Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has announced he will be delaying the Voice to Parliament referendum until after the Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation Bill being drafted by ACMA has passed parliament.
Albanese stated that Voice Architect Mark Leibler and the WEF’s E-Safety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant urged him to delay the bill until they were confident they can censor and silence any opposition to the ultimate nation-stealing grift at will.
‘I have spoken with Mark, Julie and Thomas Mayo and the referendum will not take place until the Misinformation Bill has passed and then we will proceed with the most open and transparent vote in history. We haven’t got a fuckin’ chance in hell of winning otherwise,” Albanese said.
“It’s also going to aid us in censoring the immigration shenanigans we’ve been up to the past 12 months, until such a time is immigration is at such a level that we will have perpetual Labor governments in adfinitum.”
Leibler has also stated that the WEF and Israel stand ready to ‘intervene’ in the vote if it looks like tanking harder than it already is, early on in the evening of the count.
this leibler guy sure is a real piece of work, i wonder how happy he must be knowing how public the voice has made him. he was otherwise a real man of the shadows, i’d of never known of him had not published that expose on him
They don’t even hide it.
every single time
He’s also responsible for section 18c and allowing dual citizenship in 2001 where he lobbied the fuck out of Howard (everyone thought it was Murdoch) after doing the same thing to Hawke in 1986 to get exemptions for Israelis serving in the IDF.
Interesting dynamic in this pic, Leeser and Pearson at their Yes campaign in country NSW yesterday.
Wonder if they talked about this?
Single time
Jewish group that’s against The Voice to Parliament is told to ‘go back back to Jerusalem’ by Aboriginal activists as tensions rise in debate
Do you have a link to the article?
Kevin McDonalds site did a 4 part essay on him. Really good stuff.
Tragic that Kevin was banned from Twitter…. he made it right through the woke repression only to be banned under Musk – apparently from Greenblatt’s lobbying.
That is a great article – anyone who questions why I oppose these narcissistic, ethnocentric people should have a read of that article.
I’ll just leave this here then. The notion of a western industrial democracy pledging ‘unwavering allegiance’ to ANY foreign entity is.
This is likely not satire.
If the vote does go ahead it will be fixed IMO. The meme that it can’t be fixed because ‘Australia is different’ applies here. They’re going to legislate some form of the voice at the state level anyway, so really it’s kinda meaningless.
Not saying don’t oppose it but there’s no political solution and hasn’t been for years.
Treaty yeh! Sing it with me…
Just a t shirt folks
hell never live this down
I have to say his words are quite earnest and genuine
he’s got the soothing slightly gay and retarded school counsellor type of voice
but obviously the strategy now that we know its going to fail is to push on, look ultra compassionate and be able to say that he tried his best
makes sense I think. Smart move from this position
inflation numbers in at 11:30 boyos
What’s happening in Toowoomba
is it actually brucey or was that just another false alarm
High profile man accused of rape has charges mentionedA media scrum took over the public gallery of Toowoomba Magistrates Court as a high profile man, charged with two counts of rape, had his charges mentioned.
Posted an hour I go I can’t get past the paywall
Its ridiculous this is so hard to find out about
DM delivers the goods again
still dunno who it is
of course you do
Is it this guy?
melbourne magistrates court not toowoomba
another hike comin
Inflation falling faster than expectations, bullish for cuts soonish
look at the absolute depravity here
is it blacks or aboriginals that are the problem?
I think the larger problem is men
we’d be better off with a lot fewer men
or keep them in camps maybe with an AI/robot gf/fleshlight
So you’ve become trans
a classic coming moment was when he said he hoped his children would be gay
Coming’s parents hoped he’d become a doctor
Hence his larping
doctors are assholes its not that hard to believe
They also hoped he’d have a six figure salary.
Such is life.
Coming did mention transmaxxing on another thread.
Had never heard of this, only found incel links when Googling. Kind of a weird thing for a supposedly straight, married man to know about.
coming is a fascinating thinker and philosopher
Of course I had to google it – now I am dealing with confusing feelings over Arielle Scarcella…
It would be very hypocritical of me to not be able to acknowledge that men are depraved
if you are going to be a race realist you also need to be a gender realist
yeah youre correct but women are fucked too
i think i read somewhere women actually start more wars when theyre in power than men have per capita
they dont do their own dirty work by themselves
Women in power would be outliers though
i think most men just want to fuck a warm hole
we need to put all our resources into sex robots
and only allow female babies through IVF
why not just mandate all born males must become trans
We don’t have the technology to do it well at this point
male babies exiting a birth canal must be castrated upon sight
That’s too harsh for westerners
just need sex robots let them blow their loads inside and live in pods
slice of heaven
I’m sure I read about women who are actually men, in that they posses XY chromosomes, but are born with a genetic abnormality that makes them immune to testosterone, so they never undergo male sexual development in the womb. Androgen insensitivity
In some Matriarchy dystopia it would be possible to give obliging pregnant women a ‘vaccine’ that triggers Androgen insensitivity that will ensure she gives birth to a girl. I’m sure some Juicey philosopher could come up with a set of ethical reasons why it should take place. I’m surprised Hollywood hasn’t made a film about it yet.
Nicole Kidman and Jamie Lee Curtis have that is what most pediatricians say
they end up tall and slim and attractive
so good chance they have a way already
you reckon adriana lima does too
she has that extra angular slutjaw and hunter eye area
What’s that old line? Politicians use statistics the way drunks use lamp posts; for support rather than illumination.
Empires are machines. The people within them are cogs, not drivers.
This must be right wing identity politics.
Whatever happened to God, family and country?
Fascinating tweet be Razib Khan on Y chromosome variation. Apparently the “grandfather” gene to the R1 and R2 variation is found in Siberia and is the sibling of the Q y-chromosome variation, which is sired the variations that went on to populate the whole of the new world.
