The forces at play in the housing market


Ownership market

  1. Cost of materials, skilled labour and interest rates driving construction firms out of business. Interest rates probably the biggest factor.
  2. Investors are holding back due to interest rate fears.
  3. Wages are stagnant again except in top tier of employment market due to low skill mass migration, coupled with higher rates. This means the masses can’t bid up housing.
  4. One of the world’s easiest money laundering setups remains Australian housing. How much loss can money launderers wear as a transaction cost? Will their money keep coming?

Rental market

  1. Epic overseas migration driving massive shortage of rentals
  2. People with few or no children occupying more space
  3. Unoccupied dwellings (associated with Chinese buyers, money launderers) are still around. Does anyone have a read on this?
  4. Rents are included in inflation figures. Do you think Labor knows this? If NOM continues to drive rents to the stratosphere, high rents may not rescue the property market. Instead they will feed back into inflation forcing rates to follow. This will make investors even more scared. Maybe a few will go bust if the rate of rent increase doesn’t keep up with interest rate rises. This is likely since most investors are highly leveraged. Each % of interest rate rise requries a much greater % of rental rate rise to keep rental yields static.
  5. Increasing rental costs may also attenuate employment since a signficant number ofpeople will not have as much money to spend on other things, causing downstream businesses to suffer.

I don’t have a read on the weights of each of these factors or a model that can combine them. My gut feeling is that rates will resume rising after a lull caused by the Chinese resumption of production following the end of COVID zero and the working out of how to ship cheap Russian oil. But…there are100s of millions of people in India and China getting more skilled and wealthier and demanding more, including vast amounts of hydrocarbon. They won’t need to sell to the west as much. The pressure on supply chains will not let up. Prices are not done rising.

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I think rates will keep going up for at least another 6 months. Even if they don’t, they are likely to stay where they are for a long time. I seriously can’t see rates falling back to 0.1% as fast as they’ve gone up over the last 9 months or so.

This means that the vast crowd of idiots on low incomes who have huge mortgages obtained at record low rates are likely to be spending at least the next few years being financially smashed by the current rates. A few will be forced to sell. The majority will hang on grimly, and put every penny into the repayments. This will eliminate discretionary spending for lots of people, resulting in a big hit to retail sales, pubs cafes etc. There will be lots of Jetskis and giant TVs for sale.

Anecdotally, we went to our local watering hole for a few beers and a pizza last night. This place is normally chockers, but last night, and the last few times we’ve been there, it was moderately busy. There were free tables and no need to queue at the bar. It’s been noticeable to the point that I’ve mentioned it to the missus.

Slowing trade at one pub isn’t conclusive evidence, but I’ve seen similar at another place we go to regularly. That’s two data points, so my theory above is proven beyond doubt.

Agent 47

Melbourne can easily survive with about 1/10th cafes and restaurants it has now so good. Surely Andrews will just put that on the credit card though.


Will add a few more data points in support. Was out at my old stomping ground to get a haircut, while waiting took a walk around to see what was on offer for a feed.

For reference, it’s a moderately sized 3 storey compound, has a Coles/WW/Aldi, JBHifi, movie theatre, gym and a bowling alley. 

On the food/beverage side, it’s pretty been carnage, with 21 out of 36 closing, and only 6 sites having been re-leased or rebranded.

Closed (15)
Greek souvlaki
American diner
Sichuan Hot Pot
Bubble tea
Café: independent
Poke Bowls
Portuguese Chicken
Hot Pot
Health food

Converted (6)
Korean BBQ -> Lebanese
TGIF -> Golf bar
Café: ?Coffee club – rebranded to another franchise
Café: franchise – rebranded – similar to above
Bakery -> Bubble tea
Bakery -> Vietnamese Bakery

Survived (15)
Sushi Train
Modern Australian
Sushi x2
Australian Chinese
Bakers Delight
Vietnamese – Pho
Sandwich/roasts shop
Coffee franchise x2

Agent 47

Off topic sort of but well played EZFKA Twitter


All fear the fixed rate cliff!

Anecdotally I also am noticing flight centre still busy near me with people booking school holiday getaways and no doubt their last July European holiday before TSHTF.

I think there is a lot of last hurrah activity happening which has just peaked.


Sounds like an EmBee fear campaign. So the number of expiries goes up 50% for several months. Yawn 🥱

Most people will afford the additional payments as most took advantage of cheap payments.



It’s the total figure though which the RBA quoted at 800k this year all going from 2-2.5% to 6%+, which is heaps if correct.

I agree many will battle through re: repayments but this will absolutely crush the lifestyles of those in particular with high LVRs or who own many IPs with offsetting huge debt. Might see some examples of forced sales at last and ideally the start of the last leg of this property cycle correction, another 10% would be nice.

This will also likely be the trigger that crushes inflation over this year.


agree many will battle through re: repayments but this will absolutely crush the lifestyles of those in particular with high LVRs or who own many IPs with offsetting huge debt. Might see some examples of forced sales at last and ideally the start of the last leg of this property cycle correction, another 10% would be nice. 

