New study confirms Australian politics now exclusively a contest to see who can import the most Indians

A new study conducted by the Great Replacement Institute has found that Australian politics has exclusively shifted to an Indian importation contest.

The study found that both major parties had abandoned every other issue currently plaguing Australia and had exclusively fixated on importing as many subcontinentals as possible.

“It’s clearly shown by Peter Dutton in India on the weekend simping for more Indian migration, that this is just an arms race to convert as many suburban streets into public toilets as possible,” Dr Ian Henderson said.

“Albo or Dutto it doesn’t matter, they’re clearly going for India 2.0.”

Peter Dutton defended the study’s findings and stated he was for Big Australia but only ‘with a plan’.

“Mate, they play cricket, they’re just as Aussie as us. 500,000 a year is too high though, we should dial it back to 499,000 which is a much more manageable level.”

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hanania has chosen this hill to die on

have to say he makes some good points

pedo obsession is a trope for low IQ but conservative people


hanania is a troll

i know people who have met him irl and they tell me hes a lot more straightforward in person and honest that a lot of the stuff he posts on twitter is click/ragebait designed to upset people

i think hes hilarious tbh

he used to operate under the pseudonym richard hoste back in the day where he posted way more inflammatory racist/pro islam shit


Had never heard of the guy, but that was the tweet I was thinking of.

Just comes across as a creepy weirdo promoting child prostitution.


Low IQ take


that’s the point yeah

it’s all subtle very high level trolling designed to elicit a response, he obviously enjoys annoying absolutely everybody

his insights are actually sincerely very good but yo u have to disentangle them from the deliberately inflammatory content

Last edited 11 months ago by stagmal

Gouda isn’t on that level

Peters Jordenson

Think of the food tho bro

Even Jorden does


holy shit

so the impression i get is that in ukraine theres like a group of foreign english speaking mercenaries who are there seemingly to tell ukrainian native conscripts what to do

but in this video it looks like it went topsy turvy and the ukrainian cannon fodder decided to fight back and kill their masters


Based. Good chance the whole west will be like that now.


Woeew ointment theory in action as the Ukrainian prisoners rebel against their wardens

Azov would have been savvy enough to waste these units from a distance

A fly in your ointment

so wut, no interest rates topic this month?

Mo ErdogaComingomics topic ???

2 posts so far with no Brucey/FatCinderella story… fingers crossed


is it today already


Its tomorrow

but today’s inflation data shows 0.1% deflation for october

they have no idea what they’re doing so tomorrow could be anything who knows


I’ve been hoping for you to create another incoherent cooker post

A fly in your ointment

No worries mate, I promise I’ll do as requested.


I’ve stopped caring what they do. Without a recession this inflation is baked in now.

Just think what you’re currently paying a week on the essentials, then realise that over 10% of that is due to this period of inflation and you’re going to be paying it for the rest of your life.


A fly in your ointment

I produce very little waste so inflation barely made a dent in my budget but I can see it affects everyone around so indirectly it reflects on me too.
Fortunately inflation is good for my line of work plus I know how to swim up the current in (hyper)inflation environment. Prefer not to.

The plastic buck jumped 3% literally over two nights, I fear RBA may change the decision on IR last moment and hodl.
IR lower than inflation by a few % is not going to tame it, it will just defer the beast until it grows bigger and become wilder

For those that can’t understand inference to plastic buck, open your wallet to see what’s your fiat made of,


If house prices look like falling they’ll bring in 1m poos.

Petrol was 1.80 last week now up to 2.20 again.


prices are still at about 1.80 here good heads up ill buy before it goes up again

A fly in your ointment

Fuel used to be swung by 20c in the world in/famous Aussie fuel cycles. Since Coming happily took the jabbadabba as ordered by his manager and told the rest of us were stupid, the swings went to 50c regularly. I saw it once almost 60c. Fuel will drop again, particularly now that plastic fiat went up
Aussies are complacent and compliant, will stand still and grin happily whilst being fuel flucked, even if no Vaseline is used.


Even people who only bought a few years ago will have a lot of equity. That’s a lot of petrol. Go long reverse loans.

I wouldn’t mind starting a reverse loan company. Be Aussie John/Bouris of reverse loans.


Once Australia becomes part of Bharat so that we can achieve the “ever closer ties” that every LibLab drone wants more of…

Where will Legacy Aussies rank amongst the castes?