Lots of other interesting factoids if you aut out over this stuff.
razib is a true gem, he’s one of the ogs whos been going at this stuff for ages
Part 2 – I think we’ve discovered where the lost Roman foreign legion ended up!
Just when you thought a race couldn’t get any worse…
Speaking of Razib Khan….
Razib and Me and Darwin Makes Three, and Some Insect Parts – Fred on Everything
I’m not a believe in intelligent design, even the gradual emergence of ‘stingers’ as per his example can be explained. Likewise more more complex organs such as the eye. He struck me as a well worded yet unsophisticated Troll, that said Razib is apparently notoriously thin skinned.
who is this ___ and why is he telling us what to do
get the fuck out of our country
A peak into the future for us gweilos.
This happened in the 2019 election I believe where the seat of Box Hill had candidate debates in Chinese.
It’s Australian democracy with Chinese characteristics.
I did lectures and tutorials at uni where some gook basically spoke gook in the 90s.
Wypipo dont wanna do stem they wanna be a big tradie with a big dick in a big ford ranger.
Or some pretty boy in marketing.
anyone know if being a faggot gives you affirmative action in university/medical degrees etc
this guy i know becaome a dr, total NPC, not very smart at all but hes a queer
holy fuck lol imagine being so randy you let this guy suck you off and then he calls you his boyfriend and a gaslighter
physiognomy is real
He definitely looks like a target rather rather than a gunner.
I wonder what has led to him having has conditions on his medical registration…
All publicly viewable on AHPRA
Should add with those conditions he can only work part-time or job share as most full time medical jobs are 38 hours/week. If he can’t do any nights or overtime shifts, that’s going to a hard sell for most services let alone accredited training jobs.
any idea what normally causes these
fucking nice
great dox ty
Glimpse into the future for EZFKA
lmfao clicked the article, the usual b.s, scrolled down and whocoodanode look who wrote it
The housing ponzi is now global, but when are other countries going to copy the US’ war ponzi?
Get your boys in charge of foreign countries and then have them fight wars using your weapons until their entire population is exterminated
China needs mass immigration lul
Still yet to see a downside to Victoria going broke
High interest rates ftw!
even the abc is starting to get it
Everyone knew this from day 1
wow the revisionist history has already started?
Keep clutching to those straws
everyone in canberra is in on it
I have no sex charge I feel like I’m missing out I might go and smack a girl on the bum
It will be some male masseuse he thought was a poof too
apparently he sucked a woman’s nipples without consent
i’m going to need someone to paint a picture of how that scenario can ever arise
unless maybe she thought he was a poof or something
maybe its his mother retroactively pressing charges bc she regrets ever breast feeding and bringing the little shit into the world
Same, how the fuck does that even happen? According to Gillard she’d already broken up with him before the election but she kept up the lie and he moved into the Lodge. The guy was a fucking hairdresser, only a faggot would consider rooting her.
Maybe she was a stripper that did not like a fugly getting too close

Anyone here live around western sydney or knows what’s going on with all these shootings?
Seems like it’s leb crims shooting other leb crims.
I’m not seeing much downside.
Yeah as long as they shoot each other who cares. They may as well quietly legalise coke for the elite bankers.
Yeah, Lebs shooting Lebs. Happens a lot 8n Leb Land. The more the merrier.
jacob greber
What an evil Wormtongue.
Good to see him getting roasted on twitter. I’d never heard of him, but reading his AFR story, I immediately knew what size hat he wears.
Love the ratio…. oh…. well I loved the ratio – now the tweet has been deleted.
Someone asked if he was Jewish and it had about 250 likes versus the 2 likes to his tweet.
someone screenshot it
“The ___ is immunized against all dangers: One may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But ask him what ethnicity he is and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
Speaking of those rascally fellows, whilst browsing youtube earlier, the algorithm decided to serve me an advertisement for
I’m about as far out of their target demographic as is possible. Either Alphabet knows very little about me (press X to doubt) or they’re trolling.
Most ads I get, I can see how the dark datalords might assess that it’s relevant to me, but this is WAAAAYYYYYY out there.
Coming’s inflation through interest rate thesis continues to grow:
The Pharisees rejected his message
LOL – I wouldn’t compare him to Jesus, but I’ve admired the staunch defence of his position in the face of overwhelming waves of orthodoxy.
IMHO so long as real interest rates remain negative in money markets imho the risk is for it to remain elevated.
I think interest rates will eventually work in Australia through the sheer leverage by 1/3 of all Australians, however the structure of borrowers and debtors means it inefficiently transmitted in Australia.
In the US however I think inflation might get a second wind, the 70s were a continuous story of higher highs and higher lows until Volker eventually crushed it.
If that is the case then it’s gunna put enormous pressure on the AUD, which will culminate when the cycle does eventually turn in he US and commodities plummet.
coming’s kingdom is not of this world
ECB starting to come to its senses but it would be too embarassing for them to go all the way, would show what a nonsense the whole thing is
Overnight, they decide they are paying 0% on “minimum” reserves
Deutsche Bank share price immediately fell 4% on the announcement
Grouse idea, get that 0% yielding money into houses where it belongs
Or get it into building new houses
This is the hangover of irresponsibly low interest rates in 2020/21. You don’t fix a hangover by continuing to drink.
There would be plenty of inflation that is the result of people becoming seriously cashed up from selling investment properties that mooned from low interest rates during 2020/21/22. They enjoyed massive capital gains from low interest rates and now enjoy high interest (albeit still below inflation) from high interest rates.
Well, “unfortunately” Albo’s stormtroopers can’t just seize and nationalise all the money that people made from the low interest rates period. So Boomers and lucky investors will keep on spending and contributing to inflation. Nor can we just make all the debt that world governments took on during that time vanish into thin air. We dug a hole, the smart thing to do is to stop digging.
Only a perma-contrarian would take all the fuckery still working itself through the system as an endorsement to return to the same low interest rates that got us into this mess.
