Events leading to entering the EZFKA epoch

This is a very large topic that I would like to discuss. Or at least start discussing.

No way to fit all the material into a single article (without making that article a long meandering treatise that nobody would read). Nor is all the material really crystallised in in the peachy noggin just yet, but better start somewhere than not start at all.

I’ve been thinking about this as a departure point: it seems pretty apparent, without getting into the detail of ancient politics or economics, that for a long while (let’s say at least into the 1980s) Australia used to be a place where most people weren’t very wealthy and taxes were quite high.

People worked quite hard for a relatively modest living.

At first blush, this is shit. But, on slightly closer consideration, it’s tolerably clear that the fact that people worked hard and taxes were high actually meant that there was a surplus which was invested in the country’s significant physical and human infrastructure. Nation building.

Looking at times closer to the present, people seem to be wealthier, taxes are low and infrastructure is fully loaded and frequently overloaded.

This doesn’t seem to be a random-walk outcome. But a causal and consequential shift. Up to the 80s (say) the population lived austerely and invested for the future, building all the good things that are necessary for good living. Afterwards folks sat back and enjoyed the fruits of that earlier investment. And gave themselves lower taxes and stopped investing for the next phase of the future.

As the earlier (overbuilt, at great cost) infrastructure capacity was inevitably gobbled up over time, we find ourselves in the EZFKA, where everyone is focussed on competing to grab a bigger slice of the pie, leaving their neighbours a bit less.

Looks a lot like the textbook story of the capital investment cycle. The investment is costly upfront, but generates benefits down the track. The investment requires maintenance, but even with maintenance, it does not provide returns forever and eventually new investment (and cost) is needed to replace it.

The (caricature-level) political analysis seems to fit this narrative arc – John Howard’s constant tax cuts and (at the same time!) reduction in government debt certainly seem destined to add up, at the aggregate level, to reduced investment in national capital stock, defined broadly.

If this be right, then any exit out EZFKA mode would require a long and painful period of investment and associated lower consumption. Distributionally, this would suck for a certain generation who both suffered from the underinvestment of the last few decades and would have to bear a chunk of the burden of catch-up investment for the future.

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australia peaked around the sydney olympics

though i wouldnt know

i dont believe anything stops this train

ezfka is the hotel california, you can never leave

A fly in your ointment

Olympics was the begining of the end and cracks begun to gape.

I reckon it started around early 90s with The Inception of Slopes – the Production Jeddai but it had a momentum and it took it almost a decade to show the first sign of departure from capitalism.


Yeah thats when nig culture took over and 3rd wave karen feminism. I hated the 2000s.


Probably peaked pre Olympics, but went downhill fast in the 2000s.


As discussed before. In the early 90s, a young Freddy mentioned “with high taxes and high interest rates this is the best that life will get”. Everyone else believed the opposite and that young Freddy was a complete idiot.

Anyways, the premise of that comment is that the majority plebes will borrow as much money as they are allowed to when buying house. The higher the disposable income (lower taxes), and the lower the rates, the bigger the mortgage. We effectively have a financial pie that is cut into three pieces:
1) Taxes -> Welfare safety net, Healthcare, education, infrastructure, etc
2) Rates -> purchasing power
3) House prices

We have had many decades of brainwashing that lower taxes are a good thing. The reality is the only beneficiaries are High Net Worth individuals who pay high taxes, and don’t get value for money in regards to that tax usage. i.e. cheaper to pay own healthcare, live close to city and don’t care about paying tolls, etc. They also benefit from lower taxes leading to higher asset prices.

More recent is the populus being brainwashed that globalisation is a good thing. The reality is globalisation has been abused to drive down wages, and hence drive down rates due to the wage/inflation link.

Everything wrong with EZFKA can be summed up with two things that occured this week:
– Senator Rennick being given the arse for representing constituents instead of representing political donors
– this cunt of a human being:

the arborist

Amen, Frederick.


except that the peak australia was probably post WWII when the government was printing money to spend on whatever it wanted

before anyone believed the fairy tale that governments need to tax to spend

it was this fetish for fiscal austerity that led to the ultra low interest rate era which you rail against


How do you reconcile that comment with your belief QE can only be funded by bank reserves? At some point the government is forced to budget.

Either way, the implied equation holds. Higher taxes = lower house prices = more available to spend elsewhere. Whether the government actually spends is another matter.

Last edited 1 year ago by Freddy

i don’t understand the first question

higher house prices is not the result of excess private savings

its primarily the result of increased private debt creation
The old MP


You have also previous stated that the amount of government bonds that can be issued are constrained by bank reserves, rather than an unlimited “money printing”.

The lower the tax rate the higher the disposable income available to service that debt. Just need to rig the supply/demand of housing to ensure all that extra disposable income find its way into house prices rather than savings.


no i have never stated that

and if i did its a distinction without difference since bank reserves are not constrained




so wouldn’t higher wages also increase disposable income
and cause higher house prices without any effects on inflation or quality of life?

so we don’t need to worry about higher wages increasing inflation then?

and we can keep wages low and interest rates high because it won’t affect the quality of life for anyone anyway

lmao you two are retarded

the arborist

Great article. I agree with all of it, and yes, there are many more threads downstream of this. Thanks for running this forum and for your big-brained input.


If this be right, then any exit out EZFKA mode would require a long and painful period of investment and associated lower consumption.


Too late, it’s over.

Me invest and lower consumption so the .gov can bring in more grannies?

Smart people are leaving.
Why work hard and pay the Aussie premium for living in a third world shithole?

You’ll be left with the dross/dregs and corrupt.

Good Luck!
Have fun seeing your beloved country destroyed in front of your eyes.


The really smart people aren’t leaving

they’re getting in on it

why don’t you just start your own NDIS provider?


