Weekend Links, 21-22 August, 2021

It’s all getting fancy! No I mean we are moving up in the world. Honest!

So this week I’d like to start by welcoming Minister Sinister, who got off to a running start. We are all very pleased to have you join the little crew, and thank you for the contributions so far.

In case any one is wondering, I have no idea who he/she/it is, just as I don’t know and have never actually met Peachy, Stewie, Staggles, or Timbo. But I like how EZFKA is starting to shape up.

For all your Satire and Conspiracy Needs, where you can offend anyone and take offense at anything, welcome to EZFKA!

Or as the Muslims say, “Satire in the streets, conspiracy in the sheets!”

Minister Sinister!

Read more here – (4) David Leyonhjelm on Twitter: “Scott Morrison announces 2022 Federal Election will be conducted by mail-in ballots due to pandemic https://t.co/hz39kItf6m” / Twitter

Unfortunately this has lead to me getting more 508 Resource Limit Errors, but we are counting that as a win!

~~Oz Going Nuts Faster Than Usual~~


Link: NSW MP Victor Dominello diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy after Covid-19 press conference (news.com.au)


Link: Australian Government To Seize 24,000 Children, Vaccinate Them Without Parents Present In Massive Stadium – National File

Sometimes, I wish I was making this stuff up. Seriously. FML.

I’ve already used WTF and DaFuq, what now?
Damn sandgropers…

Link: Thread by @Nicjournalist on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App – yeah it gets worse…

~~Comedians Fighting Back~~

~~The Agent Smith Effect~~

Take the Red Pill!

~~What Is Going On In Afghanistan~~

Baghdad Bob is laughing his ass of somewhere!


Begun, the meme wars have… lol, yeah they never stopped.

Seriously Though

There is so much dodgy about the whole story. I don’t for one minute believe what is happening. Here are a couple of points to note:

Baradar was arrested in 2010 in Pakistan but was released from prison in 2018 at the request of former US President Donald Trump’s administration so he could participate in peace talks.

I’m not making this up.

In September 2020, Baradar was pictured with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo who ‘urged the Taliban to seize this opportunity to forge a political settlement and reach a comprehensive and permanent ceasefire,’ the US said in a statement

Right, so Pompeo met this bloke in September 2020, one month before Trump looses the rigged election. Right….

And now the Taliban are being surprisingly conciliatory? There is even a female Afghan mayor who has not yet been executed.

All may not be as it seems?

Link: https://gab.com/Vapourface/posts/106776766403578023


CNN attempting to influence… someone somewhere probably. Doing a poor job so far…

~~Dad’s Everywhere Winning~~

~~Culture Wars~~

Culture Wars are just an example of the general breakdown of our current social technology. And its fun watching acolytes of the dominant religion eat crow on the regular. Also, the leftist circular firing squad, its just funny. Oh well.


To climb the career ladder in modern America, you are expected to lie: about race, about crime, about men in dresses.

Our Culture of Lying – Taki’s Magazine – Taki’s Magazine (takimag.com)

Apparently the pedo’s are out in force.

No children for YOU!

Why Robert Zimmerman Why?

Was the price worth it?

Link: Bob Dylan bargain with the Devil – YouTube

Why do you still do it? Why are you still out here?

Well, it goes back to the destiny thing. I made a bargain with it, you know. Long time ago. I’m holding up my end.

What was your bargain?

To get where I am now.

Should I ask who you made the bargain with?

(laughs) You know with, with, you know, the chief, chief commander.

On this earth?

On this earth and in the world we can’t see.



The sad truth…

~~Spying On Birds For Fun And Profit~~

~~South Africa Continues Going to Shit~~

~~Covid Crazyiness More Of The Same Edition~

Yeah this guy will go down as a hero…


Bad propaganda is boring!
CNN viewership IQ test!

It is what it is. Sorry to everyone who gets testy about this. Nothing on this site should be … well taken seriously in any way.

I really hope this is fake news!

~~Social Media For The Win~~

~~World War 3~~

Was Biden ever at Camp David?

Link: (4) Boris Epshteyn on Twitter: “Real question. Why is Moscow time wrong in this photo? Time difference between London and Moscow is only 2 hours, it hasn’t been 3 hours since March…” / Twitter

The thing to remember, is that WW3 has been going on for a while. Its just the first Invisible War on a global scale. There is no chance you can actually work out what is going on, given the scale of global information ops happening.


Hmm… right. So kinda like Oprah?

What we’re seeing the Biden administration actually do – keep creating destructive, chaotic messes, shooting itself in the foot, shooting us in the foot, reducing our allies to exit-seeking cynicism and causing our enemies to cheer in disbelief, throwing trillions of dollars around like children with silly string, piloting an under-scheduled space-cadet presidential figure around, meeting the media with arrogant silence, incoherence, and snark, shrugging at the Constitution, ignoring the earnest appeal of the people on matters like border security and “CRT” in the schools – is what the Trump administration was relentlessly accused of for four straight years, but never actually did.

USA Down – Liberty Unyielding

~~Giant Tortoises Moving Fast~~

Oh dear god. I went into this thinking that everything was just small to make the enclosure look cooler. Didn’t expect them to go right next to people.

Giant Tortoises at Full Speed – YouTube


I can’t make this shit up
Polish snipers represent!
Too soon?

Have A Good Weekend!

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Although we don’t know the context (and the twitter comments have a lot of apologists ffs!), there is confirmation from the ABC about child-parent separation due to COVID:


Agent 47

We all know this is not going to be solved politically or peacefully.

And Australia gave most of their non peaceful means away 25 years ago. Not looking good at all.


