Miscellaneous links 19/2-20/2

Offering counselling in the face of a crisis is about as effective offering a chocolate bar when you house is on fire.


PJW reporting contrived racial diversity on TV being noticed on reddit

Quite a good piece on the gas cartel at MB this week: https://www.macrobusiness.com.au/2022/02/betrayed-and-abused-rex-patrick-is-aussie-gas-roadkill/

No surprise the inflation in the USA is hardest on those who can’t absorb it:


Ex Harvard epidemiologist says science and public health is broken.


This is the inevitable consquence of a cultural movement that should have been shot down decades ago. It’s been chronicled by books like “How Mumbo-Jumbo Conquered the World: A Short History of Modern Delusions by Francis Wheen (2003) and “The Closing of the American Mind: How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy and Impoverished the Souls of Today’s Students” by Allan Bloom (1987). First came nihilistic philosphies (postmodernism), then nilihistic narrative (entertainment), then the nihilistic recasting of history. Now the culture that makes science possible is being overwhelmed by unreason. Young people are not taught the basics of the birds and the bees. They aren’t connecting to one another and they aren’t breeding. There will be much despair and suicide to follow, if there isn’t already. This is the death of our people and our culture, only it’s so slow we don’t notice it until it’s too late.


I tried searching for photos of the ambigously gendered types I see roaming around the shops more and more but couldn’t find any.

I don’t know what to believe about Russia and Ukraine. It is starting to feel more like Iraq version 2: a load of stories spun to excuse the military action necessary to keep the USA from imploding, but we won’t really know what’s going on for decades. This is a nice summary of the history:


Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg

Trudeau’s emergency powers have now turned ordinary people into terrorists, and others into vigilantes. It’s terribly sad to see stuff like this:


Not everyone was so silly:

“At least 41 per cent of the publicly listed contributions in the GiveSendGo data are anonymous. Many of those listed among the named donations appear to use fake names.”


I predict that the divisions in our societies will only deepen from here. I’ve been watching it my entire adult life. Brace yourselves.


With major financial changes coming, it’s time to think about hedging, trading and timing the following:

  1. inflation rises
  2. interest rate hikes
  3. house price falls

Maybe as a collective we can come up with some good ideas. A quick google turned up these:



Everything is made more complicated by being in Australia since we don’t have liquid markets for things like futures options on 10 year government bonds. I’ve only just started thinking about this so don’t take my ideas too seriously.

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fuel is going 2.20 p/L

russia invades ukraine by next week imo


i moved over 15k to my int trading account, going to buy a lot of energy stocks (that have dipped) with it

its a no brainer, oil is going stratospheric


theres still quite a bit of upward movement in energy s tock pricing imo, obviously it will ceiling out at some point); if you have any other ideas for what i should do with my 15k please tell me!


i have stocks in shell actually; i bought at about 27 and its up quite a bit (55 or so), i have no intention of holding it even medium term and plan on exiting in a bit, i dont know or trust the long/medium term viability of it


dunno if etfs OOO / FUEL are any interest to you then… no dips

Chinese Astroturfer

There’s no invasion as much as the US tries to egg it on. No doubt they’ll fire rockets at Russians to goad them into war then claim Russia fired the rockets on themselves as a pretext for invasion.

Ukraine, Russia, the EU all get massively hurt by an invasion, US massively benefits as it becomes the financial safe haven.


i think it will happen, but theres a chance it wont. seems more likely than not at this point though. if the u.s.a had a country on its doorstep that was drifting towards a global anti-american political alliance they would have invaded yonks ago, russia has been relatively restrained compared to what the americans would do in an equivalent situation.

Chinese Astroturfer

US intelligence is very unreliable they thought there were WMDs in Iraq and never found a single one, thought the Taliban would never take over Kabul then a month later took over Kabul with barely a shot fired.


theyve got stacks of troops on the border and are calling up more every damn day, theyve given ultimatums and have had explicit demands ive never heard them give before. it seems theres a good chance at least 50% of invasion this time.

plus its the perfect time, the timing could never be better. energy costs through the roof, u.s completely impotent, either its now or ukraine will be too strong in the future.

the WMD thing wasnt an intelligence failing it was just a lie.

