New High Court of Australia ruling forces Voice to Parliament to be renamed to more accurate ‘Invoice to Parliament’

The Australian High Court has struck down the Voice to Parliament campaign and forced it to change it’s name to the “Invoice to Parliament.”

After an Aboriginal Corporation in WA demanded $2.5 million to plant a few trees along the Canning River, the High Court intervened and forced the name change.

“Our findings are clear, this is just another trojan horse grift by Mark Leibler to extract money out of Australia and steal land and property, therefore the name change is required,” High Court Justice Mark Iamthelawkent said.

“Australia has been the home of a grift for quite some time, so if this is the mother of all grifts at least you’re going to have to be honest about it. This one has it all from the smoking ceremony grift, welcome to country grift, white aboriginals from the Scottish Highlands and the rest. The ruling is fair.”

Leibler refused to comment on the ruling, but stated he was working on a rebrand with the potential for Brittany Higgins to become the new face of the referendum.

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Aussie Soy Boy

I bet the abo corporation get some white accountants to set it all up for them lol.



Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

One guess who their lawyers are…?

every single time


Is there anybody here who can make a positive case for the voice, as it currently stands? No matter how I look at, I can’t see a single positive thing about the whole shit show.


Looks like more people are thinking the same. Support for the Voice is gradually declining – now down to 41% according to the latest polling.


Sounds like mass immigration… which means it’ll get pushed through Parliament once they realise the people aren’t gonna vote for it.


they need to take it to referendum to ensure it can’t be repealed, and they know unlike immigration the LNP isn’t going to 100% have their back on any abo advisory body as to make it legally untouchable. that’s why either party doesn’t need a referendum on unlimited immigrants, because they know the other team will not disrupt the game if they get into power but only continue it.


I have a question for the legacy Australians commenting here:

This country is now in clown world territory where the mentally ill are in charge.

A few examples:
-taught to be ashamed about Aussie history
-Aussie culture hated
-legacy Aussies hated
-kids chopping their tits and dicks off
-mass immigration of non compatible cultures
etc. etc. etc.

If we keep going this way we’ll be like South Africa in the not too distant future.

So this is my question: is there going to be a point where people say enough is enough and the pitchforks come out, or is that not in the Aussie nature?


if you fill the country with enough non-legacy australians it doesn’t matter what the legacy units think

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

The Brits are masters at fractionalisation.


I think we are set up to give power to a strongman in a sham election when things get too dysfunctional. Have you noticed how many politicians are quitting early more and more often, and get younger and younger? I think it’s getting too hard to believe the bullshit required to say the right words at the right time. Top performing minds do not tolerate that kind of cognitive dissonance well. An 18th century style revolution requires shared ideals and a committment to one another. We have neither.

Last edited 1 year ago by robert2013
A fly in your ointment

the first sentence of your exposure is in contradiction to everything afterwards.
there is no chance a strongman leader can come up from this pond, not as long as the mortgage game of wealth on paper is alive.
politicians are like hookerz, there one at every corner and no need to feel sorry when one gets to be past the expiry date.


Yeah, sad innit?

Bye bye Australia, it was nice knowing ya.

A fly in your ointment

if by legacy you mean convicts perhaps I am not one of those that you asked for an opinion but since this place is opinionated by default…

this place will never be like South Africa. People there, people of all colours, religions, identities, all of the two sexes and you name it what – do one thing that no one here ever had since rhe first arrivals by boats: they rebel, particularly against .gov. They have what is called “da Balls the size of the Jupiter”.

-taught to be ashamed about Aussie history

if you read your history and feel only proud about it, you are probably not reading history. There are shameful parts of history in every country or nation. The more you’re ashamed of those shameful parts the less the reasons to be ashamed of them (I hope you get the gist of this as it is a transliteration of an age old proverb).

-Aussie culture hated

not hated, just ridiculed bogan culture. Bogan culture is not Aussie culture.

-legacy Aussies hated

not hated, at least not in my experience. I am yet to meet a person who hates convict class ezfka units.

