After Voice referendum is blown the fuck out, affluent white women across Australia disappointed they don’t get to tell everyone else what to do

Rich white women across Australia are reeling tonight, after the Voice to Parliament was blown the fuck out at a national referendum.

After polling data showed that the only people who supported it were affluent, self-loathing whites in rich electorates, women across Australia were left devastated at another chance to air their petty social authoritarianism.

“We haven’t been this upset since COVID was over and we were running around telling everyone to put their masks on and get vaccinated,” Teal MP Allegra Spender said.

“Another opportunity to look down on everyone else and be a condescending cunt has gone. Looks like solidarity with Israel glassing over Gaza is our next current thing.”

“If the Voice to Parliament didn’t make the case for taking the vote away from women then I don’t know what does.”

Yes supporters have begun a week of silence in protest at the result, despite the rest of Australia happy for Spender and co to shut the fuck up permanently.

Meanwhile, it’s reported Kos Samaras has currently been placed on suicide watch after months of abusing non-Labor voters online has come full circle.

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Don’t worry the white women will still be able to tell you what to do

SA legislating it anyway despite 70% opposition


Opposition leader said he will consider reversing the legislation if he wins next election. Labor seems to be in a hurry to get kicked out of office.

It was only last week that I found out that a group of moles is called a Labor/Labour of moles.

Last edited 9 months ago by Freddy

Urgh… a half arsed South Australian (sorry I repeat myself) solution will definitely fail, so if there ever was potential in a legislated Voice it will be fucked because of this.


Multiple iterations of ” a voice” have already been done. None fixed anything.

Last edited 9 months ago by bjw678

Fake left back to Torys and people that want to fuck medicare off seemingly ie “libertarians”. Brilliant.

A fly in your ointment

Fluck it, When do we return to regular programming?

Just voice, voice, voice, hearing only voices in my head.

Hey Coming, can you please quote some obscure economist with Lower. The. Rates. policy to create a distraction?

A fly in your ointment

Even this topic is less depressing than the voice

A fly in your ointment

Or this

A fly in your ointment

Caption says:
Evolution of EU values.

On the hyena like creature it says Je suis Charlie

A fly in your ointment

new video evidence of the massacre of the 450 ravegoers

also evidence of the 40 beheaded babies below:


some dog shit memes right here

A fly in your ointment

which is the one that itches your fancy spider-sense?


A few months ago, Voice loony Marcia Langton said that if the referendum didn’t go YES, she’d never do another welcome to country.

Cory Barnardi, in an intergalactic levell troll, has now asked her if she’ll keep her promise. And UAP Senator Ralph Babet followed up with “I’m sick of welcome to country and acknowledgement of country. It’s so divisive. We’re all Australian”.

So, an unintended consequence of the referendum may be that we never hear another welcome or acknowledgement. Wouldnt that be fucking wonderful?


i was wondering what the hell ralph babet was bc he looks so weird but apparently hes from comoros

like no joke thats where dodo birds were from

more you know.jpg


Ernie dingo

Wtf is with the “welcome to country”. Are we all speaking abo now? Since when was it correct to omit “the”.


Just want to point out that Jacinta price has a massive set of tits

i don’t think the No campaign made that clear enough

if anyone is going to heal this country, it’s her


Remember that they thought you were stupid enough to support something because the banks, airlines, MC Hammer, Shaq and literal communists supported it. Now they will try and convince you it didn’t pass because most Australians are stupid and fell for “misinformation” and they will attempt to censor it. Say hello to the ACMA misinformation bill. Don’t let them get away with it.

limbrick is pretty based tbh


i like it when him and timbo get into arguments on twitter


Liberal Democratic Party”

Yeah have fun paying $50k if you break your arm.

He will reduce your tax by $2 though.

Another dogshit faggot.


seethe you poor faggot


Still temporarily embarrassed $3m Syd house millionaire. K. You got Crocs? Everyone wants to look at your faggot feet and your 4/10 cavernous moot slightly ethnic moll.




She’ll need a lawyer…


hnnnnggggg my dream woman

she might be busy in Toowoomba right now though


interesting take from Bukele

guess he knows what’s up


Rap is some sort of desire for drive through sermon, quickly disposable. Much like how African countries seem to operate.

Rise of tabloids and talkback pretty much matches rise of rap.


Tory faggot with his poos.

So much for hoverboards and flying cars.


here’s the stats on aboriginal crime someone was looking for

A fly in your ointment

that’s for petty crimes and street violence.
what’s the representation for white collar and political crimes?
or perhaps rent seeking tax avoidance crimes (AMA Zone, Uh-ber, flea Bay etc)?


