New Melbourne Quarantine Facility to be named “Glorious Linfox Centre For COVID Re-Education Through Hard Labour”

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has announced that the upcoming quarantine facility to be built outside Melbourne, will be named “Glorious Linfox Centre For COVID Re-Education Through Hard Labour”

The deal comes as lockdowns rage throughout Australia. The new facility will house “anti-vaxxers, returning citizens and anyone having political opinions not reflective of a fair, diverse and honest society.” A ribbon-cutting ceremony is set to be undertaken by Chinese President Xi Jinping later this year.

Construction has already commenced on the facility and is due to open by December.

“Melbourne has long been a testing ground for globalists as the population here are generally demoralised, submissive idiots. We can get away with this by claiming it’s quarantine, not two weeks in prison for having a suspected mild cold from a dodgy test, symptoms or not,” Premier Daniel Andrews told a media scrum.

Further details will be released, but it is believed that no stairs will be constructed inside the facility at the request of the Premier.

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John Snow

Comply or get a shove down the stairs while drinking with Lindsay Fox ….


Why bother writing this shit?! It’s cringe and only about 25 people are going to see it and circle jerk over it. This website has more 5 minute satire rants than actual articles. As for the articles most are just “Look what MB said” lol, fuckin ridiculous.

The bit that shits me the most is that the only articles worth reading are usually stewies crypto ones. Shame he’s such a fuckwit on other topics.


Why are you so grumpy and aggressive?

I once knew a bloke who took steroids – he was quite a bit like you – dissatisfied with everything and always trying to pick some sort of confrontation.


Latest W@F theory,
he’s a masochist that loves reading things he hates and being abused in text.

Either that or the stockholm syndrome is so bad he thinks he has to read this site, just like he has to be locked down for his own safety.

Or probably closest to the actual truth, even the pitiful articles here that he derides som much are far better than anything he could produce and the self loathing it creates spills out into everything he contributes here.

Last edited 3 years ago by bjw678

Or probably closest to the actual truth, even the pitiful articles here that he derides som much are far better than anything he could produce and the self loathing it creates spills out into everything he contributes here.

hmmmm. He has certainly ignored the invitation to actually pen something many times.


I work 70 hours a week, real work too, not sitting around like most of these wankers. I’d love to have time to write articles, but if I did I wouldn’t be doing it here I’d be going back to having a chop at academic writing again, but you know needs money so I can buy into the ponzi.

I like to read and comment, MB was good but DLS banned me for laughing at his Rudd apology, I don’t fuck around with different aliases all the time so gave this place a shot and was disappointed.


You’re making things difficult for yourself.

it doesn’t need to take more than 30 mins to knock out a piece here. Probably not even 15.

Academic writing….seems like a great way to waste months. Doesn’t make much sense when, as you say, you need to make money to buy into the ponzi.


I am with W@F on this one. This site is turning into a Libertarian echo chamber.

A couple times I have thought about writing about inflation or other trading ideas an then looked at Stewie’s contributions buried amongst all the partisan drivel, and decided against it.

Consider using the forums as a virtual Wank Room where all the Libertarians can have fun with each other, and keep the blog section a bit more informative.

Last edited 3 years ago by Freddy

I am with W@F on this one. This site is turning into a Libertarian echo chamber.

but that is precisely why you SHOULD write something awesome about inflation and trading ideas. Even better if it can be trading ideas about inflation – that is something that I’ve been thinking about: how to trade inflation (apart from the obvious)….


oh fuck mate please don’t go !

we will beg you if we have to

really would love to hear your trading tips, bet you’re an ace trader

somehow you had you had your feelings hurt by the Covid discussions

nobody forced you to click on the link , let alone read anything, let alone reply

but you needed everyone to know how dumb our conversation was , and how you were just way too cool to participate

then you embarrassed yourself, and started throwing insults instead

i really, really doubt you are a successful trader

prove me wrong : make an article, disclose your positions and your logic and we will all participate in good faith


Poor little cry baby resorting to comment stalking. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings by calling out your blatant lies and propaganda

… and on the same week your “let it rip” delusions were smashed. I mean seriously, how fucking stupid can you be expecting NSW to “let it rip” just a few weeks away from receiving millions of vaccines, and after 16 months of repeated lockdowns?


