Waving the white flag on the student bust?

Way back when, it was foretold that despite the MB gloomy FUD and crashnik rhetoric about foreign students, one should expect MORE students in the future, rather than less.


Seems like the MB gang are finally seeing the truth. Some months after it has overrun them.


Lol. You’ve got to hand it to them – they’ve got quite a good rearview mirror, those blokes. Although it must be quite an effort to keep it clean from the humidity in the air due to the constant horrified perspiration that’s always in the air, stubbornly condensing on it.

One of these days they might even realise the arrangement that is in place to keep rates as low as possible (which they desperately want) by running migration really really hard. Then they’ll learn to stop worrying and learn to love the migration bomb. After all, they’re solidly on the side of asset prices now. And mortgage broking and debt expansion and all that stuff.

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They’ll keep coming as long as here is not as shit as there. And there’ll always be somewhere more shit than here…..until there isn’t.

Wooden MB don’t understand humans.


Most people keep voting for it as they benefit either directly or indirectly. EmBee still fails to understand this link.

You are better off buying several IPs, shares in Coles, Wesfarmers, Woolies, banks, etc. and benefitting as no one who opposes mass immigration has secured a meaningful amount of the vote.


Joye sounds even more gloomy on house prices. Reckons rate will go and stay higher than people expect and calling for 25-30% falls from peak.

christopher joye on Twitter: “Equity Mates Investing Podcast: Chris Joye – Mortgage holders are in for the mother of all shocks https://t.co/wnVQJuVDrE via @acast” / Twitter


Everything the Fat Wombat says is an attempt to stop his fund from going down the shitter


eyo Barrenjoyeee


Joye’s company buys bonds. Your comment would have some merit if he was calling for rates to fall.


True. I just get annoyed at these finance guys on twitter and podcasts talking their book and still being wrong.

Agent 47

Joye I find is the best of the lot and one of the few I listen to.

Everything else is varying levels of spruik.


It won’t be long before their shitholes are a hell of a lot better than the West. Just have a look at the car yard Joe Biden left behind for the Taliban in Kabul:



Apart from not being able to afford good cars and an iphone every year, they seem to be better already, but maybe that’s just me watching too many travel videos.


The equation to immigration is simple, Immigration will continue to be force fed into Australia until the average quality of life of existing Australians equals the average quality of life to be found in the rest of the world.

Like gas diffusion continuing until the same proportional concentrations is present in all sections of an open system, our social capital will continue to be diluted until it is on par with the rest of the world.

It must continue, because of the structure of our financialised economies and fake living standards depend upon it. Perpetual credit growth is a necessary precondition for consumption based economies and the credit ponzi upon which they all rest.

With existing consumers in the West tapped out from a credit perspective, the only thing that can perpetuate the debt cycle is fresh credit clean skins. Thus it is not only vital that immigration continue, but that it continue at an increasing rate to replace both existing creditors who are rolling off, and providing system “growth”.

The West isn’t ruled by the Westerners’ anymore. The Wood ant queen has long since invaded and taken over the Field Ant colony. We are not a people or society any longer in control over our own destiny – our elites want perpetual growth, and they will import the existing population out of existence in order to obtain it.

Once you accept this truth you know that short of war or complete and sudden economic collapse, nothing will stop this process. Those at the top have no cultural obligations or ties to work to preserve the lives and culture of the majority, indeed it serves their interests to weaken them. While all the agents and social customs that could have prevented these policies in the past, have been removed or stigmatized today.

Ironically change, if it will come at all, is more likely to come from recent immigrants themselves, who wake up and start becoming politically active in regards to realising the role they play; that they are not moving here for a better life, but to help perpetuate a ponzi and the wealth of those on the layer above them.

Coming and SoyBoy right in this regard in that existing Australians are too cucked and brainwashed to ever offer any resistance to current policies… they may though when the lower levels of the ponzi eventually revolt and come for their wealth, but by then it will be too late.


Now Albo is making renters pay for other peoples financial greed and stupidity. What a champion of the people.

Some used to say you can’t brute force high house prices with immigration. I think that’s pretty much proven to be false now.

@ peachy

No matter how much it was an excellent introspective to see this in the year 1 BC (Before Covid), it is not an achievement any more to be seeing future and geostrategy better than Llewdo & Bleato couple.

Kudos for the insight though, I thought that uni industry would be in tatters at the time, thinking that mass uni education is going down and out… instead it went down under .


Some idiot once said “he’s just doing his job moooite”

Just doing his job, nuttin more

Some random memes




And more


glad to see someone is keeping bings spirit alive

A fly in your ointment

Ah, the king of memes…
it is moot trying to achieve such level by a simple peasant like meself


That’s good.


I laughed so hard at this one I nearly wet myself

straight to Facebook

Agent 47

Boomer tier shit.

Does anyone use Facebook anymore apart from boomers and older gen x fags?



instagram is next on the chop, i tll be dead in like 5 years time im guessing

A fly in your ointment

wuts instagram?


I’d like to behead bankers, bankrupt or not.

It’d be fun.



Patriotism, religious faith and other priorities that helped define the national character for generations are receding in importance to Americans

the decline between 1990 and 2019 is pretty mild, but the charts they use are very misleading since the x axis is not at all to scale

maybe they did it deliberately to conceal the fact that society was absolutely destroyed by covid hysteria and lockdowns

2019 —>2023 holy shit

wow that’s mind boggling if the data is reliable

mission accomplished I guess


Culture matters.

History books, starting with the Bible, are full of stories and warnings as to what happens when a society turns away from their God, being my definition of ‘God’ – the tried and tested cultural rules that defined by their Egregore. Cultural collapse (God smitting them) always occurs.

