I certainly feel like they are well deserved, after enduring that previous post all week.
Indeed, I am planning on doing some proper quantitative quaffing, not just soft-ass sipping.
How about you?
I certainly feel like they are well deserved, after enduring that previous post all week.
Indeed, I am planning on doing some proper quantitative quaffing, not just soft-ass sipping.
How about you?
Aussies the biggest drug users in the world.
We need zero tolerance like Singapore.
LOL rubbish.
the recreational drug use here is mostly binge drinking and glue sniffing (hence the tmdecay of the gray matter)
I go through nearly an Oz a week. Supporting those Vietnamese and all
LOL rubbish.
the recreational drug use here is mostly binge drinking and glue sniffing (hence the decay of the gray matter)
You’ve already said that… mayb you should consider getting a shingles vaccination.
‘You really subjugated us to that a second time because of a typo?
Confucius say: Ching Chong Ping Pong
Stagmal, I think you have said you have $500k but on the dole? Are you investing this $500k or even have it in a high interest savings account?
I’m trying to understand why you don’t just buy your own place.
$500k and on the dole?
This is Stagmal’s last girlfriend.
mix of bonds, stocks etc
nothing risky really but ive done some risky stuff before and thats how i made a lot of it
i made a lot from a few things
i got this company when it was at like $8 a few years ago https://www.google.com/search?q=LMAT+stock&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
i think i fintupled it or more
i want to buy my own place but i dont want to live here either and am considering leaving forever bc this place seriously bores me
i used to work in a slaughter house for a few yers
I was having a go at Freddy
it still applies to me lol
Didn’t want to say it but yes if you’re dumb enough to have bought bonds it also applies to you
muh deflation
muh bail in
yeah they suck ill get rid of them next time
Shitting on dole bludgers while you’ve got a $500k net worth. Holy shit. What a dog act.
whys that a dog act ive proven its possible to make money and save even on dole
With $500k you shouldn’t even be remotely on the dole. That’s more than enough to move to a capital city and get a good foot hold.
I don’t think you have enough money to live in Sydney and remain on the dole.
Many young people move to SE Queensland to live on the dole. With $500k you could afford an apartment or Villa in certain places that may appeal, and still have money left over to play the stock market. I will warn you though to read the fine-print on strata. Lots of scams going on up there. Educate yourself.
in my obs stratas are almost as much as my rent
Well done.
I just had a quick look at places in Tasmania that I remember being less than $100k before COVID now all $200k plus.
Where would you live? I would bounce around south east Asia for a few years if I were you. A better than Dubbo lifestyle might only cost you $10k per year.
yeah thats the plan, to leave australia just need to decide where and how
Is that 500k in super?
no i donth ave any super
So your dole is going to be cancelled soon by the sounds of it. May as well move overseas at that point.
nah they dont even know i have it, i dont know how theyll find out about it
i dont want to be on the dole anyway and im trying to get off it, getting a job is hard tho
This cannot be true right
unemployment rate 3%
are you in the bottom 3% of the population
maybe you’re super fat or ugly ?
do you have a criminal record ?
I just cannot fathom that it’s hard
I went to a restaurant and the waiters were fucking weird and stupid
having some work done on my place and the labourers are getting $50/hr
some of them look like they’re meth addicts or ex cons
so I just cannot believe that it is difficult for you to find a job in fact I’m tempted to find one for you in Sydney and get you to move into a share house in Newtown or Bondi or something
Are you close to getting cut off? The asset test for non-homeowners is $504k.
yes, but im not sure how they will ever know, its not like its in a single bank account but in a bunch of diff places. when i look at the papers i recieve talking about how many assets i have its listed as way lower than what i have
Heh, if I was in that position I suppose I could forgive them for making an error and let it slide.
While that joke might get you expelled from the Progressive Melbourne Comedy night, it brought the house down here!
I don’t get it – what is a dlink?
It hydrates and informs, but only when an Asian says it.
Ah you lacist plick.
lmao this one has it all
mortgagee now on DSP, obviously non English speaking background
pls guys how can I kep my hom
All the genius intellects around here will feel the need to argue about this obvious point.
raise teh rates!
fucking hell im overdosing on schaudenfreude
Gotta get the plebs wasting their time on the commute an hour each way. Cool man. Jebus loves TransUrban.
Seethe more fag boy
Why do you want people to go into the city so bad? Ching Chong Ping Pong your bum?
I want everyone to suffer
Yeah probably why I find you interesting. You’re evil.
Ching Chong Ping Pong.
They must think their managers are stupid. People like to work from home because they can bludge most of the day.
As opposed to the hard working people in the office you see gossiping and working out their big fat mouths interrupting people instead of doing work
Seriously its (job dependant) less productive in the office than at home
I’m sorry if I’m not completely coherent I’m just still shaking and not sure what to do or what’s really happening.
Christ, imagine being shaken up because you don’t have to go to work on Monday. Probably got paid a redundancy and paid out his leave too. Fucking hell.
Does the shingles vaccine really prevent dementia, or is it a ploy to cover people suffering vaccine induced shingles?
Pretty likely that a lot of these diseases are viral in origin
also apparently picking your nose gives you alzheimers as it allows entry to the brain through nasal mucosa
I’ve heard you should only trim the hairs in your nose and never pluck them. Apparently they can grow quite long and stretch from the roof of your nasal cavity, which has a very small distance to the brain, and plucking them risks brain infection.
i pick my nose al the time maybe thats why im so retarded
Each time you pick it you pluck out a little piece of your brain.
It’s looking increasingly likely that dementia/Alzheimer’s is related to a compromised blood brain barrier (BBB), which allows all types of unwanteds to cross and cause trouble.
There’s a table here which lists some viruses that can cross the BBB even in “healthy” people. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3367119/
It’s interesting that cases of encephalitis post covid vaccine all seem to happen in old people, who would definitely have a compromised BBB. There’s evidence that covid also crossed the BBB, but it’s unclear if this happens in younger people with a better functioning BBB.
It’s entirely possible that a shingles vaccine could prevent a shingles infection entering the brain.
This is a good discussion on the BBB dementia link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkp0DRUQ33g&t=4814s
Sorry, fucked up the youtube link. Go back to the beginning or use the timestamps in the description.
It is an interesting and very plausible theory, the one I linked to certainly fits within the bounds of what your link was describing. Question is – have we already been infected?
We’ve probably all had chicken pox so the potential for shingles is there. I’ll get the vaccine when I’m eligible. Other than that all we can really do is try to keep fit and get enough sleep. If you’ve got some of the genetic risk factors then probably not drinking it a good idea too.
the daily mail site is unnavigable
is there anyway to avoid seeing the ads without the site ad block detecter blocking you from looking at it
try Brave browser.
sometimes going private window/tab stops adblock detection
Yep. Brave browser gets rid of every single ad on the Daily Fail. All except the K-Mart ads poorly disguised as journalism.
It’s fine for me
I enjoy being overwhelmed by dopamine with all the links
You should support the dailymail’s independent journalism anyway
Fuckenma scaffolinga worka notta pay enuffa forma tenna kiddsa
Is Gonzalo lira dead ?
in a cell with Assange ?
Stagmal can you tweet to Steve keen and ask him about it
hes prob being tortured by ukrainian spooks rn tbh
He’ll make this $25k back in a week and a half once he becomes a full tradie.
He would have paid more than that.
He actually fucked the poor fisherman up, broke his leg or something. I’d rather see the turd spend a long time in Aceh jail.
Tick Tock watch:
today’s (actually last Sunday’s) numbers came to one Danielle Duchatel, a 26yo healthy woman, whom went into cardiac arrest just after 10pm on Sunday, May 21, while having dinner and playing cards with her parents at their home in Moreton Bay. Condolences.
Everyone knows how come the arrest, let’s just pretend it was her flat foot and broken leg that triggered the cardiac arrest. It is still a better arrest than that of Assange because the quick death is better than slomo version.
Who’s next?
Honestly, in a nation of obese bogans with very poor lifestyles, you still think it’s the jab that gets em?
She was not obese, chubby at worst, if we stretch it.
I agree with your point however cases of youth cardiac this or that were practically unheard of in PCE (pre covid era) even in Bogansland.
Unlikely to be jab related. She had major surgery after a broken leg – so definitely possible for post operative DVTs to occur even 2-3 months, and likely she wasn’t able to walk or weight bear a lot in the recovery period further increases those risks.
One would think that post traumatic anti clot medication would’ve been dispensed, you know, usual blood thinners.
DVT is indeed possible and the possibility that she was on some anti-DVT treatment is even higher to probably 100%.
It is unlikely she received any medication for Emma Renay induced DVT or mio-/peri-carditiis.
All is speculation, granted, just when surplus mortality occurs, science should be looking into it from the ‘why’ perspective rather then ascribing it to ‘nothing here to see”
Pulmonary embolism code is I26 at the ABS
so comes up under “other cardiac conditions” (includes all diagnoses between I26 and I50)
as well as PE, this category contains heart failure, arrhythmias, myocarditis etc
all the prime cooker material
provisional data shows that there were 1473 deaths in the “other cardiac conditions” category
which is about 10% more than baseline average
note that this “other cardiac conditions” category, including all the prime cooker shit, constitutes like 5% of all deaths
So we are talking 10% of 5%
so even if we assume that all this excess was purely from the jabbadabbadoo
(ignore population growth, ageing population, the effects of covid itself, second order lockdown effects etc)
does anyone really give a fuck?
