Albanese announces more drag queen story times to be rolled out nationally until everyone stops talking about immigration

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has unveiled a new season of Drag Queen Story Time to be rolled out across Australia, until everyone ‘shuts the fuck up’ about insane levels of immigration.

The PM expressed his concern that too many people are pissed off about the country being invaded through the front door, and that distractions galore are needed to diffuse an escalating situation.

“I’m pleased to announce drag queen story time will continue nationally, until the anger towards record immigration subsides somewhat,”Albanese said.

“The usual cries of racist and bullshit slogans about multiculturalism don’t appear to be working anymore, so we’ll have to take extreme measures to get as many paedophiles in dresses in front of children as possible.”

Albanese said it was ‘really last ditch stuff’ but remained confident that the outrage surrounding this would fill the void usually occupied by sportsball and talk of property prices.

“Thank god the average Australian doesn’t know about the Weimar Republic and who was behind it, otherwise we’d have been in deep shit ages ago.”

Immigration Minister Andrew Giles has also volunteered to put a dress on, to ‘ábsolutely no-one’s suprise in cabinet’ according to Albo.

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Aussie Soy Boy

It should be $10k to any childless legacy female unit her wants her tubes tied, with one breeding age Indian or Chinese high skilled female of breeding age brought over with subsidised visa fees.


was going to share this but thought I was posting too much dailymail

holy shit the degeneracy of australian whites

both of them are completely unfuckable too

that tamika at the bottom can definitely stay though

Aussie Soy Boy

Tamika is a legacy unit name if I’ve ever heard one.


That comment a bit clueless.

Aussie Soy Boy

It’s the kind of name trash legacy units give to their brood


Bai, Fang, Li are so much nicer.



LOL – nags!

I use to do those occasionally when I was at Uni, they’re a pretty insane trip, especially if you’ve had a couple spliffs before hand or tripping out on MDMA or LSD… I could load around 4 or 5 in a row until the effects overpowered any motor abilities.

Even back then I was aware that you were effectively starving your brain of oxygen, so we’d hyperventilate on a few big breaths before hand. Never did more than two or three packs of 10 in a session.

I don’t know how anyone could become addicted to those things, I’ve seen floors like that guys – but that has been at Music festivals where hundreds of people are doing them…. they must really have wanted to escape reality bad.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

Maybe thats why millennials are such faggots. Didnt do as much drugs to take the edge off.

We called them bulbies, they were cool, the high only lasted a few minutes but it felt like your voice was really slow and deep like when someone dodgy disguises their phone voice in the movies.

Aussie Soy Boy



Go have your faggot craft beers and listen to some vinyl.

Aussie Soy Boy

Suck on your chop chop cancer sticks


This drag queen story hour shit must be the modern manifestation of like human sacrifice or other bizarre atavistic practices that have no clear purpose except to signal group membership.

Perhaps it’s actually a cover for pedophilia, I don’t know, but I’ve noticed that defenders can’t actually give an explanation for why these bizarre events exist.


when the fuck are they going to confirm if this is brucey or not

jesus christ the judicial system needs to be much more transparent


wow big news

His proposed changes include making the Voice’s role in advising government over laws affecting Aboriginal people to be legislated for, but not constitutionally enshrined as is the current proposal.

Mr Leeser said the poll showed the electoral prospects for the Voice were ‘not tracking as they should’ and some dilution of the proposal was needed to ensure it got approved.

will be absolutely humiliating for albo if it doesn’t get up

if there’s any risk at all, he needs to ditch it now because its going to reflect very badly on him

He will have wasted all this time on effort on something that half the country is opposed to

EDIT: actually having reconsidered maybe its better for him to persist and let it be voted down
then he can tell his supporters that he tried his best, but there’s still a big problem with racism in Australia

wow im shook though I thought for sure it was going to get voted through

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

theres gunna be race riots if it loses mark my words

wonder how the media will try to spin it when it happens

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

WTF?!? You need to finish your “Is Philip Soos taking the Piss?” article!!

