Why crypto will not die

From Kaiko Research via Zerohedge:

“On Monday, Hong Kong made its intentions clear to open the door to crypto trading for retail. Reports claim that China is quietly encouraging the move, using Hong Kong as a testing ground for what safe crypto trading might look like. The Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) outlined various caveats for retail investing in crypto, namely hinting at only having a small subset of the largest tokens available to trade.”

This is how a decentralised system is supposed to work. The value of the system is too great for countries not to step up and profit when others step back. It is no coincidence that this is happening after weeks (or maybe it’s months) of chatter about more crypto regulation in the USA following the collapse of FTX. The USA and the rest of the woke world are not overwhelmingly dominant anymore and cannot make the rest of the world follow their rules. Crime and crypto go hand in hand, but that is not a sufficient reason to believe it is worthless.

“Freedom and crime are linked as indivisibly as… well, as the motion of the aero and its speed: when its speed equals zero, it does not move; when man’s freedom equals zero, he commits no crimes. That is clear. The only means of ridding man of crime is ridding him of freedom.”

― Yevgeny Zamyatin, WE

Also FYI, piratebay is freely accessible in Australia. So much for the block.

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i havent been able to use piratebay in ages


You can get around most blocks by changing your DNS settings.



Then you probably haven’t tried all that hard.


US 10 year is almost back at 4%, has anyone been following that knows what happened to the pivot narrative?

This is also a test post as the site has been completely fucked, borderline unusable for me lately.


No1 – it would probably be a good idea to register an account, I think that makes commenting easier.

of course you should use garbage rather than any personal information when registering an account


Have I been shadowbanned or something


I was going to say “coming soon to Australia”, but we’ve seen the same thing among diversity in Melbourne recently, so I guess it’s really a matter of “coming soon to a neighbourhood near you”.

I really miss the Australia I grew up in, when we were free of violent and stupid foreign invaders.


Things I did not expect to see occur today – Scott Adams becoming a race realist.



He went full retard against America’s most sacred cow amongst sacred cows – Black people!


Although it has had an immediate effect:


It is interesting to read the comments of intelligent and relatively objective African American:


The outrage is that a public figure has publicly stated that he does not like or trust them as a population group and identity. But there is zero consideration or discussion over the poll that caused the scales to fall from Scott Adam’s eyes.

This is of course the end result of unceasing and unrelenting propaganda from the msm telling Blacks that they are hard done by and victims of discrimination – and of course, when 1/3 of your population group have IQs in the range that would be considered mildly retarded, it doesn’t take a lot of propaganda to indoctrinate.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

Interesting to see two observably crazy people in action. A violent black monster beating a little woman near to death, and a white woman then defending him, because he’s a “child”.


Both will be the death of civilization.


I reckon he is gone. Repeatedly hitting someone who is already unconscious is on the high end of the assault scale.


Yeah nah. He’s a black “child” with mental health issues. Very intersectional. He’ll go free and the people who pulled him off her will be charged with assault, or something equally stupid.


Nuffies trying to cancel Blackmore for free speech.

They were 78.30 at ASX close on Friday, have been trending down for a few months so might be a nice easy ride to buy in on Monday and wait out the caravan of barking Leftard fuckwits. Back to >80 in 2-3 weeks?


noted ..thanks D


never knew they were publicly traded


Their P/E is like 45, even after this dip.

I don’t know much about the company but I don’t expect that they have any magic sauce that would allow them to make excess profits on manufactung/marketing very very generic substances. Or if they have magic sauce, it’s not magic enough for a 45 P/E.


Hahah, what a looser.

he has eaten the liquidity risk and credit risk that had been dressed up as “yield”, which Stewie has written about.



Possibly nothing. One of my cousins was drinking in a bar in Thailand when a fight erupted, not involving him. He tried to get away and someone hit him on the back of the head with a bottle, killing him.

