Peter Tulip goes mask off

Everyone who doesn’t like your country being flooded with the third world is a racist, according to ex-RBA lolbert fag and property spruiker Peter Tulip:

Same thing that Abul Rizvi does, wheel out the race card when he’s under fire.

There’s a number of really good responses to good old Pete in the thread, but this is probably my favourite:

Anyways, not unexpected but at least good ol’ Pete has taken the mask off to reveal the naked EZFKA self-interest underneath. A true EZFKONIAN.

I’m seeing more and more of this on Twitter from the gatekeeping crowd as immigration becomes more of a hot-button issue among the normies.

All I can say is, enjoy mocking and bullying the shit out of them.

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Speaking of masks, an updated Cochrane review shows they are still useless with no reliable evidence supporting there use in limiting respiratory infections. Didn’t stop Australia and many other countries forcing people into them though.


It was theatre, like the security theatre of taking nail clippers off people at airport security checkpoints and then giving them a steak knife in the restaurant inside the checkpoint…


This was the guy from RBA who predicted price rises during covid. He is very well aware that once demand exceed supply that prices are controlled by credit availability. His “supply side” lyrics are disingenuous.

Agent 47

Sokhs vs Hindus last week, now looks like someone has a bone to pick with the Buddhists. Very vibrant.


‘Quiet majority’ of Aussies SUPPORT the Indigenous Voice to Parliament as poll reveals who is backing Anthony Albanese’s plan – and who’s against it
lmao australians are the dumbest fucking people on earth

how can you support something when you don’t even know what it is

see climate change, lockdowns etc though I guess

don’t want to hear any of you aussie we waz kangs dickheads saying anything either because it isn’t the muslims and indians who are backing this


second gen indians etc are mondo anti-white


Yeah – I expect a lot of people are publicly saying ‘Yes’ while privately intending to vote ‘No’ in order to avoid the public shaming of that the media, corporations and just about our entire elite superstructure are so desperate to implement.

FFS I’m working for one of the big 4 atm and of course they’re running online videos for all their importer workers on ‘Why you should vote Yes’ but do they run a fair and balanced ‘Why you should vote No’?

No fucking way.


the silent majority stuff doesnt really happen, this thing will unfortunately probably win

there can be no spirited ‘no’ campaign against it anyway bc thats racist

so no one will be able to be convinced of ‘no’

at the end of the day its just another hand out to the big smoke boong activist industry anyway so its not really that big a deal it wins


Depends, a body with powers appointed by parliament can do no more than the parliament, a change to the constitution(the only thing a referendum is for) can give that body any power it likes not bound by the current rules.
So why are they having a referendum to create a body the parliament could already create and has done hundreds if not thousands of times already? Seems like a classic bait and switch to me…


It’s up to the Boomers and Xers to knock it down though because Aussie youth is pretty left these days what with the right offering them nothing


It’s up to the Boomers and Xers to knock it down though because Aussie youth is pretty left these days what with the right offering them nothing

You might be right on this – no way boomers are paying the rent. Not used to that sort of stuff they are.


The Boomers are the real traditional owners of the country


That is quite funny. You should say that on Twitter.


lol, that’s good


It might be time to join twitter again. It looks like getting reported by softcocks is less fatal now.

As to Tulip, he’s always been a full of it. He knows that construction will never keep up with demand, but his response is always something about just building more houses or an accusation of racism. That can’t hold for much longer, particularly with the growing number of people priced out forever.


Total bullshit, another gold bug. Neither China or Russia have the legal systems (culture) in place to be as trustworthy as the US. Say what ypu will about the US imperial system, but at least you can enforce a contract and property rights there. Those other places remind me of the Simpson’s and Castro with the trillion dollar bill.


yep, its all one or the other with him… it’s entirely possible to have various platforms at work at the same time…

frinstance rio were settling substantial iron ore contracts in yuan 15 years ago [probably still are], and what damage transpired?


