Calls for more skilled migration after Indian subcontractors at Australia Post seen destroying parcels

Australia’s business lobby have called for more skilled migration from the subcontinent, after Australia Post workers were seen throwing packages around in a viral clip.

The clip taken at a Sydney distribution centre, showed several sub continentals throwing packages around sparking outrage and calls for even shittier imported labour from the Business Council of Australia and other lobbyists.

“Australia Post is an EZFKA success story in outsourcing and we take pride on hiring the cheapest and most carefree employees in the world. I mean we’re not going to do shit about this current incident, but if we’re really forced to and that means we have to look to even shittier countries to do it we will,” a spokesman said.

“Whether it’s throwing packages around, not speaking English and being able to read maps, throwing packages out the front of a moving vehicle at the wrong address or just dropping it all off at the nearest post office and claiming you weren’t home because you couldn’t be fucked, we maintain the highest standards of Indian, er, integrity in the logistics business.”

Immigration Minister Andrew Giles has met with Australia Post leadership to fast-track visas from sub-saharan Africa to improve standards and efficiency.

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boomer dream world

Last edited 9 months ago by stagmal

wow i can edit again


lmao check the comments

obviously they’ve never read MB

Agent 47

Gittins will write another 4 articles supporting immigration by the end of the week. This is his usual steam valve piece.


From the comments it seems like all the actual academic research refutes what gittins is saying

we are just taking MBs word for it really

the arborist

Looks like Queensland has problem with “youth” crime.

Queensland is locked in the grips of a youth crime wave, with car theft, knife crime and violent home invasions soaring.

Agent 47

Seems he was triggered by this. He literally lives in Roseville median house price 3.5 million. Day of the pillow candidate if there ever was one.


hes a faggot too right

Agent 47

Yep so no kids (unless he did the rent a womb thing) so no investment in the future.


Why tf would you expect migrants to care more about Australians than LibLab

Finally the ointment man is vindicated


The timing works out. I say EZFKA strikes again!!
Timbo’s Super powers are growing exponentially!

Peter and @CISOZ and just about all msm journalist and economists are narrative launderers.

They act as a laundromat for Corporate and Neoliberal donors and the toxic policies that they try to wash into public acceptance. They aim to become the gatekeeps of acceptable economic discussion.

Last edited 9 months ago by Stewie

Hence the misinformation bill


He’s right though. People vote for economic stability first and foremost.

Ironic Boomer

Bullshit he is right.


Studies have proven that’s the top thing people vote for. Econamee. Because muh numbers n shieet.


no hes trying to say that just bc parties that unilaterally support immigration get the most votes therefore immigration popular

its not that simple

Last edited 9 months ago by stagmal

It’s a decent argument that the majority of the population doesn’t really care though

They may whinge and bitch but if it’s not enough to stop voting LibLab then yeah

Not that it would make any difference, we’d just end up with a new pseudo-nationalist party like the Brothers of Italy

The US has potential with the Congress having no speaker and not being able to pass anything or spend money on anything


yes they dont care enough to vote anything other than alp/lnp/greens, i agree ive been saying that myself

but theres a million reasons why that is including

-being rusted on

-not knowing anything else

-caring about other stuff more (where ozcucks comments come into play)

-sustainable australia being garbage (and also unknown)

-actually caring about it, but fooled into thinking lnp/alp will change immigration if they get into office over the other (we literally have members here who think this, so imagine how many other australians are being fooled); albo literally lied about what he would do before into into office

-polling they dont like immigration but not being able to actualise that into a migration restrictionist party vote bc they feel bad it might be racist

etc etc etc

there’s a lot of assumptions here, like the average person even knows what sustainable australia even is, certainly they will recieve no media coverage

and PHON is totally dodgy and the people who vote for them on their alleged migration bonafides is bc they think muslims are going to take over australia and are mentally stuck in 2005 mode

Last edited 9 months ago by stagmal

-actually caring about it, but fooled into thinking lnp/alp will change immigration if they get into office over the other (we literally have members here who think this, so imagine how many other australians are being fooled); albo literally lied about what he would do before into into office

Lmao yeah that’s so funny

Plenty of MB comments like this too

The BurbWatcher

6 minutes ago

Don’t fight the Culture War before the Class War.

Albo and his team have what little time they have left to fight the economic war on behalf of the battlers, else they’re in trouble, and have stolen defeat from the jaws of victory.

And, the ALP have to be loud about it; it’s still possible to win big class battles from here – but they have to be happy to upset the rentiers – but they’re gone for another 2-3 terms if they don’t!

How can someone obsessively watch this pantomime for years and still think Labor has some sort of interest in “fighting a class war”? Other than a war against the legazens.

Last edited 9 months ago by No1

and these are the thoughts of ppl who are high information enough to vote on an obscure wonk site like macrobusiness

now imagine the average politically engaged person


There’s some sort of bell curve where MB readers, sermonised 15 times daily about how fucked everything is, are often bigger idealists than normal people who are only minimally aware of the country’s corruption

I understand why people with public identities and careers like DLS and Cameron Murray may act so naive but fucked if I can explain some of these MB commentors


ermington plumbing


I can’t see myself voting Labor again may go libs if they can get their shit in shape . I vote phon, I mean fuck it why not. Just to give them some funding. Pauline was right over twenty years ago we have been swamped by Asians. Particularly in below the great Australia line.


