Em-Bee should not be excluded. I admit it is easy target as Em Bee became davo ‘s daily readers frothing digest, but stil a valid subject.

You could be achieving far more by countering every Em Bee critic instead of post truth emotional claims

Can we get winning @ failing IP banned ?

its not because I disagree with him, it’s because he doesn’t really have any substantive position or anything useful to contribute

just a monkey flinging shit around

I don’t know why he’s chosen Australian fringe economic forums with a handful of users as his preferred shit flinging arena , but here we are

Skippy, Miguel, even smithy would be welcome

A fly in your ointment

Admit, you want Skippy and Smithy faq* couple because outside safe space at EmBee these would be shredded unrecognisable, like chicken nuggets mince – an easy target! 😄

* = As in smoking cigars** at cigar clubs (q misspelled for g)

** = as in whatever the metaphorical meaning behind.

Last edited 3 years ago by A fly in your ointment

Cancel culture already, you weak faggots. Removed the downvote button becasue you all couldn’t handle the fact people disagree with you now there’s wanting to ban people. The very same thing you all hated about MB. Funny stuff

Removed the downvote button becasue you all couldn’t handle the fact people disagree

LOL, disagreeance requires explanation beyond a single “-” click, unlike agreeance.
That must be but-hurting that you must present an actual counter point to anything not to taste or dislike??


lol that is not why we removed the downvote button ya lyin fuckeroonie


It is bin scab, you can dress it up any way you want but the reality is everyone here can’t handle being downvoted and got all butt hurt.


I don’t want Mig’s asshole banned, although I agree with you that his contribution is pretty weak.

He’s just a harmless peeping Tom, peering into windows and conversations that he wished he could keep up with or be a part of – why do you think he spends just as much time anonymously lurking at MB?

At least here we can see him for the tard he is an ignore him, instead of reading an anonymous comment and wasting time trying to explain or engaged with him in good faith.


But alas, they don’t ignore, I don’t get it.

I had hopes this place could be good but it appears to just be a massive circle jerk of whinging about MB, denying the virus and being racist. Whatever floats your boat

Last edited 3 years ago by Coming2

Honestly, I actually don’t have that big a problem with MB and think they’re doing a pretty good job in most respects, other than driving off most of the interesting and commentators turning the comments section into little more than a Becker circle jerk. I’m occasionally critical of DLS’s take in the way he critiques others – but what I have previously posted here in that vein is only what I would have contributed as a comment on MB. Everything else is my own take.

Honestly, you got something to say, type something up and give it to Peachy to post, even if all you have to say it what a bunch of losers and tossers we are – IDGAF.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie
Miguel de Sousa

“I think mb are doing a pretty good job”

Does cuck taste good?


“I think mb are doing a pretty good job” Does cuck taste good?

Wooo – sorry, I forget we’re all meant to have the same opinion in Miguel’s woke world.

Honestly you are such a looser that you cross over into amusing…. I’m starting to get why Stagmal likes you! You’re a parody of the whole woke left space, from incel to AntiFa lololololol

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie
Miguel de Sousa

Suck my dick


I bet you say that to all the guys.

Miguel de Sousa

I bet you do that for all the goys


On a hot summer night…



I’ve started reading “Dupes: How America’s Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century” by Paul Kengor.

I found it as part of my ongoing investigation around the youtube video “KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov’s warning to America (1984)” which I came across last year.

Also, have been reviewing Marx and Engels. Amazing how a couple of armchair revolutionaries in late 19th century continue to be quoted, wittingly or not, by today’s leftists, including the crappy third hand anthropology that stewie briefed me on the other day.

I have come to the conclusion that the progressives of today are nothing more than a very large cult. They are beyond reason. That is what was Bezmenov saying.

Possible next stops:

“Coup d’État: A Practical Handbook, Revised Edition”
by Edward N. Luttwak.

Also, searching for good books on cult deprogramming to deal with the progressives in my family.

Miguel de Sousa

The left is a cult and it was a listening to a communist disinfo agent that taught me 🙄


Sure you were ‘taught’ there’s been a lifetime of indoctrination of secular Juciey values that you’ve soaked up. You’re about as ‘free thinking’ as your average AntiFa or BLM protester, you dumb gullible fuck.

Miguel de Sousa

Sick of winning yet you cucked christtard piece of shit accountant cunt! When are you sending your daughter down the local LNP branch to be gang raped for Christ! Hopefully your ex wife doesn’t let you near her 🖕


If ‘winning’ is having a house, family and people that love you, then yes I’m winning, and I ain’t sick of it. What have you got?

