What type of Voice to Parliament Yes voter are you? Take our test!

With the Invoice to Parliament Referendum just days away, and yes voters from all over the inner suburbs of Melbourne and Sydney converging, we’d thought we’d help you decide just which type of yes voter you are.

The Jewish Supremacist

You’ve been using Aboriginals as a cultural battering ram against those gentiles you hate since the 60’s, why stop now? Mabo and native title has delivered 60% of Australia’s landmass thanks to Colin Tatz and Ron Casten, who could resist another opportunity with the Voice to ticket clip off of the remaining 40% with all the vexatious litigation against miners and farmers? You’re thinking of your mates in the legal industry in Caufield, it’s win-win.

You invented asset-stripping and have been pivotal in transforming Australia into EZFKA, the Voice is a unique opportunity to finish the job and pay for that retirement in your ethno-state Israel when you’ve vacuumed up as much wealth as you can. Frank Lowy and your brother Isi were onto something as pioneers, praise Yahweh.

If the Voice by some miracle gets up thanks to some egregious Mossad-style interference, you’ll be celebrating with an IDF airstrike on an apartment tower in the Gaza Strip and dropping some phosphorous rounds on some Palestinian teenagers.

The Grifter

Your role model is Shaun King and you’ve embraced your role as Australia’s own Talcum X. You’ve been celebrating your Aboriginal ancestry from the Scottish Highlands since this thing got announced from your sacred multimillion dollar farm land in Northern Tasmania. You’ve been dodging DNA tests and 23andme like any seasoned Centrelink veteran claiming Aboriginal status, and you even wrote a book on how Aboriginals were the original farmers of this land despite no evidence of grain farming tools or technqiues – who cares, it paid more than Grace and Britney’s grift!

You also claim that your ancestors were here first 650,000 years ago or whatever that arbitrary number is up to. They didn’t invent the wheel, but you sure as hell got some nice wheels out of all those Welcome to Country fees.

The Migrant

You’ve been here all of five minutes working at a petrol station and hate white people, but unlike Federation Square fights over Khalistan, there aren’t enough numbers of your diaspora yet to make that hate overt. So instead, jump on the current zeitgeist of the Voice while accepting government money for spruiking why this is rightfully Aboriginal land, so you can become the new generation of neo-colonial squatters. Leaving India to turn Australia into India is exactly why you left in the first place.

You moved to Australia to live in an Indian enclave in Sydney, not some remote Aboriginal community in the NT, to get the full Australian cultural experience. You drive around in a HR with ‘Vote Yes’ on it as part of your astroturfed campaign, showcasing your skill at running over the natives, as you do in the city, on your international licence.

Brown Australia good, White Australia bad. If the Voice gets up, you’ll be calling for the mass importation of Sikhs to counter the mass importation of Hindu nationalists so the media can’t call it another one-sided, imported ethnic conflict that Australia didn’t need.

The Wog

You’ve been looking for a way to get back at the Anglo founding stock because envy, since you rocked up here 40 years ago with your family for your own economic self-interest. Or maybe you’re the second-generation wog who has no connection to your Mediterranean homeland, you just live off of your parent’s memories of it. Just like the Jews, you’re a wog when it suits you and white when it suits you.

Memories of being bullied at school for having funny smelling food and playing fagball still ring out in your mind, fucking Anglo bogans. Like the third world migrant, it’s time to team up and get whitey and what better way to do it than hiding behind the Jaggamurra clan from Alice Springs, that you also despise at the best of times, to do it. You cross the street to avoid the Abos, but this time you’ll be standing shoulder to shoulder with them, or at least a goon bag’s distance because you haven;t got a dollar cunt.

Your homelands are being invaded by Africa but fuck it, it’s time whitey here suffered too. South Africa 2.0 is the only solution to the Australian plight, but by that time you’ll be on Mykonos on your EU passport telling your mates how good Australia used to be, mate.