This will also likely be the trigger that crushes inflation over this year.

yeah, there’s no real way around this – the interest rates will suck a bunch of discretionary spend out of the economy and give it to the banks.

it’s how they’re meant to work.


but i dont get it when you giev it to the banks doesnt that just mean it goes to the people who own the banks. and then they just spend it on something else

why would overall discretionary spending go down

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

Oh no, you’ve had a bit too much to think cobber


yeah quite so


 it goes to the people who own the banks. and then they just spend it on something else

why would overall discretionary spending go down

becaue it’s how they say it works but what it really does is reduce the size and volume of new loans creating money which reduces the rate of increase of the money supply.
To have this as the narrative would require alerting the sheeple to the fact the banks just get to create money from nothing…


You would have to look this up but most joe blow private ownership would be in super funds which most have no ability to access to spend, and otherwise then mostly very wealthy people and other banks owning other banks, in turn owned by wealthy people…

And since wealthy people are few in number and consume a small % of their income/wealth it’s deflationary


higher rates give free money (created from nowhere) to the banks in the form of IOR currently

it also gives free money to people who hold bank deposits (since each deposit is offset by an equal debt)

it also gives free money to buyers of government debt, and therefore increases government deficits all other things being equal

it increases both velocity of money, and the amount of base money

higher rates only works to deflate the money supply if “financial crisis” is allowed to roll on, and debts default

Which looks like may not be allowed to happen


Noticing the same in regards to spending near me. People are still cashed up and spending. Restaurants are still full and people are still going on holidays.

Rents are up over 10%, so landlords are doing well. Juicy dividends from many ASX companies. Spending ain’t going down from the asset owners who did very well out of Covid.


Not yet it isn’t – will be very, very interesting in another 4-6 months time per my comment above whether this is what breaks the inflation beast, and also likely barrels the country into recession. I’d give that a 3/4 chance of happening at this point.


Inflation accelerating in face of several hundred percent relative interest rate rises

at what point do you question the Mainstream narrative

more obtuse than the covid idiots


I’ve barely seen any businesses go under. People can still tap boomer parents plus immigrants live cheap anyway. For instance I hardly ever see them get takeaway.

Zoomies are fuggin screwed tho. I’d say that’s when people will start living like it’s the 70s again . But at least they’re not racist.

A fly in your ointment

It is not good for one’s mind and it is outright silly to try to seek logic and recognise natural flows in a market that is bent so much that would mesmerise even Slavador Dali in its twisted wicked appearance.

The only thing left to look for is force majeur which outside of warden class’ reach.

A fly in your ointment

“…..doesn’t mean that they SHOULD have been fully hedged. If you constantly buy insurance for a very rare event, you will lose money.”


if you constantly buy insurance for a very rare event, you will lose money.”

if you buy insurance you will lose money full stop, except for a very small % of people making claims. For an insurance company to remain profitable and in business premiums must be greater than payouts + operating expenses.
That is how insurance works.


….and hedging has amplified losses. hedgers are not purchasing a tried or tested policy of insurance, they’re building bespoke positions for god knows what risk…. and the commentariat with the brains the size of the galaxy blithely skiting how firm x has hedged this risk or other out themselves as deluded or spruiking.

I’ve lost count of the galactic brains that have hedged in the wrong direction.
My earliest recollection was the sons of gwalia debacle.


There’s another force out there to add to your list. It’s something that I’ve wanted to write about but never got the time/motivation.

There’s a proliferation of home-support / home-nursing / home-feeding / similar grift services designed to keep ageing and disabled and frail people “in their homes” rather than aged care and similar facilities.

Basically the model is:

  • government pays through Commonwealth Home Support, NDIS, similar programs
  • filipino & similar home support staff are imported
  • nursing/support labor hire firms and agencies facilitate this and skim a good chunk of the funds
  • older people are kept in their big houses

it’s a solid leg to support the land price level.

the house-less pay three or four times over:

  • imported support staff undercut wages
  • imported support staff create housing demand (at least take up rentals)
  • frail who are kept in their home also keep the houses off the market for decades
  • all this is paid for by the taxes of the house-less

it Is EZFKA awesomeness


Excellent observation


I have some direct and immediate experience of this. My elderly Mum is undergoing Chemo for cancer and is very frail. She fell over the other day, and in attempting to lift her my Dad, who is also very old and frail, fractured a vertebrae.

So they’re both out of action and I flew to Ballina yesterday to take care of Mum while Dad is in hospital having his back seen to. It’s not good.

Anyway, this is Retirement Central, so there are a plethora of local support services for elderly people living at home. It may be different elsewhere, but all the drivers, carers, cleaners, meals-on-wheels people I’ve dealt with so far have been very kind round-eyes.

Not saying they’re not grifters, but at least they’re our grifters.