If your culture is aware if these inevitable outcomes then that knowledge can be weaponised by encouraging competing people and cultures to turn away from the values that brought them success. This is what has been occurring in the West for some time now, as those who are facilitating it simply play the waiting game to inherit the world and wonders that we will leave behind.

What is it that caused cultural collapse? Simples – elevating self above society. Basically every society that has endured until today has some values built around self sacrifice for the greater good (ie our Egregore).

The Devil doesn’t win by making things like Murder attractive- that is pure chaos. He is subtle and wins by persuading you that self interest ie self over society is in your interest. These are the honeyed words that lead to a societies collapse – murder and chaos then inevitably follow.

If you want to identify the sources of evil in our society simply identify those cultural sources that preach self over society.

Soylent Green


This brings me back to my university days in the early 00s studying international relations. With the fall of the Soviet Union, there was a lack of cultural identity in the west to hold themselves against, a define who you are by defining who you are NOT as it were. With that gone, the USA then took it upon themselves to be the unipolar hegemon. It worked for a while Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria could be invaded with abandon. It is no longer working and here we are.


Although there is some truth in that, but then what of the Egyptians or Babylonians? Their Empires lasted for millennia – and their religion and customs remained indentifiably Egyptian or Babylonian throughout that time.

IMHO – the US and its adoption of ‘Universalism’ in the guise of MultiCult is living proof that when you stand for everything, you ultimately stand for nothing.

After the Neo’s migrated to Rome (coincidently just before it transformed into a Dictatorship) and gained significant cultural influence, they too set about transforming Rome to ‘An Idea’, such that it was pretty much all over as an Empire, certainly in the Western half, when Antoninus Caracalla (a North African i.e. a Phoenician and thus a Semite) declared that “All persons throughout the Roman world were made Roman citizens” in 223

Sound familiar? This is exactly where the West is increasingly headed. Less than two hundred years later sheep grazed among the ruins of the Colosseum.

Cultural collapse is a disease of nihilism and non-belief.

Luke B

Is it universalism though, or the US trying to maintain hegemony in global markets and political systems?

One thing I have been pondering quite a lot lately is why the US has chosen Ukraine as the hill they want to die on, and as an extension of that, why so many of their political and cultural elites believe still that their unique ‘American exceptionalism’ is a means of financial and political arrangements that must be exported to the world… This arguably is still a deep.rooted cultural value. What happened to economic interdependence or mutually beneficial exchanges?

If the world pivots away from the US ‘rules based international order’ and the dollar to BRICS and the Yuan as the currency, what becomes of the US?

I don’t think the social dissolution of the USA is simply the effects of mass migration as such, it is the recognition of deep contradictions in social structures within the US itself.


“…why the US has chosen Ukraine as the hill they want to die on..”

good question.

My answer is the MIC owns the show and are making bank after planning this gambit for 15 or 20 years.
I hold the simple view that US congress as truly venal and psychopathic and are simply on the take.

They don’t give a fuck for outcomes really and they don’t give a fuck about casualties at all, as the war never visits their homeland.

My opinion is formed by syria libya iraq afghanistan vietnam, el salvador and so on.

And as I can’t come up with a simpler reason I leave at that.

Happy to be corrected or otherwise informed


And sorry for failing to mention the nra and how congress blows those cunts


I see it as Universalism and trying to maintain cultural hegemony is also a function of the cultural clique that aspires to global reach. Universalism has no point if you don’t have universal reach.

Until the ascendancy of America’s new Neo elite the US was far more evenly divided in where it saw its role in the world. Stay out of other people’s affairs had as much representation as those with a desire for a large global role. Gradually the US’s actions have increasingly had the air as though though they had already inherited the earth.

In terms of the Ukraine Emusplatt’s response holds a lot of basic truths. However the strategic reason was outlined by again by a Neo Zbigniew Brzezinski.

For obvious reasons I could not remember his name, so after a fruitless search using various search combinations across various search engines, like:

“US Jewish diplomat established American hegemon if it can secure Ukraine Taiwan”

And getting nothing (which was odd because I have easily found it in the past) I thought I would try ChatGPT:

I am trying to remember the name of the US Diplomate, who was Jewish immigrant, who helped write US foriegn policy and established the doctrine that to ensure the US hemegon it was vital certain key chockpoints including the Ukraine and Taiwan remained not controlled by Russia and China

It’s reply is enough:

The person you may be thinking of is likely to be Zbigniew Brzezinski. He was a Polish-American diplomat and political scientist who served as the National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter from 1977 to 1981. Brzezinski was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1928 and later immigrated to the United States. He was known for his influential role in shaping US foreign policy during the Cold War era and for his views on the importance of maintaining US dominance in key regions such as Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Brzezinski was a key figure in the formulation of the Carter Doctrine, which stated that the United States would use military force to defend its interests in the Persian Gulf region. He also authored several books on US foreign policy, including “The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives.”

Basically the US is pursuing the Brzezinski Doctrine with its involvement in the Ukraine? Why to ensure the continued hemegony of the US, which is nowadays little more than a proxy economy controlled by Neos.

There is also great sentimentality towards the Ukraine by the Neos, as that is their ancestral homelands, from the Pale settlement to the Khazar Empire.


