Parasite refugee lawyer David Manne launching High Court challenge to take ankle bracelets off of paedophiles and murderers

I’ve been working my way through the High Court ruling as the findings were only released a couple of days ago, but I’ll have more to say on that later.

This gem came up in my newsfeed:

“An Afghan refugee, who has been living in the Australian community for nine months, has launched a High Court challenge over emergency laws requiring him to wear an ankle bracelet and follow a strict curfew.

The laws were rushed through federal parliament earlier this month following the release of more than 140 people into the community after the High Court ruled ongoing immigration detention, for people with no prospect of deportation, is unlawful.

Lawyers for a Chinese refugee last week filed a challenge asking the High Court to strike out the new laws as they give authorities powers which they argue should only be exercised by judges.

Representing a 37-year-old Afghan refugee, lawyer David Manne said a similar challenge has been launched on Tuesday, describing the laws as “unnecessary and disproportionate”.

“Our client is bringing this legal challenge on the basis that the ankle bracelet and curfew conditions are punishment and therefore cannot be imposed by the government because they are unconstitutional and unlawful,” he said.

“If he is late home by one minute, he potentially faces a mandatory, minimum one-year prison sentence. Our client is asking the High Court: ‘Does the government have the power to do this to me?’

He has been required to wear an electronic ankle bracelet to monitor his location and is subject to a curfew, meaning he has to stay at his home address between 10pm and 6am the following day.

So not only do they want these people out on the streets, they don’t want you to know where they are.

I’d be interested to know what his client’s criminal history is, given he’s allegedly Afghani I’m going to guess it’s also child sex offences much like the NZYQ test case was. Fantastic. The Chinese guy is obviously taking the piss and is a criminal as well.

David Manne is a real piece of work, he’s also the guy that sunk the Malaysia solution back in 2011 which may have sorted this current mess out. Just your standard open borders zealot, whose business model is structured around the white anting of Australia’s migration act.

I’d guess he’s doing this case pro bono given the cost it takes for a High Court challenge. This is a very common tactic in the immigration law business. He’ll claim some nonsense about justice, but he’s really doing this an investment in future business. Carina Ford, who represented the infamous Tamil family, is notorious for this – ie do a public case pro bono and make as much noise as you can, in the hope that other migrants see it and come to your offices for representation (this time not for free of course).

I also don’t think it’s long before one of those let out of detention re-offends, wouldn’t be surprised if it’s already happened.

Guest article from barrister Mark who has served a sentence of over 20 years in the legal world including migration and criminal law

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at this point, our only hope is a military coup

is there anyone in the ADF with the stones

this bloke should be first one up before the tribunal then up against the wall hopefully

Last edited 10 months ago by Coming
Dr Jabber

Something happened in China which means its all over anyway:

They released it. They finally did. This is not a hoax or some larp.
Im working in the logistics department of a very large supplier of pharmaceutical products over the german speaking parts of Europe (Germany, Austria and Switzerland). And our boss told us today that he got very strict instructions from “high up there” aka the german state. Anti-Biotics and all kinds of expectorants are to be withheld until further instructions. Not even hospitals will receive those 2 specific groups of items. That was already highly suspicious but the real kicker was that we would not only not receive such items anymore from the producers but that they will confiscate whatever we have on stock as well. ALL OF IT! We asked why and he couldnt answer because he asked them as well and didnt get one. Whjen he started saying things about the winter season and that these items are very high in demand they shut him off.
Of course my NPCs collegues didnt react to it much at all and simply acknowledge the instructions and continued to be fucking NPCs. But I have a rather redpilled co-worker whos also is a truthseeker (We are the only 2 guys who are non-vaxxed and almost lost our job because of it). We had a lengthy conversation during lunchbreak about this and we came to the same conclusion. They are hoarding those items because whatever shit that is spreading all over China (and now globally) is far worse than Convid 19.
Because even during Convid 19 we never got such a ridiclious “request” from the government itself. Normally we only communicate over “middle-men” who take a large sum of the money floating around. Of course most of them are connected to high offcials in the government so its nepotism at its finest. But we never got direct instructions from the federal goverment. This is unprecedented and im 100% sure they know whats up.

