Weekend Links 12/2/22-13/2/22

As Sweden gets rid of restrictions, others double down. A nice summary of covid restrictions in various places: https://www.northstarmeetingsgroup.com/coronavirus-countries-cities-reopening-COVID-19-new-cases

Looks like the Wall St ESG crew are not as powerful as I thought:

If shale oils comes back online in numbers it will keep a lid on oil price hikes, thus limiting inflation. We can expect a similar outcome with other industrial products, including manufactured goods. There is pressure on manufacturers not to ramp up capacity, but in competitive product areas they will be forced to. There are almost 8 billion people in the world and manufacturing know how has spread far and wide. Robots and 3D printing get cheaper and better every year. There are not enough new products and services being developed so we can expect more competition, not less.

Production in Sweden already rising:

Machine tool orders rising in Japan: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/daily-briefing-between-inflation-and-deflation-lies-more-volatility

I guess this puts me in the transitory camp. However, it all depends on what the money printers do. As the realvision (via ZH) piece says, volatility looks likely.

Bitcoin is not dead. Niall Ferguson agrees: https://www.afr.com/technology/why-the-bear-market-for-crypto-is-not-going-to-last-20220208-p59una

This table is ranked by distance of foresight. Rank your sources accordingly.

1. Metal traders 

2. Bond traders 

3. Equity Traders 

4. Oil Traders 

5. Currency Traders 

6. Economists 

7. Central Bankers 


Soros thinks Xi’s stretched himself too thin by derailing property. Rising discontent may mean he doesn’t get a third term.https://asiatimes.com/2022/02/soros-vs-dalio-in-an-olympian-debate-on-china/

How wrong are the climate models if they can’t do clouds right? I can’t remember where I came across this (probably ZH). Can anyone here read it in full and report back? https://www.wsj.com/articles/climate-change-global-warming-computer-model-11642191155

AFR’s Nick Hossack is right that Education and Health need reform…but when haven’t they? How come these guys are still getting away with such shallow reasoning and commentary? Goals are meant to be S.M.A.R.T. . “Make stuff better” is not S.M.A.R.T. On the other hand, probably not a good idea to be too specific in case it comes back to bite you. https://www.afr.com/policy/health-and-education/it-s-labor-s-choice-to-reform-bloated-health-and-education-sectors-20220209-p59v5q

Michael West has some good things to say here. Pointing out just how bad the last 6 years have been for the Autsralian Economy in technicolour detail: https://www.michaelwest.com.au/a-massive-movement-of-people-into-new-jobs-or-josh-joshing-again/

….sadly, and unbelievably when it comes to talking about record low unemployment he fails to even mention immigration, preferring to blame the bloating public sector as the sponge that mops up unemployed.

The winter olympics have been great fun to watch. Hope you have managed to see some of the events.

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Reus's Large MEMBER

Go truckers go you good things, you are setting the path out of this tyranny for all of us, please support them and spread the message.


Do your bit, don’t wear a mask but carry one and if the shop/bar/place asks you to put it on then be polite and put it on, but the more that we push back and others see us doing this the more will joins us and push back against the overreach.

Push back on social media against the boosters / jabs etc. together we are strong, that us why the try to divide us.

Last edited 2 years ago by Reus's Large MEMBER

They’re smashing it. Turdo is done.


i attended a protest in dubbo a few weeks ago, was alright but i question just how effective these demonstrations are. the ones in canada which are genuinely disruptive appear to be affecting policy (at least at the state level), but in australia no politicians will budge whatsoever. they just ignore us week after week after week.

Last edited 2 years ago by stagmal
A fly in your ointment

That’s because the ezfka ways…. when fail, just double down, rinse and repeat. It actually works in the microcosmic area known as ezfka.
The Djoker Synedromme shall this also be known henceforth.

Pro testing in ezfka is really effective only in bypassing the media syndication barrier and blockade. Ezfka units are prone to gaslslighting and frog boiling…

Aussie Soy Boy

The protests are just another narcissistic form of virtue signalling aren’t they much like taking the knee.

The government and all the institutions that control us just fucking laugh at the protests.

