Okay. Don’t get too excited, this just started as a comment and then I got to five links and realised that I’d have to start spreading it out over multiple comments or have my comments sent to the spam folder.
So with no further adiu I bring you “Links I have found interesting this week“:
Zuckerberg confirming that the FBI were involved in suppressing the news about Hunter Biden’s laptop and the information released from it being genuine.
(remember DLS poo-poohing the claims as scuttlebutt and conspiracy theories – like every critique of Biden and the DNC made by everyone other than the msms basically being true).
Then there is the news that Pfizer DID actually delayed the release of what few clinical trials they were performing until after the US election. Simply to ensure that Trump was provided with no positive news flow on his handling of the crisis – which the media was running 100% as being his fault:
If you perform a basic search on or around this topic using any search engine, the return is filled with stories apparently debunking the possibility that a CEO of a major pharmaceutical company would collude with the DNC in order to win an election and possibly political favour. Like everything else rejected by the msm as a ‘conspiracy theory‘ it is turning out to be true.
On the subject of “their” power to shape our common narrative, it is nice to see one get so completely owned by a Native American:
It’s true though – we even have a holocaust museum built in Australia, as though it were our collective racial and civilizational guilt, and that we need to remember and punish ourselves for our races actions, when in fact our societies that actually liberated them.
Some Tom girl or dyke giving a pretty good summary of why she was lucky to grow up before all this gender affirming bullshit:
“Sex and Culture” written in 1934 postulates that without white men controlling women, civilization becomes impossible.
The Author Unwin studied 80 privative tribes and six civilizations, concluding that there was a positive correlation between civilizational achievement and the sexual restraint of women. Observing that increasing sexual promiscuity was also correlated with civilization and societal decline:
(not the greatest synopsis of the book, but I lost the original one I read on it 🙁 thinking of seeing if I can get ahold of the book)
And on the topic of toxic female leadership…
…if it was up to these sort of women it wouldn’t be long before we were all back living in a communal long house, raising our kids communally together while they pick and choses the most brutal masculine types to mate with during their luteal phase, while all the cuck Betas sodomise each other or get slain by Alphas who are interested in proving their masculinity.
Speaking of decline, we now truly live in the age of ugliness: 2005 vs 2022
Sometimes a hen will lay her eggs in a hay field and refuse to leave them even when a 4 ton tractor pulling a baler squashes her…. but instead of this basic understanding of self evident natural instinct, issuing a scathing diatribe calling out such nonsense, the NYT wants you to believe that the maternal instinct is a social construct that was invented by a Gerber ad executive in 1932:
The notion that the selflessness and tenderness babies require is uniquely ingrained in the biology of women “is a relatively modern — and pernicious — one,” writes Chelsea Conaboy, a journalist and author, in a guest essay.
Not that this sort of anti-natural law gaslighting stops with the NYTimes, here is Scientific America trying to suggest that it was actually White Christian society in the 18th century that believed women were just a subset of inferior men.
Yes, Christianity that so clearly defines that there are two genders, and whose cultural celebration and artwork has reflected that for two thousand years, supposedly believed that women were inferior men:
That gaslighting is pure “Double Think”. The actuality is that the basis for such an opinion rests with another faith/culture that holds far more androgenous views and and especially on the role of women. The angry desert God of the Old Testament had no place for women other than as chattels.
Nothing to see here… just your average white dued dad leaping in to wrestle with an alligator and save some poor handler who was having her hand ripped off…
If they were young African Americans standing by then I’m pretty sure they would have waited until the gator had ripped her hand off, then stolen her wallet…. Just like this poor fella “men rob store clerk seizure medical episode New York”
As an interesting aside try and perform an internet search on that fairly detailed and clear search question “men rob store clerk seizure medical episode New York” and then tell me which one you found it on…. I always enjoy stumbling across blatant algorithms search tweaked used to suppress certain stories.
“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps… then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”
― Jesse Jackson
Interestingly these crime statistics are nearly identical to London, where despite making up 3% of the population, Blacks are 18% of convicted homicide suspects in England and Wales, i.e., a ratio of 6:1 …the disparity in terms of Black-White is about the same across the Atlantic:
Considering such topics and the composition of our immigration take and the impact it will have on our future society is important. The UK was famously crime-free from at least the 19th century to very recently… weirdly coinciding with West Indian and South West Asian migration. As this thread neatly highlights:
Samuel Francis’s view on the managerial elite.
