Australian Federal Court judge releases hundreds of migrant criminals back onto the street

I wanted to touch on this earlier but been flat out until now.

Just before Christmas last year, there was a major federal court decision that resulted in hundreds of non-citizen convicted criminals being released from immigration detention into the Australian community, largely unbeknown to the public being Pearson vs Home Affairs 2022.

You can read the full findings here.

Essentially, a woman by the name of Karen Pearson who had received multiple sentences for separate criminal offences had her visa cancelled under Section 501, as she had aggregated a total period of more than 12 months imprisonment, making her liable for mandatory visa cancellation under Section 501 of the Migration Act. Generally speaking, anyone who is sentenced to 12 months or more is liable for cancellation under this section.

For context, the other major visa cancellation power Home Affairs has for criminal matters is Section 116(1)(e) – safety and good order. However, decisions under this power can be appealed multiple times whereas anything under S501 is generally appeal for revocation to the minister or high court – from experience both avenues generally uphold the original decision as s501 is the strongest cancellation power available (apart from Section 33 – the direct Ministerial powers used to cancel Novak Djokovic).

TL;DR version but basically, Justice Sarah Derrington ruled that migrants that have been sentenced to an aggregate of 12 months or more were incorrectly cancelled due to a misinterpretation of the word ‘aggregate’ and the original cancellation decision was deemed null and void. This meant anyone cancelled under S501 for aggregate sentences of imprisonment and in immigration detention under S.189 had been unlawfully detained and were to be released immediately. You’re talking people convicted of armed robbery, grievous bodily harm, sexual assault, domestic violence offences, rape – all that stuff.

In short, a total clusterfuck.

In response, the government passed an amendment to the Migration Act on 17th February 2023 that confirmed aggregate sentences could be explicitly taken into account when using s501 powers. As a result, all of those cases affected by the federal court ruling that were released into the community are now basically liable for detention again because the original cancellation decision now stands.

Yes, a real total clusterfuck.

I don’t know the exact numbers released but I’m told by my legal sources in Canberra that the number of criminals released into the community is in the 200-300 ball park. I’m further told that the AFP and ABF are currently running around spending time, energy and resources re-detaining these people at astronomical cost to the tax payer, but what else is new in Canberra?

I mean, what can you say really? It’s one of the worst decisions I’ve seen a federal court judge make and I’ve seen some doozies. Derrington is an industrial relations lawyer by trade so she’s way out of her league on this one, and quite frankly, an idiot shielded from the consequences of her decisions.

Andrew Giles and Clare O’Neil have to be the worst immigration and home affairs ministers of all-time in record time. The other thing of note is that there was total media silence on this, except for a buried SMH fluff piece, but that’s par for the course.

There’s been quite a few other immigration developments which I’ll comment on when I have the next opportunity, but all I’ll say is I’ve never seen the immigration portfolio handled so poorly, which leads me to believe it’s being done intentionally and that they’re deliberately breaking the system to rebuild it into god knows what.

Given Albanese’ recent jaunt to India to sell citizenship, I think we know where this is headed.

Guest article from barrister Mark who has served a sentence of over 20 years in the legal world including migration and criminal law

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its pretty much impossible to be deported in australia, its by design. the visa system exists only as a cash cow not a barrier to entry

Agent 47

This exactly.

It’s even worse than that, immigration haven’t been locking up anyone the last three years. The excuse given is ‘no flights to deport people and no room in detention centres’.

That might have been true when the borders were completely closed but they have been open for almost a year and they’re still playing this card, got people who have overstayed their visas by years being let go and out into the community and doing what they want.

Borders are an illusion now in EZFKA.

A fly in your ointment

its pretty much impossible to be deported in australia

Try being unjabbed healthy sportsman or try falling into cracks of mo correct visa and no money. Succeed in making a huge follower base on a blog pivoting on exposing fast-shism in this pond or be a whistle blower too is a fast track to a farewell bid.

I wonder if Novax’s fate would’ve been different in case he owned several mortgaged properties…


bruh novaks deportation had to invoke the highest level ministerial power ever to actually succeed

A fly in your ointment

I guess you’re right.
my comment was a bit tongue in clit, of was it a cheek (can’t seem to remember the phrase)

Agent 47

Good article.

Yes, can confirm via my ex-colleagues that this is happening. The relationship between Police and ABF/Home Affairs is really bad now because of it. It also shows how the judiciary live in their own world and don’t wear any consequence from their actions.

The current attorney general and home affairs ministers are both retarded.

Agent 47

Off topic but looks like we got an Indian Jussie Smollett incident in Adelaide.


is there evidence he’s making it up?


So ‘racists’ Australian Caucasians are to blame because they became annoyed by racist Indians mocking Australian culture, because Australians haven’t fully embraced papadum’s being here and displacing them with their street shitting culture.

Meanwhile the ABC has removed or changed the story…

Capture - Copy (4).JPG
Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie
Agent 47

They deleted it!

Admission that it was bullshit right there in my opinion.

Agent 47

Original article stated that SAPOL couldn’t find any evidence of the offender described to them.

It sounds like it was made up to create notoriety for his comedy show. Anyway, standard pajeet.


It’s amazing to me how lax the justice system is generally, except in the case of sexual assault

like you can bash someone and inflict serious harm and get a suspended sentence

physical assault is just as serious if not more serious than sexual assault, since there are more likely to be actual physical effects and the psychological ones are just as bad if not worse

yet it’s treated like it’s nothing

whereas a bit of he said she said morning after regret and boom you’re in jail for 5-10 and identified as a sex offender

sure violent rapists should absolutely have the book thrown at them 20 years or death penalty but most of it is just a misunderstanding

Probably because victims of assault are usually men and malelivesdontmatter

Agent 47

Women in law and especially on the bench in court is one of the main culprits. Female judges more likely to give out bail, CCO and the rest of it. Certainly my experience anyway.


it’s pretty much the case that violence is legal in australia, you can sucker punch anyone you want and assuming there’s no priors (and even then) nothing is going to happen to you. suspended sentence at best, the punishment is more the process because legal cases in magistrates courts take YEARS, constantly having to be scheduled and reschuduled for your hearing, prelim hearings, contest mentions etc add up to fucking years

its all a rort

Agent 47

It’s legal for criminals.

Defend yourself in your own home against said violence and expect to be thrown under the bus.

Applies equally to Police – that NT cop Zac Rolfe being destroyed for shooting an abo on meth charging him with a knife sums it up.


not for cops being the shit out of lockdown protesters tho

Agent 47

Good point.

