Albanese closes deal to sell Australia to BlackRock

EZFKA Prime Minister PM Anthony Albanese has used his recent APEC summit trip to sell Australia to BlackRock.

The deal will see Australia become the tenant of BlackRock, with regular rent to be paid to the Wall Street asset manager and heralded as the world’s largest ticket clip.

“I’m proud to announce the full sale of Australia to BlackRock, a deal that has been years in the making and the full realisation of Australia as EZFKA,” Albanese said.

“It doesn’t get more Australian than becoming a tenant in your own country. How else are we going to make this 15-minute city shit work?”

Build to Rent will be the standard in any construction from 2024 onwards under the deal, with Australians given the choice to rent from BlackRock or rent from some Chinese landlord.

Larry Fink refused to comment on the sale but suggested negative coverage about motivations on the deal were purely antisemitic conspiracy theories.

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what decade do you guys reckon was peak australia

Agent 47

80s to 90s

the arborist

I read an article years ago about a study some nerd/s did on a range of data like wealth distribution, crime, wars, culture, happiness etc and the conclusion was that 1977 was the peak of western civilisation and it’s all been downhill from there.

Obviously there was lots of good stuff going on in the 80s and 90s, but the rot started to take hold in the 80s. The 80s is sometimes referred to as the ‘greed is good’ decade.

Agent 47

Fair enough assessment. Wasnt alive in the 70s so no real experience to compare it to.


Yeah house prices werent great in the 80s. If you are talking about affordability and white culture the 70s was probably the best. People think it was hippy culture and disco but most people were conservative and pretty normal. Aside from smoking.


My recollection as a child is the rot has already set in by the early 80s. American tv shows led to vandalism and assaults for the sake of it, penny pinching milk money. All the litigation crap also started with kids bikes kicked of footpaths, burglars who hurt themselves being awarded large settlement, rising insurance, etc.

In the 70s we were still a community. Kids playing in the streets together, and the community looking out for us. That is apart from the pedos which existed, even on my street, we just didn’t know it at the time.


There may have been a bit of a plateau before hand, but highwater mark of Australiana was the Bicentennial – after that it has been all down hill.

Lisa Maloney

For mine 80s. Everything started to turn in the mid 90s


I struggle to understand how young Aussies will pay the rent.
If their labour is not valued, then what’s left for them to trade?
Honestly, what’s left?
If their labour is their labour (as in they are free to do whatever they choose with their time) then who in their right mind would accept a job that paid less than the rent. I’d say it is game over when the median rent is above 50% of median wage. There’s just no point in participating…F’it go elsewhere, go bush, head up north, get a job as a ski bum, whatever but paying more than 50% of your wage as rent is just plain stupid.

But then there’s the logical cunumdrum: What prevents these young Aussies from building their own utopia, including houses, including businesses, including infrastructure

  • is it lack of building skills
  • lack of building materials
  • or lack of permission to build.

I think all Aussies know that it is permission which is in very short supply, yet isn’t premission something that we kind-of give ourselves. This takes us right back to the basic concept of freedom, will Aussie kids grow up to simply be someone’s slaves?

Nothing about our modern economy makes any sense if labour has no value, nothing, not even asset prices.

Gruppenführer Mark

It is land ownership that stands in the way. Then permission.


I’m not sure that’s true

it’s uneconomic to develop most of the sites that have already been approved

check Twitter or search yourself and there’s heaps of DA approved sites for sale

if there was margin in it they would be building

(yes it would be financially worth building in eastern suburbs etc)

it’s just too expensive : tradie labour, material costs, insurance, financing costs etc

a lot of it is stupid regulations and red tape

did you know in NSW it’s compulsory to have a sink in the laundry or you can’t get an occupation certificate ?
when’s the last time you used a laundry sink

but mainly it’s Tradieocracy unions interest rates


To the would be renter it doesn’t really matter why any given deal is unattractive, just that the terms and conditions of the deal are unattractive. If you have a choice (when presented with an unattarctive deal) you just walk away.
There’s no need for discussion, there’s no need for understanding, acceptance or acquiescence, if the deal is unacceptable so you walk away.
The option to walk away is freedom, the action of walking away is how we prove to ourselves (and others) that we are free.
Without freedom, wtf’s the point to life
It’s better to die on your feet than live on your knees

Gruppenführer Mark

I should have elaborated on my previous statement.

