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Agent 47

I’ll go first

Nikoloz Basilashavi – Tennis – ATP Cup Sydney


Aussie Soy Boy

It’s a strange one and hasn’t received much media attention. Could well be another vaccine victim.


I’m zero chance of posting on this topic, unless I am an eyewitness to the event. It’ll be buried that deep a R2900 couldnt dig it out!

Agent 47

That’s alright I’m happy to monitor this one as my contribution.

Aussie Soy Boy

Was it really necessary for Djokovic to be effectively jailed until Monday to hear the case? Seems a little spiteful as if to say if you’re going to fight this and win the case we’re going to at least ruin your preparation as much as possible. I think it would be very difficult for him to win the Open now with a preparation of 5 days confined to a small room surviving on limp sandwiches and bruised pieces of fruit.

This is as easy a case as it gets no? He either has the correct visa or he doesn’t? He can’t be the first tennis player, support staff, official who has been given the wrong visa, surely they just explain the situation, surely there’s someone or several people at the big tournaments that liaise with immigration to help the players be compliant.

I’ve never heard of something like this in my life. People are playing it off as Djokovic’s fault for not having the correct papers, rules are rules, etc, but must be a coincidence this happened within 24 hours of the Australia public (and consequently the politicians) becoming upset of Djokovic being given permission to enter.

Reus's Large MEMBER

Pure politics, but making EZFKA look stupid as anything on the global stage, aside from the NT which is getting some great press for being the new Nazi Germany for their actions.

Agent 47

*Bolshevik Russia


He can’t be the first tennis player, support staff, official who has been given the wrong visa, surely they just explain the situation, surely there’s someone or several people at the big tournaments that liaise with immigration to help the players be compliant.

Indeed. Since it is clear that Djoker is *not* going to skip his visa condition and he will return to his miserable home country of residence: Monaco, plus he’s got a conformed employment which is guaranteed to get him outside of AUS and into France within months, the difference is that “rules are flexible rules” when a sportsman’s participation is in national interest, you know, like participating in an “open, international” competition, say Cricket, Rugby, etc. Maybe Tennis.

“Rules are Rules” is indicative of systemic and institutionalised (varieties)-isms and particularly the “fail to substantiate the visa claim” at the entry border post. These two allow literally arbitrary border rejection and detention.
But we divert from the real issue here: it is not the border, it is not the visa, neither is his exemption. It is that Novak is an institution that pisses against the prevailing winds and wins left, right, and centre. Unstoppable, undefeatable*, unbelievable and at the top of it unwaxed.

A new theory of events suggests that Novak was sucked in by getting his visa but to be slapped unceremoniously at the border and that there was an assumption that he’d be pissed off and would take the morning flight back without setting a foot past the immigration’s red line. Him staying and fighting is the Steve Keen** moment for them (the unfathomable bit).

> If Djoker wins the in court battle and ends up on court, it can swing two extreme ways for his performance. FOr the sake of popcorn business, I hope it becomes raw power that gets him to be unrelentless winner (of course, within sportsmanship bounds)
> Leaving the detention and being allowed to play is likely to be bound by a gag order. Knowing how Djoker is gutless, he’ll probably steer in wide angle from any comments, which in turn will cause him more grief than benefits.
> To relay Kyrgios’ view, Djoker should embrace the bad boy attitude in the sports arena and just troll the media. They will bash him no matter what he does. Trolling the media always causes them to go ballistic and in return that exposes their views as irrational and not the journalism. This will take them to the SeeEnEn path. Djoker should use his performance in sports arena to enter the corrida as a toreador for the media bull – and wave his red cloth….

* in relative terms
** purely as an euphemism for “expect what is surreal and unexpectable to occur”, no intention to denigrate Keen


What an absolute banana republic we are.

The feds have detained another tennis player who has been in the country for a while. I guess now that Scotty has made a political point about Novak they have to kick out other people who got into the country legally.

What fucking country just makes up rules like this as they go along?


a banana republic commonwealth

it is just that the banana bit was well hidden and tucked in behind the house boom times in the past, boom times now and boom times ahead


a banana republic commonwealth economic zone

Chinese Astroturfer

It’s incredible what has happened in the last 48 hours and I think the ITF will be casting an eye towards the Middle East or China now to either replace the Australian Open or add a 5th major in order to white ant the Australian Open.