Comment stalking ?

what the fuck are you talking about ?

i don’t have any delusions and nothing was smashed

why are you even here if you’re too good for the place ?

you come into the threads just to say how much you aren’t interested in them

like you’ve got nothing else to do and no one else to talk to (similar to our other mate here)

You’re not here to troll like him; it’s even sadder because you’re here to feel like one of the cool kids


I am with W@F on this one. This site is turning into a Libertarian echo chamber.

A couple times I have thought about writing about inflation or other trading ideas an then looked at Stewie’s contributions buried amongst all the partisan drivel, and decided against it.

If you want it to be different contribute articles, or the money to pay for someone else to, or accept what people want to contribute for free.
Complaining that you don’t like it is hardly going to achieve much, it doesn’t achieve anything at MB who are purporting to be doing it for profit, and will achieve absolutely nothing with people doing it solely for their own interest voluntarily.


I have made a financial contribution to Peachy, and contributed a couple articles on trading risk management. That is enough for now.


I’ve liked your article contributions and appreciate your opinion within the comments. I think you’ve done good so far.


I have no interest in writing 30 minute articles, just because it’s quick and easy doesn’t mean it’s something I want to do. You started this joint, take the criticsim and write better stuff or don’t.

I’ve said from the get go here I read and lurk. There’s fuck all to read and the lurking sucks so I’m pretty much done.


30 minute articles about a topic that you know well could be full of revelation and discovery for others who are not familiar with the topic.

But you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. At EZFKA one thing is for sure – you get what you pay for. Every time!




fuck off


There’s fuck all to read and the lurking sucks so I’m pretty much done.

yet i keep seeing you as every second comment, stop telling us about it and just fuck off.


Fuck man, you’re still replying to me on the weekend links and you’re calling me sad lol. Funniest shit ever


You work 70 hours a week, real work mind you, and both have the time and choose to spam us with your bullshit as well?
You must be truly the saddest, loneliest person on earth.
When I have a busy week I barely look at this place or mb for that matter.


Lol he doesn’t work

on MB he admitted he was unemployed

unless maybe his Mum kicked him out and now he’s doing Uber eats or some such

hes a pathetic piece of shit with nothing useful to say


That was a year ago, remember how there was lockdowns and people lost their jobs? Isn’t that what you’re whinging about lol.

I got a new job, what a quaint idea.

Superior intellect lol


Ahh right, you were in the “hospitality industry” then

dish pig ?


Fuck your memory is shit. Forkie, transport and logistics. Used to do casual for the higher dollars but you know, locldown, then when Brisbane reopened switched to full time to avoid it happening again. Funny how people adapt to scenarios and change their perspectives as needed, it’s what “normies” do, whereas super intellects sit on the internet screaming about hypotheticals.

And yes bjw you will read this and probably have abother response of “fuck off already”, I’ll leave when I want fuckwit, this is my last hurrah, I’ll respond as many times as I want. Good to see you and coming proving me right though. Haven’t seen any superior intellect in this thread, just shit flinging, thought you cunts were above that?! Lol


You are the only one obsessed with peoples intellect.
I am figuratively and effectively literally LOCKED IN MY HOUSE, so have literally nothing better to do than fling shit back at you at this point in time.
I also see you as the only person to ever mention being above shit flinging while being the biggest contributor of it.


Never done steroids, don’t really see the appeal.

I guess I’m just annoyed at how shit this place is. I keep waiting for it to get some traction and produce decent content but that’s a pipedream. Probably my fault for expecting this place to be a less censored MB but all it really turned out to be is a circle jerk for the dumbest fringe race theories I’ve heard. And like I said to bjw, my online persona is pretty much my real life one – if I heard a stranger at the pub say the shit that gets said here, 100% would call it out and seeing as no one else was calling that shit out I gave it a whirl.

I had stopped reading here as much until all the covid denialism started up again. Someone has to call out the fuckwits. I’ve done my bit now so will probably bail out for a bit.