Anyway, this is Retirement Central, so there are a plethora of local support services for elderly people living at home. It may be different elsewhere, but all the drivers, carers, cleaners, meals-on-wheels people I’ve dealt with so far have been very kind round-eyes.

Not saying they’re not grifters, but at least they’re our grifters.

i think that’s the difference between
Ballina and Melbourne/Sydney.

and agree with the sentiment about our grifters being much better than imported grifters. At least the money stays here and creates jobs for the locals (rather than undercutting local wages, cranking housing demand and then flowing offshore).

Hope your folks are doing OK.


Make sure you get in early for the high level care packages for your folks.
Mine died before they got proper help.


You mentioned NDIS, that is Bill Shorten’s ticking time bomb that he will scuttle away from soon enough.

Alternatively he will politicise it like the ALP do for everything else, just like they said in Covid “fund it otherwise you’re killing Grandma!”. They will make it a culture war too, an Autistic kid needs NDIS support, unless that kid lives in a nice area then it’s clearly rorting the system.

Currently running on a budget of $36B, in Oct 2022 the AFR did a piece that said Shorten would see it blow out by $8.8B to $50B+ by 2026. Basically it will cost more than Medicare and Aged Care combined and then some.

As Kos Samaras says, we need mass immigration to feed that Ponzi scheme because our own birth rate won’t support our elderly etc. Twisted logic that is swallowed whole.

Some of my own anecdata, a mate has a child with very poor health prospects from birth, spends a fortune on carers and therapy. The kid won’t make her teens. He struggles with NDIS admin and approval so funds most himself. They do have a weekly visit from a Carer, who tells him she has another client who claims on the NDIS his ‘mental health’ therapy where her job consists of driving this POS to a brothel while she waits outside and drives him home afterwards.


Of course its what will happen. A privatised system provides all the profitable services and directs all the money there and ignores everything else. If you only have privatised services then you only have the profitable things done and everyone needing anything else misses out.


Why shouldn’t he use a brothel

better for his mental health and well-being than any other nonsense including SSRIs and psychologists which are on PBS/Medicare


It doesn’t surprise me that you would say that


free hookers wont help that much bc theres no validation

a lot of incels just wont go to them too


They will validate you

oh baby you vewy handsone big dick




No, we need mass immigration for the Sunday Special Shhhriiimmmmp!


now toss in a spot of striesand effect….we’re in trouble


Just need Jim Cramer DLS to tell everyone to buy Australian banks. Then you can start shorting the banks.


have a look at this turd getting slapped in comments


Almost as badly as this turd Billy Bragg:

Ex Musician apparently but one hell of a deadshit clearly.


Who is this cunt

him and Stan grant sang a duet on Q+A last week

lmao at the absolute state of the ABC and this country generally

narcissism levels absolutely off the charts
thats what happens when everyone is forced to worship you I guess

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

Billy was great back in the 80s.i saw him several times at venues in Canberra. Memorable gigs. He was a great musician and wrote intelligent songs. He seems to be just another virtue signalling loony now.


Jeez, that poor bloke.

I came across an Americanism while working in Texas many years ago…TNB … Typical Nigger Bullshit. You see a story like this and automatically think “TNB”.


BWS is his traditional lands

Aussie Soy Boy
Agent 47

Watching every single conservative and freedom influencer cuck out to the Israel lobby is pretty white and black pulling at the same time. Unsurprised.


Lethal red pilled on housing. Or he reads this site…

Unconventional EconomistMEMBER
March 20, 2023 at 4:48 pm
Nah mate. It’ll rocket. APRA will likely cut the mortgage buffer too, which means borrowing capacity will increase markedly.
Add record immigration, strong rental growth, and stunted housing supply into the mix and the ingredients are there for another price boom in 2024.
Sad but true

Ironic Boomer

Where is dls to yell at him APRA APRA APRA, for God sakes APRA! Just like he did during the covid RBA chicanery.

A fly in your ointment

where do you think rents can go?

500 bucks hardly gets a studio in most of the Sydney, average home is 800+ and apartments from 600 up.
a $60k salary will pay about 850/wk and frugal life cost 350-400 bucks for a person of about 50% more for 2. With families being destroyed, a single person can hardly survive unless on a 90k+ income and a single parent will need at least 6 digit. and when I say ” survive” I mean spending on only what is absolutely necessary.
Rents can not go past the physical limit of the income. my take is that another 10% increase in rents is theoretically possible before there is nothing left for discretionary spend.


You just fit more people into the property to pay the rent…

A fly in your ointment

you know what, that fellatio magnus will be possible on this island. The compliance ratio here would blow any compliance metering machine into pieces. people here stay still when they are double teamed by the powers to be and at the end ask if they can be of more assistance for more fellatio

Aussie Soy Boy

The best thing to do is pay off a property and they’ll never care about house prices again.

Think of all the hours they’ll get back in their life.