The Self-Loathing White Progressive

It’s Naarm, not Melbourne bigot. You proudly wear your ‘Always Was, Always Will Be (a self-loathing fag)’ t-shirt around Melbourne and have already moved on from your “I got vaccinated” Instagram filter to the “Vote Yes” one, whenever you find a profile photo that doesn’t showcase your mysterious case of totally-not-Pfizer-induced-Bell’s Palsy. You’re a good person, other people’s validation is critical in this low-attention span economy.

You flew over the Northern Territory once on your way to the UK, that’s about as close to an interaction you have ever had with an Aboriginal except when you replied to that ‘based’ Senator Briggs dickhead on Twitter, but it doesn’t matter you just need to be seen to be caring. Just like the country shoppers from the middle east, you never seem to have room at your place for a disadvantaged Aboriginal, that’s for what’s left of the white working class in the outer suburbs.

You’ll be taking it up with your local Teal ‘independent’ if the Voice fails while protesting the development of an Aboriginal community centre in Northcote.


You haven’t made a right call on anything, but your level of narcissism and self-importance is far too high to make a mea culpa, apologise for consistently getting shit wrong and moving on. No, Brittany Higgins is still clearly a victim of the LNP culture of sleaze and Iron Ore is still going to $20 a ton. Fuck the immigration-induced rental crisis you’re bemoaning everyday, let’s just waste $400 million plus on a referendum that will likely result in Black Lives Matters style riots across the country when the thing is blown out of the water, because “it’s worth a try.”

And if you get it wrong again, who cares? Marcia Langton, er, Dennis has your back on that and will promptly chase the dissenters that you haven’t already banned off of the blog for you.


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Agent 47

All it’s missing is the half caste grifters like Noel Pearson, Langton, etc but other than that 10/10. Literally LOL’d.


top shelf

Wintergarten Sandwich Bar

The City Ph3got

You actually went to uni for serious, even if by the time you did anyone with a pulse could get into accounting, and you ended up in a firm because of daddy’s connections and your GPA, working the overtime and filling in the timesheets. You married that girl from the arts degree program who worked at the bicycle shop and loved going to Oxford St at Bulimba for bric a brac and New Farm Park because its ‘so nice, so Brisbane.’ You spent years sitting in traffic on Gympie Road, as the skyscrapers loom ever larger, until you decided to go all in and buy an apartment in the city. Now you’ve arrived. You’re living in the worst planned city anywhere on earth, with cafes that close at 3 pm, humidity that makes your city a literal swamp, and buses called ‘trams’. Don’t say anything about your new city dwellers from the pearl river, as any comment is a ‘disrespectful slight’, whether real or perceived that will result in you being tagged a racist, or maybe they will reveal just how nice and ‘so non violent!’ they are as you realise these POCs are, well, POCs. But its’ okay, because you get to wear a suit and you are in the CITY! (starting salary for most accountants and lawyers – around 40-50 pesos). Wait a few years in this exciting place, and that money you make in the city over and above the others who aren’t in your urban paradise mean that you can purchase the finer things in life: a city full of violent drunkards and criminal chins from HK and the subcontinent laundering the money of a thousand cousins, and feral overweight foul mouthed men-like things called ‘Brisbane women’. You’ve made it mate and this one’s made for you, it’s called New World Olympic City. Don’t worry, the traffic will just get better and better. Your parents are proud of you: you’re wearing a suit in a city with 35 degree summers and 80% humidity to impress other people from a city full of the same kinds of people.


Lol this should win a Walkley. Best thing I’ve read all year.

Shy Ted

Only the Indian servo staff who came to the country this year truly understand the issues.


Please start a telegram channel, it would be brilliant and there’s a large audience for your work



Ian Werd

Absolutely based article.

Aussie Soy Boy

Surely the RBA lifts today



all that matters is houses

Aussie Soy Boy

Crazy. Inflation increasing and at over 5% with 3% the maximum tolerated under their mandate.


they dont care about that


more rate rises will surely fix this

alan kohler told me so


apparently inflation besides fuels not that bad anymore


you reckon raising rates will get the saudis to increase production again

A fly in your ointment

Ave Domino de Tericulamentum,
the God sent ruler of non-Sequituria, the Maecenas of the art of bull, the Brutus of common logic…
all hail the glorious Acqus Pellicula Pharmaceutical Industria!!!