Aussie Soy Boy

Getting violent, aggressive, abusive is what blokes do in this country. I think Aussie sports are the only ones in the world where you can constantly pester people off the ball and carry out minor assaults. In country leagues you can put someone in wheelchair for life and the worst you’ll get in a long term suspension. Just boys being boys.


Speaking of Judges acting against the values demanded by society, here we have another example of an over empowered Judicial Vagina over-ruling the standards expected by the patriarchy:

“It would appear that this matter resonated with [Clisdell] in an inappropriately emotional way and in a manner which appeared to cause him to stray from his judicial task,” she said, noting magistrates are under pressure from heavy workloads.

And yet when we look to the underlying issues of the case, she still believes he errred:

A NSW school teacher will again face court accused of shoving a student even though a magistrate threw out the charge as a “classic case of the insanity” gripping the world that drives all teachers out of the job and threatens to collapse society at large.

The teacher, Emma Tiller, was charged by police with common assault and assault occasioning actual bodily harm after allegedly shoving the arms of a year 2 student.

Tiller lost her job as a result, the court heard.

The Local Court heard Tiller saw the seven-year-old holding his hands near his waist and thought he had taken out his penis near the face of another child or was “simulating” his penis using blocks.

“I yelled out, ‘Stop. That’s not appropriate.’ He didn’t stop,” Tiller told police, the Local Court in Queanbeyan heard.

“All I saw was he was still standing like this. And I pushed his arm away from behind.”

They will be the downfall of civlization, but at the end everyone will be fairly treated in their misery.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

Female teacher roots 16yo boy multiple times

wont spend a day in jail

Judge Smallwood claimed a previous case where a 17-year old girl had sex with her 40-year old male teacher was ‘not this situation’ and he was keen to avoid his sentence being appealed. 

what will grace tame have to say about this


Here’s another one

just imagine if it had been a woman murdered by her tinder date and his mates, lurking in wait at his apartment

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

I avoid fights like the plague. Not that I’m tough or anything. Unless you’ve got some good boxing experience you’re probably gonna get your arse handed to you. On the other hand you can get away with some pretty scary and gory threats. So it’s not all bad.


In response, the government passed an amendment to the Migration Act on 17thFebruary 2023 that confirmed aggregate sentences could be explicitly taken into account when using s501 powers. As a result, all of those cases affected by the federal court ruling that were released into the community are now basically liable for detention again

Well, I actually don’t find this too outrageous.

this is how the law is meant to work. The judges make a call on what they think an ambiguous word means, then the parliament can tell them if parliament thinks its will has been misinterpreted/words misread. Or more senior judges can do so on appeal or in a subsequent decision.

looks like they moved remarkably quickly too, clarifying the law within 2 months or so.

If the judge was out of her depth in this subject area, that’s a bit unfortunate, though. But it should probably be chalked up as a good piece of lawyering for the side that managed to secure that decision, still!

Hopefully those folks set free won’t kill too many people before they’re re-detained.

Last edited 1 year ago by Peachy

they only objected on the ambiguity of the word bc it facilitiates the visa con

if it was an ambiguous word that if disputed would reduce the third world krush load there’d of been no objection

Agent 47

Yeh beat me to it. That part of the act hasn’t been an issue for decades (thousands of cancellations) and suddenly now it is.

The variable here is the judge. Mark needs to comment on the protection visa rort in my opinion if he’s across it.


they only objected on the ambiguity of the word bc it facilitiates the visa con

i haven’t read the decision (been busy with lots of important meeting this, see), but I’m 99% sure that the visa holders were represented not by the government (which hearts the visa cons) but by some bleeding hearty lefty lawyers, ……… or at least ordinary lawyers bankrolled by some bleeding heart lefty Karens, Kerryns, Ka-Rins and Crystals.


When will you tell us what happened to


How should I know?

Looks like the enemies of probably successfully sabotaged it again.


So it wasn’t you that put the ‘We will survive’ banner?

sanjeev did it on his own ?

Plausible deniability I guess


Maybe some angry Ukrainian upset that this is probably the only website in Australia that isn’t playing along with the msm narrative.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

this is a good point ukrainians are overrepresented worldwide in hacking/phishing/email/telecommunications scams. its the nigeria of europe


She wasn’t alone. It was 3 judges. The full bench but for some, reason this fact doesn’t sit comfortably with the censor.


On this topic (being the topic of trading law and social cohesion for “profit number go up”) we have this here news story


I don’t know why we don’t already do this

you could even earn your freedom faster if you work hard

like Roman slaves/gladiators

I fully support it of course the profits need to be public


I fully support it of course the profits need to be public

I think the Americans do this already


particularly following what was done `1788 …penal colony ..hyuk hyuk


to actually recieve custodial time in aus you have to do something really bad lol. like legit you have to be a serious criminal to actually get to the stage where they’re considering putting you in jail

it’s not like you get there for pinching a mars bar which articles like this are trying to insinuate, oh instead of putting that petty weed user in jail give him 5 months working at kmart lmao

nah itll be rapists and serial violent offenders rocking up to work the big w tills great fucking idea


Send them to work in garbage trucks or lithium mines

that would reduce the wages of bogans which would be good for society also
less motorbikes and jet skis

labourers making $50/hr in Sydney , probably most of them ex cons anyway
we should be using them to build houses and solve the rental crisis

Agent 47

l’d prefer for us to go full The Running Man.

We love a good reality show and the ability to gamble on the outcome. Why not cut the crooks in on some of the action?

Earn a pardon if you survive.


wagner made good use of russian criminals in the bakhmut campaign

they turned out to be excellent fighters bc they didnt care if they lived or died


The Running Man

is that some old-time movie?

Agent 47

An Arnie classic based off of a Stephen King book.


jingle all the way


CB geniuses gunna curb this inflation?


Funny story, but I remember Sarah Derrington lecturing me at UQ back in the day. Didn’t make much of her at the time, except that she was obviously so far up her own ass that she was incomprehensibly annoying to talk to or ask a question.

Reading this post (not the decision, I hated law by the end and figured I could make more money and have more free time running money), I’m not at all surprised she redefined what aggregate means. I think she probably typifies intellectual, yet idiot.


what was she lecturing you about

spill the beanz


Judges have already used the ideological (rather than literal) definition of “racism” to exclude white people that are “not an oppressed minority”.

I feel that we need to get these judges into a senate enquiry to confirm whether these words (and hence laws) are taking on a different intent.