You don’t believe in anything Mig do you? Culture isn’t important is it?

Why don’t you go fuck your sister? I mean she’s the ONLY female I’ve ever heard you refer to. While most guys have mentioned they’ve heading out for a date, or got to keep the missus happy. The only chick I’ve ever heard you mention in the 10 years or so that I’ve been aware of you has been your sister.

There’s nothing ethically wrong with from a secular point of view, I mean so long as you take precautions, you’re just two consenting adults getting it off. Take this study by Nathan Cofnas, he’s a secular Philosopher from the tribe that most of your values can be traced back to, he doesn’t seem to think that it is too wrong.


Of course you’d probably have to take it slow, maybe ask her out on a date first? Test the waters – you know you want to fuck her, after all, she’s the only female to ever understand you.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

You’re being a bit of a wanker Stewie, not a good look for this fledgling online community. How will behaviour like this attract new members? Or is the whole point for this to be a refugee camp for MB rejects?


“You’re being a bit of a wanker Stewie,”

So say’s the comments peeping Tom who spends his time both here and at MB jerking off and spraying jizz everywhere while lurking in the bushes.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

I’m all good with the abuse but answer the questions man


What question – to attract members? Why would I care about that?

First be true to thyself. I’m not going to change who I am or what I say in order to be popular. That’s not why I do anything. I’m interested in the ‘truth’ and ‘understanding’ the world around me – for ME alone.

You wanna come along for the ride, fine, but I ain’t here to build a following by saying shit that will get me likes.


Lol cool. This place is going nowhere then, good to know.


…and yet you continue to comment. 🤷‍♀️


Well, I am in the midst of several arguments. Wouldn’t wanna run away before they’re finished.


speak for yourself tosser ive got tears in my eyes from laffing at the bantz at this place lately


I’m glad you enjoy circle jerking so much bin scab. Lucky for you it will continue and you can “laff” at all the “bantz”.


lmao who are you on macro again? what an asswipe u are

Miguel de Sousa


Miguel de Sousa

Need your big daddy to censor me when you’re getting your arse handed to you like a soygoy


I’d call you a cuck, but that would imply you have something to be cuckold over – you got nothing, no wife, no house, no country, no identity. You wish you could be a cuck my sister fucking friend.

PS: I ain’t censored anything, as with most shit you post I imagine it is going on in your mind.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie
Miguel de Sousa

I am

Miguel de Sousa

Ask your big daddy bear T – oh wait you did! Because unlike me you are a snivelling cuck pissing through a cock cage

Miguel de Sousa

I did fuck your sister. She me told you used to wear your mums dresses and heels and were always super bitchy.

Not much has changed huh?


“I did fuck your sister”

Geeze man why don’t you come up with some of your own material? That’s barely above the playground taunt of “I know you are but what am I?” …is that where all your issues come from, you know, being taunted in the play ground? Bet a little weirdo nerd like you waz real popular back at school.

“Ask your big daddy bear “

lol – you are projecting again. Whose your pseudo-daddy at the moment? Gunna – sorry, ‘Ritualised Forms’? Peter from Brissy? Ermo? It ain’t me working at accumulating a menagerie of middle aged men to massage my ego and tell me I’m a good bloke because my real daddy thinks I’m a fucking loser.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie
Miguel de Sousa

Projection ejaculation – feel better? Cuck


Go cry to pseudo-daddy.

Miguel de Sousa

Crypto daddy

Miguel de Sousa

Crypto 👀


Crypto Daddy? You can talk – how many LTC you still holding 20,000 LTC? Unlike you though I’m fully tax compliant.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie
Agent 47

I noticed gunna has tried to re invent himself in name only.

Same 3000 word turgid diatribes that go nowhere that you have to spend 5 mins scrolling past.


I got no bone with Gunna other than him protecting miggot. I usually enjoy his weekend links apart from an over reliance on Pox.


Did you watch the video? Did you read the introduction to the book? Do you have anything constructive to say that might give me something to think about? In other words, if you’re not really interested, please don’t reply.


If you wanted us to watch the video or read the intro some links wouldn’t hurt lol


I tried but spambot held me up for putting in too many links…the stuff shoule be easy to find by cut n paste into search engine.

Last edited 3 years ago by robert2013


crocodile burger.jpg
Miguel de Sousa

I thought this site was about calling out MBs endless wrong econ calls.

Now it’s filled with losers who got those calls wrong too and to top it off think Trump is still their president. Its a shame.

Cmon losers, let’s have your interest rates in 18 months call.