A fly in your ointment

what you suggest is outright unaustralian (un-current thing) and will be made illegal soon, like it is currently illegal in VIC to not outright support your kids identity disphoria.
(before you dismiss my statement above wrt Vic, do your own research as to Vic legislation about 12 months ago)

also… to pay off a 600k mortgage on a salary/wages and have a bit of a life, it takes 30+ years. it means your kids will die working their arse off to buy a dilapidated 1940’s built home in leafy Hills District which now goes from meager 1mil and never pay it off. There is no option of paying off in ponzi bubble, only interest to return ratio.


My dear old Mum turned on the TV to watch The Drum, which is the stupidest shit show in our galactic arm.

15 minutes of blathering about Nazis, and the amazingly amazing threat they pose to Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, the world and the universe, after 15 fuckheads do a bit of larping in Melbourne last weekend.

Fuck me gently, I’ve never seen such idiotic pretentious, pompous virtue signalling in my entire life.


12 blokes in black Stubbies from the local gym playing games is a massive danger, massive, just look at the stats…

unless of course you look at the facts. You’d be lucky to have 0.0001% of the crimes on the same day as African gangs (“youth crime”) from these silly lads. Hence why Vic Pol just let them walk on by.

Funny that Dan Andrews had a legislative change all ready to go on Monday morning. Great timing or huuuge coincidence?


Is it a bit odd that they all looked like fags

tanned, super lean , gay haircuts

I would have thought a neo nazi group would be more manly

whoever is in charge of ezfka seems to be fully demented going after people calling this a psyop but it certainly has January 6 vibes to me


hes saying that conservatives and right wing types have a tendency to call everyone double agents or police plants etc

which is true

the FBI invented this tactic in the 1970s to confuse people its called bad jacketing

if everyone in a political organisation is actually a plant i.e not real then theres no point in ever doing anything or taking action against the government

Agent 47

This exactly. Just because 90% of shit is a psy op doesn’t mean everything is. Calling everyone a fed is the same as the red guard calling everyone a traitor.

Sewell’s group have been around for a while and they’re legit. He’s been to prison a few times and they’re constantly raided by the feds.

My 2 cents is a heap of armchair critics having a dig at them calling them cringe but I have to give credit that they actually get out there and do shit. They shut down a drag queen story time the other month. Most people are just whinging online and hoping someone else does something and the lefties just act with impunity.

The worst part I’ve seen is literally all of Australia’s so called conservatives and lolberts instantly cuck to the Jewish lobby all over social media, even Bogut. We have the same issue with the ZOG as the US does, Mark Leibler even brags about it. Until they grow some balls the only hope to pull the Overton window back is super hard right – socially anyway, we already have libertarian economic policies on everything else except getting rid of the RBA.


why did they all look like they should have been on a Mardi Gras float

why did the cops let them straight through

why were they wearing identical wrist bands


tbh in all sincerity the real hitler youth looked a lot like these guys too

a lot of the earlier nazis like the SA-men (ernst rohm) actually were gay

they got purged by the SS though

Agent 47

They have an MMA gym in Sunbury and they train. If they’re fit they get called gay, if they’re out of shape they get called fat LARPers.

Cops didn’t want the optics of watching some femboys and trannies getting prison stomped by a few Hitler youth – I did though because that would have been hilarious.

They also don’t have the numbers to contain these kinds of events anymore due to recruitment being non existent and cops leaving left and right. They just focused on separating the groups and as usual the progressive crazies were trying to instigate from what I saw.


I’ve never seen mma fighters that look like this

no tats
metrosexual haircuts
perfect tans
tight t shirts

I think there’s a bit of cum swallowing going on there

anyway whatever if they’re not feds then they’re fucking idiots
why throw up the heil hitler and immediately discredit yourself and anyone else concerned about protecting children

unless they were just trolling the feminists in which case it’s hilarious but also counter productive as we have already seen


its more like 5% or less of these ppl are glowies

theres not enuff cops to be infiltrating these groups




January 6 was only two years ago

this was even more awkward and blatant than that

Agent 47

They usually have Abul Rizvi on.

Drum is just privileged white women agreeing with each other on who is the most retarded. Jane Caro takes that cake.


It’s way more likely to be a pathetic example of policing by Vic Pol tbh, the knob jockey Shane Sutton sucks Dan Andrew’s dick for more toys but somehow 10 boys playing Nazi overwhelms them?

Honestly Vic Pol and Dictator Dan can’t muster enough brain cells to mount a PsyOp. The protests had prior permission, including the Nazis who were allowed to unfurl their banner and stand on the Parliament steps.

The CIRT muppets are saying they were overwhelmed by a few Nazis and some raggedy Leftards. Didn’t see that during the Lockdowns.

Have a look at this fuckhead trying to explain his pathetic effort:


And .more wonderfulness from the ABC…Four Corners is doing a feature on Incels! Woot!