Gruppenführer Mark

My favorite is considering women a “minority”. Last I checked, they were certainly not a minority, but, albeit slight, majority in Australia (latest census data).

One of work colleagues, on an internal site discussing International Women’s Day, posted: “if you haven’t “lived” the “lived experience” of being in a gender minority, please seek to gain some understanding

I think I will identify as a gender minority from now on…


The Schrödinger’s Feminist Paradox of 2023:

A woman is simultaneously a powerless victim & an empowered heroine until something happens whereby she chooses the state most immediately beneficial.

This is what happens when a social movement continues unopposed, whatever initial virtue that may be attached to a movement gradually transitions into tyranny, as it seeks to continue advancing the interests of those it represents beyond the point where any injustice has been eliminated, to the point where it starts encroaching on the freedom and rights of others. The LGBT being another case in point.

Gruppenführer Mark

Golf Clap

Last edited 1 year ago by Gruppenführer Mark

Tried to share this before the crash – Triguboff emails to government planning department.

“You need the money and we need the money too”

“If you do not answer quickly, you leave me no option.”

Agent 47

This cunt just needs to die already.


Is there anything unreasonable about this ?

cunts whinge about planning laws, then when someone tries to roll up their sleeves and get shit done , they’re all up in arms

everything he says is factually correct , and the money would be revenue for NSW not in the pocket of this public servant

I don’t see why would have a problem other than Harry is rich , Jewish and blunt
I applaud him for these letters no irony

definitely not for supporting the mass immigration in the first place tho

Agent 47

Rich and blunt I have no issue with, the fact he builds total horseshit everywhere and wears none of the downside risk is what most people take issue with.

How he has access to the RBA governor and just about everyone else above everyone is another thing.


ok but there isn’t anything wrong with his letters

This FOI/GIPA wasn’t worth shit

Agent 47

Just re-enforces that he’s a cunt.


Maybe that’s why I like him


silicosis revisited…. check the photo ffs.

pull a stunt like that here and your operation is shut down


Gawd – been reading some of the guff that DLS has been posting on China, the guy is cheer leading a confrontation with China almost as hard as the SMH:

The best way to win it is for a united West to make clear to China that if it annexes Taiwan (or anybody else) it will be kicked out of the global economy via an even more stringent set of trade and monetary sanctions than those applied to Russia.

Lol – they’ll just ‘kick’ China out of the world economy…. as though it is as simple as kicking someone our of a year 6 girl’s ‘friendship group’ and that there is a comparable economy that can step in and manufacture all the crap merchandise that the US imports as a part of its Consumer economy model.

The only thing China risks being kicked out of is the US dominated Financial system, like Russia has been, and Germany was previously prior to WW2. Anyone who threatens the Global Usary system is a threat to “Democracy”. Only difference is that this time the ‘rest of the world’ has been busy establishing their own Financial Payment systems.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

who gives a fuck whether taiwan is democratic or not lol

and surprise surprise the comment section flooding up with retards talking about chatgpt


Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

I’ve been very interested to see smh/Fairfax suddenly beat the war drums

multiple front page spreads about the Chinese menace
when previously they said nothing or were very pro China

obviously someone upstairs has given them the word to start preparing the npc’s

twitter progressive left has noticed it and is very upset .
so watch out the next media piece will be about trans rights or women’s rights in China

also notice how everything is about how great Indian students and migrants are now
Chinese don’t get a mention

airbus doing a parade with modi etc
also coinciding with US media/intelligence doing a complete 180 on the lab leak theory

glad my son isn’t conscription age and surely I’m too feeble and old
what was the upper age cut off during Vietnam and ww2 etc ?

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

twitter progressive left will go along with it they aree pro war now


I follow ronni salt and PR guy on twitter to see what NPCs are thinking

and both of them are giving the SMH grief over it


makes sense with PR guy hes dan andrews bitch boy and dan is in tight with CCP

still they will mostly be cheerleading it in the end like they do w/ russia-ukraine


Yeah – I’ve watched it with interest too. It dovetails with a ridiculous suggestion that the US is going to use Australia as a proxy in any conflict with China in the same way as it has used the Ukraine as a proxy against Russia.

US is preparing Australia to go to war against China, claims former diplomat

Certainly the SMH is doing its part to move things in that direction. They momentarily left their Twitter account open the other day and I was able to sneak in a comment before they closed it:

Capture - Copy (5).JPG

Quality trolling. Top shelf.


Fairfax is a tabloid for smart retards. Just spoke a boomer woman who is now absolutely convinced we are going to war. No doubt she’s spent the week reading this.


where the hell is loftus lol


its amazing that almost all australian regional towns are shitholes

you can’t blame that on indians and muslims either

its all white legacy units convicts and poms
they’re at least 80% trash


loftus is a suburb

they are shit though but contrast with what


even like north shore is shit, places like wahroonga are some of the most depressing places ive ever been to theres a waft of imminent death in the air at those place

85 year olds with cash walking around waiting to kark it


wahroonga is fucking beautiful if the whole country was like that it would be fucking glorious

big houses on big blocks, with wide tree-lined streets and only asians and educated white people around

like an american movie from the 1980s

what do you reckon the crime rate is in wahroonga?
what do you reckon the meth usage rate is in wahroonga?
how many dickheads revving their cars and motorbikes?
how many people smoking on the street and chucking their butts on the ground?
how many tattoos?


it would be heaven


its beautiful if you discount the fact that most ppl who live thereare like 6999 years old bc thats the only ppl who can afford to live

id take all those things over that bc at least those things mean theres still youth and life in the world


the best suburb in australia idk is


theyre all shit lmao


that’s not true at all

lots of rich families in wahroonga with kids, because there are a lot of top private schools around there

% of kids is much (50%) higher than the NSW and national average

wahroonga is a model suburb


im pro methhead they make me laugh


good stay in dubbo then




id rather die


soon bitch


Yet it’s called the ‘Wagga effect’ not the ‘Wahroonga effect’ go figure


Mate the country is awesome, there are some great places to live. The biggest downside is the lack of specialist resourcing and services, but there are awesome towns in regional Australia, great communities and awesome people and festivals.

Sure there are some shit holes too, and the economics and socio-settings vary considerably among regions, but regional country towns can offer you considerably higher quality of life in many instances.

People prosper in the country, until the bright lights of the city lure in their best and brightest and then ZAP! Like a bug zapper they are gone, consumed within a couple generations. Cities have always been and will always remain population sinks.