Funny to see all DLS nut suckers coming over here to defend him and MB. I’m sure he’s hiding in the shadows wacking off while the likes of mig white knight him. MB laughing at all the dead shits that pay year in, year out for their shit advice.

MB has blocked all the decent users that added to the conversation. Meanwhile the likes of mig clog the place up with incoherent spam. Give me ezfka any day at least it’s honest about what it is and doesn’t block users for sfa.

P.s. why don’t you come shout at me in the park while I’m minding my own business? Seems like you like to pick easy soyboy targets that won’t stand up to you…

Last edited 3 years ago by DictatorDavid
Miguel de Sousa

Me WK H’n’H? You people are shameless with your lies.

You bozos FOLLOWED ME here, don’t get it twisted

Miguel de Sousa

Pffft, like the cops, or security guards, or bikers, or your mum.



MB blocked me. Thanks for recognising that I was one of the “decent users” lol


lol “faggot” “cuck” that’s all you’ve got?
You two MB losers come here giving each other reach arounds.

Mig you think it’s tough or cool to pick on random strangers in the street or park? People who look to be weaker than you… not that that’s hard lol. You fucking wimp.

Miguel de Sousa

Nah I got better. Qtard little bitch got his tongue stuck sucking off a cold prick 😘


😂 Fucking piss weak

Miguel de Sousa

You said


I believe you’ll find stewie started the cuck stuff. I find it quite amusing that stewie always humblebrags avout having a lovely family and is somehow superior yet cannot stop himself getting triggered and wasting his Sundays arguing with 2 people he seems to have such low regard for.

I’m sure his family loves sitting around watching him argue on the internet, such loving quality family time.


It’s called time management and multitasking W@ffle. In between chores I can come back to the iPad or the PC and instead of killing myself with a durrie, I can kill myself with laughter. True though, I do spend too much time on the internet soaking up information – mainly while the rest of the family are watching some show on the telly and I’d rather read the iPad (no one is perfect). You’ll also note that there are large periods of the day when I won’t respond, like I’m about to do now, taking the family out for some Sunday exercise in the Sun (something the more observant will note that I do most weekends when it isn’t raining).

Toot toot!

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie
Miguel de Sousa

It’s called being a fraud. TikTok magafucker


Go wax your bussy.


thought this site was about calling out MBs endless wrong econ calls. 

To me, it’s not quite that. To others, it might be?

Maybe everyone can do an essay on “what ezfka means to me”


EZKFA means to me that sad old cunts have somewhere to profess their antisemitism, general racism, virus denial and hatred of MB.

What I like most about EZKFA is the hypocrisy (I suppose it is on brand though…).

Feel free to add the downvotes to this post like y’all did to my other, doesn’t bother me, I don’t have to hide from downvotes like y’all have to so you can protect your fragile egos.




Hey Winning. I usually like your posts and I am disappointed that you have gone out of your way to ruin this site.

Your repeated use of “faggot” contradicts your sanctimonious behaviour against bigotry.



Miguel de Sousa

Meh. Can I just do me?


Good to see economic fight club going down here today. Maybe there’s hope yet cunts!


Yawn. Faggot. Oohhhh noes, hate speech.


is winning@failing DLS’ alter ego?


Look at you, jumping at shadows.

I’m pretty sure DLS is the one who banned me after he had to apologise to KRudd and I gave him shit about it.

You can believe whatever you want staggsie, all that matters is you are a bin scab and although EZKFA had potential I don’t think it will ever be realised going by what passes as standard content around here lately. Also, on a general note, I like to use the word faggot, sorry Freddy.


who were you on macro? i don’t remember seeing you around


I showed up under this handle around mid 2019, you got banned for a bit aròund then. Never used any other handle, never paid a sub


ive been banned repatedly, the bans tend to expire but the last time i was banned prior to my most recent ban it was for an extremely long time, about 8 months i think. i gave up posting after my most recent ban especially after they closed comments on the weekend links.

Last edited 3 years ago by stagmal
Miguel de Sousa

Don’t hate the player, hater.

Miguel de Sousa

He’s Trump, he’s Trump
He’s in your head!
He’s dumb, he’s burnt but you
Give him head


Now do theme for Mash.

Miguel de Sousa

Eric Cartman is your spitit animsm9


Oh no! Mig compared me to Eric Cartman – whatever am I to do?


Stop being a cunt for starters.


Not gunna happen. I know you’re Miggot’s asshole and so feel compelled to comment when he does, but you keep breaking your ‘code’ and replying to me W@ffles. What was it about ‘staying in you lane?’


I love how triggered you get, you keep larping at having a real life but you don’t. You’re just a sad hateful fuck.