Although his prophesies of a managerial revolution may not have come true, it is possible to say such a revolution still occurred, although not in the manner he envisioned. Basically he asserts that the Managerial elite can’t address the impending cultural crisis, that is now enveloping us, because to do so would mean the collapse of their world view (think DLS waking up to the fact that MultiCult is in fact a toxic policy) i.e. Culture Matters:
Even many Africans know this truth:
And now for a little Race and IQ Science
(I love forbidden knowledge)
Accepting MultiCult societies means that far from ever building a united cohesive society, like we had before this policy was thrust upon us, it instead encourages the creation of parallel caste societies that will be with us for centuries, simply to ensure preserve the attributes of arrogant, racist edogamous groups who would rather marry their cousins than one of us e.g. The two largest castes in Uttar Pradesh, the Yadav and Chamar, are more distant genetically than Germans and Greeks:
AI keeps turning up dangerous facts, like how brain imaging can now predict IQ, which means that if IQ were pseudoscience or measuring environmental/cultural privilege it should be impossible to predict from brain scans:
White and Asian students from the very poorest income decile perform at the same level on the SATs as black students from the very wealthiest decile.
The above screen shot was by one of the biggest small hatted fuckwits on twitter @Noahpinion who thought he was owning the discussion about black IQ differences by saying there wasn’t much of a gap, without displaying the slightest understanding that we are talking about median difference – as though the long stalk before the apparently small variance at the top was the important thing. Reading the comments of him being schooled is rather amusing @Noahpinion
“Over the last 50 years in developed countries, evidence has accumulated that only about 10% of school achievement can be attributed to schools and teachers while the remaining 90% is due to characteristics associated with students.”
“After accounting for general intelligence at an average age of 20, additional education, occupational complexity, or engagement in cognitive activities accounted for little variance in late midlife cognitive functioning in men age 56-66.”
Libtards, ignorant of the reality of IQ and frequency distributions in different population groups, and who always think the worst, can’t understand why, blacks in Hispanics who work at the NY Times get lower performance reviews than ‘White’ reporters (also fails to mention that most of those ‘white’ reporters and senior managers giving the reviews are actually Jews):
The thought that maybe because they aren’t so good and that affirmative action only takes someone so far before it is left up to the individual, never crosses their mind. All too often AA only succeeds in raising someone above their competence level – corporations are full of such examples. TheWoker the Corporation -the worse the problem.
This was probably the funniest thing I have seen all week:
(he will be traumatized by his mother’s laughter until he dies)
…anyhow, I’ve probably offended enough people with these links and will no doubt get a visit from the Federal Police (or at least cause Peachy to get raided). If I come across anything else interesting I might had it below here.
Stewie has anyone ever measured brain size/volume in the different races ?
would seem to be a very objective point of comparison
guess you might also want to compare neuronal density
Interesting to know the effect that the introduction of Caesarian sections had on average IQ
I certainly would have died (or my mother, denying the world my siblings) if not for the procedure – my head was stuck in her pelvis
Certainly they weren’t doing them in Africa obviously they were in Ancient Rome
of course would also be interesting to measure how it changed pelvis size across generations
and maybe also how it changed sexual selection preference for big headed men and small pelvis women
So you have a massive Elmer Fudd head?
and my son’s head measurements were above the 95th centile in utero, so my wife was advised to have an elective caesarian
there are obviously genetic components
So you have a massive head and you own firearms.
Off to the Gulag for you Comrade
I can only aspire to one day own a gun
You may not one day own a gun, but you will still have a Fat head
heavy is the crown
Yeah fat heads run in my family too – I wear a size 61 Akubra.
Size 60 here. And guns. Lots of guns.
Wouldn’t be a crown big enough for your massive melon surely
Owning a gun isn’t all that satisfying. You need at least a dozen or so.
In my previous life before moving to Oz I had 14. A couple of AKs, an SKS, few rifles, few pistols, including a 45 magnum revolver. My fav though was a 7mm magnum Remington with a scope and bipod, sighted to 1000m. Reach out and touch something.
I assume it’s like guitars – can’t stop at just one.
Guitars! I have over 15 of them, mostly early/mid 70’s Fender and Gibson ‘cos that’s my era.
Now geeking out at WW11 military rifles.
do u remember the legend of ‘venne’ from puahate
they have multiple times
I can tell from the font that this is from the 60s or 70s
When truth and science was still a thing
I was just about to type the same thing, although my question was going to be more along the lines of:
i) How long did you have to search for that in order to find it?
ii) What specific phrase eventually brought it up?
iii) Which search engine did you rely on.
As someone who has been interested in these subjects it has been interesting to observe the lights slowly go out one at a time, so to speak, in respect of useful search returns on these topics. More and more is hidden every day, and Normies who have the fact retention of Goldfish, never notice.