You’ve essentially identified neoliberalism as the problem

There isn’t much left to say about it

Turning point was as you say the 80s collapse of USSR, deregulating the banking industry, floating the dollar

market based solutions

of course Karl Marx and the Georgists etc etc already knew this hundreds of years ago

there is no solution at the moment because mass immigration, feminism, critical race theory have atomised and alienated individuals and society to such a degree that there is no way to organise any coherent resistance

I won’t say that civilisation has definitely peaked, because maybe benevolent AI can just take over all decisions

But at the moment there is no turning back


I think there is more to it than a simple economic cycle of over investment followed by underinvestment.
The history of humankind shows that a very small elite usually dominates and even enslaves the great mass of people. The post WW2 years are an aberration rather than representative of human existence over thousands of years.
Given half a chance, the wealthy will seek to reassert their traditional dominance and that is what I think we are seeing with growing wealth disparity, the fetishisation of companies and the economy, obscene executive salaries lauded while any push for increase workers’ pay is characterised as dangerous and destructive to the economy.
It goes hand in hand with the demonisation of government spending to reduce taxes on wealth and subsequent underinvestment for the common good.
Add a good dollop of identity politics to keep the masses arguing about skin colour and genitalia rather than looking at the wealth being sucked up by a tiny proportion of society and you have a perfect storm for economic inequality and and societal underinvestment.

A fly in your ointment

there is no solution at the moment because mass immigration, feminism, critical race theory…

mass immigration, feminism, critical race theory is because the need for “there is no solution”

instead of being lateral, I view these things as pivotal for denying/disabling/neutering a solution that worked at all times. communities became organised around shared ideology rather than shared values and this is not by a chance or the fluke of the moment.It is a feature required to allow predatory neoliberalism


Here’s a classic example of why we aren’t turning this around

Here’s the king of the boomers Alan Kohler (now that kochy has retired) lecturing everybody on something he knows nothing about

not just a distraction from the economic and societal undermining that has already been completed, but a justification for more “market based solutions” and some more arse fucking for everybody

someone please embed this photo of him wearing slippers

comment image


what i dont get the most about these climate alamarists is according to them, renewables would become so efficient and amazing on their own so why the hell do we need any sort of intervention in energy markets? everyone would just switch to solar / wind / battery on their own, therre wouldnt be any need for alarmism and constant demands for governments to DO SOMETHING if these technolgies really were all they claimed them to be


its hilarious that he’s been wrong about absolutely everything to do with the other pseudoscience (economics)

so now he’s transferring that irrational boomer overconfidence to another pseudoscience he also knows nothing about (climate change)


i think you can attribute a lot of the decline to the ascendancy of economics as a discipline, the more the influence of economists grows and the more we cede power to them, the more shit starts getting fucked up

like we’ve literally given up domestic industries and the ability to defend ourselves bc “muh comparative advantage”

we’ve given up on the idea that we should be able to live in countries full of people like ourselves bc of meaningless gdpmaxxing

the entire discipline needs to be violently purged

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

like climate scientists and public health officials, they are selected and given a platform by the media and government

who choose the ones they agree with, and silence/defund the rest

before declaring “listen to the experts”

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

You post shit all the time but at least this one is good


The discipline is literally bought and paid for, most of these economists whose opinions we read are from shitty dark money funded think tanks, the fucking Nine Entertainment Group, the big banks, or woke universities.


hence my surprise that you all continue to listen to them


Well they mostly support all the same shit as you do, except when inflation is on


you reckon?


but a lot of that shit is orthodox for the whole displine

immigration = good is orthodox economics


if the very theoretical foundations of the discipline are wrong, its not just a problem with some of the people in it, the whole thing simply stinks


Even dumbass online neolib shills admit that their studies say immigration is bad for low wage earners

It’s just that no one with any influence gives a shit about those people


nah no way

they always say its good for everyone, no one will ever admit its bad for even a subsection of society let alone the cross section


no they don’t they believe its good for everybody even abos and homeless

PRguy recently posted a study “showing” it


here’s an absolute ripper example of that

Boost immigration or face even higher interest rates to curb inflation, warns Bank of Canada governor

but yeah better listen to them and raise teh rates as well

lmao lot of deadset fucking morons on this website


No way PRGuy takes Dan’s cock out of his mouth to read anything or understand the hyper immigration policy of Albo.


exactly like climate change

how are you ever going to prove something that you can’t actually run controlled experiments on

so its all just based on bullshit opinions, and since you can never challenge those with the highest level evidence (randomized controlled trials etc) the orthodoxy can never be overturned

its just a competition for influence and power


Another grifting faggot. Recently Greta Thunberg took down her “the world is gonna die in 5 years” tweet, a tweet she wrote 5 years ago. I guess “economists” still have a shred of gravitas and credibility among dumb normies so the baton has been passed on.


EZFKA now has an entire middle class made up of grifters and Go Fund Me scam artists.


whos this wog

Kon the fruiterer



If you’re not a treasonous dodgy jew are you even an Australian anymore?




Yeah imagine thinking the WW2 gen would support this shit. They hated rock n roll ffs. Even just Elvis, Beatles etc.


Nothing new there Peachy, it’s the same story the world over now. Every developed country is getting in on the mass migration-pump asset prices game, even countries like Poland and Germany that supposedly have some sort of national identity.

Whatever gains were obtained by responsible government, high social trust, whathaveyou, they are now being privatised to be owned by our power elite oligarchs through the awful policies that we all know, and many of which have little support among the populace but it doesn’t matter because the parties won’t diverge on them.

Like Bing! said, there’s no turning back as there will never again be any trust that the government is on the punters’ sides, you cannot have high taxing infrastructure/welfare policies as well as mass immigration and a government that obviously doesn’t give two shits what the population wants.

That’s fine because the oligarchs hate social democracy anyway.




BeComing a Coming simp is the darkest timeline



true tbh


I am a Christ like figure on this website, and MB before

killed in physical form for my heresy, but left ideas which cannot be extinguished

A fly in your ointment

I am a Christ like figure on this website, and MB before

More like Brian.


Christ/troll not sure if synonymous


me redpilling reddit got a surprisingly positive reaction

ill be banned before too long again tho

introducing them to mikemb’s theory of the visa churn, a gateway drug into racism

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

it’d be our tomb of the unknown soldier


I’ve known many migrant students. The vast majority don’t have enough $$ but used grouped money / assets from extended family to show the $$ or get the loan to come here. There’s no chance to go back because what they owe in their local currency can be 3 years salary or more.

I found that comment interesting. The peasants are locked in.

An Indian IT colleague was telling me that when he came here IT wages were four times higher than India, but now only about 30% higher and offset by much higher cost of living. He said the only reason he is staying is because kids have already started school.

There are still Indian IT workers coming into the country though so I would have to ask recent arrivals what their reasoning is.


Have you told those faggots about Maureen?