Shit happens.


fmd that must have been a hard hit

irl for blunt force trauma is unfortunately nothing like movies

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal
Agent 47


A fly in your ointment

…when man’s freedom equals zero, he commits no crimes

not quite.
it probably is true for absolute freedom=0 which is hard to achieve. Crime figures often did their crime from gaols and for that a corruption of gaol staff is not critical.
crime is, in principle, an act towards other humans thus isolate from one another and there can be no crime whilst each each personae enjoys full freedom.


thus isolate from one another and there can be no crime whilst each each personae enjoys full freedom.

isolate from one another and enjoys full freedom are contradictory. If you ae isolated by definition you have limited freedom.

A fly in your ointment

I am af a loss trying to understand how does freedom depends in presence of other humans.


How does one have complete freedom if they are being kept from interacting with other humans? Unless your argument is that there is only one human. I don;t think full freedom means what you think it means.

A fly in your ointment

being alone is not the same as being kept from interacting.

as for crime (against humans), a presence of other human(s) within one’s reach is compulsory.

I don;t think full freedom means what you think it means.

impossible to respond.
no one can know what you think that I may think unless you state what you think that I maybe thinking.

A fly in your ointment

Why crypto will not die?

for the same reason the fiat will not die. All promissory notes have a function which cannot be replaced unless one wants to be paid in grain, veggies and booze.

there is no scarcity of crypto unlike gold, there is no long term stability, there is a major cost in holding them (can’t burry them in the backyard), serve a tiny purpose in making cost effective micro transactions (so I heard), and apart from ease of incognito transfer across borders it is just another fiat (give or take).

whilst the biggest drugs cartel in the world needs to move money incognito from its own legislators, some form of crypto will rise above the rest.


there is no scarcity of crypto unlike gold, there is no long term stability, there is a major cost in holding them (can’t burry them in the backyard), 

nah, you’re holding it upside down.

saying that there’s no scarcity in crypto is like saying that gold has little value because there no scarcity in metals.

when we talk about quality crypto – there is indeed a scarcity.

there is practically no cost in holding crypto.

as to long term stability… that might be closer to the truth, but it’s early days yet.

A fly in your ointment

saying that there’s no scarcity in crypto is like saying that gold has little value because there no scarcity in metals.

Let’s presume BTC is that quality crypto.
What prevents another carbon copy of BTC to sprout?
What prevents 10 copies of BTC?
What prevents another completely new quality crypto to sprout? Besides, what is “a quality crypto”?
You cannot invent another quality metal like gold. There are different precious metals/objects, granted, but only one endured throughout the history of mankind, the rest assumed their role of sidekicks that may make more money at times…

I see the major part of interest in crypto actually steming from the volatility which can make smart people end up with more real wealth (and we know there is no absence of smart people in the investment world). It cannot be stable as there can be no manipulation (by whom?) to stabilise it (for what reason?) unlike the gov issued fiats.


What prevents another fiat from springing out of the ground? If you understand that you are a well on your way to understanding the same for crypto

A fly in your ointment

Nothing prevents another fiat to come to life, it happens all the time. Every secessionist region US of A have sponsored made its own fiat. Sometimes you can have a parallel fiat within the same currency and the same country (e.g. currency as in cash-at-hand, currency in bank’s account, currency as a form of postdated transferable cheques).
Private fiat is created liberally and more frequently (i.e. miles, points etc) with a very high trust in its stability and non-debasement, alas with a limited use. I am yet to see a private currency in notes similar to government issued fiat (but not impossible).

What makes ny crypto become “a quality crypto”?

Why should BTC (or any the best crypto) be a better proposition than the next crypto (from the list of the better ones)?


I see the Mardi Gras was opened with a “welcome to country”

Absolute peak absurdity and wokeness

unless someone is going to tell me that homosexuality was a key part of aboriginal culture

That book could be the next best seller after dark emu

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming
Agent 47

Plenty of anal sex happening in the aboriginal community, just that it’s kids being touched up by the elders.


Surprised their ABC didn’t bring back Trough Man.

