Weekend Links, April 17-18, 2021

Welcome to the Weekend Links, April 17-18, 2021!

Last week was a bit quiet, but very happy to see no one particularly hogging the comments and interesting discussion all around. Nicely done folks.

This week there is more news about WW3 happening. It is a little bit scary, but there are also people talking sense.

Which is really nice. We start with Tulsi Gabbard. She has become a bit of a folk hero for lots of people.

This blogger has no idea where her true loyalties lie, but when someone is speaking sense, a wise man listens so… Tulsi for our headline.

Politics And Governance

Tim Pool is trying something new. Will he succeed? Hard to tell. But he is taking on the mainstream media to good on him.

We like little guys standing up to the big guys in these parts.


High brow discussion happening right here!


History Is Amazing

Markets And Finance

Bit older, but I’m a big fan of Raul Pal…

What Do We Have Here?

Culture Wars


No idea how the Israeli’s pulled this off, but OMG!


Also – I’m particularly partial to multi-lingual puns. If anyone has any good puns. So…

Hope you all have a really good weekend folks! Be good to each other out there, and polite (but vicious) commenting is encouraged.

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god macro is boring now

the site has become all vaccine news, all the time

im straining to see the difference between it and mainstream media outlets these days

Last edited 3 years ago by stagmal
Agent 47

Agree, I’m not renewing. WOFTAM. LVO is still readable, the covid vaccine sycophantry from DLS and the commentariat is super cringe.

Did anyone ever read that COVID flipbook garbage they’d print on a Friday?


LVO used to froth as well but he took our feedback and changed. Remember when he was publishing 3x anti mass immigration articles per day. Few of us told him he needs to calm down. We all know the issue and 1-2 articles per week will be enough to keep the pressure on. He took that feedback and tone down. I left MB when I realised DLS will not stop his 3x anti China articles per day. I went off at him one day and that was it.


The best part is when they gloat “where have the Covid deniers gone?”

not realising that everyone got banned and they are in an echo chamber


Yeah, you all hang out here in the other echo chamber.

Are your ears burning?


Got any rebuttal? Lol


You realise the first article is completely devoid of any statistics ?

just breathless anecdotes

the second says Sweden is “suggesting” people social distance and that they are happy with their approach and that it’s being vindicated?

you realise how gullible you are being led around by click bait?

it’s remarkable that after the Chinese people dropping dead in the middle of the street videos

and the Scottish, no wait Indian, no wait Brazilian, no wait Seychelles, variants

you still fall for it every single time

Last edited 3 years ago by Coming

Cool story man. Zero facts, just more of your personal thoughts.


Is this your version of

I know you are , I said you are , but what am I


You’re being a knob, the story specifically discusses Sweden’s daily case rate as a standalone, as well as in comparison to other European nations and even breaks some down for the region “locking down” in comparison to the national rate and you’re trying to pass it off as “breathless anecdotes”.
You either didn’t read it all or are being purposefully deceptive. Par for the course with you and the pandemic.


read what I wrote , and which article each part was addressed to , you fucking cretin

this is the last time I ever reply to you

peachy we need an “ignore” function


Address the case rate you weak cunt. Dodging the facts when they don’t match your narrative. Par for the fuckin course.

Here’s an ignore function for you, exercise self restraint and ignore me if you must.


I don’t think it’s fair to paint everyone here at EZFKA as being a Covid denier. Have recently had the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine myself, which our health organisation organised through a designated public hospital hub. 

Being one of the younger members of my organisation which has so far recorded zero cases of Covid, getting vaccinated wasn’t at the forefront of my mind. However, pressure from the higher ups to actually get it was going to get annoying and if it meant I could bypass some of the more tedious safety checks and plan for some interstate travel without the threat of being locked out, I felt that I should at least look into it. Knowing enough about medication side effects and the difference in the various clot manifestations, the AZ vaccine was not particularly appealing and would have been happy to take precautions and wait longer.

To my surprise, it was relatively painless process to organise which is probably a credit to the hospital system. While waiting I noticed that one person was turned away as she had not booked in advance, and heard them mentioning that they were completing over 400 vaccinations a day. There also seemed to be a problem for those getting their second dose with their details either not being uploaded or accessible on the federal MyHealth record (SNAFU).

On the side effect front, I am still not dead :0

The only thing I can report is some tenderness localised to the injection site that is only really worsened with shoulder abduction movement. This probably started 3-4 hours after the dose was administered. Have heard the side effects after the second dose are worse, which is probably due to an expected increase in one’s immune response.