We can just add their numbers to ours as we’re the final port of call for these fine folks anyway


Lol @ the Jacinta Ardern Lost Causer comment at the end


>funded by Russien/German neoright -overseas groups
Fuck me. If you need reminding of how weak and dumb the people still are.


This. Why else did we loosen the borders to NZ…


Regarding low taxes in EZFKA, I paid about….I dunno…something like $87K in PAYG tax in 21-22 which was my last year at work. Also, because I was nominally a high income earner hahaha (ie more than $250K taxable income) ie ran afoul of Division 239 of the tax code, which claws back a big chunk of the tax concessions on super.

So I paid lots of fucking tax. When you bust your arse for 9 hours a day, and 3+ of he pay for those hours go to The Man, that doesn’t feel real good. So I’m not totally on board with the “taxes are low in Australia” theme.

Now, I don’t mind paying a big chunk of tax if the load is spread evenly, but it’s not. PAYG taxpayers get rooted without lube in EZFKA, while corporations, tradies, property speculators and others rort the system mercilessly.

If the country could simplify the tax system and eliminate the rorts then monkeys would fly out of my arse….I mean….we’d all be a helluva lot better off.

Overall though…yeah…things were a lot better here up until about 2000. We were poorer, but the whole immigration and house price fuckup hadn’t really built up a head of steam. Afterwards, thanks to John Howard (the worst man, let alone PM EZFKA ever produced), we went from Australia to EZFKA, and it makes me sad and angry.


Aren’t you a public servant

“bust your arse” doesn’t exactly seem accurate


As with everything else you emit, you’re completely wrong. I worked in private enterprise. Like a dog. For decades.


Coming is just jealous. I seem to recall in another thread he was shitting on you about being able to retire and pay off your mortgage. I doubt he’s ever earned enough to have to even think about paying Div 293.


Thank you for sharing. I amazed by people who work really hard and succeed. Did you actually like doing your work? I’ve only ever managed to find work I could tolerate.


I loved my job, until the last couple of years. We got a new CEO I didn’t like, and then Covid really fucked things up. I decided I didn’t need to do it any more, and went my merry way.

I’m debt free, don’t have to work and doing the things I love. It’s sweet.


very sweet indeed


Sounds like it was a great time to get out. Being debt free and having the autonomy to choose what you do is a terrific feeling.


Yep if you make over say $120k in the white collar world you’re an absolute patsy.


The tax system is working exactly how the elite want it to. Taxing labour more than it should be and taxing wealth less than it should be ensures very few join the elite.


Gotta shut those doors behind you on your way to the pantheon of wealth

It’s bleak isn’t it


Correct. Tax on income in Australia is high. Tax on wealth not so much.
If you are very, very rich you have a lot of wealth. Income doesn’t matter so much and probably dribbles in via some convoluted overseas tax dodging arrangement which costs a lot to set up Ams requires the input of expensive legal structures and advice.
The system works as intended.


Div 293 tax is ridiculous – but of course, politicians and judges are exempt from paying it.


need some more detail on this stagmal

white scrotes or abo
im presuming there’s no criminal migrants in Dubbo


ofc its going to be abos

the usage of the word machete made me immediately think sudanese or something but there isn’t a lot of them in dubbo yet

boong kid gangs watch the streets for when new cars show up in them and go around with torches at night looking in to see if someone left their keys or money or something in there

happened to me last year

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

“youth gangs”


fun fact

the house the guy in the thumb nail picture is standing in front of is in a neighbourhood called apollo estate

its a council housing area build in the 1970s

all the streets there are named after people involved in the american space program, and its full of abos

but there’s one curious little street there hahahaha called Braun Avenue named after Werner Von Braun

so little do these abos know theyre all living in a street named after a guy who used to be a card carrying member of the NSDAP lmao

might as well be living in Goebbels Crescent or Mengele Boulevard

ive considered writing a complaint to the council about it just for a fucking LOL to see whether theyd do anything (bet they would) but i reckon its funny im the only one who has realised this connection

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

you should graffiti one of them

Steve Stailer street

Reus's Large MEMBER

Yeah I saw a few of them cruising the hood on the weekend when I was there.




why were u in dubbo

the arborist

That’s a damn good question.

Reus's Large MEMBER

There was stuff the family wanted to see like the zoo, the dish and the caves at Wellington


what was your take on it


absolutely hilarious

all of them incredibly stupid
all of them trying to work their own grift


i went to HS with his (warren mundine) son, he was in my grade

nice kid, i wonder what his stance on the voice is

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

I decided to watch the new ABC “comedy” Gold Diggers. It’s the product of a couple of trendy female “comedians” and I was sure it would be an utter load of bullshit and would leave me stony-faced.

I was correct. Inner city lesbians probably find it hilarious, but it’s just not funny. It’s like one of those fat female comedians whose set consist of ranting about her vagene and why men won’t have sex with her.


whats it about


Two women move from Melbourne to the Victorian Goldfields in the 1850s. All dialogue and characterisation uses current language. It’s supposed to be a hilarious juxtaposition of current Melbourne hipster vibe in an 1850s setting. It’s as funny as a current Melbourne hipster vibe.

For intersectional woke points, it features a female aboriginal dwarf, or what looks like one.


So not as hilarious as Hannah Gadsby..?


Oh, far less hilarious.


the entire country of ukraine is one gigantic national level dole bludger and we suspended its mutual obligations


News flash – guy gets free car and says it’s great.

News flash – greedy little Jew gets hundreds of millions of $’s unprompted from retarded looking dude from the other side of the world, whines that it’s not enough.

A fly in your ointment

the whole operation Z is money laundering on an unprecedented and never to be surpassed level. Good money is sent and if only 20-30% goes back to where it came from, its sheetload of someone else’s money becoming yours. The Clown Cocainskii is just getting his wages and superannuation
It’s profitable to have a war.


The black market laundering of weapons has been hidden from the media.

At a guess less than half of weapons are even making it to UKR hands, organised crime groups are simply picking it up like an Amazon delivery to their door.

Imagine the ‘systems’ the little Jew has in place for receiving and handling the unprecedented amounts and types of weapons? Nope, he doesn’t. Early on they were unpacking artillery hardware and putting in the back of taxis FFS.

It’s been deliberately hidden by the USA and legacy media.

CNN tried to do an expose but had the story pulled very suddenly and no one ever questioned or followed up.