“what’s the representation for white collar and political crimes?”

i remember this deflection being made about black ppl in america then when someone looked it up they found that black ppl commit proportionately way more white collar etc crimes too lol

its prob true here as well w/ abos


abo corruption in their organisations etc


I like how these smooth brained geniuses come out with the “what about white collar crime?”

They toss it out as though the greater likelihood of being bashed to death or have your house robbed or your daughter raped by some African or Indigenous Australian is cosmically aligned by white people’s supposed higher dishonest and ‘financial crimes’. Moral relativism par excellence.

The reason whites commit more financial crime per capita (and half of those are Jews anyhow) than Africans or Indigenous Australians would be their ability to do so i.e. being trusted with the keys so to speak.

In this regard the educational and IQ gaps between white Australians and Indigenous Australians explain all of that skew, not some increased measure of dishonesty. Whites aren’t more financially dishonest, they are just given more opportunity through education and ability to do so.

As you point out and the fiasco that was ATSIC, when Indigenous Australians are given equal opportunity in terms of “accessing the keys” they do so with great gusto.

What really matters in the question of Financial Crime is honesty, how likely is someone to return your wallet to you?

By this measure living in a Western nation means getting your wallet with money back (although maybe with all the Italian and now Chinese immigration that is rapidly changing for Australia).

Capture - Copy (15).JPG
Last edited 9 months ago by Stewie
A fly in your ointment

why would this be a deflection?
If more members of a certain group are within a certain socioeconomic group (aka the class), it is expected to have disproportionate over/under representation.

Bottom line is that we all tend to notice street level crime but are oblivious to other


I have no money to steal, but I’ve been repeatedly informed I have a very punchable face.

That incentivises me to focus on how certain crimes are punished and who commits them.

A Fly In Your Ointment

And there’s nothing wrong with that.

If we want to assess the overall dispersion of crimes, then personal experiences only contribute, they don’t define.


feels like the voice has already been forgotten


Did anybody know this ?

voltaire never said the quote

it was an American neo nazi and convicted pedophile in 1993

im shook tbh


A truism is a truism regardless of who says it.

Progressive’s will pretend it is wrong to say it because a pedophile neo-Nazi once mentioned it, even though it is a variation of a truth that everyone from peasants to lords have known for centuries.

Instead of contemplating the truth in the statement attention gets diverted to the unimportant issue of who said it, as though that would make it less true or relevant

The irony is Voltaire was just as big an antisemite as Anglin.

Last edited 9 months ago by Stewie

Add the betoota advocate to this list.

Lost a lot of respect for their political pushing the past few months. Then one lonely article yesterday acknowledging it, which was rightly shit on in the comments.

Suck a dick.


Even the doomers on this website have to admit that Dutton has been impressive lately


until he does something w immigration wgaf


thats all that matters

dont be fooled

this is why were in the situation were in


No , it’s not all that matters

even allowing for a fascist corporate state as a given

I still prefer not to have aboriginal grifting and white guilt


How about that Fabian bloke on MB calling Leith a racist. Two days after the vote showed a clear socioeconomic divide, the useful idiots are doubling down on their finger waving at lower classes.

ooh edit is working again.

Last edited 9 months ago by Freddy

Undermine current referendum with a suggestion of a “proper” referendum.

When current referendum gets smashed you can point to the vote and say the people have spoken, we will not waste time with second referendum.


everything feels eerie and empty now

wo the voice theres no direction for the talking heads to obsess over

israel is as close as it gets but its too foreign and detached to care about that much

what will be the next thing

lets have some bets


It’s always, always climate change

esp with summer approaching


Australia needs to punch above its weight as an international humanitarian powerhouse, and offer homes to large numbers if not all of the 2.1 million suffering Palestinians trapped in Gaza.

You think I’m joking? That’s exactly what Fraser did with the Lebanese durng their war, and look where that’s left us with mid Eastern gang crime. Not to mention the Sudanese and Somali orcs now raping and pillaging their way across Hellbourne.


It’s interesting because didn’t we mainly get the Christian Lebanese ?

and wasn’t Lebanon a progressive successful country until Muslim elements took over ?

Yet they’re still possibly a net negative

unlike the Italians who were a great success


Ahh no apparently muslims were the majority of immigrants


It would be funny if this bill passed and was actually enforced. There would be hundreds of thousands of unemployed jimmies having to return home.