Thanks for the insight, haven’t spoken to anyone that’s had the jab.


All the good commenters have left MB ie the ones that didn’t have the same views as DLS. I have found Leith’s articles quite good, but the rest is pretty ordinary.


Only used to read the comments. The articles are generally rehashes of existing content that can be found elsewhere with a few quips thrown in for good measure.


why do they want australians to be vaccinated ASAP? do they not understand that’ll mean the migrants will be back ASAP too?


On the other-hand, if the vibrants are let back in with Covid – for instance, it’s gone out of control in India, then I want to be protected as much as possible as it’s almost guaranteed that there will be future outbreaks.

Of course, it’s a moot point – most under 50 won’t have a choice about this, and we won’t be able to access the Pfizer in bulk for quite some time.

Agent 47

Why has everyone got a hard on for Pfizer? Pure marketing. A brief glimpse of their history is just as bad as any other pharmaceutical company. Their CEO is a scumbag and part of this is also them trying to squash their competition.

I’m just amazed at MB’s continued support of this. For a blog that continually decries rent seeking and ticket clipping, they’re completely in support of the biggest EZFKA and globalist ticket clip of all time.

Last edited 3 years ago by Agent 47

I don’t understand why MB is pushing it so hard. As you mention the migrants will be back as soon as the borders open. Additionally, the vaccines haven’t fully been tested eg only recent trials show that AstraZeneca is most effective three months apart. Also we are yet to know if there are any longer term issues. Let the rest of the world be trial data.

Agent 47

Mr Anti-China himself DLS saying covid passports need to happen. Social credit scores ahoy.



I saw that. Really bad. Will go hand in hand with the myhealth record. Unprecedented power in the hands of doctors.


why would the market need yet another organ parroting the same line

they’ve always been too obsessed with respectability; i remember hearing that my posts were constantly being complained about on reported to the mods


lol @ MB’s resident loon/chicken little, bcn (silvia) getting a run in the weekend links. If you want to make money do the opposite of whatever he/she/they suggest/post.


The whole site and half of its followers have predicted 10 of the last 0 house price crashes. The only ones that has the best predictions were Peachy and Reusa.


Everyone should shag a Dane once in their lives.

Agent 47

I’m enjoying the ADL and co losing their minds about Tucker calling out the obvious.


That caused such a mass triggering – he dared mention the unmentionable fact that mass migration is being done to profoundly change American racial demographics, and it is being largely lead and championed by the same people who run and donate to the ADL.

The funniest thing is their predictable cry of it being an antisemite slur, even though Tucker made absolutely no mention of them, actually leaves many people scratching their head and wondering ‘Well how does that work?’ Which hopefully will trigger more than a few of them to set of down rabbit holes of discovery.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie
Agent 47


He averages 4-5 million viewers a night, many of them normie conservatives who still believe the greatest ally myth and who just got force fed a huge red pill.

As someone else said which I agree with, what was interesting today was all the other Israel groups trying to denounce the ADL. Essentially because they’re now scared the topic has become mainstream and that half the country could potentially start to turn on them. We shall see.


I wish I was Danish. And not the pastry.

A fly in your ointment

…so… you wish to be cheesy?

Haha, “Danish cheesy”, I’m so good at humor, ain’t I?


After reading the following typical DLS quote, it made wonder why his head hadn’t yet exploded.
comment image

But we can always rely on Twitter for the answer…


Last edited 3 years ago by Gouda

“Probably quoting me” 😂. His writing is getting more delusional by the day.


I really wonder if it’s actually still him or if it’s a ghost writer

Really think his sanity must have broken at some point last year after the Covid market rally
no one could possibly survive that level of cognitive dissonance


Haha, I had thought about suggesting it as a potential weekend links image, but I think this site is a bit too classy for that.


That Tusli Gabbard interview…what crap. A great example why I avoid American news. She spoke in hyperbolic cliche and the substance of it was one sentence: “Defending Ukraine could entail nuclear war.” No assessment of how likely that would be. No comment on what European Union countries could or should do. Verbiage designed to provoke emotion rather than reason.


Yeah – not her finest interview. The hyperbole even had me rolling my eyes, even though I am generally a fan of hers and over the Russia/Ukraine situation.


“Congressional Democrats will introduce legislation Thursday to expand the Supreme Court from nine to 13 justices”


This is one of the most under discussed news stories of the past week, court stacking is like Banana Republic politics 101 – I really can’t believe the silence on this topic by the msm. The silence from DLS on it is most amusing given his constant conniptions over Trump insurrection fantasies, versus a the real life body snatching attempt by the DNC to seize SCOTUS.