Land ownership and the ability to own land is the cornerstone of being able to build houses and businesses, or rent these at affordable rates. Everything else is secondary. Yes, there are some businesses that do not require a land component, but all housing starts with this land component.

Land is locked up in private hands, including very large land banks for developers. The Crown also has a lot. There is no interest in releasing this land in large swaths onto the market, as this would necessarily drive down the value of other land. There is no effective mechanism to discourage land banking. Hence, young Australians are deprived of the first initial component to build their future.


Residential land is the real currency of Australia, say no more.
Our AUD is just an intermediary accept it but don’t try to save it, rather it change it into our real currency as fast as you possibly can.

Bit like Argentina where the peso is just a US dollar intermediary….and finally a politician is prepared to say what everyone already knows. I wonder when that will happen in Australia.

Aussie Soy Boy

If you don’t have the gumption to make a life for yourself in Australia, you would be living under a piece of cardboard if you were born almost anywhere else in the world.


On one level I agree, but at some point it becomes the brave who leave stupidity behind. They build a life where their skills / knowledge is valued (as in wages are high relative to rents) most Aussies with a Uni education (50% these days) can expect a warn reception in the US and outside of the big west/east coast cities they’ll find that life is much cheaper and rents specifically are much lower.


most people arent renters so its irrelevant

young aussies in cities pay rent by living with lots of people or at home

Last edited 8 months ago by stagmal

In social systems change occurs where change can occur.
So it is irrelevant what 70% of the people locked into their lives do. It’s the other 30% that set the economic / social direction .
Take for instant the Northern beaches bus driver staffing problems. Nobody, that is trying to make a living driving public busses, rents on the Northern Sydney beaches (and nobody that lives in the south west of Sydney wants to travel to the northern beaches to work as a bus driver. So we have shortages of unskilled labour (like how can this happen)
In the end real change happens at the margin. It’s the decisions of a would-be renter (bus driver) to not rent in DeeWhy for more than his/her total wage, that shapes the availability (and ability to grow) public transport on the northern beaches.


Apparently that lunatic libertarian guy has won the Argentina election ?

will be interesting

Agent 47

Yet another shabbos goy. Cue open borders for Argentina within the month.


Maybe it’s 4D chess

Last edited 8 months ago by Gouda

If he wasn’t a youknowwho he would be popular at ezfka.

What’s the bet his economic plan will be trying to create a housing bubble?

Agent 47

Keith Woods has some good threads on this guy. Called it, financed by a Jew and is pro open borders.


That is interesting – if so he’s little more than a Shabbos Goy. Puppeting people with ideology is a hell of a lot easier than with bribes. I despise Libertarians almost as much as I despise woke socialists. In Stewiestain they would be sent for reeducation.

Last edited 8 months ago by Stewie

Lmao can you imagine someone running for Australian PM saying this

even if he is a globalist stooge at least he’s entertaining

while Australian politics only has the most tedious midwits imaginable

Agent 47

Yeh that’s great. I’ll remember how based he is when he’s kissing the wailing wall and flooding Argentina with nigs and muzzrats like every other faggot lolbert.


Unfettered immigration would be fine

as long as you abolish welfare and ruthlessly punish crime and disorder

but legacy units won’t like that one little bit

muh government support

Agent 47

“unfettered immigration would be fine”

Yeh nah.


Might impinge on your free shit

Agent 47

I won’t get any welfare, migrants will though. That’s how that lolbert fantasy always works in reality.