Last edited 2 years ago by stagmal
A fly in your ointment

Russians can make a vacuum over Ukraina sky, and I mean much better vacuum than what is physically possible in a lab.
Ruskies have no need for single a foot on the ground over the borderline. Msm’s keep saying ‘invasion’, it would be as if UK was to invade the Isle of Man. Most of the people in the region are ruskies or don’t see ruskies as foes. Giv’em a clear sky and they can defend.
What would ruskies gain by igniting the hostilities? Putting is much smarter than that. Not even sleepy Joe is that stupid


To use an analogy, it would be like if the US lost the cold war and broke apart into 3 or 4 pieces, and then 30 years later Texas joined the Warsaw pact.


Interesting that Michael Burry reactivated his twitter account.
His first tweet was “They want to crash the market.” His tweets auto-delete.


Intelligence, huh? Have those blokes found those WMDs and launch codes out in the Middle East yet?

A fly in your ointment

You are engaged in UnAustralian behaviour my dear, your ip had been recorded and you will be penalised for using your cerebral cortex beyond the control of thumb and index fingers for link clicking.
If you do not become convalescent within weeks, you will serve a lifetime of reading comments from an unknown shady internet entity otherwise known as “a fly in your ointment”.


Jeez Trudeau’s a weak cunt.


You can replace the “weak” with “complete and utter”.


he’s terrible lol. i dont believe the conspiracy theories that he is castro’s illegitimate son bc no spawn of a baller like fidel would act like such a fucking weak pussy.

A fly in your ointment

He grew up on estrogen laced milk… perhaps?


As are you old man lol. Fuck up ya whinging cunt.



The crazy thing about all this is that taking away everything people have, over something as menial as donating $100 to a cause they support, will only lead to further polarising people. If you’re a trucker who loses their truck/company or lose your job and have nothing left to lose, then what? Do they think people won’t be angry and will just disappear lining up for the soup truck? I doubt it.


I hope Trudeau gets his Karma. I wonder if we can make cunt a pronoun and apply it to this scumbag.


corpse is the preferred pronoun


We can only hope and the sooner the better.


Inflation is the killer. If interest rates rise here in Oz we are going to be in a world of pain.


Inflation is causing pain already. Many essential items are already going up in price.

A fly in your ointment

French stick went from 1.5 to 1.7. Most stuff is up 10-20%, only strategic and advertised is down. I like it when they print a price “was $X before, now $X-50%” on an item I’ve been buying for decades and it’s gone up by 10% from the regular price or at best the same price as the last year


Would there be any impact to savings? I’ve been working on a deposit for a chunk of land and have zero desire to see it vanish if the bank goes under.

Should I be pulling it all out and storing it as cash in a safe under the house?

As for inflation, yeah. Seeing everyday items slowly ratcheting up in price. (As per Ramjet’s comment.)


I think the central bank won’t be able to go beyond 2% without crashing the market and I can’t see the banks offering more than 1% on the savings rate ever again.
Bail in laws are already in place. If there is a crash I think they will outlaw cash.


Thanks for posting the links Robert. Once again, a great set of links.


Yep, legend!


Thanks for the links Robert.

I lived in Canada when Poodeau’s “father” was the PM. Aside from the deluded French-speaking idiots in Quebec, the rest of the country hated that scumbag like there was no tomorrow. It’s depressing to see that the “son” has followed in his footsteps.

Reus's Large MEMBER

He only had 33% of the vote and relies on the NDF (NDP) to side with him to get things done, note that he has paid off the leader Jagmeet to do his bidding


lmao boo fucking hooo, tell that to all the australian graduates living at home into their 40s+ who cant find a job at all bc they dont have parents who can get them one

its increasingly the case that you have to be ~extraordinary~ just to get a non-deadend job (and increasingly even the dead end jobs) now. like 5050505 hours of work experience in the same field already, masters degree, tailored resume, perfect cover letter, able to get through the 50 round process to even get to the interview stage

and we’re supposed to weep bc the intoes are figuring what the homegrown ppl here have known for 10+ years or so?

Last edited 2 years ago by stagmal
A fly in your ointment

As much as I agree verbatim with all you said, don’t get trapped in the Djokerpocrisy traps: students were sold pseudo education on a premise that they would get X, Y and Z. They are just customers whom complain that the product is not as advertised. The fact that both, them and the local students, got flagellated is not equal to either of them being enemy to each other but rather both are victims to a different entity all together. EZFKA is still a 2.5 tier society. Wardens, prisoners and snitches whom get a bit more power over other prisoners.
Reportedly 70% of jabbadabba-do’s thought Djoker should dope because they were coerced and gave in to coercion to dope. Same principle to above. Jabbadabba-don’t’s saw it as travesty of tyranny.


