Hi everyone and welcome to another lovely weekend here in sunny Sydney!
Everyone is excited about the fact we ditched one premier, and deputy premier… the consensus seems to be – I don’t want to know about that! – which is very EZFKA, so we approve!
So in the spirit of EZFKA unity…
I’m really starting to warm to Neel – good stuff.
Now lets see what else happened this week…
So there has been a bit much about AusPol on these pages. Sometimes is fine, but jeez I could not give less of a flying f about, as FriendlyJordies puts it, our local bunyip aristrocracy.
More from our bunyip aristocracy, from John Cadogan, this week…
Cadogan bringing the spice!
Normally I would not take this kind of cheap shot, but in a particularly hilarious (heinous?) act of non-self awareness, we have…

- Good people are – ‘Save Australia’ protest erupts in New York | news.com.au — Australia’s leading news site – fighting for us worldwide.
- Lol – Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Drops Truth Bomb On Australian Response To COVID, Questions if Diplomatic Relations Should Be Reviewed – The Last Refuge (theconservativetreehouse.com) – DFAT must be having fun with this, not least because this bloke is probably the next VP.
- Based Poles – Weston A. Price Foundation, London Chapter on Twitter: “Polish MPs protest for Australia’s human rights outside the Australian embassy. “The whole world sees what is happening in Australia. Australia has contracted Covid madness.” https://t.co/QRUK2kMfsj” / Twitter – being based (pic below).

- Then this happened – Nurse contacts 3AW radio station and lets the cat out of the bag about why hospitals in Melbourne are getting overloaded.
MaxxVaxx filling up hospitals?

~~Monkeys And Parrots~~
~~World War III: Invisible War Edition~~
This poor bastard wife’d up a Chinese spy, and how it bit him in the arse!
- This is – UK Military Wants To Spy On Social Media To Detect “Change In Population Sentiment” | ZeroHedge – exactly what you think.
- First images of possible FA-XX concept drone – “What The F**k Is That” – Video Of Secret Stealth Aircraft Goes Viral | ZeroHedge – here.
- Bit more on the game around Covid – New ‘Lancet’ Letter Says There’s No Direct Evidence COVID-19 Originated Naturally – RedState – focused on the geopolitical implications.

- Details – Military planes have reportedly been spotted landing at Bagram air base in Afghanistan | Daily Mail Online – here.
- And Joe Biden’s body double was spotted below on September 23 here…. the bit where the lady asks if he’s the double is pretty funny.
Hey! Are you Joe Biden’s double?
~~AI Generated Historical Hotties~~
AI Hotties… Sorta…
~~Culture Wars~~

- Yeah – Americans’ Trust in Media Dips to Second Lowest on Record (gallup.com) – you know why.
- This one is hilarious – Zebras Are Running Loose Around D.C. and That Is Not the Weird Part – RedState – can you work out the comms?
- Markets are becoming – Fed Vice Chair Clarida Traded Millions One Day Before Powell Emergency Pandemic Statement | ZeroHedge – politicized.

- More lol happening here… clearly people having fun (i hope).

- Clearly true…

Of Course, When You Put It That Way!
~~Cartoonist And Wife~~
Clearly A Keeper!
~~Preach Chris, Preach~~

The smartest man in the world wants you to know…
This weeks EZFKA book club –
A State of Fear: How the UK government weaponised fear during the Covid-19 pandemic
To quote someone else’s review which sums it up perfectly:
“An outstanding exploration of how our fear of death and desire for safety were used against us by governments to keep us docile, obedient and terrified of a virus that, while serious, is nowhere near as dangerous as we were led to believe. I could not put it down.”
im so bored omg
theres only so many times i can walk around dubbo streets
Wear a proudly antivaxxed shirt you’ll find someone up for an argument.
Start a side hustle 😎
somehow find a way to walk out of ’em ?
Be a few weeks till anywhere else is any more interesting.
yeah right… bastard of a situation
Strata hiked from 1k to 10k a quarter.
Apparently it’s based on this issue from a year ago to day, where a REA took over a strata bodycorporate and spent over a million in legal fees to avoid doing repains.
That is gold, there is a guy at work who owns one of those, I can’t wait until we are back in the office now.
Nasty cripple can’t follow his own rules. 18 months into a pandemic, 200 plus days in lockdown and too stupid to put a mask on. It’s like leaving the house forgetting to put on your pants on. Goes to show what he does behind closed doors.
PR stunt to take the heat off his 4 investigations.
Cunt is a media whore and that’s all he’s good for. Meanwhile Sutton wants to put masks on kids.
on this one – how badly this the stupid presenter wench panic?! She was babbling and babbling and babbling, trying to fill in time and confuse the listeners and make sure that the caller couldn’t not get another word in!
And here come the boosters shots! Immune compromised first then the rest later. Lol.
Made the mistake of venturing over to MB for a casual browse.
Dear god the pants pissing in the comments section has hit new levels of neurosis.
These are actual people too. How they navigate daily I have no idea.
If it helps, I can recall one article where the comments have a few of them basically cheering their own Asperger’s diagnoses.
Saw this great meme right. It was like, ‘i remember when people who took unnecessary medications were called hypochondriacs’ or something like that.
MB’s target demographic.
“Macrobusiness: its woke capital for 45 year old men”
Id bet most of their audience, especially the paid members are older than that.
I betcha 10 colonial dollars that >1/3 of “paid” members are alter egos of the few (or in another perspective at least half of real members have 2 accounts, even less if some have 3 ormore)
Observe repeative patterns in expresions.
probably not. You are just seeing a well established groupthink environment.
The silencing of any voices critical of the group narrative further reinforces it.
For a more widespread example see the sjw bs on twitter and the lunacy about gender. They just all keep repeating the same shit to each other getting crazier and crazier.
Perhaps, I am open to that possibility.
Until further evidence, I am still inclined to my observion.
‘Grand Masters’ of that universe defeinitely have “incognito” accounts, more than just one.
That might have been me… 😥
Unless you have a burner account, I think it was a couple of those engineering types.
Would not surprise me, but I think some of them are bullshitting about that to obfuscate the fact they’re just wimps.