The Ukraine War probably never would have happened at all if not for low interest rates so the resultant sanctions against Russia wouldn’t have happened either and oil would be cheaper

Low interest rates have emboldened every variety of government retardation since 2000

A USA which had a concept of fiscal discipline forced onto it by normal interest rates wouldn’t be sending hundreds of billions to Ukraine purely to try to weaken Russia

They’d still be scrimping and saving to meet repayments on the Iraq/Afghanistan debt

But on a smaller scale, the AUD needs to retain its value somewhat if Aussies are to afford petrol


yes jay powell is an omnipotent god


Low interest rates aren’t just overleveraged people like you managing to keep up with repayments

They have much bigger implications for the world


you’re right

they cause higher government deficits, and higher private savings

the private sector is a net saver, and the government sector is a net debtor

raising interest rates will increase the amount of money


They don’t cause higher government deficits

Government decisions to spend more and more despite rising interest rates cause higher government deficits

If higher interest rates facilitate an actual consequence for doing that, then the world will be a better place

But of course you’d like people like Dan Andrews to keep racking up more and more debt forever doing shit like lockdowns

For some reason


of course, cutting government spending causes lower government deficits

good luck with that


It’s happened many times before

Much better than facilitating awful policies created by retards using low interest rates


Mate when has it happened ?

Post 1971 in USA
or post 1983 in Australia

A fly in your ointment

I thought it was Erdogan and you that exchange notes on a daily basis


They’ll hike when the Fed hikes and not a moment sooner

A fly in your ointment


You’ve been looking for a way to get back at the Anglo founding stock because envy….

thus is a killer joke.



Why don’t you go down to Melbourne to be a train driver, Stagmal?

just identify as a non-binary (but mostly female) person and you’ll get in under their diversity quota. Confess that you’re part aboriginal too but you’ve moved away from your mob in Dubbo.

you’ll be rooting that bird with the big pink glasses in no time. I’m pretty sure that she’s lesbian like you.

Last edited 11 months ago by Peachy
A fly in your ointment

a recipe for a steaming cockpitfight

Agent 47

Some Christians came around. They stuck a little pamphlet in the handle of my car door. I read their stuff. Said I was gonna go to hell if I lied or if I stole. So I’m literally gonna go to hell forever if I steal a mars bar. Cool man. Basic bitch propaganda. I like this passage though:

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides
By the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men

Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will
Shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness
For he is truly his brother’s keeper and the finder of lost children
And I will strike down upon thee
With great vengeance and furious anger
Those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers
And you will know my name is the Lord
When I lay my vengeance upon thee

Well I like the first two sentences. I think in reality most property jews are having orgies.


is it those american living water ones

i used to get those every other week



The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released housing finance data on Tuesday, which revealed that the number of loans provided for the purchase or construction of new homes fell to their lowest level since the Global Financial Crisis in 2008:

“This decline in building activity is in contrast to the low level of unemployment and strong population growth”.

“The impact of the RBA’s tightening cycle is not expected to produce a trough in new house commencements until the second half of 2024″

more rate rises surely fixes all our inflation problems


Keep at it bud in your echo chamber


isnt an echo chamber a place where everyone agrees with you?

get your metaphors straight bud


isnt an echo chamber a place where everyone agrees with you?

Nope….just your echo.


fuck , the guests are even dumber than the members


When you are 1/3 of the posts of this entire blog and about 1/5th of those are hur durr interest rates cause inflation

Yes, your echo chamber


1/3rd and 1/5th is a pretty shitty echochamber


please no more to increase those ratios

A fly in your ointment

more rate rises surely fixes all our inflation problems

not more, “adequate”, “non-stimulatory”, “equal to or higher than inflation”


I think you’re completely missing the point, the upcoming vote is about “change”, it’s 100% a vote about the average Australian’s willingness to embrace the unknown and seek out a new direction.

We’re seeing the vote yes/no boundary exactly mirroring the social earned/unearned advantage divide. This is to say that those capable of earning income under a new (changed) system are voting Yes while our huge numbers of parasites vote No. To be clear it’s not just the rich that are voting No, it’s every Aussie with something to lose, it’s every Aussie protecting their little rort.

