This week we started seeing COVID cases take off again in NSW and VIC as people started moving around and partying fearlessly like they were told to. The hope is that due to the vaccines that hospitalisations won’t take off. It might be too early to call the trend, but the right hand side of these charts is nudging up.
Bullshit abounds:
Opinion piece in AFR by Nathan Grills, a professor at the University of Melbourne, calling for an end to mandates:
US courts acknowledge the dubiousness of the mandates with temporary blocks:
Companies begin to follow suit:
US Senate votes against one of the mandates:
Australian unemployment at decade lows. WA at 3.8%. Looks like people are doing great!

However, it’s all an illusion. It’s one big disaster that we have to recover from by turning up migration to 11:
This week’s “Please explain” from One Nation has plenty of gags and is surprisingly informative too. It’s probably the tone to strive for on weekend links.
The AUD continue to recover. I think it’s sticking to its 70-75 cent band that it’s been in for ages.

Bitcoin is holding it’s ground. So am I.

As Peachy pointed out, the UK hiked rates this week. So did Norway.
How Germany and California are making life harder than it has to be by closing nuclear power stations:
If you can, get to a protest this weekend.
Protest posters pics:
Nothing for Sydney AFAIK. They had a big one last weekend.
The links for the protest marches don’t seem to be working. How did they go?
copy and paste after the //
I chopped the h off the http because the site automatically put the images into the post and made them huge.
Great work putting the links together Robert.
Yep they are really good. Does anyone have any idea why the whole great resignation thing is being pushed?
I keep seeing it everywhere. I assume it’s lies, and people are actually desperate for jobs, but it’s surprisingly slick propaganda.
Trying to work out why someone is pushing it.
Largely a cover for mandates.
However there are some people who probably realised they gated their jobs and are changing to something else.
Also the free gibs COVID payments the last 12 months.
you mean people getting fired for not complying with the mandates, right?
Yes or resigning by totally not being coerced.
My employer tried getting tough with me a few weeks ago. I told them to carry on and sack me then, and they quickly folded.
they folded coz they’re pissants or they’re waking up?
Because they’re pissants. They’d like to sack me and the other members of the resistance, but they know it would be a shocking blow to morale to terminate 10% of the company, and more importantly, most of us have very rare skills that can’t be replaced at the moment because nobody is replying to the job ads. We’re struggling to meet deadlines as it is.
money talks, hey? Ideology or bullying might be nice, but not so attractive if it’s going to immediately hit you in the back pocket by denting revenue 😌
but this sort of stuff tends to be quite corrosive in the medium term. Now that you (“and the resistance”) have realised how little care or loyalty the employer has towards you, the goodwill is burnt and people will look for other work and leave, in time.
well fk ’em. I hope you can find your way out of their employment and shit all over them on the way out
Largely a cover for mandates
I was talking with someone about that today… I got sacked for not taking jabba-dabba but because I signed resignation documents effectively I left the workforce.
Totally a cover for the mandates
Anyone notice, but at the same time that NSW and VIC allowed more freedoms for the unvaxxed, they are doing away with 72 self isolation for international arrivals. As we know, Omicron hitched itself on an international arrival, so we can expect more to come. Most of all, the ponzi states get their ponzies into overdrive and will blame the unvaxxed for the increase in cases.
Going by this article, my take is that let it rip will be the next thing. (Because this kind if opinion would’ve never made it to publishing at lower Mr NA clinical trial participation rate)
Perrottet indicated no more lockdowns. I expect a backflip on that at least large gatherings. Those who have booked a ticket for the SCG Test are probably going to be disappointed.
I also note that poster child Denmark now has partial lockdowns and mandatory facemasks.
Masks even if not policed for perfect use tend to stop infected from spreading it, which imv is important now that we have supposed 94% of super heroes whom will succumb only to kryptonite after 2 jabba-dabba.