Ya got me – I have no life 😫 Just sitting here watching the telly with the missus and occasionally poking a pair of smooth brained imbeciles on my iPad.

Honestly the sad fucks here are you and Mig. Come here simply to stir up people who pretty much got fed up with the pair of you and started another forum. Yet here you are going ‘Look at me! Look at me!’ Flinging shit everywhere then having a cry when it gets flung back …and you reckon I’ve got no life 🤷‍♂️

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Keep pumping yourself up stewie, you’ll feel better about yourself eventually. I came here expecting this place to be serious, the quality of content quickly made me realise this is just an axe grinding circle jerk and the fact that you’re basically gunnamatta here is what ruined the place. Endless diatribes of casual racism and antisemitism by you just bloating the comments section. You’re a dick, that’s really all that needs to be said.


So being antisemitic is bad, but constantly ragging out on Christians is what all the cool guys do? If antisemitism is spraying swatickas or beating up Jews than I am certainly not antisemetic and condemn it unreservedly. But if antisemitism is only being critical of certain values and cultural attitudes of Judaism, then I’m antisemitic, as would any be whose genuinely investigated the topic. Five years ago I’d have been horrified to have any views critical of Judaism, but I went looking for answers and what I found horrified me even more. It’s a religion that is hostile to my beliefs, my society, my race and my very existence.

They’re just as hostile to you too but that you think otherwise shows how completely ignorant you are. You’re just another NPC muppet whose viewpoint is entirely constructed by what he’s been spoon fed by the msm. You’ll never be a threat to anyone but yourself.

Now that you’ve said your piece I suppose ya gunna fuck off and we’ll never hear from you again?

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Careful openly professing that antisemitism, might fall foul of the law


Yet being anti-papist is all fine and dandy.

’To find out who rules over you, look towards those you can’t criticise.’

Thats a truism that people have always known, but because the msm have ascribed it to an antisemite, like so many Pavlovs dogs everyone is now trained to reject it completely, no matter how much truth there is to it, or how accurately it describes our world.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Now who’s waffling lol


as would any be whose genuinely investigated the topic.

suspect you haven’t investigated the topic but have fallen for a bunch of antisemitic propaganda, which was disguised as neutral writing on the topic, as is the way.

being antisemitic is bad, but constantly ragging out on Christians is what all the cool guys do

there is no equivalence here.

Criticising particular Christians for what they say or do is ok because it is not antichristianity. Criticising particular Jews for what they say or do is also ok and is not antisemitism.

If you start criticising particular people because they are Christian or Jewish (or criticising christians or jews as a whole), you are making a mistake.


“Fallen for a bunch of antisemitic propaganda, which was disguised as neutral writing on the topic, as is the way.”

As I’ve said repeatedly, I’ve never read anything that is far right, Daily Stormer, Red Pill or anything remotely like that. The only antisemitic writing I have fallen for is what Jews themselves have written.

I’ve read and listened to a great deal of Jewish and Marxist philosophy eg Rabbi Harry Waton, video lectures of the likes by Rabbi Yaron Reuvan, or interviews of ex-Jews like Luzer Twersky, a mainstream Hollywood actor on Why he left Judaism.

All I’ve ever wanted to do is understand – understand what they see themselves as in the world and understand how they see others, what their values are – like forgiveness. I wanted to understand what antisemitic really is and where does it come from. Now I do and I challenge other people to find out for themselves.

What do any of the 99% of Australia’s population know about their values and what they think of you. There is a reason why Jews even today are theoretically punished by death for revealing the Torah to a gentile.

I don’t believe Jews are evil, but I do believe their philosophy and values are toxic to cohesive societies, especially when they gain a protected status that absolves them from any criticism and even more so when they dominate a nations elites – a group of people who are nasty enough even when they share your own values.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

I’ve read and listened to a great deal of Jewish and Marxist philosophy

Do Jewish and Marxist philosophy intersect?

marx himself was pretty down on Jews, if I remember correctly.

eg Rabbi Harry Waton, video lectures of the likes by Rabbi Yaron Reuvan, or interviews of ex-Jews like Luzer Twersky, a mainstream Hollywood actor on Why he left Judaism.

I don’t know what these guys say or write, but I’ll have a look when I get a moment.

Whatever it is though, you can’t assume that what this or that rabbi or former Jew thinks writes is representative of Jews in general. I’d even say there might not be such a thing as one person whose writings can be representative of the culture of such a large population.

Just like you wouldn’t entertain the suggestion that something that Cardinal George Pell writes could be taken as truly representative of all western culture. Or all Christians. Or even just all Catholic christians. Or even just all Australian Catholics.