Saying this is about Indigneous affairs is just a smoke screen, a masquerade, a little vaudeville mixed with some blackface theatre, but who doesn’t love a song and dance?




You asked for a dennis AI


You asked for a dennis AI

😅But I hadn’t even provided the training dataset!


Yeah….but somebody forgot the “I” bit.


That gave me the LoL of the week. 👍😊


What can I say ….
Oxycontin maker gets patent on drug to treat opioid addiction
yep that’s just how I roll.


it’s 100% a vote about the average Australian’s willingness to embrace the unknown and seek out a new direction.

I think you might be holding the thing upside down.

Embrace the unknown and seek a new direction? if anything, it’s a test of whether the average Australian is willing to eat a 100%-known shit sandwich and slavishly follow in the direction that the government points them towards.

comment image

A fly in your ointment

after the Jabbadabba age, is there a point of another test?

nope, no one tests what’s already an axiom

this is just a trial to see what can be the ratio of sheet to BBQ sauce to make more sheet
palatable. And no one is prepared to eat that sandwich without the BBQ sauce except you-know-which-class ezfka units.


Yeh, I wasn’t going to mention the jabberwocky, but you’re right there.

They do need to test whether the ezfka units stand ready to gyre and gimble all the way to an uffish “treaty”, or if more beatings are required to improve morale.


Last edited 11 months ago by Peachy



federal bailout of victoria is imminent imo

probably why dan had to quit and cancel the commwealth games and tax greedy landlords

better optics this way


Dan Andrews and Alan Joyce both leaving similar legacies


An easy vote winner. This policy is an extension of an existing one that was restricted to metro areas, so will only hurt rich rural and regional landowners who would never have voted for Labor in the first place.

Property Council spokesman was on the radio this morning complaining about there not being enough incentives to develop land. Most talkback was negative and along the lines of “if you can’t afford to build or pay, just sell.”

A fly in your ointment

in dealing with cognitive dissonance, Nazi Apologists cannot simply “revision” the existing data, there is simply too much of it that no matter how many details are indeed revised and proven to be different, the mountain of otherwise impossible to revision information will still tipover the scales, probably brake it.
So creative methods are requited, clutching to complexity where there is none and freedom to invent things that do not exist.
the nazi apologia serves only one purpose, daily politics. Because it is easy to associate Ruskies with Commies, and Commies bad so killing Commies must be good. Never mind that Commies sacrificed population the size of Australia in 2025 (26mil people, cca 9mil soldiers the rest civilians). When we say “sacrifice”, this is not some kind of altar where one brings it sacrifice to deities but it was atrocities committed by krauts, their army of regular jew haters, Ruskie haters ant whom/whatever-haters. Plane ole killing of civilians. Not just men and women but children too. Cradle children too.

Brace for more Nazi reburth in westworld, it serves the daily politics of smearing and brainwashing populationto supportotehrwise idiotic politics.. Much like in the past with Taliban, this will bite back like that rottweiler pack in Perth and it will maul the remains of the western culture. As much as there were overlapping interests during ww2 where 3rd parties, a-national and driven by the religion of profits were on both sides of rhe war, this time the demarcation line is much clearer.


A fly in your ointment

it’s a bitch to post with a phone and without spectacles..

Fighting against the USSR didn’t necessarily make you a Nazi
this statementi is indeed true, partialy true.

Fighting against the USSR with Nazis and using Nazi methods did necessarily make you a Nazinow that’s more accurate.

Politico authority outside neoliberalism and globalists circles have never existed. With abomination like above it just sheds the last remnants of claims of some form of objectivity.

Fighting against USSR during WWII did necessarily make you a Nazi or a Nazi supporter. There were no third parties fighting both, AFAIK.