You’ll also notice (maybe) that deaths in 0-44yo are actually down 10% on longterm averages
so if the jabbadabbadoo is getting anyone, its the oldies
^ ^ ^
Why are you hysterical when it is so safe to have been EmmaRenayed?
No need to worry, I read someplace, and it was peer reviewed by tinfoil hatters, that those that took the jabbadabba to save their 6 or more digit jobs are safer than those on a 5 digit paycheck.
Peer reviewed!
This is hysterical to you?
my dear chap – have you heard of projection
Enjoy! I know I did.
Interesting that some Ukranian soldiers are starting to wake up to the fact that they are being deliberately sent to pointless deaths:
As I said the other day, the War in the Ukraine is really organised genocide under the guise of ‘defending democracy’.
I don’t know why people balk at the possibility that this is one of the true motivations of the war, or if not motivation then a beneficial side effect for the elites who run both the US and the Ukraine.
Taking this same lens then both the Holodomor, and both WW1 and WW2, and the incredible pointless waste of lives especially the war on the Eastern Front, can be viewed as organised attempts at genociding Europeans and especially Eastern Europeans.
Anyone who has seen the opening scenes of ‘Enemy at the Gate’ would understand the pointless sacrifice of lives – sending unarmed men into battle “When your commrade is shot, pick up his gun and continue to advance least I, your communist apparatchiks and better, shoot you in the back for cowardness”.
Germany won a stunning tactical victory with Operations Barbarrossa, they completely destroyed the Russian air force and practically all the Russian Armies. Yet the “Russians” elite, 95% of which were not Ethnic Russians, and didn’t give a shit about the Slavic population over which they ruled, instead used the Slavs as an endless pool of resources, raising army after army to ‘defend’ Russia, all the while creating special rules to protect themselves.
Yet what were these Slavic men who were pointlessly dying actually defending?
It wasn’t “democracy”, Russia was one party communist dictatorship. The Germans weren’t exterminating the Slavs either once they conquered them, the only people who were threatened by the German invasion were the hostile elites who despised ethnic Russians commonly referring to Slavs as ‘white negros’:
BTW – we know this quote is real for two reasons. First, it is virtually impossible to find on the internet without search specific key word phrases and using browsers other than narrative controllers like Google search. Second, if it was false, when you searched there would be numerous quotes, papers and references saying it was false. Instead it is a truth that is hidden with hope that it is forgotten and if surfaced viewed as a conspiracy theory.
So basically millions of Slavic men were genocided by Jewish Communist Russian elites in WW2, not to save ‘Democracy’ but to save their communist ideology and a regime that was inherently hostile towards those young men being made to fight and defend it. It was an organised holocaust under the guise of defending Russia – so what if every Slav died defending Russia – all the better for those that remain.
The parallels with Russia then and what is going on in the Ukraine today, and who is leading it, is really uncanny… which makes you wonder which side are really the baddies, both today and 70 years ago.
History isn’t fact – it is narrative control by the victors.
What was the reason why Germany invaded the Soviet Union if not to take the land for ethnic Germans?
If it was actually to “liberate” Russians then why did millions of Russian POWs die in German custody? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_atrocities_committed_against_Soviet_prisoners_of_war
Why did the Nazis send ethnic Poles to death camps?
I know we talk a lot of shit here but having to read Nazi apologia is grotesque. Fuck you Stewie you freak.
Hell they must have been the most selfless regime in history sacrificing millions of their own men just to liberate alien populations from the Jewish menace
Even Putin doesn’t claim the war is to liberate Ukrainians.
Hitler hated both Jews and Slavs.
Nazi wanted Lebensraum and the infamous Drang nach Osten.
Russian territories were the prime target.
in Balkans, krauts and their minions did vicious atrocities of which no mention in westworld history books.
hitler didn’t much like slavs (until his final days, where he recounted his opinions on them), but it’s questionable on what the germans actually wanted to do when they occupied much of eastern europe. general plan ost was a bunch of autistic ideas, not some inevitable deadline, and there is even some indication hitler wanted to stop at the urals so, (in his own words) “stalin can continue his interesting socialist experiment”.
didn’t much like Slavs
how about a genocidal hysterical hatred? The plan was to free up land in the way they make arable land in Amazonas. one chop at the time
Wikipedia has chockers of evidence from Hitler’s own writings about what the point of his venture was that would cost the lives of millions of his people.
“recounted” = recanted?
My mum’s best friend was Hungarian, she was a little older than my mother and remembers the end of WW2. She said the Germans were bad, but nothing like the Russians who ‘liberated’ them afterwards.
History is written by the victor, of course the Nazis are going to be made out to be the most evil people ever – they almost suceeded in ejecting Jews from Europe through appealing to Nationalism.
That can never be allowed to occur again, which brings us to our bright MultiCultural Europe of today. Diversity is their greats strength.
The idea that communist subversion is responsible for decline of not only my family, but many of the families I grew up around is appealing to me and there is real evidence that running psyops in the West, including Austarlia, is exactly what they were (and are) doing for decades. It also not implausible that there were jewish leaders and footsoliders in this movement. However, I have yet to see the direct evidence that jews were in control of it all from the beginning. Marx was jewish. Engels was not. Lenin was not. Mao was not. The ideas appeared useful and important to a great many people, for a great many reasons. Understanding the events and actions of the past is useful, but only if it is used to inform some action today. We cannot rebuild an anglo australia. It is now history. Barely fertile and infertile Anglos in Australia have no purpose and their actions are mostly selfish. That so many are in positions of power is a from of genosuicide (homosexuals are overrepresented in the public service and in Canberra). The issue is now what sort of identity can we construct that useful gets us working together for the betterment of our families? Such an identity cannot depend on the administrative entity called Australia. Those who wish to pass on a strong identity their children can own and in turn pass on to their children, cannot behave like worker ants whose reproduction depends on the hive. Identifying with those you live amongst makes only sense if you share more genes in common with them than those who border your territory. This is not true in Australia. Those we now live amongst are not people we can identify with. They may be allies but no more. They do not identify with us. The family is the nation now. Honour your ancestors so that your descendents will honour you. If done right, that can bind them together for centuries. Look at the Chinese clan houses for example, or the aristocratic families that survived the English Labour governments in the 1920s and 30s. Sadly, it is too late for me and my family. I am here to tell anyone who will listen that the ancient truths about life have not been forgotten by the universe.
Honestly the basis of my assertion and beliefs is no more than that – the influence is cultural. Wealthy and powerful people working to promote their cultural values at the expense of our own.
In terms of Marxism in all its forms the thought leaders of this ideology were nearly entirely derived from Jewish Intellectuals or those that hung out with them. As for Mao, Cultural victory is that if you get your enemy to think like you, then you have already won.
My criticism is of Jewish culture and cultural values – Australia has adopted immigration policies that have basically been developed by Jewish think tanks. The Lowy Foundation is a prime example.
But I hear people say, there is also the notionally Catholic Scanlon Foundation, to which I reply with what I’ve said before, if you get your enemy to think like you then you’ve already won.
Scanlon, like our Govt and major parties and all our economists, now thinks in terms of Microeconomics and monetarism.
This is an economic Overton window that is essentially deploys Jewish of economic thought or mind models, that strips away any cultural or social determinant in what is “best” for a society and people. Anyone who essentially thinks like a Globalist and becomes an ally to their cause.
I think the Nazis were probably cunts, and probably marginally worse cunts than the Allies. I think that millions died under their watch, but it was largely a result of the collapse of their own regime and supply logistics.
IMHO the “Holocaust” is little more than a psy-op ever bit as manufactured as COVID, built around a truth of hundreds of thousands of dead Jews in collapsed deportation concentration camps, through starvation and Typhoid.
I think Nazis been deliberately turned into the ultimate Boogie Man for no other reason than he almost succeeded in using Nationalism to eject Jewery from Europe.
So post WW2 it was decided by intellectual thought leaders that to avoid this ever happening again, the idea of any form of Nationalism had to be destroyed:
Which basically brings us to where we are today. I too have taken the black pill, there is no going back to a unified nation that Australia once was – one that collectively worked to ensure its own children were well equipped to face into the future with the full resources of the nation behind them. That nation is dead.
I think the only way forward is to strongly identify with a cultural group if you can, and try and instill into you kids as much sense of culture as possible.
The most important idea to install into them is that the struggle for existence if real and important, and that their role in that is to struggle against the temptation of choosing the easy path of self indulgence, and instead struggle and sacrifice to procreate and pass onto your kids the same opportunity to stare out upon the Universe and marvel at the miracle of existence and the consciousness to gaze upon it.
there is a lot of similarities between this pattern of thought and Anselm’s ontological argument for the existence of god… you know the one that states that god [here we talk about the monotheistic-style god] is, by definition, the greatest of all possible things; therefore it is a contradiction to claim that god only exists in imagination and not concrete reality, because a god that exists in imagination only is lesser than a god that exists in reality. And so the premise is proven – god must exist in reality.
You ascribe certain undesirable traits/tropes/trends to jewish culture. Anyone possessing the same or similar traits/tropes/trends must have been influenced in this direction by the jews. Therefore the traits/tropes/trends of the jews must be undesirable. And so the premise is proven.
