Weekend Links, 23-24 October 2021

Hello Everyone! Welcome to the Weekend Links for 23-24 October 2021. We are really glad you are here, and even though the news is exciting, and somewhat shite, its the weekend so… woo!

For the header this weekend we have this amazing event which is only possible in EZFKA!

Melbourne developer Barry Wang quizzed in court by ex-lover Jessie Qin over ‘broken promises’ | news.com.au — Australia’s leading news site

Our man ‘Barry’ is getting sued for screwing over ‘Jessie’ when she wanted a visa. To add frosting on this cake, both parties used interpreters in the court.

Seeking Arrangement for the win!

“Why are you promising me things but you never live up to promise?” Ms Qin asked her former lover through a translator.

“I answer your question … there could be many reasons why,” he said through his interpreter.

Melbourne developer Barry Wang quizzed in court by ex-lover Jessie Qin over ‘broken promises’ | news.com.au — Australia’s leading news site



We all know why…


Hey – Schabby all over the place again!

~~Crowd Wants Bill Gates In Jail~~

~~Covid Reports~~

666? Where Have I Seen That Before?


More from Canada:

Things that make you go um…

Who Woulda Thunked?

~~Airless Tires~~

~~Culture Wars~~




Look at their results! $100b for the pharma companies in 2021!

~~Eastern Europe~~



You may be…


~~Have A Good Weekend Everyone~~

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Chinese Astroturfer

COVID ramping up nicely in the UK. The news articles seem almost surprised by this new development it’s as though they thought the pandemic was solved over there when Boris announced ‘Freedom Day’ as though the virus responds positively to symbolic displays of strength and defiance from politicians lol.

It was always going to, if you look at the wave / trend over time, they think that they had a good summer, but it was worse than last year and now we are going to see the double vaccinated with ADE from the vaccine dying in large numbers “mysteriously” …….

Agent 47

Dr Ryan Cole was posting content about the white blood cell count in some of the jabbed going through the floor every month. Basically predicting AIDS in a large segment of the population in the next few months, as Northern Hemisphere winter tskes hold.

Will be interesting viewing.


Maybe the spike protein has something to do with it. Professor Luc Montagnier who won the Nobel Prize in 2008 for his discovery of HIV actually said Sars Cov2 spike protein has amino acid sequences that are the same as HIV, and speculated about Sars Cov2 being a genetically engineered virus.
Of course he was cancelled and castigated for saying that. Remember the saying that Truth goes through 3 stages
First they laugh at you, then they fight you and then you win when the truth becomes evident.
Like how the virus leaked from the Wuhan lab. They don’t fight that anymore.


And guess who was on the fronfront fighting AIDS in the 80s and 90s ? Yes our friend Fauci.
Guess who pushed a very dangerous and ineffective drug for those testing positive for HIV ? Remember AZT ? Yes, our friend Fauci.
Remember who used Polymerase Chain Reaction to test people for HIV ? Yes, our friend Fauci.
Remember who approved AZT ? Yes our friend the FDA.
Remember how many people died from AZT until it was abandoned in the 90s when doctors turned to safer more effetive treatments ? Dejavu all over again

Reus's Large MEMBER

Yep this has the stink of fuckwit Fauci all over it.


Wow – there is a blast from the past, AZT. Unbelievable that Fauci is still around after that.


Indeed, but it was always going to, cases that is. A closer look and the majority of people dying or in hospital are unvaccinated so who cares.

The trick is to ignore the media fear porn so we all move on with life.

Chinese Astroturfer

I think Sweden has 70% of deaths are vaccinated people. I don’t think anything is settled on the matter it’s still far too early to tell where it goes.

It’s up the individual to assess their level of risk from dying or being hospitalised by the virus vs taking a first generation leaky COVID vaccine of limited efficacy every 6 months and 4 times in the first 13-15 months.

There’s nothing for me to move on from.