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lols i’m checking that out too, nah, he’s def trolling by pretending the satire is real. he’s done this like five times now. it’s nice to see we’re being promoted though

Aussie Soy Boy

Analytics shows this place getting 189 visitors per month. MB about 40k I think is was.


wow that’s damning

this is a tiny island in a sea of NPCs

99.9999999% of the population do not think like this


Great to see those horrible Paedos, even Dan Andrews is squirming because he’s finally realised what a sick fuck he is.

So desperate for attention at any expense, he knows he’s trafficking kids to nonces. He’s only sorry Rolf Harris wasn’t available.


The kid in the Age photos. Funny that everyone else doesn’t show a kids face to protect them, not The Age and its story on Paedo freaks. I guess they thought that kid is already fucked watching that, and if she’s anywhere near Dan Andrews she’ll be fucked soon.

I can’t tell if she’s reacting to the Drag Paedo Freak or Dan Andrews?


More countries should reject the US’ blood corn. Reject all US exports until they stop starting, provoking and fuelling wars in faraway places for fun and profit.




Russia hits the famously useless but extremely expensive US Patriot missile system with a missile

Even rarer, it is being acknowledged by MSM.


Russia hits the famously useless but extremely expensive US Patriot missile system with a missile

not so useless – it took out 5 out of 6 hypersonic missiles, if I’m reading correctly.


I’m not sure what you’re reading. “Ukrainian officials” said it destroyed all 6 hypersonic missiles. How did the missile system itself manage to get hit, then?

The fact that US officials didn’t even confirm that to help their supporters cope shows you that the claim doesn’t even have enough behind it to be worth anyone’s trouble lying about.


This guy must have a pro-Ukraine bot farm all to himself




I wonder what the world would be like if all the transgender people killed themselves.


That’s really not funny, because they are already doing that.

I think with the huge amount of muttifying of centers like Brisbane. Sydney. Melbourne and the near total loss of WMWF and proliferation of WMAF there will be enough there for the same effects to take hold. A breakdown of ‘Australianness’ sufficient for this to merely accelerate.


walls are closing in

even the dailymail comments section is incredibly insightful
There are dozens of us

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

we are many


“And from all — the WMAF wombs — we come”

Aussie Soy Boy

We only get 189 unique visitors per month, so there’s a lot of yelling to ourselves.

But the Dailymail is the only definitive, trustworthy news source left.


There is no us shithead.

Agent 47



Has it been two weeks? Two weeks of hate continues.

What are all the poos doing? I thought the idea was they’d be lining up to serve this legacy Australian meatheads’ businesses.


have a fag and relax


first comment

“nobody wants to work in the service industry for…..
  – it’s basically part time work 
and mostly importantly as seen in the pandemic
  – government (hi Dan) can close it down and take away one’s employment at a moments notice. People are so over that so now they go into jobs that would not be affected.”

latter point is some trash trying to bring covid back into every discussion but the first one is legit

most people dont want to have to juggle 5 bullshit part time jobs, especially shitty ‘hospo’ ones where you’re often working with some of the most mentally ill/deranged people doing the shittest work imaginable

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

1 hour ago
If he’s truly “struggling” to find employees it’s on him. Clearly he’s not running establishments that’re good places to work at. Most likely people are overworked, underpaid, micromanaged, treated poorly and unrewarded.

That’s assuming he’s even telling the truth about having open positions. A lot of these “no one wants to work but we need staff” folk are lying through their teeth and are not hiring.



> where you’re often working with some of the most mentally ill/deranged people doing the shittest work imaginable

Where’s this? A typical CBD law firm?


Rent free and on the dole, definitely a tough life for Jez…

“Mr Heywood, who is president of the Australian Unemployed Workers’ Union, has been out of work since 2017 due to health conditions and lives rent-free in a granny flat on his parents’ property.”


I bet he wishes he could go back 20 years, stuff the graphic design, do any old job and be a real estate sodomite.


It’s now a privilege to rent you fucking cunts. Pay to remove paywall fucken because inner city and foodieness.


“To give an indication of what Minns is up against, even one of his most senior ministers, Michael Daley, ran on a platform of stopping overdevelopment in his eastern suburbs’ electorate of Maroubra. A long-running bitter battle between apartment giant Meriton and residents of Little Bay has been under way over a proposed high-rise building.”