Actually, if you have a hangover, continuing to drink will definitely fix it. The hair of the dog is a sure cure, though it can be difficult to get the first one down. It’s also hellishly unhealthy due to what it does to your liver, but who cares about that?
the way that ZH puts it:
is dumb.
basically it just didn’t happen. It would be a remarkably rare (and brave/dumb) corporate treasurer that raised debt in the middle of a pandemic in order to speculatively park it as cash on the balance sheet. It’s basically Silicon Valley Bank level bravado/incompetence.
that said, money WAS (printed and) borrowed at very low rates and – though not parked as cash/liquid assets by the borrower – is still sitting SOMEWHERE at any given time, sloshing around, as it were. So there is still a bunch of (printed) money out there with a very low interest cost attached.
it didn’t disappear the moment that rates went up. There are parties out there that are STILL benefitting from the historical low rates.
so No1 is more or less right in his description of the dynamics: the money is out there and is capable of being spent (and is being spent), although not by the initial borrowers, but by boomers etc. it can’t be seized by stormtroopers but can be slowly sucked out (or counterweightef) by higher rates.
It’s not ZH making that statement but Albert Edwards.
He finished off with
Irving FIsher had the same realisations in the early 20th century
But people just swallow whatever propaganda they are being fed from “trusted sources” rather than thinking for themselves
surprising to see that from people here, but there you go just shows most people have their own blind spots
But I would say that the first order effects are only part of the story
Maybe the larger problem, especially when the original cause for inflation was a supply shock, is the fact that increasing interest rates also increases hurdle rate of return for new investments to be made
That in turn limits provision of new supply
We have just seen this unfold in Australia with rents shooting up to maintain yields relatively close to the risk free rate (rather than prices falling)
and the consequent “housing crisis”
of course energy is in the same boat – low rates gave us shale production and facilitated renewables etc.
Both prices AND corporate profits are now increasing because of an increase in money supply, and an increase in inevitable yields
Its both incredibly regressive AND counter productive with regards to inflation
nah. Not really. The hurdle rate never fell when interest rates fell.
The US is experiencing an epic building boom right now, the likes of which would never be permitted to happen in Australia
They forgot to down tools after the Fed hiked for the first time
Turns out businesses will keep doing business even if conditions are not absolutely perfect, whodathought
it absolutely did
Can you give some examples you know of. From what I’ve seen they stayed around 9-10% at the low end.
well, you don’t expect me to click on links, do you?!
in that case it’s that Albert Edwards dude who is a dill, not ZH itself.
I’m puzzled as to why everyone is only understanding inflation as being related to interest rates/money supply when there have been tons of disruptions to supply lines from the pandemic, tons of problems due to higher energy costs, plus increasing amounts of sanctions on both Russia, China and I believe even China is throwing sanctions America’s way.
Then there’s the fact that energy is used as an input into everything, so getting that apple from the farm to be processed and put on shelves and delivered to homes now had one of its inputs go up by 3x-4x.
Consider: natural gas is used as energy and as a chemical input to fertiliser production and the remaining carbon+oxygen is used to make carbonated softdrinks / champagne. Less gas in Europe means less fertiliser and less carbonated water production which means Europe needs to demand more energy and fertiliser/food from somewhere and someone outside of Europe has to create or expand their own productive capacities to fill Europe’s demand. I mean, Australia is selling 20% more coal to Europe (about 1 million tons). I’m sure Australia is happy to do that but even if Australia doesn’t have to develop more mines, it has to spend more on transportation. It’s still super profitable, but as Europeans and Australians are chasing non-Russian oil, or paying a middleman country like India to convert Russian oil into “Indian” oil, then there’s extra cost.
Plus there’s the fact that Europeans added their own money printing into the mix to withstand energy shocks last year. I believe Germany printed ~200 billion euros and UK 120 billion pounds last year.
Or did I miss something where war became free and moving production across the world (either to the US or China) became free?
Raising interest rates to me seems more like part of the play by Americans to gobble up European industry by both forcing Europeans onto higher energy costs and higher interest rates. Soon they will be forced to buy weapons from US just like AUKUS.
In any case: Neither land nor share prices are included in CPI. Zero interest rate interest policies for a decade went into land and share prices rather than worker’s pockets but CPI statistics remained flat because they don’t measure the land or asset prices. But as workers are forced to live on land rather than thin air, a dynamic emerges where workers that can charge more for their labour do so but others that don’t cannot (due to international competition) are forced to switch professions or be unemployed. e.g. manufacturers offshore for cheaper labour (and energy) whereas plumbers can charge more since we can’t remote a blocked toilet.
We live in a time of completely scelerotic or captured governance, so issues like energy supply shocks, sanctions and war aren’t going to be resolved and will probably be made worse.
I considered adding a mention of how Albo’s government could reduce inflation through policy but deleted it because they strongly support pro-inflationary policies so there’s no point discussing it.
Interest rates and market forces are the only dynamics that are going to fight inflation. Anything to do with government action other than high interest rates forcing it to curtail spending is inflationary.
Oh I see. Now I get what the little arguments are about, never could understand why this site is so hung up about interest rates. Makes sense now.
Very true – its because our cultural settings, especially of how we define the problem, has been reduced down to a very narrow range of discussion points.
Consequentially very obvious solutions to the problems simply sit outside the acceptable range of discussion.
The irony being that paying interest on reserves is literally government intervention (interest rates on reserves and government bonds would otherwise be 0)
And has only served to increase overall government spending
The government behaving like every other entity in this world, with actual fiscal limits, is not an example of governmental intervention
The government pissing out printed money on retarded projects that the private sector would literally never consider doing and devaluing all existing money is governmental intervention
Interest rates on government bonds in a free market would never be zero in this environment, that is delusional. It would simply be up to central banks to buy all bonds at a zero yield and become the sole financier of world governments.
you prefer the government pissing out printed money to banks for doing nothing
that doesn’t devalue existing money, somehow
Yes, because that’s a fiscal restraint, fuckwit
That’s what prevents governments from spending limitless amounts of money, we are seeing the effects in Victoria as Dan is forced to adopt anti-inflationary policies
Nobody is going to lend to governments for no yield when inflation is this high, they would be purely financed by central bank printed money which no private actor would choose to lend
It’s a part of capitalism that money has time value
We don’t live in your Muslim economic system where nobody lends jack shit because there’s no reason to do so.