I also see they have subscription only now. The site is now terminal. Give it 18 months…
Victoria right now
At least if you were ‘unlucky’ enough to be porked by Weinstein you’d get a multi-million dollar movie role. How many gorgeous young women with no real acting chops are trying to make it in Los Angeles, yet he’s hand out roles of a lifetime and enough money to set them up for life for sucking his flaccid deformed penis. Sounds like a deal to me.
If not for Weinstein getting them established in the industry they would have eventually ended up on Onlyfans or turning tricks for guys like Weinstein anyway. The hypocrisy.
What do you get from Dan Andrews when he pokes you? You keep your lousy government job or work on a building site?
Good point
EZFKA sportsball worship
Neels impression of FriendlyJordies impression of Barilaro is hilarious btw. Nearly pissed myself.
Counting down until the day there’s a sexual assault allegation against Jordies.
He’s as much of a tosser as Barilaro.
Gayest whistleblower ever
Lol. Yeah it’s quite transparent these days hey.
I think some powerful people are upset that Facebook isn’t censoring enough as truth tidbits seem to still get through their censorship program.
Problem is that censorship only makes the ways to info more obscure. Soviets learned that the hard way. Westworld will learn it even harder way.
What the actual fuck. Convicted.
Alenezi had previously been convicted for groping a woman on a Sydney train in May 2017.
If not for the discount for an early guilty plea, Judge Bennett would have jailed him for 10 years.
The sentence, backdated to November 2019, includes a five-year non-parole period.
Mmm, vibrancy.
Has anyone got anything useful to say about the recent bitcoin price hikes? Is it fear of inflation, a pump and dump or something else entirely?
my sense is that there has been some sustained buying going on by some relatively-big (but not ginormous) actor or actors. The price action resembles what happened when Musk bought in and when El Salvador bought in. In time, we will find out who has bought in.
the other piece seems to be a comprehensive shrugging-off of the latest China ban. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, and all that.
Finally an element of it could be linked to the “trillion dollar coin minting” rumours coming out of the USA (and BTC deciding to become the Trillion-Dollar-Coin first, hehe 🥳) but that particular thing seems to be just at the edges. What’s not at the edges is continuing monetary debasement/printing/inflation.
Probably something to do with the issues in China. They can’t buy with yuan, but there are plenty of loopholes.
It’s all wash trading with fake tether
it’s a scam
so you keep saying. At what point do you accept you might be wrong?
When the market is regulated ?
-who is “depositing” $69 billion with an unaudited company of 5 employees under investigation by the doj and nyag
-why is anyone buying tether to buy crypto in the first place when it offers no return
-how would this company be buying $69 billion of “commercial paper” and no traders have ever heard of them or dealt with them
-why is a $69 billion asset fund unable to provide an independent audit
-who is holding $69 billion of a token that has no utility , is not redeemable for anything real, and is completely unverified
it isn’t even remotely believable
tether is not bitcoin. You seem to fail to understand that.
why are you measuring the “value” of a bitcoin in USD (which really means USDT)?
Because it has no other value to you
USD in itself also has no value, remember. Can’t eat it, can’t wear it.
You can only use it for exchanging for other things.
Yes, it is still easier to exchange USD for things than it is to exchange BTC for things. May not always be the case. Or maybe it will always be the case.
none of those outcomes is fatal to btc.
Lol you can use it to extinguish tax obligations
and pay interest
and yes buy any asset in the world including crypto (which holders will eagerly exchange for)
but who is holding dollars as an investment anyway?
Absolutely nobody
it’s a straw man argument
i thought that the point you’re making is that BTC is shitter than USD, (ie has no value) because BTC can only be exchanged for things (tether, or usd proper), whereas USD has other uses and therefore has value.
and my point is that there is only a difference in degree. Not a difference in kind.
Usd is a method of exchange
that’s what currency is
which it is very good at (and Btc very poor at)
it’s not supposed to be a store of value – this is really hard for both mbtards and cryptards to understand
Having accepted that , why exchange it for something even more useless instead of actual productive assets
USD or BTC? I’d say btc primary role is store of value, which it is much better at than USD which is why you’d value it as more than USD to do that.
indeed it is, well spotted.
Usd is not supposed to be a store of value
The point he is making is he just doesn’t like it. Same as MB. They come up with all sorts of weird justifications that really don’t hold water when looked at objectively.
My favourite is when the failings of tether are their primary justification for hating on btc.
perhaps that gets at the core of it 😁
Have a think about it
Why do you want to own bitcoin?
Because you think it will go up in value
Why do you think it will go up in value?
Well, duh, because it has gone up in value in the past
Why did it go up in the past?
Largely because of artificial pumps
Which must inevitably be followed by dumps
That’s why it goes up 10% or down 10% for absolutely no reason whatsoever
Its fake trades rinsing shorts or longs
and also creating fomo
Most of this is done brazenly by just painting the tape
but the need to coordinate the tape painting across all the exchanges meant it was easier to use tether
Even you directly admit that you value bitcoin over bitcoinSV, or bitcoinPurple, or bitcoinNextGeneration because its the MOST ponzi scheme
-it isn’t functionally better than any of the ones that came after it. In fact its comparatively fucking garbage
-its just the one that everyone thinks of
-therefore price will go up
So all the talk about “tHe TeCh” is clearly bullshit
What is your goal with the bitcoins?
Obviously the only reason for you to own them is to sell them at some point to fund your expenses or purchases (in fiat)
There is no utility derived from actually owning them
To do that you will need a greater fool, who will buy them in the hope that they can also sell them later to an even greater fool in order to fund their own expenses or purchases (in fiat)
Is it hard for you to admit this to yourself?
Or you acknowledge that you are buying it because price go up, and you will sell it at some undefinable top in exchange for fiat which will make you ACTUALLY wealthy?
You can surely see the problem with this logic – at some point you run out of fools
Mate, just buy a Bitcoin. Or even half, it’ll help you understand 😀
Serious question
This applies to gold, and any investment really so is a meaningless argument that adds nothing to the discussion.
Here we disagree, you can make that claim but show no evidence. The number of people who have pulled out huge amounts of money prove it is not “just painting the tape” unless they are also investing hundreds of millions or most likely billions to keep that value up, but keep telling yourself that it is.