The police even chaperone most of them, they have a sausage sizzle and balloons for the kids. It’s a cheap day out for all these people. Can go home and pat themselves on their backs telling themselves they’ve fought for change. They’re always on a Saturday too so no-one has to sacrifice a day of work.

There’s only one language that our abusers understand, but everyone has jobs, mortgages, and nagging wives don’t they?

Agent 47

Agree but you have to start somewhere. They’re also a community building exercise and networks are created from it.

Disruption is the next step as we are seeing in Canada. Whether Aussies will move to that step remains to be seen.


These same people will turn up in May and vote for LNP and Labor’s mass immigration, free trade and globalisation that’ll render their kids serfs.


Yes, and then they get all agro when other people voted for the other side as if it would have made a difference.

Johnny Canuck

If like me you’re lucky enough to work from home once easy way to protest is to refuse to return to the office. Idiots in HR sent out an excited announcement saying we can now return to the Melbourne CBD office. A long list of pre-requisites if you actually want to set foot in the office though:

  • upload your Covid-19 vaccination certificate
  • pick up your security pass
  • reserve a hotdesk
  • bring a mask since the Chief Useless Quack insists they’re still necessary indoors

Of course I’ll also have to buy a new Myki card since the things keep expiring even though I’ve hardly used them in two years.

Lots of hoops to jump through to return to the office so very easy to never get around to it. Just doing my bit to economically strangle the CBD. Sally Capp is admirably upbeat but at some point even she can’t hide the fact that central Melbourne has been killed economically by the state’s Covid policies.


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reminds me of that scene in braveheart when the irish charge the scots then join up with them



Fuck Trudeau.


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Ah, so what I had been talking about has a name “ink spot model”

this is why the demonstrators in Victoria lost. They centralised their efforts, without commanding the overwhelming numbers (say 300,000+) to make police assault impractical.

If they had, 50,000 people, say, they would have done much better with 10 separate marches of 5,000 people in 10 different spots…..


I think that the Vic police, probably with federal assistance, would have resorted to violence the moment any road or bridge was blocked for anything longer than 24 hours.
The cops in Canada also seem to have a degree of restraint that the police here don’t have. Anything tactical would have been crushed.
I think it is for the best in the long run though. The Australian protestors never resorted to violence no matter how much they were provoked and that has now endeared them to the people who are starting to ask questions now.
People are starting to wake up and it is apparent that the people who were being labelled nut jobs and conspiracy theorists were the ones who were absolutely correct.

Agent 47

Melbourne is ground zero for the WEF and is a strong cities network major city. It’s no coincidence that global funds and training are causing the police to go nuts. Nick Holt did a good podcast on the SCN and who is behind it.


Yes they are well entrenched in Melbourne. They won’t be easily dislodged there. I don’t think there are enough people there that would vote to get rid of Andrews yet. It’s probably going to take the death of innocents at the hands of the police or government before enough people wake up in Melbourne. I reckon when Andrews does eventually go, he will have to leave the country because of the damage he has caused and will cause.


Here the deadline has been set. I have no doubt that if protestors stay beyond that deadline the cops will stomp them.
That’s why the Canadian approach probably wouldn’t be as effective here. The cops don’t do proportionate response here. They give one warning then they start swinging batons and firing tear gas. When that happens they don’t care if its women and children in front of them.
It’s a harsh reality but the protestors here are completely outgunned and facing an adversary that is completely ruthless. A purely peaceful approach is the only realistic way forward for now.



They definitely did well identifying the choke points in the city. The also seem to have wider community support than the protestors her in Australia.

Last edited 2 years ago by pnut5678
A fly in your ointment

The fact that it is highly possible that 70% support ejection of Djoker choosing to believe msm it was based on his supposed non-compliance with rules where in fact he was ejected for the fear his UnWaxing may cause more people not to succumb to the medical tyranny – cements the ezfka blues.
I wish your assessment was wrong. It is not.


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I reckon she could chew through barbed wire.


and she should!