I mean it’s nice quasi intellectual window dressing on the bland “it’s all the jews fault” antisemitic stance, but you should be able to see through it
I do this because my contention is that our intellectual elite are educated in values that have their thought leadership originating in Jewish cultural values, from the perspective of identity, through to LGBT, Multiculturalism, immigration, economics, concepts of money, concepts of ‘nation’, concepts of debt, family, etc.
Like a fish swimming in the ocean we are no longer aware of the water around us, all we know is that something is wrong and slightly alien.
I will admit though your criticism is valid.
The mind model I have settled on in terms of explaining why things are now the way they are, “Culture” and cultural warfare, has a danger in that is the symmetry to it is self re-enforcing.
There is no need for a central conspiracy cabal, all it requires is the belief that wealthy determined men seek to project their values forward in competition with others.
BTW – it isn’t just Jewish culture I am opposing, it is all cultural values other than what where typical Australian values pre 1960 – broadly Anglo Saxon and Christian.
The issue I have with Judaism is that imho it is a Culture that has developed specific predatory cultural values that are beneficial for its in group followers, while detrimental to whatever society is hosting them.
I have elaborated this point before and provided my reasoning, so have no need to bore everyone and repeat it. The fact that it has survived 4,000 yrs of constant supposed ‘persecution’ shows a certain level of survivor bias that hints at its true cultural predatory nature.
Everyone knows we are in the midst of a culture war, but everyone is too scared of pointing the finger as to where the thought leadership behind where most of these ideas originate.
Fuckme for braking my own rule of not going around a piece of shit but instead stepping on it as the stink will follow me for weeks.
My dad’s best friend’s neighbour’s coworker’s third cousin twice removed is not Hungarian and he said that of course krauts were “a little bad” and Soviets who ‘liberated’ them were damn bad. This because Hungary was the very first country to join the tripartite Axis forces and were allies with Nazis, adopted policy that all their neighbours were owing some of their land to them, actively participated invasion of USSR and committed various atrocities, particularly against Romanians and Jewgoslavians, to name a few.
Hungarians were not liberated by soviets, they were defeated, defanged, neutered and subjugated. Soviets earned the right to be real baddies and reap some form of consolation for what they endured from a hands of Hungarians. It seems that this came to be well measured judging from the recent events and position of Hungaria
It takes a semi-educated ignorant idiot to proclaim that Nazis were ‘made out to be the most evil people ever’ and it seems we have found one.
The same media that tells you with 100% certainty to get the Jabba-dabba-do, is the same media that tells you with that you must believe the the Holocaust with 100% certainty.
What a drongo.
Media did not have to tell me whom killed ~1/4 of may forefathers and I’ve personally met non jew people whom returned from Auschwitz and Mauthausen only by the sheer luck of Soviet and US army reaching there before total extermination was completed.
Yeah, they talked of swimming pools, saunas, 4 warm meals every day, weekly Thai massage and 3x cock sucking (to prevent syphilis)..
Lets assume there were not the 6 mil Jews killed (and I highly doubt the figure anyway), was it 4mil? Was it 1mil? Was it 10000?
It dont matter how many were killed, what matters is that they were targeted by their ethnicity and extermianted. Same fate was awaiting all gypsies and Eastern/South Eastern Slavs (excl forefathers of Sydney United supporters).
Extermination is not a form of hate, it is something by far beyond the mere hate which is what is present in your hysteria around jews.
To say perhaps that the 6mil jews were not killed is on thing but to say that krauts were ‘made out to be the most eveil people on the planet’ is beyond lunacy.
You are an pseudo-educated idiot whom cannot stop even when shown to, drawn to and felt to be utterly wrong.
That I don’t feel compelled to run with the crowd? That I consider the possibility of the most sacred truth that we are repeatedly forced to accept on penitent knees might be a lie? That is so important we accept as the truth that little reminder museums have sprouted up all around the world?
I simply don’t feel compelled to believe that the organised genocide narrative. I believe, not unreasonably, that the majority of deaths occurred through typhoid and starvation and German logistics fell apart on the Eastern Front.
I believe the Germans were pricks and wanted to deport the Jews (like so many countries and people before them). But I also believe the Jews were equal pricks to the Germans and were equally happy to see German culture obliterated through the excesses of the Weimar republic, of which a lot of Nazi Germany was a reaction against.
Germans, Hitler and the Nazis are the ultimate Boogie man because that is what the Globalists needed to ensure that their vision was the one that came to dominate the global narrative:
By killing nationalism forever they ensured that their ideas and concepts around individual nations, bound by common values and working together in unified purposed be utterly destroyed in their brave new world order.
There is no logical sense to the current narrative, only the raw emotion of decades of propaganda.
Don’t get the Jabba-dabba-do and question the narrative, you are a bad and evil person. Don’t go along with the fairy tale of 11 million deaths, then you are a bad and evil person.
Fuck me for stepping on the piece of shit.
Youre a much bigger cretin than I dared to think and now youre deflecting.
Jabbadabba is akin to nazi peddling the Aryan race and brainwashing of the masses to participate in the historically greatest war crime against humanity known to mankind and Andrews/Moronson achieved the same brainwash 80yrs later.
Nope moron, your not going against a crowd or “established” jewcentric narrative, you’re peddling nazi racial policy, going against the logic, against facts which krauts recorded themselves during their 6 years of indefinite infame, against intellect,
I’ve recorded this page this page with wayback machine for it must be unerasable.
I’m done… gone to clean my feet of the piece of shit that I voluntarily stepped on. I deserve to stink now…
I love it – I’ve gotten a fucking in bred, cousing fucking wog so angry he’s broken character just like his skippy buddy does at MB when annoyed.
Denying or questioning the Holocausts doesn’t make someone an Arayan supremacists – it just means that they haven’t been convinced by the huge number of questions and logical inconsistencies in what we are taught from a young age never to question and always accept as a matter of FAITH bravo, you pass the dogma test.
There are plenty of Holocaust deniers or questioners whose questions and issues with the official narrative are all quite similar. They aren’t race supremacist’s either, they just have issues with the official narrative, but because that is equated as one and the same by simple minded, inbred, system hugging cretins like yourself then they get lumped in together.
You won’t find them on your main research tool either…. for some reason Wikipedia is very good at reinforcing the mainstream narrative, so much so that even school kids are told not to use it for anything other than the most basic, uncontroversial facts.
I’ve always made it quite clear that I have an issue with the teachings of Judaism, that I see it is a parasitic culture, and that the culture war we are engaged in is basically a result of the Jewish pursuit of Tikkun olam, or “healing the world”.
How do they “Heal the World” by basically undoing and attacking every cultural value or fence errected by any culture that interfers with their own. Faggotry (which you can probably relate to), Gender as a spectrum, destruction of national identity, MultiCult, etc
Go off any wipe you feet ya microcephalic sooky spic, the only shit that you are traipsing through your house is your own god damn ignorance and closed mindedness.
Yeah, nah…, just a jew hater Nazism whitewashing self aggrandising sonova bitch.
Accept the dogma. Never question it.
Good Goy.
At no point have I denied hundreds of thousand or possibly up to a million people died in German camps.
I’m just saying those deaths were through typhoid and especially starvation as the German economy and logistics collapsed towards the end of the war.
The crime of those camps were no greater or worse than the concentration camps that the British established during the Bore war, and that their purpose wasn’t to genocide Jews but hold them there for deportation to Israel as per the Haavara agreement.
But hey, dogma, faith and belief…. How do you say it? Jabba-dabba-do?
morally, do you think that deliberately putting a million people in a situation where they would be likely to succumb to starvation and typhoid/whatever disease is much superior to just executing them?
On that topic, how did you feel when watching that video about the black dude raping women and giving them aids?
Morally I equate it exactly the same as the British and their concentration camps where thousands of South Africans starved to death.
It was worse numerically only because the numbers in the camps were greater than SA and consequently when the German economy/Logistics collapsed there were more deaths.
I certainly don’t equate it with the crime of the century or one which we should genuflect to every time we encounter, because I don’t consider it deliberate genocide – at worst it was indifference to their responsibility to look after their captives as their war machine collapsed around them.
I’m not saying the Germans weren’t culpable or responsible for those deaths, I am saying it wasn’t organised genocide.
I can’t see any equivalence with your black Dued raping women and giving them aids.
that was not the question, Stewie
the question was:
do you think that deliberately putting a million people in a situation where they would be likely to succumb to starvation and typhoid/whatever disease is much superior to just executing them?
and the distinction that I’m getting at is that you seem to equate (your version of) what happened to an “oopsie”. Manslaughter perhaps, even involuntary manslaughter. It wasn’t the Germans’ fault that their logistics stuffed up, it was actually the Russians, lead by the jewish bolshies that fucked up their well planned supply logistics!
but I say that even if we accept your version of what happened, it’s still morally equivalent to murder.
Once you herd up and/or displace people like the Germans did, you take on moral responsibility for their lives.
This is reflected in the ancient rules on treatment of prisoners, the history of the Geneva convention re POWs, and right back to the Magna Carta and before, to writs of habeas corpus.
It’s why Japanese treatment of 20th century war prisoners (and Chinese civilians) is famously despised. If the British did this to the boers, that’s murder as well.
its hard to quantify or rank moral wrongs (refer trolley car problem), but it’s certainly a massive evil.
yeah, nah
it’s wielding power over a weaker party with criminal disregard for their welfare. It is murder.
Peachy – at no point have I said it was an Oopsie.
They remain morally culpable for all the deaths that occurred over the lives of people that were in their custody, be they Jewish or Russian.