Tether is someone glomming onto the crypto craze to print themselves money, no different than tech companies that did absolutely nothing profitable glomming onto investors in the dot com boom. This does not mean yahoo, amazon and google were worthless because the space was full of scammers.
Mot of the others are again glomming onto a trend to make money.
Overall a lot more people wat to get rich than are able to create something original, most of the new coins are lets stick drypto onto tech X, like lets make and internet fridge, stove and toaster.
Care to explain what it is garbage at that the others do better that can’t be done even better outside crypto?
“the tech” does ONE THING. Make decentralised trust possible. That has a fairly limited scope for practical use. Primarily store of value for large amounts. Small transactions don’t require that level of trust. In general transactions álso have another component that cannot be done in the chain so again is not all that useful for that purpose.
This is the same as gold barring a very fringe use case that would nowhere near maintain it’s value if it stopped being believed to be a store of value.
I ask the same of you.
This is a fundamental property of all asset markets. The only way you make a profit is to onsell it at a later date. That is the definition of an asset. It equally applies to shares, property, gold and anything else. Surely you can see that.
You may make some justification for it but they are all fundamentally a ponzi by this definition.
Are you talking about gold here, because that also costs money to store and secure.
The brain is an amazing thing. Once it gets set on a narrative it will go to amazing lengths to maintain it.
Examples all over the place, the emmbee lockdown pantswetters, btc bad, and so on.
Up to the insanity of twitter going absolutely apeshit and calling anyone that dares question the statement that gender is not determined by biology and is a construct a nazi as that is the only way they can reconcile their position in their heads given facts don’t really work.
The scientific method is meant to combat this tendency, it’s a pity that the people who really need it aren’t taught it.
Edit: And this is why I was anti lockdown from the start. Once you establish that narrative it gets really hard to remove it from a lot of people and you end up where we are.
Yeah right mate
it fundamentally does nothing (or very little)
therefore it only has value in your imagination
i have NEVER measured the value in USD.
I measure it in AUD, but funnily enough fiat currencies are what we tend to value everything in, including our time.
Does food have any value to you other than USD?
A car? your time? You really are making a ridiculous statement.
Invisible war hotting up.
Bitcoin etc is used to pay assassin’s and other dodgy types.
Probably also related to people freaking out and moving money.
Seems to me there is a correlation to geopolitical hot periods. Could be wrong though.
see ur chances at getting a natural immunity
In other news, Ram’s’ay Group hospitals introduced “we know better than anyone educated or more experienced” and introduced “we decide if your proof of wax or exemption is valid” – you can work for us only if “we” deem you waxed as per our own spurious assessment and we don’t give a rodent’s flagellation if you think otherwise. For those with cheaper sears this means the PHO is insufficient in their view.
I am cancelling my private insurance.
Methinks these mob were nominated Fizzler peddler for AUS and ezyfuckya.gov.au nominee of the administration of the jab.
I wonder how the AFL solicitors are doing…
The calculator is superb, thanks!
as to Ramsay – given where normal countries have ended up with this (abandoning coercive measures) – I think that Ramsay will end up walking back from this stupidity, eventually. As will their dickhead compadres who have tried to mandate jabs for staff and contractors and customers.
of course most of the damage will already have been done because many people will have already been forced to comply (or quit).
Its important, I think, to keep a list of businesses that have done this sort of stuff, so that people can remember who to hate and shun/boycott in the future.
No one ever walks back any more, it is “adjustment in the face of the new eveidence”. I’ve uysed it against my employer’s bully and it works a treat on many levels.
The list would be good but it is effectively redundant as it is natural for people to forget or forgive, particularly in the face of a convenience or urgency or when faced with “under new manangement” non sequitur argument.
My view is that more big businesses will ramp up coercion exceeding PHO as the probabilities of removal of the PHO’s illegal part grow. Is this a concerted effort? Apparently in Danmark there was a similar push then it all fizzled out into nuttin’ (as per anecdata).
My probability of dying of Covid is about one in 6500 according to that calculator, which I thought sounded pretty good but still puts at about 71 on a scale of 100, where 100 is worst. I did it again but changed my age from 59 to 45 and the odds went to one in 25000.
The good news is that I don’t have a single one of the contributing factors. I’m also much fitter than most blokes my age, at least among my friends and colleagues.
dat big bad bogeyman ain’t that big or bad, eh?
Anti lockdowner Aussie Cossack livestreams arrest. Apparently he went to Bunnings without a mask and had his car searched.
He’s a legend. They’ve harassed him for months and this is petty shit.
I use vpn nowaday when watching unapproved narrative or researching stuff…
Have been using the free google dns servers for a long time, rarely have had any site access blocked.
“free” “google”
Can these two words ever stand together?
I think it is today’s choice of VPN server.
Never seen the need for approval before.
Can recall some years back idiot governments implemented mandatory but inadequate IP blocking provisions for Australian ISPs, but there’s been less noise about this as most people are probably paying for content these days.
Free is still free and there’s also others like Open DNS for those who aren’t comfortable with Google.
Free and incognito.
With goggle it is only free, but by now they have your DNA deconstructed. Mine too. Note how *ALL* links in your gmail client are redirected to go via goggle dot com (check it by hovering over them).
DNS servers are not to blame for this blackout fro me, it is the IP address most likely. I will report what happens when I go to ISP IP.
Spot on
Near the conclusion of Putin’s energy conference, Boris Kovalchuk, CEO of RAO Group, an electricity export-import firm, added some dark humor: “Mr. President … In Germany, government agencies produce video clips telling people how to spend winter without lighting or heating, how to put candles into flower pots to warm up a room, and how to make windows draft-proof with duct tape and cling film. Just a few years ago now, this would have been impossible to imagine, as if the Stone Age was coming back.
Winter is coming.
Gazprom holding all the cards and a gun to the EU’s head
Is that actually the case?
I have not been following it but it’s seems like a normal shit show caused by various corrupt euro elites, and Putin is a convenient scape goat.
Putin, having worked out they intend to screw him, has been repaying the favour by screwing them back.
Normal large scale corruption no?
