New texts reveal Macrobusiness’ David Llewellyn-Smith embroiled in Brittany Higgins scandal

Text messages that have surfaced from the Brittany Higgins and Lisa Wilkinson scandal have implicated David Llewellyn-Smith from Macrobusiness, as part of an election interference scam to depose the Morrison government.

The texts imply that a torrent of articles such as “Liberal faithful fight cult Morrison’s cult of sectarian sleaze” and “John Howard mutinies from Morrison’s cult of sectarian sleaze” were co-ordinated between Smith and Wilkinson, as part of the plot to get Scott Morrison’s government out of office.

One text of many between Wilkinson and Smith states ‘we need to call it sonething like a cult – a sleaze cult. With lots of yelling about rape and sex assault” to which Smith replies “Ók, but subscribe.”

“We all knew the thing was a ‘Get Morrison’ op from the get go, but that didn’t stop DLS doing his usual pearl-clutching. I mean Grace Tame is a WEF Young Leader ffs, how more obvious could it have been?” said Dr David Pritchard from the Hyperbolic Bullshit Institute.

“Just chalk up another L for MB – really putting the L in DLS. Getting rid of the previous shitty government to replace with one on a speedrun for worst government in history was really worth it wasn’t it?”

Llewellyn-Smith has been contacted for comment, but was ‘busy working on the next Pilbara Killer’ series of articles.

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THANK YOU , timbo



hope we dont get sued now

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal
Agent 47

The same DLS who went grovelling to Kevin Rudd in apology. Wouldn’t be concerned.

LOL, now you can clearly see where the Llewdo + Bleato is Coming from.


Let’s be real though

I doubt David Sharaz is even returning DLS’ messages

he went straight to the top – old dropmouth herself

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

Exclusive pic – Lisa Wilkinson and her black cleaner.




Arghhh the pirate must be onto his 3rd nappy already today

Gruppenführer Mark

I’m on fire today

Last edited 1 year ago by Gruppenführer Mark

stop posting photos of that cunt

fmd hes ugly

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal


Gruppenführer Mark




Agent 47

Lol so true. I’d expect him to nuke some of those articles, too bad we already have the receipts.


Pilbara Killer’ series of articles.

ROFL I was bagging that call at least 4 years ago….

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie


Any prediction he makes, the opposite is likely to happen. He has replaced the Pascoemeter.

Wasn’t IO supposed to go down to $20/tonne, a major house price crash, one of the big 4 going bust and the dollar at 40 cents?


WHeRe dOeS thE gEndER bInARy cOMe fRoM?

Culture generally moves in the direction of those capable of wielding the most influence, through the media, legal system and courts, and of course through our education systems.

I believe that last one was actually one of Christianity’s last great Prophet and reformers biggest warning against allowing to happen.

Capture - Copy (24).JPG

This whole chart is fucking fantasy. I’m quite sure that 90%+ of people actually think that there are just blokes and sheilas.

9% (intellectuals or whatnot) might accept that there are some borderline cases that are hard to classify and so deserve an “other” category.

1% might believe in the whole pangender multiverse is fully manifested and real.

id expect that jews, like other religious people, would be even higher than 90%.



I don’t make the rules as to what people think or believe. I just thought it was interesting statistical behavioural support for what I’ve previously asserted is a cultural meme or idea.

It isn’t as though these guys appear to have gone to the University of Daily Mail surveying school.

Capture - Copy (25).JPG

It wasn’t a huge survey but it was bigger than a straw poll down at the pub… The margin of error for the national survey is +/- 1.5 percentage points at the 95% level of confidence, including the design effect for the survey of 1.3. 

It may not be a perfect fit, but it is gunna at least be a good sizing.

Capture - Copy (26).JPG

I guess we could argue about the numbers but the trend it shows is undeniable.

Seems self-inflicted too, with the more attention they receive leading to less public support.


Appendix 1 explains the methodology. I wonder if they have over stratified. Ipsos’ knowledge panel, from where the sample is drawn, has 60000 members. This may sound like a lot, but when you are stratifying by so many categories, it’s easy to end up tiny numbers of people in a particular category, potentially making an attempt to be more representative result in data that is biased.


Good post on Twitter

Imagine if a woman texted with her LNP connected boyfriend about creating a sex scandal, then cried rape, then ran to Sky News to blow up the story, then washed the dress she was raped in, then went to police, then baulked at handing over her phone to police, then got paid $ 3 million compo from an LNP government after half a days hearing with key witnesses excluded, and no rape conviction to back her claim.

Aussie Soy Boy

Let’s not forget she was making jokes to Sharaz via messaging about starting a sex scandal.

At best she fell asleep in the nude after playing with herself on the minister’s couch, then out of embarrassment decided to cry rape.