I think at best it is implemented, and the 7-Eleven playbook is used with everyone lying about the number of hours they are working vs paid.

Aussie Soy Boy

I’m all for charging lazy people more and they will pay for it. They always find money for Uber Eats just like they find money for their smokes.

Agent 47

This might be the best possible outcome but I’m sure other loopholes will open.


all he had to do was legislate it. do a trial run thats it, if it was such a good idea itd work whether its in the constitution or not lol


It’s absolutely demoralising for the country just how stupid this cunt Albanese is

this is why we shouldn’t have public housing or unions


this is why we shouldn’t have public housing or unions

Especially not this one.
It is single handedly making life worse for australians.


It’s already been tried. It didn’t work.

A fly in your ointment

And here it is

What a waste of everybody’s fucking time that was

I don’t think it was a particular acumen or insight when I said this will likely to follow… it is the usual westworld’s method especially prominent in this pond. It’s the way around the irresponsible voters circusants.

Sad thing is that the Nope voting clowns will swallow hook+line+sink and won’t even observe/notice they did. May even embrace it, “because this is Straya moite, its different here!”



A fly in your ointment

shit, you sound like j
you’re quackccinated


Seems to be quite a bit of this going around at the moment.

Must be the weather.

A fly in your ointment

Must be the weather.

climate change?


Vax combined with a shitload of roads.


sport n exercise aint as healthy as ppl think they are

Reus's Large MEMBER

Certainly not when you got the clot shot



so many retards tho are dropping dead from competing in marathons and shit

contact sport is retarded legacy australian caveman shit that will fuck up your body and give you brain damage

A fly in your ointment

Sport cun’t kill you. Going beyond extremes (to win?) can.
Same for your contact sports. Gladiators were contact sport too…


sport n exercise aint as healthy as ppl think they are


My Hot Ass

sport n exercise aint as healthy as ppl think they are

You’re only allotted a certain number of heartbeats. Don’t waste them.

the arborist

AWFL discussion point…

My thought is it’s not so much their empathy that’s been hacked, but it’s the maternal instinct that’s been redirected. AWFLs aren’t having children so they subconsciously see brown people as helpless children that must be nurtured and protected. Obviously ‘furbaby’ cats and dogs are part of the same misdirected instinct, but generally for the less affluent. Brown people are a luxury indulgence for AWFLs.

And what does AWFL stand for again? Affluent White Female L-something?


They like to look down on blokes. In the 90s it was Melrose Place rich beautiful people culture. Nauseating but at least white western oriented.

The woke thing encompasses more of them because you don’t have to be good looking and you can be ethnic.


I prefer WAFL or Waffles… White Affluent Female Liberals.

the arborist

Could also be FLAWs.


This is brilliant Fatty l, you are definitely on to something here. Plus I love how it implicitly equates Indigenous people with dogs in the eyes of these women. You definitely see it in our suburb, can only have 1 kid so you fill the void with a $5K designer dog to parade around.


We’re officially back to normal with news of a shooting in Brussels, 2 Swedish soccer fans have been shot dead in the name of the Religion of Peace. Of course you have to go to a foreign news source for that information, the Australian media is strangely silent on who the killers were.

Agent 47

Islamic terrorism back in the EU? Better stand harder with Israel and import more migrants then!


RBA minutes “hawkish” apparently

the effects of these rate rises will kick in any minute now


You love to see it

A lesbian community organisation will be forced to keep its events open to men, straight women and transgender women after the Australian Human Rights Commission refused to grant it an exemption from anti-discrimination laws.

The AHRC’s decision prohibits the group from staging a planned “Lesbians Born Female” event to commemorate International Lesbian Day. 

The AHRC made a submission two months ago to the Federal Court in the case of Tickle v Giggle. The case centres on whether the owners of female-only app Giggle for Girls could lawfully exclude trans woman Roxanne Tickle from using it.

In Tickle v Giggle, the commission said that due to the changes to the act, a person’s sex was not limited to biology and the Federal Court dispute should be considered as alleged discrimination on the basis of gender identity, not sex.

Racists and Sexists being undone by clever white men once again


If only someone could identify where this cultural meme of sex as a spectrum or determinated by ‘feelings’ could have originated from.


Misinterpretation of Hegelian dialect.


putin looks very healthy and vigorous here

almost as good as trump

those cancer rumours were obviously complete bullshit


Albanese just called out timbo and Stewie !!!!!



has he been reading






To be fair it’s probably the Twitter account gaining notoriety

this website and it’s inhabitants are too retarded and pathetic to make an impact on anybody


MB has been around for 10 years and has not achieved anything near our level of notoriety just from this alone

A fly in your ointment

what do you mean EmBee “not achieved notoriety”?