Nope, why would you build 2 more ppipelines against US dreams and wishes and then turn the tap off???
I agree with T
Don’t get me wrong, I agree they’re trying to fuck Putin.
Hell if he can collapse the EU by freezing Brussels out literally I will move to Moscow.
Just pointing out how he basically has them by the balls now.
But this is exacty what I disagree with: “Just pointing out how he basically has them by the balls now.”
Merkel said few days ago Russia is prepared to send EU what the pipline can carry… for money though. He is not holding anyone by their balls
US obstructed Eastern Stream, EU obliged, Germany rubber stamped it because it put too much leverage and profits (for German liking) in Bulgarian hands and all the down-streamers. Putin thendiverted it to close enough (Turkey) so that the pipeline is close enough and we now have Turkstream instead of Eastern Stram…
Then Nord Stream 2 came and it had 0 obstruction from EU (all the arguments for Eastern Stream were now conveniently forgoten) and only the US complained and actioned… but it was just way too much to demand in the first place.
Now imagine neitherof the 2 new streams were made, where would EU be? This is somewhat similar to our situation with China and Iron Ore, we are welcome to sell it elsewhere, better said, they are welcome to buy from others.
The reall issue is that EU went against coal (this is good stuff) but misplaced its alternatives in virtue signalling options like wind and fart plants and solar. If they went nuclear, situation would be less dramatinc if Ruski gas was available to save them or not.
Putin saw that EU was gong down the stupid way and just positioned Russia to profit from EU’s stupidity.
To put it bluntly, it was EU/Germany/Virtue signalling that is plowing EU’s cloaka and Ruskies are =technically= saviours
I hadn’t followed the situation, so this has been a good summary of what’s unfolded – thanks.
it does seem that nuclear is the sensible solution here. Surprising that almost nobody could get it to work politically, give kind of shit they’ve gotten away with under the “pandemic” aegis.
Agree with this.
Merkel ruled out new nuclear power in Germany in 2011 after Fukushima. Europe has been going gangbusters in terms of developing renewables, but the output from hydro and wind this year has been underwhelming, hence the need for other sources.
I think also Germany has basically put a stop to its coal industry in the past few years.
Russia’s reserves are actually lower now than on average so there are limits here. Also Russia is shipping a lot more East (China) than before.
I am not saying coal is good, I am saying that when they start lifting floor boards to burn them for heat in the next winter, it cannot be any one else to blame.
Telling the Poles to lose 7% of their electricity supply at the start of winter in a time of energy shortages and high prices is insane. Poles, in my limited experience, don’t take a lot of shit. The comfortably besuited loonies in Brussels will force a Polish exit if they’re not careful.
i heard all the arguments contra-nuclear on EmBee, coming from apparent uneconomical factors but it conveniently forgets one most important factor: reliability.
Mind you, it is not the best, it is only not as bad and unreliable as the next option.
I still do not have explanation as to why Chinks did not adopt it massively as yet, so perhaps there is something there thus watch this space.
Coal is still cheaper would be my guess. At least until you get into ideological spats with your supplier.
nice to see the religion of pieces at it again
“IS-K, the Afghan regional affiliate of the IS group that is violently opposed to the governing Taliban, has carried out several bombings recently, largely in the east of the country.”
This sectarian shit will occur here. home grown islam cannibalism in ezfka.
Yeah they see it as a big victory in Afghanistan right. Looking to capitalise on the momentum.
Nothing puts a spring in step like muslim fundamentalists maniacs killing other muslim fundamentalist maniacs. I hope they go at it hammer and fucking tongs and drown in rivers of their own blood.
Movies for htis week:
In mainstream department:
Bedazzled (1967)
Bedazzled (2000)
Would you sell your soul to the Devil for seven wishes to win the hand of the woman you love?
Both Dudley Moore and Brendan Frasier are excellent casts with their excellences in acting as pathetic characters. The character of lucifer is quite different but it gives both tales a different perspective.
Elizabet Hurley probably has a room in her house devoted as a shrine for this movie as it was the pinacle of her performance.
Both movies have mediocre (or a bit more) acting but stand out for the naration of the tale and comic style. Often quoted only as a rom-com’s, this does unjustice to these two as their philosophical part is subtle but pivotal.
If you can understand Slovakian, here’s another interestin BW tale:
Zmluva s diablom (1967) (Slovak)
In weird/indie/non-english department
Willem Dafoe, Charlotte Gainsbourg
I am yet to see a movie where Charlotte is to play with clothes on for the length of the feature (guess ‘like mother like daughter’ applies here), the movie is a weird twisted tale of psycho horror. Not for the meak and weaklings, probably not everyone’s cup. Most will watch it only until the intro scene finishes. It features private parts of both actors in full screen scene that would make even Linda Lovelace in her days blush.
Lars fon Trier… that tells enough
The Brown Bunny (2003)
Vincent Gallo and Chloë Sevigny play in this movie about inner demons of a bike ricer. Technically a road movie but in reality it is a drama.
Two things make this movie special, closing scene where we see Chloë Sevigny performs a felatio in prawn-hub style, and the spat between Vincent and ‘the fat pig’ Ebert.
Gallo Directed this movie and thereare several edits.
Movies were listed only for their opening and closing scenes respectively.
Used up all the links allowance… new post
In the more palatable department:
Brazil (1985)
A dystopian movie about dystopian society. Terry Gilliam is brilliant in wacky department, he created all the animations for TheMOnty Python’s
Side Effects (2013)It stars Rooney Mara as a woman who is prescribed experimental drugs by psychiatrists (Jude Law and Catherine Zeta-Jones) after her husband (Channing Tatum) is released from prison.
Did not watch it as yet, just got it because of the premise and I am a fan of Rooney Mara so can’t lose there.
TV shows later…
I think you posted Hunt For Red October a couple weeks back.
Poignant movie to watch right now if ever in my opinion.
Brown Bunny is overrated and only has titillation/shock value from the controversial sex scene.
Same for Lars, more or less.
I noted thatinthe original post.
Both are good for a bit of unusual if that is acceptable
Jesus this clown show is really falling apart now
No Significant Difference in Viral Load Between Vaccinated and Unvaccinated, Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Groups When Infected with SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant
Theres also this. Meanwhile, booster shots will start here on Monday. Hilarious.