One thing I have been pondering quite a lot lately is why the US has chosen Ukraine as the hill they want to die on, 

Theres nothing like a shooting war to boost support for a government, and given everything in the US has gone to shit over the last few years biden and co probably think getting the US into an actual soldiers on the ground war with Russia is the only way they win the next election(but I really hope that isn’t the case because only bad things are likely to come from that)


society was absolutely destroyed by covid hysteria and lockdowns

2019 —>2023 holy shit

Society was destroyed by the elite revealing to all but the most stupid that they either lie regularly or are completely incompetent. Either way all faith that they know what they are doing and are doing it for the benefit of the masses is completely gone.


and this fact is the biggest event in my life of 6+decades…[it was always suspected, and now it is definitively proven]



Did anybody catch this shit show last night

Stan gets blacker and blacker every time I see him
He’s going to disappear completely at some point


what was supposed to happen on the episode, its the most boring show ever i never watch it


comment image

this is getting to the point of a pisstake

it looks like sivlio from the soprano’s wearing blackface

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

this wog is even more of a sook than stan


The features defy all attempts at skin shading. Stan, despite all his buhshit, is a white man


i reckon he’s doing it partially to cover oldcel. for some reason having really dark skin covers up aging fairly well, really old black ppl (real black ppl) like robert mugabe looked way younger than they actually were bc you literally couldnt see their wrinkles


Not Oldcell, is BlaxMaxx.


Like a 200 mercury!

Stans got himself a tan.


he’s most definitely doing it to look more aboriginal


Africans retain more and bettter organised collagen in their skin than whites. Google it. That’s why Mugabe didn’t get the wrinkles.


or dark skin hides the shadows that let you see wrinkles more easily.
Think about it…


 looks like sivlio from the soprano’s wearing blackface

 😂 🤣

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

Good. At least he’s going after the more elite whites. I don’t care the colour of my fiat/real estate, mass immigration loving slut.


does anyone know anyone who has had vax injuries or a bad case of covid

i dont know fucking anyone

according to these cookers/covidians theres whole graveyards filling up with these dogs but i havent met a single person

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

I know somone who is having their heart monitored, a couple whose kid has birth defects, a couple of cases of cancer that are possibly suss. But yeah nothing too concrete. I’m still 100% convinced Warnie died of it and the drummer from Fooies. Obviously if you are living a high energy lifestyle it’s more of a risk. But at the same time I’m glad there’s no more Warnie and Fooies.


My colleague is on heart meds. My mum’s friend is on pain meds because of what the vaccines did.


5 colleagues died of suddenly, another one of sudden cancer, my 24 year old niece has myocarditis and my Mum and uncle have blood clots in their lungs. Oh, Mum also developed cancer out of nowhere.


So how many people do you know who died from anything in the last 3 years?
Does that mean people don’t die?


think you’d be fucking nuts to sacrifice your entire career and livelihood to avoid a 1 in 1 million chance of dying

A fly in your ointment

…to avoid a 1 in 1 million chance of dying

lol, even if this was being within the gunsight of truth (which it aint), math is not in your favour by a mile, because getting a jabbadabba was guaranteed and getting the convid was not which makes it by far less likely to cause the ticker to pop or brains to burst.
hope your well paid “saved” job came with the need for some math cognance


I seem to recall that the Pfizer trials of their towing showed adverse effects at around 1 in 800.

A fly in your ointment

except stinging and rash and pain at injection site was (abmormal nonetheless) adverse effect too.
mortality, best to my memory was one in 100k. I doubt that included mortality after several weeks.
Plus, the idiot thinks that odds are the same but even if the risks are the same, having a clot shot does not prevent real thing infection and is effectively the same (actually worse) as having covid by a choice. A true case of homoeopathy


Mortality a year after the shot still seems much higher.
It’s the gift that will keep on giving even more than pfizer was likely to know given how short the trials were…


A fly in your ointment

It’s the gift that will keep on giving…

aptly said


So everyone who ever sacrificed for their beliefs was an idiot?


Well Coming has made it clear it’s an unprincipled scumbag and also seems quite proud of it.


avoid a 1 in 1 million chance of dying

Yep, 1 in a milion sounds right, until it doesn;t



Shieet. I got AZ, because of massive pressure from my NPC family. They are Nickelback tier NPC. Wish I’d lied to them. Told them to fuck off with the boosters. Of course I get zero apology, zero credit.



paying jab.jpg

The two countries with the largest trade surplus for 2022 are China and Russia, according to RIA Novosti’s examination of the official records of 60 nations. They examined the reports given out by the national statistical services of each country that had provided both 2021 and 2022 numbers. China’s trade surplus hit an all-time high of $877.6 billion, 30% above 2021. Russia hit their own record of $333.4 billion, a full 70% above 2021, moving them up to second place. Germany, which had been in second place in 2021, had a massive drop, now at seventh.
Otherwise, Saudi Arabia ranked third, followed by Norway, a beneficiary of the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines. One country, Nigeria, moved from a deficit to a surplus. The number of major countries that had a surplus dropped from 32 in 2021 to 26 in 2022.

its just a flesh wound


so they were trading their real goods and services for worthless pieces of paper

A fly in your ointment

not sure if it works that way at that level.
they could be exchanging that paper for sumtin that can’t be printed. Like the barbaric relic

Aussie Soy Boy

China is going to dominate the planet even quicker than I thought. All America has left is a service economy — financial services, shit $50 breakfasts, sex change operations.


That is called laundering your parents/relatives/crime boss’ money.


But it is good for GDP, just ask the City of London


The scam for many years has been:
1) Student Visa
2) Launder rich parent’s money and buy house
3) Permanent Residency
4) Parent Visa
5) Rich parents have “no money” and go on welfare


More China better chop suey. Boomer like chop suey. (the standard chicken & veg thing from chinese restaurant afaik)

Not sure if wog like chop suey.

Do wogs get Chinese? Never seen wogs get Chinese.