At worst, she was opportunistically waiting for an opportunity where she would be alone with a male staffer behind closed doors then once most of the evidence that would acquit our hero (Brucie he’s got future minister of Wentworth and PM all over him) has been destroyed years later go to the police and cry rape.


just listen to the way they talk about this

it’s all a game


sharaz is a jew right



this says it’s paki/Iranian

maybe a bastardisation of Shiraz?

agent47 and Stewie what do you say

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming
Aussie Soy Boy

He looks like he has some Arab, Iranian or jew in him.

Agent 47

Nah he’s not. He’s Persian descent.


Theres apparently about 750 Persian Jews in Australia, coming from Iran. It would make sense he’s a small hat the way he’s manipulated people and this whole disgusting mess.


okay actually that makes sense sharaz is a persian/farsi name should have been able to tell from the z

could be an iranian jew or just some sort of persian type, though his behviour is more jewish than persian to me

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

Ultimately they are young libs. Ive gotten a similar evil vibe from the girls giving out how to vote cards over the last 5 years or so.

So I dunno if it’s gonna do much for the Liberals next election.


I checked out a couple of apartments today and discovered a new hybrid sales tactic. A combination of sale and auction. Listed for sale with an underquoted “price guide” instead of price. Conversation between RE agent and confused retiree went something like:
Retiree: What is the price of this apartment?
Agent: Price guide is $1m
Retiree: I want to buy for $1m
Agent: the owner will not accept $1m it is only a “price guide”
Retiree: what do you mean?

Poor bastard had no idea he was participating in a multi-week auction with strong probably of being gazumped.


Not making excuses for the behaviour of RE turds, but there’s a saying amongst them : “Buyers are liars”. Vendors are just as bad, they regularly lie to agents about their reserve, especially the ones that do it ‘every single time’. People are just morons to complain about it.

Gruppenführer Mark

It all comes down to psychology though, don’t it? The higher the price of a consumption item is (yes, real estate is a consumption item, as it deteriorates over time, it’s the land that changes value), the more emotion is involved in its purchase, driven by the seller or its agent.

When one goes to the shops to buy bread and milk, he/she looks at price and expiry date, 10 seconds. Toaster, one may consider colour. Sofa, material/colour/size. Nobody does what car salesmen do, as in take the toaster, furniture or a carton of milk for a test drive, don’t you love it?

Cars are getting more emotionally charged. Resale value gets into play. It is a big outlay, what can you get back for it in 5 years? Vehicle manufacturer or badge. Same car with better rims is 5K more because badge. Top of the line Toyota or bottom of the line Audi, because status. Emotionally charged sales tactics when the buyer doesn’t consider the risk of some dickhead crashing into the thing and it’s a write-off. But you can still play dealers off each other to get the best price for whatever make and model you choose, because RAV4 is a RAV4. Speaking of RAV4, read on Reddits that some person was dead set on getting a RAV4 hybrid, with wait period of 30 months, and was asking advice whether they should consider something else or sign the deal. Wut?

Housing, on the other end, is in league of its own. All houses are different. Finishes, layout, location, view. So here the emotion really comes into play.

Buyers: Honey, I really LOVE this house? Why? It has a lovely exposure to the afternoon sun. Can’t renovate other places to get the sun exposure.

Sellers: We have poured our heart and soul into this property and it’s worth much more than comparable because it has a new paint and lovely afternoon sun exposure, so no negotiation. And it is an investment!

REA: Ka-ching!

I think I’ll go invest in a bottle of red.




I wonder if the KFCs in Japan are staffed by real Kentuckites




even the absolute dumbest “raise teh rates” housing bears are starting to twig

when will do so? Possibly never


the Hyperbolic Bullshit Institute”



Argentina: raise rates to 100%, and inflation accelerates

Turkey: keeps rates low, and inflation decelerates



Superimpose charts of Japanese and Thai inflation / rates too

this is getting to the point of being too ridiculous to ignore

its going to be only you fuckwits and Phil lowe left


They’ve been raising rates… shouldn’t inflation be rising in Thailand then?


Second lowest interest rate in the world
and lowest inflation rate

Japan lowest interest rate in the world
and second lowest inflation rate


Why is Thai inflation falling even though they are raising interest rates?

According to Comingonomics, Thai inflation should be rising


Low public debt to gdp

A fly in your ointment

so you finally slip and confirm that additional vectors can invert your original theoretical concoction?

Last edited 1 year ago by A fly in your ointment

Is every death in the country the result of the jabbadabbadoo?

A fly in your ointment

Nope, just those jabbadabba-do’s that have suffered from Emma Renay spike protein induced mortality.

Whatever that percentage.
Tick Tock… who’s number will be the next? You👉? You👆? Maybe you👈? Or you👇?

