Julian Assange granted full asylum in Australia after murdering pregnant woman

Julian Assange has been granted a full pardon for exposing US war crimes and been granted an immediate return to his home country of Australia , after killing a pregnant woman yesterday.

The High Court of Australia, at the request of the US State Department, granted Assange full pardon and immediate re-instatement of his civic rights after Assange agreed to gun down and then blow up a pregnant woman in Washington yesterday.

“It’s been a rough nearly two decades in exile, but it was either turn into a tranny like Bradley Manning or this. It’s just good to be home,” Assange told reporters.

“I figured if it’s good enough for foreigners then it’s good enough for me.”

Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil has welcomed the decision and is currently working toward a new category of visa for paedophiles and murderers.

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I feel sorry for Assange being locked up because he exposed western corruption. However, considering his occupation he was incredibly naive not to see it coming. He should have gone to Russia or China where at least he would have been out of the wests reach. After all it worked for Snowden.
That being said his case is a useful tool to highlight which politicians are full of it. The labor party like to talk about human rights and jump on every identity politics issue with a million times more enthusiasm than they ever have for class based policies. However, when it comes to Assange they have done nothing but a few piss weak speeches. The UK produces nothing Australia needs (or anyone else needs for that matter), so really should not have any leverage over Australia.


Yeah that was really dumb. No one really cares anyway as long as there is no conscription. Containing China and Russia is a fair argument.

A fly in your ointment

Agreed, a dumb choice to save those that deserve what cometh yer ways. Outside the “international community’s” handful of cuntries, no one buys US shyte for lollies any more so that tip of the iceberg in Abu Graib was superfluous.

A rare good Australian. Its obvious his ancestors were wrongly convicted, the genetics never lie.
His only biography stain is lack of investment properties in up and coming suburbs of the ezfka lands – aka “the UnAustralian activities“. If he only had a few in his portfolio…



‘Clare, a paedophile who raped a 10-year-old boy, a hitman who murdered a pregnant woman, do we know where they are?.’

O’Neil responded, saying: ‘Nat, can I say before I answer your question, those crimes and those people are absolutely despicable,’ the minister said.

‘I’m raising three children in this country and I can tell you that if there was anything in my power to keep these people in detention, I would absolutely do it.

‘The idea that it is open to the Australian government to simply legislate away a High Court decision is not the way our Constitution works,’ she said.

is the government literally at the mercy of these unelected shadowy figures?

fucking hell

the referendum should have addressed this rather than some retarded abo bullshit


judges are creeps



5 of the 7 high court judges were appointed under Coalition governments.


Was it really so hard to tether the bag of space tools onto the space station with some space string?!

if I get brained by a space-chisel or a space-monkey wrench or a bloody space whatever coming down at Mach 3 while I’m tanning by the poool, I’ll be pretty bloody cranky.

PS, I don’t believe the “burn up on reentry” story. Can’t happen to wrenches.


Scott Adams picking up what I was saying the other day:



Fucken averages


“The survey of 7500 people found nearly half (48 per cent) believe economic issues are the most important problems in Australia today, followed by housing affordability and shortages (14 per cent) — the largest combined shared since 2011.
But respondents overall had overwhelmingly positive attitudes towards immigration, with 86 per cent agreeing “immigrants are good for the economy”.


Told yas a month or two ago.

Econamee numba wan. Money n shieet.

Bogans only care about their brick layin, mortgage brokin, customer servicin, property managin.

They’re all meatheads.


this is why we are never getting anywhere, the average legacy unit is a phucking moron

Aussie Soy Boy

First half or so of 2021 assuming you weren’t locked down was basically peak Australia


starting to agree

covid was the only time we could be free from all this b.s, in some ways it was a golden era

A fly in your ointment

well… given what genetic material it started with, it’s a fycking miracle what wardens have done with their flock.


Legacy Australians are too stupid for democracy to work


said it before and ill say it again, democracy has to go


Yeah but the only option historically is a government with unchecked power run by despicable scum.

They’d probably kill you for being on the dsp.


please stop i can only get so erect


im not on dsp

if only i was eligible huh

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

It’s already gone

A fly in your ointment

democracy to work

it’s an oxymoron when placed like that.
democracy can appear as if working
it works for those making the democracy matrix

Ironic Boomer

Survey from … The Scanlon Foundation … lol.


This is the issue – they ask a question in the survey saying do you support immigration, and most reasonable people go yeah, but if they phrased it correctly as in “Do you support Albo’s extreme immigration levels?” Most respondents would go no.

Even if they were objective on the issue of immigration (and most journalists are not) there diversity hires at the newspapers never take that additional step and simply regurgitate the propaganda that a property developer has sent them under the guise of a “survey”.


isnt that where the mafia is


I think so. We have a property mafia same difference.

A fly in your ointment

nah, their Mafia is benign, it leaves casuers and nurses out of their bizneez.

Aussie Soy Boy

They should import a bunch of curry munchers


Wogs care more about aesthetics.

A fly in your ointment

the place is a shytehole and cannot be more boring for that region. And yet, it has more life than the capital cities.


calabria vs canberra

A fly in your ointment

Canberra is the only nice inland city, the rest are at best the bearable shyteholes. I love it…

Calabria has more history/culture than all the places in this pond combined. Someone else’s history but fluck so much of it. And they kick Sicilians in arse, literally, which makes them ballsy.

no vs. there in my book. It’s impossible for anglos to understand Mediterranean and wog ways of life where every new morning is another day of life.


Yeah “life” usually means some shitty tay tay concert. Local organic life is way better.



why is twitter showing me this

wtf is glenn mitchell

oh just hovererd over the name surprise surprise its a sportsball commentator



“yeah fuggin hope we win tonight ay”


Mum could get it


Leyonhelm standing up for bogans rights to own dangerous dogs


we know you lurk here you flog

what a retarded analogy to draw


libertarians are the dumbest kunts imaginable

Aussie Soy Boy

What a wonderful new law. Let’s hope it passes and other states adopt something similar, preferably even stricter.


It’s weird for a couple of reasons.

One is that most hardcore libertarians think anything goes as long as it doesn’t harm other people. Allowing the lowest of the legacy bogans to roam the community with dogs bred to maul other people doesn’t really fit this criteria.

The analogy doesn’t make sense either. The dangerous dog breeds are the corrupt cops in this case, while poodles and shit are the good cops.


One is that most hardcore libertarians think anything goes as long as it doesn’t harm other people. Allowing the lowest of the legacy bogans to roam the community with dogs bred to maul other people doesn’t really fit this criteria.

But if the dogs don’t actually do any mauling, that seems OK to me.


Right! And if one of those said dogs got out and mauled some little girl to death, well it’s the little girl’s fault for not carrying a gun to defend herself with.