A fly in your ointment

As if there was that hypothetical third party…
In reality, the statement is false: Only Nazis fought USSR, necessarily nazis


The West is just going through its Nazi apologetics phase while it supports Ukraine in the name of advancing globohomo

Once Ukraine loses and gets cut off, all these weird articles making excuses for Ukraine chock full of Nazis will disappear into the aether

Gruppenführer Mark

I dunno, there were a number of articles from US and UK where they suddenly realized that they, too, allowed a whole bunch of Nazis to escape and settle there. Australia, too


A fly in your ointment

In 1986, Sydney journalist Mark Aarons produced a series of reports documenting the presence of Nazi war criminals in Australia. He found that the nation’s intelligence agents knowingly let war criminals enter the country because of the Nazis’ staunch opposition to communism, which was perceived in the postwar climate as a greater threat than fascism.

sophism, very common in Nazi apologia.
“we save and let in rabid pit-bulls as they fight/fought rabid rottweilers and are lesser threat” (no mention as to why not put to sleep both?)

A fly in your ointment

The West is just going through its _____ apologetics phase while it supports ______

Yes and no.
Yes as Nazis are Euro version of Taliban, ready, primed and loaded to fight the same ole enemy (or any new one).
No as Nazis are one of the two baddies birthed by the Westworld – if they disappear it is because they are kept in the freezer to be used later.


So in all the FUD about the voice referendum, I haven’t heard anybody (but me) object to it on the grounds of para (iii) of the proposed constitutional change.

This para states:

The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws with respect to matters relating to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice, including its composition, functions, powers and procedures.

Including its composition, functions, powers and procedures. Now, that fucking idiot Annabel Crabb said recently that inder those conditions a hostile gummint could reduce the voice to one bloke in a room with no internet connection if they wanted to.

She didn’t mention the alternative scenario, where a different gummint could give the voice an armed force with powers of entry, search, seizure and arrest (a la Border Force) if it chose to.

Does anybody fancy having the voice police oficers burst into their house and arrest them because they said or did something that the voice wankers didnt like?

“Oh LSWCHP, take your tinfoil hat off, such a thing would never happen” squeal all the Teal voters.

Maybe it sounds unlikely, but the way this piece of shit is currently worded, such a thing is possible. And they want to add this to the constitution.

I’d go free diving in a swimming pool full of warm diarrhoea before I’d vote yes for the voice.


Well, I suspect that parliament can’t give the voice any more powers than parliament itself has.

so probably can’t have a regular police force, being a state thing, but can have a didg federal police and also didg asio to police your online activity and didg navy to drive one of the nucular submarines!


Exactly. Think of the powers that federal agencies such as the ATO, the AFP, Borderforce etc have. Under the unconstrained wording of the proposed amendment, any of those powers could be given to the voice.

Gruppenführer Mark

They won’t give them armed force powers, unless it is a ceremonial force armed with traditional weapons 😀

What they can give them is power to decide whether a property of others is being used, or is owned in accordance with traditional laws, that are unwritten, and seize property. This could be the end of Magna Carta property rights, among other things.

But first we would have to become a Republic. Next year’s referendum: vote Yes for Republic to truly give the Voice the voice.


I don’t see any reason why a future incarnation of the voice is prevented from from being provided with an armed branch, given how the amendment is currently written. Think of it as being equivalent to the AFP, with similar powers for example.

I’m not saying this will happen, I’m saying that it could happen, however unlikely it may seem, under the proposed amendment to the constitution.


the voice fixes this

the arborist

They even put quote marks around the word ‘criminals’ – because that’s only what racists call them, right comrades?


theyre not gunna do anything

Agent 47

Pretty much


Lmao comsec account drops the blackest black pills on Twitter


Lamborghini and Porsche sales at all time highs

those rate rise are about to bite im sure

just need to go above the rate of inflation then the meek losers will inherit the earth


People are draining their savings. Will have to be stimulus sooner or later.


Draining their savings to buy Porsches


There’s obviously going to be people in the top 10% or so that have made a killing because of Albo’s severe treason. They don’t really count.


there is more money in private hands every day

not in the hands of mortgagees, but in the other 66% of the population


>A large number of Aussies are hanging by a thread, with research by Canstar showing 69 per cent of mortgage holders are worried about their ability to keep making payments if interest rates rise again.