No person in this world was so consistently wrong for so long and as much as the duogamy of Llewdo and Bleato. it’s a mankind record, a notorious one.

Pissing in/on Alb-uneasy’s garden of eden is not going to be a pleasant experience for some.


notoriety requires someone to actually notice

no one gaf about mb


Not sure that’s true they’re all over the media and make submissions to govt etc

A Fly In Your Ointment

notoriety requires someone to actually notice
no one gaf about mb



damn i dont think it was timbo originally, it might have been OJhitler who made that meme originally


unsure actually im researching it

Agent 47

EZFKA Twitter has like less than 2k followers and the PM is cracking the sads at them. This is hilarious, the account is basically one big troll and it’s getting rolled on the Parliament floor.


A clever person could edit albo’s parliament statement to make it seem like he endorses the tweet. It’s all there.


There is no doubt that the Twitter account has been noticed:

Phew – can’t see my Twitter handle in there… seems to be quite a list, somebody has been taking names for quite some time.


Just a cohencidence , fucking gold


I wish that link had a comments section. The sleight of hand, for both anti semitic and Jewish writers, is equating the Jewish people with any particular Jew or group of Jews. I think there are Jewish extremists, i.e. Zionists, who really are acting as suggested by the antisemites. It may be that a majority of Jews are like that, I don’t know. But I do know they aren’t all Jews.


Yup – not even I who dislike Judaism because of the cultural toxicity it has towards Christianity, believe that all Jews are in on this or are bad actors.

The issue is the complete denial, especially in the media and by our politicians that many of the Jewish business leaders in Australia are Zionists and effectively Jewish Supremacists.

The same decent people who will call out White Supremacists, have as you say fallen for the slight of hand in believing any criticism towards these Jewish supremacists is the same as criticism towards all Jews.

The same politicians who booed and hissed at the PM’s calling out of supposed Australian antisemites, would never in a million years dare criticise a Jew who displayed the same ethnocentric biases.

Any criticism of Jews immediatley invokes calls of antisemitism and the slippery slope fallacy that acknowledging the existence of these supremacists will inevitably lead to a Holocaust, which has become both their sword and shield against any criticism of their values.


This is a good post

The hypocrisy has been laid bare by the voice and Gaza fiascos clashing simultaneously


See you all on Manus Island in a year

The misinfo push is so pathetic

They’re calling shit like the Voice would demand the Rent misinformation

If they already knew what the Voice is going to ask for then why did we need to create it in the first place

They basically want to criminalise second order thinking

Every shitty state media outlet claims the outcome was because of “misinformation”. Seems like the population can’t be trusted even to choose to maintain the status quo anymore.

Al Jazeera, the Qatari-owned 24-hour English-language news channel, said the result may also have implications for misinformation in Australia, referencing a campaign spread through social media that the Voice would become a third chamber of parliament and bring Aboriginal people more federal funding.

All these fucking cookers thinking the Voice would bring Aboriginals more federal funding??

Last edited 9 months ago by No1

Just realised MB might get shut down for misinfo and now I’m OK with the bill


Out of all the shit that Timbo has flung on Twitter, that is the one that draws political attention.

Agent 47

I have to salute Timbo for this, because it’s quite easily provable that Leibler is the architect (completely admits it in his book) and the fact that he feels it needs to be ‘debunked’ by the PM.

This is the same Jewish tax lawyer that bragged about getting rid of Kevin Rudd after Kev kicked out Mossad agents that forged Aussie passports to commit assassinations in UAE.


I salute Timbo for answering this question

comment image


Pretty sure that the truth isnt a defense against accusations of antisemitism


pretty sure it won’t be long until the truth isn;t a defence for anything.


Housing minister to his bottom right. Lol.

Screenshot 2023-10-17 193930.png
Ironic Boomer

I don’t know the validity of the claims on the image.
The shaming session was framed to be in relation to advertising and a particular advertisement. They did not prove the image was advertising.
The validity of information is not reliant on someone clutching their anal pearls and labelling it abhorrent.
Isn’t it just a coincidence that overseasy wasn’t going to bring up an example but just had one ready to go anyway, he is such a trustworthy person whose integrity and honesty is beyond question.