15. Dec did not end the PHO, at least not more than just one single snippet of it. Jabberwocky is still mandated in 60-70% environments, directly or indirectly.
I agree.
Netherlands is now considering another hard lockdown.
If anyone ever doubted that corruption at the highest level of government was endemic, we know have the “Dog ate my homework” excuse. .
Independent senator Rex Patrick has condemned the prime minister’s department for claiming it cannot find a key letter from Christian Porter to Scott Morrison about the sports rorts affair, a position seemingly at odds with the attorney general’s office, which has fought to keep the document secret.
Patrick decided to lodge an FOI request with the department of prime minister and cabinet for the same document.To his surprise, the department said it could not find the letter, despite Porter’s office having confirmed it was sent to the prime minister and classified as a cabinet document.
Someone call Ros Kelly!
The covid issue is really showing people’s true colours –
notice how it always comes from these night of the nearly dead dinosaur geezers as well lol
Noam can just FOAD already.
He used to stand up for freedom of speech once upon a time.
Wow. I guess he has forgotten what happened the last time people were removed from society at this scale. Oh well fuck him.
I agree with you. The amount of celebrities, sports stars and academics that I might have previously liked or respected has now been reduced to almost none of them. The majority of them are living in fantasy land. They have no clue what is happening in the real world.
Chomsky can go suck a bag of dicks. Him and Kissinger were old when I was a little boy – now I’m old and these fucks are still kicking. Might be something to that immortal lizard people drinking the blood of children thing.
yes, I am 54 now and I remember Kissinger being middle aged when he was secretary of state to Nixon. Must have some special juice only available to the elite
that article is a bit of a smear on Choamo, I think.
if you listen to the video that the article is commenting on, then you will see that he is not saying much more than the old adage that “The right to swing your fist ends where the other man’s nose begins.“
I disagree.
I see it from a perspective that if my nose is there, no one should swing a fist in any direction because of a 0.5% chance it may hit me axcidentally and there is a 0.05% chance I may bleed and die.
Comparing smallpox vaccine with Mr NA and Astra Zenga is preposterous. Unless, the question about waxing was related to proper vaccines. But even then, claiming that unvaccibated should remove themselves because they can “harm others because they are unjabbed” is wrong on all levels.
I noticed that Chomsky of the last 5-10 yrs is a corporate leftist and quite different to dissident Chomsky of yesteryears. In another interview about 5yrs ago he failed to make a clear condemnation of atrocities committed by Imperial Forces and justified US interventions like that one in Iraq, Afghanistan etc.
so chomsky outs himself as a turncoat slimeball
here is a nice video for anyone interested in money mechanics and banking
they keep it simple and hit all the major talking points – a lot of the questions I have had
having said that he glosses over a couple of things, and a couple of points that others dispute (for instance, that the fed doesn’t buy from primary dealers)
worth a look for everybody – then we can argue here later
I did listen to that early this week. Steven Van Metre is adamant there is no printing and that the money to buy bonds comes from other places like reserves. That might be true. I don’t think it matters where the money is coming from. Bonds are being purchased. You cannot deny that simple fact. That means money that has been sitting idle (reserves, other accounts, whatever) has been deployed to buy bonds.
The previous owners of those bonds now have to do something with that money. The act of selling the bonds implies they will chase more yield or speculate on asset prices. If they were going to sit in cash they would not have sold the bonds in the first place.
I’m not sure
The previous owners of those bonds now have to do something with that money. The act of selling the bonds implies they will chase more yield or speculate on asset prices. If they were going to sit in cash they would not have sold the bonds in the first place.
It all depends who the owner of the bonds were, and what they exchanged the bonds for.
Let’s say the fed can only purchase from commercial banks with reserves, so it doesn’t create any new money/deposits.
HOWEVER, there are now fewer bonds for private entities (individuals, super funds etc) to purchase.