Pell was an asshole and a poor representation of a Christian, but the TLDR summary of Christianity is “Do unto other’s as you would have them do unto yourself”

Judaism on the other hand has an entire codex of different rules, with one specific interpretation for Jews and another for everyone else. The TLDR summary is “Treat your fellow Jew fairly, and screw everyone else, if you can get away with it.”

THAT was the whole point of ALL of Jesus’s teachings and why it infuriated the Jews so much, he taught that you should treat everyone equally in your society.

The entire Talmud is riddled with these dual interpretations:

the Jewish people, are called men [adam] but gentiles are not called men

  • Yevamot 61a

“With regard to bloodshed, if a gentile murders another gentile, or a gentile murders a Jew, he is liable. If a Jew murders a gentile, he is exempt….With regard to robbery, the term permitted is relevant, as it is permitted for a Jew to rob a gentile.”

  • Sanhedrin 57a

The point is there is nothing in the New Testament, being the Christian part of the bible that suggests anything like this. Dual values or double think, fundamentally undermines trust within a society.

“Whatever it is though, you can’t assume that what this or that rabbi or former Jew thinks writes is representative of Jews in general.”

I don’t assume that these views are representative of all Jews, but they are good representations of the many of the values I’ve seen displayed.

If nothing else, listen to the interview of Luzer Twersky, on how Orthodox Jews behave while living among the Gentiles. I included it because he was an actual member of that community, as opposed to a complaining gentile which could be dismissed as an antisemitic.

As for Marx – he was Jewish, although not overly religious. In his youth he was initially quite critical of Jewish values, especially in one of his first works, “Karl Marx and the Jewish Question” where he described Jews as greedy manipulators of money.

However in context of his later work this stance was later seen as his need to satisfy his youthful rebellion and as a form of social rebellion against his parents. By the time he got around to writing ‘Das Kapital’ in later life, he’d completely abandoned any descriptions of Jewish values that could be used as criticism of his being antisemetic.

Listen to the Luzer Twersky interview.


Pell was an asshole and a poor representation of a Christian,

that’s my point. Who says that Reuben or Walton or Luzer are not similarly poor representations?

PS there is no “play” button on the Luzer link. But I suspect that the orthodox community in New York might be about representative of regular Jews as the afghani Talibs are representative of regular Muslims.

but the TLDR summary of Christianity is “Do unto other’s as you would have them do unto yourself”

well, actually, that’s one view which is a massive gloss on what Christianity actually is.

applying the same level of gloss to Judaism we don’t have to go far to find “You shall love your neighbor as yourself”

Another view of Christianity – beyond the gloss & more theologically accurate I believe – is that there is no salvation other than through Christ. A lifetime of “doing unto others” is insufficient. And, on the contrary, a life lived in sin capped off by a deathbed confession might be ok.

Anyway, the point is not to have a theological debate, but to illustrate that things aren’t straightforward and easy to twist and misrepresent (and many people are willing to so twist in order to misinform)


“Anyway, the point is not to have a theological debate, but to illustrate that things aren’t straightforward and easy to twist and misrepresent (and many people are willing to so twist in order to misinform)”

Of course I would be the first to agree there are a spectrum of behaviours and most I would have no issue with or recognise as they’ve effectively fully assimilated and intergrated, General Monash for instance. But the point is to recognise that a spectrum does exist and some hostile views are culturally prevalent, and genuinely hostile to Christianity and Europeans, and that these concerns are not entirely without foundation. Some criticisms are valid.


You’re a cunt – valid criticism



Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Here’s a link to the Marc Maron interview of Luzer Twersky that works. Marco rambles on for about 10minutes introducing the interview.



Thanks for that. The interview is interesting but is also pretty standard cult exit fare.

This pretty much confirmed what I was guessing at – the ultra-religious cult this bloke exited from seems as far removed from mainstream religion/culture as the Taliban are from mainstream.


That is Ultra-Orthodox, then there is Conservative Jew, Reformed and finally secular, with ‘problematic’ view most concentrated in the conservative spectrum.

While only 10% of Jew’s are Orthodox they are still more than a cult, they are equivalent of Australia’s Pentecostal Church’s. The are probably more influential than the Pentecostal’s too as they are extremely active politically and religiously, as highlighted in the interview. They are also the fastest growing Jewish segment – just like the Mormons and Amish are in respect of Christians.