I cbf watching it but please let us know – are men blamed for everything?

if women actually fucked nice guys and not arrogant, bad boy chads we will have solved rape culture and the incel problem over night


yeah watch incels get blamed for rape, and not chads/football players etc who hang out at nightclubs smashing the booze who in reality do 99% of all raping in society

incel hate is just a subliminal impulse towards women hating weak, ugly men

incels arent really niec either lol theyre narcissists but they dont go around raping people by and large, thats thug phenotype territory

like jarrad hayne, is he incel

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

i dont think i ever saw anyone talk about raping women on puahate once


It was just a load of incoherent fear mongering pompous bullshit with doomy music and lots of Qanon facemasks FFS. The worst nonsense I’ve ever seen.


did they interview anyone good like FaceandLMS

Ironic Boomer

Or we could just legalise both sides of prostitution, the buying and selling, remove artificial constraints on the market (within reason),remove the social shaming, increase the safety etc. It depends on how incel is defined, it a stupid term imo, seems to be just a well to be poisoned. If it’s about sex and sex can be bought there is no such thing as an incel.
However it feeds so many narratives. Feed them fear sell them security. It gasses up women’s egos and feeds into the competitiveness of the male npc automaton.


Or we could just legalise both sides of prostitution

Who is we?


Pity they didn’t do a turn on Chingcells.
Cumming would be the spotlight


this documenrary isnt new its from 2018


Most unintentionally funny steaming turd of an article The Australian has published for a long time.

Mass immigration shill posts this shit, how great country Victoria was back in the day… when it was White !!!



White locals not even allowed to go to the beach anymore

the abo grift is absolutely out of control

Agent 47

My favourite is the hunting rules. They’re allowed to “traditionally hunt” with firearms, boats, gps and all the rest of the shit that they were obviously the pioneers of.


99% of hunters act responsibly, don’t prolong the pain, etc. Personally I always try to kill straight off (ie. chest/lung), put it out of any pain when I can (grab it if immobile and cut throat), or track it straight away if it bolts (admittedly it’s also to save arrows). I have seen the Indigenous hunting and they are beyond brutal, no care for the animal. Savages.


No one said these cucks favour any empirical evidence. They will come back with some shit like negative real rates, or long and variable lags, or bonds are simply the wrong price. Impossible to argue with these religious types


Muh Taylor rule


The Taylor Rule applies to a very specific set of data. Even Taylor didn’t warrant its use apart from the specific time point when it was devised.


It like there can be multiple causes influencing a particular effect or something.

What is this black magic….


Yes. It is the classic Skippy-ism. When there are multiple factors you can easily dismiss individual factors to make a false conclusion. Because if unemployment ever went to zero there would be no way workers would demand more money or work elsewhere.


cant remember which one of the idiots it was, think it might have been the Jimcentralbanking guy, who said “its all about unemployment”


or could have been the other one 90kwbeast
same boring normie retards that can’t fathom anything but the most basic mainstream slogans

aus 2yr has gone from 3.7% to 2.7% in the space of 2 weeks

following a FALL in unemployment

now nearly 100bps lower than the overnight rate


aus 2yr has gone from 3.7% to 2.7% in the space of 2 weeks

following a FALL in unemployment

now nearly 100bps lower than the overnight rate

so what does that mean?


And you’re a fucking idiot troll that can’t understand multi variable issues


Stan Grant sure is one black arsed mother fucker these days. He used to be about the colour of my lily white arse, but these days he looks like he’s had a good spit polish with half a tin of Parade Gloss.


his facial structure does not lie hes only abotu 1/4th aboriginal if that. he looks caucasoid regardless of his tan


kill them them…. a decrease in demand can’t be the reason….
exterminate them with fire

The Melbourne pandemic experience was an (un)natural experiment in ‘flooding the market’ with housing. This unusual situation acted as a short-term, albeit useful, glimpse into the potential consequences of a sudden increase in supply on the housing market.

A fly in your ointment

15 minutes cities for dummies
I do not remember seeing a well made practical explanation with an excellent metaphor as this one

State of control
a documentary on digitalisation our lives. interesting brain picking. if you don’t have Telegram, find it on rumble etc.

if only half the whities are as half as smart and 1/4 as uncomplacent/recalcitrant as this kaffir...

A fly in your ointment

capitalism is long gone, we entered this symbiosis of state and corporations (habitually there is a better, apt name for it I dare not say) where big business is too big to fail and small business is too small to matter. Cue in “regulation” of freedoms…

anyway, when market forces are deliberately skewed and skewered, openly, and in every aspect of life, we may only hope that the end is near(er).

The US Transportation Department is considering a ban on Chinese airlines’ use of Russian airspace to fly passengers to the US…


“”Harmony is a very specific concept … it’s more focusing on the unity, rather than the diversity. And it’s certainly not focusing on the diversity of people’s experiences and inequalities and injustices,” she says.”

Diversity must be respected!!


No person, especially no white person, is free to live in their own nations or societies without bearing the guilt of whatever tresspasses their ancestors may have committed stretching all the way back to Egypt.

The UN is a Neo plot… how better to take over the world than take over the organisation designed to prevent it being taken over.


‘Ambassador, you’re here in Australia enjoying the benefits of a free and open society,’ Ferguson said.