A fly in your ointment

it is an idiocy tax. Like Commodore SS Ute and similar.
Find a bogan not driving that wide body Ranger Raptor Killer MF variant and he’ll be driving a stock Ranger Raptor.
Demand and restricted supply make a miracle for dealerships… short supply of chips they say. ROFL


Pre-requisite so you can get your end into an aussie bint. We could replace these idiots with poos in two seconds and noone would bat an eye. Talk about dumb luck.

The Joo fears the tradie or something I guess. A solid part of their defence if need be.


Hey now, I’ve got a VU SS Ute and it’s ace.
5.7 liter donk, limo diff, abs, power everything.
Your just jealous ‘cos you’re used to a Lada being towed by the village donkey

A fly in your ointment

LOL, I have no doubt it’s an ace for you. Burn a tyre here and there on the back street, making smoke signals whilst being virtually stationary… for closet faggots.
a common MX-5 with baby engine will outrun any Ute when it comes to lateral G forces and adrenalin factor.
I bet you drink coke and whisk(e)y too.

happy for you to pay top dollar for a 2 door 2 seater with pimped up engine from the last millennium.

BTW, Lada (Fiat 124), had 16v DOHC engine with more kW per engine capacity them LS which still uses 2v and push rods as per poor design from 70 yrs ago

How does one outrun lateral g forces

After my own native lingus, before I learned English I learned another lingus, the cunnilingus
So English is my 3rd lingus and some imperfections in translation may come.


Can’t wait until people like you are replaced by nice quiet intelligent Asians




I really am very fond of your work. Keep it up.


ffs buy a fullsize ram for that or a gmc


Wow! This one blindsided me:

Moving swiftly as they investigate Monday’s mass shooting by female-to-male transgender Audrey Hale that killed three children and three adults at a Christian school,


When the initial story broke about a “woman” or “female” committing a mass murder event, I was initially skeptical. I did a couple tentative searches to see if it was really a woman or ‘identifies as woman’. Not being able to ascertain it at the time and being fairly busy I forgot about it.

To my surprise it was my wife who mentioned that the attacker was transgender, and who was then outraged when the ABC mentioned she was female, when my wife had earlier read an article that the attacker identified as transgender.

My wife, like myself, was guilty of assuming it was a Male to Female, as most of these psychos are. That said it is interesting that it was a female to male transitioner who along with undoubtably being mentally unstable was also most likely jacked up on testosterone. My wife was actually surprised that I even mentioned testosterone as a possible casual link.

I remember reading an article once (which I’ve gone looking for but can’t find) of the surprise a female to male transitioner had in regards to the effects testosterone had on her. She/he said she could barely understand how men could walk around controlling the rage, and that it gave them a new appreciation for the stuff teenage boys had to deal with.

Popular media love focusing one women’s hormonal cycles, which I give you is tough and brings challenges that I won’t ever diminish. Yes their hormones brings about many problems and challenges but rarely does it run into existential problems that significantly reduce their life expectancy (outside of procreation).

In contrast in order to function in society, most men have to master and control a hormone that can generate incredible, irrational fury in a heartbeat, foolish irrational risk taking, all the while having to navigate a thought processes that gets interrupted with thoughts about sex every 30 seconds.

Thinking about it, it shouldn’t have surprised me that some angry, mentally unstable lesbian, jacked up on Testosterone couldn’t handle natures Cocaine and flipped her wig. Especially when egged on by siloed social media that praises violence against those who old traditional views on gender. No doubt in her Testosterone fueled rage, her’s was a righteous cause.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

female to male is rare af seems like itd be really hard to surgically pull that off


They strip a cylinder of flesh off the forearm to make a fake penis, and attempt to run nerves from the clit to the tip of the fake cylinder.

It generally doesn’t work, and leaves the victim with a grotesquely scarred Forearm, groin and mind. Forever. And without an actual functioning penis.

Google for phalloplasty pics, if you want to see your lunch again.


I hate these evil cunts. I’d just shoot them


what the fuck


emale to male is rare af seems like itd be really hard to surgically pull that off

Most m to F don;t have the bottom surgery either


or that US swimmer flashing her cock in the womens change rooms…

Last edited 1 year ago by bjw678

I believe this would be the first ever female mass shooter

correct ?

but I guess we will respect its gender pronouns so this will actually be added to the male tally


there was the hot youtube shooter though i dont think she managed to kill anyone

she ruled though


This one was M to F


Do most men master testosterone though? Dunno. They become a tradie/union labourer and get a Ranger and become an intimidating voting block.


Yeah – I remember that crazy mf. He got 7 years or something didn’t he?


An angry Lesbian being administered steroids. What could possibly go wrong?




The Tranvestite Alphabets are so busy crying about the media getting the killer’s sex labelled they forgot about the victims. They’re rolling out a switch to the NRA line that now it’s guns that kill people not people…


I saw a UK stat the other day showing genders and each % being jailed for sex crime. These M>F transtesticles are 3-4 times the rate for women, double the rate for normal men (and that would have to include the ‘straight’ but outright creepy old men Paedos).


Stonetoss (PBUH)hit this one really hard.



Things do calm down as you get older.

I only think about sex every minute or two now, and I can occasionally keep my red rages under control.


Yeah – about the only good thing about getting older is more control over those default settings.



10% of boys aged 5-7 are on the NDIS
586,000 Australians and 6000 more every month

stagmal please post the banderas gif


comment image

age of retards


Guessing this is their neurotic mother or teacher believing the boys have ADHD and then it magically cures itself with a bit of maturity.