Good thing too.
you are talking about state governments, not federal
nobody has to lend to federal governments
they choose to pay interest
their deficits can go as high as they like, there is no fiscal restraint
2019 called, they want their comment back
Not sure what that even means? 2019? You mean before governments spent whatever the fuck they liked in 2020-2023?
If it wasn’t clear by now, then it never will be
US government spending on interest is now $1trillion annually
and steeply rising as older issued treasuries roll off
4% of GDP
Will exceed all other spending categories (social security, health, defence)
That’s a very good thing
The billionaires piling up that money in their offshore tax havens won’t be starting wars all around the world or maintaining the world’s largest institutional emitter of greenhouse gas, the US military
Pension funds might have a chance of coming close to their obligations, even Boomers will be hard pressed to waste that money as effectively as the US government does
Looking forward to see what the consequences of all of this will be
yes it will certainly help boomers and the rich, I can agree on that
let’s just stop pretending its disinflationary though
It’s more disinflationary than giving the government an infinite money hack and that’s what matters
If your absolutely fucking shit ZIRP policies hadn’t been implemented then we wouldn’t be in this situation to begin with
the government already has an infinite money hack
That should be readily apparent as the deficits continue to increase
I have no idea what you are even talking about
It doesn’t because continuing down this path will lead to hyperinflation
It’s for the politicians to decide in the end
They can either cut back government to a semi-sane entity which doesn’t do things like create wars deliberately to inflate MIC company profits and largely cause the same climate change they claim to oppose
Or they can create hyperinflation, which will lead to the same outcome anyway
They can create it even sooner if they don’t want to do interest payments anymore by signalling to the market that they don’t have any fiscal restraints whatsoever and will never reform
so remind us why do they have to print money to give to the wealthy for free?
You’re the first person I’ve met who can write but not read
its pretty clear to anyone reading this that your whole argument completely fell apart
Good to hear it from an unbiased source
Ya know what, if the government declares that it won’t pay interest payments on bonds anymore regardless of what interest rates are, that’s fine with me, in fact I support it.
Whatever ends this system the soonest.
Albert could’ve just read a few cashflow statements over the last couple of years to work this out. Average funding cost fell across the board. A lot of these companies have the lowest average funding costs than I’ve ever seen.
This is were people start banging on about lag effects. I agree that there will be lag effects, but it’s likely going to be longer than the usual 12-18 months.
And it’s not like companies are suddenly going to be hit by ultra restrictive funding costs. Companies will start rolling into higher funding costs with the average rising fairly slowly compared to the pace of cash rate hikes.
Kos Samaras endorses this message.
This is how I foresee most conversations going with those type of people.
There are no conservatives to vote for even if they wanted to
Depends on what they wanted to conserve.
If it’s house price conservatives you’re voting for, the options are endless.
Today’s house price conservatives are yesterday’s house price radicals
Even Porline used to have on her site “we will stop mass immigration (subject to economic requirements)”
I think even SAP is like we will stop mass immigration sometime in the future. Yeah as long as it doesnt cause a house price crash and when you’re all 80.
there’s no political alternative at all, we are doomed
We’re not doomed, blackpills are gay.
Were in a period of super turmoil which can go a number of ways but decline the interim is happening, yes.
Would be hilarious if Albo became a half-term PM
Unfortunately he’s already said it won’t happen, too bad
what even is this housing bill again
like whats the plan
A waste of time.
The neolibs love it because some parasites will be getting a cut managing it and administering proceeds to other friendly parasites.
I’d rather see them create an OzHousingCorp and fund it off balance sheet. Let the RBA credit the accounts of OzHousingCorp and forget it even happened. Potential negative for the AUD but it’s worth a shot.
The only challenge is rolling out the builds without causing too much inflation.
Another plus is highrise harry’s tears.
These muppets talking about houses haven’t even seen one built themselves. Ever.
We’re in the worst period ever in EZFKA history for construction, most builders are barely making money due to costs of materials.
Many are insolvent, Metricon and other volumes are basically turning out shit product so long as their tradies can keep cashing in and staff stay employed. It is a true Ponzi scam now on every level.
Standards have sunk to the point of being dangerous for houses, apartments have been that way since Lebos crawled into Sydney. I saw an example the other day of a Pajeet painting over cobwebs on an interior wall. Nice. Do not consider buying a house built in the last 2-5 years. Just don’t.
Anyway, it takes 9-12 months to build a house. Before that, councils will bleed 12 months prior minimum for planning approval. Realistically we’re taking 2-3 years at best before housing can be built of any scale. If we’re talking Gov doing it, forget it. They’ll bleed 15-20-% of the budget / package, so there’s $2B gone to mates in the Gov/public sector.
Albo’s housing package is a total sham, he’s going to have to hand money over to the likes of Harry to get any result.
Not one person will be living in a home from his package within 5 years, if at all.
Nothing done for Council planning approval, it’s not within the package or Fed Gov scope.
Councils therefore will play their own version of politics with any housing proposal.
If Sky or Ben Fordham or any other nonLeftard media wants a Gotcha moment, they should ask Albo or anyone else how the Housing Package works and how the figure of 20,000 houses came about ??
It’s an episode of Utopia. The Future Fund is being set up to hand out money to developers. What could go wrong?
There’s nothing magical about the private sector. Gov has built housing before and it can do it again.
At a time when governments had specialist departments for building stuff. Now infrastructure and public works is tendered off to the private sector.