Also yeah it’s pretty bullshit to count Sustainable Australia’s vote as the entire anti-immigration vote when One Nation exists solely to collect those votes


tbh i dont even know what one nation stands for

besides the anti-muslim vote


Rum and cartoons?


Yeah I’m not convinced. I’ve heard MB and SAP say 70 percent of people don’t want mass immigration but I don’t know where they are getting that poll result from.

A fly in your ointment

the sentence “70 percent of people don’t want mass immigration” is actually correct by many metric but its tail bit is clipped off by EmBee for dramatic purposes.
Originally the finding was summed up like this:
“70 percent of people don’t want mass immigration reduced because it means disaster in RE sector

“82% agree that immigration must be completely halted as long as it does not affect the equity as printed on their monthly statements”

The influence EmBee had on immigration is measured by the number of participating commentators (those actually making some comments) and it has dwindled since the introduction of the, probably to 18% of its former ‘glory’.
I ROFL each time someone mentions the influence of EmBee as reminds me of the joke with a mouse banging an elephant (she starts screaming after a coconut hits her in the head an the mouse says “yeah babe, I make every woman scream in pleasure”)


About their only success is being used by 2gb and News Corp to make them appear based.

A fly in your ointment

that’s how they feel.

in reality, the duogamy is really just a couple of useful idiots who serve to imitate counterbalance to supervised immigration


>“70 percent of people don’t want mass immigration reduced because it means disaster in RE sector

Yeah I’d believe that much more given my experiences with people irl.

A fly in your ointment

shit, Dave Llewd and Bleat Van On have sycophants here. Or is it them selves? See the minuses on the post with shit slinging towards them.
We know Cookings Comings is one of them but who gave the second???

errata in my previous post:

…imitate counterbalance to superSIZED immigration shllls


MB always gives references. Look them up.


Well it doesn’t really matter if 70+ percent of people vote Lib/Lab. Brain dead rubes.

Ironic Boomer

I cbf finding it, but I swear he has tried that one on before.


he has outbursts every now and then typically they show up after timbo/sinister pay him out


New horseshoe theory just dropped

Last edited 9 months ago by Coming


Needs the LGBTQ flag added


Theres a tiny little slot for ezfka posters just before the right end


Succinct depiction of the modern far right compared with pretty much the third reich


think there needs to be a drop of the russian flag mixed in again with the ukraine flag right at the end on the right but otherwise very accurate


I laughed when my missus told me that the Randwick council is having an emergency meeting because it was going to fly the Palestinian flag at the Council chambers in solidarity. LMAO – Randwick is one of the Jewiest suburbs.


Interesting to see how the machine works. Leiber reports a pro-Palestinian doctor to the medical board, which gets immediately reported in the Herald Sun. Meanwhile, the doctor on FB states they’ve not received any such report.

But I also wonder if Tulip and the pro-migration lobby will have a go at the Zionists for criticizing immigration.

Last edited 9 months ago by Gouda

Leaked documents show how Pratt has also pursued local political influence, revealing consulting payments to two former prime ministers, Tony Abbott and Paul Keating.

Abbott was hired, the files show, weeks after losing his parliamentary seat in 2019, on a retainer of $8000 a month, while Keating’s monthly retainer is $25,000.

In 2022, Pratt budgeted $1.2 million to pay his in-house government affairs and political adviser, Richard Dowdy, who is a former Abbott staffer.

Pratt has also privately claimed on covert recordings that he had donated $1 million to the Voice referendum’s Yes campaign because he had fielded a request to do so from a senior adviser to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.


Keating is a fucking scum bag

hope he dies of AIDS


Keating deserves a fate far worse than that.


he is not long for this world but it will be painful to hear the cock suck off eulogies he’ll be getting when he finally karks it


Fuck you’re right I’m going to have to go offline it will be nauseating

and the lnp and greens will also be paying their respects since they all have being parasites in common

A fly in your ointment

he’s jabbed.
you could adjust that wish accordingly where it has a much, much greater chance of a success.

but then, it is not my culture to wish anyone death so…disregard my comment above


In other news saw that northern Territory cunt with the speech impediment hunting chocolate frogs in Brisbane Valley. In last few nights. Looking guilty as cuck.




Looked like he just had a frosting. Loose lips sink ships but they also suck ……

A fly in your ointment

… and whilst you all have been busy bashing (rightfully) the Llewd’o/Bleat’o duogamy of EmBee, scratched your heads with QLD allowing a week off for those suffering PTSD from Voice not shooting not even one fish in the barrel and the gunga dins at the postal service doing what convicts have done since the postal service was invented (admittingly to a much smaller degree),
this is flying under the radar:


Under Albanese’s Misinformation & Disinformation Bill, the Government becomes the sole arbiter of truth with the power to censor any opinion that dissents from the government’s narrative.