Clutching their anal pearls? Gold!👍👏😊


For the record I’d like to state that I see myself more as a spiritual or philosophical leader, or more correctly opinionator. While I have liked many EZFKA tweet and retweeted the occasional one, my affiliation with that account is merely that of a follower and followee. Other than that I would just like to say that I for one welcome our Jewish Overlords.

Aussie Soy Boy

He looks to have aged 5 years in the past week.

I think we were onto him early on being a closet poof and that’s got to him. Probably doom scrolling on some burner phone before he goes to bed.

Aussie Soy Boy

Holy shit I had to watch it all the way through.

No fucking way.

Has he lost the plot?

He is so triggered.

He takes it personally.

We know Albo that you’re just a stupid plaything golem. Just don’t step on any toes for the next three months before you’re turfed before the next election.

A Fly In Your Ointment

Warsaw 1943, Gaza 2023… the Historical Outing of Israeli and Western Fascism

What we are seeing in Gaza is comparable to the Warsaw uprisings in 1943. The Israeli state response of collective punishment and indiscriminate slaughter of “subhumans” is equivalent to the crimes of the Nazi regime.


this mob are regular critics of western unculture and antics, however this article has a different tone to usual.


Strange that the RBA haven’t replaced striking workers with immigrants yet.


How many staff do you actually need to announce a rate decision?


American supporter of Palestinians by Hamas.

Bwahahahahaha. I suppose she found out.

A Fly In Your Ointment

Survivor of Hamas assault says Israeli army ‘undoubtedly’ killed their own civilians

…he notes that some of the deaths of Israeli settlers are a result of the so-called ‘Hannibal Directive,’ which is a protocol that allows Israeli soldiers to use overwhelming force to kill one of their own captured soldiers rather than allow them to be taken, prisoner.


I wish I looked like this.

Screenshot 2023-10-17 194536.png
A Fly In Your Ointment

🇵🇸 🇮🇱 Footage of destruction in the Gaza Strip caused by Israeli carpet bombing

A Fly In Your Ointment


A Fly In Your Ointment


banana man

Now, THAT is how you do a religeon of peace!


or this

Aussie Soy Boy

It’s no wonder they have been hated everywhere they have lived for thousands of years.


Even Gazans can house 2.5m of themselves. Haha.

Aussie Soy Boy

Imagine Australians having to migrate en masse in the millions at a moment’s notice for something entirely preventable by Israel. Muh mental health, muh medication, muh phone charger.


They’re clearly not trying hard enough. Must be a shortage of bombs.

A fly in your ointment

interestingly, it must be. Used them all on Ukrain I guess.

I’m sure they’d drop the nuke again, if it was far enough and contamination was deemed to be “safe and effective”


This is what NZ voted for.

1500x500 (1).jpg

Martha says hes a very nice chap, never swears or gets angry, very accepting of the system. Now I’m off to go and have an egg sandwich and a flat white coffee with Helen.


Was shit at school.
Fuggin spend decades havin a job.
Fuggin world owes me.
I will be the first and last person that has ever worked.
Even if people work they ain’t workin. Because I only ever worked.

Screenshot 2023-10-17 230136.png

Libs are the most likely to send you or your kids to die for Israel.

>Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has lashed Teal independents over their stance on Israel, after the pair supported an attempt by the Greens to condemn Israel’s so-called “war crimes”.

Aussie Soy Boy

What’s with these conservatives and their hard on for jews?


its this weird boomer thing

idgi either,


Dunno. Maybe they want to repay Jews for the house price $$$. They are seedy af.


You must pledge your fealty to your masters.

Aussie Soy Boy

I’m still waiting for the Palestinian voice to the israeli Parliament.


only if israel goes the way of the kingdoms of jerusalem and outremer will you get that


I wonder if Lidia Thorpe finds the Palestinians inspirational


to be fair lidia has spoken out in support of palestine and condemned israel


DLS in good form this morning

he declared himself a yes voter – that way nobody can paint him as racist or uneducated
but then goes on to point out how retarded the voice is

meanwhile the dumb resistance is walking around in nazi uniforms, lighting fireworks in suburban streets or threatening Jewish school kids

actually counterproductive

similarly, Albo is now going to use satire memes to justify an anti misinformation bill

The MB boys are smart (except on lockdown)
they know how to play the game

its taken them 10 years to get this far because that’s just how stupid Australians are

I never convinced anyone on lockdowns or interest rates because I was enjoying mocking people and it was too frustrating to deal with them
it’s a form of doomerism along with with the ezfka black humour that’s counter productive


dennis scrapping for a fight in the comments too


The MB boys are smart (except on lockdown)


they have achieved absolutely nothing for like 1.5 decades now

every prediction they have made has failed to transpire

mb fund turned into another super fund with little to differentiate it besides its transparency/platform

this is peak coming contrarianism


the super was just to make them a bit of money , to fund the activist website

they’ve shifted the Overton window on immigration

you’re too doomer

not everyone wants to be Julian Assanged


Shifted it so far that immigration is at record highs


They haven’t shifted shit.