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A fly in your ointment

It is depressing that in ezfka grifters are required ingredient to promote and propel something similar, which means that average unit is interested more in the capital gains than the mid term future for themselves, let alone their offsprings

Last edited 2 years ago by A fly in your ointment


Last edited 2 years ago by DictatorDavid

Debt is the slavery of the free. Most Australians are mortgage slaves and the elite know it. How many months can an average Australian household be out of a job before their mortgage goes delinquent. Hint: it is a different number to what the RBEZFKA tells us.

A fly in your ointment

This is true.
A tiny bit that most don’t see is the massive power they have in massive non-compliance. If in Austria groups of people gather at one spot and Boikovise the police to issue them with fines for not complying with Mengele-isation of the society, after a while the absurdity of the mandate will be the only thing left to see and the emperor suddenly becomes naked.


remember when they had that retarded womens march earlier last year and everyone got pissed off scomo didnt come out to talk to them

now there’s a way bigger protest in canberra and no one gives a shit whether politicians or the prime minister acknowledges them

Agent 47

But mate, Grace and Brittany! Vaginas! Girl power!


I know the word “kid” stretches to describe even kids that are sometimes 70yo as long as their parents are alive. However, in this case we are talking about ‘kids’ that are barely adolescent and still have no clue about what sexuality actually is let alone knowing that they are the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ++,-/%&@ or whatever the flavour.
In searching oneself, children need assistance in understanding themselves and understanding the nature. At that age, they are prone to rush decisions and influence from peers, parents and media. The rush to declare uncertainty and confusion as something that is not part of the nature in the bid to be just and fair is actually causing more damage and no help.
Abhorrent to say the least.
Now destroying one’s own offspring is a genocidal act of highest order, one would think, but unfortunately this can go further: demanding from others to do the same belief-based-science under the threat of government sanctioned ‘guns’.

The momentum on abhorrence is picking up.

Wrong outcomes are just a sign that we do not use correct metric to measure our success. If a decision is proven wrong, we must reinvent measuring principles and metrics which will measure them as right

See this video:

Last edited 2 years ago by A fly in your ointment

Yeah – it was this very issue that caused me to write a blog the other day.

As I replied to Gouda in the comments, it was prompted by DLS’s attacks on Scomo where by he attempted to use guilt by association, as though criticism by religious groups against the elevation of LBGT culture as a point of teenage aspiration, as examples of some sort of nefarious extremist pandering – when in fact there are some very real issues in there that need addressing.

Progressives like DLS or DrSmithy have complete faith in the msm narrative around LGBQT agenda, and assign zero probability that it is actually damaging culturally to our societies and our children’s future and ability to live productive and full-filling lives:

“The pollster who worked on the new study, George Barna, attributes the unusually high number he found to social and news media coverage that makes it “safe and cool” for young Americans to identify as LGBTQ—whether or not it represents their actual sexual orientation.

“It’s a subset of a larger issue, that this is a generation where three out of four are searching for meaning. This is a group that doesn’t have a reason to get out of bed in the morning,” Barna says. “Therefore, the LGBTQ identity gives them comfort. A lot of this generation claim to be moving in that direction, but there’s a big difference between claiming the identity and living the lifestyle.”


Accepting LBGT lifestyles or at least not persecuting their personal choices, doesn’t equate to promoting it as an aspirational and empowering lifestyle choice to formative teenagers, which is exactly the outcome of the manner in which it is promoted in the media and empowered through diversity hiring laws.

The progressive DLS and Smiturds of this world, see absolutely no connection with the explosion of LBGTQ as a lifestyle choice or an identity among younger people, and even if they did their moral viewpoint fails to see anything wrong with it.


Progressives have deluded themselves into believing that the age of reason is 10yo and that they should be allowed to do whatever they want. I once asked them whether they had a problem with a 10yo deciding whether they should have sex with an adult and that was the end of the conversation.

Last edited 2 years ago by Freddy
Agent 47

The line between libertarians and progressives is almost non existent on many social issues now.

Fuck them both.


problem with a 10yo deciding whether they should have sex with an adult and that was the end of the conversation.

🤣🤣🤣🤣 well played!!


just call ’em “mo’ hammered”


When women in MSM and politics make it all about them, ask them…..”what about all the other sexes?”