But are they worse than the Allies letting 800,000 Germans starve after the war?
If the Nazis are reprehensible for letting their captives die through negligence or the breakdown of their regime then the Allies must be equally reprehensible.
Consequently you can’t turn around and say the Nazis committed a crime of the century or were any more or less reprehensible than the allies, because the allies did exactly the same.
Im saying the Nazis evil was on par with the Allies evil or the British evil in the Boer war. Their was no special evil through deliberate genocide, because it did not occur.
it’s wielding power over a weaker party with criminal disregard for their welfare. It is murder.
Yes – but one is deliberate and premeditated, the other is being collectively assigned as a result of the complete systemic breakdown of supply and logistics at the end of WW2.
IMHO there is more outright evil in the first than in the second, even though the suffering that arose from the second is far greater.
Strange that you would identify the media portrayal of the jabbadabba with the media portrayal of the holocaust.
seems to me more that there are much more obvious and natural parallels between
ignoring these seems convenient to support your prejudged conclusions
That isn’t the parallels that I am drawing.
I’m saying the media blackout in any view opposing vaccinations for COVID was just as complete as the blackout in regards to dicussing the holocaust.
According to the media the ‘History’ on the Holocaust is as settled as the ‘science’ on COVID – they both broach no discussion or variance from the settled narrative.
It is dogma that we are not allowed to question, no matter how reasonable the questions.
Yes, this is what is strange.
What Aspect is strange?
I wasn’t arguing about Aust Govt reaction to COVID or the Nazis reaction to the Jews.
I was comparing the media’s approach to questions around both events – being the complete and utter acceptance of the official narrative and dogma around both events. Dogma that must be accepted without question
I’d think that given what happened to you or your friends due to covid (folk tossed wholesale under the jabba wagon) you’d maybe develop some empathy with folks thrown on the “deportation” wagon
or see some similarities between how the recent claims of no harm meant due to the jabs echo your claims of no harm meant through “deportation” (to death and disease camps)
Peachy – I’m arguing about whether events occurred, specifically 11m people being gassed and cremated.I’m not arguing that no deaths occurred.
I believe probably somewhere between 400,000 to a million died in those camps, through starvation and typhoid and not through the gas chambers, and I have every sympathy for them as individuals and as victims. But that doesn’t extend to believing a lie simply to prevent hurt feelings.
Do you see any degree of difference in Evil between deliberately gassing 11m people and being notionally responsible for the deaths of 1m people through the wartime collapse of a regime?
The evil intent is not quite the same imho.
See, here you are using what I call an “oopsie” explanation.
wartime collapse of a regime is no defence once you’ve forcibly herded masses of people into holding pens without ability to provide for their sustenance and healthcare. It’s still murder.
not that I really buy into this idea of nazis only intending “transportation” rather than outright murder.
the cry of “where are the bodies” is also not persuasive. Can use similar question to doubt the number of victims of ghengis khan. Where are the 30m corpses worldwide? Where are the 500,000 corpses in Baghdad?
Call it what you want, but in general legal principals it becomes a degree of culpability,
Fair enough – that is your opinion.
imho the degree of culpability between deliberately gassing a population group for extermination is higher than herding people to holding pens for deportation and have a bunch of them die. Firstly through disease, which they actively tried to combat, by shaving their heads, chemical delousing, inviting the red cross in, and then secondly through starvation following the total system collapse as your regime and logistics fell apart.
But if you need a boogie man to fight nationalism and be sure that no one ever looks that way again, guess which version you will work to popularise….
Fair enough – that is your opinion.
The concept and motivation of transportation was well written about, the collaboration with Hitler and Zionists in Palestine at the time is also well documented, although harder to find. BTW – this is one of the major reasons why Britain and especially Churchill hated Hiter – because it threatened British control of Palestine. The Haavara agreement also goes over it, very lightly and skeptically on Wikipedia.
Fair enough – that is your opinion.
Not withstanding the considerable more time between now and the time of Ghengis Khan, I can only draw attention to the enormous amount of energy required to completely cremate 11 million bodies. It was conservatively between 20%-40% of Germany’s pre WW2 Oil reserves, required at a time when they were exerting enormous energy simply to extract the Oil needed to keep their war machine going from their coal reserves.
As for Auschwitz I can only attest to what I saw. I did see a crematorium, that had 4 ovens in it. I have worked in industrial scale agricultural processing. I know how much infrastructure is required to move carcasses in volume, there was nothing that I saw there to support the volumes required.
Do the calculations yourself, 11 million in less three years – through 4 ovens, and Auschwitz was their biggest camp by far.
I thought at the time I was mistaken and that there must be more, that the infrastructure must have been destroyed or something. This was actually the question I first wanted answered for myself when I went looking at so called Holocaust deniers reasoning.
Honestly Peachy, I wouldn’t want anyone to believe me. I’m not fucking stupid, I fully understand how repugnant people view Antisemites or Holocaust deniers, there is no way in the world I would voluntarily hold the views I do unless I genuinely and logically arrived at them.
Don’t go searching for answers if you think you can’t handle what you find. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.
Stewie….none of this matters. Let it go. It’s an attention sink. Work on your family. Build it into a nation. Ally with those who hold similar views. Get ready. Shit’s going to get real…for what it’s worth, I don’t think I’ll make it. I don’t have the right skills and I can’t acquire them anymore.
Agreed – I’ve only been explaining my viewpoint, not trying to convince anyone.
….and to think all of this was kicked off pasting the below link and commenting to the effect on the similarity of the ethnic composition of elites in Ukraine today and the USSR and their shared willingness to sacrifice the lives of people over which they rule/ed:
Chin up, provided Nuclear War is avoided with Russia or China, I reckon we’ve got until the end of the decade before people realise that the bigger problem is the Long Emergency as its effects become unmistakable. There is still plenty of time to skill up, and plenty of parts of Australia where community still means something.
Poor Stewie
not sure why he’s copping so much vitriol
I thought this was a place for free thought and discussion
it’s no more offensive or unbelievable than the cooker nonsense that gets posted here every day
yeh yeh, we is having a discussion.
The only place I’ve seen community mean anything is in the USA. I know of towns where the neighbouring town has a sizable black population but they have just one or two. The locals closed ranks… never written. It’s understood. It’s not just pricing them out either. Does that happen in Australia? I’ve yet to see it…maybe in some of those little towns out west in QLD. Elsewhere, people do as they are told and those who don’t aren’t geographically concentrated.
so you’re saying that you wouldn’t feel quite right pulling the trigger or turning the gas tap, but no qualms deporting ordinary civilians in cattle wagons to concentration camps
yeah, seems like a mere difference of opinion.
this is complete fucking bollocks, the 4 oven stuff. you just pile the bodies in pits and set fire to them, with some accelerant
how do you think UK managed to incinerate over four million dead cows in a year or so due to mad cow disease back in the 90s? You think they built special cow crematoria? How many?
They did it with pits and piles of cows. Here’s an earlier example- https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zcZ-86M2kAk&t=20m16s
Peachy – WTF!!!
How do you get from me expressing some doubts as to the official narrative, to me being blase about gassing a bunch of Jews?
All I’m saying is there is a degree of difference in the level of culpability between the two scenarios. They are both wrong and wouldn’t support either, but the culpability between the two is different imho.
Actually they did build special cow crematoria back in the 90s to dispose of cows infected with mad Cow disease. The link you provided is of disposal of Cows from Foot and Mouth.
F&M is a viral disease and if you dug up those pits not only would you find evidence of the cow, in terms of unburned bones and residual organic matter, you might even still find the virus.
Mad Cow was a prion disease, meaning that it wasn’t safe burying it, as the prions could seep into the local water supply and infect the surrounding environment. Some were burned and buried on clay based pits, but the majority were burned in Autoclaves (cow crematoria) which resulted in large piles of toxic dust, still containing these prions and still requiring safe and permanent disposal.
If 11 million people were burned in pits, the landscape around Auschwitz would be filled with easily identifiable pits for about a 100km2. It would honestly look like the surface of the moon.
BTW – this is not to say that there are not sites in Europe where such bodies can have been found from WW2. There have been plenty, but nothing like the 11 million. There were undoubtable localized atrocities like there were localized atrocities in Bosnia.
Yeah yeah, foot and mouth, that’s what I meant!
anyway, the point is that the bodies burn themselves, just add a bit of hay and wood or coal or whatever.
you’re right that mad cow needed special high temperatures to destroy the pathogen, so they had to cook the cows up special, which was more expensive. But nazis didn’t need special high temperatures, I’m pretty sure.
To destroy bone you need sustained high temperatures. So organic material will always remain.
I’ve burned cows in the NT. Dried and desiccated carcasses would take about half a jerry can of diesel, god knows how many if it wasn’t.
Then you would stop past the next day and physically smash any bones. Land up their is calcium deficient so cows will eat bones and often get botulism.
The landscape around Auschwitz would be dotted with easily identifiable black pits, filled with partially burned human bones and remains. Not to mention there would be photographic evidence, like there has been for virtually every other German atrocity bar one.
So 10l of diesel for a 500kg(?) live weight cow?
translates to about 1l of diesel per someone human-sized, then.
so need just 11,000 tons of fuel to burn 11 million bodies.
this quantity is just a tiny pimple compared to German fuel supplies: https://panzerworld.com/german-fuel-statistics#yearly-production-and-consumption
besides, they could’ve used solid fuel like coal and even wood
the way I read it, it seemed to me that you were saying that the Germans were just doing some innocent “resettlement”, which they were entitled to do in the name of nationalism or whatever.
like here
and here
All the poor nazis are guilty of is a regrettable failure of logistics. How unlike their usual German good planning and punctuality!
