dduuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr good idea duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr wont just have the same problems again later if we do this

dduuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr good idea duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr wont just have the same problems again later if we do this
New redpilled Australian subreddit
there’s already some bangers
treading a fine line at the moment please don’t go there and fuck it up for them
There’s a new redpilled Australian subreddit
there’s already a few good threads there
don’t go there and fuck it up for them they’re treading a fine line
please upvote him
Lmao at the typical responses. WhO huRT YOu?
Pretty much all the replies are from typical soy boy/bush pig redditors. Fail.
That’s the reddit demo
it’s a beachhead at least
Normally I can’t stand Alan Kohler but today he loaded both barrels and took aim at gutless Politicians (from both parties) over their decades of failed housing policy.
Lock, stock and two smoking barrels, wow, I didn’t think he had it in him. kudos!
I’m wondering if he’ll still be welcome in Smh-land once Ninefax/Domain management has read the article.
did he lambast all those terrible councils for not letting enough houses be built
WOW gotta hear that POWERFUL
Still clickbait and lame clicktavism
He will be fine he is superb at being an inane good guy.
I only read a few comments but they sound like old lefty boomers.
You’re right the comments are bizarre.
Did they even read the article? can the read? or are these boomers just completely blind to the systemic and contineous advantage delivered to them courtsey of their favorite Politicians?
Why is this still something that boomers contend? the facts are in, they were the winners, they are the winners, the issues raised relate to the future, as in, can they continue to be the only winners?
Personally, I say F’em the ungrateful B’s can wipe their own arses, or pay those that do a realistic wage.
The article is actually pretty evil. Laying the blame on people, when most of what government does doesn’t consult people at all. We just get a popularity contest every 3 years. I doubt even the most greedy of property investors weren’t expecting these latest gains.
I think most normies are clueless. I am not gonna single out boomers anymore when there’s 2 and a bit generations below who mostly love their woke for some reason.
Boomers were born wise therefore impervious to self awareness and self reflection.
Awesome. This will drive house prices way up in Dandenong
List of journalists and politicians who have visited Israel on all expense paid trips.
crikey redemption arc
They control the horizontal and vertical.
The only solution is Shariah, where the (((YKH))) and women are put in their rightful place
Yeh another million will do it Nige.
What a racist Nigel is, a million is well short of infinity.
3conomic zone fer sure. Mr bungle tickets @ 170 aud a pop. Go fu k yourself mike pattern.
Minors theme for voice
Gen x cringe
Glad I saw FNM at Patton’s peak in the 90s. That’s a pisstake.
Most gen xers would spend 170 on their mixed meat moll gf and kids for a night at the rsl. He knows this so good value.
Visiting the in-laws this weekend discussing interest rates and the economy
the boomer parents are loving it they have more money than ever with their term deposits
sister and brother in law are working with young kids and mortgage – should be in the most pain of anyone in the country
They say payments have gone up but all getting raises at work and the tradie husband has more work than he can cope with
all of them mystified as to why people have so much money with interest rates going up
certain that recession around the corner but say they’ve never seen the cafes and restaurants more full
Obvious BS
You wouldn’t admit to being related to a tradie
I don’t often slum it here
nah, nonsense, with IR lower than the inflation they just don’t lose as fast as others that did not term deposit their “savings”.
Having nominally higher value (in the bank acc) is not correlated to wealth growth, and like everyone in Zimbabwe and Turkey, you know it too. Much the same as the “wealth” in a house: it ain’t wealth until you leave the game. But like with every ponzi, how do you exit the game when it pays on statements so handsomely
Your mate Erdogan just went for 40% IR. All term deposits now pay say 38%. Is anyone actually wealthier every month?
Pics of the sister?
No good
oh, you met a tradie? did you masturbate thinking about an actual manly man?
Yeah rubbing myself raw to live in suburbia with a fat wife and get on the piss with the boys
so you gave him a roofie and raped him with your inadequate asian bennis?
Good job cum dawg
Soy boys jelly of the based tradie.
Some interesting anecdotes from a dinner party last night.
One couple announced that they were moving to Europe. They both just quit their jobs and are selling their house, they could no longer justify the amount of debt needed to keep up their lifestyle here. With their equity they will be able to buy outright where they are looking and feel it will offer a better environment to raise their children.
Another couple were a bit older, two teenage children, the kids were born in the US, both will be moving to the States when they are old enough as it’s clear that much better opportunities are available there. We had a good conversation about how the US is perceived compared to what life is actually like there.