Search on 4plebs for “450607207THIS IS THE REAL ONE!: They released it. They finally did. This is not a hoax or some larp”


Guaranteed to be a hoax or larp.

Hamish McButterchicken

There was another ‘Manne’ wrecker back in the day. He was ugly – inbred picasso face.
This one needs a helicopter joyflight

Hamish McButterchicken

Neo Nazi website is annoyed with News Corp’s Staff Plumper Mary Madigan.
Hilarity ensues.


“David Manne is a real piece of work, he’s also the guy that sunk the Malaysia solution back in 2011…Just your standard open borders zealot”

David Manne early life check – ✅


no way

even with a name like manne???!


It would be remiss of me not to notice.

Last edited 10 months ago by Stewie
Agent 47

Yes his old man Richard Manne was part of the contingent that removed the white Australia policy in the 1980s.

Agent 47

Sorry Robert Manne, and it’s his uncle not father.

A fly in your ointment

the post is quite mish mash, did I understand it well by saying it is about one lawyer complaining that another lawyer does what sleazeballs lawyers do in their natural habitat?
sounds like pot calling the kettle black

I am also confused, are the home grown pedos required to wear the bracelet or they’re free to rape again after they’re released?


Damn, getting some quality here now!

Guest article from barrister Mark who has served a sentence of over 20 years in the legal world including migration and criminal law


Pro immigrant supporter Peter Tulip dries to claim the capital gains tax exception had nothing to do with property price rises; gets called out for dodgy data presentation and using a log scale graph.


its irrelevant he just ignores/blocks all the critics of anything he posts. his yimby sychophants dont care either its an echo chamber of the same 15 or so weirdos who all live in the same suburbs


Tarric has got them spooked on REA being on the skilled migration/shortage list.

All Rizvi can do is plead for him not to talk about it.


Walter Sparky has a great list of other jobs that we’re apparently seeking.

Agent 47

Rizvi is big mad after EZFKA Twitter bodied him the other week.


Log scale lmao

Housing bears got absolutely btfo


In the EZFKA

Locking up entire states for months is legal

Putting an ankle monitor on a pedo isn’t

These are their stories


In case you missed the latest obituary…


Yeah well, any place where deranged aggressive spazz’s like dennis and the lamb guy and sweeper are allowed to hang out and abuse people is shortly going to run out of people like me who don’t like being abused by imbeciles.


The latest thing is to blame the supermarkets and that Albo can’t make a BBQ chicken go down a dollar.

The elite certainly have nothing to worry about in Ezfka and the English speaking countries. It’s only mainland Europe that is voting in “far-right” parties.


I guess the ones still there haven’t worked out that they can have their chicken by saving a buck from not subscribing.

Last edited 10 months ago by Gouda

everyone there claims to be an IT whiz on 400k so im not sure mb’s $200 subscription should phase them

Aussie Soy Boy

None of them can get approved for a mortgage though.


I meant normies on twitter and i suppose tiktok.

I don’t really read MB comments, I assume most of them are SAP nerds that work as chemistry teachers or something like that.


Starting to see quite a few posts on social media regarding 100k migrants increasing rents and property by 1%. This claim was in the AFR.

While an upswing was inevitable, Coates says the size of the surge has surprised the government and experts.

“Whenever the pace of migration is this quick, and whenever the housing market is this tight, it’s always going to generate some community concern. Migrants obviously need somewhere to live, and they don’t rock up in Australia with a house strapped to their back.

“So, by definition, they’re adding to pressures on the housing market. Our rough rule of thumb is that every 100,000 additional migrants above the long-term average adds about 1 per cent to rents and house prices across Australia.”

Of course, both major political are ill equipped and refuse to deal with the situation. Discussing the size is off limits for the Labor review, and as evidence by their performance in their last term of government, the Libs are all talk and no action.

Labor appears unsure how to handle the politics of the situation. It correctly identifies the massive upswing as a once-off event, resulting from the reopening of Australia’s international border following the pandemic. But the government has little appetite to publicly espouse the broader benefits of Australia’s skilled migration system.