So when did Gov last build housing?
Give us the rough year the Com Gov did it…? Jeezus that’s a stupid comment from you.
How in fucksname can Gov build housing now, without one Gov staff whose ever built one?…
This ‘plan’ is one big cockup waiting to happen. It’s a slush fund of $10B in handouts, plus “investments”.
The Voice has more detail than this..
Not one journo has even asked the basic questions, how exactly will it facilitate one house being built?
supply side crew reckon building new houses is as easy as it is in sim city where all you have to do is take the bulldozer tool to an existing inner city neighbourhood and then put down medium or high density zoning on the demolished lot and watch the high rise apartment buildings pop up
they have nfi how risky long term building projects are and how hard they are to get off the ground or to completion, theres multiple lots sitting around in dubbo main st that were slated for development over 5 years ago that are just vacant bc no one wants to touch it or the project fell thru, etc
Yup – in a Multicult Neoliberal nirvana all Govt services must be delivered through the market.
Neoliberal propagandists like to suggest that it is needed because the private sector is more ‘efficient’ in the delivery of the service. The reality it this is more an accounting slight of hand of double entry book keeping.
The Govt should easily be able to print money, magicked out of the air, for verifiable work done, ‘for every mark that was issued we required the equivalent of a mark’s worth of work done or goods produced‘. Only the Govt has the efficiency of gaining something from nothing, even if it takes part of it back in taxes again.
But while the notional claim is efficiency, there is also a cultural motivation. By deferring it to the private market it takes out of the hands of the decision making majority, the ability to have the administering and distribution of Govt funds, through institutions controlled by the majority.
The result as we observe time and again the funds are distributed to the private sector. So instead of distributions as governed by the majority, we get it distributed by the most rapacious groups within society.
Neoliberalism is a war on culture, as it strangles the societies ability to use its own resource to project itself forward into the future. That is why we will never see the creation of a OzHousing Corp.
So the Bankman was freed. Shocking cohencidence.
He was never going to prison. Worst case was going to be a country club style prison meant for convicted elite.
Get yer jabs
Rents were going way up long before the cash rate started increasing from 0.1%. Inflation was out of control at 0.1% cash rate as well.
World opening up after COVID, supply chain bottlenecks, staff shortages, pent up demand, people saving more money than ever before during the COVID years, war in Europe and sanctions would seem to explain inflation persisting more than interest rates increasing being the reason for inflation.
I can’t think of any reason why Rents will go down in the next 5 years, anyone…?
Less than marginal amount of stock is going to be added, if anything there will be episodes where stock becomes unliveable (floods, Harry Trigubuff quality building etc), and this continuing flood of Pajeets including Overseas Students pushing EZFKA out of their homes etc.
Prove me wrong.
Plus Dan Andrews has added another tax (?!) to curb any investment interest and therefore supply. You have a psychotic despot with zero economic capabilities determined to run the State into the rocks.
Caption for the photo at the top of this post:
“Your asshole is going to be this big when we’ve finished with you…”
Rents just playing catch up. Thanks Papa Smurf. The Internet is a cesspool.
Wow how surprising. They really are just pretentious and worthless floozies.
I think being a fat cunt is usually about being big boned.
I had a boss once who through sport had shoulders bigger than my own. Despite being big boned she was also very fit and attractive – so obviously being built that way has, all up until the recent past, offered some evolutionary advantages.
Such big boned women would be a mighty boon to have around the house to handle the domestic side of things and to work in the field, also most obviously with birthing.
Their propensity to put on weight and take it off again through the physical hard work, compares with such built women experience today where it is much easier to put it on than take it off.
Fit chicks are hot – big boned or not.
I kind of feel sorry for pear shaped women that were designed to have 10 kids.
Ahhh Kos…
Anecdata time
a lot of high end (both $5m+ and also 10m+) real estate was listed for sale this week in Sydney
I have saved searches set up
never seen that many come on at once
You’re tipping the downturn are you?
Not sure I would say that
but I find it an interesting sign maybe I should start an index and grift off it like Martin north
There was a news article earlier in the week about a crackdown on illegal foreign purchases of preexisting homes and subsequent forced sales. No idea if it is related. I suppose it would make sense to sell it under your own terms instead of being forced to sell and paying taxes + penalties.
My bet is that would be it
Could be related to this too.
I have to admit this was a banger
why is the gas thing so important to ppl
I have no idea but conversely I can’t understand the reason to ban it
so instead of using gas to cook, you burn gas/coal at a power plant and then transmit electricity to cook food
It’s bizarre
eitherway who gives a fuc
igaf because:
a) it’s another government imposed restriction on peoples preferences
b) if there’s a blackout, people with gas can still cook, heat and shower
c) many people prefer to cook with gas
d) people don’t want to be forced to replace their gas appliances
e) like the invoice to parliament, there has been no explanation why it’s a good thing
Labor thinks they are saving the planet. It’s about the vibes and feelings.
Also, gas is more reliable e.g. the gas doesn’t go out when a bat lands on a gas pipe.
And does anyone remember this?
I cook a lot. Elec is way too slow, hard to judge, can’t give a burst of heat, etc. It’s just basic stuff that shouldn’t be taken away.
Sucking the cock of Dan’s shill is just sad.
Agreed, although induction is supposed to be very good – or so I’ve read. Still doesn’t negate the points I raised earlier.
If induction is superior, the market should decide – not Dan.
Induction is way superior (very precise and fast), but I wouldn’t go to the trouble of replacing a gas cooktop with induction to gain any kind of benefit. Plus with a gas cooktop I don’t have to be careful about dropping something on it and cracking it, scratching it up, gas works in a power outage.
Yeah, me too. I hate cooking on electric stoves. They’re shit, as is Dan Andrews.
Need to go induction – unfortunately it ain’t cheap.