Nice distraction from your Freudian slip and admittance that increasing IR can lower inflation like in Thailand

Last edited 1 year ago by A fly in your ointment

Sounds like one of those Ukraine-style victories

Lira - Copy.png

Yes much better to have 150% inflation than let your currency fall 10%

good job


The currency falling creates inflation???


150% inflation ?

no , <10% inflation

which one is more ?
ill wait while you run the numbers

and argentinas currency fell by about the same amount over that period


Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

I’d rather not touch numbers that you pulled out of your disdended anus

It is way too early to declare victory over inflation in Turkey while the lira is still rapidly depreciating in value



still way too early to declare defeat in Argentina too I suppose

they just need to lift rates harder !


Yes I’m sure Argentina’s sole problem is in relation to interest rates and they are a model of governance for all of us besides that

If the RBA raises to 100% tomorrow, Australia will surely suffer hyperinflation as a result


It’s fascinating watching people here deny reality as it comes crashing down on them

like being at mb

both echo chambers for midwits


So if Argentina cuts interest rates to zero, will Argentines finally become confident in their currency and stop hiking prices and shit?


If Argentina cut rates to zero it would reduce their inflation to some extent

if Australia lifted rates to 100%, there would be hyperinflation


If Argentina cut rates to zero it would reduce their inflation to some extent

Actually correct because their inflation is caused by out of government spending funded by central bank printing. There is no confidence in their currency and they are defacto dollarized.

if Australia lifted rates to 100%, there would be hyperinflation

What is the inflation rate in this scenario? What is wage growth? What is the unemployment rate? What is the AUD trading at? What is immigration running at? Is the government cutting spending? Hows the household cash flow channel looking? What percentage of interest income are savers spending? How much of our debt is external?
How much inflation is being imported vs. internally generated?


Got to assume a lot goes right for Argentina in the zero rates scenario though. But it potentially could lower their inflation.


They do have advantages, they don’t seem to actually have consumer credit in Argentina, and important purchases are made using harder US dollars, so consumers won’t be able to borrow Argentine pesos into oblivion like they have done to Turkish lira in order to speculate on currency devaluation.




its just the standard thing that does Coming’s head in –

show how interest rates are just one part of the inflation-fighting equation, rather than a cure-all.

– situations where there is more than one variable.


Imagine having a doctor with that impediment, trying to understand the complex system of a patient’s body

Good thing Coming isn’t actually one


But Australia must raise teh rates !

turkish government must certainly have enacted some wonderful inflation fighting policies

we should copy them ! A marvel of democracy

its amazing that this woman looks at that data comes to that conclusion – not quite ready to accept her assumptions have been wrong her entire life

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

Between January 2003 and May 2022, TurkStat published a list of average prices for over 400 items on a monthly basis, forming the basis of inflation calculations. However, the census bureau stopped publishing this inflation basket.

On 31 March 2023, The Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions (DİSK) won a lawsuit at the Ankara 6th Administrative Court against TurkStat for suspending publishing the list, arguing that it was illegal to suspend data that had been previously disclosed for many years.

We should definitely get the ABS onto this marvelous inflation-fighting policy of refusing to disclose details of inflation.

Türkiye’s annual inflation rate dropped below 40 percent in May for the first time in 17 months, pushed down by a temporary offer of free gas to households, official data showed on June 5.

TÜİK said last week that it would apply a “zero price” method for natural gas in the consumer price index (CPI) calculations for May, a month in which President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan won reelection.

Canberra is already familiar with this method of book-cooking, such as when it temporarily cut taxes on fuel.

Last edited 1 year ago by No1

Low IQ linear thinking repeated ad nauseam.

“hey guys, thailand has low rates and low inflation therefore captain phil should cut rates” See, I’m also an economic genius like the fake doctor.


And Japan
and turkey
and Argentina the opposite direction

and so forth and so on
Etc etc


Oh well, I guess we can expect to be at 10% inflation next year then.


Poor Ted. If he had written this a few years later he’d be a star in the MSM.

Kaczynski forced US media to publish his writing, which claimed modern society and technology were leading to a sense of powerlessness and alienation”


It’s not tech. It’s because the average person is a piece of shit.


Fuck youse. Tech is good enough so we could be having a 3 day work week utopia by now. But suck Apples dick in ya 3500 dollar vr headset after your 10 hour work day at the 50th insurance company noone needed. Ya fags.

Go to the wog coffee shop at lunch and pretend your cosmopolitan n shieet.


he wasnt wrong




Ted Kaczynski’s magnum opus “Industrial Society and its Future” was bang on in its analysis. His suggested actions are logically consistent with the analysis, if hard to swallow. He was a man of considerable talent and uncompromsing integrity. After reading his work, I came to see him as a one man army, and his incarceration made him a prisoner of war, not a mere convict. WaPO has kept the original site online all these years:

Recommended reading.