Seems like you’re the one wanting to bury your head in the sand. The UK ‘Freedom Day’ is basically a bust. Hospitals about to be overwhelmed, hundreds dying everyday through winter. Probably 500 per day come January.


Jesus man what planet are you from.

Yep, it’s a total crisis, bodies of vaccinated in a country of 10m people are just piling up in the streets ….

Last edited 2 years ago by The90kwbeast
Chinese Astroturfer

They had no real restrictions this time last year with no vaccines and how were the numbers poindexter?


Err they were through the roof?


If you didn’t think the cops were corrupt already…



Not satire :p


Candace Owens has called on the US military to invade Australia, calling the latter a “tyrannical police state”. Owens made the comments on her self-titled Daily Wire TV show. The conservative TV pundit said that she has family in Australia and that “the mental state of everyone around her was in steep decline”.

Agent 47

That’s what it’s going to take. It won’t happen but lol at people who think voting is going to make any difference.

Hence why I pay no attention to Leith and DLS weekly ‘ALP ahead because some poll said’ agitprop filler.

Agent 47

Works for PragerJew so another kosherservative, limited hangout right wing gatekeeper.

Makes some good points but certain topics are off limits for obvious reasons.


Link please

Chinese Astroturfer

Any naked pics?


lol friendlyjordies watches my youtube channel, he linked it through on his recent video about covid

Agent 47

Does he read EZFKA?


yeah theres nothin really on it, its mostly just odds and ends. it gained some fame ages ago when i started uploading funny calls to john laws’ call in show


Agent 47

So the Danes worked out importing turd world filth costs them net negative 5 billion a year.

I’m no actuary but I can guess the same is costing EZFKA (plebs) magnitudes more.



I recall LVO quoting some $400k cost for each parental visa. Pretty much why The Greens want unlimited.
Not sure about other visas, but would think not many are NPV positive.

Agent 47

The refugee programs alone cost an insane amount.

it’s all smiles and hugs on the surface though.


Any visa program that doesn’t attract young very well paid employment migrants is going to be a net negative to the nation.


The real question is; who pays? We all know the answer to that and it isn’t the elite.

Representative democracy fail.

Last edited 2 years ago by The90kwbeast
Agent 47

Can’t speak for Australia, but for the EU a large portion of the funding for the African boats comes from Israeli based NGOs.

They openly brag about it



Well then, a calculated payoff with positive ROI in that case for the elite.

But I’m rather sure in Australia, incumbent Aussies pay dearly for whatever supposed benefits rain from the sky of importing endless hordes of people from the 3rd world.


Good on Poland for giving Brussels the bird. Hopefully the EU will self destruct soon.

Agent 47

Second that. Whether or not anything will happen is a wild guess although things there seem far more unstable than ever, especially with Italians blockading ports.

The obvious trigger for the Poles is they’ve been through communism and the rest, hence their cohesion and nationalist bent. Which is why they’re likely horrified at what’s going on here and were protesting outside our embassy.

Agent 47

Countdown until Uk lockdown? I’d say first week of November.

Melbourne I’d say just after Christmas.

Chinese Astroturfer

Put a shiver through markets if it happens in the UK I think since they’ll be looking at restrictions through to April/May.

I think the long days, warmer weather going into summer should keep things under control in Melbourne through summer although they’ll spend all of next winter locked down.


I reckon Melbourne will hodl out through the summer.

that nazi-shrek guy doesn’t have the political coin to lock the rabble back down again so soon. He needs time.

besides, in all likelihood their cases are going to crater soon (as present virus wave is going to naturally fizzle out, as it always does everywhere). Reasonable likelihood that cases will stay low over summer (past Christmas).

if dickhead-shrek has any sense, he’ll use the summer reprieve to build those thousands of icu beds he previously lied about.

Agent 47

As I said to stag, boosters and SOE powers are the great unknown.

I’d say they’ll give the prisoners their exercise time until NY and then the lock down rhetoric builds up again.