When a private entity purchases a bond from the government, doesn’t that money effectively disappear from the system? It is no longer counted in M2, because it isn’t in the commercial banking depository system?
I guess someone would say that the money is now in the treasury account , which is all part of the same thing (eventually gets redistributed back into the economy and banking system via government spending)
In that case, if the fed is only exchanging reserves for bonds, then all it does is reduce rates and increase asset values
This is paradoxically deflationary – since there is now the same amount of actual money available as before, but now used to buy more expensive assets rather than being used for consumption.
(as van Metre says)
On the other hand, if the fed is crediting private entities with deposits (and reserves to that private entities bank), then its frankly money printing
Joseph Wang claims it is, which is in direct contradiction to what van metre says
I can’t find any official statement or data on this which seems absolutely bizarre – like what % of bond purchases are directly through the reserve system, and what % is via the dealers
I have also asked joseph wang the question on twitter, but he never answered
This makes me think he is probably wrong, as it seems like that data should exist if what he says is true
Wowee. About a week ago I was watching an episode of.. I think it was the Flash? In short, a former bad guy turned good gives herself up for past crimes, and is going to be forcibly given the metahuman vaccine by the state to take away her powers. However, the other good guys sabotage the supply. In the end the authorities still had a secret supply, so the heroine asks for a life sentence without parole instead! I’ll be damned if there’s not a message in that.
I tried to verify, but couldn’t find another report.
IMO, the fact so many Australians scream ‘Nazi Germany’ instead of ‘Bolshevik Russia’ to describe the current situatuon is proof the communists won WW2 and took control of the education system.
I mean murder 65 million people and put 12 million in camps but everything gets pinned on the Austrian painter.
Solzhenitsyn turning in his grave.
We know who really won WW2
nah, it’s simpler than that. About 100% of people know about nazi germany and ww2.
about 5% of people know about the Soviet Russia or the revolution that preceded it.
…and much less than 1% have read Solzhenitsyn.
people talk about what they know. They can’t talk about what they don’t know.
But why do they “know” about it ?
who is in charge of the media ?
Yes. This exactly.
Europa The Last Battle is the best documentary of the last ten years.
So, the Bolshies actually secretly won the Cold War and have implemented global control of the media, in order to hide their actions in the 1920s-1980s.
the control is implemented very subtly, such that you can still buy Solzhenitsyn’s book & other such materials, but through social engineering and distraction they ensure that less than 1% of people do?
and they continue to maintain this media control 30 years after the apparent fall of their 70yr regime?
this seems very Keyser Soze…
i am thinking of another group of people
whos name has fewer letters
what, you mean the Jews? The Jews won world war 2?
if you believe that, then you shouldn’t be taking any comfort from Israel’s embracing of the jabs….Because if the Jews won world war 2, they have clearly demonstrated an amazing ability to sacrifice the majority of their population to attain some future goal.
Because the russkies were on “our” side for the massive propaganda blitz that was the second instalment of the World War series.
When they became the enemy, it was as a justification for military spending and to be the boogie man, and internal atrocities really don’t help with that.
History is written by the victors, and always has an agenda.
yes thats exactly correct
By “Our” side, of course, you mean the bankers
which is why China is our new enemy, since they have closed their markets and appear to be threatening the capitalist/debt edifice both internally and globally
It never ceases to amaze me how stupid the propaganda is, and people fall for it anyway.

Another short illness
Spin and lies, and then re-write history to make it look like what the propaganda / narrative says.
I think there are too many people who know someone that has a vaccine injury for the lies to pass muster, especially as the boosters claim more lives.
I’m sure the A-League isn’t far away from its first one.
These are fantastic
keep them coming
People already lining up to get tested in droves. Amazing.
Unfortunately you have to get tested and show proof to cross most interstate borders.
My work has been fairly good in not demanding regular tests after showing proof of vaccination, but there are others out there where they’re still enforcing 2 weekly tests which seems pointless in asymptomatic staff.
