Inflation and interest rates again

The RBA is widely tipped to raise rates.

MB points out, “Nearly half of all price rises are the fault of Albanese Government ineptitude.” ie. rents and utilities.

The falling AUD can’t be helping either.

A feedback loop may be developing where interest rates follow rising house prices, which are fed by immigration.

Immigration will have to come back down. The question is how far and when? Stagmal may well be right that it’ll be brought back to 200k and that the whole exercise has been about normalising this level.

Might be worth buying an investment property with a view to selling just before the next election.

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Aussie Soy Boy

This female RBA governor might be reticent to raise rates because it might impact nig immigrants or single mothers negatively. I expect her to be quite dovish.

The Aussie dollar is down to 63 cents for crying out loud, cash rate well below the inflation rate. Need a raise to 4.75% minimum.


Not just the exchange rate, but if the US keeps tightening, I can’t see how Aus rates not go up in tandem. Or else we will hear a great sucking sound that is capital outflow.


 cash rate well below the inflation rate

That is the only way to solve the debt problem without crashing everything


Yeah but if the AUD starts to hold at $0.60 or below we’re just importing more inflation again and the cycle goes on

The RBA should have so obviously hiked again 3 months ago, Phil pussied out

Last edited 1 year ago by The90kwbeast

This female RBA governor might be reticent to raise rates because it might impact nig immigrants or single mothers negatively. I expect her to be quite dovish.

I am, uh, pretty sure that while she is not deluded that hiking rates will bring meaningful amounts of productive industry into ezfka, she also frowns upon the tendency of clowns using low rates to facilitate leveraging up to fund current consumption.

playbook is still the same – trail US rates as far and as long as possible, keep that rubber band really taut; allow time for Anthony to backfill the gap with extra bodies.

but be prepared for a shot across the bows, to illustrate to the clowns that further tightening is not an empty threat.


RBA has actively ignored inflation data, the AUD, unemployment rates on it goes and kept rates on hold for 4 months for no reason.

They should hike in November and December to catch up.


RBA has actively ignored inflation data, the AUD, unemployment rates on it goes and kept rates on hold for 4 months for no reason.

yeah, I know. This is the bit about trailing the US as much as possible, on an elastic tether stretched tighter than Kimmy K’s tank top.

they judged hanging back 4 months was possible. At least in currency terms, they’re not wrong, but then again AUD has bouyancy because commodities.


Yes seems like the Fed may hike again soon also

So then your inside word is a hike in November?


Youse guys might be fucked.

banana man

Look at thise bullshit from abc..

More than 60 per cent of voters at the referendum rejected the recognition of First Nations people in Australia’s founding document.”

This is just inflammitory; the country voted against them having an ambiguosly elected and ambiguosly powered entity having power to influence decisions that affect the remaining 97% that don’t identify as first nations. CNUTS


immigration probably will be reduced, the recent upsurge will be explained as part of the covid backlog that had to be filled…….. for some reason…….. and no one will ever talk about it ever again


She’s not gonna raise rates

Immigration won’t come down



i can see both happening tbh

the latter will be the out with the new in with the old look we fixed it master play and absolutely everybody will fall for it


They don’t need us to fall for anything

The US is way shittier to live in than here and still no real rebellions

Why are the mates going to cut us some slack when their position is still totally secure?

Australia isn’t going to be the outlier cutting immigration when every other developed country is ramping, especially not under Albo and post Modi deal and Voice


I think we’ve seen that high interest rates can be maintained alongside very very high immigration and not crash the system at least not yet


Remember when the US and Australian and global economies were supposed to have a “hard landing” ?

remember when the banks were going to blow up ?

Remember when property prices were going to crash and I was desperate and over mortgaged ?

all this and nobody expected rates to go this high

be honest with yourselves : it didn’t happen like you thought it was going to

time to reevaluate


A few banks did blow up

Credit Suisse


did it allow you to buy a cheap house ?


At this point unless I personally become PM, house prices aren’t coming down in Australia

And even then I’d prolly be pumping the fuck out of the shit once I’d loaded up in 18 months

Australia started off as a real estate play and it’ll end as a real estate play


>And even then I’d prolly be pumping the fuck out of the shit once I’d loaded up in 18 months

And you wonder why I hate legazens. They act like it’s 1986 shrimp on the barbie but they are dogs.


I would also have every EZFKA user arrested

& finally solve the incel question by flooding the country with Latinas

Last edited 1 year ago by No1

Yeah they legit deserve some jail.

A fly in your ointment

when “market” is devoid of market forces, anything goes. In Soviet market there was never a crash but there were 0 market forces. Eventually everyone drove a 20yo Lada and lived in 50sqm unaffordable apartments.
Let’s cheer the bys ride to Soviet style economy


Nah yeah I thought it’d be down like 20% or something

Didn’t realise they’d bring in every cunt in India and every dollar in China

That sly fox Albo

Fair play, he hates the legazens more than OzCuck, Soyboy and Coming combined

Last edited 1 year ago by No1

First rule of EZFKA is that nothing is allowed to fail.

For that reason house prices will never be allowed to oscillate by a downward margin of more than 10%… I don’t think house prices have fallen by more than 7% nationally since the early 80s.

The little downward wobbles are for the illusion of a free and functioning housing market, where as the main players know the score, any downward fall is to be leveraged into as the Govt finds the next lever to pull to support them…. if there is any danger or real falls, like we were on the verge of seeing, they’ll just turn up the quantative peopling to underwrite price stability.




Noticed a helluva NDIS grift next door.

Place got sold by the old codger who moved to QLD. Bought by local bogan tradies (yes, multiple Rangers and Rams in the family) who are cashed up to the tits.

After being on the rental market a long time for a princely sum, they suddenly started having tradies going through, adding security doors and screens all over the place. Weird, there is literally zero crime.

Then a new family comes in, van with a bigass NDIS provider logo on the side.

Few days later, woken up deep in the AM by a screaming dementia patient. All the pieces finally fit.

Everyone involved gets a piece of taxpayer pie. The installers of the security screens, the landlords, and this family of parasites who put up random dementia patients in what is effectively a security cage for overnight safekeeping.

You’d think people with these illnesses would be cared for in facilities, alas they are out in suburbia where they can be farmed and monetised.

Nice change from being woken up by bogans and their dogs I guess. EZKFA.


You can complain about them to the police/council for the usual noise complaint issues (or even report it as suspected murder if there’s screaming), but also to the NDIS who may audit if there’s suspicion of a scam.

A fly in your ointment

I would avoid reference to Dave Llewdo in any form except where it reference to point towards a shool example of ineptitude.
I mean even if he is sporadically, randomly right at something, it is by a pure coincidence.

What Davo Llewdo-Shit can’t get distinguished, no matter what, is the causation and effects. Not even when he watches Zeihan’s videos open-mouthed.
Path to rising rents is by design to offset the higher mortgage instalments. It’s the “one stone two bird” scenario where we get to catchup with immigration losses made during the age of jabbadabba-do and to alleviate the higher mortgage costs to savvy investor class at the expense of the stupid ones renting.
Rampant immigration will not stop until inflation is tamed or something breaks. This is indeed a slow feedback loop and it is inevitably increasing inflation but Alb’uneasy hopes for ancillary factors to toil their bells and save him, so he can reduce the immigration from warp speed to hyper speed and be perceived as the one who finally said no to immigration.
The faster the titanic goes the sooner it gets to its iceberg so I’m all for it as the only way out of it is to race towards the finish line instead of slow misery.