The money will go on the camps not the icu beds. Or perhaps ICU beds at the camps.


if melb locks down again i suspect the riots are going to be massive. they’ll dwarf the tradie protests bc a lot of npcs will realise they were sold bullshit with the vaccine promises.

i dont think even dan andrews will be so brazen as to pull that again.

Last edited 2 years ago by stagmal
Agent 47

Would genuinely agree although we all know Dan isn’t running it. At worst he gets turfed and the next face carries out the bidding of Davos.

Don’t also forget that before xmas, boosters will be administered and the SOE expires which Dan has pulled all kinds of unconstitutional bullshit to ensure it’s permanent.

Guy needs to be swinging from a post.


dan is bringing in perma legislation, given he has no opposition in victoria it will pass. it might be challenged in the courts but the judges will hand wave it, saying “its an emergency so its justified” or something to that effect.


perma soe should accelerate the process nicely.

some legazens will leave in disgust; Dan will quickly replace them with twice as many imported bods who are used to heavy handed and corrupt government S

Agent 47

Unfortunately yes. Banning mps for not handing over medical details is insane but whatever.

To be fair, there’s only three cross bench mps that have opposed anything and all they can do is speak. Libs are just controlled opposition. Fiona Patten will red to change her name.


Completely insane, when they can just follow the Feds and ban them from voting remotely.



Know what’s important. Tenants.


Good pick up – it’s the EZFKA code!


Our Timmy’s is the opposition at the moment.
Is he still on the government front step?

A fly in your ointment

if melb locks down again i suspect …

If Sydney locks down no need to suspect. anything. Obey! Sit, good dog (sound of a repeated tap on the shoulders)


Nah and nah. You’re just waiting for those evil governments to overstep aren’t you?

A fly in your ointment


Arbeit macht frei?
Nein! Die Sptitze Macht frei!
jawohl, naturlich

Agent 47

Pretty much.

Chinese Astroturfer

Sympathetic black protagonist as well

Reus's Large MEMBER

When he went against the narrative and spoke the truth

Agent 47

Imagine being Netflix executives and watching your own employees protesting one of your top products?

Most of them likely haven’t watched it anyway because it was pretty mild.

I think the main reason they have stirred up the mob is because of the space Jews jokes and they’re using the trans community as a battering ram by proxy



Last edited 2 years ago by Stewie

FML – the guy interviewed was told he could get a summons for hindering the police?


This almost made me cry

I wonder how Richard Pusey and the methhead truckie are going

Last edited 2 years ago by Coming

pusey is back in jail i think

the guy absolutely cannot help himself

extreme cluster b pathology


I love psychology and “getting a read” on people but man I can’t work this guy out. So many unanswered questions…


Stagmal has the right diagnosis – this guy is textbook Cluster B: Antisocial personality disorder, and probably a few of the other ones to boot. Typically their trajectory sees them end up in juvie or jail much earlier.



in the court recording of his verdict he was described as being diagnosed with “complex personality disorder” which seems to be this roll-up definition of when you’ve got like 4-5 personality disorders all at once.


Yeah but like you said they normally end up in jail MUCH earlier. One question I have is what led to him gaining his wealth before some switch flicked? The guy was originally a nurse and something happened for him to be flying around a porsche at high speeds. We can only guess.

He was speeding up and down the freeway well before what happened with the police thing. Ever since then it’s been a train wreck that people can’t stop watching i.e. pic above, maybe he just wants to be insta-famous…

You can label him cluster B but it’s an odd trajectory and definitely an anomaly.


Mr Dann submitted that your complex psychiatric diagnosis is a matter to be taken into account as it is a longitudinal condition that was extant at the time of the offending. Thus he submits that Verdins[19] principles are enlivened. Ms Harper accepted that Verdins has application but to a limited extent. Verdins principles apply to personality disorders of various labels and as such, the evidence relied on must show how the condition affected your functioning at the time of the offending and how it will affect you in the future. It is clear from the opinion of Dr Deacon that your complex core antisocial, borderline, narcissistic and paranoid personality subtypes have been a feature of your personality for many years and seem to have developed from an early age. As such I accept that your mental condition at the time of the offending has some bearing on your behaviour and impaired your ability to exercise appropriate judgement.

http://classic.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/vic /VCC/2021/478.html


One has to take into account that to diagnose a personality disorder one usually only needs 5 out of 9 separate criteria, so there are many different combinations it could take and there can be outliers. I can recall reading he was diagnosed with something else – either bipolar or ADHD, which may explain some of his behaviours and functioning. However, I’d contend that there is an element of nastiness to his overall persona that can’t be put down to either of those diagnoses alone.