There are still options.


I don’t think that’s necessarily accurate.

I have heard say that there are now more firearms in Australia than there were 25 years ago.

haven’t attempted to fact-check this, but would be quite surprised if this is not true.


It may be true, but all the legal ones are sitting in a database waiting to be confiscated at the first signs of trouble…
The police will turn up with a list and tear your house apart until they have every single one.

Agent 47

Yes but mainly Cat A/B bolt actions and over/under shotguns.

Cat C and D firearms much smaller in number legally. Can still cause some havoc with any firearm depending on what situation.

That being said, of the surrendered firearms in 96 only 3-4% were semi auto centre fire rifles. A lot of them are still sitting in grease paper and PVC pipe around the country.


The police seemed to enjoy their work. I think the Nuremberg trials had something to say about following orders not being an excuse.


Only for the losers…
The history is written by the winners.


apparently first link #fakenews
second link not though….


What? You got so triggered by a fake news piece you didn’t even take the time to check its veracity before running here to post it?

Remind me who the sheeple are again? lololololololol

Dictator David

Seattle is such a sjw/blue state shit hole. That’s what happens when you have citizens taking things into their own hands. Defund the police and all that shit. If anyone hasn’t watched the videos on Chez they are great to see it quickly decline into lawless anarchy quickly. While the self-elected law enforcers there end up turning to violence to enforce their law. Such a utopia lol

Agent 47

Seattle and Portland are done. Rural counties in Washington and Oregon are red as fuck though do Not will be interesting to see what happens there.

I remember there was a California separatist movement to divide the State into two with rural California and the coastal blue shitholes separate states. Didn’t get anywhere then though.


Will be Melbourne in 10 years

Chinese Astroturfer

They should make all the pregnant women and children who refuse the vaccine second class citizens. It needs to be consistent.

Agent 47

My favourite thing now is the people who want the nurses fired for not taking the jab after praising them the last 18 months.


Well I cracked up at that stupid sad afghan pic.


Me too, fckn hilarious. Good stuff T!


Should say I also enjoyed the giant turtles. Relaxing, apolitical and relatively wholesome.


Have fun with the curfew fuck tards lol

thanks… you see… it is not difficult to be nice.
Have the same fun weekend too!


Fuck up cunt. All I want to hear out of you is movie recommendations. You are really good at that. Kudos where due

See… one small step at the time.
We just need to adjust those attributes and adverbs… otherwise good progress.
Well done mate! A ripper!


Serious about the movie recommendations, what’s on the viewing schedule?


jolly good, gaytimes for you…


Remember, if you see troll poop lying around, please don’t touch it.


Fuck you’re a dumb wrinkled old cunt. The fact you wrote this means you’ve already failed in the first step of not acknowledging lol.

On a serious note, you and family still in quarantine? Test results?



Dictator David

Rumor going around that all of Vic is going into lockdown number 7 from 7pm tomorrow night lol
They should just put a ring of steel around Shep, nothing good comes out of there anyway.


how can u go into lockdown when ya already in it

Dictator David

Maybe it wasn’t clear. REGIONAL Vic going into lockdown again. They have been out of lockdown a couple of weeks now while Melbourne has remained in lockdown.


LOL, wasn’t Andrews lecturing NSW about a ring of steel around Sydney, but doesn’t put one around Melbourne and now cases in Shepparton.


Just moved my super out of “international shares” into “fixed interest”. I think a signficant correction is immanent. Also, wish I’d HODLed.


Are you moving out of international shares because of tapering? Wouldn’t tapering also affect fixed interest?


AUD is tanking…much of the fixed interest allocation in my fund is currency hedged so I think it will weather the AUD fall better than cash (the only alternative in my fund). The tapering is a concern but also I think we’re out of the post covid boom and shares have overshot.


I think you are right about the post Covid boom, but I feel the tapering will be short lived.
Cheap money has caused all the economic issues and they are being solved by even cheaper money


Agree about the tapering. This isn’t a long term positioning – short term protection measure. Shares will recover quite quickly I think.


Masks are compulsory outdoors in NSw now

not one case of outdoor transmission
masks not shown to do anything

how there can still be people not alarmed and angry I just can’t even fathom


The whole mask requirement is just hysterical virtue signalling cosplay.


I think that it’s an important element in creating an enduring, pervasive and ever-present sense of alarm and fear.

I mean, if you didn’t constantly bump up against people wearing face mask, how would you even know that there is a bad scary pandemic going on?!


That is a good point.


Masks are a tough one. I understand the theory but it is difficult to prove. I will try to explain it and then you guys can make up your own mind. It is all to do with Viral Load. Think of it as a race between the virus replicating (doubling every 10 hours or so for this virus) vs immune system having to fight the virus by replicating immune cells.

Now consider the following scenarios after some fucker sneezes in front of you without covering their nose.

  1. No mask. You inhale a big load of virus
  2. You are wearing an N95 mask. Let’s just say the N95 mask does as advertised and you only inhale 5% of the load vs #1. Then theoretically, with the virus doubling every 10 hours it would take a bit over 40 hours for the virus to match the inhaled viral load in #1.
  3. If you are both wearing an N95 mask then it is more than double the time of #2.

So you are in theory buying your immune system time which could be the difference between a few sniffles or ending up in hospital.

The other thing I will ask you to consider is the amount of young and fit Chinese doctors that died very early in the thick of the action. I asked the question on a forum (possibly MB) as to why so many young and fit doctors were dying, and that is when I was pointed to information on Viral Load and the importance of PPE.