When there is a controversy today, even the curious need to go looking extra hard to find any of this stuff – hence ignorance and acceptance of ‘acceptable’ theories, like the blank slate, appear reasonable to the uninformed.
its from race evolution and behaviour which was written in the 1990s
Look up Fred Reed. He has a few interesting articles on the subject.
Yeah – checked him out. Couldn’t find anything specific on the increase censorship of what was common knowledge until a few years ago.
Steve Sailer has noticed it too – particularly since insiders within Wikipedia had IQ and HBD (Human Bio-Diversity) akak diversity, declared to be a fringe science.
I even noticed it a couple years ago – schooled DrSmithy on these facts, then he came back for another round a couple months later and it was like all the links I’d used to buttress my first argument had vanished from the internet.
Since I could still find the first argument and links I could prove they were no longer being brought up by the sort of common search questions I would have asked.
Do not under-estimate the motivation of certain groups to eradicate knowledge of differences in population group abilities, so that only racism or oppression are left to explain differences in life outcomes. This knowledge is fading so fast from common knowledge that soon it won’t only be viewed as fringe science, but a racist conspiracy theory.
Fahrenheit 451 certainly laid out the scenario. Printed word lives longer, and is not manipulated as easily as the web.
well noted.
cannot just press a button and make the book disappear or become obscured. It remains the same in every book for generations without a possibility to affect each and every single one.
if you guys want to watch something hilarious here’s a televised debate between the guy who wrote the book that table is from and pop-science commentator david suzuki, from 1989
Yeah, I’ve seen that one before. One basically argues from points of fact, the other from emotion and logical fallacies.
I reckon only the methods and colour of lies have changed, nothing else. Appeal to authority was a very strong argument in the past and it worked because scrutiny required enormous resources but now narrative control is much stronger….
So apart from having big cocks and more rooting, it looks like the blackfellas are really behind the 8-ball in everything else…like intelligence and maturity.
Do abos even have big cocks?
niggaz do
They are ahead in fatherless families though.
Haha a big noggin is in our fams genes my Nana told the missus someone in our fam had delivered a baby and it head got stuck and died! A few months before our first was born
It’s a fucking miracle that blacks gangsters are able to kill anybody with a handgun, given the stupid sideways holding shit they like to engage in.
I have decades of experience in this subject, and if you hold your weapon sideways like that guy in the pic then you will almost definitely lose the engagement.
Our local copper reckon he liked he’s chances against someone with a handgun if there was a 10-15m gap between them. But a farmer with a double barrel shot gun was a different story.
Yep. An unskilled shooter would have a lot of trouble hitting an active man at ranges beyond 10m with a handgun. It’s nothing like what you see in the westerns.
Shotguns are a different story altogether, although you still need to aim them.
Which makes this guys achievement all the more impressive:
Hitting him 8 times with 10 shots.
Adrenaline for some people produces flailing panic, for others it brings about lazer focus.
Steve Sailer has a pretty good heuristic means to assess the race of a mass shooting.
If the ratio of dead to injured is 1-3 dead, and 5-15 injured, then the assailants are usually black and the injured are innocent bystanders. Death ratios of 5 dead to every 1 injured usually indicates a White or Asian shooter.
I’d say black or Muslim. I’m constantly astonished by the incredibly poor skill at ams of Muslim terrorist arsewipes. Their bodycounts are remarkably low. It must be that “it’s the will of allah” thing. No need to learn to shoot. If Allah wants you to hit your target, you will, otherwise you won’t.
I received a video showing these smacked out afghan s shooting into air and one shit himself dead.
I am slow today. What is the racial groups rate each other chart showing on the X axis?
The degree of positivity they view or hold towards each racial group, including their own.
Thanks. So perhaps by extension some interesting evidence of in group preference being a thing in every other ethnicity than white people.
Or in other words, white/western kindness towards others is being exploited in present multi cult society
Possibly we’ve been gaslighted the longest.
I don’t need graphs to know n*****s is dumb yo
Some serious crimethink going on here comrade.
I applaud your bravery.
Some more crimethink
I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that photo before…. on cousin marriage in London.
Lucky taxpayers.
Zuckerberg’s admission that they didn’t ban but merely hid the Hunter Biden laptop was such evasion and double speak, it’s “wiiillddd!!!” as Joe would say.
“Mr. Zuckerberg said the FBI told Facebook that “there was a lot of Russian propaganda in the 2016 election” and “there’s about to be some kind of dump that’s similar to that, so just be vigilant.”