The proposed legislation (originally proposed by the Liberals) represents the greatest threat to Australia’s freedom & democracy since Federation.

So, if this is legislated or it goes to referendum, blame the immigrants because it is as clear as a sunny day in desert that this is all a cunny plot to undermine the foundation of This Pond by illegal and other later decade immigrants, much the same like the voice, and should be blamed on them.
exculpability of convict class ezfka units (aka the 81% of population) is as certain as the sunrise the next morning. everything wrong with this cuntry is someone else’s fault. Shit, could be Putin’s fault.


Haven’t you got an ointment appointment to go to?
Doctor will gladly give you the Vaxx and send you back to


Is that an attempt at poetry?

A fly in your ointment

nah, not a poet.
I just wrote using year 6 vocabulary to see if this may be comprehensible by those with cognitive challenges. It is obviously not the case as no one noticed that whilst distraction we are rapidly legislating Fashism, literally, and that’s not the type antifa’s retards see in anyone who disagrees but the real deal.


Stop the poetry and talk straight. Far too many multisyllabic words. Sentences too long. Does my head in.

Yes, the misinformation bill is seriously hateful. What about the family law amendments? So much bad law regardless of which brand makes it. Nation sinking, almost gone.


Reading his posts is like decoding a code isn’t it

He’s a narcissist who thinks he’s so important and controversial he needs to write in code and rhymes, to avoid ‘the authorities’

A fly in your ointment

and yet each time you respond to my post you cement your avatar as a dubbo, “an unimaginative idiot, all-round stupid“.

Everything seems “coded” to those who lack general knowledge outside a contemporary ute and a dog microcosmos.


Fucking hell hard to believe this is happening in the suburbs of Australia

we are a few years away from becoming South Africa


Police and courts: he was just peacefully standing in the street, probably protesting the climate


Yeah make more people homeless and desperate…based.

A fly in your ointment

Why do your posts get the intro sentence eerily similar to those made by the Dave Llewd’o of EmBee?

The video from the twatter is most likely either:

  1. Fake, as most of the shyte on the twatter, created to generate traffic with disregard on what it may instigate, taking no prisoners.
  2. The wannabe carjacker/looter/robber is an idiot of epic proportions and is probably dead* by now.

( * = killed by the militia police for speeding 62kmh in the 60kmh zone)

A fly in your ointment

aw, so nice of you to think of me 2 months before Xmas.

…just don’t get excited as it may induce a stroke, or myocarditis or rapid cancer or sumtin…

A fly in your ointment

and thanks for those – minus votes, it means i spoiled your ointment each time…


Lmao someone do this with Northy, Tarric brooker, DLS etc


How many ips he got. I don’t like wogs much but they won, and they just had to hang there being a dumb wog.


what have you got against wogs tbh

they’re the best ethnic group in the country (meaning italians and greeks ONLY)
Definitely better than legacy anglos


Australianised Chinese are the best. Most wogs are dodgy and were very instrumental in creating the property worship culture. Look up the ‘equity mate’ ad.


its wogs youre blaming for the property worship culture?
and not ethnic chinese?

ok mate that seems reasonable

also wogs haven’t been dodgy for at least 30 years
the bikies / drug dealers are all lebos / viets/ cambos now

chinese are good too, but less attractive and interesting

wogs and chinese are both better than anglos regardless

A fly in your ointment

original wogs had no choice as they could not go back to their parents each time a blister popped up on their right palm from an actual labour.
It’s not a worship, its the way of the survival.

OTOH, dole bludging tax-positive lifestyle as invented by the people (and their descendants) who originally ‘came’ in boats was perfected by wogs, particularly by the second generation.


At school most of the wogs were the hot blooded proudly criminally minded types. All the Chinese were basically genteel nerdy whites in Asian bodies with good fair attitudes.

You know I’m right.

I’m not talking about shitty CCP types that have recently come over


I’m not talking about shitty CCP types
The old school aus chinks were cantonese speakers, probably from shanghai and old hong kong.
The new chinks speak like they’re blowing snot out of their mouth when they attempt to communicate.
I believe it’s called “mandarin”, which really should be called


Old school ones more likely from Singapore and Malaysia than Shanghai. Generally have much higher standard of English due to the historical British influence.

Singapore – basically an authoritarian city state where everyone follows the rules, does their military service and love the government. Their citizens would fit in in most countries. I mean, when was the last time you ever heard of gang of Singaporeans?

Malaysia – a country with plentiful natural resources, but arguably squandered due to policies that favoured the native Malays over Chinese and Indians. Sounds a bit like the Voice, which might explain Kamahl. The best of the last two groups often left for more opportunities in the US, UK, Canada and EZFKA.

Later migrants from mainland China typically super rich, but lacking class or common sense – think badly behaved tourists dressed head to toe in Gucci or some other brand.


IMO it is a reaction to their own conditions. Boomers had a poor childhood, and also encountered high inflation, and became propadee obsessed.

The Chinese have no propadee rights in China, and you see a similar behaviour to the Boomers.