Will keep everyone updated on when I head down to Sydney to fight that faggot bjw.


Probably my fault for expecting this place to be a less censored MB but

as far as I can tell, this place is less censored. Indeed, nothing is censored, with the very strange exception of paying out Stewie’s wife.

Still, seems one goes better paying Stewie’s wife here than you would ragging on the consort of the Deflation Imaginarium Despot.

all it really turned out to be is a circle jerk for the dumbest fringe race theories I’ve heard.

See above, re. censorship. People write about what people want to write about. Sometimes it’s fringe race theories.

What do you want to write about?


What do you want to write about?

You just have to look at his posts to see what he wants to write.
Rants about how everyone else is wrong and he’s smarter and better with absolutely no arguments at all to justify it.
And insults. Really uncreative insults.
This is what he chooses to do with the little time he has remaining after his 70 hour work week.

Last edited 3 years ago by bjw678

Rants about how everyone else is wrong and he’s smarter and better

we already have a Peachy 😋


we already have a Peachy

Peachy has arguments and evidence, if maybe a bit ranty:)


Hail Queen Peach!


Are we talking about Freddy or winning at failing ?

they’re both the same

the only thing more pathetic than commenting on an obscure forum, is complaining about people who comment on an obscure forum


The current trend in middle aged middle class white men obsessing over their perceived disenfranchisement to the point they waste hours of their lives whinging about it on the internet instead of just enjoying their lives.

This is one of the things that drew me to MB and here – there’s a lot of humble bragging about success and wealth and a lot of self promoted intellectual superiority. Yet something is lacking or why do so many people spend so long on here and MB shit posting?! Do they believe their humble brags and are ignorant they aren’t happy or do they know something is missing but need the status boost from the brags or any other myriad explanations?!

From the get go at MB and here I’ve never hidden the fact I have nothing better to do, but surely all these family men of means and superior intellect do, yet they choose to stay here and argue with me. But when the chips are down the 4chan memes come out, the denigrating starts, all these attempts to paint a perception of your opponent as “less than”, smooth brain etc. and calling for banning people as soon as they can’t hack it, many lols had with that.

I get confrontation, what I don’t get is how all these supposed superior intellects can’t see that they are just as bad as the shit flinger, there’s so much ridiculous shit that gets said when I’d expect superior intellects to just ignore and walk away.

It is interesting, but all of that stuff was for thinking about now and again and good articles with a bit of chat with interesting tid bits was what I wanted for lunchbreaks and afterwork I liked MB for the arvo chats because I do like to use informal chats like that in the pub/social context because all my mates online game and I’m not into that shit.

But MB was way too censored and I figured when this place started (or more like as we got banned) everyone would come here and be more of themselves. That did happen but fuck me, some people are completely different without the MB censorship. I can’t believe some of the fucked up shit you cunts believe. Uncensored me is swearing, uncensored stewie is full blown Jew and black people hating. It’s insane.


The current trend in middle aged middle class white men obsessing over their perceived disenfranchisement to the point they waste hours of their lives whinging about it on the internet instead of just enjoying their lives.

This is one of the things that drew me to MB and here – there’s a lot of humble bragging about success and wealth and a lot of self promoted intellectual superiority. Yet something is lacking or why do so many people spend so long on here and MB shit posting?! 

it seems thAt people often genuinely have nothing better to do than shitposting.

Often people don’t know how to go and enjoy their lives, or, perhaps, shitposting is part of their life’s enjoyment*

* some caveats are probably appropriate here – shitposting is probably not what anyone actually lives for. But when you’re not with friends or sick of your boyfriend or tired or whatever, it could be something to enjoy rather than listening to the radio or watching the television

Part of this mode of interaction and discourse is disputation and this has a tendency to sometimes descend into shitflinging and insults. A Parisian salon it ain’t, but it’s some kind of debate and intellectual engagement.

…my thoughts….


it seems thAt people often genuinely have nothing better to do than shitposting.