We’d better start negotiating if we want jobs reserved for us like the Dalits have.

A fly in your ointment

I doubt there is a plan for convicts to be the part of any caste. Assimilation, children removal, castration, chicken fence etc…

We the wogs will be now second tier citizens to the new landlords so not much of a change.


At a place I worked once, the two poos didn’t like each other. Personally I’m gonna get on with a poo more than a soy boy white leftist.

Agent 47

I’m enjoying the EZFKA Twitter know your traitor series


Hitler is being rehabilitated on Twitter

fucking chills down my spine tbh


return of the king


Will the west ever see anyone with that level of conviction and charisma



imagine a politican getting into power today who

-was basically incel, never known to have a girlfriend or even have sex until maybe their mid 30s (possibly never had penetrative sex at all?)

-slept on park benches, litearl homeless

-childless his entire life

-extremely unconventional even by the standards of our time, let alone his time (vegetarian, non-smoker, non-drinker, ‘deep ecologist’ environmentalist views)

-bibliophile, actually read heavily

-art school reject, no higher education at all

-basically never had a job

-genuine war veteran

like a super intelligent alien who came to earth who somehow (but never truly knew how to relate to other people either) figured out how to get people to do everything he wanted them to do

there could never be another him ever, perhaps not since christ himself did we see someone like this, and even if they do exist somewhere they would never be allowed to ascend today

Last edited 11 months ago by stagmal
Peters Jordenson

Puttin is even more capable and does the same thing – doesnt take cheek from anyone

A fly in your ointment

Will the west ever see anyone with that level of conviction and charisma

The world has changes since.
This level of insanity would not be palatable to pacified, depressed-on-antidepressants, drugged up westerners. The new way is to make the frog boil itself and be happy about it, and it works


Pratibha Sharma, who ran in the 2018 Vic election as an independent in Werribee, was killed alongside her partner and 9-year-old daughter in the Daylesford pub car crash last night


The legacy scum on this site would rather some bogan trash

what a high quality family

Loved ones have expressed their shock and grief at the death of Ms Sharma, who was a devoted community volunteer, domestic violence advocate and worked as a registered migration agent before recently becoming a lawyer.

Last edited 11 months ago by Coming

>domestic violence advocate and worked as a registered migration agent

I wonder if it was a deliberate murder then?


50 migration agents arent worth 1 mth addicted junkie in the gutter

Peters Jordenson


Agent 47

Based Boomer takes out 5 pajeets and gets double points for executing a migration agent.

I’m sure the age will be wanking over them and some GoFundMe grift will be set up.


why did he crash the suv?

if he had been driving a toyota corolla hatchback i wonder if he’d of killed anyone


Spooky tbh

Canada has better quality legacy units though

Peters Jordenson

Hey that’s the /pol talking

A fly in your ointment

Poos do it again.
Or is it slopes?
Multiculturalism at its best?
Yep, Failure to “assimilate with pre-existing culture”


Good riddance to legacy trash

Peters Jordenson

Hello World’s Largest Indo-Hong Kong Refugee Camp, Straya


Services Australia’s era of understaffing came to a crashing end this morning, in a move that reverses the Liberals shameful Robodebt era of administration.


We’re making an immediate investment of $228 million to put more than 3,000 service delivery staff back into the agency.

more public servants so useless units can bludge with less effort

thanks bill

no labour shortage no worries


+1 for Labor. Get back to me when Lib mates aren’t guzzling tax dollars and paying 0 tax.

Agent 47

No one gives a fuck about Robodebt.


you’re on a beach in argentina and this washes up suddenly out of the blue

wyd with it?


Bury it until the world is once again ready to deal with the problem it attempted to address.


Four Corners covering Andrew Tate. Based. We can’t have blokes learning about the harsh reality of divorce laws and the daily dose of man hate in a lot of the media.


wouldnt have even known who he was until the media brought him up and wouldnt shut up about him

just another pua grifter (come surprisingly late) as i understand it


I’d say most people will take whatever good points he makes and leave it at that.

Ive barely looked at him. Looks a bit like action hero culture from the 80s. They ain’t gonna be Rambo but they can take a few pages out of his book.

Peters Jordenson

But a darker shade of brown
He’s a hero to anyone who’se retarded

Peters Jordenson

With no chin



muslim + smoker

pure trash


You’ll never be apart of the upper class Anglos. They’ve circled the wagons, left you behind, make their money off complete treasonous rubbish like The Block and real estate classified companies dressed up as news media, and don’t give a single fuck about you. That means you’re among the trash. Haha.