Agent 47


They also introduced a huge gun grab bill and the reparations bill – ZOG going full Wiemar.

Can only imagine what Becker is thinking.

Last edited 3 years ago by Agent 47

Probably furiously masturbating with an EU flag


so Danish men can go on all night without sleep?


That Trevor Philipps video is pretty awesome. He’s one of the few people I’ve heard talk about equality like they actually mean it rather than just a phrase used a proxy for hatred of white anglo men. Thanks for sharing.


im bored

the internet isnt what it used to be


What’s missing? What was it that was good that no longer is?


my brain chemistry circa 10 yrs ago vs my brain chemistry today


Fair enough

A fly in your ointment

@ Stagmal

Internet is all the same except good porn sites are now behind a pay wall. You must’ve visited only those free access…


Alastair Crooke, as always brilliant and devoid of mainstream echo chamber.


good read.

LOL, who said that EmBees readers digest “authors” don’t read EZFKA.com?

Gunnamatta just deleted 2-3 cognitive dissonance inducing posts I made on Friday’s links.
Now this was not the case before I said he was a 1000 word poseur….

Oh, well, such is life. Small lives are small…

Last edited 3 years ago by A fly in your ointment

what did you say?

A fly in your ointment

Ot was a comment on the assessment of mediabpeddling narrative against people’s interests.
I responded with “they’ll do that to prime you for war against sovereign nations of choice like China or Russia and then I inserted a link to Caitlin Johnstone article on media becoming an arm of the CIA ops rather than being “infiltrated” to sneak the narratives, like in the past

Drongo, deleting other people posts is what had me starting to doubt what EmBee was peddling had any substance. Others see that the same, sooner or later.

Last edited 3 years ago by A fly in your ointment

That bloke’s everything wrong with the left.

Called me racist because I oppose immigration.

Called me misogynist because I think Gillard’s a fking idiot.

I’m neither.


i didn’t even know he did, that’s how little i look at macro now

i could barely stand to browse it the moment they hid the icons that showed which articles were paywalled and which were public, that was a completely shady move

Last edited 3 years ago by stagmal

I created an RSS feed for MB for free articles only via some relatively unsophistitcated scraping.I hadn’t used it for a while and discovered it doesn’t work anymore just now. Quick mod and it’s back to working. Find a way for me to PM it to you if interested.

Last edited 3 years ago by robert2013
A fly in your ointment

That was how I saw it too but then realised that the first 1-2 sentences is enough to judge the validity of an article.
I still read titles, it is as good as skiming though ZH titles. EmBee needs free articles on good posts to brag and to attract new members for People’s Temple of Davestown.

A fly in your ointment

Names are changed most often to decouple from encumbered past

Last edited 3 years ago by A fly in your ointment

That’s pretty funny – those guys are so inept.

The “Asian hate” angle that the site tries on though is pretty farfetched.


It’s appearing at the top of every meetup.com page now.

Chinese Astroturfer

I think Asians are hated, especially by black people.


I just discovered citibank is closing down in Australia. They have been my bank since 2016 when I found that they were the cheapest bank to use when travelling with decent exchange rates and zero fees when you withdrew cash from foriegn ATMs. Before that, I banked with HSBC whose service was amazing when they first opened in Australia in 2006 but steadily got worse. I hated Australian banks since I got back after years in the UK in 1999 to find I had to pay to take my money out at ATMs. I will never bank with the Australian cartel unless I have to. I suppose I’ll have to look at Rabo or ING now.



Neat! Thanks for sharing.

A fly in your ointment

Flack me, this is good, near 0% exchange commission.
it comes though as wise.com in my search, is that correct?


yeah – I signed up and will be getting my card later this week


Really liking transferwise. Thanks for the tip.

A fly in your ointment

I am trying to make myself shift to ING for similar reasons but it seems the differences are superficial.
They all offer now free o/s withdrawal but kill you on exchange rates.
For my o/s houses I benefit the most by transferring AUD (30 bucks for $5000), then convert locally to EUR at a small exchange office (often at 0% or under 1% commission)


I’m considering crypto.com

they have an interesting card product & they’re not really based in any jursidiction so probably won’t rip you on currencies


Cool. Can you trust them?

Last edited 3 years ago by robert2013

They’re basically a crypto exchange. How do you know if you can trust them? Lots of dodgy operators out there. Remember Mt Gox!


For big sums I use worldfirst.


It’s really hard to change bank. All those stored repeat transactions, direct debits and so on. For big transfers I use worldfirst.



