As inflation and mortgage pain bites, Harris Park’s Indian community turns to street shitting to save on water bills

Indian communities in Australia’s mortgage belt have been forced to turn to street shitting to save on water bills, in an effort to combat rising inflation and cost of living pressures.

With migrant communities deeply impacted by rising mortagages and inflation, street shitting has made itself known in Sydney’s west and has also spread it’s cheeks to Melbourne’s Indian population.

“The recent Diwali celebrations in the Melbourne CBD showed that somewhere needs to designated, it was just people squatting everywhere and we were massively underprepared. Bourke Street was knee deep in shit for a week afterwards,” Melbourne Mayor Sally Capp said.

“Migrants are really hurting on massive mortgages so we should be looking at ways to alleviate them as best we can. The smell is nothing dissimilar to what you’d smell in the Melbourne CBD.”

Not to be outdone, there were further calls by Capp for Tarneit to have Australia’s first ever designated streets for Indians to shit in 24/7.

“It would be a celebration of our wonderfully multicultural, diverse and vibrant society.”

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If only it was satire:
Sydney has been experiencing the pleasure of such vibrant behaviour for a while now.


So enriching.

A fly in your ointment

No one would’ve believe that at the middle of the 21. century The Great Stink had a chance to return half way across the world.


A Somalian convicted rapist has finally been deported from the UK following eight years of legal battles that cost taxpayers £1 million ($1.25 m). Yaqub Ahmed was nearly deported in 2018 but vacationers on the airplane protested at Heathrow airport. Ahmed was well-represented by multiple activist lawyers over the years.

Only Somalian convicted rapists have rights in the West


the houthis stole an israeli cargo ship with a helicopter they made from spare parts on ali baba

this is probably the coolest shit ive ever seen lol


Gee, they’re really great at assaulting civilian and undefended targets.

A fly in your ointment

that’s one helluva good helicopter that can go forever with basic maintenance.

The GoPro camera on its tail is probably the most modern tech on it hence the reliability

Agent 47

Tarneit? It’s called Taj-neit.


Weeow how do I get him as a neighbour 😍😍😍🤤

signed Soyboy

Agent 47

Soy boy seeing this post


You have a weird porn collection.

A fly in your ointment

It’s clear that using Micro$oft can cause sudden massive evacuation of bowels.

Agent 47

Called it. Now all those koshersevative fags who have been cheering on Israel and were warned about this outcome suddenly have nothing to say.


LMAO, they probably poll them first and ask them about their capacity to take on large quantities of debt before they grant the visas.


We should take them all because gdp go up.

Although, will this bring down the cost of kebabs or contribute to the devastating kebab inflation?

Hard to say, it’s both a increase in supply and demand. Confusing. As part of their visa conditions we can stipulate no eat kebab only make him.


Although, will this bring down the cost of kebabs or contribute to the devastating kebab inflation?

Hard to say, it’s both a increase in supply and demand. Confusing.

Superb. This is fucking incisive analysis.

An almost perfect microcosm of the ezfka migration economics quandary.

That’s what I come to for!

JCB, maybe you could do a short series of kebabanomics articles?

A fly in your ointment

Hard to say, it’s both a increase in supply and demand. Confusing.

aka the Llewdo-Bleato (of EmBee) conundrum


100m each for Kyle and Jackie. One of the reasons people like immigrants.

A fly in your ointment

I’ve noticed images on the news but instantly got the diarrhoea so could not read.

What’s the 100 mil for?


Pro migration “demographer” getting bloodied in the replies.


she does every time, but it doesnt stop her

convinced she posts this stuff for her own amusement

Last edited 11 months ago by stagmal

Maybe she doesn’t get much attention among the lefty luvvies. Too fat and bogan looking.

A fly in your ointment

note the fallacy of “houses went up in the age of covid in spite of no immigration”


almost as certain as the sun rising in the morning

just as the ceasefire gets announced of course – that was a close one!