Did you catch the manner in which they work to defund the local US school system and public services? It was a good example of the sort of tactics that are used to break up social capital and social cohesion, and imho is the true source of much of the views deemed ‘antisemitic’. The same tendency or social attitudes that encourages or accepts behaviours like this are also found throughout the other branches, although to lesser degrees.

I have issues with Pentecostal Christians and I have issue with conservative Jewish values too, and I have issues with wealthy businessmen from both communities using their wealth to project these values forward and throughout the wider community.

Anyhow, thanks for taking the time to listen to it. I agree that the ‘problematic’ viewpoints and behaviours are not representative of all Jewish people, but at the same time these views do exist. Imho it is not antisemetic to have concerns about these views and attitudes.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Wonder whagwaon with my posts in response to W@F.

It showed sumtin like:

“Awaiting approval”

and now dingo ate them!!!


Some of em showed up, I thought it was weird how they suddenly appeared. Maybe you’re being censored by the thought police, would make me laugh if true

Last edited 3 years ago by Coming2

Are you using speech to text? Some real strange spelling mistakes in your posts, might be why they’re getting flagged.

I’ve been flagged for life mate…


Advanced EZFKA AI mate…


A fly in your ointment

Feed your Dingoes and they’ll stay at a bay.

I would not lose sleep over the loss of two poke-the-bear-with-a-pointy-stick posts but idea came that perhaps removed posts should end-up in a graveyard perhaps organised by few categories.The name that comes to mind is “Dingo’s post-rectal deposit scheme” or sumtin more modern and witty

Last edited 3 years ago by A fly in your ointment
Miguel de Sousa

Where’s Bluebird?

The Traveling Wilbur

Busy thanking god they left the Liberal party / died before the currents state of affairs became public.


Miguel de Sousa

If only y’all could gain
The motivation to address
Multiple grievances in a method
You’d get somewhere.
You ain’t doing none o’ dat
Your digging deeper until
Its in trech…

👍 👍



Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

is there anyway we can find dr x and bring him here, maybe send out a SETI signal across the internet

Miguel de Sousa

Search For *EXTRATERRESTRIAL* intelligence.

You’re doing it wrong…

A fly in your ointment

Dr X is here, under a different Pseudo Nym. Here and there


How mysterious!

A fly in your ointment

Nope, it is not me (if that is what you imply).
Another character here uses similar dicktionary, too similar to be random.

Same can be observed over at Em-Bee and D, L and S’ alter-egos (several of them, some as Member, some not)

Miguel de Sousa

So I made a big mistake!
Qtrolls and Skipthmy would
Find me here!
Into the flamewars again
Have I wrong, have I wrong too
Far now I’m fucked?

For now?
U sure for now???


Miguel de Sousa

I’m not sure. Why? Do you have a ticket in that line you piece of shit pervert 🤷‍♂️

Uh-Oh…I’m in trouble here

Agent 47

I’ll help you out – Murica, nuff said

Miguel de Sousa

Culture matters is Black lives matters for Caucasians with an appelacian appeal

Miguel de Sousa

The reason you’ve only heard me talk about my sister is because she’s the only woman I can categorically state I can encompass their history.

I’m not going to reference girlfriends who probably tried they’re best but about whom my information is imperfect.



nudes plz

Miguel de Sousa

I done told whre I live

Miguel de Sousa

Vicarious not vivet
Vicar not victorious


94 hits.


You aware it also counts the replies due to the “reply to ……” tagline.

The Traveling Wilbur

Spoiling an interesting story with facts.

Bloody leftie.


Hypocrite lefty, using hompophobic language



Still a useful indicator. Updated with comparison:
Miguel -101
Robert2013 – 16
Winning@Failing – 78
Stewie – 103
Agent 47 – 31
Peachy – 28
The Traveling Wilbur – 15

I’ll leave the interpretation up to you. I’m done. Nobody watched the video I referred to, read the intro to the book or had any useful pointers to related readings, confirmatory or contradictory. I had hoped to provoke some interesting discussion. Some small entertainment value in the flame war.


Funny that stewie had the most comments and virtually all of them are abusive, gold leadership around here.


Maybe because I’ve been replying to the shit you and Mig have been spraying everywhere?


No one forces you to reply bud. You could always exercise that superior intellect and refrain from being baited….


It’s fucked Robert – shows what happens when you have a pair of toxic nobs come here to make discussion impossible. I’ll try to take a look.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Welcome to the internet snowflake


Don’t take the bait.


Hi Robert, thanks for the links – I just found your comment that has been held up for moderation (I think it had too many links and was marked as spam) unfortunately I can’t release it from that state.