Unless he puts a timeframe on it (<12 months) then he’s just a bloating windbag. Saying nothing last forever is just being a windbag because cant make money off that.
What these guys never ask themselves is what the fuck anyone is going to do with a pile of yuan, rubles or a pegged Riyal? Buy heavily restricted Chinese bonds? Buy Chinese equities that have gone nowhere for 20 years? Buy real estate that the locals don’t even want? What they will do is sell the yuan for USD and buy treasuries. And why would China rearrange their trading system away from mercantilism? They should, but it requires a power transfer away from the CCP as households will get rich and they might want a say in how the place is run!!!!


afaik the so called petrodollar is a myth anyway, oil purchasing makes up a tiny % of total use for usd


Nah it is real. Part of the reason we know it is an issue is the suppression of information around competing emergent systems.


there is some sorta nondollar coming from the east hemisphere.
only good for east hemishere trades tho.


As opposed to the US who sanction you off the system (Russia, Afghanistan), the Brits who take your gold (hello Venezuela) if you disagree with them? If not outright invasion..

Why would the non-Westerners stay with a system like that?

Maybe the Saudis will end up being the bankers since they’re not globohomo?

Nothing lasts forever, especially when it’s run by woke capitalism. Go woke…


whos this sad old queen anyway


old cock is a bit creepy bit of the roving eye sort it seems


wonder if they can ramp this to $30aud


“we will get the answers” betcha don’t


oh for shits and giggles 0.25% tomoz


They should do 40 bps. OCD tards are suffering right now.


Lolz . In that case will probably do a 15bps raise.


Admit it, you’re a bit OCD yourself, JCB…. I can feel it!


Yes Peachy, very likely. Probably fit into the tard category too!


Who is going to start the interest rate thread

I’m hanging out


who even cares really its not gonna do anything


You’ve come around to my way of thinking then ?

Interest rate rises are not disinflationary


no clue mate

all im saying is housing will probably be fine you can unfortunately bet on it

and niggas still be spending every dime out there left and right

what is this supposed to be even doing


Transferring more wealth from the bottom to the top

but this time the bottom is 99% of the population including the middle class who have their wealth in housing


Yep. No empirical evidence of a relationship between cash rates and inflation. Lots of theory, but no evidence.
Also yep, about to be a big wealth transfer. CBs have never got it right. They will cause a financial crisis, which will initially be deflationary, followed by enormous wealth transfer. Be interested if anyone thinks there has been a financial accident that didn’t increase the gini coefficient?


No empirical evidence of a relationship between cash rates and inflation. Lots of theory, but no evidence.

Given the impossibility of running any sort of controlled experiments there will never be any evidence of significance…


Interest rate rises are not disinflationary

It is a single variable in a complex behavioural system. Wealth effect, wage inflation, etc. You have previously referred to the inverted yield curve as implying a recession. I interpret the inverted yield curve to mean that markets are betting that whilst a single rate rise may not be disinflationary, continuing to raise rates would eventually become disinflationary.


I’d argue you have to use real rates too. I’ve seen some really questionable articles (done by economists that have no actual market experience) that use data from countries that experienced hyperinflation. They seem to ignore that those countries have negative real interest rates.

Aussie Soy Boy

Surely 0.4%


0.25% again

With 4% the ceiling they will want to leave another two in the tank for Apr and maybe Jun


He’s correct in saying rental crisis is a Supply problem.
It’s an Over Supply of third world people.


lmao someone send old mate pete a link to this article direct or i will


buckleys here ..blocked.. doesn’t handle truth well.
ecovandal dog he is.


Lmao lidia Thorpe left the greens to start her own party


it gunna get ten votes what a dumb noongah carnt


reminds me of that womble bernardi…. fk i laughed when he got the arse.


It is the same as Bernardi. She knows Greens will boot her out at next election and so deciding to go down in a blaze of glory shit. At least Bernardi had the sense to secure himself a tv career whilst he was still a senator.


they’re not renowned for their intelligence

I dunno though. She might guilt a few white women into putting her second after the greens, maybe even first
Definitely above the ALP

She could maybe get a senate seat

She could also do some preference deals that maybe the greens wouldn’t be allowed to (like with LNP)

She needs a white man to be the brains behind it though. A david Oldfield type


It’s the classic grift – get in on the back of a party, then switch to an independent position. She’s got the job guaranteed until 2028, she can now fuck around with her bikie boyfriend on the taxpayer dollar completely free of consequences.