Then there’s the impact of one’s intelligence and general function – Pusey doesn’t sound like an idiot, and seems to have come from a middle class family. Although they are now estranged, one could imagine that they might have supported him earlier on.

I can think of some who were clearly going down the petty criminal route, but thanks to family support they can afford the best lawyers and mental health supports. Some do surprisingly well, but it wouldn’t take much for them to unravel, and if angered can lose control of their impulses often  with forensic consequences.

As for Pusey and nursing, the classic psychodynamic explanation for health workers is that they may have “unmet dependency needs” leading to a desire to be in a caregiver role, although over time I’ve come to realise that there are probably more out there who go into the field driven by money and job security, or have subconscious desires around control, power trips or exploitation (eg. befriending little old ladies in nursing homes for their inheritance). Then there are some who in another time and place might have been serial killers – after all, to perform surgery one has to be able to cut into another human being. Think about the psychological barriers involved in overcoming that!


You can’t assume gender these days. Didn’t chaknow ?

Chinese Astroturfer

Drugs. Brain fried.

Agent 47

Apparently we got troops enforcing regional Vic ring if steel. Just a rumor at this stage.



If true then this is so stupid. Regional areas are having big upticks in cases and the state is 70% vaccinated. So what’s the point of keeping Melbourne and regional separate at this point.


If the case numbers in Melb were the same as my regional town, it would be over 6000 cases a day. Yet nothing has changed, no lockdown no nothing. You only hear about it on local news. The funny thing is we have spent nearly the same amount of time in lockdown as Melb and we never had any cases until now. Dan has lost control and hopefully out of this we can have decades of minority government.


Dan will get back in. He just needs enough votes from Ormond to Frankston South and he is home. There is a lot of construction work happening in these areas to be finished prior to the election and a lot of tradies/construction workers who were not impacted by lockdown.

Regional areas are irrelevant to an election result these days. Why do you think Dan is a mass immigration supporter?


No doubt that Dan romps it in again. Just look at the rabble he’s up against:


I mean, is gay conversion therapy really such a hot button issue that anyone in the state really cares about? It really feels like they’re only got religious conservatives to appeal to now.


No one cares about it even the most religious people that I know.

The LNP opposition are a bunch of private school twats that could only be employed in a political party or daddy’s business.

At least if Dan wins he gets to own the basket case that Victoria is turning into.



i actually believe it

i dont think this cunt will lock down again but pressure will be high for everybody to be on an endless conveyer of boosters to ensure he keeps his word

Agent 47

Again, he isn’t making the calls he is just the regional administrator.

Boosters by xmas. Then the penny will finally drop for a Lot of the normies but probably too late for them by then.


He said no lockdowns, but there will be lockouts. It is just a rebranding. He need to look to decisive and there will be a lockout, just not in a marginal electorate.

The northern hemisphere winter will show us what to expect in Hellbourne next winter.


Has anyone checked in on winning@failing? Maybe the obese neckbeard succumbed to corona?


I think he checked in in the last few days. So still kicking.

is there a book club recommendation this week?


Peach I knew you’d ask this. I had something lined up but thought it might be a bit much and wanted to go away from the dystopian themed recommendations…

So this weeks EZFKA book club instead is –

Best Evidence: Disguise and Deception in the Assassination of John F. Kennedy by David Lifton
I love a good conspiracy and like your post yesterday we’ve seen many conspiracy coming true. Let me know what you think 🙂

Jet fuel doesn’t melt steel beams.