A fly in your ointment

The MB boys are smart (except on lockdown)

that’s a load of mainstream fakenews.comau shill shyte.

if you said:
The MB boys are smartarses

that qould be a viewpoint or a critic.


great article from Keith windschuttle about the voice

hubris is the right word




dumb ppl fortunately stopped the voice from winning

the proposal was too confusing for any1 under iq 95 or so

the arborist

Has this been posted on the EZFKA X account?


Did you make that? Might have been better if it was a woman with glasses, like Dee Madigan.


That was a good read- forwarded it to a couple people.


Yeh all the women want some sand nigger literal prisoner. Spastic.


Wtf. Leftist says actual pragmatic leftist thing.

Get rid of lobbyists…

Not that it will happen.


oh lawd can you imagine if this was the other way around

No supporter gets bashed by an aboriginal on a train

the arborist

If someone is called racist for whatever reason, it’s open season on them. And people love throwing out the racist word like confetti. It’s getting nasty out there. Thank god Albo brought peace and unity to the nation with his stunning and brave referendum.

It’s almost as if blacks are being set against whites the world over. And there’s no white defence allowed because racism.

Aussie Soy Boy

It’s time to sanction these israeli bastards, cut them off from the swift system, freeze their assets.

A fly in your ointment

Too much unapproved counter-productive thinking in This Pond, as clear from the irresponsible result of the last referendum.
Engage dumbing-down and mind numbing methods: Bring Back Big Brother (BBBB)


US President Joe Biden has landed in Israel as the aftermath of the Gaza hospital explosion continues to snowball, and global anger grows.

Indeed anger grows, except everywhere outside MSM the anger is in the opposite direction


The US and UK are basically admitting that Hamas blew up that hospital now, Albo will be saying the same thing tomorrow.

Aussie Soy Boy

So these israeli fucks have dropped 6000 bombs on Gaza, been blowing up buildings for the past week, demanded that all hospitals evacuate, had already fired rockets on hospitals, claimed Hamas were using hospitals to hide, yet we’re supposed to believe that this was an errant Hamas rocket (despite Hamas rockets not having this kind of capability).

It’s not that israel are against bombing hospitals they have already done so and continued to threaten hospitals that couldn’t evacuate.

And what are the odds that Hamas of all the buildings in that area, would blow up one of the few buildings that actually still has people in it, and supposedly had Hamas people hiding out in it. The odds are just incomprehensible. Must be their most powerful rocket too that they wasted. So their most powerful and technologically advanced rocket takes out 900 of their own people in one of the few buildings in that area that remain fully operational with hundreds of people inside.


The building wasn’t blown up

500 or 900 or whatever the number is didn’t die


No it wasn’t

There wouldn’t be cars with intact windshields if an airburst bomb was dropped

This is pure atrocity propaganda


Great video. Pretty clear the rockets were nowhere near the hospital.


Given it seems to be an hour after the hospital blew up it’s hardly surprising and proves absolutely nothing either way given it doesnt show the hospital blowing up.


You would be arguing the hospital isn’t what was shown in the video?

Super zoomed out video so I agree you’d need someone to validate it.

All I believe until proven otherwise is that it is much more likely Israel bombed it given recent events.

Gruppenführer Mark

Yet another example of progression for fair reporting


What the fuck are you doing Indians

there’s another country that should be thanking the English for everything they gave them

then they come HERE because the English influence is greater and so the country is better run

and have the fucking TEMERITY to vote “yes”


wtf 1/3rd indian where the fucks that

and thats not including

sri lankans

all the same shite


so guaranteed theres only 5 non subcons left in these places


brick walkup apt hellhole


fk looks like a Toyota camry dealer car yard


It really looks quite pleasant

nice and leafy broad footpaths

sensible small and medium sized Asian cars

no dogs

a fine place


Indians are self-serving, they’d be thinking they would be getting a voice next so Australia can then be a racial caste system shit hole too

Last edited 9 months ago by Nemesis

minorities always just team up against the majority

its alliance of convenience


I need to know how muslims voted before I take a stance on the Palestine conflict


what electorate is lakemmba in


Lmao fucking dogshit cunts

lakemba north 65% yes
lakemba 46% yes
wiley park 55% yes

Go bibi


how did you get the vote broken down to that level

it only breaks down to the federal division level afaik

A fly in your ointment

silly, only anglos voted Yes and perhaps some Bharati out of lack of accurate information.



