Is Albo a lame duck one term PM?

It really feels as though Albo is shaping up to be the most ineffectual and worst prime minister Australia has had in recent times, perhaps ever. I would say at this point he has already surpassed Scomo in his hopelessness, and with what seems to be the impending failure of the ‘Voice’ it no longer implausible that he will lose to Dutton, a man I previously regarded as unelectable (bc he looks like Voldemort from Harry Potter).

Albo really is awful. From the mass immigration flood (though admittedly most people are too stupid to do anything politically about this) to flailing over Ukraine and now the Voice, it’s at the point where I can say without equivocation we would have been better off under another Scomo term. Probably.

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you’re living in a right wing conservative bubble

there are still millions who believe brittnay higgins was raped, we need a treaty with abos, and we are all going to die from climate change

go to mb if you want a reminder


i dunno the general popultaion is absolutely fucking retarded so how can I predict what they’ll do

i just look at the polls and he’s still miles ahead

but WA labor got fucking smashed because of their new abo grifting laws and even dan andrews is losing ground so maybe

i guess if people’s material conditions continue to deteriorate the incumbents will get voted out irrespective of culture war nonsense

hard to imagine dutton as pm though

I saw DLS make a comment the other day that he would prefer to have scomo back, so maybe he will claim he ended albo’s prime ministership


here’s my prediction

the voice loses or gets canned

At the next election, the ALP wins minority government with support of the greens (the climtae change hysteria is still very powerful)

then we get all sorts of bullshit policies around public housing and aboriginals and refugees and climtae change

LNP continues to be ineffectual with no chance of forming real government

ezfka continues on its current path of slowly declining living standards, and increasing grift


its beyond over


the only thing i might say is that the greens have turned into an absolute joke and a rabble with that bikie slut and the paki developer

similar to the democrats they may have a limited life span maybe the teals will steal their lunch

but if we get an el nino then they are right back in the mix we could see them really get strong

the arborist

They’re not a joke to the millions of leftie drones out there.


I am most worried about the upcoming climate change policy impact on agriculture. US and Netherlands and possibly Canada want to ban agriculture in the name of climate change. Then what will we eat ? I don’t know if those leaders are human or not because if Bill Gates succeeds in blocking out the sun with his aerosolised spraying of the atmosphere, we are all going to be dead. They also want to sequester carbon, which is needed for plant growth and upon which all of food sources depend on. They must truly think they are not human. I think we will be finished well before our living standards slowly decline.


I can see immigrants starting to vote conservative, like they are doing in Canada now. The muslim immigrants just will not put up with the LBGTQ+ direction the schools in Canada are heading towards. And they are leading the charge and being very voiceferous. I think there was also an all muslim local government that banned LGBTQ+ flags in their US municipality, much to the chagrin of their leftist supporters.


No, not better. Just not as bad.

the arborist

always was, always will be (a lame duck PM)


lmao brucey still trying to keep himself in the public eye and stay relevant
obviously has ambitions to turn this into something useful for himself

would be absolutely hilarious if he ran for parliament and got absolutely spanked

he doesn’t have the charisma to lead the LNP back from obscurity
not like DT

he’s just a fat little creep

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

hawke and even rudd had their own charisma

by the way according to leftist twitter, somebody has a court hearing for a rape charge in toowoomba TOMORROW

july 26

i am beyond pumped


The old man loves his story about his mate who was a driver for Hawke. Used to drive him to East Melbourne a lot, sleep in his car while Hawke rooted a couple of different birds. Different times, they’d go mental about it today.

Now we have Paul Keating defending his daughter for being Jeffrey Epstein’s long term house guest in NY and no one cares.


Dutton could be a place holder. Then closer to the election they bring out someone who looks normal. Sun Tzu said something like how its good to appear weak when your opponent is strong.


are you thinking of julian leeser


No. Maybe the SAS guy from WA or that Patterson bloke from SA. But he’s a senator. But pretty much anyone would look more normal than Dutton.


i reckon it might be leeser

then the media gets behind him and he wins

would be the ultimate ezfka slap in the face

the arborist

If anyone wants to know any Aus polling info, check Poll Bludger

Beware though – the comments section is a cesspit of far left Labor luvvies. Pro voice. Pro Ukraine. They support ALL the current things.

“The Guardian reports the latest fortnightly Essential Research poll has Anthony Albanese’s approval rating below half for the first time since the election, dropping six points in its monthly reading to 48%, with disapproval up six to 41%. Peter Dutton is up one on approval to 37% and down two on disapproval to 43%.”

the arborist

The good thing about Poll Bludger is that they aggregate all the Aus polling in order to reduce house bias.

Here’s how their aggregate polling has been tracking.

the arborist

That slight but steady rise of the green vote is probably a combination of THE MESSAGE being pumped into prole brains and the dying off of older normies.

I don’t think their base is at all bothered by the shenanigans of green muslim senator propadee portfolios or blak power woman emotional instability dramas. The base is most probably not even aware of these things and even if they were, their programming would block it out.


absolute fucking cope from housing doomers

these indians are going to be just fine

no wonder white trash are getting replaced


Except the ones selling for massive losses it seems as per the purpose of the story



source: anonymous reddit user


Nah, Albo is the only useful idiot whose handlers will keep there for a long while yet.

Better for all those self interest groups to keep him there. The Yes race grifters, net zero fuckwits, trans Paedo freaks all love him, he’s a righteous dude.

Besides it’s the Jews who decide who gets to be PM.