Sponsors will be looking to disassociate with this mess.

Craig Tiley is gone. He’s the scapegoat whether he deserves it or not.

This is nothing short of a total debacle, unlike anything that’s really happened to an athlete in any stable, democratic country with a rule of law.

I’m trying to think of any equivalent to this in sport?

Imagine if this was Serena Williams looking to break the majors record, who had followed the protocols put before her, was given a vaccine exemption, was given a visa, and is now locked up in a grotty detention centre for 5 days with no belongings except her phone and no change of clothes? The media’s hot take would be 180 degrees different. BLM protests across the world. It would be considered the gravest injustice ever committed against an athlete.

It makes you think though, if a $200 million man with the best lawyers money can buy can still wind up in Australian detention when he’s followed the process set out for him by Tennis Australia, what chance does Mohammed in the detention centre who speaks three words of English have of receiving fair treatment from authorities?


The Open leaving Australia, well good. Let’s cast our minds back 12 months to the previous AO. It was a farce. A locked down weary Melbourne was forced to have the Open by the elite. Everyone that I spoke to didn’t want it. No one cared about it. Why do you think were booing at the speeches at the end? Now we made a bigger farce.

It makes more sense to play the Open in Dubai than Melbourne at the end of January. Weather is better, easier to get to and more sponsorship $$$s. Plus after this, a more welcoming environment. Yes, discrimination against LGBTIQ and all that, but money have far exceeded concern for that long ago.


The best part is we are showing the world how much of a petty and insecure economic zone we have become. It is all on display.

Cast your minds back to the ridiculous restrictions that we imposed on people during Covid. Yes, we have given you permission to visit your dying parents, but you can’t fly commercial airlines. Or, you can only eat or drink with a mask on.

To be honest, this just follows the theme of ridiculousness.

Shae The Burmese

Can we send a link to Novac to join EZFKA forum?

Last edited 2 years ago by Gouda

The two policy outcomes will be:
1) More highrises to be filled by more migrants
2) Reduce the deposit requirement so that RBA can perpetually lower teh rates


3) Removal of red tape

You know this will be a recommendation and it has worked so well in the past. Look at combustible cladding, the Victorian taxpayer is picking up the expense too.


Absolutely every time government regulation is reduced it invariably leads to poor outcomes for consumers/customers, and the general public.

How many times can you think of that deregulation ever did anything good, other than for the companies that stand to benefit from it?


I think you’re overcomplicating it:

More regulation = generally better consumer fairness and in general outcomes, offset with maybe higher prices

Less regulation = benefits business primarily, small benefit to consumers via sometimes lower prices

For one example; look at what happened as soon as the travel industry convinced the government that trust accounts weren’t necessary (Hello world is now broke taking customer deposits with it. This could not have happened if they had a trust account).


More regulation = generally better consumer fairness and in general outcomes, offset with maybe higher prices

Less regulation = benefits business primarily, small benefit to consumers via sometimes lower prices

That depends entirely on what the regulations are.
Ever tightening regulations on cars are crushing all the smaller makers and creating an ever smaller oligopoly of makers that can actually build cars that meet the requirements.
Regulations on land use are the entire reason land banking is possible and profitable.
I’m sure there are plenty more examples as well.


Dont forget 35 and then 40 year mortgages

We’re all living longer, means working at 65+ years old should be no dramas!

Chinese Astroturfer

There was another in Brazil I think.

Shae The Burmese

Just stumbled across an interesting nugget that the hoo-haa re Novac may be in part connected with his involvement in rallying Serbians in protest against Rio Tinto spreading their tentacles there. Word is that Rio head honcho is tightly connected with Tennis Australia big wigs. Could be credible, could be not. Anything goes in EZFKA as we now know!


It bears lots of weight, it is that the political side of events dwarfs their big case.

Way too many locals blame their suffering to those that somehow supposedly gamed the warden rather than the prison system itself. Scommy just used that Stockholm sheet against them… and they cheer him.