It explicitly excluded any discussion of the size of Australia’s foreign worker intake from the terms of reference of Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil’s review into the migration system. The response to that review, which was ready in October, has been delayed for a couple of months as the government has second thoughts about deliberately putting migration in the headlines. It is expected before Christmas.

The Coalition is already on the attack, with opposition finance spokeswoman Jane Hume describing migration as “out of control”.

“There is a fundamental problem because, of course, those huge numbers of migrants put immense demand on our already congested suburbs, on our already overworked infrastructure,” she says. “And unless there is infrastructure that has been co-ordinated to keep up with that level of inflation, it actually becomes a drag on productivity.”

Still, it was the Coalition government that put the current migration settings in place and, so far, hasn’t called for any explicit changes.

It begs the question if we will we see a swing to the right from young voters like in the recent Dutch elections.

Many young people are not xenophobic but their lives are precarious, say experts, amid crises in housing and healthcare

Lunching on a tuna sandwich in the central market of Volendam, a picturesque fishing port north of Amsterdam, Gerald, 24, was lucid about his choice in last week’s Dutch election.

“I voted for Wilders, and many of my friends did too,” he said. “I don’t want to live with my parents for ever. I want my own home, and to be able to provide for my family later on. Wilders wants to figure out the housing crisis, and make our healthcare better. Those are the most important topics for me.”

If everyone who voted in the election had been aged under 35, Geert Wilders, the far-right populist whose Party for Freedom (PVV) shocked Europe by winning the most parliamentary seats, would have won even more.


there’s no right to swing to in australia though, that’s the problem

Last edited 10 months ago by stagmal

Yeah the LNP have kind of screwed it haven’t they


With CZ’s recent arrest I was going to do a short post on Binance in order to update my ongoing “Biggest Dildo in Crypto” series…. however I had an accident last weekend that broke 3 ribs along with a couple other injuries. Consequently the pain and the pain killers, not to mention the various herbal poultices have been interfering with my productivity.

Anyhow before the topicality of it completely expired, I still wanted to comment that following CZ’s plea deal it is now apparent that the biggest Dildo in Crypto remains SBF. The slippery gook slathered himself in KY Jelly and widdelled out of heavy jail time by handing Binance (and all its customer records) over to the US Govt in order for a deal, along with a $4b Corporate fine, $70m personal fine and an expected 18mths detention.

To be honest though I was surprised that CZ got a deal at all – the US Govt only cuts deals when they are going after someone bigger.

For those interested good enough summary of it can be found here:

When I wrote the last post in the Crypto Dildo series I asked the Question of ‘Who will be next?’ and signed off with a photo of CZ.

Now that this too has come to pass, and along with the questions that arise from the CZ plea deal, I again ask myself “Who is next?

To my mind there is only one player left of any size that could be worth going after – imho the organisation that is more responsible than any other in terms of inflating and sustaining the crypto bubble – Tether.

The question is though, given the long lack of progress or movement in their direction other than banning US operations, ‘Is Tether Protected?’


this bloke has been on fire recently….I don’t think he will be writing soon though

Joyful Trader

Fun Loving Lads Have a Day Out.
Walking around on the anniversary of Eureka Stockade (what’s that?) is anti semitic and must be stopped


Nixon and Kissinger discussing Indian women

bizarre stuff


Most world leaders seem to personally be racist from when their secret shit leaks but it seldom affects their decisions on migration

Possible explanations:

  1. Migration policy is out of their hands
  2. Their personal ambitions are more important
  3. They don’t give a damn about plebs whatever their race
  4. The mates come first always

Number two

To sustain and keep their job and then go onto $300-400k consulting gigs afterwards you need to keep the real powers that be pleased


sounds like absolute bullchit

A fly in your ointment

absence of certainty, feeling of being a cheap prostitute which every savvy investor can fluck silly without paying, living in semi-functional dwelling, rent increase ad-nauseum.

yeah, sounds like bullchit
otoh, if we assume this place is the Sodom and Gomorrah of modern days, than yep, all good and as expected. if you don’t like it – go where you came from.