-kids chopping their tits and dicks off

you voted for his and all of the convict culture ridiculed those who opposed it decades ago. This I pure legacy of Convict class ezfka units. Karma is a bitch.

-mass immigration of non compatible cultures

this is the history of this place since invention of boats with sails. Immigration of non compatible cultures. Differences now is that the livestock in Aus is being changed from Ayrshire and Droimeann to Guangfeng and Binjharpuri cattle. Wogs were brought only to shovel shit behind the main breed of cattle and are likely to be incumbent in the role.

etc. etc. etc.

there, Its off the chest now 😉


I suggest you hang around here a tad longer and this time try to really internalise what is being shown here by commenters on a daily basis.

(Never gunna happen, who am I kidding)

A fly in your ointment

Sadly, I probably hang around here more than most.

My responses are indeed based on what is being shown here. A sum of majority’s perception at any place is not necessarily a description of absolute reality. Observing from outside more often broadens perspective and enhances the vantage point.
I do not internalise indiscriminately, I leave that to those with higher cognitive challenges.


I don’t care one iota about your never ending social/moral/cultural relativism that devolves into nihilism.

From my broad perspective and enhanced vantage point you’re a complete waste of time.


A fly in your ointment

no one should care what is posted online by anonymous bunch with multiple aliases on an obscure blog which has total freedom of expression.

I apologise for being a fly in your ointment too.


I saw an ad for a program called Living Black and the kid in it was whiter than me.

A fly in your ointment

as if that matter.
you need to evolve and go with the Modern Meaningless Thinking (MMT) and focus on inner feelings before rushing into identifying yourself, or others, as – whatever. And you may find yourself…


Invoice to parliament. That is a classic. I bet Sky News pick it up and it becomes mainstream.


Yeah, sounds like a no brainer for the No Campaign. If the EZFKA twitter team share this with the likes of Bogut and Rushkan it will probably go viral.


‘Invoice to Parliament’ is the best call I’ve heard since this bullshit began.

Track it back to a couple of our worst politicians in modern history. Bill Shorten, still with a rape claim unresolved but hidden by the media. Malcom Turnbull, who wanted to join both major parties was universally hated by all sides. These two muppets founded the concept at Uluru in 2017, with an elite bunch of grifters obviously warming up for the future.

The Statement to Heart is cut & pasted, literally written by someone else for someone else – the International Court in their 1975 ruling on a Western Sahara indigenous claim.

It is fundamentally flawed. It includes false and unproven concepts that become “truth” the more they are repeated. Like the oft spoken lie “we were counted as flora and fauna in the constitution until 1967”.

FFS it even says “according to science more than 60,000 years ago“

?! Less than ten years ago we had a acceptance that a figure of 35,000 was correct for when indigenous people walked over from Indonesia, and that was subject to much debate.

“This our ancestors did, according to the reckoning of our culture, from the Creation, according to the common law from ‘time immemorial’, and according to science more than 60,000 years ago.”


“60,000” years of culture has given us 45 years of dot painting and smoking ceremonies, both invented by white people.


Yeah. If after 60000 years the best tech you’ve come up with is banging rocks together, it’s time to try something new.

I wonder how my blackfellas today would want to go back to that lifestyle, wrapped in animal skins, freezing, and eating Bogong moths?


It’s not 60,000 years though.

This study suggests there were 3 different types of people who migrated into Australia, aborigines are only one of them.

Mungo Man as they like to talk about, was initially estimated to be circa 42,000 years old then others discredited that study (claimed it was a flawed DNA testing).

There is no DNA test that shows anywhere near 60,000 years.




I genuinely Laughed out Loud at that. 😊


This was an absolute banger timbo

needs to go viral


The whole thing will be a shitshow, what isn’t ruined by pure grift will be squandered by incompetence.

At my old job our management team was all upper-class white women who though Dark Emu was a work of non-fiction. They organised a team meeting day at an Aboriginal “corporation”, despite being gifted all this beautiful inner-city Sydney property they couldn’t make any money off it, the facilities and service were crap, you could tell nobody knew what they were doing and they were only surviving off further grants.