Yeah the unabomber, no computers, and no drugs to keep old people alive until 85 is gonna sell pretty well to the masses. Cool man.


the no computers thing seemed to sell pretty well as far as the masses were concerned tbh given no one fucking uses desktop computers anymore and browse the internet on their moronic tiny screen phone


Yeah they love their TVs and jew propaganda tho. Because a TV is a regression to a more primitive and thuggish people.


Like I said, hard to swallow.


What was his end goal? Like Pol Pot?


What he wanted was to ignore the modern world and live independently from it as much as possible. He discovered that he could not because it would keep encroahing so he set about taking revenge. Then he realised he couldn’t do it alone so he wrote the manifesto to inspire others.


Take your brain off auto pilot and disengage the mouth for once champ.


Surely there’s a TLDR.

Probably why religion was so successful. Their manifesto was basically a textbook and noone could be fucked reading it.

But Ted was late to the party.


Here’s another rabbit hole about Ted:

“The McVeigh and Kaczynski cases both have some striking similarities.

Both were subjected to intense psychiatric manipulation at the hands of shadowy forces.

During his years at Harvard, Kaczynski was part of a three-year experiment aimed at “psychic deconstruction” that turns out to have been research done as part of the CIA’s Project MKUltra”


The MKUltra experiments are probably what set him on the path to becoming a hermit. They dosed many of those guys up on LSD when they were doing those experiments.

Going by descriptions of his childhood and early days at Harvard it seems he was very high functioning autistic too. It would make sense given he is reported to have had some gender dysphoria.


Michael Hudson has some interesting views on the US’ current economic strategy

  • Strongarm the “free world” into not trading with Russia/China in order to maintain the US’ share of the global economy
  • Invest into the military industrial complex and also strongarm satrap regimes into buying military gear
  • Keep impoverishing the US population in order to keep the debt economy pumping and to keep the US somewhat competitive in keeping wage bills down
Gruppenführer Mark

How dare you!


after the dust has cleared in a few weeks ill make a post about the offensive, but rn its too preliminary to tell other than the fact that things seem to not be going well for UKR

still early days though, but at this rate theyll be out of stuff in a few weeks


When the Western media was obsessed with Bakhmut, the Russians were building five lines of defence. Which was the better strategy?

This morning, the EZFKA MSM was talking about the villages captured by Ukraine (in the security zone), but not a single mention of the cost.


You would think with all of the carbon emissions from this war, Greta would be protesting to stop this war. But, alas, crickets from her.

On a positive note, though…

washing machines.jpg

peer-reviewed study found 53% of mothers of transgender sons could be medically diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder and/or Depression, versus 6% of those with cisgender sons.


ive been saying it for years, trans identity is inextricably linked to heritable genetically transmitted bpd


That doesn’t make it genetic. I think most transgenderism and homosexuality is the product of parents who did not make their kids safe and secure, much the same as drug addicts and homeless people. A kid who learns he or she cannot trust people cannot cope with a world in which trust is required. Something has to give.


parents who dont make their kids safe / secure could just be transmitting their irresponsible/retarded personalities to their children, the act that they were retarded/irresponsible parents could just be incidental to the genetic transmission of bad personality traits


It’s Calhoun’s behavioural sink. Results observed in rat park experiments, prisons and boarding schools.


Dan’s a Trans fan though, can barely keep it in his pants




With a slowing economy, $166B would be the minimum of the projected amount. When spending slows, so will GST receipts, as well as payroll and property taxes.

Victoria has no economy other than increasing population. At some stage it will go back to the economy of the late ‘80s and early’90s.

Agent 47

Abo AFL player done for multiple break and enters. Mark Leiblers voice to Parliament keeps getting funnier by the day.


That guy is a two time loser, did jail time in WA but was given heaps of free rides because he was black and could play footy well. How dumb would he have to be now, he’d be on about $500k playing salary this year.

Aussie Soy Boy

Watch the excuses come in for him.


Hawthorn coaches, welfare officer were ‘accused’ of racism (unsubstantiated and discredited report, by an Indigenous bloke who managed to get arrested for fraud of his Indigenous corporation shortly after compiling the report). Your ABC and assorted woke fuckwits on the AFL media fried them. Absolute pile on. Wanted them to stand down even though there wasn’t a shred of evidence or anywhere near a proper investigation. All 3 have been badly affected, 2/3 have stepped down from their jobs due to the media pressure.

This Indigenous bloke gets arrested after a police investigation, for multiple serious offences including aggravated burglary, and the media are all hands off, some weren’t even daring to mention the actual charges.

Is this ‘white privilege’?

Aussie Soy Boy

Nobody has more privileges than a boong in this country.