Bring on the iceberg I say. However In my humble opinion it ain’t going to happen. It is by design. It could get to 75% eating shit before anything happens and we are only at about 35-45% currently. Completely made up figures.only to illustrate shit can get a whole lot worse for the plebs before any remote chanc3 of an alternate path. Unless War


Yeah – there isn’t that much strategy that has gone into it.

Albo is simply following the same approach as Canada, which has also thrown open its doors to unrestrained immigration and been running a turbo charged version that Australia is trying to emulate for a couple more years.

There isn’t any grand strategy other than providing corporate welfare to large companies by force feeding the population driven growth.

Our Govts are completely captured by the Corporateocracy and the elites who run those companies and whose pay is dictated by hitting the appropriate KPIs.

That is undermines social cohesion and weakens Legacy Australians influence over Australian and their own social destiny is an added bonus for most of the elites who despise us anyway and would like to see us replaced.


That was an interesting article – I think some of what I call ‘The Paradox of Agreeableness’ is tied into that ‘Pathological Kindness’.

The sort of social rules that existed previously that stopped these sort of people from gaining access to out narrative wasn’t designed to oppress them, but to prevent them from starting their own righteous manias of oppression.


Trusting MB for either Interest Rate or Aussie Dollar calls, that’s your problem right there.
Seriously by these metrics MB has a worse than useless track record.

Atm I tend to agree, the AUD is structurally over valued and garanteed to see a 5 handle long before it sees a 7. But Why? that’s the interesting question and that’s where they’re useless.

If we Aussies want to avoid the 5 (or even 4 handle) we need to Invest in Australia. We need to see real investment opportunities created by a low AUD and we need to leverage the opportunities we find.
But here’s the thing, before we see any change in the long term direction of the Aussie dollar, our Current Account will show the willingness of both local and international investors to dump serious money into Australian opportunities.

Today we have simultaneously a current account surplus and an investment deficit, like wft is up with that. If a 5 handle deosn’t change our way of thinking will a 4 handle do the job? If not 4 than what 3,2,1?

A fly in your ointment

.40 to the stage 4 cancer King Dollar qoild make domestic re even more appealing to os investors. Even if that means that it fucks those ethat entered at 0.60, they got equity moite so not making it out like a bandit but no losses either..
the only way out is for interest rates to catchup then track inflation and then see what is rot and what is healthy


It might be worth a quick look at the Aussie 10 year vs US 10 year bond spreads,5.6%20bp%20during%20last%20year.
what’s this spread telling us about the attractivness of Aussie Investment?


As for Stage4 cancer, yep I agree lower for longer is not the path to recovery
I think I’m turning Japanese Argentinian, I really think so

Hey but that’s an unfair comparison because Argentina still has about 20% of it’s available labour in manufacturing, whereas Australia….


It’d help everybody else if you wrote coherent English rather than random gibberish.

A fly in your ointment

I learned over years that no matter what lingo and at what proficiency one speaks, there’s 2 kind people: those who want to understand and those who don’t.
There’s a third category, those who can not comprehend, and you don’t belong there.


A fly in your ointment

You and Dude… or is it you as Dude?

Keep throwing fancy words without even knowing what they mean.


A fly in your ointment

…and you just forced yourself in that third category.

The identical and astonishingly inept use of fancy words is impossible to replicate even by AI imitating one of you, thus highly unlikely to be two distinct personnae between Dude and you.

I see you’re inferring in the Dude poster on here. Nope.

A fly in your ointment

ok, will agree on that.
Because in the mean time the Dude character showed sycophancy of the level I’ve not seen with you.
My apologies for insulting you by conflating you and the Dude


Hemorrhoid lotion thinks I run a variety of sock puppets on this site, he just accused you of the same…. or perhaps you, the dued, Coming, Peachy, Stags and myself are all a singular entity fucking with his mind.


So….errmmm…I don’t belong in the category of those who cannot comprehend.

Meaning that I do belong in the category of those who do comprehend?

This is what I’m getting at. You need to try making sense more often.

A fly in your ointment

Meaning that I do belong in the category of those who do comprehend?

why should there be a question mark?

it means you are able to comprehend so you eiher want to comprehend, or don’t want to comprehend (as per original post).
basic and cannot-be-simpler logic principle.


australia can never do anything economically meaningful w/ land markets the way they are

and even then prob not




A couple of days at Gundagai shows how bullshit the RE market is in this country.

If there’s one thing we have here, it’s spare land. But wrap it up in artificial constraints and you can make huge bank by doing nothing.

I suspect that one day a huge scandal will erupt in the ACT, showing huge payments by developers to our politicians in return for favourable zoning and land use decisions.


Cheap land should be Australian’s birthright – with our abundance of it, cheap land should be one of our main economic advantages. The fact that it isn’t shows that our Byzantine land and tax laws, combined with availability of credit are responsible for it – this is by design, not by accident.


australia can never do anything economically meaningful w/ land markets the way they are

Also energy, labour and ESG (Environmental, Social, & Governance) costs ensure manufacturing aint coming back to Aus.


Without a doubt we Australian’s have painted ourselves into a very unfortunate corner, but to be honest this predicament is not at all unusual. Most countries will go through just these sort of growth pains, the pain comes with the growth, the two are inseparable. One can address the growing pains by simply not growing (or even accepting declines) but that’s probably not a good long term solution. With growth comes opportunity, with opportunity comes growth. In the end it’s really just a matter of properly managing growth, at the moment this is our greatest failure.

Our management failure manafests itself as an asset shortage, a gross mispricing of an essential item, that we struggle to effeciently create. But why? it’s not an impossible problem just logistically chalenging, so why aren’t we up to the challenge? What’s really stopping us from doing better?

I know most Aussies don’t want to even begin to think about these problems, let alone find solutions, (especially not solutions which require a repricing of their assets). But as with all things failure has a cost, and this is the cost we Australian’s must accept if we want to continue to grow and continue to suceed.


Our management failure manafests itself as an asset shortage, a gross mispricing of an essential item, that we struggle to effeciently create. But why? it’s not an impossible problem just logistically chalenging,

If you are talking about housing there is no struggle to create it efficiently. It is deliberately rationed via zoning.


Just in case I wasn’t clear, in the real world there are no refunds, especially not for management stupidity.
In this sense it really dosn’t matter if we understand the root cause of our problem or just luck onto a working solution. If we can implement our solution in time, then there’s a chance that we get to continue with the Australia management gig.
Otherwise well that’s not a pretty thought.

Our globalized economic/political system has dealt with more intransigent problems in the past and will without doubt succeed if it turns out that Australian’s are just not up to the task of managing Australia.


Man everything you say is so MB 2015

Haven’t you learned yet house prices are deliberately high, it’s not an accident and it’s certainly not a ‘problem’.