That is a super stupid link for a number of reasons
think there’s little reasonable doubt that the vaccines do provide some protection against severe infection
but vaccine mandates and passports aren’t founded in even the barest level of evidence
I clicked on the plus button for you because of the last sentence but I still don’t see the claim that wax is ineffective on the link, only that its effects are much smaller than originally thought/claimed for the sales pitch “benefits outweights the risks”.
(I wonder what benefit can outweigh the risk of deep vein trombosis leading to death… just saying)
Well his link claims that they are MINUS 66% effective (ie increase your risks)
as far as side effects go they are also fairly safe though
it’s really just a lot of fuss about nothing
both the reaction to corona
and the reaction to the vaccine
And there it is
Already happening. A lot are fleeing countries where Covid has run rampant, but we’re not dealing with fruitpickers here so there are delays as it takes a long time for overseas qualifications to be recognised and processed.
what does that mean? Why are they fleeing?
A good example is South Africa – a country with significant inequalities that has basically turned to shit. Covid deaths are close to 90k, and with proposed changes to their health system more of their doctors are not happy to the point where they’re considering leaving.
Australia has a similar culture, language and better safety. Every South African I’ve met has had multiple stories of home invasions or being robbed at gun/knifepoint – here we don’t run the daily risk of being shot or stabbed. New expats are always amazed that they don’t have to arm themselves, their kids can go out at night and take their phones with them – as these are targets for gangs and pickpockets in South Africa. Of course, there is still shock at the price of property but as they’re going to end up in the upper echelon of income earners it’s less of a problem.
It probably has more to do with the corrupt government and blatant racism against any whites / Indians / mixed and any other race that makes people want to leave, along with rampant crime (270 murders a day), rolling power blackouts and other challenges to day to day living that we take for granted too.
Most definitely.
This will be the end of China
Across China’s public parks and squares, in the early hours of the morning or late in the afternoon, the grannies gather. The gangs, made up mostly of middle-aged and older women who went through the Cultural Revolution, take to a corner of a local park or sporting ground and dance in unison to Chinese music. Loud music.
The tradition has led to alarming standoffs, with the blaring music frequently blamed for disturbing the peace in often high-density residential areas. But many are too scared to confront the women. The dilemma of the dancing grannies has prompted some to seek out tech solutions. One went viral online this week: a remote stun gun-style device that claims to be able to disable a speaker from 50 metres away.
I had sumtin similar as a kid growing up in the prime good lookingyears of the communism. It’s efin best thing in the world as it subconciously brings people together and instigates the feel of belonging to a group. This is critical in communism as it brings a new identity to place politics – members of the party- but in essence it has by far more values then that.
People are essentially pack-animals; individualism as pushed by (neo)liberalism is counterintuitive thus bound to fail but with a big bang because it is on life support machine for way too long.
Victoria has gone full communist – https://7news.com.au/business/housing-market/vic-launches-500m-fund-to-help-homebuyers-c-4181161
Unless this is some kind of joke.
no joke.
Timbo’s post was spot on. this is how they’ll get your house. Can’t pay your mortgage because we shut your business? No problem! Well guarantee it never goes below a certain price.” etc
You will own nothing…
What fresh hell is this
we aren’t yet that far gone that we needed something like this , I thought it would be years away
$125,000 maximum income ?
$950,000 property ?
that isn’t exactly battler territory
I can’t help but chuckle though
the poor losers at MB
Access criteria similar to the 2021 Federal government First Home Loan Deposit Scheme.
This one will also be available for those who have owned a home in the past!
they’ve not limited it to FHBs either, so it’s just a balls-out property pump.
being rolled out in the middle of a boom, too. My only guesses are
Election is 13 months away, so really a balls-out property pump.
Government must be pretty desperate for stamp duty as it is flat broke. The Belt and Road income is no longer thanks to the feds and barely anything to pawn off.
You know it, it’s the EZFKA way. Even so, 950k doesn’t get you much in metro Victoria.
Depends on where you look. Will easily buy a house in outer suburbs like Tarneit, Pakenham, etc. But won’t get you much in a more desirable location.
Almost a million for a townhouse in Frankston 🤷♀️
1/41A Nolan Street, Frankston, Vic 3199
would you look at that, a listing on realestate.com.au that actually shows the price. you almost never see that anymore.
The place I bought a few months ago was like that. Luckily neither of us wanted an auction so was able to make an offer in the asking range which was accepted. While I had some buyers regret have filled the offset account so really dgaf anymore.
There were a few more like that out there, and I remember you could search the upcoming open inspections to select for only private sales.
I rekcon they’re desperate for property prices not to fall as they’re not confident immigration will ramp up fast enough.
why would victoria (or any other state) care about falling house prices though?
It really isn’t their problem
In fact, it might be good for them as it would encourage turnover, and stamp duty receipts (as well as all the economic benefits which would mostly flow to the state from more competitive industries, employment etc)
It might even encourage immigration, which gives them more government funding, more chances to rort/game of mates etc etc
Falling house prices are a problem for the feds and for the banks
rising prices = wins elections. Falling prices = election poison.
everything else is just as achievable with rising prices as it is with falling (turnover, migration, game of mates)
You sure about that ?
Only 67% are homeowners
of those, many would have children who they know will never own a house and they can’t help them
many would just have one house mortgage free and a lot of other assets or cash
many would be young with a long future of earning ahead of them and understand that a crash would make them relatively better off
and many won’t blame Dan for anything even if he raped a baby on live tv
27% of the 67% own more than one home
95% of people owning more than one house would be liberal voters regardless of what happens
maybe they have run the numbers but it would be a hard thing to define
plus you couldn’t blame them for house price falls, just because they didn’t spend hundreds of millions on some insane policy to prop them up
we’re pretty sure, i think the MB hypothesis that people want lower prices is wrong, wrong, wrong. this is ezfka country, baby. boomer and homeowner greed outweighs all other concerns.
my dad is always bragging about how much his house is worth. think he wants prices cut in half?