Does anyone really think the FBI used that friendly tone?
Anyway the ‘Russian propaganda’ lie has been perpetuated again here, the Clintons paid a $113,000 to the US Federal Electoral Commission to settle the case.
“The Steele dossier was a report compiled by the former British spy Christopher Steele and financed by Democrats that included salacious allegations about Trump’s conduct in Russia and allegations about ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.
Documents have shown the FBI invested significant resources attempting to corroborate the dossier and relied substantially on it to obtain surveillance warrants targeting the former Trump campaign aide Carter Page.
But since its publication, core aspects of the dossier have been exposed as unsupported and unproven rumors. A special counsel assigned to investigate the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation charged one of Steele’s sources with lying to the FBI and charged a cybersecurity lawyer who worked for Clinton’s campaign with lying to the FBI during a 2016 meeting in which he relayed concerns about the Russia-based Alfa Bank.”
I reckon the friendly tone and the whole story went the other way round – the snot have gone to Ef Bee Aye and asked them “what can I do,and please tell me when it is too much”.
It was all so obvious to anyone who dared to look into the facts, read the statements of people who went on record to talk about these things. Anyone who relied on the msm was generally grossly misinformed.
I think Andrew Leigh did he’s Masters on the effect of the church on society and came to the conclusion that we needed mores churches. Andy is an atheist, go figure 🙄
Without Jesus abiding in our lives, more churches would just mean more hypocrisy. Read the Gospel of John. Then Galatians.
Only through manifesting Jesus through our actions can we achieve heaven on earth. That said, the dispensation of basic moral frameworks in similar cultural settings, does have some value to nations in formulating cohesive high trust societies.
If the defeated could write history would this be their version?
anyone care to guess?
[spoiler title=”do not click on this”] https://covertactionmagazine.com/2022/08/26/western-ruling-elites-show-their-true-colors-by-revering-a-moral-monster-winston-churchill/%5B/spoiler%5D
I guess the first attempt was a learning curve
Click on image to read it easier.
But to get cheap energy and food would mean a peace agreement and that would hurt the profitability of Boeing, Raytheon and Lockheed Martin. So moar war it is then. The working class struggling with the cost of living is hardly a concern for the elite.
Plus no one is talking about what a “fantastic” working example the Ukraine war is to test the various weapons being pumped in.
It seems to be getting close to no holds barred, on both sides.
It is now a case of ‘Whatever weapon we can deploy we will’ especially Zelensky and his crazy “this ain’t over til I say it is” comments. It’s the best Trade Show outside of Vegas, I wonder of Soy Boy thinks the Australian bushmasters will be responsible for 1,000 rapes there too?
A quick glance at Wikipedia coverage of what all countries have provided (noticing the smart BRICs have kept low key) shows a huge range of arms and hardware. Even private companies, from Microsoft to Balenciaga. You can’t tell me the wholesale looting of arms hasn’t partly moved to Zelensky’s pockets, to finance the 3 properties he owns in London for instance?
The US has been using the Ukraine war to sell its weapons. All these wonder weapons like Javelins, HIMARS, M777 howitzers. The New Atlas channel on YouTube has debunked these as wonder weapons, but the media has been the cheerleaders for them.
It has worked as Poland has bought HIMARS and European NATO is increasing its weapons spending. With Sweden and Finland joining, an even bigger market.
The military industrial complex, private companies and middle men are being made filthy rich through this war whilst ordinary people suffer.
Aussie and American (and not to mention US backed nazis in Ukraine) are notorious rapists. Aussies and Americans raped their way through Vietnam.
Wiemar Australia
Student loans ahoy
more like the huge loan they took out on a ford f-150 is crushing their bank account
those blue collar ppl burn thru dough like its nuffin
There’s that too.
Push come to shove they at least have transferable skills. To buy more debt.
It’s good for the economy. Biggest suckers.
havent had a chance to critically assess but thought it would be well received by the tin foil group here
I agree with the final sentence in that post.
Other than that, I have no idea how people can follow all the research produced about covid. There must be 20,000 articles per year, an impossible amount to read, comprehend the process enough to analyse the process itself, and then be confident to draw a conclusion.
My starting point is always what do I know and I’m probably being fooled easily somewhere “These are not the droids you are looking for”. Thus I end up relying on other summaries, but even then sometimes the summaries are conflicting and there ends up being an argument over the relevance of the paper itself and I’m left no clearer.
Thus, I end up very cynical.
COVID is a cough who cares what the studies say
Completely off topic. Came across some vids of Russian TOS-1 system being used in Ukraine. That shit is downright scary.