It will never be solved internally and covid also proved when there are external threats, high prices will be protected.


I guess it really comes down to if you believe there must always be a day of reckoning.
I have no idea when it’ll hapen but that it will happen is something I’m certain about.
In my lifetime? who knows,
Can I really profit from my belief? probably not
Am I better off believing in the RE ponzi? no doubt about it (especially if this investment is well structured)


Huh last I checked commodities markets don’t trade in AUD. So for a given end demand our percentage market share is typically enhanced by a lower AUD.
As for real Aussie investment outside of commodities, well lets not all hold our breath waiting.
Yes a low AUD enhances our position but in truth there are a lot of more industrially capable nations waiting to fill emerging opportunities or leverage existing industrial infrastucture to restart their factories.
Look at the cost structure for re-industrialization in say the US rust belt, it is way lower than Australian re-industrialization costs even with an AUD at 50c/$. This is why we’re seeing Aussie interest rates remain below the US. Even the sort of free restart the factory opportunities just don’t make good business sense in Australia.

But don’t get me wrong, there are definitely good opportunities in Australia they just need to slowly drift to the top and attract the investment dollars required. I think this will happen with more of a mindset change than through economic rationalization.

Roger Dodger

Robert I’m keen to understand your logic re “but also increased outbound money”.

Surely not everybody is banking on further falls re the AUD vs their own currencies (NZD? – but definitely, Philippines PESO, Indian Rupee, Nepalese whatever – and pick your favourite Sth American denomination)…

The other side of the coin would be logic that says “Hey my Uber-Eats AUD income is gonna be buying a whole lot more of my home currency soon… most likely. I’ll hold off converting”.


Given RBA defended AUD during both GFC and Covid. Does anyone seriously believe RBA would risk much higher inflation, and structural changes to our economy, by letting AUD drift to very low levels?


probably if it had to make a choice between that and equity mate


If AUD was to hit 40c then everything we import including fuel goes up by another 50% or so. Pick your poison.

IMO the structural shift to higher AUD was decided with the China boom. We lost all our manufacturing. If RBA was to rapidly shift to a lower AUD it would cause chaos. Not happening.

Last edited 1 year ago by Freddy

equity mate falling over will cause chaos too, which form of chaos will be worse


I recall Chris Joye doing some analysis that suggested banks could cope with 20% falls in property, maybe even 30%, but not much more than that.

As we can see though as volumes dry up prices are actually rising due to population growth (rental demand) and foreign purchases. Nothing to suggest even another 1% rate rise would cause a housing price collapse.

There are also other tricks govt can pull. e.g. anyone about to be foreclosed being offered the shared equity scheme instead.


The main reason preventing us already being in the 40c region is that turbo charged immigration rates and the huge amount of capital that we are consuming as a consequence.

Given the msm see the AUD as a barometer of Australia’s success and economic management, it is imho another reason why we are unlikely to see immigration levels fall for the foreseeable future.


They will run it because that will get them the donations, and more importantly that will keep the economy afloat on their watch while they can carry our their obsessive nit picking policies within the tight Overton window of debate around acceptable policies.

Our economy is a credit bubble, it requires continued growth least it risk collapse. Australian banks would turn into European banks overnight. Only immigration will provide that additional growth and system back pressure to keep the credit bubble inflated.

The problem is the economy not only does requires additional growth i.e. immigration, but it needs to carried out at an accelerating nominal rate otherwise its contribution as a percentage of GDP growth starts to fall.

This means that immigration must continue and at an increasing nominal rate. We were 200k we are now 500k. Once the bar has been raised we won’t be going back to 200k other than briefly through change of Govt. 500k is the new 250k from 2008 or whenever was the last peak. 200k will be the new 90k, but look how often that floor was reached over the past 20 years.

The ONLY thing that will permanently end it, will be the end of the US fiat hegemon. But that will only be triggered by an energy crisis or war. That is imho all that we can look forward to unless some left field random Brenton starts caping CEOs or Politicians instead of Mosques and Malls.


You’re assuming that new migrants at this stage of the immigration game, have extensive human and financial capital. Do they ?


The ‘human capital’ they bring with them is irrelevant in a credit bubble. The only thing that matters is the credit that can be extended/loaned to them.


Libs have a strong desire for power,

They have an even greater need for donations…

A fly in your ointment

There is no way we will keep bringing in 500k pa ad infinitum.

not ad infinitum.
they will tune the intake with the health od economy. The more sheety situation the more migrants.


The RBA today has nowhere near the “dry powder” they used to have, I think they’l be happy to rebuild their capital base and let the AUD look after itself.


You are making it sound like RBA is a private company trying to make a buck for themselves. There have already been discussions about Fed govt liquidity injection to offset money lost via TFF.


There are limits to the both the absolute amount of liquidity (and more importantly the rate of change of liquidity) that the RBA can inject into markets.
In the end they must settle to shape the market rather than make the market.


The only limits are that it increases at or below the rate that our patron, the US, increases its own liquidity issuances.


FX market is not as liquid as what many people make it out to be. As some people mentioned here, the big global trade money being made by large companies tends to remain in USD, rather than being converted to AUD. It wouldn’t take much to manipulate AUD upwards, and the RBA would be making a profit in the process.

The money RBA lost on TFF was a government-sanctioned gift to the banks. It was not a bad trade per se.


Yep TFF was definitely a case of Privatize the profits and Socialize the losses, there’s no doubt about that, the big4 banks made out like bandits.
As for Fx manipulation yes it is possible and that’s why I mentioned that there are limits to both the rate of change of liquidity and the absolute liquidity. Beyond these limits the RBA stops just setting the direction of the market and starts to become the market.

A fly in your ointment

at gfc time we had untapped options aplenty.

they will allow AU$ to sink below 0.60 but there the feedback loop begins ti be amplified
they’re trying to fund a sweet spot where this game can last longest. Simplified: raise IR only so much to prevent too low AUD


DLS mentions the reason he ended up defending accusations of racism in court:

For years, MB has called for the tightening of Tranche 2 anti-money laundering (AML) laws. Bizarrely, this was how I ended up in AHCR’s hate crime process—campaigning against illegal Chinese property raiders!

A fly in your ointment

gee, this is piss weak lie, like the case where Krudd was supposedly onto him.

at one stage I thought he was pathological but its actually a delusion of grandeur and stuff…


MB have made ripples on the China and immigration discussions, and even receive appearances on TV and radio. Considering the level of political influence and corruption MB are talking about, attempting to silence them with constant vexatious legal challenges seems plausible, even desirable.


When they get firebombed, get back to me.

A fly in your ointment

you’re not blind Freddy?

because even blind Freddy can see that one cannot silence something that is not loud.
If these were silenced, why would they gain some presence in msm?
sad truth is that their media apearance serve as a weighed in fake balance to further the current thing. The more media appearance the more u turn they’ll make


because even blind Freddy can see that one cannot silence something that is not loud.

That makes no sense whatsoever.