Now I know this is only a couple of data points, but it has me wondering if the idea of Australian exceptionalism is fading. We’ve always assumed that the ruling class can continuously pile shit on the plebs and we’ll take it, but if you look at real living standards compared to North America and Europe the past few years we are really starting to fall behind.
Will Australia just become a shithole with a hardcore legacy bogan ruling class and then a underclass of crap padgeets? Are we already past that point? Luckily we have Canadian and Euro passports to fall back on, once the kids are finished high school there won’t be much holding us here.
It’s a retirement village for Boomers and dodgy rich Asians
There is nowhere to go to in the anglosphere, it’s all on the same trajectory. It can be reversed but this idea of running away merely delays the inevitable arrival of decay on your doorstep.
Ireland leading the way.
True, dat.
Things may be shit here, but Canada, FFS? I’ve watched in horror as Canada has declined over the last decade or so. A friend of mine moved to Canada with his Canadian wife about ten years ago, and it was intolerable so a few years later they moved back here.
In terms of mass immigration of hostile people, housing ponzi, insane tyrannical gummint etc, Canada is much further down the toilet than Australia.
And don’t get me started on the UK. A lovely country that has been totally fucked by mass immigration.
Parts of the US are OK and parts are utterly hellish. The big Democrat controlled cities like SF and LA are completely rooted.
I guess what I’m saying is that everywhere is fucked up, not just here. Sigh. ☹️
Where did they go, Vancouver or Toronto?
If I went back it would be to Alberta, where houses are still 4-5x annual income and the premier is anti-Turdeau, anti-vaxx mandates, etc.
A big difference is that there are still pockets of liveability in NA, Australia is entirely consumed by the capital cities and their endless need for fresh bodies.
australia is too small and everything is intwo cities mostly thats the problem
I think they went to the eastern side…Toronto or Montreal.
I think you’re right about the US. Avoid the hellholes like SF and you can probably find work and a livable environment somewhere over on the east coast.
california is as expensive as sydney
Britanny and thingo are moving to French villlage. $300k.
what you mean frenchs forest
Nah actual French village was on dailymailboomerjew
everyone say hello to our future ankle bracelet wearing neighbours !
hope to see them wasting resources in the high court in the not so distant future !
760 pretty based comments tbh
literally nobody wants this apart from some abc luvvies
but we are a population of cucks
exhibit A
How do you do fellow leprechauns?
Oz tradie micks on 200k. How much in Ireland?
$3.1m over reserve
Plus special levy of $1m
500k stamp duty
another $1.5m on the Reno
how good
nobody cares about interest rates
Cancelling old style Germanic blonde on one item of clothing then “run boss” on another. What an absolute bitch.
i ordered click and collect for the first time ever but just bc i got a bunch of flybuys points to do it
does anyone else bother with these
you can rack up a lot of points pretty easily
Yeah points are good. Or you can give your money to the slave driving independent boomer. They’ll save you.
this is why this doomer shit is going nowhere, they exaggerate all of it
most australians arent being affected by albos policies whatsoever thats why no one gives a shit
Seems plenty millenial 30s in high density around my way. The guys are skinny blondes with dennis lillee moustaches. They think they’re interesting while everyone else thinks they’re a cunt.
I guess you don’t wanna be doing massive shits when you’re in a two bed.
Bloke has some good takes from time to time but just a BTC shill and constant doomer.
Blackpills are cringe and people get addicted to them as much as likes for their dopamine fix.
Blackpill is OK but don’t mix my blackpill with some Bitcoin hopium shit where everyone will be a billionaire once all the rich people buy up all internet tokens
most australians aren’t aware being affected by albos policies whatsoever thats why no one gives a shit
one word makes it true.
Something good about the US and Europe which the EZFKA lacks are major corporate HQs in small cities
Berkshire Hathaway in Omaha Nebraska (pop 486K)
Volkswagen in Wolfsberg (pop 124K)
Even KFC in Louiseville Kentucky (625K)
If the US was like Australia, every major company would be headquartered in NYC, LA or San Francisco and houses in outskirts of those cities would cost a godzillion dollars.
a gaping hole between Aus and the ilks of US or Old Continent is that US was always decentralised and stimulated enterprise, and Old Continent has most settlements at least 10× older than the entire Anglo colonisation history.
VW was not HQ’d in Wolfsburg, it was founded there and the same for most US businesses (plus taxes breaks and escape from wokeism biting back). Imagine an international Aussie brand remaining in Dubbo after success. Nah, that tells you the livability of non-capitals: the moment one makes money escape is as inevitable as the next day.