Last edited 9 months ago by Freddy

Basically every culture except the Germans is property horny

Anglos, Chinese, Indians, Meds, they all love that shit


Same same. All the western countries were left with impoverished Boomer children after the war. The others are having their turn coming out of poverty.

The Chinese are busy converting their wealth into property rights in western countries.


rational self interest is now a character flaw

much prefer people who moan on fringe websites and gleefully await the Godot market crash


You finally found something to like about Australians


Winners are actually the ugly and boring.


So if you could replace all current immigrants with one ethnicity only what would it be


So if you could replace all current immigrants with one ethnicity only what would it be
Anyone but you and your family you pin-dicked coon


Oh no it’s ointments retarded cousin


Your ugly feet.
Your disgusting Crocs.
Your chink wifes moneygrubbing moot.

A fly in your ointment

you’d agree it’s still a better proposition being my retard cousin than being your smart twin.


White hot chicks from the UK.



A fly in your ointment

krauts have lease agreements measured in decades and actual businesses who make purely rental properties. All are subjected to regulations which insulates tenants from ‘savvy investor’ landlords.
This makes a lot of people disinterested in actual ownership as renting lifestyle is not a sign of one’s own stupidity, literally and metaphorically.

Ironic Boomer

‘Boomers … encountered high inflation’

High wage inflation, you left the wage part out. You also left out the commonwealth making land cheaper for them. You also left out them riding a tailwind of declining interest rates with cheaper land collateral to lein against. You also left out they paid less tax. Also you left out that they weren’t competing with overseas buyers.


Gittins now on the ‘cut immigration’ bangwagon. Hooray!

Likely a huge issue in 2025 election. Labor would be wise to take up the running & announce a materially lower intake starting ASAP.

Want better productivity? Cut population growth… via @1rossgittins

There’s a huge gaping chasm between announcing some shit and it actually happening.

These shitty fake economists supporting cuts is worth not much but something at least.


you guys brush your teeth a lot


Only at night

black coffee cleans my teeth in the morning


Twice a day – gum disease causes inflammation and is associated with heart disease. It also looks disgusting when people don’t clean their teeth.
You should floss too.

Agent 47

Nailed it again 🤣


If you plan to commit genocide, please be ethical and use environmentally friendly weapons.


Probably fake but she is crazy enough to say shit like that.

edit: Apparently AI generated. Impressive.

Last edited 9 months ago by Freddy

Well that was pretty good! 👍😊


latest Roy Morgan poll

ALP support plunges after the defeat of ‘The Voice’ Referendum: ALP 49.5% (down 4.5%) cf. L-NP Coalition 50.5% (up 4.5%).

life won’t be easy under Albanese

Ironic Boomer

Lamb king racking up some lines of head meds.


Fuck that cunt. And his cocksucking mates dennis and yokel.


That fucking yokel is Dennis’ catamite bitch. FMD – that cocksucker Dennis posts something and that little lickspittle swoops in to congratulate and support him. The only stopping me thinking Dennis is sock puppeting Yokel is that he’s too fuckin stupid.


BareNakedIslam has a collection of pics and footage showing some of the results of the Hamas attack.

Don’t look if you don’t like closeups of gunshot wounds, charred corpses etc

Something for the “I stand with Palestine” brigade to ponder I suppose. Not that they ever would.


I’ve seen way worse than that in Ukraine vids.


So it’s all OK then?


Big fog of war. Israelis haven’t exactly been treating them like humans. Fair argument that sand niggers should take them into the sand nigger countries. It’s only 2m.

A fly in your ointment

for each of those pictures of bodies claimed to be one type of semites, there’s at least 10x more of bodies claiming to be the other Semites.
Telegram is loaded with pictures of bodies with gore inflicted, some so young to make it impossible to claim falsely or truthfully they were “combatants”. Neither were beheaded or were music festival goers.

why would a side claiming atrocities as per those images need to invent 40 beheaded babies and 2500 music festival goers being slaughtered?


why would a side claiming atrocities as per those images need to invent 40 beheaded babies and 2500 music festival goers being slaughtered?

I can think of six million reasons.


Two defenseless elderly women, age 93 and 95, were brutally raped at a hospital in France last Sunday.

Both women died in the days that followed after the horrors they endured.

The suspect, Samir B., a 40-year-old, who was already known to the police for sexual assault, was released (!!!) under judicial supervision after 48 hours only. 


That’s just a typical day in frog land. I think they like it.


This is what pro immigration YIMBYs look like

what zero pussy does to a mf


YIMBY seems to be code for Yes In My BackSide.


ezfka con



Stagmal, coming , ozcuck, drago and soyboy


I feel really bad for stagmal because this is what passes for intelligent company in his generation

once upon a time losers like this would just play computer games

now they’re leftist political activists


Yeah another reason why I say I’m sceptical about the 70 percent figure. Being a colossal faggot has been de jour among nerds my whole adult life.


The most boomerish of The Beatles in Newcastle. That’s nice of him.


The Canadian Health department has confirmed the presence of massive DNA contamination in the Covid jabs, which was first reported and then independently confirmed by multiple labs back around April.

This is unlikely to be A Good Thing.