A fly in your ointment

That level of cognitive dissonance will explode brains of lefties and progressies due to excessive cognitive dissonance

Aussie Soy Boy

Good point. Executive positions and Boards should be filled with an equal representation of males, females, transvestites, female to male transsexuals, etc.


For those interested in affairs of a cultural bent in terms of a clash of cultural values, particularly as I’ve come to believe it to be truly represented in the West, might enjoy a couple links I recently came across:

First up Kevin McDonald’s dive into the role of Jewish influence in changing the US’s Immigration Act in 1965 (which through treaties ensured it pretty much was repeated throughout the rest of the West) – an act of betrayal that I believe in time will be come to be seen in the same light as their throwing open the Gates of Toledo.


The link is just a summary by the author, I tend to find his writing style a bit heavy and unengaging – the complete link to his paper is here:


Kevin was prompted to write the article in response to an attack on his work by a Jewish academic, Nathan Cofnas, with his paper “The anti-Jewish Narrative” which in fairness I also recommend reading:

(Nathan wrote that paper in an attempt to counter an earlier work by Kevin McDonald called “A culture of critique”)

I remember following the furor at the time as McDonald and Cofnas slugged it out on twitter for a time Nathan does make some compelling arguments against it. Cofnas is aware of the anti-white racism, and argues against it, but refuses to see any connection with Jewish cultural values behind that particular form of bigotry.

And if anyone is really interested wading through all of that, here is a final link from Andrew Joyce in response to the Cofnas article:


Of all the links the Cofnas and Joyce ones are probably the most interesting, other than the first link. Joyce is a much more engaging writer than McDonald.

Agent 47

Good read thanks.

I’m anecdotally seeing more Aussies start to notice the disproportionate Jewish presence in our institutions and starting to ask questions.

I’m also seeing the Age and a couple of other publications really sperging out over ‘white supremacy’ in response. ASIO also seem like they’re being pushed to crack down pre emptovely as more people start to organise and get angry, they’re turning into the FBI.


Glad you enjoyed the links. I liked the debate between Cofnas and Joyce. Cofnas recognises the issue of anti-white racism, so he can hardly be considered your typical ‘leftist juicy’ he raises some reasonable objections to McDonald, yet I found Joyce’s rebuttal more compelling.

I’m also seeing the Age and a couple of other publications really sperging out over ‘white supremacy’ in response. ASIO also seem like they’re being pushed to crack down pre emptovely as more people start to organise and get angry, they’re turning into the FBI.”

The possibility that a counter-narrative forms is perhaps the greatest threat to the Globalist agenda. In that regard I take great comfort from the protests in Canada, which frankly are the largest public protest against the Globalist agenda to have taken place in the Anglo-Saxon West, that I can remember in a long while. In many ways they are the equivalent of the French yellow vest movement. One can only hope the awakening continues.

Agent 47

I think the toothpaste has been squeezed out of the tube in terms of the awakening. There’s now too many people for them to effectively monitor and control who they consider dissidents vs time and energy required to control, where it gors from here i dont know. IMO they overstepped big time and while I’m aware the globalist scum always go two steps forward and one step back, I think they have shown all their cards now.

Economy is the big question as to how this all pans out which in my opinion is the renewed pushed for war in Ukraine. I’m also seeing a revamped push for digital ID and CBDC which in my opinion will be rejected. Not sure if you are familiar with Clif High? He had a good interview recently about what’s playing out.


I’ve never been more proud to be from Ottawa. As a government town you have the political class that worships big government but the people from the area love their freedoms and know that enough is enough.

I get a lot of updates from home, hardly anyone I know is opposed to the Convoy. One works for Trudeau, he tries to regurgitate all the crap about the protestors being violent, racist etc but nobody buys it. There’s plenty of “allegations” of bad behavior pushed by the media but they never have any proof and citizen journalists are controlling the agenda. Nobody trusts the MSM media anymore.

I think the Premier of Ontario is about to break, apparently he will speak on Monday. Honk honk!

Agent 47

Trudeau can ggf. Exactly like Ardern with a weird cult backing him.


he’s a lot less popular in canada i think, ardern seems inviolable in NZ while trudeau only has a small but persistent cult, like trump.