Look up the movie The Coca Cola Kid. Aussie classic, nice story inspite it being a wishful thinking and a few weird quirkiness here and there
I tend to think it’s only really the US, Germany and mayyyvbe France and the UK that can claim that.
Australia, NZ, Canada are just too small to have many smaller to medium sized cities. More profits to be had in big business by having your population base concentrated in a few areas only.
nah not uk and france, theyre both primate city dominated countries
nearly everything worth a damn in both is in london/paris
u.s.a and germany are both very decentralised though
Imagine winning the referendum in a landslide and still caving to this shit. Cuckservatives need to be annihilated.
all of this is for posturing, for feel good experience. Like tossing a few silver coins to a beggar on the street: make only the tosser feel good about it.
60:40 is not quite the landslide. There are some indicators that the voice was created and set to fail for the reason to restrict the very thing it was “virtue signalling” it would give. Something about “gov.au pty ltd” enterprise having sole mandate on expropriation of land (without the original and true Aussies having a say). Somehow it feels the voice made 99.99% Australia residents lose no matter the way they voted.
Self congratulatory Liberals approve developer friendly housing policy. Can’t mention the immigration word.
Are you sure that will win us votes?
YIMBY is brought to you by Peter Tulip, do you know it’s going to be pro immigration BS.
They are arrogant enough to they think they’ve also won the argument.
It’s typical for fanatics to think they’ve “already won” when things have just started
Peter Tulip “it’s a supply issue”
Put interest rates over the top of that
Have things changed politically in Australia re: housing?
IMO, only around zoning so apartments can be built. Boomer house prices are as protected as ever if not more so.
It’s impossible to build enough apartments to meet these levels of immigration. But in general not that many will be built because of high interest rates, zero trust in the building industry (Opal Towers etc) poor investment returns from apartments for the last two decades, labour shortages.
When it comes to keeping the ponzi inflated, no dumb idea is off limits.
it will take long before all the theoretical possibilities will be exhausted, if ever.
eat, shit, sleep, work 2 jobs, pay mortgage, die. all else is an appendix to a ‘life’
I’m sure if this gets up it will definitely not get rorted…
this just about explains almost all that is wrong with this pond (as most if not all stems from this one thing)
Lol Microsoft had to alter their AI images generators because too many people were coming up with utterly based memes.
Fucking LOL.
Now that’s absolute gold. 😊
There’s heaps more
Terrible news, the colleges couldn’t even get someone to proofread their letter.
Did warrants on a few of these back in the day and this was over ten years ago.
Usually run by an Indian or Chinese ex student on PR. Never any classes actually there, they just buy some furniture, move it around a bit sometimes and the ‘students’ are out working most of the time. The school basically takes payment to report them as attending and then gives them the certificate at the end. I’d suspect it’s even worse in the online learning era.
absolutely incredible that the tax payer is footing the bill for gardening services so that old fucks can stay on their own in multi bedroom homes
this is a sick country
Enjoy your vast unearned property riches AND hurt young people at the same time
I don’t know a single Boomer who would pass that up.
Of course it’s just MSM bullshit to distract from immigration and get generational warfare engagement
anyone else ever looked at the official liberal aus page
it retweets all this immigration attendant bullshit but never actually talks about immigration proper
so heaps ofs hit about muh boat people, muh illegal arrivals, muh criminals in the community
zero tweets about the actual rate of migration
theyre still up to the old howard era tricks and everyones falling for it yet again
If many people were falling for it they would be way ahead in the polls
i thought they were creeping up already and this is with a literal eunuch demon as its leader
They don’t have to do anything other than wait out how severely disappointing Labor are.
El Nino means hotter and dryer. Says the BOM.
Trust the scientific models
Ah but but but cow farts …. did a study a few years ago about the effects of El Nino, La nina on the snowfall, there was little difference in which one it was, and all depended on the severity and it’s effect on the jet stream.
Have you ever been racist in front of someone you didn’t know was a Jew?
White man’s burden.
Maybe that’s why Hitler put the Star of David on all the Jews. Sometimes it’s hard to tell who’s a Jew.
Where do Brits get all their money from? $50m AUD for this.
If I had 50m AUD I wouldn’t be able to stop flogging myself my dick would drop off.
its in london on primrose hill thats why it costs so much
It looks fucken gay though. Unless you get to fuck the shit out of 70s Felicity Kendal. Even then worth more like 5m tops.