It’s pretty clear that vaccination status doesn’t mean much regarding infection status given the current events.
Screenshot of article by Nathan Grills (from his Twitter account):
thanks jbarham – Grills’s take is quite balanced and sober and probably maxes out what’s currently acceptable in a mainstream publication.
sensible points like:
That 40 to 50 per 100 chance is heavily offset by jabbed being 1. less likely to be aware they are infectious, 2. Fcuk this quarantine sheet, I am jabbed and this is just a bad flu and will not get tested, 3. Unless it is kryptonite, I am jabbed and nuttin will get me so I can mingle with anyone.
In real life this has become illness of waxed due to other , usually lateral factors becoming prevalent.
Come March and April when 94% of jabbed become unjabbed the true acidity test will show.
Today at the GP whilst I was receiving my second dose of a vaccine (that is a proper and tested one), there were swaths of Asians coming to enquire abut ‘rooster’. Being that only the Mr NA is approved, these were despatched elsewhere. 3/4 of Asians were Chinese.
This always gives me the shits. I think overall stigma towards mental illness has reduced which is a good thing with more people seeking help, but the downside is that it’s also become an identity statement for others who essentially have “shit life” syndrome that no amount of medication or therapy will ever change.
Self diagnosis is rife, and it’s also quite interesting that a number of Greens identifying posters demonstrate extremely vicious behaviour online, yet hide behind multiple mental illness labels as some kind of justification for their actions or life of failures. Typically it’s blamed on ADHD or Aspergers, although I have seen plenty of patients with these diagnoses who are relatively well adjusted and functioning humans who don’t fly off the handle at the slightest provocation.
It’s often self defeating too. I can remember reading a tweet by someone bitching about their “OCD” and how they didn’t want medications and were just hanging out for the DSP. Now I’ve treated people with serious dysfunction – eg. one who would spend 23 hours a day in their bathroom on their cleaning compulsions to studying at uni, completing a degree and holding down full time work. But you can’t point out that there is treatment for these conditions, “because mental health costs too much,” or you have to wait too long or “doctors are on the big pharma payroll and they want to put me on antidepressants” (which is the evidence base for OCD), or “they want me to stop my weed habit.” With some people there’s always some kind of excuse to justify maintaining the status quo of victimhood. I suspect there’s an element of gain from online validation and sympathy which becomes a vicious cycle, so I have just learnt to ignore the online martyrs.
Indeed, there is a world of difference between – on one hand – removal of stigma from mental illness which enables sufferers to publicly “own” the fact that they are affected, without being viewed as a danger or a write-off-of-a-person.
…and – on the other hand – announcing such an illness as a ticket to permanent victimhood, martyrdom and green pass for being a fuckwit to everyone.
Not just that, but a label to brand your politcal opponents if they voiced dissenting views. The scope of mental illness will extend to those who express distrust of their government and claim that goverments do not act in the interest of their citizens
thought I was reading one of timmys articles for a minute
hang on, aren’t Pfizer the god-kings of science?
they obviously said that kids need two doses, before. Were they wrong? How can science be wrong?!
or does 3 doses just mean 50% more profit?
Someone on in Perth Freedom Rally posted this which included links to some of the health acts. I didn’t release the power WA Public Health Act 2016 gave to the health authorities in the case of an emergency. If they decide to go this route it will be very messy.
I suspect that similar powers are “on the books” in many places. But these sorts of brute force measures have not been rolled out anywhere that I have heard of.
this stuff is obviously multiple orders of magnitude more coercive than “you can’t go to Myer”, so probably something to keep up the sleeve for a zombie apocalypse situation.
I hope you are right and that these will never be considered but after what we have seen over the last 24 months the temptation may be too much for the authorities to resist. It does look as though we are heading there incrementally. I reckon the authorities hope is that they won’t need to and that people acquiesce but if there is only a few thousand stragglers they might stick the boot in just for show.