Often people don’t know how to go and enjoy their lives, or, perhaps, shitposting is part of their life’s enjoyment*

Or they are imprisoned in their home by the government and only allowed to leave for essential activities, and after extended periods of this for a year and a half have exhausted most other entertainment options.


Could be a bit of that too, in recent times.


So if you want to do more than fling shit, why are flu deaths not worth a bit of inconvenience but covid ones are?


No hating dued – just applying some CRT to other groups.

I mean if you are going to apply politics on the basis of privilege why not look a little deeper then just ‘white men’ being the problem?

Just take a look at all the problematic ‘white men’ in Michael West’s expose on families avoiding tax – msm “Oh yeah, evil right white dueds. Lets import more diversity to make Australia better.”

Okay, well lets take a look at some other culturally unifying feature beyond mere skin tone that happens to link these tax avoiding Dark Companies. Smooth brain imbeciles “Oh no, we don’t want to get into divisive identity politics”

“smooth brain”


Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Literally your position.


You’re a goose mate. Have fun with your life.


Yeah fuck off you smooth brained imbecile.


Speaking of imbecile – until recently I had thought that “incel” is some kind of corruption of “imbecile”.

I have recently had the truth (and the depth of my mistake) revealed to me. I was amazed.


Yeah that is a sad subculture. It took me a while to work out globohomo was global homogenization, although global homo culture is also pretty ubiquitous nowadays so perhaps it was a fair enough mistake.

Did you see my reply to your MGTOW question – or was it tldr?

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

I hadn’t seen it, but now that you’ve pointed it out, I’ve gone and read it.

it is long. I will need to consider and sleep on it.

As well, Maybe you could chop it up into bite sized pieces, for into the EZFKA framework and do half a dozen articles?

Last edited 3 years ago by Peachy

remember though that the mainstream media mischaracterises “incels”, the divergence between what they are and what they really believe and what the MSM says about them, like every other group, is pretty great.


What’s your take on it/them?

(should we have a separate incel post to discuss this…?)


I would very much enjoy a discussion on incels

Perhaps I should write an article

Bjw678: cant get laid if he tried

Coming, Bjw678 and stagmal all exhibit incel characteristics. The biggest indicators are their low testosterone levels and neck beards.

Bjw678: cant get laid if he tried

And in the case of Bjw678 – in the infinitesimal chance he got lucky, he’s still too old and impotent. His one inch floppy wouldn’t be up to the task at hand

What’s that rule about porn on the internet, if some retard has thought of it….

Still no need to share with the rest of us.


And like I said to bjw, my online persona is pretty much my real life one – if I heard a stranger at the pub say the shit that gets said here, 100% would call it out and seeing as no one else was calling that shit out I gave it a whirl.

I’m going to call you out on this piece of bullshit again.
If you went around screaming that’s bullshit with absolutely no supporting arguments at all and screaming faggot useless cunt your head would have been beaten in multiple times.
Frankly if I ever meet you in person I will, which proves my point.


You obviously don’t remember my court case from last year lol




I forgot to add, go into a pub, any pub and start talking about the inherent differences between itelligence among races (a favourite topic of this circle jerk)

You’ll get asked to leave or bashed. Which is why none of you cunts say what you say here in your real lives, guaranteed.


When have I said anything like that?
I tend to avoid those discussions, maybe a skill that you should think about developing?
You’ve just come and flung shit when a serious comparison about covid/flu was proposed.
So I reiterate again, FUCK OFF!


think that proves stewies point

Bjw678: incel with a limp dick

No it doesn’t.

It does however prove how much of a weak, low T neckbeard u are – clearly you’ve never been to a pub where tradies or bogans frequent. If u did you’d know that caucasians frequently start punch ups for trivial things

Bjw678: cant get laid if he tried

You? An impotent old cunt like u? LMAO!

One kick to those arthritic knees and you’d be fucked, old man

Last edited 3 years ago by Bjw678: cant get laid if he tried


Agent 47

On point.

Looking forward for the barb wire and tower guards for having a cold.


Maybe we could have a daily Covid fact sheet? So far we have a cluster of 864 cases of this super deadly variant and all they can produce is two deaths with an average age in the 80s. And they won’t even disclose co-morbidities any more for privacy reasons? What a joke.