If you don’t want to be part of the 90% of people alive today who won’t have any living descendants in 4 generations, get your kids to move to the country.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

What towns are good in your opinion

I wouldn’t live outside of the capitals unless it was semi-rural on acreage

every single small town is absolute dogshit


I won’t tell anyone. It’ll just drive prices up faster.


Yeah the 20 people who come to this site


Armadale, Tamworth, Wagga, Albury, Griffith, Toowoomba and Bathurst, Orange are all pretty decent mid-sized towns. Once you step down below 10-15k they can become a bit more iffy, and there’s usually some specific reason or area, like the snow, that you might want to access there. But there’s plenty that are still very descent satellite towns around those larger regional ones.

I’m not hugely travelled in regional Australia outside NSW, but there’s got to be other places. It still surprises me how few people have ever been West of the Blue Mountains – my wife hadn’t until she married me.

The mistake is to view country towns with the same lens as you view the city, they offer different things. Yeah they’re not generally going to have the same services and facilities, but they’ve got a much bigger sense of community then you’ll get in the city if you want to involve yourself in that sort of thing. Much easier to take up a hobby, like water skiing, or whatever if you live in the country. If your outdoorsy then the country is king.

Life is a little more chill. People talk about 15 minute cities, but you are no more than 5 minutes from everywhere if you live in a country town. If you are on acreage then you have a bit more travel and have to be a bit more patient. But you get more time with friends and family, and waste far less rushing and commuting.

Basically you accept less of some things and more of others.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

orange blows i used 2 liv there


Social-economic matters still matter no matter where you live old boy


Yeah but you say that about every place.


I’ve worked in at least 3 of those towns , and been to all but 2 and they are shit

I would never want to live in them

Griffith and Wagga especially holy shit I’m sweating just thinking about having to live there

shit climate
women are fat and ugly
awful food
nice but boring people
a lot of derros


the food is fine

right about the weather tho

absoluely none of this matters though for most people whose lives a lived behind various screens

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

Food in Griffith was awesome – some of the best Italian restaurants in Australia, great bakeries, was honestly quite a surprised. Wagga was fine, not the same level of fine food, but fewer wogs I suppose.

But you’re right, they’re both are stinking hot in Summer – you need to be able to handle the heat. But zero humidity, it can be 40c and you step into the shade and you immediately start cooling off.

’Nice but boring people’ why would you want anyone different for your neighbours?

Agent 47

Albany and Esperance in WA are majestic IMO.


Why is nobody addressing the fat and ugly women issue
stagmal should be able to speak to that

it’s shit to be single there

then you wouldn’t want to raise your kids there because its parochial and drug riddled

so there’s a small window of being a childless couple or retired couple where it’s potentially ok

in which case why not just live on acreage why live in town at all

and the weather is awful, not just summer but also winter is freezing cold

yes there are stunning coastal and hinterland areas everywhere but you wouldn’t live in town if you were in those areas and it’s not practical to live there as a single person or with young kids

maybe like Maleny or cairns or port Douglas somewhere touristy like that would be ok


then you wouldn’t want to raise your kids there because its parochial and drug riddled

Drugs are everywhere, but they were no more or less prevalent that I have encountered in Sydney.

Kid are free to wander, they’ve got much more freedom and from a much younger age than they do in Sydney.

Don’t know about the fat chicks you seem so offended by? Weren’t you making a case for ploughing them a few months back?

I suppose there are plenty of bush pigs, but if you were only doing locum work in them towns then you were most likely seeing the % of the population more prone to getting sick, having accidents and being too dumb to take care of themselves i.e. also more likely to be fat bush pigs.

There are plenty of good sorts there too, but yeah the M/F ratio probably isn’t quite as good as in the city. But then that is because the city has attracted most of the superficial, air heads from the country, most of whom will end up as childless fag hags, after being bedazzelled by the city lights, and used and abused for 15yrs while they enjoyed being chased by Tinder dates and pretending to be mini-men climbing the corporate ladder.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie
Gruppenführer Mark

But then that is because the city has attracted most of the superficial, air heads from the country, most of whom will end up as childless fag hags, after being bedazzelled by the city lights, and used and abused for 15yrs while they enjoyed being chased by Tinder dates and pretending to be mini-men climbing the corporate ladder.

Funny that. My mate moved to Sydney from Perth about a year ago. He says, the amount and quality of tang is incomparable


more than 5 minutes from everywhere if you live in a country town

they’re not generally going to have the same services and facilities

From that perspective I understand why Coolangatta is a popular choice. Everything within walking distance including hospital and healthcare, restaurants, shopping, cinema, beaches, bowling. 10 mins to airport. Short drive to Brissy.

But yes. I understand your point of family and community which will always be different in a small town.

I offered my brothers financial assistance to collectively move away from Sydney. By financial assistance I mean pooling our money and inheritance together to buy a house outright for all their children as well. But ultimately they want their children to earn more money in Sydney so they can be debt slaves for the rest of their lives, have fewer children, etc. It is insanity.


But ultimately they want their children to earn more money in Sydney so they can be debt slaves for the rest of their lives, have fewer children, etc. It is insanity.



plz do needful

p00 coming.png



So it looks like even the smh is starting to believe perrottet might win

absolute fucking legend he is

destroyed the scamdemic in face of global hysteria

and now is coming after the pokie-alcohol complex at great risk to his own personal safety and future opportunities

Aussie Soy Boy

At first I thought he looked like a classic pedo but he’s just catholic, however I’m seriously impressed by him over the past 16 months or whatever it has been.


You might be thinking of Gareth Ward, the MP now running as an independent after being sacked from the Liberal Party and banned from parliament over allegedly sexual assaulting a teenager and others.

Years back Ward also was apparently the target of an underage massage scam…


Sounds like he’s introducing a new baby bonus, although available to anyone with kids under 10.

“Under Perrottet’s election cornerstone election commitment, a Coalition government would pay parents an initial $400 for children aged under 10, and match their future contributions with up to $400 every year until they turn 18.

The future fund will apply to every child in NSW under 10 from later this year and continue until they turn 18. They will have the choice to spend that cash on a home deposit, or put it towards their education, Perrottet said.”

Last edited 1 year ago by Gouda

brucey in too deep now

either he know what hes doing and this is a strategic ploy or hes fucking himself over royal with this shit


lmao 4D chess

The order carves out documents recording any information Lehrmann gave to the Australian Federal Police and his lawyers, and any documents covered by a claim for legal professional privilege.

What does “carves out” mean?
He does or doesn’t have to give up correspondence with his lawyers?