‘How do you live with yourself representing the repressive, dictatorial Putin regime?’

‘This is a regime that invaded its neighbour. It’s a regime where protests are suppressed, where your free media is muzzled, where dissenters are murdered or imprisoned, where the extent of your war casualties are hidden from the public.

he handled this harpy like an absolute g

A fly in your ointment

the ambassador is an utter dyslexic for politics and English. He had a point but it was so poorly expressed he played into the usual anglo argument that if one coant speak English one is stupid. The hostess actually wanted this.

A well spoken guy, versed in argument would rip her up like the toddler rips up the gift wrap, like MILF would rip up a barely legal stud. A Cossack type.
For a moment I thought she spoke about This Pond when she spoke about country which is repressive to its citizens, non approved media censoring, prosecution of recalcitrant etc.
Oh and the amnesia about support for Powellesque destruction of Iraq and 500000 Allbright kids which were “worthwhile” …

A fly in your ointment
Agent 47

Awesome, very inclusive.


That’s a ripper lede, I laughed out loud.


Classic. Will happen in EZFKA in 3, 2, 1…

How’s this cheeky bastard, putting stickers on books in bookshops?



Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

Died of Typhus, not the gas chamber.

It is like if Behrouz Boochani died of AIDS in an offshore processing camp, in 80 years time him being held up as an example of Australia genociding inmates at its Offshore Concentration camps by gassing them.

I’ve seen the gas chambers or delousing chambers, depending on which version of history you chose to believe – Mossads or the Nazis (chose your evil). CyclonB was actually an insecticide, used to kill insects which is the main way typhus is spread – head and body lice. That is why inmates initially had their heads shaved. Weird that the Nazis were trying to save their inmates lives rather while simultaneously trying to murder them.

Of course the Nazis sorted prisoners into virile able bodied or highly skilled workers, like these young ladies, and gassed the rest…

Capture - Copy (7).JPG
Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie



Here’s the thing.

Australian Indigenous people are very violent, and especially to women. The rates of domestic violence in Aboriginal communities is incredibly high, we’ve all seen it yet none of the Left call it out.

The national stats of domestic violence against women gets used a lot, but not one person notes that a huge proportion of that (shameful) stat is done by Aborigines.

Imagine if just one of the anti white (or anti Army) journos at The Age did a story on that? EZFKA coupon holders would probably ask “where’s my real estate story?” I guess

A fly in your ointment

‘You’ve failed to comply with….

ah, the most famous Australian Karen’s phrase. “Gaol time!” must be shouted thenceafter in each case such a failure is observed.

the article fails to comply with the basic full fact principle and does not cite why was this man required to move away from his family (change seats) or was he indeed at the right spot as per his ticket.


Jetstar are cunts – they make you pay more to sit together and selecting your seats. It is part of their business model.

He obviously either chose not to pay it or (more likely) didn’t read and understand the Ts&Cs.

Same fate befalls anyone in that situation, happened to me, but Africans get told from birth that they are both special and persecuted, the internet is full of niggers like this block wigging out.

Expect to see this more frequently and experience inconvinences caused by Amanda Vanstones jungle bunnies as their numbers multiply within Australia.

The arabs had the right idea in castrating their slaves.



this is why i choose not to travel anywhere by aeroplane


Another bigger unable to conduct himself within the expected norms of white society. They honestly collectively make the worst citizens and people.


I’m in two minds about this one.

I think there’s a good chance that Albo won’t do it. Because of the Samoans can just come and go freely, they probably won’t be able to be pulled into the slavery arrangements that pacific folk are needed for.

Agent 47

Seasonal workers? Disaster. Barely last a week on farms before fucking off to the major cities. This will make the problem a zillion times worse. Automation is already in play in a number of farms across Europe and US but we don’t do that in Australia mate, buy a house and import a tenant.


Rather have Fijians and Samoans than weird rapist indians and amoral chinese criminals


I think it’s fine

they’ll take jobs from bogan aussies who deserve to be living in squalor anyway

won’t waste time with education grifting or taking white collar jobs

and they’re mainly strongly Christian so it weakens the LGBQTI lobby / degenerates


if were gonna have immigrants at all low skilled ppl all the way they compete less for wages and dont impact housing as much


The left be like:
>omg we shouldn’t have to work so hard
>omg look at these immigrants they work so hard

What a detestable people.

You could draw a basic graph. How woke we’ve become in proportion to house prices.


That’s a joke. Why aren’t the media questioning the total cost of the scheme and why it isn’t being diverted to Australians in need in WA instead.






It is an anti-trans joke on their (and other progressive’s) lie that ‘some men can get pregnant’.


lol did you guys catch this check out whos following ezfka now

Aussie Soy Boy

Ha! I’m sure Bogut has perused this site too.

Agent 47

Lol top stuff


Haha those guys always wreak of old money and a longing to go back to the 1800s.

Wog bottom left’s dad probably made a killing out of cuck boxes in Leichardt or something.