The transcript to ‘the ruling class strikes back” was good, I prefer reading to watching or listening, and 100% agree with their summation of the mainstream media and their broad statement:

“When we say “the fix was in,” we don’t mean it in some conspiratorial way. We are simply observing what is right out in the open—a spectacular sequence of events that unfolded in a single year. Collectively, these events reveal a Ruling Class unleashing the full force of its fury upon us.”

As would anyone with the slightest bit of objectivity in regards to how they’ve behaved and the subsequent revelations about Democrats like Cumo and Biden that were well known before the election but are now safe to discuss now that the election is out of the way.

In regards to the overall content of it though, as per the criticism I said before, it reads like a columnist or opinion, which I don’t really like reading either left or right, that doesn’t really add much to what I already know or think on a particular subject.

Re the links to the Amazon books eg “Dupes” I agree that progressives are the problem, but to me that is downstream from where the real problem is – where do these cultural values originate from? Because if you don’t uncover the true source then you simply spend all your time and effort cutting off the heads of various Hydras which only keep growing back, again and again, in one form or another.

I’ve seen that video interview by Yuri Bezmenov before, most of which is simply expounding on what is now commonly referred to as “Cultural Marxism”.

In the interview, which was filmed in the early 80s, he was sounding as though the US was on the verge of tipping over and being transformed. But then listening to it now and it is no less relevant – how can this be?

Cultural transformation of a society is a long process, in truth it only ends when the previous culture is completely obliterated and the people scattered or genocided. His warning is just as relevant today, because the destruction of the West is a process that will take many generations – the mass migration and imposition of MultiCult are logical sequences in that process.

As to Bezmenov himself, I’ve read critiques of him elsewhere that he was never actually the significant a defector, and that a lot of his his warnings were antisemetic tropes like the ‘Dulles’ plan or even the ‘Protocols of Zion’. Those criticisms though mainly originate from the usual suspects or their cultural conquests.

Still I like to read both sides.


I found “Dupes” while looking for detailed real evidence of what Bezmenov was saying in the 1984 interview. I.e. the detail of what the communists were doing to implement the four point plan to undermine nations, if indeed that’s what they were doing. If that’s what they were doing, then I’m willing to bet that a bunch of them never stopped and have subsequently been co-opted by the Chinese. Obviously finding the same detail in Australia will be much harder, but if you know the American outline it should be easier to trace it here. Why do this? I find it hard to accept that a society would act so obviously against its own interests as we have for so long without being subject to some kind of mass delusion. Such delusion could be spontaneously generated, but it appears at least possible from where I stand today that malicious foriegn actors are at the root of it.

The Traveling Wilbur

Given the increasing amp-litude of the comment content I reckon 94 *hits* might be about right. 😂


Keep pumping the propaganda brother.


Quite impressive to hit 250 comments in only the third week – well done!


hey guys

i know im going to sound like a wet blanket right now but i think we genuinely need to be careful about what we post on here

not bc im offended or am trying to appease the perpetually offended crowd, but because like,

this is australia

and not america

there is no free speech here and i really don’t like the thought of the AFP however remote the possibility knocking down anyone’s door in the middle of the night with a battering ram to search for incriminating materials or anyone here being paraded before a human rights commission star chamber

not as a mandate but a recommendation, but maybe certain comments about certain groups (and their one god) should be kept more on the downlow, maybe

Last edited 3 years ago by stagmal

My beliefs and opinions are my own – I am happy to comment as to why I hold the views I do and come to the conclusions I do.

I would never condone violence being committed against any individual or group for their beliefs or sexual orientation, but at the same time beliefs and values, wherever they originate, should be open to valid criticism.

I’m sick and tired of all that is wrong with our society today being lumped against ‘Christians’ or the fault of every corrupt cunt or pervert being attributed to their being a Christian. Mig is a prime example of that sort of BS – yet hypocrites like Wilbur have only ever taken offence when criticism has been levied against one protected class. He talks about the standard you accept is the standard you walk past, yet I’ve never seen him once speak up or defend Christianity against the sort of attacks constantly put out by the likes of Mig.

As to Mig and W@ffle – I’ve changed my mind. They are toxic cunts and both of them are ruining any opportunity to have reasonable, informative or good faith conversation on this forum. I want them banned or at least a vote taken on banning, because both of them add NOTHING.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

dont ban mig imo he’s harmless,

i dont think winning@failing is waffle is he? thought he was his own person


Nope – he’s toxic and so is W@Ffle i.e. his asshole. Their goal is nothing other than to disrupt and bring down the level of conversation to nothing more than a slanging match.