The only critical line in this fucking article, and the journalist can’t make it clear jfc too busy worrying about trans rights to bother with speaking english

Surely that’s privileged

but if it doesn’t include that stuff, then surely he’s not going to have formally written down to anyone “I raped the bitch”

If he even texted anybody anything about this he’s a fucking idiot
but he did claim in trial that he and britt never had sex
but I guess if he has texted mates with anything like “yeah we fucked” then he isn’t necessarily completely fucked, he can just say he was boasting/lying

we will soon know I guess

this is the gift that keeps on giving


Could be a few things.

Texted in panic because he didn’t know what to do.
Texted to brag about having sex.
Took photos and shared them with others.

If he denies it, doesn’t present anything and they have the evidence from a third party/former friend/confidante etc he’s stuffed.

If he has bragged about having sex to others, that would surely undermine the basis of his defamation claim.

But it could be mind games too. If he’s actually guilty and thinks that they have something, the added stress and pressure would be enormous.

Soylent Gree

I have read on some Australian law blogs some posts that strongly infer Bruce was indicted for same/similar offenses in Brisbane… The defamation action could be a means of posturing “my client has not done anything like this before, indeed the previous allegations are being contested for defamation”, pure speculation on my part, but could be part of the strategy.


Which raises the question of who is paying for all this fancy legal manoeuvring

its probably Murdoch/IPA isn’t it

me and stagmal and soyboy are the only winners in all this

edit: and Britt too I forgot

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

the brisbane / toowoomba stuff was earth shattering. if hes really up for charges there too it changes the calculus

it still doesnt make britt not a liar tho

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

plz remember too doo in loo

poo poo.jpg
Aussie Soy Boy

He’s as insufferable as the fat heffer he banged


he aint getting a hearing, I’m thinkin’

“All three legal teams have argued Lehrmann should not be granted an extension of a one-year limitation period to bring his claims. The publications at the centre of his lawsuit are two years old.”

Aussie Soy Boy

All this posturing about China as if our biggest export market and our biggest source of imports is a threat to our existence.

China would just stop shipment of Adblue to bring this country to its knees.

Legacy Australians are such gobby cunts.


A lot of battlefield footage from Ukraine:




I am loving the new downvote button.

A fly in your ointment

it brings negativity, literally and otherwise.

Aussie Soy Boy

Is there a possibility the heavyset girl got wind of these allegations of Brucey’s past behaviour so set him up for a pay day.


It was a decision of the full bench of the Federal Court not just one judge It looks to have been unanimous. Thankfully parliament removed any further judicial wriggle room but there is no need to embellish the point by omission.

Gruppenführer Mark

Does the board have an appetite for a post summarising the outcomes of 1 year of Ukraine war?

I can put one up, it’ll be Sunday/Monday timeframe.

Vote and comment.

Edit: Coming GAGF, I will not consider your voice.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gruppenführer Mark

I welcome your long autistic ramblings on this particular topic

Would be interesting to go back and read yours and stagmals original posts about it and see how much of it came true

I find this hapless but confident autistic armchair general archetype really endearing , probably because I played a lot of D&D and warhammer as a kid

Aussie Soy Boy

I hope Russia wins but don’t care.

I look forward to the China-Australia war which China win in 1.5 weeks by simply withholding Adblue.

Legacy Australians — surely the dopiest white people on the planet.

On The Beach was a documentary then

A fly in your ointment

Edit: Coming GAGF, I will not consider your voice

Oh, noes, you got Cumming totally wrong: it’s his way of expressing his infatuation with your posts.



A fly in your ointment

So far we know adamantly it is not because of magic potion nr.19….

A fly in your ointment

What happens if there is only one plane driver and he’s locked in his cock pit?

A fly in your ointment

“Lest we forget” got a new meaning for us the unPfizzlered

A fly in your ointment

The history of science is full of one single scientist (or a tiny minority) claiming something counter-mainstream and yet in westworld they…

A fly in your ointment

However,even the controlled opposition can venture a bit far Nd make a different point (than usual)


So the second largest ever bank failure in the US overnight

this is the only way that rate rises can ever reduce inflation – via financial crisis and debt deflation

don’t know if this will be the start of it or if it will take more rises

A fly in your ointment

we all are going to hsbe to pay for sins of the astute investors.
except thee whom has the least debt shall be furthest from the suicide cliff


Popcorn please, this is gunna get interesting from here on in.


I can’t see it yet. US Govt will prevent contagion by honouring deposit guarantees, and buy toxic assets if necessary. Rates going higher for now.


I think Comings point is correct though – it shows we’ve entered the ‘death zone’ like climbing a mountain when you start needing oxygen.

From here on in each additional interest rate rise is going to start to see more and more corporations that have been swimming naked (or free climbing without oxygen – whichever metaphor you prefer) start dropping dead.


It was always the point to choke the economy until unemployment rises. That does not necessarily mean a financial crisis or debt deflation.


I believe the only way that interest rate rises can result in deflation or disinflation is by inducing debt defaults

otherwise they are inflationary – they increase velocity of money and reduce supply of goods

this article comes to the same conclusions except agrees with your unemployment idea – but doesn’t justify or explain it


Yep. The worshiping of Volcker has to be one of the most stupid tenets of the neo classical religion that most of these idiots believe in. Another classic example of not looking at data, instead just taking as given the word of their lords.


I think Comings point is correct though – it shows we’ve entered the ‘death zone’ like climbing a mountain when you start needing oxygen.

That’s a very charitable reading of the Gospel of Coming, Stewie.

It’s more like we’ve just entered the woods and Coming is now beginning to contemplate that perhaps the forest exists, whereas previously he only thought of the existence of particular trees 😉

but yeah – like I’ve been saying – there is a level at which the rate hikes ultimately start “working”…. To reduce demand, to restrain inflation, to rationalise investment, whatever. Provided that the resolve is there to reach these levels, marginal effects observed before those levels are reached (eg interest on reserves) are of little relevance, transient, noise.


This was less a lending crisis, like a savings loans affair, and more an ‘Orange County’ or ‘Metallgesellshaft’ rather than a savings loans credit disaster. More a result of failure to understand the financial risks of complex financial products in rapidly rising interest rate environments.


More a result of failure to understand the financial risks of complex financial products in rapidly rising interest rate environments.

mmmm. You’re in a very charitable mood Stewie. Missus been treating you well lately or sumting?

in my estimation, you’d have to be a rare kind of dickhead not to understand that the market value of fixed interest assets will fall when interest rates rise.

I think that the guys who ran that bank must be a collection of suchlike dickheads… decided to turn half the fucking bank into a bond fund. Fucking nuts.