As the ABC says “if Sydney ever had a super hero…”

It’s like some weird parallel universe where the Left can’t even hear the sick shit they’re saying.



One of my good friends at high school came out as gay at the end of year 12 and went off to enjoy the amyl snorting, dance party gay bath scene in Sydney in the early 80s.

He quickly acquired HIV but managed to survive in misery for many years, eventually dying about 5 years ago.

One of the downsides of the LGQWERTY stuff.


unless someone is going to tell me that homosexuality was a key part of aboriginal culture


“The Simbari people (also known as the Simbari Anga,[1] called Sambia by Herdt[2]) are a tribe of mountain-dwelling, hunting and horticultural people who inhabit the fringes of the Eastern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea, and are extensively described by the American anthropologist Gilbert Herdt.[3][4] The Simbari – a pseudonym created by Herdt himself – are known by cultural anthropologists for their acts of “ritualised homosexuality” and semen ingestion practices with pubescent boys….The boys are then dressed in ritual clothing and an attempt is made to force them to suck on ritual flutes.


Ritualized male homosexuality is a means by which elite men use custom to weed out competitors, diverting them into practices that will imprint upon young minds often removing them as sexual competitors forever, while still allowing the tribe the use of their raw man power for agriculture and defensive and offensive campaigns against rival clans.

Australia’s current indigenous culture is a likely fusion of the continents original settlers from some 40-50k years ago, with culturally similar invading tribes from PNG around 4,000yrs ago, who invaded from the gulf of Carpentaria and whose culture quickly spread around Australia, replacing any previously spoken languages.

We know that the resultant Culture was one of casual violence, especially committed against women, who were seen as the prize of the invaders:

In 1802 an explorer in the Blue Mountains in New South Wales wrote how, for a trivial reason, an Aboriginal “took his club and struck his wife’s head such a blow that she fell to the ground unconscious. After dinner … he got infuriated and again struck his wife on the head with his club, and left her on the ground nearly dying.” In 1825, the French explorer Louis-Antoine de Bougainville observed that “that young girls are brutally kidnapped from their families, violently dragged to isolated spots and are ravished after being subjected to a good deal of cruelty.”


One can only read the description of much of the ritualized torture inflicted on these highlander children from PNG in that first link and practices such as ‘Whistle Cock’ (subincision of the penis) to see that they do not lie very far away from each other.

That a rampaging tribe of violent ritualized homosexuals invaded from PNG, and effectively established current Indigenous Australia’s culture some 4,000 years ago sits pretty firmly in the realm of possibilities.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie
A fly in your ointment


not even funny any more…


its pretty much the case that violence in australia (especially if a cop does it) is basically legal but this one was just truly vile

drago posted it in the previous thread but it was at the tail end so prob no one saw it


how the fuck do you get away with this, that was major league assault that could very easily (in fact, very lucky it wasnt) have been fatal

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

It wasn’t a brave black man so it doesn’t matter

A fly in your ointment

this is from 2021 protests and it shows what the Convict class ezfka units become when five a bit more power.
one cannot breathe the air in this pond without braking some sort of law hence the punishment on the spot.


The cop did get suspended and charged so he didn’t completely get away with it. The magistrate dropped it because it couldn’t be proved the cops actions involved criminal intent.

It was probably the right decision from a letter of the law standpoint. Looks terrible though.

A fly in your ointment

…it couldn’t be proved the cops actions involved criminal intent

and no jabbadabba was gross misconduct on par with grand theft at work.
they get to be exculpated for death by 100’s of tasers fired at motionless body so why not this. In countries with non complacent plebs this is handled differently – cop’s just don’t do this.