Can’t argue with any of that, mate.
tenptation would definitely be there and they’d love to make some examples, I’m sure.
but it would need to be a longer-term project. Only really viable once all the senior judges (state supreme/appeal courts and the fed high court) have been replaced by suitable puppets (or placed under effective control with suitable kompromat)
Yes the whole thing has a “5 year plan” feel about it. I wonder what number 5 year plan we are currently in.
Not necessarily a zombie apocalypse situation. A banking collapse would do it. People having no access to money, food, petrol, electricity or people being kicked out of homes when their loans get called in prematurely.
This has got me wondering if these coercive measures around a treatable condition caused by a cold virus, particularly the omicron strain, is just prepping us to accept smilar or worse measures on our freedoms when the banking system finally collapses
WA Building Industry Alliance meeting.
Is there a non-Facebook version?
Go to freedom media WA website. You will be able to watch via google browser without a facebook account. I don’t have a facebook account either. I don’t think they have an alternative set up. Facebook and telegram are the only 2 they use which is a shame.
Logging in not required to view
i reckon they must be tracking you… so you only think that you’re not logged in.
Unless you are putting in significant effort to avoid it EVERYONE is tracking you online.
I always use incognito when accessing facebook. Seems to work judging from the ads that get displayed. If you’re really worried, use a dedicated browser.
Can you give us a summary? I can’t watch 2 hours of that.
Yeah 2 hours is a lot. I haven’t finished yet myself. I thought the guy using risk management tools against the vaccine mandate was interesting.
Just back from the Perth March. There seems to be good turnout today.
Yeah wasn’t too bad, but I had been hoping for more than than the november numbers.
So how many famous Australians aren’t pumping the BS vax narrative?
Andrew Bogut
Carlton AFL player Liam Jones
WAFL player who is a nurse
It’s a short list. Any others we should be supporting?
Pauline Hanson, apparently.
Greg Kelly, if he qualifies for famous.
Checkout what other portfolio the WA minister for the homeless picked up……you can’t make this stuff up if you tried.
Not even James is safe.
It will be a flop. Most of the woke makeovers have been. Rather than conceding that the market is small, they are doubling down.
Yep go woke go broke, the market is gonna market, no one is going to watch woke rubbish so when they loose millions on a film and it totally flops then they will soon learn. Especially something like Bond which is traditionally SWM’s
Completely agree. Hollywood going broke due to woke movies will probably end up being a big positive for society.
Refuse to watch it. Skyfall was the last bond movie actually based on an Ian Fleming short story. Now it’s just inauthentic garbage.
Not sure how the above fits into the well know quote ‘thank God for the Salvos’
This is an own goal. There goes the donor base. Plenty of other charities that will not lecture me for being a racist and then expect me to donate to them.
For any company including charities,I would have thought you want to appeal to the masses to maximise revenue. outside of inner city areas, almost all people are not woke.
The best bit is think how quickly the news spread and how quickly everyone found out and donations dried up.
Yeah it means no one gives an f what state media says anymore.
It’s beautiful 😎
Part of the larger attack on Christianity.
Pfizzler is already working on a jab for that… i guess.
DFA’s Martin N is having a slow tragedy unfolding…
Netherlands entering hard lockdown until January 14th.
Just LOL at this point. Making my call of xmas/nye lockdowns in Australia looking more likely. Happy to be wrong.
It’s still 50-50. You can tell at this point they really want to open the borders up. Will they cave under public pressure? You know the lock us down crowd will be demanding more lockdowns.
True. I’m leaning more towards NYE and restrictions. They’ll give us xmas.
The amount of people getting fucking tested is just retarded. Who are these pants shitters?
We will lockdown once most of the international students are back. This is EZFKA, it doesn’t matter that your kids will kids will have to do distance learning as long as the foreign students are back and lessening the skills shortage.
True but the question nownisbhow many of the students want to come back? I’d say a fair chunk head elsewhere. A fair few will return regardless.