Most banks hold fixed rate securities – indeed it is the most common form of security or collateral that they hold for capital and liquidity purposes.

The thing is they are ALWAYS accompanied by Fixed to Float IRS. No modern bank is allowed to run the sort of raw ir risk to get the into this sort of trouble. If they have then this is a malfeasance, corruption and regulatory failure scandal.

The thing that is likely to have gotten them is the MBS they were also investing in. A lot of mortgages, especially non-conforming or ‘jumbo’ loans are ARMs or Ajustable Rate Mortgages, are packaged into floating MBS’s.

SVL probably thought they were smart buying MBS securities, because their interest payments would resemble a FRN and track higher, protection their income and capital like a CPI Bond. The problem is with MBS’s is that they are not a single loan, but a multitude of loans.

As interest rates rise people start to take longer to pay down their loans. This increases the duration risks around the MBS relative to more freshly issued securities. Essentially it is a function of the convexity of MBS’s price curves in relation to rising interest rates, verses the more conventional shaped curves for other non-MBS securities.

‘The steppenes of the interest rate rises tied with the convexity issues is the likely cause behind the mtm losses that they experienced. Convexity kills.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

The thing that is likely to have gotten them is the MBS te we’re also investing in. A lot of mortgages, especially non-conforming or ‘jumbo’ loans are ARMs or Ajustable Rate Mortgages.

SVL probably thought they were smart buying MBS securities, because their interest payments would resemble a FRN and tram higher protection their income and capital like a CPI Bond. The problem is with MBS’s is that they are not a single loan, but a multitude of loans.

well, theres a fundamental question of fact there – they seem to have blown themselves up on their asset portfolio falling in price and having to be liquidated early, rather than HTM – question is, were these underlying assets fixed rate assets (interest rate risk what dunnit) or floating rate securities (more like credit risk what dunnit)

I can’t be bothered putting in effort of reading into it – I think info on this will surface soon enough.

Last edited 1 year ago by Peachy

The head of risk management was a gay female? designated street shitter.


Well, that explains everything. Seriously. Too busy thinking about gay equity, not enough time considering her actual job.

The whole world is turning to shit because people have got into power all over the place who are obsessed with magical shit like LGBTYADDA+ fantasies, instead of reality.


I can’t see it yet. US Govt will prevent contagion by honouring deposit guarantees, and buy toxic assets if necessary. 

I agree. Given where things are at now, us gov will make sure that the depositors aren’t left flapping in the wind, but more or less stop there.

the signal they want to send is that while they’ll let banks fail, they’ll keep the depositors whole.

Gruppenführer Mark

I’m holding out for one of the big 4 to fail, and the government taking on the mortgage book of all 4 at the cheap rates.


Never happen. That is Macrobusiness thinking.

Gruppenführer Mark

Freddie Mac and Freddie May ftw


Convexity kills. 👍


Hah, so just give it 18 months then?


this is the only way that rate rises can ever reduce inflation – via financial crisis and debt deflation”

You didn’t look very hard. We’ve got an example right here in Oz – post GFC inflation got choked of with rate rises fairly quickly. No financial crisis or debt deflation required.

I hope there is a crisis this time though. It’s deserved.

SVB is exactly the type of bust we should be seeing: they put a large percentage of their capital in long duration securities while catering almost entirely to hot-money clients. That’t the type of idiocy that QE and TINA produced and I hope it all goes up in flames.


Where is the evidence of causation ?

Where was the rise in unemployment ?


So the second largest ever bank failure in the US overnight

So I’m going to go out on a limb and say that this ain’t yet latter day bear sterns…


ive been reading up on what caused it to collapse. Reading up on the below explanation I realised I identified the same risk potentially existing here, especially in regards to self securitisation potentially drawing on capital:

IMHO the only thing that could possibly be causing them headaches is the steepness of the interest rate increases impacting the duration of their self securitization issuances wiping out their equity buffers. This is a technical solvency question under mtm accounting, rather than a liquidity question.

Convexity killed Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac, and the reality is the CLF facility that the Govt made available following the GFC has potentially turned both banks into similar versions of those US institutions – although this fact has been obscured by the quango that is the CLF facility.

Convexity kills.


I identified the same risk potentially existing here, especially in regards to self securitisation potentially drawing on capital

in the ezfka context, the self securitisation is not really much different to continuing to hold the loans on balance sheet. (Access to rba liquidity aside)

and the mortgages therein (and in the balance sheet more generally) are floating rate (and any fixed rate loans are only fixed for 12-36 mo), so not subject to the same kind of mtm swings as long maturity fixed rate paper that these US folks were apparently holding a mountain of.

ezfka banks are sorted as they borrow short and lend long, but on the asset side there ain’t no mark to market – floating loans and extend-and-pretend as much as required to keep provisioning and impairment within acceptable range


“and the mortgages therein (and in the balance sheet more generally) are floating rate (and any fixed rate loans are only fixed for 12-36 mo), so not subject to the same kind of mtm swings as long maturity fixed rate paper that these US folks were apparently holding a mountain of.”

That’s just the thing – self securitization exposes banks to the mtm impacts of rising duration on their Securitized portfolio of floating MBS. If these loan books were being run internally, then the valuation impacts of the changes to duration would be hidden in the accrual income.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

The big 4 were increasing their liquid assets during 21-22 in preparation for the CLF being wound-down 01/23. They also massively increased derivative exposure because of volatility in currency and rates.

They’re probably ok. NFI about the smaller banks.


The CLF is an example of not only moral hazard, but also a race to the bottom. One of the drivers of banks increasing their liquid assets has been access to the CLF – RBA extends CLF credit, Banks use available funds to buy Commonwealth Govt Securities to help their liquidity positions in terms of remaining ‘unquestionably strong’.

Ironically any bank that didn’t participate in the CLF smorgas board of credit would have lower levels of liquid assets, and thus be less ‘unquestionably strong’. While the Federal Govt would have had to pay more in interest to entice investors to buy its bonds – see how this works?

Now that it has been created the CLF will never go away. APRA will make motherhood statements about it wanting to ‘wind down reliance’ etc.

The reality is that it has become a policy tool like Australia’s own form of Quantative Easing, with the pedal raised and lowered in terms of reliance on the CLF according to economic circumstances, although the long term trend will always be up.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

They also massively increased derivative exposure because of volatility in currency and rates.”