That’s a pretty good YouTube channel if you want a non western MSM version of what is happening with the war in Ukraine.
Since I’ve already mentioned him a couple times I thought I’d post this pearler from him today…
Helen Andrews asking why, with so many Millennial ending up childless, didn’t other women warn them to have families while time was still on their side.
Her answer? Because to do so, in so many contexts is illega:
It is centered on the notion that women are free to choose whether or not they wish to have children, so the state must remain agnostic as to the decision and incentives towards having children, even though less that 5% of women say they don’t want to ever have children.
Thus even though 95% of women would like to have children, the state cannot assume women want to have children because that would discriminate against the 5% who do not wish to have children.
Add to that the fact Millennials (and to a degree also Gen Z) are inherently selfish, having been indulged their whole lives. This is the generation where everyone wins a participation ribbon. Add also the fear bred into them about the world ending (this bullshit “climate emergency”) why would they want to bring children into this world?
a nice intro…
reminds me of the last time I went to a concert and why there is a gaping canyon between experiences of listening to a perfect recording on an excellent sound system and live performance on a mediocre sounding.
after this look up the latest video of RW on CN² . Wisdom does not necessarily comes with age. We should embrace it whenever it comes.
The Finnish PM and her ilk are surely way more likely to procreate with the Beta cuck, no bloke with half a testicule would put up with that. Boyfriends of Instagram stuff, the pissy little weasel who puts up with that isn’t going to have a full set. Don’t be fooled by the faux aggression of the Cuck either, it’s like the death throes of an animal, they’re weak and dead inside but the nerves sometimes kick out.
Either way, they’re going to be a really fucked up couple. This is why Dan Andrews is directed by his long term Chief of Staff and her ‘wife’ is now the main head kicker of Dan’s Cabinet. He’s a Cuck of the highest order.
Besides the Finnish PM is to be made a hero for drunken inappropriate and risky behaviour, mixing with people who yell “ Cocaine!” at the camera like a 16 year old kid.
Confusing for anyone who sees leaders as needing to have the basics of judgement, basic intelligence, maturity leading to good decisions, etc. rather than just be a cardboard cutout.
She’s to be applauded for advancing the cause of all women, apparently.
i think she’s cute
i dont care if she partied
the world sure is full of a bunch of miserable sadsacks for so many to really care about this
theres probably a million things worth criticising her for but this doesnt seem to be one of them
I agree in part, but it has been hijacked to be the new #IStandwith…
Yes, would root.
No, wouldn’t support. Throw her in the bin with Jacinta and Justin.
The Finn chick is dealing with serious Russian men.
The defence minister and foreign minister
lavrov is the foreign minister, that guy is shogiu, the defense minister. pretty sure he’s mongolic or turkic (partially), he looks quite orientalized
What I’m trying to get across is that coke lady Finn PM has to deal with these serious Russians re nato.
She’s farting around being a dipshit tart on Instagram and is not a serious person.
But yeah! wymin rock!
Malcom, picture of Russian defence minister is at the top of my post,
Picture of Lavrov is in the link below.
Nothing wrong with partying – but there is a way to do it. Discretely and with your partner in attendance.
I partied hard in my 20s, but honestly if you’re still doing it in your 30s other than on a very occasional basis you’re a man (or woman) child whose probably avoiding bigger life questions or responsibilities than simply a job and career.
She’s a fucking disgrace. Don’t choose to lead a country if you need to ‘blow off steam’ by getting drunk, acting like a teenager with a group of people clearly on drugs.
you should have seen what roman emperors got up to if you thought her antics on that video were bad
She’s behaving like a teenager. It’s pathetic. There’s nothing wrong with expecting higher standards from elected leaders.
Damn straight. Should keep it to the prayer rooms, just like our lot do.
She might have married the Beta to get him to look after the kids, but by the way she’s been partying without her hubby in sight makes me think that it will still be the Alpha who sires her offspring. I’d be wanting a DNA test on any kids she spawns if I were her husband, but he’d no doubt he’d meekly accept it as the cuck he inevitably is.
What’s with black women always punching on with other black staff in fast food outlets in the states? It seems to be a common theme
What’s with black women always punching on with other black staff in fast food outlets in the states? It seems to be a common theme
You should watch some vids of the black friday sales. Victoria Secret seems to have some of the best stampedes.
I don’t mind a good black Friday stampede, it’s peak consumerism hey? The punching on/abusing staff/trashing the local maccas, kfc, wendys is a bit different though. I always feel bad for the staff, they literally get paid $4.75/hour to deal with getting abused and bashed by entitled cunts.