Your idea of free shit:


Explicitly needs zero welfare and brutal policing + capital punishment to make it work

tbh I’m already looking at real estate in Argentina


Well. I laughed out loud! 😊 Chapeau! 👍


basically you want to live in india


Let’s be honest we already do

anybody who wants to come here and stay already can – they just need to enroll in a hair dressing course or claim you are being persecuted in your home country

let’s just cut out the bullshit and also scrap the bleeding heart lefty nonsense


True forward thinkers are already backing the next Labor leader who will cut immigration after Dutto lied about cutting immigration


Were they given the land on the proviso that affordable housing would never be built there? It’s time to literally pay the rent

Fucking paywalls


Looks like they’ll be able to build housing for themselves.

Large parts of the future parkland remain zoned for urban growth ‘and entirely unprotected by any appropriate conservation zoning'”


The Victorian government will need to progressively purchase over half of the area before handing it back to the traditional owners.

The iron law of going woke then going broke


Advocates agree the traditional owners will have to be sufficiently resourced to look after the park.

The gravy train has been spotted.


Nailed it Stewie.


Wish I could read the 137 comments

interested to know what people who are cucked enough to pay money to domainfax think about this


Advocates for the park welcomed the plan but said it would fail unless the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation was given secure ongoing funding.

Reus's Large MEMBER

Sold off to developers in 3 2 1 …..



Aussie Soy Boy

She strikes me as a druggie


Because she looks Polish or Dutch or something?

Shes the epitome of white ezfka female to me. Skillset = 4, self esteem = 8.


We need a recession



Aussie Soy Boy

Should have bought 5 years ago champ


I should’ve knocked down and rebuilt 5 years ago.


Compound inflation is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, pays it … he who doesn’t … pays it.”

US chart:


South America is so back

Agent 47

Bukele yes. Everyone else is a retard.

Agent 47

Milei is yet another kosher right stooge. Pro open borders, pro degeneracy, etc. Also WEF linked apparently. Fuck it’s just a formula.


Better than a left stooge

Agent 47

Your based libertarian sir



This should be good

Agent 47

I give it a week before he’s in Jerusalem kissing the wailing wall.

Meloni 2.0


If you can’t beat them

I’m thinking about converting myself


its not easy


Do converts get right of return?

Agent 47

Not with the new nation state law passed in 2018.


You still could if you move to Perth or Adelaide or somewhere significantly cheaper, become a slum lord with irresponsible levels of debt. You sound like you are still pretty young.


>Ms Stewart’s husband, fellow actor Ben Lewis, said that while his wife almost died, she has urged everyone to get vaccinated if they haven’t already.

Imagine being this much of a jabby zealot. That’s like ISIS tier extremism.

Screenshot 2023-11-20 195045.gif
Ironic Boomer

I miss this Aussie nostalgia

Also nostalgia is for the weak.

Agent 47


Ironic Boomer

I am not particularly fond of any Abrahamic religion.


what are they doing w wonderlands location these days


i remember going to WL on the last year or year before it closed on school excursion

i think the closure of places like it signalled the passage of australia into EZFKA, its where land values started becoming so astronomical theres no justification to use a big large area in sydney for an economic purpose like a theme park where kids could play and have fun


I went there once. It was fun but you have to line up for a half hour for the good rides.


Flammable cladded apartments, look like they are coated with coloured plastic, and tiny townhouses squished together wall to wall. Underneath the west sydney heat. Some shocking scenes out west.


Same. I could be a Buddhist.


Qanda still sucks and ezfkas are still self absorbed morons.


the whole female teacher male student thing is mostly a confected outrage


Why don’t you move to Argentina and volunteer for Milei

start a patreon id chuck you some money if you make content about Argentina hookers and looking for the descendants of Nazis


Mostly? The people who are really outraged are the study teenaged blokes who aren’t getting their rockets polished by the hot teachers any more.