Agent 47

Pajeet food delivery riders get burnt by electric batteries

Migration scam meets climate scam

Gruppenführer Mark

Three in one bedder…


Those are just the blokes (ps I’m sure they’re all blokes) who were home at the time.

probably another 2 or 3 out on their shift

A fly in your ointment

it’s an indication of something else.
No one wants to share an apartment with anyone, no matter the saving. Unfortunately, much like in Hong Kong, in Australia there is only a finite amount of land where hoes can be built and it can physically process only about 750,000 immigration application per year so….


Time to break out the rocket emojis 🚀🚀🚀

2021 is back




Not a big enough move to warrant a “nailed it” imo

You’re not Waleed


Who the hell is Waleed?


Bags are heavy


Nice call – kudos for putting it out.

My mate is looking forward to starting to receive his Mt Gox distributions, still holding out some faint hope that he’ll get some of them back before Christmas.


was considering buying, can never bring myself to pull the trigger since i dont have the risk appetite or gumption

i got JNJ at 149 instead


Markets celebrating like interest rates are already zero percent and QE has restarted. Meanwhile 10-year bonds still well above 4%, and CBs are still shrinking their balance sheets. Interesting to see how this plays out.


Do you think maybe higher interest rates are stimulatory?

no , it’s the markets that must be wrong


It’s almost like the Japanese don’t know how to print visas, or something?!

and so they’ve gone ex-nominal-growth and now the gov budget is part of an ongoing intergenerational bargain and not a fickle carrot-on-a-stick/lucky dip?


If both high and low interest rates are stimulatory

Maybe it’s not just the interest rates


It’s not just interest rates, except when government debt is very high

but low interest rates weren’t stimulatory for 10+ years
the opposite


Are you trying to gaslight us into thinking that Bitcoin wasn’t much higher under ZIRP


are higher asset prices (particularly those with zero yield or use) necessarily a sign of stimulatory economic conditions?

you guys make the same mistake over and over again


The market has a bullish bias that is more powerful than anything

Nothing less than a depression will keep risk assets down long term


Much wisdom in this and Freddy’s earlier post. Especially when it comes to bitcoin, sentiment is a very important driver.

I am going to venture this – $1tr market cap (about $50k) is a magnet and after that $72k.


Do our resident incel experts Stagmal and Coming have a take on this kind of behaviour?


My take is that people who do universally reviled and repugnant shit like that are irretrievably crazy and dangerous and should be killed at once.


Do any of you guys follow this young Canadian woman Lauren Southern?

Looks like Canada is trying to out ponzi populate Australia, and guess what housing is extremely unaffordable.
I don’t normally watch right wing gibberish, so maybe I need to change my viewing habits.


Female version of Paul Joseph Watson.

One of my Indian work colleagues has said something similar to that video. When he arrived here IT wages around 300%-400% higher than India, but now only around 30% higher and offset by much higher cost of living. The only thing stopping him going back is his child already started school.


i really doubt its only 30% higher here


This was true for him as a well-educated person from major Indian city. I am sure there are still many poorly qualified peasants dragging the overall average IT wages down in India, but they are not the ones taking Aussie IT jobs.

the arborist

Unfortunately, ‘right wing gibberish’ is the only thing that makes sense these days.

‘Far right’ is what we used to call ‘logic’ and ‘common sense’.


It is getting a bit that way. The left is trapped with an idea that simply doesn’t scale…as they say….go woke go broke


Most right wing ecelebs are controlled opposition and are mostly worthless. Waste of time watching them unless for a bit of entertainment.


I predicted the possibility of govt buying a share of equity for those who cannot keep up with repayments. It now has a name. Home Keeper.


Looks like someone qualified to have an opinion on this:

Professor Chris Wallace works in modern and contemporary political history and public policy with special reference to leadership, gender, transnational lives, and transformational change and the information strategies underlying it.

That this topic is even worthy of academics in Australia just shows what a third-rate backwater we are. Could you imagine intellectuals in other countries producing this kind of shit?


Wow he sounds like glorified HR. Even the lefties are hoooomers now.


Not a he, a she. She *is* HR.


is that a man or woman? honest question



Dunno could be trannie.