Last edited 3 years ago by Freddy

Thanks Freddy


Thanking him for what ?

his completely baseless theory pulled from his arse ?


Prove it wrong with science than Mr PhD


Viral replication and mask filtering efficiencies are proven. The only thing that hasn’t been proven is how much of a benefit in reducing viral load.

We are probably back to a similar argument in regards to how much sunlight causes skin cancer. Many people in the 80s and 90s continued to treat it as a binary possibility (you either get or don’t get regardless of exposure) because it wasn’t scientifically proven. If that is you then that is fine. The difference this time though is your decision not to wear a mask could affect someone else.

Last edited 3 years ago by Freddy

They literally have not been proven to have any real world effect on day to day transmission in the community

that is the frank conclusion of all studies regarding this

time and time again researchers have tried to prove efficacy and failed

wearing them outside is absurd to the point of farce


Last edited 3 years ago by Coming

But Coming has PhD so knows better than this…..

Good reminder though, remember that discussion from MB.


What doctors dying ?

you mean the TikTok videos of Chinese people falling over and dying in the middle of the street ?

90% of what we heard about in the beginning was completely fake

not ONE reported case of outdoor transmission

out of hundreds of millions of cases

Black Lives Matter, capitol riots , lockdown protests etc

tends of thousands of people gathered in one place , crammed together, without masks

are you really this fucking stupid ? It’s about fear and control

Last edited 3 years ago by Coming
Agent 47

They don’t want to accept the possibility they got played. As Zubys tweet said, there are people that would rather be in the majority and wrong than be right and in the minority.

social approval is real.


Here’s even the fucking bmj admitting it’s a waste of time


me going for a walk outside =\= Chinese doctors standing directly over multiple infected patients

A fly in your ointment

But that’s what Freddy said, methinks.
He says that mask will reduce viral load (aka how severe the initial infection) to allow your immune system an early warning thus it will have some bearing on the reaction and possibly the final outcome.

So mask does not cancel or prevent infection at all (or perhaps it does with very low level of viral load and some luck) but it prevents rapid onset of the infection and gives you a chance.

I will agree that outdoor masks, particularly combined with sufficient distancing does jack sheet in real terms.


And I said he’s literally pulled that from his arse

no evidence to support that

see Florida vs California
nth vs sth Dakota

etc etc


What uni did you defend your thesis at? Mustn’t be a good one, you aren’t very smart lol.


Which uni did you defend your PhD at? Serious question.


Thank you for making the effort to actually understand what I stated. Coming didn’t even make the effort to read the link he posted.

The kinds of masks we would need to protect ourself should therefore filter the virus in a much more efficient way compared to surgical masks. The study did not evaluate whether people with masks are less likely to infect someone else. However, given that we now know that surgical masks have limited filtering capacity, we must derive that it is very unlikely that surgical masks provide a substantial protection from an infectious wearer.

So that guy has a valid point. If government is serious about facemasks then it should be supplying masks with better filtration.


as I said to you in my very first reply – you have pulled this theory from your arsehole

There is no evidence to support this (at least you haven’t provided any)


I am not going to waste my time behaving like you and Skippy, cherry picking bs articles and stats that align with your political religion. I said it was a theory, I said it was unproven. Medicals professionals from every country on the planet scrambled for PPE to protect themselves. That is good enough for me. If it ends up being true then good, if it ends up being false then I understand the risk management of unknowns.

You pretend to be a tough guy, but the reality is you are carrying on like a mental weak petulant child because of a very minor inconvenience of wearing a mask for a few weeks. fmd you are a hypocrite.

Last edited 3 years ago by Freddy

a minimum threshold is required to cause infection with covid (the theory is 300 virions)

If masks were effective in reducing the quantum of viral exposure, then you would expect them to reduce the number of infections
But they dont

The main problem is that masks don’t stop aerosolised particles (<10%), they only stop droplets
And covid is predominantly spread by aerosolised particles

Additionally, there may be an effect that masks cause focal build ups of aerosolised particles (https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/5.0057100) as anyone who has worn glasses with their masks knows

Did you know that surgical masks have never been proven to be effective at reducing wound infections in operating theatres?
In fact, they may increase them (because as the mask gets moist it actually cultures bacteria)

There are problems with relying on your folksy “common sense” instead of looking at actual data

Then your appeal to authority when the WHO has literally admitted that there is no evidence to support mask mandates, but they do it for “political reasons”, and you have anthony Fauci et al specifically recommending against masks initially then somehow changing his mind with no new evidence whatsoever (in fact, new evidence came out to the CONTRARY)

Its hygiene theatre and propaganda, pure and simple

Then countries like Denmark, held up as a paragon, removing all mask mandates because they’re ineffectual, but you selectively ignore that

And finally the false equivalence of DOCTORS wearing proper fitting and proper purposed PPE, with you dragging a fucking paper rag over your face and thinking you’re doing something useful (which may in fact be counter-productive)

Last edited 3 years ago by Coming

A decent response. Thank you.

a minimum threshold is required to cause infection with covid (the theory is 300 virions)

I have wondered whether there needed to be a threshold where the immune system reacts, and whether that threshold would be high enough for masks to matter. I don’t know how much 300 virions is, but as you say it is a theory.

Did you know that surgical masks have never been proven to be effective at reducing wound infections in operating theatres?

And yet every surgeon on the planet uses them. Is that their folkesy common sense as well?

Then countries like Denmark, held up as a paragon, removing all mask mandates because they’re ineffectual, but you selectively ignore that

Everyone in Denmark has had the opportunity to get vaccinated. That is the politics that you continually ignore.
I assure you that at the end of the year when everyone here has had the opportunity to get vaccinated that I too will join the protests if we are perpetually locked down. The only thing I will agree with is a bit of control to ensure hospitals are not overwhelmed. i.e. the original flatten the curve concept.