I’m interested in others thoughts on the under-‘funding of basic scientific and technical research in Australia.
National security may be at risk as Australia underspends on research, universities warn (

My experience is that STEM research at Aussie universities is just a shadow of what it was 30 years ago. This adversely impacts both professors and students and undercuts the whole tertiary education pipeline (today’s good student is tomorrow’s professor etc), Ultimately, we are undermining the technical capability we have to sustain ourselves and our country (Optus debacle).

last week I spoke to a top robotics undergraduate about his choices. I advised him against doing a Phd because the research / university job market is very uncertain (trending down) and most industry patrners don’t really value Phd’s (a least not sufficiently to make doing the Phd worthwhile). I believe he will try getting a local job, but to be honest most of the locally available jobs won’t keep his interest so within 2 or 3 years he will end up in the US or Europe. wtf is wrong with this country? we import second rate engineers and chase away our best home grown.

the arborist

Correct. People who have been paying attention have been aware of this for many years. It’s why this place is called EZFKA. House flipping tradieocracy shits all over poxy povo STEM losers.


My youngest son has a mate who is just finishing an electronic engineering degree. He says Australia is fucked, there’s no work here for people like him, and as soon as he graduates he’s heading overseas to work and probably never coming back.

The smart young people are waking up.


Undergrad engineering degrees like EE and Mechatronics will form the backbone of a successful AUKUS development network. Frankly, it is ludricus to even think about making our “own” nuclear powered sub if we lack the basic engineering network and skills base to support the subs.
Look at Optus, it’s over a week and I still don’t believe they have a good technical understanding of what went wrong. If this were the complete failure of a home-made nuclear sub then we all be knee deep in radioactive sludge. Yet here we are, prepared to spend somewhere north of $300B on an underwater wet dream when we lack the technical skills base to support it.
If we really have $300B to splash about then why aren’t we allocating say 1/10 of this amount to the development of a home grown nuclear engineering support and skills base?
None of this makes any sense, it’s dumb and dumber stuff.

$30B over say 10 years is $3B/year (that’s $3000M) or enough money to support about 20K to 30K engineering PhD students. Even a budget of just $300M would go a long way towards supporting our home grown talent and making sure we at least know what questions to ask.


They teach that stuff in Army/Navy and probably to a higher level of practicality than what you would learn at Uni. I once met an ex-Navy engineer who received an Order of Australia for his work in the navy. He told me they used to randomly board a ship and blow up their comms room with live hand grenades. Then try to rebuild it within a few hours. I know a few degree qualified people of different domains and none of them would get near this guy.


One other story that cracked me up. He said IT architect tried to get clever bringing in an old dial-up phone and telling everyone it was useless. This guy took it home overnight and converted it into a functioning mobile phone and stuck it to the architect the following day.

Last edited 8 months ago by Freddy

Sorry if my post suggested that we don’t need all sorts of technical staff from the most practical boots on the ground level through to the theoretical physics and applied math types.
Let me be clear: we need the lot.
This isn’t something you want to halfass, if it needs to be done, it needs to be done properly.
From what I can see AUKUS is just a private little wank we’re having in the corner, it’s not the real deal.


omg check this article out

why would they be running pieces like this, i reckon theyre foreshadowing upcoming migration cuts like i said:

we’re going down to like 300k or so some other new normal, higher than before but lower than now, it will kill the immigration debate


yep i checked the q and a question roll, that article coincided w/ a related Q

Julian Coxall asked: Why aren’t immigration numbers linked to the building of homes, rather than keep exacerbating the issue.

still not calling an early ‘victory’ here but i think i nailed it before, the bait-n-switch is coming



From the article and the qanda answers it looks like they’re going to cut back on student numbers.

What will permanent migration stay at though?


this is the worst outcome imo

im a strong believer in accelerationism, i wanted them to be so brazen to continue to up rates resulting in some strong man to fill the political void and crush immigration for all time


yep, accelerationism is the only answer.

It has taken rental carnage for the leadership class to even acknowledge the immigration contribution.

It needs to get worse.