There really is a mental health crisis in Victoria on the side of these Dan Fans. They all sneer and call anyone who is normal a ‘Cooker’ and then post shit like this:

I honestly think Dan Andrews is a virus. He has infected the whole State and will either kill Victoria or make it badly sick for decades. He has damaged Victoria on every level – Vic Pol are cowards with half wits and his selected soyboys in command, he has infested the government Public Service, plus the billionaires have realised how corrupt he is and are on his gravy train. He has laughed at 6 different IBAC corruption investigations, the media suck HoA dick or are otherwise useless at holding him account, he is untouchable on that front.

See if you can pick him in one of his rare public outings.



Victoria, and Melbourne particularly, seems like an alien planet to me these days.


Also the Magistrate who exonerated that coward cop Beau Barrett, was Rob Stary.

Remember that name.

He was a Partner at Holding Redlich where Julia Gillard worked, the original ambulance chaser lawyers who have been Union and ALP lawyers for years. Rob Start acted for Dan Andrews in one of his corruption investigations and advised ALP staff not to talk to police.

He also represented drug lords gangland scum Tony Mokbel and Carl Williams.


A fly in your ointment

you wanted written consent before intercourse (otherwise its rapae) now you got this too:

Sustained trauma’: Man sues woman $3.24m for ‘friend zoning’

leading then blueballing should fall into the same category as rape case stemming from unsigned intercourse consent form…
Abolish humanity, children too should sign permission to be born before being conceived.


incels all over the world be tuning in on this case

go you good thing this is the most important legal event since the magna carta

A fly in your ointment

how should I say it… “I don’t have the foreskin in the game” to be taking a greater interest


Thorpe attempting to disrupt Mardi Gras. Note the cowardly cop backtracking. Different rules.



would love for a group of people to do something like this to the marchers at next years mardi gras



Here’s The Oz link:


Go Lidia, lying down in front of the NSW Police truck…hahaha


Taken earlier


The Dykes Diving Comp before the Gay Mardi Gras was pretty good



It’s ok, the Normies are saved when an ex Ice addict Leb scumbag rants on Tik Tok




I love it when the Leftards eat themselves. White lezzo Karens not knowing what to think here/



This float in the Gay Mardi Gras was pretty shit to be honest, no effort whatsoever

Aussie Soy Boy

Check out these black c***s



Won’t be seeing that in your ABC.


Fuckkk..,this American franchise of the Wiggles sure hits hard



this thread is completely busted FYI we need a new one assuming it won’t persist as a problem



Northy announcing that he is leaving Australia and closing the show

Good riddance you boring wanker

The absolutely amazing irony of saying his move was triggered because he found a house he wanted to live in
after slagging off housing for 7 years

Imagine being so self indulgent that you play a video of your new property for like 10 minutes, and tell everyone how fucking superb and attractive and pleasant it is

A magnificent residence for a boomer and his fucking dogs (of course)

so long peasants!

he’s even got the hide to remind everybody of his first warning about house prices from 2017

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

his content was such a bore, all that doomerism about muh mortgage cliff muh repayment stress all turned into one big pile of nothing

just like everything that happens these days

there is never truly any big anything anymore, and if there seems to be its bc its invented (i.e covid)


Couldn’t agree more

He must have realized his mortgage stress schtick never translated into anything

Ironically he’s moving away from Australia for the first time where for once there could actually be a mortgage and serviceability shitshow unfolding


He is only taking a short break until he is properly setup in UK.


The mortgage stress “measure” was a completely arbitrary and uncalibrated metric.

nobody knew what reading on the stress scale was the critical level indicating that a collapse had begun.

(so far – evidently none of them)


I thought it was based on the traditional mortgage repayments > 30% of disposable income

The problem with using an old metric is despite recent fall in real wages, it is still ~30% higher than early-mid 90s which is when that metric was last used to strictly assess loans. It was also a conservative metric and not necessarily a stress level.