The Nazis were cunts. They methodically slaughter thousands of resistance fighters and killed them in ditches on the side of the road.
They rounded up a population group to expel them from their nation, though this has happened countless times in human history, for some reason the Germans is uniquely evil, because in the process of doing so their regime collapsed and thousands of their prisoners died.
This narrative, is still disgusting and vile. However, it is no worse that the worse excesses of Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot.
The dominate narrative, however – the truth that cannot ever be questioned in any way shape or form, that has become a central dogma of belief is that 6 million Jews died in gas chambers in Nazi Germany, along with another 5 million gays, gypsies and communists, despite numerous questions as to both motivation to do so and actual physical evidence.
It is imho dogma and belief.
The Nazis were not uniquely evil, they were no worse than Pol Pot, Stalin or Mao. Their biggest crime was to nearly eject Jews from Europe, a sentiment that I at times understand but don’t share. I don’t go exalting their ideologies and I don’t put Hitler on a pedestal either, let me say once and for all, unequivically, he was a cunt to Jewish people, but he was not uniquely evil.
That said, I WON’T back down from my view, that the Holocaust is a lie built on a tragic truth. IMHO it is used by some Jewish people as a sword and a shield, allowing them to attack whatever they want and hide behind any criticism with the use of a single word – ‘Holocaust’ it is their power word.
If it EVER turns out that the official narrative is a bunch of Mossad and compliant media driven exaggerated lies, which I truly believe it to be, then Jews will return to how they have always been viewed throughout history, lying, deceitful, manipulative pricks.
Now, this is my stated viewpoint and I’m gunna log off and watch some TV:
Hitler Bad
Jews also bad when they rule over you.
I did a bit of reading after this exchange and came across this tidbit from the jewish virtual library :
~1 million seems to be the accepted Auschwitz figure today.
I’m not sufficiently willing or interested to do further research on this. I don’t care enough. But it is clear that death figures hvae been inflated in the past.
ask yourself, what difference would it make 1mill killed in concentration camps v.s. 6 mil.
Does that make it a lesser crime? Does 6 mil make Nazis baddies but suddenly 1mill makes them a bona fide benevolent movement that really had an early start at European Union or…???
Yawn – that is only relevant if you think they still gassed 1m, which imho they didn’t.
As for the so called million who died there…. that isn’t what the red cross statistics had.
You can either refer to their independent records, prior to them taking on a whole heap of Jewish NGO CEOs and suddenly revising their number in the 60s to bring it into line with the ‘research’ by a bunch of Jewish University professors with established links to Mossad.
Lebensraum actually referred to living space for German culture to florish, German culture – not Weinmar culture, German Culture. Nazi vision was for German people to retake leadership over German culture and their own cultural and social narrative.
As for the war to the east. They had to control the plains to their East, because that is the route by which Europe has been invaded for countless centuries.
Whoever controls those Hungarian plains controls Europe – they were fighting to control that region for exactly the same reason the Americans and Russians are fighting over that region today. Whoever controls that pivotal area controls or overwhelming dominates that region.
“What was the reason why Germany invaded the Soviet Union if not to take the land for ethnic Germans?”
There had been ethnic cleansing of Germans in Poland, which was then larger and included what are now parts of the Ukraine. These claims are treated as murky just as Russia’s claims of ethnic cleansing in the Donbase are also considered murky or unlikely by the Western press.
You also have to be aware that one of the reasons Hitler first came to power wasn’t as a result of the Great Depression, it was actually as a reaction to the horrors that Europe and central Europeans in particular, witnessed the ethnic cleansing and refugee surge as the Bolsheviks came to power.
This narrative has also been cleansed from our timeline – but there was wholesale slaughter of entire demographic groups, just as Trotsky alluded too. You were taken into the cellars at the precursor to the KGB and were summarily executed.
Did you read what I said or thought for a moment about it. Do you know how many POW’s Germany captured? Millions, whole army divisions surrendered 500,000 at a time – because the Russians simply raised more peasents to feed them into the meat grinder.
The Germans were simply overwhelmed by the huge numbers of POWs that they were capturing. Their resources and supply logistics just to continue to supply the German army was already stretched thin.
The Germans had thought they’d have won by the winter. They should have, they’d destroyed or captured nearly every Russian Army that had existed pre the war, yet the Russian elites threw seas of men pulled from the countryside and overwhelmed them. Instead it dragged on endlessly
Millions of Russian POWs died for the same reason there were hundreds of thousands of deaths at concentration camps, because as the German war economy collapsed through relentless bombing by the Allies in the West, the Germans were overwhelmed in the East by the sheer numbers of Russians they were capturing.
German logistics wasn’t even enough to keep their war machine going in the East, let alone support the millions of Russian POWs the Bolsheviks were throwing at them with even less care about those who they were sending to their near certain deaths than the Germans who eventually let millions starve to death while their own Armies collapsed.
Other than because they were Jewish and scheduled to be deported to Palestine after the end of WW2 as per the Haavara Agreement? Mainly because they were communist stooges or facist communists who had organised attacks on ethnic Germans before the war.
Yeah Auschwitz was interesting, so many camps, yet things that puzzelled me were the brothel, the swimming pool, the Orchestra set and the school? I mean if you going to exterminate a people, why would you bother educating their kids?
The other thing that struck me as odd was the complete lack of what I would term industrial infrastructure required to process not 6 million by the way, but 11 million supposed people (they added a extra 5 million on for gypsies and poofters to spread the apparent Nazi evil, but of course leave their suffering pre-eminent).
Sit down and do the maths of how many need to be cremated per hour, of how much oil is need to cremate a body. Then consider that Germany lost access to its oil fields in 1943, just when its biggest camp opened.
Occam’s razor questions why use the precious oil that they were then expensively chemically extracting from coal, to burn bodies when they were fighting for their life on the eastern front and needed very precious drop to keep their war machine going?
Don’t read it or question it then, bugger off and read the Sydney Morning Herald, or tune in to SBS to get your views on WW2. Believe what you want.
I didn’t want to end up believing what I do. I was just curious as to what the so called Holocaust deniers believed, I expected to find outlandish stories and be easily convinced that it was bullshit, instead what I found were questions that I had never thought of asking and for which there have never been adequate explanations given.
Many have tried, few succeeded.
Nothing but unlimited propaganda bullshit, everywhere the Nazis went millions of people died in atrocities but nothing was ever their fault, their intentions were purer than any group that came before them or after them, and you should ignore nearly all the scholarship ever written about anything that happened or even what the Nazis themselves said.
“There had been ethnic cleansing of Germans in Poland, which was then larger and included what are now parts of the Ukraine.”
I’m sure you don’t find this argument for invasions and militarism persuasive when the Jews use it against Palestinians, but if some precious bloody Germans cop it somewhere then it’s fine to do an invasion that kills millions.
“The Germans were simply overwhelmed by the huge numbers of POWs that they were capturing. Their resources and supply logistics just to continue to supply the German army was already stretched thin.”
Big oopsie when you accidentally starve hundreds of thousands of people to death after launching a war supposedly to liberate those same people. How could the superior Aryans have seen such a thing coming? As usual, they had the best of intentions, even when they killed whole villages in reprisal for partisan activity, or supported psychotic local fascists like the Ustace or Banderist Ukraine, they only wanted the best for everyone.
“Yeah Auschwitz was interesting, so many camps, yet things that puzzelled me were the brothel, the swimming pool, the Orchestra set and the school?”
Yeah that is interesting, I would have expected the Germans to have their SS guards at Auschwitz sleep in the dirt and work at all other hours, I can’t think of any possible explanation for why there would be ameneties there.
“I didn’t want to end up believing what I do.”
Has there ever been another regime that has ever existed to which you ascribe the same level of positive intentions as you do for Nazi Germany?
Yes, yes, white supremacist’s and nationalists have access to endless resources.
What about the hundred of thousands of German POWS that Eisenhower starved to death at the end of WW2?
Surely as victors with adequate supply lines there could have been no need to kill up to 800,000 German POWS…
War is murky, the Germans failed to reasonably expect the Bolshivikes to pointlessly sacrifice so many lives to save their own skins. They burned Russia to the ground in order to ‘save’t it, destroy the village to save the village.
No one is denying they were cunts or let millions die on their watch as their economy, logistics and war machine collapsed. I’m just saying the malicious intent is overblown.
The were for inmates – the SS guard quarters were entirely removed from the camp. Most were billeted in the nearby town.
never change guys
i love these conversations, thank god there’s some site in australia that lets them happen without everyone getting banned
Stewie, I love your contributions and respect your views, but on this you are just wrong.
Nazi Germany attacked USSR for both ideological reasons and resources. The atrocities they committed over the 4 years of war are unprecedented, even if compared to the US war in Vietnam. Entire villages wiped from the face of the earth. Hundreds of thousands taken to perform slave labour back in occupied territories.
Stalin and the Russian people stood up to this, beat the Germans back, liberated almost all of Europe, and secured peace for +/-50 years, the longest period in European history.
Communists weren’t great, but were stable.