Honestly believe it comes down to the deadshit owners. Mate has two 70-80kg american bulldogs crossed. Beautiful natured beasts, they mirror his nature. He is a big cunt too, who doesn’t like going to pubs for dickheads picking him for a fight.




dogs arent the product of owner nurture anymore than humans are the product of parenting

some dog breeds are psycho and programmed to kill, fight and hunt

just bc therres some members of those breeds that dont attack anything doesnt mean the breed isnt statistically way more likely to be dangerous

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

Nerd jealousy is a thing. I want to be puffy with a small head and blonde nig hair.

Screenshot 2023-11-15 194030.png
Aussie Soy Boy

Our Bharat brothers off to a great start. May it continue. All celebrations will be respectful and considerate of the neigbourhood. Great people. I might go get myself a curry.


Do people drop more easy these days? I took a few punches when I was a kid. I never dropped. Looks like some sort of brainwashed automatic reaction, if punch to face then drop. A bit like how they say boomers are stupid because of lead poisoning.

We need to get kids bashing each other again.


A fly in your ointment

they tend to drop dead easily, particularly the jabbed samples.


Looks like concussion

seems involuntary


Looks a bit voluntary to me. Like what is so important about your head? in most cases it contains a c64 at best.They think it contains a top quantum computer or something.


Look at his feet move into position for max hip thrust. A dog act from trained fighter. Would have dropped most people.

It sounds like you might appreciate my new favourite twitter channel:

Reus's Large MEMBER

100% you can see that he positioned himself to deliver that 1,2 combo, pro for sure


Thanks Freddy, that is a FaNtAsTiClY FuN channel.

having watched the video many times, I see what you mean about the feet. It seems to me like the feet positioning isn’t even conscious – the bloke seems to do it naturally before throwing the punches, due evidently to extensive training, as Reus’s Large MEMBER says below.


Yeah. I’m a boxer. Once that guy moved into the stance and the other guy didn’t see what he was doing and respond I knew he was fucked. The dude on the right had done some training.

A blow to the nerve centre on the side of the jaw can cause immediate loss of consciousness, and it’s very dangerous because you flop down, hit your head, fracture your skull and die.


Yup – done a little bit of boxing/sparing and can vouch for that…. it doesn’t even need to be that hard to make your legs turn to jelly.


ppl die from falling over and hitting their head a surprising amount its why you should never fight people if you dont know what youre doing, especially if the surface is hard


Basically, only fight the battles you think you can win. And if you can’t fight, don’t.

Reus's Large MEMBER

If you gonna fight hit first while you opponent is still unprepared, just like that dude did.

Back in my youth, two of us got approached by 10 sub cont’s looking to give us a beating, we just attacked first and hit the two biggest guys as hard as we could, dropped him and got a good shot on the second guy, enough to make him want to lie down for a bit, by the time I turned to hit the third, the rest had scattered. We left 4 on the ground and high tailed it out of there before the rest came back with their guns.

Last edited 1 year ago by Reus's Large MEMBER
Roger Dodger

Scheet… where and when TF was this?

Reus's Large MEMBER

In South Africa, back in the late 90’s


What white men go through for the top moot



Chasing moot built civilization as we know it.


Yeah the west cut its teeth by murdering each other.


Meh that trait is present in all population groups and arguably far less prevalent in whites than other groups.


That’s what lead us to tech up though. Or at least one of the main things.


True – the paradox of peaceful societies is that it enables them to build up sufficient capital that once conflict does occur they can unleash hell.

the arborist

Which is why we’re being turned into a not very peaceful society.



greens have absolutely lost the plot

supporting Palestinians and abo reparations is one thing

but child rapists now?

truly bizarre assortment of people and beliefs


They are absolute raving nutbags.

there is no amount of foreigners brought into EZFKA that will be enough for them.

they think that because all people are equal, all people need to live in shit


“there is no amount of foreigners brought into EZFKA that will be enough for them.”

they should join with the ALP and LNP in one big party because they’d be perfectly aligned!


I don’t think that there are enough freaks in LibLab for their liking


there are, they’re just not open about it


freaks in hiding?


Singer is coming at the question from the point of view of animal welfare, framed within a false binary framework: as an animal, is it better to have a human screw you occasionally while housing you in pleasant conditions, or to be housed in unpleasant conditions and then slaughtered.

normal people think of it from the perspective of humans in society: as a human, is it normal to screw a pooch, or not?

it is little wonder that an answer to a false binary opposition viewed from a pets perspective is quite different to any normal persons’s view of the matter


Notionally he’s an atheist, reality is he’s Jewish but no longer practicing.


Just observing and trying to decide where his cultural values originate from…. to paraphrase Richard Dawkins “I may be an Atheist but I am still a Christian”.


classic midwit boomer response


One of those hot chicks but has to have long hair covering her big ears.



A fly in your ointment

at least she’s honest with everyone (except with herself).


She’s got a few years to get it. If not then she’ll be on Tindr or something seeking out nerd cucks. If that fails well then…pov cat lady.

A fly in your ointment

you’re right, but if she did not get it by now, she won’t get it ever. Life will be eternally unfair to her.

I actually heard someone say for her own daughter: “she’s good looking, she should not be working ever”


Maybe if she visited The Establishment in George St and got a coked up stock broker or investment banker or whatever…

If she’s expecting it to come to her well then far less likely. She’s nothing out of this world.

Yeah sad to see good genes get flushed down the toilet through those delusions, I think about half of the hot girls from my year at school didn’t have kids.

A fly in your ointment

genes are a mix-n-match so one set of excellent genes does not constitute excellent gene pool.
I’d still marry a woman like this rather than the one that pretends she loves me for the same end result. I can handle reality easier than a virtual one.


Yeah true. Good genes can still produce shitty ones and vice versa.

I am no expert but I think its possible to find loyalty in a woman. But if I was rich I might still go for a gold digger as long as she put out plenty and did her jobs without complaining.


I mean yeah, she obviously can’t afford a pair of pants.


I think you’ll find that such attitudes are not prevalent amongst australian hot chicks

probably because australia is a welfare state so even if they get knocked up and dumped by an unemployed criminal the taxpayer will still foot the bill
whereas in america its survival of the fittest

Also australian women have far lower IQ and more primitive

they’re more likely to go for the tradie with a sleeve making $150/yr on cash jobs then blowing it all in bali or at the casino

than a frail nerd making multiples of that who reads finance blogs


100% spot on.

A fly in your ointment

Would love to hear about his dads property portfolio.

Not one of the actual women in that article is above a 6.

What a complete freak show they have given us as “culture”.

A fly in your ointment

not sure those women are “ovaries carrier person”


JFC. I thought Bruno was a parody…


The book burnings and midnight arrests can’t come soon enough.

Plumbing new lows



he named them holy shit

first and only mainstream aus politician ive ever heard who has ever done it


That guy’s going to end up dead in some sort of freak accident.



Doing literally anything that could stop mass immigration? Forget about it.

The Western world is going to end up having to choose between the dictatorship of judges and transnational organisations who block every manifestation of the popular will on all important issues, or a government dictatorship that isn’t subject to any limits.