“But allowing all these super students into Australia, which helps crowd out legacy Australian’s employment opportunities, is actually good for Australia because of the marginal improvement in our worker productivity, aggregate demand increases which over time will lead to a better outcome for all Australians*”

*So long as you value the improvement in new ‘Australians’ lives as utilitarianly offsetting the diminishment in legacy Australian’s opportunities.

Neoliberalism is social cancer, it divorces the management of the economy from considering the needs of the existing society that the economic activity is merely an expression of.


rings true


Do you really think the ABC would do an article about a straight white man missing out on opportunities?


Oz is creating all these graduates in fancy sounding fields without having any forms of industry for them to work in.

Sure, you can get yourself a degree in biomedical robotics, but where’s the employer? Overseas in a country that appreciates technology and industry.

This continent has no manufacturing / development / research industry left after all the years of off-shoring and out-sourcing. (Case in point – Scummo trumpets some brain fart about kick starting “high tech manufacturing” when we can’t even produce basic things like nuts and bolts.)

As for the foreign students, they can all fuck off back home once they have their degree. The retards who attached permanent residency to study need to be dragged out and beaten.


But but $40 billion dollar export industry. The number seemed to have magically gone up from $30 billion to $40 billion during Covid. We must have got a bad case of Bidenflation here.

Johnny Canuck

Exactly the same complaints from international “students” in Canada. E.g., check out Bhargav Patel’s tweet to Justin Trudeau:

Still I am waiting for job it’s been a year in canada. Now I am feeling stressed

His Twitter account is https://twitter.com/BhargavPP. Calls himself a software engineer yet lives in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Native Canadians know enough to leave Winnipeg ASAP if they want a software job.

And young Bhargav can’t even be bothered to put a link to his website or LinkedIn profile in his Twitter profile. Half these “students” seem to think that if they just show up in a Western country and do some BS course that well paying jobs magically drop from the sky into their laps.


Sounds like he’s overqualified with that Masters in Entitlement.

Johnny Canuck

Swastika Samanta, who holds a master of environmental management…

Has Swastika tried applying for jobs in Caulfield?

Reminds me of a sign I saw in a CBD office staffed by Indian body shop workers commending “Stalin” for his friendly help desk advice.


Yeah, just saw that and thought it must have been a parody article.


With stories like this, the ABC should just merge with SBS and save taxpayers some money.


“Swastika Samanta, who holds a master of environmental management, said it had been difficult to find employment in her chosen field because public sector jobs required applicants to have permanent residency or Australian citizenship.”

I think her name probably has more to do with it.


Sorry I just saw your comment after I posted my lol moment.

Shae The Burmese

Lol. Swastika has been a part of Hindu symbolism long before it was used by you-know-who.


“Swastika Samanta, who holds a master of environmental management, said it had been difficult to find employment in her chosen field because public sector jobs required applicants to have permanent residency or Australian citizenship.”


Last edited 2 years ago by Stewie


Can’t wait to see people’s reactions when I bring up what their bible is saying now


If you look at vaccination rate by LGA in Victoria, the lowest vaccination rates are in the City of Melbourne, Yarra, Darebin, Moreland and Stonnington. Mainly so called progressive areas. These are also similar to childhood vaccination rates. I would assume similar patterns elsewhere and this would be a case of The Guardian reflecting its readership.


i think a lot of it is less bc of the hipster weirdos and bc of the residual older ethnics left over in those communities, a lot of old greeks and whatever dont want the shit.

A fly in your ointment

That book is called something rather different. It begins the spelling the same as ‘talisman’ but it ends with what is a single word describing what massively slides of a slope of a hill and kills a lot of people in South America after torrential rains.


Too cryptic for me. What’s the book called?!

A fly in your ointment

Nah, I am not saying it. Some things shan’t be said or else a little red buzzer light will flare up and record my ip.




Ooooooohhh! Ffs! Never would have guessed that one – landslide, flowslide, avalanche…. Couldn’t think of mudslide.


good player out of form


Look at what Peachy said about Patrick’s “win” (checks calendar) 18 months ago.


A fly in your ointment

Methinks if elaborated for context it would be comprehensive for the ignorant mob like me


I forgot the details & CBF looking it up, but – broadly – Patrick gave them the one vote they (Coalition) needed to pass some of their pet legislation.

he did this in exchange for a promise that they would implement gas reservation “soon” (ie in the future).

of course the future then arrived ….and the gas reservation didn’t. As it was always never going to.

Davo is kind of late lamenting the “betrayal” of Patrick. This betrayal was obvious even before it arrived.


fkn naif he was

dinnee talk to wilkie etal about pokies reform?