If Aust Banks are increasing their liquid assets, i.e. Govt Bonds, then they will increase their derivative positions alongside them. As I said elsewhere, most Govt Bonds are Fixed – this means they carry an enormous amount of interest rate risk.

The reason they are holding these reserves is for capital and liquidity purposes, thus any mtm moves in these bonds through interest rate fluctuations introduces huge volatility into the Banks capital via Interest rate risk (irr).

Consequently as they buy these Govt bonds they are simultaneously entering into Interest Rate Swaps, swapping from Fixed to Floating, passing the interest rate risk out to life insurance companies that can (supposedly) better match their long term payout obligations with long term income annuities. This is where most ir ends up.

That is why I am so surprised that they are saying that it was fixed rate investments that brought Silicon Valley Bank down. The IRR on Fixed Interest products are enormous. They would be in violation of normal risk rules that regulators expect if they didn’t manage those risks. As I said, if this were the case and they had unhedged FI irr then this would be a case of fraud, maleficence and regulatory failure.

Given the steepness of the interest rate increases I think it is much more likely that it was convexity caused by duration changes.

Peachy refered to MBS as being safer to irr because they are floaters – this is partially true. But FRN’s have a fixed capital period, MBS’s do not. CPI protected bonds have a fixed capital period, MBS’s do not.

They are made up of lots of mortgages with an EXPECTED paydown profile. This means the actual full Capital repayment date is undetermined. Investors in MBS are exposed to these risks.

If interest rates fall then people may pay down their mortgages faster. If interest rates rise then people may pay down their mortgages slower. This is important, they need not suffer any credit event – this doesn’t have to be a credit issue. The risk here is the deviation away from the expected amortization profile.

Essentially the duration of the MBS shifts, its capital return shifts further into the future, which isn’t reflected or compensated through the interest rate it is paying, thus the price falls. Since these securities are AFS they have to be mtm accounted for and have the loss, from the longer repayment profile, recognised.


They are made up of lots of mortgages with an EXPECTED paydown profile. This means the actual full Capital repayment date is undetermined. Investors in MBS are exposed to these risks.

If interest rates fall then people may pay down their mortgages faster. If interest rates rise then people may pay down their mortgages slower. This is important, they need not suffer any credit event – this doesn’t have to be a credit issue. The risk here is the deviation away from the expected amortization profile. 

Essentially the duration of the MBS shifts, its capital return shifts further into the future, which isn’t reflected or compensated through the interest rate it is paying, thus the price falls. Since these securities are AFS they have to be mtm accounted for and have the loss, from the longer repayment profile, recognised.

Stewie, whilst what you say is technically true, it is most true for the most junior tranches of securitisation notes (which the EZFKA banks have little exposure to) and of least relevance to the more senior tranches.

besides, most securitisations are called within 7 yrs or so (due to churn and refinancing and stuff). So we are not talking about duration going from say 10 to 30… but only say from 6 to 8. And that effect is diluted further for the senior not holders.

I think that Silicon Valley probably just ate plain old interest rate risk because they are dumb. At least that’s what it sounds like from listening to that Chris Whaaaaaaaaaaalen.

separately, it will be interesting to see what this does to the interbank market & whether counterparty risk becomes a headline issue again for derivatives, etc.

I can imagine possible contagion through that channel


SVB’s portfolio duration was 5.6 years, apparently. Same for hedge-adjusted duration. YOLO


I think that Silicon Valley probably just ate plain old interest rate risk because they are dumb.

Peachy this discussion has activated my autism and I went and had a look through its stat accounts.

Most of its investments other than UST’s are agency Issued MBS’s rather than OTC which are more likely to be floating. Thus they were mainly fixed rate in all their investments, and from what I was reading it looked like they’d reduced their hedging elsewhere.

Amazingly it looks like they were running long interest rate risk. You were correct in your view – what an incredible regulatory and administrative failure!!!

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

If Aust Banks are increasing their liquid assets, i.e. Govt Bonds, then they will increase their derivative positions alongside them. As I said elsewhere, most Govt Bonds are Fixed – this means they carry an enormous amount of interest rate risk.

Yep. Which is exactly what SVB does not appear to have done. Management and regulatory failure.


That is a good read – after having a look at the accounts and reading the hairy ones take I’ve done an about face and agree that it looks like an good ole fashion regulatory and risk management failure.

Absolutely amazing that they were able to get away with it simply by classifying these MBS and Treasuries as ‘hold to maturity’ assets.


The Legacy Australian is immunised against all dangers: call him a specufestor, slumlord, rentier, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But tell him that mortgage rates may rise and be astonished at how injured he is, how he suddenly recoils: “I’ve been found out.”

Ironic Boomer

Totes was right.

Agent 47

EZFKA Twitter gold

Gruppenführer Mark

How in the gods green earth do you come across these sites?


This has to be stagmal himself

if not, then whoever it is belongs here anyway


not actually me i havent posted on these forums since the puahate days


theyre the puahate remnant nexus


So what is 2psl, 3psl, 4psl…. 8psl?


1PSL 2PSL etc are what these people consider to be ‘true’ rankiungs of a persons physical appearance

they believe that ordinary people evaluate looks in a way that is unrefined, PSL rankings provide a more objective evaluation and a higher standard level

being 9 or 10PSL would practically make you an internationally renowned model, while being ranked a 9 or a 10 to a ‘normie’ irl to these ppl could mean you’re really just quite prosaic/ordinary

psl stands for puahate sluthate lookism, it’s an aggregate acroynm that refers to all the incarnations of these communities


Ok, so help me try to calibrate the PSL scoring system.

Where would our favourites Britt and Bruce be? 3PSL?


3 PSL sounds about right


I agree. But on the other hand Australians like you if you larp as a retard. Such an underdog bru. So that’s basically what I do.


Yeh, it’s a good one


this is absolutely shocking stuff

To be clear: I have had direct threats against my personal safety from PRC officials acting in an official capacity.”

hard to know if it’s propaganda or real given the heavy current media drumbeat of war, but why isn’t this particular story getting a run in the Australian msm?

Chinese officials threaten violence against a pacific politician


bc its prob bullshit

media would be over this like flies on shit if it was true think of all the sooking that was going on earlier about solomons diplomatically getting close with china

dls ffs was calling for an invasion if china put a base there

the irony of that given our stance with russia/ukraine


A lot of cope in that thread

there are so many hot women in Australia
you only have to look at TikTok or Instagram to see that , or go to a city beach

its just they are all getting dick from the top 20% chads


i think there’s a lot to the idea that theres heaps of uggos herre tbh

the climate does not agree with the phenotype

plus most white aussie girls are english or scottish etc

theres def a lot of truth to the idea theyre the ugliest northern european white women

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

What other countries have you been to tbh


some places in europe


thats about it


Chris Whalen is calling for the Fed to cut 50bps next week!