So I watched it and he has these courses at all levels and the top one costs $6k and the goal is to get a girlfriend and get her to do onlyfans for you and you take all the money. Some sort of brainwashing called Pavlovian Conditioning. No doubt ad agencies and the media use it themselves.

He’s got a millions of followers on the internet which is why he can afford a Bugatti etc.

I remember a couple of years ago Dave Shappelle said this extremist leftism is gonna result in extremism from the other side. They’ve seemingly banned abortion in the states and well I guess this is another instance.

the arborist

“Banned abortion in the states”? Do you mean abortion is banned in the USA? It’s not.

The repeal of Roe vs Wade only means the federal US govt no longer has control over abortion laws and it is instead up to individual state legislation – as it should be.

The corrupt media and leftist activists pushed the idea that abortion has been banned nationally but it simply isn’t so – like most things the MSM say.

Gruppenführer Mark

When asked about Roe vs. Wade, George Bush replied “I don’t care how people got out of New Orleans after hurricane Katrina, as long as they are safe”.

Thank you. I’m here all week. Try the buffet.


Pure wuality


Thanks Timbo. You play this game much better than me.

Peters Jordenson
Peters Jordenson
Last edited 11 months ago by stagmal

ive never been there

indigenous only 5.5%

could be a good one
will you ever get a job tho


also pointing out thats $USD104k


I said this before Whyalla or Port Augusta are both cheap as mate get on it


Port Pirie is better – I’ve been to all 3


Thanks yes also that too potentially. What makes you say port Pirie?


Closer to Adelaide, surrounded by farming communities, and large Christian Italian and Greek communities. Plenty of work if you want. Also off of the main highway so less outsiders


this has to be the only place left in all of australia still like this


it’s also very walkable – Whyalla is very spread out and Pt Augusta is unsafe much like your Dubbo experiences


why not just adelaide itself

still pretty cheap

and a bit of moot around for a young man like yourself



i think im going to drive over to SA soon to have a look

never been before

Last edited 11 months ago by stagmal

You should be vlogging your incel adventures and thoughts

you could get a following and make money

Aussie Soy Boy

Centrelink might force him to get a job in Adelaide.


Yep, you can get a house in those areas for half the price compared to Dubbo. Less chance of getting assaulted by the indigenous too.


iv been surprisingly impressed, im heading over to scope the joint


Why wouldn’t you get a Ford Ranger if everyone is dumb enough to heap all the money on you?

Fact is the girls are gonna prefer the guy with the big car rather than a hatchback.

Tradies must think we’re the dumbest fucks in the world, and they’d be right.


how are you even able to see macros articles


I can’t.


you know everyone goes straight to the comments anyway


This is the truth.


another classic example of how the very worst elements of legacy behaviour are not just encouraged but celebrated (along with violence and getting maggoted and muh sportsball)

but we have to incessantly apologise for and curb the best elements which is the english rule of law and patronizing the aboriginals


Last edited 11 months ago by Coming

I just saw a painter with arm tatts meet up with his 7-8/10 gf all nicely dressed up for the Melbourne Cup. Anyone with an iq above 105 is a weak cuck loser idiot. Well not all of them but most of them. Biggest own goal of all time.

A painter. You could leave school at 9 to be a painter.


biggest regret of my life as a young man was not getting a sleeve

they are like catnip for dumb sluts


it’s never too late


They probably do a bit of meth or pingas on the weekend and bang all night.


Yup – if I had a do over I’d have been a plumber. My professional body have done nothing but undermined my ability to earn an income and extort fees from my for decades. Union membership would have been cheap by comparison and by far money better well spent.


That’s why I gave up my membership of Engineers Australia. All they did was make huge bank charging fees to accredit huge numbers of foreigners.

Why the fuck would I pay to belong to a professional body dedicated to importing cheap foreign labour to replace me.

Worthless cunts, they were.


CPA and CAANZ same shit

Probably much worse

Accountants pay has gone nowhere in 7 years as a result


You can learn calculus until you’re an old man but it’s all about the power. Engineers need to become a mafia or something and get shotties.


Going to mum’s place for dinner tonight.

Yum Yum!

