SBS journalists ‘pulling all-nighters’ in preparation for annual Hate White Australia Day celebrations

Journalists at SBS say they’re exhausted, in mass producing anti-white content ahead of EZFKA Day 2022.

Cadets through to senior journalists have been working overtime without pay since December, in preparation for sowing more division and painting anyone who isn’t white as a victim of systemic oppression.

“Finding new ways every year to marginalise white people and tell them they have no culture after founding the country that we all benefit from, is getting more and more difficult,” journalist Tran Nguyen said.

“The usual angle of portraying migrants as victims and that getting a piece of paper makes you Australian tends not to work as well these days. So, we have to come up with new ways to cause division.”

“Daniel Andrews has already done the heavy lifting in cancelling the celebrations in Melbourne but allowing the tennis to go ahead.”

New SBS board members Christine Zeitz and Vic Alhadeff praised their employees and have vowed to make anti-white content their #1 priority for 2022.

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Former Immigration Department Deputy Secretary Abul Rizvi 
‘I recall when it was developed we only thought it would be used in the most extraordinary and rare circumstances, where someone presented a very serious risk to the Australian population. 
‘I did not ever expect it to be used in these circumstances.’ 

rizvi is a lying totalitarian cvnt …this is working as designed

Agent 47

Rizvi is the guy responsible in the 90s for the skilled migration visa disaster. He built It, Howard implemented it. No he is just a cash for comment prostitute.


A fly in your ointment

Interesting viewpoint.
I went through it in 90’s and it was harder than getting Hitlery to admit she is the cause she lost. They took, i think, only 25k skilled visas per year and I know people whom were rejected for having 5 points less than the maximum 120.
I had to prove my skills and prowes beyond normal.


As it should be.


Surprise surprise, vociferus whinging immigrant lol. After reading a number of yours and others’ posts here I had a suspicion you were foreign born fuckwits. Thanks for confirming.

Agent 47

Have a look at the current t composition of the SBS board. Christine Zeitz and Vic Alhadeff (former president of Zionist Federation of Australia). Seymour hersh is also the director of programming and was previously at the ABC.

.4% of Australia’s population has 20% of the board positions at a national broadcaster. No surprise it’s an anti-white shitfest.


I have made it an Australia Day tradition to count the number of awards that they arrange to be awarded to themselves each year:

A fly in your ointment

Ouch, that image from the art gallery at the top is beyond my humble comprehension of art. Perhaps excellent for an 8yo drawing…
Andy Arsewarhol wannabe?

A fly in your ointment

comment image


All part of the next evolution of lefty politics; identity politic and specifically critical race theory. Good times.


Starting from about 2013, the venomous hatred that I received from progressive liberals and ethnically narcissistic migrants over my desire to simply celebrate MY nations recognized day of founding, was the trigger for me to embrace nationalism and a deep hatred of the cancer that is Multiculturalism.

SBS needs to be abolished. If ethnically narcissistic gimmigrants want a dose of their own culture, they can either fuck of back home to bath in it or look it up on the internet.

I don’t know why I have to effectively subsidize Frank Lowy’s propoganda for the Big MultiCult Aust that he wished upon us, yet was so eager to leave the moment he sold up.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie
Chinese Astroturfer

There is nothing to celebrate about this country in 2022

A fly in your ointment

There is a vast gap between celebrating own holidays and imposing it on everyone.
Why does the 26. Jan has to be the 》Australia《 day?
What’s wrong with any of the remaining 364 days (minus known public holidays)?


Yeah fuck you, you microcephalic cock sucker.

Australia Day on the 26th represents the day Captain Cook commenced European settlement of the continent of Australia, and the foundation of OUR nation.

Moving Australia Day would be like how Notre Dame burned down and they’re now rebuiding it like some pathetic secular global church. Moving Australia Day would transform it, it would become globohomo Australia Day, which in time would simply be Migrant Celebration Day.

Those who oppose Aust Day being held on the 26th, oppose Australia Day full stop. It doesn’t matter one iota if jelly back appeasers such as yourself bowed to them and moved it any other day, because any celebration of Australia Day is intolerable to them.