Last edited 3 years ago by Freddy

we are talking about masks, not vaccines

yes surgeons use them
Why? Primarily so they don’t get blood and shit in their face and mouth (same reason they use eye shields or goggles)
Secondarily as a psychological crutch

Like many things in medicine (and especially surgery) not evidence based at all


Where’s the references for these claims dude?

This goes all the way back to when we first locked horns at the start of the pandemic when you said definitively that nursing home patients aren’t ventilated. I challenged you on this, you dodged for days before finally admitting you had no proof and just that “everyone knows it”. You don’t have the best track record with backing up your supposed learned claims.

You say whatever the fuck you want and don’t reference it until challeneged, surely if you qere presenting coherent arguments you’d have the references at hand and ready to go. But you just go off, make claims and hope no one challenges them.

Just like how you try and lend weight to your arguments by claimimg to have a PhD and then do fuck all to prove it.

Seriously man, nut up or shut up


The vaccines had everything to do with it. Denmark relaxed their restrictions once their 60% vaccination target was reached. Which is pretty much what NSW is planning to do yet still mandating masks until that date.

It had nothing to do with the bs test paid for by some rich dude and designed to always be statistically insignificant despite fewer people getting sick wearing the shitty masks. Let’s do a check list:

  • Paid for by rich dude instead of government. Tick
  • Shitty masks. Tick
  • Too few samples. Tick
  • Only given to healthy people. Tick
  • No monitoring of severity. Tick
  • No monitoring of efficacy to prevent transmission. Tick

all over?

hell fuckin no




Was waiting for something like this to come out

Agent 47

Big if true but won’t be surprised.

Dictator David

“I do not want to be alarmist but…. here’s me being alarmist” lol


New year 2024!


Food distribution centres won’t be able to operate at 100%. Glad I did a fortnightly shop this morning.

Agent 47

Good point. Couple that with trucks going in and out of QLD from NSW without proof of bad and it’s gone South very quick.

My advice is if you want something from supply chain that’s not food then last chance is now. Food and supermarkets will get interesting fast.


Anyone else with similar stories?

Agent 47

The obvious one down in EZFKA is Victor Dominello


Who hasn’t experienced a touch of Bell’s palsy lately? There’s a lot of it going around, and it’s perfectly normal for fit young men to experience facial paralysis and pins-and-needles in their tongues.


omg, that weird canadian youtuber mike martens saw one of our articles and thought it was real and made a vid on it


it comes up when you YT search “ezfka”

Agent 47


A fly in your ointment

I saw a few videos of him before, I think someone linked t him from the dark side. Interesting chap but obviously need to do more investigative journalism than the pinnacle of it currently held by tabloids.


i take it no protests today 🙁


Could still happen if people are willing, ABC has found Coming by the looks of it lol



No protests?! Wrong, just not as big as they potentially could’ve been cause gutless faggits like you are all talk. Lol


Did you attend? No, that’s right, just a shit posting triggered neck beard lol


Did you attend or too scared?


And there you go, covid treatment


All you tossers going manic about muh freedoms instead of just being patient. So now we have “experimental” vaccines for those that want it and legitimate medicine for anyone that gets infected. More and better vaccines and treatments will keep coming, all we needed was a bit of patience and the Feds to handle quarantine properly and we would have been all good but nah, too hard. Weak willed faggits.


ur fat


This is true lol



just look how fat this bitch is

no wonder she’s worried about rona

“professor of epidemiology”

more like professor of cakes and biscuits


pickle me grandmother, look at that fat fuckin bitch

are you guys starting to notice a common trend with all the people who are scared of covid?

Last edited 3 years ago by stagmal

Ah, Catherine Bennett – another who like Greg Dore has been consistently wrong on everything Covid related.


So no comments on the available treatment? Just more ducking and weaving. You cunts are deadset retards.


What about the treatment? They’ve been treating it for 18 months.
OR more specifically

Last month, the National COVID-19 Clinical Taskforce, which is funded by the federal government, recommended the drug should not be used to treat COVID-19 outside of clinical trials. 

The new experimental treatment to go with the experimental vaccines.

Last edited 3 years ago by bjw678

Lol you’re a goose mate. Have fun being locked down until Christmas.


So no comments on the available treatment? Just more ducking and weaving. You cunts are deadset retards.

Fixed it for you.


How did you fix the fact that none of the responses referenced the treatment? Come on man mang, that’s ducking and weaving. Are you really that dumb? I actually think you aren’t, at least you’ve been still posting and engaging on economics and such but when you post dumb shit like this……


Do you think the lack of responses might have something to do with

Lol you’re a goose mate. Have fun being locked down until Christmas.

The fact that you just spew shit every time someone interacts with you.
The “treatment” is experimental just like the vax. What more comment do you want. If you have a point to make, make it.
Or fuck right off.


How is it experimental? Did you read the article? Point out specifically how it’s experimental?


Did you read the article? How is the treatment experimental? What specifically is experimental?

Last edited 3 years ago by bjw678


8 months jail for organising a protest

this is Soviet Union type stuff


meanwhile W@F is going around bashing women in shopping malls and getting off every time


Go protest the lockdowns ya soft cock


wherre brah? gonna ram through a fuckin police blockade to get to syd?


