Clare O’Neil announces Australia will begin deporting citizens to make way for 700,000 migrants

Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil has announced that Australia will now start deporting Australian citizens, in an effort to make way for an expected 700,000 third world migrants due into Australia in the next 18 months.

Police and military will be deployed to evict white Australians and seize their houses in order to hand them over to hundreds of thousands of migrants inlcuding Indians, Chinese and Nepalese, to address the nation’s housing shortage.

“This was inevitable when the Voice to Parliament passes later in the year so we’re just getting ahead of the curve,” O’Neil said.

“It’s time for racist legacy Australians to go. We have a housing and rental crisis and this is the only way we can solve it.”

White Australians will be sent to farms in Zimbabwe and South Africa under the plan.

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Agent 47



sandilands aint upmarket champ


Yes he is. Heaps of the rich are like that.


Cashed up bogans are not upmarket


If you have a net worth above a certain amount you are upmarket.


Fuck even the non bogan rich that have good hygiene, an inkling of taste and can spell and add up are still mostly midwit rubes.

Aussie Soy Boy

Did our closet poofter PM at least bring a beard with him?

It’s absolutely pathetic. Albo is an embarrassment to the position of PM and the country.


shaping up to be the worst pm ever imo, already worse than scomo

Agent 47

Fall guy to pin it all on and then they’ll bring in a vagina (Plibersek) before he steps aside because of some contrived bullshit like family or health.


I reckon even the most right winged of the Liberals would be taken aback by how callous he’s been.

But I guess that’s the typical legacy Australian these days. He’s held up a mirror. They larp as Paul Hogan while actually being way more like Gordan Gekko.


I’d agree. Money for weapons and sports stadiums is something I’d expect from Liberals. But it does surprise me that the yankee military industrial complex owns our politicians as well.


Now THIS is a good idea

shame it’s satire


Yeah, Zimbabwe will become the breadbasket of Africa again.

Agent 47



Minister for cyber security too. I don’t know what concerns me more. Her running home affairs or cyber security.

Agent 47

First Republic Bank going under tomorrow?


According to Zero Hedge, JP Morgan is buying the best bits and leaving the dud scraps for the taxpayer.

Aussie Soy Boy

Another legacy Australian forgetting police will actually enforce laws overseas. Here it would be pointless even calling the police if someone spat at you. They would just snicker and say were you able to wash it off.


yeah they think the cops/justice system overseas is the same slap on the wrist piss weak shit we have here and are surprised in other countries if you fuck around you actually have to find out

Aussie Soy Boy

I hope that surfer doesn’t get away with the family bringing over a bag of cash. I hope they flog and jail the little cunt.

Agent 47

So Albo is handing out FHB grants with a 5% deposit and PR can buy. Lol


As per the comments yesterday, Nathan Birch just keeps winning. It should be totally obvious to everyone that politicians will do anything to protect their own IPs. Nick McKim was wanting the government to stop the RBEZFKA from increasing rates to protect his IPs. Nathan Birch figured this out, yet the EmBee and Fairfax commenters still haven’t worked it out. We have many slow learners here.

Aussie Soy Boy

I don’t understand why someone wouldn’t buy their own property if they have money and a stable income.

A lot of it is snobbery, they want to buy in an exclusive postcode but can only afford to rent in one.

But if they set their sights lower, they can buy something and have it paid off in 5 years, interest is kept to a minimum.

I don’t agree with someone leveraging themselves to the hilt (although it has worked out spectacularly well for anyone that has done so over the past 30 years) and borrowing the maximum since you’re putting yourself at risk of being in a mortgage prison, it’s an illiquid asset with huge transaction fees, but you basically can’t go wrong with buying an owner-occupier property since you need somewhere to live anyway, no capital gains tax, government props it up.

ironic Boomer

Because not everyone is a retarded cucked mortgage debt serf gollum beholden to a bank.

Aussie Soy Boy

That’s why I said set your sights lower and buy something you’ll have paid off in 5 years. Of course there will be sacrifice and going without during that time. The lifestyle might take a hit.

You don’t have to borrow your capacity and take 30 years to pay it off.

Your choice. Be a retarded, cucked renter serf gollum beholden to the property manager lol.

A Fly In Your Ointment

haha, in 5 years.

Find me a property that is livable for a family of 2+2 kids, within 45min commute and can be paid with an average income of 2 people working within that commute range – within 5 years.
Now find me a property that can be paid off by a single father….

This is a trick question,
properties like that are plentiful in Eastern Suburbs of Sydney, from Rose Bay all the way to Watsons Bay. We just have to find the job of the same kind like the people living there.


tbh there’s tonnes of shitty apartments you can buy in sydney

won’t be comfortable but you can prob still live in them even with like 2 kids or whatever

people need to stop framing this debate around technical ‘affordability’, it’s not a question of whether you can do it or buy it (you probably can if you make the sacrifices, like soy boy said), but actual price fairness

if milk cost $15 a jug i could afford to buy that too, but why would i ever want to pay that, especially if say it cost $15 a jug bc the govt had a bunch of policy settings that made it that way

it’s not a question of wanting affordability (a FIRE weasel term), its wanting housing at the lowest possible price tag, there’s a big difference


if you think about it if houses werre really ‘unaffordable’ truly why owuld the prices keep rising lol. someone is obviously buying them


just did a quick search for houses for sale in the area and its still $1.2m for a 2 bed apt one block away

Also shows the problem with “public housing” you can see there are several housing commission towers right there.