Regarding welfare in general. I have previously made the comment that pension will become diluted. The grift extends to healthcare. Progressives believing everyone should be entitled to free money will ironically kill the safety net for the minority that actually need it.

Last edited 1 year ago by Freddy

Here is a study that shows the risk of being diagnosed with ADHD is significantly higher for the younger children in a class. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1403494817708080
It appears a portion of the diagnoses are just due to teachers wanting the less mature kids medicated to make it easier for them. Quite frankly we should make school more practical and it should be a crime to drug children in all but the most extreme circumstances.


I got a adhd evaluation on my youngest bloke. fortunately the quack was clued up, so no drugging . he steered to dietary causes and followed up for months…. the biggest influence on the scatty behaviour turned out to be bananas. [????]…also some shitty food additives/colourings



Neurotic mothers and other assorted scammers have opened up the free cash fountain of the NDIS, with Bill Shorten playing the role of Oprah handing out free cars to her audience.

Kid is not disciplined at home (single mother and it deadbeat Dad), teachers are too busy or otherwise too Woke to do so themselves, so kid gets onto NDIS and they can get a ‘plan’ (free money for a cater etc.). Taxpayers just keep funding it, and every scammer on NDIS is seen as “disabled”, you can’t question it. Complain and it’s like Covid – “get the jab, otherwise you’ll kill Grandma”.

Classic Labor policy.


Not surprised, everyone is after an Autism diagnosis nowadays.

The only cost is a couple of grand to pay for a neuropsychologist report – and access to the the endless rivers of gold is yours for the taking.

Agent 47

One Nation – first Hindu nationalist party?


Now that they’re here, they want to pull the ladder up behind them. Who wants to be surrounded by Indians?


Clearly not Indians, which kind of says it all.


Yup – as I said above:

Ironically change, if it will come at all, is more likely to come from recent immigrants themselves, who wake up and start becoming politically active in regards to realising the role they play; that they are not moving here for a better life, but to help perpetuate a ponzi and the wealth of those on the layer above them.”

I have started reading news articles in the lift not only ‘celebrating’ the fact that 500,000 migrants looking for a short cut to a better life at out expense, came to Australia last year and that they’re aiming for 650,000 next year.


Total disaster in the making as we’re heading into a recession.

At this point I don’t know who is getting screwed more, Australians or the Pajeets doing the needful with a masters of accounting that will lead nowhere professionally. Might lead to PR though if they’re lucky.

Last edited 1 year ago by The90kwbeast

Australia has deindustrialised and we have the economic complexity of Kazakhstan. Our major exports are hard and soft commodities and our lifestyle. Our politicians worked out that selling our lifestyle ie PR costs them nothing and does wonders for the GDP. Manufacturing is hard, you have to find your position in the market, build factories, upskill labour and constantly innovate. Sounds pretty demanding for an EZFKA unit.

Mass immigration is so much easier. Come over for a course and buy a $5.1M place in Canterbury. Does wonders for GDP. No one is going to rock this boat and so many people benefit directly (finance, builders) and indirectly (public servants, working in retail). Turkeys don’t vote for Christmas and so people will vote accordingly too. If people were absolutely against immigration, Ess Aye Pee would be getting 10% of the vote, but currently they only get themselves and their mum’s voting for them.

As Totes has pointed out whilst there is a difference between where they come from and here, they will keep coming. Our politicians will keep encouraging it to boost GDP. Most people will reluctantly keep voting for it as they have to pay for their mortgages.


A cost has to start being levied on the costless virtue signaling that is behind the acceptance of this invasion.


Alphabet Trans Paedo Freaks gonna shit themselves when they see their shooter was all tooled up. Which way do they go? My bet is on the “it’s ok to kill kids if it advances your sick perverse lifestyle”…


It was pretty well armed, but astonishingly ineffective, as so many of these fucknuckles are. It was armed with a .223 Short Barrelled Rifle and a S&W Semiauto pistol, along with some Keltec piece of shit.

It should’ve been able to kill or wound dozens of people with that sort of kit, at a minimum. They like to LARP with guns and camo, but in reality their skill at arms is almost always shit.

The Nashville cops were astoundingly effective, and my hat is off to them. Elapsed time of about 3 minutes from entry to killing it.

The body worn camera footage from the two shooters shows them going through the building like rockets, and running to the sound of the gun. Obviously extremely well trained, determined and courageous men who deserve the highest commendation. Just superb.


I wonder if the angry lesbian couldnt find more people to shoot. She blasted out the front foyer windows and set alarms off, so maybe classroom doors were locked?


Won’t hear that much, just in RW media of course. Where is the body camera footage?


The Donut Operator has it covered, with a good breakdown here.



Oh, she had the bright red cap which was a pretty nice target.
The whole thing was ‘suicide by cop’ with some poor kids in the way.


I don’t think so. I reckon it righteously wanted to kill lots of people who didn’t affirm its identity, but failed to do so.

It just had poor weapon handling, poor tactics, and didn’t understand that rifle ranges can go two ways.

Being killed the way it was was just tactically pitiful. Directing unaimed and ineffective fire out the window, and then getting shot in the back FFS.

If I tried tried to think of the least effective way to conduct a school massacre, that would be it.


their skill at arms is almost always shit.

I think they discover that actually killing someone is much harder psychologically than they think it will be.


The Shooter was the real victim, clearly.