Hey legal people,

in the recent cases against the vac mandate, why didn’t they use Galea vs The Egg Board from 1988? It seems to me that it would have been there best chance of success.



This guy? https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/110614664

Seems to have been living the property investor dream before it was popular.


Good mate of mine invented MGTOW. Loves women, just not modern western feminist women. Anyway he told me about Cassie Jaye’s “the red pill” where Cassie, a feminist, sets out to dismantle men’s movements only to discover men are being shafted.

Unbelievable viewing.

I found a copy on piratebay…https://thepiratebay.org/index.html…or you can pay to watch it on youtube…. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mB13NV7rY0

Here’s the projects disgusting take on it.


Our country is in so much trouble it’s not funny.


I remember the furore around ‘The Red Pill’ at the time. Didn’t realise that the Project did such a hatchet job on it, but it figures, the Project is pretty much ground zero for the counter-patriarchy.


A great article by Edward Dutton on intelligence and the fact that contrary to popular belief, the human population has been getting dumber… and no this is not entirely due to immigration.

If you are interested in IQ and intelligence studies (I think they are profoundly important, ultra long term, but only mildly relevant to our daily lives) I recommend having a read:


IMHO it is worth a read if only for the article providing a very plausible explanation for one of Professor Smithy’s favorite Red Herrings, “The Flynn Effect”, which both explained the apparent continued rise in “IQ” in the West over the 20th century, but which has now also confirmed that we are in fact becoming dumber, as intelligence testing results start to fall.


I have a hypothesis that smart phones and social media have made people dumb.

Agent 47

It’s destroyed attention spans that’s for sure.

For smart people I do find it a massive advantage in terms of knowledge acquisition if you are able to limit your usage.


Tried sharing that link on facebook. Was told it violated community standards the moment I pasted it. Thanks for sharing, I found it interesting.


Yeah VDARE was banned by FB after the ACLU or ADL said they were a hate site – basically an endorsement for telling uncomfortable truths.

Last edited 2 years ago by Stewie

At least one of the hypotheses is debateable. Lower income families (at least in Australia) do not have the most children on average although there is a bubble down that end. I made this chart from the 2016 census table builder, logging in as guest and choosing “Total Family Income (weekly) by CACF Count of All Children in Family”. It’s not perfectly accurate because one of the columns is “6 or more” and I counted it as 6 when I calculated the average. I also assumed that “Not applicable” meant no children.

Last edited 2 years ago by robert2013

I believe the demographic birth graph in most Western nations has something of a U shape to it, but yes, it is the very wealthy where having large numbers of kids is now the ultimate status symbol.

Maybe the fall of Rome meme should be something along the lines of “Hard times create smart men, good times create dumb men.”

klarse holl

Nice Sunday morning read. Reminded me of the, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon, humans grades (castes) in Brave New World.


Grifters gonna grift, but with deep cleans no longer required in Victoria the price should also take a drop.


Agent 47

Dan’s black shirts doing stand overs in cafes.

Clown world.


Agent 47

The Dandenong ones were imposters. The ones on Insta were legit. Teams of them doing this all over Melbourne.


I guess if it’s real, that café is going to get a big fine or end up being shut down if they keep flaunting the regulations.

Trying to be smart “what’s covid?” and not having any QR system (they may have paper, but seems doubtful) and then uploading the footage means it’s probably going to find it’s way back to the police or whatever state government department is enforcing this. They might get a bit of support, but there’s probably more people out there might decide to boycott or dob them in. Reckon they’ll fold or close down in a few months.

Agent 47

Yeh that qr code thing. Biggest data mine ever.


You can bet that QR checkin will be a requirement for a very long time. At least the metadata laws had to pass parliament even though I disagree with them.