And there it is, weak willed, all talk faggits who don’t stand up for what they believe in.


where the fuck am i gonna protest you shitcunt. all the roads are closed into the syd cbd and theres a million police blockades from here to dubbo. what am i gonna walk out like a moron into the street of dubbo with a sign by myself? great fuckin idea, you are a fuckin nong that’s the kind of dumbfuk thing you’d do.


3 days ago you were saying everyone here should do their little bit to resist and now you’re back pedaling lolololololol.

You’re right, it is the stupid sort of thing I would do and that’s why I’m so familiar with the courts. May not be smart but I stand up for what I believe.

Go write that incel article you gutless cunt, it’s not like you have anything else to do.


theres a difference between doing a little bit to resist and fucking doing something moronic and suicidal like attempting to drive from dubbo to sydney

why am i even engaging with you lol like seriously you know this and are just winding ppl up

lose weight you bitchtitted fat kunt

Last edited 3 years ago by stagmal

Lol that’s all you’ve got, something I volunteered. Have fun in Dubbo being an all talk gutless faggit lol.

I’m off fishing.


There’s only so many fish in the sea – don’t eat them all.


Why don’t you want me to eat them all? Having trouble feeding your missus? Lol man that fat bitch is hungry.


It is a full moon tonight – don’t you have to make your way to the pond in order to spawn with all the other cane toads?


C’mon man, you can do better than that.

On a serious note, you all good? You had that whole spazz out the other week, then you went a bit quiet and now you’re back to being a bit more like your old self but 50% strength.

It’s hard to hate someone when you think they may be seriously unwell and I really want to hate you but I’m not sure if it’s ok to hate you lol.


Lolololololol – sympathy trolling, how passé. Feel free to hate me, as I’ve said before it is like sunlight falling on my leaves.


Something that made me laugh during the week – the Taliban have mastered advanced Occidental memetic weaponry


But on a serious matter in that same vein….

Quote from Onegesius an actual citizen of Rome who had been captured by Attila the Hun near the end of the Empire:

“….the vices of a declining empire of which he had so long been the victim; the cruel absurdity of the Roman princes, unable to protect their subjects against the public enemy, unwilling to trust them with arms for their own defence; the intolerable weight of taxes, rendered still more oppressive by the intricate or arbitrary modes of collection; the obscurity of numerous and contradictory laws; the tedious and expensive forms of judicial proceedings; the partial administration of justice; and the universal corruption which increased the influence of the rich and aggravated the misfortunes of the poor.”

– The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: Chapter 34

Sound familiar?

Oh and on reading TD&FOTRE, or EZFKAR the TLDR version of its underlying message is…. Culture Matters!

Agent 47

One of my favourites


Serious question: I have a beard and a penis, would I be enjoying more freedom in Kabul than I am in Sydney right now?


Yeah, but the RE gains have been pretty shit for the last couple of decades.


But think of how mega the sharia compliant mortgages could be at 0% interest. They aren’t making any more land you know!


If the taliban are smart, they’d just buy up 100% of EZFKA with 0% sharia mortgages.


Seems to be a Twitter account like DPRK_news


Came across this Flow Chart during the week and thought of you T

It is actually a pretty good representation of how the true power structures in the world exist today, and by that I mean “Cultural Power Structures”

Culture is expressed through Policy making – a directive issued by the UN is no less a piece of our cultural complexity than a sonnet by Mozart. They may not be equally creative, but then the are not equally capable of impacting our lives either.

Culture Matters and imho it is being increasingly controlled from the top down by a hostile elite.

PS: I think some of your photos have somehow been mixed up with some of mine on BSV… I have no idea how this could have happened other than speculating that the intensity of last weeks flame war may have melted part of Peachy’s hard drive.

Capture - CLEANED.jpg
Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

All good – for a moment I thought someone else had taken an interest in my esoteric crypto obsessions.

Agent 47

Taxed. Great infograph.


Top down norm making is the opposite of culture, which is why “multiculturalism” is merely misdirection. There is a single culture and it’s grundnorm is “it is your moral, not merely legal, duty obey the law at all times”


Just out of curiosity does anybody personally know a single positive case in this current outbreak? I know of a few close contacts but otherwise nothing.


a few thousand in millions, why would you expect to know anyone?


The odds are smaller than you would think. For a basic overview let’s say cases are completely random (obviously not), there are 10,000 cases and 5,000,000 people. So the probability of anyone being positive is 0.2%. But say you have among family, friends, friends of friends etc you’re looking at a group of 200 people there’s a 1 in 3 chance you should know at least 1 positive case.


I think your 200 is optimistic though. Can you list 200 people you know and interact with enough to positively know if they are infected or not? even 100? 50?


Once you include friends of friends it must be up there. I ask around and nobody I know knows anyone who has had it. My wife works with a lot of subcontinental Asians from W/SW Sydney hotspots and again she has heard of nothing.


Write the list…
I couldn’t get to 50, especially while locked down.
And if you add in that it is often a whole household that is infected, you either know a lot or nobody.


Nope. Though I live in Canberra, which didn’t have a case for over a year.

But no…no friends, family colleagues or anybody else I know has caught the bug.

Interestingly, I can say the same of influenza. I know lots of people who had runny noses and said they had “the flu”. I don’t know of a single person in my entire life who has had influenza, let alone died of it. This seems odd to me, given that thousands are supposed to die of it every year in Australia.

Agent 47

The PCR tests were revoked for this very reason but Sutton said they’ll just keep using it anyway.

Just laugh otherwise you’ll cry.


You’re bot very smart


Oh that’s embarrassing, spelling mistake and can’t edit lol. Oh well, point stands.


must be enjoying ya fishing and all those freedoms in qld huh?

Last edited 3 years ago by stagmal

Sitting in a boat brah, what you doing?