LOL – no where did I deny that part of the motivation of Germany attacking Russia for its resources. I basically stated right at the start that this was one of their key objectives:
So obviously the resources of that region would fall under its control. I thought I spelt that objective out obviously enough, and no where did I deny that they weren’t after their resources.
I certainly haven’t denied that the Nazi’s hated the Jews – they saw them as cultural invaders of Germany and surrender monkeys bringing Germany to its knees in WW1 and giving rise to the hated Weinmar republic.
Until No.1 got triggered by my original post, the most controversial point I made was that:
The point of that first post was less to be an apologist for Nazi’s than it was to point some of the similarities between both current Ukrain conflict and WW2.
The senseless slaughter and the common motivations – control of that region determines who controls Europe…. just look at the long shadow the USSR cast over Europe following WW2, which you yourself acknowledge but bizzarely seem to celebrate:
The Bolshiviks killed millions in the Holodomor, reigned terror over Europe, imprisoning half the population behind an ‘Iron curtin’…. apart from deporting Jews why do you think the Nazis would have been any worse than the Communists?
Nazis were cunts, but our side were cunts too…. how many people did Bomber Harris kill in Dresden?
He dropped so many incendiary bombs on a historic city with no manufacturing capacity and filled with refugees, that people hiding in cellars were found in pools of their own melted fat.
Do you think Hitler would have punished Western Europe by imprisoning it behind an Iron Curtin or culturally obliterating its people and history through mass migration and the imposition of MultiCult? Would England be full of Pakis and Jamaicans today if Germany had won WW2?
hitler had no intention of attacking western europe imo, and wouldn’t have had germany not been collectively DOW’d after poland. the whole narrative that hitler was a snake and couldn’t be trusted doesn’t hold water; he was in reality a very honest man, certainly by the standards of a politician.
That honesty was revolving around the ethnicity of the other side.
There was no way he was to honour Molotov-Ribbentrop agreement and Soviets knew that. Hitler knew it too.
It was a pretend agreement for both sides and in the end it worked much better against krauts (bc Soveits could refocus their industry on defence) though it allowed them to have resources focused elsewhere until Barbarossa.
Holy moly there is some industrial grade delusion there. Having dated someone of Hungarian background whose grandparents bore their tattoos quietly on their forearms and who had no living family after their transport to different concentration camps your pseudo-scientific denial is quite gross.
So tattoos are proof of the holocaust and not an industrial grade deportation program?
Where are the 11 million bodies, six million jews and 5 million gypsies, communists and poofters?
Ah, they burned them…. with enough oil that would have equaled nearly 40% of their pre war oil reserves…. when oil was so precious to them that they were extracting it out of coal? That they supposedly did this with 4 ovens over 3 years?
They were so determined to exterminate them that they had schools in their camps to continue educating their kids.
That the Haavara Agreement exists.
Jews took heaps of photos of themselves in concertation camps, but strangely never any of the bodies piled up in pyramids within the gas chambers?
That the Red Cross was allowed into these camps and documented and traced 250,000 people through them?
That Dwight Eisenhower, Charles de Gaul and Winston Churchill were all politicians who lead their nations before and after that war, writing thousands of pages in the memoires of every facet of their experience of WW2 and didn’t mentioned the deliberate extermination of the Jews once in any of their writings, nor in any of their post war political rally speeches – even if there were to justify the sacrifice their nations were continuing to make post war?
The Holocaust has become the Jewish word of Power. It is both their Sword and Shield against any form of criticism. It is like the Sauron’s Ring in the Lord of the Rings – they’ve poured all their injustice all their suffering all their persecution into that event.
If it turns out they’ve fabricated or exaggerated any part of it for their own collective benefit (and remember the 6m figure all came from Jewish University professors associated with Mossad) then like Sauron when the ring was cut from his finger, Jews will return to how they’ve been viewed historically for nearly their entire existence, deceitful, manipulative, liars.
tthis new FTA w india is fukked
I’d love to see Albo even try to explain what’s in it for EZFKA?
Absolutely fucking nothing, they shouldn’t have bothered agreeing this, just disband DFAT and pay someone to put up directional signage in shitskin language.
This is the biggest colonisation invasion ever, outside of war time.
I picked up on this last week also. Zero criticism or analysis in the media as the twitter link referenced.
The benefit is house prices are mostly saved from higher interest rates. Otherwise the costs are it’s a king hit on Gen Z and younger Gen Y Australians via massive wage suppression, labour market saturation and so on.
Anyone that has not yet bought a house needs to take advantage of the dip currently presented as it will evaporate in another 9-12 months.
Might be the tipping point
Somehow it’s worse to be taken over by people from just one nationality even though there are worse migrants. The way Modi is cheering for this and holding rallies in Australia, it feels like we’re getting annexed
Haha. Getting bashed for sitting on a park bench under ‘lockdown’ wasn’t the tipping point, so no white, legacy units will just piss and moan on their couch.
No, I’m dooming harder than that
Tipping point meaning the point of no return for Australia being a white person country
I’m dooming harder than that
Tipping point meaning the point of no return for Australia being a white majority country
That tipping point was about 20yrs ago when a decision was made for rice eaters to replace convicts.
LOL, idiots thought having the property double every 7 years was a sign of intelligence but no one thought that perhaps it was because rice eaters were vacuumed in by plane loads hahahahahahaha….
you guys ever hear about this
crazy that steel made before 1945 and nuclear testing started is so valuable in the world today bc its less contaminated by radiation
that’s why the chinese fish up these old ships
Yeah I’ve heard of it before, I was familiar with the disappearance of the Exeter. It is a pretty good thread.
africa addio clip i uploaded to my YT earlier
this doco should be in the required EZFKA film recommends
Fact check: True ✅
Helping the ointment man
jabba dabba doo
He’s having a gay old time!
Look, whatever it is, it’s not the thing.
This wouldn’t have made the national news in 2019
its clickbait for cookers
my neighbours son had a cardiac arrest while at a rowing competition pre-covid
never read about that in the paper
that was the 5G towers
he just never got used
to living next door
to coming
never read about that in the paper
..perhaps because it tdid not happen as often?
Silly me.. of course it is not “da ting”
Help is everywhere!
NRL stars shield convulsing teammate in ‘terrifying scenes’
I am sure there is at least one someone here who’d say he had underlaying comorbidities… died of flat foot and indigestion.
But wait, even fakenews has reported that Ms Sum Ting Wong found out sumtin’s wrong with jabbagabba to ‘death by covid squad’ ratio.
The ezfka.com economists will be able to explain this im sure
The fact that Victoria is having to cancel some of Dan’s retarded mega-projects for the sole reason that debt is too expensive to do them now is proof that rises in interest rates free up capacity and resources
Uh huh
yes, attaching some kind of non-negligible price to money helps begin to reestablish the link between the money and the physical effort and resources that it’s meant to secure.
very early days of that
Businesses can only raise prices if people have spare cash, unemployment is low, wages are good
It’s like the whole idiotic thing with rates going up means landlords lift prices lol.
They lift prices because the vacancy rate is at a historic low.
Unemployment is low and people have too much cash because rates haven’t been lifted higher enough to suppress and overheating economy.
Really it’s just the Boomers that have too much cash and they’re invincible
The RBA did manage to hit a weak point in the Victorian government’s finances though, no doubt cancelling a few CFMEU rorts will cut inflation in tradie services and materials
Of course in Coming’s fantasy land, if interest rates are low enough, firms will always produce enough resources to back every retarded project that can only be financed when interest rates are zero. Can’t get the tradies though, you can bring in one million IT people per year but strictly no tradies.
In reality it’s a lot easier to borrow money and spend it, especially as a dumb bureaucrat, than it is to do anything that is actually productive of goods that someone would want to buy.
this is a good chunk of it.
and while it’s understandably galling to many, it is basically axiomatic that the rate rises “pain”:
(incidentally, the mega-migration push has similar distributional effects)
raising until the weakest hands fold will cause a slowdown.
this mechanisms can’t be relied on to restore distributional balance of any sort. Indeed probably expect the opposite.
We had no inflation for many years with interest rates near zero
Japan had no inflation for decades with interest rates at zero
why would you now
a) blame low interest rates for inflation
b) believe that lifting them will cure inflation
when the only reasons that inflation started was covid related
-fiscal deficits
-supply disruptions
why wouldn’t the solution be to reverse the factors that actually caused inflation in the first place
instead we are magnifying both of these factors by
-increasing fiscal deficits through higher interest payments
-restricting new supply by increasing the cost of financing said supply and forcing a higher return on investment
as well as literally increasing the money supply through IOR (rather than affecting the rate through reverse repo )
it doesn’t make any sense logically and is incompatible with actual experience
We’ve discussed this shit ad nauseum. So many things have changed since the fucking post-GFC. We are nothing like Japan and never have been. You’ll never accept that (in fact you won’t even acknowledge it), so there’s no point spending more time talking about it with you.
Just pick up one word and ignore the rest of my post
pick any other country that had zero rates for years with no inflation , until the scamdemic came along
you must realise that your beliefs are irrational
It would be an improvement if you’d acknowledge one word of anyone else’s posts
Yours are all garbage
Now now that would require Coming to pull his head out of his arse
thats right. Not enough.
There is a point at which higher rates bite hard enough to far outweigh any marginal increase in money supply they might create.