Talking about data mining, I was at an analytics session run by an analytics company about four years ago and the topic of China’s social credit score came up. They were talking about the difficulty of accurate algorithms for facial recognition as some famous lady got pinged numerous times for jaywalking because her face was on advertising on the side of a bus. To my bemusement everyone else in the room was excited by the analytics in social credit scoring except me.
When social credit scoring is rolled out here there will be no shortage of people working on it and no shortage of data sources from which to mine the data.


What in the actual fuck. Victoria’s very own Thinkpol.

Agent 47

Embrace the future of EZFKA


All that was incorrect in the 1984 book was the title. Everything else will be proven to be fact.


brave new world turned out to be the correct dystopia more than 1984

klarse holl

This, and regarding stewie’s post on IQ above. Looking around me, many people have made an absolute mess of feeding themselves, and if they’re on the road, it’s best they’re not holding the stearing wheel. Might as well give them a sexbot to come home too as well, an AI humanoid that can determine their level of communication, and interact with them accordingly. Might as well pay them with pills too.

Agent 47

Well this is getting spicy AF. One for you especially T. Alex Baldwin victim was wife of lawyer that represented the Clintons.


A fly in your ointment

By the looks of it, it seems they will nail a Trump supporter… “two birds one stone” methinks they thinks.


Imagine going out for a meal post lockdown and getting harassed by this idiot.



I don’t get it. He was spending lockdown wanting us to open up and now it is opened up, he is still not happy.

He is better off harassing cops.


what’s the context of this?

do we not like avi now or something? idgi

the restaurant diner fags are obv pro-vax segregation scum

Last edited 2 years ago by stagmal
A fly in your ointment

That vid is definitely missing its prequel but he definitely is good at poking the bear


ah no surprise, taken out of context. the full video starts off with one of the guys “just trying to enjoy a meal” calling avi a fuckwit as he walked past, he walked up to ask questions after he was insulted. no surprises here.


Avi’s cut of the footage is very interesting, although the woman who just happened to be filming on a DSLR looks like one of his crew. Most people would just have used a phone so it seems convenient that someone would just happen to have a camera gear with them – doesn’t pass the sniff test.

If Avi is that thin skinned he’s going to cop a lot more heckling in future – it comes down to the journalist being the news as opposed to reporting it which I don’t think that’s a good thing for anyone.

As usual he’s asking for cash – I guess this is standard for youtubers who have to publish or perish. Could be doing it to appeal to an overseas far right audience, which would make more business sense, but with lockdown ending in Victoria he’s not going to have to same protest material to rely on.

More surprisingly, is that the mainstream have bothered to reported on it.



oh no question hes a grifter. i also suspect that challenge in the NSW supreme court to vax mandates was some grifting operation by the law firms that did it, had absolutely no chance.

Last edited 2 years ago by stagmal
Agent 47

The legal challenges have to happen and were sound to anyone who watched them.

The problem is the judiciary is long since bought off. At least it’s making more people accept that. Only real chance is a 5 judge high court challenge under 51.23a.


If you think a challenge under the civil conscription provision will stand, I suggest you read a bit more widely.

Agent 47

As for Avi, saw this floating around Gab. Harsh but fair.


“Main role is to co-opt any genuine Australian Nationalist movement from gaining momentum”. I hadn’t considered that so explicitly before. Makes some sense, will wait for confirmation before committing to this belief. I have always been puzzled as to why Avi does what he does and where.

A fly in your ointment


A perspective into Russian (counter-)disinformation efforts as a decent post to juxtapose to efforts of the US and its cronies.

I would add that in my view Ruskies are not inclined to exert more effort than to undermine the other side just enough to expose itself as, ironically, a Soviet style media control. They do this effectively and the cost benefit is maximal. In my view, any active effort to counter absurd western syndicated propaganda with the same would cause a major blow back. “Give them enough rope…” looks like the summary of their approach, time only helps as failed efforts eventually spiral out the absurd and then no further effort is required.

Just before an idea comes that in information war has good and bad sides, think again, there is only one side.

Agent 47



Looks like the Bitcoin price!



The rest of JFK papers get released this week..I wonder if there will be a fire or burst water pipes just before they are.