Every time they pull stuff like this they alienate more people. Lockdowns, jabs, the voice, etc. It’s all about rates of change. The rate of alienation and the rate of indoctrination form a function that controls the rate of primary laberal voting. They know that if they alienate too many too fast they have to increase the rate of indoctrination. The misinformation bill is an attempt to increase indoctrination rate following the alienation of the jabs and the voice. Immigration is also indoctrination since minds untouched by legacy notions of the rule of law and old school human rights are easier to reach. Solving for the coefficients (weights) is the hard bit. Chuck through AI to do that I guess. You and I are already fully alienated I think. I will never vote primary laberal again. They lost me when they made “causing fear” family violence.


Yeah. 100% full alienation in my AO. The Great and Powerful can all get fucked. I’d cheerfully shoot the vast majority of them.

Agent 47

It appears Warhammer Economist is having a dummy spit over EZFKA Twitter meme over migration and social cohesion. Good work Timbo


Haven’t we all been there at some point in our lives? Beheading people, stomping on their severed heads and then having sex with the dead bodies. It’s a story as old as time.

Of course, they only had sex with the bodies of dead women. They’re not perverts, you know.

A fly in your ointment

Nah, shyte like this does not pass even the most laxed checks of the ilks of daily mail and other tabloids, because it’s poor faking.

Now THIS is what the terrorists do: here


Who fucking cares

let them finish each other


I honestly think incel theory will be as important historically as Marxism


Sex robots will solve this problem and destroy capitalism forever


But is it the sex intrinsically that is the desire or is it the social status that goes along with said sex

IMO it’s both, which sex robots won’t fulfil

It’s barely one level better than wanking to porn


Wanking to porn is already pretty good let’s be honest


Maybe but doesn’t address the social stigma or the social desire for sex with an actual person does it


Gonna take the bait

What effect are sex robots going to have that wives and girlfriends don’t

A fly in your ointment

This is what robots inherently cannot have: Alimony, divorce, property theft

Makes it appealing though, given the wickedness of family law in developed cuntries


The main use for white men now is to be cannon fodder, and uphold any sort of necessessary interim nationalism. That’s pretty much the only card they hold.

You could quite easily get the mixed raced westerners to create a good enough military. Obviously thats the end goal but they aren’t quite there yet.


The pool of those eligible to join the military continues to shrink, with more young men and women than ever disqualified for obesity, drug use or criminal records. Last month, Army Chief of Staff Gen. James McConville testified before Congress that only 23% of Americans ages 17-24 are qualified to serve without a waiver to join, down from 29% in recent years.

An internal Defense Department survey obtained by NBC News found that only 9% of those young Americans eligible to serve in the military had any inclination to do so, the lowest number since 2007. 

The US is really lucky that China isn’t the bloodthirsty Genghis Khan that its propaganda says

They are absolutely fucked if they have to fight that land war in Asia


when will the first union of incel republics be created

wonder who the incel lenin will be


Sex is a means to an end. Sterile sex is utterly pointless. It’s no different to taking drugs. That’s why arranged marriage, forced if necesssary, was once the norm. Why the f would you bother working to raise children if all your effort was going be pissed up against the wall. A functioning human living a modern lifespan can and should do their utmost to make sure they have great grandchildren. Leftist indoctrination and institution capture hid this truth that functional families once taught their young. My parents were among the indoctrinated as a result I will probably not untangle the bullshit in my head in time so am unlikely to produce great grandchildren. But, if you can’t succeed, you help your siblings, if none then your cousins etc. This is why the EZFKA is so morally fucked. It’s a bunch of people who screwed their families and extended families over for generations.

Last edited 9 months ago by robert2013

The 60s cultural revolution was a Grateful Dead Bus tearing through the fields, driving through Chesteron Fence after Chesteron Fence. For all intensive purposes the West today is Rome2 – and like Rome we are on the precipice of cultural collapse.


I’d not heard of the Chesteron fence. A neat phrase to summarise my thoughts on the many “reforms” we’ve been subjected to. New management at my workplace are tore down such fences because they were too lazy to learn why things were done they way they were done. The smarter among them now watch themselves with horror as they make announcements in which they reinvent the wheel. You can see it in their faces. Positive yet ashamed at the same time.


The best bit about management in most companies is the absence of accountability

As long as what you appear to have done is defensible and more importantly approved by your manager if not the CEO, then all is well.


This “shit rentals” guy is classic millennial/gen z waste of space

they’re just as bad as the boomers tbh

derro druggie with psoriasis or rosacea hanging around drop kick Melbourne suburbs full of green lefties

an entirely worthless generation


They’re worse than boomers. Boomers stood up for themselves. Boomers weren’t afraid to punch on and get thuggish. He’s gonna get replaced by a poo, and everyone is gonna like the poo more than him because he’s a cookie cutter pretentious retarded faggot.

The poo will just go to Bunnings and get $20 worth of shit and remove the mold and shit and make the place reasonably livable. If I was a boomer I’d be massively favouring the poo.


i cant criticise boomers at all for standing up for their own interests really

they benefit from the mass immigration project, gen y and gen z dont, and yet still support it

truth be told we are getting what we deserve


Yeah they deserve it 200 percent, just sucks going down with these pieces of shit “people”.