The point is hard to pick and it seems it has actually drifted higher than expected due to most developed economies (not just EZFKA) having offshore SO much of their manufacturing. That and the broader conditions of physical surplus which is quite at odds to the traditional scarcity-economics on which basis textbooks are written
You keep being wrong but a little bit more hiking will do it
why do terminal rate expectations keep being revised up ?
why does long bond yields rise every time the rba lifts IOR?
At some point you have to address
This has all been discussed
It really hasn’t
it’s been ignored
Most recently I think it was Freddy that chewed it up for ya. Focussing in shape and mvt of yield curve, I seem to recall
Because the market realised that inflation will be higher for longer and the rba had/has rates too low. The long bond is a crowded trade with the active participants expecting a quick return to much lower rates and a juicy capital gain. Every time that prospect gets pushed out it sells off.
Higher interest rates = more money
Commodities prices cheaper today than 2008
Oil prices cheaper today than 2008
Shipping costs cheaper today than 2008
Credit cheaper today than 2008
And yet here we are…
Don’t understand your point
59sqm one bedder in Newtown for 847k
last traded for 625k in December 2020 with rates at 0%
You know it’s the stupidest buy of the day when it headlines Domain
I once had dealings with a Chinese Developer, lavish office high up in the Rialto. They had a framed article on the wall highlighting their recent big land purchase. Headline was “Record price paid…”
Of course they would want to highlight that, as a status symbol to fellow Chinese. My fee ratcheted up sitting in reception reading that.
Sheet, it sounded as if you were a Pretty Woman
People who spend like that clearly don’t have a sense of the value of money. Long periods of low rates are one contributor. People is stupid is another. Inherited or otherwise unearned money is a third.
This place is really MB 2.0 but with more racism
yeah its almost like we all came from mb or something, who would have thought we’d have similarish views
Yes brought the same property about to crash any moment now mentality
no one believes that here
Nah, everyone believes that, just not the bits “about to…” and “..any moment”
I’m afraid that almost everyonr here believes it
look at the responses they don’t want to accept what’s happening
muh chinese
muh overpay
muh jewscorp
property prices are soaring
especially top end
few months ago most of the people here were attacking me for saying things weren’t going to crash
telling me I was talking my own book because I’m in so much mortgage debt
and the market was about to collapse because of muh interest rate rises
remember ?
How does believing foreigners (Chinese or otherwise) push up house prices mean you don’t accept what’s happening
Foreign money is a key plank of the Aussie housing market and has been for years
Are you only a true real estate bull if you believe the housing market is pure like a Kleenex puppy?
”Foreign” buyers have minimal impact
you have been priced out by an increasingly stratified society
haves and have nots
unfortunately you and particularly your parents were too stupid to identify what was happening, or too lazy to get yourself to the top
that’s the harsh reality
my parents were the same
Even based on the FIRB data which is unrepresentative, it’s not a “minimal impact” to pump in $1.6 billion in half a year (which is just Chinese buyers): https://propertyupdate.com.au/chinese-investment-in-australian-property-exceeds-1-6-billion-in-just-six-months/
Probably less than a thousand places
Mate, stop feeding the troll. If no-one responds, maybe it will just go away.
Naked Capitalism is still pretty strong on the MMT gospel, and skippy posts there sometimes
I’m not sure whether they’ve conceded that interest rates ever needed to rise from zero
the biggest difference between MB and us is that the central thesis of this website is the game is rigged, while MB think the system is reformable within or ultimately trends towards good
Yeah. Which is why there’s less interest in discussing wonk shit. Because ultimately it doesn’t really matter, the fundamental trends won’t change.
If Peachy intended for this to be a place where people would talk all day about the fine points of monetary policy, she needed a userbase with some sort of reason to care. At Naked Capitalism, they’re frustrated leftists who still think they can win. In academia, they’re a bunch of autists and abstract theories are their lives.
i think that’s what peachy may have wanted this place to have originally been, and a place to trash mb’s lame predictions
timbo, stewie etc turned it into something a lot more broad, which has been controversial with certain people
As with any online community, the discussion will inevitably be shaped by the individual experiences of the various commentators. Posters like Stewie, Drago and yourself offer insights into aspects of life that myself (and I’m sure others) have not been exposed to and that is what makes it interesting.
But hanging shit on embee will always be integral to the ezfka experience!
Nah, we don’t have a poster like Hugh who spams the place with links about NZ that no-one reads so we’re still a long way off the full embee “experience”.
i wish kiwikaryn came here seems like she’s fit in
Hugh is part of syndication, the “thee tickle my balls and I tickle thy balls” syndication
She gets to give her country away and pay through the nose for it. Cosmopolitan. They’re legit into it.
Hook up with a bloke that’s done the same have a kid at 35-40.
muh chinese
it’s white people buying expensive properties in Sydney , as I said in the last article
Grouse, I’m cool with being priced out of the whole country by foreigners as long as it’s a white person doing it to me
You were already priced out of these
3 million dollar house is just one notch above what the standard Boomer couple owns in inner-middle Melbourne. It’s not some sort of palace.
If I’m priced out, a big part of that is ridiculous shit like letting every foreigner with a few bucks help themselves
those 50s brick shitbox triple fronts sell for like $2m+ unrenvated now
Plus Singapore has gone all based and put a 60% Stamp Duty on overseas (Chinese) buyers, Canada now has 25%.
Just a push factor for Aussie propadee
Albo is delighted
You believe any Chinese buy through FIRB? Those numbers are so flawed, but well done for Albo’s mob for planting the story.
My understanding is there have been a lot of Chinese ‘hiding’ money in Australian property, away from the reach of CCP. They aren’t going to sign any forms or provide info to the EZFKA government.
FIRB is well acknowledged to have a >1% check/chase rate. Melbourne real estate agents provide instructions to them how not to go through FIRB, the last thing they want is a sale falling over.
18 year old drives up in G wagon and takes directions on the phone to buy the $3m house. He isn’t getting included in that list.
Anyway, the piss easy requirements for Albo’s ‘Business Innovation’ visa are:
1. assets of AUD200,000 net value in your main business (or 2 main businesses) in Australia, and 2. personal and business assets in Australia of AUD600,000 net value.
Just buy the house to put it towards as a business asset. Therefore, it passes the $800K AUD threshold.
You can buy an established dwelling for yourself and you use that as collateral to purchase a “new dwelling” to rent out and as it generating an income it will be a business asset.
This is old, but I would highly doubt they have changed.
20,000 staff at ATO, with 8 in the Real Estate group.
Why would they change something that works as intended by all metrics?
Correct. Money outflow restrictions means they have to launder money and buy under their Australian-PR child’s name or some trust structure.
Also, the disingenuous wording to fool the people who don’t bother reading beyond the main headline. Of all the new highrises being filled by the wave of Chinese migrants very few of them would be worth over $3m.
Imagine believing jews corp (realestate.com.au and yay let’s get idiots with shit jobs signing up for multiple properties)
Diversity is our greatest strength
Putin is clearly a lunatic, I’ve listed to our mainstream media tell me that for a while now. He’s also dying, that’s what they tell us, so it makes sense his comments are unhinged.
Here he is absolutely ranting nonsense:
Yeah I saw that speech elsewhere. There is a good reason why they don’t show any off his speeches… when your so called ‘enemy’ makes more sense then your own so called ‘leaders’.
Speaking of so called US thought leadership of the 30 cabinet-level positions in the Biden administration: 16 are held by Mormons, 4 more are Mormon by marriage, & 7 of the remaining 10 have Mormon deputies just below them… lol just kidding, they’re not Mormons.
The word you are looking for is “Amish”
Oligarchy 1 vs Oligarchy 2
Lol the Overton window around “conservatism” is around how trannies are dealt with and what flavour of treason occurs. Fuck me it’s so disgusting.
That’s a fair point. The oligarchs on both sides will likely generally be OK, it’s the plebs that pay.
I feel so sorry for both sides soldiers. No matter who wins things will be almost identical for them.
Britt was bizarrely chummy with the abc journalist
whole thing was a Get Scomo plot from the start
we could not have been more right about this
muh culture of sleaze
has DLS acknowledged these developments at all ?
nah but look over there, chinas going ex-growth for the 5000th time
he literally said those exact words 2 days ago
along with predicting gina rhineheart and Andrew Forrest are about to go broke lmao
one of the most dedicated trolls on the entire internet he literally never breaks character
its click bait rhetoric, dont know how much of it he really believes
It’s amazing how much dls (and 95% of the battle pigeon cuck collective commenters on those articles) will go on about corruption, but will accept/fall for it when it’s presented to them in a skirt with no knickers and then go missing and silent.
The more it starts to come together the more sinister it is
sharaz was her handler
“I presume David has already briefed you” higgins wrote to the abc journalist
id forgotten all about this episode: sharaz ex wife posted this on Facebook June 2020
he and Higgins became a couple may 2020 (immediately post rape)
here is the ALP apparatchik who arranged their relationship
higgins enters into relationship with sharaz immediately post rape (leaving his ex wife in shock)
Higgins writes a book before reporting the alleged rape.
Higgins in contact with multiple high level media personalities
Police find not enough evidence to prosecute. Higgins does not cooperate and lies repeatedly
DPP decides to charge anyway
ABC receives leaks. ABC reports the case 24/7.
Case abandoned.
Labor win election.