I doubt we can absorb 300K either with how fucked the housing market is

But I agree that the only possible cure is full accelerationism exposing this country for the feudal dictatorship that it is

If we could get half the energy against Australia’s political system that the Palestine protests have, that would be a great start, but it can only happen with the mass homelessness of legazens


omfg look at the monster in the middle is that even real

gladys is hotter


That’s your typical ezfka citizen with a life. You jelly.


have a go at the legacy unit sense of entitlement in these articles

im not too sure about Elena’s pronouns

anyway, it contributes absolutely nothing to society and just leaches
Getting a PHD as expected

We began by tallying my healthcare expenses and categorising my current service providers: my psychologist, psychiatrist, psychosexual therapist, dermatologist, immunologist, ear nose and throat surgeon, gynaecologist, physiotherapist… The list was long, and as my GP flipped through my application form, I could see she was beginning to understand.

I can’t afford to be autistic, I wanted to tell her.

The $2000 autism assessment I couldn’t claim on Medicare was just the beginning.

check out its lifestyle – by the beach happy days
while the dumber units play Russian roulette on the M4 going to work


is NDIS separate from DSP, can you get one w/o the other or do you need to be on disability to get NDIS

gouda seems to know this stuff

these girls are so neurotic and insane though lol the obsession with “therapy” (which ultimately does absolutely nothing) is almost universal for zoomers/millennial girls

Last edited 8 months ago by stagmal

why does she regularly need to see a

, dermatologist, immunologist, ear nose and throat surgeon, gynaecologist, physiotherapist


is she like mr burns and has every medical condition at once

this has gotta be taking the piss or shes exaggerating/making shit up

but really though i feel bad for her, i reckon the etiology of her ussues stems from her eye area which makes her look alien

one of the worst carnthal tilt configs ive ever seen

if she was a guy (maybe she is) shed of roped by n ow

Last edited 8 months ago by stagmal

wtf shes ludwiging too (or norwooding if shes actually male)

horrible life tbh this is no joke


One of the pitfalls of trans maxxing

Last edited 8 months ago by Coming

inspecting her IG i dont think shes a tranny, just a girl with too much pre-natal t exposure

this was simon baron-cohens (yeah thats actually borats brother) big theory of autism that its caused by that

what is POTS

postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome

is this like chronic fatigue syndrome, long covid or post lyme


wow she actually has a job

being female is the only way you can get a gig like this imo

autistic incel males would be kicked out of the building


working for the animal justice party

its almost a preqrequisite to be mentally ill


thats a man baby


Seems like a bio female with some gender dysphoria who is trying to diet her tits and hips off, which is what’s causing the hair loss.


She’s grifting + mentally ill

many such cases

that’s why NDIS costs us billions


If she’s seeing that many specialists, she’s likely to have qualified for the Medicare safety net and doesn’t have to pay much in the way of out-of-pocket expenses.


how about the land whale that can’t go outside when its too hot


You can get one without the other but if you qualify for the DSP, there’s a fair chance you can get on the NDIS too.

One has to have a lot of medical evidence and meet strict criteria to get on the DSP. Usually need at least 2-3 Centrelink medical certificates (so been out of work for 6-9 months) before it’s brought up as a potential option so we’re usually talking really severe illnesses here.

With the NDIS people often pay for an advocate to draft their submissions and there’s less checks and balances to get approval. There’s no requirements to consider medical evidence, which leads to all sorts of inconsistencies in terms of who qualifies or not. The recent leaks about Autism criteria being changed is almost certainly because advocates are telling patients in the “Level 1/high functioning” category they need to get a “Level 2” diagnosis to automatically qualify. As the woman in the article notes, there are plenty of psychology assessment clinics popping up everywhere charging 2-3k for these kinds of assessments.

Ironic Boomer

Her face looks masculine. Why is it putting its face on the internet


I sometimes wonder if smh/age is just taking the pi55 by publishing these people. It’s clickbaiting 101, lots of wtf’s followed by comments galore and cross platform references/links. Exactly what is needed to max out all the Google adsense $$$ metrics.
Do they (smh) honestly care about these issues?
ffs she/he/it justifies the right of her cat to wander freely at night kiling aussie birds…

Ironic Boomer

Did you have Guido Hatzis? Good land line trolling.