The people who “deserve” public housing are scum

Giving them free housing just encourages them to continue to be scum


its almost impossible to get public housing unless you are a colossal fuck up, you basically have to deliberately sabotage your own life in order to be considered for it


yes its the same oppression olympics that we use to stratify how pitiful races are


or trans>women>men

try to be as fucking wretched as possible, so that you get free shit and have a free pass to do whatever you like

this is what will destroy the west


you forgot jews, if the oppression olympics was a video game they’d be that ultra overpowered character that is only unlockable by doing some super hard esoteric shit like beating the game in under one hour but is otherwise completely hidden from the player

the real progressive stack i think is

Jews (S Tier)

Trannies, Abos, Blacks (A tier)

Gays, Women, Muslims (B tier)

Asians, Indians (C tier)

White straight men (D tier)

Incels (all races) (F- tier)

incel = life on impossible difficulty mode

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

Not necessarily. I live near a suburb that had lots of public housing, mixed in with the normal houses. The housos were actually some of the better people.

Anyway if you want to go back to the maga good old days thats the sort of thing you have to put up with. A little bit of druggos and a little bit of thugs. Diddums.


absolute fucking bullshit

what suburb?

in what way were they better?


in what way were they better?
They were better because people like you weren’t here

A Fly In Your Ointment

RE is still being bought because ‘speculative going long’ pays back and is committed to tilting the playing field away from nature’s way to a level seen only in the dying periods of great societies.
For ‘speculative going long’ the actual price of an asset and its detachment from gravitation plays little role, what matters is the difference between what goes in and what is expected to come out and if you can service it in the mean time.

It will not be made better, ever.
It has to go the Phoenix way in order to be better. To me it is better to invest in the ‘RE as a hedge’ elsewhere.


What’s that , skip?


wonder what the chicago boys would have done


Since mb banned non subscribers commenting, the dishevelled marsupial must be looking for a new home

he should come here and have word salad debates with AFIYO

A fly in your ointment

Emma Renay must be irrevesibely converting your grey cells into spIke protein hence the loss of abstract thinking.
Sorry, I don’t speak ‘bogan moooyte’ can’t translate this for you


You have to go back to communism to find governments that hate basic economics as much as ours. They already managed to destroy heaps of homebuilders with this nonsense but they won’t learn and they won’t stop.

Agent 47

I mean it writes itself



House prices increasing, mortgage rates decreasing and the highest net immigration on record… not exactly a recipe for disinflation.

Good luck Phil, you cuck.


and he still gets blamed for going as softly on rates as he has. he has done everything in his power to protect housingcreeps but even it’s not enough.

property is a religion in australia


>She said these types of businesses seem incompatible with local shopping strips because they were likely to attract customers beyond the local neighbourhood.

Muh Bloomingales

If Labor shit up rich fag suburbs I’ll vote for them. Not just semi rich, proper rich. Mosman, Vaucluse etc


Shane Howard – Walk On Fire


For some wholesome family viewing after dinner tonight.

Filmed in my beloved Adelaide:

Bad Boy Bubby


He was a very bad boy.


Wonder if the 400,000 Indians flooding into EZFKA catch the train into work like this one?


“According to NDTV, some 60 per cent of the world’s ‘selfie deaths’ between March 2014 and September 2016 took place in India.”

Importing the best in class, not the bottom of the barrel.


Just a reminder for the naysayers here,

Australia has Full Democracy.

Pretty picture says so.

Screen Shot 2023-04-30 at 17.24.48.png

How dare this pro-Putin map suggest Ukraine has any less than super democracy


How is it even a hybrid democracy?

Gruppenführer Mark

A couple of observations:

  • Our kiwi brothers and sisters got us beat, they have a super democracy! Only Norway is slightly better.
  • A whole bunch of authoritarian states seem to be those that reject “rules-based order”.
  • On your Ukraine observation, they didn’t go quite far enough in establishing full democracy – they only banned all media, the largest church and language used by roughly half of the population. They still have opposition parties, once those are absorbed, they will move closer to full democracy.
  • The worst score for democracy is Afghanistan, the country that took $2T+, 4 US presidents, and 20 years to deliver it from Taliban to Taliban.
  • Both UK and Canada are more democratic that the USA. Actually, the 4 eyes of 5 eyes are more democratic. I presume because of Trump.
  • France, with its civil unrest going on for a couple of years now, is at full democracy because it’s rulers are listening to the voice of the people.
  • Why is Belarus lower than Russia? Should be the other way around!
  • Taiwan is a bastion of democracy in SE Asia! We must protect it at all costs, hence AUKUS!
  • India at 7.04 is an example of flawed democracy – probably because their best and brightest are contributing to democracy here.
  • How did Iceland get to be rated so highly? I mean, they jailed their bankers during the GFC, this was highly un-democratic!