But there are young people on ventilators! Most likely jimmy grants who came here on a “skilled” migrant visa and a corrupt medical report hiding their chronic lung condition.


They also are refusing to disclose whether the second victim was vaccinated

which means , probably yes


Hey coming – you’re clearly following the events in some detail. I’m amazed by how you can possibly have the energy to do so. Must be exhausting.

Ive been completely ignoring all the shit (“news”) for what feels like forever. Now, mind, that is part of my general analytical technique (avoiding the weeds), but even that aside I feel like it deserves little attention.

refusing to disclose whether the second victim was vaccinated 

which means , probably yes

That would be the EZFKA way! You reckon it’s more likely the Pfizer or the Zenniker shot that’s ineffective?


I think it’s more likely that old people die all the fucking time regardless


Do you think that we should be doing a better job of talking about death and normalising it? Rather than hiding it away and pretending it doesn’t exist?

I haven’t looked into this specifically, but my gut tells me that the present condition of avoiding death is rather a recent trend (maybe no more recent than 100yrs in developed countries), approximately mirroring the receding tide of religion and the developments in medicine….


who is “we”?

I think “we” are fucked

the age of reason is over

the very worst are in charge


who is “we”?

well, I was pretending that there is a nation with a society. But, touché.


I think “we” are fucked

the age of reason is over

the very worst are in charge

An MB commenter a while back explained it pretty simply as new feudalism. The industrial revolution created a need for skilled people to provide for the requirements of the wealthy and thus the middle classes were born as the elite needed them.
Automation, AI and mass transportation and offshoring is removing that need so the wealthy who have always been in control have less and less need for skilled people and their attitudes are being reflected in policy.
As one of those becoming irrelevant it looks like the very worst, to the elite it is merely as it should be.

Last edited 3 years ago by bjw678

the present condition of avoiding death is rather a recent trend (maybe no more recent than 100yrs in developed countries)

Significantly less than 100 years would be my guess. Almost certainly due to modern medicine.
When virtually every family lost a child before adulthood hiding death away was an impossibility.

1860: 4 in 10 live births dead by age 5
1910 1 in 10
1945 0.5 in 10
1960 0.25 in 10
2020 0.04 in 10


1860: 4 in 10 live births dead by age 5

1910 1 in 10

1945 0.5 in 10

1960 0.25 in 10

2020 0.04 in 10

Wow, how good is medicine?!


reducing infant mortality is the greatest accomplishment of modern medicine, everything else has been a drop in the bucket of life expectancy. modern medicine is effectively paralyzed in dealing with degenerative diseases for instance.


Yeh… but part of that is a sequencing effect though…. Beating diseases that affect people early in life delivers more bang for buck in terms of years of life (and human potential) saved, compared to the same or similar disease late in life.

Last edited 3 years ago by Peachy

reducing infant mortality is the greatest accomplishment of modern medicine, everything else has been a drop in the bucket of life expectancy. modern medicine is effectively paralyzed in dealing with degenerative diseases for instance.

Beating diseases that affect people early in life delivers more bang for buck in terms of years of life (and human potential) saved, compared to the same or similar disease late in life..

While people are dying from all sorts of contagious diseases there is a vey low relative amount of degenerative disease to even study let alone create treatments for.
As contagious disease has been controlled or eradicated the degenerative diseases and cancers and accidents have been allowed to increase relatively as causes of death.
This has led to greater study and attempts to create treatments.
( and spending untold billions on road safety campaigns to save a few hundred lives a year while not actually doing much that would be actually effective like getting rid of cars.)
As the medicine relating to this has been the priority for a similar time as the contagious diseases were I’d expect more progress in the available treatments.

Bjw678: cant get laid if he tried

Indeed, otherwise weak cunts like you, coming and bjw would have died long ago


Wow, how good is medicine?!

It’s a shame people want to throw out lessons learnt and paid for in blood by it because covid though.