Imagine the Leftard media trying this one with all other the misfit boys before? Demonise the males with toxic masculinity or whatever they say, but now it’s a “she” then it’s no longer their fault…


MB comments

The governments blowing up the country….. sez M

brings this response from guess who

markets blowing up the country = fixed wingnut ….

and the fuckwit passes himself off as well read …what a fraud


Fat boy Smith?


nah the other genious


“…this is a group of patients and families
now taking legal action against
AstraZeneca after they suffered injury
or bereavement as a result of
complications from covid vaccine…”


“….you know she got big.. well she’s gonna get bigger
baby got a hand got a finger on the trigger…”


A fly in your ointment

even poor ole Campbell John has gone to the “cautious conspiracy” side of the events. For him to overtly say sum-ting-wong with jabbadabba would mean the pfizzler should be ahowered with depleted uranium


watching nursey wake up in real time is delicious…brilliant in fact

stay agnostic and limit disappointments is the way for me

Last edited 1 year ago by emusplatt

could someone tell me y there needs to be a constitutional change for the voice, therres like 50505050 advisory bodies already to parliament so why didnt they need constitutional changes too


so such need exists…. so why the hullaballoo?

it’s another tiresome bullshit “look squirrel” ploy to use as a stalking horse for nation fucking immigration and nation fucking energy prices and nation fucking debt peddling policies

  1. Wedge politics
  2. Virtue signalling
  3. Likely to fail so create permanet division and set back Aust/Indigenous relations to 1956
  4. If it passes then it will allow EVERY existing law and precedent to be challenged or re-interpreted through the lens of this change (Mambo but far more reaching).
  5. Increased executive influence by a Body whose members will be even more easily elected by peddlers of influence than the politicians themselves
  6. Additional avenues of corruption
  7. A beach head for further loss of civil liberties, or special “Carve Outs” on the basis of cultural identification by different groups – watch out for Jews not having to serve in the military! (lol – joke)

Why was a plebescite required for gay marriage?
It’s a distraction
They want to create a body with powers greater than the parliament currently has and are backdooring it in.

Not sure which but these are the only 2 possibilities I have thought of that are plausible.


Doesn’t need to be OR

AND will do just nicely


“Barrenjoey has downgraded Dexus, one of the largest owners of office towers, from overweight to neutral, and similarly for Growthpoint Properties Australia,…”

ffs this mob had dexus et al overweight entering 2023… after Lowe was privately spilling his guts




lol theyre planning to lift minimum wage by 7.4%

everything under control folks
Albo and phil have this



brings new meaning to the term “kangaroo court”

‘Pay the rent is a bigger concept around land royalties and land taxes.

‘If it always has been and always will be Aboriginal land then the occupants of it need to pay the rent.’ 

holy shit its happening

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

They only grab the good land I noticed, waterfront and all


Might as well take advantage of this and add a “Pay the Rent” component to your rental properties.

But why stop there? Could probably add a progressive sounding surcharge to my private invoices and people would hardly bat an eyelid.



Especially since Airbnb is a favourite of the Milennials who are the worst virtue signalling twats outside of the public service and ABC employees.

Why not add “Indigenous endowment contribution 10%” on the bottom of your invoice? Then add some bullshit about being on the land of the (made to name) people. Those suckers will lap it up.


I can see that happening. Get ready for rich ticket clipping boongs. Farken ‘ell.

I don’t even blame them for trying that’s what half the country effectively does anyway.

Aussie Soy Boy

The only solution is to start identifying as boong.


Yes. Population identifying to go up 50% in the few years after the voice passes to get in on the gravy train.

Agent 47

Kos Samaras admitting immigration is demographic replacement https://twitter.com/charles_haig01/status/1640888012170203136?t=1Nk_-g0fv974RH2M7ymj9w&s=19


Anyone with a Twitter account should pile into him, he gets very touchy from what I’ve seen, can’t help himself with the snark. Must have a massive ego to go with his huge chip on his should for being a little wog boy who the tough wog boys clearly bullied as well.

A fly in your ointment

hence u said it is re-colonisation.
used up convict bogans are the first in the culling list, us wogs may ne spared for a decade or two


This Greens Indigenous Senator is getting similarly smashed in the replies for denying the blame of an Aboriginal criminal:



if only it ever meant anything


its ok, some other ALP shill says “inflation is in free fall “…

Haha I wonder if this fat fuck is going to replace Alan Kohler on their ABC for worst Labor expert?



twitter & telegram are mental illness central

A fly in your ointment

to compare the two is to be ignorant over the maximum.

Features and use of Telegram is unbound by arbitrary limitations and it has only basic censorship (e.g. kiddies porn, etc).
For one, there is a channel on Telegram where one can watch all eposides of most of the current telly series one has to pay for them through other channels.

Since Med vedev approved it few days ago, I expect channels with latest blockbusters in 1080 resolution




america is retarded for letting morons own guns tho

only country in the world like this


Yu could buy ammunition at the local kmart unrestricted when I was a kid here.

The UK has really strict gun laws now and people just run you over with a truck or cut you up with a machete.

The problem is not the access to guns it is the way society has changed.


You could buy a belt fed machine gun in some US states back in the 50s. No school massacres.


the murder rate is lower afaik

crime in america peaked around boomer late adolescence/20s

mass shootings are a fractional % of total murders

still doesnt mean letting mentally ill fags and nignogs own guns is a good idea


According to Steve Sailer that crime was was pretty much entirely due to the migration of rural blacks from the country side in the Souther States to the city centers of the Northern cities.

Basically life in those cities became unbearable, triggering white flight to the suburbs. The violence in the 60s and 70s as the spawn of those rural nignogs came of age was horrific. This gradually merged into the crack epidemic of the 80s but after that the combined effects of the pill and family planning (black access to abortion) was probably the biggest contributor to the falls in violence.

Agent 47

Fatherless families another contributor. 72% in the African American community is insane.


still doesnt mean letting mentally ill fags and nignogs own guns is a good idea

If you say so, but understand the consequences of that decision.