God most Aussies are cunce. I don’t wanna hear a fuckin word out of their mouths anymore.


can someone inform me why do we hate the liberal democrats in particular

i don’t know anything about them


They want an Americanised country. Getting rid of Medicare. Enjoy bankruptcy because you had to pay $100k to get a broken arm fixed.

These types never reduce taxes meaningfully they want to feast on tax money with their mates.

Agent 47

The two victorian mps were great during Dan’s lockdowns and were the only opposition during that whole saga.

Other than that, they basically want an economic zone on steroids, support the rainbow degeneracy leading to the current situation and have shown themselves to be complete fair weathered cucks on freedom of speech and right to freedom of association whenever the Jewish lobby are upset.

In short, it’s basically a bunch of north shore and Wentworth types who want corporate tax cuts and cheap labour with a few nice sounding social policies that they aren’t serious about. John Ruddick wanted Isis brides let back into the country ffs.

They don’t advertise their immigration policy because it’s by far the worst. Citizenship auctions (kinda what we have now but far more overt).


wow citizenship auctions?

that sounds fascinating – do you have a link to an explicit policy

could be good tbh – full accelerationist


Chinese have been doing this for years, fast track citizenship if you buy a business with $1m or something. That’s why so many fish and chip shops are fucked, the Chinese buy them for their passport but run them the ground because they’re culturally just savages.


jfl why haven’t we seen photos of brucey’s ex girlfriend

she begged to take him out to an expensive lunch and pay for his meals lmao

maybe incels should move to canberra it might be easy pickings there they sound absolutely desperate

Bonus photo of his lawyer thank you dailymail

comment image


almost find it impossible to believe that this schlubby looking dude is getting girls lol who the fuck are they


just be neurotypical

LMS theory was wrong all along


now this is more like an organic genuine protest

fat and balding blokes with dad clothes


The sudden Tsunami of Trans freaks is wholly mass psychosis.

Trans is just Mental illness, a desperate attempt to get an identity at any cost, supplemented by some who just think it’s the cool thing right now.

The protestors last night at the Church look like the group who marched through the Cross a few weeks ago. Christian Lebs I think.

The 15-20 Paedo kiddie groomers protesting against Mark Latham can consider themselves lucky they weren’t absolutely buckled last night.

Those boys looked up for a bit. Throw in the strong Christian values of our Islander friends, there could be some backlash waiting for the Paedo freaks if they step back into Western suburban places like that again.

A fly in your ointment

solid gold


wouldn’t trust these griftologists to dig a fkn latrine….


now this is comedy
“We can’t just sit back and let governments walk all over the top of us — unions don’t, so are farmers any different?” 

unions???? bahahaha…pop. ponzi unions? 🤣


Am I out of jail yet

A fly in your ointment

Teleprinter sleepy Joe has a history of dementia, dating back 40 years ago.
Or is it a simple obsessive compulsive liar disorder

Sleepy Joe fat facts in 1980’s


these schizo telegram channels are something else

A fly in your ointment

they’re like the pike in the hands of a goldminer: one can dig a whole life and find sfa but to find sumtin one has to have it


uncle dennis is SUING the government to lower the pension age for aboriginals

First Nations people must work until they’re 67 before getting the pension, just like white people. But we have a much lower life expectancy.


good ol denny must have a fair wodge of moolah to lawyer up eh?…
oh hang on


this is the kind of thing the voice is going to be used for


It’ll be Robin Hood policies left and right but with a racial twist

Oh and you’re racist if you disagree

Aussie Soy Boy

It’s like some kind of cancer on the country at this point.


wow lovely people

The grieving mother of a young bottle shop worker stabbed to death has revealed she’s been spat on, abused and attacked with a stone after making a mercy dash to bring her son’s body home.

Ms Laverty revealed she had been hit with a stone, had abuse hurled at her and was spat on in the supermarket within hours of arriving in Darwin.

‘I cannot wait to get my poor son out of this hellhole,’ Ms Laverty told the NT News.

The military needs to clean that place up

Aussie Soy Boy



A fly in your ointment

I logged in only so that I can hit that + sign

🤣 🤣 🤣

Last edited 1 year ago by A fly in your ointment

imagine telling a really hot girl your favourite hobby in life is commenting on news sites/blog comment sections and reading culture wars minutiae on twitter and facebook


you should be studying the text game of bruce lehrman


unctious weasel predatory rapist of sloppy girls game is definitely real


No one is politics is hot.

Politics is show business for ugly people.

Not just ugly on the outside either.

The Political Class is an exceptionally putrid type in EZFKA.

If you’re fapping to Brittany things are dire.


Implying that girls do much with their own time…

Shieet as long as you got the body and the bucks that’s 99% of the battle.

Unless you are Bruce…I imagine the whole sexual market place for 4/10s in the Liberal party is a whole other thing. The conservative faction likes kfc, the whets probably wanna go out for some pho or some shit. Shieet.