A fly in your ointment

i know, sorry to be the fly in your ointment.

check the omnipresent videos of zealous Yes supporters and you’d be seeing almost pure monolingual anglophone caucus. Almost.

A fly in your ointment

nice out of focus picture, has it been done with potato stamps and aqarel?

I hope you understand that all the red and blue blobs in the middle of This Pond represent only 14% of population and those few clittered spots around capital cities are the remaining 86%.
the last census says:

  • Top 5 ancestries were English (33.0 per cent), Australian (29.9 per cent), Irish (9.5 per cent), Scottish (8.6 per cent) and Chinese (5.5 per cent). 

so do your math.
remaining 19% of ancestries did not decide the referendum be it that they all voted Yay or Nay. If not all, then most wogs voted Nope.

your twatter image changes my statement only in that it reflects metro monolingual anglophones.


abos apparently voted 80% for the voice

white ppl prob voted for it like 35%

other minorities prob voted for it 55%

idfk what you define as a ‘wog’ sorry


“Seats with large populations of Australian-born voters were also much more likely to vote No.”

“All but one electorate across the country where at least 80 per cent of people were born in Australia voted No.”

“. The booth of Wentworthville, where almost a third of the population is of Indian ancestry, delivered the biggest Yes vote of the seat at 60 per cent.”

but yes keep believing that ‘anglos’ (or whatever you think white people are) were the most likely to vote yes and based indians, migrants and whatever the fck were what all stopped the voice

so we need to keep the wog immigration flood going hardcore so we can use the based migrant wogs to fight and defeat THE PRISON WARDENS once and for all

A Fly In Your Ointment

Copypasta data from the msm? LOL

so 6500 gunga dins in Wentworthville (assuming area is 100% indian), made all difference?

If you assume that ALL the indians voted yay, thats a mere 2.7% of population, thus can contribute barely that much to the 40% of yay votes, not more.
Throw in Abos with their 3.8% of population (again asuming they all voted yay) that’s still all together 6.5%, by far not enough for 40%
Throw in Every-Single-Non-anglo in Aus and you come to 19%, less than half of 40%

.Almost all the shills and agitators on the street for Yay vote were likely to be anglos. Without them the Nope vote would’ve been much higher. But then comes the next:
.The whole Voice shyte is a brainchild of anglo controlled parties and interests (working for you-know-who), Without them, there would be no Voice. Indians did not push for Voce, did they?
. Without the anglo yay vote, this would’ve been 80-90% Nope vote.

idfk what you define as a ‘wog’ sorry

LOL, yeah, you don’t know what a wog is


Given theres more indians than indigenous here they would deserve one, wouldn;t they.


They are just doing what’s natural, creating their own gang. White people aren’t allowed to and wouldn’t even want to if they could. White people fuckin hate each other and want to die. It’s that simple.


latest dogpill updates

jfl at giving this dumb cunt the option of not having the dog killed
how much has the operations and ICU cost the taxpayer already

She should be jailed for putting the public in danger


A dog-lover mauled by her Rottweiler shared a social media post suggesting the breed is not aggressive and asked ‘when will they blame the humans’ – weeks before her husband was tragically killed by their dog.

Just five months ago, she shared a post suggesting some dog breeds get a bad rap over attacks when its their owners who should be blamed. 

‘In the 70s they blamed the Dobermans. In the 80s they blamed the German Shepherds,’ the post reads. 

‘In the 90s they blamed Rottweilers. Now they blame the Pitbull.

‘When will they blame the humans?’ 

More and more evidence mounting that legacy whites are fucking retarded tbh


Not related to anything except showing what a bizarre fucking hellworld we now inhabit. Have a vomit bucket handy if you’re sensitive.



with the one at the start



I can’t stop laughing at that, WTF?

Ironic Boomer

Not diverse enough. Need one with two heads. So the other head can work the balls.


Fark great article from Leith

dennis is going to cancel his subscription at this rate

great stuff
liberal party should put him up as candidate at next election but he lives in victoria unfortunately


When boomers are gone whites are fucked.