2 shots can have a devastating effect, particularly with coercion


fifo is copping covid, whatever rio does.


How is it possible that they can double down on this madness in the face of obvious evidence of lack of efficacy? How is this legal?
I hope the mining sector burns and cunt face dies screaming.


mining sector is getting pineappled bigtime, in due season.
fifo is cooked


forgot to say that out in the sticks no one is gunna police this shit


western australia gonna be like this


in 3 months


dead right. false negatives will fk ’em and masks are as effective as the vax…..kaboom!


triple jab coming right up then 4,5,6??……nek minit..


Yeah I would imagine this will become boring very quickly. They will have to put a helmet on the guys asking for “Eine Papierin bitte” so to protect them when they get glassed.


How is it possible that they can double down on this madness in the face of obvious evidence of lack of efficacy? How is this legal?

They can double down on the madness because they haven’t come up with any sort of alternative plan yet.

It’s legal because for the most part they get to decide what is or isn’t legal.


What else are they gonna do? They can’t admit they fucked up and there is no Plan B, so doubling down on the failed policy is all they got.


…double down on this madness in the face of obvious inefficacy?

It’s the ezfka way.
10 Q: Does it work?
20 IF reply = Yes THEN STOP
30 IF reply = Nope THEN New solution = 2× Old solution
40 GOTO 10


Government systems no longer coded in Basic. The upgrades were outsourced to India.

Chinese Astroturfer

It’s nothing to do with public health. It’s all about compliance with the directives of the state. These little Hitler’s don’t like it when people don’t comply with their idiocy.


According to news when Duterte does it’s appalling but when cunt face does it he’s a fucking hero. What’s the difference?



A sporting collapse of a different kind.


The twist in the story is that the loser from Penn State is a giant dude who’s been smashing all the women in recent comps. The winner from Yale is a woman who is transitioning to a man, but is still allowed to compete as a woman for some reason.

This shit is the end of women’s sport.


Clown world. Freaking theater of the absurd.


I have to admit I laughed like a drain after reading that article. And the South Park “Strong Woman” clip at the end was a ball tearer.


Macho Man Randy Savage. Hilarious.

Max Payne

I don’t know if this is caused by the wax, but it looks rather dodgy to me:



They forgot to put the Lifeline number at the bottom of article to subtly let us know it was suicide.

This one has it:
Former Fremantle midfielder Harley Balic tragically dies at age 25 | Daily Mail Online


spent time at a WA afl franchise? substance abuse


comment image

Someone else here was also saying this hey.

Shae The Burmese

Yeh me. I didn’t deep dive though, was not aware ScoMo was so connected with Rio, and not in a Aldi shopping bag sort of way. Like, it’s on his CV sort of way. The plot thickens as things become more clear.



plus bob saget

not athletes , but otherwise completely healthy

cunts just dropping like flies at the moment


holy shit i remember her

thats sad af, another weird unexplained death huh



If this is for sportsmen* please delete.

* combinatory word ‘men’ here used in genderless meaning to represent male, female, children and all other imaginary genders of humans


lol, i had this in browser for long, did not see it was already posted


And dan is still on the telly telling people the jab prevents you catching it…

Reus's Large MEMBER

I am amazed at how many people are still going with this narrative, I know that the BB’s are pretty slow to learn but still I would have thought that the populace would have woken up sooner.

Don’t get me started on the crazies wanting to vax their kids, unless your child is massively at risk (already sick or have a immune disease) then why the hell would you want to put that shit into them.


Munchhausen-by-proxy syndrome probably. many of these karens are completely bonkers.


In a not-so-veiled warning of a coming financial crash, the International Monetary Fund admonished today that emerging markets could be seriously affected once the U.S. Federal Reserve starts to tighten monetary policy—especially countries with high inflation. They warn capital could be rapidly withdrawn from these countries.

Posting on its blog, the IMF said:

“Broad-based U.S. wage inflation or sustained supply bottlenecks could boost prices more than anticipated and fuel expectations for more rapid inflation. Faster Fed rate increases in response could rattle financial markets and tighten financial conditions globally. These developments could come with a slowing of U.S. demand and trade and may lead to capital outflows and currency depreciation in emerging markets.”