I’d rather have neither but under these levels of polarisation, power is only going to sit with one side.


at this point you mightnt want to hear it but nothing is going to get done until we start killing people

as long as we’re the dictators it probably won’t be so bad

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal
Agent 47

You are correct. Can’t remember who said it but politics is just the postponement of violence and until it’s directed at certain people change isn’t going to come.


National Socialism is the answer.



bad news for inflation caused by interest rate theory???

Aussie Soy Boy

Coming is just a doctor. They’re the world’s biggest mugs when it comes to money, even worse than lawyers.


Interest rates not most important determinant of inflation ive said that multiple times

A fly in your ointment

Interest rates not most important determinant of inflation ive said that multiple times

LOL, the double speak is excellent. Goodonya Doctor Coming

it is perfectly accurately said, the above quote, with a tiny omission of the the important bit: what kind of “determinant”


think you and the soy boy both claimed rates had to be higher than inflation in order for them to be effective, didn’t you?


Aussie Soy Boy

I bought some C last week I forgot to mention I like banks they are very cheap. That goes with the L and BA I bought in recent months, and the AMZN at the start of January.

I think as long Israel keeps their boot on the neck of the Palestinians and continues the genocide unabated it is good for markets.


i got about 300 shells a week before the ukraine war, bc i knew it would happen and cause oil to go spastic

Agent 47

Rookie numbers. Doing my part for the cause.

A fly in your ointment

chews don’t make it to the top of the list any more

nah, polls are like breakfast to order. Don’t trust a single one.


I remember when it was all about hating powerless lower and middle class white men because banks created a housing bubble and had to get a bail out.

A fly in your ointment

Under new laws introduced by Labor on Thursday, individuals found to have breached their visa conditions would face criminal penalties rather than having their visas cancelled.

The law dubbed as “the Djokovic Act” is set to be overseen by the new minister of Visa Breaches, hon. Alex Hawke. Speaking to the ABC on Thursday, Industrial Relations Minister Tony Burke said the late face-saving crackdown aims to “control” where high-risk individuals live, work, and who they associate with.

A fly in your ointment

It is amazing how quickly the JQ is starting to accelerate…


…especially when you see the “advertisment” in that thread that caused both that guy and Elon to respond to

And a short excerpt from Tucker…


The harder they push those advertisments, the harder they push Israel’s cause, the more kevetching they do, and the more visible it will become as they push for even harsher “hate speech” laws (basically any criticism of Jewish values) to be enacted and enforced, the faster the JQ will spread in the community.

But then everyone will just be catching up to the realisation I came to about 5 years ago – culture matters, and it matters whose culture and values we are being forced to live under.

Let the JQ be reborn in popular consciousness.

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Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

What is “dialectical hatred”?

haven’t come across the term before.

Seems like some kind of shibboleth… is it?


What is “dialectical hatred”?

All discussions around “Whiteness” would be a good example.

The intellectual framework of logical opinions and ideas that form the bedrock of those theories are the dialectic, and they are unquestioningly hateful.

These ideas don’t emerge from a void – someone or some culture is formulating, promulgating and spreading these notions. Noticing who is responsible for them isn’t a shibboleth.

BTW the word “shibboleth” is a Hebrew word. It is popular use is to pretend that real differences between groups have no validity, and to dismiss such concerns as being a logical fallacy of no importance.

Like so many words used in arguing with that culture the real meaning is one of inversion i.e. the opposite, it means working out who is a part of your group and who isn’t…. something very important to highly endogamous population groups that wish to resist assimilation.


All discussions around “Whiteness” would be a good example.

like what discussions?

The intellectual framework of logical opinions and ideas that form the bedrock of those theories are the dialectic, and they are unquestioningly hateful.

umm, so, like, where are you going with this?

Some sort of Derridean rejection of the implicit hierarchy and preferencing embedded in the very construction of conventional binary distinctions such as presence/absence, man/woman, white/non-white (or as you would perhaps have it non-white/white)?

I really don’t get it.

BTW the word “shibboleth” is a Hebrew word. It is popular use is to pretend that real differences between groups have no validity, 

I think i was imprecise. It seems that the particular meaning of shibboleth that I had in mind was what is called by Wikipedia a “furtive shibboleth”. quite like a dog whistle.


Shibboleth is a word specifically crafted to disarm arguments based in real observations as being irrelevant – like dismissing Stereotypes as being a trope and irrelevant, despite the fact that they are highly accurate and grounded in real observable differences. It is essentially a fallacy of dismissal.

I really don’t get it” isn’t an argument either, it is a fallacy of personal Incredulity, likewise re-interpretting a fairly clear statement and wrapping it up in a convoluted Derridean word salad is a fallacy of obfuscation.

like what discussions?

I suggest you Google “whiteness” to find out about the many discussions that have taken place on that subject.

The statement and example I made around “whiteness” is pretty clear in regards to your question of

What is “dialectical hatred”?

As to the intellectual framework around the concept of “whiteness”. This isn’t something I’ve defined, I’ve merely stated that it exists as a concept, and consequently it follows that there is a framework of understanding built around that topic.

To be clear this is MY interpretation of the Post you were questioning:

1. Jews but especially politically active Jews have been central in formulating, propagating and disseminating harmful and hateful concepts into the wider community around “whiteness” which primarily denigrates people of Caucasian descent.

2. I speculate that it is because they wish to weaken white societies moral standing in terms of arguing for their own interests, especially when they conflict with Jewish interests. I further speculate that this is a cultural trait centered around preserving their own unique endogamy within societies that they do not form the majority.

3. Now that the tables have turned, and it is the Jewish community that is experiencing blow back from the minority groups where it has cultivated this hateful ideas around “whiteness” the poster to that thread is saying many people have zero sympathy towards them and view it as a consequence largely of their own actions.

4. I agree with that notion, and apparently so to does Elon.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

hoist by their own petard


hoist by their own petard

In a manner of speaking.

Jews have a fable about a Rabbi who built a monster out of Clay in order to do their dirty work – a Golem. Eventually the Golem turns on them and runs amok.

Using my mind model of an Egregore, it is my contention that Jews and especially politically active Jews (essentially Zionists) have built an intellectual Golem.

This Golem is a social idea around “whiteness” that they have built and unleashed into the community in order to get other minority groups to do their dirty work and argue against white society.

Their Golem is running amok and they brought it on themselves.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

I read what you write about half a dozen times.

After the first four attempts I completely failed to penetrate it, so was going to dismiss out of hand it as some kind of mystification.

But on the fifth attempt I caught a bit of meaning and on the sixth absorbed a bit more.