Possibly Because those lessons were learned by others, too long ago. The lessons are, by now, merely inherited lore, not personally learned experience. Someone shared a link to a piece about how creating/founding is very different to inheriting/managing. But the difference doesn’t manifest itself while things are smooth… only in times of crisis. (

I feel like there is a lot of that going on.

Things had been too good for too long.

tough times make tough men, tough men make good times, good times make weak men, weak men – tough times. And all that.

Last edited 3 years ago by Peachy

Yeah. My parents come from poor farming families on the North Coast of NSW. My Dad is one of 11 children, 2 of whom died as babies. This was in the 1930s, so they were well worse than your quoted stats.


Stats are always an average. I’d expect the poor were and still are likely to be on the higher rather than lower side of that average.


can’t believe we are







since this started





imagine in all the time it took to be scared of this for over a year and a half people hit the gym instead, lost some weight and made covid effectively harmless


Standard EZFKA fare, mate.

18 months, mate!


Yeah any of the old cunts who wanted it have had the chance to get jabbed by now

let it rip



The rest of the world didn’t “eradicate” it and just had to live with it.
They didn’t get a choice.
I reckon it would have been better if we didn’t either because it’s going to be march 2020 for years more at the rate we are going.

Bjw678: cant get laid if he tried

The rest of the world DGAF? What kind of ignorant fucking moron are you? What happened in India recently? What’s happening in Indonesia and Malaysia atm? U fucking dunce.

hope u get covid and die, cunt

So be it, you’ll have to get em to stop the lockdowns first though, won’t you.
Me being one of 400 a year seems REALLY unlikely to me.
Of course that’s about 3 levels more than you’ve thought about anything ever.

Bjw678: incel with a limp dick

The fuck are u on about u senile old prick




Living in someone’s head rent free is awesomesauce, especially when locked down with nothing better to do.
Although someone with even half a brain would be nice.

Bjw678: incel with a limp dick

So unoriginal u pathetic old kunt. Think of your own insults instead of stealing from that pedo stewie.

you silly old incel 😂

great lack of self awareness,
you silly old kunt, incel.
wah wah wah I don’t like you.

and FYI the reason you keep seeing the same insults is because they are fundamentally caused by who you are.


also g-damn are you oldies really all this histrionic. sooking and threatening to leave every 5 mins bc of some insults or some satire articles that timbo is just writing in a couple mins obviously for fun. who gaf. seriously. like the comments on macro are anymore high quality than what gets posted here, swampy sooking and demanding people get the jab, etc.

this is australia, really, there is almost nothing to write about when it comes to this country. check the ABC on any given day, our country is extremely anodyne and dull, hence why we have to make mountains out of molehills with shit like covid bc the media has nothing else to fuckin talk about. when someone gets stabbed in normanton QLD or whatever its national front page news, thats how little shit goes on here. complaining about the content at this place makes no sense to me these facts considered.


As a member of GenX I disown W@ffle. GenY he is your responsibility.


Jeez, I’d be well pleased if that w@f loony really did pack his bags and go off to fling his poo at somebody else on another blog. Being called a cunt over and over, along with every other contributor, without the addition of any actual worthwhile content was starting to lower the tone of the neighbourhood.


true a bit, i dont get his problem honestly, why he’s so angry at everyone when on macro he was a hell of a lot more polite. maybe he has developed erectile dysfunction


On MB he woulda got instabanned acting like that.

I think he’s trying to make us ban him so he can feel superior or something.


Here’s another one

why have they been raping everyone’s nose to test for the Covid

ive had the test once (forced to) and it was very unpleasant

study published in Nature (one of the foremost journals in the world ) says that saliva samples are more sensitive than nasal swabs

What’s going on here ?

is it proof that none of the muppets in charge actually have any fucking idea what they are doing ?


is the pain and discomfort what they really want, to humiliate and frighten us


It wouldn’t surprise me if it was just to humiliate people. I remember when China started requiring anal swabs as well, I was hoping that would take off all over the world as it would have curbed the enthusiasm of the sheep to get tested, but sadly it didn’t.