It’s not so bad.

If I want to invest, checking shitrentals will probably reveal problems that an agent or vendor would otherwise be able to hide.


imagine needing to call a committee over this

why not just

not do it

what the fuck is the point


Renters and low-income households are better off than they were two years ago despite high inflation and rapidly rising rents, as strong employment and income growth shields people from the worst of the cost-of-living crunch, Reserve Bank governor Michele Bullock says.




Well that’s premium bullshit if ever I’ve heard it.

Aussie Soy Boy

Can we ban this guy that keep posting israeli propoganda?

Aussie Soy Boy



Now that’s a classic EZFKA overlord response.

Any voice that speaks facts that you don’t like must be deplatformed because it’s propaganda and disinformation. Only views that you approve of are allowed to be expressed.

I’m no fan of Israel or the Jews, but the stunt that Hamas pulled a couple of weeks ago was and is indefensible.

Of course, I’m all in favour of Hamas supporters being allowed to express their views in support of slaughtering and raping women and babies and dogs. It’s good to know where evil resides.

Ironic Boomer

Yep calling for banning is ironically pretty soy.

Aussie Soy Boy

The jews are arresting anyone who speaks out against the genocide.


That’s what Jews do.

A fly in your ointment

Any voice that speaks facts…

Like 40 beheaded babies?
or 25000 slaughtered music festival goers (on the first day)?
or unidentifiable men making a statement of unverifiable events?

false flagging should bear the same heinous penalty as actually committing falsified atrocities: Falsify the fake news of an atrocity(ies) and be trialled as if you committed the said atrocity yourself.
News reporting would change overnight. For better.

A fly in your ointment

Can we ban this guy that keep posting israeli propoganda?

and what happens after? Nirvana?

Aussie Soy Boy

Just for my amusement.

A fly in your ointment

as per anglo proverbial, why slaughter a sheep once when you can shear it all the time?
its more fun to spoil anyone’s ointment all the time than to ban that anyone and have only one short lived amusement.




fucking consequence free society


Congrats. I bet that is a relief!

You have made yourself easily identifiable now by leaving all the document IDs intact.


someone delete it pls


I told you you’d get a seccy 10

australia is a boganocracy and physical violence is met with just a shrug of the shoulders

if you’d posted an offensive meme or done a nazi salute you would have got the book thrown at you though

or “rape”

like gillard’s ex sucked on some sleeping woman’s nipples and thats a heinous crime, but bashing someone is nothing

this is not a serious country


i submitted a lengthy written submission saying i was sorry and i was being deliberately inflammatory and listed all the harassment those kids made at me etc etc etc

but yeah it boils down to assault being essentially legal in australia


if you’d sucked his cock you would have got 10 years


worth it

Aussie Soy Boy

Aggression is really admired in this society. You can basically shove and push people in front of cops and they won’t do anything. Just tell you to cut it out.



What did you actually do? Punch to the head?


hit in arm with stick twice


Doesn’t sound very bad.

Aussie Soy Boy

Have you got a place to live at the moment or living in a car/camping?


no place to live atm

Aussie Soy Boy

So what are you doing for shelter? Don’t have to give a location away of course?


lol at The Kouk ghosting everyone and blocking replies on the news of higher-than-expected inflation.

If rates go up before March, he also loses a bet which is worth a bottle of Grange.

A fly in your ointment

if rates don’t go up soon, it will be a severe tilting of the play field hoping the ball can remain stationary on a slope. And it can, for short.


I’m honoured to be funding middle eastern gang violence, and making cops earn their money, its not like they’re ever gonna go after the white collar crime in this country.

Aussie Soy Boy

Anyone caught possessing illegal tobacco should be banned from accessing free public health services for life.


What if they’re Palestinian


Anyone who has more than say 5-10% body fat should suffer the same fate. Or plays dangerous sports like rugby.

A fly in your ointment

anyone who has investment property should not have access to negative gearing….

yeah… neither this will happen


jesus you are disgusting low IQ trash

I took an uber this morning and the driver was some pakistani who looked like a sewer rat
the car absolutely reeked of cigarettes like a fucking ash tray

that is the level that smokers are on
the absolute dregs of society

I cannot comprehend how stupid someone would have to be to not just use gum and patches and spray to satisfy their addiction

cheaper and you don’t become a fucking social pariah
let alone being so low IQ that you buy illegal tobacco from bikies and think you’re saving money and sticking it to the man

lmao absolutely trash


I am saving money and it’s glorious. Smoking is an awesome habit. You should take it up maybe you wouldn’t be such a faggot.


im going to keep asking why dont you use patches and sprays and gum which is much cheaper and doesn’t leave you a leper


>everyone who smokes is a leper
A lot of smoker chicks are hot af.


Strictly fuck and chuck

now answer my question


Cope. If a girl is hot enough and not too bogan or trashy she can marry an investment banker, as well as being a smoker and a sloot in her 20s.