I think I know what you’re trying to say, but still think that most of what you’ve written is mystification worthy of grandpa skippy himself.

also I don’t think that you’ve clarified what “dialectical hatred” is, which is the main thing that I wanted to know.

suspect that it is also mystification or perhaps a dog whistle, a way to signal something to other in-group members


When asked a question in good faith, I attempt to answer it to the best of my abilities and try to make the answer as clear as possible – if you compare me to Skippy then I have failed. Sorry for getting snappy if your replies were also in good faith.

dialectical – adjective

1. relating to the logical discussion of ideas and opinions “dialectical ingenuity”

2. concerned with or acting through opposing forces. “a dialectical opposition between artistic translation and transcription”

The ‘Hatred’ is embedded in the concepts around “whiteness”, which Jews have been at the forefront of promoting, for example Noel Ignatiev.

It isn’t a mystification or a dog whistle, it is a one way conversation that has been predominantly Jewish lead with semi-literate POC playing support, and involves lecturing the rest of us through the media for about 20 years.

If you have aren’t aware of it, then maybe you haven’t been paying attention. No shame in that – most people haven’t…. until now.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

I think think this video clip and a somewhat reasonable discussion encapsulates what Stewie is getting at


It is hard to quantify the extent to which, if any, wealthy Jews were fermenting the discourse on college campuses the last year or just ambivalent to it…


“dialectical hatred”

Yep, made me wtf too. He should’ve just said hatred. If your goal is to promote hatred, doing it through the logical and reasoned exchange of opposing ideas is a counterproductive approach at best.

Interestingly, Charlie Kirk edited out “dialectical” when discussing the tweet in question.

On the content, it’s probably worth reading this as a quick primer https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whiteness_studies

Not particularly Jewish, but Jews excel in the social sciences so are bound to pop up.

The modern discussions on whiteness stem mostly from CRT and intersectional ideas, again not dominated by Jews. It’s strange that people accuse the Jews of being responsible for anti-whiteness when the disciplines currently in question view the Jews (American/European Ashkenazi) as being white, and argue that antisemitism is not racism because racism is based in power imbalance.

On the broader topic, I think we’re seeing a battle here between extremes obsessed with racial identity: one group trying to rise and battle their perceived oppression (lol, they’re middle class dropkicks) and the other group anxious about declining influence in a changing culture.

They’re all insufferable losers and I hope they kill each other.


Noel Ignatiev practically established the concept of “whiteness” and the whole subject is an outgrowth of ideas around Cultural Marxism that can be traced back to the Frankfurt School of thought.

As for why Jews would push for policies that attack the majority i.e. whites, when many consider Jews to be the ultimate white – it is simple, Jews see themselves as “fellow white people” when they wish to throw stones from inside our house at our culture and values, and non-white when they wish to garner the support of POC and other minorities when they attack white people…. hardly surprising for a culture built around double think, and double standards.

I leave you with a story in two parts….

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Probably won’t add up to much politically, well not any time soon, but will hopefully stop WW3.


boganocracy strikes again


The Victoria Police Commissioner has slammed a Melbourne  council’s ‘ridiculous’ plan to reduce the speed limit to 30km/h on several major roads.

Commissioner Shane Patton said he’s ‘not aware of any evidence’ that shows drastically lowering the speed limit on busy city streets is the solution to the state’s rising road death toll.

No wonder road rules, violence and smoking/cigarette butts are out of control in this country
the people in charge of enforcing the laws are pure bogans themselves


‘I think no one’s going to obey it… it’s ridiculous. 

‘I’m not aware of any evidence that dropping the speed limit another 10 kilometres, so people can’t get out of third gear if they’re in a manual car, is going to make any difference to road trauma.’

just lmao and he’s the fucking police chief

muh manual car
muh fourth gear
muh broom broom


A joint submission to state parliament from the Victorian Government Road Safety Partnership cited research supporting lower speed limits, particularly for pedestrian safety.

The group includes Victoria Police, the Transport Accident Commission, the Department of Justice and Community Safety, and the transport, justice and health departments.

literally research

he’s “not aware of any evidence”

bloke probably has a double digit IQ

He should stick to bashing up cookers

‘A pedestrian or cyclist struck at 50km/h experiences a 90 per cent chance of being killed in the impact compared to a 10 per cent chance of being killed if struck at 30km/h,’ its submission said.

‘Successive studies have shown that 30km/h is the maximum impact speed for a healthy adult before death or very serious injury becomes increasingly likely.’

The submission referenced pre-Covid government data which showed, on average, each year two pedestrians were killed in collisions in 40km/h zones, six in 50km/h zones and 15 in 60km/h zones.

Transport Accident Commission head of road safety Samantha Cockfield also told a public hearing in August that similar 30km/h speed zones had been adopted around the world ‘with some really quite great success’.

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

we need this but also fewer cars on the road period



more chinese riding the train
fewer bogans in their broom brooms


coal rollers and v8 crankers doing mainies should be shot on sight


“but how are they supposed to get out of 3rd gear?!”

fmd, the police commissioner


who still uses a manual car


legacy bogans


are they just povo or is there an actual reason for it


why do they smoke cigarettes instead of nicotine replacement?

why do they enjoy punching on?

they’re low IQ savages who think changing gears and revving is manly


Because it gives you greater control over your vehicle – you can use the engine to break and you have better control going into corners…. plus it is easier to do burn outs.


a lot of phallic homoerotic symbolism too

like smoking fags


Mmmm….. I always thought the opposite. My car is a sexy beast and I love putting her in gear.

Reus's Large MEMBER

Men that don’t think that they have vaginas

Last edited 1 year ago by Reus's Large MEMBER

By this logic the speed limit should be zero

Ban all cars
Ban all dangerous behaviors
Ban anything that has a chance of causing even the slightest harm

Risk must be eliminated!


‘Successive studies have shown that 30km/h is the maximum impact speed for a healthy adult before death or very serious injury becomes increasingly likely.’

you could be as stupid as constable plod


You address my troll, before I address yours buddy


I just addressed it but it obviously went flying over your head


No it didn’t. It went over yours.


too many suvs and light trucks on roads though thats the issue, even at lower speeds theyll still kill you. small cars at low speeds you can actually survive


did you do your own research?


40 is so slow its like hearse speed. 30 would be excruitiating.


It’s another troll by the Indian ‘doctor’ Coming


Bogan hater extremist.


Yep, low effort trolling from the resentful immigrant DSP dole bludger known as Cumming.

You have to go back, jungle bunny

Reus's Large MEMBER

You sound vaccinated.

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

As someone who regularly skates, the thing that amazed me was their freely moving around on the road without fear of potholes….. the Taliban maintain their roads better than Australia.


read all the replies from the american soldiers who were there, theyre all commenting on how fast the taliban cleaned up the roads and got rid of the potholes



Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

do kids ride bikes thru malls in sydney


Cant say I’ve seen that.



public school from povo area wins maths Olympiad

zero white kids involved

Jfl tbh
the great replacement can’t happen soon enough provided it’s not muzzies

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

You’re not a doctor, you’re a Cockdor.
Get a job ,you malingering waste of space dole bludger.