I’m not making any real stance, just putting this here. And that Australians are basically as low as pedophiles when it comes to real estate, so it wouldn’t surprise me if the government just flat out started giving distressed mortgagees money.

Real estate pedos.


so 69% of 33%

That’s 25% of the population

everybody else has more money than ever as a direct result of interest rate rises

and you know that the 25% is going to be looked after, because if they go down then so do the banks

which is really the only way that interest rate rises can bring about deflation – via a financial crisis

unfortunately, we decided in 2008 that we don’t allow those to occur anymore

A fly in your ointment

Oh God, Coming, the more you parrot the same ole, the more you cement yourself as daftie with blinkers.
That is not because you don’t see things and perhaps draw plausible conclusion from them (in isolation to other things), but because you wear blinkers and deliberately unsee other things which affect the conclusion materially, often inverting it.

What do the rich people do with cash when inflation takes hold?
Inflation (stagflation) is baked-in in most of the cuntries of the world and owning cash is already a poor proposition.
yes, those at the top of the pyramid will spend more because with inflation, price adjustments always overshoot real inflation – which means more profits, if inflation underperforms.
What happens to median income, where majority of people live, that is another story altogether….

nah, silly me, Erdoganomics Comingonomics says clearly that inflation can only be fought with lower teh rates, now!


fucking lol at my taxes paying for this


An Indigenous Australian is 14 times more likely to be incarcerated than a non-Indigenous Australian. Could the Voice help change that?

ah yeah it’s the white mans fault once again


Tas the lowest because there are hardly any aboriginal people to begin with I woud think

Although what is the per 100,000 adults; aboriginal people nationally or aboriginal people within the state only


First off all, this is top class.

Has everyone noticed the subtle shift the last few days, the vote is rigged and we are being conditioned for an amazing comeback in the Yes vote. You may as well go out and grab the best odds you can on a Yes result, there is no way they are allowing this to fail.


Wouldn’t surprise me. Who’s gonna hit the streets to stop a boong tax on the beaches or parks that I barely use? Nah. Coastal people are pretty smug, politically worthless af and larp as salt of the earth hippies. Meh.


doubt it tbh


Who is offering odds on yes/no outcomes?


I am surprised the Aussie bookmakers aren’t on it, it seems they are not offering markets to not offend their mates in gov.


Hey, very funny, but not so fast! Most of the “wogs” are voting a big fat NO and some of our kind are at the forefront of the fight. You might have called our food smelly, but who cares? Unlile some, most of us are not into playing the eternal victim card:


Wogs are often non-pc. Generally that is a good thing.


yeah, I know many Europeans of all sorts and only self-loathing Anglos will be voting Yes.


In my little bubble the woke who I expect to vote yes, are a definite no and all the southern Euros are also no. Only know of one elitist management grifting class tard voting yes. Same plick who used to complain about handicapped getting 4wd mobility scooters to go to the beach.


I like wog food. Seems most of the 2nd gen wog sons are shit at it though. I’d rather get Dominos.



this is why the voice is losing

no other reason

ppl are too low iq

dont get me wrong i dont think the voice is a good idea

but ppl genuinely dont understand it anyway and thats why its not popular and no one cares

no other reason

i reckon iq 95-90 is the cut off to intuitively grasp it let alone produce a theoretical framework in your mind how it may or may not work

gay marriage was super simple, dick in ass vs dick in vagina

very simple non-abstract physical concept that you can convince people are equivalent

thats why it won

but this is way more abstract legal shit requires higher level thought processes to put together a model of what it is

then as a second layer, you have to understand why it might actually work

so even amongst ppl who are high iq enough to understand what it isvoice, a lot of them simply wont vote for it bc theyre skeptical itll help at all or have some other issue maybe brought up by no campaign


so it has to go through two clearances to get people to really support it, first needs ppl to actually be smart enough to grasp it as an abstract concept, then then within that group then you need the people who understand it, and think itll work

so no way could it ever have gotten a majority i should have realised this before


I guess that’s why the No campaign went with “if you don’t know vote no”

which is why democracy and especially compulsory voting is so dumb


What’s crazy is that you have to actually go to the aec website to see the actual terms of what you’re voting for which is adding section 129 to the constitution


and really you need to have experience with constitutional law to fully grasp what the consequences might be which includes nobody here