Last edited 1 year ago by Freddy

thought it was based on the traditional mortgage repayments > 30% of disposable income

The problem with using an old metric is despite recent fall in real wages, it is still ~30% higher than early-mid 90s which is when that metric was last used to strictly assess loans. It was also a conservative metric and not necessarily a stress level.

i was trying to convey a slightly different (though related) point.

when I talk about the metric being arbitrary and uncalibrated, I’m referring not to where the threshold for what is going to be labeled “stress” is set, but about the level of “stress” at which something actually happens.

eg – is it when >60% of households in a particular area are in stress that loca lland prices begin to decline? Given that housing has been booming for decades, Northey has obviously not been able to even backrest the so-called “model” against a simple time series to identify the level at which declines happen (because they’ve not historically happened). So it’s all made up.

PS – to your point that the “30% of income” is questionable – that may very well be. After all, if your threshold for “stress” is disconnected from reality (eg say “>15% of household income”), then even if 100% of households are in “stress”, it won’t matter a pinch of shit.


Yes. Even the traditional 30% was not actually a stress level. It was a conservative and arbitrary repayment level (possibly even regulated?) to minimise financial risk.

Northey has obviously not been able to even backrest the so-called “model” against a simple time series to identify the level at which declines happen (because they’ve not historically happened). So it’s all made up.

True. As you and I mentioned, with rates falling and prices rising banks were extending and pretending. Stress and arrears were not allowed to contribute to falling prices. It will be interesting to see what happens if rates continue to rise though. There must be a point where banks start to panic. Although I expect govt to intervene and support distressed mortgages.


True. As you and I mentioned, with rates falling and prices rising banks were extending and pretending. Stress and arrears were not allowed to contribute to falling prices. It will be interesting to see what happens if rates continue to rise though. There must be a point where banks start to panic. Although I expect govt to intervene and support distressed mortgages.

the form of government intervention will need to be broadly in line with the inflation management strategy:

  • maximise population growth to undermine wages growth
  • thereby reduce inflation and minimise interest rate rises
  • Thereby also push up rents, increasing yields on property
  • increasing rental yields are the platform for extend and pretend. Overleveraged owners can avoid selling and rent out a room or even move out to a small apartment & lease out the house (rentvesting) creating a cashflow that the banks can harvest

so possibly the gov can do some sort of tax relief/incentive for rentvesting…? Or allow renting out rooms without impacting cgt-free status of house…? or extend the absences allowed while maintaining cgt-free status from 6 yrs to 10…?

will need to speak to them to thrash out the details

Last edited 1 year ago by Peachy

increasing rental yields are the platform for extend and pretend.

Investors are not the ones under stress. If anything rent-vestors would be hurt. Rising rents would cushion house price falls, that is assuming the wage suppression offsets rising rent in terms of inflation and OCR.

APRA has hosed reducing buffers. So there goes that intervention. Also a worry because it implies they are not sure that OCR will top out at less than 6%.

Or allow renting out rooms without impacting cgt-free status of house

That would undermine the raising rental yield hypothesis

Albo will bring back the FHB grants, and I still reckon we will see retrospective share equity for distressed mortgages.


Investors are not the ones under stress. If anything rent-vestors would be hurt

what I have in mind is that owner occupiers (who would otherwise be cooked) would be thrown a rental income stream that is bigger and more tax advantages than it might otherwise be.

That would undermine the raising rental yield hypothesis

because of increased supply? Yes, this is true. But not something that another 150,000 migrants (even if “temporary”) won’t fix.

Albo will bring back the FHB grants, and I still reckon we will see retrospective share equity for distressed mortgages.

grants would have to be fucking monstrous to make much difference at these price levels.

but perhaps retrospective shared equity (eg in the form of convertible loans? Possibly interest-free or interest-deferred) could work well to achieve the needful. That is a good idea.


but perhaps retrospective shared equity (eg in the form of convertible loans? Possibly interest-free or interest-deferred) could work well to achieve the needful. That is a good idea.

The idea was that govt would own up to 40% of the value of the home. Meaning that your mortgage would be up to 40% smaller. But yes, nothing stopping them doing something like up to an interest free loan and taking clip when house sold, or dare I say it another attempt at long-term fixed interest loan probably again at the worst possible time.