She’ll keep some fans – those clearly left of the Greens simping for Aboriginals now calling the party racist and not progressive enough is pretty funny.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gouda

Let’s hope the greens learned a valuable lesson not to select a candidate because she has a vagina and is a quadroon

but I’m actually hoping this will cause them to implode like Cheryl kernot and the Democrats

Jfl been a long time since I thought about that dumb bitch
imagine the scruples you must have to dump your party because you’re getting dicked by Gareth Evans


yes fuck these frauds off ..kill ’em.
start a genuine environmental party from ground zero


No one(relatively speaking) wants a genuine environmental party.
The greens followed the virtue signalling winds to greener pastures…


yes noted… big bux wants the status quo


And the voters want to virtue signal, and the environment is sooooooo passsseee, don’t you know.


I doubt that this progressive cat lady in waiting has ever had the opportunity of being wooed by a good ‘grunting’ from our indigenous folk.

Last edited 2 years ago by Stewie

It’s the classic grift – get in on the back of a party, then switch to an independent position. 

You can count the number of true independents elected into australias parliament in it’s entire history on one hand. Virtually all of them entered as a party member first.
That factoid by itself reveals an awful lot about the true nature of representative democracy

Aussie Soy Boy

Is this the hooker that gets spitroasted by the Hells Angels?


lmao betoota doesn’t know what to do

abo trumps greeny, especially if the greeny is a white man of course


I thought senate seats belonged to the party not the person. Wasn’t that how Bob Carr got parachuted in?


via death or resignation yeah…. not with this grift tho …think lambie


Photo of Chinese balloon


what do chinese need a balloon for to spy anyway just look at google earth


Have you ever looked at a military base on google earth? A western one anyway.

On a more serious note it was probably operating RF recievers to track radars and such as well.

Last edited 2 years ago by bjw678

Very good


Prefer the German design myself.

Aussie Soy Boy

Surely they just hop on the plane and go home if it’s too hard here.

Like someone in China would expect if an Australian expat couldn’t afford the cost of living, was finding it difficult to fit into Shanghai.

Forget about if masses of Australian expats were actually outbidding locals and leaving them homeless if there was a tight rental market in China.


Ah, but demanding stuff for free is the EZFKA way.


Yes I’m sure that will fix all the “mental” health problems which are due to non existent social cohesion, unaffordable housing and insecure jobs.


It’s all part of the student experience and will prepare them well for life as a future EZFKA economic unit.

Universities have failed incoming international students and exacerbated problems for those already struggling to find a place to live by selling off student accommodation to private providers during the Covid period, student advocates say.


This country has become very entertaining, looking forward to see how this plays out for the peasantry.


is this old pooftah queens whole shtick all about shaming people for not wanting to live in a dog shit sky kennel, and getting upset people don’t want to see their neighbourhoods turned into generic apartment blocks


I love that @HeinzyGuderian reply

yes you are cosmopolitan homosexual, you have no values except for rent seeking and being a parasite. we knew that already.

50k aussie kids currently homeless, there is no “economic” consideration more important than putting a roof over thier heads.

you are a piece of shit

Sometimes all it takes is for someone to tell the unspoken truth and then all the fancy framing and posturing falls away. IMHO Peter Tulip has no buy-in or interest in the future other than as a model on his spreadsheets. He should have never been allowed any role in contributing to Australia’s financial and economic narrative.

In terms of the gestal Egregore that is created by allowing segments of the community to contribute to it, Peter is a perfect example of why open homosexuals were generally excluded from contributing to our narrative.

Society, our Egregor, requires its members to reproduce, in order to perpetuate itself. Theoretically that is the social contract with our God ie society, that provides everything to us and ourselves.

In a society on the edge of survival, intent of procreation should be non-negotiable. LGBT tolerance is a luxury such societies can’t afford – hence part of the social taboos in most religions around LGBT identities and behaviours. Those that refuse procreate are effectively a burden on future members i.e. the generations progeny – placing them at a disadvantage.

Obviously we live in a time of bountiful resources, so that ‘burden’ of additional support of childless gays, shouldn’t be as much of an issue. But it doesn’t just stop at being a future burden. There is also the consequence of denying a family the income that Peter has snaffled for himself and no doubt spent it all on himself. This also causes harm to our Egregore for similar reasons.