I’ll stop now.

A Fly In Your Ointment

like that Seth Efrica has the same score as da beakon of democracy this year. Next year the sore will tilt to Efrican way.

Nice entertainment though


Housing grants for everyone!

Family members and close friends will soon be able to purchase their first property together under new changes to the federal government’s three housing schemes.

From July 1, the criteria for the First Home Guarantee, the Regional First Home Buyer Guarantee and the Family Home Guarantee will be expanded to include any two individuals, including siblings, cousins and a pair of friends. 

The schemes were initially limited to only married couples and people in de facto relationships. 

The criteria for the Family Home Guarantee scheme will also be changed to include people who are the legal guardians of their dependents, including aunts, uncles and grandparents.  


Good tbh

why should incels be (further) discriminated against

we should have taken the opportunity to abolish the marriage act when that gay marriage bullshit was going on

A Fly In Your Ointment

What about Pedos personae sexually attracted and copulating with minors?

Why should they suffer from the fact that their “partner” is minor and is not able to get a credit?

A Fly In Your Ointment

meant to say…. *EVERYBODY* should be assisted to get a mortgage!

But why stop there? What about sheep?

A fly in your ointment

See, you’ve just exposed my shortcoming in inclusiveness. Tnx, I will work on that – to include bestiality community into my future mental jogging


My spoof should get a fhb. Should be based on sperm count. I identitfy as spoof.


Australian permanent residents will also be eligible for the schemes, rather than just citizens.

The housing minister, Julie Collins, said the government was “moving to meet the times”.



Citizenship is worth less and less every year


might be a blessing bc it could reduce the migrant voting bloc


What really is the difference between PR and citizenship? Passport and voting. Anything else?

Gruppenführer Mark

With just a PR, I’m not sure you can proclaim yourself to be a “proud <insert tribe> man/woman/trans” /s

A fly in your ointment

That’s about all of it.
Looking at it, one of the two is a benefit.

Agent 47

PR can still be cancelled and contrary what people believe, is not permanent on certain visas.

Gruppenführer Mark

Australia Permanent Resident Visa is a permanent visa that allows you to live indefinitely in Australia but if you are living overseas while holding an Australia PR, you must meet the minimum stay requirement (730 days out of 5 years) in order to extend your PR.

So must be in the country 2 out of 5 years to extend. Wonder how many PRs are out there in China/India?


EZFKA has kicked out citizens. Just ask Rizvi when he ran the department.

A fly in your ointment

That’s a double blessing.


Your ABC runs its usual PR for Albo…Fark me these guys are just printing the talking points they are given by Albo’s carers


Game changer. LOL. There is a perfectly good stadium a couple of kilometres away. Just the corrupt AFL wants it’s type of stadium.

Gruppenführer Mark

See, the largest oval they have is not big enough. Only 19,500 capacity. And no roof.

For this $715M investment, Hobart will get a new stadium with a capacity of 23,000, and no roof. That is over $200K per added extra capacity to be rained on. Great investment!


The Macquarie Point project’s own cost benefit analysis suggests it will not make back the value of the money spent over the foreseeable future, which is common to most infrastructure projects”

Ryan Buckland, an economist and principal at ACIL Allen consultants, said it was no surprise an infrastructure proposal like this does not deliver a measurable benefit.
“There’s a reason the AFL has been so keen to get public funding support for this project,” he said.
“While Australians love their sport, they don’t love it enough to pay the true cost of building and operating billion-dollar assets.”


Also does this project business case factor in what happens to the existing stadium

This is fucken more vote buying by ALP surely there is seemingly no commercial basis for this project whatsoever

ALP wants to win another seat in Tassie surely


Lower house, why bother? They have imported enough Labor voters into Sydney and Melbourne to ensure enough lower house seats to win government.
Senate, Tassie has as many seats as Victoria and a couple more will ensure negotiations solely with the Greens.

I actually don’t understand why we need a stadium with 3,500 more seats to have a team. Doesn’t the EZFKAFL make more money out of broadcasting rights and sponsorship anyway?

Gruppenführer Mark

They have a better prediction rate than the Simpsons


Say what you want about friendlylaborpoosinc but he still does the best investigative journalism in the country, not that the bar is high.

When would you see a leftist shitting on Crikey? Yeah never. Because they are extreme faggots.


yes no one is disputing he does good work sometimes, so does that avi guy

Agent 47

Avi can fk right off. He’s just low hanging fruit for normies conservatives a la Shapiro.

Agent 47

Death by inflation


Nice article. Tend to agree for now with Peacheys assessment however it’s a short term bull trap since the full impact of rate rises will take another 4+ months to flow through. Spring selling season should be the one to watch. Might have another 3-4% to go before reversing again perhaps.