My guess is china deployed the anal swabs to reduce numbers of covid infections, at least in the data. Great way to discourage testing…

Chinese Astroturfer

I was reading this article about Sydney’s COVID crisis with photos of patients in hospital. One of them is this guy in his 30’s. Fattest fuck you will ever see. Probably never given a fuck about his health once in his adult and now suddenly I have to lock down for fat fucks like him. This fat fuck has had 16 months to lose the weight and get healthy to fight COVID.


lol ya, saw that actually nigga so fat theyd of needed a crane to get him into the hospital


Link ?

Chinese Astroturfer

And check out this story on the ABC today about a woman in Fiji dying who was 39. Connect the dots here this woman didn’t die from Covid, she died with it:

Also of interest: she had the AZ vaccine, wonder if that contributed?

Last edited 3 years ago by canuckdownunder

so where’s the idea that the virus is supposed to be exploding exponentially in sydney? its already declining lol



lockdowns work.
Unfortunately that just encourages more of them.


In all seriousness, who do you think will be using it? It will probably be completed by the end of the year, so do you think it will be used for students? More overseas arrivals that are Australia citizens are coming home are fully vaccinated and they are pretty much moving towards self isolation at home by year end.


Happy 1000 case cluster day NSW! Yet all they can produce from this super deadly variant is two deaths, average age in the 80s, both with co-morbidities (let’s face it if these people were healthy they would have told us).

But some morbidly obese younger people with the disease have had to go to the hospital. Lock us down!

Where is the media in all this? Why are they not asking about these numbers instead of just demanding to be locked down further?


Why are they not asking about these numbers instead of just demanding to be locked down further?

Because the mob has spoken, 1 death is 1 death to many.
lockdowns are the solution to everything and make it go away.
Overall people can’t think enough into the future to work out what sort of endpoint they think they are striving towards with all this lockdown no death stuff.

Therefore we are going to continue with this lockdown stuff for many years yet, as the government hasn’t even started to indicate what sort of infection rate would be allowable under a changed policy or when that policy would change.
They make little cooing noises that let everyone think it will be soon, and avoid admitting that these lockdowns will have to continue for years or decades unless policy and acceptance of deaths change, but I am yet to see any sign of hard facts about it, and they are clearly not ready to allow infection and death now.


It’s like you think the vaccines haven’t been invented yet.


And when people who are vaccinated start (or in reality continue) to die?


18 in intensive care, 75 in hospital. Hospitalisations matter also.

So what’s your solution if no lockdowns?


There is no solution.
What is the long term plan, give a few more vaccinations and then let the death toll and hospitalisations rise into the tens of thousands?
Or lockdown for effectively forever, literally a decade or more?

These are the options, neither is a solution.

Like you said hospitalisations matter, and they will matter forever.

The overlords are talking up vaccinations and not mentioning any long term plan details at all because they all suck.

How many new infections a day seems reasonable to you?
In 6 months?
In 2 Years?
18 Months ago?
If that number is different, why?
Even with vaccinations it is going to be way greater than our current lockdown numbers so what do you think is the solution?

Last edited 3 years ago by bjw678

Hang in there bud




Counter question. Do you really think locking down forever is a remotely viable option? It obviously isn’t.

Agreed there is no talk on longer plans because they are all not very good. The least worst being social distancing deployed as needed for years to go, constant vaccine updates every year, guest and large event restrictions brought in and relieved etc. Maybe the occasional soft lockdown over winter or in particularly bad outbreaks.

Ultimately I think we’re agreeing on what life looks like in 3 years time, but it’s about how carefully we tread getting there we continue to lock horns over, and how quickly we should be re adjusting the public’s perception of what is acceptable risk over time. You want to accelerate it all and get it over with, I’m saying use the luxury if time and deal with more lockdowns for now to vaccinate.

The UK and USA in conclusion will be the best test candidates… If they have to lockdown again this year the world is in serious trouble for the rest of this decade.


July 15, 2021 at 3:05 pm
The best way we can lean to live with it is to get real about the statistical facts around covid complications and obesity.


So what are the statistical facts about obese people with COVID meant to be?

asking for a friend.


The best way we can learn to live with covid is to not have the belief we have a choice about it.