Governments aren’t banning gun for the benefit of the populace, if they were there are plenty of other things they should be doing first.

Agent 47

As much as I don’t like false binaries, the 2A is basically the last line of full blown jackboots on throats. Even though one could easily argue it’s already happening, there’s a t least an option for us citz to go heads on pikes if they could get organized.

Here we just get the ruling class importing millions of hostiles and having the locals get bashed by police for not wearing masks, hence why I’m glad I got out of the job years ago.


A well concealed pistol and a steely determination is the great equalizer to the vast resources elites have at their command… just ask Walther Rathenau.


mmm… how much can be done with a boning knife?


You can still buy belt fed MGs in the US quite legally. It’s expensive and a bit of a faff, but lots of people do it. I’d have one if I lived there and had the coin.

It’s also perfectly legal to own functioning artillery pieces, because the right of the people to keep and arm bears shall not be infringed.



play stupid games win stupid prizes…
yanks apparently want it like this
they can enjoy the headstones

Last edited 1 year ago by emusplatt

It’s probably no coincidence that the most affordable places in the west are the gun loving flyover states.

A fly in your ointment

sum more fun

grilling the UN
(which stands for US’ Nag) with bigotry.)

It is funny how WHO and UN were touted as CCP’a servants

and one for Coming and his ilk:

A fly in your ointment

and nore

A fly in your ointment

want it more?

A fly in your ointment

sure have it more

A fly in your ointment

Joe Tsu – the art of confuse thy enemy to death

“if you have no clue what you’re doing, neither will your enemy know whadafaq you’re doing”


An instant classic thank you for sharing your art

A fly in your ointment

not my art, I just repost


Tan lines


At what point does it become blackface?


It’s almost like he’s pissed that the white genes dominated his dna.

Do white genes always dominate boong dna? Asking for a friend.


nah abo def dominant phenotype

hes just 25% or less


Dominant, 25% or less.

Not sure that word means what you think it means…


It’s hilarious watching you smugly make an idiot of yourself




Should put bjws picture in the dictionary under “Dunning Kruger”


You will have a near perfect 50/50 mix the first time. After that it will be close to 25% or 75% assuming 2nd generation marries full blooded white or indigenous, and so on in this binomial tree example.

However it isn’t a perfect 25% or 75%, and infact the additional layers of ancestry you go back the bigger this effect becomes.

This is because the process of meisosis is random division then mixture of the original percentages, which when done again as haloids increases the probability that you may randomly get longer strings of genes from one side versus the other.

This process is why something like your grandparents 10 generations back only have about 50% of them share any common DNA with you, and 20 generations virtually none have.

There is steep commonality for about 4 generations, then it starts to fall away steeply in terms of the number of ancestors with which you share no common DNA…. basically it got entirely swapped out.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie
Aussie Soy Boy

Must be a bit of greek in him in to brown up like that. That’s not a boong tan they black not brown.

Agent 47

Mark Latham W despite all the pajeet shenanigans of one nation



aaaaand it’s gone


what was it


“Disgusting? How does that compare with sticking your dick up a blokes arse and covering it with shit”

Agent 47



shouldnt have deleted it

everyones seen it and it just makes him look cowardly


Holy shit lmao

that is going hard in the paint




I see the MB commentariat sez no forced house sales…coz if so prices crash…fkn blind some of ’em.

steenking banks will sell to foreign capital, and do so with the blessing of the firb / treasurer


That’s racist. A lower food budget is one of the ways chinks can get an edge over whitey.


The old ibis was a bit too feisty and fast moving for him.
Needs to abduct a koala – they’re always asleep

A fly in your ointment

I am worried now for my next door neighbour who regularly walks barefeet into rubbish quarters picking bins for $0.10 bottles then walking into his home. We call him Bin-Chikin

do I need to say from what subclass of ezfka units he is? hint: his foremothers immigrated to Oz involuntarily


God bless that descendant of Australian Royalty.
At least he wasn’t molesting the flora and fauna.

A fly in your ointment

After walking into rubbish area barefoot and back to his home, I’m sure there is flora and fauna between his toes and every other crevice

Aussie Soy Boy

I’ve seen a couple people walking around a shopping centre barefooted this week. The only other place you’ll see something so disgusting is New Zealand, another country populated with garbage stock white people.

A fly in your ointment

2yrs ago driving up to Gold Coast (the only place in Aus with some semblance of fun) and we stopped at the BP by Ballina turn-off.
barefeet walking into toilet with piss all over the floor, 0 hand washing (unless to check the hairstyle). In free assessment, if not all then the vast majority were descendants of purpleskins.
The place had a very decent lamb shank and potatoes. This amplified by the fact it is a servo and long travel usually forces one to have rubbish for food. Another place was a kebab shop just after the BP in Caugh Harbor – lamb kebab was a killer. I digress too much…


Wot. I’ve been to westy land plenty of times and there is still shit loads of bush.


McMansions are white privilege.



some pretty dreadful houses here


I don’t mind them. I grew up in a 70s house and there was never enough room for 4.


“You’ve got to hand it to them”

how many times has it been handed to ’em?

must be fkn long list by now 


Wouldn’t surprise me if MB is controlled opposition. Calling for lower rates while supposedly wanting lower house prices is kind of a give away.

A fly in your ointment


Llewdo is uncontrollable position, a mind within its own paradigm and out of the human plane. Some blatantly and offensively call that “a retard, an idiot” but I refrain from using such language and would just say he needs help.

I will gladly vote for him to be sent first to the front line when forces to be listen to his warmongering and attack China on behalf of our Dark Master at the other side of the pond.