Personally I’m a bit lazy so I’d pay tops 1.65m to be guaranteed to fuck the shit out of 70s Felicity Kendal. Absolute tops. Probably more like 650k. Bitches are overrated.
yeah wouldnt pay 50m for a house like that no matter where it is
Probably chump change for a Russian oligarch or Saudi oil baron.
Imagine all the fashion and culture tho
Good looking people won’t even spit on you unless you are good looking too, have a normal personality and a normal personal history.
lmao im having fun trolling reddit
A bunch of people behaving like an AI LLM … just waiting for a prompt.
Incel crabs in a bucket
lmaoooooooooooo this guy
He’s still hitting that tight wet Asian pussy raw
“trying to make a baby”
while playing vidya on the couch in his shorts all day
flawless victory
Their house looks reasonably nice. He can work if they get married.
In twenty years, their kid will be in Australia on an indian vocational education certificate visa, being a danger to traffic on a moped carrying a cockroach infested cube, to deliver your food, or a wristy. Or both.
In 10-20 years that area might all be kfc, 7-11 and maccas. Then they can serve each other 3 piece boxes and big macs with their printed money.
anyone watching the livestream of bruce lehrmann testimony?
he seems like a timid little faggot
surprised he has the stones to rape multiple women
im not watching, any juicy bits
what do you reckon his chances are
the left wing media and twitterati is jumping up and down with glee that he admitted doing coke, and ch 7 paid for his flat
but not sure any of that is relevant to his claim
anyway the real juicy part will be when higgo takes the stand tomorrow
undoubtedly there will be more scandalous admissions that right wingers/misogynists can gloat over
fark britt just arrived at court
sitting in the front row with her lawyer, LEON ZWIER
britt is testifying next!
giving all my wit and courage to steven whybrow SC
keep us updated
dailymail has got you covered bruh
check out her new hair style
that looks very expensive
she has just been to the salon this morning
Wow. Looks really terrible.
heavy tuck shop lady vibes
what are we thinking now
60kg would be one thigh now.
Most of the damage seems to have happened on the previous day of cross-examination.
This is a lefty fantasy
geee… I heard on the news that there was another episode of Wankfest on Brucey and the fat cindirella story…
easy with that moite, you may turn blind
Prohibition having the opposite effect. Young Smokers/Vapers INCREASING.
>Smoking and nicotine-based vaping among 14-17 year olds in Australia has multiplied six-fold and 15-fold in the last five years.
Why not just put a patch on?
or spray or gum or lozenge
He refuses to answer the question
loves to have something in his mouth
loves to have something in his mouth
that’d be your thai lady boyfriend thinking nope,
not putting bennis into disgusting indian man mouth
Everyone must be so glad this mentally ill retard is back
I like being hated by anti smoker zealots. Like Abbott with lefties.
NZ has just reversed some Labor anti smoking laws.
Make Smoking Affordable Again.
this is hilarious
some Melbourne private school faggot gets knocked off his rowing boat by three fat ugly Melbourne cunts who rented a boat
all disgusting people in a disgusting place
look at that smug fat slut after she knocks him off
your posting shit nobody cares about
you shud be on Oxford st at the tool shed getting your stool pushed in
Oh lord I can’t stop laughing
just look at that fat slut and her smug smile
you can see her thinking “this is Eora country”
two groups of faggots at war with each other
Those row boats probably go faster than the bogan women would think.
Why do these things keep happening to Steve keen
hes the modern day job
I remember he got some expensive laptop and it shat itself bad. I know too much about this loser.
thinking back on covid is so weird now
like it never happened
like it was all a dream
no one cares anymore
and even then, covid was considered such a priority that the govt suspended its most sacred policies like immigration in favour of it
and created some of the best conditions ever, assuming you werent in lockdown (most of aus wasnt) 2020-2021 was like an oasis in a desert of neoliberal wage destroying rent hiking bull shit
if you were to subscribe to conspiracy theories about Covid – the perfect path for it to unfold would have been to kill about 1 billion people, predominantly the old/non-productive and the non-compliant (jab refusers (at both ends of the bell curve)).
following a temporary boost to labour bargaining power , the world would settle into a new state where there is higher debt capacity (due to jettisoning older people) and higher debt appetite (due to jettisoning the non-compliant)
it didn’t work out because the virus wasn’t deadly enough to begin with and the jabs not protective enough
Just because you don’t care bout covid any more doesn’t mean that nobody cares.