Why is that?


Why is that? Because the MIC and oligarchs on both sides of the Atlantic are making serious money out of this war.

A fly in your ointment

that’s an optimistic view…
not only that I seriously doubt that weapons that were “donated” ended up in Ukes hands (as you said) but I also doubt that a large chunk of weapons “donated” ever existed – other than on someone’s invoice and a shipping docket.


Watching this atm, I’ve watched about a half hour, initially it explains the history of Ukraine.


lmao latham, what an absolute animal that bloke is

Pulling the jeff bezos move. Great from afar


I like the guy but how much can you do in the NSW senate? He probably could’ve gotten a fed seat. More grifting.


Basically neo-liberalism going by your timeline.

I don’t think any government will be able to reverse this by going back to the way things were. If we use America as an example, any attempt at significantly reducing their deficit will cause a nasty recession. In Australia, increased taxes or just removing some bad ones would probably break the housing market which would see the responsible government booted out and the policy reversed.

The future seems more likely to be MMT. Probably completely bastardised to the point of being just an excuse to wipe out a large chunk of debt version of it. A kind of fake MMT used to continue trickle down economics from the monetary side; no job guarantee, and little government involvement in areas of private grift and market failure.

Maybe after a few generations die off, demographics decline and traditional ways to grow disappear actual MMT will be the only option.

Who knows. The only think that seems guaranteed is incompetent leadership.


This is an interesting article

The last time interest rates went up steeply in australia was 1994-1996

House prices hardly fell then either

Aussie Soy Boy

Unemployment is at a 50 year low.


so house prices to keep going up?

Aussie Soy Boy

There’s not going to be any kind of collapse when people can some what easily get a second job or ask for a pay rise.




Hey stagmal, please unleash your IBS on this and let us know your thoughts.


lol ill go have a look, i saw that article too

it sounds like absolute shit though, the way the article words it

“this 3d printer is amazing bc ordinarily it takes months to build… a toilet block, but with it we can build one in only a month”

absolutely no one questioning why it takes months to build a toilet block in the first place than like 2 days like it would in china

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

the chinese built hospitals during covid lockdown faster than we can build a small toilet block out of lockdown.


apparently gen z to blame

which would make sense tbh

we need to bring in asian labourers imo


doubt it this has been an issue for decades

boomer tradies etc all seem lazy as all fuc

its only a problem anyway if we actually need to build more shit which we wouldnt if there wasnt so much immigration

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

It would be more efficient to bring in Asian labourers and Asian boomers and decolonise Australia completely. Perhaps we could all be sent to Ukraine to drive the Bushmasters? Of course, some legacy Australians will need to be left behind to sell mortgages.



now there’s using your noggin, let’s mobilise the entire white population of australia to fight for ukraine while we flood the empty country with indians and asians


Australia does have a similar problem to Russia in that there’s all these resources globalists need but also all this white trash that wants to be paid for them

The only reason they don’t cook up a war to wipe us out is because of how we’ll let all our gas get exported in exchange for a fiver and we’re cool with being turned into low social cohesion Brazil whereupon we’ll get even less


Depending on who you listen to, Whitlam was removed because he was in favour of nationalising the mines. I think there was also an issue that the US monitoring stations are located (at least what I recall reading in one of the wikileak docs). We were okay hosting those stations, but we suggested that we have sovereign control over the land underneath them and might theoretically withdraw our support .. that was too much for our precious yankee doodles.

We don’t have a similar problem. We had a similar problem but it was “solved”. That’s why we’re paying $368 billion dollarydoos to join the US navy/military industrial complex that can’t even produce enough ammunition for our Ukrainian pets.

I seem to recall that the US declaration of independence had something in it about British troops committing crimes on American soil. Australian agreements for hosting US military bases delegate crimes to be under US court martial. So there have been some rapes by US soldiers that get pushed out of actual courts to the US court martial system.



Well, we got the last part happening pretty good.


The correct (final?) solution is to bring the poor hapless Ukrainians here while we fight against the Russian horde for “our” freedoms.


lol isn’t this basically what happened to Australians in WW1/2

muh anzac
muh grandfather fought for this country
muh entitlements


cookers now being exploited as circus clowns purely for entertainment purposes

very clever way to discredit reasonable opposition – by amplifying the voices of retards like this
classic CIA

we have our own buffoon here on ezfka


People like to feel superior and smug about being in the dumb mob. They used to use religion to do it now it’s wokey jabbyness.


Spot on. It seems to stem from them being angry because they were bullied pathetic nerds at school though. Most of Victoria Police under 50 and the Dan fans like PRGuy on Twitter case in point. Certifiable.


Yeah doubling down on being a faggot isn’t gonna get you the prom queen, or stop Chad from getting her.

Agent 47

Seems to stem from them being angry because they were bullied pathetic nerds at school though. Most of Victoria Police under 50 and the Dan fans like PRGuy on Twitter case in point.”

You never did the job so you wouldn’t know. It’s always those who never had the stones to do the job that are most critical of Australian police.


It’s retarded to say Pete Evans is a Neo Nazi, but par for the course from a media that thinks that’s even a slur these days.

I’ve never seen him at one meeting anyway…


“You might expect something like this to happen in a Third World country but not Australia,” said Wong, 45, a lawyer.



Noting that Wong doesn’t actually live there. She’s a property speculator. Sux to be her.


You were willing to give your life for a third world country that actively hates you.

Sux to be you.


You were willing to give your life for a third world country that actively hates you.

Sux to be you.


Because she doesn’t live here it makes it ok?

It’s low level thinking like yours why this country is fucked.


I have no idea what you’re on about. I was referring to the Wong in the article being concerned about her investment property in the crumbling tower block FFS.


Ya, I see now that I’m the low level thinking one and should’ve known better.

Instead of getting to the root cause of our problems we just laugh about other people’s misfortunes so we can feel better about ourselves. It’s just the default human condition, I keep forgetting that.

I have a question for a legacy Australian like yourself that has a good sense of what is happening and knows the Aussie spirit:

My personal inkling is that if we keep going the way we are now, then this country will be approximating South African style living conditions in the not too distant future.

If this would come to pass, are Australians ever going to get angry? I mean pitch fork angry if you get my drift.
Or just complain a lot and do nothing?


Not likely, the towers are intended to house people whom the vast majority of Australians don’t care about, mostly migrants and some young legacy Aussies, but the youth are hated in this country anyway.