A fly in your ointment

man, that’s disappointing.
“blind Freddy” is a pun

the reference was made to Llewd and Bleat being silenced and I implied they cannot be silenced if their voIce is not loud.
Whodafaq have heard of them outside the Ezfka and EmBee coops? Ocassional blip on the radar and alloying previously “contrarian” views with that of MSM will make them appear more in msm but they will be contrarian to nothing. Their influence on the talk of excessive immigration is as powerful as a fart in the wind.

Considering the level of political influence and corruption MB are talking about, attempting to silence them with constant vexatious legal challenges seems plausible

there was never any case against them, neither have KRudd threatened them legal action several years ago. It is all a hoax to get naive to subscribe, to put some weight where there’s none.


I went to the website. Thought I’d make a complaint. Make some accusation of anti-white racism on some tv show or twitter person. Apparently they have a big back log. Big surprise. Didn’t bother.

Mike Herman Trout

Just need a good old fashioned recession with job losses. That will fix thing.


Need approval to post?

A fly in your ointment

now that the topic is flogged as a dead horse, let’s return to usual programme for tonight:

40 beheaded babies keep giving more and more. This video is particularly interesting at 1:57s time mark

new evidence on terrorism over Israeli citizens. Some were right after all

and a meme for the end:


this is disgusting wtf

A fly in your ointment

not brushing teeth is disgusting.

a meme is a form of a satire.


It has been interesting to see what the Australian Jewish Association has been commenting on Twitter/X.

So far they have criticized a Muslim ex-AFL player, a Muslim Doctor and various pro-Palestine councilors for flying Palestinian flags or approving protest rallies.

Yet there has been a story about actual Neo Nazis who were allowed to walk free on assault charges and have since been investigated by police for performing Nazi salues and hailing Hitler outside the courthouse… and the AJA is silent.

A fly in your ointment

a path the same as “scientific consensus” on Agw

A fly in your ointment

if it wasn’t for bigotry and hypocrisy I’d be looking at this completely differently.
Israel brought Hamas to power and much like US and Taleban/Isis, Hamas seem to have come to bite them too.

“Being objective serves Hamas”

“Not supporting Israel stance serves Hamas”

A fly in your ointment

here’s choos support of my view above: link

Aussie Soy Boy

The Special K’s are vile people.

But good on them. They will never be forgiven in the Arab world after this genocide, and neither the yanks or their satrapies.


Look at these shoes – nobody walks around without shoes, thus every shoe represents someone who has been genocided.

A fly in your ointment

Wow, that’s quite ballsy in the US of A entertainment environment.

Don’t know how you found it, searching YT yields only videos of the no-names criticising him.

A fly in your ointment

tnx, the level of satire is astonishing.


ROFL – what a ripper for an opening set!


Are we going to discuss the latest Bruce lehrmann story


didnt we already

whats changed


That it’s not even rape

he allegedly stealthed her

and they fucked three times in one night


which one? isnt therre like 3 accusations atm

Aussie Soy Boy

Why doesn’t he just get his dick sucked if he wants to go bareback? I’d be a nervous wreck afterwards worrying I got some promiscuous fatty pregnant.


You’re high inhibition

how many women has Bruce fucked do you reckon
must be hundreds

He really likes to get on the piss

at least he’s not punching on


He reminds me of you

Not attractive, little or no skill with women, but so persistent and obsessed that he eventually manages to lay some


helps that he is willing to rape

if he was hot itd be a diff story

only thing hed have to worry about then is vindictive women who want him all to themselves coming back for revenge after the pump and dump


Reposted from the last article

More stories are coming out about Bruce – seems to be a pattern of buying women drinks, who then pass out and wake up to find him on top of them. Sounds a bit date rapey, but hard to know without a drug test. Alleged victims were mainly Liberal party staffers and volunteers, with some suggestion this is why he was sacked from the political staffer role due to the number of complaints.


He’s done for

Aussie Soy Boy

Shit, I was wrong about Brucey I guess.


Jesus Bruce

You could be wrong about portelli too

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

they all kinda look like him lol


Still likely that these are politically motivated accusations

after seeing how successful Britt became

and knowing that the ALP is in power what better way to get that promotion

probably a hint of truth but most if it is after the even regret and opportunism

he’s a horn dog for sure


The latest allegation against Lehrmann is that he twice had non-consensual sex with the Toowoomba woman the morning after he had protected intercourse with her.

Failing to wear a condom without a partner’s consent is considered sexual assault under Queensland law. 

Stealthing wasn’t made a crime in qld until October 2021

this alleged incident happened in OCTOBER 2021

This smells like absolute bullshit to me

This smells like absolute bullshit to me

Yeah, smells like your shriveled ballsack, you disgusting coffee colored wog midget.
Answer me!!


Yeah, not everything has to be about sex all the time.

Is this some sort of vicarious promiscuity for you, coming?


This thread was not awesome at any point


you can see the different way that women rapists are treated

-not named
-intoxication is used as a defence for their actions

women cannot be held responsible

I really want to see how hot she is


number of Indians obtaining citizenship in 2021

🇺🇸 USA: 56,085
🇦🇺 Australia: 24,205
🇨🇦 Canada: 20,752
🇬🇧 UK: 11,598
🇮🇹 Italy: 4,489
🇳🇿 New Zealand: 2,727
🇩🇪 Germany: 2,515
🇪🇸 Spain: 1,992
🇳🇱 Netherlands: 1,736
🇸🇪 Sweden: 1,635


That’s because the ones moving to Canada are actually Khalistanis


That number for Australia and Canada is pretty insane


A man in England calls Mohammed a pedophile and is promptly attacked and then arrested

hope this Gaza war escalate tbqh

A fly in your ointment

what kind of person goes pointlessly insulting others?
What’s the point to make by saying something like this?
Why would a non Muslim care what a Muslim prophet is/was?

I try hard to understand those who burn Kuran or atheists who actually identify as believers that God does not exists (literally a religion based on denial if existence of something), no luck at all. Perhaps because there’s no point other than doing it for the sake of being done and for sheer offensive provocation.


lol another dog shit take from ointment

A fly in your ointment

sorry, is it that I created a distraction from your fixation on Brucey and the fat chick that got you to be annoyed or is it that I literally shat on your silly bait towards the idiot shouting idiotic things?

Oh, shyte, I forgot you’re double jabbed so you probably had a seizure or sumting; sorry mate.


What’s he going to do without his beard


How good was it?!


If you mean being woken in the morning by the cock crowing, watching the hens scratch around in the backyard, and collecting fresh eggs from under the bushes (always looked for the brown ones), then….pretty damn good 🙂


I just attended the “Rockin’ the Bidgee” music festival at Gundagai with family and friends today.

There were about a thousand punters there, and every single one of them was white. Not an Indian or Chinese face to be seen. Not a single one.

It was astonishing, and absolutely fucking wonderful. Once you get out of the big city multicultural (aka Indian and Chinese) cesspits it’s still a white country.

People we didn’t know waved and said G’day as we walked along the street. People said G’day and chatted to us as we had dinner in one of the pubs. A barmaid called me “Love”. They all had Australian accents. It was the country I grew up in, and that is lost to us in the immigration shitholes.

Maybe there’s hope for us yet.