I don’t know which way is up. Fck China (but we will still beg them to buy our houses, fill our unis and our shops with supposedly environment destroying crap).

Hopefully it’s all just a cold war 2.

One thing I do know is most Australians have become absolute double agent creeps. It’d make the Joos blush.

Aussie Soy Boy

Fuck China lol.

A cold war against the Soviet Union had no real effect the Soviets made Ladas what else?

I would guess 80% of whatever manufactured good I have bought comes out of China. There are no real alternatives.

It’s our biggest customer for the rocks we export too.

They’ve checkmated Australia, but looking around this country at the drooling retard legacy Australians I see everyday, it wouldn’t be too hard.


It contained an expansionist Russia.


Truth hurts

Aussie Soy Boy

He’s just some racist anglo legacy Australian fuck who can’t reconcile the fact that China will be the pre-eminent power for the next 1000 years.

China is the engine that keeps Australia running.

Australia is a country that can’t make a coffee without it costing $6.50. The only production we do is putting the toppings on the pizza, or the lettuce on the hamburger.

A phone designed and manufactured by legacy Aussies would cost $10k and break with every update.

Is this fat cunt for real with this ban China crap?

The yanks might have us over a barrel for foreign policy, but China has us over a barrel for our entire survival.


There’s a new tea leave reader among people who are into so called conspiracies, Peter Zeihan, he reckon China’s going down. But I guess any idiot with the gift of the gab can make doomer vids

A lot of clothes aren’t made in China anymore, my Adidas shoes were made in Myanmar which I thought was interesting, Nike’s made in Vietnam.

Aussies probably could make a phone and maybe even a better one by making them simpler. Android and Microsoft are always changing where things around just for the fuck of it. It’s a wank.

If Linux fags weren’t such overly intellectual flogs they could’ve made a good dent in the desktop market.

But yeah if treason ended your average legacy Australian would have to live a lifestyle they deserved, can’t have that, ironic, the bogans are woke for profit now too.


opel phones are designed in australia. Great phones. Being sent to the USA now.

A fly in your ointment

There are sheetload of products like Opel which are essentially just customisation of a ready made of the shelf product. Make that keypad bigger, make android customised et voila, ‘designed in…’


That may or may not be so….whatever the case they are better than any of the competition for flip phones. Even the new nokias aren’t as good.

A fly in your ointment

Peter Zeihan, like the “USD is king” parrot Salvatore Baboone of DFA are just (un)paid shills with some rhetorical skills and that’s it. Zeeihan was caught too many times being less accurate than Llewdo which us an achievement of the wrong kind.
Smart people, though, I wish I can blabber for money but unfortunately it requires a person of no moral or ethical principles


There’s a certain group of people with very high verbal intelligence

makes them very convincing even if not correct


forever certain…

always wrong

fkn useless but well off

A fly in your ointment

what matters wrt loony Llewdo is that he is rooting for a war with Slants and iit is infathomable to him that even if by some fantastic luck yanks win that war cleanly (miracle will not be enough for that) it will be catastrophic for Aus, by far worse and detrimental than the last time Aussies were fodder for poms in Çanak Kale.
Luckily his significance is under the threshold of error in terms of public influence but those that want us to be the fodder for them will easily propel types like him to the top and then we are weeks from permanent destruction.


The little popup on this site “we will survive” is now at “we might survive”.
Next up is “nah,it’s fucking fucked mate”


where’s the pressure coming from and who tf is ‘we’?


peachy got sued for all the horrible shit we post on here


that’d be right…pinged her as a publisher or woteva

A fly in your ointment

are you joking?


yes lol


sshhh bruz

A fly in your ointment

Damn you, I got seriously worried


Do wigger wogs vote ON or do they say “I’m not voting for them because they won’t get in”?



we’ll find out eh?

“Russia is patient and isn’t trying to scare anyone with its military superiority, but it has unique modern weapons capable of destroying any adversary, including the United States, in case of a threat to its existence,” Patrushev said.




How good is the diversity in sydney

Indian uber driver raping korean “students”

this country is squalid

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming
Agent 47

A Chinese immigration agent was doing the same thing just recently in Melbourne.



Indians exploiting slopes who are being raped by Pakistanis. Or whatever. Who cares?


What a Jew.


The shitfuckery cometh



what is your point posting this website?

continued to be wrong for a decade

Now it looks like he’s given up like Leith van onselen and become a housing bull lmao



looks like housing is saved yet again lol


the most interesting part is that sydney prices are up the most in Mosman

Which is banker central

Says to me that they know what’s coming down the pipeline, which is why I always watch the high end market


Houso Albo
I remember Rudd talked about the same thing being a renter as a kid. Then he opened up the market to chinkies.
Millenials are rubes.


whites fight back

Agent 47

Legend. Fuck the pajeets.


I’d like to see the poos try to undercut unionists and tradies. But they only go for cucked office fag jobs.

ABC should have a show called Poo Correspondent. They’ve been quite instrumental in the last 20 years but no real representation in the media.



Aussie Soy Boy

I know what race I would rather as a neighbour.

Agent 47

Pajeet Rizvi claims we can’t cut immigration because reasons, even though you can cut it a million ways.



Some mega oldies can’t use an ATM.

I’m not convinced they will ban cash. How will the rich get their coke and tradies do cashies?

Aussie Soy Boy

Anyone who can’t figure out an ATM should be fair game for scammers. Should be open season on them. That’s just laziness. Or maybe the most spastic generation in history.

Agent 47



🤣 🤣 Russia is set to take the chair position of a United Nations Security Council….