Not just talking about buildings crumbling but the whole country crumbling:

-the country you grew up in completely unrecognisable
-Aussie history taught to be ashamed about
-Aussie culture hated
-legacy Aussies hated
-kids chopping their tits and dicks off
-mass immigration of non compatible cultures
etc. etc. etc.

Is there going to be a point where people say enough is enough and the pitchforks come out, or is that not in the Aussie nature?


Yeah the Libs might get back in to express the opposition of the masses to those things 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


lmao bloke blew himself and his house up because he couldn’t make the mortgage repayments

In previous posts from the same day, Mr Maidment spoke about being unable to make mortgage payments and how he was facing losing his home. 

“I came up with a plan to financially hurt the bank and body corporate,” he said. 

“Do (you) know the good part? I do not have to spend any time in jail because I will be gone.”

He went on to blame the Reserve Bank and big businesses making high profits for “crapping on poor people”.

If you’re going to go, why not take out those responsible with you

Aussie Soy Boy

Original Aussie cooker!


If someone enterprising could find a way to identify and bring such people together, they could do some real damage.


Who remembers mizzy the black kid who was breaking into peoples houses on YouTube


did he cut a deal with the jews now


The original grifters, there’s no Jesus throwing them out now…


Jews know a good opportunity when they see one. He’ll be the next big nig comedian. Shitting off “conservative” faggots like Piers Morgan.


Ching Chong Ping Pong

Young generation getting boomered.


The largest US banks are this week set to report the biggest jump in loan losses since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, as rising interest rates pile mounting pressure on borrowers across the economy.

Nonetheless, bank analysts say the benefits of increased interest rates are likely to outweigh the negatives for most of the big banks. On average, analysts expect the six largest US banks to report that earnings per share rose 6 per cent year on year.


Have MB ever been right about any of their calls

serious question

Aussie Soy Boy

I went 5% FFTY early in the week. I’ll look at it a few years from now and reassess.


i wonder what bubble-o’s next move will be

gig with one of the banks presumably

they owe him for all the free money he gave them


Michelle Bullock. Same same with identify politics. Although I suspect Michelle has a bigger set of balls than Phil.

the arborist

Yep, it was always going to be a woman. Would’ve been a trannie if they had one handy.


should have given it to ernie dingo


Raise rates but cant say nuffin because muh wymyns? Cool man.


Lmao it turns out she bought her house for $285,000 when interest rates were 17% (for a few weeks)

lmao boomers punching the air right now


$6m is a pretty pitiful portfolio for a 60 year old boomer who has been in cushy high end RBA jobs her whole life and bought her first house in fucking 1991

Those IPs she bought in 2007 didn’t do too well
only doubled in 15 years
and the other one up 50% in 11 years also pathetic

also only yielding like 2%

she bought right before GFC which is a sign that she is a retarded bitch

whereas her PPOR has gone up like 13x


imagine living in a country where $6m can be characterised as a ‘pitiful’ amount

what that tells you about how fucked australia has become truly speaks volumes

the day of the pillow couldnt come sooner for these boomers


put it in perspective

she will be making over $1m a year in salary
and she’s been working for 30-40 years already

shows you that the RBA governor is not an “elite”

Just standard boomer level


my dad is standard boomer more like and has nowhere near that but reckons hes top shit bc he owns a house thats now been valued at (despite him having no intention of ever selling it ever) 1.5m in orange nsw that he bought for like $600,000 1.5 decades ago

imagine thinking youre smart for the incredible investment decision of.. owning a house

well i guess compared to steve keen he is lol

should tell him to start up an economics podcast


also nearly certain gonzalo lira is dead now

probably died in an SBU torture chamber


good tbh

hope drew pavlou goes next

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

Just proving Charles Darwin right


yeah if he’d bought in the right part of sydney instead he’d be worth 4-5m

the boomer gap isn’t as big in povo places


think all this tells you is how fucked this country is


Patented Coming technique for appearing to be rich without actually being so

Pretend everyone below UHNW is average at best


Cope and seethe

I know dozens of boomers worth 8 figures who had regular jobs but bought 20x baggers on leverage in the 80s and 90s in the eastern suburbs

now just manage their portfolios and go on cruises

if you or your parents didn’t do that it’s legit over tbqh

even if you become rba governor or get a 7 figure salary you will never catch up

cope or rope


You’ll never catch up either, why the fuck do I care

Shows how fucked you are that you’d consider suicide because you didn’t buy a house in the 80s


Don’t think you’re better than anyone just because you chose cope over the rope

anyone under mid 8 figures in net wealth is a peasant

youve tacitly acknowledged that now


Never seen anyone seethe as hard about their social status as you are doing here.

Half or more of those UHNW Boomers would give their wealth to be young again

But you’re torturing yourself over not being one of these crusty old cunts on a cruise ship. Sad.

This is also the difference between actual elites and the rich people you and OzCuck look up to. Nobody is going to remember these people whose main achievement in life is buying a Sydney house in 1983. Actual elites covet power and influence.

Last edited 1 year ago by No1

Lmao are you really having that much fun ?

wasting your life responding to a handful of weirdo losers on a fringe WordPress website

yeah I’m sure the rich boomers would swap with you


Those Boomers ain’t rich enough to party on yachts with supermodels even if their dicks could still get hard


Didn’t realise you were partying on yachts with supermodels

how do you find time to post on ezfka


If you were a real doctor you’d know that being the age when people start getting cancer isn’t so sweet even on a cruise ship

But ya ain’t


keep coping champ

your life is shit

that’s why you’re here and that’s why you’re so angry

the boomers on cruises are having a great time, despite their cholesterol medication and viagra

their life is a million times better than yours

they don’t worry about immigrants



Hope you can get that obesity cruise life champ

Till then you can post here with me


Cucks that frequent this site and comment are far from the type that fck supermodels. Youd be creaming yourself sniffing the panties of some overweight, green haired, 40 yr old, woke feminist oaf


Cucks that frequent this site and comment are far from the type that fck supermodels. Youd be creaming yourself sniffing the panties of some overweight, green haired, 40 yr old, woke feminist oaf


Fucking LOL.

Coming would be one of the most prolific posters on this forum, yet bags others for wasting time on EZFKA.


the point

your head


Keep on projecting!