In Dubbo ?
nah orange
like 1.5m it has been appraised at or higher, idfk how its possible
There is no space around Orange to build, this is obvious mate! Demand and supply basics, Hong Kong is a nice and comparative example.
In aggregate that is true. However, elections are not won on aggregates. The 27% you mention would be safe Liberal seats. The 33% renting would be concentrated in safe seats. It is the aspirationals in marginal seats where elections are won or lost.
If you take in Chisholm where that CCP spy is the member, house prices have surged there. People have paid extraordinary amounts to get into GWSC school zone. Many will be highly leveraged and house prices can’t go down.
The government may care, depending on how many of their donors are landbankers, developers or similar.
This combined with the consequences or negative equity could easily be enough to make it seem like a good idea.
There maybe truth to that, rob.
given how deeply they’ve dug in with the house arrest shit, it may well be that they will face an inward migration shortage AND a rush for the door from those already there.
Was speaking today to an older, very wealthy colleague of mine who told me that he has retired, and leaving Victoria as soon as possible because of the madman in charge
Disagree Peachy. There will be a stampede coming in and a trickle going out. Being under house arrest in Melbourne is far better than Mumbai. You get a tax free weekly amount here if you are under house arrest unless you own a business in which case suck lemons.
There are plenty of vacant apartments in postcode 3000 and the focus will be on quantity. I mean if incumbent residents are hesitant to go back to the CBD, Sally Crapp would be more than willing to bring in thousands to backfill.
oh yes, I get all that. It’s a question of timeframe though.
specifically, I was responding to Robert2013 who said
(My emphasis)
And I do think that in the short term it’s a risk factor. They probably won’t be able to bring in 100,000 people into Melbourne in the first 12 months of reopening (mix of inevitable process such as federal rules, lead times (visas & demand & semester dates) as well as optics).
but it’s quite possible that they will lose 100,000 people in the first year.
in the longer term (3-5), the dynamics you mention come into play – welfare/minimum wage in Melbourne is much better than average lifestyle in Mumbai.
While I generally agree on the plan to reboot the ponzi, question is how feasible really? A lot of those low skilled service jobs are gone forever.
a lot of the ones that hung on lost and lost a lot of cash. Then you have the issue of international reputation which I think they are underestimating.
Not saying they won’t, there’s an awful lot of apartments they can fill with the wthird world on partially state owned mortgages, logistics is always a different reality.
We’ll see.
I don’t think that the jobs are gone forever. Already barely anyone gives a shit about the distancing recommendations, etc. In 6-12 months I expect even the token hand-waving will cease and things will proceed as if the virus never existed.
What do you think has actually changed?
its absolutely fascinating observing the DanStans and covid-tards at MB cope with their world view being absolutely defaecated on daily
somehow trying to reconcile the fact that they have the world’s harshest and longest lockdown, but also somehow also a worse outbreak than NSW (run by anti-science, pro-business evil Gladys)
After spending weeks gloating about how gladys should have locked down hard and early, they find themselves in a worse position than NSW despite dan locking down as hard and as early as anyone possibly could lockdown
NSW hospitals were supposed to be completely overwhelmed at this point, and instead they are closing covid wards
Dan assured them that locking down hard and early was the way to get on top of delta, that they “didn’t want to find themselves in a position like NSW”
The sense of moral and intellectual superiority must somehow be preserved in the face of this, which must create tremendous cognitive dissonance
DLS has completely stopped talking about covid – probably the super fund principals have banned him, so that he doesn’t make an even bigger tit of himself
But somehow Ronin, Arthur, Sweeper etc have just doubled down – they reassure themselves that given Perrotet further loosening restrictions NSW hospitals will inevitably be overwhelmed in a couple weeks
I’m not sure how they reconcile the victorian situation
Mr Tezza just consoles himself with the fact that victorian daily deaths haven’t (yet) surpassed NSW (even though they are hundreds ahead overall from Dan’s nursing home mass-murder last year)
Gunnamatta continues to blame Gladys for inflicting covid on Victoria, and scomo for denying victorians vaccines
Arthur seems on the verge of a revelation, just needs someone to help him through this traumatic understanding
Arthur Schopenhauer
October 9, 2021 at 11:37 am
So what practical steps should be taken?
Regardless of political alignment, what things could be practically done, given the current situation in Victoria?
I guess that’s a question to everyone on this blog.
Sweeper however just plows on with the obvious hypocrisy and contradictions. He’s a heavily politicised public servant after all. He will deny the sky is blue if it suits his agenda
October 9, 2021 at 3:32 pm
All the evidence is lockdowns are highly effective.
The difference between this year and last year is that lockdowns have been unable to reduce the reproduction number below 1.
This is simply because Delta is far more contagious. Estimated at 5. So a 70% reduction in the R number due to lockdowns still won’t lead to elimination as was the case last year.
A couple of other points:
– timing of lockdowns with Delta is crucial
– NSW completely screwed up their strategy because they were high on their gold standard product
– Hotel Quarantine should have been abandoned when we learned that basic infection control (hand washing, PPE) isn’t an adequate defence.
– with the majority of returning Australians going into hotel quarantine in Melbourne and Sydney it was guaranteed there would be more outbreaks with Delta because hotel quarantine is a disaster
I can’t get past the fact that we wouldn’t be here if NSW and Sco Mo had of learned from the Vic experience last year and went into lockdown earlier.
covid spreads thru superspreaders, it doesnt matter if you lockdown at 4 cases or 500 cases if there’s 1 superspreader in the 4 you’re fucked, if there’s 0 in the 500 you’ll be better off.
Correct and the part that no one talks about. The West Hoxton party was the superspreader that ensured NSW gold standard was overrun. For Victoria, it was sportsball matches. The idiots running Victoria were coming out and saying this is unprecedented and yet 17 months earlier the same thing happened in Italy and seeded Covid throughout Southern Europe.
As someone that have been on a that side, perhaps I can provide an insight into the dissonance.
Let me re-state obvious: Lockdowns are highly effective!
This has not changed as my view point and it cannot as it has been effective ever since the mankind (as in men and women, not the toxic part thereof).