The opposition to Australia Day is all about destroying one of the touch stones that reaches back and reminds us that there was a colonial Australia, something which stands in the way of completely recasting our day of celebration and history as Globohomo Australia… the one the Dr Smithy’s of the world constantly spunk over.

To the modern ethnically narcassistic migrant fresh off the plane, Australia Day is a reminder that there was a nation, culture and country that ‘others’ worked hard to build, and that they’ve simply come along and stolen a piece of.

To the MultiCult migrant, Australia Day is an intolerable reminder of their complete lack of contribution to the country they moved to for economic convenience, and a yearly reminder of debt of gratitude to a people our media and elites have spent the past 40 years reframing and recasting as a bunch of genocidal white people who they should feel righteous about looking down their migrant noses at.

Fuck you and fuck everyone who opposes or wants to move Australia Day.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

But harsh but I agree.

Lefty news outlets push to move it, to mitigate white guilt around settlement/invasion of Australia pending your lens, per critical race theory, because white people are evil and racist and should not be allowed to celebrate the earliest moments of modern nation bring formed where there was once nomadic civilization not much more developed than the stone age.

If you move the date, the next step in another 30-40 years I agree is to repurpose it entirely etc etc

A fly in your ointment

I agree with your assessment of lefty and extreme lefties as they always leach from others suffering trying to paste their agenda on anything with a pulse. Their agenda is the white man’s guilt.

Unfortunately this is one major cause but far from majority of reasons why anniversary of the first immigrants arrival cannot be unifying to the nation.
Modern Australia begun after Abo’s were rehumanised.


No one defines modernity that way. That is post modernity. A good place to mark the end of nationhood.


Your line of reasoning is very similar to the entire premise of progressive lefty thinking; you could reframe and change Australia Day to be anything you want with an argument put forward and the power of suggestion alone contends that there may be merit in it.

Indeed, often those that want to change something in society rarely have the majority’s interests at heart.

far from majority of reasons why anniversary of the first immigrants arrival cannot be unifying to the nation.
Modern Australia begun after Abo’s were rehumanised.”

I don’t disagree with your statement – it is difficult to. But your sleight of hand in the use of the term “modern” is telling; the 26th of Jan isn’t about modern Australia.

If you shift the date, it is no longer about what Australia and its colonial forebears fundamentally was for the first 200 years – a primarily european, but predominantly anglo saxon country formed with an indigenous peoples and a generally moderate inflow of refugees and immigrants bought in for legitimate economic reasons, to the betterment of the country and peoples already here.

Shifting the date would represent per Stewie’s point, a strong concession to the acknowledgement we are now run as EZFKA mass migration profit centre, with a need to continually revise who and what we are as a country based on the whims of the changing makeup of people represented in society.

A fly in your ointment

But your sleight of hand in the use of the term “modern” is telling; the 26th of Jan isn’t about modern Australia.

Yes, could be said that way.
I hoped you got my point but then you leaped over the important bit (abo’s rehumanisation) and went straight to the contemporary times.

…strong concession to the acknowledgement we are now run as EZFKA mass migration profit centre,

With which I agree. It makes me also angry that I had to provide a box full of documents and proofs of my skills and prowess to beat the rest and be one of the 25k allowed to immigrate that year. Now all one needs is to apply and makes sure has a pulse until lands.


…colonial forebears fundamentally was for the first 200 years – a primarily european, but predominantly anglo saxon country formed with an indigenous peoples and a generally moderate inflow of refugees and immigrants bought in for legitimate economic reasons, to the betterment of the country and peoples already here.

And here we come to the crux, a romantic tale of a country that was formed “with abo’s and some other immigrants”, that just naturally evolved into a modern society and they all lived happily after until some lefties came by and spoiled it for everyone.
Apart from lefties spoiling it, the rest is detached from reality. It is written in official Aus history books much before the Woke Age and before those whom think abo’s are some sort of primitive un-humans (that was actually said) were born.


One could also argue the attempted assimilation of the indigenous Australians into the modern world at that time, was actually the perceived act (at the time) of humanisation of a race of people stuck in 4000 BCE.