Having no buy into the future, i.e. no descendants to be concerned about, then you are not going to be concerned about the social capital you’ve invested in your children being destroyed, through wholesale transference to immigrants and the growth lobby… because you accumulated no social capital by spending it all on yourself..

These social drivers are one of the main reasons why people with open LBGT identities were purposefully excluded by our Egregore from specific areas of our social narrative – policy making, leadership, etc.

There were probably plenty of closet fags, but then being a closet fag back then still meant having kids – Oscar Wilde, one of the most famous gays of the past 200yrs had to two kids. The point is, they were much more likely to either hypocritically assume the same values as heterosexual men, or they already had ‘buy-in’ by having kids of their own.

Consequently open gays generally worked in either the Navy or the Theater, or other limited professions, and by and large that was accepted by society as an acceptable trade off.

Were these social restrictions good or bad? They were good if we take the point of view of our Egregore in terms of i) perpetuating itself, and ii) ensuring income was distributed to those most worthy or in need of receiving it. A healthy Egregore values raising kids over air plan tickets to international pooh-poking parties.

However these outcomes were bad from the point of view of the individuals who wanted to pursue both open LGBT identities, equal employment opportunities and not be burdened by families.

Obviously in our Satanic times of ‘Self over Society’ what is good is bad, and what is bad is good.


this on twitter⬆Stewie?


Sorry – what on Twitter? My musings? They tend to get me banned.

I was responding to an embedded link in the article post by Timbo.

I like to understand why religions and cultures had various ‘prohibitions’ I refuse to believe they arose for irrational reasons like ‘bigotry’ or ‘hatred’ although it was often the end result in stupid people.

The Fag Trap is another iteration of ‘The Two Income Trap’ that Liz Warren wrote about. A social prohibition restricted employment and narrative opportunities for certain groups, removing those prohibitions results in unexpected consequences…. Chesterton’s Fence.

Take the topic I’ve just discussed- LGBT. The msm and popular narrative is that it is ‘bigotry’ and lack of tolerance that is behind cultural objections to open homosexuality. At best the msm will sometimes concede that religions teachings see it as in-natural in that it interferes with human sexual reproduction, and there is possibly some impact there.

But I contend the main reason, as with most social customs when you peel them back and examine them, is economic. How resources are distributed within our Egregore/Society.

The ‘prejudices’ are just midwits who can’t fathom societies as complex, self sorting entities in their own right, and the potential to radically change social outcomes over the long term, simply by tweaking some social rules.

The Bible is full of stories of God smiting the Israelites because they turned away from him and his rules. The reality is when they turned away from those prohibitions, they weakened their Egregore and it (society) became increasingly unable to meet the needs of the majority.


removing those prohibitions results in unexpected consequences…

Or the expected ones that lead to those rules, just in a pre printing press or internet world it was impossible to explain all the why’s how’s and wherefores and it was all condensed into the simple rules and the reasons behind have been long forgotten, but may soon be rediscovered…


Exactly – we are in the process of rediscovering the reason why these customs and prohibitions existed.


lmao someone asked chatGPT what it should do if there’s a nuclear bomb about to explode and kill millions of people, and the only way to stop it is to utter the codeword “nigger”

the answer of course is absolutely predictable

Ironic Boomer

Wow. So much for first, do no harm.


if this is real this is just f_cked

how can our govt be backing these ppl


betcha it is…russian speaker probably


You understand OUR government did essentially the same thing during vietnam, right…

Last edited 2 years ago by bjw678

MY favourite line from the previously mentioned link:

The ballot method of selection was widely regarded as inherently unfair and strengthened opposition to conscription.

I’d love to know what exactly they think would be a fairer selection method…


and given that “boy” looks like he is probably pretty close to 20 that exact scene probably played out but with police here back then.
And we did it to fight a foreign war in a far off land, not defend our country that was already invaded.

Last edited 2 years ago by bjw678

Both were ‘brother wars’ organised by Globalists.

Ironic Boomer

‘Opponents of development should be legally required to explain where those 8 families should live instead and why that is a better outcome.’

They should live in the countries they currently reside in before moving to Australia.