It is to commence the transition to a lower energy state where portable energy, gas, or resources important for fertilizer production, again gas, are diverted (effectively rationed) to those parts of the economy where they are most important. This is part of the policy pipeline to deal with the long emergency.
Seriously how much gas does cooking even consume ?
I would have thought gas heating would use way more
but we are still exporting gas and have gas fired power plants
it must be a drop in the ocean in comparison to those
You’re retarded, truly retarded, if you think this is ok.
I don’t have an opinion
I don’t have gas and don’t cook
as I said I can’t even understand the justification for banning it in the first place
The prison wardens and convicts can’t stand going 2 seconds without banning something. They might have to get themselves a likeable and interesting personality. Absolute deranged bullies and masochists.
This is the bribe paid from Dan Andrews to the Greens and climate betwetters for supporting on during the Lockdowns.
Of course she does!
Brittany Higgins identifies as an Aboriginal Australian
She has a boong head on her
she really does
she has that vestigal puggish like look
the incredibly rapid aging she has experienced could be indicactive of a faster than average life history speed which would be characteristic of abos
would not be surprised if she has a bit of boong in her
Wow good point – short telomeres
not culturally though
just lmao at giving her number after they ask for her mob
what a fucking grifter
next she will go trans
the promiscuous/slutty behaviour too is typical of faster life history speed
have to get the dirty deeds out of the way quicker due to the lower expected life span
She’s a Ferrari test crash dummy. She hit the wall fast and hard.
yes i said exactly that
maybe richard pusey was driving
The feminists do have a point, their lives are shit, it’s just that it’s not my problem that they are fugly and repulsive with almost no redeeming qualities.
I wish we would hang junkies and dealers here
Peter Tulip going full boomer. Bloke needs to be redacted.
Pure ideology
Lol you dont need a big room to house all the fairfax subscribers.
If Australia wants high density , then all anti social behaviour needs to be brutally punished
-loud cars
-pubs and clubs
it’s not compatible with bogan white culture
this is probably another reason the great replacement needs to happen
Capital punishment for drug crimes.
Legacy scum can barely keep the peace and be considerate of neghbours living on a quarter acre block.
They smoke like cunts in Asia. They’re not afraid of a bit of smoke because they don’t weigh themselves down with sludge food like a banal pig faggot. The others I agree with. Especially dumb white bitches and their little faggot dogs. Get a cat.
they all chew betel nuts too which are like meth lite
Sounds good. The whole west was borne on the back of piss. I doubt all the white workers would’ve been able to do what they did if there wasn’t a massive load of piss at the end of it.
Ah yeah
if that was true aboriginals would be the most industrious people on earth
Meanwhile a large proportion of Asians lack the appropriate physiology to consume any alcohol and we know how lazy they are
They work good but whites created the modern world. Faggot.
Serious question
why don’t you move to nicotine spray instead ?
its much cheaper
and you aren’t killing yourself or making everybody around you miserable
or is smoking mainly a substitute for having a cock in your mouth
Why don’t you find someone else to annoy with your puritan faggotry.
Im not puritan – there’s nothing wrong with wanting to suck cock
“dogs” lol
Its the little dogs I don’t like. Their owners leave the house for a few hours and they have a meltdown barking for hours straight.
Why don’t you use nicotine spray
it’s a genuine question
Prigozhin is somehow still able to go around Russia and participate in international summits
He may be doing this under FSB supervision or something like that, as part of whatever deal he carved out to lay down arms.
EZFKA twitter on fire – Soos has retweeted more than one of their memes.
Love this one
Someone please explain this sign. I thought Antifa hated everything about the West…apart from welfare payments.
western melboune it means
Some boys had a meet up under the guise of a Powerlifting event at a gym in Sunshine West Melbourne.
Faggots all whined outside.
Why couldn’t the cops just let the boys inside go at em? We’d all want to see that. The cops only get shit from the Antifa faggots anyway.
This is where such beliefs and culture of taking the knee ultimately leads:
Uk cops have never had guns
I wonder how long that will continue given the burgeoning diversity of the population
they have thm now
Haha! So many things here. Would love to see some of Melbourne’s finest reenact their Covid activities again and see this result.
Had a mate in the job long ago who got badly beaten by a group of 3 Bikies, while his partner (female) barricaded herself in the patrol car crying on the radio. They’d stumbled across these scumbags and my mate tried to fight his way out after being hit from behind (long before Tasers).
Love the fact someone is filming and watching it unfold too.
The fact that the early church prohibited abortion and infanticide was one reason women flocked to Christianity. Today people who oppose abortion are accused of being anti-woman. But in the ancient world, people recognized that to reject abortion is to be pro-woman. The church’s opposition to abortion and infanticide communicated that Christians cherished the female contribution in bringing new life into the world. They treated women’s uniquely female role and function with respect.
don’t saw it to loud
this is more like it
another classic case of hypocrisy is woke councils preserving “heritage” but also decrying colonialism and white men
knock it down and build a public housing tower you cowards
There’s so much in this.
Cook was a Leftenant when he discovered Australia, then a long time later they disassembled his house in Yorkshire and sent it to Australia as a historical monument. I remember visiting it as a kid with school, before the Woke Mindvirus overtook teachers. It was and still is a historic milestone for our history. I’m proud of my white ancestors for having had the balls to travel to Australia and survive.
I also like the fact that it’s existence really shits those infected with a weird white guilt.
lmfao check out this absolute maniac
indian bus driver doing tricks and driving a commuter bus at maximum speeds on the highway
apparently there are villages in india where like 10-20% of men end up dead bc they get run over by bus drivers and truck drivers just like this guy
coming soon to australian roads
It’s been in Sicktoria for years already.