Boong is an offensive term, isn’t it?

not as blatant as “shitskin”, but unpleasant nonetheless

A fly in your ointment

leftards are known for inducing “fascists*” to use those words to make them usefully idiots for their cause.

* = anyone whose opinion in not an unequivocally identical opinion/viewpoint to theirs.


Terrible that Swedish men have all suddenly become rapists. Unless there’s someone else causing this?



A fly in your ointment

in my 10 sec research I reckon at least a measurable and unmissable chunk of those rapes are cases of breach of written sexual consent with compulsory 7 days cooling off period.


I want to vote Yes, so will they get rid of the Welcome to Country and play this Trans bloke singing


Another Tennis grand Slam finishes, a day on a calendar for most, no different from the one yesterday or the one in a few days from now. A tiny difference though, this time, in that the the history of this sport is made with virtually every record that exists being broken, broken by a sportsman whum is probably the only one unjabbed on the tour, a man whom still chose his health rather than to succomb to pseudomedical tyrrany and protect his 7 or 8 digit pay, the oldest of them all, the healthiest, the most dominant in multi-surface… the list goes on.
The unlucky runner up is no less than a prime example Norse Aryan. He put up a masterful game but in the end still beaten by one of the Slavic untermensch.
Novak’s win is a win for NO-wax, a spite in the face of those whom obstructed him from having 2-3 more titles – by what is modestly described as a pseudo-medical tyranny, a win for all those toxic men whim have spouses and wives (not “partners” like his Aryan peer).
On top of everything, he’s not done as yet. Not having a jab does that.
Faces of his resident haters like Ben Rotten berg, Mats Willander or even the slime like Tsitsipas or Nadal are covered in spits, characters whom jestered his mistreatment during the darkest ages in modern Aus history, a dusk of democracy.

He became the greatest of all times the moment he was deported from a ‘democratic’ country for not toeing in to powers to be, today he just crowned the title and shut the mouths of all those searching for an unbroken record to say he misses that one last record to be the GOAT as there are none left.

Last edited 1 year ago by A fly in your ointment

Oh yeah, complete crickets. Very little coverage. There was more coverage when Federer retired. Nothing against Federer, but the dislike of Djokovic is pathological. I know he comes across as a jerk on the court etc but it does seem driven more by that.

Aussie Soy Boy

Not much about the boong thief either.

A fly in your ointment

Novak Djokovic’s 23rd grand slam is a record – but please don’t call him the GOAT
Ben Bramble

If there is any meaningful sense in which we can ask who is the greatest of all time, the answer can not simply be given by crudely adding up slams. You’ve got to factor in other things, like who else was playing at the time, and physical advantages.

So, let’s do that. Since 2019, Djokovic has won eight slams. But during this time, Federer was too old and injured to play his best, and the competition was generally pretty weak. It is not that these eight slams don’t count. But they are worth less.

LOL, I guess Rod Laver was too old so all the winners/winnings after him were worthless. And no mention if Pfederrer playing before Nadal and Djoker became adult enough to play pro tennis, winning virtually unopposed until 2 greatest players became dominant


Fuck the Cope is so bitter on this one.

Acknowledging Djokavic’s greatness would be the first brick to crumble, to analyse the hysterical response to him in Australia for what it was.

Can’t allow the Cookers to win.


Another day in Ezfka. Friendly reminder that treason is compulsory.


DLS looks like such a cuck


Good job here by Lyn Alden explaining some of the inflation vs. interest rates dynamics.

My only bone to pick is she seems to consider increasing interest payments debt as inflationary as new deficit spending on domestic programs that create employment. These are clearly very different scenarios with different multipliers. And there is the question of the inflationary effect of interest payments on debt held off shore, which is a lot of US debt.

All in all a good article, though.


Thanks for linking that – it’s a good article. I’d agree with your bone-picking too.

Also worth nothing for the audience that some of the points that Lyn makes are sensible and valid for the USA but don’t translate very well to EZFKA. Because the USA is a big fish in the pond, so its actions create big waves that have their own significant global effects, whereas EZFKA is a little fish that doesn’t create waves like that. A case in point is the example she gives about how higher US rates impacted oil and commodity 100 years ago:

In the 1970s, the U.S. had low sovereign debt-to-GDP (only 30%), and thus had a clear path towards monetary tightening to rein in the rate of bank lending and consumer demand without blowing up the fiscal budget. Higher rates encouraged foreign entities to hold more dollars, which helped strengthen the dollar and lower import costs (and also, crush the economies of certain foreign developing countries that had a lot of dollar-denominated debt, which reduced their consumption of oil and other commodities and thereby left more for the United States).

ezfka can hike its rates to 20% or down to -10% and it won’t have effects like that.