A fly in your ointment

2 more hours,

I reckon there’s a good chance that they may have a last minute change of heart and hodl

A fly in your ointment

that is RBA to hodl teh rates


any final bets on rates

if anyone even cares, i barely do

i’ll say raise 0.25

A fly in your ointment

0% increase

see above


does anyone give a fuck about the melbourne cup

pretty inhumane tbh and an enormous waste of carbon

but a bastion of legacy degeneracy
get maggotted, gamble and maybe punch on

very low IQ and low quality society

hope the greenies glue themselves to the track or something


no its private school wanker shite

horse racing is just terrible, so boring too its over in 2 fucking seconds


id rather watch dog fights


it’s a pass time for horse pilled degen gamblers.


no its not

genuine degenerates will gamble every day on the dogs or the trots or whatever regional race is on

this is a bogan celebration for casuals

the absolute worst of whiteness

i have no idea why its still tolerated while all other celebrations of whiteness are now considered shameful


is it even just bogans, feels like its an alliance between bogans and rich private school dickheads


its for all legacy units

just wait for the dailymail photo dump tomorrow or this afternoon when it will be full of the absolute most garbage white people completely inebriated and behaving obnoxiously

Aussie Soy Boy

LOL it’s not for rich people


That’s why I find it a bit interesting. The organised criminal upper class and absurdly overpaid sub 105 IQ legacies are doing well. It shows the country they are still probably the most powerful force and people need to bend the knee and pay tribute.


The Indian grandfather has spoken


I got some bets on but I haven’t had any luck for about 10 years so I don’t really gaf.

Trifecta payouts are looking shit. $200-400.


will be nice to suck down a few fags while you are checking your multis


A two-year-old horse was euthanised after falling on the track at Flemington on the eve of the Melbourne Cup Carnival.

The filly, Rejuvenated, was put down after being injured in the fifth round of jump outs on Friday – the day before the four-day carnival officially began.

but its illegal to have sex with horses



Insect rights. Ban Mortein.


5/10 grade trolling today Coming


to be honest with you even peter singer made this argument

coming is a great philosopher


remember when you claimed the average IQ on was high?

yeah, it isn’t


Coming comment trajectory – “So what exactly is wrong with exposing yourself to kids?”


It won’t stop with exposing.


Police have pepper sprayed and arrested two pro-Palestinian protesters who were part of an ongoing rally outside the Melbourne Cup.

About 80 protesters remain outside Flemington Racecourse, where they are calling for a ceasefire and chanting “Free Palestine” near a busy intersection.

“In the course of managing the non-compliant protestors, police sprayed two of them before they were successfully arrested,” Victoria Police said in a statement.

Another protester who stood on top of a van was also arrested, and the vehicle – spray-painted with “Free Palestine” and “ceasefire now” – will be towed.

“The incident caused traffic disruptions at an important intersection on Melbourne Cup Day,” police said.

just fucking lmao tbqh

better not interrupt our bogan festival or heads are going to get cracked


EZFKA legizens don’t care if a few horses have to be put down for their amusement, they sure as hell don’t care about what happens in the ME


muh gaza though

Aussie Soy Boy

Definite raise today the new governor has to be look to doing something in her new job.


i got it, raise by 0.25

wont do fuck all


I think the real question now is whether they have the guts to go again in Dec which they obviously need to




yeah obv they need to

because another 0.25 will do it after the previous 4.25% of free interest on reserves really worked well


too little too late, but a small win for high t raise the rates monetary accelerationism vs. incel low t kick the can monetary cuckism.


monetary accelerationism is right

A fly in your ointment

i got it, raise by 0.25

wont do fuck all

Oh, quite the opposite.

It will fuck all because inflation beast will grow and all will be flucked

It needs to be 2-3% higher at least and even if they play the 25 bips every month for 1 year by the time they get to 3% next year it will probably be too late


I suggested earlier that you guys might be fcked


Pity no bookies seemed to be taking bets on the RBA rate rises


O 25

Hoomers up rent $100. Renter scum lose again.


im a net saver at the moment so im looking forward to my free interest income


Perth based normie hoomer.

Basically says what I said. She’s got an accent somewhere between English and Aussie.

Australia is the Silicon Valley of hoooming. At least that gives you more chance of a 7.51826/10 bint with boooooobs. Hoooooomer up the poooo rent $$$.


6k followers she’s not making anything

her mouth area is fucked too


hair halo nothing else going for


She’d be an 11 among Perth FIFO hoomers.