The state border closures thing will dissuade a lot of them as they previously liked to move around and work between states in certain industries.
Snag a PR, bring the missus who can work full time along with your 20 hours per work on books. Plenty will be boarding their flights here.
State border closures inconvenience locals like myself who have family interstate. Most of the arrivals will be coming into Melbourne and Sydney where they don’t even have to isolate.
Maybe they are learning to live with the virus, and getting tested to protect their vulnerable parents and grandparents over xmas.
if only the vulnerable people has some sort of vaccine to protect them!!
…I’ll show myself out…
LOL this exactly.
Total WOFTAM. Self interest rules and most of them are either wanting to travel (lol) or being pinged by their phones because wrong place and wrong time.
If your partner was undergoing chemo would you be allowing your social circle of Libertarian Dolph Lundgren’s (“if he dies he dies”) anywhere near your partner over xmas? Would that be self-interest that should be ridiculed?
Would you have let people near them 2 years ago? Would you have demanded a flu test, a cold test, a whole heap of other diseases tests?
The risks have been blown out of all proportion by a massive propaganda campaign.
Answered it for me. My wife also doesn’t give a fuck about COVID, former theatre nurse that understands and doesnt fear death for obvious reasons. Partly why I married her.
Accurately assessing risk and not being susceptible to fear porn is apparently libertarianism these days.
Nice what-about comparing apples with oranges.
Not apples and oranges, apples and apples.
The only difference is the saturation media coverage…
i imagine that for someone in those circumstances it might be safer to just isolate, rather than rely on those tests, anyway.
tests take a day or two or three, so they are out of date by the time you receive the results. Someone with a negative result from 2 days ago might have been infected yesterday….
Yes. Fair point about isolating for chemo. Bad example. I just find it silly ridiculing people who are taking the test to protect parents or grandparents over xmas. They are doing what you are asking in getting on with their lives and spending time with family.
i know where you’re coming from. But it does seem futile to me.
if the vaccines don’t really prevent transmission or infection, then parents/grandparents are going to get infected anyway over the next year or two.
possibly it’s better to have this happen sooner while they are younger, and it’s summer and the current variety of the bug seems mild. Or maybe it’s better to have it later, when the fuckwits stop fucking stalling and obstructing and actually roll out some effective fucking treatment protocols…
Seriously, were still playing the ‘stop killing grandma’ card 2 years later?
Confrontation and mockery of this bullshit is the correct setting because it’s been allowed to go on way too long and allow the hypochondriacs and unhinged psychos free reign.
Confrontation hey. Will you be protesting to stop these people exercising their right to get tested?
I’ve been at the freedom protests, yes. Have you? Probably not.
The only thing I do to people getting tested is rightfully mock them. More so the grown adult men wearing masks and checking in. Total embarrassment.
Ok I’ll bite. Why would you mock them?
Or do you think the pandemic doesn’t apply to you?
Initially when this first hit I had the same apprehension everyone else did. But it became obvious very quickly that this is very minor and is now nothing to do with public health and a greater game is being played.
It is now essentially evolved into mass formation and the real pandemic is people not wanting to accept that they may have been wrong about any or all of this. My observations take it or leave it.
I like you was fooled into the panic by the collapsing in the street and carry on in China, and when I found out that it was man made I started to investigate more and my fear went away as the data became evident, like the hot by a bus “died with covid” added to the deaths etc. As the suppression of other treatments was evident I became more scared of the vaccine then the virus, now after my daughter getting pericarditis and a lot of friends with vaccine injuries I would rather lick a lab rat than take the vaccine, I think the real virus is Fauci and his ilk.
Waiting for him to trot out the old ‘seatbelt’ analogy.
“My seatbelt protects me,but if you don’t wear one,we’ll all die” or something.
I fi it silly that people who were happy to soldier on and come to work when sick all of a sudden are worried about making others sick,.