Last edited 1 year ago by Freddy

He’s moving to Bath, is he?

Jane Austen loved Bath


Hilarious that the whole episode was just real estate porn, with martin stroking himself over how attractive and pleasant it all was

After warning everyone off home ownership, he’s now rubbing it in the face of the antipodean peasants


I didn’t watch the episode, just spent about 60 seconds fast-forwarding through it


well worth it just to watch the smug tosser get erect


The bloke’s wife died and he is moving back closer to the support of family and friends, with dogs that he never really wanted to take care of. Yet somehow you make it sound like he is celebrating and waving his dick around.


oh, it’s sad that his wife died.


did you watch it?

he’s definitely waving his dick around
it was almost erotic how excited he is by his new propadee


I did watch it. It is obvious the bloke is depressed and wants to GTFO. Also obvious the dogs were a request from his dying wife and he didn’t really want them.

Regarding the house. That is just Martin. He likes to connect with viewers by showing other parts of his life. His wife, his dogs, his house.

Last edited 1 year ago by emusplatt

Interesting read, thanks.


leadership group …more recycled names …I presume grifters

please donate…

Our Board Members
General Jack Keane (US Army, Retired), Chairman, Institute for the Study of War; President, GSI, LLC
Dr. Kimberly Kagan, Founder & President, Institute for the Study of War
The Honorable Kelly Craft, Former US Ambassador to UN and Canada
Dr. William Kristol, Director, Defending Democracy Together
The Honorable Joseph I. Lieberman, Senior Council, Kasowitz Benson Torres & Friedman, LLP
Kevin Mandia, Chief Executive Officer & Board Director, Mandiant
Jack D. McCarthy, Jr., Senior Managing Director & Founder, A&M Capital
Bruce Mosler, Chairman, Global Brokerage, Cushman & Wakefield, Inc.
General David H. Petraeus (US Army, Retired), Partner, KKR and Chairman, KKR Global Institute
Dr. Warren Phillips, Lead Director, CACI International
Colonel William Roberti (US Army, Retired), Managing Director, Alvarez & Marsal
Hudson La Force, former Chief Executive Officer of W. R. Grace & Co

Last edited 1 year ago by emusplatt
A fly in your ointment


Woody Harelson on SNL… a perfect innuendo to a spectacular smash in the last second of the shows I tro

A fly in your ointment

I tro = intro


Thanks for the link to the ZH article, Robert, I found it interesting.

there’s a particular indicator that I’m watching which has come close to levels that would suggest a strong likelihood of another crypto bull run (in shitcoins, etc). It’s come close to hitting those levels in the last few weeks, but has not crossed yet.

I will post when (if) the levels are reached.

separately, folks who bought btc at $17k are now a good 40% up 🙂




gerard rennick is a legend


dont care if hes a bit of a boomer cooker hes the only guy saying this shit in parliament

Ironic Boomer

What an absolute cretin that treasury bloke is. ‘We don’t have a big Australia policy because we have a cap’. What a load of bs. His cap is a cap. Then what is the end point of immigration, what’s the number, how many? The old conflating stock with flow fugazi.
The bloke also using wank word bingo weasel words like ‘dynamism’. Define dynamism in the context you are using it dick head. The word is meaningless in the context he is using it. That bloke should be dragged out on the street and flayed.


To be fair, he did mentioned GDP per capita. This is what I read in one of their research papers. They are well aware of the pressures to house prices, infrastructure, etc, and have warned against using immigration to purely inflate GDP as being detrimental to existing residents. And as he kind of implied, they make recommendations but government can choose to ignore and do their own thing.