Go look it up, they were one of the most primitive races on the planet at the time of the first landing, probably in part due to the sheer isolation, lack of great animals and cultural factors etc.

No one is saying they are unhuman but it does pay to acknowledge reality.

Last edited 3 years ago by The90kwbeast

But were they happy?


But were they happy?

Sure, but then

they were standin’ on the shore one day
Saw the white sails in the sun
Wasn’t long before they felt the sting
White man, white law, white gun


In Cook’s memoirs he mentioned Aborigines as the happiest people that he had encountered, and expressed his desire for them to be left alone.

What I don’t understand is Maoris have more reason to hate the colonials. They were warring tribes, and Cook provided guns to all the tribes. I vaguely recall their population dropped by some ridiculous amount like 60-70% as they started shooting each other. Yet 200 years later they embrace their heritage instead of feeling sorry for themselves.


I always wondered what would have happened if the Maori ventured a bit further west from NZ and found Australia.


My take is, that the Maori as a people were far more industrious and adaptable with the world presented to them and always have been, than the Aboriginal peoples.

It’s amazing they managed to make it all the way to NZ in the first place. Remember they’ve only been in NZ for 700 years or thereabouts.

It takes a special kind of people to sail 1000s of km and establish a new society halfway around the world.

Last edited 3 years ago by The90kwbeast

 I vaguely recall their population dropped by some ridiculous amount like 60-70% as they started shooting each other.

The muzzle loading muskets of that time weren’t much more effective than a pointed stick in group combat. You get one shot before the enemy is close enough to stab/bash you.

60-70% population drop is consistent with all the other indigenous populations on exposure to europeans but it wasn’t the weapons that killed most of them.
The brought their bioweapons with them…


Just re-reading some literature. One third of the population died from the “Musket Wars” with many more enslaved.

Can’t do shit about the bioweapons. It is not like they had the option of vaccines and lockdowns :-p


Probably, just like people living 5,000 years ago were happy…

A fly in your ointment

Gee , that was a strong opening argument. Unbeatable. I got a big tub of Vaseline, just in case.

So you support, militantly, that one major (undoubtedly the first and the most violent) migrants group arrival is celebrated as “the begining” and something that unifies the country?

Migrants as of second and all the subsequent waves obviously contributed nothing, just sucked from the tit that the first convicts or wardens created…

In that case the 1. April should be the Australia day. It is the day I arrived. Because that’s all that matters. I. That is what a national celebration should be, about myself. Life begun as I arrived, all that came after me are bludgers…

Globohomosexual etc gibberish from Smithy is antifa schit and you like it because it is a nice distraction and an easy target.
I agree it was not a bunch of genocidal white men… it was a bunch of upper class genocidal Englishmen. They even recorded it voluntarily (obviously not knowing that it will become UnLegal in later decades).


I dunno what is more pathetic, the progressive left turning “Colonists” into a pejorative or neoliberal conservative cucks erasing them altogether by jumping on the idea of a nation being little more than a continuous stream of immigration.

The first group of white people to move to Australia weren’t immigrants, moving to some established society to integrate themselves into it and hopefully take a piece of it for themselves – they were colonists. They built Australia from scratch. There was nothing here than a bunch of stone age nomads scratching out an existence on the driest and least hospitable inhabited continent.

Like it or not, those colonists founded every institution we hold dear today. They founded and built all our major towns and cities, carved our farms and mines out of the land, and made Australia the envy of the world, such that every other failed wannabe society and people now looks on enviously and arrogantly wants a piece of it, without giving up something of their own – their own cultural identity… as exemplified by your comment:

“In that case the 1. April should be the Australia day. It is the day I arrived. Because that’s all that matters.”

This is the key problem with the migrant under the guise of MultiCult versus say Integration & Assimilation – their affiliation and connection to the nation or society they move to will only ever extend back to the moment their or their parent’s feet touched Australian soil.

Without taking on the identity that was previously here, they absolve themselves of any sin that gives rise to the fruits that they are now enjoying here, and indeed, it often even fills them with a sense of cosmic justice by redistributing what they consider to be existing Australian’s ill gotten gains.