No mention of volumes in that article either which are for Sydney (well as of March) 20% down on 2022 and 10% below the 5 year average.

If one house sells for $1m, we have a market…


If we didn’t have a sub 1% vacancy rates, then Peachy’s assessment would be spot on, but there is so much demand for a roof above one’s head that the unit and apartment market around me is doing very well. Just about everything is selling. Long lines for the open for inspections too.


Yes, no bulltrap. the peacherpredictor will be proved fallible


Vacancy rates though aren’t relevant for PPOR purchases

Potentially one angle is this may tilt the market to be even more investor focused, as PPOR buyers and younger PPOR are basically now screwed unless prices drop as their incomes can’t service the mortgage for anything much really other than apartments or maybe townhouses


Diversity enriching Australia in the usual way… of course happening far removed from wherever Claire I’Neal lives:


Using golf clubs as weapons? Hang the lot of them.


some of these tweet replies really stand out haha


Former Greater Dandenong mayor. Obviously was oblivious to the issues facing Dandenong whilst mayor.


Used to live in East Melbourne and now lives in Oakleigh. Mayor for Dandenong and never even lived close to the place.

Agent 47

Actually sir…


racist little girl

she could start a career as a twitter/youtube right wing grifter after this

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

Earnings for the week

Screen Shot 2023-05-01 at 10.44.28.png

Implied movement

Screen Shot 2023-05-01 at 10.43.27.png

cheers bing




Wow. Hardly anyone gets that life. The guy I knew who did the best pretty much always banged 6s and 7s, occassionally a bimbo 8. He kept it real.


I lament this a lot. And Redditors usually tell me “If you’re so obsessed with sex, go have some.” And maybe I could. But I think I’ve been clear, it isn’t the sex itself that I’m so fascinated by. Boyfriend & girlfriend/husband & wife having sex, big deal. It’s not uncommon for the romantically committed to have sex. I’m interested in these rare situations from the Snapchats I watch. So not just any sex would do. Wouldn’t be the same.

bloke has a mental disease. He’s worked himself into some kind of crazy demands and requirements and has doomed himself to failure.

and writes long long rants.

a bit sad


Oh also from that link I found IncelTV – it’s great! Fascinating!

Gruppenführer Mark

FMD what a rabbit hole


try faceandlms haha i was on that show once!!!

you can listen to me on this series here:


The solution to incel’s concerns is RAPE
As James Brown once eloquently elaborated,
“You got you got what I need!!!!”


does this shithole make anything?

Australia imports around 90 per cent of its urea, which equates to about 2.4 million tonnes per year.


yup …for export know it! and por ol desolate burrup eh??? surrounded by karratha dampier point samson an’ shit

Gruppenführer Mark

And a couple of rock scratchings


The dishwashing liquid I bought yesterday was made in Australia.


bottled in oz


hard to know who is more of a savage here

An Indonesian resort will have to slaughter a goat to restore peace after an Australian man allegedly went on a drunken rampage and injured a motorcyclist. 

Suhardi Fleno, the chief of Lantik village where the incident happened, said the resort Risby-Jones was staying in has to slaughter a goat in accordance with traditional practices in Aceh.

‘It is called peusijuek, meaning we must have peace with the party that we have a problem with to prevent the same problem from recurring,’ he said. 

hell yeah we should bring this to ezfka

The Queenslander’s sentence could also be lowered or the case dropped entirely if he is able to reach a financial settlement with the motorcyclist.

Mr Fleno said he had asked the motorcyclist Edi Ron if he would accept a financial settlement, but the fisherman did not give an answer as he was focused on recovering first.


To be clear, interest rate increases won’t resolve this inflation and, in some cases, like rents, you could argue they put upwards pressure on inflation.

abc retards understand it well before you dipshits

At the heart of the problem is enormous corporate power, and the price setting behaviour that comes with it, and a chronic housing shortage.

profits must rise to beat the risk free rate




Not many units can afford to fund a building project that will actually be profitable for a developer. Of those that can, not many are interested in adding to their property portfolio, because the profits for themselves will be too small. The profits will be too small because not many units/migrants can afford to pay the rents required, unless you pack them 8 to a room.

Australia has simply become too expensive for new real estate development. Land, materials, labour, it’s all too expensive. And most of the money is with people who are too old to care about trying to make more anyway.

You can cut rates back to zero to enable enough borrowing to fund that construction, but it will only spur inflation in land prices until it becomes unviable to build again. Plus, if interest rates get slammed again, all of Australia’s governments will set about their massive infrastructure projects which push up the price of materials and labour even more.


They will have to give a big pay bump imo. Imagine fighting for ezfka scum. One of my worst fears and I love first person shooters.


ezfka will eventually outsource overseas fighting to mercenaries, ‘cos who the fuck would be willing to die for Austfalia through a sense of patriotism? Why would chinese austfalians want to fight china?
List of of private armies here—


Too expensive for the EZFKA, I think they will just dust off the COVID playbook and say you’re literally killing grandma if you don’t go to Shanghai to kill literal Chinese grandmas.