A fly in your ointment

In this pond, 81% of the punters are apparently anglos. Not whites, anglos. Apart from 3% abos there will be hardly anyone non anglo outside the capitals and satellite cities. Life in Gundagai sums up to 1 festival per year and 51 weekends of playing keno and eating out at the local RSL or similar. These are not bad people, it is that their life is not attractive even to themselves.
The niceties you experienced is not because they’re all whities or anglos, it’s because most knew each other, because they lived there for several generations. If there was 0 immigration after the ww2 you’d still have human cesspool in every settlement larger than approx 10k people.

There’s no hope for us. Or youse, if you don’t count wogs as Aussies. Because the wardens have something else in mind for us, or youse.


“… is that their life is not attractive even to themselves.”

The utter ignorance displayed by this pitiful comment is beyond comprehension.

Obviously emanating from someone who has never had the pleasure and satisfaction of experiencing life in the country (life as it is meant to be), and is happy to project their drab and pointless existence in one of the many rat laboratories we call cities.

A fly in your ointment

you saw right through me from that one sentence as if the rest of them are not there???

Freud, Nitsche, Dude: the tripod of modern psychology


Oh, the irony!

A fly in your ointment

you would not recognise irony if it hit you in the face with an iron.

Nice example of incorrect use of fancy words.


The Dude is correct and you’re hopelessly wrong. The place was neat and well cared for and prosperous. Everyone at the show looked happy. The people in the shops and cafes and pubs were cheerful and friendly.

It was as far from the shitty ethnic sewer of Sydney as you could possibly imagine.

A fly in your ointment

the Dude is always right, eh?
particularly this Dude, attacking stuff I did not say. Eh, just one more Dude in an ocean of Dudes, no different from billions of other Dudes.

you’re conflating experience of people, and festival, with everyday life.
when you spend a few weeks not holidaying in Gundi perhaps then you may feel compelled to adjust the view.


And the bush hath friends to meet him, and their kindly voices greet him

In the murmur of the breezes and the river on its bars,

And he sees the vision splendid of the sunlit plains extended,

And at night the wond’rous glory of the everlasting stars.


I am sitting in my dingy little office, where a stingy

Ray of sunlight struggles feebly down between the houses tall,

And the foetid air and gritty of the dusty, dirty city

Through the open window floating, spreads its foulness over all


And in place of lowing cattle, I can hear the fiendish rattle

Of the tramways and the ‘buses making hurry down the street,

And the language uninviting of the gutter children fighting,

Comes fitfully and faintly through the ceaseless tramp of feet.


And the hurrying people daunt me, and their pallid faces haunt me

As they shoulder one another in their rush and nervous haste,

With their eager eyes and greedy, and their stunted forms and weedy,

For townsfolk have no time to grow, they have no time to waste.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

Some of the biggest fags I’ve ever known have come from the country.


Stewie, this one’s a year old:

Canberra is the happiest capital of Australia, according to research

“Across the rest of the country, people in regional Australia are faring better than those among the urban sprawl, thanks to lower cost of living pressures and a sense of community spirit.

While coastal communities might appear to be happiness-promoting because of their natural beauty and proximity to the beach, many inland farming communities rank higher.”

Seems like not much has changed since Clancy went AWOL 🙂


A city designed properly, seems to have a good amount of jobs, is mostly white, house prices look too high but arent totally batshit. Wtf I should be a social engineer/town planner. Genius.


Adelaide fits the bill perfectly if it had more jobs


Yeah there is obviously a lot of resistance from the elite to decentralisation. It would show up what worthless overpaid turds they are if we could wfh or move big corps to Adelaide.


I like Canberra it offers a lot in the way of attractive lifestyle and is close to the slopes (as in the snow kind). Although if I were to do a tree change it wouldn’t be too Canberra. Maybe nearby, but I wouldn’t be changing one city for another.

Reus's Large MEMBER

I agree, I have stopped in there a few times as my neighbour was from there and have always had a warm welcome from the locals, was having a chat to them in the pub and it restores your faith in humanity. You are right the cities are a cesspit.


All around country Australia, the Rural Show and Festival season is in full swing. The people who are, and always have been, the backbone of this nation, together with some of their more informed city cousins, are joining in the annual get-togethers that celebrate the past years achievements, and consolidate the social cohesion and purpose for the year of endeavours ahead

The slum dwellers from the rat laboratories find this sort of cohesion and commonality of purpose extremely disconcerting, as it is the complete antithesis of the diversity and individualistic hedonism that they worship.

Long may it continue to get right up their collective nasal cavities.

Glad you enjoyed Gundy.


All around country Australia, the Rural Show and Festival season is in full swing.

Yep. Rodeo this weekend in my town. Wont see too many orientals or subcon coolies there.
Suck shit city people.


Wow Chocolate Starfish. I can’t believe they lasted so long on a cover. Blast from the early-mid 90s. I hated their song. It hung around for years.

5m cucks in Sydney, 3-4m whatever Melbourne is, population 25m, I think I know who the self flagellating sickos are.


I’ve never heard of them, but my sister went to school with the guitarist, which is why we went along.

They did about 90 minutes of covers and originals, and they seemed to be having a ball, as did the audience.

They’ve been together for 30 years making a living as full-time musicians, so they must be doing something right.


Living off Aussies poor taste. Like Shannon Noll.

Not that music is worth much. Selling a shit load of wheat or beef is more important than guitar chords.


Now now. Don’t forget the 1.5% of Bhutan’s population that have moved to Syd/Mel.

But yes, Syd/Mel in particular are on track to look like Singapore by the end of the century pending some massive global change.

I predict more white flight to Brisbane and Perth and Adelaide in the coming decades leaving Syd/Mel to be even more Indian/Chinese.


adelaide property is/was a good long termer i think a lot of people are going to be moving there. north adelaide seems like a dump


Can still get $300k houses in northern Adelaide. Actually good value for what it is.


The regions are where it’s at.
My maternal family is from Gundagai, going back maybe 150 years. I have a haunting connection to the place – want to live there but the ghosts are too real.


What a ghost is gonna come after you? Poof.


is anyone saying matthew perry died due to the vax yet

it seemed pretty random tbh maybe it was


wait nevermind guy was a hardcore druggo/alco/smoker

super unhealthy

A fly in your ointment

I heard that when they drained his veins they found blood in his alcohol. that’s plenty for cardiac or stroke thus a plausible deniability.


Perry admitted to taking 55 Vicodin tablets a day – with that much opioids on board, am surprised he lasted this long.


with that much opioids on board, am surprised he lasted this long.

Apparently it left him so constipated his colon exploded, which is what nearly killed him 4 years ago.


Apparently went to primary school with Justin Trudeau


It’s interesting how you can be a massive star yet he was still an incel loser. The fuck happened.

Looks like he had an a-grade private school upbringing too.

Maybe he had AIDs or something.

Like Hugh Grant throwing his life away, having one of the most beautiful women of all time, by fucking a nigger prozzi.


Hmm. US forces have conducted air strikes on Iranian targets. In Syria.

So let’s just bomb a foreign country, because we can.

I suspect things are going to get a little sporty in the muddle east in the coming weeks.