Ironic Boomer

He mentioned gdp per capita, so what? Leath has written about this and how Bob Birrell is selectively quoted. The thesis that crush loading the country full of people improves gdp per capita is not proven, the treasury just takes it as a given. And so what if it did? Gdp was never created to be used the way it is as an end goal. We are people, not economic units.
He also mentions income for everyone. He fails to mention that income is nowhere near evenly distributed and trickles up to ticket clipping rent seekers and often foreign owners of capital, a tiny fraction of people. He also fails to mention the cost of that income. And that cost is paid by the vast majority of economic units in this economic zone who mostly don’t benefit from the income.
He mentions dynamism. We are so low on the economic complexity scale for a supposed first world country it is embarrassing. And it’s in great part because we farm people and call it growth.

Aussie Soy Boy

What’s this punishing people with high interest rates shit they are 3%. Lol. If someone can’t afford 3% they’re just greedy and borrowed too much. They need to sell up.


real truth probably is most of these people can afford 3% theyre just sooks who dont want to have to cut back on the 5 takeaways a week and new toyota hilux repayment lifestyle

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

the comments/replies are seriously low iq though

theres only a handful of ppl like us out there who truly ‘get it’

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

Not a bad theory on Sicktoria TBH, I’d add the v high Milennial Soyboy ratio in Melb as well

Ironic Boomer

Australia a supposed first world country ranking pathetically low on economic complexity

More immigration!

Aussie Soy Boy

On 730 last night there was this fat cunt almost in tears that he’s going to have sell if rates go up a few more times. He’s got an Apple Watch, drives what seems like a newish car, his kid was eating popcorn from a packet. He bought in 2019 and got a loan for $480k, so probably has made $200k in that time in equity.

Sell up and get a 2 bed unit somewhere with your equity over the last 4 years you fat lazy prick. Buy a bunk bed for the kids and enjoy life with no mortgage or a tiny mortgage instead of sobbing on a TV show. Fuck me.

Is it the soy in the diet?


Being interviewed by mainstream media is a real joke indicator of a total fuckwit. Have never understood why anyone would comment. The best ones are taking about a crime they witnessed, might as well put out a request for the crims to come get you.

Speaking of fuckwits who are asking to be bashed the AFR has a story this am “according to leading housing expert Peter Tulip”… he garbles “Australians will find it harder to find a house or apartment to rent”.



lol you’re so right

my favourite is when domain interviews the person who “wins” a contested auction
why do you want the world to know you overpaid for some shitbox in ryde


Not disclosing why or how but I was in a Chinese property developer’s office a couple of years ago and noticed they had a framed news article on the wall.

”Record price paid for land”

Yeh, well done fuckwits.


so it sounds like perrotet is making a comeback in the election

Despite his nazi loving, and family and cabinet corruption

Come on NSW you can do it: PHON 1 LNP 2

Can’t think of any current premier who deserves re-election more
He singlehandedly
-defeated covid lockdowns nationwide
-went after the pokies
-changed stamp duty
-floating some very sensible education reform

Yes the rest of cabinet (Kean etc) are a fucking disgrace, but you have to give perrotet his dues

A fly in your ointment

i agree with this.

the way i see stamp duty phasing out is preparation for possible Specuvestors extinction. Stamp duty will be doomed when RE speculative trading slows. Whatever the other tax that replaces it – is for lifetime. If paying stamp duty is guaranteed as no other ongoing tax, I’d use it if buying now as it is trivial cost in comparison.


EZFKA Twitter is playing a blinder today.


Here’s a great thread of when Leftards realise they are each grifters and massive con artists.

It’s a wild ride for them.



“…However, it was at this time that Latoya Rule came back and announced to the group that she just found out she was Wiradjuri.”

And so it goes…

A more gripping tale of classic fake Aborigines, Ian Pascoe’s shameless race shifting and the fawning from the ABC luvvies etc has nothing on this one.


This is the Aboriginal in question.

Grifting up so much $ from the white guilt industry it’s awesome.

Who would have imagined Lidia Thorpe gets a mention too?


FMD Fat White Lesbians are indigenous now?


That Josephine Cashman has put a bit of effort into that thread, she’s whatever her politics she’s succeeded in showing just how organised these professional white carpetbaggers masquerading as indigenous are.