A fly in your ointment


Since the first time I saw those corny Police Academy movies, this always impresses me. Here’s a completely new way to look at this.


It’s weird to see this so called psychiatry debate being raised in the AFR – the first link is the second article I’ve seen on it recently. The psychologist quoted in both is Lucy Johnstone from the Critical Psychiatry Network, which only has a worldwide membership of a few hundred clinicians despite being around for over 20 years. For context, there are over 3000 psychiatrists and 10,000 psychologists in Australia alone.

The CPN has its roots with the anti-psychiatry movement, which nowadays is essentially considered a historical artefact. Stigma around the treatment of mental health has reduced significantly over the years, so it is natural to expect that more people are comfortable with seeking treatment. This is of course going to lead to more psychiatric diagnoses being made and medication scripts being prescribed – all of which is anathema to the CPN. Then you have more schemes like the NDIS, with patients now requiring formal diagnoses to get access to funding so they aren’t likely to be denying they have an illness either. I think as the CPN membership gets older, retires and dies off, it risks being forgotten or remembered as a historical relic that failed to influence the nature of current practice.


the counseling/psychology gravy train will never admit this but its true, a lot of misery is often caused by not getting laid or not getting hot girls too.


While not getting laid is usually a negative for one’s overall mental health, it’s not exactly the kind of thing which leads people to seek mental health services –suspect most would just spent their cash on a pro or pay for some kind of dating service/advice etc.

There’s no doubt bad life stuff can get people down, and in some instances can reveal underlying mental health problems especially if they don’t recover within an expected time frame or present with ongoing suicidal thoughts or self-harming behaviours. But sometimes these experiences are within a normal range, so for the majority of diagnoses there also needs to be a functional impact – some marked deterioration in work, study, relationships home life etc.

If anything, your average outpatient shrink is more likely dealing with people who have been burnt by relationships gone bad, separation, divorce, losing more than half their stuff.


If you’re a bloke and get hosed by the family court, as I was, it’s enough to send you nuts.osing all your assets, then working your arse off and being impoverished while seeing the ex blowing money on luxuries (mine spent $12000 of child support money on a fucking boob job) and your kids with holes in their clothes is a head fuck. If I could’ve killed her I would have.

Shae The Burmese

I concur. I am a woman and a counsellor and certainly have observed women absolutely destroying their partners due to their own unresolved garbage. More disturbing than the level of entitlement is that these women are raising children who, no doubt, will go on to operate within a similar framework.


There’s no doubt that financial stability and housing security help and point towards a better prognosis and stable mental health. In some state services the percentage of homeless in mental health units is well over 50%, yet even when places are found it doesn’t stop them being readmitted because they’ve stopped their meds, abused drugs, trashed their accommodation etc. If you’re from a middle class family that sort of outcome can still happen, but usually only after one has exhausted their resources and burnt all bridges with their family.

Shae The Burmese

I am a counsellor. Indeed the majority of presenting issues are usually existential in nature, although commonly labelled by the establishment as ‘anxiety;, ‘depression’ or ‘limiting beliefs’, etc. Coinciding with the search for meaning and purpose in a Godless, individualistic and mostly vacuous culture devoid of community or connection is the unconscious beliefs and programs that dictate our thoughts, feelings and subsequent behaviours, all due to sub-par parenting and other traumatic events, usually of a social relational nature. I am forever reminding my clients that the world we are expected to live in is so far removed from our natural state that it is little wonder we feel so unhappy, disenfranchised and disempowered.

My first port of call once the issues have been unearthed is something along the lines of: spend time in nature, engage in nourishing activities, build a positive relationship with yourself, exercise vigourously and regularly, make a conscious effort to expand beyond your comfort zone, hold a vision for yourself and work backwards from there.

I agree with your observation, humans are social creatures. Unless we are living in a healthy and connected community, most of us a lonely, depressed and are then told to sublimate those feelings into “smashing goals”, “changing our thoughts” or “being a boss bitch”. And so further and further we move away from our true nature and potential.


how many indians/subcontinentals do you guys reckon are really in australia?

there’s no way its like 2% like the census data says. imo its as high as 15% of all the people living in australia at this point. i see SO MANY INDIANS now its not funny, i reckon at least one in every 10 ppl i see is some kind of mystery meat subcon. it’s like mikeMB says and why i never doubted his numbers, theres this huge shadow population in aus that arent counted in the stats.


Brisbane population of subcont have started to move into the surrounding regions. It’s the largest percentage of foreign born for sure from what I see.