I knew a woman who was a bit bogan, a smoker *and* had a kid when she was young from another guy, had some big corp poof paying for her, the kid and totally wrapped around her finger.

Most guys are as weak as piss when it comes to the mooty moot.

Like you, lusting after 50 year old teals. Lmao.



why do you refuse to answer this question


You should be able to smoke at the office desk like in the old days. Smoke on planes. Restaurants. Kindergartens. Next to women giving birth.


Answer the question you poverty faggot


Smoking at funerals. Chuck the butts down as the coffin is lowered.

You’re so obsessed with wealth, in an attempt to assauge your low sexual market status. I spit on wealth, via smoking. I am superior.


Smoking at Maccas.


A Bondi influencer, boasting more than 40,000 Instagram followers, who flexed his muscles before leg sweeping a young man and rendering him unconscious outside Bondi McDonald’s has had his conviction overturned on mental health grounds.

Agreed facts reveal on November 13, 2021, the 38-year-old was talking to security outside McDonald’s Bondi Beach just before midnight, when he was “seen to close both fists … placed them together … [in] a fighting stance” towards another member of the public.

He then turned his attention to a “group of young men” where he “flexes his muscles”.

Handsaker then kicks his foot out, making contact with the young man’s leg area. The young man kicked back but missed.

The 38-year-old grabbed the young man and performed “a leg sweep” as he fell to the ground with great force, hitting his head on the concrete, rendering him unconscious.

The prosecutor told the court Handsaker had a previous affray matter from 2008 – which was dealt with under s10 which saw no conviction recorded.

Judge Hunt said he was satisfied since the offence, Handsaker had maintained his sobriety and continued to treat his PTSD and ultimately discharged the 38-year-old into the care of his psychotherapist for 12 months.

“This is a chance that you are getting … it must have been fairly embarrassing for you to watch that video in open court,” he told Handsaker.

A typical example from today

legit a fucking joke
the victim has brain damage

imagine if he had raped some woman so hard she got permanent damage

nobody gives a fuck about men is probably the main issue




38 year old leg sweeping a kid leaving him with brain damage. If it was my son I’d be tracking that fucker down and disappearing him.

A fly in your ointment

Battery powered fighter jets and green tanks (no, really, green tanks)

what is terrorism? is it this?

what anglos with balls look like?
They obviously weeded their nation few hundred years ago so ballsy ones could yield some crop

A fly in your ointment

what change can 12 months bring? this?


looks AI generated

A fly in your ointment

of course it is AI, the “actual intelligence” video editing
the voice is close but not quite and the lip sync is worse than in the slopes’ dubbed Kung-fu movies from 70’s

but sure its fun.

(I did not see it posted above with a link to twatter)


Looks like soyboy was completely wrong about the Block lambo guy

AFR says he’s worth a billy

Portelli says: “You can’t be as public as I am and not have everything in order.”

Rebecca Wood, a lawyer at digital firm LegalVision, doubts the regulator will find LMCT+ is breaking existing gaming laws.

Apart from an expansion of LMCT+ into home furnishings, and separate energy drink and bikini lines, Portelli reveals he is developing childcare centres as well as projects that will plug into the National Disability Insurance Scheme, such as a “mini hospital” in western Sydney.

Aussie Soy Boy

Hiding in plain sight.


It would take some serious balls to try to sell your money laundering operation to private equity and run a media campaign in the AFR to do so

Aussie Soy Boy

The little wog is a tongue tied meathead, he’s evasive about his past and how he became successful.


wow she was smoking hot

waiting to see the ethnicity of the assailant but could well be asian/indian
-driving an older model lexus
-incel crime


Sounds like he was Dutch and did a high jump off a cliff… hopefully he hit a few rocks on the way down.


preppy white boy wow

never would have picked it

was she pregnant maybe

Aussie Soy Boy

She was probably rooting one of the students, word got around, he was humiliated. It would be bad enough being fucking hockey coach for the sons of CEOs, but everyone knowing you’ve been cucked by one of the students would be almost too much for any man to handle lol.


fingers crossed for this timeline

Aussie Soy Boy

Not sure about her chin. A little disproportional.


DM uploaded a new photo in a yellow dress

yes she has a prominent chin and jaw but that’s because she has chad/stacy genetics

she will give you slayer sons

also she’s got that look about her you know she’s fun

what a tragedy

Aussie Soy Boy

Imagine being in year 9 and having her as your teacher. Hundreds of them at that school must have gone home and wanked to her. That great wank is ruined for life now (except for the sickos I guess).


i care more about this death than any number of palestinians tbh

very sad


I’d pick jealousy/hurt feelings over pregnancy.

She probably met someone else or just tried to break it off.

bloke lost it and beat her to death (probably with a hockey stick)

complete waste of both her life and his. he could’ve just got tinder and plowed the grief away.


That first break up from ‘true love’ when you’ve never experienced those emotions can be pretty overwhelming, pity he didn’t seek some help.

A bit of life experience in high school can get those rollercoasters out of the way, especially when you’re still probably living with your Father and can get some good advice on life and especially women…. plenty of guys raised by women miss out on that opportunity.