Why didn’t the white kids from the $40,000/yr school win ?

it’s a feel good story


too many girls there for me to think that whatever this olympiad is has any meaning


Probably forced to have an even number of both sexes

the gap between Asians/Indians and whites is even more stark amongst girls though

At least there’s still some Aspy white boys around


there are no whites there yeah

asian kids being overrepresented makes sense bc not only are asians (chinese-japanese-koreans anyway) smarter than whites their IQ profile is higher on performance than it is verbal, so they do better on math tests etc than whites do

but indians probably arent smarter than whites, at least not in australia

in the u.s they’re about as smart as whites bc theyre more selected; i dont think indians in australia are anywhere near as selected to be the average aus white IQ which is prob like 99

so assume indians in australia are maybe like iq 90 or 92 or so (this is pure speculation)

maybe a bit more

so why are there no white kids in this gay olympiad?

child iq is less heritable than adult iq
maybe white kids dont htink its cool enough and are enormously undererpresented in it due to this (cultural difference)

maybe its based more on rote memorization than it is g-loaded

maybe indians are a bit smarter than my estimates or even equal to whites, but i really doubt that


holy shit that’s a lot of copium


nah no copium

if it was, id be trying to explain away the asian kids too


Yup – India is a low IQ country. What we see with most Indian migrants is our harvesting of their best and brightest (which also helps ensure India remains mired in stupidity).

The problem, as the UK has found out, is mean reversion. You might have imported a Doctor, but their kids when coupled with other Indians within one or two generations will generally revert to the racial mean.

This effect is lessened with assortive mating, but Indians are famed for their arranged marriages, so assortive mating is probably less prominent in the general Indian community which makes mean reversion more likely.

It is interesting that despite their high IQ the amount of collective innovation out of East Asia remains lower than white nations.

I speculate that this is due to other inheritable personality traits like agreeableness, openness and cultural demands for conformity, making out of the box thinking (ie innovation) a much higher bar to achieve.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

but i dont think the indians australia gets are the best and the brightest

i think the best and brightest go to USA first then UK second

aus gets shit kicker indians, a cut above the indians in india b ut not as good as indians in usa etc

so why as per comings imgae are they doing relatively well in these math olympiad things compared to whites

we really need more data imo


You should consider getting an Indian wife


think the best and brightest go to USA first then UK second

aus gets shit kicker indians, a cut above the indians in india b ut not as good as indians in usa etc

To me the numbers would suggest otherwise.

You’d be right if all Indians immigrated, but the reality is that there anre a billion people there and only a small subset of the top layer members emigrate (maybe 1 mil per year?!). Of that top layer, maybe the cream of the cream go to us/uk, sure.

But the dregs are still top 15% of the distribution in all likelihood.


Meaningless graphic since Dalits etc will never make it to Australia

Is there a measurement of Brahmin IQ only?


They’ve been doing that for decades. Still a country of tradesman and bank workers.



Chris minns announces new developer free for all

quite sensible ideas though

very Soviet

I guess that’s all Australian can afford at this point


its gonna be hilarious how much of a shithole our cities are going to look in the next 10-20 years


They will still drip feed. 0 immigrant tradies.




Interesting slightly conflicting data

A fly in your ointment

Paul Douglas Frost to spend 24 years in jail for sexually abusing 11 children43 sexual offences against 11 children while he worked as a swim coach in Sydney.

talking about stereotypes… yeah… because illegal immigrants




It’s okay – he’s Italian and doesn’t understand things like per capita offending.


i dont understand the post


He’s Italian…

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

I don’t think he’s Italian

italians are the top tier of wogs and the others try to include themselves with Italians not vice versa

probably Croatian or something they tend to be very odd people


hes czech iirc


Highest proportion of porn stars in the world

A fly in your ointment

I could be Indian, like you?

Nah, I’d be Sri Lanakan in that case.

No point being the same as the bottom of the human cesspool you are.


hmm…light hair and anglo surname.

A fly in your ointment

let’s just say that Timbo will not observe this when creating the next “look, immigrant raping there!” post.
Doh, the name is not an “immigrant” name so nothing there to see???

81% of aus population types accounts for near 100% of the child rape in this pond and at the same time holds the world record in:
1) the number of different children raped by a single person [91],
2) the number of coitus per child [18 coitus per each of the 91 kids],
3) the length of child rape going unreported by rapist’s 81%er colleagues [almost a decade]

Kids in this pond seems to have a comparative zero chance of being raped by the remaining 19%

Do I need to point you to census data so that you can see what ethnic groups adds-up to 81%?

A fly in your ointment

I don’t have any defence for that. What defence can any normal person have for rape, let alone kids rape?
Plenty have it on ethnicity alone to the absolute exclusion of all other factors. I pointed to cases of Paul Douglas Frost and Ashley Paul Griffith to point the hypocrisy where a comparably lesser crime is creating a greater outrage than a case that should’ve brought the nation on its feet demanding lynch.

The case you linked is only indirectly related to animals like Paul Douglas Frost or Ashley Paul Griffith. Mostly in that it involves children and that they went unpunished for years. Oh, and also that the actual dick that went into a kid was of “westerner provenance”
The categories of “organised crime in a deviant cuntry” and “your next door neighbour bangs your toddler for years in your local childcare and colleagues do not report him” are not quite comparable. I am happy to retort if you indicate how do you compare the two cases as otherwise I’d be speculating on your viewpoint.


Oh, and also that the actual dick that went into a kid was of “westerner provenance”

You must mean West Pakistan?

The categories of “organised crime in a deviant cuntry” and “your next door neighbour bangs your toddler for years in your local childcare and colleagues do not report him

So when lots of foreign pedos join forces to rape children, that becomes organised crime and totally different from a single non-foreign pedo raping children

Last edited 1 year ago by No1
A fly in your ointment

Don’t get fired up please, it ruins arguments and argumentation.
tl;dr applies for below.
Summary for negatively intellectualed persons at the end.

I didn’t mean “west pakis”.
I meant what I said and what it said on your link and then used that as a common denominator with our own participants in this notorious championship:
“In August 2014 the Jay report concluded that an estimated 1,400 children had been sexually abused in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013, predominantly by British-Pakistani men.”
“majority of the perpetrators were British Muslims specifically British Pakistanis”
“predominantly” and “mostly” is a bit vague but it should mean between 1/5 and 1/3 were NOT pakis.
So yes, there’s no doubt the Pakis who organised that but particularly those who paid for rape of children are the bottom of the cesspool of humanity (including those on the outside who kept it all under the lid).
Also equally the same there is no exculpation for the remaining substantial offenders. It is clear they are the westerners.