Justin Blackface only won 33% of the popular vote in the last election so it’s a bit different than NZ.


Imagine how bad the data is if they are now pausing application even when the FDA told them to apply.

A fly in your ointment

interesting article link wording vs. what is behind the link


I have been seeing that a lot lately especially with PerthNow. I think they are doing it to intentionally misdirect.

A fly in your ointment

Seen the drone-cam video.

FakeNews dot comau claims 10000 anti-sumtins, must’ve been a typo, eh?


It’s common practice by the MSM. They tend to report 10% to 20% of the real estimate. They couldn’t have the real figures floating around the public. It might be confronting to some people.
The coverage of the Canadian protest by the MSM here has been shocking. It has been close to zero coverage. I have been getting most of my updates from You Tube and people like Russell Brand. He was laughing about it during the week as the the only news agency covering it on the ground was RT.


The mail claimed 20000 but then proceeded to call them nazis.

How secret Nazi symbols are being used in Canberra’s anti-vax protests | Daily Mail Online


following the shale oil thing, wryly smiling the whole time…$$$$$ will rule this space imo not esg


Good effort in setting up the weekend links Rob. I haven’t gotten around to reading everything but I will over the next couple of days. Pictures above the links are not a bad idea as it draws attention to the link.

Aussie Soy Boy

Biden’s signed every lease on federal land put in front of him. Shale production will ramp up at $90. If economies stay open and there’s no recession oil will stay over $75 this year.

Derek Ramsbottom

Hi Robert,
Thank you for the links.

Agent 47

Title picture needs to be bigger.


Sorry Robert, I had a read of the articles and found myself nodding in agreement to most of them.

The one on the shale oil price was interesting:

“If shale oils comes back online in numbers it will keep a lid on oil price hikes, thus limiting inflation. We can expect a similar outcome with other industrial products, including manufactured goods. There is pressure on manufacturers not to ramp up capacity, but in competitive product areas they will be forced to.”

This highlights the problem that I term, “Between a Rock and Hard Place.” The Rock being the maximum price for Oil that the Global economy can withstand without triggering recession and riots and the Hard Place, being the return on capital needed in order to extract it.

Given the increased costs associated with extracting marginal oil, mainly shale oil as that is the only real swing capacity left available, means that interest rates have to be held at extremely low levels in order to encourage the needed level of investment.

If prices go too high, the global economy falls into recession. If the return on capital is too low, relative to other investment opportunities, the required level of investment needed in order to deliver marginal oil supplied onto the market collapses.

This is where we find ourselves now and is a major characteristic of traveling down the other side of the Hubbert Oil curve.


If (when?) the ice caps melt there’ll be plenty of cheap oil in Greenland and Antarctica…which is no doubt part of the reason why China set up in Antarctica on Australian claimed territory.

The problem is the energy intensity of our global economy has not decreased, it continues to grow. An example being China using more concrete in the past 20yrs that the United States used in the entire 20th century.

The thing with geometric growth is like that question about the pond and the Lilly pads doubling every day. The pond is half covered – how long until the pond is fully covered in Lilly pads?

The better we get at extracting it, only means the steeper the run of will ultimately end up being.

Last edited 2 years ago by Stewie

There is enough gas in Australia to power the country for a century but the government think the best thing to do is export it and consume it in a couple of decades. What a waste.
In fact they are conditioning the public to use less and less with climate guilt but I reckon the governments climate concern is mostly a ruse in order for more to be available for export.


Australia is blessed with lots of energy resources and climates to grow all types of foods. Unfortunately the elites understand this more than the deplorables and are ensuring they get most of the benefits.


Even with the last 2 years showing the importance of having redundancy and self sufficiency no lessons have been learned and they just want to return “Just In Time” supply chains so they can inflate price.


We appreciate the effort that you put into these links. You have a good mix of topics and links.


These journalists can’t understand that a variety of opinions is a good thing. They just want consensus.