A fly in your ointment

im a net saver at the moment so im looking forward to my free interest income

that’s false, or stupid, if inflation is higher than the interest. And it is.


Ok on your advice I’m stockpiling cans of baked beans as they’re going up by even more than the cash rate

A fly in your ointment

I’m stockpiling cans of baked beans

Beans…. a cook-er?

Yes, in hyperinflation stockpiling of highly liquid assets is the only way to preserve wealth.
Inflation is erosion of trust in fiat. When that erosion becomes a landslide, commerce reverts back to intrinsic values.


And that’s before tax is deducted from bank interest


so you’re all in on assets?

Fully leveraged?

A fly in your ointment

Why do you think rich are spending more during periods when inflation is higher than the interest rates? Because time erodes the value of that loan. Poor can only collect cans of beans

Aussie Soy Boy

You can get a 2 bed unit for $160k in SA. Cut out the cancer sticks and the mortgage will be basically free.

But muh quarter acre block


Not even. Houses in regional SA still to be had for sub $200k

9 Moppett Road, Port Pirie, SA 5540

A fly in your ointment

From perspective of investment, perhaps somewhat it makes some sense.
3hrs from the nearest civilisations perhaps makes it attractive for sheep shaggers to live there. With lead smelting opportunities, I am sure the 180yo “culture” makes a killing in appeal.


imagine the scenes getting rejected by a rapey legazen with tattoos of that quality. it would end you. there are no pills black enough. you’d have to swallow a black hole.


Ms Adams said the man woke later woke up feeling ‘vaginal pain’ – allegedly finding Ms Hanson digitally raping him.

The absurdity of reading that sentence in a newspaper.

Agent 47

Well that would be an attractive proposition. “Come work on a kibbutz near the Gaza strip. Even though a Hamas spokeshole has promised Israel a million October 7th massacres in the future, it’ll be fine.”

Nothing on earth could persuade me to ever go near any of those shithole countries in the muddle east.


They probably just want them to clean their dunny and make them a Butter Chicken.


A match made in heaven.


Top news story at is about a saggy titted Pajeeta in Pooland.
Why indian news in Australia?
Who knows? enjoy the future, Ezfka dudes “stagfail” and “cunting”


Indian women often have great tits tbf

EDIT: either of the women in the link could absolutely get it

do they have identical tits or are those AI

Last edited 11 months ago by Coming

Coming jelly.


That’s art my friend.


It’s a cultural line in the sand.


Has a cheeky 6 pack once a week. Acts drunk and crazy even though he’s just a bit tipsy and doesn’t want to offend Catholicism because parents forked out for $7.8k a year affordable Catholic school. Has his eyes on his waifu a 6.298713/10. $80 an hour for the night shift. Can’t wait to spring a $2.2k goldie holiday on waifu.


That is very specific commentary


lmao people are doing some Noticing with regards to interest rates

how long before they Notice the rich are getting richer


The S&P500 is still about 8% off its peak from the end of 2021, so the pace of the rich getting richer has slowed… a lot


8% ?

that’s entirely due to profitless speculative companies and yield compression and it’s still almost negligible as profits RISE

everyone with MONEY is making more of it every day


even kos samaras gets it

there are 6 million households in vic and NSW

2 million are mortgaged

1 million in stress

so 1 in 6 households are substantially worse off

1 in 6 mildly worse off

4 in 6 actually doing better as a result of rate rises

Last edited 11 months ago by Coming



You think 4 out of 6 households have MONEY?

Actual rich cunts have stocks and they aren’t doing nearly as well as they were with ZIRP

Even houses are at best no growth since 2021

Bank accounts pay under inflation and then you get taxed on it

Bank profits will be offset by bond losses

Who the fuck are you actually talking about



4 out of 6 households are not in debt

if they have one dollar then they have money

A fly in your ointment

6 million households in vic and NSW

2 million are mortgaged

4 in 6 actually doing better as a result of rate rises


Are you idiotically claiming that 2/3 of Aussies are outright owners of their residence?




Can you explain this? I don’t understand any of it.


Virgin Optus users Vs Telstra chads


more boganocracy

imagine having to a look at a giant painting of a sportsball player every time you walk down the street

have to say that I like clover moore a lot she is anti bogan at the very least


Pauline standing up to judicial corruption when ointment won’t