The new Sunshine Coast development “Caloundra South/Aura/whatever the fuck they call it” is almost 50% subcont, maybe more, and they all commute to Brisbane for shit kicker jobs which is pretty unheard of round those parts because the commute costs a lot (roughly 200km round trip per day) but they’re more than happy to buy into the suburb as they think it’s cheaper than Brisbane (debatable).

It’s the first regional example of “terrace” style housing I’ve seen in qld and it is fuckin shit. Clumps of 4 to 5 dwellings no more than 3m wide but fairly long but all blue board and plaster and just shit. Can hear the neighbours clearly through the walls, no yard, just living on top of each other when there’s miles of land surrounding the development.

The rest of it is stand alone dwellings but barely better than the terraces being bought by legazens that have been priced out of the established suburbs because of the insane prices.

The whole country is fucked and whinging on here with definitely solve it lol.


yeah w@f they do the same thing here too. theres a whole new suburb area in dubbo called south lakes and its like 95% indian, every new house therre is being bought by indians/subcons/whatever. the houses are so thin too and look like something out of some shitty outer californian suburb, two storey “terrace” houses with fake boarding upper floors.


i found the area you were talking about on street view, take a peak around its depressing as all fuck. its exactly like south lakes in dubbo


identical shithole suburbs popping up all over australia, future slums


Yeah – the subcontinent is the biggest threat for the perpetuation of Australia as a functional and culturally coherent white Anglo-Saxon society by way of their significant migration into the countryside.

Our toxic MultiCult cities are population sinks and always have been, their populations are constantly renewed from the countryside or by immigration. If we start to see significant Muslim migration to the regions, like the UK has experienced with their Pakis, then we as a nation are completely fucked.

Anyone comfortable with their cultural influence being normalised into Australian society probably hasn’t yet witnessed the bulling of a Dalit by a brahman colleague. Thanks to CRT your kids will be looked down on just as much by our newly imported professional classes.

Last edited 2 years ago by Stewie

I went down to Canberra for a few days in the school holidays and I could have been in Mumbai.


south suburbs? theyre full of indians its crazy


I know. It sucks arse.

Agent 47

It’s not 15% that’s ridiculous.

I’d say 2% is around the mark. They’re just concentrated in certain areas.

I will say in Melbourne I have noticed less of them esp in Westen suburbs. A lot of them cleared out during covid as the shitty service jobs evaporated.


i dunno man theres so many indians now, i swear. theres no way its that low.


I don’t know, 2% seems too low and 15% seems a bit high.

China and India made up over 50% of migrants pre Covid. Assume 25% of all migrants from India on the Canberra population for 10 years. That ain’t 2%.


remember though, bangladesh/pakistan/sri lanka/nepal

all of them are subcon too, theyre all the fkn same imo, so way more than just that


My calcs was to show that 2% is way too low. My 15% was just for the Indian population.


Good thread on Indians and how their they use their nominal classification as POC as a power play in the US by embracing woke politics such as the existence of white privilege and MultiCult, vs their cultural conservatism at home…. sort of like another tribe.



My old man was a dentist. He use to complain about these Paki dentists that use to travel around remote communities doing dental work.

This was because at the time Medicare use to pay by the filling. So instead of drilling out the tooth properly and then doing one single substantial filling, these ‘dentists’ would instead do 4 or 5 micro, spot fillings, just patching the surface decay and collect 4-5 times the Medicare rebate that they should have.

Then the tooth would continue to rot and decay, until like a badly patched rotten roof, it would inevitably collapse and the tooth would disintegrate and/or the patient would get an abscise, that would require them to drive 100kms in order to get emergency treatment.

Mehreen likes to skite how her Father was such a great man servicing regional Australia and regional Australians.

Her dad was the Paki dentist.

Last edited 2 years ago by Stewie

After the discussion last weekend about Singapore/Malaysians, something similar was brought to my attention about differences between Sri Lankan and Indian populations and when I thought about it fully, it also matched my experiences with Singaporean/Malaysian migrants being highly represented in professional fields unlike recent ones from China.

A random search found this link, which has the history of migration patterns for Sri Lankans.


Looking around the Home Affairs website, there are links to other countries:

I thought the one on China was interesting, as they’ve documented a 50% growth in numbers leading up to the 2016 census, from about 2012 onwards. The one on Malaysia showed a high proportion of migrant families speaking English at home (compared with China which is still majority Mandarin speaking), working in professional services, having a high median income and being more open to intermarriage.