The US is still occupying 1/3 of Syria. Supposedly the army went there to ‘fight ISIS’. They could have saved a lot of time and just told the CIA to stop funding ISIS.

Gruppenführer Mark

They are there looking after their oil, which just happened to be trapped under Syria.

Kinda like there is this giant gas field just off the coast of Gaza that belongs to Israel.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gruppenführer Mark
A fly in your ointment



>prestigious school
Thats classist

ABC talking heads should be sourced from Mt Druitt high.

Imagine dying for a thot. Throwing yourself off a cliff. Then all below is cold hard rocks and salt water. And you’re only 24. Shieet.



I wonder if the better strategy would have been to double down rather than issue a “groveling apology”


she said some retarded shit like how abos were less likely to vote for the voice

fly in the ointment based coloured style shit

A fly in your ointment

“It is the legitimacy of the non-Indigenous occupation in this country that requires recognition, not the other way around. Our sovereignty has never been ceded.”

They went on to say that Australians who voted no committed “a shameful act whether knowingly or not, and there is nothing positive to be interpreted from it”.

pretty much spot on, undeniable facts.
and it’s obvious she brushes her teeth often and regularly, unlike….



A fly in your ointment

where in that post does it say i dont brush my teeth

A fly in your ointment

it says between the lines.


I read it as

“With indeterminant accommodation and sleeping in my car, is it okay to sacrifice my teeth cleaning on a regular basis because it is inconvenient?”

No, it is not.

Now you’re just trolling

A fly in your ointment

Nope, you missed the target once again.
He shouted my name


You guessed it

Two proud Gadigal men traditional custodians of the land

shame the voice could have fixed this

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

robust fwhr vs low fwhr


Hunter eyes Vs prey eyes

Aussie Soy Boy

I’m glad they warned me because I usually approach cooked boongs just to have a chat.


How else are you supposed to pay them your rent


Canley Heights high street has a lot of food. She said the kids can go and eat and have no need to cook. As a mother, I understand that.
Have you had a vendor say that to you before?
Normally, they look at the school, not the food. But she said: “My kids will be close to the shops and the Vietnamese restaurants, so my kids can eat and go home, so they will have no need to cook.” As a parent, I think it’s very good.

$4.6m to be close to the Vietnamese noodle shops


looks like a houseo piece of shit

whered this family get the money for it

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

Vietnam so probably corruption


Looks like a bog standard 3 bedder. Only has one bathroom, but I guess the workshop could double as a meth lab.

Immediately south of the property is a car park attached to a couple of restaurants, so likely to be noisy and have some interesting smells due to the additional garbage.

New owners from Vietnam, which is a fairly poor country so would agree that’s corruption or money laundering especially if the title is in the kids’ name.


those rate rises are really kicking in

it isn’t just foreign buyers

boomers have money coming out of their ears

Aussie Soy Boy

Christ. May as well just feed the kids two minute noodles similar nutritional value and don’t have to spend several million.


$4.6m pays for a lot of Uber eats


exhibit C

sold for $7m over reserve

you can’t put this one down to uber eats immigration

you blokes still reckon rate rises are crushing the rich


FMD, another aboriginal grifter.

Warren Mundine launched expletive-riddled spray after KPMG rejected his $10,000 speaker’s fee.

Warren Mundine sent an extraordinary series of angry and expletive-riddled text messages to a KPMG partner after the firm cancelled an invitation for him to address staff following his request for a $10,000 fee.

Mundine used the N-word to describe how he felt the big four firm had treated him over many months, before warning the partner he was “going to treat you cunts like you treated me!”

“I’m a proud Aboriginal man,” he said in the text messages. “I have [had] a gutful of KPMG. I’m going to treat you cunts like you treated me!


Retail sales up 30% since 2020

There’s more money and it’s changing hands more often

Aussie Soy Boy

Real rates are negative, unemployment the lowest in 50 years, people get $100k for sending emails or basic labourer jobs. Plus people still spending their COVID savings. No-one short of money that’s for sure.


Yep. As I said if the RBA has balls they’d hike in Nov & Dec.

Also to explain that chart how much has our population increased since Feb 2020, add in retail price gouging and presto more revenue

Last edited 1 year ago by The90kwbeast

What are real rates mate

you think if they create more free money that inflation will go down

A fly in your ointment

so ‘lower teh rates’ and beat the inflation Erdogan style?

As per that logic keeping the rates low enough for long enough will completely remove the memory of what the inflation is from all the mankind in one generation?

the bit you just turn your head the other way and close your eyes and ears when someone (here so many times) say:
rates lower than inflation – create money
rates higher than inflation – suppress the money
rates exactly at inflation – lucky strike


erdogan had inflation coming down, then decided to put a Goldman Sachs banker in charge who immediately hiked rates and, surprise, inflation took off again

A fly in your ointment

ah… if they only kept the rates low enough for long enough… Turkish would not remember what is the inflation within 10 years, eh?

why did I just repeat what was clearly said in the very previous post: ah silly me, because you just turn your head the other way and close your eyes and ears when you see what literally removes the ground from underneath your warped theories

  • rates lower than inflation – create money
  • rates higher than inflation – suppress the money
  • rates exactly at inflation – lucky strike

yes im sure this retardedly simplistic shit is correct

A fly in your ointment

oh, my, you reduce rising inflation exclusively to raising interest rates as if there us nothing else in this world and I’m the one oversimplifying?



Yeah nah, the average man in the street is hurting, speak to any coffee shop, retail place and you will get the truth.

Reus's Large MEMBER

Just because prices have gone up 30% does not mean that people are spending more, they are just buying the same for higher prices


That’s right

because we are producing the same amount of goods and services

theres just more money circulating


here’s some rage bait. hope he’s not jewish or a few of you might combust.

seems like typical boomer behaviour


Nimby in the Pilbara. Lol.


Legit who fucking cares


Why dont you care coming?
Answer Me!!!


It’s incredible watching the lefties tie themselves in knots over some filthy muslim rapists and child molestors with 80IQ

and now cookers pretending they care just because it’s the Jews doing the killing

let them exterminate each other
it makes absolutely zero difference to my life in fact might make it better that’s why I don’t care


we shoulld givee them both weapons


Fuckin oath, the only reason I wouldn’t want to see it as a fair fight would be because instead of 10,000 Palestinians, we could have 100,000 Zionist Jews demanding that we accept them.

Interesting that Ukraine is effectively being depopulated right as long term existential questions are hanging over Israel – considering a large part of its current population emigrated from that region of the USSR.


Wasn’t khazaria in that region too?


Until 10,000 Palestinian refugees show up in Sydney


drop in tthe bucket

youd need at least 100k for anyoone too notice anymore



Per month!

But yes whatever the number is that will be the outcome.


This was actually a legit interesting link in that it pointed out some obvious inconsistencies with the way the narrative was being portrayed in the media. The blown up buildings are an interesting call out, given the supposed small arms and grenades they were meant to be using.



evil psycho

wog too so ointment mate cant blame it on LEGAZENS

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal
A fly in your ointment

who’s “legazens”?