So when lots of foreign pedos join forces to rape children, that becomes organised crime…

foreign or not foreign or combined.
See what you said: “join forces“. Now compare that to “organised” and the difference is really in the very fine detail
From the very first sentence on that article it says:

The Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal consists of the organised child sexual abuse

I hope that answers the doubt of Rotterham child rape being an organised crime

…totally different from a single non-foreign pedo raping children

I did not say it is totally different, I said “are not quite comparable”.
One is opportunistic or partially organised for sexual and/or insignificant personal financial gain but its main feature is mental involvement with a victim and absence or lower concurrent victims. That’s just to name a few.
Other is organised predominantly and primarily for financial gains. It readily involves 3rd parties as providers, organisers and customers, Children are just an exploited commodity in the scheme. Exactly as depicted in the article on Wikipedia.
The later one being by definition incomparably worse crime.
I don’t make distinction between foreign and non-foreign pedos. If someone’s kid is raped, what condolence does it make if the rapist is of the same ethnicity. If anything, in normal cultures when one of own commits a heinous crime it is taken as far worse. This because it smears all the members with his shyte.

The point I want to make is in the last sentence of the previous reply “…hypocrisy where a comparably lesser crime is creating a greater outrage than a case that should’ve brought the nation on its feet demanding lynch.”. It is the disproportional and apparent obliviousness to two distinct domestic beasts Paul Douglas Frost and Ashley Paul Griffith vs. the national level rage over release of a single heinous crime person. it pushes really hard to say that home brewed child rapists are acceptable or lesser evil
Other point was really to piss on the thick rosy glasses taken for observing the superior race as omnipresent here. Hence the handle.
Also, the child rape danger from your 81% neighbour base is far greater than that from the characters like pakis for the simple fact that next time you leave your kid in that childcare or the swimming lesson or whatever place you though was sacred safe grounds, there may be a Paul Douglas Frost or Ashley Paul Griffith waiting in the shadows, not being reported by his compatriots. I hope that though stays whenever you leave your kid with someone thinking is safe.

With this extensive response misplaced to an inappropriate blog, i am sure there will be little or no chance for someone to ‘catch me’ where I said something wrong.

for those with “inversely increased” intellect and for tl;dr mob:
don’t bother, go to a local rsl and play keno all night.


When pedo is white

81% of aus population types accounts for near 100% of the child rape in this pond

When pedo is brown

I don’t make distinction between foreign and non-foreign pedos. If someone’s kid is raped, what condolence does it make if the rapist is of the same ethnicity.

Sure thing

No bias here

A fly in your ointment

You need to show me where have I said it like that (because I did not).

*every* child rape is the most heinous crime there can be. Not just rape by the brown or purple or rainbow men as prevalent thinking of the ezfka commenters.

can you show me at least one post on the two recent anglo serial rapists cases on ezfka (including comments)?

if Ashley Paul Griffith was actually Ashok Patel Singh how many articles would’ve been then and what wouldve benn in the comments?

when pedo is white,
reporting it becomes a fiesta if abuse and denial

when pedo is brown
his crimes are always reflected as non-existent before the barbarians invasion

is that bias, or is it not?


if Ashley Paul Griffith was actually Ashok Patel Singh how many articles would’ve been then and what wouldve benn in the comments?

It couldn’t ever happen since only white Anglos commit child rape according to you

A fly in your ointment

It couldn’t ever happen since only white Anglos commit child rape according to you

now that’s a red herring and unfair and inaccurate description of what I said.

I said

Kids in this pond seems to have a comparative zero chance of being raped by the remaining 19%

‘comparative’ is there for a reason.
cant find where, i may have said “almost” too – based on actual search for reported child rapes in this pond and a reasonable assumption from their surnames.
What Ashley and his “only 10 kids raped” mate Paul did is shat on Australia as a country and as a nation.

One thing though, I’m sure Ashley will be someone’s bitch in gaol for long. Just as long he does not transition to a gender fluid person. This is a great legacy of Warden class Australians – a rare good outcome from fat cracking at an opportunity to gaol someone.
In lesser cuntries this would be unlikely. They have mob rule. I’ve seen it in Sath Afrika when they rape even newborn thinking it will cure the aids. Mob proceedings are swift and terminal – a permanent solution and no risk of repeated offenders.

have a noice weekend mate…


i may have said “almost” too – based on actual search for reported child rapes in this pond and a reasonable assumption from their surnames.

So basically you don’t know and you just made some shit up

A fly in your ointment

child raping is ok to you?


You’re obviously unhappy here with us, and resentful towards the convicts that built this country you hate so much. (why R U here?)
Fuck off back to your eastern europeon shithole, you whiny bitchass donkey fancier.

A fly in your ointment

God, you’re insufferable Keno player.
I apologise for spoiling your ointment.

Fuck off back to your eastern europeon shithole, you whiny bitchass donkey fancier.

Superior diction and vernacular is quite stunning, is it common in your culture?

I understand the need to paint with hate anyone who dares to direct any critic towards the superior ethnicity, or don’t kowtow to the supperior culture. It is an easy escape and simple copium.
I hate not and I resent not. Hate and resentment are not optional in Christianity.

If you wish, I’m just a pot telling the kettle it ain’t a fancy pressure cooker it thinks it is.


I’d ordinarily be sympathetic to any contrarian

but that skippy style of prose is so aggravating

anyway, at least I’m as racist towards browns as I am towards whites

Whereas you are as hypocritical as the legacy units on here

A fly in your ointment

you’re not racist.
You’re just the bottom of the human cesspool . That alone is so low it is low even for your own types.

but I love your writing because it is hubriously loaded with nonsense and rubbish theories so pissing on it is an easy and fun activity. A cherry on top is that it annoys you massively and you cant hide it (hence the shyte as from the link above). Like it did with pissing on your daily reruns of the Brucey and the fat Cindirella fetishtale.

you’re not sympathetic to contrarians. You’ve proudly shown to be one of the “do and think as told”. I am not a contrarian. I just don’t yield to undue pressure and stand for my own beliefs – something for which you’ve said is stupid.

you call me hypocritical but you don’t show a single example. Integrity is hard for you to fathom (from your own admissions) hence you’re unable to show any.

Hope that’s not too cryptic and skyppyesque for you. I deliberately wrote in simple sentences as much as possible so that your types can process it.


“Boomer” pigs still butthurt about WFH


You have to be as miserable as possible because we are such rugged self reliant money printers.

Votin’ left. Me.


Should have bought a building in Mumbai instead


what an ugly building


is every drawing with a big nose a jew now


the racist one must be the person doing the Noticing


Wait until they Discover the long nose Tengu demon in Japan – notice the little black box on its head… where could the Japanese have come up with the idea of an ugly, greedy, angry red faced troll with a big nose and a box on its head?

Capture - Copy (25).JPG

Seems like it’s artist’s style – fairly grotesque stuff, but hardly anti-Semitic.





Wow it’s not just a conspiracy theory

painted over fucking art


they got the call




Looks even worse IMO


Lmao looks like Jews hiding behind the shadows now


That is fucked, it takes councils ages to do anything. I should call mine and tell them not fixing the potholes is anti-Semitic.


Because imagine how good it would feel to rush in with a crowd and elbow everyone in the face and get 50% off.


Any excuse for a retail promotion. Has otherwise never made sense as it’s not like we’ve imported the US Thanksgiving holiday.

A fly in your ointment

just wait for that Thanks Giving.