Unfortunately the figures for India are only to 2016 – at that point it was less that 500k Indian born, but given the China figures there’s a good chance that there will be a large percentage increase when the figures are next updated.


Whatever the number is, it’s way too many and far more than we need.


Get ready for a lot more according to the corrupt parasites otherwise known as economists. https://theconversation.com/when-we-open-up-lets-open-up-big-top-economists-say-we-need-more-migrants-177359


Seems most are University economists rather then ‘top’ economists.


Thanks for the links robert.

I wasn’t that interested at the time, but surely there must be some connection between Hunter Biden and the warmongering in Ukraine. Funny how the MSM don’t talk about this at all, does anyone have any good links on this topic?

Agent 47
Shae The Burmese

It’s just a polite way of saying “we are murdering people left right and centre”.

Agent 47

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Rip PJ O’Rourke.


“I  like to do my principal research in bars, where people are more likely to tell the truth or, at least, lie less convincingly than they do in briefings and books.”
O’Rourke, P.J. (1989), Holidays in hell.

Always liked his ‘take’ on things! Vale PJ!

I still need to concentrate when I say ‘passport’ after his hilarious yarn about how ‘border officials’ around the world pronounce it-‘bass boat’; ‘pisspot’; ‘pea sport’ etc.


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That’s quite a pointed observation there!


If you’re not getting rich are you really trying hard enough as an EZFKA unit?


comment image


Good links Robert, I particularly liked the PJW link on even the woke progressives on Reddit noticing the forced diversity in advertising.

This is something that I’ve mentioned many times previous, but its generally been too politically insensitive to agree with or have much of a discussion about. Now even the progressive liberals have noticed it, perhaps we can acknowledge it as a real phenomenon and not a far right conspiracy theory.

I don’t watch much stuff from PJW – I find his smarmy voice and face annoyingly irritating. That said he does a pretty good job at summarizing talking points that the msm are too busy either supporting or pretending isn’t an issue.


Maybe it’s the woke regret they’re now realising and getting what they wished for.

Next should be mass development, housing commission and refugees in the harbourside suburbs.

Compulsorily acquire the big blocks of Wilkinson etal at bargain prices and subdivide them too.

Last edited 2 years ago by Totes

The first act I would do as Prime Minister would be to erect a housing commission tower next to Harry Triguboffs harbourside mansion, and ensure a housing commission home or half way home, was bought next to every property that Amanda Vanstone or any member of her family ever purchases, and stick a couple Sudanese families in each and every one of them.

I think we are being really unfair in allowing our elites to continue to put themselves last, in terms of denying themselves the benefits of diversity which they shower upon everyone else.

Last edited 2 years ago by Stewie

PS: I showed my wife the PJW link and she lol when they read out the comment:

“The funniest shit is when they only feature a single family but they want max diversity and we’re somehow suppose to ignore the fact a white dad an a black mom gave birth to an Asian girl and and Arabic boy. (Of course they could be adopted.)”

I can confirm that she’s noticed it for a while too and it has started to shit her.


You will never ever get mass development in the harbourside suburbs. The elite have a $10m barrier to entry and outsiders are not welcome. Plus they will put some sort of heritage overlay on every house that will prevent mass development, but will allow a place to be knocked down because the new owners didn’t like the previous place.


The benefits of diversity will override heritage concerns.

Why preserve the heritage of colonizers when we can enrich the lives of harbour side residents with diversity?

Last edited 2 years ago by Stewie

But overlaying heritage is not about preserving colonial buildings, it is a further barrier to entry, so you can’t build apartments.

They will argue they have plenty of diversity now harbourside with Chinese money buying trophy homes.


Labor party diversity

FLxO73EacAEJCbf (1).jpeg

Looks like the Greens candidates where I live. All middle aged white women.


I wonder how many women in that photo are actually mothers?


You assume that someone wants to breed with them.


“Show bob and vagene!”
“OMG he is so foreign and exotic.”


True, I sort of underestimated how desperate some people really are.


and every one of them is gunna get mugged by reality ….see shitferbrains ardern for a worked example.

full of bullshit platitudes with zero ability to execute what they espouse.
a veritable plibersek of no hopers


. Turkey does it with off the shelf parts and sells them all over the world. Why aren’t we?

im sure we can import 200,000 Turks to get this capability.

A fly in your ointment

Nah, wrong genetics and they are Mohammedans.

…he said satirically of those whom oppose massive immigration only if it comes from wrong countries.


jam that welding rod through his ears….it’ll meet 0 resistance


That and the stupid pressure we put on young kids. Why can’t we let’s boys just be boys and girls just be girls. Kids just want to do kids stuff.