If that doesn’t work, they can just grab people off the streets like in Ukraine.

The units are so passive that you don’t even need a Wagner Group style organisation to cop all the casualties and have them be mercs so nobody really cares. Everybody above conscription age will say that the youth have it too good and should be sent off to die somewhere. Every woke type will be pleased to see legacy units being merked.

They will be shit soldiers, but it doesn’t matter if we lose the war as long as our elites keep getting richer. For that to happen, we only need to give the appearance of serving American interests.


Bravo to them for finding yet another migration route, and of some of the most undesirable immigrants I can think of, angry young men deranged enough to join another country’s imperial enforcement service.


That’s a bit rough. I’d rather someone with the balls to join the military over yet another opportunist stand for nothing faggot that expects to cower behind whitey soldiers.


Future PTSD cases that’ll be living off the taxpayer forever.

Why the fuck do I care if our immigrants have got “balls” or not? I’m not looking for a boyfriend among them. I’d rather have cowards so at least they’re less likely to knife me at the train station.


Watch a doco on the Foreign Legion, they’re not that bad.
One of the main reasons why we are here is probably because of cowards.
It was those types that protested the jabs and lockdowns, and will be the main ones protesting conscription if it happens.

Aussie Soy Boy

Ha! What a pussy


it was just a matter of time before pfizer finished the job anyway, right?


On a slightly tangential topic – what the fuck is wrong with people -and the society they are in- if fucking cooks are looked up to and considered celebrities?

That below stairs stuff shouldn’t be celebrated or glamorised!


They also divert income away from land speculation. Many bad things about that profession.

Gruppenführer Mark

Peachy, it goes deeper than that. If you appear on TV, in a “reality” show, like MAFS, you are a celebrity. If you are a top earner on Only Fans, ditto – celebrity. Influencer with 100K subscribers – yep, made it.

Social media was the beginning of the end.



pooo pooo.jpg

Your precious daily mail mentions nothing of the sort


-lifeline phone numbers plastered all over the article
-corpse found in a hotel in carlton not own home
-police “welfare check” conducted
-police refuse to disclose cause of death, but “not suspicious”
-former heroin addict with long history of mental illness repeatedly mentioned

but yeah im sure it was the jab you cretins


Prime Minister “Fat Tony” Albosleazy spent seven hours at a wedding with these fine upstanding gentlemen.


The news said the guy up the back in the middle did jail time for pingas.


Imagine being a vaxxy. Only old women, karens and faggot simps are vaxxies now.


and who is still a vax conspiracy theorist in 2023

real incel and wine mum shit


Imagine not being deadly concerned about your heart being fucked for life, or collapsing and dying because of climate change, and you call the others tards.


the risk is really low eitherway. i still didnt get it bc i dont care though

and at this point its over

why are we still talking about this now but even the authorities have given up pushing these jabs

they have a covid testing clinic in dubbo thats free still and i never see absolutely anyone in there


Fucked for life lmao

it’s a fucking 0.1ml injection of fluid I swear to god the people on this website are dumb as shit
the iq distribution is shifted leftwards here 100% but with a fatter right tail


the average iq here is probably like 115 or so which is higher than the jews

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

Lmao it most certainly is not

all the cookers are sub 100

the fly in ointment guy and emusplatt and bjw are in the 85-90 range

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

lol have u ever met someone with iqs that low

85 you can barely string a sentence together youre not posting on an economics blog

iq has nothing to do with political opinions for the most part

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

“economics blog”

it’s a racist cooker cesspit


maybe the smh comment section or macro would be more your speed then

A fly in your ointment


aw, tnx Cuming, that’s more generous IQ arsesessment than any if the other mob where I spoiled their ointment


You’re saying there’s been no vax injuries and deaths? Ok.


YeH that was what I was saying you retard


Very Coming to think all people adjust their beliefs according to what is fashionable in the current year


in all fairness they basically do


Is this sampling the general population or just the denizens of the EZFKA forum?


the ezfka denizens don’t conform to a standard distribution


Did you make that one yourself coming?

well done!


albo just announced he’s increasing the dole

but only for people over 55yo

even PRguy is wtf’ing at this one
boomer supremacy carries on

if you are over 55 you should be fucking set for life anyway
free education
plentiful jobs
could have bought a beachfront house at Bronte for $50k and would now be worth $10m

if you are over 55 and not already well sorted out in life then you are just a dismal fucking failure in life and you should be living on the streets eating dog food

just absolutely fucking lol at poor young people

you voted for him you stupid cunts
dogshit stupid
how good is the voice though


hilarious. the over 55 set is actually the biggest bludger category out there, because they’re exempt more from the mutual obligations that keep younger people on it for very long. also a lot of older people own their own house so the payment isnt as bad to live on for them bc they dont have rent. they effectively cruise on the dole till they get the pension. statistically they’re over represented dole bludgers for these reasons.