So build it in the poor cunt areas

Only problem is, the people there can’t pay enough to make it profitable to build

IMO, lots of potential to set oneself up running as an Teal/independent who will somehow fix this problem without offending any interest group or reducing immigration. The units love voting for people like that.


Have you heard of Simon Two Dads? He started this whole Teal scam because his Jewish mate was mean to him once. He’s tapped into a rich vein of Jews who donate lots of small amounts, in order to fuck the whites up. Bored rich white women front it, pandering to the Chardonnay Socialists and inner city Woke cunts who are such faggots they don’t like being associated with the Greens because they’re dirty state school kids, Poojabis etc.


Teal voters are mostly Turnbull Libs so I don’t think they’re not voting Green because of which schools people went to


Teal voters are frustrated would be sodomites.

A fly in your ointment

Went to a school event this morning, cross country race.
They should rename it to “cross country rice”
Struggled to see convict class offsprings, lots of Gunga Dins.
Wogs observable in the top 50, Slopes everywhere.

Thibk of it what you will, Convict class will be replaced in 1 generation by rice eaters (courtesy of Australian overlords)


what are “gunga dins” ?

A Fly In Your Ointment

You proclaim to be one at a recent event

Aussie Soy Boy

Australia will be a better place for it. Less meth use, less drinking, less smoking, less burnouts, less violence, less crime, less 50kg death breed dogs off their leashes in parks.

High density living actually works in Asia because the people have some modicum of self control, pride, consideration of others.


It’s not working in Asia, South Korea has a 0.84 babies per woman fertility rate

Can’t fit a 50 kg death golden retriever in a shoebox

Can’t do a burnout if you have nowhere to park your car

WEF world

Last edited 1 year ago by No1

High density works in Asia because with so many people there is no alternative.

What’s wrong with you.


Is it abnormal to want to destroy a society so that a handful of people won’t do burnouts?

Why don’t you go watch Tokyo Drift Soyboy, you dumb motherfucker

Last edited 1 year ago by No1

if you reckon bogan legacy aussies are hoons on the roads check out saudi arabia lol

saudi drifting videos are out of this world, theres no authorities around for miles to give a fuck either


I saw a p-plater light it up around the round about yesterday. Haven’t seen that in years, I was proud. Imagine being such a faggot you can’t handle a bit of hooning.

Aussie Soy Boy

Legacy Aussies really are the biggest morons in the world.


You’re probably one of those faggots that has a meltdown if someone throws a cigarette butt out of their car.

He was in a ute so he’ll probably be making $10k a week if he finishes his trade and starts his own business. Yeah what a moron.


Public school? The whites were probably at the private school. That’s another cost. In some areas if you don’t want your kid surrounded by shitskins you gotta shell out for private.


Bullshit, asians especially Chinese are so brutally aspirational they’ve flooded the private schools.Eastern Melbourne private schools are 60% Asian from what I can see. Melbourne High School is by entrance exam only, Waleed Aly is its greatest alumni. Mainly Poo-ers there, because Indians still can’t afford the school fees that Chinks can.

A fly in your ointment

LOL, you’re now just throwing s facts whatever comes your mind.
public schools have best anglo2non-anglo ratio


I don’t live in a high shitskin area so dunno. Do you? It’s not like there’s easy to pull up stats on this.

Chatswong poofta school


Looks pretty white to me.


absolutely seething legacy white australian smoker

This is a catholic school not really “private”

This is for poor but aspirational white people
ie the real working class

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

Yeah mick schools aren’t private. God you’re a faggot. It’s right at the dna level with you.


There is a very distinct culture and class difference between catholic schools and genuine private schools

also a quarter the price

I wouldn’t expect you to appreciate the difference though for obvious reasons

Aussie Soy Boy

Those two fat pommy dole bludgers would be sending their child to a Catholic school I imagine.


Yeah, one is for idiots to pay a lot for their kids education, the other is one for idiots to pay lots for their kids education + hobnob with the powerful and suck each other off.