The Great Reset and the Rise of Bitcoin

Worth a watch

Kids vaccine rate plummets with parents uncertain about the long term data on safety of mRMA
Authorities suggested that real-life data indicates chances of hospitalisation of unvaxed kids are two times as high and still about half that of the chances for hospitalisation from ingestion of 4-O-β-D-Galactopyranosyl-D-glucose, which is quite common with kids of that age.


Ominous ‘Z’ symbol appearing on Russian tanks

“Ominous Z symbol” and Bellingcat…..Bwahahahahah

There’s that Russian sense of humour again.

My guess is someone is having their head played with.

All the Ukrainians need to do now is mark their vehicles with a picture of Joe Biden…….the Russians will be rolling around on the ground laughing and will be a complete pushover.


Bellingcat are used by western security services to propagate ideas so ridiculous that even the corrupt MSM won’t touch them.

A fly in your ointment

Nonsensical !

it is called investigative journalism. In Africa that had this for donkey years, they even had a name for it: the bone readers.


As much as Mary Ward is not even trying to not appear as a person with underlying agenda, she touches a tiny bit of truth, probably by accident.
Novavax is late, killed by Omicron’s severity. Nuvaxovid vaccine contracted Omicron and died. Will it be included in the list of victims whom died ::of cC19:: No one cares any more if they get natural immunity. The chosen narrative is still there but that is because no ona dares being the first to oppose. I find it that it will not be for long.
The vaccine coild be a leverage as an acceptance extender for buster-shot intake for those with suicidal thoughts and absence of cerebral activity on the topic (minus those that are cornered, like health workers). The virus scare now seems to live only in msm and a select subgroup of society, no one really gives a frack for a wax or vaccine. Perhaps I am delusional.


Thoughts on the next investment trend, with the Canadian government using emergency powers to freeze crypto accounts, are we going to see a big rotation into that boring old barberous relic and its cheap cousin silver? I’m pretty sure you can still do $5k transactions without ID in Australia, or have they changed that?


Have you tried to pay for your groceries or a car using precious metals? Would they flop out a $20k metal analyzer and density scales and wish you a nice day? or would they show you the door?

A fly in your ointment

The same was true for BTC. Heck, the same was true for Reminbi or Ruble or Rand or you name it as you like until Visa and MC et cie.
Gold is something one can put in pocket or finger or neck and no one 1000’s of miles away can do sfa to devaluate it or rob you at a flick of a switch.
Some relics are exactly that for a reason. It is not strange that cultures that developed for 1000 years without connections to eachother had similar ways to store the value


I thought they were talking about transacting with precious metals. I own gold and silver and not slagging them off as a form of insurance. I just don’t buy into the prepper’s beliefs that we will be transacting in gold or silver coins.

A fly in your ointment

… it does not look that way to me.


Haven’t met a prepper yet who believes that they’ll be transacting post-apocalypse in gold or silver coins…….if you know someone who thinks that way, best let them know what their chances of survival might be.
Any fair dinkum prepper sees precious metals as a potential store of wealth for if and when things return to normal.
They also know that trade will be conducted in food, water, clothing, shelter, fuel, and other such tangibles.
Of course some transactions may be be completed by the exchange of lead.
You must know some very naive preppers.


How on earth did you interpret my post in that way? I clearly asked about it as a general investment.


Precious metal purchases under $5k currently do not require ID or reporting. If you do decide to buy, always deal only with a reputable mint or dealer. There’s a lot of stuff out there that clearly illustrates the old maxim that all that glitters is not gold.
I don’t think you should view gold as an “investment”….the word implies the expectation of some kind of return on said investment.
Most (non-professional) people hold gold as a hedge against the sudden devaluation or destruction of their fiat currency.
Gold is one of those “investments” that can quite quickly end up being worth half what you paid for it.
The supporting argument goes like “Well, it might be worth only half what I paid, but that’s 100% more than what this useless hand full of paper money is worth.
But it does have one of the advantages claimed for holding land…..they’re not making any more of it 🙂
And don’t forget, just like during the last World War, governments can still legislate to force you to surrender your gold at a price determined by them.
I’ve been toying with the same idea for several years, but keep baulking at cash handover time.
I’ve been fossicking for the stuff for several years now…..at the rate I’m going, I reckon I should reach self-sufficiency sometime in the next 300-400 years 🙂


Fossicking – that’s an interesting approach! How much gold can you get over a typical weekend of fossicking?