I don’t look up to them. I was just explaining what they were. Yeah they sure as shit don’t go on venal meathead boomer cunt cruises and do all you can eat elephant shits in the toilet after they’ve listened to some “muso” faggot do an elton john song the whole world got sick to death of 25 years ago.

They take private jets to…fugggin somewhere.


Half or more of those UHNW Boomers would give their wealth to be young again



the agepill is real

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

There would be some like Coming who’d choose to die in the next 15 years just to feel better than the peasantry

What a fucking idiot


Coming is a great example of projective identification.

In this thread he accuses others of wasting their life posting on EZFKA, yet is probably the most prolific poster on this site.

He accuses others of being angry and making personal attacks – yet is also clearly one of the most angry people here and quick to insult others for no reason.

He has often accused others of having a mental illness – “autistic” seems to be his favourite, which wouldn’t be a surprise either given the repetitive nature of his posts and poor social interaction on display.


Essentially what was rewarded the most was absolute criminal level lending and borrowing, so the biggest winners were human trash, the sort of people that would be prone to getting a $500k pokies debt or criminally minded wogs. Being a retard and or scum was a strength.

If she was elite she wouldn’t even be working. Elites don’t work. Not wagie jobs anyway. Work is for suckers.


Being a retard and or scum was a strength.

There is some truth to that. Even when taking property investment out of the discussion. The wealthiest people I know were too lazy to study, not wanting to remain in deadbeat job, and took a punt on a business venture.

Although, I will add that I know many people who took that path, and close to 100% of them failed miserably. There is an element of chance.

Aussie Soy Boy

Looks like a fucking bullock too


“Dr” Chalmers (and I’ll always laugh when people refer to him as one) clearly didn’t look hard enough.

The UK has a Trannie bloke in banking, surely we’d have our own Trans Paedo freak in EZFKA ?


Ok, so ‘sudden death Syndrome is now ‘intestine complications’ leading to cardiac arrest (what a lovely euphemistic way to label induced heart failure).

Careful what you eat as blocking your small intestine can cause your heart to burst. In Doctor C’s parlance this is “died of with intestine blockage” and not from “spikeproteinitis”. She simply had to protect her income by taking a benign injectable genetic treatment as imposed by her bosses.


abos need to fking leave me alone

three little abo dogs have been harassing me in cobra street in my town bc i walk up and down it every now and then

yesterday they followed me into the park and one of them challenged me to a fight and started screaming abuse at the top of his lungs

too bad mace etc self defense weapons are illegal in aus cuz this kid was cruising for a blinding

same kids who spat on me a week or so before

they live in this fked like compound house next to hungry jacks thats super locked up and they watch on the security cameras for people who walk past it so they can walk out and harass them on the street

cant even walk around in safety anymore

i should draw a big swaztika on the sidewalk outside of it


imagine not being retarded/disabled and still choosing to live in dubbo

why not just move to south africa or el salvador or something whats the advantage


ive never seen it this bad before dude this is like some serious shit, all the talk about crime wave is 100% real

and yeah im getting out, we really need the El Salvador lebo batman guy to run australia and just arrest everybody who is abo to clean up the joint


the whole country is your oyster tbh

Completely unskilled gen z can make like $50/hr

Aussie Soy Boy

Why not take some of your $500k and do 6 months somewhere nice in Asia.



Aussie Soy Boy

Start calling Crimestoppers. Tell them about the cameras and suspicious behaviour.


You Tube tutorial for home made pepper spray,buy the ingredients at the supermarket and Bunnings. I used some pretty effectively in a road rage incident about a year ago. Allowed me to drive away happily knowing the animal couldn’t follow me.

Otherwise Chemist Warehouse for a can of Deep Heat spray. Works well at close range I hear.


There it is, Their ABC is saying it loud and clear. You get preferential treatment if you’re aboriginal in the court system.




yeah it is no joke i hear police sirens/car chases nearly every night and i live in a relatively quiet area


You’re not much of a progressive thinker. You just need to redefine words.

It’s not a knife – it’s a decolonisation device. Or a transformative rights and empowerment tool. Or maybe … a welcome to country wand?


‘Honoured to intern at this year’s @unitednations convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW),’

lmao is this for real sounds like one of derek zoolander’s schools

$1000 shoes lmao thanks albo




Aussie Soy Boy

You guys scoffed at me when I said we’d have car batteries with twice the range and 10 minutes to 80% charge by 2030. Looks like we’ll get there sooner.


what are you talking about

Aussie Soy Boy

Toyota’s new battery breakthrough.


believe it when i see it


This one I assume? Could be in mass production around 2027. Given that we’ll always be laggards, next car is probably going to be an ICE


doubt it

the theoretical limits of battery storage have already been well documented

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal
A fly in your ointment

that is unless yhey invent a new chemistry mix ir a new way to store electrical charge


What an absolute pisser that staged photo op was. Always scripted and choreographed, the little Jew was made to look like the pariah he should be. Wearing khaki, he’s the epitome of stolen valour.

A fly in your ointment

it almosy seems as he was there to pose for a picture, you know, like guys taking a picture next to someone else’s Ferrari





A fly in your ointment

this gift will give for years to come. I am sure he regrets this photo-op by now



A fly in your ointment



East v. West in a nutshell. Russia is doing amazing work like this:

While in Australia, this waste of space is playing dress-up and working out their pronouns. God save us.

A fly in your ointment

not overly long for tl;dr, this article is a good food for thought and excellent in assistance in shaping one’s mind and vantage point.

Russia-West: Rising Stakes

A fly in your ointment

just as it became mandatory (one more, eh?) to have only sugar free drinks at hospital grounds (aspartame anyone?), this study comes from WHO:

now we know WHO is US’ own personal private bitch (remember the Co-Vidiot vi-Rus) and this is one of those reports used for gaining their legitimacy plus to benefit HSCS industry in US, however, there is little reason to not trust a finding which confirms a decades old conspiracy theory. legitimate thinking by those that use their brain and observe the phenomena.


I’ll leave this here –comment image

I’ve never understood the hype over artificial sweeteners – just fat cunts wanting to be fat cunts I guess.

How many conspiracy theory cookers drink alcohol and smoke?