First thing I noticed when arrived in Aus was the never-ending specials and sales which “must end by so and so date”.

Don’t forget the “this week only” that rolls on for weeks on end

Last edited 1 year ago by Reus's Large MEMBER

Woke can be good sometimes. If you are white there’s less competition to be Chad.


Phffft – as if it will mean more white men…. all this shit is simply code for less white men.


Justice system working as planned, a lenient sentence for our true First Nations people – the real estate agent.


A real estate agent who attacked a woman with a samurai sword in Sydney’s inner west has been spared a custodial jail sentence, after a judge found his rehabilitation would be best served by intense supervision in the community.

Karl Howard, 47, had been awake for seven days on a cocaine and alcohol binge when he elbowed one woman to the face, and struck a second woman with the sword, at his Annandale home in the early hours of February 8, 2021.

On Friday, the NSW District Court heard the woman required reconstructive surgery and Howard has made a $225,000 reparation payment to her.

I hear she still can’t afford to buy a house in Sydney.


Sad that he was the one that had to pay reparations.

Just complete erasure of the suffering our real estate agents had endure through that one 6 month downturn.



They deserved it for banging a real estate agent.

A fly in your ointment

LOL, Wolf of Annandale

why do more and more media date the dates the US ways?
even schools began to do that.


The sheep is mightier than the arts degree. Unless you are Waleed Ali.


My partner just got off the phone to her brother in the UK. He’s in his late 50s, and is going to his third funeral in 3 weeks this afternoon, UK time.

Two of his friends simply dropped dead of suddenly. Healthy people who stopped living one day for no apparent reason.The third, today’s funeral, felt a little unwell a few weeks ago and went to her GP for a check up. She was “completely riddled with cancer” and died a couple of weeks later. Hyper aggressive cancer FTW.

This is completely inexplicable. No doubt the doctors are flummoxed.


I literally do not know a single person who has died since 2020


Is that because you don’t see your patients as people


I would like to be your patient so I could show you my dick.


You would legally have to look at my dick.


Brit retail culture. They like the smell of undies and bras.



kos samaras working overtime on Twitter atm

railing against anti semitism rather than the genocide of indigenous people

he must have got the call

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

Kos has always been a Labor stooge and has become more and more hysterical over this issue. Most of his followers being left/progressive types who have turned on him for defending of Israel and the Federal government response.


‘Out of control: Calls for migrant fruit picking rethink after rural town grapples with anti-social behaviourA tiny town in Victoria became “an unsafe place to live” after it was flooded by fruit pickers who showed “complete disrespect” for the community.

Red Cliffs, a small town of around 5000 residents located 15 minutes south of Mildura in northwest Victoria’s grape and citrus growing Sunraysia region, became “an unsafe place to live” after it was “inundated” by workers from Vanuatu last year and early this year, residents claim.

“Our town got to a point where the alcohol-fuelled violence and drunken behaviour exhibited through the streets was just normal for them,” he said. “It became so ridiculously out of control.”
In response to the widespread complaints, a special “ceremony of apology” was held at the Salvation Army Centre in Mildura on April 29, with members of a Vanuatu government delegation in attendance.


“The community has had workers from the Pacific Islands (Tongans, Samoans, Solomon Islanders) as well as a diversity of backpackers in past years and they seem to have fitted into the community satisfactorily,” one community member told the meeting.
“But over the last year, the behaviour of Vanuatu workers in the town has been troubling to the point where it has become a significant social concern — shoplifting, drunkenness, excess drinking of alcohol, late-night noise, obscenity, intimidation towards female shop staff.”
The meeting notes show concerns were discussed that “the focus of attention seems to be on the financial benefits rather than on the wellbeing of the workers and of the community”.
Some suggestions floated for integration of the workers into the community included “take groups to ovals to play ball games”, “introduce the workers to local churches” and “set up a stand at local market to cook traditional foods”, the notes show.


Another resident said they had three young children and “my concerns have never been greater”. 
“There seems to be an influx in people loitering, drinking, and buying and selling of illicit drugs,” they wrote to Dr Webster.
“I have had people drinking and leaving empty bottles at the entrance to my property, I now padlock the gates closed and have stopped my oldest two children from playing in the park due to the number of people ‘partying’.”
They added, “We have had plenty of backpackers in the past but they have not been of a great concern as issues we faced were dealt with in a fair and timely manner. While I also understand that people may and have every right to enjoy themselves… this seems to be spilling onto our streets.”
One neighbour described “excessive noise and anti-social behaviour” from Crew House, with residents “constantly subjected to extremely loud music with unbelievably heavy bass” at all hours for weeks on end.


They are getting everything they deserve.

Country EZFKA residents are usually the conservative types who are pro migration because they believe that the young and unemployed are lazy for refusing to work these type of shitkicker jobs.

The PALM scheme is ending in 2024, and you can be sure the owners of these businesses will be the first to be complaining when they can’t get workers.


Been Caught Stealing (2 bed apartment in Ashfield mix)



Asshole ( 2 bed apartment in Coorparoo mix )



What’s the Frequency Kenneth ( ppor in newtown, ip in dulwich hill edition )



I’m only happy when it rains ( I was hot in the 90s, eventually hooked up with a land owner in Camden edition )


A Forest ( north shore had to move to the northern beaches edition )



Insane in the Brain. ( Goldie ip paid for my Landcruiser edition )



Shaddap You Face ( neet son, daughter divorced from shit white tradie edition )


A fly in your ointment



Feel like this song would get cancelled if it came out today.
Yet if more people followed the actual message of the first verse…

When I was a boy just about the eighth-a grade

Mama used to say “don’t stay out-a late with the bad-a boys

Always shoot-a pool Giuseppe going to flunk-a school!”

Boy it make-a me sick all the t’ing I gotta do

I can’t-a get-a no kicks, always got to follow rules

Boy it make-a me sick just to make-a lousy bucks

Got to feel-a like a fool

And-a mama used to say all-a time

What’s-a matter you? Hey! Gotta no respect?

What-a you t’ink you do, why you look-a so sad?

It’s-a not so bad, it’s-a nice-a place

Ah shaddap-a you face!

Last edited 1 year ago by Gouda

Jews Corp attacking stage 3 tax cuts


Latest Friendly Jordies video says Labor has been making decent progress in taxing shekelcorps.