Labor pay Higgins $3m
This is the biggest political scandal in Australian history
bigger than Gough Whitlam / CIA imo
this is some creepy af house of cards style shit right here
As much as I hate this bitch, I would love for the Greens to be formally labelled a racist party.
holy shit even the reddit soyboys are angry at the Indian FTA
comments are now LOCKED though
presumably for racism
y’all can’t behave
Nothing makes any difference lmao they’ll all still vote for albo anyway
level 2
8 hr. ago
Hands up aussies who want to migrate to india! tumble weed
lmao dead on
who the fk wants to move to india besides some strung out weed addled boomer hippy or whatever
10 people max in australia
trying to frame these ftas as two way is absurd
Comments are shockingly based for reddit which is why it got locked I guess
all the woke scolds getting heavily downvoted too
Open cloth bobs and vagene. Do I qualify to migrate to India?
Good things these low lives helped to vilify the utter fuck out of expressing any anti immigration sentiment. Millenials, biggest subhuman pieces of shit of all time.
as a millenial i approve of this comment
I think DLS is right about the AI boom and the AUD heading to < US$0.50 again.
The question is what is the cheapest way to play this for up to 3 years with the a decent amount of leverage?
AUDUSD options? futures? futures options? ETFs? CFDs? Shares in AU firms that earn most of their income in USD?
Where do I find people qualified to give advice on this sort of thing?
widomaking in progress
he’s one of the best contrary indicators in the world
have a very careful think
What’s happened over the last 3 years.
Meta – fail
NFTs/Crypto – fail
Now AI
I bet it’s a whole heap of nothing again.
There’s money to be made on both sides of the slippery slope by those that know how.
Methinks Meta was a 1day featus prematurely born. It is a natural progression of the neo-ideologies which will push the mankind towards life eeringly similar to what was depicted in some 3 part movies. People would naturally want to sleep-live in virtuality rather than deal with real life ‘dangers’ (or: a 21. Century LSD substitute on which one cannot OD that easily).
Meta may rise again in a less ambitious and more down to earth variety.
Meh. Zoomies see the internet like we see TV it’s just another medium of communication but mostly time wasting filth.
What is dls saying on the AI boom?
During Covid I warned DLS his pessimistic views on AUD were wrong, and the RBA would support AUD back above 63c as they did during GFC. Despite writing a book on GFC he still doesn’t get it that RBA doesn’t want a low AUD and will defend it to the death. Anyways, you have been warned.
But to try and answer your hypothetical question. You are essentially betting on US inflation (and hence cash rate) remaining much higher than Australia. I would be buying short-term US govt bond possibly via ETF. Just make sure you don’t buy the currency-hedged versions.
Edit: I need to emphasise short-term. If you buy long-term bonds (even indirectly via ETF) and US rates rise you will lose money.
Thanks Freddy.
Not a fan of bonds (and didn’t list them) for precisely the reason you stated. I think US rates will rise more.
I’m thinking way out of the money long dated options.
I told yous to get into big tech at the very start of January.
I’m less interested in the AI thing than in the USD boom which has more supports than AI alone…eg rising rates, QE winding down, US wanting to reshore manufacturing…
Cameron Murray’s latest
rent inflation completely disconnected from supply and demand
yields rise to exceed the risk free rate
Can you quote the part that mentions the risk free rate because I can’t find it
Cameron can’t explain what’s happening
he’s mind boggled
“excess housing”
Cameron must be another shortage denier academic wonk.
That was not wrong, but probably too short to advance the argument and might have looked like a personal dig at that dickhead wonk Cameron.
EZFKA.com actually dealt with the substance of the matter years ago in a bit more voluminous prose:
had fancy charts, as well (hint: there’s a shortage and covid did dick to address it)
Change in rents is not a stock
why did they spike when the imbalance reduced
What if the vacancy rate was 5%? They could just keep increasing the price and tenants would pay?
It will make some difference but rents are going up mostly because of inflation now. Certain sections of the economy are in an inflation spiral, where news of inflation is used to justify higher prices which feeds inflation which is used to justify higher prices…
Inflation is the one “cost” that is consistent across the market.
The exact same spiral that raising interest rates causes
The exact same spiral that raising interest rates causes if they remain lower than inflation.
Your message git truncated
No it’s not the same at all.
Inflation is uniform across the market growing at an annual rate. IR changes are step changes and those costs aren’t uniform across a market e.g. many landlords don’t have mortgages.
Interest rates set the risk free return baseline across the entire market
Some landlords being mortgage free is not relevant : prices change at the margins, due to new supply
barring an extraordinary event like covid, vacancy rate wouldn’t be 5% since it needs to be economic to build more houses taking into account the risk free rate
Notice the quote at the end from the developers lobby
Even approved stuff is not getting built anymore. And it is absolutely the number-one thing we need to fix. We need to get more capacity in the system where its needed and the actual type of housing that people want.”
You have tunnel vision:
Ignore the explosion in immigration.Ignore the effects of WFHIgnore the explosion in tourism which converted a large stock of rentals to AirBnbIgnore the inability to service loans yet still able to hold on due to the proliferation extend and pretend.Ignore all the building defects, scams, and general lack of buyer protection which means nobody prepared to buy-off-the-plan. Coincidentally as I type this an agent calls me asking if I am interested in buying off-the-plan…lolIn a complex system you are essentially ignoring every other variable. It is a similar mistake to what MB made with their price-to-income formula which ironically ignored everything else including interest rates. Whereas you are going all-in on interest rates.
Also, Cameron demonstrates we had a surplus of properties post-covid. With interest rates rising in quick time you are treating like a realtime system with supply immediately disappearing solely due to interest rates rather than any factors above.
Peachy, Sanjeet needs to investigate why all bullet-point formats disappeared after editing.
You have tunnel vision:
In a complex system you are essentially ignoring every other variable. It is a similar mistake to what MB made with their price-to-income formula which ironically ignored everything else including interest rates. Whereas you are going all-in on interest rates.
Also, Cameron demonstrates we had a surplus of properties post-covid. With interest rates rising in quick time you are treating like a realtime system with supply immediately disappearing solely due to interest rates rather than any factors above.
not ignoring it, highlighting it
what’s your explanation for the data that Cameron has provided ?
why are developers not building already approved lots ?
lol! Same reason they have always been not developing most approved lots!
they need to see an adequate return on their money?
no, not “adequate” – they don’t run to the marginal revenue = marginal cost fallacy.
they look to maximise return.
their cost is borrowed money to develop
Larger developers have owned the land for years, in many cases decades. Leith wrote some insightful articles on this. They are making massive profits and can absorb additional costs.
You are confusing with shoddy developers with tight margins that create a new shelf company for each project. With all the scandals (cladding, Opal Towers, Mascot Towers, sunset-clause scam) they have scared away all the off-the-plan purchasers and hence have lost their market volatility protection. It is a market and regulation failure.
no he doesn’t.
its a relative surplus
always HAS to be a relative, since what is an exactly sufficient number of properties anyway
1 per person?
1 per 10 people?
no, both could suffice
everything is relative
It’s getting so ridiculous I’m starting think he must work in an area linked to real estate.
might be triguboffs personal physician
haha! Harry likes a weekly prostate “exam” Just to be safe.
I suspect Coming is a shit-stirring alter ego of an existing economist.
you guys are just like the MB crowd
anyone who disagrees must be an astroturfer/talking their own book
You’re probably all so emotional about it because you’re looser renters
i would love a crash tbh
I’d use the chance to upgrade since my income isnt much less than what my current place is worth, and it would fuck the boomers really hard
but it isn’t going to happen
you must live in a real shithole.
Nah Coming makes 1m a year he has a big fictional e-penis.
you’re going to have to make up your mind here
am i living in a shithole, or am I heavily mortgaged yuppie
am i a indian or jewish
am i a doctor or a real estate agent
Your next persona will be an indian doctor married to a jewish real estate agent and you live a shithole so you can feel at home.
…. posted this before, but too good
I don’t know much but you are definitely a faggot. You should become an lnp mp.
Nah you’re just a tunnel vision troll
i have no idea whether youre right or not seem to make some good sense tbh
Hey Peachy,
all my comments are now requiring “approval”
Paging Peachy,
all my logged in comments now require “approval”.
Can you please action?
what’s with the ukrainian flag
I think the yellow symbolises their fertile soil and the blue – the sky
the yellow is a wheat field btw
oh yeah, that makes much more sense. Yellow beach-sand like soil didn’t seem so fertile to me, but I reported it how I remembered it.
that’s a Swedish Ikea flag that is folded in 1/4
technical queries should be address to Manjeet or whoever, I believe
The man (unless trans-sumtin), “the conqueror of the mind and knowledge” has seemingly released them
Average Ezfka white immigrants.
These are the sloots dying every week that the feminists use to bash us over the head with.
First I’ve heard of a handbag rental business.
A couple skilled migrants enriching the country.
Skilled in ensemenating convicts wives.😉
It’s a top skill shortage in this pond for decades.
Those instagram filters makes it look like she had weird plastic surgery.
Would anyone with half a brain actually date someone so obviously fake and narcissistic?
More red flags than a Chinese parade.
Lebo would and does. Lebs include DV in their marriage vows.
Not even a hint of EZFKA convict bogan here.
fwiw having monday off rules.
have you had a wank yet
Nah. walking around chatswood is not the place for it.
So brave
Always was always will be 😄
Lol I didn’t notice that obligatory inner city nose ring and eat the rich t-shirt 😂
Hard to know if she was chinese, but unlikely that a Chinese young mother would be bidding for herself
Sounds like white woman behaviour