A lot of the policies make sense, even the 5% deposit scheme, except they are implemented by a corrupt and cynical government that is really only concerned with juicing house prices.


Huh, not sure why homeowners should have to give up an equity share to the government for free cash. After all, we certainly didn’t see any of the big corporations like Harvey Norman and QANTAS give up any equity when they received JobSeeker bailouts. If they’re going to pump prices, they might as well go full retard.


“Economists say it’s also creating jobs at an unprecedented rate”


that means a job apocalypse is almost certainly on the horizon

A fly in your ointment

nah, just another hype which will fizzle out eventually as the bignoses get fatter once more.

current “AI” is nothing more than a fast-enough search of all the harvested data on human behaviour. It’s nothing more than a mimicking machine.
A mate has tricked Chat G P T to report that something form year 2000 BC is older than something from 3000BC.
OTOH, stupid jobs will disappear, like HR or compliance officers or….

Aussie Soy Boy

MB membership is $200 per year which is crazy I don’t think it’s worth $2. But what has it really cost the true believers. Real cost must be $20k to $50k per year depending on when you could have got into the property market and out of the rent trap, but read too much MB so didn’t have the balls to pull the trigger.


House prices have gone up easily the best part of $2m in Sydney since they started.

Aussie Soy Boy

MB must be the worst thing that ever happened to most of the subscribers. Once in a lifetime opportunity for complete financial freedom gone forever.




he’s now gone all in on climate change grifting

so hopefully it’s the end of the road for that bullshit


Yeah pretty much. I was just learning at the time and was led down the garden path.

Should’ve just been the biggest indebted douche as possible.

At least I have a bit of silver. That’ll make up for it haha.

A fly in your ointment

read too much MB so didn’t have the balls to pull the trigger.

it may come to thank them for such shitty advice (and it was shitty).
Paying $1+mil for a home which compares to favela in Brazil or shacks in South African townships


Yeah even if you make it in Sydney and Melbourne you are passing the same problem onto your children. Time will tell if other towns become as bad.

A fly in your ointment

indeed, the only way is to further fluck the next gen.
gfc is the only true friend


A violent sex offender released from immigration detention following last month’s High Court ruling has faced court on two charges of indecent assault, as the government this week races to pass tough laws to place the most threatening offenders back behind bars.

Dream come true for Dutto

The hits should keep rolling in from these refugees fleeing justice in their homelands, maybe even up to the election if Albo can’t think of a way to get them under control.

Aussie Soy Boy

If anyone less than upper class hasn’t twigged that frugality is the only way they’ll get through the next few decades (and even then it may not work out), then they deserve everything coming to them and should be shown no mercy.


There is too much recency bias. Equity Mate only goes up, we can always live off welfare, etc.

Even the belief that frugality will suffice assumes that we won’t become like USA with astronomical healthcare costs. IMO younger generations will eventually shoot themselves in the foot in an attempt to “get back at the Boomers” by forcing retirees to pay much higher healthcare costs.


IMO younger generations will eventually shoot themselves in the foot in an attempt to “get back at the Boomers” by forcing retirees to pay much higher healthcare costs.

in practice that’s probably how it will work yes.

although in theory, the excess boomer wealth could have been sucked back out and redistributed to the plebs by ratcheting the cost of nursing care, lawn mowing, etc etc (I.e. every other bit of “labour” that ageing boomers need the younger folk to contribute, as their own capacity for labour is diminished due to age)

That theory breaks down with mass migration, of course.


I’d say the opposite is true, forget frugality, the elite needs to know your pain, they need to feel your pain, every stroke of the lash must rip their boomer backs open. They need to be the one’s who willingly put down the whip.
How do you make this happen? that’s the most important question facing zoomers. How do you make this happen?
Logically (especially given recent advances in AI) we need civil disobedience, we need a culture that celebrates every success of zoomers over boomers.
We need squaters to turn $10M apartments into nothing but a mortgage liability. Boomer assets need to become Boomer liabilities, it’s that simple.
Their utopia must become their prison!


the elite needs to know your pain, they need to feel your pain, every stroke of the lash must rip their boomer backs open. They need to be the one’s who willingly put down the whip.

yes, yes comrade!