Ironic Boomer

US also has the treasury general account TGA, which has been drawn down partly due to debt ceiling, which would otherwise counter liquidity.


Coming usually quick to quote Lyn Alden when it suits his narrative:

If interest rates are at-or-below the inflation rate, it creates an incentive for people to borrow money and to buy harder assets. Bank lending creates more broad money, and so as more people borrow money and use it to buy other assets, it can increase the money supply and exacerbate inflation into a vicious cycle.

As a more extreme example, Turkey’s broad money supply and consumer price index both more than doubled over the past year and a half, with upwards of 80% year-over-year inflation at the peak, while their interest rates ranged between 8% and 18%. Consumer level interest rates are higher than that but still; it’s a massive amount of inflation relative to interest rates. There’s a strong market incentive for people and companies to borrow Turkish lira and use it to buy U.S. dollars, gold, stocks, real estate, bitcoin, art, wine, or basically anything that is expected to have a better 3-5 year return than the lira, which is almost everything. And by borrowing lira, they create more lira

A fly in your ointment

an example of the pathway to hyperinflation – keep the IR lower than actual inflation for long enough for every Mick or Skippy to realise that tangible goods cannot lose their value as fast as fiat can. Thereafter it goes to Zimbabwe scenario.


It was good that Lyn mentioned not only the concept of “keeping IR lower than inflation” but also the very important barriers that are needed to keep the ball under the water.

forcing folks to buy low interest gov debt and cutting off escape routes for exiting the currency. We’ve had similar discussions here on a few occasions – the one I remember best was in the context of a dual-currency system of some sort. You must stand in the way of free conversion if you want these things to stick.

it’s not impossible, but it’s also not easy and requires strong, drastic and rather visible measures.

A fly in your ointment

none of this can stick, the only variable is how long before it spirals out of control.


I learnt something new in the last few days. I previously mentioned you can’t get sustained inflation unless wages chasing inflation (wage price spiral). This is apparently too simplistic. If productivity falls it also raises the cost of production. Quiet Quitters ftw. RBA going to keep raising until it breaks.

comment image


I suppose that is probably technically true. But it’s also one of those things that is more valid for a serious nation like USA or China (which produce things) rather than ezfka.

In ezfka it might be true for food (mostly locally produced), but in respect of most other products, nominal reduction in productivity of bullshit jobs will perhaps only ever be felt in the exchange rate.

but as we come to look at the exchange rate, the main game is minerals, of course, and the marginal productivity of baristas and hr managers doesn’t really move the needle.


My understanding it is all things not just manufacturing. But I accept it could be my misunderstanding.

Anyways, I have heard a few economists mention that is what RBA is now afraid of. Even though wage rises were two-thirds-of-bugger-all the fact productivity has fallen has a similar effect to everyone receiving a massive pay rise.

Chris Joye also mentioned it in a podcast today. Worth listening.


I don’t think you’re misunderstanding, it’s more that I think that 1) it’s less relevant in ezfka than other places 2) it’s an indirect, derivative, kooky measure.

Reminds me a bit of the “velocity of money” measure. People often speak of it as something that can be increased or decreased directly, whereas in reality it’s a derivative, second order, resultant thing.

so too this productivity measure is a bit detached from everyday reality. Shareholders and company managers consider and manage their businesses p&l largely in nominal dollars and cents and might look at wage costs (and overheads and plant costs) as a percentage of revenue. They’d much less frequently look at how many man-hours (at each wage rate) goes into the production of each widget & then try to manage that labour productivity upwards….

Aussie Soy Boy

I think mortgage rates have to get to double digits and will. If they leave it too long we’ll be getting 15% interest rates.


Have to why? To contain inflation?

tucker Carlson, part 2 on Twatter

I can understand that Twatter space still has traces of intelligent life but it is beyond belief as to why intelligent people put up with this censoring short memory span moulding platform. Try navigating a video and you end up elsewhere on a new topic.
Yeah, Eel on Musk (LOL)


So… what are you saying exactly?

did you like Tucker’s video or not?

I thought it contained more that a few dog-whistles and half truths. But the themes I can understand and have some empathy with.

A fly in your ointment

oh, the comment below the link was about my own experience of the Twatter and the hopium that Eel on muskbwill save it.
the whole platform is designed to slowly dumb down users, at least in my arsessment. In my struggle to navigate parts of the video I was taken through a variety of algorithm rabbitholes which are obviously to capture your attention to stay on the platform.


variety of algorithm rabbitholes which are obviously to capture your attention to stay on the platform.

im pretty sure that that’s the business model

A fly in your ointment

this works well and it is worrying as the end result is content consumer, not a thinker.
so why would intelligent or otherwise people above such scatological approach be there at all?

My Twatter experience is so far about seeing an odd video from links. It is cemented to stay there.