A fly in your ointment

sugar substitutes are 1:10 cheaper than sugar on average, hence the “care for fatties”.

imagine a world where smoking tobacco is compulsory (equivalent to NSW hospital ban on sugar in soft drinks).


diet soda is fucking awesome, artificial sweetners are many orders of magntitude more sweet than ‘natural’ sugar so you need a whole lot less of them to produce a sweetening effect

they’re as close as you can possibly get to a guilt free treat, i havent had a sugar soda in years and im a million times better off for it

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

This is it; the people that go on about artificial sweeteners causing this and that are usually fat cunts.

A fly in your ointment

guilt free treat.
why would absence of sugar justify gluttony?
Why not have proper natural drink instead of flavoured soda?
Would you rather have chicken flavoured mash instead of nice schnitzel?

Thre is no replacement for displacement, they say in V8/V12 circles. Same applies in food: displace excess food with vacuum and enjoy the full spectrum of sugars and fats.


how is drinking a diet soda gluttony? diet soda is water with some trace sweetners and food dyes (which contrary to tard opinion are mostly derived from plants/animals etc)

is drinking water gluttony now?

A fly in your ointment

not what I said.
I said, apropos your comment wrt “guilt free treat”, that having synthetic sweetners instead of real deal so that on other side one can resort to gluttony is bad logic. If your diet was good you would have space for sugary treat without a guilt.

but again, knock yourself silly with aspartame, my point is that aspartame is at best needless dubious substance which humans did not need since the dawn of life on earth and that it is not a good compensation for otherwise poor diet.
On top of all that, the .gov should not have a sugar mandate as natural sugar byitself is not bad in moderation nor there is an acute overdise level above ADI where it becomes “don’t know how bad it begins to be for you”.
I don’t mind all flavoured drinks ban, be it with sugar or with your favourite synthetic sweetener but why should a natural juice be banned by .gov too?


not equivalent at all – tobacco is group A for a start.
Secondly you can always drink water

Last edited 1 year ago by Nemesis
A fly in your ointment

drinking water is a nice strawman.

agreed, tobacco is used as an exaggeration example but the principle remains.
see my other comment on hypocrisy and bigotry


the hype is absolutely insane and over blown

aspartame for example is a composite of phenylalanine and aspartic acid, two naturally occuring substances that are contained in a lot of foods you eat every day

when you consume aspartame, it gets broken down into these base components in your stomach, how is drinking a diet coke going to be more dangerous than eating an avocado which naturally contains aspartic acid for example? do avocados give you cancer?

this kind of logic evades the brains of cookers who dont understand how cancer works or even is

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal
A fly in your ointment

no need for smart arse comment. Knock yourself with aspartame as much as you like but preventing other avoid aspartame is no different from mandatory jabs you avoided by free will.
On top of the sugary drink ban (includes prohibition of natural juices) all is just a bigotry/hypocrisy galore convict style as one can have a ton of white sugar with coffee but must have aspartame in coke.


i think the number one way to avoid being fat is to stop eating so much, it doesnt even matter what you eat you can eat donuts and gas station food all day if you want as long as you keep your calories in your daily limits you wont gain weight and will even lose it


There you go talking common sense again…you bigot

A fly in your ointment

LOL, I don’t doubt this is the pinnacle of common sense I your world


Common sense certainly is unlike your incoherent rambling!

A fly in your ointment

number one way to avoid being fat is to stop eating so much, it doesnt even matter what you eat

lovely, so eat 8700kJ/day of servo food every day and let’s see how long before you end up in an ambulance or in a hearse.
DDT was deemed safe, Mon Santo shyte is “not proven” unsafe, sure, ‘cooker conspiracy’.

To follow your logic, why should government decide availability of sugar for us who take 8700kJ or less and instead of dubious substance want to have some real stuff?

once again, for someone who professed disobedience wrt jabbadabba, you show more compliance in gov overregulations than the top jabbadabba apologist here.


Twinkie diet helps nutrition professor lose 27 pounds


I can do the same with Mentos. Cocaine would be better. It is ultimately about remaining alert at work without eating more calories than the body requires.

What I find is best though is working from home. If I am tired I can just have a power nap, or work a different schedule, instead of shoving calories in my mouth.

A fly in your ointment

I am sure the headline is convenient but did you actually read the article in entirety?
it actually says something else and not lining up with your premise.

here you can find one article with much more credibility than CNN but it is still just a better placed appeal to authority.

You may not agree on bad and side effects on aspartame but why should decide if you can have sugar (and prof. from your link said sugar is good if in moderation)?
Would you accept ban on aspartame in case they arbitrarily chose to do so?


Exactly. Red meat is in Group 2A, and I doubt conspiracy theorists are suddenly swearing off that.

Anyway, don’t cookers believed that the WHO is all part of some global agenda on vaccinations, so why would they suddenly accept their recommendations on aspartame?


its not even just conspiracy theorists ive been hearing about the alleged dangers of sweetners for decades from neurotic health nut types on annoying specific diets

most insufferable people i swear

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal
A fly in your ointment

true, we should always have substitutes and flavours instead of dangerous natural stuff. Let’s have low calorie sweetener so we can have high calories shyte in our glutinous diet.


Naturalistic fallacy lol

go and watch the way sugar is actually processed, it’s about as natural as canola oil

A fly in your ointment

You sound like you’re vaccinated,
good onya, I got a 1gal silicone oil for your next cooking – will give it to you for free.


You sound insane

A fly in your ointment

wonder what group is Sugar?

The question I posed was not what the aspartame is and how dangerous (or not) it is but if governments should have the power to decide what food (or substitute) you put (or not) in your body.


Where is the government forcing you to have aspartame you absolute crackpot

A fly in your ointment

logical can be countered with logic.
OTOH, illogical cannot be countered anyhow, not even with illogical.

it’s a good move though, going full speed to idiocy side, as the end result is stalemate


Seriously, wtf are talking about? Are you unable to articulate your point?

A fly in your ointment

translation for those with cheaper tickets for Ezfka show:

I told you that once you resort to idiocy there is nothing meaningfull to discuss or debate with you any more – so i admit inability to continue.

is that simplified enough for you to comprehend?
I can sum it up in 3 words if this is still too complex for you.


Alcohol is group 1, how many of them drink alcohol?




The Hollywood actors and writers saga is a very amusing exercise in self own.

TLDR Jews and homos complain about not making enough money, because the other Jews and homos take the profits.


fran was a real dish back in the nanny days tho


Dylan Mulvaney on your hot list too is suspect.