I vote we send them all to live in the eastern suburbs of Sydney

Last edited 11 months ago by Coming
A fly in your ointment

populate them in a strip near the ocean so that Jevvs can bomb them there too?

Agent 47

Know your Jeet


This is really not very funny and I enjoy racism more than almost anyone

instead of “hornyjeet” you should have used “bobsandvajeet”


holy shit why have I never heard of this greens MP

look at the size of her chest






Greens MP .Unapologetically autistic, queer, vegan, kind. Victim-survivor, socialist, economics nerd. Lives + works on stolen land. She/her

how easy is it to get an autism diagnosis these days?


Does she fuck tho


its the adhd of the 2020s


Autists are prime targets of the subversives:

  1. They represent another victim group that can be used to attack whatever remains of civil society
  2. They can be quite articulate (if aspergers)
  3. They are easy to manipulate because they misread social cues.

This woman has been consumed by the subversives and yet she probably thinks she matters to them because they paid her some attention.

Reus's Large MEMBER

You not gonna want to go there look at the bio, that is a nightmare waiting to happen

Unapologetically autistic, queer, vegan, kind. Victim-survivor, socialist, economics nerd. Lives + works on stolen land. She/her


You must colonise a woman’s mind as well as her womb.


Meloni not totally disappointing.


if they find a way to make lab grown meat thats just as good as the ‘real thing’ i.e its just like synthetic diamonds, chemically identical but made differently i could care less and would totally eat it. it could even make meat cheaper and would make meat raising totally irrelevant.


Yeah I probably would too.


tbh i wont lie some of these meat substitute products arent that bad i think people exaggerate on them quite a bit, the quality variation is high but the good, expensive ones are genuinely alright

A fly in your ointment

…so… you can have a cholesterol free printed meat then wash it down with a diet fanta so that having oversized maccas in between is not going to cause a guilt trip?


Thinking up these vaguely nationalistic or conservative nothing reforms is an artform

Howard was great at it


Bitcoin is trying so hard to break back above $38k.

feels like if it can build enough steam to do that, it can run through to 40k+ again.

those feels are reinforced by the sense I get from how the shitcoins have been trading, too.


Are you back on the wave?



unfortunately that means that I rode the wave down as well as up 😉




No, the new RBA gov is definitely not a bloke. She’s a fine woman.

And right to be making the comment about haircuts – having a primary kid trimmed now costs $40-$50, haven’t you noticed?


Nerds btfo by hairdressers too. Lol.


Old “Big Mike” Bullock is the best man for the job for sure. Promoted to head of RBA through sheer talent and excellence in being a Trans person.

A fly in your ointment

Michael Bollock?
changed name?


Wouldn’t mind getting one of these to see the reaction from my woke mick relos.

Agent 47

Geert Wilders elected in Netherlands. Another anti immigration massive Zionist, much like Meloni and Milei. Quite clearly an attempt by usual suspects to co opt growing nationalist movements around the world.

I’d suspect the same will happen with Dutton next year. Usual shit.


Isn’t it preferable to be a slave of the Jews rather than a victim of the muslims

A fly in your ointment

what’s the difference?


auscons cant use the muslim excuse bc hardly any muslims come here

Agent 47

I dunno man western Sydney is pretty bad.


auscons cant use the muslim excuse bc hardly any muslims come here

facts are not really on your side. In terms of rough numbers:

  • 3% of ezfka population is muslim
  • 1% of USA population is muslim
  • 5% of Netherlands population is muslim

Milei is not the same. He is a pure Libertarian who said fuck the nation state.