According to a report in the London Guardian, the Fed is expected to end its asset-purchase program in March, and to raise interest rates three times this year. One U.S. bank has predicted four such rate hikes in 2022.

Although the Guardian does not mention it, Turkey, which has 36% inflation and whose currency is collapsing against the dollar, with over $600 billion in public and private foreign debt, is a prime candidate for a disaster which could contribute to initiating the global crash.

Which country do people think it will start in? I always thought USA, but Turkey could be right

Reus's Large MEMBER

Blackrock will not let them raise the rates, they would rather people go to the wall than loose their cheap money.

Reus's Large MEMBER

They did that in late 2019 to “save” them, which is why I think that this whole pandemic was coverup for the true financial crisis that was going on.


My KISS understanding of interest rates rise were they are used to smack down Labor when they start to ask for more of the pie.

We have had to increase our casual rate by 15% in the last 2yrs (manufacturing for construction)


Perhaps the sudden unexplained collapse of athletes is a metaphor for what is about to engulf us all.

The Double Helix of Entwined Pandemic and Economic Strategy

Three years ago, I said to an American Professor from the US Army War College in Washington, in respect to the campaign to return American lost Blue Collar jobs to Asia, that these jobs would never return. They were gone for good.

He retorted that that was precisely so, but I was missing the point, he said. America did not expect, or want, the majority of those humdrum manufacturing jobs back. They should stay in Asia. The Élites, he said, wanted only the commanding heights of Tech. They wanted the intellectual property, the protocols, the metrics, the regulatory framework that would allow America to define and expand across the next two decades of global technological evolution.

The real dilemma however, he said was, “What is to be done with the 20% of the American workforce that would be no longer needed: that was no longer necessary to the functioning of a tech-led US economy?”



And why is Fauci still not in jail?


Very good question. But then I look at our elite and it just seems to be normal.


Yes, that is true.

Reus's Large MEMBER

12 months TM

Last edited 2 years ago by Reus's Large MEMBER


And we’re trusting this bloke to jab the nation?

Aussie Soy Boy

You’ve got to wonder what was the whole point of 5 million people spending 200 plus days of lockdown in Melbourne, the 5km radius, fining people for household gatherings, arresting people for sitting on park benches, sending small businesses to the wall, curfews, breathlessly reporting on every COVID death as an avoidable tragedy only to let the virus rip through the entire population unabated a mere few months later, hosting a tennis tournament with tens of thousands of people in attendance.

If we were only just going to let it run through population 18 months later as if we learned nothing about the virus in that period then you have to say the entire COVID response in Australia has been a total failure at every level, negligent and criminal too.

How do people flip from calling others granny killers if they don’t abide by all the rituals when there is barely any COVID in the community to attending family functions, attending the tennis, going to pubs when COVID is ripping through the country at some of the highest rates on the planet?

That’s a complete 180 in mindset and beliefs in a 6 months span.


Another theory that explains a lot but honestly sounds a bit of too much of organisation skill behind it – in a form of “joint criminal enterprise”.

1. What is contently named WuFlu is the original release vi rus and that 2. each and every ‘variant’ was also a release to see the interaction with humans and 3. that the ‘omicron’ variant is designed solution which aims to displace the original virus and it is technically a laterall vaccination. This goes well with the nature of viruses that immunity for one may cause immunity across a comaptible spectrum.

I am perhaps closed for the claim 2. but the rest ventures into plausible turf. It explains a relative narrative change into wax =not a protection as advertised, relative acceptance of let it rip policy overnight, toning down of absolute terms in fear peddling.
Ciu bene is quite clear and quite contrary to official anglosphere narrative.

Please do not take the speculation as anything more than a speculation. If it is allowed and it is legal on the bourse it should be available elsewhere too.

Shae The Burmese

It’s a plausible as anything else at this point. Personally I think it was a rush-job. It has been executed poorly and appears to have taken little consideration into modern man’s ability to rapidly share information and anecdotal evidence in close-to real time and across continents.