But these paragraphs do not appear on the actual ballot
the ballot instead has something completely different on it that is bizarrely vague and meaningless

A Proposed Law: to alter the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait IslanderVoice. Do you approve this proposed alteration?

but imo this is more likely to confuse someone in the midwit 90-110 range than lower

because midwits might have enough brains to wonder what the hell does this even mean

but not smart enough to make the leap to oh it means absolutely nothing it’s an opportunity for me to virtue signal I’ll just vote yes/no depending on how I politically identify


i reckon sub 85 ppl will not be able5to easily comprehend that sentence

A Proposed Law: to alter the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait IslanderVoice. Do you approve this proposed alteration?


On its face it’s simple

as long as you don’t question what “recognise” means


I count 8 new “Guests” posting here that I’ve never seen before

all of them with an oddly grammatically precise style

all of them arriving suddenly at once

are we being infiltrated by a government agency ?

Agent 47

More like Mark Leibler made the call to Tell Aviv


Breaking news

assassination attempt on AfD leader in Germany




“ Failed “ attempt so if it was CIA they’re trying to make him more popular

Agent 47

Mossad more likely


the 13 year old is undoubtedly a chad

that’s why it never happened to you


some chad turning down free sex

he sounds volcel


maybe because shes gross old and weird





anyone from queensland can tell us who these young scholars were?

ie is this a problem the voice can fix


SMH site has a big X on No article trying to suck more people into invalid vote

Agent 47

There’s another one trying to get people to write their name on the ballot to render it informal.

Whole thing is a shit show now. I would not be surprised if we get months of court challenges after the fact because of illegitimate election etc.

Agent 47


Mr Chai is a former Chinese police official turned Communist Party princeling with impeccable connections to President Xi. Mr Chai’s father — the president’s uncle — is a former high-ranking police official. Mr Chai now has an Australian passport and lists his business address at a mansion in Melbourne’s bayside suburb of Brighton.

I thought we were already doing this

Maybe we can open it up to less connected dodgy subversive cunts

Agent 47

Maybe we can not do it all.


He is being sarcastic and pointing out we are effectively selling citizenship under a false pretense.

Agent 47

I agree but it’s hard to tell with this bloke. He likes to contradict himself, being an ecomomist he is for sale i guess.


Is there a separate category for white progressive unable to see the irony of supporting the yes campaign while acknowledging stolen land, but also demanding record high levels of immigration because to do otherwise is racist?

I mean who cares, the land is already stolen. May as well just make a token effort of acknowledging it while packing in as many people as possible while increasing our carbon footprint, watching continued urban sprawl, destruction of native habitat etc.

Once the land is stolen, it’s yours, I guess?


That would be the Liz Allen.

There are also the far left poverty advocates who are quick to jump on anyone who doesn’t conform to their worldview. I suspect this sort of stuff will further alienate potential Yes voters.



I laughed out loud when you said Allen – its like she’s the perfect mental construct of Zarathustarr’s category.


Fuck me Gently. An unemployed pronoun bludger, supported by the community while complaining massively about that same community and demanding more and better gimmes from them.



with the ABC forced to cut its live feed midway.

fucking lmao

she’s one of the best things to happen to australian politics

Aussie Soy Boy

Based boong


oh hey looks, what lswchp was worrying about yesterday is already coming true today:

‘I’ve hired my own black army…and this parliament has to pay for the black army, not the army that continues to violate black men and black women in this country,’ she added. 

how cool is that? Special racial military forces.


If the voice gets up, I would not be surprised to see it equipped with an armed “security” branch within a couple of years, to protect indigenous people and property from Nazis.

Thorpey sure sounds fucking mental in that video too. Maybe she’s losing the plot.


shes so retarded


fmd wat an ugly woman




u know she is


She is on another planet.

Aussie Soy Boy

The abos have no chance of winning in QLD and WA. VIC is a lost cause. We just need one of the remaining three to win. They will probably change referendum laws after this.


will be heaps funny if wa, qld and nt vote no. While everyone else votes yes and “wins”.