Milei is your practical reminder that inflation is the devil.

going about your business doing lose monetary and fiscal policy, nek minit- chainsaw bloke is president


Argentinian monetary policy has never been loose by your definition


Meloni and Milei aren’t anti-immigration

Wilders talks the talk but can’t see him walking the walk

Eventually we’ll probably strike gold if outsiders keep on winning


Every new Aussie housing estate is going to need a designated Doo-doo street. I asked open Ai to come up with names.
Number Two Avenue
CaCa Crescent
Turd Row
Dookie Parkway
Stool Stroll
Dung Drive
Crap Close
Squat Square
Shit Street
Deuce Lane
Fecal Byway
Pooing Place


She will if she gets enough support coming in after that letter. Crossed fingers.


just have a look at this

$250,000 for a car to take the kids to school
and the writer notes that it’s obnoxiously loud

why do we as a society even allow this thing on our roads ?

absolutely staggering bogan scum


You know what a good rort is? Be a skin cancer checker. Only need GP tier, then I suppose some little course. 70 a pop, times at least 4 an hour, times 8, times 5, 11200 a week.

You’ll need to look at people’s absolutely disgusting, sickening and vile bodies though so not entirely a walk in the park.


Yeah it’s decent

even better to be a dermatologist which is the most retarded shit ever but you charge what you like


Yeah pimple popper. Don’t mention the bad food and lifestyle.

Dietician, tell boomers to eat wrap bread instead of white.

Massive rorts. Will be interesting to see if it continues when boomers are gone.


That’s only because the derms have this weird monopoly on being the only doctors able to prescribe acne medication Roaccutane.

Bizarre that GPs aren’t allowed to prescribe it, yet can write scripts for actual drugs with high abuse potential like benzodiazepines and stimulants.

But that is EZFKA for you. Earlier this year, some moronic health bureaucrats got together to decide that some commonly available kids asthma medications would only be subsidized if prescribed by paediatricians or respiratory specialists.


That’s still on the low end for medicine. Take out about 40% for overheads and it works out to about $1300 per day assuming no cancellations or no shows. As it’s not salaried work, that figure also has to cover any annual/sick leave, super etc.


4 appointments per hour seems like a pretty brutal cycle, when played out over the course of weeks and months. And the monotony when it’s just looking at people’s skin spots all the time. Skin and spots. All the time. Oh the monotony!

I mean it’s easier than laying bricks, I’m sure, but I do see the potential for some very serious fatigue.

Reus's Large MEMBER

Still better looking than your boyfriend though

A fly in your ointment

that boat will change the NOM exactly by 0.00023%
But it’s the greatest legacy of immigration so if you ask me, there should be a “boat arrivals day” public holiday and on that day any migrant that is brought onto shores of contemporary Aus should be granted 10acre land and an instant citizenship immediately following serving of 5yrs detention on a penal island…


How do I become a based wog sex pest taken away by millenial plain clothes cop in skinny jeans? He’s even showing his ankles, more of a sex pest if you ask me. What a faggot.


Stupid Land Rover drivers

A fly in your ointment

Dr Paul Kelaita is a research affiliate in the Discipline of Gender and Cultural Studies at the University of Sydney. Paul will be providing administrative and research support on the project and has a background working on queer art practices and suburban spaces.

wonder if it’s the same man.

3hr rape?
that would’ve been a dead giveaway it was a wog. No Convict can last for so long


These kids probably just upset that the voice failed.

And people actually wonder why nobody is going on holiday in the NT.


Lucky that the eight “young offenders” didn’t kill themselves in a car crash while joyriding.

if they had, the greens would have kicked up a stink about there only being 5 seatbelts amounting to acute oppression and also noted that speed was a factor.

Then ezfka government would have mandated 8 seatbelts in all cars and 25km/h speed limits everywhere – to protect vulnerable communities.


From that article, there were 100 more assaults per month from July to September than over the same period last year.

Not 100 assaults in that period, or 100 per month, but 100 more every month than in 2022.

We must centre whiteness as the cause of all this violence, and do the work that will result in greater funding for these people, as that’s the only thing that will fix this problem. Oh, also more DEI training for the cops as well.

Gruppenführer Mark