Reus's Large MEMBER

Let’s elaborate that a little more …

Pfizer CEO comes out and says that the vaccines have little if any protection against Omicron – So why the fuck are we trying to vaccinate the kids with something that clearly does not work.

Rumours are going around that having a cold can produce the T cells that can help to fight Omicron (umm Rhinovirus vs Coronavirus …mmmm)

Apparently Omicron has the same severity as the common cold …

Vaccinated people, according to new data out of the US and UK, are catching Omicron 3x more per 100k than unvaccinated people, noting that the triple vaccinated seem to be leading the charge with infections.

Long term effects of Omicron could include heart issues, blood clots and strokes …. sounds a lot like the vaccines side effects does it not.

So this leads me to believe that this Omicron “scareient” is a cover for the side effects of the vaccine and is nothing more than a bad cold going around and those that have had the vaccine are immune suppressed which is why they are catching it is such large numbers.

This would also explain the mandates to get everyone vaccinated to remove the control group (credit to Peachy for that idea)

Last edited 2 years ago by Reus's Large MEMBER

If we were only just going to let it run through population 18 months later as if we learned nothing about the virus in that period then you have to say the entire COVID response in Australia has been a total failure at every level, negligent and criminal too.

As I’ve said for 2 years, a virus is gonna virus and we are not god and can’t stop it so you either:

  1. lockdown to try to slow the virus:
  2. let it rip.

And as soon as 1 stops 2 will go ahead the same as it would have anyway so there was never any point unless you were willing to lockdown forever.


(2) was always going to happen especially when your economic model relies on the wholesale importation of people.

Australia’s dumb luck has meant that it is ripping in summer on a mild version of the virus, so death toll and economic cost is going to be lower than in say winter.


this wave will die out, same as all the others and the next one will be in winter with everyone 6 months+ from last vax shot…

A fly in your ointment


Yeah, and Princess Diana died of gravitational complications

A fly in your ointment

Not a sports personality, is that a foundation to deport me based on bad character?

A fly in your ointment

So are you saying I may get deported?

A fly in your ointment

One of the episodes of the Twilight Zone- “where is everybody”.


Like the weekend links/afternoon links on that other site, the highest article becomes general chat.
A forum thread may be better if you want an actual list kept…

Although given the tumbleweeds blowing through there, maybe not,.

Reus's Large MEMBER

Trust me they are going to blame all the issues from the vaccines on “long omicron” …

Reus's Large MEMBER

Yeah we are on the same page with this stuff


If they admit it is the vax they are liable for damages…

Agent 47

Back on topic – three players withdrawing due to chest issues at Australian Open.


A fly in your ointment

novaks visa finally cancelled, is there any possibility for appeal here or is he cooked?

A fly in your ointment

Apparently yes and apparently his lawyers are ready.

Hawke waited for Friday pm on a purpose, to stop him play, which is the real agenda here. If they stop him play they will let him stay in the country but he will not need to – mission accomplished.
Being that Djoker is a thorn in FYVY and that 3 of 4 GS are in anglosphere, no effects on the future of AO.

Reus's Large MEMBER

Australia the laughing stock of the world yet again, on another note the press is having a field day with Mark Mcfuckwit and his totally racist speech, going viral for all the wrong reasons, between WA, Vic and Qld, Australia is tarnished before even the Novax thing


I don’t know how he thought this was a good idea. Maybe the pressure is getting to him.

A fly in your ointment


‘Most of us have been coerced, and so Novak should be coerced too. It’s (now) the Australian way.’

This mentality is toxic and needs to end. 

And, of course, when everyone has been coerced, it’s much easier to imagine that no one has been coerced.

Wasn’t Novak told that ‘we’re all in this together’ (except for the 10 per cent of Australians who are not in this with all of us together)? Apart from those 2.5 million unvaccinated Australians (whom we shall never speak of again), the rest of us have agreed, ‘no jab, no job’ – and so should the Serb.


The real issue is that we’ve already got half a million cases of Covid thanks to fully vaccinated travellers who arrived here from overseas. And that’s precisely why Novak should have been fully vaccinated when he arrived here from overseas.