Written that incel article yet or too busy shit posting?


I’m pretty sure got swine flu in 2009. Fever, inability to focus, feeling sore and weak all over. Took multiple days off work.


No, but I know heaps of people who’ve had significant bad side effects from the vaccines. Nobody dead of either in my circle though.


Dr Gale said the three people who died are a man in his 90s from northern Sydney, who died at Hornsby hospital and was not vaccinated, and a man in his 80s from northern Sydney who died at Hornsby hospital and had received both vaccine doses.

The third death is a woman in her 90s from south-west Sydney, who died in Liverpool Hospital’s geriatric ward.

so average age 90+
66% vaccinated
all infected while in hospital or aged care facility

if you’re still panicking about this you are honestly a fucking moron and I don’t know what else to tell you

Agent 47

Fuck the covid cult. I no longer care what happens to them and they’re going to get what they deserve.

Trying to spend my non shitposting time refining skills and building relationships with like minded people. Storm ahead, only the strong will survive and that won’t include the jabbed or masked in my opinion.

Hope I’m wrong but I don’t see a political solution at this stage.


You won’t survive covid when you catch it, wasting your time planning for the future lololololololol


I guess the report came with the obligatory shot of an ambulance


I’ve known 5 people to get bell’s palsy from various triggers pre-covid. No one I know that has been vaccinated for covid has got it. Funny thing about anecdotal evidence hey….


Ducking and weaving, the ezfka way lol. Keep setting up those dominos and I’ll knock em down faggit.

Seriosuly man, I legitimately know 5 people who have had bell’s palsy and this was all pre covid. Much more common then you’d think. You aren’t smart mate, you’re an idiot.


Bell’s palsy is common. Stop deleting this comment faggit

Agent 47

Odds on Biden being booted in coming weeks? Not that replacement is better or different. But this is going south fast.


Biden’s probably being replaced by one of those humanoid robots.

they need to do it over a few weeks, because if they wheeled out roboBiden literally the day after oldBiden, people will be able to spot the difference.

but if after fortnight off biden returns looking a bit different (it will be roboBiden) people will just thing he looks refreshed or has a new haircut or something.

Agent 47

Neighbour with EU passport has confirmed this true. 8 jabs on the vaccine passport. LOL going to be zombie apocalypse before long.

Timbo’s post the other day about booster shots in Melbourne may be prescient.


Lol fuck mate, you’re an idiot “my mate said…..”

Why would anyone believe you? For all I know it’s actually true but you’re a fuckin nobody on an obscure part of the internet trying to verify something with the evidence of “My neighbour” lol. Are you for real cunt, no one cares what you think. All you post is conspiracy bullshit, if you’re actually telling the truth you’re doing the truth a diservice by associating it with your brand of bullshit lol.



Gee that fishing must be awesome…


4 hour session is my limit home now. What did you do for the last 5 hours? Lol


Spent 4 hours fishing, what did you do?

(Strange the initial version of thos was deleted)


And you still had to post your shit here?
I sat in the backyard and did as much as you.
Way to value that freedom.

Agent 47

Onlyfans being regulated. Thoughts?

Good. Demoralisation of women into sex objects is one of the many reasons for our societal decline in my view.


Is it true the current ceo of only fans was head of risk management at Lehman brothers in 2008

thats what I read , didn’t fact check it

but I’m not fussed

I don’t have the ability to earn money on there, and I’m not enough of a cuck to pay for porn

Last edited 3 years ago by Coming

Seems dumb to me.

someone else will just make the money that onlyfans has been making from the homeporn activities.

and only fans will become another Facebook/Snapchat clone. But worse.

Agent 47

Yep. a million new platforms ready to replace it.


Lolololol fuckin puritan dickhead


I think this happened to Tumblr when they banned all the adult content.

Still, I never understood why people would pay for something they can get for free.



I think it’s because the paid product is more private (personalised) and exclusive.

like, dudes will pay for private dances at strip clubs, won’t they?


Only thing worth paying for is P in V

I’ve always been especially baffled by strip clubs


Finally we agree on something

Agent 47

This exactly.

It’s too decentralised now to stop. Patreon also offers the same.


They want all that venture capital goodness. But the porn industry is not acceptable to the venture capitalists.

That access to venture capital is more desirable financially than a massively profitable business model says everything you need to know about the modern economy.


Interesting moves by China re: tutoring and the education system. Not clear yet on any implications for good ol’ EZFKA, but it could result in a lot less international students.


Agent 47

Also have a birth rate contraction to manage in the next decade and a bit as their elderly all die off. Their birthrates are as nearly bad as most western countires IIRC.


Policy on the run. PM announces vaccinations for over 16s group, states left blindsided and uniformed.


Agent 47

He’s losing the mummy bloggers too. Mamamia crowd are pissed.

Agent 47

FBI have basically admitted capitol hill was a glowie op and nil reason to charge protesters.

I’m sure there will be nil accountability though.


  • Protests a bit bigger than I was expecting, any ideas on numbers? I’d estimate Melbourne at 5k or so from the footage I saw.

nice, if i had been in sydney or melb id of gone.

im happy today.

Last edited 3 years ago by stagmal
Agent 47

It’s escalated.

See the footage? Cops broke out the tear gas and rubber bullets (pepper ball variety). Protesters also broke through the Police line so their tactics have evolved slightly.

Sydney looks like they shut shit down early and the protesters didn’t adjust accordingly despite being patently obvious what the cops were going to do.