That’s a kind of “how long is a piece of string” type question.
If you’re a detectorist, and don’t mind wandering around the W.A. desert, you might still crack on to a multi-ounce nugget or better.
If you’re a detectorist, and wander around the Vic Golden Triangle (you’ll be the 40,000th person that has), and you have the latest detector technology, you might still stumble on a sub-ounce to low-ounce nugget – but they’re getting few and far between these days.
If you’re an alluvial fossicker (like me) and are prepared to hike into remote mountain areas, spend hours knee deep in freezing water, and shovel tons of dirt and gravel into a sluice (not like me), then you might end up with ½ to one ounce for your weekend labor.
If you’re like me, and occasionally take a few buckets of dirt home to sluice or pan, then like me, you’ll probably end up with about ½ gram of gold for about 18 months trouble.
As with real estate, location is everything when it comes to gold….it’s either there, or it ain’t.
The fun is in looking for it.
But like I said, I reckon another 300-400 years and I’ll be set for life 🙂



It’s being reported that wallets are being frozen, I’m not sure what is actually happening on the ground. I guess worse case scenario is that you won’t be able to convert cryptos back into fiat.


Thomas Edison:

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will instruct his patients in care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

Are we there yet


Mike Cannon-Brookes, Brookfield launch bid for AGL to ‘accelerate coal exit’ (smh.com.au)

This prick thinks he is the people’s hero but the reality is he has spent years lobbying the government for IT slaves, pays f/a taxes, has bought multiple trophy homes, and now likely to cause high energy prices at some point in the future.


I am 1,000,000% in agreeance! He is a hero to the left, but I have no time for him. All this stuff is stunts. He will have his hand out soon to get the government to pay rectification costs for the plant.
His last stunt was the solar farm to sell power to Singapore. No one asked him how much power will be lost on the transmission line.
If he really wanted to do something good for the environment, he would get his IT slaves to do a working bee in Western Sydney planting trees, but there are photo ops in that.


Why doesn’t he just start his own energy company and put AGL out of business the old fashion way. Or does the business plan require AGL to be shut-down first so the plebs have no choice 🤔
Why doesn’t the AFR ask Mike will he now start his own energy company now, so he can beat he’s 2035 deadline


Are you The Claw on MB site? Exactly that. It is not a benevolent gift from our saviour. They are obviously intending to make a killing out of higher energy prices elsewhere in the system.

How funny reading DrSmithy’s argument if you could call it that.



Roger Dodger

Bill Gates at the 2022 Munich Security Conference on Omicron “being a type of vaccine”….
… quite an admission.

A fly in your ointment

I’ve expected different speech.

The context said that he was sad about Omicron as it proved that they were unable to provide a suitable mRMA jabbadabba fast enough.
The scary bit being that the genetic jabbadabba will have to wait for a few years for the next once-in-a-100-years event. Also, it makes me pale that it is likely that every next outbreak, be it chlamydia or plane ole flu will be treated with a rna jabbadabba.


Didn’t Dr Coatsworth also say this three months ago and was slammed by The Project and the loonies on Twatter. Now all these loonies will say Bill Gates is probably right, the guy without a medical degree. Just further proves that decisions were hardly based on science.

Roger Dodger

Senator Alex Antic in good form during Senate Estimate hearings:

  1. Alerting the safe’n’secure EZFKA unit to what lies ahead (i.e. 4 or 5 jabs)
  2. Making ATAGI chairman (Nigel Crawford) look like a dill re vaccine efficacy re transmission reduction (i.e. something ATAGI don’t actually get involved in!)
Last edited 2 years ago by Roger Dodger

hes a good sort, one of the only reasons to stick lnp above alp in the preference rank

Roger Dodger

The best one-page charting tool I have found for the UK Yellowcard reporting data (and it’s up-to-date!) The author is “T. Coddington” a.k.a. inumero.substack.com.


You can see the raw-numbers vs per/100k figures broken down by vaxx-status, age, cases/admissions/hospitalization, etc.

inumero a.k.a. t.coddington tablue one-page-for-UK-yellowcard.png
Reus's Large MEMBER

Great link, I had been thinking about doing that, he just saved me a ton of time.

As much as the vax seems to help keep the vaxxed fatties alive to a greater extent than the unvaxxed ones. If you click on the 40-49 groups and cases, it seems that if you are vaccinated you are more likely to catch the whuflu in the first place.


You might consider yourself a redneck, but there is no way you’ll ever be this much of a red neck…




No one could have ever predicted this would happen