Don’t complain that the last paragraph makes no sense. Nothing has made much sense for the past two years, so why would you start expecting logic now? Like vaccination, cognitive dissonance should be a condition of entry into Australia.


Aubameyang diagnosed with ‘cardiac lesions’ after leaving COVID isolation (smh.com.au)

The “cardiac lesions” were found in a check by Confederation of African Football medical officials, who examined Aubameyang to assess whether he was fit to play again after he returned from a positive COVID test, the Gabon federation said in a statement.

Two other Gabon players were also prevented from playing after similar medical checks following their return from positive tests.


Just as well that the vaccines are safe then……oh, hang on:

Rare condition listed as possible side effect of COVID-19 shots

The European Medicines Agency wants to put warning labels on Covid-19 jabs made by AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson, saying there was a “reasonable possibility” they may have caused a spinal inflammation on rare occasions.

Following three days of meetings and discussions, the EMA’s Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) said Friday it wants to include a warning for “very rare cases of transverse myelitis (TM) reported following vaccination” with Vaxzevria and Janssen jabs. It is also adding the condition as an “adverse reaction of unknown frequency to the vaccine profile.

The EMA describes TM as a rare neurological condition characterized by an “inflammation of one or both sides of the spinal cord,” which can cause weakness in arms or legs, tingling, numbness, pain – or loss of pain sensation – and problems with bowel and bladder function.


It’s interesting that they refer, in the first instance, to “very rare cases”…..and then, in the following sentence refer to “unknown frequency”.

If they don’t know the frequency of the condition, how do they know that it’s rare?

I guess that’s called having two bob each way.

Last edited 2 years ago by plaguerat

I never stated the vaccines have no risk. Some of you are becoming as biased and unhinged as those on the other side like Sweeper. There is enough data out now to know that you are much more likely to get myocarditis from the virus than the vaccine, that you are more likely to end up with other issues such as Type 1 Diabetes a year after contracting the virus.


No. VAIDS, genetic modification, etc are all made up bs.

That heavy breathing you and DD recently encountered with Covid is inflammation of the lungs. That means your heart could also be inflamed. Think about that carefully and avoid exerting yourself for a little while.


I don’t think the government response was irrational. You can see it now with stuffed economy, people distancing themselves, people angry, despite having been given the chance to get vaccinated. Imagine voter response if earlier more virulent strains were allowed to rip with no vaccination.

Almost certainly the increased incidence of other issues like Type 1 Diabetes already mentioned. That is expected. It remains to be seen whether this is one of the viruses linked to other things like increased cancer risks. I doubt it would be anymore serious than that for the general population.

Last edited 2 years ago by Freddy

Can’t link image. Sydney spending lower than complete lockdown last year.

Australians are spending as though they are in COVID-19 lockdowns, data from ANZ Bank suggests – ABC News

Last edited 2 years ago by Freddy

Can’t link image. Sydney spending lower than complete lockdown last year.

I guess a lot of consumers remember this:

Victoria’s ombudsman labels Covid border permit system that stranded thousands ‘inhumane’
Thousands of Victorians were unjustly denied a Covid-19 border exemption to return home to farewell dying loved ones, attend medical appointments, care for sick family members or start jobs.

Also, remember how tens of thousands of the unclean were denied access to ordinary, everyday shopping….the same crap that is about to occur in the mining quarry over to our west?
I’ll bet that helped the economy no end.

I can assure you that I have a not inconsiderable sum sitting idly in the damn bank because I wasn’t allowed to go out and spend it.

And my recreational fuel consumption and travel expenditure is next to zip…..not because I’m afraid of some shit virus, but because I can’t be sure of what the idiots in charge of the asylum will do if I get too far away from home.

Have a peek at what is happening to tourism and hospitality across the entire country.

Is it because of the virus……or the fear of “what will the imbeciles think of next”?

Why would you make a booking, and pay at least a deposit, for some recreational expenditure when, at the drop of a hat, the lunatics in charge could pull the rug out from under you.

Example at hand….people who have travelled from all over to Melbourne to go the Australian Open…..now stuck in Shitsburg, Victoria with ticket sales pegged at 50%.