As people get more desperate the fist will stay out of the velvet glove.


right, really disappointed by the syd protests, these people have little grasp of tactics. all they needed to do was change the location at the last minute to paramatta or something. why does it need to be in the cbd?


is there anywhere good i can watch the full vid of melb? i heard it was wild and the police were on the run at multiple points.


Nine news had the live chopper cam running all day, it might be on YouTube


Careful with the terminology there. A rubber bullet, aka a baton round is a big chunk of plastic about 40mm in diameter and 20cm long that flails through a crowd like a flying truncheon. They can break limbs, maim and kill.

Paint balls sting a bit.


Rubber bullet covers a whole lot more than a baton round.
And I’m sure all the different types have killed and maimed people.

Israeli rubber bullets are produced in two main types. The older type, the standard rubber bullet, is a steel sphere coated in a thin layer of rubber, weighing 14 grams, while the newly improved rubber bullet, introduced in 1989, is a rubber-coated metal cylinder 1.7 cm in diameter, weighing 15.4 grams. Of the lethal injuries from this projectile, most are suffered to the head.

Smaller rubber bullets are used in riot shotguns and are available in a variety of types. One company, for example, makes both rubber buckshot rounds, containing 15 8.3mm diameter rubber balls per cartridge, and rubber baton rounds, containing a single 4.75-gram projectile.


All talk faggit. You wouldn’t go if it was on your door step lololololololol


lols you clearly dont know me but ok


Well, you’ve already said you would protest and haven’t, so what are we supposed to think…..


how the fuck am i supposed to dickshit.


Have a go get a go lol


These protests that you retarded cunts applaud and associate yourselves with are run by some of the dumbest people in society. What does it say about you? Lol

‘”Where are our leaders?!” one Sydney user wrote into the group.
“Where the f*** are people who promised to lead it?”
One member of the channel said they were forced to turn around after running into the police blockade another called the event an “epic fail”.’


Who are the sheeple? Can’t even think for themselves and yet share the same beliefs and grievances as the super intellects here lolololololol.

Glad I’ve got my ticket out of this country sorted if I need to use it. Don’t want to leave but starting to realise the legacy aussie cunts like yourselves are worse than the trash the LNP are importing. You certainly aren’t representative of the Australia I’m from.


So where you going to?


Why the fuck would I tell you cunt?


Musk gave me a spot on the Mars expedition.


Hopefully nowhere, hopefully enough of you lunatics darwin aqard yourselves and pol scum like the bin chicken bring themselves undone and we have a great reset but returning to to a real Australian democracy


Kinda hard to answer when they keep deleting my posts


Now my posts are getting deleted by some kind of mod bot lol


nno question lol these protesters are dumb af, im not disagreeing with you on that. theyre not gonna achieve anything, im just in it for the chaos


Lol censorship at ezfka, comedy gold


Censorship from a triggered bitch. So now that’s you and stewie, both free speech advocates that delete free speech lolololololol


That’s ghey


I love the bit how you deleted your own comment too, why not leave it up? Embarrassed about how you lost your cool? Lololololol


This is me being a cunt to you cause I can

Lol – feels good doesn’t it.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

What, to completely sell out on what you believe? Lol have fun being a hypocrite ya weak cunts.


Has anyone seen a digital petition to end lockdowns in Australia in any state? I can’t believe there isn’t one already and the best the Sydney protestors can do is get smashed by police. Surely a petition makes a heap more sense with 100k+ signatures on it

Seriously all it needs to be is end the lockdowns 30 Sep, we’ll be at 55% double vaccinated in NSW, it’s good enough for every other country so it should be good enough for us.

Last edited 3 years ago by The90kwbeast

whats the point? when has a digital petition ever succeeded ever


Better way of drawing attention lockdown fatigue than badly run protests I’d argue, and will garner much more mainstream support given the average person isn’t really on board with people protesting in a pandemic.

Last edited 3 years ago by The90kwbeast

If they aren’t on board with protesting they sure as fuck aren’t on board with ending lockdown…

A petition is the easiest thing in the world to ignore. A city burning is what it takes to get change. See the BLM BS in the


Disagree. I would sign. Would probably not consider protesting in this environment. Protesting publicly just plays into politicians hands in the middle of a pandemic, and enough people have/are buying it.


not sure at this point really, its so hard to know just who thinks what. the likes/thumbs downs on yt videos are all we have to run on rn but even then they are potentially selective.


Sign away, it won’t change anything.


I can’t get my 1st vaccine until October? How the fuck will enough people be double vaccinated by end September?


Holding out for Pfizer? AZ is gathering dust on the shelves in Sydney at least. I had my first jab of AZ on Wednesday, I booked it in a week before.

Last edited 3 years ago by The90kwbeast

Doctors won’t let me have it, suggesting I go against the advice? Lol

So you had your 1st Wednesday, how long between shots? End of September hey?


Fair enough. I’m gonna wait the full 12 weeks for the second tbh, I work from home anyway so no big rush for the second.


The luxury of work from home, I’m probably infected already, been dealing with Sydney truckies every day.


lol, gotta love that border closure….


Pretty sure the rules changed this weekend making entry for truckies more strict, I’ll find out Monday, but now maybe you see why most of Australia hates NSW. You cunts fucked it for the rest of us because gold standards/muh freedoms.


lol, your gov fucked it for yourselves…
Especially if it took till now to even make restrictions on truckies.
I imagine qld is gonna run out of almost everything pretty quickly if they actually close the borders though…


We have a port lol


China? US? Europe?
Pretty sure they all have more covid than NSW…
Just like the trucks, the boats don’t drive themselves.

Last edited 3 years ago by bjw678

Do you understand how unloading a ship works? You can unload a ship with zero contact very easily.