A fly in your ointment

I do agree a lot with TC but his views are still from the GEoL’s exceptionalism hence I watch them with pleasure and a 50kg bag of salt.
I like him mostly for pissing up the wind.


What does Elon really care about?

>The new venture will even dwarf the US$2 billion Shanghai plant committed by American electric vehicle mogul Elon Musk back in 2019

A fly in your ointment

chips are overrated, unless with vinegar.
GEoL cooperated with Nazis throughout the war but particularly towards the end of it. This is not even a war with Chinks


Of course I hate the Boomers, but this feels like a confected culture/class war. If Boomer aged care is to be paid for by slugging income earners rather than perhaps obtaining any tax revenue from the shitload of gas we export, then that is a very deliberate corporatocratic decision on the part of a party that’s not even LNP Lite anymore but more the left faction of the LNP.


> the left faction of the LNP.
Magas be like no shit bro


millenials blaming boomers for house prices while voting lab is a bit rich too


It’s nice if this shit fails but that will just set us up for years of being berated about how racist Australia is.

Albo will definitely pirouette to a new culture war distraction.


They would anyway.


We’re already called racist for choosing by an ice cream flavour, won’t make any difference.

Saying someone is racist is losing less and less ‘power’, due to the Woke fascist movement.

Personally I will happily say now “Yes, well if you think that’s racist, then I am a racist. What’s the problem with that?” It feels like the early days of post Covid when a Covid Karen would admonish you.

Post the Voice Referendum failure will be interesting though. I can see lots of sneaky expenditure programs as those race shifters missing out on their expected cash move up a gear Avi style.

A fly in your ointment

the resistance is futile.

Just last night in Sydney CND northern side around Circuar quay, the quantity of Gunga Dins was 3-1 in reference to non-Gunfa-Dins. I guess one has to factor in the novelty of Sydney Vivid for recent arrivals….
Billboards allowed cbd saying Sydney welcomes illegals was the crown and light-motif of it all


What is this ice cream thing?



ice cream licking itself.gif
A fly in your ointment

zthis Dave Llewdo animated avatar?


Sometimes an ice cream is just an ice cream. Also, a bad analogy can confuse a smart person.

Last edited 1 year ago by robert2013



Once you notice it is almost impossible to stop noticing…


could somebody explain to me why these recordings even exist at all

why does britt higgins etc record all these super private conversations youd never ever want anyone to hear after theyve been made lol

is wilko richard nixon or something

Aussie Soy Boy

The Lewellen bloke recorded it if I recall correctly. They recorded it so he wouldn’t have to scribble notes throughout, instead he could focus on making sure the made up allegations didn’t have holes in them. The cops had the recording too. Seems like it has leaked somewhere along the line.

Ironic Boomer

Griftney can be the cherry on the woman problem cake.

Ironic Boomer

How can she slap.

A fly in your ointment

At least their gangs are uniformed so no friendly fire slapping


They walk among us

Ironic Boomer

EZFKA-TO making it more difficult to leave from a tax perspective it would seem.
Knew this scheisse would happen in ezfka.

Ironic Boomer

A few things EZFKA needs.
‘It (the evil morrison government) has got to go. Anthony Albanese and his Labor Party are very far from perfect but they are capable of restoring decency to Canberra. That’s all we need right now.’
Also ‘Grace Tame should be made a special minister of state…’
‘Whether Brittany Higgins wants to join in this undertaking is not so clear but she should also be offered a senior role in overseeing the execution of the Jenkins Review in its entirety.

I’m off to bask in the restored decency in Canberra.

Aussie Soy Boy

Imagine punting your life savings with these morons lol!


Boy this post didn’t age well from DLS did it


DLS is as much as a weather vane as the Kook.


Are you talking about Kouk the Labor party highly paid shill, who thinks pumping out data with a smarmy comment is paid work?


Pushes Labor policies dressed as economic theory like a Trans man then cries about the Libs starting a ‘culture war’?


That Kouk?

The one who hopes pumpinout reams of endless data will cover up his massive fails?


Ya – he’s the guy.


Import the 3rd world, become the 3rd world. Nice raw chicken delivery by these Chinese.

How long until EZFKA authorities put out travel warnings for eating in restaurants in Sydney?

Aussie Soy Boy

The food is so yummy though!


I remember when the city was filled with faggot doof clubs and thugs looking to get their end into sloots.

Chk chk boom or something.

Do the youngins still dump pingas and go to doof clubs?


Uncle says that you don’t put your finger on the trigger of a gun like she’s doing unless you’re actually about to fire a shot


The Fun Police say that weapon is clearly plastic and doesn’t even have a barrel opening. We should sell them to UKR.

Uncle is wise.