Paid in advance for anything that involves singing and dancing? (no, Hillsong don’t count)……well tough titties, ‘cause you can’t do that anymore.

It’s becoming a classic case of “the cure is worse than the disease”.

There are two reasons for everything in life, Freddy…..the stated reason, and the real reason.

Spend more time looking for the latter.


More the case that you think you are in the majority when you are actually in the minority. I bet you are one of those that believed Sweden didn’t have a recession when the reality is they had a deeper recession that Australia.

Last edited 2 years ago by Freddy

That heavy breathing you and DD recently encountered with Covid is inflammation of the lungs. 

Oh, you mean like this?

Influenza A virus (IAV) is a relevant respiratory tract pathogen leading to a great number of deaths and hospitalizations worldwide. Secondary bacterial infections are a very common cause of IAV associated morbidity and mortality. The robust inflammatory response that follows infection is important for the control of virus proliferation but is also associated with lung damage, morbidity and death. 



IAV is the Spanish Flu


You’d better let these people know quickly, so they can update their website:

What is influenza A?
Influenza A is a type of virus that causes influenza (the flu), a highly contagious respiratory illness. If you get it, you will need to rest at home and avoid infecting others. Vaccination can protect you against influenza A.
The other types of influenza virus are type B and type C.


Last edited 2 years ago by plaguerat

This site needs a facepalm emoji.


haha. I have never noticed. It shows you how much I use them.


Some of you are becoming as biased and unhinged as those on the other side like Sweeper. 

No….just old enough to have seen it all before, and fortunate enough to have lived in a time when critical thinking and open, honest debate was a thing.

Want an example of “biased and unhinged”?

Try the deplatforming and demonisation of people like Robert Malone and Peter McCullough, among others….now that’s the very definition of “biased and unhinged”.


Really? Is that from unbiased sources that wouldn’t have to pay damages if it turned out to be damaging, and didn’t force their populations to take it?
Why would they want the trials data hidden for 55 years if there are no problems?


Alphonso Davies, Bayern Munich defender has been diagnosed with “mild” myocarditis. They are claiming it is from his recent asymptomatic Covid, of course nothing to do with his triple vaxx.

I’m fully down with the omnicron as cover for vaxx side issues theory.


Do we have Victor Lindelöf on the list yet? Another soccer player from Man United with sudden heart issues.


The UKs leading sports cardiologist:

“As someone who has knowledge of what actually happened to some of these people and the diseases that affected them, I can tell you I don’t think it was football-related, just bad luck. It’s just this year we have had a few of these events.”



I hate lazy comparisons to 1930s Germany, but you question how everyday Germans could allow things to continue down that path and then look around you today.

The whole Djokovic debacle has me really confused and scared about where we’re heading as a society. I know Scomo has used this as a cheap political ploy, and I knew the decision to kick him out a second time was going to depend on another scandal developing (thanks Hillsong!). But what baffles me is the overwhelming support the government has on this issue. Other than Serbian nationalists and hardcore libertarians, everyone in Australia has been conditioned into believing Djokovic is a legitimate threat to the country. How did we get here?

A fly in your ointment

Djoker lacks political convictions and principles for such sacrifice. I doubt he sees himself as a fighter for a higher cause. He will though give what he has in abundance to others that need it (money) and that is his way of things.
Just for comparison zucker-hill and B-zos types will give only when it suits their agenda or profits.

A fly in your ointment

“The strength and actions of one brave individual, [Novak Djokovic] can give us hope and courage,” Prince Philip wrote on social media.

“It is becoming increasingly evident the ‘free world’ is accelerating down a path of tyranny. When tyranny shows its ugly face then it is our duty to speak out.

Many will not recognize we are heading down this dangerous path since tyranny has a cunning way of disguising itself as an act of good, therefore, those who speak out are often met with disapproval and outrage, as is the case of our brave brother [Novak].

“We have become distracted in our modern society, as a result we can easily forget the telling lessons of history.”

“When one’s individual freedom of choice is compromised then this is both morally and constitutionally wrong. It is paramount we protect our individual sovereignty or we risk losing everything,”


Chinese Astroturfer

Aussies are scum for the most part.