Here comes the critical bit: outcome of lockdowns is useless if there is no water tight seal around the area under lockdowns. If one took the whole EZFKA as the area of a lockdown it can achieve 0 covid. Ideal world.
Now introduce leaky quarantine and all the effort is just a sado-masochism. Remeber, 100% of infections came from outright incompetent quarantine where sick and healthy are breathing the same air, people got infected in the quaranitine or quarantine is botched by mismanagement that was not present in the most corrupt bananna states or in the lowest dips of communism, letalone a developed country. The second bit, incompetent quarantine, is what these guys cannot comprehend: it is pointles to lock-down people if virus will escape the Q again. And it will, the wax of today is just a trial for the future producs
Lockdowns lost their meaning and became a leverage for coercion and inimidation into the greatest clinical trial in the history of the mankind. EZFKA will become CTGFKA or Clinical Trial Group Fromerly known as….
Mark my words, we will be known in the same infamy as Guatemala syphilis experiment
makes Mengele look like willy wonka
It was absolutely inevitable that at some point it would fail
whether it was one month, one year, one decade
as we have seen in every single country on earth even New Zealand
you are just delaying the inevitable
and as I have been saying since March 2020: it wasn’t even worth it
we were sold the lockdown on warnings that the mortality rate was 3% or more , and there would be dead bodies piling up on the streets
that was an obvious lie from day one
it was at most 1/10th of that , and probably more like 1/100th
the social and economic costs were never worth it
now we have an even more fractures and divided and unequal society than ever
and a ruined generation of children
from a largely futile attempt to minimally prolong the lives of a few geriatrics
The lockdowns have been worth it particularly for shareholders. Big business have had large revenue increases with a reduction in costs. Small and medium enterprises were smashed and there is no way they can recover anytime soon. Rich got richer and were welcomed into their desired place of residence. Poor got poorer and the elite made it obvious where they sit. The lockdown were absolutely worth it for the elite.
“you are just delaying the inevitable”
I take that as a good point but the issue is that we never had real 0-covid policy. It was professed but nothing was done to actually make it or make sure it is not leaky.
If EZFKA was kept watertight and Qtine was on par with 3rd world countries like Quagmirestan or Stumbabwe we could have had a relatively inexpensive delay to wait for a proper wax to be developed, you know, like Novavax.
I know this may be a tad idealistic but in real terms there were huge chances for success simply because EZFKA is an island. Same for EnZed.
I admit to being gullible to 0-covid plans in early days because it made sense. Gullibility went away as I saw stupid Qtine leak like an old sieve. It is all academic now. One thing for sure, it is clear that the ezfka.gov objective was something utterly different from the very beginning.
The World will ditch the word “guinea pig” for an apt replacement: “ezfka pig”/
Thought the focus had switched to getting the percentage of double vaccinated people to 80% – didn’t think anyone really cared about case numbers anymore, although I suppose those looking to score political points will take whatever supports their narrative.
If you are still living under your bed you care about the numbers. Europe and North America have gotten on with life. Australia’s vaccination rates are exceeding or close to exceeding many countries in Europe that have opened up. Now the EmBee bedwetters are pointing at Singapore. Yet they don’t want to admit that Singapore is densely populated and residents live in air conditioning.
Following changes Poland made to its judiciary system, it has been the subject of persistent criticism by the European Union Commission that the new laws are “not compatible” with European standards, with threats of fines and freezing EU payments to Poland. But these threats have not changed Poland’s determination. On the contrary, the Polish Constitutional Court on Oct. 7, in a case filed by Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki over their organization of their judicial system, ruled that “substantial parts of the European treaties are not in accordance with the Polish Constitution.” Judge Bartłomiej Sochański said: “The EU Treaty is subordinate to the Constitution in the Polish legal system … and, like any part of the Polish legal system, it must comply with the Constitution.”
Today, Morawiecki declared: “Constitutional law has superiority over other sources of law…. We have the same rights as other countries. We want these rights to be respected. We are not an uninvited guest in the European Union. And that’s why we don’t agree to be treated as a second-class country…. Poland’s place is and will be in the European family of nations.”
The ruling was welcomed by Jarosław Kaczyński, the leader of Law and Justice (PiS), the largest party in Poland’s governing coalition, saying that “any different ruling would effectively mean that Poland is not a sovereign state.”
René Repasi, a professor of international and European law at Erasmus University in Rotterdam, told Britain’s daily Guardian that the ruling was a “legal revolution … this is furthest step towards a legal exit from the EU ever taken by a national court.”
Poland’s sovereign act did not go unnoticed. Luxembourg’s Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn threatened on Oct. 7: “This government in Poland is playing with fire. The primacy of European law is essential for the integration of Europe and living together in Europe. If this principle is broken, Europe as we know it, as it has been built with the Rome treaties, will cease to exist.”
Good to see that culture matters somewhere.
That Facebook exercises enormous power over discourse and social interactions cannot be denied. The House Antitrust Committee considers the social media giant—along with Google, Amazon, and Apple—as monopolies, in violation of the essentially dormant antitrust laws.
From this standpoint, calls for regulating the social media giants might seem to be a useful way of preventing these giant players from exerting outsized influence over speech and thought.
But the vast majority of regulations and regulatory powers sought by the Congress and Biden Administration would achieve precisely the opposite effect, consolidating the monopoly status of these firms, preventing the rise of competitors, and using that power to censor speech that offends the revealed Truth of the would-be tyrants.
Enter Frances Haugen, a telegenic and seemingly informed “insider” acting as a courageous “whistleblower” to inform a shocked country of the terrible effects of Instagram and Facebook. The crime of Zuckerberg? He “has allowed choices to be made where the side effects of those choices are that hateful and polarizing content gets more distribution and more reach.” The New York Times summarized her testimony as “calling for regulation of the technology and business model that amplifies hate.” The London Economist enthuses that her testimony may bring together the U.S. Senate, “united against a common enemy and promis[ing] Ms. Haugen that they would hold Facebook to account.”
Haugen’s supposed act of whistleblowing appears as though coordinated by a PR firm to advance the growing calls for censorship over speech.
Over the last three years, the percentage of U.S. adults who align with or lean towards the Democratic Party who want tech companies to take more steps to “restrict false info online” rose from 60% to 76%. And the percent among that demographic who want the U.S. government itself to restrict “misinformation” online soared from 40% to 65%!