Yeah damn if only he didn’t live in Vic

That’s the only thing stopping the Libs from putting up an avowedly anti-immigration and anti-mate candidate


didnt cameron murray try to run on a similar platform and got like 4 votes


begone, doomer


You’re deluded noone gives a fuck about MB nerd losers. Fucking people over for housing is way easier and more lucrative.


fucking lmao

timbo/ezfka Twitter is the country’s if not the world’s finest satirist

better than Babylon bee or onion


the rats are turning on each other now

the identity of the tooowoomba rapist should be made public next week

Aussie Soy Boy

Maybe he did do it after all lol


still hard to feel sorry for her given how she handled it

tried to become the next nipples tame (who to all our benefit seems to have disappeared from the scene of history) instead of handling it through the correct channels


whats with this sara lee shit

is this legacy australian/boomeroid shit


come on mate, you didn’t have an apricot danish as a kid?




Your deprived childhood explains a lot


The women in my family love that shit but they are poxy Karens.


Up there with the vienetta in the 80s! But we’ve got multiculturalism now, how good is the food!


Vienetta was legit classy. I think you can still get them they are still hiding around the ice cream section.


I grew up with this stuff. Do yourself a favour and try it:


More Americanisation. Trailer park trash.

360 a week for a patch of dirt.


those caravan parks are a fucking scam, ive looked into them and the rent on them is often as much as a normal rental, on top of you having to supply/maintain your own caravan, and having to live amongst the most dangerous ferals around

only in australia can even the most rock bottom housing option turn out to still completely suck


Yeah still noone will do shit. Pitiful beyond belief.


The price you pay for being scum that no one else will rent to.
ie the most dangerous ferals around. The higher rent is the “deal with their shit” tax

Aussie Soy Boy

Take a look at the parents. They both should have been sterilised at age 18.


meth use for sure

but theyre right about caravan parks being utter ass, how are they so fuking expensive

Aussie Soy Boy

She lives an hour from school but he claims $30 each way in fuel. Sounds like most of it would be highway driving, so even in the most extreme example it’s 100km to get to school probably fuel economy at worst 10L per 100km. So not possible for it to cost $20 each way, but it reality it’s probably a 60 or 70km drive. Maybe $15 there and back at worst if he has some big engine Aussie made shit box.

Probably each smoke a pack a day. Too stressed to quit they say.


So should 90% of shitskins.

Aussie Soy Boy

They can at least keep a roof over their heads.


by living 50 to 1 house

Aussie Soy Boy

Exaggeration, but they aren’t living in cars or out of plastic tents.


Fair point. Although a lot of them live literally 2m away from rail roads. No nimby problem in Asia it seems.


its kind of amazing that australias first female prime minister has pretty much been wiped from people’s memories and from the public eye

like I would have thought she would be one of the most celebrated people in the entire country given the pity applause women receive

really remarkable when you stop to think about it

mostly because she was so ugly
negative halo effect


Why are lefties so ugly? Guaranteed you see hot politician and she’s on the right, ex Finnish PM the exception


politicians are generally just ugly period

they dont call it show business for ugly people for no reason

and theyre usually quite old and unfortunately most old people are just ugly

gillard doesnt seem much uglier than thatcher was and shes considered a monumtal global political figure, gillard hs been forgotten more than anything bc she was so uninspiring and lame

has there been a charismatic or inspiring prime minister in australian history ever or at least in the last 45 years


.Bob hawke did ok


That’s generally why they are lefties. Freudian. Most lefty guys are probably ugly too.


The Greens are threatening to block Victoria’s contentious taxes on vacant residential land and short-stay properties unless they get significant changes to the state government’s signature housing policy.

Sorry Libroids

The Greens are the based party now


OK today I met an old friend out on the rocks fishing.
fishing sucked so we had plenty of time to talk mostly BS but in between a few interesting facts emerged.

The friend has 3 kids, I knew that two were “on the spectrum” but I didn’t know that they were recieving NDIS support for two of their kids.
So as it happens the 3rd kids is if anything the worst and they’re trying to get an NDIS package for him but as it turns out they’re more likely to lose the support packages they already have than to get another additional package.

I’m (privately) saying to myself like wtf why should I (as a tax payer) be paying these insane amounts to support your kids?
I know it’s a lost opportunity ioung bf you don’t intervene early and fix problems while the kids are still yut seriously they are appearently getting over $30K support per kid per year., that’s way way more than this guy could ever hope to make working at a real job.
So naturally he is focused on getting all his kids on the NDIS.
What the F is wrong with this country??