Seems like a good reason to have slutty older women take boys virginities


>Police are searching for Paul Thijssen, a Netherlands-born former student at the school, who has served as the hockey coach

Clog wog. She probably “cheated” on him with some massive Chad, who probably has a bit of a smoke every now and then.

>Water Polo Coach
>Hockey Coach
This is what you pay for at poofta school. Do they have a coach for every sport? Lmao.


Society needs to find jobs for chads and stacies


the most persecuted people alive today


we don’t deserve them


He had NCT though

which is probably why he had to commit this crime


The deal was in the past you get to be a simpleton and have hot sex, but then you don’t get much money in adulthood. But now they want both. Wtf I like the replacement now.

A fly in your ointment

Clog wog???

absolute rubbish, what a clown

a wog needs to have Mediterranean or Mediterranean-like culture.
Dutch don’t have a clue that Olive can yield oil and cheese is cheese only if it’s white and unbleached.

when wogs beat their wives, it is ‘done’ by banging their best mate or a Bulgarian prostitute (so that they can bring pubic lice home)..


They have a slight tinge of wogginess. Enough to warrant the term clog wog.

Aussie Soy Boy

She’s fucking hot!


4/10, flat as a surfboard, complete lack of child bearing hips, probably has a ridiculously high body count.


Apologies i forgot I was on where everybody bags 10s on the regular


Yeah, you wouldn’t get a slayer as a kid, more like the joker.


More fake rape charges against Brucey Boy, what a surprise! Keep prosecuting until you find an activist judge???


maybe hes an actual rapist


Should have given him a section 10 for all of these

imagine how much time and money would have been saved


More stories are coming out – seems to be a pattern of buying women drinks, who then pass out and wake up to find him on top of them. Sounds a bit date rapey, but hard to know without a drug test. Alleged victims were mainly Liberal party staffers and volunteers, with some suggestion this is why he was sacked from the political staffer role due to the number of complaints.


I remember you were onto this Toowoomba case early. I think you were the first to bring it to EZFKA’s attention. Kudos.

Sounds very date rapey. Shed’s some more light on the counter claims of one of the charges ‘just’ being stealthing, that has been bandied about.

From the description that deals with that claim it qualifies as rape imho, maybe not sweaty knife wielding rapist hiding in the bushes sort of rapist, but rapey enough to qualify as some sort of appropriate justice if found guilty.

Aussie Soy Boy

Lehrmann you dirty dog!

Aussie Soy Boy

“Over the following weeks, three more women alleged they had been sexually harassed or assaulted by the same man, still not publicly named at the time, between 2016 and 2020.[23][24] One woman alleged on 20 February 2021 she was raped in 2020 by the man after the pair had dinner and drinks.[25][26] On 22 February 2021, a second woman alleged she was sexually assaulted by the man in 2016.[26] A third woman also accused the man of unwanted advances and stroking her thigh under the table at a Canberra bar in 2017.[23][26] After the story went public, and even though the accused was not named in publications,[27] the accused was stood aside from his job at a large corporation where he had worked from July 2020.[23] He checked himself into a Sydney hospital and the next day he was in a private rehabilitation clinic.[23]”

I never realised Brucey did so much raping. To think I defended him.


None of this is rape

nor is what happened to hungry higgo


wtf how does the first story = rape


He does look rapey af. Doesn’t mean he did actual rape though.

Anyway, the left loves it when a Muzzie rapes a whitey, so….


It was too murky and political an affair for anyone to be sure. There is also the possibility that both could be true, Brucey could have been a rapist and may not have assaulted Brittney.

The court and apparently most of the jury accepted the same evidence that got brought forward to this site. Interesting that they didn’t come forward to Brittney, although there may have been some legal barrier preventing it.

That said he certainly appears to have form. That the other assaults appear to have occurred after drinks and dinner, suggests a modus operandi of getting them blind drunk and taking advantage of them. That is probably the only way someone with a fleshy pig like appearance as Brucey could get a root… or at least the quality root that he thinks he deserves.


Actually I just read somewhere that the basis of one of the sexual assault claims was ‘stealthing’ which although a crime changes the narrative yet again.


It’s weird how all these women came forward after the slandering done on the Project.

Aussie Soy Boy

I still think Brittany heard all the rumours about Brucey’s raping and decided to set him up for her own political gain.


A hockey coach who is wanted for questioning over the death of a young female water polo instructor was an ‘arrogant’ person who was liked by girls but hated by boys, an ex-student says.

legit chad shit
Probably hazed some of the nerds


So brave. Bullying people who are stressed about their calculus homework. What will we ever do without the water polo instructor and the hockey insructor? Shieet.


hope hes dead


Got more prime puss in 24 years than you and I ever will

life was only ever going to be downhill from this point anyway

he went out on his own terms

Last edited 9 months ago by Coming

That’s not prime. 7.5/10 tops. You’re inferior.


This is so unwittingly redpilled

Whole thing is done in front of piles of coal
Multi culti backing band
Girl has braces implying empowered childishness
Her embracing reffos


They played the absolute shit out of it during the 90s on Rage. I hated it but now I like it.