I saw friends and colleagues die of suddenly, including a bloke I’d worked with for over two decades.
My young niece developed myocarditis followed by POTS, which has been life changing for her, in a very bad way.
My Mum won the trifecta…pulmonary embolism, followed by hyper aggressive cancer followed by a series of strokes that finally killed her.
My 40 year career as a professional engineer came to a premature end (of my choosing), after a very unpleasant period of vaccination coercion efforts with my employer of 30+ years.
I could go on and on. All of the above was related to covid and the vaccines. There are many, many people like me. If you think that “nobody cares” about any of that then you’re living in a very small echo chamber.
LOL cooker
absolutely deranged lmao
if there’s anybody living in a small echo chamber its the deranged cooker on this website of 30 people
i dont think this place gets 30 commenters if it ever did
ill count them all one day (though i suspect some people here are alts meaning you’d be over counting) but i think there’s only like 10-15 or so ‘regulars’ here
fly ointment
ironic boomer
timbo/sinister if you want to count them
that’s already 18
there’s probably a few more infrequent posters
then there would be all the lurkers (LvO, that economist i forgot his name, gerrard rennick etc)
a sitting member of victorian parliament (tim something) posted here once
He never came back. Probably after noticing the unhinged stuff that some people come and post here made the sensible call that it’s silly to be associated with it.
I forgot you were a jabby. You been having boosters?
refused the booster and by that time nobody gave a shit anymore
glad I kept my career and survived the 0.001% risk of a major adverse effect from the original jabs
hahahahahahahaha, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, hahahahahahaha, hahahahah hahahahahahahhahahahahhahgahah
true Aussie: will sell own health for a few dollars more, will negate existence of cognitively dissonant unpleasantness, and then brag about a minuscule achievement as if it was worthy a medal (“refused booster”)
a true cooker
tick tock, tick tock…. who’s number is next?
When ointment is on the other side of the argument you know you’re right
hahahaha, weapons grade copium. hope it can help you when my-Oh-Carditis strikes.
But hey, kudos, you fought the tyranny by skipping the booster jabbadabba. hahahahahahaha, that’s too much even for you doctor Ongo.
Not many, but still more than embee
You forgot bjw5678!
and Reus’s Large MEMBER
so it’s twenty!
I wish that from mb we could poach
gruppenfugrer mark
And robert2013 – another thoughtful legend
That’s probably twice the number of unique posters on MB these days.
It’s embarrassing how similar both content and comments are….no free thought tolerated
ffs for more than half the comments, even the grammar and sentence structure is identical.
yes you’re absolutely correct
because the average ezfka or global unit is a gullible moron
all this talk of covid inquiries or whatever bullshit its not going to do anything
even if the report was the most damning imagineable
even if they actually produced documents showing pfizer/soros was trying to depopulate the earth absolutely nothing would happen
the vast majority of units only care about what the media tells them to care about
the only historical event that is still relevant today is the Holocaust and the stolen generation
everything else may as well have never happened
Covi9d lockdowns were fucked for me.
I can see why the dubbo bruz wanted to bash you
well they’re over now so you can enjoy your life rather than coming here to troll cunts aye
A lot of the hardcore believers are still out there. I heard a family friend bitching about Covid on the weekend and how we were entering a dangerous new wave. I guess her obese husband was hospitalised the first time around, of course his poor health wasn’t at fault. They seriously believe that if it wasn’t for the vaxx we’d all be dead.
Here comes the CPI steamroller.
going to be quite hard to look through a high reading, but an effort will be made to give the borrowers a Christmas present, if possible.
AUD has been strong since the last raise, so we can pretend that there is more buffer there than there really is.
odds of Christmas present substantially increased now.
the other shoe to drop this week is us inflation numbers, we’ll see if that locks the outcome in
my thought this morning was that the 5% jump in Fx is to alleviate annual virtue signalling to other family members in December. All imports will be cheaper so…
Cometh January, we’ll see a drop again unless IR inches closer to inflation.
lol and this is her own lawyer
how is this bitch going to survive cross examination
watch higgo talking live on youtube right now!
to be honest im starting to believe her story
she seems credible as a witness
although potentially she has severe BPD and just believes her own lies
to summarise my current opinion is that she was “raped”
but she set out to exploit that for her own benefit and aggrandisement
and then it got a bit too much for her to handle the scrutiny and attention
and so she shat the bed
now she is full of mixed negative emotions which are currently being expressed on the stand
im putting “rape” in inverted commas because how are two drunk people supposed to obtain meaningful consent
i think she and everybody else should have just chalked it up as a learning experience and called it a lapse of judgement on both their parts
You could be like the John Grisham of pog rape books.