And then the northern states secede, because “fuck you”.

Aussie Soy Boy

The territories only count to the overall vote not the state majority, but I’m sure they’ll try to amend it to included the NT and ACT because one is full of boongs that will vote yes and the other is full of boong lovers that will vote yes.



A neighbour has now spoken out saying locals were ‘afraid’ of the two dogs and they personally witnessed one of them launch an attack on a courier who tried to drop a package off at Ms Piil’s home.

latest DM article includes a new full body photo with a fantastic view of her tits

I don’t know how to embed it if someone else can do the honours

Aussie Soy Boy

I bet the neighbours had a fucking gutfull of this woman and her fucking dogs. They would have all been standing around near the ambulance whispering yep was bound to happen it’s good it happened to her and not someone else.


i wouldnt mind having her as my neighbour otherwise

Aussie Soy Boy

You’d have to wrap up though


I wouldn’t make it past the front gate mate
I’d be terrified of those dogs

Aussie Soy Boy

She’s lucky the dog didn’t get hold of one of her tits


She looks evil.

I reckon a lot of legacy ezfka women enjoy annoying the shit out of everyone with their shitty dogs.

If you’re a worthless whore and you know it get a dog.
If you’re a worthless whore and you know it get a dog.
If you’re a worthless whore and you know it
And you really want to show it
If you’re a worthless whore and you know it get a dog.


probably been sexually abused as a child

that’s why she dresses sexual but has the dogs to scare off any men

its very sad actually

I would like to know her ethnicity
looks like she could be part indian
this says the surname name is danish https://forebears.io/surnames/piil#:~:text=The%20surname%20Pihl%20or%20Piil,mountain%20ash%20tree'%20in%20Estonian.


She’s probably likes gym bro violent meatheads. But they probably don’t have enough money for her. Any self respecting well to do tradie would be going for someone less…doggy.


nah im a good judge of this

she doesn’t fuck


So what’s going on them?

She just doing it to mog her girlfriends?


shes a sexual abuse victim

the dogs make her feel safe (and maybe she has taken the dogpill)


i rape her



Aussie Soy Boy

Dogpill for sure


Yeah. She looks like a fucking space alien. Definitely not relationship material. Well, certainly not, now that her dogs have chewed her to pieces leaving gaping wounds and ripped flesh, and she has dog filthy mouse disease eating her flesh.

They probably just finished licking their arses seconds before they shredded her.

Last edited 11 months ago by Stewie

Great post identifying the hypocrisy

This guy is such a fuckwhit

“While I don’t believe most Australians are racist, probably one-third of them are. We’re a country that fears difference and we’re a country that still—despite the fact that multiculturalism is the reason we’re a successful country, and that we’re a nation built by boat people and indigenous people—fears “the other.” We’re obsessed. Immigration is a challenging issue across the globe, but Australia is quite unique in its fear of refugees. We have made the refugees the enemy and those persecuting them the heroes.
Nothing wins you an election and power like scapegoating powerless defenceless people who have no social, economic and political capital. Demonising them, dehumanising them, so that the average Australian looks at them and thinks, I have nothing in common with you. I cannot relate to you. You are just a problem and a burden that I need to be protected from. Thus, I cannot feel for you.”


Identifies as Greek yet would be using Australian taxpayer funds (in part) to do this:

I’m doing my sixth degree now. I started with a behavioural science degree then did my social work degree. Then I did my law degree. And then I did a masters of education and training, a masters in international development, and now I’m doing a senior executive MBA at the Melbourne Business School.”


Robert French running cover on the voice

“In his address on Friday, Mr French will argue that it is “improbable” that a failure to consider representations made by the voice would result in the invali­dation of government decisions, although he conceded it was possible that “someone, some day will want to litigate a matter relating to the voice”.
“The risk of any such litigation succeeding and imposing any burdensome duties, or any duties at all, upon the executive government of the commonwealth is low when set against the potential benefits,” he will say.”

WHAT POTENTIAL BENEFITS literally none have been ever stated, because the problem was never defined to begin with