Don’t know about that. The Occupy Sydney protests had decent success with council too afraid to evict them. That was right up until all the different flags and signs came out and nobody knew wtf they were protesting about. Pedestrians no longer stopped to discuss the issues and show their support and the council shut it down sooner after.


The goal now is the same despite the different backgrounds and beliefs. To end the mandates. They need not agree on anything else. I like the Perth umbrella group’s apolitical stance. I think it is similarly apolitical in the Canadian trucker movement. I think once politics gets involved it poisons the movement.


That’s true but McGowan is a nutcase so that is a pretty low bar.
What is your prediction for when he finally opens the borders? I heard someone mention mid March today but it was quickly shutdown.


Aussie Soy Boy

Coincidentally the footy starts in mid March.


He should start feeling the pressure to open the closer we get to footy season.


Pressure, nah, they’ll just make exemptions. Sportsball will put up a Covid plan that will just be ticked off by the department of health.


3 certainties in Australia:

  • Death
  • Taxes
  • Sports exemptions
Aussie Soy Boy

The same people in hysterics about Djokovic being who has immunity from two previous COVID infections, testing negative to multiple PCR, one of the healthiest people to walk the Earth, being granted entry to Melbourne with their pandemic of the vaccinated, will shrug their shoulders at footballers entering and exiting a state with a ‘hard’ border as they have since mid-2020.


This is what happens when they turn the state laws into a popularity contest. So much for everyone being treated equally under the law.

A fly in your ointment

Because rules are rules.
‘Cept djoker got his exemption but was deemed too dangerous for official narrative thus declared persona no grata thus ejected. Other players just need to declare on the telly and for fakenews. Comau that the way forward is not the “my body my choice” way and all will be good.


I think he will need more than a month to get to those kind of figures. That will probably take us into Winter.


WAs already seeded with covid imo, they are barely testing anyone, like 1500 tests a day isnt going to find much covid. thats why the case rate is so low there still.


I hope you are right, otherwise McGowan will drag the shit of this for the rest of the year.
There is definitely less interest in getting tested. Someone said to me a few weeks ago that there is obviously greater risk of heat stroke queuing up for these tests than any risk from the virus. We are after having 13 x 40°C+ days here in Perth this summer.

Last edited 2 years ago by pnut5678

definitely seeded here. no doubt at all

Aussie Soy Boy

Sounds like a deadly virus if tens of thousands of people don’t know they’ve already been infected.

A fly in your ointment

I know, now there’s another deplorable mob, the anti boosters.
Next one is anti-up-to-daters.
Wonder what the next anti’s will be???

A fly in your ointment

What journalists?
the last one became extinct with the embedded ones from 1990 and the rise of C. Amanpourminator


I use the term journalist loosely. I could use prostitute which might be fairer descriptor. Paid for opinions dressed up as truth.

Aussie Soy Boy

Infotainment personalities. Expertise in stretching the truth as far as they can without being outright dishonest.

Agent 47

They do get it, they’re under instruction to downplay and undermine it anyway they can. Much like that Avi Yemeni dickhead instigating violence.

Wanting approval from mainstream media journos is a waste of time and meaningless tbh.

Derek Ramsbottom

Bit of a kerfuffle on Aus leftie twitter at the mo.

Something something witches are awesome, give me your money you dumb bitches.


So the argument of that article is not to raise rates? I guess most of the world can not tolerate higher interest rates.


Canberra protest today apparently

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Yesterday the MSM said a few thousand people. Today, they are saying the protesters are misusing the Australian Flag.

A fly in your ointment


Participating in freedom movement makes you brainwashed!
Get out whilst you still can, back into the prison, the life on the outside is a nightmare infested with chinks, ruskies and other baba-yagas feasting on unwoke minds


they exaggerate the effects of the vaccines in the same way the flunatics exaggerate covid. theyre two sides of the same coin, both sides reckon that theres like a 90% chance of death from either covid or the vaccines, it’s mental.


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Clowns to the left of me clowns to the right


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People are nuts. The government and media are stoking this. They are promoting acceptable prejudice and this kind of thing is the outcome.


Pfizer should be pfucked with a pforked stick…repeatedly


I would love to see Pfizer bankrupt and wound up. A truly evil company.