The lock us down crowd benefit financially from lockdowns. The scientific response to Covid left the building a long time ago.
It seems pretty clear at this point that lock us down will only lead to more lock us down. it doesn;t make it go away, merely delay it and the vax has clearly not done anything to prevent the spread.
Won’t happen in WA. You ponzi staters can GAGF!
Can we just declare WA the 29th CCP province and be done with it?
Maybe, maybe not. I’m surprised it’s not more under control here given it’s the middle of summer.
Come August, all the footy will be played in front of a couple thousand people or no crowds at all, much of the country under restrictions again, 2 week quarantine reinstated. I don’t think they’ll go as hard as a Melbourne lockdown again, but definitely for the unvaxxed.
I think they just wanna get the foreign students and ‘skilled’ workers over here early next year while there’s a window before the cold weather hits or COVID gets out of control.
Hildebrand is usually a tosser but he’s drawing fire from the right places here.
I’m sure DLS is grabbing his vagina as we speak.
Adem Somyurek lobbing grenades at the ALP is amazing.
What an absolute flog Julian ‘Indian grandmother visa’ Hill is.
24 carat cringe.
This Julian Hill sounds Kristina Keneally. Unemployable outside of politics. Parachuted into a safe seat with no connections to constituents. They seem to put the most woke into the most socially conservative seats. Then wonder why they can not connect with people.
Yep, standard ALP career apparatchiks. No fkn idea in the real world.
If you want to have some fun, look up their genealogy.
An oldie but some good lolz:
I love how they use some super old photo where the guy is thin yet in the article it mentions he weighed 19 stone (120kg). Legit question, how can a vegan be so obese?
Lol they’re still trying to push these regret articles.
Kinda like that one Timbo did about the shark attack.
They should interview some poofs in the AIDS ward. “Did you really need to take that last dick?”
lol 120kg. That’s one fat fuck.
Boris Johnson meeting to consider Christmas lockdown. That means yes.
RIP hospitality industry forever.
Got to be political suicide if he pulls that trigger. Same with Dom in NSW. How can you possibly explain your way out of that?
And yet international arrivals don’t even have to self isolate for 72 hours. And Dom wants hundred of thousands of them and same with Dictator Dan. Expect compulsory masks, huge fines for not checking in, random 14 self isolation for close contacts but the planes will keep coming.
Let’er rip!
It’s some what out of control in NSW in the middle of summer. It’s going to be 10x higher in winter. They’ll wimp out and bring back all the heavy restrictions for winter.
Said since July he’d wimp out come winter.
Clearly a seasonal virus.
Is Pfizer giving money to the AMA? Because who gives a fuck what this doctors union really thinks. Less than 25% representation of doctors IIRC.
Novavax approved by WHO. Backing up Tudge’s radio interview last week, novavax is certain to be approved in Australia by mid Jan. Safety data in trials showed low reactogencity compared to the mRNA and adenovirus vector DNA vaccines.
I’d still prefer to wait until the safety data is available for it before jabbing. Not sure if I want to keep my job badly enough to jump in. Furious that I’m being pressured to make a choice that may not be optimal (the way I see it).
Even then I’d be waiting a few years.
Like the stock market boom, I feel that our comment numbers are from a small number of people. Much as I love you all, I would like to see this place grow. I suggest that someone else with less of an obsession with the covid situation do weekend links next week.
Stagmal might be our best hope!
as to the covid obsession… it’s really the topic du jour. very much hangs off it, so it’s little wonder that people want to discuss it.
I am hoping for another book recommendation, one of these days….
“The proportion of the population born overseas is 29.8 per cent” from the migration article.
FFS. We really are nothing more than an economic zone. No wonder the place is so fucked up. No ties of blood or shared community, just a vast seething pool of largely third world dimwits who consume greatly while contributing little.
My family settled here in the 1850s and farmed the land, built roads, built ships, built houses…we built this place.