That is really funny. I fully support this. The youth will only rise up once the discrimination against them reaches apartheid levels and every little bit helps.



even redditors are up in arms about this

we need more let them eat cake moments, albo has already lined up like 3 in the past 2 days

sandilands wedding

now this

watch the absolutely fking useless lnp be incapable of capitalising on this though


Over 55s are LNP’s core voting block. Labor is ensuring that LNP will lose the next six elections. Basically another political wedge that the LNP will lose.


Same. Even gen z are woke lite. Kalergi gen. They will never rise up they’re like dishwater.

They used to say on the sites like reddit that white people aren’t used to equality because they aren’t a poo. Well now they are a poo. Enjoy your equality. Gen poo.


If you have been to the Gold Coast recently you would understand the reluctance to raise the dole for the youth. No jobs and fairly cheap to split the rental bill and go surfing every day.

I would like to know the stats of young males from Sydney and Melbourne who move to GC and remain permanently unemployed.


I know some over 55s who will be fucked if they lose their jobs. I mean really fucked. Low net worth and unemployable.


know some over 55s who will be fucked if they lose their jobs. I mean really fucked. Low net worth and unemployable.

some people will fail even if all the circumstances are tilted in their favour.

some, because they are dumb

others just because they are unlucky (and law of averages and large numbered, etc)


my landlord is refusing to pay for my locks to be changed/ new key after that abo robbed me and stole my keys lol

gonna cost like $250 to get both of the locks replaced

police have done absolutely nothing, got the call back after 2 from them theres no evidence/ wasnt caught on camera in the spot it occured, found no dna evidence on my jumper i submitted to them

just great

how good is the voice though

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

What DNA was on the jumper ?

did he rape you


he grabbed my shoulder and held me in place by putting his foot on my foot, they took the jumper to test for dna by touch


Lmao they did absolutely nothing with it is my guess just wanted to make you feel like they’re CSI

did you get the jumper back


yeah after 2 weeks

very likely correct though they did nothing


fuck this woman is so fucking based

I remember when she was on Q+A telling everyone lockdowns were bullshit and the abc bludgers were gob smacked

she’s spot on though
the solution to high house prices isn’t the govt giving poor people a free house

its poor people actually working hard and not spending their money on pokies and ice

the welfare state is the cause of the problem, not the solution


yeah the solution to high house prices is more people buying houses


the solution is people being forced to work

because if they don’t they will die on the street

that would get houses built quick fucking smart


why not just cut fucking migration


Because who will drive Ubers

A fly in your ointment

the solution is people being forced to work

work/jabbed/locked down.. take pick


Why would the average bludger give a fuck if the economy is going into recession or not? Economists are so fucking autistic



‘recession’ is bullshit anywy, does anyone even notice much of a difference? we’re supposed to be in an economic downturn and the mall parking lot is fking packed.

omg muh gdp went down -2.5% last year

who gives a fucking shit

no individual is going to notice any differrence to their life

only thing you do notice is high rents, house prices and grocery inlfation

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

Let’s rely on the subjective impressions of an unemployed man from Dubbo to define recession


yeah i mean explain to me where the huge impact is in all of this for the punters on the ground


Yeah it’s bullshit especially in modern times where you can have a recession with hardly any growth in unemployment and the stock market booms. Plus so much of GDP these days is retarded government mega projects like nuke subs. Based Gigi must have been asleep since 2007 if she thinks muh GDP means anything today.


dead right it’s bullshit


Yeah you might have an argument if the rich didn’t take fuck loads of welfare via lobbying, money printing, bailouts, making the media a bunch of shit.

Haha I hate that bitch. How many ips she got I wonder.


they don’t cancel each other out

two wrongs don’t make a right didnt your parents teach you that

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

Huge amounts of immigration for nearly 3 decades now(to replace lazy aussies) now she wants lazy aussies to get her out of the shit. Haha. Fuck me. What a cunt.

Two wrongs don’t make a right? You’re sounding a bit basic.


two wrongs don’t make a right


look at these babies lmfao

what did they expect



Lmao the top comment is that they’re all going to vote for the greens instead

just lmao


>I’m just so fucking tired.

Good thing I like poos, I like curries, and they like computers, so we can be mates, I’m an honourary poo.




Wot? Curries are delicious. I’ll even go a dahl or the other veggy options. I’m cosmopolitan as fuck bitch.


Women want to replace me with poos now they expect me to care if there’s a bloke in their dunny or in their sports.



fk roasties

no sympathy for me, they vote to flood us with migrants let’s flood their bathrooms with trannies


That woman looks pretty low class with all the tattoos and shit. hard for me to rate, but probably a 5/10 as is currently, possibly previously a 6/10 (subtract most of the tattoos and subtract 8 years)

She has nothing lasting to offer a real chad, but probably conducts herself like she’s entitled to one.


if she didn’t have tatts she’d be very attractive

but girls get tatts to signal that they are very sexually available to high T/low inhib chads


I’d give her a 7 with makeup but frankly agree with you and Coming.

More like she’s hit the early 30s wall, is panicking and outraged that she’s viewed as little more than a piece of sports equipment after enjoying 10 years as the town bike via the ‘dating app’.