Would be funny if
the two fatties get married. And that Shiraz becomes their man-servant. Because it was all a big fat ruse all along.
Britt should start an only fans for bbw sex
itd be like the movie wild things except the characters arent sexy
You can definitely see the aboriginal in her face. It’s really clear as she gets older and fatter. I wonder what mob.
heavy chin area / very overdeveloped jaw
The saddest thing about Brit vs Bruce is that it’s these weasely ugly private schoolers that are obviously the bulk of the LNP.
Need more bogans, that smoke and don’t look like faggots and pogs.
what the fuck is the point
like seriously who gives a fuck if someone wants to throw a few romans
who is even offended by it
who is even offended by it
about 83% of Eastern Europe?
(remaining 27% were collaborationists).
imagine you’re given a long mallet and 6 years of time to kill every single person in ezfka. Well, that’s just the Soviet and perhaps Polish losses combined, excluding any Jevvs. if anything it was a Holocaust of Ruskis, not the bignoses.
is aus in eastern europe now
fmd soyboy wasnt wrong
she looks 100% more boong than a lot of the voice campaign people
her genetics have the life history speed button stuck on fast forward
Pretty typical ezfka mixed meat moll imo. Could be dutch/germanic/saxon genes.
those are all germanic haha
Left looks wog.
the abc publishing some sad stuff about ukraine
this is depressing, the 24/7 news cycle is legit one of the most terrible aspects of the modern world
Did you see that one where the fat Ukrainian gets 3 of his limbs blown off?
Almost like soldiers are antiquated. Future war will be drone wars. No doubt they are working on making drones as tiny and deadly as possible.
i think the fundamental issue with this war has always been the lack of manpower on both sides, both armies are too undermanned given how big the area theyre fighting over is
the wehrmacht overran ukraine in a few months with 1940s technology and horse drawn logistics bc they had 1.5 million men and extreme operational superiority
Wouldn’t that allow for more freedom of movement? Seems like they can barely move. Dig a whole and crawl in it and wait. Like WW1.
Morale must be rock bottom on both sides. Both fighting for monumental scum.
Least delusional Ukranian nationalist
Haha what’s he gonna do hold the cigar between his two remaining toes?
The propaganda
vs. the real reason the counteroffensive failed
Big Serge has the story of the Ukranian counter-offensive debacle.
Sounds like a monumental clusterfuck.
Swede version of Brit vs Bruce. Will be on SBS.
“Fat woman in business clothes being followed by goatee bearded guy in business shirt and tie”
“australian mixed meat moll eating a sausage roll”
“australian tradie in yellow vest kneeling before the pope”
Don’t know why I’m getting two popes but whatever. Catholics like their numbers…
This featured Dr Demography pog.
Fairly interesting.
Australian being a manufacturing country from approx 1940-1980.
Rank Arena TV.
When I die I wanna be stabbed in the eye and go thAaaaaa.
Completely fictional battle.
Scots won but via guerilla tactics whilst English were crossing a bridge. Hence name Battle of Stirling Bridge.
the tactics here were more similar to bannockburn
Still bs and independance is cope.
Does the removal of Glass Steagal have a positive or negative affect on gang violence and the severity of it in the USA. Phd studies.
Just go back to 1960 and buy Coke.
If you didn’t do that then you deserve to die and be poor.
Menzies was behind funding Catholic schools.
Actually pretty impressive the Liberal party on several fonts.
If he hadn’t done that we’d be more like the Balkans or something.
Religion is only ever brought up when annoying people like me do it.
Back on topic, dyson drew this for the paper recently.
dyson probably an ezfka.com lurker
why did so many economists get inflation expectations wrong
Stunning and brave
u wot m8
oh no its unravelling
holy shit whybrow just asked higgo on the livestream about the money she got from the government and her book deals
objections from all the other barristers
absolute chad shit
oh lol you guys need to watch the live video
she is 110% lying and she is terrible at it
i don’t know if it’s worth the time devotion required
is it entertaining at all?
im finding it fascinating
i should have been a barrister
whybrow is top tier
prob best lawyer in oz along w the guy who got pell off
Absolute chad
leaves it lingering over head so she loses even more composure
fuck I wish I did this for a living
Kissinger dead at 100 years old
finally the jabbadabbado got him
no escaping goempertz law
you kark it when youre going to kark it