Fucking lol this whole clip is hilarious


found a new place for soyboy to live


indians are anomalous, theyre like a combination of sub saharan africans and east asians

not violent like east asians but randy sex pests like ss-africans

appear to be hard working and lazy at the same time

profligate and cheap

incredibly unathletic but dont make up for it with academics like east asians do

not really good at anything

like filipinos theyre kind of a race of slaves


Indians are pretty good at academics what you talking bout


in western countries they migrate to bc its a selected sample like we said

and in those relatively elite samples im not sure they perform much better than whites do


India participated in the 2009 round of testing but pulled out of the 2012 PISA testing, with the Indian government attributing its action to the unfairness of PISA testing to Indian students.[48] India had ranked 72nd out of 73 countries tested in 2009.[49] The Indian Express reported, “The ministry (of education) has concluded that there was a socio-cultural disconnect between the questions and Indian students. The ministry will write to the OECD and drive home the need to factor in India’s “socio-cultural milieu”. India’s participation in the next PISA cycle will hinge on this”.[50] The Indian Express also noted that “Considering that over 70 nations participate in PISA, it is uncertain whether an exception would be made for India”.


i mean to an extent that is going to be having an effect but the upper bound of average total indian iq is probably like high 80s maybe 90


in western countries they migrate to bc its a selected sample like we said

and in those relatively elite samples im not sure they perform much better than whites do


India participated in the 2009 round of testing but pulled out of the 2012 PISA testing, with the Indian government attributing its action to the unfairness of PISA testing to Indian students.[48] India had ranked 72nd out of 73 countries tested in 2009.[49] The Indian Express reported, “The ministry (of education) has concluded that there was a socio-cultural disconnect between the questions and Indian students. The ministry will write to the OECD and drive home the need to factor in India’s “socio-cultural milieu”. India’s participation in the next PISA cycle will hinge on this”.[50] The Indian Express also noted that “Considering that over 70 nations participate in PISA, it is uncertain whether an exception would be made for India”.


i mean to an extent that is going to be having an effect but the upper bound of average total indian iq is probably like high 80s maybe 90


This IQ stuff is a we waz kangz fantasy mate

if Australia was as poor as India the average IQ would be lower i think even you can agree

it really isn’t independent of culture and education


now you’re just trolling lmao



it’s scary to think how dumb Australians would be if we didn’t have natural resources

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

flynn effect isnt g loaded

the observerd secular rise in iq (which i think mostly stopped now?) has not been a general factor loading

IQ scores can rise between cohorts but no real robust increase in general intelligence

same as how you can study all the answers to an IQ test and increase your IQ enormously

doesnt mean anything bc your “new” iq wont be statistically meaningful

i was in the process of writing a post about this for this site its in the draft bin but i cbf

why does north korea ve higher IQ than india its gdp per capita is like 1/8th

why am i even having this conversation lol

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

G or iq

make up your mind you scoundrel

I get regularly brutalised by Indians on chess.com


IQ is nothin without G

Iq is just the aggregate score of G + a bunch of different irrelevant unpredictive crap + test bias and momentary mental states etc

its the imperfect measure, g is what people really should be talking about

i always know (not you though i think youre familiar with this) im dealing with someone who doesnt understand IQ when they talk just about IQ but dont actually know what G is

IQ aint nothin but a G thang, itd be a useless thing altogether w/o it


think about it do you really think youre like infinitely smarter than people in the 1950s and shit werer lmao

the people who accomplished either the moon landing or the faking of the moon landing (the latter which would be just as incredible a feat as actually going there almost)

what have we done since

flynns effect is absurd on its face


You are speaking about g

then at the end you ask my why iq is higher in North Korea

your very first reply only mentions iq

get your fucking argument straight

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming


i said why are indians dumber than n orth koreans if its all just wealth and simulation

north korea is povo as fuk if anything indians should still be smarter than them

yet north koreans can still build and maintain clean orderly nice cities that are better than australia with literally 1/70th the resources available to them

legacy australians and poo street shitters getting BTFO by agrarian peasants in a 1950s frozen in time stalinist society that exists only to keep its ruling class in power

its cuz iq or rather G has a hugely genetic component to it that more likely than not varies between groups due to genetic differrences

u know this nigga

stop playin

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

Go back and read your posts from the beginning my n


just assume when i write iq im writing it interchangably w g


Except when you’re stressing the differences between them to give your argument any basis whatsoever


but the differences still exist in both

group differences in iq represent meaningful g-differences in iq

theyre not the same as within-society between age cohort differences at all that have been observed to be caused by flynn effect

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

The poos I’ve known were pretty smart. A poo invented USB.


I like poo food. Might take a trip down there one day.


why not just go to any indian restaurant anywhere near you theyre all the same and use the same bulk bought ingredients from unilever


To go for a drive. Food could be cheaper. Portion sizes look smaller so can try more stuff.


So he can smoke outside at the same time soak up the plebian atmosphere


We should just ban everything, including junk food and soft drink, computer games, restrict tv viewing, see how everyone likes it. Faggot.


If only we had those kind of white people


We do. But they got backstabbed to hell by almost everyone.


A lot have made a mint out of woke morons like in link. The irony.


Go and be Amish then. I’d have preferred to live somewhere in the 50s-mid 90s.

Ironic Boomer

You need to pay taxes so programming like this can be funded.
I wonder if she gave the money back. Or if it was a viral marketing set up.

Ironic Boomer

Lmao. It’s ok, they won’t notice.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gouda
Agent 47



Apparently alp getting smashed in the Mulgrave by election

primary vote down 13% according to that channel 6 faggot

Ian cook looking very good at the moment seems to be getting preferences

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

Nope it’s being called for ALP

the dumbest white country on earth


wheres mulgrave


Fan Andrew’s old seat.


Dan FFS.


Libs put up a mann called Courtney

Will they ever learn


Who would join Libs these days besides dodgy fags with names like Hamish and Julian?


Can someone explain this David mcbride whistleblower thing to us through an ezfka lens

seems like the judiciary being absolute scum once more

they may be the most despicable arm of ezfka


He dobbed in army guys who were shooting people they shouldn’t have been I think. Not something I would do. Of course you are gonna get some trigger happy guys in the army. They are serving and facing the music whilst most people are safe at home so they deserve some slack.


lawyer with degree from Oxford joins the army

looks like this

wonder why he enlisted


ud think hed of preferred to join the navy


How much cock did he take do you reckon

probably one of the war criminal chads rejected him


Yeah looks pretty reddit.



bizarre misandrist and hoomer-brained article from the smh

the government needs to give money to women who divorce their husbands so they can keep the house

“Living in Sydney means I am unable to own a home that might be able to be passed onto my daughter,” said Chambers, 46.

An investment manager with two degrees, Chambers’ above-average income meant she did not qualify for Legal Aid when she left her relationship four years ago.


Ironic Boomer

Council of single mothers ffs. Strong independent victims.


Normalising poverty.


Fuck that paper is dumb. All the comments from all the self appointed intellectuals are typically clueless and innumerate. Hurrrr its the stage 3 tax cuts and Howard. I don’t blame the rich for hating us.


Palletchook doubles the first home vendors grant to $30k

this surely won’t be inflationary

lmao what a joke of a country


Proven election winning strategy – watch the punters fall for it again.

Ironic Boomer


what allowed these companies to suddenly make so much larger profits ?

why did they not simply make more profit before the interest rate rises
are they stupid ?


CBA profit 10bn
Market cap 171bn
10 / 171 = 0.058
Term deposit is 5 percent.
What an absolute wank.