”conservative women are particularly blissful: 40% say they are very happy. That makes them slightly happier than conservative men and significantly happier than liberal women. The unhappiest are liberal men; only a fifth consider themselves very happy”


Liberal men are cucks is why. Just wanna get dominated and pissed on in every facet of their lives…. we know who you are.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

And there I was, thinking that we could go a whole week without cuck talk…

should probably just accept reality and open up a sub-forum…


i have a giant cuck


Now, now – as a member of the happiest demographic you under estimate the broad appeal cuckoldry holds to our liberal brethren.


“As a parent of colour, I am always conscious of the presence — or absence — of diverse representation in kids’ pop culture…. Where are the disabled, queer, poor, gender diverse, dogs of colour and single-parent dog families in Bluey’s Brisbane? If they’re in the background, let them come forward. (Maynard, voiced by Sean Choolburra, I’m looking at you.”


The amount of privilege that is requires to be complaining that CARTOON DOGS are not sufficiently gay or black or disabled enough is absolutely fucking mind boggling to me. Honestly progressives are a joyless entitled bunch of twats.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

IMO you have to be really careful to monitor what your children are allowed to see on TV, the internet, hear on the radio, read in novels. Extreme antidiscriminationism is being pushed on every channel. If it were my choice I would not let my child watch anything made after 2015 without permisson. Sesame Street from the 70s was way better anyway, and I wouldn’t send them to school either.

It’s getting really bad in the USA and it’s starting to look like that here.

Reminiscent of the incident at the school in Victoria that made its boys apologise to the girls on behalf of their gender, a maths teacher in America reports on his school’s dive into antidiscriminationism. He got into trouble for resisting the push toward BLM orthodoxy.

“When I questioned what form this resistance takes, examples presented by a colleague included “persisting with a colorblind ideology,” “suggesting that we treat everyone with respect,” “a belief in meritocracy,” and “just silence.””


There was a follow up too which gives me hope. A letter by a parent of the school to other parents:



Apparently it triggered the principal of the school into writing her own letter, where she claimed that parent’s letter left students ‘frightened and intimidated’ by the letter that denying systematic racism.


Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Thanks for that. Jargon riddled vague reply with no statistics or effort to validate or debunk criticism. I read it as an attempt to gaslight those at the school who felt like they were losing their minds. I wrote to Paul Rossi, the teacer, who referred me to http://fairforall.org. They are calling CRT neo-racism, I am thinking of applying to start an Australian chapter. I also wrote to the school and referred them to T’s Trevor Phillips video….and told them they were full of ****. I hope their enrolments plummet.

Also…it got picked up by the Daily Mail. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9483085/Father-pulled-daughter-NYCs-54K-year-Brearly-School-says-speak-out.html



Last edited 2 years ago by Stewie

Why did the ABC let this drivel be posted.. jesus christ it’s a cartoon with dogs.

Our taxpayer dollars go to this..


I got upset, ….because all the white people are dogs.


Basically the Fairfax model where half of the news content is opinions.

To your point, I thought cartoons with creatures is to not invoke stereotypes, but I guess this woman was bitter as someone has made a hugely successful cartoon .


Liberal chicks hyperventilating over perceived injustice – fine in a family setting when the patriarch can cast his eye in the direction of the injustice and decide whether it is justified or simple hysterics to be ignored. Terrible in wider society when they are given a platform to share and cultivate group hysterics of non-existence neurotic manifestations.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Progressives are a terrible name for these people. Articles like this prove they are regressive.



PM Scott Morrison announces Royal Commission into veterans suicide


this sounds like the lamest royal commission yet


Aren’t most royal commissions a waste of time and money these days, seems to be more about the optics of being seen to be doing something during term more than anything else.



anyone wanna weigh in on this?

i noticed as the fund started doing worse and worse they started obfuscating their stats/reporting more, making it harder to find info/understand


Looks like someone’s being naughty:


Seems like they managed to do 3% in a month when the broader market in Aus did 3%.

At least they’re not underperforming, I guess.


The benchmarks are BS, comparing to CPI plus a % is useless.

Good to see the fund actually performing however.



Yeah fuck that. I can’t see many under 50’s rushing to get mass vaccinated after seeing how badly this ballsack and his cronies have fucked things up thus far…


If they don’t get it done before Christmas, then mass immigration can not start when they want it to start.


That’s the crux of it. To bad more under 50’s don’t realise they are shafting themselves in more ways that one by rushing out and getting the vaccine.


states will be ‘yeah nah’ …morrisontox fkt again