She’s as wog as Alb’uneasy


another bizarre feature of our justice system is that mental illness is treated as some kind of excuse or mitigating factor

so she has an incurable mental illness which made her murder and behead her mother

which means she is more likely to do it again
and there is no way to prevent it

She needs a lethal injection not a reduced sentence

A fly in your ointment

you think she’ll walk free?

A fly in your ointment

lemme clarify that:

you think she’ll walk free because she’s acquitted of charges?


if the RBA raises rates its only going to make the government deficit worse and consequently exacerbate inflation


I reckon there’s a good argument to be made that the RBA has already backed off hikes because of politicisation and whinging from the typical cucks.

We’ve got to be a conservative 50-75 bps off where we should have been by now.


IMO Peachy’s take is the correct one. RBA trying to keep rates as low as the AUD will let them. AUD bounce last night probably not good for those hoping for a rate rise.


I don’t envy her, she has two options
Poison X or Pioson Y
X kills quickly, Y kills slowly
The obvious choice is to take pioson Y and pray that someone somehow develops an cure. But with no cure in sight (not even in development) we’ve chosen a slow, painful and drawn out death.
Aussie Aussie Aussie


this is the dogshit takes we come here for


It’s interesting what DLS says about the RBA
Rubbish. The one thing that the RBA has always done is let the data rule its decisions, whether it had been right, wrong or sideways in the lead-up.”

Now what was the story that I remember from back when Phil Lowe forced Peter Tulip out of the RBA? …what was that story again? and just what was Peter Tulip’s job anyway?

Lets see his bio says University of Pennsylvania, just wtf would they know about Centarl Bank theory? Probably nothing about data processing and definitely nothing about DSGE models


Extracted using Freedom of Information, the raw data is stunning, including the headline figure of 26,000 successful applicants. It shows that from its inception in 2012 until May of this year, more than 20,000 Chinese nationals, including those from Hong Kong and Macau, have been granted golden visas to live in Australia.

…It’s likely thousands of these visa recipients have since obtained Australian citizenship.

By contrast, the British scheme had granted only 2,500 golden visas to Russians over a 14-year period.

Here, China was by far the greatest source of applications, greatly overshadowing the remaining 6,000 or so that have been granted. Considerable numbers applied from Bangladesh (221), Iran (777), Malaysia (1,049) and Vietnam (1,321).

What is stark about the data is that so few applications were rejected — at a rate of less than 2 per cent (522).

Last year, The Australian reported that not a single applicant from China for the $5 million investment visa had been rejected based on a character assessment.


this is the kind of immigration we need

A fly in your ointment

‘Golden visas’ are known to attract dirty money around the world. Why does Australia still offer them?

it’s the last easy way to keep the cuntry afloat.
But mind you, if another cuntry did the same, they’d be crying “corruption” ’till they rip the voice cords.

A fly in your ointment

the real question is why the 81% of population of Australia does not rise against their selected government creating such through and actively attracting corrupt people of this kind which certainly destroys their own 81%’s culture?


It is our culture. Poxy moles like Natalie Barr. Dime a dozen when I was growing up

Sucked in! Hahah I’m corrupt as shit but I get the posh suburb and the private school. Sucked in! Hahahaha.



The charges include eight counts of rape, one count of sexual assault, 17 counts of indecent treatment of children under 16, two charges of torture and further assault offences. 

The mystery star won the bid to keep her identity a secret on Monday amid mental health concerns after a recent suicide attempt. 

But her lawyers revealed in court that she is also terrified she is being stalked and being attacked by outraged members of the public if her name is revealed.

but they were ok with naming Brucey boy?!?! A political target?!

Gruppenführer Mark

ultra tuned allright

A fly in your ointment

ouch, i thought at first its one of those inflatable wetable… whatever
Barbie dolls actually have less plastic than IT


I honestly have no idea how men can find these things attractive. Fake tits and lip filler is just disgusting, a complete turn off.


i dont really agree i think people just focus on the cases where women overdo it

generally well applied it enhances, not detracts


He is probably mega unconfident with women. Took the first thing that would play with his ding dong. Car nerd. Go around and around and around. Brilliant.




I’d love to find some good research on this as it seems I am in the small minority of men who only find natural women attractive.

I’m sure a lot of the appeal of fake women comes from pornography. We all know what group of people control that industry and it wouldn’t surprise me if this is just another destructive outcome of the world they want us to live in.


You just don’t realise it’s enhanced when it’s done well/tastefully

Aussie Soy Boy

Of course natural is better than fake, but if it’s some 40 year old ex roastie who wants to relive her glory days by filling in her flat saggy tits then it is obviously better than the alternative.


I agree it’s hideous. I don’t even like too much makeup.

Reus's Large MEMBER

If I was hitting that at 13 there is no way in hell I am reporting her.


Kuwait has been very quiet since the early 90s.

>The Kuwaiti dinar is the highest-valued unit of currency in the world. 

>population 4.25 million

That’s some Arab privilege.

Palis should go there.

A fly in your ointment

lets just change a few nouns and see if it makes sense:

UK has been quiet since ’45

> GBP has been faring quite well

> population only ‘fuck all’

That’s some anglo privilege

Convict class ezfka units should go there

nope, equally makes no sense.





Ching chong ping pong.

1.5 billion could be 1.502 billion.

A fly in your ointment

by the time i replied, it already is


They were there, but got the arse when Yassar Arafat supported the invasion by Iraq


Wot. The entirety of Palestine was in Kuwait in 1991 or whatever. Then they want back to Israel. K.


She’s not stunning but she’s got nice tits and obviously makes a bit of coin

but she was dating some old deadbeat who drinks Powerade

the absolute state of the dating marketplace in 2023


McShera was allegedly murdered by father-of-one Cameron John Pearson.

It’s understood the two had become romantically involved after the lawyer took Pearson on as a client.


probably abused his ex too
8 years older, divorced with kids
what was she thinking
isn’t it also unethical

at that point she would have been better off getting together with a NEAT incel like stagmal

poor choices


dirt bag

dont feel sorry for her though


Roasties gonna roast

Aussie Soy Boy

Ex or current methhead, ex and it seems current domestic abuser. After hearing all the stories from clients over the years she probably had some weird fantasies.


I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she’d been reading too much Clementine Ford.

Aussie Soy Boy

I’m surprised it wasn’t a carton of Oak


i liked their donut flavour


Typical Australian normies. That’s generally what they want. If you can spell and you know your grammar that’s a negative. That said it was still better when the population was mostly them.

The intellectual life *is* 90% a load of utter shit.


this is the kind of targetted immigration that australia should be looking at

red light district, not uber eats district

the first young lady looks like she could contribute to the australian economy in particular

A fly in your ointment

Even See En En is at this Junction I time where they transition from “everyone erred” to “it’s funking killing us”.
Everyone, except “erdorganic economist”

Covid shots may slightly increase risk of stroke in older adults, particularly when administered with certain flu vaccines [CNN]

You know the lingo, Choos are slightly killing collateral props,…

Just to make it clear, I don’t read fecal matter media, the link was provided via une chanel Telegramme


So 1 in 3 per 100k have a stroke after covid vax vs 130 per 100k who get covid. Article says risk for a regular flu shot is 1-2 strokes per 100k.