Eight nuclear subs built and manned by the US are, in fact, the complete opposite of protecting trade routes. They are a downpayment on US protection in the event of China wars. They are allied force integration, not sovereign force projection.

We already know the method. It will involve large-scale Chinese emigration to Australia…

there are idiots and then there are some whom shine so bright like the sun and all the idiots suddenly appear smarter.

There is no way for anyone to escape fallouts from a thermonuclear war anywhere on earth, however, in that short period between some idiot blogger being evaporated nuclearly after cheering it up and my own demise as the radiation sets everywhere, I’ll be enjoying the abovementioned evaporation.

Last edited 1 year ago by A fly in your ointment
Aussie Soy Boy

Why do renters get so uppity about their rights?

Fuck off.

It’s temoporary accomodation.

You are a renter. You are paying a fraction of the purchase price, have no responsibilities other than paying on time and making sure you don’t destroy carpets with your smelly animals, chip walls. When the hot water packs up all they have to do is call the property manager and they fix it for them free of charge.

is this a sarcasm or for real?

Aussie Soy Boy

It’s real. I’m guessing you’re a renter.


I’m convinced you hate people in general


I am convinced he is a retard.

A fly in your ointment

No, just it us utterly stupid to say something like this hence my disbelief.

Renting, leasing, hiring are all normal activities.
Would you like to be fucked royally next time you cannot afford to buy a car when you go to see your ladyboy in Thailand and you chose to rent one? How about a hotel for 2 weeks, should you express gratitude for them providing you with a home by cocksucking the ?
Vast majority of people rent a home in Germany, long term. Renters are protected from slummy wannabe landlords. It is a normal business deal. Aus scummy RE rental mechanism is nothing other than astute investors renting out through sleazy RE agencies to less fortunate wogs at first, now to slants and gunga Dins, later to their own grandchildren. It all fails without much hated immigration.

I never thought of you being stupid but your above statement is quite to contrary.

I own 3 homes, just not in Aus. Does that make me a lesser unintelligent human?


A normal business deal doesn’t have one of the parties treated as some morally superior noble imbeciles like aboriginals or women

A fly in your ointment

You’re mixing stuff that does not mix well.

Aus Rental market is that of superiors “providing” for inferiors of any kind.


Obtaining shelter isn’t a business deal

Aussie Soy Boy

It’s a contract.

It’s not any different to staying in a hotel except you rent by bi-annually or annually rather than daily or weekly.

There is absolutely no promise of any kind of arrangement past 6 or 12 months.

These renters get to enjoy living in a property they can’t afford for a fraction of the purchase price every year, no rates, no maintenance, no mortgage.

What a deal.


i think its bullshit tbh at least with how they demand a right to have pets. pets fuck up everything, have a dog in your car for like 1 day and you pay for it for the rest of that car’s use life, you can never get the hair and sometimes the smell out ever again.

pets have no place indoors, pet owners whining about being about to trash rentals bc they have a ‘right’ to own pets is seriously phucked


Wow I can’t agree more

sign of a degenerate society when pets are treated like children

classic atomisation

A fly in your ointment

There’s nothing wrong with pets if unusual damage is built into the contract. Problem comes when wannabe landlords want a short term lease (less than 3 yrs) as pet damage over 5 or 10 years is negligible and with the lessee as they wanted the lease.
Methinks pets should be assumed approved but it should be possible to request a 5yr lease with it.


Couldn’t really care less what happens to landlords or renters or their pets

A fly in your ointment

By the sound of it, even if you cared to the max you can – it would be still below the threshold of “don’t care at all”


Aussie Soy Boy

Why would anyone who rents even have a pet? It’s the equivalent of dole bludgers having children.

Aussie Soy Boy

Cats I don’t have a problem with for smell assuming the house is sufficiently ventilated (it’s mainly the tray they shit in that smells), but that dog smell is putrid. The muslims really do have it right when it comes to dogs.


Cute Dog Meme – NSFW.

good boy.jpg


Capture - Copy (8).JPG
Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

Oh, I didnt realise there was a gratuitous racial slur in there.


Oh man, I genuinely Laughed out Loud. Well played! 😊


Indian Man Now A1 Aussie Landlord
“moved to NSW in 2007 with the intention of studying so he could one day apply for permanent residency”

Aussie Soy Boy

This looks alright $320 per week in Penrith.

I may have just solved the rent “crisis”.

Would it be boongtown or methville though?

Sure, people might have to commute longer and not living near their favourite restaurants, but if you’re a renter can you really afford to be eating out, going to bars, going to shows? I’d probably spend my spare time working a second job if the main job doesn’t pay enough to put away a decent amount of savings.

How can someone one step away from living in their car even think about such luxuries as going to a restaurant?

It’s a two bedder you could even split it with someone. Who can’t afford $160 per week?

david evans

the entire policy of the RVA was to make poor and average people poorer so they can’t buy discretionary items. But since most of the inflation us due to supply side shortages it will not bring inflation down. Are they (government and RBA) really that stupid?