God she was amazing

a simpler, better time

heres what she’s doing now

an honest job

somebody should marry her what a quality chick

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

heres what she’s doing now

an honest job

looks like it could be an honest job. Or it could easily be NDIS grift.


almost certainly a grift

Ironic Boomer

They’re doing the jobs Aussies won’t do.

A fly in your ointment

with the amount of chemicals in that chicken, he can drag int on a fish hook down kings kross in Sydney and it will not catch even monkeypox.


Some major clownworld shit. Cynicism is rising faster than the NASDAQ when Biden can do exactly the same thing as Trump (having some classified docs in boxes at home) but only one of them might be going to jail for 300 years.

Similar to Zelensky running on peace with Russia, Biden ran on saving democracy. At this point it’s safe to assume you’ll get the exact opposite of what Western pollies pledge.


Every mainstream media narrative should be considered objectively false unless independently verifiable.

That rule is the fastest heuristic short cut to the truth that you will come across.

Ironic Boomer

Or as Voxday says everything about clown world is fake and gay.


I am now tempted to subscribe


Is this for real?


Yes. It appears on the side of their articles.


Reverse Madoffs.

Ironic Boomer

Join the comments as a selling point just lol.

Gruppenführer Mark

They should have also mentioned that the subscription fee could be cost-deductible as financial advice….. oh, wait!

Gruppenführer Mark

Ha ha ha ha ha ha! MB is done, stick a fork in it!

A fully expected end for the website that:

  1. Banned anyone with a different opinion
  2. Aggressively solicited subscriptions through comments
  3. Went from market commentary to social commentary
  4. Pushed their “progressive” agenda
  5. Tried to suck their “fair share” from the Superannuation pipe
  6. Tried to suck their “fair share” from the mortgage market pipe
  7. Changed the site layout to stay “trendy”, making it hard to use
  8. Started offering “lifetime price freeze”

If they are around for much longer, I’d be surprised. This legendary offer reeks of desperate last straw. Guess the sale to Murdoch didn’t quite pan out, so Llewdo may have to go work in the mines, just as the price of ore about to crash to $20/tonne.


They can’t be making that much, surely a normal job would be better now.

Agent 47

9. Refusal to admit they were wrong on anything (DLS mainly).

Case in point: patently obvious Katy Gallagher is neck deep in shit over the Higgins thing. Have you seen ONE article saying she needs to at least resign or someone needs to be turfed over the whole thing? Nope.

But has all the energy in the world to write daily articles for weeks on allegations of rape and that the whole government needs to be thrown out. Well, you got your wish and now look at how that’s panned out.

Gruppenführer Mark

Yes! That is a very good observation.

Actually, combined with OzCuck’s excellent meme above, there is a good argument to be made that we are MB and we do have at least one internet personality (Coming) that is never wrong.

We also are subjected to various financial topics (especially around inflation and interest rates), bitcoin bashing by Stewie, sage words uttered by Peachy, discussions on immigration and its affects on jobs and real estate, and various social happenings.

We just need to up our game on a daily iron ore shenanigans, and someone urging everyone else to bomb China, and Peachy can make this site subscription only!

I will look into assuming a grotesque personality uttering ridiculous financial predictions based on sun spots and degree of anal sunburn.

Ironic Boomer

Nope haven’t seen one article about Katy Gallagher.
Haven’t seen him address Biden either. Apparently Biden is in the Australian national interest. I however do see today a comment salt lick Dr Trump article. These libtards are still sperging over Dr Trump.


Lmao you nailed it


I click this one

F me…the comments are full leftards. No fn way would I pay for that.

I think Fishing72 needs to be issued an invite.


I clicked this one

F me…the comments are full of leftards.



It’s actually real. I thought you made this yourself.


Anonymous lefties, ooo scary.

Based poos just suck it up. Do taxi driving, woolies etc. Live on tasty burgers, I mean dahl and whatever. Have comfy based McMansion suburbs like The Ponds to look forward to.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie
Gruppenführer Mark

No, that’s exactly what this picture is. But there is something wrong with it. Take a wild guess.


US flag?

that bloke has quite big feet also, whereas his host doesn’t wear socks

Gruppenführer Mark

Very good, both of you! No US flag. Subtle way to diss Blinken, although not sure if he even noticed – diplomacy and its intricate detail don’t seem to be a thing in the US nowadays. They rather prefer bullying.


yeah there’s no american flag


The US flag is rainbow now isn’t it? That’d go well with those savages in the Mid East




holy fucking shit David and Dennis , this must be satire

surely nobody still suffering from TDS in the year of Christ 2023


Reads like reddit scum. MB might survive if they can get homeless 30 something millenial scum on board.


Fuck yeah! That is awesome on so many levels. What a deadshit, then again you have to admire the classic small hat grit to literally eat shit and manipulate everyone around you to get ahead.