I have no more in common with that 29.8% than I do with Martians. They can all fuck right off.
I suspect there would by quite a few of the post WW2 euros in that mix (My old’s would be) as well as kiwis but the number of Pajeets and Chongs we’ve brought in the last few years has blown it the fuck out.
I saw an article the other day showing non European migration into Denmark was costing it 5 billion euros a year. Imagine how much that is costing us.
mate you kidding, right?
the housing market has been made to be worth $9 trillion.
a few billion per year is a small price to pay for this.
Sure, costing us a heap. Costs the elite nothing.
Absolutely by design. Mass Immigration is the perfect policy for the elites, they get investable asset inflation and the deplorables get stagnant real wages and other costs.
Since COVID hit I have very little in common with the other 70% as well.
i thought this was hilarious
interesting the Americans haven’t fully comprehended the truth of EZFKUSA
very MB-esque smugness about how over priced housing is
“there’s no upside , only downside”
“interest rates can’t go lower”
I remember when DLS told me I was picking up pennies in front a steam roller in 2015 when I said I was buying any Sydney property that wasn’t nailed down
Australia has variable rate mortgages. I can understand the confusion that if rates were to rise substantially that house prices will fall substantially. The truth is rates would only rise substantially if wages were also rising, and any substantial falls would mainly be in real rather than nominal terms.
In USA though, they generally have rates fixed for the entire term of the loan. If rates were to rise substantially it doesn’t affect repayments on existing mortgages. In fact, it would be a leg up because it also means wages are rising and repayments becoming easier.
this logic only applies on the way up, of course.
on the way down, rates can fall without declines in wages and prices can rise in nominal terms, as well as real.
There is also the recent perverse situation where we get price inflation without corresponding wage inflation meaning there is less income available to service debt. You end up with price inflation leading to interest rate cuts which is the opposite of the common understanding.
Of course you need some special kind of numberwang to be able to push through interest rate cuts when prices are actually rising:
The Incredible CPI Numberwang – YouTube
less income per person. This is something that you can fix by pumping up the number of persons in the country and the average number of persons per unit.
oh yes. I think that, in general, once you confer “too big to fail” (or similar)status on something (anything), then the regular causality chain begins to run in reverse.
here it’s house prices and bank profits… rather than rising and falling with peoples incomes, as prior to their deification, they now move in opposite directions.
Very similar thing with how countries have gone “all in” on Covid vaccines etc….
Strong shades if “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength”
Anyone who listened to DLS in 2015 would be much poorer compared with yourself. They still haven’t worked out that MPLOL is not designed to reduce prices, but rather help the elite and be seen to do something.
How much have Sydney house prices increased since 2015? No doubt they will be forecasting Armageddon again for June 2023. EmBee is dangerous to your financial health.
The commenters on EmBee are smug and believe that more immigration will not put a rocket under house prices as the new arrivals can’t get debt to buy houses.🤦 I argued with someone about that the other day and emphasised that volume is important. No one cares who buys it.
yep. Crowd the people in and more will buy at higher prices. Doesn’t matter which one of them buys.
it also helps improve rental yields, of course, and the increasingly cramped conditions help condition (haw haw) the new buyers to accept less house and land for more money.
A lot of Brits are not vaxxed and the govt is lying about how many apparently.
Has anyone kept or found a timeline of the PM, Dom’s and Hazards “we won’t go back to lockdown” quotes with a datestamp?
Something tells me this is something worth bookmarking for a couple of months time.
Sounds like a feature article that you might be writing 😄
If they did enact a lockdown, it would be like the recent one in Melbourne. A lot followed the rules, many stretched the rules and others selectively followed the rules. The guy on the corner had his Friday afternoon drinks with mates even through lockdown.
Australia could have lived a Covid free life, but that would mean that there would be no population ponzi and a big quarantine centre required. No appetite for either and here we are.