Don’t beat around the bush…tell us what you really think 🙂


If stays he will drum up “anti-vaccinated sentiment”. I think we entering failed state status.


Chinese Astroturfer

The government invoked laws used to kick out criminals and terrorists to kick out the world’s best tennis player who is COVID free and one of the healthiest humans on the planet.


Yep. It’s bananas. It has that kill the chicken to scare the monkey vibe all over it. This has been orchestrated to put the fear into any dissenters.


We were warned years ago that much of this type of legislation, brought down to protect us from all those nasty terrorists, would some time in the future bite us in the arse.

Welcome to the future.


It’s the righteous satisfaction from the majority of the populace that is worrying. This is being whipped up into a frenzy with government encouragement. People want retribution. If the governement put Djokovic in jail for 20 years because of this, the majority of Australian’s would probably support it because they don’t like him. We have effectively mob rule here.

Chinese Astroturfer

It could get dangerous to be unvaccinated in this country beyond the apartheid that exists in most of EZFKA right now.


I have friends that are leaving. They are not sticking around to find out what happens next. They are heading to Florida, which seems to be one of the saner places on the planet.


you cant go to america unless youre vaccinated.


Yes. They already had to get it under duress but they are doing it for their kids. I don’t think it’s mandatory for children under 18 in the US yet.


It could get dangerous to be unvaccinated in this country beyond the apartheid that exists in most of EZFKA right now.

I never thought I’d see the day when any group of Australians would feel threatened and disenfranchised in their own country…..but I fear that you are correct.

There is one ray of hope for those whose objection is solely to the current offerings of genetics-based vaccines:

TGA’s final decision on Novavax expected in the next 10 days
The approval for Australia’s 51 million promised supply of protein-based vaccine, Novavax, may be approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in the following days.


Setting aside the repugnant element of mandatory vaccination, this vaccine might at least offer a way through this unholy mess for those with well-founded concerns about the current dubious offerings.

Last edited 2 years ago by plaguerat

Precisely. When most of our news articles have Tweets in them masquerading as news, mob rule was going to be next.


All the free to read media are basically government/corporate mouthpieces and they are used to test public reaction. They will gauge the public response to a controversial topic and if the public push back is strong they will adjust the message.
For example in the story linked below the title was Josh Szeps shuts down Joe Rogan which was subsequently changed to fact checks when the majority in the comments starting calling news lying shit bags.
In Djokers case the majority of Aussies don’t like him so the media are free to dump truckloads of shit on him without any push back.


Chinese Astroturfer

Interesting. From a Seattle nurse.


Venus Williams has publicly supported Novak. I wonder if her and Serena are “injured” or unvaxxed. Do Jehovah Witnesses get the vaxx?

Chinese Astroturfer

This will take some of the nastiness out of the debate the pack dogs won’t go after a black female.


Doubt it. The mob wants him out. Now they are going on about lying on the application because he went to Spain for training. It is as trivial as this:

Going to Spain is hardly a security threat to Australia.


It’s like the sheeple have never watched Border Security. Every elderly couple coming in from Asia says they have no food on their declaration and their luggage contains enough homemade shit to start a food truck. $500 fine and move on.


lol ya i never fill out those forms correctly either, no one gaf.

A fly in your ointment

The switch to paint Djoker as some sort of rich and self entitled celebrity whom is above the law is a cunning way to draw him down into mud. Beastly.


Do Jehovah Witnesses get the vaxx?

Yep….got some good neighbours who are JWs, and they’ve rolled up the sleeve.

Nice thing is that they don’t give a shit that I haven’t 🙂


The protest in Perth was big today. Outside the governor’s house.

You will need telegram to view it.



I was there. It was hearteningly big. A diversity of people and views,all anti mandate. McGowan will dismiss everyone as antivaxxer and the MSM will repeat him. And they weren’t there.

Last edited 2 years ago by robert2013

There is nothing in the MSM. They are completely ignoring it. There will probably be an article in the West Australian on Monday condemning everyone. Hopefully next week will be an even bigger crowd. They can’t ignore people forever.