Nearly two-thirds of the people in this grouping now oppose the tradition of free speech, enshrined in the First Amendment, defended by the old ACLU that supported the rights even of neo-Nazis to rally, and attacked by Sen. Joe McCarthy who attempted to make certain political views essentially illegal.
Today, the Congressional committee investigating the events on Capitol Hill on January 6 is pursuing a broader and broader scope of investigation reminiscent of McCarthy’s vile actions of the 1950s. Will those called to testify be asked, “Are you now, or have you ever been, a supporter of Donald Trump?”
Increased regulation of the social media space would not only be an obvious violation of the First Amendment, based on a series of court rulings that when the government compels private actors to censor speech, it is effectively the same as the government doing so directly (and unconstitutional).
Furthermore, it would make the monopoly powers yet more entrenched, by creating an enormous barrier to entry. Developing a comprehensive comment/posting moderation workflow is enormously expensive, and would be absolutely impossible for new entrants that could compete with Facebook and Google, which are playing in the internet space the role assumed by the legacy media.
Breaking up the monopolies, demanding that Congress not legislate speech codes (either directly, or through the indirect means of threats), and reforming the Section 230 protections offered to social media companies in a way that distinguishes between truly free platforms and those that censor—these would be useful paths forward.
But the intention of glorifying the testimony of Haugen, lauded by Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) as “a 21st century American hero” is precisely the opposite—designed to promote “getting tough on Facebook” in a way that would both strengthen its monopoly power and force a greater censorship of political viewpoints.
False flag whistle blower. Looks like a man too.
Politicians are not liking anonymous criticism, despite doing the same to boost their image and attack their opponents.
It’s becoming more obvious that the modern politician is a profession whose use by date has passed.
Something new is going to emerge. Very excited to see what.
Anyone else noticed This? Something about October 15th. Could turn out to be nothing but a lot of ‘coincidences’
Could be related but the debt ceiling shit is all just kabuki theatre every three months.
I don’t follow it closely enough to have noticed, but thank you for highlighting this.
it is quite interesting indeed. Maybe that’s when the nwo is officially going to be unveiled?
So there’s a big meeting Davos this Friday with all the usual WEF/UN/World Bank crowd.
Im sure there will be some discussions of interests we won’t know along with a child sacrifice or 7.
Do you think the Davos crowd will be wearing face-diapers?
could be the new 20-12-2012 and the revised more accurate end of the mayan calendar thus the world?
Replenishment eh.
Silly Europe/financial times – writing articles about this stuff maybe happening in the future. Naive amateurs.
EZFKA just silently does it (and denies it’s happening, if and when required).
Trying to downplay it, hilarious.
Great Replacement is now mainstream political discussion so it surprised this is being attempted.
Segregation begins in Victoria.
they are out of their mind
if everyone attending is fully vaccinated, what is the 80% statewide threshold doing?
obviously nothing, medically. Only there for population-level coercion. A kind of preemptive collective punishment.
hope aussies start going full french and showing up in huge flash mobs to trash the joint but we don’t have the guts and the police would be all over them like flies on shit.
like ive been saying for ages now, if anyone wants to get away with bank robbery or something in melbourne now is the time to do it bc every cop in the whole city is on patrol to deal with protesters.
In other news, India, country with population approx 1.4 billion pax on the road to nowhere (56x EZFKA) and majority of population living in less than poverty, packed tight as fat woman’s knickers and taking a bath in the holly river Gang only on first Tuesdays of a summer month, managed to control the Cov to shame daily cases than EZFKA and is on the path to declare eradication.
Cases dipped to ~20000/day but deaths dipped to 1/week per million punters. See graphs: Reuters.
Anyone wonders how they did it? You should rather wonder how did they get away for not doing it here.
Dr. John Campbell new video Ivermectin: How false science created a Covid ‘miracle’ drug
(disclaimer, this chap is a real doctor, not the ‘smithy’ type)
Google is advising you to delete chrome – https://www.news.com.au/technology/online/google-has-issued-a-warning-to-its-users-after-the-latest-hack/news-story/41529dbd598b6f75c9c66272c7f85d8d
well, if one uses it one deserves what comes with it.
A lot of time I am certain this is a way to force users of earlier versions to adopt new version that has better features, e.g. it can skim your data even more
I have never been accused of insufficient cynicism though…
that monkey parrot video is incredible thanks for the channel recommend t i’m watching it all th etime now lol
BiBi rules
I’m a huge fan and they always make me smile 🤠
As governments have shifted their aims from ‘flattening the curve’ to any number of other objectives, Allen explains that “the average citizen and business person has had to trust that such a blunt and destructive policy tool was justified in the face of a novel viral pandemic.”
Non-essential businesses, education, recreation, and spiritual facilities have been forced to close, shelter-in-place policies have been enforced, and citizens have endured major restrictions on private social gatherings.
Writes Allen, these policies have relied on the intuition that:
Allen explains that a model widely relied upon by governments early in the pandemic was that by Neil Ferguson et al. (2020).
It predicted some 490,000 UK deaths in the first wave; 2.2 million deaths in the United States, and 267,000 in Canada—numbers they believed could be reduced by around 50 per cent with lockdowns.
In fact, the first wave saw death tallies of 41,000, 153,000, and 9,000 respectively in those countries. In other words, Ferguson’s dire predictions meant that the benefits of lockdowns were spectacularly overstated by multiples of between 6 and 15.
The Ferguson model warned that “the social and economic effects of the measures which are needed to achieve this policy goal will be profound” but still concluded that “epidemic suppression [i.e. lockdown] is the only viable strategy at the current time”.
And the rest is history.
Wasn’t this the same bloke who was breaching lockdown with his side piece and got caught?
Didn’t know that. If he had of been in Melb CBD, he could have walked around and picked up all the rubber bullets for some backup ammo.
Actually Stags should do that and then sell them back to the cops.
Nah – Married Woman Not Sorry For Love Affair With ‘Professor Lockdown’ | The Daily Wire – he actually was banging some other chick who was also married, and breaking quarantine doing it.