Zero sympathy love – she’ll probably find some desperate beta eventually, but she blew her chances of long term happiness by popping pingas and banging chads right through her 20s.

”But muh liberation!!”

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

I could fix her


Retreads are fine, the more cognizant sometimes mature and wake up to themselves and count themselves lucky – there are as many prodigal daughters as there are sons.

Indeed if anything they should be the more pitied… a woman’s stock price peaks in her early 20s while guys may start lower but generally rises until their mid 40s.

This bird on the other hand, far from being cognizant is shaping instead shaping up to be bitter and resentful that Chads used and abused her at her own willing violation.


Only thing she’s got going for her is she’s not fat like most aust womyn.
Bulimia is a wonderful way to stay slim/


Need ezkfa t-shirts. “I’ve been replaced by a chink/poo”

Darwin would be proud.

Like it or not this is Darwinism. Because out of those millions of chinks and poos one of them will do a successful startup. Another one percent will go on to work for Google etc.

Just look at the English Empire 99% of people lived like shit and worked like dogs.

Ironic Boomer

Kim from Melboune wants Aussie men to do better. They are, that’s why you get ghosted.


This is amazing stuff

he absolutely smashed those week bitches, and won $17k (equal prize money you sexist bigots!)

fucking love this tranny movement


Lol I can’t wait to see them doing ads for weetbix and shit


love this tranny movement
Yep. People write about pushing acceleration-ism, which promises a result way off in the future.
Tranny mania tho, is going off the cliff in real time. It’s fantastic.


I think it is great too.

It was over-reach by a certain ethnic group in the Wiemar republic pushing topics like Transexualism and ‘gender as a spectrum’ that ended up activating a whole heap of German normies who’d previously stood by and let Berlin turn into a Sodom and Gomorrah.

Anecdotally it has been interesting to observe a few protests against both Trans and broadening into LGB in general starting to take place:

While it is interesting to view the comments beneath it, it is even more interesting to observe the views of the Reporter and Producer in how they frame the story. IMHO this whole Trans movement and tolerance towards it is an example of Luxury Beliefs, being the adoption of beliefs that are generally socially harmful, in order to highlight your stature which ironically rests on your lack of reliance or independence from society.

It is indeed ironic that most of the people adopting these Luxury beliefs are in fact those often most in need of the protection that social norms use to offer, but which now are under attack from social adoption of these Luxury Beliefs – women’s rights in Sport being a prime example.

Anyhow, as I’ve said, before, once set in motion a social movement will continue to expand and take up space in our collective social narrative until it dominates it in all aspects, unless it receives push back – that such push back starting to emerge is encouraging.

I might have to explore and look into as to how I can give them my support the next time they choose to meet. What people do behind closed doors is their business, but I believe it is well and truly time that this social movement started receiving some push back.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie
Aussie Soy Boy

I can’t believe how Abolovernese is being completely let off the hook for going to this wedding.

It’s an utter disgrace. It would be beneath my dignity to attend a wedding full of drug addicts, drug dealers, pimps, general slovenly people, let alone the PM.

He’s dangerous.

He’s so insecure and needing to be liked he can’t say no to anything or anyone.

Ask him for $400 million to contribute to a 23k seat $700 million stadium when there’s a 20k one across the road — done.

$700 billion for 8 submarines — done.


He doesn’t hold a hose mate.

Albo is 100% Scomo Lite.

He’s a more palatable version for the Leftards in the media, but the same fucking moron with no backbone or brains, just with a Triple J t-shirt and no evidence of anything like having shat his pants at Engerdine McDonalds.

The hypocrisy is stunning, but par for for the course with the Leftards.


RBA going for another duck egg today ?



it’s over boyo, lowe is more interested in saving his own hide than actually doing his job

every time he hikes even 0000000.1 bp the media wheels out another chorus of hard done ‘battler’ shit cunts to sook about their entitled house price growth


Lowe could not GAF. He is 100% gone from RBA, and has a cushy $300k+ tax free pension for life.


RBA going for another duck egg today ?

subject to extensive discussion


LVO definitely browsing

Hi leith, I still love you keep up the fight mate


lol fkn hell well spotted, unless agent 47 got it from somewhere else and its been passed around on twitter or something. can you confirm agent?


honestly I can’t really blame him for banning us

probably needs advertisers or wants to sell it

DLS should apologise for the pro-lockdown stuff though

A fly in your ointment


leave out the pro jabbadabba-do-or-else?


“I would suggest that anybody that’s CEO of a bank that screws up and cost shareholders a lotta money that in effect, you know, they get no pension from the bank. They go back to living, you know, like a person that works on the production line of Ford or something like that. They don’t deserve anything special. And I would suggest to the directors of the bank that sat there for five years and listened to people come in and give reports and all that sort of thing, that they give back all their director’s fees.”
— Warren Buffett, April 12, 2023


Warren likes larping as a man of the people. Good PR. Him and Munger are just boomer sluts, but very good ones.