Richard Pusey episode…
Do the needful
a lot of red pills in the comments too
people doing a lot of Noticing
can Stewie and stagmal fact check this for me
the ussr did invade poland but suggesting that ither were ‘democratic’ or that ww2 had anything to do w democracy is a modern imposiional fantasy
What was the reason that the allies only went to war with Germany then
if both invaded Poland anyway
I would have thought they’d be keener to stop the spread of communism than nazism
except you know
The ally that actually beat Nazi Germany was the Soviet Union. Britain and France were probably aware that they weren’t going to defeat Germany alone.
Obviously the reason for WW2 wasn’t actually the defence of Poland. Countries don’t sacrifice their own people to protect distant foreigners.
It’s not a new concept for countries to ally with much more distant countries in order to protect their primary interests. In the Crimean War, Britain and France had nothing in common with the Ottoman Empire but still joined forces with it to fight against Russia to stop the expansion of the Russian Empire, which was a threat to Britain and France.
It’s hard to believe people really have such an underdeveloped understanding of geopolitics as to really believe Britain and France would ally with Nazi Germany if not for the Jews who obviously controlled every country in Europe (as well as the USA) other than Nazi Germany.
You might have heard of the Cold War which was about stopping the spread of communism
Well I have heard of the Cold War and the Crimean war
which is why I’m surprised the west chose to fight Germany rather than Russia
do you have an explanation or not
Yes, the Soviet Union didn’t even succeed in crushing Finland in the 1939 Winter War so it was probably not going to take over all of Europe any time soon
Of course it turned out to be much stronger after that but still didn’t pose a threat to the UK or France
Germany famously invaded France so it was a threat to France
There was also this thing called World War 1 where the UK, France and Russia fought Germany so it wasn’t some sort of new concept in Europe that Germany was a threat to the allies
France invaded germany before Germany invaded France
not vice versa
france declared war on Germany immediately following German invasion of Poland
not vice versa
Yes of course everyone here knows Germany was innocent of all crimes
Needless even to say
Like Stalin and Russia were innocents too
no atrocities there
Of course comrade
. . . .
the beliefs around here on these sorts of topics are pretty bewildering, hey?
Too many free-thinkers who never believe the official narrative but do believe every dodgy truther website or Twitter account
I tried to find information about the millions of German POWs who apparently starved to death after the war because Eisenhower wouldn’t feed them, but I could only find Holocaust denial websites
You’d think mainstream historians or perhaps the families of those dead POWs would be interested in writing about this matter but seemingly only Holocaust deniers are.
WW2 cookers
pretty hard to find anything on google these days mate
Weird how if you make a living as a historian and disagree with the official narrative the only place where your thoughts can be found is on those Holocaust denial websites.
David Irving was a well respected historian on WW2 until he deviated on the 6m number. Jews got together and bankrupted him.
The science is settled
trust the scientists
no not those ones
Why was everyone cool with the Russians invading Poland but the Germans weren’t allowed to
it’s a simple question
The realpolitik thing to do would have been to let the Germans have western Poland surely
germany would have been a buffer between the west and Russia
instead the west ended up partially beholden to Russia who ended up with near complete control of Eastern Europe for decades
How would that make Germany more of a buffer than it already was?
Germany wasn’t a buffer because the west conquered it and gave the spoils to Russia
is this hard for you to comprehend
I think you’re confused about timelines Coming, which is fine
We’re talking about what the West should have done in 1939 after Germany invaded Poland.
Why would allowing Germany to just keep Western Poland make it a better buffer than it was before the invasion, so that it should have been a tempting offer for the UK and France?
Poland was also an anti-communist country so it was itself a buffer.
East Poland was invaded by Russia a week after the German invasion of the west of the country
why not let the Germans be the buffer against Russia and leave Poland as the buffer zone
instead , France decided to invade Germany and the buffer zone ended up being Germany itself with Russia expanding its territory
And Western Europe essentially destroyed its empire in the fight ending up a shadow of its former self leaving the USA as the new global power (with Russia second)
explain how that was a good outcome for Western Europe
Well the Molotov-Rippontrop pact actually brought communists nearer to Western Europe and eliminated an anti-communist country so it was certainly a shit way to keep communists away.
The West also had absolutely zero reason to believe that Germany would behave in a friendly way to them since it invaded Poland knowing that to do so would bring it into war with the UK and France unless they violated their commitments, and Nazi Germany was a pretty notoriously militant and revanchist regime still sore about the outcome of WW1.
This was also following from Germany’s invasion of Czechoslovakia.
Is there any issue on which you’re not a contrarian Coming? It’s boring to endlessly have these discussions where you assert that the common wisdom is/was always wrong. If you hold such views on every topic then it just seems like intellectual wanking and I shouldn’t be facilitating it.
It turned out very poorly for Western Europe though didn’t it ?
it may well have been better to let hitler take those countries which ended up under Soviet rule anyway
if you are going to throw around “realpolitik” why not apply it ?
hitler as the cartoonish supervillain is clearly propaganda
anyway I don’t have a strong opinion which is why I was asking stagmal and Stewie
i know you will simply regurgitate the rba/Australian Jewry opinion to any questions on economics/ww2 respectively so I don’t really trust what you have to say but interesting enough to get the orthodox answers summarised
How did it turn out badly for Western Europe? Just because there was a war?
They basically destroyed German militancy and outsourced the dying to the Soviet Union.
Before that, there were wars between France and Germany every 20 years or so, after that, no more, and there probably never will be again.
The idea that Nazi Germany would have just taken over Eastern Europe and the world would have been peaceful evermore is retarded but also suitable for someone who believes the Jews control literally everything and always have other than Nazi Germany.
Essentially all of the “winners” had their empires destroyed and ceded power to the USA and Russia
They are basically vassals of the United States to this day
A similar outcome could have been achieved without any war at all
as to your claims that hitler would never have stopped , well they’re just claims
he admired the British greatly for example and was genuinely surprised when they took up arms against him – I wonder why
The Japanese mostly destroyed those empires so it wouldn’t have made any difference if the UK and France were cool with Germany
In fact they probably wouldn’t have even gotten the stint of having those imperial possessions back after WW2, because in this alternate history the US may not have dislodged the Japanese from Singapore/Indochina/Indonesia, whatever.