And there’s research claiming that covid vaccination reduces heart attack and stroke risk post covid infection.

I recognise there are problems with the vax, but they’re not even a fraction as dangerous as you lot make out.


Edit: 1 to 3 per 100k.


lmao the fucking irony of this guy claiming im posting shit nobody is interested in

A fly in your ointment

every post is infested with multiple instances of your Brucey/Fatso wank fest your inflatable girlfriend must feel neglected by now.


except there’s plenty of people here interested in discussing that but literally nobody wants to cook about vaccines with you

A fly in your ointment

Um, wrong.

I post quackccine shyte almost only in reply to yor posts.

A fly in your ointment

So 1 in 3 per 100k have a stroke after covid vax vs 130 per 100k who get covid. Article says risk for a regular flu shot is 1-2 strokes per 100k.

3 things, Jim:

One, where does it says the risk is 130 from covid?

Two, is that the risk from covid “after having had a covid quackccine”?

Three, the fact that this is reported by the most un-trusted in the world, literally lying through their teeth – media, the very media that spearheaded quackccination experiment saying it is harmless when there was no data to prove anything – that should tell you something.

Oh, and the seizures too…

You are actually not showing the level of recognition of issues on par with the issues reported, but all good. Because I did not post above so that “we lot” convince you otherwise.


“One, where does it says the risk is 130 from covid?
Two, is that the risk from covid “after having had a covid quackccine”?”

fucked if i know. i made it up

A fly in your ointment


nice troll though.

New studies show that the covid shot killed 3.5x more people than covid

A fly in your ointment

no one talks of ventilators. Plenty a data to show they were the major cause of death as the misuse caused more damage and no help. All those deaths were associated with covid and not with misuse of a medical device.

Anyway, we will not be able to find truth as all the data is either tainted, corrupted, deleted or never collected. A perfect “how to get away with a murder” case.

Yes those as well as those MVA’s that were recorded as covid deaths, the fact that the hospitals were getting paid more for covid deaths / cases than anything else led to huge over reporting.

covid was by far the biggest scam and wealth transfer ever, especially now that we know that it was produced in a lab and was not nearly as severe as the fearmonger would like us to believe

A fly in your ointment

if you account for long term benefits big business will have from decimation of small businesses, that transfer is not just largest but it will be long lasting.


New studies show that the covid shot killed 3.5x more people than covid

That’s from a study published by my side hustle, JimsCovidResearch.

A fly in your ointment

was it part of the same group: JimsJabbadabbaPharma?


shared by lleyonhelm

Then, six weeks later, the accuser googled the Higgins case and discovered the man she’d had sex with that night was Bruce Lehrmann. It is understood her statement will reveal that she quickly met with a Brisbane compensation lawyer before reporting the matter to the police. Apparently the phone download of the complainant includes evidence that she is involved in distribution of illicit drugs and has long been unemployed.

holy shit this is going to be juicy

A fly in your ointment

did you jerk it off yet on this news breaking?

is that what you meant when you said it “is going to be juicy”?

I mean your obsession with the Brucey and the fat Cinderella goes beyond standard fixation amd it catches an unobserviing bystander here and there. In realitt it really just shits on conversation to see multiple instance of the same ole womit.


Well that just about nailed everything. Bloody brilliant.

A fly in your ointment

I reckon this is just a nice novelle for spruiking the regional RE as “see, you can buy a house in Aus! Not every shithole is actually a shithole as much as popular belief”


I quite like Port Macquarie, Tamworth was ok. Haven’t been to many regional places.

Boats bad mass immigration good.

Why are millenials such deranged subhumans? It really was the participation trophies. Now the entire white race has to be losers.

A fly in your ointment

many nice places along nsw coast and up the QLD. past Coughs Harbour people begin to live tropical and are more outdoor oriented which I like. Hervey Bay is interesting place.


Orange is also very nice


its deceiving, its not much better than dubbo, the winters there are pretty bad too


Just out of curiosity, where is a nice place to live, in your view?


newcastle is alright



i liked all of them

A fly in your ointment

Orange delivers an optimistic outlook, to me at least. I’d take Dubbo over any non-coastal town south of the Sydney parallel (plus Kangaroo valley)


I can understand why Port Macquarie and Coolangatta are popular retiree spots. Beaches, scenery, food, restaurants, cinema, rsl/sports club, doctors, etc, all within walking distance. Hospital and airport nearby.


You should visit Ballina. They have parking spots for old people’s electric scooters, and there are more scooters per square km than anywhere else I’ve ever seen. The average age must be in the 70s,.


I have only ever thought of Ballina as a shithole with nearest airport to Byron Bay. But fair enough, I will try to spend a day there on my next road trip to Queensland.


They need some Sudanese diversity – far too white.


theres heaps of sudanese in orange


WTF – really? That is terrible news, they’re spreading faster than fire ants.


been that way since like 2011 when i used to live there

is aw heaps

theres very few africans in dubbo at all


The Abos probably repel them.

“The competitive exclusion principle says that two species can’t coexist if they occupy exactly the same niche (competing for identical resources)”

Aboriginals and Sudenese, as population groups, broadly inhabit the same societal and class niche. They compete for the same sort of housing, work and benefits.

Indigenous Australians obviously have the numbers and the social constructs of laws, benefits, etc in their favour.


sudanese are way scarier


A few years ago, the missus and I spent several seasons picking blueberries in the Coffs area while we bummed around Australia. Crews were mostly backpackers and grey nomads, with a few Indian-only crews (Coffs locals) who could pick blueberries faster than a threshing machine. Everyone got along really well.
The last season we were there, some Sudanese were added to the crews.
We never went back.


Violent or lazy? My bet is on violent and lazy.


On one occasion we had to physically close ranks around our female supervisor.
They weren’t accustomed to taking directions from a woman.
This was when the big Sudanese war was on, and some town west of Coffs had been nominated as a resettlement centre for Sudanese refugees. They bussed them down to Coffs to work on the picking crews. Seems they hadn’t had a lot of indoctrination into the way things worked in Oz before they were unleashed on us.

A fly in your ointment

there it is, as i said duting the circus of referendum – that it was just a farce you all legalised when you participated.
The voice is coming to your neighbourhood, literally

non binding referendums mean donkey shyte, particularly when they produce undesired outcome.


There’s a clear mandate for the advisory bodies. Among a small minority of the population. FFS.


This is fucking peak ABC news right here. 8th wave of Covid! Rich boomer prick who bought Shitcoin at peak getting excited about the hope of “earning” more wealth for doing nothing!


Some nice charts showing thst the covid “modelling” wasn’t just shit, it was far worse than shit.

Never trust any “science” related to large chaotic systems that’s based on computer models. It has no relationship to reality.

Reus's Large MEMBER

It was not “shit” it was flawed by design, there would have been no way that they would have been able to lock the world down had the models been accurate, we were played by those in power, look at how the elites still managed to jet all over the world while we were arrested for going to the beach.

Also with the vaccines, the fact that they did not have the vaccine mandated for MP’s etc. shows that they knew that it was not safe or effective.