Nobody in their right mind is going to vote yes, the polls must be overstating support, it’s like saying you want to vote for Trump.


what was the corporation supposed to be doing?


In theory a conference centre. We met with the CEO as part of the day and even she was bitching about how corrupt everything was. People were claiming grants to provide services and then not doing any work, if they got called out they would scream discrimination and then the investigation would get shut down.

The voice would be this level of corruption on a National scale, just claim to be black if you’re 1/64 Aboriginal and get your snout in the trough, nobody would chase up anything for fear of being called racist.


its what happens when you produce an artifical organisation comprised of sub 90 IQ people


Richmond Football Club in Melbourne has all these facilities at their Punt Road oval. Built when the club was poorer than a busted arse before they won premierships in 2017+.

They apparently paid for it all milked the grants and an AFL virtue signalling slush fund ripped from government and poor sap public via the pokies. Just had to call each section an indigenous name.


My partner is a fairly solid lefty, and used to work for the Federal Employment department in their program assessment group. She went up to review an Abo employment services program near Cairns a few years ago, and came back saying it was the biggest scam she’d ever seen. Large amounts of money being paid to this Abo corporation, all of which was just handed out to family members of the board for doing nothing.

The biggest complaint about the program was that those not related to the board weren’t receiving any of the flow of cash. This complaint came, of course, from people not related to the board.

Nothing happened at a result of the review process, because any corrective action would’ve been racist.


No way 6 million chickens were killed…

A fly in your ointment

She can be thought of the ways of nature that everyone eats someone, but that anger in the video always comes with a talent to make a man have tantric orgasms – and cannot be thought. She needs to pluck the eyebrows though, not to resemble sir Nigel Mansel.

I notice that if not all then the most of schizo eco nazis are not your average brownie or yellowie or blackie but almost always a whitie or “Gods chosen off-whitie”


hope you get credit for this timbo

joel davis is using your line now, this saying is going to go viral


Just saw Limbrick plagiarise it too

need to get someone like Ben fordham to use it

Aussie Soy Boy

He nailed it with ‘invoice to Parliament’. Changed the course of history for this abo rort with one slogan.


yeah if this isnt on sky news by next week i’ll just assume mainstream conservatives are hopeless at marketing their campaigns and ideas

Aussie Soy Boy

It’s perfect. Boong’s are on the nose now with the public.



2 hours ago

…On another note a survey of multiple countries on their populations perception / trust of Russia – All Western Nations had negative to very negative views on Russia with one exception – India, 57% of people had a favorable view of Russia. Think China is our major danger point – Think again we allow millions of people who worship Russia and its war criminal leader, into out country – Nothing to see here.

I can agree with this hysterical twink on this point. If we don’t allow immigration from any “pro-Russian” country, then we can cut third-world immigration almost to zero, so I would be in favour.

Imagine believing that the average Uber Eats/EASI cyclist actually gives a fuck about Russia.

A fly in your ointment

There is almost no immigration from other cuntries. Long time ago we past the Rubicon where from without immigration there is no way back but through a massive depression.
Did you ever grow your food?



fucking lol he’s cancelled the commonwealth games

what an absolute shit show hilarious



Btw this is 100% due to higher interest rates and Victoria being unable to afford bullshit.


they’ve got plenty of money to be paying diversity and inclusion officers 200k salaries


If the RBA raises to 8% we can even kill wokeness


would be hilarious if brisbane olympics was next

maybe that’s why pallet chook was so uncomfortable at the announcement


QLD has coal money, and people actually care about the Olympics, imagine how ashamed Albo would be at the next WEF meeting if Australia gave up the Olympics


its going to be hilarious when they’re building stadiums while people are homeless


There’s nothing more Australian than that, they’re already doing it in Hobart


even better if they use immigrant labour to get it done


olympics is dying too but it aint the nadir of disinterest that is the commonwealtth games


Of course the Olympics is dying, for the same reason all national sports are doomed to die.

The Olympics is just each nation running their Black Africans against each other, their White people swim and their Asians play ping-pong against each other.