Like it or not the Australia we have today was as direct result of those original settlers and colonists – that is or was our identity. Moving Australia day would be another surrender to a bunch of hostile elites, who use diversity to divide and disempower us and turn our society into a globohomo tax farm.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Indeed. Let’s face it; people move to Australia specifically for 3 reasons primarily:

1 Because its still a majority white country
2 To enjoy the fruits of a European civilisation previously constructed (safe, free health care, clean air, free education, opportunities etc)
3 Because we are advertised as being multicultural we are making it easy for those from any cultural background to settle and choose to assimilate to varying degrees, or not at all.

It takes an increasingly determined migrant in Syd/Mel to try to culturally assimilate when you are surrounded by others not trying very hard in significant numbers, because multicult says you don’t need to.


Is that really in any way connected to the 26. Jan?

Lefties have taken over the 26. Jan issue for their agenda but two wrongs don’t make right.


Not really, just making a related point.

A fly in your ointment

So you’re some sort of English empire romantic…

I know, first immigrants much the same as Spanish conquistadors were peace loving messengers armed with nothing but the white doves to be released symbolising peace and prosperity and chocolate coated candies for the existing cultures. All the wealth in UK is a made by hard sweat coal turning Englishmen and nothing from pillaging and marauding.

Australia in the period since the first immigrants until abolition of dehumanisation of abo’s was not a fairytale but something that in modern days would have its own crimes tribunal.
Having a date which symbolises first immigrants arrival is not a unifying symbol, it is as furthest it can be. From your rant I gather that don’t concern you at all because “This country shall remain forever the home of the descendants of those people who came here in peace in order to establish in the South Seas an outpost of the British race.”

LOL… as you wish… lefties will kill it for you anyway…


Stewie will have a field day with this post but I’ll dive in for a jab.

You are applying a modern moral lens to several topics here I couldn’t be bothered to unpack in its entirety, and is part of the exact problem this satire post was commenting on.

But overall, I would suggest your views are at odds with the very identify and nature of the nation of Australia in its forming moments.

Last, changing the date achieves nothing concrete for anyone, anyway, other than satiating feels for a minority group and their white knight supporters.


Last, changing the date achieves nothing concrete for anyone, anyway, other than satiating feels for a minority group and their white knight supporters.

These groups can’t be satiated. It merely encourages them to demand more and more concessions on their god given quest to make the world better( in their misguided opinion).


Indeed. Critical race theory won’t stop until it’s vision of realignment from of past injustices the world is complete, and it involves pretty radical changes to the status quo, with white blokes being shafted essentially at every turn in order to get there.

Although I’ve commented elsewhere, I think identity politics was always the natural progression or next step from universalism.


Why did you go to so much trouble to immigrate to australia if you hate the white man and what he stands for so much?

It would have been much easier to migrate to nigeria or somalia or similar far from the influence of white european culture.

Of course the reason you came here is because it is part of the anglosphere, as you try to deny that very fact…


Sorry, mate, but that’s a load of revisionista bollocks.
In the days when Cook arrived here the world was what it was…….no amount of hand-wringing will change that.

Our right to celebrate Australia Day when we do was elegantly explained by a guy in a toga who coined the worlds first three-word slogan:


That’s the way it was then, and still is to a large extent today.

Anything else is pure rainbows and unicorns.

Last edited 3 years ago by plaguerat
A fly in your ointment

Here’s the candidate to get the AD award from the mistry of truth.
Sometimes I think that karma don’t work at all but at times that it is harsh.


Who is she?

A fly in your ointment

She is an extended arm of pandemic management.
I can only ask how the PM cabal in this country does not get its karma… perhaps karma is just in out heads.

Reus's Large MEMBER

I would say that we should change the name to EZFKA Sheeple day, to honour the bedwetting fcukwits that comply with everything that the asshats in charge tell them to do so that they can continue to see their house prices go up….

There is no Australia left in Australia, between the woke and the sheeple it may as well burn to the ground.


Yes we all got greedy as our houses tripled in value

The rest is history


Very good, RLM