The reason I’ve enjoyed EZFKA for the past few weeks was the good faith conversations that were taking place and the mild bit of banter, that flew out the window after this weekend with both of those nobs being nothing other than obnoxious cunts.

There’s heaps of other people who’ve mentioned they want them gone, and if this is a site that is gunna be run differently from MB, then its members should be able to boot cunts like that to the curb.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

I came here with good intentions, you’re self declared and unabashed antisemitism is why I’m fucking with you. Cop it sweet ya cunt, act like a cunt and get trolled


postmodernism: there is an infinite number of ways to interpret life and we should all be tolerant of different belief systems… except that belief system…oh and that one too



This is you. You should use it as your Avatar cuntling.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

How much time do you spend on the chans? Pretty embarassing that someone of your age reverts to all these basic bitch chan memes and insults like “smoothbrain” lol, fuck you’re sad.


‘Smooth brain’ 🧠 yeah that was a good one.
So appropriate.

BTW – do you not read anything I say? I don’t read any right wing crap, follow any of the usual suspects or visit any of these Chans, I’ve never actually been to one! FFS I barely visited Reddit because I found it fucking annoying.


Lol it’ll be MB before you know.it


no charges imo, that’ll kill it

just keep it as it is but be a bit wary that this is an increasingly totalitarian country when we post and i’d hate to see us targeted at some point


I, for one, don’t want to go down this or any similar rabbit hole.

because this: https://www.ezfka.com/Forum/postid/520/

I also don’t think that that there was actually any perceptible spamming in the comments.


Mig adds nothing T – he’s toxic. W@ffle is tolerable when he stays in his lane, but Mig just spray’s shit like a monkey in fig tree.


Regardless of the lack of quality, any additional comments will just serve to bump up the total replies number. What it does allow is for interesting historical comparisons between comments pages – eg. this weekend MB is at 283, whilst EZFKA is over 270 now (which might be the topic of a future post). Although the intent of MB affiliated shitposters may be to sabotage, for the above reasons it may draw more attention and sensible contributors to EZFKA in the long run. Also, in the longer term no-one is going to bother re-reading the weekly link comments.

I don’t think bans are necessary, as the comment section is transient whereas the forum is a permanent entity. If trolling became an issue in the latter, it would be easy to spot given the relatively few members.


Or alternatively just move to discord


Well put staggsie


Banning those two gay lovers will just encourage them to sign up with fake accounts and spam harder. Keep them around they are fun to laugh at like the special needs kids.


or just ignore em imo, if you really dont like em, dont respond to them

is it really so hard to just exercise personal restraint and dont respond to ppl you think are trying to bait you

its a fundamental principle of the internet, one everyone ignores in favour of elaborate downvote systems or banning everyone and everything who becomes an annoyance, which is ALWAYS a solution worse than the ‘problem’


Smart bloke


I’ve pointed this out to stewie numerous times but he just keeps getting baited. It’s part of my larger point that stewie isn’t as smart or superior as he likes to think/pprtray himself. Yesterday’s effort perfectly proved my point.

On a serious note – I won’t be hanging around if this place is just an excuse for stewie to rant at ethnicities/religions he doesn’t like.


think its more a function of personality rather than intelligence


I’m free to wind them up or ignore them as I please. Don’t get all sanctimonious on us with comments like this

speak for yourself tosser ive got tears in my eyes from laffing at the bantz at this place lately”

lmao who are you on macro again? what an asswipe u are”

You engaged in the tit-for-tat just like all the others here…

If you re-read what I said you’ll see I said don’t ban them because it will create problems and implied ignoring them if you don’t like them.


huh? when did i say i was above the flame wars? i love them, i’m a long time veteran of them. they’re fun. im just saying if other ppl are so annoyed by a troll to the extent they want them BANNED — THEY can just ignore them. im not annoyed by any of it, i enjoy it, and i don’t want to ban anybody.

Last edited 3 years ago by stagmal

My apologies good sir. We are on the same page then 😀 That’s the thing about the internet, it’s hard to get peoples tone and intent sometime. I’m sarcastic asf so could easily be misunderstood.


Hey mister, are you going to finish your censorship post, or have you abandoned it?


I’m not sure mate, I planned on adding some Ed Snowden and Joe Rogan content and realised I was going off on another tangent and whole nother rabbit hole…


I don’t play the fake account game. I’m also not a massive fan of Mig, we’ve had plenty of back forths similar to what I have with stewie, just because we both realise stewie is a dick and call him out on it doesn’t mean we’re friends.


Far out stewie, for someone who “stands by” what he says you’ve been doing an awful lot of editing of day old comments. You weak cunt