I don’t think Hitler was unintelligent enough to be earnestly surprised that the UK stuck to the same policy it has always had, opposing one country from trying to conquer mainland Europe. Of course his fanboys say that line all the time.
They didn’t – they ethnically cleansed the Germans from Poland and Prussia… sort of like what the Germans wanted to do to the Jews only the West and their allies weren’t called racist for doing it.
One word answer – Juicies.
Germany had exited the existing financial system, when they established the Reichsmark: “‘for every mark that was issued we required the equivalent of a mark’s worth of work done or goods produced‘”
For that all foriegn exchange transactions were banned with Germany and they had to basically conduct all international trade on bespoke trade agreements – i.e. you supply oil and we’ll swap them for cars.
They pulled themselves out of the Great Depression before everyone else.
Israel needs its own Voice for the Palestinians…
Can’t wait for the Choos here all pushing for the Voice to back this one too…
Found this on Twitter.
they both kind of look abo tbh
at least very distantly
Even the Normies are laughing at Lisa Wilkinson now
This sort of thing will amplify a gazillion times more under The Voice.
Cost $12m over 6 years ago for an 8 bed Drug Rehab centre in Canberra.
“Bush healing farm”…?
Costs the Taxpayers $2.2m a year to run, but only 154 were treated and none of the 8 beds were ever used.
The Advisory Board (?!) overseeing this for 14 years get sacked but now say “we want our Healing Farm back. The healing won’t happen properly without us”…
Fark me this is good.
Drugs are illegal.
Therefore we should do spot tests in bars and clubs. Anyone who tests positive we can assume purchased or manufactured drugs, and then consumed those drugs at some point. All illegal activities.
They should be thrown in jail for purchasing drugs.
If found trafficking or dealing, we should execute them.
But we can’t.
Indigenous have inter-generational trauma which causes their drug use, and EZFKA needs to change its laws and justice system to a more culturally appropriate method.
Juts like this example, if you lock up Aboriginal young men for violent crime, domestic abuse etc., and they burn the prison down, the system clearly needs to change:
the problem with the war on drugs is that its nearly exclusively supply side not demand side
if you threw people in jail after catching them with a joint most people would stop smoking weed pretty fast
only seriously punishing dealers and producers is why we appear so ineffectual in the face of drug use
It’s true. We need to go after the users.
How about you lay out an argument first before your facist trope
Govern me harder bloke
Jesus Christ you post some absolutely shit on here
Actually a decent idea
If there was a new party that demanded immigration of say, 2 million per year, then Lib/Lab would look impeccably moderate only requiring 500 – 600K per year, they would obtain the coveted mantle of “anti-immigration party” which they usually lose instantaneously following election day after their vague gestures towards opposing immigration are shown to be lies.
Get the YIMBY people onto it
this is how its all going to be spun, immigration prior to the end of covid = good, reasonable, sane, normal, immigration in the era of the so-called covid backlog era = insane, too high, etc
when we go back to the allegedly totally sane numbers of 200k a year or whatever it was, when there were no problems with immigration at all no siree, everything will be right and good again
at least 3/4ths of the moderate immigration critics will be calling it mission accomplished if this happens including PHON
What about 2 million per year but only if they have white skin, blue eyes and blonde hair?
Slogan: We’re also for mass immigration!
I just want to see how the lawyers would balance section 18c against a party’s right to campaign.
And if you don’t get the 2 million ubermenschen then it defaults to low immigration?
i dont want any more immigration
Sorry, I meant it as a joke party option.
Come up with a party that agrees with mass immigration, and repeats every bland moronic statement, but add in the blue eyed blondies to make a mockery of the mass immigration parties.
Nice ad.
yes i saw that, excellent
Bet someone at the ABC got sacked over this poll…
Scott Adams (cancelled Dilbert guy) has a meme about this. He’s noted that in multiple choice surveys, the most batshit insane option always has a 25% response. I think he’s onto something.
If anything, it simply proves that 26% actually are superior to the unwashed masses below them and therefore mass immigration is the right policy.
just another day in Hellbourne
they look white though ? Hard to tell
They look like nogs to me, although there was at least one weedy white meth head in there.
i could kind of make out white skin under their clothes
No way, carrying machetes. The African pocket knife. Victims are Chinese though.
Maybe that’s the cultural enrichment they have brought to legacy trash
It’s here…Aboriginal land grab is now happening in NW Victoria.
‘First Nations Settlement Agreement’ scam has been snuck in by Dictator Dan.
Farmers across 10 Council areas are affected.
Are we going to talk about the Logies
Sonia Kruger won the gold Logie
a few years ago she called for an end to Muslim immigration (this was before African migrants were a thing)
pretty amazing comeback in ezfka
had she recanted ? Im not aware that she had
who watches the logies
You don’t need to watch it
dailymail has the wrap
there was also some jabs at Lisa Wilkinson apparently
sounds like a pretty based night all around
And they had a jab at kochie for being a coke head too apparently lmao
yeah gotta see this now
this woman is a serial whinger
So irrelevant she’s not even worth cancelling
Media Watch was whinging about this
She looks like a tuck shop lady.
7 putting ads before “culture”. Consuming coke and maccas *is* part of our culture. What a faggot.
They did a good job on that guy who supposedly got lost at sea though. Apparently the boat was perfectly capable of sailing home.
Muslims are great they hate dogs and take away a woman’s ability to cry for sympathy or flash her tits for a promotion by making her wear a hood over her head.
She probably won the logie for not talking about ending Muslim immigration anymore. “We’ll give you this shiny thing if you stop saying those words we told you not to say”. What a nice redemption arc.
classic white trash legacy unit
right down to the thongs and offensive car
undoubtedly smokes and drinks at the pub and owns a dog