Do you even know what road freight comes to QLD from down South? Does the important stuff travel south to north or north to south?


You can unload a truck with zero contact even easier.

It’s obviously a bit complicated for you queenslanders though…


Truck driver has to eat, use toilets, etc. , poor old mariners just get confined to cabin, resupped and rold to fuck off.

Cmon man, use your noodle

Agent 47



Living in Sydney it’s looking like let it rip will become a possibility at some stage so want to get the vax process started now as AZ has a 3 month gap between 1st and 2nd shots for it to work properly.

Also, risk profile has changed with Delta, such that a roll of the dice on covid or the vaccine complications, to me, makes it favourable to get AZ.

Not touching the mRNA vaccines, prefer the hastily developed one at least done the traditional way.

Overall personally I’d rather have strong protection against delta hospitalisation whilst accepting that either from the vaccine or covid itself there will be modest side effects/symptoms.


The thing you’re forgetting is that some here like agent47 don’t believe the virus is even real


That’s a worry

I also requested a date for an actual vax… got the number and I am in the queue.
They said it may take long as the vax is not emergency approved as yet due to political sheat, you know, coming from Pyoutin’s Russia.


“ScoMo” will wave his magic wand and announce it so!


WTF are you talking about now? Aren’t you already not locked down.


It’s an illustrative point about age groups and access to vaccines.


But it doesn’t illustrate anything other than your ignorance, we are vaxing the kids now in NSW


That illustrates how NSW is now stealing vaccines from other states because you’re all a pack of cunts.


Takes one to know one.
We didn’t ask them to steal it.
I believe you mean pollies are a pack of cunts.
If your state gave em up sucked in, they just hate ya.


Scomo is diverting the imports. Don’t be so stupid just to be a cunt. NSW is fuckin up


They all fucked up a year ago…




Online petitions don’t do jack, otherwise we’d have seen an end to negative gearing, war, immigration abuse, workplace sexual abuse, an investigation into Murdoch etc…

What they do achieve, is to make people feel good about something without actually having to do anything– it’s the perfect opiate for the EZFKA masses.

Agent 47

Yup. Change.org is a massive data harvesting exercise for advertisers As well.


Can’t see 5k people turning up to protest doing anything either. At least a petition saying open up on 1st October with say 100k signatures has better community buy in.


Protests are just as pointless. Just look at the one at Parliament house for women’s rights – huge turnout, but nothing on the issue since.


youre right – a single rally won’t do shit.

I think effectiveness would increase if, like someone suggested, the protests happened French style, every single day for a few weeks.

also “women’s rights” is a bloody typical motherhood statement, so of course theyce achieved fucking nothing.

Nobody can “deliver” women’s rights. Protests need to demand something simple/tangible/binary to have the chance of being effective. Eg – legalise abortion/pot/gayness; ban abortion/booze/gayness; free Assange; jail Pell; etc.


So how many of those specific things actually wee achieved from protests?


Abortion has flip flopped between legal and not in various places. Gayness too.

the point is that protests needs to be very intense to work. And they need to have a simple goal.


They definitely have to up the intensity. Look at the protest where environmentalists wrote “Duty of Care” on the pillars of parliament house with red paint.

Now if they’d written it in the blood of politicians, it might have had a more lasting impact and scare some of them into doing something.


There were plenty of people out and about today in Melbourne. Many meeting up to get takeaway coffee or food, having lunch together and kids playing on playgrounds. Unless they can get the numbers down, not many have the stomach to keep locking down.


Do you go and get coffee and socialise when you have the flu? If enough people get it and “it’s just the flu” lockdown won’t need much enforcement, you’ll all be at home in bed with the unlucky percentage sick enough to be in hospital.


Thought I’d check out the Safeway in my new neighbourhood – absolutely massive, and seemed really packed for a Saturday but it wasn’t like there was a shortage of anything. Previous lockdowns have had very little traffic, but it hasn’t been as noticeable these last few weeks.

Agent 47

Police inciting protesters isn’t new but thisbwill just make things worse.



They gotta lay the groundwork for the teargas and rubber bullets next time.

Movies for this week:

Part 1 (film-noir)

Le Samouraï (1967) [FRE]
JP Melville’s first with Alain Delon and a remarcable milestone for both, in this movie Delon plays a samourai-like spartan assassin whom gets into trouble but follows his code to the end. A movie to see before dying. Excellent cinematography, colours, story telling.

The Driver (1978) [ENG]

Similar story to Le Samourai, in this movie Ryan O’Neal plays a get-away driver with specific set of rules and no room for error. Expect the unexpected and the trouble meets him.The movie is probably a pinnacle for a supporting actor Bruce Dern and to me he was the star of the movie. Isabelle Adjani in this movie will stun every toxic male
Luc Besson obviously became “inspired” for Transporter 1, 2, 3, series etc

Drive (2011) [ENG]
Ryan Gosling stars in a not-quite-a-remake because it is based on a “novel” that is not quite the same as the 1978 movie. Gosling is a top tier get-away driver who gets to be entangled with Albanian mafia, woman (the trouble begins there), setups and doublecrossing from multiple directions…
A different movie for Gosling whom for some inexplicable reason I like the way he acts.

Part 2 (tv show)

Olive Kitteridge (2014)
Another drama like the one last week, this one is a HBO’s fictional biopic of a fictional character. A human relationship drama which shows that casting and acting can do more than the story itself to make an interesting watch.


Thanks heaps for these:)


Some good flicks, I liked Drive (book and movie) haven’t seen The Driver, might give it a whirl

Agent 47