Albo hardly campaigned, small target and all that. No one questioned it. The media will just do another story of him pretending to DJ and wearing a rock n roll t shirt, and their shit lives will all be forgotten.


it’s not the jooz.






He literally says he does.

Kevin said it too.


Love your work Drago! 👍😊






After studying it closely, it’s clear that it’s a nuclear reactor but of Wakandan origin. Those African blackfellas are mighty savvy!


You’re making the assumption decisions (immigration, Ukraine, etc) made under Albo wouldn’t have happened under a continuation of the scomo government.

Who really sets immigration policy in this country? a) politicians or b) neo-liberal economists working in treasury. I don’t deny that politicians can make their own decisions but they generally implement the recommendations of unelected bureaucrats.

As to the voice, it’s typical left-wing symbolism that’s probably just annoying to the average uninterested voter more concerned by cost of living issues.

And there’s the counterfactual to consider where scomo would’ve done some incomprehensibly stupid shit if reelected. The guy was a walking disaster that only seems viable now because we’re forgetting how bad he was.


Shitting his pants in the Engadine McDonalds was probably a highlight for Scomo. Being the best of them (PM) was probably the biggest indictment of the LNP, and for Labor as well – how shit must Canberra be if these Tards are the ‘best and brightest’..

Weak men who got weaker when they needed to stand up, like during Covid.

Dan Andrews might be a Tranny-fucking, gaslighting psychopath politician with terrible teeth and jug ears but he’s good at it. Scomo is a pretend Christian with zero accolades.


“Most ineffectual” and “worst” are two different dimensions. I’d say he’s right up there among the most ineffectual crew, along with Billy McMahon, but John Howard is the individual responsible for the current slow destruction of Australia, and he gets the prize for worst ever PM IMO. I doubt if he’ll ever be surpassed. Abbott, Turnbull and Scomo don’t even come close.


it was keating who deregulated the banks, forced superannuation and financialised the country

he was the true spiritual and practical progenitor of EZFKA


I agree with you on that but one difference is that Keating has a brain and some balls which is almost unheard of in Australia.

I suspect the sale of Telstra would have gone differently and that we’d be a republic now (which would solve the flaw exposed by the Whitlam dismissal).

I’m unsure about whether the CGT changes that occurred under Howard would have happened under Keating. He was actually to it earlier and I suspect he would have held it at bay for a little longer since he recognised it was a productivity killer, and unfair but who knows. There’s a youtube link of him arguing about it, somewhere.

One factor is that Keating comes from the older system and understood that and actually understands the changes he introduced, whereas PMs after Howard have trouble understanding what shoelaces are for. Howard was great at the wedge from what I remember.


I’d give some benefit of the doubt to Keating. At least under Keating it still felt like Australia. Howard really was a line in the sand.


Yeah, that’s true. I mean the thing I still remember is that Australia still had some kind of culture in terms of movies and music. Now, who knows? Kyle Sandilands? And he’s the sort of culture that needs wiping out.


I prefer Sandilands to something like say, Marriage at the first sight.


Yeah, he paid the price for his conviction, didn’t he. Unlike other politicians that would have kicked the can down the road or ridden the gravy train for as long as they could before it all fell apart. At the time, the Australian economy was changing and had to be more broad based and innovative. Keating and everyone else thought liberalisation of the financial sector was the key. This is true to a large extent, as long as financial levers were operated responsibly and the rule of law adhered to. It could have worked.


The question in my mind is has there ever been a more blatant arse bandit as PM?

Keating was a flaming pillow biter who covered his tracks pretty well while in office, but if anybody takes it up the bum like a chook and hardly tries to cover it up, it would have to be Overseasy.

Not that it matters of course. Some of my best friends are gay. Other standard disclaimers…🙄


Absolutely Keating is a pillow biter, just ask the old queen he lives with in Potts Point. Alan Jones style…


Keating’s visits to Thailand were always a rumour.

Then there’s this, a funny hill to die on for a bloke who claimed the economy as his area of expertise?


Overeasy would be vaguely more interesting if he was openly gay, but shows what a pathetic little turd he is if he can’t even do that honestly.

I’m not sure if he is actually gay, or just a Boomer version of an incel? He met his future wife at a Young Labor function long ago, they only had 1 kid, says it all. I don’t even want to imagine how bad his one straight shag was.

His ‘beard’ has a good scam going either way.


He had three kids with a wife that he left for a mistress. Doubt he was a pillow biter. Especially when he said things like “two blokes and a cocker spaniel don’t make a family”.


He’s a confirmed gay

he lives with another man in the gayest suburb in Australia Potts point


Where’s the proof of that? Sounds like cooker bs.

Or do you have personal experience with him being gay?


Bert Newton had kids too.


I think the next election is 2025? By then Ukraine will blow over as will the invoice to parliament. For the supporters of the invoice, it will be proof of racist Australia, and more reason to vote for ALP. For the opponents, it’s either the principled types who were probably already voting against the ALP or the “why u wasting me time albo” who will see what bag of goodies they get at the next election.

My guess is that it will be energy policy and interest rates that will change parties although not polices.

Aussie Soy Boy

Keating was one of our greatest leaders. For all intents pro Russia and China. Understands that Ukraine brought it on themselves. Right about China we have to be subservient to them. The yanks are 20 hours of flying away from us they aren’t coming to our rescue. We should have been nice to the asians when we had the chance. They make great neighbours too they will increase your property value (or make it more expensive if you rent ha).