I have seen a story recently that the CEO of Moderna has cancelled his Twitter account. Apparently he sold $400 million of stock. I wonder why he is doing that?


Last edited 2 years ago by pnut5678
  • The coronacircus psyop is more sophisticated than meets the eye. The Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Fauci, CNN narrative is the thesis. The Fox News, Sky News Australia, “China did it” narrative is the anti-thesis. The synthesis has yet to become fully apparent.
  • The coronacircus thesis is ultimately not supposed to be believed by most. In the end, people who still do are a side effect. It is a provocation; it is subversion; it is agitation propaganda; it is ultimately meant to cause outrage, unrest, and revolt. Ordo ab chao, solve et coagula.



Wow, that is quite some epistle at the coronacircus site!

took me a while to get through it and it’s an interesting perspective. Multiple nods to the occult, which I think our man T would enjoy!

A fly in your ointment

I admit I stopped at “China did it”.
I mean I get it that Santa secretly lives in Greenland hence no one sees him but that chinks “did it” is a bit too much.


First a hypothetical virus outbreak test (Event 201)….and now this:

US central bank to conduct ‘hypothetical recession’ drill

The US central bank announced the parameters of the tests on Thursday, revealing that the 34 banks being tested must endure a “hypothetical recession” that focuses stress on commercial real estate and corporate debt markets.


Agent 47

March it will start falling over


some canberra karen is going viral after crashing her car into a protesters car


she’s ducked – her conduct is all on camera as is her car model/licence plate. lots of ppl have been reporting her to the cops


Crazy person I reckon 😜


She’s hit the MSM now. Someone should have told her that the media should be considered entertainment and not a source of truth. I suppose when the media are trying to connect nazism with the protests, this sort of thing is bound to happen.



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Agent 47

Watching The Age spiral out of control in the last 18 months has really been spectacular.




Johnny Canuck

I got a call from a VicHealth phone number. Some kid on the line with a very strong Indian accent. (Who knows whether my taxes are paying for some foreign call centre or employing some Indian “student” in Melbourne. Either way I’m mad.) He told me that my booster was “overdue” and proceeded to attempt book an appt for me. I told him I wasn’t getting the booster, and even if I was I’m perfectly capable of making the booking myself. I’ve since blocked the number and marked it as spam.


These people look very good. I’ve read a fair bit of it and can’t find much I don’t align with. Mostly quantum improvements in the duopoly policies we presently have.



A timely reminder of what can happen when unintended consequences play out in the pharmaceutical field:

65 years on, the battle for justice for thalidomide survivors continues

“Look what happened last time I took a tablet.”

Those devastating words broke the heart of Trish Jackson, as her 94-year-old mother steadfastly refused to take medication in her nursing home. Now an artist, Jackson from Queensland, Australia is one of 3,000 globalsurvivors of the drug thalidomide.

Sometimes sold under the brand name Distaval, it was marketed between 1957 and 1961 as a cure for pregnancy morning sickness and a non-addictive sleeping tablet, and was claimed to be safe for all. Sadly, that wasn’t the case, and it was found to cause significant birth defects.


Reus's Large MEMBER

I suspect that the side effects from the mRNA “vaccines” will be a far greater blight on humankind than that though.


I suspect you’re exactly dead spot on correct.

Aussie Soy Boy

Looks as though the Canberra convoy pussed out.

Everyone had a fun weekend in the capital, did some camping, had some beers, got rid of their frustrations with some shouting and chanting, waved some flags, but their wives started nagging for them to come home, their boss wouldn’t grant any leave, the new dual cab in the driveway needs paying off.


no surprises, it’s nothing like the canadian one which has shut down the entire country. performative vs real insurrection.


richard pusey might!

A fly in your ointment

Different motivation.
Cannucks are fighting for life, here most* fight for (in)convenience.

* most as “not all”, i.e. those that lost jobs for refusal of participation in clinical trial of jabbadabba. Anti-busters and anti-rebusters are really just inconvenienced. Most truckies that worked in the last few months are jabbadabba. My truckie wears a pride smug “I got lucky and got fizzler”. Poor Rajesh…