Get a load of this super parasite on two public service pensions soon to be 3


what are you talking about?

he has a 15k a year PSS

hardly a parasite since he made all his money in the sink or swim USA and is repatriating it to australia


Lol what

Sucking $100K out of a US state every year isn’t parasitic?

Do you think the US is a fucking war zone so you deserve a pension just for going there?


you think you get a free state pension in the USA you fuckwit?

He invested his income in a 401k private pension


It’s not fucking private, it’s a State of California public service pension


where does it say that?

a lifetime public service parasite carry on then


It says that later in the thread. If only you had invested some of your trolling time into reading eh.


where’s the third pension from?


US social security.

He might just be making shit up though someone caught him posting about being a tenant in Australia already.


I have no problem with public service pension as long as there are limitations. You receive your 10.5% super guarantee, they receive an equivalent amount which is contributed to a pension scheme.

The only difference is their returns are linked to wages or CPI and guaranteed by the govt. IMO that is the way it should be for everyone. None of this bs trying to match or beat inflation by gambling on the ASX casino, and then having all the leaches stealing management fees.

I was laughed at for suggesting it previously. But I believe government should have a 0% coupon inflation linked bond as a savings option. All superannuation can go into that. No gambling, no erosion by inflation, no management fee leaches.


Don’t really care one way or another. It just shits me that we have this generation where their education was free, they went into bludger public service jobs with actual wage growth and career progression, bought their houses cheap, bought a few more houses cheap, and now get massive fucking indexed pensions. In all of human history a bludger never had a better chance to make it to the top 10% without breaking a sweat.


and the ones who still, somehow against all odds tiled in their favour, failed now get a bigger dole than you


At least the Viet Cong managed to thin their numbers a little


steve keen will probably be moving back to australia now theyve upped the dole payment

maybe recoup some of the money gonzalo lira stole from him




Shitting on boomers is dumb when gen x and y are beyond retarded r us inc.

They are the Steven Bradbury generation.

If you don’t act like a weak poof millenials will attack you like hyenas.


Can’t be fucked with your culture war shit mate. Boomers are sucking the country dry financially.


Boomers got one foot in the grave. Anyway 55 is gen x.

Gruppenführer Mark

It is interesting that the article doesn’t say where that little pillow biter will go after departing Qantas

Aussie Soy Boy

Probably going to get his prolapse fixed. It will be nice and tight again as well.


A anonymous Monkeypox treatment facility?

Aussie Soy Boy

Nice work Lowe. Make the irresponsible squirm


0.25% it is I see


RBA rate tracker spectacularly wrong this month


wow! wtf

is this a “fuck you” after the RBA review was released


chalmers going to show him the door I reckon

this is a real slap in the face for the government, just before budget night

inflationary too, as it will increase govt interest payments

Aussie Soy Boy

Boss move


if i was chalmers I’d strip him of his 350k/yr public pension

make him your bitch, and score points with the aussie battlers at the same time


Chalmers is sucking on the same public pension teat.


chalmers is the boss

phil is his lacky

time to remind him

Aussie Soy Boy

Rates are way too low they should be 5% minimum anyway


imagining there is empiric evidence that raising rates lowers inflation

Aussie Soy Boy

It suppresses demand, people spend less on goods and services, businesses less likely to borrow.


doesn’t seem to

Aussie Soy Boy

Because they aren’t high enough.


sounds like communism

never works, but its only because nobody has ever done it properly


doesn’t seem to

Last edited 1 year ago by Peachy

Senator McKim, though, called for Mr Chalmers to make the Budget one ‘that taxes the corporate super profits that are driving inflation and that taxes the rich that are profiting from high interest rates and low rental vacancies’.

You can see why interest rate rises just make the situation worse

Corporate profits MUST rise in response to a higher risk free rate

There is no oxygen for lower cost competition to arise if their profits cannot be maintained above the risk free rate

you can tax profits but that will only drive prices higher as competition is extinguished

Taken to its final absurd extreme, prices for necessities (food, shelter, electricity) spiral upwards to maintain profits to justify deployment of capital that would otherwise be more rationally deployed to government bonds


Gruppenführer Mark



this meme template seems silly to me.

its never funny

maybe I don’t get it




It’s because coming outed himself as south Asian as everyone suspected


It’s because coming outed himself as south Asian

and you bought that?


Gold. 👍


McKimm is absolutely SWEATING on his mortgage repayments at this point

he owns 4 IPs


Ah the old woke mixed with robber baron capitalism. Typical ezfka unit.






The Posh noisy housewives from the Teals have gladly accepted the offer of free Chairman’s Club membership from Qantas and Virgin Beyond Lounges.

According to the latest Parliamentarian Interests Register update.

Zoe Daniel, Kylie Tink, Allegra Spender, Monique Ryan, Zali Steggall etc all are snout deep in the trough, clutching their pearls away from the FIFO scum who frequent the low class average lounges at QF & Virgin. Chairman’s Lounge is by invitation only.

Aussie Soy Boy