If you went to a proper private school and you’re here whinging about house prices and immigration, holy shit what a fail. You should be raking the easy money in with some $500k management job daddy got you. But you are probably too big a faggot even for them.


Those parents at Mick schools like Riverview in Syd will be shitty knowing they’re not a private school. Especially since the fees are >$30k pa


I think that’s where Abbott went. I’d say there’d be a lot of matey mate shit going on with those graduates. Plus Joeys I think.


Chatswood public.

Once again I am right. I’m getting sick of it. I deserve lots of money.

A fly in your ointment

No doubt you’re always roooight, moooyte


Retard. Chinks prefer the public system because they know they ain’t getting no $500k management job because they went to poofta school. If they want good money they’re gonna have to do it the hard way. Doing stem, law, medicine and whatever, because whites find it too onerous having to be “roooight”.

A fly in your ointment

Another one bites the dust

Graham had suffered from COVID-19, a critical ear infection as well as a lung inflammation and renal failure in the past year

Sure, it is anything but “the thing”, LOL


deaths under the age of 60 never happened prior to the covid jabs


he was fucking 79 with multiple chronic illnesses you insane cooker

plus who the fuck has ever even heard of him


i actually thought it was THE (televangelist) billy graham lmao who i thought had died a few years ago at the age of like 104

A Fly In Your Ointment

I wonder why do these tv -gelists live so long… perhaps he knew Dr. Epstein and took his life enhancing medicine?

A Fly In Your Ointment

plus who the fuck has ever even heard of him

Is that your epitaph?

Sure, not a young chap and shipload of steroids
generally healthy until jabbadabba age of darkness. Notice “inflammation” galore on the list of admitted causes of death caused ery likely by spikeproteinitis
Tick tock…


it’s possible

A fly in your ointment

We will never know because vested interests against that knowledge are way too strong.
Saying “it is possible” is good enough to keep your observing eye open


knew id seen him before


What is islanders’ traditional cultural relationship towards sodomy.


went to school with warren mundines kid

nice kid actually

dont know if hes still here but warren used to live out of dubbo a bit


Is it really though?


Propadee porn sydney this time

Update on the roxy jacenko listing – sold in a few days

for $16m ($2m over ask)

Pretty insane, not quite as bad as that south yarra one because at least you’re not in melbourne with this one

This one has power lines within touching distance of the balcony
no real water views or anything

There’s thousands of identical houses in vaucluse/double/rose bay etc who is buying them all legit

Aussie Soy Boy

Nice little earner that would have been. Quite savvy. More savvy than the MB anyway.


Yeah prices have basically tripled since MB started.

>for a cool $6.5million

These millions are always cool.


what year did mb begin


About 2008. Maybe earlier.

A fly in your ointment

some random memes

A fly in your ointment

paging Timbo, Please report to this post

A fly in your ointment

paging Timbo second time…

A fly in your ointment

Paging Coming….

A fly in your ointment

this one never gets to be old

A fly in your ointment

to add to the caption:

…so good no one dies of jabbadabba-itis

A fly in your ointment

more to come as I dig them out


These never get boring



This is true.



A fly in your ointment


A fly in your ointment

Another wile unruly dishevelled convict class ezfka unit – pacified. Probably for good.
Someone here said before that “policemen are just doing their jab”. So has the guard at Auschwitz


Typical Anglo

“Queer people are hear to save the world, to show we can think differently about the old decaying systems and we can make them better and celebrate that diversity.”

That’s why Anglos conquered the world. They did it because if they hadn’t they would’ve spent all their time bumming each other.


Command economy and wog dogs.

Aussie Soy Boy

The dog culture is out of control in this country. It’s keeping legacy units broke (along with the ice, piss, smokes, multis, shitty used cars).


You’re all a bunch of cat boys.

Virgin Chad Dog owners.JPG

Yeh that’s right, out of control. I’d say it’s the number one problem EZFKA right now too.


comment image

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal


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The Leftards and their legacy media have done their job, the police are cowards and won’t say anything about the perpetrators being Din DoNuffins.


MP’s are racist too.


So vibrant – now Melbourne can be just like LA and Chicago.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

They’re just like us, they go jogging too.