Likewise it will soon it will be the Australian Indian team playing the British Pakastani cricket team – who the fuck wants to barrack for some African or Pakistani?


i don’t think it’s just that, i think the internet / vidya are killing interest in a lot of traditional forms of entertainment including professional sports

Ironic Boomer

100% due to higher interest rates? Sounds a little like blaming the snow flake for the avalanche instead of the build of snow (easy money).


Dan Andrews is like the proverbial mug FHB

NOTHING except the unavailability of credit will stop him from doing everything he wants to do

If he maxed out the credit card already and now the interest is too much to let him buy what he wants, then that is still the effect of high interest rates

Ironic Boomer

I get what you are getting at.
But the size of the balance also matters in a complex, dynamic system. That balance size would not be so great but for easy money and a lesser balance would more easily withstand higher rates.
The instability of the complex system is in the build up of snow, the greater balance.
It is like a FHB who pays too much for shelter and therefore too levered. If they are levered through a mortgage, whether they like it or not, they are price speculators on shelter. They are effectively writing a put on shelter prices. It’s the balance (shelter prices/snow build up) that causes the inherent instability in the complex dynamic system.


the big question is how much will be paid out to the relevant vested interests

like when albo decided to give the french money for the non-submarines for no reason at all


Jeroen Wiemar was the CEO of Vic Com Games, so failing upwards is pretty standard for these corrupt retards.

You many know him as the former Vic Covid Commander (that was his actual title), he of the “it can get you through the windows” claim. He’ll be getting a payout now no doubt.

They haven’t built anything yet, so how do costs “blow out” by $5-$6 billion?

Typical media too busy sucking his cock don’t ask him what the cancellation costs will be. Surely Com Games committee won’t just let him walk away?


Here’s just one of the many lies told by Dictator Dan

Shy Ted

They’re just following the UN’ diktat
comment image


dls cope

voice is losing bc its retarded not just bc of current cost of living issues

Ironic Boomer

The symbolism is important to dls (doesn’t explain exactly how living standards will be raised).
Also dls, symbolism over substance is the method of the woke politican.
Lol at dennis hating himself and trying to limp wrist slap people in the comments.


Gotta love how weak MB is that they now have these fucking commissars in the comments trying to chase all right-wingers off the website

That place isn’t even spiraling, it’s falling nose-first

Ironic Boomer

Apparently dennis the dickhead is also a mind reader. He knows why people will choose no.
It’s amusing how dls pandered to the, as you put it, hyperventilating twinks lol, yet even a lot of them have left or are not commenting.


I don’t go there any more because of the smug, self righteous wankers like dennis who has a small d, ginger et al. I’d rather drink a schooner of cold diarrhoea than waste my time dealing with with such imbeciles.


The Voice doesn’t need to trigger the grift, they’re already well into it.

Uncle Bruce Pascoe apparently owns a 600,000 sqm farm at Gypsy Point, check out his other revenues:


Netanyahu Ejects Jewish Likud Member For Cheering Holocaust Toll On European Jews

“Ashkenazim, whores, may you burn in hell. I am proud of the six million that were burned, I wish that another six million would be burned.”

LOL – even other Jew’s can’t stand Azkenazis. As a population group that is actually where most of my grievance with ‘jews’ lie… a highly ethnocentric and extremely arrogant population group

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

What everyone has missed is the sneaky move by Dictator Dan.

Vic Pol’s disastrous Lawyer X mess has effectively been thrown in the bin.

Corruption and attempting to pervert the course of justice are now stock in trade in Victoria, and the media all just let it happen.

Shane Patton, Graham Ashton and Simon Overland who oversaw the corruption, will sleep easier now they won’t have to face scrutiny so won’t be going to jail.

#GovernMeHarderDaddyDan announced on the quiet that he was removing the Office of Special Investigator.

This was a former High Court judge, appointed out of the Royal Commission’s review of the Lawyer X scandal.

For those up the back, Lawyer X was a lawyer who acted for crims then informed on them to Vic Pol.

The 5,000 page report recommended prosecutions (of police and politicians), and said 1,000 cases were at risk. Drug dealers and murderers will now all walk free. Daddy Dan has junked that report.

Move on, nothing to see here.