They’ll spend the next 10 years posturing over how Billie Eilish is a leso.

Their parents are genx meatheads, oafs , Matchbox 20 posers and spastic Micks living in a sandbox.

Gruppenführer Mark

Zoomers need to control more guns than boomers to make any civil disobedience work. Otherwise you create an utopia out of your prison.


uk cut immigration like 300k lol

from 1.2m a year to 900k a year

i told ya this will be the new tactic

every second reply is indians complaining about it too

Last edited 10 months ago by stagmal

It’s amazing how much of a faggot you have to be to be successful these days.


I saw it stated recently on some Pom website thst the UK is letting in more foreigners every year or so than moved there between 1066 and just after WW2.

Sounded pretty plausible. And it shows how our our post-modern liberal overloads have entirely fucked every western country by importing the third world.


Henry Tudor never got an Uber Eats delivery, life is much better now with the skills shortages in the process of being fixed

Gruppenführer Mark

That time of the month again!



no raise


called it

wow this forecasting biz is easy ive been right every guess the last series of rba meetings

Last edited 10 months ago by stagmal

That time of the month again!

you can say that again.

anyway, merry Christmas to you all from the RBA. Haw haw haw!

A fly in your ointment

never mind the rest of the economy… equity moite
otoh, what economy outside houses and dirt?


Higgo just confirmed the amount she received from the australian government

$1.9m !!!



she was prevaricating

the total amount was $2.3m

she was left with $1.9m after “lawyers fees and taxes”

A fly in your ointment

that must’ve cracked a fat for you,
how many times so far you’ve self pleasured on this development on “Brucey and The Phat Cindirella” telenovela?


She’ll be able to buy a nice house at Blacktown NSW with that awesome amount of money




What did she get paid for?

in any case, that payment is just pure inflation.

Aussie Soy Boy

Higgo can buy a lot of tucker with that.


the white dress selfies have been released !

you have to admit she looks pretty fucking good in these photos




I understand that this is what is colloquially known as “a prawn”, no?


i think she looks quite pretty in these photos

Gruppenführer Mark

Not in this case.

This is what is known as hippo larva

Aussie Soy Boy

The lighting helps with the bad skin. This was her bulimia/no panties phase she was probably really aggressive propositioning blokes after she had gutsed down a few vodkas.


the white dress selfies have been released !

what’s the significance of the white dress selfies? Where do they fit into this pathetic saga?


a THIRD former immigrant detainee has just been rearrested

A man who orchestrated a child sex ring in regional Victoria has become the third former immigration detainee to face court on fresh charges, prompting the federal opposition to demand that the national cabinet tackles the detention crisis when it meets on Wednesday.

Emran Dad, 33 – who pleaded guilty to child sex and procurement offences for paying teenage girls in state care for sex, and to have sex with other men – was arrested in the Melbourne suburb of Dandenong on Tuesday and charged with trespass and nine counts of using social media in breach of reporting requirements.


lmao even


On one hand that guy seems like a pretty sordid guy.

on the other hand, it seems like he got arrested for logging on to Facebook or instagram or something. Makes sense that it happened in victoria


As I understand it, he was rearrested for failing to comply with his reporting obligations, and also for logging onto Facebook etc to contact children for sex.

This bloke was the leader of a criminal gang who sexually abused and pimped out children in state care for profit. Upon release from prison he was immediately back at it, like that other bloke mentioned here.

Him and his degenerate mate serve no purpose and should be executed, immediately.


Never forget that the Greens wanted these sick perverts released into our communities without restrictions. My simp BIL kept sharing all these outraged posts by the Greens about this issue, and this guy has two young kids!


lol remember this guy

not a single tweet since the voice cratered

its like all these boong grifters from jacinta price, warren mundine to him werelike toys being put back in the box after everyone was done playing w them post voice

hard to think it was still only a month a go, completely forgotten to time

it makes me sad to think about in a way, a lot of these flavour of the month people must think that they really are going to be focus of everyone forever and it has to go to their head

and then

the phone must just stop ringing

Last edited 10 months ago by stagmal

Memory holed!


curious how such a memory holing can befall such a cool event