Quote from link:

“let’s forget about rising interest rates, I think next Monday the Fed is going to have to drop rates 50bps and they’re going to have to open their discount window and say ‘guys, we’re here to take any collateral you have and we’re not going to look at the coupon, no haircut’. They have to do things like that to get ahead of this.”


Must be expecting a big jobless print you reckon


Must be expecting a big jobless print you reckon

nah. If you watch the video, which I now have, bloke is just talking his own book. He’s into banks and knows that his portfolio is torpedoed unless someone makes it rain free money again.

but, interestingly, he says that QE and ~zeroing rates is (was) a terrible idea, because that’s why the rates can’t be raised now. Yet his solution to the terribleness of QE and zero rates is………more QE and more zero rates.

I like my idea better – make the depositors whole (print if you have to) and let others eat some losses. []

hope Jerome’s balls are hard enough.


I was having a dig


He’s into banks and knows that his portfolio is torpedoed unless someone makes it rain free money again.

That would explain why he appears to be on the Turps during the interview. Seemed super emotional too.

A fly in your ointment

The Em ‘Aich SevenTeen

I can understand a family’s grief over loss of loved ones and even to some extent understand the feeleiing of need for vengeance…
that vengeance against unrelated party or those that are furthest from some semblance of guilty would not serve the purpose. I’d want to know without a shred of doubt that those that pay for my loss are indeed those that ordered the shot or did not care if the shot took the place or if you will those that ordered a flightpath over troubled area…


As if those guys will give a shit about ezfka sanctions?!

A fly in your ointment

Probably not even aware of sanctions.

My take was from perspective of victims’ relatives and their (presumed from lack of rebellion) buy into this evil Pootin did it


But if not evil putin, then who?

A fly in your ointment

it’s about deflection from the culprit by finding a chosen con to fit the crime


Anyone know what happened to T?

he was meant to take a break and then come back to continue with the kooky (cooker-y?) Weekend Links. But then he just disappeared 😡


T is bing

he was here a few days ago


No fucking way

how do you know that / why do you think that


exact same typing style etc

talked about the exact same stuff


Not even close


bruh it is

ask him


wow I pictured bing as some sad boomer or gen x

and T as some incel gen y or z guy


its weird because I found T as kind of endearingly enthusiastic

whereas bing came across as extremely aggravating

Ironic Boomer

If you call someone an incel, does that mean you are not an incel


No quite the opposite

if you self identify as incel you’re far more likely to recognise the trait in others


most incels get laid anywy puahate was male models dot com


i dont care what happens anymore

dont care about house prices


nothing is going to change


That’s right, fuck em.

Besides, the bull isn’t slain until the last bear capitulates 😉


Will be hilarious if this is what saves Aussie housing


Happened to be in a coastal town this weekend

stunning beach

relaxed vibe

was walking down the street thinking yeah it wouldn’t be so bad to live here , maybe Stewies right

two teenage kids on bicycles riding past then yelled out “fucking dickhead”

that night somebody dug up 2sqm of turf from the neighbours front nature strip and drove off with it

this is why these places are shit
they are filled with human shit
white legacy trash

worse than living amongst Indians or muslims , by far
at least they generally keep to themselves


So call them something back.

Stealing some (hopefully a boomers) grass is funny.

Anti bogan attitudes , starting in the 90s when boomers got bitter about getting old and started shitting themselves if there was a teen on a skateboard on the street , then severely exacerbated by millennial fagits in the 2000s and 2010s, is one of the main reasons we are here.


yeah some abo kids were yelling everyone was a pedo who was walking past af ew weeks ago then when they did it to me i told them i actually was and id rape them up the ass


I find that amusing too, bunch of white legacy fagits who talk about anything but elephants in rooms are pretty pedo-ish.


Sounds like you’re ideally suited to Dubbo tbh

uniquely adapted to thrive in that harsh environment

I think there’s no better sign of a shithole than scrotes riding aimlessly around on their bikes and shouting driveby insults and pedestrians

also if anybody does “mainies” you live in a shit hole


That’s generally the Australian culture except for places like the north shore, if you’re a fagit ya gonna cop it.

But now you need $5m for places like chatswong because all the private school fags can only do midwit bean counting jobs in the finance sector.


Glad you’re getting replaced tbh



coming pio poo.jpg

Notice that they all have water bottles. So they can rinse their fingers after they scrape the shit off their arseholes with their fingers.

Some of it stays under their fingernails though. Always. Then they deliver your food, or drive your Uber or whatever.

The toilet seats at my old workplace used to break regularly. The facilities manager told me it was because our ethnic employees would squat on them rather than sit on them.

And so it goes. We are all the better for this multicultural enrichment. The food, particularly the food they prepare. With their hands.


lmao nice


Mr Cumming,U must poo poo in loo

coming poo streetshitter.png
Ironic Boomer

What did your boyfriend say? Did you buy him flowers to make him feel better?


Newcastle isn’t really a coastal town

Aussie Soy Boy

I think immigration should be upped to 1 million per year and limited to people from Asia except the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, anyone with that Micronesian blood in them.

Let stupid Islanders in to pick fruit but only on 1 or 2 year contracts, can never become citizens, have to live at the plantation, work them hard and fuck them off again when their bodies break down.

Legacy Australians are foul and disgusting. Welcome to Country, the voice and this current all things abo love affair will die in the arse once the Chinese and Indians reach critical mass.



Ironic Boomer

Wow. We are starting to see the beginning of the absolute bottom of the barrel scraping.
Australian real estate. The best asset in the world. Lol. Pile in everything you have and lever up big boy. You can always desperately whine for rate cuts. Lol.


Hmm… 6 properties valued at 5.2m, 3.3m in debt and paying IO doesn’t sound that flash.

Sound like they sold their first purchase to buy their PPOR, making it 5 IPs. Wonder if they’ve reached serviceability limits, but not surprised that he’s now a mortgage broker.


Fkn gullible if you believe that. Logan, lol


good idea imo

need to encourage people to have children that are born here rather than bringing them in as adults

and will help the poorest ones the most, but also stop their parents from spending it on pokies and cigs


lmao I can’t believe this guy is an Australian senator

this is David Brent level satire I had to triple check it wasn’t a fake account


fucking lmao this is the best person they have to offer too


buzzfeed still exists