You dont know who Mulvaney is? For real?




the arborist

I’m ashamed to be giving this freak another view, but you asked for it…


Infamous US transgender self promoting freak, and the reason Anheiser-Busch lost billions of dollars in the Bud Lite beer sponsorship debacle.


You can boycott beer. Because there’s heaps of brands. Not so easy when it comes to supermarkets and cheap and cheerful variety stores.

A fly in your ointment

in many cultures people mutilate their bodies. Nuttin wrong with adults past prime reproductive age to mutilate theirs. Young adults and particularly children being pushed the lemming ways is a crime of the tallest order.


theres plenty wrong with a grown ass adult getting their arm fat cut off and glued to their clit to make a non-functional faux dick, that is just whack frankenstein style stuff and should be illegal

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

I liked Andrew Tate saying that we should start calling boob jobs “Tit affirming surgery” now as well.

A fly in your ointment

RU you some sort of gender nazi?

having professed not taking genetic jab implies you support body autonomy and yet here you decline adults past their peak reproductivity to mutilate their reproductive and mamal organs. Cognitively dissonant to me.


You never considered trans-maxing ?


fuck this just becomes more and more scandalous with every new leak

prosecution and trial was a complete farce


Does it really become more scandalous?

The fix was in at the start, sides were taken and no one was or is going to change their minds.

The Leftards especially have now been conditioned by their masters. It’s Orwellian but they will believe what they were told from the start, they still implicitly trust (blindly follow) their media.

If it came out now that she had a 9 inch cock it still wouldn’t change a thing in their minds.

It’s like Covid, their brains will literally break again if they have to confront the lies they’ve swallowed and repeated.

I wonder if there was a similar psychosis in Communist countries like East Germany when they had to confront the fact most of them were Stasi etc.?


The psychosis you refer to is the product of active measures. Decades of psyops went into it.


i love how people assumed the steam clean story even if true somehow proved nefarious wrong doing

yeah lets just not clean up after some fat greasy drunk chick slept on a couch over night naked

australian workplaces are some of the most oh&s obsessed in the world ofc theyre gonna steam clean that shit surprised they didn throw it out and set fire to it too

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

The fact that this unskilled migrant took 30 mins to clean a room he said was already clean, says a lot about the scams going on in parliament. At that rate he’d do less than 10 room cleans a day, throw in breaks etc. I bet his family likes his regular long phone calls back home…

Aussie Soy Boy

I called it all from the start

Aussie Soy Boy

I thought Grace would have been on the Project panel by now, but I think it went so bad with Wilkinson and Higgins they are probably too gun shy now to give a platform to another woman who monetised her rape into a career.


jet set lifestyle aye

even if she did get raped idfk how anyone could say it wasnt worth it for her at this point



wow she really is heavy set
look at those legs she has no ankle or knee

she’s only 29 too
what’s she going to look like when she’s 39 or 49 jesus christ

that’s what living a lie does to you
she has to push down the shame and guilt with donuts

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming
Aussie Soy Boy

She’s always been ugly champ


No I would have absolutely plugged her in her prime

she looks fine in that security camera footage from Parliament House

it’s that evil lie festering inside her that made her gross

the arborist

Looks quite reasonable here.
comment image


Yeah chicken or egg. The severe lack of any physical movement at all is very apparent. Probably got chauffered by Landrover to and from school.


wonder what her mum reckons about all of this


yaron finkelstein


lol the private secretary hahahaha

jews always have the most immediate access to every head honcho for maximum ear whispering potential




Who cares probably another batshit “socially liberal” “economic conservative”. Ie some bushpig karen that wants the right to divorce rape and fuck people over for housing via investment properties. I have more respect for a homeless persons diarrhea.

Aussie Soy Boy

Brucie would have deep dicked her too. Sharaz probably has to watch half an hour of gay porn to get himself in the mood.


Liberals are now full of women monetising false rape. Terrorist moles. The replacement is like an e curve now. How much of a simp would you have to be to wanna be with that shit.


lol this faggot is a lecturer at usyd

nice to see him getting rolled by the boys


fuckin hell even smithy is having a go at the dog

this is glorious


What a twat. I bet he supports jimmies bringing in their parents as well because they won’t affect pension or healthcare system.


It’s almost like if they look like a faggot they really are a faggot.


People generally practice that all the time. You can generally tell straight away if you could be mates with someone or could be with a girl.


Ah, the lower immigration/lowers pensions argument. As stupid as this idiot:


Better or worse than believing in Islam


After Dan and his bitches Vic Pol hid African gangs by renaming “youth” crime, this muppet now rolls this out to combat the African kids on their rampage across Melbourne.

PS. Anyone in the job knows no jungle bunny has a legit birth certificate. There are 6ft4 Africans calling themselves 12 year olds…


As opposed to the Retards promoting aboriginal Dreamtime and Songlines..?


This is actually stupider, she’s claiming that she was controlled using voodoo into leaving her husband

Islam, Dreamtime, nobody’s claiming these things impact the real world in a quantifiable way, so it’s hard to disprove


If I could bewitch people into doing dumb shit using voodoo I’d be rolling up to the set of a Margot Robbie movie in my free Lamborghini and be asking for a role as the love interest

Pete Davidson may have voodoo powers I grant you

Last edited 1 year ago by No1

No one’s claiming Dreamtime impacts the real world? Huh?

Simple tourism and associated businesses alone there are plenty. Haven’t even looked at land grabs (closure of national parks and other areas where they have done so under the guise of Land Rights).

Rove McManus’ wife was claiming in court her part of the claim on the basis of her Grandma telling her stories about Mermaids while down at their Portsea beach house darling.

Visit Ayer’s Rock and you’ll find there are sections where you aren’t even allowed to take photos due to their pagan rituals.


in a quantifiable way

C’mon mate, it’s not asking a lot for you to finish the sentence


Mermaids took Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt…




That’s just standard dumb religious storytelling, a bit sillier than the story of Noah’s Ark because it happened recently, but it’s nothing special.

Claiming the bloke you cheated on your husband with has voodoo superpowers, voodoo superpowers that could make him fabulously successful but instead he uses them to snare random bitches, is much more dumb

You can prove in a lab that this guy doesn’t have powers. You can’t prove in a lab that mermaids don’t exist.

Last edited 1 year ago by No1